
elkypleia2, do you know where one can get the wordpress stuff, I'd like to knock that out of the way before UDS07:16
pleia2elky: wordpress stuff? the ubuntu theme or..?07:42
pleia2are we doing a blog this cycle?07:43
pleia2I thought we were just doing a splash page for ubuntu-women.org07:43
elkywell AIUI that's on the blueprint07:43
pleia2that links to our resources07:44
pleia2I don't think we actually committed to the blog07:44
pleia2(technically what we have now is a splash page that links to resources since everything is on the wiki now, but we want something prettier :))07:45
elkyhmm. where's the notes?07:45
pleia2lemme dig up my last email about it07:45
pleia2#3 is somewhat uncertain, the default ubuntu theme is kinda boring TBH07:46
elky"theme" tends to mean it's on a CMS-y kind of thing07:47
pleia2I wasn't sure where the web team was going when I wrote that, I didn't realize it was going to be mostly an ubuntu.com clone07:47
pleia2yeah, I was using theme more generally07:47
pleia2what I meant was a "style" I guess07:47
pleia2something we can also eventually apply to the wiki and planet07:48
elkywell I'm not really wanting to leave it as a strict clone, but they've audited that code, me changing the colours and stuff isn't going to break that07:48
elkythat said, our logo is the same colours :(07:48
pleia2did you want to change ubuntu-women.org into a blog? or was this a separate blog.ubuntu-women.org ?07:48
elkypleia2, i'm not sure now. all i know is there's an action point against my name and I'm now confused as to what I'm supposed to be doing.07:49
czajkowskipleia2 you're up late07:49
pleia2czajkowski: yeah :( I need to get to sleep07:49
rwwlies, it's not even midnight!07:49
pleia2it's been a long day, after a long week07:49
pleia2elky: I'm pretty sure at UDS we decided that action item was "splash page for ubuntu-women.org with blurb about the project, and links to stuff"07:50
macoczajkowski: no, youre up ungodly early. its still o-dark-thirty there!07:50
czajkowskipleia2 i' stoll in bed. not getting up :)07:50
czajkowskipleia2 re action item i think yer right07:51
elkypleia2, then what we have is already that. I'm not particularly wanting to do something that's going to get thrown away in 6 weeks time07:51
pleia2elky: but what we have is really old and ugly and doesn't have our logo or anything07:51
pleia2all we wanted to do is refresh it, not a huge project07:51
macowe just need some css and a <img> tag07:51
elkyhave you got a list of what content I need to build this around?07:52
elkyas in precisely what content? Is it a ream of text, a few phrases? is it a huge stack of links or <1/2doz07:52
pleia2it's pretty much the same site as now, but prettier, links to the same things, probably needs a rewritten intro blurb07:52
pleia2(the percentages are out-dated, I'm sure more folks have ideas for wording)07:53
pleia2I'm not violently opposed to the idea of turning ubuntu-women.org into a blog-style site, it's just not what we had discussed07:55
elkypleia2, I'm mostly looking to maintainability for whatever. wordpress can do splash pages too, and lets anyone who knows how to wysiwyg deal with the text07:56
pleia2we need to consider hosting too, we currently don't have shared hosting for wordpress07:56
elkywhere are we currently hosted?07:57
pleia2they don't offer wordpress07:57
macoi thought they were switching to wordpress?07:57
macocuz arent the ubuntu-us things all going to it?07:57
pleia2ubuntu-us things?07:57
macoyou sent out an email recently saying all *.ubuntu-us.org was going to wordpress, right?07:58
valorieafai recall, we were going to wait on their decision/timing of wordpress07:58
macoand looking for themes?07:58
pleia2no, just ubuntu-us.org07:58
macoubuntu-us.org is canonical-hosted, i thought07:58
pleia2it's hosted on a donated linode for ubuntupennsylvania.org07:58
pleia2valorie: yeah, I think we were shooting for discussing it during the -N cycle07:59
elkypleia2, do we need space of our own? I mean realistically?07:59
pleia2elky: not sure what you're asking07:59
elkypleia2, i mean are we being held back from doing what we need to do?08:00
pleia2I don't think so08:00
pleia2if we decided we wanted to move forward with a wordpress blog then yes, we need to find hosting08:00
pleia2but we never decided that, all we want is a simple splash page right now08:01
czajkowskisplash pagw +1 pleasw08:01
elkywe should probably draw up a plan for the discussion soonish then08:01
elkyfor the moving forward beyond a static splash page08:01
elkysince static pages are kind of why our site got to be out of date08:02
pleia2I figure the blog will just be another resource we link from the splash page08:02
czajkowskiwhy woukd,qe nwwd a blog when we havw our planet anyway ?08:02
pleia2it's only a single page, we moved the rest of the content to the wiki so it won't  get outdated :)08:02
czajkowskisorry typing on phone08:02
czajkowskipleia2 makws good sense08:03
pleia2AlanBell actually suggested we just point ubuntu-women.org to the wiki and retheme *that*08:03
valorieright, as I remember, the only static page would be the splash08:03
pleia2valorie: *nod*08:03
czajkowskiand what was agrewded at uds so no point kin changing now08:03
pleia2czajkowski: yeah, I'm inclined to agree (except without typos)08:03
valorieawesome typing, czajkowski08:03
pleia2I need to hit the sack, I have a busy day tomorrow08:04
czajkowskii'm in with back pain08:04
pleia2elky: feel free to drop me an email with some thoughts08:04
elkyi'm talking about /next/ uds. i can see more uses for the space. a calendar for instance. you want to  maintain that in a wiki then kudos to you, have fun on it08:04
macogoogle calendar?08:04
macoi dontt hink those can go in wiki08:05
elkymaco, if you can stand their timezone funk08:05
pleia2good point, I don't think we can embed our calendar in the wiki08:05
elkypleia2, also, announcements, rather than in a collection of table rows on the main wiki page08:05
pleia2well, I figure announcements can go on a blog if we go that route08:05
pleia2but now I'm worried we're really diverging from what the team has discussed and agreed upon08:06
elkysure, and that's my point. but why tuck the blog away to a subdomain?08:06
pleia2we should just do the splash page and next cycle go with the blog, as planned08:06
elkypleia2, no, we're throwing ideas around for /future/08:06
pleia2ok, so we're going to move forward with what we planned?08:07
elkyi'll pull together something static and someone can put the text in later08:07
pleia2great :)08:07
elkybut it's still a bit depressing it's only going to last a short while08:07
pleia2we can start getting ideas together for our -N blueprint any time08:07
pleia2you're assuming we're going to replace it with a blog, which hasn't been decided :(08:08
elkypleia2, i'm hoping we'll move beyond a static html page and have something more substantial, yes.08:08
pleia2anyway, if you think it's "depressing" we can reassign it08:09
pleia2I don't mind working with some art people to come up with something08:09
pleia2I don't want you to feel like you have to work on something that you think isn't worth the effort08:10
elkypleia2, all i was trying to work out was /how/ the page was going to be done. as i said before, any cms can do a splash page. i wasn't aware that we were excluded from haveing a wordpress site, since other wordpress sites are appearing08:10
pleia2yeah, a lot of teams have given up on canonical hosting08:10
elkyfridge is still canonical.08:11
pleia2I dunno if canonical will offer wordpress someday, but given their record I wouldn't hold my breath (or hold up project plans) waiting08:11
pleia2I don't know what the situation with fridge is, or whether that offer will be extended to other teams08:11
valorieperhaps this issue needs to be revisited in a meetin?08:11
elkypleia2, hence what I was asking before if we were being held back.08:11
pleia2we're not being held back to do what we decided to do08:11
rwwsomeone should create Canotical Ltd., a company for providing speedy hosting to Ubuntu teams08:12
elkypleia2, we are if we want somethign that doesn't require commit access to update.08:12
pleia2I need to go to bed :(08:12
valoriehahahah, look at this URL: http://ubuntutesting.wordpress.com/2010/08/18/love-an-upstream-project-want-it-well-tested/08:13
valoriethat is a Canonical team!08:13
valorieThe Desktop Testing Team08:13
pleia2just let me know if you need the splash page reassigned, I really don't want to make you feel like you have to do it if it's not worth your time (I know you're busy and talents can be used elsewhere)08:13
* pleia2 sleep!08:14
valoriesweet dreams, pleia208:14
elkyis it just me or is launchpad chucking a wobbly about https and the google maps api?08:24
maconot just you08:24
* maco giggles at "chucking a wobbly"08:24
macois that aussie?08:24
valorieit's been reported08:24
elkytell someone the cert is messed up08:24
macoor just elky?08:24
valorieI went to #launchpad last night08:24
valorieand it was in the topic08:25
elkyvalorie, ah thanks08:25
elkymaco, i /think/ it's an aussie slang, yeah08:25
AlanBellbrit slang too then08:26
elkyAlanBell, i wasn't sure, thanks08:26
AlanBellwhat technically are the options for rethemeing the wiki and the planet? Do we have access to the css files?08:51
AlanBelland can we add macros to the wiki? (google calendar embedding would be simple to do as a macro)08:55
rwwI'm suspicious of claims that anything in Moin could ever be simple.08:56
AlanBells/simple/within my capability/08:57
elkyi'm also not a fan of google calendar's habit of messing up timezones09:00
valorieperhaps they have a calendar plugin which takes/feeds iCal?09:01
elkyim not sure what the current status of planets are. i know jdub was trying to get them to ditch planetplanet and go to something that's actually maintained, like venus09:02
AlanBellI need to look at planet software and multi-lingual support09:04
AlanBellbut that is a totally separate issue09:04
elkygood grief I need to reinstall this laptop09:05
macoAlanBell: look at what Riddell's been doing with Planet KDE09:06
elkyit really ain't healthy.09:06
rwwit's KDE, of course it isn't healthy09:07
AlanBellnow now09:07
* valorie gets the angry look09:08
* elky thwaps rww over the head, gibbs style.09:08
* jussi eyes rww09:08
AlanBellmaco: looks nice, lots of ajaxy stuff to turn on and off, anything in particular you were referring to?09:08
* maco paints rww blue to match the wallpaper09:08
rwwpersecution :(09:08
* rww changes name to Tobias Funke09:09
vishpff KDE is sooooo awesome!09:09
macoAlanBell: you said multilingual09:09
elkyrww, yay, now you wont get rww's identica crap!09:09
AlanBellmaco: yeah, not seeing that bit?09:09
* maco waits for p.k.o to load over slow network09:09
rwwelky: I already changed my identi.ca to robertwall to stop getting rww's crap :(09:09
AlanBelloh cool09:10
rwwAlanBell: although, I'm unsure whether that's supposed to be advocacy or wanton destruction of Kubuntu CD09:10
macorww: i think you should maintain @rww so that if they ever want it on identi.ca you can make them give you munnies09:11
AlanBellmaco: looks like that is done as a separate instance of the planet software09:11
rwwmaco: I registered it and dented a link to my new URL09:12
rwws/a link to//09:12
rwwin the highly unlikely scenario that anyone goes looking for my identi.ca account :\09:12
* valorie goes hunting for rww's identica09:13
macoAlanBell: if you click "configure" it has "spanish language blogs" and then you click that and a tick shows up next to it and then... umm... i assume then you get spanish mixed in with the english09:13
rwwthe most interesting thing about it is that I occasionally get bored and nuke anything older than a month off it.09:14
macoyes my assumption is right09:14
macoif i scroll far enough, i then see "Cómo Configurar KMail para gestionar cuentas de correo Gmail con IMAP y Disconnected IMAP" after ive toggled spanish to on09:15
macooh um im looking at normal planetkde.org right now09:15
AlanBelloh yes09:15
AlanBellbet I know how that was done! I think it is two instances still, but the main one subscribes to the feed of the /es one09:17
AlanBellwhich is kind of clever09:17
elkyok, sshfs and bzr should not be causing this much strain on a dual core laptop with 4gb ram.09:18
AlanBellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/485335/ I think that macro should do the trick for embedding a calendar (untested as I don't have a moin wiki set up right now)09:47
AlanBellwhat would be really sweet is if you are logged on to the wiki with your launchpad ID it could look up your timezone and display the calendar correctly for you, and do UTC if not logged in10:18
elkystupid browsershots. anyone got an IE or three around for testing?15:20
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pleia2ok, I finished my identify pages to be redeveloped blueprint item \o/20:33
pleia2and it looks like blueprint notices are safely getting to the mailing list if your lp address is subscribed to the list, so yay :)20:34
pleia2I sent an email to the list, if we don't get any bites I'll change tactics and try some kind of "one link per week sent to the list" to get feedback20:48
czajkowskipleia2: get some sleep earlier on20:55
czajkowskipleia2: mind having a look at something for me if you're free?20:56
czajkowskithanks sent to pm20:57
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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