
carl_frdoes jamin work for anyone00:45
cxmatiashey i neet to install a lot of programs on ubuntu studio for multivedia, i am talkina about that program tha does not came in the reposittorio02:27
cxmatiasi neet the name of tha programs02:28
iatnI am having noooo luck getting our firewire audio to work under lucid09:34
iatnI've just installed the abog. rt kernel (as the official lucid-rt kernel didn't work at all) under the impression this would be compiled with the old firewire stack but I guess not- how do I check?09:35
iatnAnyone else here have a focusrite pro 26?09:36
iatnI have had it working under DEbian squeeze but on a non-rt kernel and only at 44.1 but I want to use either 48 or 96Khz09:37
iatnbstard thing works straight away under osx :(09:38
iatnOK, its in /boot/config-kernel version and it looks like the bogani rt kernel has both old and new firewire compiled as modules09:44
iatnanyone here relieve me of my firewire misery?10:40
iatnlike, should be I be using the old or new fw stack under lucid and how do I properly blacklist the old firewire modules?10:41
iatn(if I should be using the new)10:41
Blank__i've managed to get firewire working with only a little fuss10:55
markie-I'm trying to install ubuntustudio in vmplayer and after it seems to have installed and configured everything, i just find myself at a commandline prompt, with things like x not even installed. what's going on with that?13:56
garymis there a successor app to replace Audacity?15:13
persiaAudacity is still fairly active.  What's missing for you?15:14
garymit crashes, it locks solid, it saves a file as a string of zeros, I love it, I forgive it, but I get annoyed15:14
persiaDid you file a bundle of bugs?15:14
garymso I wondered why these things didn't get fixed and sometimes that means everyone has jumped ship to some other app15:15
garymeons ago, yes15:15
garymhard to replicate these issues, they are not rare, but sporadic.  I just learn to workflow around them, always verify an export wav etc15:15
garymoccasionally I forget :(15:15
persiaAnnoying.  The only bugfix that I see that isn't already in lucid is one dealing with multiple ALSA devices.15:16
persiaDebian bug #58460515:16
ubottuDebian bug 584605 in audacity "audacity: segfault with multiple ALSA devices" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/58460515:16
persiaDunno if there are more pending somewhere, but at least I don't see the patches sitting around somewhere obvious :(15:17
garymI'd reported mine to the developers; it was previous to my adopting ubuntu at ver 715:17
persiaIt's still open on the audacity bug tracker?15:18
garymdon't know. so long ago, I gave up following it.15:18
garymand just treat it's reliability like it was a Windows program ;)15:18
persiaWell, it's *also* a windows program.15:19
persiaBut maybe worth checking.15:19
garymhaven't found anything better, that supports all the 3rd party effects and as nicely designed, so I just learned to tolerate it.15:19
WiesshundIs there a channel to ask a general video editing question15:20
garymbeen editing a field recording today and it has locked up three times in a row, I recover, re-edit, it locks again, so I just thought I'd ask, just in case there was something else people were using instead.15:20
persiaWiesshund, You can ask here, and if someone knows the answer, they will share.  I don't know of any general linux-video channels.15:20
persiagarym, Some folks use muse, and the "professional" grade app is ardour.  Depends on what you need, and what level of complexity you're willing to accept to get it.15:21
garymhaven't tried muse.  ardour is nice for multitrack, but I don't like it for large wav file massaging.15:21
garymsnd is nice too, although the interface is crude15:22
persiasnd lets you do everything, as long as you know precisely how :)15:22
garymI wish it was command line, although I believe it does support a lot of command line actions making it like the netpbm for sound15:22
WiesshundWhen capturing VHS source, to be converted to DVD for television use, during the processing you should leave interleaving correct?15:22
garymnever got off my butt to learn how to do that tho.15:22
garymfor television use, yes15:23
garymotherwise you lose information15:23
Wiesshundgarym ok thanks that is what i was thinking. Would you also reccomend not resizing as well? vhs is being hardware captured @ 704X480 motion jpeg15:25
garymyes, resizing can distort the image with line averaging, although from 704 to 720 isn't a big jump, but I like to keep videos at the original resolution and let the display device sort it out.15:26
Wiesshundthanks, i kept reading stuff saying to shrink vhs captures to 512X384 and 512X480 352X480 etc and it got confusing and made less and less sense15:28
garym704 is also way more than the resolution of the VHS in the first place15:28
garymvhs is iirc about 470something15:28
Blank__i thought vhs was around 400 lines at best15:29
garymso you've got oversampling going on, that should capture the original experience no matter what you do with scaling15:29
garymit also depends on your display gear, you may want to do some short tests and view them15:29
Blank__Wiesshund, unless you've got an excellent software de-interlacer, best leave that job for the receiving end15:29
garymBlank__, I'm not totally sure, maybe I'm thinking of Beta?  I know vhs is better than broadcast but not by much15:30
garymwikipedia will know :)15:30
Wiesshund704 is the hardware device's native resolution i guess youd say15:30
Blank__Wiesshund,  i'd recommend cropping, if there are any parts of the screen that are garbled, such is life with vhs15:30
Blank__they will only waste data15:31
garymmaybe I was thinking of superVCD?  video formats drive me nuts15:31
WiesshundBLank so far aside from the small line at the bottom otherwise known as macrovision, no garbling yet on the raw captures15:31
* garym has to go back to editing his recording and thanks everyone for their advice15:31
Blank__the line at the bottom isn't macrovision, is it? i thought it was merely due to calibration15:32
Blank__or miscalibration15:32
WiesshundIm trying to save the kids old vhs movies for thier kids, mostly disney movies.15:32
Blank__but yeah, i tend to replace that with black, because that means the mpeg encoder will put more data into the actual frame, where it counts15:33
Blank__hmm... now i think about it, vhs is actually something closer to 320 lines15:34
WiesshundBlank__ no the line is not present on vhs playback, only seen after capture, its the noise injection macrovision does. I had a hell of a time coming up with a capture machine that didnt shut off when it saw macrovision15:34
Blank__ah, so it's not what i think it is... i've read up on how macrovision works15:34
Blank__something like lines just outside the frame that are unusually intense, and cause most screens to lose sync15:35
Blank__or more accurately, if run through anything but a tv, cause sync problems15:35
Blank__you can buy processors that remove it15:36
Wiesshundthink its 352X480 vhs up to 400 for svhs but its interleaved and pc resolutions are not15:36
WiesshundWell the game plan is simply to get the aging vhs tapes, to dvd, for tv viewing15:36
Wiesshundand not make them look any worse in the process15:37
Blank__oh... vhs are actually closer to 250 lines15:37
Blank__which is pretty dismal15:37
Blank__but it's interleaved, true15:37
Wiesshundits kind of confusing though, cause if you take something at say 384X240 on a pc and blow it up to full screen, it looks like ass15:38
prepbreaker breaker 7-1-9 anybody got their ears on?15:38
Blank__In modern-day digital terminology, VHS is roughly equivalent to 333x480 pixels luma and 40x480 chroma resolutions.15:39
Wiesshundodd isnt it? you can display 333X480 at full screen on a 27" tv and it looks great, then try it ful screen on a 24" pc monitor and it looks like pixelated ass15:40
Blank__probably poor upsampling on pc15:41
Blank__i'd go as far to say that analog upsampling looks a lot better than digital15:41
Wiesshundyea, guess the pc wasnt exactly meant to try displaying vhs data15:42
Blank__well i'm off to bed15:44
Blank__good luck with the vhs capturing, i've been trying to do the same for our family videos15:44
Blank__unfortunately i've stuck with using windows and virtualdub because i could never find what i needed in linux15:44
Wiesshundim kin of in the same boat15:47
Blank__there's nothing really available for analog capture15:47
Blank__at least, nothing that i can use as simply as virtualdub in capture mode :(15:48
WiesshundFor the capture box, i had to find something that was macrovision unaware. which wound up being an old matrox rainbow runner studio mjpeg hardware capture board15:48
Blank__for dv cameras there certainly did15:48
Blank__certainly are*15:48
Blank__i've been using a tv tuner for my captures15:48
Wiesshundyou doing mostly home video?15:49
Blank__ideally i'd be running s-video from the video camera to the card but we didn't end up getting one with s-video, only composite15:49
Blank__yeah, all home videos15:49
Blank__from video815:49
Wiesshundlucky you, no macrovision to hassel with15:49
Blank__even if there were i'd look at getting a video stabiliser15:49
Wiesshundi understand why they used it, but in retrospect making a degradable media non backupable is dumb15:50
prepNeed assistance with ppa15:52
Wiesshundyea i lucked out still having the old rainbow runner, it does true hardware mjpeg and has some onboard video stabilization. down side is to use it i an forced to run win98 on the capture box, as that was the last OS that card ran in15:52
WiesshundSo im processing the raw captures on my normal pc where i dont have to wait 5 years hehe15:53
Blank__well i'm off15:54
Blank__probably catch you later :p15:54
Wiesshundok cya later15:54
ManDayDoes anyone know an LADSPA plugin which can do multiband fitlering like an equalizer just with less load on the CPU?19:02
holsteinManDay: you could route the audio through the plugin19:03
holsteinand record a new track19:03
holsteinthen it wouldnt be using any processing power at mixdown19:04
holsteinyou would just need to re-record that track each time you need to tweak th EQ19:04
holsteinbut usually that is something you set and forget19:04
holsteinis this something your doing in realtime?19:07
* holstein uses rakarrack for whatever realtime processing i can get away with19:08
holsteinit seems to run rather light weight19:08
ManDaythanks but this is for live playback19:23
holsteinManDay: try rakarrack then19:28
ManDayis that ladspa?19:28
holsteinits standalone19:28
ManDayi try to do that with pulse19:28
holsteinJACK is the way to go19:29
ManDay_          | irc: disconnected from server19:29
ManDay_          | irc: disconnected from server19:29
ManDay_jack is a little overhead in my case19:29
ManDay_im just a simple minded user19:29
ManDay_no need for fancy plugging19:29
holsteinwell, it does more than that19:29
holsteinits the sound server for your needs19:29
ManDay_that doesnt give me any more reason19:30
holsteindoing realtime effects processing in pulse wont work19:30
ManDay_im fine with pulse, i just want to equalize my stuff without the CPU load19:30
ManDay_a high pass would already do19:30
holsteinyour 'stuff' ?19:30
holsteinlike guitar in?19:30
ManDay_no, im a simple end produc user19:30
holsteinyeah, just use one of the EQ's in VLC or something19:30
holsteinsomething in a player19:30
ManDay_nah thats so cumbersome19:31
ManDay_there are so many ladspa plugins, one must offer that19:31
holsteinbut then your adding things19:31
holsteinif you use VLC19:31
holsteinits already lightweight19:31
ManDay_I think if I ran my output through VLC id get more overhead than with a Multiband eq19:31
holsteinand its got that capacity right there19:31
ManDay_holstein: you mean using VLC on its own?19:32
ManDay_i wont leave mpd, i love it19:32
holsteinManDay: why not just edit the audio in audacity or something?19:32
ManDay_it needs to be system wide19:32
holsteinyeah, just edit the track19:32
ManDay_besides, i dont want it to be persistant19:32
ManDay_that could do irreversible damage19:32
holsteinwell, there not really a lighter-weight way to do it19:33
holsteinmaybe an MPD plugin?19:33
ManDay_im pretty sure that there are no plugins (like that)19:33
ManDay_actualyl ive never heard of an MPD plugin19:33
ManDay_but there is most likely no equalizer one19:33
ManDay_thats why on their website they suggest jack19:34
ManDay_if one needs an eq. but pulse is a little more suitable in my case, if just that ladspa plugin...19:34
ManDay_ok thanks tho19:34
holsteinManDay_: is this the one your using?19:34
ManDay_im not using anything right now19:39
ManDay_i vent seen that eq tho19:39
ManDay_so that uses ladspa too19:43
ManDay_haha, how funny19:43
ManDay_pulse can use the same plugin, with the only difference that it cannot do runtime adjustments to the plugins inputs19:43
holsteinManDay_: have you read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957819:48
holsteini would think the karmic info would be mostly relevant to lucid19:51
=== ManDay_ is now known as ManDay
ManDayim doing this for a non ubuntu pc, i just came here because i remembered that you guy are expert on the field :)20:18
ManDayhope you dont mind20:18
holsteinManDay: fine with me :)20:19
holsteinthere is also #opensourcemusicians20:19
ManDayi took the alsa mixer now, i have yet to plug it in but it looks good20:20
ManDaythanks a lot holstein you helped me a lot20:20
DavidmpHolstein i need some advice20:24
Davidmpi need a new stopmotion program because stopmotion doesn't work for me do you know of any good programs that could replace that?20:24
* holstein not sure Davidmp 20:41
* holstein running out for some food20:42
holsteini'll poke around a bit when i get back though :)20:42

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