
scott_evWeekly meeting at 7:00pm00:47
scott_evmeeing at 7:0002:53
holsteinwhos in charge of what goes into 'in the press' ??07:14
* holstein added some links today07:14
holsteinif someone would look at them07:15
holsteinand pair them down07:15
holsteini'll start to help summarize07:15
internalkernelakgraner: holstein morning... I'll be around today... and functional :D10:52
akgranerGood Morning :-)  Don't ya just love Mondays :-D15:23
akgranerahhhh who just dumped a million links in the googledoc? for ITP15:37
akgranersummaries need to be written for stuff BEFORE Monday's if at all possible and if you can't I need to know before Monday - Please b/c I need to plan my day as well15:38
internalkernelakgraner: morning... I'll start diggin through ITP now... geez.15:53
akgranerinternalkernel, thanks - the reason everything needs to be done before Monday is so none of use spend an entire day on UWN only15:54
akgranerand I can get it published before before EOD - that's all and if I know that someone can't for whatever reason do the section they volunteered for  - I can work on it and plan my week differently that's all15:55
internalkernelyeah, no one likes that... me included15:55
akgranernot fussing15:55
akgranerjust trying to keep it from getting stressful for anyone15:56
internalkernelno worries... I understand, I lost a few days this weekend... getting to know the new neighbors. lord...15:56
internalkernelanyways, there's like 20 links in ITP - do you want to publish them all? or shall I cherry pick?15:56
akgranerpick the 5 or 6 best15:59
akgranerhowever don't delete the links15:59
Penduluminternalkernel: also you may want to check because I started moving some to ITB15:59
akgraneradd the to sneak peek  - with the following format15:59
akgraner* Title - Link16:00
internalkernelthis'll be easier than I thought - some of this isn't even about Ubu...16:00
Penduluminternalkernel: I tried to delete from ITP when I moved, but I'm not positive I got them all16:00
internalkernelI'll put the ones that are good with summaries at the top of the section...16:00
internalkernelPendulum: sounds good... are we all working on the GDoc?16:00
PendulumI am16:00
internalkernelk, me too16:01
akgranerinternalkernel, yep16:01
akgranerI didn't see anything on the ietherpads either of them so just work from the googledoc16:02
akgranerand I'll just copy and paste everything from there16:02
holsteinakgraner: i added those links16:20
holsteinall of them16:20
holsteini was assuming someone would pair them down??16:21
holsteini just grabbed any story i saw from the 22nd to the 24th from all those sources you gave me16:21
akgranerholstein ok that makes more sense  - whew16:24
akgranerI thought they got added b/c someone thought they ALL needed to be included16:24
akgranerwe want to keep they sections down to 5 links max with the exceptions being GCN and LoCo News16:25
akgranerif the links are good but can't go into the section as a summary then we can add the title and links to sneak peek and people can still read them if they choose to16:25
holsteinakgraner: yeah, i couldnt find anyone to ask about it16:26
holsteinand i figured i would just grab *everything*16:26
holsteinwhere are we?16:26
holsteindid you go through there?16:26
akgranergoinf through them now16:26
akgranerPendulum, pulled some of them for ITB16:27
Pendulumakgraner: are you saying you're doing that or that I did it?16:27
akgranerPendulum, that you pulled the ones for ITB I still need to go through the other stuff16:28
holsteinakgraner: i was assuming some of those links i found could go into 'in other news'16:29
holsteinno steam for linux16:30
holsteinopen ssh16:30
holsteinconky script16:30
holsteinthat kind of thing16:30
akgranerdepends on the source and the topic16:30
akgranerI am looking now16:30
holsteinwe should pull the sources from that list of sources *before* hand16:31
akgranerholstein, all links and summaries as much as possible should be in by Sarurday16:35
akgranerholstein, you can use you best judgment as well :-)16:35
akgranerwe want 5 really awesome stories for each section - the planet gets a little tricky from time to time16:36
akgranerbut we can get it all worked out16:36
akgraneryou just have to know that some things may get cut or reduced to links and titles in Sneak Peek section - we care getting complaints that UWN is too Long16:37
internalkernelakgraner: Pendulum - ITP has five summaries wrote up... the extra links are below... I pulled the ones that are Ubu-specific. let me know if you need anything else...16:39
internalkernelI'll be around working until this afternoon16:39
akgranerinternalkernel, thank you!!!16:39
Pendulumakgraner: ITB is done :)16:50
akgranerPendulum, thanks!16:50
akgranerhey all  - question for you to think about between now and next month - more and more teams are adding team reports which is GREAT but makes UWN extremely long - If you have an idea about how to include in on the Plain Text Email besides a link to the wiki page let me know  - thanks18:14
akgranerhey folks bbiab - have an emergency that just came up - I'll finish putting everything together when I get back...19:06
nhandlerakgraner: Why not toss them at the very bottom of the UWN? That way, people don't need to scroll past them if they aren't interested, but they are still there for everyone else.22:20
nhandlerThey are also only published once a month22:20
akgranernhandler, that was one idea I had22:22
akgranerjust rearrange the sections22:22
akgranerbut I wanted to get some in put from people22:22

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