
KE1HAara:  good morning. Any idea when the Maverick AMD64 images will be showing up ?11:30
araKE1HA, most likely on Tuesday11:31
araKE1HA, but you can already do some smoke testing to the daily images, to see if there is any major issue11:32
KE1HAara:  ok, tnx. when are we going to start the ISO testing?11:32
araKE1HA, when the release team starts posting the first images11:33
KE1HAara:  I was looking for those, the /current/ ISO are missing the AMD64's unless im looking in the wrong place, but dont think so.11:33
araKE1HA, Tuesday, most likely, as I said11:33
araKE1HA, where are you looking?11:33
KE1HAara:  sri abt the other bit, didn't know we'd start testing Tuesday also. but all systems are ready, just doing some last minute tweaks.11:35
araKE1HA, there are some problems with the ISOs, as you can see, i386 are oversized11:36
araand amd64 is not there11:36
arayes, you were looking at the right place11:37
arahopefully it will be fixed tomorrow11:37
araI'll let you know as soon as we have testable isos11:37
KE1HAara:  ok, no worries, it's that way fer most the major distro's, i386 is ok though. Anyways, have a nice Sunday, will look fer ya tomorrow.11:38
araKE1HA, you too, have a nice day11:39
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