
dcordesAnybody experienced bug 625591 in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-preinstalled/20100829/maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap4.img.gz ?00:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 625591 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu) "[ARM] ubuntu-netbook defaults to 3D session even after "fix" by jasper-initramfs (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62559100:46
DanaGSay, I really wish we could get those OMAP DSP accelerated codecs packaged. :(04:10
DanaGOr at least, have a packaged thing where you point it at the .bin file they give you, and it sets it up.04:10
persiaI think some folks are working on that04:10
persiaAt least for omap3/omap404:11
DanaGIt'd be an awesome thing to have: 1080p video encode/decode.04:13
DanaGOr even 720 would be nice.04:13
persiaI heard 1080p was the target, but depends on all sorts of factors.04:14
DanaGOr heck, implementing va-api would be one way they could do it.04:14
DanaGThat'd be the most useful for things such as gnash.04:14
persiaUnfortunately, I can't find any work-in-progress for those immediately offhand.04:15
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ograndec, whats the magic to make the tablet display work ? (/me gets omapdss DISPC error: SYNC_LOST_DIGIT on boot atm when booting teh 2.6.34 ubuntu omap4 kernel)10:54
ogra(i'm likely wanting the 2.6.35 kernel with robs patches but we dont have a package for it yet)10:55
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rsalvetiogra: you could try http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/maverick/kernel/linux-image-2.6.34-903-omap4_2.6.34-903.7rsalveti1_armel.deb12:48
rsalvetithat's our current tree with the hdmi fixes12:48
rsalvetithis is the deb I mainly use here12:49
rsalvetiall fixes are included at our current 2.6.35 tree, but will be only for es2 and after beta12:49
ograi'm focusing on es1 now12:50
ograrsalveti, btw, a bug for the LED issue would be nice :) (and thanks a lot for the fix)12:51
rsalvetiogra: yep, this deb is for es112:51
ograoh, ok12:51
ograwell, still i cant play with the tablet until i have beta half way working :)12:51
rsalvetiogra: ok, I can create a bug for it12:52
ograthe good thing with the tablet is that our bootloader setup seems safe though12:52
rsalvetiogra: so, today's image installs fine and boots fine, but the bar is still wrong12:52
rsalvetiusing the default gnome bar12:53
rsalvetishouldn't this be fixed already?12:53
ograyes, i just uploaded the last bits for the fix12:53
ograand the other bit hasnt been approved yet by ubuntu-release12:53
ograi'll take care for it as soon as my upload shows up in the queu12:53
* ogra twiddles thumbs waiting for it to appear12:54
rsalvetiogra: oh, nice12:55
* ogra waits for the bot in #ubuntu-release to pick it up12:55
ograNCommander, bug 62674913:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 626749 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu) "Generation of initramfs fails on OMAP4 when no 'Kernel' mtd partition exists, preventing configure/install. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62674913:08
ograNCommander, your subarch spec seems to cause even more issues13:08
ograNCommander, MTD should never be tried on omap413:09
ograno matter if flash-kernel.conf exists or not, that seems very wrong to me13:09
persiaAnd named MTD partitions aren't reliable anyway.13:09
ograthey are on beagle13:09
NCommanderogra: argh. what-the-hell, it shouldn't be using MTD at all13:09
NCommanderscrew me13:09
* NCommander sighs13:09
ograbut thats because the names are hardcoded in the kernel13:10
persiaNo they aren't.  MTD partitions are entirely fictional.13:10
persiaThere's nothing like a "partition table"13:10
persiaThat's a bug in the kernel :)13:10
ograpersia, there is a fake one in the beagle kernel13:10
persiaUgh.  That's too ugly for words.13:10
ograas long as we control that we can be sure there are the right names13:10
persiaWe don't.13:11
ogracurrently we do13:11
persia"control" and "free software" mix badly.13:11
ograif people build their own kernels thats up to them13:11
persiaHow about if people upload their own kernels to Ubuntu?13:11
ograif the naming changes in our kernel we can adjust13:11
ograthen we need to react13:12
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ograand i would expect us to get a bug+13:12
persiaBetter to have a design that works well with social norms, but if I got into a critique of armel kernels, I'd be here all night, so I'll let it rest :)13:12
ograwell, maverick images dont use MTD at all13:13
ograthe MDT stuff is really only to make lucid->maverick upgrades not break13:13
persiaI know.  I blame myself.  I never finished shaving that particular yak.13:13
* persia wants nice happy MTD support, and *will* get it, but has several precursors that get in the way13:14
* ogra takes a break13:15
ogra(hoping the queue bot will have picked up my upload if i return ... 30min seems a bit long for it to pick up stuff)13:15
persiaSome of the RMs actually check the queue directly once in a while :)13:17
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dcordespersia: Thanks a gain for the recommendation to solve onboard issues upstream. They welcomed my recommendations a lot.14:51
rsalvetiGrueMaster: do I need to add any different testing tag to the bug so you could easily track the "needs-testing" bugs?15:43
rsalvetifor example, we got a package with possible fix, but needs testing to confirm15:44
GrueMasterAdd a tag "verification-needed".15:44
GrueMasterAnd good morning.15:44
sakoman_rsalveti: any further u-boot issues?15:46
rsalvetisakoman_: nops :-)15:46
rsalvetididn't try with es2 yet15:46
rsalvetisakoman_: should it work?15:46
rsalvetiGrueMaster: good morning :-)15:47
sakoman_rsalveti: I believe it should, but I don't have an OMAP4 ES2 to test with15:47
rsalvetisakoman_: ok, will test along the day15:47
rsalvetiand let you know about it15:47
ograubuntu-netbook-efl-default-settings 0.6 (Accepted)16:22
ogratheer we go !16:22
dcordesogra: Could you elaborate what is ubuntu-netbook-efl-default-settings ?16:42
dcordesogra: Is it an approach to cut the need of jasper writing configuration ?16:42
dcordesNice I have been wondering where all those settings are :)16:47
mopdenackerogra: Hi! Do you know when we can expect your instructions to make our own pre-installed images? After the beta release?16:50
dcordesmopdenacker: for a specific device ?16:53
ogra_cmpcmopdenacker, i'll start on it during this week, beta looks ok so far so i should hve some time the next days to extract the build scripts into something for home use16:56
mopdenackerdcordes: I'm interested in generic instructions, but we will use them on Blaze and Panda.16:57
dcordesmopdenacker: for generic stuff I guess it will be best to use rootstock and put custom kernel etc16:58
mopdenackerogra_cmpc: perfect, thank you very much! This will also help us to make the image work on eMMC storage, and to help you with the kernel flashing scripts.16:58
ogra_cmpcmopdenacker, a good first step is to get familiar with livecd-rootfs, the other scripts are just wrapping around the resulting image16:58
dcordesmopdenacker: I am also interested in such instructions though - because as of now I am unable to produce a fully functional image with rootstock. I am wondering how the daily autobuilds are produced.16:59
mopdenackerogra_cmpc: right, this makes sense. We can parallelize.16:59
dcordesogra: So that howto of yours will cover how to manually create complete images like http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-preinstalled/20100830/maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap4.img.gz ?17:02
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ogra_cmpcdcordes, well, you can set up a debian-cd cofiguration and have a livefs builer machine running livecd-rootfs already, i'm just extracting the related debian-cd scripts into a separate omap4 build script for mopdenacker17:04
dcordesogra_cmpc: is the script available ?17:05
ogra_cmpcread above :)17:05
ogra_cmpclivecd-rootfs creates the filesystem image, debian-cd the partitioned one17:05
ogra_cmpcbut you need powerful HW17:05
ogra_cmpclivecd-rootfs is all native17:06
dcordesscript being 'separate omap4 builds cript'17:06
ogra_cmpci will make that available, yes17:06
ogra_cmpcbut it already is ... as a part of debian-cd17:06
dcordesThat's the answer I was looking for. Thank you.17:07
dcordesI'm always a friend of transparency in such projects, that's why I was wondering.17:09
GrueMasterogra_cmpc: I'm finally up-to-date with all of the daily images.  Anything I should know as I start whacking away?  XM is already booting second stage of first boot.17:11
ograGrueMaster, only that the settings package fix just got accepted today so only tomorrows image will have a proper netbook session17:11
ograbeyond that, file bugs as you find them :)17:11
dcordesogra_cmpc: Will you anounce the publication of the script / instructions somewhere ?17:12
GrueMasterdcordes: It will more than likely be part of the release notes.17:12
ogradcordes, no, i'll put it on the wiki, its actually rather a personal favour i do for mopdenacker and really not targeted at anything else but omap417:13
dcordesGrueMaster: Hello. I created bug 626055 on your proposal. Can you take a look and maybe confirm it if you find a minute ?17:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 626055 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "oem-config: make on-screen keyboard available (affects: 1) (heat: 3442)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62605517:13
dcordesogra: Ah I get the idea :)17:13
ograits not the job of oem-config to make a11y functionallity available17:14
ograon the "normal" ubuntu images thats done by selecting assitive technologies at boot time17:14
ograwhich then makes gdm spawn the necessary bits17:14
dcordesogra: Can you elaborate selecting assitive technologies at boot time ?17:15
ograon the initial screen you have on the normal ubuntu isos17:16
GrueMasterActually, Colin Watson re-targeted the bug to ubiquity (parent source of oem-config).  Other than that, I can bump the importance and milestone, but there is enough info for the dev's to go on I think.  Thanks.17:16
ograanyway ... off for the evening17:16
dcordesogra: aha ok. But if you read the bug you will notice it is not about "normal" ubuntu images17:19
dcordesGrueMaster: No, thank you. I was just worried about it not being seen because of the undecided importance.17:20
GrueMasterFirst step is to file a bug.  Then the bug triagers can reset priorities, etc.17:22
GrueMasterdcordes: What kind of network bandwidth do you have?17:29
dcordesGrueMaster: Unfortunately my dormitory SDSL connection is rather slow as it's shared between many17:30
dcordesDownloading http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-preinstalled/20100830/maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap4.img.gz right now at ~30KB/s17:31
GrueMasterI was thinking that you could setup your desktop to mirror the armel packages from maverick and let it pull overnight when bandwidth is more readily available.  Then keeping it updated is trivial.17:31
GrueMasterPainful at first, but a lot of gain in the end.17:32
dcordesGrueMaster: That's an awesome idea. I can always take my laptop to the library and get ~5mbit download speed for such one time purposes17:32
dcordesGrueMaster: Do you know where I can find documentation on that ?17:33
GrueMasterNot offhand.  I had to learn the hard way, before I found a document doing a google search.  For your needs, apt-mirror would pull in a copy of everything by distro (lucid, maverick, etc) and pool (main, universe, multiverse, etc).  Once you have a copy, it can get updates very fast with little bandwidth.  You can then use approx to have your dev system pull packages from your local copy without modifying sources.list.17:44
GrueMasterI also use ubumirror, but it will pull down everything (and I do mean everything).17:45
GrueMasterMy mirror which has everything to build complete images of Lucid & Maverick for armel is 135G.  But that includes universe & multiverse.  For base images & maverick only, just pull main.  Should be around 15-25G max.17:47
dcordesI think I will do that after my vacation. Then I will hopefully also have a laptop that has a battery :)17:48
dcordes~in 2 weeks17:48
GrueMasterrsalveti: You around?  I'm getting an error on my XM.  BUG:  Soft Lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [alsa-utils:577].  Will deep dive unless it works for others (could be my hw).18:46
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rsalvetiGrueMaster: back now19:18
rsalvetiGrueMaster: can you paste the full log?19:20
rsalvetiGrueMaster: does it happen with latest image?19:20
rsalvetimy xM is up for 4 hours already and didn't happen19:21
rsalvetibut depends on the kind of activity you were doing19:21
rsalvetimine was just idle19:21
GrueMasterThis was before oem-config came up, but after rootfs resize & reboot.19:23
dcordesWhat is the strategy about updating the ARM kernel packages ? Are you aiming for bleeding edge code to enable more features ? Stability ?19:23
rsalvetiGrueMaster: hm, didn't see it, but can try again19:25
rsalvetiGrueMaster: do you have any other message or just this one?19:25
GrueMasterWell, could be my hw.  Same sd moved to beagle boots through oem-config fine.19:26
GrueMasterWill finish oem-config and move back.  Better able to debug with a user account.19:26
rsalvetiGrueMaster: possible also19:26
GrueMasterhmmm.  no gdm on beagle.  possibly due to updated netbook-launcher-efl settings recently checked in?19:29
rsalvetiGrueMaster: pre-installed image or by update?19:29
rsalvetiwith latest image I was able to install at my c4 with no problems19:30
rsalvetithe latest netbook-launcher-efl settings just got to the archive19:30
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rsavoyewould 10.04 or 10.10 run on a Sharp NetWalker ? new toy...21:08
rsalvetihm, sharp netwalker...21:09
rsavoyeportable build machine I hope21:09
rsalvetirsavoye: do you know the specs?21:09
rsavoye800Mhz i.mx51, 4GB SSD, it comes with jaunty21:10
GrueMasteriirc, it was preloaded with Jaunty.  Would require some kernel tweaking to get it to run Lucid.21:10
rsalvetiyep, the kernel and bootloader is always the same mess21:10
rsalvetithat's why linaro is up there now trying to fix most of these issues21:11
rsavoyeon my SmartTop, I'm running Maverick user space on the older karmic kernel, so was hoping to do that with the netwalker21:12
rsavoyegoogle says the custom kernel was done by Canonical :-)21:12
kblinrsavoye: ah, easy then. just buy the company and have them fix it for maverick then21:13
rsavoyekblin: I think it's being done anyway :-)21:14
rsavoyeI just can't wait that long :-)21:14
GrueMasterrsavoye: You should be able to take the kernel it has and compare it with the stock jaunty kernel for imx51 and go forward.21:14
rsavoyeyeah, I'm download the src now21:15
rsavoyeon the SmartTop, I just changed the repos to maverick, upgraded, and it survived the process21:15
rsavoyeultimately, I was hoping to run unity21:17
rsavoye10l04 on NetWalker supposedly21:22
prpplaguejust as  a reminder, i am trying to finish up on the hardware features for the bamboo board, feel free to post comments suggestions - http://www.elinux.org/Panda_Bamboo21:30
GrueMasterprpplague: If possible, you should post at least a rudamentory mockup case that has leds & button on it.  Doesn't need to be final, but it would help convey the idea.21:39
prpplagueGrueMaster: hmm, ok, i'm not an artsy type, i'll see what i can do21:40
prpplagueGrueMaster: my main concern was the actual hardware features21:40
prpplaguendec: i have an updated L24.9 branch for panda - http://gitorious.org/pandaboard/kernel-omap4/commits/L24.921:47
GrueMasterLet me mess with the base image of yours and I'll see if I can come up with an "artitst rendition".21:47
ndecprpplague: hi21:47
prpplagueGrueMaster: i'll try and take a picture of the board21:47
ndecprpplague: what's new?21:47
prpplaguendec: about 20 or 30 new grey hairs (which is most of the hair i have left)21:48
ndecprpplague: that doesn't sound too good...21:48
* prpplague jokes with ndec 21:48
prpplaguendec: i've applied a bunch of fixes from robclark  the that branch21:48
prpplaguendec: support for the DVI displays and HDMI should be alot more robust21:49
prpplaguendec: you should be able to cherry-pick some for your kernel builds21:49
ndecprpplague: on our Dell DVI displays, we have noticed that the resolution picked at boot was not the best one (too small)21:49
prpplaguendec: even with robclark 's patches?21:50
ndecprpplague: and on 1 HDMI screen, only the top half of the screen was used21:50
ndecprpplague: no, without them. well with the ones from a few days back... should that be better now?21:50
prpplaguendec: yea robclark 's done alot of work cleaning up the hdmi/dvi support - http://gitorious.org/pandaboard/kernel-omap4/commits/L24.921:51
prpplaguendec: we've tested a handful of displays that were known to be an issue21:51
ndecprpplague: ok. i will be working from home without panda tomorrow ;-) so sebjan will give this a try.21:51
prpplaguendec: any testing/feedback would be appreciated21:51
ndecprpplague: for sure...21:51
prpplaguendec: gotcha21:51
prpplaguendec: if you and sebjan have time, some feedback on the bamboo accessory board would be appreciated as well - http://www.elinux.org/Panda_Bamboo21:53
robclarkndec: the reduced vertical resolution is likely a symptom of framebuffer that is shrunk due to insufficient vram21:57
robclarkin addition to omap.vram=... you also need to give vram=...21:57
ndecrobclark: that could be that... what's the min vram for 1080p?21:58
* prpplague makes a note of that symptom21:58
prpplaguendec: min recommendation for the panda is to allocate 16MB21:58
prpplaguendec: but we normally test with 32MB since i have multiple FB's running21:58
robclarkndec: 8MB22:18
ndecrobclark: thx.22:18
persiarsavoye, The .jp article you link talks about running lucid on a jaunty kernel on netwalker.22:31
persiaogra, The more common use case for enabling a11y with oem-config would be pre-installed machines where users did not have the option of enabling a11y earlier in the process (likely not a maverick thing)22:32
persiadcordes, The images are really built from livecd-rootfs and debian-cd for transparency: any one-off script produced is unlikely to either precisely match the infrastructure build instructions, or be kept up-to-date (although it may be useful as a one-off).22:33
rsavoyepersia: I'm going to probably try it after making a backup22:33
persiarsavoye, OK.  You could also just prepare a live image on SD for testing: take a look at the recovery image to see how the kernel & filesystem must be placed/named, then construct an SD that doesn't install, but rather provides a live experience, then boot that with the double-mouse-button trick.22:36
rsavoyegood idea22:36
rsavoyeare there live images for ARM ?22:37
GrueMasterrsavoye: We have a live lucid image for imx51, but I make no promises it will work for your needs.22:40
rsavoyeI found a 9.10 image for the i.MX51,22:41
rsavoyeon my other iMX51 system I;m running a maverick user space on the karmic kernel and boot loader22:41
persiarsalveti, The live images published at cdimage.ubuntu.com are in a completely different format than those required by the bootloader on the NetWalker.22:41
rsavoyebut I'll gladly try the lucid one just so we know :-)22:41
persiaAnd the lucid Ubuntu imx51 kernel was never safe to run on the NetWalker.22:42
rsavoyemaybe I'll stick to the karmic one22:42
persiaThat either.22:42
persiaNone of the Ubuntu kernels are safe to run on the Netwalker.22:42
rsavoyeoh, bummer22:42
persiaYou can use a Sharp kernel or a Canonical kernel safely, but those are for Jaunty.22:42
rsavoyeI'm compiling the jaunty araneo kernel now22:43
persiaYou can mix that with newer userspace, expecting some bugs (which is why I recommend a live environment to test first)22:43
persiaWhy recompile?  Binaries are available.22:43
rsavoyeI like the live test idea too22:43
rsavoyewhen I screwed up my other imx51 it took a while to fix22:44
rsavoyebinaries from where ? I didn't find any22:45
persiaI always used the Canonical kernels, from http://netbook-remix.archive.canonical.com/updates/pool/public/l/linux-fsl-imx51/22:46
persiaI believe the "araneo" kernels are for the clamshell, and the "sendai" kernels for the tablet.22:47
rsavoyeI have the clamshell version22:47
persiaBut I've only used the "araneo" kernels myself, so I can't be sure.22:47
persiaAlternately, if you grab the recovery image, the kernel on that ought to be fine for doing a test run against a newer rootfs.22:50
rsavoyedownloading araneo19 tarball...22:50
rsavoyepersia:  should I install one of the arfaneo debs on an x86 machine to make the live SD card23:08
rsavoyeI wound up with the kernel source instead23:09
persiaThe tar.gz is the source :)23:09
rsavoyeyeah, I noticed; _)23:10
rsavoyeI already had that23:10
persiaOK.  First, let me say that my Netwalker had an unfortunate accident involving dishwater, so this is from memory.23:10
persiaI believe the procedure is as follows:23:10
persia1) download the recovery SD image from sharp23:10
persia2) put that on SD23:11
persia3) remove the rootfs from that filesystem (inspect it if you like: it seems to contain some low-level tools to reinstall)23:11
persia4) add a replacement rootfs (with the exact same name as the one you removed) to the SD23:12
persia5) insert the hacked SD into the netwalker23:12
persia6) hold down both mouse buttons and power up23:12
rsavoyeso basically follow the debain directions ?23:13
persiaI've not seed the Debian directions, but yeah, it's likely largely the same.23:13
persiaThe key bit being that you don't want to modify the ubifs until you're sure23:13
persiarsavoye, I've suddenly had a worry: you really want to inspect the rootfs you pull off the recovery image: you need to replace the one with the mini-installer, not the one with the jaunty image.23:42
rsavoyeI'm still making the recovery.23:42

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