
mininessieif i stop a distro upgrade via 10.04 to 10.10 will it resume back to where it was at00:10
mininessiehow do i use patch00:20
geirhamininessie: Depends on how far you're into the upgrade. There's a "point of no return". If you pass that, you can't go back.00:22
geirhaThere's a message saying so at that point.00:22
mininessiei need to patch broadcom sta00:22
mininessiegeirha, kernel 2.6.33 needs it00:36
geirhaHm. There aren't any Ubuntu releases with linux 2.6.33 afaik00:39
mininessiegeirha, yes but if your running 2.6.35 i gotta patch cause the patch is for 2.6.33 and higher00:40
geirhaAnd you're sure Ubuntu hasn't already patched it?00:43
boywonderhi please: im trying to instll a package and im getting error cannot find glib?01:57
=== ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris
mininessieis this good or bad todd@todd:~$ sudo aptitude upgrade04:48
mininessieNo packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.04:48
mininessie0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:48
mininessieNeed to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.04:48
zeroseven0183mininessie: It means all the packages you have are up-to-date04:54
zeroseven0183try running sudo apt-get update04:54
zeroseven0183then sudo apt-get upgrade04:54
pepeamidHi, someone have a macbook 3.1 ?05:34
talsemgeest_Damnit, looks like my ISPs DNS server is down. Anyone have the IP of a public one (eg Opendns)?09:24
zeroseven0183Try Google Public DNS09:32
talsemgeest_Cheers zeroseven0183 :)09:57
hobgoblinhi ikonia11:16
hobgoblinwhoops - sorry - hi ikt11:16
duanedesignmorning all11:42
hobgoblinhi duanedesign12:57
Puck`is there any CSS guru around?13:39
squaregoldfishPuck`: I wouldn't say I'm a guru, but fire away13:57
Puck`squaregoldfish: i got it fixed, thx tho (:13:58
squaregoldfishGood work!13:58
Puck`thx :P13:59
Silver_Fox_Bonjour :)16:45
Silver_Fox_o/ sudobat16:56
sudobatque m'has fet Silver_Fox_ jajaja16:56
Silver_Fox_I am glad I made you laugh16:57
sudobatsorry I thought I was in ubuntu-cat ( in english )    que m'has fet == what did you do me16:58
Silver_Fox_Haha,  no worries :)16:59
Silver_Fox_I was going to say, it wasn't spanish.17:00
Silver_Fox_How are you sudobat  ?17:00
sudobatfine, finishing august17:01
Silver_Fox_Au revoir17:29
Sunkan85hi i'm noob in linux. and i wana go to a specifik map in the terminal. How do i do? is it CD and then the map name?17:37
bjfscd folder17:38
bjfsman cd17:38
Sunkan85the name of the folder id. hämtningar. Do i just type "cd hämtningar" then?17:39
bjfsSunkan85: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz17:40
bjfsdo take a while and read the basics ;)17:40
Sunkan85ty =)17:40
iktis map another language?17:40
hobgoblinalso take the time (about 5 secs) to learn about tab complete - start to type the name ie - ham then try using the tab key17:41
abhijjeeti have added some ppa in the software sources but when i reload the synaptic package , it does not download the ppas which were added by me. please help me im going to install vlc 1.1.418:29
hobgoblindid you update the sources? either apt-get update or reload18:29
abhijjeetia have added some ppas but the package information is not updated when i run the apt-get update command18:38
abhijjeeti want to install the vlc 1.1.418:39
hobgoblinabhijjeet: I'm going to give you some commands - can you run them all in a terminal and then copy the whole lot to paste.ubuntu.com18:40
abhijjeetyes i will18:40
hobgoblincat /etc/apt/sources.list && ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/18:41
hobgoblinrun that please - I will have a look at that first18:41
hobgoblinabhijjeet: also where did you get the ppa information from ?18:42
abhijjeetplease see http://paste.ubuntu.com/485933/18:42
abhijjeeti have got the info from the launchpad website18:43
hobgoblinabhijjeet: which ppa is it? the korn one?18:45
abhijjeetit is ferramroberto-vlc-maverick.list18:45
hobgoblinyea - saw it :)18:45
hobgoblincan you open that and paste it - cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ferramroberto-vlc-maverick.list18:46
hobgoblinit is possible that it is not up to date being a maverick one18:46
hobgoblinmight be better asking in #ubuntu+1 if it's not an obvious error18:48
abhijjeetwhen im going to update in the terminal it shows some sources have invalid file name extension18:48
abhijjeetplease see http://paste.ubuntu.com/485939/18:48
hobgoblinlooks like there is not a maverick one yet18:50
hobgoblinrun the update and give me the error18:50
geirhaIndeed. Only lucid: https://launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/vlc18:54
hobgoblinabhijjeet: if the error says something along the lines of " there is nothing at ferramroberto maverick" try editing the file - gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ferramroberto-vlc-maverick.list18:54
hobgoblinchange maverick to lucid in both lines and run update again18:55
hobgoblingeirha - yep18:55
abhijjeetim trying it be with me for some more time18:57
hobgoblinabhijjeet: I am about19:01
abhijjeetplease see http://paste.ubuntu.com/485949/19:02
hobgoblinyep - we suspected that19:04
hobgoblinabhijjeet: if the error says something along the lines of " there is nothing at ferramroberto maverick" try editing the file - gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ferramroberto-vlc-maverick.list19:04
hobgoblinchange maverick to lucid in both lines and run update again19:04
abhijjeetplease see http://paste.ubuntu.com/485951/ i think vlc 1.1.4 is not ready for maverick if you know another source from where i can innstall it please give me details and also help me in this regard how to add ppas? and how to confirm that the ppas is working or not?19:10
kosaidpoabhijjeet: i guess you shud satiisfy the dependencies use the option built-dep19:14
kosaidpoand see wht it ll give you19:14
hobgoblineither that or wait for packages to catch up = such is life on the edge19:14
tenachHey, is anyone here good with regexp in htaccess files?19:19
seidostenach, i don't even know what use regexp have.  what are you trying to do?19:22
lateniteHi filks, How to I burn a "double layer dvd" on commamdline? http://pastie.org/1127131 this is what I get so far. thank you19:23
lateniteanyone ever successfuly burned doublelayer dvd?19:23
tenachseidos, Right now it converts all .php?var1=blah&var2=blag&subj=var3 into .com/blah/blag/subject_with_spaces but I am trying to figure out how to make them - instead of _ :/19:24
seidostenach, i'd probably have to see the file, it looks like you could just replace _ with - using a simple replace19:27
tenachlatenite, have you tried something like19:27
tenachgrowisofs -dvd-compat -speed=1 -Z /dev/hdc /path/to/files19:27
seidostenach, not that i would figure it out even if i saw the file, heh19:28
tenachseidos, want to see my headache?19:28
seidostenach, yeah, let me see it19:28
tenach;D Not as easy as "finding the _ to replace"19:28
tenachit's under read rules19:29
latenitetenach, sure look at my paste :)19:29
seidoshopefully my computer keeps working.  i am, ahem, experimenting19:29
tenachlatenite, I did look at it, sorry. xD I am up just before work.19:29
seidostenach, i should have just kept my mouth shut.  this makes no sense to me.19:31
tenachlatenite, I think that is the extent of my knowledge on such matters - you are arguments after growisofs that I don't understand (from not using them)19:31
tenachseidos, :D19:31
tenachregexp makes my eyes hurt.19:32
seidoseverything makes my eyes hurt.  python, c, php.  mysql19:32
hobgoblinit's all voodoo19:33
latenitetenach, so what can I do now?19:34
tenachseidos, hahaha.19:34
tenachlatenite, I do not know. I myself would have to resort to googling or looking on the ubuntu forums (I would suggest looking there, and posting if you need help)19:35
latenitetenach, I did I cant find anything on doulbe layers19:37
tenachI would suggest posting on there for help, as it seems that most of the people here are away or otherwise unable to respond with help. :D19:38
seidoslatenite, did you search the forums using google?19:38
lateniteseidos, sure19:38
seidoslatenite, then i guess post on the forums, and/or ask in #ubuntu19:40
lesclassicDo I need to be online to set-up ubuntu?19:57
seidoslesclassic, you mean to install from a live cd?19:58
seidoslesclassic, the answer in this case is no, but to get updates you need to be online19:58
lesclassicI have it installed from a usb, but now I'm stuck19:59
lesclassicI only have wireless, but cant set it up without internet20:00
kedarmI think I ended up defining a keyboard shortcut (ctrl+f) by mistake. I don't see it listed in Keyboard Shortcuts. Where/How can I disable such an ill-configured shortcut?20:34
duanedesignhello kedarm20:36
duanedesignkedarm: what does it do?20:38
kedarmyes duanedesign20:38
kedarmyeah, it opens an xterm :(20:38
duanedesigni think i have heard of this20:39
kedarmi have no idea how I managed to do this.20:39
kedarmI was playing with KB shortcuts, but this one has me stumped.20:39
duanedesigndid you install xbindkeys?20:39
kedarmhow did you know?20:39
duanedesigni have seen this on the forums before20:40
kedarmAh! So, should I uninstall it?20:40
duanedesignkedarm: can you open a Terminal?20:41
duanedesignhaha, ctrl +f maybe :P20:41
duanedesignkedarm: run the command:   gedit ~/.xbindkeysrc20:42
duanedesignkedarm: paste the contents of that file at  http://pastebin.ca/20:43
duanedesignif youve never used pastebin, you paste the contents into the box, click submit post and then copy and paste the address of the page it gives you here20:43
duanedesignkedarm: i think their might be a line or two in their we can comment out and get rid of the ctrl + f shortcut20:44
kedarmduanedesign: oops sorry, give me a minute20:49
duanedesignkedarm: no problem I am here. Working on some other stuff so I am not going anywhere for awhile :)20:50
kedarmduanedesign: thanks! here you go -- http://pastebin.ca/192933620:51
duanedesignkedarm: well i dont see anything there20:55
duanedesignkedarm: so their are two other options20:55
duanedesigntheir is an application called 'xbindkeys-config' you can install it with the command: sudo apt-get install xbindkeys-config20:56
duanedesignit is a GUI for configuring xbindkeys20:56
kedarmI installed xbindkeys-config20:58
duanedesignafter installing, or if it is already installed20:58
duanedesignrun "sudo xbindkeys-config" from the command line.  There should be three default entries in the list, as well as any other ones you've set up. Delete the entry that maps to ctrl+f then save it.  Make sure you use the "save to default file" from the file menu or it will just revert on you.20:59
kedarmUnfortunately, I don't see an entry against Ctrl+F :(20:59
kedarmI only have two entries20:59
kedarmctrl+shift+q, ctrl+alt+Print21:00
kedarmI dunno how ctrl+f is taken :(21:00
duanedesignhuh, that is exactly what was in the file you pastebined21:01
kedarmdo I need to restart something?21:01
duanedesignwhich i guess makes sense :P but doesnt help us...21:01
duanedesignkedarm: no let me look at something real quick21:01
kedarmMaybe I have to logout and log back in?21:01
duanedesignkedarm: ok. You can run this command to check the global shortcuts21:04
duanedesigngconf-editor /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_121:04
kedarmrunning it.21:05
duanedesignit will open gconf and see if ctrl+f is in the list it brings up21:05
kedarmok, looking21:06
kedarmhmmm. I can't locate ctrl+f in global-keybindings,  keybinding_commands, window_keybindings of Metacity :(21:08
duanedesignkedarm: ok21:08
duanedesignkedarm: i read a forum post where the user removed those two keybindings in the xbindkeys GUI21:08
duanedesignkedarm: also try launching  xbindkeys-config21:09
duanedesignwithout the sudo21:09
kedarmyes, without sudo, but the same thing.21:09
kedarmtwo unrelated shortcuts there.21:09
duanedesignkedarm: ok i would try your suggestion of logging out and back in, or reboot.21:10
duanedesignmight try deleting the two unrelated shortcuts. Not sure how but someone on the forums claims that worked for him.21:12
kedarmhmmm. ok.21:12
kedarmok, I going to get out. will report back.21:12
kedarmduanedesign: ok, I am back. Ctrl+F is restored to "Find"21:16
kedarmHad to kill xserver session :(21:16
kedarmThat key reassignment was driving me nuts.21:17
duanedesignkedarm: it looks like the new version (in Maverick) doesn't do that. I think that frustrated enough people they decided that was not a good default21:19
kedarmduanedesign: but, Lynx does not do that either. It's just that my misadventure with xbindkeys landed me here.21:20
kedarmSad thing is that I couldn't fix it w/o logout :(21:20
seidoshow can i select a wireless access point and get a dhcp lease from within the terminal?21:24
kedarmseidos: have you looked at iwconfig?21:26
seidoskedarm: nope, not yet.  let me run it in another window21:27
seidoskedarm: i think this is what i need.  thanks21:30
=== Guest79237 is now known as compiledkenrel
=== compiledkenrel is now known as compiledkernel
seidosall right, i tried using iwconfig to set up wireless, but it didn't work22:03
seidosbecause i couldn't figure out what the ap id was22:03
seidosso i guess my question is, how do you scan for available access point information?22:05
seidosall right, iwconfig didn't work for setting up my wireless.  i got the essid and network id, added it with iwconfig, then tried running dhclient...but dhclient wouldn't get an ip.22:43
seidosbut wireless still gets configured in gnome22:43
kedarmperhaps you should look at your /etc/network/interfaces?22:46
seidoskedarm: how will that help?22:46
kedarmI sympathize with you because I think the wireless network configuration in Ubuntu can be problematic.22:46
seidoskedarm: i'm just trying to learn how this system works.  i'm messing with this because i was playing around with sources.list22:47
seidoswhat i want to do, ultimately, is see if i can get xorg to work without gnome22:47
kedarmWell, I usually keep my script that does a specific sequence of ifup and ifdown after setting wireless configuration options (essid, password etc.) and then it sorta works.22:48
seidosbut right now, without xorg and gnome starting up, i don't have wireless, and without wireless access i'm pretty much dead in the water22:48
seidoskedarm: so you're saying you had to get write a custom script to get it working?  O_o22:50
kedarmseidos: yeah, unfortunately.22:51
kedarmI had a WEP enabled wireless network.22:51
seidoskedarm: oh i don't.  well, it's my brother's ap22:51
seidoskedarm: it doesn't matter, i'm just going to give up22:52
kedarmseidos: sorry, don't have anything definitive to say.22:52
seidoskedarm: no worries22:52
kosaidpohello guys23:26
kosaidpoevrytime i launch ubuntu it tell me23:27
kosaidpothat i wont get to use some fucntionalities n ask me i have right to read/write my folderpreference23:27
duanedesignkosaidpo: hello23:44
kosaidpodo you have any idea how can i set this up ?23:45
duanedesignkosaidpo: hmm, i have not heard of that one23:48
kosaidpoduanedesign: my problem ??want me to explain it ??23:48
duanedesignis this a regular Ubuntu install or did you install Ubuntu inside windows with Wubi?23:49
kosaidponormal install23:49
kosaidpoduanedesign: any idea ?23:53
duanedesignkosaidpo: if you can get the exact error message that would help23:53
seidoskosaidpo: can you take a screen shot of the error message with the prtsc key?23:55
kosaidpoyeh ill23:55
=== compiledkernel is now known as Guest64699
seidoskosaidpo: you can paste it on imagebin.org23:56
kosaidpolet me jst try this23:58

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