
nikois ban/quiet in #ubuntu-irc still necessary ?00:25
ubottudmex called the ops in #ubuntu (snow_usa)01:04
Seeker`-00:05:58- :snow_usa : Seeker`, Ím silent now01:06
Seeker`clearly a lie :P01:06
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !encrypt is <alias> encrypted06:30
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !encryption is <alias> encrypted06:30
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory06:30
Flannel!encrypt is <alias> encrypted06:30
ubottuI'll remember that, Flannel06:30
Flannel!encryption is <alias> encrypted06:30
FlannelOh right, spam timeouts.06:31
ubottuencryption is <alias> encrypted - added by Flannel on 2010-08-30 05:30:5906:31
Flannelgood, good.06:31
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !now-#ubuntu-offtopic is <alias> hammertime-#ubuntu-offtopic07:48
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !alot =~ s#$# http://i.imgur.com/zbWnA.jpg#08:07
ubottuIn ubottu, TofuAttack said: then this truly is a great OS.09:03
jussiJFYI, I added !addfact to the bot, as it is a pretty frequently asked question, and sending people to the web page which isnt ideal atm isnt the best.10:44
Tm_TFYI bacta is back12:44
gnomefreakwho is he?12:47
Tm_Tgnomefreak: I wonder if bantracker explains things clearly enough (it's quite a long story)12:50
gnomefreaki will look12:50
gnomefreakwell i see an indefinate ban so i am guessing it was removed12:52
Tm_Tthere's tons of bans across the u-namespace, from a long period of time12:53
gnomefreakim seeing that12:53
gnomefreaki didnt see him in #u +1 -ot12:53
Tm_The was in -women, as usual12:54
* gnomefreak not an op in there12:55
Tm_Tthere's currently nothing we can do anyway13:17
Tm_The isn't violating any rules, although many feels uncomfortable just him being there13:34
gnomefreakif it was an indefinate ban than shouldnt we be able to ban13:40
Tm_TIIRC preemptive ban is still no-go unless one is currently misbehaving13:42
Tm_Tin an extention that it warrants such harsh measures13:42
MamarokBTW, we need to keep an eye on sergio in #kubuntu, he joins several times daily, greets in Italian (has been told !it several times already) and invariably asks for !list13:48
Mamarokthis is really getting annoying13:48
bazhangthat "malware" link is 40413:48
gnomefreakMamarok: hes in +1 but i will check #k13:52
gnomefreakits not malware13:52
gnomefreakor it was closed already13:52
bazhangof course not. I'd treat her claims with a great deal of skepticism13:52
gnomefreaknevermind wrong nick13:53
gnomefreaki still wouldnt advise people to open it unless they can handle problems13:53
Picinewerror123 evading a few bans.14:37
Picier, and I banned him.14:40
bazhangah the prabinmetals guy. should probably remove the failed *prabinmet*!*@* I set earlier15:00
knomeafaik, you can't wildcard nicks15:01
PiciSure you can.15:01
knomehmm, maybe that was a limitation in ircnet15:01
Tm_Tknome: you can there too15:10
knomemaybe it was a limitation in some script, then15:10
marienzseems like a pretty odd limitation (I definitely don't remember ever seeing it on freenode)15:11
ubottuilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:53
PiciWeird question.17:37
PiciWhy would you get a linux vps if you needed to run a windows application?17:38
IdleOnebecause linux is virus free17:39
IdleOneso that means I can run mirc and not worry about virii17:40
* IdleOne has done the math, the logic is flawless.17:40
ikoniaTm_T: for the record I've raised bactas namespace wide ban with the council and I'm still awaiting a reply18:45
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.18:49
ikoniawhat's the fix your connection channel ?19:08
ikoniaahhh underscores19:09
ikoniathank you19:09
PiciAlso, !mp3 and !codec are both aliases to !codecs19:20
ikoniaI didn't know that, thank you19:21
Piciikonia is always banning jono...19:27
ikoniaha ha ha19:27
ikoniaI've only forwarded him as he keeps dropping his connection in #ubuntu, I've left him on the other channels as they aren't as busy19:27
ikoniaalso pm'd him19:27
ikoniahe's fixed it19:32
ikonia(amazing how +b makes you get your finger out)19:32
ikoniaGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates/main openssh-server 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu4 [285kB]19:51
ikoniaGet:2 http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper/main libungif4g 4.1.4-1 [57.2kB]19:51
ikoniawow - look at this guy, trying to use a distro 4 years apart19:51
mneptokDappper is still supported.19:56
ikoniamixing the two distros aren't19:56
ikoniaisn't even19:56
jussimneptok: is it not only supported on server now?19:57
mneptokjussi: it is.19:57
jribmneptok: how exactly is server support defined anyway, how does one determine if a package is supported or not?20:28
PiciThere actually is a spot on the package's meta information (packages.gz) that says how long its supported for.20:29
jribI see20:30
PiciSee the difference between apt-cache show bash and apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop20:30
PiciThe 'Supported' field.20:30
jribPici: cool, never noticed that20:30
ikoniahey nickspoon !20:56
ikonianice to see you20:56
nickspoonAh hello!20:56
nickspoonSorry, I forgot to take this off my autojoin :P20:57
ikoniait's not a problem20:57
ikoniait's good to see you20:57
nickspoonNice to see you too, ikonia :)20:57
IdleOnethe !donate factoid leads to a 40421:49
IdleOnenot a often used factoid but should still be fixed. I can't seem to find a equivalent link21:49
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: donate is To donate to Ubuntu, you can !participate or go to http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/donate21:52
Tm_TIdleOne: is it submitted or shall I?21:53
IdleOneI submitted21:53
Tm_Tgood, thanks21:53
IdleOnenow needs to be added to bot21:53
IdleOneI don't have that access21:53
IdleOnePici: ^^21:54
Tm_TIdleOne: well, that's what I meant...22:01
IdleOneoh, sorry. Well if you can make the edit, please do22:01
Tm_Tubottu: no, donate is To donate to Ubuntu, you can !participate or go to http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/donate22:01
ubottuI'll remember that Tm_T22:01
ubottudonate is To donate to Ubuntu, you can !participate or go to http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/donate22:02
IdleOnethank you22:02
IdleOnehehe fix that22:02
Tm_Tubottu: no, donate is <reply>To donate to Ubuntu, you can !participate or go to http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/donate22:02
ubottuI'll remember that Tm_T22:02
ubottuTo donate to Ubuntu, you can !participate or go to http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/donate22:02
Tm_Tmy work is done, so good night all22:03
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Seveas said: !purge is <reply> To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -P22:34
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Seveas said: !purge is <reply> To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P22:36
ubottublobber called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:02
ubottugentoo called the ops in #ubuntu (danial)23:10
IdleOnesomeone want to approve Seveas !purge submission up there ^^23:17
Picipurge is <reply> To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P23:30
Pici!purge is <reply> To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P23:30
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici23:30

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