
monttyleHi, how do I start sshd from the livecd.00:07
monttyle'apt-get install sshd' just gives me 'cannot find sshd' but I'm definitely on the network.00:08
knomeyou want to start an ssh server? try installing openssh-server00:08
mr_pouittry openssh-server instead of sshd00:08
mr_pouitmeh ;)00:09
knomemr_pouit, ;)00:09
monttyleAnd it works.  Thanks again.00:12
=== Nephy is now known as Nepherius
Arpad2on startup, before logging in i have a message that asks for skipping (press S) or manual (press M) mounting. how can I fix that this message dont appear?08:32
KE1HA!pastebinit > KE1HA09:21
ubottuKE1HA, please see my private message09:21
Sysi!investigation > KE1HA09:38
ubottuKE1HA, please see my private message09:38
Arpad2on startup, before logging in i have a message that asks for skipping (press S) or manual (press M) mounting. how can I fix that this message not to appear?09:40
KE1HASysi:  was looking fer a good image-pastebinit :-) found one.09:41
SysiArpad2: sounds like fstab-issue, is there other messages?09:42
Arpad2when I press S aftzer the logging in screen shows09:42
Arpad2it offers also to wait without pressing ath09:43
Arpad2amugy nézem tönn mint 10 éves a gép amit vettem :(09:47
Tux^Hi, All, i have downloaded 10.10 alpha 3 iso and mdm check is fine10:31
Tux^everything is going fine10:31
Tux^except the mouse10:31
Tux^i am not able to see the mouse !10:31
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:31
Tux^any idea what needs to be done ?10:31
=== Guest46201 is now known as danielmx1
HerixHi all11:27
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:28
HerixSo, I have this list of users to choose from on starting a session. Is there a way to hide the technical users (those who exist for the sole purpose to run a daemon and the like) ?11:29
Sysiat least if you remove entire list.. i think there's option for that in system → login screen11:35
Herixthxx Sysi :)11:38
vpaHello. I need to find out how to reset the window manager settings in Xubuntu.17:59
vpaThis is what happened: I was testing different window styles in a fresh Xubuntu installation when, as I selected the "Xfce" style, I got thrown out back to the login screen... and it wouldn't let me in!   Well, by typing Ctrl-Alt-F2 I was able to log in in text mode, but it seems that I have to find out a way to reset the window manager settings before getting logged in with the windowing system working.18:04
Sysirm .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfwm4.xml18:05
vpaThanks, I'll try that!18:06
=== paatero is now known as vpa
heysuessHey, can anyone tell me how to make the keys crtl, alt, prnt scrn take a screenshot on xubuntu?18:46
Sysiheysuess: settings → somethingAboutKeymap → hotkeys18:48
Sysiadd new, command is: xfce4-screenshooter --fullscreen18:49
Sysisorry for bad translations for navigating menu, hopefully you find out what to do18:50
heysuessYes thank you for your help18:50
vpaSysi: For the record, the xfwm problem that I reported some time (an hour?) ago was caused by the theme "Wildbush", not "Xfce". I guess I should report the problem into some official bug tracker.18:51
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:51
vpaThanks... Umm, I wonder what package those window manager settings belong to.18:57
vpayes, it could be xfwm4-themes...18:58
charlie-tcavpa: that is reported already19:07
vpaRegarding the looks of Xubuntu: Is there any way to change the black color of the panels to something else?  xfwm themes seem not to affect the panels.19:30
Sysisettings → appearance19:31
vpaThanks, now I got it.19:35
Sysigtk- vs. xfwm -theme19:36
vpaSysi: I changed the themes under xfwm-related settings...19:40
retardentjust installed xubuntu, need a little help?20:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:11
retardentok /noob20:12
retardentwell I have restarted my computer with xubuntu 10.04 installed and logged in and the bar at the top and bottom of the desktop are not showing20:12
VanessaEIs there a way to get xfce's mixer to *not* show some devices in its drop down menu?  Some of them are making the window ridiculously wide20:12
retardenthow can I remedy that?20:12
charlie-tca!panels | retardent20:13
ubotturetardent: Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/20:13
Sysino need to repeat20:13
retardentok that was easy thanks, why did they disappear in the first place though?20:14
charlie-tcasomething went wrong :-(20:15
=== paatero is now known as vpa
vpaIs there some way to make Xubuntu show the application icon in the top-left corner of its window?  Like the orange fox in Firefox window?22:15
Sysiwindow manager settings, some button does it, maybe vary depending on theme22:16
vpaThanks, it indeeds depends on theme -- I should have tried some more. Thanks, Sysi, you have been greatly helpful to me tonight. Bye...22:22
Dekkardtry right clicking on the icon and clicking on move22:44

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