
* RAOF wonders why clutter feels the need to copy code from xf86Drm.{c,h} rather than simply linking to them.01:11
TheMusoYay for catching up on mail backlog after a week off. makes you want another week off afterwards. :p01:47
TheMusoRAOF: You still getting that audio volume mute issue we talked about a couple of weeks back?02:04
RAOFI'm not entirely sure.02:05
RAOFWhen I logged in today the volume wasn't muted.02:05
TheMusoI need to delete my configs and start a fresh, to test again, since so much was updated in the last week.02:06
TheMusoNow to the bug mail... *groans*02:19
nigelbWould it be possible to sync this package? It might need an FFe, but it is essential to have since brasero doesn't burn audio cd without this http://packages.debian.org/unstable/cdrdao05:13
* nigelb can file a sync request if its worth it :)05:14
* ajmitch sees an ubuntu1 version05:17
nigelbajmitch: there is a bug for that package wehre I got flamed once :p05:21
ajmitchnigelb: that's nice, but can the change be dropped?05:21
nigelboh, the ubuntu specific change - looking05:21
nigelbajmitch: Not sure.  I can't make sense of the chanelog05:22
ajmitchthen you'll need to look harder :)05:22
nigelbheh, I have the source somehere.  I tried doing an upstream release, but its a crazy package.  I'll check it out05:23
nigelblast time I checked a bunch of the patches were included upstream already and only 1 or 2 were needed.05:24
ajmitchthat seems to be most of the debian changelog05:24
ajmitchbut I don't know if the armv71 change is upstream or not05:24
nigelbthat means a merge then?05:26
ajmitchgenerally yes05:26
nigelbhm, well, fun for tonight then :D05:27
ajmitchshouldn't take long if it's a simple patch05:27
ajmitchnigelb: what's better - the last ubuntu change was applied directly to the source despite the fact that there's a patch system there05:29
nigelbajmitch: now, that explains why I had fails when I moved to 3.005:30
nigelbI tried my best to figure out why and gave up eventually :/05:31
ajmitchit looks as simple as adding those 2 files to scsilib/RULES, on the surface of things05:32
ajmitchif anything by schily can be simple05:32
ajmitchlook up joerg schilling :)05:34
nigelbajmitch: Ah06:12
* nigelb turns off IRC and gets to work06:13
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didrocksgood morning o/07:17
RAOFdidrocks: And a fine morning to you, too.07:26
didrockshey RAOF, how are you?07:26
RAOFA bit tired, and puzzled by clutter.07:26
RAOFI did some gardening on the weekend.07:27
RAOFUnaccustomed exercise makes for a little soreness the day after :)07:28
didrocksheh :-)07:28
didrocks(I think everyone is puzzled by clutter btw)07:28
didrockssnoring or not ;)07:28
RAOFParticularly: mesa 7.9 makes Unity work* on radeon.07:31
didrocksoh great! I know that will make a lot of people happy :)07:32
RAOF* Only if disabling vsync (on *all* cards), since for some reason clutter decides that, actually, it shouldn't repaint the screen after the first glXSwapBuffer07:32
didrocksso, it's automatically choosing VBLANK_SYNC=none for radeon?07:33
RAOFIt's automatically bringing up a pure white screen for *everyone*.07:34
RAOFBut if you choose CLUTTER_VBLANK=none it works :/07:34
didrocksdo you think we should put that by default in unity?07:35
didrocksno sure about the regression on not syncing on VBLANK for every cards07:35
RAOFI'd prefer to fix clutter.07:35
didrockswell, still one month to go ;)07:36
RAOFThe problem appears to be that (a) clutter isn't defining GLX_INTEL_swap_event, so the callback that decrements glx_stage->pending_swaps isn't getting built, and (b) pending_swaps is getting *incremented* for some reason, which halts clutter's clock.07:37
TheMusoHey didrocks.07:38
didrockshey TheMuso, how are you?07:39
RAOFBut the code incrementing pending_swaps looks like it should only get called when GLX_INTEL_swap_event is defined, so I'm confused :)07:39
didrocksRAOF: do you think that's something you can fix with the clutter guys, do you have good relationship with them?07:39
didrocks(as you know, I'm not fan of all this GL* stuff :p)07:40
RAOFI've not dealt with the clutter guys.07:40
RAOFAlthough it can't be *that* hard for me to find the root cause and fix it :)07:40
robert_ancelldidrocks, hey, welcome back07:41
didrockshey robert_ancell, thanks! ;)07:41
didrocksRAOF: I think all the user trust of getting unity into radeon is on you :p07:42
RAOFdidrocks: Well, at least the mesa guys have done the hard-yards of the required GL support.  Fixing clutter to not die should be much easier :)07:42
didrocksright :-)07:43
TheMusodidrocks: well thanks, was nice to have a week off.07:44
didrocksTheMuso: oh, you too? welcome back too so :)07:44
TheMusodidrocks: What about your week away?07:44
TheMusoMail backlog was somewhat depressing however.07:44
didrockswas great and busy. Had to find an accomodation to buy in Lyon (400 kilometers from Paris), and finally signed to buy one! :)07:45
didrocksright, same here about mail backlog07:45
TheMusonice work. :)07:45
and471morning all07:50
didrockshey and47107:51
and471hey didrocks, how was your vacation?07:52
didrocksand471: was good, thanks :) a lot of travel and busy time, but good!07:52
didrocksI just think the best idea was to shutdown my IRC proxy :)07:53
TheMusodidrocks: I did the same, and don't regret it.07:53
didrocksTheMuso: heh :-)07:53
pittiGood morning08:36
and471hi pitti08:36
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti08:37
RAOFWell, apart from the fact that I seem to have broken input in unity, the trivial clutter patch works :)08:37
didrocksRAOF: who cares about input? ;)08:38
RAOFNo one _really_ needs to be able to select menus, right? :)08:38
RAOFMmm.  gnome-calculator segfault.08:39
RAOFAh.  Stupid appmenu.so08:40
and471hey mvo08:44
mvohey and471, good morning!08:45
and471mvo, I just tried another way to get the label for a sourceEntry - didn't work :(08:46
didrocksgood morning mvo :)08:47
mvoand471: :/08:47
mvodidrocks: good morning, I hope you enjoyed your vacation?08:47
mvodidrocks: still no oneconf sync for me it seems08:47
didrocksmvo: yeah, were great, thanks! busy because of looking for an accomodation to buy in Lyon and finally found it and signed :) (will be moving in December)08:47
didrocksmvo: same for me :/ no answer from the ubuntu one guy. I'll try to ping them today directly08:48
didrocksand thanks for the quick fix btw ;)08:48
mvodidrocks: woah!08:48
mvodidrocks: congrats :)08:49
didrocksthanks ;)08:49
* and471 is going offline to test something08:49
* and471 didn't even drop the connection :)08:52
ftais it possible to extend the evolution-indicator to display more info than just a message count? i mean, why attract the user's attention with no hint of what's coming..  the other indicators are more helpful08:57
ftakenvandine, ^^08:57
pittihey didrocks, how was your vac? welcome back09:05
didrockspitti: my holidays were good thanks! quite really busy and a nightmare of emails to catch up but good to spend some time in family on the mountains! :)09:06
didrockspitti: I saw I missed a suggests/recommends change for openjdk in OOo, I tried to take care of them, but apparently missed one, sorry09:07
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pittididrocks: OOo> all fixed now, don't worry09:07
pittididrocks: heh, good luck with catching up!09:07
didrockspitti: thanks ;) seems that patience will be my friend! ;)09:07
ftaseb128, fyi, something similar to the menu shadow bug i told you about last week: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5381409:29
seb128is your issue on nvidia?09:29
seb128could be buggy drivers again09:29
ftauh? it's not a visual artifact, it seems more like an incomplete gtk drag/drop09:30
seb128is that specific to one application ?09:34
seb128didrocks, hey09:35
seb128welcome back!09:35
didrockshey seb128, thanks ;)09:35
seb128so want to discuss UNE choices?09:36
seb128dunno if you read my email on the ubuntu-desktop list09:36
didrocksI've not read it yet, can do now09:37
seb128do it ;-)09:37
seb128that will be a basis to discuss UNE now09:38
seb128I would rule oneconf out of the default install now, desktopcouch is not working well enough and we don't have enough time for testing it properly now09:38
didrocksok, read it09:39
seb128not to say that we will be busy enough to make other things work09:39
seb128it's still there as an opt-in, we can even maybe discuss it as a feature application if you think it's working well tnough for it09:39
didrocksI agree on oneconf, even if all was ready on time on our side, the desktopcouch sync issue make it not working great09:39
didrocksand it will be better to get a good start rather than half-backed sync09:40
seb128ok, so next cycle09:40
seb128so banshee, what do you think?09:40
didrocksI think it's risky concerning timeframe, but it can really be a good move09:40
didrockswe have a good interface, rhythmbox on small screen isn't great at all09:40
seb128I'm concerned that it's late for the extra changes, one new source to be packages and promoted and another promotion as well09:40
seb128and it's a new backend which got no testing in any distro yet09:41
didrocksin any case, we will need the new source and the update09:41
didrocksas current banshee is considered unstable09:41
didrockshence my "it's risky"09:41
and471mvo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdateHandling#Expanded presentation of updates09:41
and471Whenever updateable application X Depends on updateable package Y, Y should be indented inside X’s expandable section. X’s checkbox should be a tri-state one, which is in the indeterminate state whenever some but not all of the dependent updates are checked.09:41
didrocksso I understand totally your concerns, if only we could have this 3 weeks before… :/09:42
and471mvo, 'application X' - how do you think this would work, is it going to need app-install-data?09:42
didrocksso I have no strong opinion and can understand keeping on the safe side09:42
seb128didrocks, well we can push it in beta now09:43
and471mvo, some public api's to access SC's XAPIAN db?09:43
seb128didrocks, so I guess get the update done this week09:43
seb128we can discuss it at the topic tomorrow and do a round of testing after beta09:43
mvoand471: I think it needs to look at the xapian db09:43
seb128hey mvo09:43
and471mvo, yup09:43
mvoand471: there is no public api for this yet, but given that unity is using it as well, I think its high time that we add it :)09:43
mvoand471: for N09:43
mvohey seb12809:43
and471mvo, I agree09:44
didrocksseb128: so, you mean, just after beta?09:44
seb128didrocks, banshee is in universe, get it updated this week09:44
seb128universe is not frozen09:44
seb128then we can discuss to do a round of testing and decide to promote for UNE after beta or not09:44
seb128I would do a call for testing to the meeting tomorrow09:45
didrocksseb128: ok, I will work on that today or tomorrow. I already have the new binding packaged09:45
seb128then decide next week on the feedback we got09:45
didrockssounds a good plan09:45
seb128didrocks, I would not be surprised if the debian guys have been working on those as well09:45
seb128but in case they didn't maybe let them know about your work09:45
seb128so you don't duplicate efforts09:45
didrocksseb128: sure, I'm waiting for hyperair to be online for the new binding, there is an ITP on July09:46
* Laney appears09:46
didrocksthe work is already done, it was less than one hours on the train :)09:46
didrockshey Laney09:46
Laneycheck pkg-cli-libs git and if its not there then I think it's a safe bet that nothing has been done09:46
didrocksLaney: I have packaged the last needed binding for banshee09:46
didrocksok, checking now09:47
and471mvo, FYI https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/62667409:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 626674 in software-center (Ubuntu) "needs API to access XAPIAN DB (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]09:47
Laneydidrocks: which one?09:47
didrocksin any case, a review on your side will be more than appreciated ;)09:47
didrocksone sec, looking (still having my head on vacation when doing it ;)) it was the gkeyfile one09:47
didrocksI've made something very similar to gudev-sharp09:48
mvoand471: thanks09:48
didrocksdoesn't seem to have any commit on it09:49
Laneywe should try to get a new gpod release too with the bindings09:49
mvoand471: I put it on my spec list for N09:50
didrocksLaney: understood, do you want to review the gkeyfile-sharp work? I can push it somewhere09:51
Laneyyes sure09:51
Laneya git branch would be best then i can just inject it to alioth09:51
didrocksLaney: ok, will ping you in the day. I have to start my netbook and make a final check before, will do it in a couple of hours09:52
Laneyabsolutely, thanks!09:53
and471ok cool09:53
and471vish, https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/62669910:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 626699 in gnumeric (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "gnumeric description needs improving (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]10:23
asacdidrocks: welcome back10:32
didrocksthanks asac, how are you? ;)10:32
asacdidrocks: good ;)10:33
desrtdidrocks: hey10:33
asacdidrocks: so for banshee10:33
desrtdidrocks: you in your new place?10:33
asacdidrocks: if you seed this, please keep rhythmbox for armel and dont use banshee10:33
asacmono is not mature enough for a decent platform like armel :-Ü10:34
didrocksdesrt: hey o/ not yet ;) will be in december. I'm back in/near Paris now :)10:34
asacand thank god it isnt.10:34
desrtoh cool10:34
didrocksasac: sure ;) I already had that in mind!10:34
desrti'm in fontenay sous bois10:34
asacdidrocks: i started banshee here and didnt see much different to rhyhtmbox10:34
asacwhy do we move there?10:34
didrocksdesrt: oh great, maybe we can meet up this week?10:35
desrtya.  definitely.10:35
didrocksasac: it has a better interface for small screens, mostly10:35
desrtmy girlfriend wants to go on a paris-by-bike tour tomorrow10:35
desrtbut other than that....10:35
desrt(unless you want to come on the bikes) :)10:35
didrocksdesrt: until when do you stay there?10:35
desrti'm leaving on friday10:35
didrockswell, I will leave the bikes to your and your girlfriend ;)10:36
desrtin the morning10:36
desrtwhat area are you living in?10:36
didrocksdesrt: wednesday or thursday evening are fine by me, just tell me what do you prefer :)10:36
didrocksdesrt: it's Puteaux, in the west10:36
desrtcan you tell me in terms of RER? :)10:37
* desrt has a map here10:37
didrocksdesrt: RER A, "la défense"10:37
desrtonly 7 stops from here10:37
desrt(we're actually very close to 'val de fontenay')10:38
didrocksoh nice, we can either go in Paris or stop somewhere in the RER A, or you can come at home (/!\ it's small ;))10:39
desrtmaybe thursday10:40
mvodidrocks: do you mind if I upload a trivial fix for glade-3 ? seems like you touched it last and it did not got a maverick version yet, this is why I ask10:42
didrocksdesrt: ok, no worry, just tell me once you are sure ;)10:42
didrocksmvo: I don't have the time to play/track glade-3 upstream, so sure, please do it :)10:42
mvodidrocks: thanks10:43
didrocksmvo: there were an updated format which broke a lot of things, is it fixed?10:43
mvodidrocks: I just cherry pick a utf8 fix10:43
mvodidrocks: one line :)10:43
didrocksmvo: oh ok, good :)10:43
mvodidrocks: I don't have time for more either ;)10:43
seb128mvo, you touch it, you maintain it!10:44
seb128mvo, is that the "utf-8 chars in glade don't get translated"?10:44
mvoseb128: yeah10:45
mvoseb128: broke software-center, so now I gonna fix it10:45
mvoor rather cherry pick the fix that other helpful people did :)10:45
seb128I came accross it and made a mental note to backport the change but forgot about it10:45
* seb128 hugs mvo10:45
* mvo hugs seb12810:45
seb128luckily you are there ;-)10:45
seb128now we only need somebody to review the unapproved queue10:48
mvoseb128: is the vcs-bzr link current, i.e. should I commit to ~ubuntu-desktop/glade/ubuntu or is the "generic" lp:ubuntu location now used?10:48
seb128having the uk on bank holidays doesn't help there10:48
seb128mvo, the first one10:48
seb128we don't do source in the vcs, that's slow and unefficient ;-)10:48
mvo++ from me10:49
mvoseb128: but remember you are a evolutionary dead end ;)10:49
chrisccoulsonhello everyone10:50
mvoseb128: eh, I mean, just having patches in the vcs :P10:50
mvohey chrisccoulson10:50
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:50
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks for the firefox upload10:50
chrisccoulsonhey mvo and seb128, how are you?10:50
seb128who did you bribe to get that one in?10:50
chrisccoulsonseb128 - you're welcome. i'm not sure who approved it, i was trying to find somebody to do it on friday night ;)10:50
seb128we are short on reviewers it seems10:51
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm fine otherwise10:51
seb128how are you?10:51
seb128chrisccoulson, you know today is a bank holiday for you right?10:52
chrisccoulsonyeah, good thanks. had a pretty long day yesterday visiting family though10:52
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's a holiday here today10:52
seb128don't feel like you have to work then ;-)10:52
chrisccoulsonheh, i'll be going out in a bit anyway ;)10:52
seb128how is the weather in the uk?10:52
seb128it's cold and rainy and windy there10:53
chrisccoulsonits sunny here, for a change!10:53
chrisccoulsoni shoud make the most of it10:54
asacdidrocks: there was the question about zeroconf and whether we can get rid of that10:56
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asacdidrocks: and boo ;)10:57
asaccheck out the MIR bug10:57
mvoseb128: glade uploaded, I go for lunch now11:00
didrocksasac: boo is an option, don't know if Laney knows for what it's used11:01
didrocksasac: concerning for zeroconf, I think it's coming with daap, will ask upstream about it (or if Laney has already some inputs)11:02
asacdidrocks: so we can drop boo? that would be a good win11:03
asaczeroconf is just a new addition and i dont see it as a big use case11:03
Laneyboo is probably not used for so much11:03
Laneyzeroconf however I think is really quite a nice feature and it would be a shame to lose it11:04
asacLaney: why did they move away from avahi ... which we already have11:04
asacin main11:04
LaneyI don't know11:04
LaneyI think it might be an abstraction of avahi11:05
asacLaney: also someone said that zeroconf has patent issues which is why avahi was invented11:05
asacLaney: i dont think so. i think they used avahi at some point and now they implemented zeroconf in mono pure11:05
seb128asac, I don't think that's the case11:06
seb128the zeroconf we used before avahi might have patent issues but you should not stop at the name11:07
seb128not what the one banshee uses is doing exactly11:08
LaneyI don't know and I don't think you should be concerned11:08
Laneyzeroconf uses the avahi-sharp bindings11:08
seb128they might just use the zeroconf name but do avahi11:08
Laneyhttp://abock.org/2007/12/23/announcing-monozeroconf here's an announcement11:08
seb128I just don't get why they need that extra one11:08
seb128they could probably just use avahi directly11:08
asacseb128: Laney: ok ... so we can make boo go away?11:09
asacthats good enough for me11:09
didrocks(just check and found that too)11:09
seb128seems something we should do yes11:09
Laneyideally it would build the package in universe but that would still require boo in main so it's not really possible11:10
baptistemmHi there11:10
seb128hey baptistemm11:11
baptistemmsalut seb12811:11
didrockshello baptistemm11:11
baptistemmsalut didrocks11:11
baptistemmfinis les vacances :)11:12
didrocksidem ici :)11:12
baptistemmI don't know where you are about freeze but it would be nice to have bluez 4.70 (bug 625771) in as it fixes my bluetooth adapter been unseen since a few release11:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 625771 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Sponsor new upstream release (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62577111:13
asacdidrocks: ok all but banshee and boo targets are fix committed in MIR11:13
asacso make boo go away ;)11:13
Laneythere's a new release tomorrow, should just do it at that merge11:14
didrocksasac: cool, thanks! there are two additional language bindings which will come up with the next release, but there are just bindings :)11:15
asacdidrocks: whats next release?11:15
asaca tomorrow11:15
didrocksLaney: ok, let's coordinate on that one for bindings and such (still have 1000+ emails to read and will come to that later) :)11:16
asacdidrocks: more languages? for what is that?11:16
didrocksasac: right, it's an unstable version right now11:16
didrocksasac: mono gkeyfile binding and gudev11:16
asacah ok.. api bindings11:16
Laneyfor the hal removal11:16
asacthought it binds a full new interpreter language ;)11:16
asacthose bindings feel ok11:16
didrocksthat's why we need testing :)11:17
Laneydidrocks: are your patches upstreamed?11:17
didrocksLaney: yes, there are two bugs reports IIRC11:17
Laneywould be good to see them merged before 1.811:17
didrocksLaney: and I discuss at Guadec, some will make it upstream with new library for distros, sounds great :)11:17
baptistemm(still about bluetooth land) bug 625544 would fixe a crash in obexd-client11:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 625544 in obexd (Ubuntu) "Sponsor new upstream release (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62554411:18
didrocksbut it will be surely after 1.8; unfortunately11:18
* Laney tries to be the delta destroyer11:18
didrocksLaney: totally understandable :) just not this time, but it will come for sure11:18
ograhmm, whats the gconf name of the applet i have to use to get indicator session ? while i have the efl panel setup right, i'm still missing the indicators11:31
* ogra tired /apps/panel/applets/applet_5/bonobo_iid OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet but that didnt get me any change11:32
ograbah, i missed to set toplevel_id11:33
bilalakhtarseb128: oh boy, what's the matter with your connection?11:46
seb128now? or earlier?11:47
bilalakhtarseb128: earlier11:47
seb128I was on a unstable access earlier, now I was just testing unity11:47
seb128I shouldn't have tried to connect at all11:48
seb128I'm on my normal internet now should be stable11:48
seb128out of the box crashing on user switch11:48
seb128some days I hate linux for that ;-)11:49
and471seb128, haha how ironic ^11:49
seb128ok, doing another round of unity testing and lunch, bbl11:59
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
chrisccoulsonpitti - are the retracers running?12:06
devildantehi all :)12:07
pittichrisccoulson: no, they aren't; they are blocked by a LP bug; seb128 sent a mail about this, didn't he?12:07
ograhrm, i dont seem to be able to get a logout button into my panel12:08
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
chrisccoulsonpitti - possibly, i should perhaps read through my mail ;)12:12
nessitagood morning everyone!12:50
didrockshey nessita12:50
nessitadidrocks: hey there, how are you?12:51
didrocksnessita: just coming back from vacation and trying to catch up on tons of emails/bugs. Otherwise good! and you?12:51
seb128hey nessita12:51
nessitadidrocks: lucky you! I've just finished a desktop sprint last week and I'm kinda sick :-/12:52
nessitahey seb12812:52
didrocksurgh, sprintflu?12:52
didrocksseb128 is too quick or I lag :)12:52
nessitaI think so :-)12:53
nessitaI'll go to the doctor later to get a diagnose, though I doubt he'll say "sprintflu" ;-)12:53
nessitaso, I'd need a sponsor for a new release of the ubuntu-sso-client, is anyone available? shall I hunt kenvandine?12:54
seb128nessita, you want to get that in beta?12:54
nessitaseb128: wasn't beta last week? :-)12:55
seb128beta freeze started last week12:55
seb128beta is thursday12:55
nessitaseb128: hum, evidently I'm not familiar with this workflow. Can I read about this somewhere?12:55
seb128nessita, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule12:56
* nessita reads12:56
devildantempt: around?13:04
devildanteapparently not, he's not even connected13:04
seb128today is a bank holiday in the u.k13:04
nessitaseb128: yes, I'd like to queue this package in the beta queue13:04
seb128nessita, ok, I can sponsor it for you then13:05
nessitaseb128: awesome, thanks13:05
seb128nessita, where is the merge request?13:06
=== asac_ is now known as asac
kaushalcan someone recommend me top 10 applications to be used in 10.04 ?13:13
nessitaseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/maverick/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-0.99.4/+merge/3396913:14
seb128kaushal, hi, try #ubuntu13:14
seb128nessita, ok13:15
seb128nessita, waouh, impressive number of bugs fixed again there13:15
nessitaseb128: are you saying that as a bad thing?13:16
seb128nessita, no, I'm saying you are doing great work ;-)13:16
nessitaseb128: hehe. Last week was very productive, we're very happy13:17
didrocksLaney: ok, I pushed the first packaging attempt, you can grab the upstream trunk tarball at http://www.didrocks.fr/temp/banshee/ and the git packaging at http://www.didrocks.fr/temp/banshee/git-trunk/.git13:22
Laneydidrocks: thanks (I suspect that's not gbp style as you wouldn't need a separate tarball then) ;)13:22
LaneyI'm just doing some wiki work as part of my UDS WIs but will look soon13:22
didrocksLaney: I just pushed it for info as it's not an upstream tarball but generated from trunk (no release yet :)), but it's a full source branch (I looked at gbp ;))13:23
didrocksLaney: thanks! no hurry :)13:23
Laneyah ok then13:23
Laneywill need a get-orig-source in that case13:23
didrocksprobably and setting the Vcs* in debian/control too (didn't do that yet, but it's a quick fix)13:24
Laneyyeah I'll do that to git.d.o/blah13:24
Steelynosehi all, having a problem setting XDG_DATA_DIRS13:25
Steelynoseincluded the following in /etc/environment13:25
Steelynosegnome-session hangs after login, no menus, no right click, but screensaver gets active13:26
didrocksSteelynose: for those kind of question, #ubuntu is better, here it's for developping ubuntu13:26
Steelynoseoh, sorry13:27
pittiseb128: bonjour13:27
seb128pitti, hey13:27
seb128pitti, how are you?13:27
didrocksSteelynose: no worry :)13:27
pittinessita, seb128: seems I lost the u1 music store from RB, as well as from the indicators -- is the latter intended?13:27
seb128store from indicators?13:28
pittiseb128: feeling like 90 years :) we had the 20 year anniversary of our Taekwondo club, so we invited two grandmasters, who chased us the whole weekend13:28
pittiseb128: but it was great13:28
pittiseb128: no, I mean the indicator doesn't have u1 settings any more, and RB doesn't have the store13:28
pittimartin    2123  0.1  0.8 140236 34460 ?        Sl   13:22   0:06 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon13:28
pittiit's running, thuogh13:28
seb128dunno about this one13:28
nessitapitti: let me ask aquarius13:29
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
nessitapitti: seems like there are 2 known bugs, see https://launchpad.net/bugs/626659 for example13:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 626659 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[maverick] Ubuntu One entry is not present in MeMenu (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]13:41
nessitapitti: fo updates you can ask rye (roman) on #ubuntuone13:41
pittinessita: ah, seems 626659 answers my question then, thanks13:44
pittiso it's known already13:44
seb128pitti, that doesn't reply to why it's not working in rb for you13:45
seb128pitti, do you get any error on the command line?13:45
seb128what libubuntuone version do you use?13:45
pittilibubuntuone-1.0-1    0.3.4-0ubuntu113:45
seb128the store?13:46
pittiTraceback (most recent call last):13:46
pitti  File "/usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/umusicstore/__init__.py", line 43, in activate13:46
pitti    self.music_store_widget.activate(shell)13:46
pitti  File "/usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/umusicstore/MusicStoreWidget.py", line 57, in activate13:46
pitti    self.entry_type = self.db.entry_register_type("U1EntryType")13:46
pittiAttributeError: '__main__.RhythmDBTree' object has no attribute 'entry_register_type'13:46
pittiand finally13:46
pitti  File "/usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/umusicstore/__init__.py", line 54, in deactivate13:46
pitti    self.music_store_widget.deactivate(shell)13:46
pitti  File "/usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/umusicstore/MusicStoreWidget.py", line 78, in deactivate13:46
pitti    self.source.delete_thyself()13:46
pittiAttributeError: 'U1MusicStoreWidget' object has no attribute 'source'13:46
pittion shutdown13:46
pittihm, but i get further debug messages from what looks like the store after the first exception13:47
nessitapitti: I know rodrigo was working on that last week...13:47
seb128should have been fixed with the current version13:48
nessitaI'll find more info on the stand up, which will be in 10 minutes13:48
pittiseb128: I upgraded this morning, but I'll try again13:53
pittiseb128: no new pkgs13:54
seb128pitti, right, better to check with rodrigo then13:55
seb128when he's around13:55
seb128or wait for nessita to be back from the u1 meeting13:55
pittiit's not that urgent, so I'll ask them later; thanks!13:55
nessitapitti: seems like everyone is out today (rodrigo on a swap day, Chipaca delayed), so you may wanna click on affects me too in this one  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/+bug/57238114:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 572381 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Ubuntu One Store not showing (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New]14:13
pittinessita: ah, also reported already, nice!14:13
nessitaok, I'm off to the doctor14:14
nessitasee ya later!14:14
devildantepitti, will look into this bug, if you don't mind of course ;)14:19
pittidevildante: no, you mustn't fix bugs!!14:22
pittidevildante: j/k, thank you!14:22
devildantepitti, I'll try to fix it, but I don't promise anything :p14:22
mvogo devildante go :-D14:30
* devildante wonders why there's no debian directory in the u1ms branch, even though it's only used by ubuntu14:31
devildantewhat the... it seems U1MusicStorePlugin.deactivate() is called before U1MusicStorePlugin.activate()!14:37
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
pittidevildante: I suppose they also use upstream branches (without debian/, where upstream has commit access to), and ubuntu packaging branches (with debian/, merging entire releases instead of each commit, write access to uploaders)14:45
devildantepitti: okay, thanks :)14:49
devildanteprogress: from what I can say, revision 72 is the culprit15:05
seb128mvo, how did you manage to get your upload in?15:06
seb128mvo, did you bribe somebody or is the queue being reviewed? ;-)15:06
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
devildantepitti: I made it work! ;)15:19
devildantepitti: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ilidrissi.amine/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/make-it-work/+merge/3407215:26
pittidevildante: you rock!15:29
devildantepitti: thanks ;)15:30
* devildante needs to now find someone to bug so he can merge this branch :p15:32
mvoseb128_: I have no idea what happend, but I'm happy it went through15:35
seb128_mvo, ok ;-)15:36
and471devildante, hey, you AlertWatcher thing in UpdateManager is awesome!16:04
and471devildante, I merged it into software-updater - very nice !16:04
devildanteand471: thanks :)16:04
and471devildante, did you see this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/62670016:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 626700 in software-center (Ubuntu) "evince is marked as an add-on of gnumeric (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]16:05
and471devildante, in which package is this a bug?16:05
devildanteand471: we always suspect usc first since it could be wrong16:06
devildanteand471: the bug is happening because gnumeric recommends evince16:09
and471devildante, should I file a bug?16:11
devildanteand471: no need, I already put a gnumeric task in the bug ;)16:11
and471oops looks like you just did :)16:11
and471yup :)16:11
and471devildante, I have just noticed, ttf-liberation and the microsoft core fonts are also set as addons16:15
and471devildante, would a good move be to set these as 'suggests' rather than recommends?16:15
devildanteand471: suggests are also treated as add-ons16:15
devildanteand471: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Add-on packages16:16
and471devildante, hmm, so what do we do?16:17
devildanteand471: why wouldn't you want these as add-ons?16:17
and471devildante, well evince definitely isn't16:18
and471devildante, I feel that fonts that are global to the system are classed as 'addons' of gnumeric16:18
and471devildante, I feel an addon would be 'gnumeric-spell-checker' (not a real package, just an example)16:19
and471are classed > are not class16:19
devildanteand471: all right, so you should open a debian bug16:20
and471sure will do16:21
devildanteand471, I have to thank you, I found another bug because of this16:21
and471devildante, oh what's that ?16:21
devildanteand471: recommended packages should not be listed when the app is not installed, since they will be installed automatically anyway16:22
Laneydidrocks: which revision did you check out? Just HEAD?16:27
didrocksLaney: just HEAD, there are not a lot of changes to it, so I assumed it was correct16:27
Laneyjust need to know what to put16:27
Laneyencoding it in the version number16:28
didrocksLaney: I was wondering why you encode that in the revision number, is there a policy, rather than just date?16:29
Laneynot really a policy, it's just better documentation16:30
Laneyplus then you can have the get-orig-source parse from the version16:30
didrocksoh ok, that's where get-origin-source magic comes from to determine where to take the revision, understood :)16:31
hyperairdidrocks: what binding?16:32
didrockspitti: when you have some time, if you can approve ubuntu-netbook-default-settings (would be nice to have people with fresh configuration trying evo express by that mean)16:36
pittididrocks: done16:39
didrockspitti: thanks a lot :)16:39
pittiyou're welcome!16:39
Laneydidrocks: isn't your stuff copyright canonical? ;)16:58
didrocksLaney: not mandatory for packaging (and in any case, I've done that on my holiday time, in the train ;))16:59
didrocksLaney: of course, if that's bug you, I can change :-)17:00
Laneyno it doesn't bug me, on the contrary I like it better this way :)17:00
Laneyjust thought it might have been naughty17:00
didrockswell, I have only done the git import on my work time… copyright as so a bugger :-)17:02
ari-tczewseb128: could you take a look on bug 626379 ?17:04
ubot2ari-tczew: Bug 626379 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/626379 is private17:04
seb128ari-tczew, what about it?17:04
ari-tczewseb128: are there any chance for fix?17:05
seb128I guess if you send a patch yes17:06
seb128seems the software you are using does something weird to the clipboard17:06
seb128g-s-d should not crash though17:06
ari-tczewseb128: if I would can create a patch, I wouldn't ask you for review...17:07
seb128sorry but we have lot of bugs concerning the default installation17:08
seb128I doubt I can spend time fixing a bug with a kde application before release17:08
devildantebug 626379 is private, what is it about?17:09
ubot2devildante: Bug 626379 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/626379 is private17:09
ari-tczewdevildante: I didn't set that. it's apport.17:09
devildanteari-tczew, yeah, but for now I don't have permission to see it :p17:10
seb128it's public now17:10
rickspencer3welcome back didrocks17:12
didrockshey rickspencer3, thanks :)17:13
pittihello rickspencer317:32
rickspencer3hi pitti17:32
seb128hey rickspencer317:37
rickspencer3hi seb12817:37
seb128how are you?17:37
bcurtiswxHi kenvandine , did you receive my email this morning?17:37
rickspencer3doing alright17:37
kenvandinebcurtiswx, hey.. yeah17:38
rickspencer3everyone getting battened down for Beta?17:38
kenvandinehaven't actually read it yet :)17:38
kenvandinevery busy atm... will try to get to it later today17:38
* kenvandine is fighting with oauth and twitter atm17:38
bcurtiswxkenvandine: Ok, no biggie. Much appreciated.17:38
kenvandineGET works fine, POST not so much...17:38
seb128rickspencer3, let's see how beta goes17:38
rickspencer3seb128, it will be good17:39
seb128if you say so ;-)17:39
rickspencer3lots of cool new things, quality seems ok17:39
rickspencer3seb128, are there things  you are worried about?17:39
seb128having no crach bug going through for weeks17:39
seb128it means we have very low visiblity on the current issues17:40
bcurtiswxThe net book edition still doesn't work correctly on my amd64 radeon laptop17:40
seb128rickspencer3, having no active release manager review the queue as well, I guess timing with today being an uk bank holidays doesn't help17:40
rickspencer3seb128, well, we have a release manager17:41
rickspencer3is there something that she needs to be doing that's not getting done?17:41
seb128rickspencer3, then unity buglist, banshee not having landed yet for UNE17:41
didrocks(quite tricky, right, we'll see on wednesday banshee release how call for testing will work)17:44
Laneythere, nice and tweaked17:48
* Laney sends it up to alioth17:48
Laneydidrocks: can I set the team as maintainer and you as uploader?17:48
didrocksLaney: sure :)17:48
didrocksLaney: thanks for the review17:48
LaneyI added some missing copyright holders, tweaked the rules a bit to remove some unnecessary stuff and add a get-orig-source17:49
Laneyand probably some other stuff17:49
Laneythanks for your work!17:50
didrocksLaney: yw ;)17:52
Laneynow just get on teuf to release a new libgpod ;)17:52
didrocksLaney: I try to get him now :)17:53
micahgseb128: re unity, I filed bug 626169 over the weekend which is the reason for an FTBFS on amd64 for unity and xserver-xorg-input-evdev17:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 626169 in utouch-grail (Ubuntu) "Please promote amd64 binaries as well (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62616917:53
seb128I think pitti was on that17:53
pittidone this morning17:54
pittithis one was hilariously resistant, sorry about that; it took four attempts to finally get them promoted for some reason17:54
micahgpitti: k, should I close the bug? and can someone give back those builds17:55
pittimicahg: unity xserver-xorg-evdev retried; please go ahead and close the bug17:55
micahgpitti: thanks17:55
pittiin fact, unity is building on amd64 already17:55
pittiand so is -evdev17:56
micahgpitti: k, I guess ubuntuwire's a little slow to update then :)17:56
gesermicahg: the FTBFS page on ubuntuwire is updated hourly, the LP API is too slow to make it dynamic18:05
micahggeser: k, good to know18:17
pittigood night everyone18:35
seb128'night pitti18:36
didrocksgood evening pitti18:37
devildantegood night pitti :)18:38
chrisccoulsongood evening everyone18:44
didrocksenjoy your evening chrisccoulson :)18:47
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks!18:47
chrisccoulsondid you have a good vacation?18:47
didrockschrisccoulson: very busy one, but they was good! buying an apartment in Lyon ;)18:47
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
hyperairdidrocks: we're still missing libgpod# (part of libgpod git, not released yet)19:00
didrockshyperair: right, I pinged teuf and he is aware about it19:01
hyperairdidrocks: yeah i pinged him about it last week.19:02
hyperairdidrocks: as for gkeyfile-sharp, i thought it had been uploaded already. turns out i had an unpushed git tree.19:03
hyperairdidrocks: i'll integrate your changes in and add you to Uploaders and copyright. is that okay?19:03
didrockshyperair: oh, I just saw the ITP but no activity last week, hence the fact I worked on it in the train during holidays19:04
didrockshyperair: sure, please do :)19:04
nessitaseb128: question, when you have some sparse minutes (no rush)19:04
seb128nessita, yes19:25
nessitaseb128: we need to submit a branch with a clueanup for ussoc (we need to remove all the old code, currently unused). Shall we wait to after the Beta?19:31
nessitaseb128: or shall we rush to get it done tomorrow?19:31
seb128nessita, it doesn't seem important to get for beta19:34
seb128nessita, I managed to get your update from today accepted btw19:34
nessitaseb128: WOW thanks19:34
seb128nessita, you can do that after beta I think, or any reason you want it now?19:34
nessitaseb128: no reason to want it now, just wanted to be sure not to be breaking any recommended procedure regarding freezes :-)19:35
* nessita comes back to bed19:36
seb128nessita, how do you feel?19:36
seb128nessita, things which go in during a freeze are things that need to fix issues on the beta image that are stoppers19:37
seb128nessita, ie things breaking the installation or basic features in Ubuntu19:37
kenvandinedidn't take long for someone to notice my tweet saying "from Ubuntu" :-D19:59
seb128kenvandine, ;-)20:01
kenvandine16 minutes to be exact :)20:01
kenvandinegot posting working, need to do some more testing of the migration path now20:02
kenvandinei don't trust my testing i did at 3am this morning :)20:02
nessitaseb128: thanks for info. I'm not very well, so I'm taking a sick day20:02
nessitaI'll be back full tomorrow20:02
seb128nessita, ok, take care!20:02

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