
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
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sensegood afternoon15:51
devildanteis it normal that the datetime indicator doesn't show?16:40
gambsdevildante: Apparently.16:41
gambsSeveral people have mentioned that it's been stripped out.16:42
gambs(But, as I use indicator-complete, I hadn't noticed XD)16:42
devildantebut I liked it :(16:43
gambsYou can get it back.16:43
devildantegambs: installing -complete made it return! thanks :)16:53
* devildante wonders why -complete is not default - they wouldn't have to bother with *two* indicator applets16:54
gambsComplete isn't default because the network indicator and datetime are ready fro primetime last I heard.16:54
gambsSo, desktop will use the old clock applet still.16:55
gambs(For instance, my datetime indicator doesn't update what day it is on the calendar unless I restart my computer... So, it still says it's Saturday)16:57
devildantemmm... thanks gambs :)16:59
gambsNo problem!17:00
meebeykenvandine: do you know if twitter finds it acceptable to ship the api key in source but not regular binary distribution (as hidden in binary content)20:20
meebeyor dont they like if "forks" or different distros will use the same key20:21
kenvandinemeebey, the compromise i came to them was separating the key from the source20:21
kenvandineby putting the key in packaging20:21
meebeykenvandine: even if the source is not the regular distribution? as its not python...20:21
kenvandinehowever, if anyone abuses it they will shut it down20:22
kenvandinethey just don't want it to be very discovera ble20:22
meebeykenvandine: source isnt, it needs lots of skillz20:22
kenvandineif they disable the key, we need to get an update out with the new key20:22
meebeyso better to allow to pass it at buildtime20:23
meebeywithout shipping it in the regular source20:23
kenvandineyeah... and frankly it is easier to go to dev.twitter.com and register a new app than to go digging in bzr for someone else's :)20:23
kenvandinebut oh well... :)20:23
meebeykind if stupid20:23
kenvandineyeah... they aren't really focused on our use case... desktop apps aren't the top of their priority stack20:24
meebeyactually I have an idea20:24
meebeyI will include a default key that is replacable at buildtime20:25
meebeyif it ever gets abused20:25
meebeydistros can simply replace it20:25
kenvandinegwibber is doing that too now :)20:25
kenvandinewe are including a default key that we don't care if it gets shutdown20:25
kenvandineand provide an override mechanism for distros to use their own20:25
meebeydo you use a differet name for that one or something?20:25
kenvandinesame variable names20:26
kenvandinebut they come from a different file20:26
kenvandinewhich isn't included in gwibber source20:26
kenvandinebut in the package20:26
kenvandineif that file exists, it uses it for overrides20:26
kenvandineso you can override any default setting20:26
kenvandinenot just the key20:26
meebeykenvandine: ic20:28
meebeykenvandine: with name I meant the software name though in the twitter app db20:28
kenvandineoh... that is tied to the key20:28
meebeyGwibber Official, Gwibber FOSS, etc20:28
kenvandineso nothing in code20:28
meebeyor just Gwibber for all?20:28
meebeyor shows the name in the tweet though20:29
meebeythats why I ask20:29
kenvandineit shows the name associated with the key20:29
kenvandineso for Ubuntu, it now says "from Ubuntu"20:29
kenvandineinstead of from Gwibber20:29
meebeyhm ic20:29
meebeyGwibber (Ubuntu) would have been nicer probably20:30
kenvandinethat is up to the app owner on twitter20:30
meebeyI think I will use Smuxi (default key in source), Smuxi Official, Smuxi ($Distro) if neeed someday20:30
kenvandinewell the owner of the key controls that name, the app developer doesn't20:31
meebeyI know20:31
meebeyas I upstream and downstream though20:31
meebeyI do control that20:31
kenvandinebut if fedora packages it then they control it20:31
kenvandinefor example20:31
meebeythats why I want to give good example :)20:32
meebeyso --engine-twitter-engine needs an optional parameter, righto20:32
meebeyerrr --enable-twitter-engine20:32
meebeykenvandine: I just made indicate and notify deps optional for the backwards distros20:33
meebeysay non-debian and non-ubuntu ones20:33
meebeynotify-sharp seems to be more spread though20:33
meebeydo you know if inidicate is available elsewhere?20:34
meebeyI would prefere makign the default to "yes" and not "auto"20:34
meebeybut only if the major distros ship it20:34
kenvandinei know foresight does20:34
meebeykenvandine: is gwibber also using them as optional builddeps?20:34
kenvandinebut not sure about others20:34
kenvandinewell optional runtime20:35
meebeyah ic20:35
* kenvandine hugs python20:35
meebeyits doable in C# too but its nasty, needs black magic20:35
meebeykenvandine: will gwibber break in the 1st sep?20:36
kenvandineif this update isn't out yet20:36
kenvandinewell sort of... it'll stop working with twitter20:36
meebeyhehe, I am not alone then...20:36
meebeyyeah I meant the twitter support of it20:36
kenvandinelots of people are behind..20:36
meebeythis has good and bad sides20:37
meebeygood is that most crappy apps will now simply die, finally20:37
kenvandinei think pino won't work either20:37
meebeybad is that is puts so much stress on us20:37
kenvandineyeah, and i need to backport this for lucid and get an SRU20:37
meebeythe JSON parser that Twitterizer uses (the twitter lib that smuxi uses) has a bug currently, making it a showstopper :/20:38
meebeykenvandine: thanks for the nice chat! going back to hackery...20:38
kenvandinegood luck :)20:40
foo123I don't suppose I can get support for using libindicator here? I'm having a signal problem21:58
foo123I am using pygtk and appindicator and it appears that I am not receiving most signals. I would like a signal that I can use to determine when the indicator menu is being displayed.22:27

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