
Mezmhall119: I've rejected the patch on summit - there's a text conflict in there that needs resolving.15:01
MezAlso, you've mentioned that there was a migration added, but I see no migration in the code.15:01
MezBy the looks of it - you've just forgotten to bzr add15:09
Mezas it's also missing context_processors.py15:09
MezOh, wait, that might be me...15:11
mhall119Mez: thanks, I'll get those fixed15:28
Mezmhall119: np15:30
mhall119wow, I can't believe I forgot to add all those files, I left out everything15:32
MezIt's easy enough to do15:33
Mezbtw mhall119 - nice to meet you - I'm the n00b on the summit team :D15:38
mhall119hi, I'm new to summit too15:40
mhall119resubmitted my merege proposal15:40
MezDaviey: I'm in your code, fixing your bugs16:19
MTecknologymhall119: how ya been?17:19
mhall119MTecknology: busy, as always17:19
MTecknologyabout the same17:20
MTecknologytrying to figure out how to make some jquery work the way some prick wants it to :(17:20
MezMTecknology: jquery is teh ebul17:46
* mhall119 has been using ExtJs18:11
MTecknologyMez: ?18:25
MezMTecknology: jquery can be great at times, but mostly, it's evil18:31
MTecknologyMez: javascript in general is evil18:33
* MTecknology says that while sitting in #javascript18:37
dakermhall119, bug 62699919:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 626999 in ubuntu-website "light-django-theme need to use the 960px width (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62699919:48
Mezmhall119: done a very quick review on that for you20:04
mhall119Mez: thanks20:08
Mezmhall119: also, not too sure about only showing "Current" summit without providing a way to access previous ones20:09
mhall119Mez: a good point, I'll add a link to show them all20:09
Mezmhall119: and with the start and end - it needs to validate that the end is after the start20:10
MezPlus, if you've got more than one summit at the same time ...20:10
Mez(not likely, I know)20:10
mhall119Mez: I won't have time to work on summit until tonight (US/Eastern) at the earliest20:44
mhall119so don't wait up for those fixes20:44
MezDon't worry I'm not going to20:48
Mezsleep + work call20:48
knomenewz2000, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/donate -> isn't it "PayPal" rather than "paypal"22:03
newz2000knome: yes, probably22:04
knomenewz2000, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Community/ToolKit/MenuBar could do with some love with the new light-theme22:06
nhandlerUh, who is 'The Ubuntu team' and where does donated money go?22:11
knomenewz2000, umm, there is no way to get back to the wikipage itself from "attachments" !!22:14
newz2000knome: that's a good question22:15
knomei'm filing a bug22:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 627086 in ubuntu-website "No link back to wikipage in "Attachments" (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]22:16
knomenewz2000, is there any estimated time when fixing these bugs start22:18
newz2000It will be later this week, probably Thursday, after release.22:18
knomeokay. so this will become the default theme with some nasty bugs? :/22:19
newz2000no, it won't become the default for a bit22:20
knomeokay, good22:20
newz2000after first round of fixes I'll tell a broader group22:20
knomei wonder if the old themes will be removed eventually?22:20
newz2000the cynic in me says probably not22:21
knomehmm, should "Quick links" be visible somewhere?22:23
newz2000knome: yes, I thought I had that working. I'll be adding that in the same way I add the breadcrumb22:25
knomeokay, do you need a bug?22:25
newz2000is there one for breadcrumb?22:25
newz2000That will be enough22:25
knomewill i add a note therE?22:25
newz2000no, not needed22:26
knomeokay :)22:26
knomeis it intentional one can't change timezone/language btw?22:27
newz2000I mean I didn't do that with the theme22:27
knomethe dropdown lists are greyed out22:27
knomei wonder if that's the case with other themes as well22:27
knomeapparently yes, the dropdowns are unresponsive22:28
knomeyep, the <select>s are disabled22:28
Ddordaguy guys, where i can see the new theme of the forums?22:32
newz2000Ddorda: I don't have a date, only that the status is "in progress."22:33
Ddordanewz2000: i don't want to see it in the ubuntu forums, but to see the staging22:34
Ddordais it possible?22:34
Ddordai want to make my LoCo's forums to look close to what ubuntu forums will be22:34
newz2000Ddorda: I'm not a part of that team doing the forums, I don't have an answer22:34

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