
spivGood morning.01:16
lifelessoh hai01:17
=== CcxCZ_ is now known as CcxCZ
AfCHm. Can you suggest a reason why installing the bzr-builddeb package wants to bring in the entire libqt stack?03:05
lifelessits in love!03:14
mwhudsonis qbzr being dragged in somehow?03:15
AfCmwhudson: as far as I could tell, no03:16
AfCThis was a nearly naked server system;03:16
AfC(ie, no Desktop)03:16
AfCI subsequently removed the *qt* and apt didn't try to remove bzr-builddeb03:16
AfCso I was really at a loss as to wtf03:17
lifelessrecommends vs depends03:17
AfCI install with -o Install-Recommends=false03:17
AfC(and it still came in; I look closely for that sort of thing)03:17
lifelesswhat does apt-cache bzr-builddeb show for you03:18
lifelessunder depends, recommends & suggests03:18
AfC(ie, there was something in the Recommends: column that was nothing to do with libqt*03:18
AfClifeless: I looked through that too. Its innocent, as far as I can tell03:18
=== CcxCZ_ is now known as CcxCZ
AfC[which is why I raise this casually here; it was _weird_]03:19
lifelessso, to diagnose it03:19
lifelessapt-cache rdepends03:19
lifelessthe package that was being brought in03:19
AfCyeah, I didn't think to try that at the time03:19
lifelessand/or remove bzr-builddeb and install it again03:19
AfClifeless: I tried that too03:25
lifelessand /var/log/apt/ has some debug stuff03:25
AfC(I'll keep an eye out for this; at the moment that machine is churning away building things, so...)03:25
AfCah ha03:27
AfCit was arora, depending on libqt4-webkit03:27
* AfC wonders what arora is03:27
AfCsome kind of web browser, obviously... but what pulled it? Weird.03:27
fullermdWell, embedding mail reading in everything was SO 1980's.  So now all apps grow until they can render HTML.03:28
AfClifeless: nice call on /var/log/apt/history.log03:28
lifelessif don't have a browser03:29
lifelessthen the first explicit one listed (if one is) is pulled in03:29
lifelesssomeone has a clause like03:29
AfCsome kind of virtual package requirement, presumbably03:29
lifelessarora | web-browser03:29
pooliehi all, i'm back03:53
mwhudsonpoolie: wb03:59
=== timchen1` is now known as nasloc__
andrewblackHi. Is there any gotchas in makine /etc a bzr working tree.05:09
mwhudsonandrewblack: bzr doesn't track permissions very closely05:09
spmandrewblack: permissions on funky files within the /etc tree within the .bzr directory.05:09
mwhudsonso i think you might want to use a wrapper like etckeeper05:09
spmor lock down /etc/.bzr05:10
andrewblackok - will look at etckeeper05:10
spmmwhudson: nice tag teaming there. high-five :-)05:10
mwhudsonspm: aren't we supposed to do that in a privmsg?05:11
andrewblackIt says it tracks changes during package updates. What about manual changes to /etc/xxxx files05:13
spmyou can manually check those in05:19
spmit'll also auto check those in next package update05:19
spmif you want; you can always setup some sort of cron script that alerts/or auto-commits changes05:19
spmat $job-1, we had a process rule; any /etc or other config changes were always done thru a wrapper script that would check the edited file in/out/diff of an RCS store.05:20
spmho hum. said article has gone the way of the dodo. was on the samag.com website; now defunct.05:24
andrewblackThanks spm05:25
andrewblackso basically it sets up the repos in a way that is permission friendly05:26
andrewblackok - I wanted to edit a cron job (and get it under bzr first)05:32
andrewblackturns out the that thing I needed to change was in a file it calls that was already in a bzr tree.05:32
spmhrm. not so much permission friendly; more permission *unfriendly*. /etc/.bzr ==> 0700 type of thing.05:36
thumperhttp://bazaar.canonical.com/en/ seems to be a little old on the released bzr status05:57
pooliethanks thumper, i'll check why later06:06
thumperpoolie: we should have a chat some time06:06
pooliewe should06:06
poolienow is good with me, if you like06:06
poolie(or in about 2m)06:06
thumperpoolie: I'm sprinting this week, but would still like to organise something...06:10
thumperinduction for wallyworld_06:10
poolieyay wallyworld_ !06:17
pooliethumper: how about now06:17
wallyworld_hi poolie06:18
* thumper fetches headset06:18
=== r0bby is now known as robbyoconnor
vilahi all !07:45
vilawv poolie !07:45
pooliehello vila, how are you?07:45
vilafirst typo in second msg, looks like a good way to start the week :)07:45
vilapoolie: great, about to half the active review queue by landing those long awaited fixes :)07:46
poolieonly 660 messages to go ..07:49
GaryvdMHi all.07:50
vilahey GaryvdM !07:51
pooliespiv, vila, did either of you do anything about unlocking on interrupts, or coping when we were interrupted?07:52
vilapoolie: nope, I thought you were working on it and then... went to other things07:52
bialixpoolie: ping07:53
* bialix waves at ddaa07:55
GaryvdMHi bialix07:55
bialixHeya Gary! I happy to see you07:56
GaryvdMI'm trying to write some tests for qlog. I need to create branches with interesting graphs. I looked at BranchBuilder to see if it would make things easier, it helps some what, but one thing that is crufty is having to branch my branch on disk so that I can create a diverging graph. Is there a helper to make this easier?07:59
poolienp, i might look at it this week08:01
bialixGaryvdM: invoke `bzr branch` command via self.run_bzr?08:02
spivpoolie: no, I didn't either.08:05
pooliewhat did you two get up to?08:14
vilapoolie: resuming working on transform targeting allowing deleting dirs containing .pyc files08:17
bialixGaryvdM: can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~s-dumbie/qbzr/ench_qdiff/+merge/3398608:24
bialixone russian guy contacted me with patch couple of months ago. then yesterday friend of him decided to finish that patch08:25
bialixGaryvdM: as I understand some of their changes should be reworked with new toolbar in qdiff. but we don't have one yet.08:25
GaryvdMbialix: Ok08:26
bialixwe (I) may ask him to split the patch into smaller pieces08:26
bialixif it helps08:26
* vila banhs head on desktop, from pqm: "Exception processing merge: Unknown branch format: 'Bazaar-NG Loom branch format 7\\n'"08:27
GaryvdMbialix: Hopefully the search stuff can be made common with annotate too.08:27
vilayeah, banhs, brohe a teeth doing that08:27
bialixvila: we're with you!08:28
* fullermd broke a tooth on the bottom of a pool once.08:28
vilatooth yeah, the only remaining one in fact08:29
vilafullermd: forgot to check for water ?08:29
fullermdOh, no.  There was water.  It was pretty bizarre; I probably couldn't do it again if I tried.08:30
fullermdNot that I plan on trying, though.  Unpleasant experience.08:30
vilafullermd: and *that* was the last time you left your basement right ?08:30
fullermdWell, it shoulda been   :p08:31
fullermdBut I was young and foolish, and therefor sociable, back then.08:31
vilafullermd: such a loss of time...08:31
fullermdI know!  All those afternoons I could have spent plotting the downfall of humanit...   er, studying and improving myself.08:32
pooliespiv, what's new with you?08:45
vilaerrr, what did I miss ? pqm got a faster machine ? I wasn't able to see my requests on http://pqm.bazaar-vcs.org/, yet they have landed...08:50
bialixtoday speed of light is much faster I suppose08:51
pooliehi bialix08:51
poolievila, oops08:51
pooliei suggest you send one you know will fail08:51
bialixhi poolie08:52
poolieand make sure that it does08:52
pooliespiv does my guess on bug 626649 sound plausible?08:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 626649 in Bazaar "pull from one ssh branch into another fails with TooManyConcurrentRequests (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62664908:52
vilapoolie: you're kidding ? Time to send all those controversial patches instead :)08:54
vilapoolie: yes, very plausible, I waited far too long to report it wanting to write a test for it :-}08:55
vilapoolie: I work around it with: 'bzr unbind ; bzr pull -v ; bzr push ; bzr bind'08:57
poolieyup, it's a dupe of bug 48366109:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 483661 in Bazaar "bzr pull bzr+ssh into a bound branch fails with TooManyConcurrentRequests (affected: 3, heat: 4)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48366109:00
spivpoolie: yep, that sounds plausible.  Not 100% sure, but definitely plausible.09:00
spivpoolie: I did some measurement of where we're at with gcc-linaro, and found a 15% win for one of the cases.09:03
poolieoh, nice, what was that09:03
spivAlthough for some reason I'm having trouble with getting useful results with --lsprof-file and kcachegrind, I'm not sure why yet.  It might be something about trunk, or something about maverick...09:04
spivIt turns out that InterTree.iter_changes was doing "if file_id in self.target.all_file_ids()" in a loop.09:04
poolieso recalculating all the ids every time?09:05
spivRight, which means set(tree.inventory)09:05
pooliemaybe that should be deprecated09:07
spivAnyway, Tree already has a __contains__ method that does that check without iterating over an entire inventory, so "if file_id in self.target" is the trivial and faster replacement.09:07
poolieno, i guess profiling is probably a better way to find expensive things called repeatedly09:07
pooliei'd like to delete __contains__ etc09:07
poolievila does this mean all those recently merged things of yours perhaps should not have merged?09:08
poolieor did you integrate them and then send the whole thing?09:08
vilapoolie: investigating09:08
vilapoolie: I went with pqm-submit instead of feed-pqm because looms were involved (and not supported by pqm) but that still use the "regular" pqm way09:09
vilahmm, looks like I used syntax accepted by python-2.6 but not 2.5, so probably not 2.4 either09:10
vilathat in turn would mean that pqm accepted the merge when selftest failed with a syntax error... bad bad09:11
spivvila: !09:13
vilarhaaaa, on no more py25 on lucid... shudder09:14
vilaspiv: Isn't it a nice way to land a patch ?09:22
vilapoolie, spiv: here is the fix: http://paste.ubuntu.com/485753/09:25
vilapoolie, spiv: I will send this to pqm *now* and check for fallouts (unless you yell loud)09:27
* poolie looks09:28
poolievila, is this because py25 won't let you use *args and also regular kwargs?09:28
vilapoolie: seems so, 2.4 and 2.5 fail without and succeed with this patch09:29
pooliebut doesn't pqm use 2.4?09:29
vilaI don't remember if it stills uses 2.4 or 2.5, but I've filled bug #62666709:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 626667 in PQM "syntax error doesn't prevent merge (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62666709:30
vilalosa: can you help diagnose bug #626667 by checking the recent logs on the bzr pqm instance ?09:31
vilapoolie: ok to land the above fix ?09:31
poolievila, i guess so09:31
pooliei really want to work out why it wasn't rejected though09:31
poolieas i'm sure you do too :)09:32
vilapoolie: yup, hence the bug09:32
vilalosa: first data point: which python version is used there ? 2.4 or 2.5 ?09:32
vilahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/485756/ hmpf09:33
lvhI accidentally uploaded some stuff to lp without fixing bzr whoami first09:33
lvhis there a way to fix my commits?09:34
spivvila: not loud yells from me09:34
vilabug 626667 updated... just lovely09:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 626667 in PQM "syntax error doesn't prevent merge (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62666709:35
bialixlvh: uncommit, or push --overwrite09:36
lvhbialix: so if I fix whoami, and then push --overwrite, it'll be fixed? Cool, thanks09:37
bialixlvh: no09:38
lvhbialix: huh? what do I do then09:38
bialixlvh: you have to redo your commits locally and then push --overwrite09:38
bialixhow many of them do you have?09:38
lvhso 10:36 <bialix> lvh: uncommit, or push --overwrite => uncommit *and* push locally09:38
lvhtwenty or so09:38
lvhI didn't have a working internet connection to push to lp09:39
lvhso it took me about a day to notice09:39
bialixwhat's wrong with your old whoami?09:39
lvhlp doesn't link it to my user profile correctly09:40
lvhit doesn't have my email address09:40
vilalvh: and you don't get karma ?09:40
bialixit's not too bad09:40
lvhvila: maybe, I don't know09:40
lvhyes, it's not a major issue09:40
lvhI was just hoping there's a way of letting lp know "oh hey that guy, that's me"09:41
vilalvh: that's the only consequence I can think of09:41
poolielvh it has no address at all?09:41
lvhpoolie: worse, it has a useless one09:41
bialix20 commits... you can redo them one by one, or maybe use bzr-rewrite plugin09:41
lvhIt says Laurens Van Houtven <lvh@bruichladdich>09:41
vilalvh: try adding this email to your lp profile09:42
bialixyou can add it to your profile as alternate mail09:42
lvhvila: aha, okay09:42
hnobialix: Is that possible without mail confirmation?09:42
vilalvh: not sure lp willl accept an invalid email but worth a try09:42
lvhA confirmation message has been sent to 'lvh@bruichladdich'. Follow the instructions in that message to confirm that the address is yours. (If the message doesn't arrive in a few minutes, your mail provider might use 'greylisting', which could delay the message for up to an hour or two.)09:43
lvhThat'll backfire :)09:43
bialixlp is too smart09:43
vilalvh: all you have to do now is register this TLD :-D09:43
hnolvh: You could as in #launchpad if there is a way around that, or fix up the commits and push again..09:44
bialixmaybe you can file a bug report against lp itself and ask for such deature09:44
lvhOkay, thanks :)09:44
lvhhttps://launchpad.net/bzr-rewrite is that the rewrite plugin I want?09:47
spivlvh: yes09:47
poolievila is it just me or is --parallel still a bit flaky?09:49
pooliei get "failed to connect to ssh server"09:49
poolieoh, heh, and the strace tests are broken by maverick's policy change there09:49
vilapoolie: ENOTENOUGHCONTEXT09:50
vilapoolie: is that with the leaking tests fix landed ?09:50
poolieERROR: bzrlib.tests.test_transport.TestSSHConnections.test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh: Unable to connect to SSH host localhost:51613; [Errno 111] Connection refused09:50
pooliethat's just in trunk as of a few minutes ago09:50
lvhOkay, so lets say I want to fix all my commits and then push --overwrite, how does rewrite make my life easier09:51
spivpoolie: on maverick?  That's a paramiko bug relating to IPv609:51
vilapoolie: sounds like either a transient one or something related to a spiv fix for paramiko09:51
poolieoh ok, thanks09:51
pooliehow about bug 62667909:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 626679 in Bazaar "test_strace_result_has_raw_log fails on maverick (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62667909:52
spivI should nag upstream and/or the Ubuntu packager to include my patch, I guess.09:52
bialixpoolie: I'd like to draw your attention to bazaar.canonical.com/en/index.html page09:53
* poolie looks09:54
poolie i need to go soon09:54
pooliehi bialix09:54
bialixthat page has section "Developer's Blog"09:54
pooliewhat about it ?09:54
bialixhi poolie09:54
pooliebut it links to "None", i see09:54
bialixthe section is empty for me.09:54
bialixbut when I'm regenerating the index on my machine it's not empty09:55
bialixdoes this index regenerated on the production server?09:55
bialixit seems production server has no access to wordpress feed, or something like that09:55
bialixI have no idea how that page deployed, but there is definitely some problem09:56
pooliei'll check it out on the production server09:57
vilaping LOSA09:57
bialixand btw local index has link to http://bazaarvcs.wordpress.com/ and not to None09:57
bialixsomething weird09:57
mthaddonvila: hi09:58
vilamthaddon: hey !09:58
vilamthaddon: really bad bug on pqm bzr instance: bug #62666709:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 626667 in PQM "syntax error doesn't prevent merge (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62666709:59
vila<vila> losa: can you help diagnose bug #626667 by checking the recent logs on the bzr pqm instance ?09:59
vila<vila> losa: first data point: which python version is used there ? 2.4 or 2.5 ?09:59
lvhOkay, I installed bzr-rewrite. I don't think rebase is what I want if it's anything like git's10:00
vilamthaddon: a fix for *bzr* is currently landing, but pqm needs to be fixed, we prefer to rely on pqm to *detect* such problems :)10:00
mthaddonvila: it's a hardy chroot, so python 2.5 is the default10:00
vilamthaddon: ok, that's one thing10:01
mthaddonvila: in what way does PQM need to be fixed?10:01
vilasee the bug report, despite an *error* it happily merged the submission10:02
pooliebialix: it's a problem with the proxy setting being not seen10:05
nomatter001when doing bzr export i get the following error: bzr: ERROR: zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect data check10:05
pooliefixed now, thanks for letting me know!10:05
bialixpoolie: :-)10:05
nomatter001after googling i found that this means an data error10:05
nomatter001is there some way to fix this10:06
nomatter001bzr status / bzr commit and so on still work10:06
bialixnomatter001: try to branch it to new location10:07
spivnomatter001: try 'md5sum .bzr/repository/packs/*' and check that the md5sums match the filenames10:08
mthaddonvila: pqm just works by submitting if the command you give it returns a "0" exit code - if for some reason the conditions you're describing still return a 0 exit code, then PQM is still doing the right thing10:10
vilamthaddon: right, so what is this command for the bzr instance ?10:11
nomatter001spiv: not for all files10:11
lvhHi. I don't understand how to use the rewrite plugin to change the author of a bunch of commits.10:11
mthaddonvila: for which branch?10:12
lvhbzr rebase appears to be for rebasing branches like git's rebase, which isn't quite what I want (I think).10:12
vilamthaddon: bzr.dev10:12
vilamthaddon: but I hope it's the same for all  bzr branches :-}10:12
nomatter001spiv: for 1 file it is different10:12
nomatter001spiv: what can i do?10:12
mthaddonvila: "make check PYTHON=python2.4" :(10:12
vilamthaddon: LOL, good so it's 2.4 finally, I'll look into 'make check' now10:13
nomatter001spiv: rename the file?10:13
pooliei'm off, see you later10:15
vilamthaddon: wow, reproduced, indeed, there are two commands for the make target and the second one is eating the first error :(10:15
mthaddongood to have reproduced...10:16
vilamthaddon: thanks a lot10:16
vilamthaddon: I've enough info to propose a fix10:16
mthaddonok, cool10:16
spivnomatter001: if they don't match, the data in the repository doesn't match what bzr thought it was writing to disk, which probably indicates filesystem corruption has occurred :(10:17
* vila re-re-re-re-reading the make doc to find the right prefix10:17
nomatter001spiv: so what can i do?10:17
nomatter001spiv: can i get a diff between real data and what bzr thinks it should be?10:18
spivnomatter001: ideally, rebuild the repository from backups or other (good) copies that don't exhibit that error10:18
fullermdFirst, you reverse MD5...10:18
nomatter001spiv: i have an online repository which i branched right now where no error happend when i exported10:19
nomatter001but i made a push into it (i think after error happend)10:19
nomatter001can this still be valid?10:20
vilanomatter001: is the file that doesn't match an empty one ?10:20
nomatter001villa: no10:20
spivnomatter001: ok, so I'd make a new repository from that one, and then if you have new data in the damaged one branch/pull the new branches/revisions into it and hope they aren't affected.10:20
nomatter001spiv: ok thx10:21
spiv'bzr check' when you're done should tell you if it the result is ok10:21
spiv(Although just checking the md5sums would be a good and quick sanity check too)10:22
spivnomatter001: out of interest, which filesystem and OS, and has your system crashed at all?10:22
vilaha, yeah, 'cmd1 | cmd2' in a Makefile... nice way to ignore errors in cmd1...10:23
nomatter001spiv: archlinux, ext3 and no10:24
nomatter001no crash at all10:24
vilanomatter001: then it could be your HD slowly dying :-/10:25
nomatter001vila: hd is 2 months old10:25
vilanomatter001: the pack files are named with their md5sum and are *never* modified after that10:25
spivnomatter001: wow, that's really surprising then!10:26
nomatter001vila: would be quickly dying10:26
vilanomatter001: what the english expression for that: infant mortality ?10:26
spivvila: exactly10:26
vilanomatter001: some electronic devices die young or never, something like that10:26
spivI've also heard "bathtub curve of reliability"10:27
nomatter001vila: yes i think its called mtbf10:27
vilanomatter001: *I* would closely monitor this HD10:27
nomatter001mean time between failure10:27
fullermdThese are hard drives.  It's not a bathtub, so much as an endless abyss.10:27
spivIt's a question of the shape of the curve, not just where the mean is :)10:28
vilanomatter001: all reports I've seen about such corruptions were massively empty files after crashes, the few others were hardware problems10:28
nomatter001vila: ok great ...10:28
vilanomatter001: I wish you the best but... if you really had no crashes nor rude reboots...10:29
nomatter001nomatter@nomatter-laptop ~ % uptime10:29
nomatter001 11:30:52 up 11 days, 14:47,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.0510:29
vilascary, and you're sure the pack file has been created since then ?10:29
nomatter001vila: hmm thats another question10:30
nomatter001i have no idea when this files are created?10:30
vilanomatter001: oh, the modification time should be good for that :)10:30
vilanomatter001: they are *never* modified ;)10:30
spiv'stat that_file' should show you the mtime (and the ctime)10:30
nomatter001vila: -rw-r--r-- 1 nomatter nomatter 55804179 Aug 10 07:40 925afb86da175268da810b3337d50eea.pack10:31
fullermdExcept by the hard drive  ;)10:31
nomatter001ok no before10:31
vilanomatter001: right, so that's before your uptime10:31
vilafullermd: ;)10:31
nomatter001vila: i have no idea what happend in that timeframe10:31
nomatter001but what i know is that i could make exports since then10:32
vilanomatter001: so hope for a crash, cross your fingers, kill a chicken, and monitor this HD for any suspicious activities ;)10:32
vilanomatter001: follow spiv directions, if 'bzr check' is ok, then you're fine10:33
nomatter001ok seems that the online repo is finde10:36
nomatter001i'm lucky10:36
nomatter001so i have only to hope that another of my local branches is ok then i'm rescued10:36
nomatter001thx for the help so far10:37
vilanomatter001: if you use a shared repo, you only need to fix the repo10:38
spivnomatter001: you're welcome, and good luck with the mysterious corruption :/10:38
nomatter001vila: how can i fix the repo?10:38
vilanomatter001: ECONTEXT, I thought you just did that ?10:40
nomatter001vila: i created a new repository10:41
nomatter001and branched the trunk branch from the online repo10:41
vilanomatter001: a shared repo ?10:42
nomatter001vila: no normal repo10:43
nomatter001or no shared-repo10:43
vilanomatter001: let step back10:43
vilahow many branches did you have on your laptop, are they sharing a repo or are they standalone branches ?10:44
nomatter001i have no idea i just followed the tutorial10:44
nomatter001i made a repo with bzr init-repo10:44
nomatter001wo i think a shared one10:44
nomatter001and in that i had several branches10:44
vilaerr, init-repo creates a repo, if your create branches below that, they'll use this shared repo10:44
vilarun 'bzr info' in such a branch and you can confirm that10:45
nomatter001and this shared repo doesn't work10:45
nomatter001cause one pack doesn't match the md510:45
nomatter001i also have a online-repo10:45
vilaso a shared repo contains all revisions ever created by any branch there10:46
nomatter001and now i just created a new shared repo10:46
nomatter001and branched the one branch in the online-repo into the new shared repo10:46
nomatter001and that seems to work10:46
vilahow many branches do you still need to get back ?10:47
nomatter001vila: only one is important10:47
vilanomatter001: is it in the online repo ?10:47
nomatter001vila: the other ones have no changes i still need (all important ones are in trunk and online)10:47
nomatter001no that one is not online10:47
nomatter001but if it doesn't work i have the code (outside of the repo online)10:48
vilaok, but all the changes are still in the working tree, right ?10:48
nomatter001vila: yes10:48
vilanomatter001: try running 'bzr revno' in this branch10:48
nomatter001its 5010:49
vilanomatter001: try branching this branch under  the new repo, this will transfer all needed revisions from the broken repo to the new one OR fail10:49
nomatter001vila: ok i'll try right after fixing the testserver (last scriptrun destoyed code there after incorrect export)10:50
vilanomatter001: meh, this is unrelated right ?10:51
vilanomatter001: then ping me when you're back10:51
nomatter001vila: 1 minute10:52
nomatter001vila: so now i'll try branching10:53
nomatter001ok seems to work10:54
nomatter001thx a lot10:55
vilanomatter001: good10:56
nomatter001perfect timing: its mealtime ^^10:57
chxhi. how can i preview what bzr up would do?11:34
vilachx: bzr missing ?11:38
vilachx, well, not exactly, but it should help11:39
chxvila: yes, it helped11:40
vilamthaddon: can you check the last submission on bzr pqm instance, it has not been merged but I got no email either11:43
vilamthaddon: I've seen it run there but not until the end11:44
mthaddonvila: all I see is this, but that doesn't seem like it would cause a failure - https://pastebin.canonical.com/36445/11:46
* vila shudders11:48
vilamthaddon: indeed, I can't see why it would change anything for this submission11:48
vilamthaddon: but there should exist some more precise log of what happened for it no ?11:49
vilamthaddon: or is it yet another email-too-big problem ?11:49
mthaddonvila: https://pastebin.canonical.com/36446/11:50
mthaddonnot sure why you wouldn't have received that...11:51
vilamthaddon: great, that's a better explanation11:51
vilamthaddon: this is a random failure I've seen for a long time, first time it happens on pqm though... I'll try to re-submit :-/11:52
vilamthaddon: double shudder, yeah, AFAIK, I'm the only one not receiving such failures, I *receive* some failures, but not all... go debug that...11:53
mthaddonspam filter?11:53
vilamthaddon: me ? no. My ISP ? May be, but on which criteria ? Size ? spam filtered on size ? Hard to believe11:54
viladelayed because of size maybe...11:55
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ubot5This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:22
vilamthaddon: sorry to bother you again, but re-submitting led to the same result: no merge, no mail :(13:59
vilamthaddon: if you could confirm that the failure is the same for the same test, it would help13:59
mthaddonvila: sure, gimme a sec14:02
vilamthaddon: a whole minute even :)14:03
* vila tries to setup an hardy vm to reproduce14:03
mthaddonvila: yep, same error14:03
vilasame test then ?14:03
vilahmm, I wonder what the return address is on pqm emails... may be some mailbox contain same feedback on mails not passing through...14:04
vilaha, pqm@bazaar-vcs.org, mthaddon, is that a mailbox you can reach ?14:05
vilamthaddon: pff, silly me, that's the one that receive the submissions... I wonder what happened when it receives a "can't deliver" mail...14:06
vilamthaddon: ok, I can reproduce the msg you got here, but that's not a failure and selftest succeds, there should be something else14:22
amogorkoni need help with diverged branches14:22
amogorkoni've got rev 43 on my local branch commited and another has rev 43 on their branch, both are connected with trunk14:23
amogorkonwhen i want to pull or push to trunk, the branches have diverged14:24
vilaamogorkon: both ?14:24
amogorkonbzr missing tells i'm missing one rev14:24
amogorkondunno, at least on my side14:24
amogorkonwhen i try to merge, it says nothing to do14:24
amogorkonwhen i try to commit, there's nothing to do14:24
vilaamogorkon: do you have uncommitted changes ? ok, that answers my question14:25
amogorkonno conflicts14:25
vilaamogorkon: try 'bzr update'14:25
amogorkonTree is up to date at revision 43 of branch /home/amogorkon/Dropbox/PiLife bzr14:25
amogorkonis that good?14:25
vilabzr missing14:26
vilabzr info -v14:26
vilacheck the later, it seems you should find that something is not as you think it is14:26
vilaamogorkon: and paste the ouput of 'bzr info -v', it will help to understand your setup14:27
amogorkonwhat does submit branch mean?14:30
vilaamogorkon: that's where you want your changes to land and is also the default merge source. Generally, that's trunk14:36
amogorkonthat.. is the cause of the issue then, i suppose14:36
amogorkonhow can i change that?14:36
vilacould be.14:37
vilaedit .bzr/branch/branch.conf and either remove the submit_branch line or put your trunk url there14:37
hnobzr send --remember also changes the submit branch location.14:39
amogorkonmany thanks14:39
amogorkoni'll try that14:39
vilanow if 'bzr missing' says you're *missing* one rev, 'bzr pull -v' should pull it14:40
vilaamogorkon: are your sure 'bzr missing --mine-only' is empty ?14:41
amogorkonvila, now it displays me "1 extra revision" - the one i commited previously14:42
vilaamogorkon: then you should push it14:43
mgzvila: would you be interested in a bug report with the tests that hit hangs with your leak fixes?14:44
mgzso we don't lose track of them even if we can't fix them now.14:44
vilamgz: indeed14:44
amogorkonyeah, i think it works now14:44
vilamgz: if only to see we get the same ones...14:44
amogorkonanother 40 min of my life spent fixing diverged branches :p14:45
amogorkonthanks anyway :)14:45
mgzI'll set up a full before and after run now.14:45
vilaamogorkon: may be worth changing your workflow :)14:46
amogorkonvila, i'll take it into consideration if this submit branch thing doesn't fix it14:48
amogorkonokay, thanks again14:51
* amogorkon bows out14:51
mgzurk, syntax error in test_config I take it you know about vila and that change to the makefile was involving?15:14
vilamgz: yes and yes15:15
vilamgz:  the problem *right now* is that I can't land the fix because pqm is failing somewhere else15:15
mgzwhat's the patch?15:15
mgzI'll apply it locally so I can do this comparision15:15
vilamgz: and since I don't get email failures I don't know where15:15
vilamgz: lp:~vila/bzr/integration15:16
vilahmm, now I know which test is failing....tests.test_transport.TestSSHConnections.test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh15:16
vilaoh my, what a mess. I succeds on lucid/py26, fails on hardy/py24, succeeds on hardy/py25 with a traceback, succeeds on karmic/py24, failed on karmic/py25 (like hardy/py24), succeds on karmic/py26 (with the same tb than hardy/py25)15:19
vilas/I succeds/It succeeds/15:20
vilaquite interesting for a test but obviously it's trying to test too much at once....15:21
vila...and poolie mentioned it this morning on maverick...15:23
vilajam: ping, pp advice needed15:26
jamhi vila15:26
jamwhat's up?15:26
vilaI sent a submission this morning with a syntax error that pqm happily accepted15:27
vilathat was the lockable config files one, 3 things happened then15:27
jamvila: yeah, I've run into that in the past, too15:27
jamcomplained at the time, not much happened, I guess15:28
vila1) I sent the leaking test submission (accepted too on top of the previous syntax error merged cleanly)15:28
vila2) I noticed that pqm was damn quick and filed bug #62666715:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 626667 in Bazaar "syntax error doesn't prevent merge (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62666715:28
vila3) I fixed the syntax error and submit the fix15:29
vilaThe fix is at lp:~vila/bzr/integration right now15:29
vilaThis last submission wasn't merged and I didn't get the failure email15:29
vilaI've been able to reproduce locally (make check PYTHON=python2.4) and this generates a 47M selftest.log which I suspect leads to a too-big email that is dropped somewhere between pqm and me15:30
vilaAnyway, the offending test is bzrlib.tests.test_transport.TestSSHConnections.test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh15:31
vilaAnd as I mentioned above:15:31
vila<vila> oh my, what a mess. It succeds on lucid/py26, fails on hardy/py24, succeeds on hardy/py25 with a traceback, succeeds on karmic/py24, failed on karmic/py25 (like hardy/py24), succeds on karmic/py26 (with the same tb than hardy/py25)15:31
mgzokay, I'm going out but have full run of r5395 and r5396 going with the syntax error fix15:31
vilaI feel a urgent need to disable this test to unblock pqm :) Thoughts ?15:32
vilamgz: and ?15:32
mgzand nothing till it finishes, I guess :)15:33
vilajam: I feel a urgent need to disable this test to unblock pqm :) Thoughts ?15:33
vilamgz: ha, I thought you had the results not that you launched the runs :) Cu !15:33
jamvila: I'd feel best if you reverted to old code and worked back up15:34
vilajam: my gut feeling is that this is a latent bug revealed not *caused* by the leaking fixes15:34
jamso instead of just disabling it, submit a revert patch15:34
jamthat goes before the original borked submission15:35
jamotherwise I can look more closely15:35
jamif you want15:35
vilaI'd prefer that yes, that would be more productive, I'm filing a bug right now with details15:36
vilathis test have been failing intermittently for... months across all the platforms on babune15:36
jamvila: given that you have 3 + patches that you don't actually know if it passed ...15:36
vilajam: no, I just re-run the tests on my pqm-like setup and that's the only one15:37
jamI'm not worried about that one test, but if you have 45MB of test failure15:37
jamthat is indicative of many tests failing15:37
vilajam: no, only one test failure, the 47M are the *normal* subunit output15:38
jamvila: here it is only 7MB, are you sure?15:38
jamI've gotten several :)15:38
vila7MB compressed ?15:38
jamwell, compressed and then base64 encoded, I think15:39
vila47M uncompressed unfiltered here15:39
vilajam: subunit stream or | subunit2pyunit stream ?15:39
jampqm-stdout.gz IIRC15:40
jamnote the discussion about whether we should remove 'logs' from skipped tests15:40
vilajam: I have never been able to receive one so I really can't tell15:40
vilajam: that's why I mentioned the 47M :)15:40
vilajam: but getting rid of only the skipped ones will not help enough I'm afraid15:41
jamMy mailhost is configured to 10MB attachments15:41
jamnot sure about yours15:41
jamdefault is often smaller, like 2-5MB, IIRC15:41
jamI'd like you to chime in there15:43
jamsince being unable to get PQM output is pretty serious15:43
vilajam: bug number ?15:43
jamvila: merge proposal15:43
vilahmm oh yes, I thought it was on testtools15:44
jamwell, lifeless saying "you really should have the log on skips" ...15:45
jamgiven that we used to have a single "reason" line, that is now 50 lines of reason + formatting + log15:46
jamnot to mention subunit overhead15:46
vilaWell, I'd be happy to get this stream. I don't really like getting *less* details to debug. Skipped tests are only a minor part of the whole...15:48
vilajam: can you check which stream you get on failures ?15:48
jamI often can't get *failure* emails because they go above 10MB15:48
jampqm-stdout.gz is the interesting stream15:49
jamfor the subunit stream, everything is in the same output file15:49
vilajam: yes, I don't have such mails, can you open or forward me one of yours15:49
jamwell, I can't forward it, since you can't get them :)15:49
jambut I can post it somewhere :)(15:49
* vila slaps himself15:49
vilajam: further evidence involving this test: bug #57953015:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 579530 in Bazaar "paramiko does not try all available address families (affected: 1, heat: 3)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57953015:59
jamthink it is a ipv6 vs v4 thing?16:00
vilajam: not sure in the case at hand, but it confirms that the tests is trying to test too many things at once16:00
la_kavrohiHow can I get my bazaar hook to access branch specific config values? Specifically, those stored in branch.conf.16:12
jamvila: on chinstrap:~jameinel/pqm-stdout.bz216:18
la_kavrohiNevermind. The push_result.local_branch or push_result.master_branch is the target of the push.16:19
vilajam: 'time: 2010-08-24 16:55:43.668882Z' is enough identify it as a subunit stream right ? And it's 45M uncompressed anyway16:30
jamvila: the log is in the subunit stream *and* 'bzr selftest' normal16:30
jamif that is what you are asking about16:30
jamso also in "subunit2pyunit' output16:30
jamand 7MB of stuff we won't look at obscures the stuff we do care about16:31
jamwell, 47MB from what you said :)16:31
vilajam: but how do you the stuff is not relevant until you understand the failure ?16:31
vilajam: but how do you know the stuff is not relevant until you understand the failure ?16:32
jamvila: not failures, *skips*16:32
jamand test-not-applicable16:32
jamand xfail16:32
jamis what *I'm* trying to change16:33
jamnot actual failures16:33
jambasically everything that wasn't *success* was getting the log attached16:33
vilathen why not keeping *only* failures ?16:33
jamwell, that and errors16:34
jambut I think that is ~ what I've done16:34
jamthough doing it as a blacklist rather than a whitelist16:37
itamaranyone know of a wiki that uses bazaar as a backend?16:37
vilajam: no, you said that you only get rid of the skipped tests, this account for ~10%, this doesn't even guarantee that *I* will get email for failures16:38
jelmeritamar: wikkid and ikiwiki both can16:38
jelmeritamar: http://launchpad.net/wikkid, http://www.ikiwiki.info/16:38
itamarikiwiki had some caveats I didn't quite understand16:38
jamvila: well, skips and xfail, I think account for most of it16:38
jamat the least, it will account far a fair amount of shrinkage16:39
jamthough yeah, probably the subunit overhead might be part of it, too16:39
itamarI'll look at wikkid16:39
vilajam: I've been trough enough subunit/testools bugs on xfail and skip to know that they represent only a fraction of the tests...16:39
vilaerr, xfail, not applicable not skipped16:40
vilaerr, xfail and not applicable not skipped16:40
jamvila: 2k out of 21k is a significant fraction, I'm trying to determine the verbosity now16:40
vilajam: will that be enough to goes below the threshold that blocks the emails pqm is trying to send me ?16:42
jamah, I see what you mean, I didn't realize success also had a log, since it isn't output by selftest -v, which is where I really cared about it16:42
vilahow about an option for the logs ?16:42
jamvila: ??16:44
vilajam: who was able to land parthm submission ?16:44
jamother than parth?16:44
vilaanybody ! Currently pqm will accept *any* submission since they all inherit the syntax error16:45
vilawell, anybody than can submit that is16:45
vilaand of course it *has* to refuse the one that fix the error....16:45
vilabah, yes of course, this the one that fixes the error is the only one that runs the test suite...16:46
jam5397 Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager 2010-08-30 [merge]16:48
jam     (parthm) bzr homepage url fixed in docs. (Parth Malwankar)16:48
jamlooks like parth did it16:48
jamanyway, yeah, we should do something quick to get pqm back to correct. either your patch or the idea of set -e.16:49
vilaset -e ?16:49
jamI think for right now, just revert back pre-fix, add the Makefile fix16:49
jam'set -e' in bash says if any command fails with non-zero, exit immediately16:49
vilaI don't think we can do that from/for make16:50
vilaha come on, the leaking test fix have been waiting for far too long and I'm 98% sure it doesn't cause this failure. Don't let the better be the ennemy of the good :-(16:51
jamvila: we have failures in what was submitted, we don't know how much16:51
vilajam: have you *looked* at this test ?16:51
jamof what was submitted since then16:52
jamI'm not worried about your 1 test16:52
jamI also don't know why it would fail now when it has been passing for *years*16:52
vilano, I said it already, only one failure, this test, reproduced locally16:52
jamvila: how do you know if you aren't getting pqm failure reports :)16:52
vilaI can propose various explanations, and no, it has not been passing for years, it has been *failing* randomly for years16:52
jamother than knowing that you have an occasional failure locally which doesn't seem to have been happening on pqm16:53
vilabecause I don't get my submissions landed either16:53
jamvila: I don't think I've had a submission kicked back because of that test that I can think of16:53
jamand I've submitted a lot16:53
jamvila: right, but you don't know why *PQM* think you can't land it16:53
vilaread the logs, mthaddon gave enough info for me to reproduce16:54
jamvila: set -e seems to work for me in Makefile16:54
jamvila: so if it *is* random, then you should also be able to resubmit and have it work16:54
vilaok, I resign, you're the patch pilot, go, send a revert-fix and don't forget to also unmark the bugs fixed16:54
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jamvila: I'm not trying to be extra difficult, but what you're saying doesn't match up to what I understand. You ran with python2.4 on your machine, and that was the only test that failed?17:02
jamvila: also, I think we still have a bug with your fix that if the selftest.log has content, but has *no tests* then it still succeeds by accident17:03
vilajam: yes, starting with bzr.dev as current before parthm submission and adding the fix in lp:~vila/bzr/integration, aka skipping this test until it gets rewritten as proposed in bug #62687617:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 626876 in Bazaar "tests.test_transport.TestSSHConnections.test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh considered harmful (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62687617:03
vilajam: right, but that's a step in the right direction and plug a hole that have been present for *months*17:04
rubbsIs there anyway to get a launchpad type interface for locally hosted branches? I ask, because I really like the way lp's UI deals with branches and their relationships, but my boss will never go for a third party hosting our code, ever.17:05
jamvila: the test really isn't that big, all it is doing is implementing an ssh server, which you could pull out anywhere you want  if the number of lines concerns you17:05
jamthe test *is important* to make sure that we actually hook up the whole via ssh code17:05
dashrubbs: well, worst case you could install launchpad :)17:05
jamsince *all the other tests* skip it and talk over a loopback17:05
vilajam: I fully realize how important it is, but it fails far too often for far too many different reasons17:06
rubbsdash: is there documentation on how to do that? I knew it was Open Source, but I couldn't find any way to do that itself.17:06
jamvila: we need an (single) integration test or we have just as big of a whole17:06
jamWe've certainly in the past broken the ssh connection code17:06
jamrubbs: there is some stuff around here: https://dev.launchpad.net/17:07
jambut the big thing is, you have to create your own icons because the lp ones are trademarked17:07
jam(similar to CentOS vs Redhat, and whatever Debian did with Firefox, IIRC)17:08
rubbsjam: icons are no big thing. We got a designer here with little to do atm so I can give him that task17:08
rubbsjam: thank you very much.17:08
vilajam: I realize that, but the actual test is brittle, I've said it for months as I had to diagnose several failures where it was involved and delete/re-run countless jobs on babune just because it's capricious17:08
vilajam: and I'm not surprised to see it fail on pqm as fixing the leaks shakes the socket handling code BIG times17:09
jamvila: but then you remove one test that covers the actual case that people care about (nobody cares if you can connect via a loopback :)17:09
vilajam: I don't want to suppress it, I want to replace it with several tests to get a better isolation of the failures17:09
rubbsdash: jam: Oh, this is perfect thank you. I'll look into this right away17:10
jamvila: the only thing it does after creating an ssh server is 'mkdir'17:10
vilajam: at least one slave on babune is running a version of paramiko provided by spiv *explicitely* to *not* skip this test already17:10
jam(well, creating one, connecting to it, and then issuing one command)17:10
vilajam: and it currently fails for a ConnectionReset !17:10
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jamvila: which honestly sounds like we have a bug in our connection handling...17:12
jamvila: anyway, my specific point... how can you get more granular on that test17:12
vilajam: yeah, one that is not reproducible on all platform/python combos ?17:12
jamI really don't see a way to rewrite it that isn't *connect to an ssh server*17:13
jamvila: for example, on Windows and different versions of Python, they've had OSError.errno change from being the *windows* error, to a regular errno17:13
jam(ENOENT versus WINDOWS_ERROR_NO_ENTRY as a not-quite accurate example)17:13
jamvila: and I know we've had spew to the terminal for a while on Windows because when the client disconnected we would raise the exception rather than suppress it as we did on other platforms17:14
jam(but it wouldn't die because it was an exception raised in a thread, etc)17:14
vilawell, separating a simple connect/disconnect first, then the simplest hpss handshake and so on up to mkdir17:18
jamvila: I honestly doubt it is failing because of the mkdir + stuff17:18
vilajam: exactly why a better isolation will be achieved by *not* having it17:19
jamvila: if you really thought that mkdir was the problem, you could have trivially fixed that by now. I have the feeling you feel it runs deeper17:19
jamalso ,we only really want 1 test that exercises the handshake code17:19
jamsince it is fairly slwo17:20
jamif you want to pull out mkdir, I don't care *at all*17:20
jamI care that we connect to a real ssh server17:20
vilaand this is test is lying anyway, there is no process launched, it's all in the same process and fixing leaks revealed that python + sockets + client + server in the same process... can lead to exceptions being thrown at different points from one excution to the other17:20
vilamy point is: I think we'll be better served by disabling this test until it's fixed (which can only occur soon since it's Critical) than reverting all the work already done and discussing endlessly while pqm is accepting any patch :)17:22
jam(I think your optimism about 'only occur soon' is a bit high :) however, I am looking over your integration patch, etc now while we're discussing this17:24
jamand I've queued up some stuff in pqm, as well17:24
vilameh, it spwans a process17:24
vilajam: you won't be able to land anything once you fix the syntax error17:25
vilajam: unless you revert the leking tests submission that is, which doesn't mean that test won't fail either one day or the other17:25
vilathat's the whole point of fixing the leaks, selftest can blow up at any time as mgz realized lately17:26
vilait hasn't occurred on pqm so far, we're still lucky17:26
vilanot fixing the leaks also means windows test can't be fixed using babune, osx slave can't be added on babune, etc17:28
=== jam changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: jam | bzr 2.2-final has gone gold, build those installers
jamvila: so the typo... it is only a python2.4 typo? As 'test_config' loads just fine on python2.617:31
vilajam: 2.4/2.5, pqm runs in an hardy  chroot with 2.5 as the default python but we override that by running 'make check PYTHON=python2.4' as checked with mthaddon earlier17:32
vilajam: I discussed the fix with poolie and spiv before sending it, short-circuiting the mp to go faster....17:33
jamvila: the typo fix?17:33
jamsure, I'm certainly fine with the change, just trying to understand, as it looks like that fix is already in pqm, but you said it had failed17:33
jamvila: well, I was trying to submit the 'make check' fix you had, but it is behind your 'integration' fix17:35
jamwhich claims to be at 50% complete17:35
vilayeah, I send that when I saw parthm submission before realizing why it was useless (unless the failure is random...)17:36
vilajam: check your setup, the test_config.py fix is not in bzr.dev AFAICS17:37
jamvila: Oh I agree, as I said I'm running 2.6 and wasn't sure why it was a problem17:38
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vilaGaryvdM: ping, don't upgrade your bzr.dev branch yet, pong me first17:45
vilaGaryvdM, bialix: can you test lp:~vila/qbzr/config-get-filename-deleted before upgrading bzr.dev ?17:50
vilajam: if you submitted straight from my branch it should fail, I'd be interested to know if you get a pqm failure mail though :)17:52
jamvila: well, it has passed 18k tests so far, and is on: bzrlib.tests.test_bundle.V08BundleTester.test_binary_bundle17:53
jamnot sure if that is before or after the test in question17:53
vilait's the 24199th test out of 2475817:56
jamvila: well doesn't that suck :)18:01
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vilajam: I had a brief, very brief, instant of pure joy this morning when I saw my submissions land in no time18:01
vilathat was quickly followed by the depressing understanding...18:02
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vila..and the problem is still not fixed :(18:02
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mgzgra, r5396 didn't run, thought it'd merge over the syntax fix but it lost it19:07
* mgz runs it now19:07
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* jelmer waves19:39
jamvila: I did get the failure with attachment this time20:02
jamvila: and it is giving a "ConnectionReset" error after spending ~5s (the test runs in 5.6s, I assume that is a timeout of some sort)20:10
jamand as near as I can tell, that is the server failing to actually respond to the 'mkdir()' request...20:11
jamlog file is in the same plcae20:12
jam(if my fingers could type)20:12
vilajam: glad you got this email :)20:30
vilajam: but it's failing here in 0.533s so not the kind of timeout you're suspecting20:30
jamvila: so 'set -e' works as I wanted it to20:30
jamI get the failure early rather than late20:31
vilajam: good, as long as it works everywhere, I'm happy20:31
jamvila: well at this point 'test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh' seems to be failing reliably (though it also happens in 665ms here20:32
vilajam: here ?20:32
jamI just got it by only running test_transport20:32
jamon my machine20:32
jamand on pqm20:32
vilapython and paramiko versions ?20:32
jamvila: http://www.davidpashley.com/articles/writing-robust-shell-scripts.html#id238420620:33
jampython 2.6, paramiko ... ?20:33
vilaregarding the interaction with leaks, the previous sftp server was just leaving threads around never joining them, so this may have hidden the problem20:34
vilajam: can you add that to the bug report please20:34
vilajam: and that's with my fixes for leaks right ?20:34
jamvila: that is current bzr.dev20:34
vilajam: only the traceback or more ?20:35
jamvila: I don't understand "only the traceback"20:39
* vila on phone20:39
vilajam: but look at bug #628876, there are a lot of variations20:39
ubot5Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: 628876 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/628876)20:39
jamfullermd: you use csh? (well, something other than bash), right? Do you know if 'set -e' works there?20:39
jamvila: wrong bug, I think20:40
jam628876 isn't a bug20:40
vilabug #62887620:40
ubot5Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: 628876 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/628876)20:40
jamvila:  bug #62687620:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 626876 in Bazaar "tests.test_transport.TestSSHConnections.test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh considered harmful (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62687620:40
vilabug #636876 gettubg there20:41
ubot5Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: 636876 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/636876)20:41
jamyou had a 6=>820:41
vilatwice :)20:41
vilacan type and phone :)20:41
vilacant :)20:41
jamvila: everything I saw looks like a variant on connection reset20:41
vilajam: there are other tbs sometimes20:42
jamin your python2.5 it is raising EOFError (aka, no more data, aka connection closed)20:42
vilathat can be ignored20:42
vilaon which platform ?20:42
jamvila: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/626876/comments/120:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 626876 in Bazaar "tests.test_transport.TestSSHConnections.test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh considered harmful (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed]20:42
vilajam: that's freebsd20:43
jamvila: everything looks like connection reset, just variants on how well the python + paramiko + bzr stack handle translating it as such20:43
vilajam: we shouldn't lose the connection, that's the root problem20:44
vilajam: and I would happily suspect my fixes if there wasn't *successful* tests20:45
vilaso I'm more inclined to suspect the bug to reveal itself more blatantly now, since, after all, this is what happened numerous times while debugging the leaks,20:47
jamvila: well it fails if I run the test by itself, so I'm not sure that it has anything to do with leaking threads...20:47
vilajam: have you tried to establish how many threads/sockets/pipes are involved in this test ?20:48
vilahave a guess20:48
jamApprox 520:49
jambut paramiko does threads also, so I'm not positive20:49
vilaI'd say 2 processes, 7 threads, 3 sockets and 3 pipes20:51
vilawe should be able to get down to 2 processes 3 threads 3 sockets and 0 pipes20:52
jamvila: perhaps, but it certainly passes @ -r5395 and fails @ -r539620:53
vilathat's a fact, but it says little about the cause20:53
jamvila: I think I found it20:54
jamvila: http://paste.ubuntu.com/485997/20:54
jamnote that you don't actually save a reference to *test_case_server*20:54
jamnope, not it20:55
jamat least, not trivially so20:55
vilathat would not explain a succesful test20:56
jamvila: what successful test, btw20:56
jamalso, I don't seem to be able to get trace information in my log file from the sftp thread, any ideas why?20:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 626876 in Bazaar "tests.test_transport.TestSSHConnections.test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh considered harmful (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed]20:57
vilaalso succeds on hardy/py2.5/paramiko-1.6.4 with a traceback from a thread that can be ignored20:57
vila- succeeds on karmic/py26/paramiko-1.7.4 with the same traceback than hardy/py2520:57
vilaall of them mentioned in bug #62687620:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 626876 in Bazaar "tests.test_transport.TestSSHConnections.test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh considered harmful (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62687620:58
vilaHa ! Got it right !20:58
vilaall of the run involve 0 to 2 failures in ferry_bytes (including the ConnectionReset except this one comes a bit later in the code)20:59
jamvila: I'm also getting: No handlers could be found for logger "paramiko.transport"21:00
jamwhich would hint that paramiko is trying to warn us about something, but the logging module isn't initialized21:00
jamwhich may be "I couldn't actually start up as requested"21:02
vilathat's not in your comment or is it ?21:02
jamgivien the other hints21:02
jamvila: not sure21:02
jamI probably didn't paste that part21:02
vilaok, I got it too on some combinations21:03
jamvila: I get it much before the final traceback21:03
vilayeah, at the start of the run, probably when loading21:03
vilawhere I get it it's about Random.Pool being BROKEN or something21:04
jamvila: nope21:04
jamif I add a "trace.enable_default_logging()" in the middle21:04
vilanope what ? 8-)21:04
jamI get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486002/21:04
jamvila: not during import21:04
jammaybe during import of a subprocess or something21:04
jamvila: that is with this patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486003/21:05
jamBasically, on my machine, I'm not *getting* to ferry_bytes21:05
jamit fails first21:05
vilaoooh, right, yet another different failure ! Fireworks !21:08
jamvila: well still a connection failure21:09
vilabut still a problem while client and server are trying to communicate21:09
jamwith this patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486003/21:09
jamon my machine, I'm not even getting into check_channel_exec_request I think21:10
jamat least, I am unable to log what is happening there21:10
vilanot the way to go then ? :)21:10
jamvila: I fixed logging, a bit more info now:21:13
jamparamiko is trying to say: Socket exception: Bad file descriptor (9)21:13
vilaright, that's still match the: "someone is trying to read or write at the wrong time" pattern and paramiko use timeouts21:14
vilajam: no traceback ?21:15
jamvila: doesn't seem to be one on the server side21:15
jamtrying to sort it out21:15
vilaConnected (version 2.0, client paramiko_1.7.5)21:15
vilaConnected (version 2.0, client paramiko_1.7.5)21:15
vilaTwice ???21:15
jamvila: I'm playing around with trace stuff, so it is possible I'm just getting 2 outputs to stderr21:16
jambut yes, it does say that21:17
jamvila: if I change paramiko to 'raise' where it was just logging I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486010/21:19
vilahere is my traceback on babune: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486012/ ferry_bytes is involved21:21
vilaforget about the .bzr.log error21:22
vilameh, no .bzr.log error there, forget the 'forget' remark ;)21:25
jamvila: 'failed to load compiled extension' is a bit surprising21:26
vilathe weird thing is that I ran this on windows21:26
vilajam: fresh branch21:27
vilawe don't care about extensions for this test21:27
vilahmm, indeed, and it was failing already: http://babune.ladeuil.net:24842/job/selftest-windows/139/#showFailuresLink21:28
vilaI just didn't notice it because it was down to 7 failures on windows (from 306 but for runs interrupted by can't start new thread)21:29
vilaanyway, way too late to continue, EODing21:31
vilais evidence that we *had* a failure with ConnectionReset *before* my patch21:33
vilajam: so make sure it was passing for you on *windows* *before* my patch21:34
jamvila: it passes21:34
jamif I revert21:34
jamfails after21:34
jam-r5395 passes, -r5396 fails21:35
fullermdjam: Not as set -e, no.  There's an -e command line arg just like sh.  Why?21:35
vilarha, right, same branch, I'm too tired21:35
jamfullermd: trying to get "make check" to fail if there are any failures. I don't think it is required to run a bash, though21:35
jamfullermd: we're having the bug that the right kind of error will make PQM think everything is ok21:36
fullermdWell, it better run a sh.  set -e is standard on Bourne shells AFAIK.21:36
jam(currently a syntax error)21:36
lifelessjam: do you need any help with this21:42
lifelessfullermd: I think its pipefail thats not set21:43
lifelessfullermd: -e affects the results of a pipe, not the steps21:43
vilafullermd: yup, as lifeless said, the root cause is an action in a makefile: cmd1 | cmd221:45
vilafullermd: cmd1 fails, cmd2 succeeds, make is happy21:45
vilafullermd: how will you convince make to abort when cmd1 fails ?21:46
* fullermd isn't sure why people are telling me ;)21:46
lifelessvila: pipefail21:46
vilafullermd: oops, it's GNU make :)21:46
lifelessvila: man bash - look for pipefail21:47
vilalifeless: just found it, but it's bash, if we require bash in addition to GNU make.... well, that may work21:48
lifelessyou're using bash21:48
lifelessmake doesn't have a shell interpreter21:48
fullermd_I'm_ not using bash.21:48
lifelessfullermd: you aren't you're21:48
vilamake use ${SH}21:48
vilafullermd: but is it always available on freebsd >21:49
fullermdYes, but make won't use it.21:49
lifelesseasiest way - put the test command in a bash script21:49
lifelesscall that script21:49
james_wSHELL=/bin/bash in the Makefile and it will21:49
fullermdThere is no /bin/bash on all sorts of systems.21:49
lifelessfullermd: this is just for pqm, so that point, while entirely true, is irrelevant21:50
vilaeasier : https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/626667-check-no-docs-swallow-errors/+merge/3405921:50
vilalifeless: ! could be21:50
vilalifeless: but could fail if the log file is not empty.. somehow21:51
* fullermd just sees this as a good reason to keep working on his make(1) replacement :p21:51
mkanatfullermd: You and everybody else? ;-D21:53
mkanatThere actually are like two or three good autotools/make replacements.21:53
fullermdWell, sure, but mine is obviously the important one.  Everyone else is just marking time 'till I'm done   :p21:53
mkanatfullermd: lol21:54
fullermdI don't really need to build a replacement for autotools.  I can slit my wrists with a rusty spoon already.21:54
fullermdI wasn't overly thrilled with any of the make replacements I saw.  Hence, firing up the ol' Arrogance Engine.21:56
mkanatHeh. :-)21:56
mkanatWell, nothing wrong with that. :-)21:56
fullermdPart of the problem is that I don't want a "build system", so scons and the like are out.  I really do just want a make(1), except without the suck.21:57
vilajam: so, it seems bzrlib.tests.test_transport.TestSSHConnections.test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh has never been run on babune except for my tests for leaks where it has always failed :)21:57
vilajam: so good luck with it, see you tomorrow, keep me informed of your progress !21:58
vilag'night all21:59
jamlifeless: I think we have a handle on how to make 'make check-nodocs' fail (set -e works, as would Vincent's suggestion, or figuring out how to set pipefail).22:16
jamthe problem right now is do we disable a test that used to pass, but was a bit brittle in some cases, but now *always* fails22:16
jamI don't think I've ever had it fail on PQM, but it now fails on PQM and on my machine (where it also used to pass)22:16
lifelessself.skip ?22:17
lifelessI mean, mark it as a skip? would that do? then once pqm is locked down safely again, start landing attempts that un-skippify it22:18
jamlifeless: yeah, to get it unblocked I'll probably do that. I was hoping to actually fix it22:24
jambut since I'm going off the clock in about 5min, I'll have to take the easy route22:24
bj0_there was a file in my directory that somehow got renamed to "\",  and when I did a "bzr add ."  it would crash bzr trying to add that file22:28
mgzokay, film was fun. seems like the entertainment has continued here as well.23:22

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