
arunaHi, I am Aruna. I would like to be accepted into the Quickshot developer team. Thank you..03:57
flanSure didn't stay around for long.05:11
flanBut that's the first person who submitted an application who also found the channel.05:11
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
flanHi, jenkins.22:01
jenkinshey flan22:01
flanShould I comment the server tonight or would you like me to get started on the client?22:01
flan(If the latter, I'll need your direction)22:01
flan(Because I dunno what you've got in progress and what's finished)22:02
jenkinsyea some help would be good, I am having a go at linking with the server22:03
jenkinsthe menu needs linking in with all the windows22:05
jenkinsand I need to understand the server stuff which is well documented22:06
flanFor the server, start an interpreter.22:21
flanpython -i client/__init__.py22:21
flan(Loads the client library and gives you an interpreter in its context)22:21
jenkinsok thanks I was going to ask about that.22:23
flanLemme know once that's done.22:23
jenkinsalso I see there is a download latest function but is there a function to download the list of all the screenshots to do? I have the interpreter loaded22:23
jenkinsflan: you are going to kill me but what use is being an interpreter with a file?22:32
flanThe usefulness is that you get to play around with the code without writing a script to wrap it.22:33
flanIt's good for exploring.22:33
flanSorry about the delay in responding.22:34
jenkinsno problem, thats what I thought I must not be doing ti right22:34
flan(session, details) = build_session_from_qsproj('http://flan.uguu.ca:5000/ump/10-04/', 'en_GB', 'you@example.org', None, None, True)22:35
flanRun that.22:35
flanThen type 'details'22:35
flanYou should get a dict with a bunch of data about the project.22:35
jenkinsIOError: Unable to parse .qsproj file at 'http://flan.uguu.ca:5000/ump/10-04/'22:35
flanNot qsproj22:36
flanqsproj is for loading from a file. They both return the exact same thing, though.22:36
flanLoading froma  file is just a special case of loading froma  URL.22:36
flan(The code just extracts the URL and pulls the most recent data from that)22:36
flan(So the whole .qsproj thing is just for show and convenience right now)22:37
jenkinsok this makes some sense. if i want the latest screenshot do  i type download_latest ?22:37
flanIf that's what I called it, almost.22:38
flanFor now, 'session.query_progress()'22:38
flanThat'll give you the lists.22:38
flan(For en_GB)22:38
flanAnd session.query_details('hello')22:39
flanThat should give you en_GB-localized values for the 'hello' screenshot.22:39
flan(If a localization exists)22:39
flan(If not, it'll just serve the project default)22:39
jenkinsok thanks makes sense I am just going to re read the file and try some stuff22:40
flanYou can't break anything irreparably.22:40
flanOh. Give me an OpenID.22:40
flanSo I can grant you full access to the project on the server so you can interact with both sides.22:41
flanI'm assuming it's https://launchpad.net/~ubuntujenkins22:42
jenkinsyep thats me flan22:43
flanhttp://flan.uguu.ca:5000/ You can sign in and change stuff, then.22:43
flanFifteen-minute session expiry.22:43
flanFeel free to change anything you want.22:43
flanIf you break something, let me know.22:44
jenkinsok will do22:44
flanActually, test a file upload.22:45
flansession.upload_capture(<path-to-some-png/>, 'hello')22:45
flan(Any PNG. I won't judge you)22:46
flanThen try this.22:46
flanx = open(<path-to-some-other-png/>, 'rb')22:46
* jenkins finds a png22:46
flansession.upload_capture(x, 'test')22:46
flanFound one?22:49
* flan wants to see~22:50
flanI'll be home in about two hours.22:50
flanMaybe an hour and a half.22:50
* flan needs a haircut.22:50
jenkinssorry found one on my laptop so loads of windows on a small screen22:51
jenkinsuploading now on slow intertnet22:51
flanYou could've just Googled. =P22:51
jenkinsI had some santax errors " " are needed around the paths and * are not excepted22:52
flanSeems I made a mistake somewhere...22:52
flanOoh. Neat.22:53
jenkinsi got ((True, 'Screenshot uploaded', 'project: ump; version: 10-04; language: en_GB; screenshot: hello; uploader: you@example.org; uploader-name: n/a; uploader-homepage: n/a; uploader-anonymous: no'),)22:53
flanIOError: cannot read interlaced PNG files22:53
flanOh, yeah. No problem on your end.22:53
flanI just forgot to do something.22:53
flanThe file's uploaded fine.22:53
jenkinsi don't see the image22:54
flanFor the reason I just pasted.22:54
jenkinsok cool22:54
flanPIL 1.1.7 is support to support interlaced files, but, apparently, it does not.22:56
jenkinshave you taken the server off line?22:56
flanNo. Why?22:56
jenkinshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/486038/ may be related to another error22:57
jenkins* the other22:57
flanYeah. It is.22:58
flanPIL can't load your file. :(22:58
flanCan you upload something non-interlaced while I work this out?22:58
jenkinshow do i know if it is interlaced?22:58
flanYours is the first interlaced PNG I've ever seen.22:59
flanThat one should be fine.23:00
jenkinsI will try and save as a non interlaced png23:00
jenkinsthats a cool image23:00
flanIt's Wikipedia's image for the article on PNG.23:00
flanFirst google hit for "PNG".23:01
flanUpload that as 'hello'.23:01
jenkinsi am23:01
flanYes. Much better.23:01
flanThough it's all transparency -> black.23:01
flan'Cause I didn't set a transparency mask.23:01
jenkinsthats so cool stuff on the server23:02
MuscovyWhat are you guys working on?23:02
flanUpload it a few more times and play with accept/reject, if you're so inclined.23:03
flanThen PM me a list of everything you want me to do with the client tonight.23:03
flan(Keep in mind that I only have about two hours today)23:03
jenkinsif you could just sort out the menu bar showing all the windows that would b great23:04
flanDon't be surprised if the structure's different when you wake up, then.23:04
flan(I'll be available for questions)23:05
jenkinsI am unsure if the branch is broken at the moment i will push a fixed one. you have already done the file for the menu bar that is somewhere in the branch quickshot folder. ok I will wait and see :)23:05
jenkinsflan: if you move a files can you just make a list of from and to so that I can change the debian rules stuff correctly23:07
jenkinsflan: in line 118 you have session.download_reference(screenshot, quality=70, thumbnail=None) but you have to do session.download_reference("hello", "quality=70", "thumbnail=None") is that ok? I don't get any file but a server error which is to be expected at the moment23:17
c7pjenkins: hey, how the developement of quickshot is going ?23:26
jenkinshey c7p it is getting there23:27
c7pcool I find it very interesting as programm23:27
jenkinsthanks, how you?23:28
jenkinsnight all23:45

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