
nigelbczajkowski: sorry! I ended up being offline after briefly on Saturday/04:32
duanedesignhey nigelb04:55
nigelbhello duanedesign :)04:56
nigelbhow did it go?04:56
nigelbpaultag: is it your birthday today? o.O05:00
duanedesignman, after reading the bug report on 'the wallpaper' I am almost convinced Ubuntu users are the whiniest bunch of....wait that is people in general :P05:03
nigelbduanedesign: hahaha05:05
duanedesignthe global jam was alot of fun. Not a big turn out but a few is better than none05:06
nigelbduanedesign: I was told some time back, if there are two and other isn't your imaginary friend, its a success ;)05:07
nigelbI tend to use that standard all the time :)05:07
duanedesignso true05:07
duanedesignwe used to have an Ubuntu Hour at a local coffee shop. It was usually me and one other guy. We would set up a computer using Ubuntu and let people use it. After a few minutes we would engage them and let them know the computer they were using was running free software05:08
nigelbheh, that sounds like fun :)05:08
duanedesigni always felt like that was very effective.05:09
aragood morning all!07:34
dholbachgood morning07:45
dholbachkim0, صباح الخير07:53
kim0dholbach: Guten morgen (I hope I got that right) :)07:54
dholbachyeah, it's "Guten Morgen!" :)07:55
kim0cool .. Yaay07:56
jussilol, March 26th...08:19
nigelbhello folks09:49
nigelbczajkowski: sorry again09:49
* nigelb waves to ara, dholbach, kim0, and jussi :)09:49
czajkowskinigelb: no bother09:49
nigelbczajkowski: I was offline from then to today morning.  Had a fun weekend without computer :)09:50
arahey nigelb!09:51
nigelbhola ara09:52
nigelbara: had a rocking UGJ?09:52
aranigelb, I did :)09:52
dholbachhi nigelb, czajkowski10:07
dholbachara, http://www.screenage.de/blog/2010/08/30/ubuntu-berlin-global-jam-at-c-base-aand-daniel-holbachs-notebook/10:09
dholbachnote how I was cut out to not ruin the picture :-P10:09
czajkowskinice write up just landed on the planet10:11
nigelbdholbach: you cut yourself off?10:18
dholbachno, screenage.de is not my blog10:18
dholbachccm did10:18
czajkowskinigelb: I thought the same, same blog theme10:19
nigelbczajkowski: yeah, I noticed only when dholbach was referred to in 3rd person10:19
nigelbIs that ara sitting next to you?10:20
czajkowskinigelb: aye10:22
czajkowskidholbach: I've updated the council page a bit but see where I have the next meetings coming up, is there a way to automate that or does it just have to be added manually https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil10:23
dholbachczajkowski, there's a tool called editmoin, but I don't know if it works with the openid login10:25
nigelbdholbach: the one that plugs into vim?10:28
nigelbpaultag: poke? Need a little bit of help with git :)10:29
nigelb(when you do come online)10:29
dholbachnigelb, $EDITOR, but yes10:29
czajkowskidholbach: tanks10:31
nigelbdholbach: that works.  I've tried :)10:31
popeyam i the only person getting google api error messages on launchpad team pages?10:57
czajkowskipopey: nope as far as I know someone said it in launchpad over the weekend10:59
* popey files a bug11:01
popeybug 62498111:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 624981 in launchpad-registry "The Google Maps API server rejected your request (affects: 33) (dups: 6) (heat: 171)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62498111:01
czajkowskidholbach: did you know that if you type www.loco.ubuntu.com/  you get an opps message it needs to only have loco.ubuntu.com11:02
dholbachno, I never tried www.loco.ubuntu.com11:02
czajkowskiaye lotta folks do it seems, they like wwww.11:03
czajkowskiI can file a bug11:03
czajkowskiit should still work shouldnt it ?11:03
dholbachno, a bug doesn't help11:03
dholbachit needs to be done by is11:03
czajkowskiah ok11:03
czajkowskithought you'd want a bug to show to IS11:03
czajkowskiwant me to ask in canonica-sysadmin ?11:03
dholbachyeah, if they need a ticket I can file it11:04
popeyi would like the fix to be to redirect www.loco.ubuntu.com to loco.ubuntu.com, not to serve pages up from www.loco.ubuntu.com11:07
czajkowskiwell poked the person on call and asked waiting for reply11:15
popeyhave you filed an RT?11:22
czajkowskipopey: dholbach just said above to ask first adn if they need he'll file it11:23
nigelb\o/ popey is back!11:27
jussiso when is the date when we will hear back after for uds sponsorship?11:29
nigelbjussi: I'm pretty sure before Oct 25th :p11:35
czajkowskidholbach: created https://rt.ubuntu.com//Ticket/Display.html?id=1412911:44
dholbachsuper thanks11:45
duanedesignmorning all11:59
czajkowskiduanedesign: hey11:59
AlanBelledge.launchpad.net seems to be using the new font (if you have it installed)12:11
vishisnt lp font hardcoded?12:13
vishthey tried the switch a couple of days ago too, comments section was oddly much larger than the rest of the page :D12:14
AlanBellthe font is in a css file https://edge.launchpad.net/+icing/rev11469/combo.css12:18
AlanBellinterestingly I see "UbuntuBeta Mono" in there too12:19
vishyeah, sladen had filed a bug in the fonts saying that we were not able to test the font in lp since it was hard-coded, so they might have changed it now..12:23
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
* czajkowski hugs dholbach 13:31
* dholbach hugs czajkowski back13:31
paultagnigelb: sure14:20
paultagnigelb: what's up14:20
akgranerGood Morning :-D!15:27
Pendulummorning akgraner15:28
* dholbach hugs james_w15:42
dholbachjames_w, do you think it makes sense to try to get Harvest deployed before I go on holidays in 10 days?15:42
dholbachjames_w, would it be OK to have you listed as admin (in case stuff breaks)? :-P15:43
james_wdholbach: I guess15:43
czajkowskijust in case...15:43
akgranerdholbach, is it time to write the article on Harvest now :-)  with comment from you and james_w ?15:48
dholbachakgraner, unfortunately it's not up yet, but it's ALMOST THERE :)15:49
dholbachand dylanmccall too I guess15:49
dholbachhe did loads of good work15:49
dholbachduring his SoC project15:49
akgranerdholbach, sweet!  Just let me know when and I'll be ready to interview you all and tell the world about Harvest :-)15:51
sensegood afternoon15:51
dholbachakgraner, excellente! :)15:52
jonohey all16:00
jonokim0, can you give me one min?16:01
kim0jono: sure16:01
dholbachhey jono16:02
JFofor jono and akgraner:16:04
JFo"It's a piece of cake to make a pretty cake"16:04
akgranerJFo, no no no!!! Don't you dare16:04
JFohm hmmm hmmm hmmmm16:04
akgranerJFo Pete playing the stupid video this morning laughing the whole freakin' time...  payback that's all I am sayin!16:05
JFohe was watching it?16:05
jonodammit JFo16:06
akgranerJFo, yes!!!  and Ugh!!16:07
akgranernow I ask him a question and depending on the subject I get"what" and "yeah"16:08
jonodholbach, Mr Holbach, would like to join me with your dulcit tones?17:29
jonovia the medium of skype17:29
dholbachjono, I'm waiting for you17:30
akgranerjono, tag you're it   - ping me if you have time today :-P17:35
jonoakgraner, today for sure!17:38
jonootp now, will ping later17:38
akgranerjono, roger that...17:39
Technovikingdid I hear that the Loco booth packs are ready?17:49
akgranerHey all if you have Ubuntu Related Events  that are happening in October and November that you would like included in Full Circle shoot me an email17:49
akgranerTechnoviking, they new packs are approved  - I don't know if they are available for shipping yet - ask randa when she pops back in the channel...17:51
Technovikingwe have a conference in Utah in early October17:52
czajkowskiUbuntu ireland - ossbarcamp.com with the Ubuntu uk podcast folks over17:53
akgranerAwesome  - If I created a googledoc for you all to add to as you think about it would that help at all?17:58
akgranerok or a wiki page :-)17:58
jonodholbach, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/developers17:59
czajkowskiwiki page17:59
dholbachalright my friends, I call it a day18:10
dholbachhave a great evening18:10
dholbachand see you tomorrow!18:10
* dholbach hugs you all18:10
macobye dholbach18:10
dholbachbye maco18:12
czajkowskiweekend spent spring cleaning wikis, lotta pages created under locoteams that aren;t linked from anywhere and many are personal ones19:45
czajkowskihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamSpeakers  if you can speak at an event and are part of an Ubuntu LoCO Add you name to the list19:45
czajkowskihandy one I found though19:45
czajkowskiI read a lotta wikis!19:53
czajkowskisome are named wrong and missing part of sub headings19:54
czajkowskithere are a lot of UDS ones that aren't under UDS tags19:54
czajkowskisent to UW19:56
czajkowskiJFo: you're a bad bad egg!20:16
JFowhy am I one now?20:17
macowhatd you do?20:17
JFomy twitter replies?20:17
JFocz<tab> ?20:17
JFoerrr ;)20:17
czajkowskioi oi less of this cz<tab> business20:18
JFohee hee20:18
macobut thats how your name is spelled!20:18
czajkowskiJFo: I replued to your creme egg one20:18
czajkowskibad bad egg20:18
* maco waits for the time her name shows up in a document as "cz "20:18
* czajkowski peers at maco , behave you20:19
JFomaco, yours is M<tab>; look to see if it is right; depending on channel, curse20:20
AlanBellmaco: it is gobby and etherpad which is the public test of whether you can spell czajkowski20:20
JFoAlanBell, I stop at czaj on my docs like that :)20:20
JFothat is as far as I will allow my brain to hurt20:20
macoJFo: i get called marco a lot. i dont think i get called mako on irc, but then i dont have him in my highlight rules, so i dont know. i HAVE been called "ben" on irc though20:20
czajkowskihow do you et Ben20:21
macobenjamin mako hill20:21
czajkowskiI've cz cz<tab> laura all on highlight20:21
macosomeone thought i was mako, so called me ben20:21
* AlanBell thinks czajkowski was thinking of a different ben20:22
czajkowskisad to see http://onlinux.ca/node/1120:25
czajkowskiJFo: damn you now I want one!20:38
czajkowskiJFo: do ye get them over there?20:39
pleia2czajkowski: aw, that's ashame20:39
czajkowskipleia2: aye20:39

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