
DarkwingDuckHey there everyone... my crazy life is slowly slowing01:13
ryanakcaScottK: Any news on kolabd?02:36
valorieok, added more feedback on the https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MaverickMeerkat/Alpha3/Kubuntu/Feedback page02:41
valoriegoing offline to switch hard drives, and install Mav on the other one02:42
ScottKryanakca: Not yet.  Need to work on it soon.03:26
ScottKAfter Riddel is back and I don't have to play Kubuntu rm anymore03:27
ryanakcaScottK: OK, thanks03:29
valoriedamn it, that didn't work03:43
valorieHD has too many pins to fit into this lappy03:43
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
MLx_Oany idea if/when will amd64 build be back?05:50
persiaBuild of which?05:51
MLx_Othe whole .iso05:51
persiaOh.  Probably in the next couple days.05:51
MLx_OIn time for beta release I suppose? ;)05:52
valorieit's gone?05:52
MLx_Ovalorie: haven't seen it on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ for 3 days now05:53
valorieheh, probably moments after I downloaded05:54
valoriedidn't work for me05:54
valorieit isn't available for ooo bun too either05:56
valorieso presumably the broken bits are in the common stack05:56
valorienetboot is available for ubuntu, however05:59
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
jussiapachelogger: who what?07:57
apacheloggerwell then08:37
apacheloggerI fell asleep on my keyboard \o.08:37
apacheloggersee, that is my left arm being broken08:37
apacheloggergood morning Kubuntu :)08:38
jussigood morning apachelogger08:38
valorieI thought you were paying your bed a visit?08:41
apacheloggervalorie: yeah, the night before ;)08:42
valoriesleep is good for your health08:42
valorieand your brain08:42
apacheloggernot on a keyboad though :P08:42
valoriesleeping on keyboard, not so much08:42
* apachelogger feels very relaxed and full of energy for this new day ... ;)08:42
apacheloggerjussi: so, the ninja cmd is missing quite some people, which made me think that maybe it would be a good idea to just have it draw names from launchpad08:43
jussiapachelogger: thats a lot of work. if you give me a list of names Ill update it now though. 08:44
jussiapachelogger: however, patches will be taken ;)08:44
apacheloggerdude, I had enough pyth0rn for the next decade or two08:45
jussiapachelogger: thing is, Tsimpsons net is still down and while I can manipulate the bot well, writing new stuff is a little beyond me.08:45
apacheloggerI can craft an update manually08:46
jussiapachelogger: as I said, give me what you want there and Ill make it happen08:46
apacheloggerwhich would of course be easier if someone had thought of maintaining the list in alphabetical order :P08:46
apacheloggeron that note, what happened to lex?08:50
apachelogger...IIRC he did not say he would be away that long...08:50
apacheloggerNinja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger08:51
apacheloggergo package 4.5.1 :PPPPP08:51
apacheloggerjussi: ^08:51
ubottuninjas-#kubuntu-devel has no aliases - added by stdin on 2009-01-10 18:22:18 - last edited by jussi01 on 2009-12-18 12:36:1208:52
jussi!no, ninjas-#kubuntu-devel is <reply> Ninja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger08:52
ubottuI'll remember that jussi08:52
apacheloggerthank you08:52
jussiapachelogger: if it ever gets out of date, just do exactly as I did there but with new names, and it will appear in -ops and someone can update it.09:08
apacheloggerjussi: cool, thanks09:38
apacheloggernow hopefully I remember that ^^09:38
persiaapachelogger, If not, there are logs.  Just grep for jussi*ninjas*09:44
jussi!addfact | persia apachelogger09:44
ubottupersia apachelogger: To add a factoid to the bot, use the following form (the factoid will then be forwarded to the ops to approve): !foo is <reply> bar09:44
apacheloggerpersia: just that my logs live in a postgres db on a server that is not mine ;)09:44
* persia mumbles vaguely about the importance of control of one's personal data09:46
apacheloggerSput: you know, it would be cool to have an akonadi agent that interfaces with the quasselcore and holds a local cache of my logs so I have control over it in a way ;)09:56
apacheloggeractually from an advertising POV it ought to be easily advertisable, even if it does not exactly have much use ^^09:57
apachelogger64 bit or 32 bit install for my new laptop?09:59
* apachelogger never had a 64 install...10:00
* persia always uses 64-bit10:04
persiaIt only really matters if you have >2GB RAM.  For that, you get better performance at 64-bit.10:04
apacheloggeroh, that said10:04
persiaIf you have less, it doesn't matter (although I run 64-bit on machines with less out of habit)10:04
Sputapachelogger: from an advertising POV, people seem to despise everything that mentions akonadi :P10:04
apacheloggerI have 6 so I suppose 64 would make more sense ^^10:04
apacheloggerhm, I wonder why that it ...10:05
apacheloggermight it be "FAIL!!? YOU STUPID USER MESSED MY SETUP UP!!!!!!!!!!!"10:05
apacheloggerpersia: are no amd64 dailies built?10:06
persiaDepends on the flavour.  They are supposed to exist for kubuntu desktop/netbook10:06
apacheloggernothing there10:06
persiaProbably because of http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54223991/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.qimageblitz_1:0.0.6-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz but I'd have to dig longer to be sure10:08
persiaEasy enough to make qimageblitz work on amd64/armel/powerpc and *not* i386, but I don't think that's really the right solution.10:09
persiahttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/maverick/kubuntu/current/livecd-20100830-amd64.out says I'm wrong about that: the livefs got created.10:10
apacheloggerpersia: ubuntu does not have amd64 listed either http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/10:11
persiaOdd.  That's definitely a bug.10:13
persiahttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/kubuntu/maverick/daily-20100830.log whines about "No alternate CD for amd64!" but I'm not quite sure why10:13
persiaServer is missing also, which makes me think there's some global messiness.10:17
* apachelogger likes how k3b is not integrating properly into KDE10:27
apacheloggerthe manual partition thing is horrible to use10:36
apacheloggerjtechidna: maybe knh should offer an option to turn off apport if crash reports are turned off, when I logged into gnome the other day the gtk ui of apport went crazy on me ^^11:38
apacheloggeralso the toehr way around I do think that the application crashes item should not be shown unless apport is installed and enabled since it might be misleading otherwise11:39
txwikingerapachelogger: ok?13:53
sheytanif i would make a mockup of kubuntu start screen would it be possible that someone will implement it? :D14:31
apacheloggersheytan: that would first require discussion at a meeting since we traditionally stick with KDE's artwork14:35
sheytanapachelogger i would use KDE's artwork :)14:36
apacheloggerthen I am not sure what you mean14:36
sheytanWhen i find sometime, i'll make one. Maybe for 11.04 :D14:36
sheytanapachelogger when you put the cd, you get things like 'start kubuntu' 'check cd' and 'memory test'14:36
sheytanthis screen14:36
sheytanit doesn't look nice right now :P14:36
apacheloggeryou dont have much options there14:37
apacheloggerit is not like there i a larige color space available at that point14:37
sheytanbtw, someone could replace the bars that shows partitions usage with the oxygen one used in kde ( if possible) :D14:37
sheytanmaybe not, but we can make it look better :)14:37
apacheloggerI am all in favor of making things look better ^^14:41
sheytanapachelogger who can i talk to about the partition usage bars? :D14:44
apacheloggersheytan: shtylman I suppose14:44
sheytanapachelogger ok, thanks. I'll talk to him when he comes ;)14:45
sheytanBtw, someone reeeeaaaaly should make a device action for system update. I mean, when you put the new release cd, it should be easy to run upgrade  to the new release of Kubuntu14:50
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: KDE 4.5.1 packaging https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging | Maverick Beta Freeze is on - Universe still open for business | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu3
sheytanapachelogger where can i request a feature?14:51
apacheloggerdepends on the feature14:51
sheytanapachelogger ^^^14:51
apacheloggerwill not be of much use though14:51
apacheloggerI recommend proposing it on the mailing list and finding a developer who is going to implement that14:52
sheytanapachelogger kubuntu-devel mailing list/14:52
sheytani just unsubscribed couse i get to many messages from there :D14:53
sheytanbut i'll do it again14:53
sheytanthe installation take much more time with the new installer :(14:55
apacheloggerbzr builddeb is the broken15:20
apacheloggeroh noes15:20
apacheloggerno I must manually merge15:20
yofelsheytan: really? it felt faster here15:20
sheytanyofel yep15:20
yofelslow network connection maybe? as it seems to download more things now15:21
sheytanlaunchpad sucks15:21
sheytanlaunchpad is horrible hard. Find something there suuuucks :D15:21
yofeluse google with 'site:launchpad.net' :P15:21
sheytanI just don't want use lanuchpad :D15:22
yofelit's not *that* bad usually...15:22
CIA-71[kdeaccessibility] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100830152528-elsxvkk4bara28z5 * debian/changelog New upstream release16:25
apacheloggerbzr resolve also seems slightly out of line16:33
apacheloggerhooray \o/16:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
CIA-71[kdemultimedia] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100830155031-lfe4ro5cbviur3z5 * debian/changelog New upstream release16:50
bulldog98apachelogger: I take over kdeadmin17:24
bulldog98apachelogger: I need access to ktown17:25
* shadeslayer waves to bulldog9817:27
shadeslayerbulldog98: rekonq maverick daily builds are a bit messed up, can you have a look when your free?17:27
* bulldog98 waves to shadeslayer17:27
apacheloggerbulldog98: you really just need someone to give you the tarball 17:28
bulldog98apachelogger: so could you do that17:28
shadeslayeri could upload it17:28
apacheloggerno, but shadeslayer maybe17:28
shadeslayeryeah hold on17:28
apacheloggerI am currently wasting all my bandwith on kdegames17:28
bulldog98shadeslayer: I look to that17:28
shadeslayeryeah kdegames is huge :P17:28
bulldog98apachelogger: I’ll download with 54kbit/sec17:29
* shadeslayer tries a ktown to people.ubuntu.com direct copy17:29
shadeslayerbulldog98: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/packages/17:32
shadeslayerits still copying17:32
shadeslayerand done...17:32
apacheloggeruploading kdegames and doing a windows upgrade cant be a good idea17:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: it would appear to me that the rekonq address bar is blocking while waiting for suggestions17:40
apacheloggerwhich would, considering that I have a slowish connection, explain the laggyness17:40
apacheloggerbecause now I am on my new laptop and it still fails to update as quickly as I type17:41
apacheloggerso I think hardware and config problems fall flat as possible cases17:41
lex79Hello Kubuntu ! :)17:55
apacheloggerlex79 \o/17:58
* apachelogger would order a welcome back party from kubotu, but since jussi stole the poor bot ... ;)17:58
lex79apachelogger: can you add this key in ktown? https://launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+sshkeys17:59
lex79and delete the old one please...thanks17:59
apacheloggerlex79: done18:00
lex79ok thanks18:00
apacheloggerhm, apparently dput failed at   Uploading kdegames_4.5.1.orig.tar.bz2: 56672k/56673k18:00
apacheloggeris stuck there for 5 minutes now :/18:00
* apachelogger grows ever so sad and restarts upload18:00
CIA-71[kdegames] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100830170327-y53a6yi9174tyt92 * debian/changelog New upstream release18:03
lex79apachelogger: Permission denied (publickey)18:04
apacheloggerlex79: maybe kate likes to eat remote files now18:04
apacheloggerlets try again18:04
lex79apachelogger: use nano then :)18:05
apacheloggeryou did not just say that!?!?!18:05
apacheloggerthat reminds me18:05
lex79hihih :)18:05
apacheloggerI know for a fact that Quintasan is not using vim18:06
apacheloggerbecause vim makes UNRELEASED super duper red backgrounded so one notices18:06
apacheloggerQuintasan did not notice for the rc we skipped and went on to 4.5.018:06
apacheloggerwhich either means he is close to blind OR not using vim18:06
apacheloggerlex79: try agai18:07
lex79apachelogger: thanks it works now18:08
* bulldog98 debuilding kdeadmin and 2 of 3 patches are now in Upstream18:11
bulldog98apachelogger: version number should be 4.5.1-0ubuntu1~ppa1 right?18:13
debfxbulldog98: yes18:13
bulldog98cause the number in bzr was 4.5.0b18:14
bulldog98apachelogger: should I bump the Build-Depends to 4.5.1?18:16
ScottKapachelogger: If Quintasan gets sponsored to UDS, we can take a moment when his guardian is distracted and give him some "encouragement" about proper editor usage.18:17
jussiapachelogger: that server may comeback online soon.. company said they might upgrade my net...18:19
jjesseScottK: reported bug on plasma-widget-menubar per email: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-widget-menubar/+bug/62693518:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 626935 in plasma-widget-menubar (Ubuntu) "mnemonics do not work in Kubuntu Maverick with plasma-netbook" [Undecided,New]18:19
ScottKjjesse: Great.  Hopefully agateau can have a look at it.18:19
jjesselet me know how i can help18:20
ScottKThat's all I know of.  We need to hear from agateau now.18:23
* bulldog98 is thinking about weather it’s normal that there is a file gone since 4.5.018:24
lex79debfx: why you removed/changed so many our "conflicts/replaces" in Qt ?18:26
bulldog98this is my error I get cause a file has gone in KDE: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/19118:27
lex79Hi JontheEchidna !18:27
bulldog98JontheEchidna: found your easter egg18:28
ulyssesbulldog98: the Supercow power? where?18:29
bulldog98JontheEchidna: and translated it into German ;-)18:29
bulldog98ulysses: Ctrl+Shift+M18:29
JontheEchidnatranslated it? I don't think I made it translatable... (it requires a fixed-width font)18:30
bulldog98JontheEchidna: I did it and it works 18:30
ulyssesJontheEchidna: it's translatable, but aptitude contains also a similar sentence, so there isn't any problem18:30
ulyssesand it's funny:)18:30
bulldog98JontheEchidna: found that only because I’ve translated it and I had to search the source code to use it18:30
JontheEchidnaoh, right18:31
JontheEchidnabut the picture isn't translateable ;)18:31
JontheEchidnaI forgot there was another sentence in that dialog18:31
bulldog98JontheEchidna: yes18:31
bulldog98JontheEchidna: do you know if it can happen that KDE drops files with an new Bugfix release?18:32
JontheEchidnaperhaps. It wouldn't be common but it would also not be impossible18:32
JontheEchidnae.g. even a file name change will show up as a removal + an addition18:33
bulldog98JontheEchidna: it’s an removal18:33
ScottKIt happens18:35
bulldog98btw is debuild multithreadable?18:36
ScottKdebuild is a wrapper, so it depends.18:36
ScottKdpkg-buildpackage can do parallel builds if they are supported by the package.18:36
bulldog98hm ok ScottK but it is an picture of the doc. So I was asking if it would be OK.18:36
bulldog98Ok thanks ScottK for that information18:37
bulldog98I also got an new app18:48
bulldog98forgot about that but the app got new things18:48
bulldog98can I ignore knetworkconf because it was disabled in 4.4.319:17
sabdflanybody interested in helping setup a daily build of scribus-ng?19:25
sabdfli mailed Oleksander, the debian maintainer who is also an upstream committer19:25
sabdflhe takes very good care of (K)ubuntu users, has more recent packages in an archive with great docs etc19:25
sabdfland he's keen to collaborate on a daily build19:26
ScottKshadeslayer or yofel: Maybe you two would be interested  ^^^19:29
yofelhm, shouldn't be too hard if we use recipes, if the source on https://edge.launchpad.net/scribus is what should be used that is19:34
ScottKsabdfl: ^^^ A volunteer.  He's been working on KDE nightly builds, so should be just about perfect to help out.19:35
apacheloggerbulldog98: no version bumps unless necessary19:46
bulldog98apachelogger: ok and to the knetworkconf? Should I enable it or not19:47
apacheloggerScottK: yeah, that is a very good idea ... now only if I got sponsored ^^19:48
apacheloggerjussi: cool19:48
* jussi crosses fingers19:48
apacheloggerbulldog98: that what the where the when?19:48
EagleScreen         /join ubuntu+119:49
apacheloggerEagleScreen: loose the whitespaces there ;)19:49
sabdflyofel, ScottK: coolio!19:49
bulldog98apachelogger: knetworkconf is enabled in control since 4.4.3 sync with debian19:49
yofelsabdfl: any way I can talk to Oleksander on irc?19:49
* apachelogger notes that the free ati driver is super silly in making the flipping gpu fan spin like wild... and that fan is like super loud19:50
apacheloggervery helicopter like ^^19:50
bulldog98apachelogger: mind your computer is rising into the air19:50
apacheloggerbulldog98: and what is the problem?19:50
sabdflyofel: i bet he's on both freenode and oftc19:50
bulldog98apachelogger: should i enable it or not19:50
bulldog98it’s only uncommenting the lines19:51
apacheloggerbulldog98: you just said that it is enabled since 4.4.3?19:51
bulldog98apachelogger: it’s disabled since 4.4.319:51
apacheloggerthen leave it disabled? ^^19:51
bulldog98apachelogger: sorry writing mistake19:51
bulldog98apachelogger: ok19:52
* bulldog98 builds kdeadmin in pbuilder to satify it’s deps19:52
apacheloggerbulldog98: you need to do more careful research19:53
apacheloggerit is disabled since 4.2.1-0ubuntu3 (jaunty time)19:53
apacheloggerand the changelog entry says that it is disabled because it is utterly broken19:53
bulldog98apachelogger: the last says the same19:54
apacheloggerwell, then, why do you ask :P19:54
apacheloggerclearly the only reason to turn it on again would be that it got unbroken19:54
apacheloggerwhich is not the case19:54
apacheloggerso ... :)19:54
bulldog98apachelogger: to make sure the things I do are right19:54
apacheloggerpoint taken ^^19:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot1.png19:57
apacheloggerwhat i that then?19:57
CIA-71[kdetoys] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100830192034-krummcj2mao6xaed * debian/changelog New upstream release20:20
lex79debfx: in case you lost my last message, why you removed/changed so many our "conflicts/replaces" in Qt ?20:23
lex79debfx: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/qt/ubuntu/revision/111#debian/control20:23
bulldog98what to do if pbuilder ended successfully (I’m not an kubuntu-member)20:31
bulldog98apachelogger: would it be clever to undo the build of knetworkconf, too? So launchpad doesn’t get that much work?20:43
apacheloggerbulldog98: not worth the effort IMHO20:44
apacheloggerthat would probably only cut one minute of the build time20:44
* apachelogger notes that building with an i7 is very nice20:55
* yofel agrees20:57
* rbelem would like to own a computer with i7 :'(20:59
CIA-71[kdewebdev] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100830195942-y48cgwvk3zi135ba * debian/changelog New upstream release20:59
apacheloggerrbelem: write a letter to intel ... dear intelz, I very much luv your products, especially the i7, but I do not posses a PC to put an i7 in, also I have no i7 I could put into a PC, which is very sad. it would be super awesome if you could send me a PC and an i7 to put into that PC. yada yada regards.21:02
apacheloggernote that it must be a letter, they wont believe you if you send an email21:03
rbelemthat will not work21:03
rbelemare ou sure it will work?21:04
dantti_workit will, you'll won two PCs21:05
apacheloggerrbelem: well, it would be worth a try, would it not? also intel is a large company, so there are bound to be spare PCs standing around in some room no one knows about because the person who knew was sacked21:05
ScottKyofel: I'd look up his email address and email him about IRC contact.21:05
rbelemi think i will try21:06
dantti_workrbelem: before you try be sure to erase your name from google :P21:06
apacheloggerI do not think intel employees get payed for googling21:07
bulldog98apachelogger: finished what to do to upload it21:07
yofelScottK: mark cc'd me to the mails so I will21:07
ScottKyofel: Great.21:07
apacheloggerbulldog98: are you member of kubuntu-ninjas?21:07
bulldog98apachelogger: yes21:07
apacheloggersuffix the version with ~ppa1 and set the target series to maverick21:08
rbelemdantti_work, you should try too, as far as i remember you computer is a little bit old too, isn't it?21:08
ScottKAny one having any luck with Kubuntu Maverick beta installs (Live)21:08
apacheloggerthen build a source package and dput it to ppa:kubuntu-ninjas21:08
apacheloggerthen debcommit your bzr changes and push the branch21:08
bulldog98apachelogger: debcommit?21:08
apacheloggerthen find someone to check your commit21:08
apacheloggerbulldog98: man debcommit21:09
apacheloggeroh, you cannot commit21:09
apacheloggeryou are not kubuntu member ;)21:09
dantti_workrbelem: my wife returned my core2duo when I brought her a vaio :P21:09
apacheloggerbulldog98: either create a bzr merge directive (bzr send --help) or a regular patch (bzr diff) and send it to apachelogger@ubuntu.com21:09
debfxlex79: these conflicts aren't necessary for lucid->maverick upgrades21:10
dantti_workrbelem: now I want a vaio :P don't you wanna buy a Dell?21:10
apacheloggerdont buy dells with ati cards :P21:10
apacheloggeryou will get a helicopter for free21:10
rbelemdantti_work, mine is a core2duo too, but it takes too long to compile21:11
dantti_workno, it's a NVidia 8400gs21:11
apacheloggerwell, if you want that then get a machine with ati chip21:11
apacheloggerultimately HD21:11
dantti_workrbelem: which clock? mine is 2.4 pretty fast21:11
* apachelogger is about to finish uprading to vista sp1 \\o/21:12
bulldog98rbelem: buy server hardware (two 8 Cores and 64GiBi Ram) and you won’t have to worry anymore21:12
apacheloggerwriting a letter to IBM?21:12
yofelScottK: I'll try the installation again in a moment, but is 'try kubuntu' supposed to work currently? I get the installer with a slideshow and nothing else http://yofel.dyndns.org/pics/ext/live.png21:12
rbelemthe problem here is money :-D21:12
apacheloggerdear I bee em...21:12
rbelemit would be nice to receive a big black box with the ibm brand :-D21:13
apacheloggeryou know21:13
dantti_workrbelem: you will know that when your child is born, no more money for tech stuff :P21:13
apacheloggerthere is one aspect about server hardware that no one considers21:14
apacheloggerrunning that stuff is flipping expensive21:14
apacheloggerlike srsly21:14
apacheloggercooling alone21:14
* apachelogger just started crying21:14
rbelemdantti_work, i'm already preparing myself for that :'(21:15
apacheloggerdoes apport disobey my orders from /etc/default/apport now21:15
apacheloggeror is it that hook stuff that thinks I want to hear crap from apport?21:16
rbelemapachelogger, i imagine that servers should make the energy bill much more expensive21:17
apacheloggerunless you are married to the boss of the energy provider21:18
apacheloggeror something similar, while he is married to someone else21:19
ScottKyofel: It hasn't been updated since Friday when it didn't work, but it's not clear if that was a one time failure of if everything fails.21:21
yofelScottK: well, the 'try kubuntu' option gives me only the slideshow no matter how often I try it21:27
* yofel goes looking at .xsession-errors21:27
ScottKyofel: It doesn't look like bug 625586 does it?21:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 625586 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity killed by OOM killer" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62558621:27
yofelno, there's plenty of memory left and no oom-killer messages, it just doesn't do anything21:28
yofelerm, as what user is the installer being run?21:28
ScottKNo idea.21:29
ScottKI do know it's supposed to start installing as soon as it can and be working on installing stuff while it asks you questions.21:29
yofelScottK: yeah, but I'm not trying to *install* it, I want to try the live disk21:30
yofelbut the installer doesn't let me21:30
ScottKIIRC that worked.21:30
bulldog98apachelogger: send that mail21:45
apacheloggerbulldog98: 21:48
apacheloggerwhat is the story behind that?21:48
apacheloggerand that is 100% wrong21:48
bulldog98apachelogger: that file is gone in the sourcepackage21:48
apacheloggerso why did you comment it out?21:49
bulldog98apachelogger: maybe it’ll come back21:49
apacheloggerbulldog98: what makes you think that?21:49
bulldog98apachelogger: hm normally I wouldn’t purge an picture for an doc21:50
bulldog98maybe an mistake21:50
apacheloggerwhy did it disappear from the source?21:51
bulldog98apachelogger: I don’t know21:51
apacheloggerbulldog98: see, that is the wrong answer ;)21:52
apacheloggerbulldog98: I recommend you take a look at KDE websvn and try to find a trace of that file and what happened to it21:52
apacheloggerbecause it might very well be that its removal was accidential and now the the documentation would be broken21:52
bulldog98apachelogger: I’ll do that21:53
bulldog98apachelogger: ok that picture was defently old21:58
bulldog98apachelogger: and that was an doc update22:00
bulldog98apachelogger: next time I know for what I have to check22:01
apacheloggerbulldog98: :)22:04
apacheloggerbulldog98: once you have a new patch, just send it my way22:04
* apachelogger is going to go to bed, properly, not keyboard ^^22:04
bulldog98apachelogger: if I do a new patch, do I have to reupload the package?22:05
bulldog98and bump ppa1 to ppa2?22:05
bulldog98apachelogger: ok doing that22:05
apacheloggerbecause you actually uploaded a poluted package it seems (from that debian-changes line I pasted earlier)22:05
apacheloggerso make sure your package does not contain changes outside patches22:06
* apachelogger out22:06
dantti_workcan someone confirm to me that ScanDesktopFiles is false in /etc/PackageKit/PAckageKit.conf in maverick?22:29
dantti_workaccording to http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~packagekit/packagekit/ubuntu-maverick/annotate/head:/debian/patches/defaults.patch it is false22:31
dantti_workScottK: can you make it true?22:31
ScottKdantti_work: I could accept it if someone like apachelogger or JontheEchidna would upload it.22:32
ScottKIf I upload it, I can't accept it and with riddell away, it's best we leave it so I can.22:33
dantti_workright, it's weird cause riddell told me he enabled this, and now a friend told me it isn't :P22:34
sheytanshtylman hi there ;)22:59
sheytani've got an idea about the kubuntu installer22:59
Riddellhow's the installer doing?23:45

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