
vbgunz_im going to get a 60gb vertex 2 ssd disk in a couple days. anybody got experience with one? My main concern is something called alignment. I wish to install everything onto it and possibly without partitioning it (using the whole disk). The thing is, my /home is located on another disk and I want to keep it like that. I don't want a swap partition but a swap file (to avoid partitioning), any tips?00:34
Torchvbgunz_: what's so bad about partitioning?00:54
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=== Mike is now known as Guest9319
vbgunz_Torch: partitioning an ssd correctly involves some weird science. I mean, you just can't partition it and be done with it, you gotta align heads, sectors and a bunch of other gibberish stuff that you probably aint never think about before02:59
vbgunz_Torch: anyhow, supposedly, if you dont partition an ssd and just use the entire disk, everything is aligned correctly. my disk coming in is small 60gb and the only real partition I need is my /home *but* thats already on another disk03:00
Torchvbgunz_: just make sure you align the partition start correctly.03:00
=== raffi is now known as Guest38799
vbgunz_Torch: easier said than done. I've been checking out the ocz forum and there is no solid walk through or step by step thats assured to work for me except simply using the whole disk03:01
Torchvbgunz_: i'm not familiar with SSDs but i would be really surprised if you ran into any problems provided you just align all partitions on a 4096 sector boundary03:02
Torchvbgunz_: i.e. make sure they start at a sector number evenly divisable by 409603:03
vbgunz_Torch, the FAQs at OCZ state  2048 Sectors or 1024KB03:04
Torchvbgunz_: right. so 4096 would be fine too, see?03:04
Torchvbgunz_: simple math.03:04
Torchvbgunz_: background reading: http://blog.volker-lanz.de/2010/05/30/new-in-kde-partition-manager-1-1-iii-support-for-4096-byte-sectors/03:05
vbgunz_my kde partition manager looks like it has a gnome interface03:05
vbgunz_its just busted but im gonna check out that article03:05
Torchvbgunz_: partition manager 1.0.x cannot do what you need.03:06
Torchvbgunz_: screenshot please.03:06
vbgunz_Torch: yeah, I have 1.0.103:06
Torchvbgunz_: there's no official release yet of 1.1, i'm afraid. either get it from svn and build yourself (not recommended ;-)) or use parted directly03:07
Torchvbgunz_: or don't partition if you really don't need more than one partition EVER on that thing... i'd never think of doing that, though.03:07
vbgunz_Torch: I can show you a screenshot as I just took one, its the only kde app that looks like garbage whereas everything else is oxygen all the way03:08
Torchvbgunz_: i sure would like to see that.03:08
vbgunz_what photo sharing site would be simplest to post too?03:08
Torchvbgunz_: ah, your root user has a crappy style set.03:09
vbgunz_Torch: I don't think so, one sec03:09
Torchvbgunz_: use the pastebin plasmoid03:09
vbgunz_Torch: yeah I think you right03:09
vbgunz_gotta launch kdesudo systemsettings and change my root theme?03:10
Torchvbgunz_: exactly03:10
vbgunz_cause damn, its so busted03:10
Torchvbgunz_: or try "partitionmanager --dontsu" from a shell... it'll bitch about not having root, but you can force it. i bet it will look okay then.03:10
vbgunz_Torch: it looks awesome, otherwise it was looking like GTK 103:11
Torchvbgunz_: sounds terrifying ;-)03:12
vbgunz_supposedly though, I can use the entire disk. I never used an entire disk before. I have always partitioned my disk. but using a whole disk shouldn't be a bad idea, I am just worried about grub, installing it onto the ssd should work I hope?03:13
Torchvbgunz_: but anyway, don't use partitionmanager 1.0.x for your SSD, you'll run into alignment problems. (the blog entry explains why)03:13
vbgunz_yeah I am gonna read that for absolutely sure03:13
Torchvbgunz_: i don't think you can install grub AND not partition03:13
vbgunz_Torch: man, thats what I was afraid of, I believe it isn't possible03:14
Torchvbgunz_: if you don't partition, the filesystem will use the whole disk and start at sector 1. that's where grub would want to write some of its stuff...03:14
draikHello everyone. I'm trying to figure out why I can't access a page online, but using the IP address works. Also, using a proxy shows that the site is available.03:14
draikBy trying the IP, the whole site doesn't really function. I'm sure that's because it is tied into the use of the domain name, rather than being a relative path for the content/CSS03:15
vbgunz_Torch, im gonna bust my ass then trying to figure out the correct alignment, Torch may I ask for your opinion? If I use fdisk to partition the alignment, hopefully I get it right, I can just pop in the install cd and use the partitions already available on the ssd *without* worrying about alignment anymore, correct?03:16
Torchvbgunz_: absolutely03:16
Torchvbgunz_: you just need to create ONE partition in parted (or fdisk, if you prefer) and set its start sector to 2048 and the last sector to the number of sectors.03:17
Torchvbgunz_: that's all.03:17
vbgunz_Torch: maybe and hopefully I am being just sort of stupid and making this bigger than it really is, I am just trying to prepare for using this ssd and if I understand correctly, a whole lot more care needs to go into just setting one up. I think alignment was my only issue so I'll keep googling it03:17
Torchvbgunz_: you already have that thing in your computer?03:18
vbgunz_no, I get it in a couple days, just trying to prepare myself for what I need before I just try to use it03:18
Torchdraik: your conclusion sounds correct. it also sounds you have dns resolution problems on your kubuntu setup...03:19
draikTorch: I'm using Google's DNS on my router.03:19
vbgunz_draik, I use google dns too03:19
Torchvbgunz_: you can just install it as a data disk, partition it, create a file system and benchmark it. if it's terribly slow you know the alignement is wrong.03:19
vbgunz_whats the site?03:19
draikvbgunz_: t-mobile.com03:19
vbgunz_I have my dns servers at and and t-mobile.com shows up for me just fine03:20
draikI get "404 - Not Found"03:20
Torchdraik: with the host name or the IP address?03:21
vbgunz_I use konqueror and it finishes the address like this http://www.t-mobile.com/03:21
draikTorch: That's with the domain name. I can use the resolving IP address and it somewhat loads.03:21
draikAnd now it loads03:22
draikBTW, this was happening in Firefox and Opera03:22
draikTo clarify, http://www.t-mobile.com works now.03:23
Torchdraik: so your problem is solved for now?03:23
vbgunz_hey Torch, I just want to thank you for suggestions and opinions, its all very much appreciated03:23
draikTorch: Yes. I also like that you added "for now".03:23
Torchvbgunz_: your welcome.03:23
Torchdraik: heh ;-)03:23
rav__hello. I had been having issues with Kontact, so the other day I closed it and started using the components separately. But now, when I try to use Kontact again, it opens the components in separate windows. Am I the only one with issues?03:25
=== rackIT is now known as rackIT_AFK
rodeo_Hello everyone03:47
rodeo_Someone to help me out!03:47
rodeo_It seems no one in the channel right now!03:48
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
draikCame and left?03:49
draikNo wonder you don't get much support there, sparky.03:49
=== root is now known as Guest60014
rodeo_My update software is not working04:14
rodeo_It comes up errors all the time, without getting connected, how do I repair it04:14
rodeo_Hello! update sofware not working! Help please!04:15
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:16
rodeo_I have just installed Kubuntu 10.4 yesterday04:17
rodeo_I believe thhis is the latest, so do I need upgrade?04:18
rodeo_Again sound problem in Media players only video available, how do I correct this04:19
rodeo_scans: you there!04:19
rodeo_Help me with this two problems04:20
rodeo_Is there a terminal command to correct this04:20
rodeo_Scans: any idea04:22
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest48543
=== Guest48543 is now known as twirp
dennisterdownloaded and installed original bittorrent, with the gui, but it's not in my menus anywhere...how do I start the app?05:01
frogonwheelsdennister:   alt+f2 bittorrent ??05:18
dennisterfrogonwheels: will try05:19
dennisteroh, right...it's a console app...but I try to stay with the gui stuff 'cuz I train newbies05:20
frogonwheelsdennister: so run konsole?05:35
dennisterfrogonwheels: no, I ended up doing a search on how to properly uninstall utorrent, which would always totally freeze my desktop, and then I was able to reinstall the newer version of uttorent under wine05:36
frogonwheelsunder wine?  aren't there better torrent  programs that would run native?05:37
dennisternow I can download again...for some reason ktorrent and Transmission were not able to connect to hundreds of seeders all day05:38
frogonwheelshm oh -ok.05:38
frogonwheelsdennister: what about running bittorrent?05:38
dennisterok, once in a blue moon ktorrent was able to connect to a lonely 1 peer out of hundreds of possibilities for that  same file...but then only for a short time05:38
frogonwheelswow - strange05:39
dennisteri think i'll give up on bittorrent, as I always did like utorrent, the ability to randomize my ports...05:39
dennisterfrogonwheels: strange is definitely the word for it05:39
dennisteruttorent is so nice and small, and one of the leaders in battling the evil throttlers05:41
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
=== curtis is now known as Guest2394
Guest2394hey guys got a question?... So i hvae grub installed to my USB Pen-drive so i need to boot from USB to boot into linux which i like so i no one can boot my linux-box whilst im away without the pen drive. so i was thinking is their any way i can encrypt my entire drive so it cant even be accessed without the pen-drive?.06:55
DarthFrog!encryption | Guest239407:01
ubottuGuest2394: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory07:01
Guest2394thank you07:01
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cayetanohow can i install adobe flash player? I'am not very long a linux user.... So if anybody could help me... :-)08:38
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thedoghi guys, i've updated kde to 4.5 but now kpackagekit looks ugly11:37
thedogis there a known reason?11:37
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sergio__tutto bene12:35
=== v3nd3tta`` is now known as v3n``afk
=== tynninp1 is now known as Dura
anitahelp my music wont play in kbuntu13:17
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:23
Treq /msg ubottu !bot13:25
=== anita is now known as Anita
=== root is now known as Guest36597
=== v3n``afk is now known as v3nd3tta``
FlashDeluxehi @ all! I`m new to linux and I have created a RAID Array and i dont know how to find out whicht letters this array has got (sdaX or sth else), how can i find out?14:24
Belgyyour raid don´t have a "classic" /dev/sdaX14:28
Belgyit will be more like /dev/mapper_Grid_something14:29
FlashDeluxeits a hardware raid and i dont have sth like /dev/mapper_Grid_something, theres only a directory /dev/mapper with volume groups in it14:31
FlashDeluxebut i have a lot of sdaX/sdcX in my /dev14:31
Belgy"sudo dmraid -r" could help14:34
FlashDeluxetheres no command 'dmraid' on my system :(14:35
Belgy"sudo aptitude install dmraid"14:37
FlashDeluxethis command says 'No RAID disks'14:38
FlashDeluxeI think the reaseon is that i made a hardware raid, linux doesnt know anything about this array, because it only sees a harddisk?!14:40
Belgyoh right, didn't read carefully your previous message14:40
FlashDeluxewith fdisk -l /dev/sda and fdisk -l /dev/sdc i see the array, but i cannot change the ID :(14:41
FlashDeluxei am a little bit confuseb because it says '/dev/sdc4           14593       38904   195286140    5  Extended' and '/dev/sda2               8        8510    68300347+   5  Extended'14:43
Belgysorry, this is beyond my knowledge :s14:44
FlashDeluxenow, whats that? Is the name of my hdd-array sda2 or sdc4?14:44
Belgyreal hardware RAID is quite uncommon14:44
FlashDeluxemhh ok :(14:44
=== 17SABE51S is now known as georgelm_
e01hey all15:06
e01what videcard you are using15:06
e01i am using 8600gt and when resizing windows with kwin they looks ugly sliced15:07
FlashDeluxee01: do you have the current nvidia drivers installed?15:09
e01FlashDeluxe: yes15:09
e01from the aptutude, right?15:10
FlashDeluxei had the same prob, after i installed this driver http://www.treiberupdate.de/treiber-download/download-171185-treiber-nVidia-Linuxx86DisplayGeForce8600GT_8600GS_8400GS_95.html the problem was solved15:10
FlashDeluxei have the 8600gt, too15:11
e01i`ll test now15:13
e01FlashDeluxe: i had problems when install it15:26
e01can u help me because i broke my x15:26
FlashDeluxee01: I can try. What kind of problems?15:27
e01ahm.. the driver is 177.70.18 right?15:28
e01when start instalation, accepting license... it show me an ERROR: If you are using a Linux 2.4 kernel....15:28
FlashDeluxeyes it is, what kernel do you use?15:29
FlashDeluxeok it should work with this kernel, so what did you do exactly?15:30
e01sh Linux_x86_Display....run15:31
FlashDeluxeand what does it say if you do it?15:31
e01nothink wrong, dialog to accept license, dialog to15:32
e01i am think that i had no kernel sources15:32
e01needed for the compiling nvidia15:33
FlashDeluxethis could be an explanation ;) you definitly need the sources15:33
FlashDeluxeso install the sources and try again15:33
e01how can i install them from aptitude with command line15:33
FlashDeluxesudo aptitude install linux-source-2.6.3215:35
e01FlashDeluxe: again the same error15:46
FlashDeluxecan you poste the complete error?15:46
e01this is the log from the nvidia`s installer15:49
FlashDeluxeok, do the following: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r`15:53
FlashDeluxeand then try again15:53
e01FlashDeluxe: again :(15:54
FlashDeluxeso you have kernel-sources and headers installed?15:55
FlashDeluxeand you start the script with sudo or as root?15:55
FlashDeluxeand gcc is also installed?15:56
e01ofcourse :)15:57
e01gcc 4.415:57
FlashDeluxelooks like the installer doenst find the sources, does /lib/modules/2.6.32-24-generic/build existß15:59
e01how can i fix it?15:59
e01i try to make symlink /usr/src/linux to point to the current sources but without success16:00
FlashDeluxeyou can run the sh script with sudo sh Linux-bla-bla.run --kernel-source-path=/path/to/the/sources16:01
jimmy51_sitting here browsing the web i just lost sound support.  amarok was playing an mp3 and cut out... now no sound.  i could reboot... but i'd like to know what happened.  i closed my browser.16:03
e01FlashDeluxe: the interesting is that with nvidia driver 256.44 i had no problems16:05
e01it is compiled successful16:06
FlashDeluxeso, was it the driver which was installed before?16:08
e01dunno, the recommended from the aptitude16:09
FlashDeluxemhhh strange...then reinstall it, so that you have at least a X16:18
FlashDeluxe@all: how can i backup my partitiontable which is currently running (i made changes to it, these changes will take effect by the next reboot and it don`t want them to take effect, so i want to correct my changes back)16:23
bbeckI was wondering if anyone here has tried out the new ubuntu font with KDE?  Does it look alright?16:32
Anitacan i get help with kubuntu here or is there a channel for that16:35
James147Anita: yup this is the place16:35
Anitaok i cannot play my music i saved from itunes after i installed kubuntu16:36
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:37
Anitaok thanks16:38
muimotahi I've just installed kubuntu 10.04.1 and updated to kde 4.516:45
muimotaeverything works great but programs in kpackagekit are twice16:45
muimotafor example when installin eclipse16:46
muimotaeclipse-jdt -3.5.2ubuntu4(amd64)16:47
muimota and eclipse-jdt -3.5.2-2ubuntu4.2(amd64) pacakges are avaliable . Which one should I install?16:47
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
James147muimota: heh, they are :S install the 4.2 one... the other gives me dependency errors :)16:54
muimotaJames147: thanks , is there a way to remove all the invalid packages16:55
James147muimota: there not "invalid"... they are just older versions that are in the main repos (the backports ppa you added adds newer versions)... not sure why kpackagekit is listing both versions though :s16:56
muimotaJames147: ah, cool it makes sense, tahnks16:57
Anitawonderful i have music and video playing16:57
James147muimota: you should probally file a bug report for that is there isnt one already :)16:58
Anitanow any help with torrents16:59
Anitait is way to slow16:59
DarthFrogAnita: Your ISP is probably throttling torrent traffic.17:03
James147^^ or many other factors  could affect it17:05
James147Anita: http://ktorrent.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=122417:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:26
=== scans is now known as Scans
sergiosalve a tutti17:28
DarthFrog!it | sergio17:29
ubottusergio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:29
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
RoeyDarthFrog:  awesome nick17:49
robbit10How do I switch to Kubuntu from Ubuntu, and how do I switch back if I decide I don't like it?18:09
DarthFrogrobbit10: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-deskop"18:10
DarthFrogrobbit10: Then you can switch between Kubuntu (KDE) and Ubuntu (GNOME) when you login in, each time.18:10
DarthFrogIt'd be your choice which you run.18:11
robbit10DarthFrog, I have done that before and it mixes the menu's with GNOME and KDE apps, including Audio settings, appearance settings, and just any other GNOME settings app. It becomes a real mess that way.. Do you know a cleaner way?18:13
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »18:13
khyronhi hi afternoon18:57
khyronim new linux user18:57
James147!hi | khyron18:58
ubottukhyron: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:58
khyronim brasilian19:00
khyronand not have good english19:01
khyronbut i try19:01
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »19:04
robbit10Erm, guys, the GNOME removal instructions for Kubuntu 10.04 are outdated... Where can I find a more up-to-date one?19:09
macowhats wrong with them?19:10
robbit10The latest instructions are for Karmic.. And they don't encompass the applications installed by Ubuntu 10.0419:10
macothey list individual packages? O_O wow19:11
macoit used to just be like...remove gtk and everything goes away19:11
macoor maybe thats how the puregnome one works...just removing qt19:12
macoanyway, the 9.10 instructions should work. there's not much change in default installed stuff, except run "dpkg -l indicator*" to see the indicator applets and umm pitivi is installed by default in ubuntu now19:12
macothough ... that pitivi change might be for 10.10. i dont remember...19:13
robbit10maco: I'm impressed with what I see when I installed Kubuntu though. Kubuntu used to be this not-quite-polished, crashy, slow, buggy distribution. I've used it for less than a day, but still, what I have seen so far is extremely nice.19:14
James147robbit10: when did you use it before? the kde 4.x versions started out quite buggy due to it being an almsot complete rewrite19:16
robbit10James147: Quite a while ago, back when it ran kde 3.5. I think it was on Kubuntu Gutsy, or something like that.19:17
macogutsy had 4.119:17
robbit10Then it was even earlier than that19:17
macoand was really buggy19:17
robbit10By the way, while we're on the subject.. Is it safe to install KDE 4.5?19:18
James147maco: your sure? wasnt hardy the first to get kde 4.0 (with 3.5 as wells )19:18
macoi think the desktop search stuff is problematic in it... but other than that, yeah19:18
* maco facepalms19:18
macoJames147: i was thinking g comes after h19:19
James147yeah, desktop search seems to be broken but other then that its much more responsive19:19
robbit10Hmm... I won't install it even if it has one broken segment. This one seems to be working fine, so i'm not gonna touch that.19:29
James147robbit10: up to you :) but I think the overall improvements in it are worth losing desktop search :)  (well, not that I ever used them at all)19:32
robbit10James147: Is it really that much better? I'll switch if it is really that much better. However, what would I have to do when the next version of Kubuntu hits?19:33
macothe next version of kubuntu has 4.5 already19:33
maco(im using it right now)19:33
James147robbit10: I think it is (but then again I have been running it since the RC versions and cant quite remember what 4.4 was like)19:34
=== v3nd3tta`` is now known as v3n``afk
DarthFrogKDE 4.5 is solid.  Mind you, I don't use desktop search either.19:34
James147robbit10: and if you upgrade to the next version not much will change... (the backports ppa will be disabled) but you will have kde4.5 in the main repos so that dosnt really matter19:34
robbit10James147: In that case, I'll upgrade.19:35
=== v3n``afk is now known as v3nd3tta``
atbin Windows there is an option where you can press and release Ctrl and it makes a ring eminate from your cursor so you can find it if you've lost track of it... is there something similar in KDE 4?19:35
atb* cursor = mouse pointer19:36
James147atb: last i checked there was soemthing in desktop effects to do taht19:36
atbJames147: thanks for the tip! I was looking under mouse settings!19:36
James147atb: although it made a ring of stars appear... didnt look as good as it could have :S19:37
James147^^although it did let you find your mouse quickly :)19:37
robbit10James147: I've enabled the backports PPA repo and started up the Software Updates pane, and it blocked some updates.. is it safe to install these blocked updates?19:37
James147robbit10: "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"  (or using apt-get) is the ebst way to do it19:38
James147robbit10: kpackagekit wont do it since it dosnt like upgrades that can remove/install other packages (which you need to upgrade)19:39
robbit10James147: thanks :)19:39
James147atb: (the effect is called "Track Mouse" under the "Accessibility" section of the desktop effects window)19:40
=== da196 is now known as da186
atbJames147: I found it under Desktop Effects>All Effects>Track Mouse but it won't turn one since Kubuntu has been hell for me graphics wise.19:42
James147atb: i take it then you cant enable the desktop effects?19:43
James147(on the general tab that is)19:43
atbi tried once, but it gave me an error19:44
atbthen i did it again and it let me... but nothing changed :/19:44
atbeverytime I log back into Kubuntu it resets all my graphic settings. I suspect it doesn't like that I've rotated one my monitors 90'19:44
James147atb: hmm, dont see why it would care.... what graphics card do you have?19:44
atba relatively modern GeForce19:45
James147then it shouldnt have a problem...19:45
James147atb: if you really think it is the rotated monitor i suggest disabling/rotating it back and trying (only to see if it actually is or if something else is wrong)19:46
atbit is: E-GEFORCE 8800GT 600MHZ 512MB 1.8GHZ DDR3 PCI-E19:46
James147dam that should have no problems :) i am only on a 7300 :)19:46
v3nd3tta``James147 did you overclock it or are you happy with your gk?19:48
atbdid you install proprietary drivers or using the stock ones Kubuntu comes wiht?19:49
James147havent overclocked it... wouldnt say i was happy with it (kde runs fine... but the dam thing hates shadows in any game)19:49
v3nd3tta``i have it too but q3 runs fine :D19:49
James147atb: i have the nvidia ones as the default ones dont handel 3d as well yet19:49
v3nd3tta``the default ones can't even handle with the desktop effects19:50
v3nd3tta``or mine could not19:50
James147v3nd3tta``: in lucid?19:50
v3nd3tta``yeah, when i upgraded, my desktop effects were disabled because i had to download the nvidia drivers19:51
* James147 dosnt remember them sucking that much at desktop effects when he fist installed lucid19:51
atbi guess my next step will be to install the nvidia ones19:51
v3nd3tta``you should do that19:51
v3nd3tta``(i think)19:51
James147atb: yup :) easiest to do that from jockey-kde (Hardware Drivers in the menu)   (or installing nvidia-current)19:52
atbjust "apt-get install nvidia-current" ?19:52
James147atb: sudo ...   but yeah :)19:53
atb...or run as root :)19:53
atbwhich i learned not to do the hard way... :'(19:53
James147atb: you shouldnt be doing :)19:53
James147which you ^^19:54
atbalright, installed... now to reboot!19:55
James147dont need to reboot :)19:55
atbwow... so now it no longer recognises my second monitor... this _worse_ than with the stock drivers :'(19:58
James147atb: I would run "kdesudo nvidia-settings" to setup the second monitor20:00
robbit10I'm running KDE 4.5 now, but on the desktop there's a weird border that encompasses about 70% of my desktop. It's a border made out of shadow. How do I remove it?20:08
James147robbit10: can you take a screen shot of it?20:09
robbit10James147: Okay, but what's the tool in KDE4 for taking screenshots?20:10
James147ksnapshot (it is launched by the peintscreen key)20:10
robbit10James147: screenshot: http://yfrog.com/m9snapshot1op20:15
robbit10James147: I mean, http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/8692/snapshot1o.png20:15
James147robbit10: hmm20:16
zapperi cant access the touchpad options on the control panel20:17
James147robbit10: not sure what is causing that :S ... i take it its only on the desktop?20:17
zapper2 days ago i could20:17
robbit10James147: Yep.20:17
zapperit stopped working sudenly20:17
sergio__come faccio a collegarmi a un tuo canale?20:19
James147robbit10: I would guess there is a problem in updating your plasma settings... you could try renaming ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc (or plasma-desktoprc... or any file that starts with plasma there although i think its most likly the first one)  this will reset plasma back to its default settings (and all the widgets). If you want you can create a new user first to test it20:20
Pici!it | sergio__20:20
ubottusergio__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:20
robbit10James147: Ok. Logging out and in, now20:21
robbit10James147: That worked. Thanks :)20:22
James147robbit10: :) sometimes kde settings get chewed up on an upgrade... although it dosnt happen much any more :)20:23
robbit10James147: What is the shortcut for switching between workspaces?20:24
James147robbit10: crtl+Fx  (x being 1-11)20:24
robbit10James147: thanks :)20:24
MakuseruHi, im having some problems, I've got no sound over hdmi. Video works fine, volume is set where it should be on the tv im outputting to, i have vlc set for hdmi output, but i get no sound. When i run the "test" in multimedia for the hdmi output device i hear nothing. How can i get audio over hdmi working?20:40
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benbloomIs it inappropriate to ask for help printing from my Lucid Kubuntu box to my Windows 7 machine's printer?21:10
Erick661Kubuntu (KDE 4.5) licid don't mount my iphone but gnome does it. Is there any way to mount my iphone KDE (3GS)?21:28
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or !QtParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter21:29
KoliaErick661: what if you plug the iphone before starting the computer, and then launch Amarok?21:32
Erick661ok. I will try that21:33
NSsmilesi still can't get videos to play on facebook22:27
NSsmileswith kubuntu22:27
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NSsmilesif you buy a linux disk will it have everything you need like windows??22:28
NSsmilesyes disk22:29
guestdisk are not OS based..22:29
NSsmileswhat are they22:29
guestu can format disk as you want22:29
NSsmilesi'm having problem after problem  with it22:30
guestlinux disk means..link already install on that disk22:30
guestlike what22:30
NSsmilestorrents slow video wont play on facebook22:30
guestwhich torrent client u r using..22:31
NSsmilesi had trouble getting music to play and video but got that fixed22:31
guestfor videos just install VLC22:31
guestit comes with the packages which need to view online videos too22:31
NSsmilesit's ktorrent22:32
guesttry Auze22:32
guestsorry Vuze22:32
guestu have firefox?22:33
guestfor browsing..22:33
guestor google crome22:33
James147NSsmiles: see this for the slow torrents: http://ktorrent.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=122422:35
NSsmilesbrb phone22:35
NSsmilesi cant seem to get other programs when i search nothing comes up22:39
NSsmilesfirefox shows installer and when i try to install it says it's already installed but i can't find it22:39
guestwhere u from22:39
James147NSsmiles: you need to update the package lists (click the refresh button on the updates tab in kpackagekit)22:40
guestdo it then..22:40
guestI recommand u to start using Ubuntu...22:40
James147guest: why?...22:41
guestits best linux based os22:41
James147guest: then why are you here?22:41
largescriban es  espa;ol22:41
larg vichos22:41
James147!es | larg22:41
ubottularg: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:41
guestwhat it written in spainsh22:42
guest 22:44
NSsmilesok  i got vuze22:45
NSsmilesso what will fix the prob with videos on facebook?22:45
James147NSsmiles: no, since its a torrent application22:46
James147sorry miss read22:46
James147NSsmiles: what does facebook use for videos, flash? or raw files?22:46
NSsmilesflash i think22:47
James147try running this: "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer && sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer"22:49
NSsmilesdidn't work22:52
James147NSsmiles: make sure you close all your browsers after it has finished22:53
NSsmilesthe run window closed when i search it22:54
NSsmilesnothing   is happening in the torrent prog22:58
NSsmileswhen i search22:58
James147what torrent prog?22:59
NSsmilesthe  one you told me about vuze23:00
James147I didnt tell you that.... never used it before so I dont know about it23:00
James147I would just use ktorrent... and configure it properly23:01
NSsmileshow do i configure it23:02
NSsmilesmust have been guest that told me about vuze23:03
James147NSsmiles: see this: http://ktorrent.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=122423:03
James147NSsmiles: or better yet: http://torrentfreak.com/utorrent-developer-shares-bittorrent-speed-tips-080805/  explains things beter :)23:06
NSsmilesthe settings seem to be rite23:17
James147NSsmiles: you might want to try asking in #ktorrent   or searching google... there are many reason for slow torrents23:20
`DT`is it possible to burn a live disk from your current instalation using KDE3.5?23:20
James147`DT`: it should be possible to burn a live cd form kde 3.5...23:22
`DT`do you know how?23:22
James147I would use k3b23:22
James147`DT`: (or do you mean 'of' your corrent installation?23:23
`DT`of my current installation23:23
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.23:23
`DT`not what i'm looking for23:24
ubottuCreating custom Live CDs is explained on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization23:24
James147was trying to get that :)23:24
James147(there is a link on there to creating one from scratch if you havnt already found it)23:26
`DT`ok, i am confused on the23:34
`DT`"the disk image"23:34
`DT`part https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch23:34
`DT`stupid enter key -_-23:34
`DT`how do i find the files it's telling me to copy?23:35
leonardoqualcuno parla la mio lingua23:37
James147`DT`: I think thats explaing what things are rather then how to do it...23:37
leonardou undertand nothing, i speak only italian mannnn23:38
James147`DT`: What I would do is quickly read over the whole page before attempting it so you get an idea of whats to follow23:38
James147!it | leonardo23:39
ubottuleonardo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:39
leonardograzie amico mio23:39
=== km is now known as Guest9205
NSsmilesi tried and i cannot find out how to get the torrent ktorrent to work23:50
NSsmileswhat is DHT23:52
brian__Hey guys23:57
brian__So, since there are only 2 versions of Kubuntu, desktop or netbook23:57
brian__andI ordered a 64 bit laptop23:57
brian__that has a legit sized screen23:57
brian__I should use the 64 bit desktop editions23:57
macodesktop & netbook are going to be a single install in 10.10 btw :)23:58
brian__That's good23:58
brian__I think any and all advances Linux distros make towards being easier to use/install is good23:58
brian__are good*23:58
brian__Fail at grammar23:58
brian__I've gotta burna new 64 bit disc cause I just ordered a new 64 bit laptop23:59
brian__actually, I have to burn two23:59
brian__Because my friend just got a new 64 bit desktop23:59
brian__and he is gonna try Linux :D23:59

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