
MTecknologyI was just thinking - would there be any issues in using the launchpad logo in a website theme of mine? I want to use it for an openid login01:48
lifelessthats more a question for #launchpad-dev and the answer is 'some issues'01:56
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kermiachi, is there any way to configure a mailing list to accept emails from people who are not registered on launchpad? Currently if someone who has not associated their email account with a LP account tries to send an email to our mailing list, the email does not even appear in the moderation queue03:18
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kermiachi, is there any way to configure a mailing list to accept emails from people who are not registered on launchpad? Currently if someone who has not associated their email account with a LP account tries to send an email to our mailing list, the email does not even appear in the moderation queue04:43
persiakermiac, You'd probably do better to file a question against launchpad (answers.launchpad.net/launchpad) than ask repeatedly here.04:44
persiaFolks who know don't seem to be around, and it might be quite a while before they get to backscroll (and even some normal backscroll readers skip weekend backscroll within the LP support team)04:45
kermiacgood idea, thanks persia04:45
lifelessI'm pretty sure they get a bounce message05:04
lifelessand the answer is [currently?] no.05:04
kermiacthanks lifeless05:05
lvhI didn't have an internet connection on my new laptop yesterday and I did a bunch of commits09:45
lvhtoday I uploaded all of them to lp, forgetting that I screwed up my bzr whoami09:45
lvhso lp sort-of-kind-of knows who I am (... I had to register my ssh key, and I'm pushing to stuff under ~lvh)09:45
lvhBut it doesn't link to my profile and the email address is bogus (lvh@lagavulin instead of lvh@laurensvh.be)09:45
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thopiekarI'm waiting around 23hours for a branch import.. see https://code.edge.launchpad.net/enlightenment12:09
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jelmerthopiekar: approved12:15
thopiekarjelmer: thanks!12:52
thopiekarjelmer: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54622879/e17-users-enlightenment-eina-deb-svn.log12:52
jelmerthopiekar: it should retry12:53
hrwhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/54624641/8njzxrlg9rh5TZOxPCvmtjdC4I2.txt - is such trackback normal (so my package is wrong) or not (so it is launchpad problem)?13:19
wgranthrw: Which build are you looking at?13:21
hrwhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~hrw/+archive/arm-cross-compiler/+build/1940050 one13:23
wgranthrw: Your package is buggy.13:26
wgrantYou are clearly doing some very odd mangling.13:26
hrwso now I need to find out how to 'fix' it13:26
wgrantBasically, it's producing a binutils binary which expects to be built from a binutils source.13:27
wgrantA binutils source of that version, in particular.13:27
wgrantWhereas your source package is neither named binutils nor does it have that version.13:28
hrwmy package is a bit complicated one13:28
hrwit builds cross-binutils, cross-gcc, cross-eglibc, cross-linux-headers using dpkg-buildpackage on their *-source binary packages.13:29
hrwso it looks like I will need to hack resulting packages to have them other source listed13:29
wgrantWhy are you doing that?13:30
wgrantWhy not have them as separate sources?13:30
hrwI am bootstrapping cross compiler13:30
hrwI need to build binutils, linux-headers, gcc 1, eglibc 1, gcc 2, eglibc 2. Then package results and ship. results are used to build final cross-gcc13:31
wgranthrw: You can't build them separately?13:36
hrwbut even if I would split steps then problem will be the same13:39
jelmerthopiekar, looks like it succeeded now14:08
thopiekarjelmer: thanks again ;)14:08
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MezHmm, I cant seem to link a branch to a bug :(15:33
jelmerMez: The web page should have a link for doing so; you can also use "--fixes lp:XXXXXX " to bzr commit15:35
Mezjelmer: does that work on a push too ?15:36
Mezjelmer: yeah - I was doing that, though it wasn't coming back as done.15:36
MezBut apparently it was done.15:36
MezI think it may just be a usability thing - it wasn't apparent (as the description was long) that it'd been linked.15:37
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ali1234https://launchpad.net/~a-j-buxton/+karma - how did i get those 10 points for "bazaar branches" - have have never used bazaar that i can remember. is it a bug?15:56
jelmerali1234, did you ever contribute to a git repository that is mirrored by launchpad perhaps?16:10
jelmerali1234, your lp homepage shows you've contributed to linux?16:10
ali1234i have some commits in the kernel16:10
jelmerthat would explain it16:10
ali1234ok, thanks :)16:11
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Gdon't know if it's just me or not, but have the builders frozen up?16:48
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Ggot two ppa builds going, and the logs have been stuck for ~5mins+ in a place where I wouldn't expect, and some other builds aren't appearing to be updating the logs etc16:49
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Glooks like they've come right for me now17:05
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trippshello. How do I find bugs that I've reported on and/or indicated also affected me?17:22
gesertripps: http://launchpad.net/people/+me/+reportedbugs for the first part of your question17:25
MTecknologyIs there a known bug where bug heat doesn't show up on the bug summary page?17:28
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deryck[lunch]MTecknology, what bug summary page?  the top-level bugs page for a project or package?17:41
trippsgeser, thanks! now for the second part? :)17:53
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MTecknologyderyck[lunch]: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal18:25
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deryckMTecknology, hey.  Yeah, it's a by-design kind of decision, and I think there is a bug requesting the table show heat as well.18:47
deryckMTecknology, if not, please feel free to file a new bug stating you'd like to see heat there.18:48
MTecknologyderyck: ok- thanks18:49
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SpamapS11 seconds. :(19:15
lifelessSpamapS: hi19:17
lifeless /beta/ tsk tsk, /1.0/19:17
lifelessthey can take different code paths19:17
SpamapSlifeless: Oh, I'm following this https://help.launchpad.net/API/Hacking19:17
SpamapSlifeless: 11 seconds on 1.0 too. :-/19:18
lifelessso, https://devpad.canonical.com/~stub/ppr/lpnet/daily_2010-08-25_2010-08-26/timeout-candidates.html19:18
SpamapSsome query iteration going on there?19:18
lifelessjust looking in https://devpad.canonical.com/~stub/ppr/lpnet/daily_2010-08-25_2010-08-26/combined.html to get a feeling19:20
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lifelessSpamapS: so, it may be 'Person:+bugs'19:28
lifelessoh no, its the global19:29
* lifeless digs again19:29
lifeless(sorry had a short ELOCAL in the middle)19:29
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lifelesslet me see if leonardr/deryck know the pageid fo rthis19:31
lifeless-> #launchpad-dev19:31
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zygawhen I do bzr push I get "server sent unexpected response"19:47
zygait seems the other side branch is locked19:48
zygais there any way I can break the lock?19:48
beunozyga, yes, bzr break-lock URL19:49
zygabeuno, I just tried that, it didn't help (I used the remote URL branch)19:50
beunozyga, what was the output of break-lock?19:51
beunoalso. do you have write access to that branch?19:51
zygathere is no output19:51
zygabeuno, yes, that is my branch, I push there all the time19:51
beunozyga, so "bzr break-lock lp:~zkrynicki/launch-control/stable.pure-server-side-models" and pushing again doesn't fix it?19:52
zygabeuno, that's correct19:52
zygabeuno, I'm on 2.2.0 on lucid19:52
* beuno taps on abentley's shoulder19:52
* beuno also sees lifeless in the back19:52
* zyga loves the good customer service :-D19:53
beunorockstar, maybe you're around?20:01
rockstarbeuno, hi.20:01
beunosounds like zyga's branch is stuck20:01
beunohiya rockstar!20:01
* rockstar reads backlog20:01
abentleybeuno, I'm around, it's just not obvious what's going on.20:03
rockstarzyga, hm.  When you bzr break-lock, what happens?20:03
rockstarabentley, hi.20:03
abentleybeuno, I think it's a defective lockdir structure, because there should be a file in that directory, and there isn't one.20:04
beunoabentley, aha, I've seen that before, had to get a l-o-s-a to nudge it20:04
abentleyrockstar, hi.20:05
abentleybeuno, no, I'm wrong about what a correct lockdir looks like, and it looks correct.20:06
abentleyzyga, it appears your branch is stacked on lp:~arm-infrastructure/launch-control/trunk.  It appears that branch does not exist.20:14
abentley_ zyga, it appears your branch is stacked on lp:~arm-infrastructure/launch-control/trunk.  It appears that branch does not exist.20:18
abentleyzyga, ping20:22
zygaabentley, pong20:30
zygaabentley, hmm, how can it not exist? /me checks20:30
abentleyzyga, I get "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~arm-infrastructure/launch-control/trunk/" when I try to branch bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/launch-control/stable.pure-server-side-models/20:31
zygait's gone20:31
* zyga has no idea what's going on20:31
zygaabentley, trunk was the main branch of the project20:31
zygaabentley, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/launch-control/trunk/files20:32
zygaabentley, it's not gone according to loggerhead20:32
abentleyAccording to Launchpad, the team ~arm-infrastructure doesn't exist.20:32
zygaI sense a project got renamed and a million souls cried...20:32
* zyga pings kiko20:33
zygakiko, ^^20:33
zygakiko, did we rename arm-infrastructure to linaro-infrastructure just now?20:33
abentleyzyga, I can re-stack your branch on lp:~linaro-infrastructure/launch-control/trunk.  Shall I?20:33
zygaabentley, please20:34
abentleyzyga, done.20:34
kikozyga, yes, we did -- talk to jamiebennett20:35
zygakiko, thanks20:36
* zyga invites jamiebennett20:37
kikozyga, it's done though20:38
zygakiko, I know, but we need to ensure that bzr keeps working, right/20:38
kikozyga, yep :)20:38
zygaJamieBennett, thanks for joining20:39
JamieBennettzyga: hey20:39
zygaJamieBennett, I just tried to push to one of my branches and it caused this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/485969/20:39
zygaJamieBennett, apparently the branch was stacked on another branch that got renamed as a part of the team rename20:39
JamieBennettzyga: so your branch was somehow linked to the team name?20:40
zygaJamieBennett, I just want to ensure the operation is safe and it was an accident _or_ that we need to fix remaining branches (abentley fixed my branch manually)20:40
zygaJamieBennett, yes, it was owned by the team20:40
JamieBennettzyga: ah20:40
zygaJamieBennett, the branch in question is/was http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/launch-control/trunk/files20:40
kikozyga, JamieBennett: we need to fix up other branches too, right20:41
JamieBennettkiko: did the rename, I'm not sure what other branches are owned by teams but I'll take a look20:41
zygaJamieBennett, now the issue is you need to fix not the branches that were owned by the team, but branches that _referred_ to them20:41
zygaJamieBennett, that's more challenging unless launchpad knows this relation and can enumerate all stacked branches20:41
JamieBennettzyga: umm, how do we do that?20:42
zygaJamieBennett, I have no idea, guys any ideas?20:42
JamieBennettzyga: maybe do it on a case-by-case basis when people complain20:42
zygaabentley, lifeless, ^^ ?20:42
JamieBennettzyga: although I don't think that many branches are about atm20:42
zyga(how do we fix stacked branches that got their parent yanked by team rename)20:42
JamieBennettmaybe plars' branches?20:42
zygaJamieBennett, while I agree I think that a bug is in order - unless you hacked the rename launchpad code hosting should _not_ break like that20:43
zygait should either reject or cascade the rename20:43
JamieBennettzyga: agreed20:43
zygaJamieBennett, I would say that any merge proposals are affected20:44
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abentleyJamieBennett, yes, Launchpad knows about the relationship.  I thought it was displayed on the web page, but maybe it only shows the stacked_on branch, not the inverse relationship.20:49
abentleyJamieBennett, the bug is 37751920:53
JamieBennettabentley: OK20:53
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bsaibesany idea when Launchpad staging will be back up. it still getting code update since the morning?21:33
goundyAny idea when launchpad will provide wiki or documentation support for projects ?21:36
jetienneq. is there something like oauth or openid with launchpad... or another ubuntu services?21:53
lifelessyes, openid22:03
lifelessand oauth for API's22:04
lifelessbsaibes: we had a problem with the update, its rerunning now, and doing a db upgrade too, so it may be a qhile22:04
goundyoh lifeless ! do you have an idea when launchpad will provide wiki or documentation support for projects ?22:06
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lifelessgoundy: neither are on the canonical team roadmap at the moment. thumper is working on a wiki implementation that he'd like to put into LP to support wikis, which would be awesome.22:11
lifelessgoundy: the bug for that is on launchpad-foundations somewhere.22:11
goundylifeless, I'm subscribed to that bug, and since there were no activity there for a long time I'm asking here :p22:11
goundylifeless, thumper ? he's the one who started wikkid right ?22:11
drew212I get a timeout error when i search for packages on launchpad in Ubuntu: more specifically, when i search for the firefox package in ubuntu, is there a quick fix for this/is it a known problem?22:12
lifelessdrew212: what url are you searching on?22:12
goundythank you lifeless22:13
drew212lifeless: i'm not sure what that means so ill give you the URL =P: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search?text=firefox22:13
lifelessdrew212: btw, all known timeout issues: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.tag=timeout22:15
drew212lifeless: thanks =)22:15
lifelessyour issue looks like: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/58491322:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 584913 in Soyuz "Ubuntu package search timeout (affected: 2, heat: 9)" [High,Triaged]22:15
drew212lifeless: i'm not sure what the bug description means for that bug...22:16
thumpergoundy, lifeless: morning22:19
goundyoh thumper hi didn't notice you was here actually so I'm sorry for the highlight :)22:19
thumperjust starting for the day22:19
lifelessdrew212: it means that searching for packages is timing out22:19
goundythumper, is there an online demo of what's been already done on wikkid btw ?22:20
lifelessdrew212: i suggest clicking on affects-me-too22:20
thumpergoundy: not yet, it is on my todo list22:20
thumperI'm wanting to get a sample up using openid to login22:20
goundyoh ok that's great news22:20
goundyOh yeah22:20
goundythumper, you did great by starting up this project, it will fill a big leak in LP ;)22:21
thumperI think so too22:21
thumperI just need to get some more time on it22:21
* thumper hopes quietly for 20% time22:21
goundythumper, if I was a python guru I'd have participated, it's still interesting for a developer :)22:23
lifelessthumper: I'm totally with you; jml seems to have some concersns.22:23
thumperlifeless: concerns with 20% time?22:23
thumperlifeless: now I'm almost-god, we could try an experiment :)22:24
lifelessthumper: and he's away too!22:25
lifelessthumper: yeah, something along the lines of it being easy-to-lose - for folk to just keep doing the do22:26
lifelessthumper: separately too, we need to really get some good, nay great, runs on the board vis a vis performance and deliverables22:26
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exarkunWhy can't I see any loom data when I check out nosmart+bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~exarkun/+junk/modules ?22:49
lifelessexarkun: you either have an old loom, or it was pushed with an old loom22:54
lifelessloom was recently (2 months or so) fixed up to improve this22:54
exarkunSo how do I get a, uh, new loom?22:55
exarkunMaybe when you say "loom" you're talking about the version of the loom plugin, not the data in the branch22:57
lifelessI was, sorry.22:57
lifelessI suspect your branch, which is a loom, was either pushed by old code which used a hook that bzr's core no longer triggers, or you are branching it using old code which uses a hook that bzr's core no longer triggers22:58
exarkunWill I be able to just push from the original branch with a new version of the loom plugin to fix it?22:58
lifelessI expect so22:58
lifelessall the cases of this I saw when I fixed it up were like that - not corrupt or anything, just incomplete.22:59
exarkunNo dice23:06
exarkunbzr 2.2.0 on both sides23:07
exarkunloom 2.1.0 on both sides23:07
goundyhi back.23:14
goundywhen I try to view my branch content at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~andevelopers/androldem/mainline/files23:14
goundyI get "Internal Server Error".23:14
goundyNew bug or something ?23:15
thumpergoundy: just a mildly sucky branch browser23:16
goundythumper, lol gotcha thanks :)23:16
marianomhi everyone. I'm trying to moderate a message to a LP mailing-list (ubuntu-ar). Since yesterday it's returning an OOPS error. I guess it's already reported so any idea when is gonna be fixed?23:22
thumpermarianom: is there a bug for it?23:45

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