
micahgI'd like to request the phpmyadmin sync to maverick be 3.3.6 instead of, I believe this is bug fix only, but can I get a MOTU ack before I make the change and then a comment in the bug once I update?  details in debian 59475501:28
ubottuDebian bug 594755 in phpmyadmin "phpmyadmin: Please package 3.3.6" [Wishlist,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/59475501:28
persiamicahg, 3.3.6 was uploaded to Debian: why do you want the ACK *before* you change the report?  Just modify the description to include the additional changelog entry, and modify the version in the bug, and *then* get your ACK.01:38
persiaFolks are usually happier about ACKing stuff when it's in the desired state (and nobody will ask why not use 3.3.6 that way)01:39
micahgpersia: because I have a report for 3.3.5 and want to make sure someone will do something before morning with it :)01:39
micahg3.3.5.1 that is01:39
persiaWhat's that bug number?01:39
micahgbug 62290001:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622900 in phpmyadmin (Ubuntu) "Please sync phpmyadmin 4: (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62290001:39
persiaI'm unsure anyone will do anything to it during beta freeze (although I'd be glad to be mistaken).01:41
micahgwell, it's an unseeded universe package so there shouldn't be a reason not to01:41
micahgbut yeah, I expected as much as well01:41
persiaYeah, but the archive-admins usually seem to let these things collect during freezes, to avoid mistakes.01:41
micahgthis one should've been pushed thorugh actually since it's a security update01:42
persiaYou might want to link it to the CVE's :)01:42
micahgam I better off just trying to get this sync'd from testing now and file my other sync after freeze01:42
micahghmmm...I linked the other bug I filed, But I guess I should link this one as well01:43
persiaI think it's better in general to just add 3.3.6, but I understand your concerns about timing.01:43
persiaDo we happen to have a semi-automated test-suite for phpmyadmin?01:44
micahgCVE added :)01:44
micahgpersia: no, just the one that's actually affected01:44
persiachangelog says CVE-2010-3055 CVE-2010-305601:44
ubottuThe configuration setup script (aka scripts/setup.php) in phpMyAdmin 2.11.x before does not properly restrict key names in its output file, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a crafted POST request. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-3055)01:44
ubottuMultiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in phpMyAdmin 2.11.x before and 3.x before allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via vectors related to (1) db_search.php, (2) db_sql.php, (3) db_structure.php, (4) js/messages.php, (5) libraries/common.lib.php, (6) libraries/database_interface.lib.php, (7) libraries/dbi/mysql.dbi.lib.php, (8) libraries/dbi/mysqli.dbi.lib.php, (9) libraries/db_info.inc.php, 01:44
micahgpersia: as you can see from ubottu changelog is wrong :)01:45
persiaheh, indeed :)01:45
micahgthe other one affect hardy01:45
persiaAnyway, I doubt you'll have huge problems if you just update that bug.01:46
persiaLeave a note at the bottom saying you've updated the version, and seek another sponsor.  You can't pull from the archive-admin queue, so being diligent with comments can be important so that folks don't think you're hijacking an ACK.01:47
ajmitchespecially being a bugfix release01:47
* ajmitch finds a "you're about to expire" message from LP01:47
persiaThe main obstacle is finding a MOTU who will test phpmyadmin for you, but that oughtn't be impossible.01:47
micahga message saying you're about to expire :)01:48
ajmitchthat happens every year01:48
micahgwell, I would hope it's just your membership ;)01:48
ajmitchof course ;)01:48
ajmitchbut it'd probably mean losing indirect membership in *lots* of teams :)01:49
micahgpersia: I'll do my usually backport and test build before I update, then comment and subscribe sponsors as you've suggested01:49
persiamicahg, Good luck.01:49
macoajmitch: micahg was making a joke about expire == death01:50
ajmitchmaco: I know that01:50
micahgpersia: thanks, BTW I think I figured out how to get the java dependencies to build with a trip through multiverse, but I'm going to check with debian-java still01:50
* ajmitch isn't completely dense :)01:50
ajmitchI wrote it like that for a reason01:50
macoajmitch: i dont know who around here has english as a first language so puns sometimes go over poorly01:51
ajmitchmaco: We have English as a first language, not American :)01:51
ajmitchmakes for interesting misunderstanding at times01:52
macobut for all i know you're like persia and up in the middle of the night!01:52
* ajmitch isn't that many timezones away from persia01:52
maco(though he's USian, but you could be indonesian or something :P)01:52
* ajmitch thought persia was still in/around .jp01:53
macohe is01:53
ajmitch& I'm at UTC+1201:53
* persia is now, but was spanning timezones wildly December <-> early august (no single timezone for more than 3 weeks)01:54
macoi was noting his originally-US-ness as a "but he doesnt count because english is his first"01:54
persiaNo it isn't: it's something I picked up as a young child though (and no longer use my first)01:54
ajmitchnew zealand is quite english01:54
macopersia: oh01:55
macopersia: so what's your first?01:55
macoand does english now count as your native or not? *confused*01:55
persiaFrench, but I never learned more than a 6-year old needs to know, and haven't used it reliably in so long that it's painful to do more than read slowly.01:56
* persia has no idea if english counts as "native", and doesn't really care.01:56
macowell if you ever move to quebec, and have kids, it decides what language they are educated in01:56
macoif english is your native, they learn in english. if it's not, they learn in french01:56
persiaNo it doesn't.  It decides which language they are educated in if there is no expressed parental preference.01:57
maco(whether you speak english as a second language and are ignorant of french is irrelevant...weirdly)01:57
macothats not what IdleOne said...and he lives there01:57
* persia knows folks who chose to raise their kids in their less strong language in Quebec01:57
persias/less strong/later learned/01:58
macohe said about a chinese coupe in quebec who both spoke english but their kids were forced to go to the french school01:58
persiaThat's different.  One gets treated slightly differently if one is new to Quebec.01:58
lifelesswhere 'new' == < 20 years residence01:59
persiaAnd there's greater support for expressing preference if the preference is for French school.01:59
* persia thought it was 30, but yeah, something like that01:59
macoyay xenophobia?02:01
lifelessno, they just smirk and act tolerant02:01
persiaIt's marketed as "cultural preservation" rather than xenophobia.02:01
macopersia: is it true that if you were to become a japanese citizen you'd have a different coloured passport because you're naturalised? (for that matter: are you one?)02:01
persiaI don't know about passport colours.02:02
persiaBecoming Japanese requires one of A) being within a couple generations of someone who was Japanese, with full documentation + 10 years residence *OR* > 20 years residence and good reports from a intrusive investigation.  I have yet to qualify.02:03
persias/R*/R* (B) /02:03
macoi knew it was *really really hard*02:03
macobut didnt know it was 20 years hard02:03
persiaMore, just takes a really long time.02:04
nixternalpersia isn't even a citizen of this world I don't think :p02:04
ajmitchit makes gaining NZ citizenship look trivial02:04
persianixternal, The handy bit being that one can purchase passports from a variety of places to mask that :)02:04
macoi recall reading someone's naturalisation story who was married to a japanese woman, and he said that if he'd had so much as a speeding ticket, that couldve disqualified02:04
nixternalpersia: oh i know, i live a few miles from a passport dealer or 202:04
macome too!02:05
macothat is, i live not far from the State Department02:05
* persia prefers nixernal's dealers : one-time charge vs. lifetime taxation02:05
nixternalmaco: i live not to far from the martinez brothers02:05
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micahgwgrant: ubuntuwire mozilla list seems to be broke, but the rest seem to work05:37
micahgstalcup: ping05:47
dholbachgood morning07:45
didrockshey dholbach07:54
dholbachheya didrocks07:55
bilalakhtarI know that there is a command-line program that prints out the sections in which a source package exists. What is the command?09:24
persiaCould you rephrase?  You could get that with grep-dctrl (or just grepping Sources files), but I wonder if you want something more complex that deals with binaries in several sections from the same source.09:25
bilalakhtarpersia: It is a single command that lists the distros -> section pairs of a source package09:31
persiaDo you really mean "section"?  Maybe "component" (that would be madison-lite or rmadison, depending on your environment)09:32
bilalakhtarpersia: yes, component09:34
bilalakhtarpersia: yes its rmadison09:34
persiaOK.  Be aware that there is no guaranteed correspondence between the component in which a source package appears and the component in which one of it's binary packages appear.09:35
bilalakhtarpersia: haha, yes I know that!09:41
bilalakhtarpersia: Thanks btw109:42
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bilalakhtarara: good bye, hello, good bye, hello again11:46
arabilalakhtar,  :)11:46
kaushalcan someone please guide me about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen-meta/+bug/540110 ?12:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540110 in xen-meta (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-xen-server has broken dependencies (dup-of: 538917)" [Undecided,New]12:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538917 in xen-tools (Ubuntu) "xen-tools is not available in lucid" [Undecided,New]12:35
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AnAntcould someone approve: LP #62671112:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 626711 in sl-modem (Ubuntu) "Sync sl-modem 2.9.11~20100718-2 (restricted) from Debian unstable (non-free)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62671112:48
geserAnAnt: you need a core-dev for this and main/resticted is currently in BetaFreeze13:00
AnAntgeser: it's a bug fix13:00
persiaAnAnt, You ought apply for permission to manage that directly: after all, it's your work on the package that enabled it to be good enough to move back into main/restricted.13:00
persiaStill, BetaFreeze.13:00
geserAnAnt: BetaFreeze, all uploads to main/restricted needs approval13:01
AnAntpersia: so I should subscribe ubuntu-release to the bug ?13:01
persiaNo.  It's a soft freeze.13:01
AnAntpersia: so what should I do ?13:01
persiaBut all uploads to stuff that appears on images are supposed to be limited to things necessary to fix images.13:01
geserAnAnt: is it important enough to get into the Beta or can it wait till after the Beta?13:01
AnAntI think it can wait after beta, that's the bug it fixes: LP #62623113:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 626231 in sl-modem (Ubuntu) "ALSA modem detection in init script broken in non-English locales" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62623113:03
AnAntit is not necessary to fix images13:03
persiaThen it's better to wait until after Beta to actually do it.13:04
persiaBut it could get posted to the archive-admins now.13:04
persiaAnyway, needs a sponsor who can upload it (more likely to be found in ubuntu-devel).13:04
AnAntpersia: so, if I apply for PPU for sl-modem, you would endorse my application ?13:04
persiaAnd I reiterate that I believe you should apply to be a PPU for sl-modem, as the recent re-promotion of sl-modem is precisely the case that sabdfl used as one of the justifications for PPUs in the first place.13:05
persiaAnAnt, Absolutely, and without reservation.  I clearly remember working with you to pull it *out* of main back when it didn't work, and your work in Debian to ensure it's good enough that it got pulled back in.13:05
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AnAntpersia: done13:45
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new2Ubuntuhi all15:35
iulianHi there.15:38
new2Ubuntu!hi | iulian15:41
ubottuiulian: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-motu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:41
ari-tczewdidrocks: do you forward changes to Debian?16:14
didrocksari-tczew: of course, I forward my changes to debian16:21
ari-tczewdidrocks: how about kiki?16:22
didrocksari-tczew: that changes doesn't impact debian as it's for python 2.6 distro only (and debian is in freeze). In any case, those little changes can be send when we merge back16:23
ari-tczewdidrocks: about any case: we should send changes to Debian ASAP, no when we are merging.16:23
didrocksari-tczew: thanks, but I'm an ubuntu dev for 3 years now and I have access to svn/git commit in some Debian team. Consequently, I think I know when I need to send or not something immediately16:25
didrocksthis is still a bad package in my taste, we should fix rather debian/rules, which I didn't want to do in the ubuntu packaging only but should be done with next release of kiki16:25
ari-tczewdidrocks: I don't deny your expierence, but reason "I'm dev since 3 years and I change will be forwarded by someone else while merging" is very weak.16:27
didrocksari-tczew: it's not the reason if you reread my sentence: the change is not the right solution, the correct one is to change debian/rules more heavily, which I haven't done as I didn't want to diverge too much from debian packaging16:28
ari-tczewdidrocks: I wrote to: in any case16:29
ari-tczewdidrocks: not to kiki's case16:29
ari-tczewI just say, that developers don't respect some policies16:29
didrocksdon't understand your sentence, sorry "I wrote to:"16:30
ari-tczewdidrocks: nevermind16:31
ari-tczewit's only my monologue16:31
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ari-tczewdh: Unknown sequence cleanbuilddir (choose from: binary binary-arch binary-indep build clean install)17:47
ari-tczewwhat's going on?17:47
ari-tczewit's FTBFS since I added cdbs to B-D17:47
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neerajfor bug#511225, should I file a ff'e request separately?18:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 511225 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "running sugar causes left-click not to work properly in GNOME" [Critical,Confirmed]18:57
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kklimondaari-tczew: does kolourpaint crashes g-s-d for you every time you do copy&paste?19:43
ari-tczewkklimonda: yes19:45
kklimondaari-tczew: do you just copy and paste something inside kolourpaint?19:48
ari-tczewkklimonda: yes19:49
kklimondabah, I can't reproduce it - I can see where does it crash but not why.19:49
kklimondachrisccoulson would say "give me the xtrace log" and that would probably make sense but I'm not sure if I can read it correctly - X is scary ;)19:50
ari-tczewkklimonda: apachelogger reproduced this one19:51
ari-tczewkklimonda: are you running maverick?19:52
kklimondayes, 32bit, up to date in maverick19:52
kklimondaI've tried reproducing with both my laptop which is amd64 and in vm (x86) and no luck19:53
ari-tczewkklimonda: hmmm, let's click print screen, save file;19:53
kklimondamaybe it doesn't hook into g-s-d by default?19:53
ari-tczewkklimonda: open this file by kolourpaint and cut something19:54
kklimondado I have to do some setup?19:54
ari-tczewthen open next kolourpaint and paste19:54
apacheloggerI more like stumbled upon it ;)19:54
kklimondaari-tczew: nope, nothing19:55
ari-tczewkklimonda: so what's next?19:56
ari-tczewI hope that you don't think that I'm lying19:56
kklimondano, why? I have a coredump and I can see where does it crash19:56
chrisccoulsonmy ears are burning19:58
ari-tczewit's very frustratic, if only me is affected by this bug20:01
kklimondayeah, some bugs are like that20:02
kklimondahmm.. I can't use pbuilder-satisfydepends after all.. I'm in the right directory but it doesn't install anything :/20:04
kklimondaari-tczew: I can probably make a small patch to print more debug info if you are interested in debugging it further.20:06
ari-tczewkklimonda: I don't know whether os make sense, because there are not people interested in fixing.20:07
kklimondawhy? I'm interested in fixing it20:08
ari-tczewkklimonda: can you?20:10
chrisccoulsonwhat's wrong with g-s-d?20:11
kklimondachrisccoulson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/485980/20:11
kklimondachrisccoulson: gdb says that it crashes at if (conversions->next == NULL &&20:12
kklimondaari-tczew: this patch may stop it from crashing (and pring critical message in log): http://pastebin.com/RuqhJ3x020:22
ari-tczewkklimonda: in which package can I apply it?20:23
kklimondaari-tczew: gnome-settings-daemon20:23
ari-tczewkklimonda: thanks, I'll try it soon20:24
ari-tczewkklimonda: okay, I built patched g-s-d, do I need to restart system?22:23
persiaari-tczew, about your dh error: it's exceedingly rare that a package should be using both dh and CDBS.22:27
ari-tczewpersia: I've resolved the problem by adding override also for build and install22:29
ari-tczewwithout cdbs :)22:30
Fazer2ari-tczew: cześć, dzisiaj rozmawiałeś ze strikeu, jestem jego kolegą od paczkowania ;-)22:30
ari-tczewari-tczew: tutaj trzeba po angielsku. jak po polsku to priv.22:30
ari-tczewFazer2: ^22:30
Fazer2ari-tczew: ok ;-)22:31
Fazer2ari-tczew: I build packages for his project, I was wondering if I do everything correctly22:32
Fazer2ari-tczew: would you mind checking one package?22:33
persiaari-tczew, I'm very certain that you'd do better to remove cdbs from build-depends, and sort out why dh(1) wasn't working cleanly.22:34
ari-tczewpersia: I removed cdbs from B-D!22:35
ari-tczewFazer2: I can take a look. are you interesting only in this one?22:35
Fazer2ari-tczew: at this time only one22:36
Fazer2ari-tczew: should I upload the deb file or some others too?22:37
ari-tczewFazer2: btw. not only me can take a look. :-)22:37
Fazer2heh, ok22:37
ari-tczewFazer2: others what?22:37
Fazer2ari-tczew: other files, i.e. those needed for packaging or created during building22:38
Fazer2ari-tczew: or just the .deb file22:39
ari-tczewFazer2: source files - /debian/ directory22:39
Fazer2ari-tczew: ok22:40
ari-tczewthen you'll building from source22:40
Fazer2I know how to build ;-)22:40
persiaari-tczew, Ah, OK.  I worried because of "ari-tczew> it's FTBFS since I added cdbs to B-D".22:40
ari-tczewpersia: and I reply: I've resolved the problem by adding override also for build and install.22:43
ari-tczewalso I removed cdbs support22:43
ari-tczewit sucks22:43
Fazer2ari-tczew: here it is  http://www.speedyshare.com/files/24046033/debian.tar.gz22:43
Fazer2ari-tczew: thanks in advance22:43
ari-tczewFazer2: I suggest to use bazaar22:43
persiaari-tczew, OK.  I missed the "also I removed cdbs support" bit.  All ought be good.22:44
ari-tczewpersia: again language barier :(22:44
Fazer2ari-tczew: for controlling changes made in package?22:44
Fazer2ari-tczew: because the upstream uses git, so I guess you're talking about bazaar for packager22:45
Fazer2ari-tczew: btw in Ubuntu Packaging Guide I saw recommendations to use quilt22:47
ari-tczewFazer2: yes quilt 3.0 is on tour22:50
ari-tczewFazer2: IIRC launchpad has got an option like 'import from git', but I'm not sure whether it works22:51
ari-tczewbut it's for upstream code ship. I prefer to sharing source of package into bazaar also.22:51
ari-tczewthen I can grab full package source22:51
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ari-tczewnot only debian/22:51
ari-tczewFazer2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BzrMaintainerHowto22:53
ari-tczewbzr init and go ahead22:53
Fazer2ari-tczew: but I can do the same with git22:54
ari-tczewFazer2: ok22:55
Fazer2ari-tczew: but I'll read it, thanks22:55
ari-tczewkklimonda: around? I think that your patch helps!22:57
ari-tczewkklimonda: g-s-d was not crashed, but in console I got error: ** (gnome-settings-daemon:10972): CRITICAL **: convert_clipboard: assertion `conversions != NULL' failed23:01
kklimondaari-tczew: yeah, that makes sense - that's from the patch itself.23:03
ari-tczewkklimonda: do you want to forward it?23:04
kklimondano, it's not really a solution, I was just confirming what I've found - there is a test before that should prevent this error, I wonder why it's not working :/23:05
kklimondaari-tczew: you can attach the patch to LP report though23:07
ari-tczewkklimonda: thanks! but what about upstream?23:08
kklimondaI'm going to ask chriscc if it makes sense to forward it upstream but I think we should find the real cause of the bug..23:08
kklimondaari-tczew: when is final freeze/23:09
ari-tczewkklimonda: final freze of what?23:09
kklimondaof ubuntu23:09
kklimondaI was lazy to check it myself ;)23:10
micahgkklimonda: I think the 16th of September23:10
kklimondaso there isn't much time to fix it anyway.. I can forward the bug upstream and take a beating for my patch ;)23:11
kklimondait should be fixed one way or another before freeze23:11
ari-tczewkklimonda: I can test again useful of patch and I'll forward changes to bazaar23:12
ari-tczewI think that seb128 can review this one23:13
kklimondaari-tczew: can you test one more patch?23:20
ari-tczewkklimonda: next patch? give it23:20
kklimondaari-tczew: a sec, I'll see if it actually builds23:31
ari-tczewkklimonda: ok, I'm working also right now.23:32
kklimondaari-tczew: http://pastebin.com/0186shZ023:44
ari-tczewkklimonda: I see that previous patch is useless. what's new in new patch?23:49
ari-tczewkklimonda: I'll test patch tomorrow23:59

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