
kisukezeleftikam, IDK, never really played around with server00:00
zeleftikamkisuke» ok, thanks for your advice, i'll poke around00:00
jjb123zeleftikam: How do I check?00:00
Some_Personkisuke: this is the mouse I have: http://cdn3.ioffer.com/img/item/280/056/62/36_1.JPG00:00
kisukeSome_Person, what shows the mouse you have plugged in for temporary use?00:00
zeleftikamjjb123» do you know how to get into the BIOS configuration at boot?00:00
uniquehow can i let php use mysql00:00
Some_Personkisuke: The last few lines of dmesg00:00
zeleftikamunique» #php00:01
jjb123zelefktikam: Oh, I checked that yeah its fine, the harddrive is set to boot first, and the right harddrive is selected00:01
digitalfizwhat a quick wayto found the files/directories in a directory from cli?00:01
joo_Hey guys, I recently bought a geforce GTX 460 that doesn't require passthrough yet i still can't get audio to work via hdmi. I compiled and installed the latest ALSA, and the card still doesn't show in the list.00:01
zeleftikamjjb123» ah. my machine hangs at boot like that, waiting for a CD, if i've got the wrong drive selected. is there a key you can hold down at boot to bring up a screen to select a boot drive?00:01
kisukedigitalfiz, dir or ls <directory>00:02
kisukejoo_, that is a video card, not an audio card00:02
joo_WIth onboard audio.00:02
digitalfizkisuke, hmm i didnt finished the sentance i ment how can i find the count not actually list them00:02
joo_I'm not retarded.00:02
digitalfizi know theres a way using a pipe but i cant remember it00:02
binthow can i setup vnc4server under ubuntu?00:02
binti installed it and did set a password.. but how can i now connect to my remote-pc00:03
kisukedigitalfiz, | grep <term>?00:03
zeleftikambint» there is a pretty good vnc server that ships with Ubuntu, you can enable it under Screen Sharing or some such thing in the preferences00:03
kisukejoo_, check for restricted drivers00:03
babajrib, ok, i restarted and stuff00:03
joo_I've got the latest nvidia drivers and the latest ALSA. This isn't a driver issue.00:03
NewBuntuI am trying to run Window Network to connect to other Windows Machines in my home network.  Every time I run the Window Network icon, I get Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server..00:04
kisukejoo_, sorry i missed the HDMI part00:04
Fendarilin ubuntu what is th environment variable that tells what terminal the terminal emulator is trying to emulate00:04
dougb_freebsddigitalfiz: what are you trying to do?00:04
joo_Alsa isn't even detecting the HDMI audio00:05
dattaI am trying to install hplip into my system, can anyone tell me why the gui version of hplip does not show up?00:05
joo_Even when i disable the chipset onboard00:05
digitalfizdougb_freebsd, i want the number of files and directories in a directory like a count of how many there are00:05
NewBuntuI am trying to run Window Network to connect to other Windows Machines in my home network.  Every time I run the Window Network icon, I get Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server..00:05
dougb_freebsddigitalfiz: ls <options> | wc -l00:05
digitalfizthats it!00:06
digitalfizthank you dougb_freebsd00:06
cablopdougb_freebsd: no, i'm talking about btrfs00:06
digitalfizi just couldnt get there i was trying to remember it lol00:06
joo_So frustrating.00:06
lxLeehow do you convert pdf files to mp3 files?00:06
dougb_freebsdcablop: ah, ok .... well given that oracle just gutted opensolaris, I don't think that's going to be relevant to free software users any time soon :)00:06
NewBuntuAnyone to assist me00:07
babahow do I get LAMP?00:07
NewBuntuI am trying to run Window Network to connect to other Windows Machines in my home network.  Every time I run the Window Network icon, I get Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server..00:07
NewBuntuI am trying to run Window Network to connect to other Windows Machines in my home network.  Every time I run the Window Network icon, I get Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server..00:07
babajrib, how do I install LAMP?00:07
FloodBot3NewBuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:07
joo_This is so frustrating xD00:07
aeon-ltdlxLee: say wut?00:07
Fendarilok where is terminfo located on ubuntu00:07
aeon-ltdbaba: LAMP = apache mysql php/perl00:07
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FendarilNewBuntu:Be patient. People will be less likely to help you if you repeadtly try to grieve people by spamming your question00:08
zeleftikambaba» i think there is a package for it00:08
lxLeeaeon-ltd: how do you convert a pdf document into an mp3 file?00:08
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dougb_freebsdlxLee: those are totally different things, what is it that you're trying to accomplish by converting the files?00:09
jonanini like turtles00:09
uniquephp5-mysql: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.2-1ubuntu4) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 is to be installed <--- why am i getting this when i try to install php5-mysql ?00:09
shumanninja tutrtles?00:09
bint[01:03] <zeleftikam> bint» there is a pretty good vnc server that ships with Ubuntu, you can enable it under Screen Sharing or some such thing in the preferences <- i'm using ubuntu-server distro00:09
zeleftikambint» ah, so you have no GUI00:10
binti dont have a gui no00:10
binti just got vnc4server installed it and stuff00:10
mininessieif i stop a distro upgrade via ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 will it resume back to where it was at00:10
bintbut now i dont know how to set it up etc..00:10
zeleftikambint» how is VNC server going to work if you have no GUI?00:10
bintwhy shouldn't it?00:11
DILNewBuntu, is your smb.conf stating the network00:11
binti have a gui00:11
bintits called: fluxbox00:11
aeon-ltdlxLee: no really say wut? pdf=text/images mp3=sound container00:11
bintbut you can access a server without gui with vnc00:11
bintyou'll just have the cmd line then00:11
scanswhats mean this msg installArchives() failed: dpkg: status database area is locked by another process00:11
Sir_Letofyi: X11 won't start on headless servers in 10.4 without a monitor or keyboard plugged in.00:11
NewBuntuDIL: What do you mean? I think smb.conf has been installed from Synaptic Package Manager00:12
cablopbint... you don't use vnc to access a server... you use ssh or a remote tty...00:12
zeleftikambint» http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11891100:12
bintcablop but i wanna use vnc :D00:12
aeon-ltdscans: your already using spt/synaptics00:12
billy_hi -  i'm still looking for a way to stop nautilus writing .trash files to cameras and mp3 players - where do i look?00:12
joo_I hope this gets fixed in another nvidia driver... because this is really doing my head in.00:12
cablopbint, then set a gui on that :P00:12
scansaeon-ltd: no they install run until 50% then show me this msg00:13
dattacan anyone please help in installing hp officejet 3680?00:13
DILNewBuntu, yea by default is workgroup you network name must be the same if it is then you should see your shares00:13
aeon-ltdscans: what other package related processes are running though?00:13
seidoswhere can I get an updated /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose file?00:14
NewBuntuDIL: I've not changed the workgroup name.  The problem is when I go to Windows Network to view I get the error message I have pasted above.00:15
zeleftikamdatta» http://h10018.www1.hp.com/wwsolutions/linux/products/printing_imaging/index.html00:15
NewBuntuDIL: It doesn't even proceed further00:15
uniquephp5-mysql: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.2-1ubuntu4) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 is to be installed <--- why am i getting this when i try to install php5-mysql ?00:15
babaaeon-ltd, how do I startup Apache?00:16
babaI believe it's downloaded00:16
joo_Anyone got any suggestions at all on how i can get ALSA to detect my GTX460 HDMI audio?00:16
zeleftikambaba» sudo apachectl start00:16
dattazeleftikam: well I have installed hplip but the gui does not open up when I click on it form the preference menu00:16
FendarilWhere is the terminfo file located on ubuntu?00:16
DILNewBuntu, ok your windows network name and linux name has to be the same - cat /etc/samba/smb.conf and see what there it s/b as windows00:17
aeon-ltdscans: i'm not really sure what the problem is, but i suppose you could try after a clean restart/reboot00:17
zeleftikamdatta» hmm. i've not had good luck with hplip an my laserjet00:17
babazeleftikam, apachectl command not found00:17
NewBuntuDIL: What is cat?00:18
zeleftikambaba» doesn't seem very installed then00:18
zeleftikambaba» remove and install the package?00:18
aeon-ltd!cat | NewBuntu00:18
ubottuNewBuntu: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:18
aetariccat 'reads' a file00:18
aeon-ltdNewBuntu: whoops wrong factoid00:18
babazeleftikam, i "installed" the package using "Ubuntu Software CenteR"00:18
DILNewBuntu, places content to screen00:18
dattazeleftikam: what do you use?00:18
aeon-ltdNewBuntu: cat = concatentate i.e merge files although in can be used for what aetaric and DIL said00:19
aetaricDIL: no, it prints a file to STDOUT...screen is a program00:19
zeleftikamdatta» nothing, i switched back to Mac OS X so i could print again =D bad answer. sorry00:19
aetaricbut yes concatenate is right....00:19
dattacause my officejet is getting the size of the scans different00:19
babazeleftikam, how do I ensure it's installation?00:19
DILcat is also an animal :-)00:20
zeleftikambaba» find it in the synaptic package manager, complete remove, and then install it fresh00:20
aeon-ltdDIL: +100:20
mininessiehow do i use patch00:20
red2kic!patch | mininessie00:21
ubottumininessie: Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.00:21
aaroninfidelif I have no prior programming experience what language should I start to develop in so I can really understand the core fundamentals of programming and really "GET IT"? rather then just learning what codes to type and not understanding why...00:21
joshdoes anyone know what themes lubuntu uses00:21
macoaaroninfidel: get one of the "how to think like a computer scientist" books00:22
NewBuntuDIL: the smb.conf contains lots of lines00:22
uniquephp5-mysql: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.2-1ubuntu4) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 is to be installed <--- why am i getting this when i try to install php5-mysql ?00:22
macoaaroninfidel: there's a free (like open source) one for python00:22
aeon-ltdaaroninfidel: something basic like html + javascript --> then something harder like a variant of C00:22
ryaxnb /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:22
dougb_freebsdaaroninfidel: what type of stuff do you want to develop?00:22
aetaricNewBuntu: cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | less00:22
NewBuntuDIL: workgroup = WORKGROUP00:22
aetariccat /etc/samba/smb.conf | grep workgroup00:23
neil_dI am using a bind mount to a directory in my home... it is mounting fine :) .... but I get an icon on my desktop :( ... is there anyway to stop the icon appearing?00:23
NewBuntuaetaricL Do I type this in the Terminal?00:23
DILNewBuntu, WORKGROUP s/B you network name00:23
aeon-ltdNewBuntu: yes00:23
aetaricyes ... i'd just copy paste that last line i typed00:23
DILNewBuntu, or edit conf to match your ntwork name00:24
freezwayhey, im trying to get lmms to work well, but 4.5.0 crashed so i found a 4.7.0 ppa and am using it now. That fixed the crashes. I also have experienced bad latency so i started using jack, but then my sound quality goes bad and I can't get rid of weird pops and beats when i play chords. Anyone wanna help. I have an integrated sound card00:24
NewBuntuDIL: The terminal returned the following: # Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of00:25
NewBuntu   workgroup = WORKGROUP00:25
NewBuntuDIL:  I didn't change Windows 7 workgroup name00:26
NewBuntuDIL: so surely that should match with the workgroup name of my ubuntu laptop00:27
DILNewBuntu, which is workgroup? win7 and samba has issues00:27
NewBuntuDIL: What do you mean issues? In what way..?00:28
dmexNewBuntu: samba doesnt support NTMLv2 well00:28
DILNewBuntu, shares not being seen00:28
dougb_freebsdIIRC the default workgroup name in windows 7 was not "WORKGROUP" you might want to check that on the windows 7 box00:28
FendarilThis is a really stupid question by I somehow made my pdf viewer full screen00:28
aaroninfideldougb_freebsd: well right now I've mostly been developing websites, but I wanted to get into building my own MMO with 2d sprites. and I looked into node.js and socket.io and after reading a few lines of documentation I just felt really overwhelmed and confused.00:28
FendarilHow do I change it back00:28
FendarilThis is the default one that comes with ubuntu00:29
DILNewBuntu, see message from dougb_freebsd00:29
dougb_freebsdaaroninfidel: by MMO do you mean Massively Muliplayer Online game?00:29
aaroninfideldougb_freebsd: yes.00:29
NewBuntuDIL and dmex: Does that mean that it isn't possible to copy data across network by accessing files from other Windows machines?00:29
dougb_freebsdIf so, you're going to need to learn C++00:29
JosesordoHello all00:29
dougb_freebsd.... so better to start with good books on C++, rather than trying to learn concepts from other languages, that'll just confuse you00:30
Fendarildougb_freebsd:he should learn NASM since it's 100x easier then c++ right?00:30
JosesordoI have a question, I just installed ubuntu 10.04 64bits again and I want to know if is neccesary to install driver for ATI HD Radeon 2600 to use compiz?00:30
DILNewBuntu, i have several boxes on my network xp is fine having issues with win700:30
dougb_freebsdFendaril: evil :)00:31
dmexNewBuntu: type secpol.msc into your win7 start-menu searchbox00:31
aeon-ltdJosesordo: yes most likely, plug and play isn't that good yet00:31
NewBuntuDIL: no msg received from doug_freebsd00:31
edjuRunning Kubuntu Lucid and trying to get the system to recognize a 1st gen iphone.   I can mount it w/ ifuse, but that's it.  Neither Amarok nor Rhythmbox recognize it.  I've tried searching, but all I can find are posts that it "just works."  Well, not here.  Any hints, pointers, work-arounds, etc. appreciated.00:31
dmexNewBuntu: Go to: Local Policies > Security Options and then find "Network Security: LAN Manager" authentication level. Once there, change the Setting from "Send NTLMv2 response only" to "Send LM & NTLM -- use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated."00:31
Josesordoso, what drivers I install the one that ubuntu download for me or the one from ati.com?00:32
NewBuntudmex: You mean in Wind7 laptop?00:32
whiterabbit1337Jose, Have you tried using Compiz before downloading any drivers?00:33
dmexNewBuntu: yes00:33
aaroninfideldougb_freebsd: but if the server is going to be written in node.js do you still think it's a good idea to learn C++ ? or do you mean I should learn C++ because it'll allow me to understand the core concepts of programming?00:34
dmexNewBuntu: type secpol.msc into your win7 start-menu searchbox, open it and goto Local Policies > Security Options00:34
dougb_freebsdaaroninfidel: it makes no sense to write an MMO server in node.js00:34
klappidougb_freebsd: and why so?00:35
dougb_freebsdbut if you want to learn node.js, learn node.js ... or maybe I'm not understanding your question :)00:35
aaroninfideldougb_freebsd: I heard it was a good idea because it's no-blocking00:35
dougb_freebsdklappi: because of the whole concept of "massively multiplayer"  ... javascript doesn't scale on the "massively" OR the "multiplayer" levels00:36
Josesordo<whiterabbit1337>, no yet00:36
freezwayhey, im trying to get lmms to work well, but 4.5.0 crashed so i found a 4.7.0 ppa and am using it now. That fixed the crashes. I also have experienced bad latency so i started using jack, but then my sound quality goes bad and I can't get rid of weird pops and beats when i play chords. Anyone wanna help. I have an integrated sound card00:36
dougb_freebsd... but this isn't the right channel for that discussion :)00:36
kyan(asked this already) sudo apt-get upgrade doesn't work. It reports nothing to upgrade. This has gone on for a good while now. Any suggestions?00:36
kyanAt least is there a way I could learn the installed versions of all packages on my system?00:37
NewBuntudmex: currently the security setting is not defined for Network Security: LAN Manager00:38
dmexNewBuntu: the undefined or default is "Send NTLMv2 response only", you must change it to "Send LM & NTLM -- use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated."00:39
NewBuntudmex: changed as instructed.  Then?00:39
lumoshi, im running of a livecd and need to change some files on my hardrive, does anyone know how i can log in as root from terminal?00:40
dmexNewBuntu: now you can access your win7 shares from samba/ubuntu/xp00:40
NewBuntudmex: What do I do?  Use terminal to enter this command line00:41
dremhello I was wondering if anyone can help me install a video driver?00:41
lumoshi, im running of a livecd and need to change some files on my hardrive, does anyone know how i can log in as root from terminal?00:41
lumoshi, im running of a livecd and need to change some files on my hardrive, does anyone know how i can log in as root from terminal?00:41
dremtype su root00:41
dmexNewBuntu: you dont need to use terminal, you can just access it from the ubuntu places menu00:42
dremhow do I install video drivers?00:42
miro_lumos: sudo su00:43
freezwaydrem, what card do you have00:43
NewBuntudmex: the ubuntu subfolder in samba does not exist!!00:43
dremi have an ATI Radeon Xpress 200M00:43
lumosmiro - but thats if i want to be su on the livecd, because its ubuntu@ubuntu, i want lumos@lumos, access to my hardrive00:43
freezwayok, go Systrem>Admin>Hardware drivers00:44
freezwaysee if it shows up00:44
dremit does not show up00:44
dattaI am trying to move some files into /usr/share/00:44
dmexNewBuntu: just click Places on the top ubuntu menu then Network, then it will show your win7 box00:44
freezwaydrem are there drivers on ati'00:44
freezways website00:44
dattaI heard that you can do that by unlocking all the file managers but how is that possible?00:45
tiqis there a way to make the system ask for root password when entering single user mode?00:45
dremyes but they send me to a third party to download00:45
NewBuntudmex:Only Windows Network is showing in Network00:45
freezwaydrem, are you 32 or 64 bit00:45
lumosmiro - but thats if i want to be su on the livecd, because its ubuntu@ubuntu, i want lumos@lumos, access to my hardrive00:45
lumoshi, im running of a livecd and need to change some files on my hardrive, does anyone know how i can log in as root from terminal?00:46
drem32 bit00:46
dremI am on a gateway laptop if that helps also00:46
dmexNewBuntu: yes?00:46
dougb_freebsdlumos: I don't think you understand how the livecd works :)00:46
freezwaydrem, there dont appear to be proprietary drivers... =(00:46
freezwaydrem, i can see if i can find beta ones... 1 sec00:46
dougb_freebsdlumos: while you're booted on the livecd, click Places on the menu, and then select the drive where the files you want to edit are located00:46
NewBuntudremx: Clicking on this option results in the error msg00:47
NewBuntufailed to mount etc etc00:47
dremok thank you I'll wait00:47
lumosdougb_freebsd: i cant edit them? i need to edit my xorg.conf failsafe, because i activated my gfx card and now when i log on its a blank screen. sorry im a nub00:47
lumosdougb_freebsd: they are read only's00:48
dougb_freebsdwell, what happens when you try to edit them?00:48
billy_I'm looking for the config files that control how nautilus works with internal and external drives?00:48
dmexNewBuntu: whats the exact error? you shouldnt get a mount error from browsing either.00:48
lumosdougb_freebsd: i need to rename it, but its a failsage00:48
freezwaydrem, you might try the xpress 200 drivers, but I dont think they'll work... backup first if you do... this could get messy00:49
NewBuntudremx: Dialogue box which says: Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server00:49
dattacan anyone please tell me how I can copy a file to usr/share00:49
dattait does not allow me at all to do that00:49
dougb_freebsdlumos: well, someone else already gave you the right answer, open a terminal and type:  su root00:49
dremha! ok thank you.00:49
dremI don't think I will hassle with it because I just wanted to install the driver to change effects of my desktop and such00:50
dattaI am trying to transfer a directory from desktop to usr/share00:50
freezwaydrem, I honestly dont think it will work, but its worth a try...00:50
lumosdougb_freebsd: but i cant, its expecting to log me on at ubuntu@ubuntu, when i need to log on for lumos. it says authentithication failure00:50
freezwaydrem, ok...00:50
Sunderphonis there an alternative to notify-osd I can use? The enforced expiry time (10 seconds for a 1 word notification? Really?) is ridiculous00:50
dougb_freebsdlumos: you can't log in as your normal user on the livecd00:50
lumosdougb_freebsd: how would i do that?00:51
lumosdougb_freebsd: oh sorry i see00:51
dmexNewBuntu: do you have cable or adsl?00:51
dremfreezway, I am guessing the reason why I can't apply themes with emerald or use effects with compiz is because I do not have my driver installed right?00:51
lumosdougb_freebsd: then how can i change this file?00:51
NewBuntudremx: adsl.  Couldn't be that Ubuntu is an upgrade from 8.04 to 9.10 to 10.04.  Would a fresh install resolve the issue00:52
dougb_freebsdlumos: when you open a terminal and type 'su root' what happens?00:52
lumosdougb_freebsd: authentithication failure00:52
lumosdougb_freebsd: after it asks for pw00:52
dougb_freebsdwhat happens if you just type 'su'00:53
dmexNewBuntu: yes00:53
lumosdougb_freebsd: same00:53
dougb_freebsdare you sure you're booted into the livecd ?00:53
NewBuntudmex: What has the upgrade not fixed the problem?00:53
dougb_freebsdand if so, what version?00:54
lumosdougb_freebsd: yes00:54
lumosdougb_freebsd: ubuntu 9.100:54
dremI am guessing the reason why I can't apply themes with emerald or use effects with compiz is because I do not have my driver installed right?00:54
dmexNewBuntu: its probably causing the problem using old configuration files.00:54
zzzed__dougb_freebsd, lumos: it 'sudo su', will give you UID=0, which is root for all filesystems, but if you don't understand this, you probably shouldn't do it00:54
freezwaydrem, most likely yes00:55
dougb_freebsdok, you might try burning a 10.04 version then, what I'm describing worked fine for me with the 10.04 livecd00:55
NewBuntudmex: I am considering edubuntu dvd copy.  How is this comparing to Ubuntu00:55
dremfreezway, thank you for your help00:55
dattawhy does not hp-toolbox open anything?00:55
lumoszzzed__: my brother told me i need to rename the file, to fix my graphics00:55
dattaI went to /usr/bin/hp-toolbox and still the file there does not open anything at all00:55
lumoszzzed__: he wont help me though :(00:55
dougb_freebsdlumos: ok, what happens if you type 'sudo su'00:55
lumosdougb_freebsd: ok thanks, i think i might have some more updated live cd;s00:55
freezwaydrem, you're welcome, sorry theres no driver00:55
dmexNewBuntu: an educational build?00:56
zzzed__lumos, well to get root permissions 'sudo su'00:56
lumosdougb_freebsd: i already told you, it asks for pass word then authentithication failure00:56
dougb_freebsdlumos: that command that zzzed__ suggested is different from the ones I suggested00:56
BiggFREETry sudo su -00:56
dattano gui, in terminal it does not stay for much long00:56
lumosdougb_freebsd: how is it?00:56
billy_bye folks - guess i'll just use windows - it's not broken by design00:57
NewBuntudmex: I heard you can add this on top of ubuntu and specify whether to use either at logon screen00:57
lumosbilly_: FUUUUUUUUUUu00:57
lumoszzzed__: i have already tried this00:57
dougb_freebsdlumos: ok, try a newer cd then00:58
snow_usadougb_freebsd, do you know u?bu`ntu?00:58
lumosdougb_freebsd: ok thanks00:58
klappimy name is klappi and i pronounce ubuntu as ubuntu00:59
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snow_usaklappi, no, but there should be some annotations00:59
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snow_usalike : u`tu'ntu`00:59
snow_usaor u?bu`ntu?00:59
n0a1iashow do i get to a document in a .ssh folder in my home directory00:59
snow_usaor u'bu`ntu'00:59
freezwayhey, im trying to get lmms to work well, but 4.5.0 crashed so i found a 4.7.0 ppa and am using it now. That fixed the crashes. I also have experienced bad latency so i started using jack, but then my sound quality goes bad and I can't get rid of weird pops and beats when i play chords. Anyone wanna help. I have an integrated sound card00:59
lumosmi legas #ubuntu01:00
dmexNewBuntu: I dont know if you can or not, would be a question for everyone else.01:00
chrysanthemumn0a1ias: In terminal, ls -a will show you all files in a folder, you can then just cd to it..01:00
klappisnow_usa: ùbúntú ?01:01
no_u0 anyone have a copy of npwrapper.libflashplayer.so. i deleted mine, and i cant find another copy without downloading random packages01:01
snow_usaklappi, how can you write that ?01:01
tiqlumos: add "single" as a kernel parameter when pressing "e" in your grub menu, and you'll get command line root without password prompts01:01
FendarilHow do you grep a package list01:01
snow_usaor úbủntù01:01
n0a1iaschrysanthemum, yea im in the directory but how do i open a document in that folder?01:02
dmexsnow_usa, stop that01:02
klappii type ` and u after taht01:02
bsod1what is the name of the display on right top corner in gnome that show us when our battrery is low or some other warnings *sorry for my english*01:02
dominicdinadaI am coming up with a zombie process how do identify and kill it01:03
babacan someone tell me how to run apache?01:03
snow_usadmex, why ?01:03
snow_usait's interesting then?01:03
kisukedominicdinada, in a terminal ues top to find the program and kill to kill it01:03
chrysanthemumn0a1ias: well you can look at it with "less [filename]", or edit it with something like "vim [filename]"01:03
red2kic!apache | baba01:03
ubottubaba: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:03
dmex!offtopic | snow_usa01:03
ubottusnow_usa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:03
dominicdinadababa: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start01:03
snow_usa!offtopic | dmex01:04
ubottudmex: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:04
dmex!op | snow_usa01:04
ubottusnow_usa: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!01:04
bsod1what is the name of the display on right top corner in gnome that show us when our battrery is low or some other warnings *sorry for my english*01:04
KB1JWQHow about you both keep to topic?01:04
Flannelsnow_usa: Please stop that.01:04
kisukesnow_usa, dmex, quit with the war, its getting annoying01:04
sinnedamok, this is a stupid question, but i just installed KDE for ubuntu how the heck do you shut down? it isnt an option under "leave"01:04
macosnow_usa: can you please stick to tech support questions?01:04
babadominicdinada, httpd already running01:04
babadominicdinada, where do I find the settings file for it?01:05
babaso I can change settings in htaccess?01:05
snow_usamaco , ok01:05
Seeker`snow_usa: as suggested, #ubuntu-offtopic may be more appropriate01:05
bsod1what is the name of the display on right top corner in gnome that show us when our battrery is low or some other warnings *sorry for my english*01:05
kisukebsod1, its the equivilant of the windows systray, i dont recall the name of it in gnome atm01:05
snow_usaSeeker`, Ím silent now01:05
red2kicbsod1: Notification Area?01:06
bsod1thanks for advices, I'll google them01:06
red2kicbsod1: Or you mean notify-osd?01:07
n0a1iaschrysanthemum, i ont remember the filename and ls shows up nothing01:07
zerothisI'm trying to get a canon pixima ip1600 working. had it working once before on hardy.01:07
BiggFREEIn the command df -i (What does i mean ?) and in df -h (What does h mean ?)01:08
red2kicBiggFREE: "man df"01:08
n0a1iasi mieans interactive, it means it asks you everything01:08
BiggFREEred2kic: Thanks01:09
dad_how to add gconfig-editor01:09
KE1HABiggFREE, -i lists the inode id's, do a df -i  then a df -hT and not thediffrence.01:09
=== dad_ is now known as Guest78571
ComradeHaz`Hey guys, how do I make my system start without starting a desktop environment? (ie just boot to tty1)01:10
Guest78571how to add gconfig-editor01:10
sinnedamanybody? how can i shut down or restart from GUI in KDE..the "leave" menu doesnt list it01:10
zerothisGuest78571: sudo apt-get install gconfig-editor01:10
ComradeHaz`sinnedam, does Alt+f2 bring anything up?01:10
sinnedambrings up the run menu01:11
ComradeHaz`run a konsole01:11
ComradeHaz`sudo reboot.01:11
sinnedambut there is no GUI option?01:11
ComradeHaz`or sudo halt to turn off.01:11
ComradeHaz`well, sure.01:11
zzzed__zerothis, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1320222&highlight=libcupsys201:11
ComradeHaz`Sorry, I thiught you were saying it had temporarilly dissapeared.01:12
sinnedamno its not under that menu at all01:12
cablopi got tired with this alternate installer, sigh :(01:12
ComradeHaz`it's under teh K in bottom left01:12
ComradeHaz`then to the right hand 'tab'01:12
BiggFREEKE1HA: Thanks ... I just took a look at man df.01:12
kyanHow can I generate a list of installed packages and their versions?01:12
sinnedamyeah right hand tab is "leave01:12
sinnedamwhen i click that01:12
sinnedamthere is no option to shut down or restart01:12
sinnedamjust log off01:12
macosinnedam: are you by chance not only person logged in or not an admin?01:12
cablopit's giving me this failure while configuring required packages error... is there a known issue with the laternate package in lucid? i checked the disk, it is ok01:13
ComradeHaz`I see. If you right click you can customize that.01:13
red2kic!clone | kyan01:13
ubottukyan: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate01:13
n0a1iashow do i use the file manager to get in a .ssh directory?01:13
ComradeHaz`n0a1ias, what do you mean?01:13
Guest78571zerothis E: Invalid operation gconfig-editor01:13
ComradeHaz`you mean access a remote directoy using ssh n0a1ias?01:14
KE1HAn0a1ias, open Places,Home Folder, then View >> Show Hidden Files01:14
n0a1iasno, i put the pub key in a folder called .ssh, now i need the key, but i neet to open the file and change the key, so i cant use terminal01:15
KE1HAn0a1ias, then navigate to .ssh01:15
kyanWell, my goal is not to clone it but to be able to manually check to see if I have the latest versions, because I broke apt-get.01:15
zerothisGuest78571: did you type the whole thing or forget "install"? sudo apt-get install gconfig-editor01:15
n0a1iasthanks KE1HA01:15
zzzed__n0alias, ctrl+h01:15
ComradeHaz`why can't you use terminal?01:15
mgmuscaridoes anybody here have experience running pulseaudio as a systemwide daemon? and i know it's not intended to be run that way - it's running on a dedicated sound server which never has interactive user sessions logged in01:15
Guest78571zerothis hahaha  brain damage.. been fixin this thing up all day01:15
n0a1iasi need to beable to open and change the file01:15
zzzed__n0alias, ctrl+h01:16
ComradeHaz`nano .ssh/foo01:16
jefincI loaded ubuntu netbook edition onto a LGX120 and it is extremely slow, any suggestions?01:16
Guest78571zerothis Ill get there im sure    Couldn't find package gconfig-editor01:16
LibertyZeroGuest78571: There is no such thing as gconfig-editor. Do you mean gconf-editor?01:17
sinnedamhhmm still cant figure this out01:17
LibertyZerosinnedam: if you start kde through gdm you won't be able to shut down through kde directly, because the session management doesn't play along...01:18
Guest78571LibertyZero  gettin tired   thx01:18
sinnedamoh...so is there a way i can change that?01:19
babared2kic, what is the main PHP library I install so I can host php?01:19
red2kicbaba: I do not know. Check !php for possible answers. :o01:19
Guest78571OK  what I am trying to do is Move my Docky and I am having difficulty01:19
Guest78571OK  what I am trying to do is Move my Docky and I am having difficulty  in 10.0401:20
Guest78571OK  what I am trying to do is Move my Docky and I am having difficulty  in 10.04  It says to drag but it won't drag.. the border turns a cool blue but doesn't move01:22
bonez2046kyan: Thanks.. I know tesseract does a great job with simple text. I am curious about a table/spreadsheet though. wanting to extract data from a spreadsheet.. is there any applet that can tackle a spreadsheet?01:23
[thor]Guest78571: once the appropriate dock is highlighted, select the position with the dropdown menu ( Top/Bottom/Left/Right )01:24
=== Centurion210 is now known as C210|away
kyanbonez2046 : No idea, sorry. For that I just boot Window$ in a vm and use omnipage SE.01:25
kyanIt might run with WINE though. I haven't tried.01:26
delinquentmehey all im using the search tool in ubuntu ... and looking to find a file that has BOTH "jquery" and "10px" in it ... the search STRING that id be using would simply be "jquery 10px" ... or will that only return a hit where the term matches exactly "jquery 10px"01:26
kyan(Omnipage SE is some adware that comes packaged with canon scanners, IIRC.)01:26
Guest78571[thor] ok now i got it..  also if I empty a dock y cant I get rid of it.. or how do i get rid of it?01:27
[thor]Guest78571: sorry, i don't know the answer to that one01:27
=== clay_ is now known as ClayG
Guest78571I have added a dock to the desktop and don't want it.. how do I remove it in 10.0401:28
jMylesI am at my wits end with the simple task of getting a port to forward to another computer (ubuntu server)01:28
kyanbonez2046 : If you want to slow your computer with that little bit of trialware, here's a link : http://wcarchive.cdrom.com/pub/scansoft/Canon_Svu_v20.zip )01:28
ClayGhow can i capture the sound that i am hearing through my laptops speakers?01:29
Craig_DemUninstall the dock in synaptic.01:29
ClayGsomething universal that would grab the sound from a youtube video or even internet radio?01:29
NewBuntuIs it true that you can add KDE to the system and keep both Gnome and KDE installed?01:31
=== MichaelSOG is now known as micke-away
macoNewBuntu: yes01:32
Guest78571[thor]  docky, select dock, delete is on the bottom of choices.. Can you tell me how to rearrange the icons01:32
macoNewBuntu: just install the kubuntu-desktop package. the login screen lets you choose which to login to01:32
geirhaClayG: Put a tape-recorder next to the speakers and hit record.01:32
cromagwhat happens if i set a resolution which is not suitable for my screen and press apply ? - will it come back after x seconds if i dont hit "ok" or somthing ?01:32
[thor]Guest78571: drag em around01:32
yowshihow do i turn alt + ctrl + backspace back on?01:32
NewBuntumaco: how do I add it?01:32
[thor]Guest78571: dragging and dropping off the dock space will remove them from the dock01:32
ClayGgeirha, looking for an application but that is a good idea, thanks for your suggestion01:32
zzzed__!jack | ClayG01:32
macoNewBuntu: install the kubuntu-desktop package01:33
macoNewBuntu: either "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" or use synaptic or whatever01:33
=== frank is now known as FrankNewzbin
dclakeI am missing the text box for twitter posts in the menu01:33
ClayGzzzed__, installing now01:33
Guest78571[thor]  yea but how to move them on the dock.. rearrange the order?01:33
yowshihow do i turn alt + ctrl + backspace back on?01:34
Guest78571[thor] some move and some dont01:34
dclakecan anyone help01:34
geirhaClayG: That's what we did in the old days anyway :)01:34
[thor]Guest78571: some are dock applets, some are program helpers, and some are shortcuts01:34
zzzed__yowshi, try alt+sysreq+k01:34
yowshizzzed__: whats sysreq?01:35
[thor]Guest78571: they can only be arranged in their major groups.. so shortcuts will appear on the left, applets in the middle, and helpers on the right01:35
dominicdinadaok sorry had to go do something but i don't see anything that looks like a zombie. could SSH or Samba or Webmin or whatever be a zombie ? i will pastebin my results to check01:35
cromagwhat happens if i set a resolution which is not suitable for my screen and press apply ? - will it come back after x seconds if i dont hit "ok" or somthing ? or will it write to the xorg conf and01:35
zzzed__yowshi, its the print screen button01:35
geirhayowshi: One of those keys in the top right of the keyboard, that you never/rarely use.01:35
dclakeI seem to be missing one of the social media features in the panel01:35
ClayGhow can i capture the sound that i am hearing through my laptops speakers?01:35
dominicdinadahmmm now when running top it shows 0 zombie processes01:36
ScrumpsAlright, so, I seem to be running into issues with torrent clients, samba, and fileshares.  I am trying to get Ktorrent/utorrent (wine), and transmission to save all the torrents it downloads on a file share under a windows file system. It can see the share, open the share, but it can't create any files or directories. I don01:37
Scrumpst know what is wrong.01:37
LibertyZeroClayG: http://www.moritzmolch.de/2010/06/26/capturing-pulseaudio-output-to-file/01:37
ScrumpsI have the share mounted under /mnt/samba/01:38
pseudosmartI am running 10.04 on a sony vaio VPCF115FM, and my desktop is bigger than my screen, no matter what resolution I try. Any suggestions?01:38
ClayGLibertyZero, trying sound recorder way but will try that after ~ http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4391051&postcount=301:38
dominicdinadaScrumps: I think torrent and other filesharing is off topic here01:38
jMylesIf anybody is keen with iptables, can you look at my rules and tell me why I am not forwarding packets properly? http://pastebin.com/mbVGzZbN01:38
ScrumpsIt automounts using fstab and the login details that point to the share are for the Administrator, so it shouldn't have any issue being aable to create a folder or files.01:38
Izinucs!rez | pseudosmart01:38
Izinucs!resolution | pseudosmart01:39
ubottupseudosmart: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:39
pseudosmart !rez?01:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:39
dclakehas anyone lost the social menu in ubuntu or how to restore it?01:40
dominicdinada!samba | scrumps01:40
ubottuscrumps: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:40
jefincI loaded ubuntu netbook edition onto a LGX120 and it is extremely slow, any suggestions?01:40
dominicdinadadclake: ubuntu one you mean ?01:40
dclakeyou know the menu with your status and you can tweet from it01:41
dclakethat one01:41
tt33l3rHaving a problem with "Keep Aligned" setting on gnome changing back to set on every reboot. Anyone know how to fix this?01:41
Scrumpsdominicdinada, I don't see anything about torrents/filesharing being against the channel rules or code of conduct on the wiki.01:41
jMylesdclake: Sounds like gwibber stopped on you01:41
pseudosmartWell, I restarted X, but no dice01:41
dominicdinadadclake: no i don't know that one. I don't tweeter01:41
jMylesdclake: You can run it again from applications -=> internet01:42
jefincdclake: if you right click on the panel and click on add, the one you are looking for is "Indicator Applet Session"01:42
pseudosmartand I have tried xrandr to add resolutions, but that hasn't worked either01:42
IzinucsScrumps: it's not.. and really your question deals with samba.. but most likely it might be a windows issue since you can see the windows share but can't save..01:42
savidHi, I need to check in some code with svn,  and I'm getting this:   "Password for '(null)' GNOME keyring:" .    I've never seen it before, and my normal password does not work with it.  What's causing this?01:42
dclakegwibber is running but I still dont have the box for my posts01:42
pseudosmartshould I purchase the support from canonincal to figure this out? Is it worth it?01:42
jefincdclake: see above ^^01:42
pseudosmartnobody on the forums has been able to figure it out either01:43
jMylespseudosmart: I have no idea, but I'm curious about your issue.  What do you mean "too big"?01:43
JosesordoWhat is more cute or beatiful: Emerald or GTK Windows decorator?01:43
Izinucspseudosmart: could be that the wrong driver is loaded for your card.. what do you have?01:43
pseudosmartthe screen is cut off on the right side and the bottom of the display01:44
pseudosmartso I don't see the panel at the bottom of the screen, and the right side of the top panel is cut off01:44
ScrumpsIzinucs, well, that is what I thought... so, I set the permissions for the drive temporarily to "Everyone" and then tried again, it still didn't work. So, that is why I came here, but, I will try samba.01:44
dclakeI reloaded the indicator applet session b ut it does not have the text box01:44
savidI'm aslo getting "Error communicating with gnome-keyring-daemon" when trying to run seahorse.  Any idea what's going on here?01:45
jefincdclake: have you tried logging off/on ?01:45
dclakeyeah ..and rebooting01:45
IzinucsScrumps: drive permissions on the windows machine probably isn't the issue.. it's more in line with it's internal permissions.. win pro is easier.. win home isn't01:45
ScrumpsIzinucs, it is Windows Server 2008 R2.01:46
jefincdclake: you could try restarting X since reloading the indicator applet sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:46
ScrumpsOwernship of the drive, sharing, and file permissions are set to Everyone.01:46
IzinucsScrumps: ah.. then there should be an easy way to do this.. check in ##windows.01:46
IzinucsScrumps: might also be that you need to add the server name to samba as a valid user01:47
savidAnyone have any idea?  I really need to check in this code...01:47
ScrumpsIzinucs, what do you mean? Add the server name to samba? Under the samba config file?01:48
dclakethat didnt work01:48
macosavid: kill the seahorse-agent and just let normal ssh-agent handle it?01:48
IzinucsScrumps: if you added samba to your system and not just smbfs then typically samba has it's own method of registering users and passwords.. first thing you should do is add yourself as the user on the machine...01:49
MarkSShey all01:49
ScrumpsIzinucs, smbfs is installed and added.01:49
pseudosmartDoes anyone have any thoughts on whether or not the canonical $140 support is worth it, I haven't been able to find a solution to my problem here or in the forums?01:49
=== King is now known as Guest99499
IzinucsScrumps: this might help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently01:50
dclakeI have the menu but not the text box01:50
poi77pseudosmart: what is the issue01:50
pseudosmartmy desktop is bigger than my screen, so it is cut off on the right side and the bottom01:51
pseudosmartI have tried installing proprietary NVIDIA drivers, I have tried xrandr, but nothing seems to work01:51
ScrumpsSo... I should try replacing smbfs with cifs?01:51
dominicdinadapseudosmart: have you tried adjusting your monitor :O01:52
ScrumpsAs my current fstab folder looks like that exactly, except I am using smbfs instead of cifs.01:52
Izinucspseudosmart: ah ha.. did the nvidia drivers install totally and correctly? if so you might also install nvidia-settings.. go there and set the resolution01:52
HermanDEanybody know of Openssh supports dns srv records?01:52
poi77pseudosmart: in my experience nvidia-settings works01:53
IzinucsHermanDE: in /etc/ssh/sshd_config there is a line at the bottom about dns.. check it out01:53
savidmarco, nope -- still doesn't work.  Any other ideas?  How can I just make SVN use normal authentication?   It's always worked for me before -- just all of the sudden stopped working01:53
Fendarilman how do you get the xterm menu01:53
MarkSSI restarted my computer and now I am asked to start with low graphics mode and when I hit okay it takes me to a set of menus.  Nothing in those menus will fix my problem though.  What can I do?01:53
savidmaco ^01:53
pseudosmartis nvidia-settings an application I can install? I'm kind of new at this01:53
geirhaFendaril: xterm doesn't have a menu01:54
HermanDEIzinucs, Thanks.01:54
Izinucspseudosmart: yes.. sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings.. then you'll find it in system>Admin>Nvidia something01:54
Fendarilgeirha:so you cannot ctr+right-click to get a menu of configuration in ubuntu?01:54
macosavid: try hitting ctrl+alt+f1 and checking it in from there01:54
macosavid: it wont be able to try to use gnome stuff then01:54
jefincI loaded ubuntu netbook edition onto a LGX120 and it is extremely slow, any suggestions?01:54
dougb_freebsdpseudosmart: open the ubuntu software center and search for nvidia-settings01:55
geirhaFendaril: Never heard of that key-binding. What programs does that work on?01:55
pseudosmartwell, I installed it, but I don't see it in system>Admin menu01:56
savidmaco, ah, why didn't I think of that :-/   thanks!01:56
dougb_freebsdpseudosmart: open up a terminal and type nvidia-seettings01:57
geirhaFendaril: Oh, I get a menu with uxterm. Interesting.01:57
pksadiqType sudo01:57
pksadiqthen nvidia-settings01:57
dougb_freebsdyou usually don't have to use sudo for nvidia-settings01:58
dougb_freebsdbut if it doesn't work as a regular user that's worth trying01:58
babado I need to do this with Ubuntu: -A INPUT -m state –state NEW -m tcp -p tcp –dport 22 -j ACCEPT01:58
FableflameIs there a way to password protect particular folders in Ubuntu?01:59
Fendarilgeirha:my book said that it would work01:59
Fendarilgeirha: its genral and not distro specific tho01:59
pksadiqChange the owner to root01:59
geirhaFendaril: It works with uxterm, but not with xterm for some reason.01:59
Fendarilgeirha:what are the steps you took to get a menu01:59
MarkSSI restarted my computer and now I am asked to start with low graphics mode and when I hit okay it takes me to a set of menus.  Nothing in those menus will fix my problem though.  What can I do?02:00
geirhaFendaril: Alt+f2 -> «uxterm» -> Ctrl+ left/right click02:00
FableflameIs there a way to password protect particular folders in Ubuntu?02:00
Fendarilgeirha:whats the difference between xterm and uterm02:01
geirhaFendaril: u for unicode02:01
FreeaqingmeHow do I heat my laptop using ubuntu? would like it to be a little warmer here...02:02
jefincFreeaqingme: watch a movie in flash, it's a pig02:02
FreeaqingmeI was hoping for some cli command02:02
Fendarilwhat does the x in term stand for geirha02:02
jribFreeaqingme: cpuburn02:03
geirhaFendaril: the x stands for X :P02:03
Freeaqingmejrdnyquist, tnx02:03
Freeaqingmejrib, tnx02:03
sukuriTry to use your graphics card, too, those can get pretty warm02:03
geirhaFendaril: ''apropos xterm''02:03
Brutal_Donut2 words: hot coffee02:03
Brutal_Donutjust dump it everywhere02:03
KE1HAFableflame, look into using dm-crypt, cryptsetup and LUKS for your encryption needs.02:05
FableflameKE1HA, thanks, I'll look into it02:05
blarget2linux port?02:06
blarget2sorry for being stupif02:06
ScrumpsWhat is the command to list permission settings for a folder?02:06
Scrumps+ and files?02:06
blarget2what games are compadible with ubuntu?02:06
sukuri Brutal_Donut: you get the bonus of being able to sue for incorrect labeling on the use of coffee, too!02:06
mickster04blarget2: with W.I.N.E, lots of games02:07
blarget2oh true02:07
macoScrumps: ls -l02:07
blarget2fake bios02:07
sukuriblarget2: Unreal Tournament 2k4 is one that's natively compatible. There's also the entire games repository in "Ubuntu Software Center"02:07
blarget2well should descent be in ubunto?02:07
mickster04blarget2: check out the software center02:07
blarget2ill go check02:07
edbianblarget2, Most games today are developed for microsoft windows (because they dominate the market share)02:08
blarget2yes i know that02:08
mickster04edbian: lots of games arent, mostly indie though02:08
mickster04blarget2: world of goo is on linux02:09
edbianmickster04, :)  Tell blarget2 :)02:09
blarget2i cant find out if this is supported D:02:09
kisukehow would i defragment  a ntfs partition on ubuntu?02:09
sukuriblarget2: what is "this"?02:09
blarget2it would be better if i linked you hold on02:09
mickster04 lots of games arent developed for windows, mostly indie though02:09
blarget2would this count?02:09
blarget2its indie ish02:10
blarget2i was thinking of ditching vista for soemthing stable02:10
blarget2but i also want to get this02:10
sukurioh goodness, my netbook, it can't handle it!02:10
mickster04blarget2: not natively no02:11
boywonderhi please: im trying to instll a package and im getting error cannot find glib?02:11
Flomasterhaving trouble with samba I installed it and edited my config file but can't seem to get it started02:11
blarget2ill go bug the dev's to make it native02:11
mickster04blarget2: good luck with that, it uses directx which isnt used in ubuntu#02:12
blarget2though, are you guys intrested in 6dof type of games?02:12
blarget2oh right02:12
kkathmanI should know what this is...but apparently I've hidden the menu in the terminal app...what's that key combo to get it back?02:12
blarget2linux is opengl02:12
blarget2i guess i HAVE to go wit hwine02:12
blarget2or just duel boot02:12
DonaldShimodablarget2, nothing to do with opengl02:13
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DonaldShimodalinux <> windows architecture02:13
KE1HAboywonder, how are you trying to install the program? are you building it, or using apt /pkg mgr?02:13
boywonderim going to build it02:13
boywonderi think glib is a test app?02:13
ScrumpsIzinucs, thinking about file permissions, could the problem with the /mnt/samba/ file space be the ownership of the folder?02:13
DonaldShimodaboywonder, glib is a library02:13
KE1HAboywonder, do: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:14
DonaldShimodainstall glib-dev02:14
DonaldShimodaboywonder, let me check it02:14
IzinucsScrumps: not sure. sorry02:14
dmexblarget2: try cedega02:14
KE1HAHe's going to need other packages to build, so may as well install them initially and be done with.02:14
ScrumpsHm, alright.02:14
blarget2is that like wine?02:15
DonaldShimodaboywonder: sudo aptitude install libglib2.0-dev02:15
LalalandIf I have a samba share mounted in ext4, can I still acces it in windows xp without any extra drivers?02:15
dmexblarget2: yes but focused on gaming.02:15
babawhere is /etc/sysconfig ??02:15
digitalfizxnite invite anyone else to a channel?02:15
DonaldShimodablarget2, cedega is wine with steroids02:15
blarget2this wil be the future for me though, ima ware out mi vista till i cant do what i want it to do.02:15
boywonderim not doing anything yet that i dont understand!, i get this error from ./configure02:16
mickster04blarget2: windows 7 is worth it in my opiion02:16
xxporim curious, I dont use either, but want to learn one, what advantage does screen have over tmux02:16
DonaldShimodaboywonder: sudo aptitude install libglib2.0-dev02:16
FableflameWhy is Ubuntu saying that my Mp3 player has 0 bytes available, and 0 bytes used??02:16
kkathmanI should know what this is...but apparently I've hidden the menu in the terminal app...what's that key combo to get it back?02:16
DonaldShimodaboywonder, what dont you get then?02:17
kisukeFableflame, what mp3 player is it?02:17
kisukekkathman, try alt02:17
FableflameSome generic I got for 20 bucks02:17
kkathmankisuke, alt what?02:17
edbianFableflame, Is the .Trash folder empty?02:17
kisukeFableflame, brand?02:17
FableflameBut I was in the middle of transferring files when it suddenly told me I had 0 of 002:17
boywonderwhy its asking me for a libary02:17
kisukekkathman, alt shouold show the menu bar02:18
KE1HAboywonder, becasue you dont have all the deps met to use ./configure02:18
kkathmankisuke nope it doesnt--- not just by itself02:18
Fableflameedbian: trash is not empty kisuke: idk, the icon on it is faded02:18
edbianFableflame, empty the trash.  That's likely the problem.02:18
edbianFableflame, If something is in the trash folder it's still on the device.02:18
boywonderthats visable02:19
DonaldShimodaboywonder: sudo aptitude install libglib2.0-dev02:19
kkathmankisuke this is the terminal app by the way02:19
DonaldShimodaboywonder, ??????02:19
KE1HAboywonder, do: sudo apt-get -y install build-essential  .. then do ./configure again.02:19
DonaldShimodaboywonder, finally... 5 times i have to write the same...02:19
Fableflameedbian: I emptied the Trash, it still says I have 0 of 002:19
LalalandAnyone know if the partition type of where a samba share is stored matters?02:19
nophisHi. I have an external disk connected through an USB 2.0 port to my laptop. When I copy large files to the external disk, the speed starts at ~25mb/s and after some seconds, the speed slow with time until it be about ~3mb/s. Anyone here expected the same problem and know a solution/workaround for this issue?02:19
mickster04Fableflame: is it still connected?02:20
edbianFableflame, Hmmm.  Odd. what does df -h say about it?02:20
DonaldShimodaLalaland, in absolute02:20
boywonderthank you DonaldShimoda I THINK ILL USE THAT LIB02:20
Fableflamemickster04, yes edbian: okay, hold on02:20
KE1HAgood luck02:20
Fableflameedbian: do I just run -h in the terminal?02:20
Lalalandnophis, what file type?02:20
edbianFableflame, df -h    yes02:20
DonaldShimodanophis, stop anyother task on diskbefore start it02:20
nophisDonaldShimoda, I'm doing just this operation, no md5sum checks, neither other move copy operation02:21
boywonderKE1HA its hard being new and trying to take advice from two people, ????02:21
Fableflameedbian: /dev/sda2             112G   70G   43G  63% /media/E03E39A03E39712002:21
nophisLalaland, movie file (8gb)02:21
PeterThow do I format the ubuntu partition to NTFS?02:21
Fableflamesays there is 43G still available02:21
edbianFableflame, That sounds much more believeable.  IS that correct?  What app is reporting that it's full?02:22
kisukePeterT, do you want to keep ubuntu?02:22
Fableflameedbian: right clicking and selecting properties02:22
PeterTkisuke: obviously not02:22
edbianFableflame, Oh who cares what that says! :)02:22
PeterTkisuke: no, I'm selling my laptop and would like to take it off :)02:22
Fableflameedbian: I do, because it won't let me transfer anything, because it says the device is full02:22
kisukeues a live cd, run gparted and delete the ubuntu partition and make a new NTFS partition02:22
edbianFableflame, Ahh, that's a bigger problem.02:23
mickster04Fableflame: have you tried taking it out and putting it back in?02:23
Fableflamemickster04, yes, to no avail02:23
edbianFableflame, I'm having trouble figuring out why df -h reports correctly but the gui does not.02:23
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Fableflameedbian: I have no idea. How to I format a device in Ubuntu?02:23
edbianFableflame, You use gparted (app in the repos) but if you format a device you loose all the info currently on it.02:24
Fableflamewait wait wait02:24
FableflameI was wrong02:24
FableflameI was looking at the wrong readout02:24
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
Fableflame/dev/sdh1             990M  990M     0 100% /media/42E0-7C2402:24
Fableflamethat's the readout for my mp3 player02:24
edbianFableflame, Ahhh!! There's the ticket.02:24
mickster04Fableflame: its full02:25
edbianFableflame, Now, this might seem stupid, is it full?02:25
xxporFableflame: sdH? how much space do you have lol?02:25
N0pxjoin #backtrack02:25
edbianxxpor, It's an external music player02:25
edbianN0px, almost!02:25
Fableflameedbian: It shouldn't be xxpor: it's just a 1 gig mp3 player02:25
xxporedbian: I know, that means you have 7 other disks though02:25
mickster04Fableflame: Thats not much02:25
edbianFableflame, Have you used the disc analyzer02:26
Fableflamebut under properties it says 0 used02:26
edbianxxpor, At one point.  They could be flash drives02:26
edbianFableflame, How much do you think is used on it?02:26
N0pxCan anyone help me with back track 4 i have a few noob questions02:26
Fableflameedbian: idk, but after I deleted everything on it it doesn't tell me 0 anymore02:26
mickster04 N0px just ask them02:26
mickster04Fableflame: what does it say then?02:26
kisukeN0px, type "/join #backtrack"02:27
Fableflamebut someting is using 932.4 mbs02:27
xxporedbian: I have never really played with it, will ubuntu remeber usb drives and preserve their sdx location?02:27
FableflameI have no files on it, and something is taking up 932.4 megabytes02:27
edbianxxpor, IDK.  I think so.02:27
edbianFableflame, The trash folder is empty?02:27
mickster04Fableflame: its all in .trasj02:27
mickster04Fableflame: its all in .trash02:27
edbianmickster04, That's what I though.02:28
boodroscotchHey guys, just a little question. I'm on Lucid, and I've just installed FGLRX (for I am using an ATi) card, and I was wondering; can you remove the native xorg ati drivers safely after installing fglrx?02:28
Fableflameokay, I emptied trash again and I have more space now02:28
edbianFableflame, There is a hidden trash folder on the / of the device.  It's called .Trash  You have to change a setting in nautilus to see it.02:28
edbianFableflame, Which trash are you emptying?02:28
FableflameNow only 264 MBs are being taken up02:28
Fableflameedbian: the trash in the bottom right corner of the desktop02:29
edbianFableflame,  That's the trash on the computer.02:29
edbianFableflame, There is a hidden .Trash folder on the device.02:29
Fableflameedbian: jeeeeez, how many trash cans do I need? How do I see that trash folder?02:29
edbianFableflame, I am quite annoyed I had to say that twice.02:29
edbianFableflame, view -> show hidden files02:29
mickster04Fableflame: go to the device in nautilis and type ctrl+h02:30
magn3tsHow do I reinstall / such that it respects the existing /home that is on another drive?02:30
kisukedoes anyone know how to defragment a NTFS partition in ubuntu?02:30
edbianFableflame, Ubuntu will use a .Trash folder on every partition on every device that supports having one.02:30
Fableflameedbian: I got this "Unable to trash file: Invalid argument"02:30
zzzedkisuke, I don't think you can02:30
metrahlamay ubuntu 10.10 be less system consumning?02:31
kisukezzzed, well an answer is better than nothing thanks02:31
metrahlacomparing with 10.0402:31
Blue1metrahla: big changes in 10.1002:31
mickster04Fableflame: try shift delete?02:31
mickster04Blue1: such as?02:31
Blue1mickster04: sizes will no longer be reported in binary - they will be reported in decimal02:32
Fableflameedbian, mickster04, ok they're gone, thanks02:32
mickster04Blue1: what?! thats stupid02:32
Blue1mickster04: welcome to shuttleworth's world02:33
Blue1mickster04: actually the mac already does that...02:33
nogomac has lost02:34
Blue1mickster04: the VERY first thing I fixed on 10.04:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=20702:34
pie_timei cant get my radar map to work for the weather panal applet in ubuntu02:34
Blue1pie_time: not all locations have radar02:35
jamie_My .conkyrc contains a line 'own_window_type desktop override' but when I click the desktop conky disappears (but it's still in 'top'...)02:35
edbianpie_time, My radar doesn't work either :(02:35
pie_timeBlue1, this is in north america for pete's sake02:35
metrahlaBlue1, may there be anything meaning, that i will become faster, or slower?02:36
Blue1pie_time: YMMV applies - NOT all locations have radar02:36
pie_timeBlue1, but ive had radar in the past02:36
edbianpie_time, So have I :(02:36
Blue1pie_time: feeds go down all the time -- not a priority02:36
delinquentmeis there a way to remove "open w open office" off of my ubuntu right click options?02:37
Blue1metrahla: guaydeque will come standard issue02:37
Blue1delinquentme: not sure what you want to do.02:37
kisukedelinquentme, uninstall openoffice?02:38
metrahlaBlue1, what does that means?02:38
Blue1metrahla: it means something that actually works, and has an eq in it02:38
CompuTomWhich chat can I use for C++ programming for Ubuntu10.04?02:38
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petersteele111is there a chat for python programming?02:38
andrewltry doing a /list and looking around02:39
Blue1petersteele111: type o fan?02:39
ScrumpsI seem to have an issue with a mounted file system being mounted four times: http://pastebin.com/L1xfbUSs02:39
petersteele111nope thats my legal name02:39
ScrumpsHow can I get rid of it?02:40
delinquentmeblue1, kisuke  nah just dont want it as an option on the right click of a selected file02:40
jamie_Anybody for conky help?  #conky is dead02:40
Scrumpsumount -f /mnt/samba and umount -l /mnt/samba didn't work.02:40
pie_time petersteele111 /join #python02:40
aguscan I upgrade ubuntu karmic 32 bit to 64 bit?02:40
Blue1delinquentme: only way I know of is to remove oo - but that's usually unwise02:40
petersteele111im irish and scottish and named after my dad. so steele just is a family name and i took his first name of peter02:40
delinquentmehurrrmmmshish ... thnx02:40
Blue1petersteele111: ahh i just know the name from type o negative02:41
petersteele111thanks pie i found some im just waiting to go in in a min02:41
mickster04agus: do you have a 64 bit computer?02:41
petersteele111yeah. Thats where most people know the name from02:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:41
Blue1pie_time: well first you have to determine if your machine is 64 bit02:42
pie_timeBlue1, why?02:42
agusyes, I installed ubuntu 32 bit to 64 bit computer02:42
mickster04agus: then why not?02:42
Blue1because you can't run 64 bit on a 32 bit system02:42
jamie_agus he wants to know if he can upgrade to 64 (I think he already has 32 installed)02:42
mickster04agus: oh wait upgrade?02:42
Blue1pie_time: try this:  if grep -q ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo; then echo "is 64 bits"; else "No luck  :("; fi02:42
agushow to install using terminal02:43
mickster04agus: no that wont work as for installing from terminal sudo apt-get02:43
Blue1agus: upgrade NOT recommended02:43
edbianagus has 32 bit Ubuntu installed on 64 bit hardware.  He wants to upgrade to 64 bit OS02:43
kisuke!apt |agus02:43
ubottuagus: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)02:43
pie_timeBlue1, i dont know what you're talking about02:43
agusso there is no way beside reinstall with 64 bit?02:44
mickster04agus: you will have to reinstall to change from 32 to 64 bit02:44
Blue1pie_time: sorry that was from agus02:44
mickster04agus: no02:44
Blue1agus do:  if grep -q ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo; then echo "is 64 bits"; else "No luck  :("; fi02:44
JosesordoHow I change the Login Screen in Ubuntu 10.04?02:44
jamie_agus - the best way to do it is to backup/reinstall anyway - needs new kernel, etc, etc.02:44
Blue1jamie_: you just need to backup /etc/ and /home/ and should be gtg02:44
ScrumpsWhat command can I use to unmount all filesystems? As umount -f and umount -a is not working on the filesystems that are needing to be unmounted?02:45
agusok, thanks.02:46
jamie_Blue1 I like clean installs, what can I say... Personally, I'd use the alternate install CD if it would boot on my machine :-/02:46
jamie_So anybody for helping me with a conky line?02:46
FableflameWhat can I do to access my cousin's Ubuntu desktop from my own?02:47
kisukeok, can some one help me figure out why ext4 is now the default FS?02:47
fruitwerksI am trying to install from usb, but I get to locating the cdrom step and it fails.. what is the workaround?02:47
petersteele111weird it wont let me join #python? I can join ##python but not the first one?02:47
kisukepetersteele111, i dont #python exists02:47
jamie_No Conky help?  Alright, I'll try back in a few hours02:48
kisukefruitwerks, how did you make your live USB?02:48
mickster04 Fableflame well if the routers are both set up and he has sshd installed and running alls you need to do is type in ssh into your terminal for textual command line control02:48
rwwpetersteele111: It's limited to registered users. See the instructions ubottu's about to give you.02:48
petersteele111i dont know it pops up with 836 users?02:48
rwwubottu: register | petersteele11102:48
ubottupetersteele111: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:48
petersteele111ah ok02:48
fruitwerkskisuke: I downloaded the iso and used the program sugegsted on the website02:48
jamie_pie_time aye?02:48
pie_timejamie_, i need conky help02:48
boscohey i used  ""devede"" to burn an iso dvd file and i burned it to a dvd and now it is telling me that it wont play in my dvd due to ""area Limitations"" i know what that means just how to i fix that ?????02:48
jamie_pie_time what's your issue?02:48
kisukefruitwerks, weird02:48
fruitwerksbosco: probably need to set the region in the burning app02:49
Blue1bosco: I've had problems with that - try re-burning the iso onto a CD and NOT a dvd.  shouldn't matter, but it does.02:49
boscofruitwerks, didnt have one lol02:49
pie_timei have no clue how to get the conky thing to work with config files02:49
Fableflamerww: umm, I have registered my nick here, and it won't let me join. . .02:50
fruitwerksI pointed it to /dev/sdc1 - but that didn't work, and busybox isn't horribly helpful02:50
rwwFableflame: You're not identified with nickserv.02:50
jamie_pie_time you have to create a .conkyrc file in your home dir (in a terminal do 'cd ~' then 'touch .conkyrc' then 'sudo gedit .conkyrc' and paste your code in there.02:50
rwwFableflame: /msg nickserv help identify02:50
Fableflamerww: i thought that was automatic?02:50
kisukeFableflame, are you signed in right now?02:50
deevzis there a way to change the print interface in ubuntu? the default one cant do what I need02:51
rwwFableflame: not if you don't properly set up your client to identify automatically02:51
deevzand no matter which program I try to print with, its the same print interface02:51
Blue1deevz: what do you mean by "print interface?"02:51
deevzthe window that is brought up when you click on "print" for an image02:51
mickster04deevz: no, what do you need it to do?02:52
Blue1deevz: not that I am aware of....that's pretty standard...you just don't like it, or it doesn't work?02:52
mickster04deevz: i mean of course you can, but its a faff02:52
jamie_pie_touch try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076&highlight=conky and it's related links on the first post02:52
deevzit cant even rotate the image...02:52
fruitwerkswhat alternate boot-from-usb methods are there? I have a windows machine and a linux machine handy right now02:52
Blue1deevz: what programme are you trying to use to rotate an image?02:53
mickster04deevz: well im sure you can set landscape or portraint02:53
deevzdoesnt work02:53
pie_timejamie_, how much resources does conky use02:53
ring0i'm using 10.04 with lvm and luks. boot is on a separate usb-stick, which actually works like a charm. now, i came back from a 10 day vacation and the system wouldn't start from the stick, until i used a live-cd and chroot with grub-install. i shut down the system correctly, any ideas how this could have happened? does flash memory have problems when not in use?02:53
deevzoh well nm, image viewer can rotate and it affects the print model02:53
Blue1deevz: could you be more specific, what doesn't work?02:53
mickster04deevz: well rotate it in the image program02:53
deevzits all good now02:54
deevzsolved the problem02:54
mickster04Blue1: it doesnt have the functionality to change wether it prints in portrait or landscape aooarently02:54
deevzthats right02:54
jamie_pie_time: mine right now is using.... lemme see... 2%cpu (on a C2D e8400 OCed to 3.6) and 0% ram  --  good luck :-)  And be careful - it can get addicting getting it all customized XD02:54
Blue1mickster04: I don't know about the image viewer - but other programmes like gimp do.02:54
cablopi got an stupid problem02:55
mickster04Blue1: i thought it did too02:55
jamie_cablop: don't we all XD02:55
mickster04cablop: well tell us in detail about it an maybe we can help02:55
deevzoh wow, it printed like it is an A1 paper02:55
deevzthat sucks02:55
TiKjamie_: how do I know what to overclock too without frying my computer :)02:55
fruitwerkswhat is the codename for the current stable?02:55
mickster04deevz: what orogram are you using?02:55
cablopusing the liveCd ubuntu detects my wireless device, i installed it, but now my ubuntu does not detect it! :(02:55
mickster04fruitwerks: 10.0402:55
dougb_freebsdTiK: just say no to overclocking02:56
fruitwerksmickster04: yeah - but what is the release name, as found here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/02:56
jamie_TiK try www.overclock.net that's where I learned the ropes (depends on your MB, NB, CPU (type, revision, and serial number) and your FSB if you're intel)02:56
dougb_freebsdit rarely gives you an actually useful performance benefit, and it can damage your system in hard-to-detect ways02:56
mickster04fruitwerks: Lucid02:56
deevzwhats an orogram mickster84?02:56
deevzprogram, im dumb02:56
deevzim on imageviewer02:56
TiKjamie_: yeah Im using  an intel certrino hm Ill check it out02:57
mickster04deevz: oh ok.02:57
jamie_Extraclassic: yay! You're here!  maybe you can help me real quick...02:57
deevzfuck this02:57
deevzima relog into windows02:57
macoTiK: something most people dont know about overclocking if they havent taken a computer architecture class is that higher clockspeeds = more missed instructions02:57
cablophow can i make ubuntu detect my wireless device? live cd does... but installed system won't... :(02:57
jamie_TiK: I would not recommend it with a centrino, but ask around on OCN (overclock.net) and they'll know more than I do02:57
mickster04deevz: try instaling something like gimp, its much more powerfull02:57
maco!language | deevz02:57
ubottudeevz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:57
deevzmickster: seems like its the print interface that is limited02:58
deevzgimp wouldnt help02:58
macoTiK: also, centrino isnt a CPU02:58
deevzthe size scaling doesnt even work02:58
extraclassicjamie_: it's possible02:58
macoTiK: its basically a marketing word....its a bundle of whatever intel's latest cpu is along with an intel chipset and gpu02:58
mickster04deevz: well gimo would do all that02:58
jamie_maco: run orthos for 24 hrs and you get ram check and cpu ;-)02:58
kisukeany one here dual boot win7 and *nix?02:59
kisukeopps sorry MT02:59
mickster04deevz: what about the other tabs, like page setup:P02:59
Jordan_U!anyone | kisuke02:59
ubottukisuke: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:59
jamie_extraclassic: My .conkyrc contains a line 'own_window_type desktop override' but when I click the desktop conky disappears (but it's still in 'top'...) Any known issues?  it's Conky 1.8.002:59
fruitwerkstrying a netboot.. thanks all03:00
deevzoh wow mickster03:00
extraclassicjamie_: the lines need to say "own_window yes" and "own_window_type override"03:00
kisukeJordan_U, yes you know how to (ab)use the bot how about reading the whole comment next?03:00
deevzthats weird how the paper type is set up at two different places, looks like a misconception03:00
mickster04deevz: sheesh03:00
deevzbut it should solve it03:00
mickster04deevz: well done on looking yourself first....03:01
jamie_extraclassic - it worked until I shutdown and powered on after dinner - if I just do override then other windows go underneath it (basically its always on top)03:01
JosesordoHow I change the Login Screen in Ubuntu 10.04?03:01
jameswhow can i view someone's ssh session live?03:02
kisuke!gnome | Josesordo03:02
ubottuJosesordo: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.03:02
ScrumpsIs there not a graphical firewall interface in 1.0.04?03:03
Baxniei wanna install boost 1.42, but using build versions from repository, how can i find the repository that contains it?03:03
sigmab3tahey guys; i'd like to use svn to pull a revision that isn't the newest, what is the command for that?03:03
extraclassicjamie_: i'm not sure...go to these sites - http://conky.sourceforge.net/config_settings.html, http://conky.sourceforge.net/variables.html03:04
zzzedScrumps, firestarter03:04
jamie_extraclassic google is of no help to me at this point, and #conky is non existent :-/   .... maybe I should see if anyone is in #crunchbang...?03:04
dougb_freebsdsigmab3ta: svn co -r03:04
jamie_extraclassic - alright, thanks for the links - much appreciated :-)  Later, mate03:04
dougb_freebsdyou'll have to fill in a revision number of course03:04
TiKmaco: there is a sticker that says "intel centrino" inside if its not a CPU what is it03:05
pie_timedougb_freebsd, is freebsd as easy as ubuntu if you add gnome to it?03:05
dougb_freebsdpie_time: /join ##freebsd and I'll be glad to answer that, it's OT here03:06
macoTiK: like i already said, its the combination of intel's latest cpu, intel's latest chipset, and intel's latest gpu. it's a marketing term for that bundle03:06
pie_timedougb_freebsd, may i pm you03:06
extraclassicpie_time: ubuntu is probably easier cause of synaptic03:06
dougb_freebsdyou'll get better more interesting answers in ##freebsd :)03:06
macoTiK: 4 years ago, "centrino" meant core duo and 3945 chipset / 945 gpu.  2 years ago it meant core 2 duo and 496503:06
Scrumpszzzed, does firestarter have to be installed? As I don't see it in the System menu or Application menu.03:06
pie_timedougb_freebsd, i might get booed and hissed at for being a noob too03:07
zzzedScrumps, yes it needs to be installed03:07
dougb_freebsdnope, that channel is just as friendly as this one, if not as busy :)03:07
TiKmaco: o03:08
TiKmaco: well yahs its a core2 laptop ands its only 2.003:08
sigmab3tadougb_freebsd, thank you03:09
kisukewhat is the command to have dpkg configure a package?03:09
Scrumpszzzed, is there a different program? As apparently firestarter limits ICMP?03:10
extraclassickisuke: i think it's dpkg -i [filename]03:10
kisukeextraclassic, its installed, just didnt configure because its dependencys configured after it did03:11
zzzedkisuke, dpkg --configure <pkgname>03:11
kisukezzzed, ty03:11
extraclassicdoes anyone here use GnoMenu03:12
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zzzedScrumps, gufw03:12
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JosesordoI cant find the GDM in my menu :(03:16
Baxniei wanna install boost 1.42, but using build versions from repository, how can i find the repository that contains it?03:17
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SoggystefanWell, hey guys, I have some questions... I run Ubuntu on all my, and my friends' PCs. However, my primary computer is a 2010 Macbook Pro with the latest in MacOS (Snow Leopard, am I right?). How does the latest Ubuntu compare to Snow Leopard?03:19
cablopSoggystefan: that's up to you and your comparisson criteria03:19
cablopif what you want is freedom to choose options stick with ubuntu 8.04 or 8.1003:20
cablopif you want new things and start learning a lot of ubuntu stuff again, ten go for lucid03:20
SoggystefanWould you suggest a VM?03:20
kisukeSoggystefan, what processor do you have?03:21
babawhere is /etc/sysconfig ??03:21
SoggystefanProcessor? I'm not very good with the finer points...03:22
SoggystefanI'll link you the computer info, though03:23
cablopSoggystefan: then... you'll end in the same problem as Google Chrome... lucid on VM just have two possible outcomes... one... it runs nice and well... or it will run retardedly bad... no intermediate point, but give it a try, you have a good Pc, and maybe it will run nice there03:23
Josesordothe ubuntu 10.04 dont have the GDM where I can change the login Screen Style.. :(03:23
cablopor, better.... Soggystefan, test it with the live cd...03:23
extraclassicJosesordo: you can change the login screen with Ailurus03:24
nogo2my cpu is called ctcp03:24
nogo2i just to poke smart asses for fun03:24
SoggystefanWell, my proccesor is an Intel Core 2 Duo03:24
Soggystefan2.66GHz Intel Core i703:24
kisukewell looks like its reinstall time03:25
cablopSoggystefan: but the best way is a live cd, you can test your hardware also03:26
SoggystefanDoes that just mean burning a disc? Or is it something else?03:26
cablopSoggystefan: a cd of course, download it from ubuntu03:27
LinuxGuy2009I just did a partial upgrade to 10.04.1 with the alternate CD and now I was trying to reinstall the nvidia driver but I cant seem to get gdm to stop like I used to do. Does "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" not work anymore?03:27
nogo22.66g is a lame number. it's seen at about 7 years ago03:27
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cablopLinuxGuy2009: try # sudo service gdm stop03:27
SoggystefanI dunno what I'm getting03:27
SoggystefanMy parents got it for me as a gift.03:27
SoggystefanI'm only 13.03:28
cablopnogo... intel i7 lame? huh...03:28
Josesordoextraclassic: thx, I installed it..let me see03:28
LinuxGuy2009cablop: Ok. Was that a change that 10.04.1 introduced or why has it changed on my system?03:28
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cablopwow, a 13 years old entering the geeky world03:28
SoggystefanOne moment, I'm going to go find a disc.03:28
SoggystefanHey, it's the age.03:28
cablopLinuxGuy2009: i don't know, they're changing the way services are being managed03:28
SoggystefanWe're all Digital Natives, you could say.03:28
* Soggystefan goes to find a disc03:29
LinuxGuy2009cablop: ok thank you03:29
cablopSoggystefan: yes, you guys don't know what a typewritter is03:29
nogo2do you notice? your cpu's external clock is too low03:29
cablopSoggystefan: if you have enough time and bandwidth then download the dvd iso, not the cd one, just cause the dvd has more packages and it's more useful03:29
extraclassicJosesordo: I could've been wrong man....I thought it was in there somewhere but I don't see it03:32
Soggystefancablop: I've got a typewriter on my desk...  :P03:33
Feynmanhello whats a good irc client for ubuntu?03:35
extraclassicJosesordo: these instructions work- http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2010/05/change-boot-login-screen-in-ubuntu-1004.html03:35
SoggystefanI do believe03:35
Soggystefanempath works for irc03:35
Feynmani don't much care for the one in empathy.03:35
cablopSoggystefan: but i guess you got my point03:35
SoggystefanHehe, yeah03:36
FeynmanI'm using that at the moment.03:36
* Soggystefan is now thoroughly pissed03:36
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Josesordoextraclassic: Damn, I thougth that app could change login screen... but I tested it and didnt work, let me see your link now03:36
SoggystefanMy computer keeps ejecting my disk03:36
* Feynman hugs Sog03:36
SoggystefanI need teh luv :(03:37
slacker-Hi guys, I'm trying to map a samba share to my windows 7 box via ssh tunneling. this all worked fine with XP by just forwarding port 139 and then stopping the local 'net server' and browsing to \\\. Windows 7 however doesn't seem to like this03:37
dougb_freebsdFeynman: If you just want to do chatting, the client in pidgin is quite functional03:38
SoggystefanHey, guys, do you think the disc would work better if I cracked it in half?03:38
cablopslackeri think you are doing that the hard way... why tunneling via ssh server?03:38
SoggystefanIf Ubuntu can use the Colloquy irc client, I'd suggest that. I very functional and prettyful on my mac.03:39
SoggystefanI find it very *03:39
Sunderphonis there an alternative to notify-osd around?03:39
SunderphonThe enforced expiry time (10 seconds for a 1 word notification? Really?) is quite constricting03:39
cablopgrab an openvpn, install on your linux machine, your server or even your router then setup it to give a subset of your lan addresses, and then just connect the remote machine through the vpn as any other local machine, slacker03:39
ThomasB2kSunderphon, https://launchpad.net/notifyconf03:40
SunderphonThomasB2k: Does that actually change the enforced time limit? I've tried another config system and it didn't make a difference03:42
wcGary83please someone help me, when i setup a folder for sharing on my desktop computer in nautilus, why might i not be able to see it from a laptop on the same router?03:42
wcGary83do need to forward ports or something?03:42
ThomasB2kSunderphon, yes it does03:42
ThomasB2kI just checked, I have it installed my self03:43
iyoethi all... i'm running ubuntu 10.04 on Fujitsu Esprimo U9200. But got problem with the power... according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/489824 this is a bug. is there any solution???03:43
metrahlaanyone knows this error?  DRM version 1.0 too old to support HyperZ, disabling.03:43
Soggystefaniyoet: whack it with a sledge hammer?03:44
kisukemetrahla, what did you get that on?03:44
metrahlakisuke, glxgears03:44
FendarilHow do you get the Vt fonts menu up03:45
avi_Hey folks, how might I go about replacing Nautilus with Thunar? It's dramatically faster and lighter, and I really don't need any of the features of a normal file browser save.. well, basic GUI file browsing. Is this possible to do in an easy way?03:45
petersteele111why is it when i installed Xubuntu 10.04 from an iso image it boots up with gnome as the desktop manager? I always thought xubuntu ran xfce4 by default?03:45
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petersteele111i changed it over but was just curious03:46
Fendarilpetersteele111: it is because GNOME is the default desktop enviromnet03:46
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Fendarilpetersteele111: I think there is an option to change it to something else03:46
avi_avi_ testing something03:46
wcGary83please help me I desperately need to stream movies over my network!03:47
petersteele111I just for whatever reason thought XFCE4 was the default dont know why03:47
ikarhello, how can i modify grub in ubuntu 10.04.1 ?03:47
metrahlakisuke, without dri , i get 1800 fps, if i had dri that whould be great, maybe it whould get a good frame rate03:47
avi_wcGary83: hey, I've managed to do that with SaMBa and SSHFS.03:47
Fendarilpetersteele111: well now you know it's not03:47
kisukemetrahla, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Glxgears_is_not_a_Benchmark03:47
wcGary83avi_ is there a good tutorial you used?03:47
SunderphonThomasB2k: I still can't change the expire time on notifications03:47
SoggystefanGary, do you have the nessecary plugins for the type of movie-file-thingamijig?03:48
avi_wcGary83: Well, sshfs is dirt-simple. You literally only need install ssh on your computer, and then sshfs -o user@server:/path/to/remote /path/to/local03:48
wcGary83Soggystefan: I was thinking of trying to set up vlc for that, doesn't it specialize in that type of stuff?03:48
avi_wcGary83: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS would help you with the nitty gritty. I personally think that SaMBa is faster (and most def. more secure) than SSHFS. But i'm trying to use SSHFS as i couldn't figure out how to get samba to auto-mount on login. :D03:49
SoggystefanDoes it? It probably does, I'm not the person to ask. Listen to avi!03:50
wcGary83avi_ I am trying to mount the folder to play movies right from the desktop... ssh only transfers files, right?03:50
avi_wcGary83: So I thought a week ago! SSH actually is a magical thing that does a bajillion super useful things.03:50
avi_wcGary83: You can in one command, mount an SSH server's hard drive, and browse it natively in nautilus, with no mods whatsoever.03:50
wcGary83avi_ huh, i'll check that out!03:51
Blue1avi_: ssh is used for remote adminstration of a computer or network03:51
FendarilDoes anyone know how to get the VT fonts menu?03:51
avi_Blue1: I'm aware :D03:51
dougb_freebsdFendaril: in an xterm?03:52
G__81how do i change the booting sequence in grub203:52
Fendarili actually needed a uterm to get a menu up period03:52
G__81i am using ubuntu 10.04.103:52
dougb_freebsdhold down control, and click03:52
dougb_freebsdif it's not control, it's alt03:52
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G__81i changed the Default and time out values in /etc/default/grub.cfg03:52
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G__81but it does not take any effect03:53
Fendarildougb_freebsd: any reason why i cannot get a menu up in xterm03:53
Fendarildougb_freebsd: I can get it up fine in uterm, but no VT fonts in uterm03:53
G__81can some one let me know on how to change the boot sequence in grub 203:53
sacarlsonG__81: I use startupmanager to change grub2 default boot03:53
G__81sacarlson, how do i install that ?03:54
dougb_freebsdFendaril: interesting, the main options menu works, but not vt fonts ... probably a compilation option03:54
cafard74Hello! I have a M-audio Delta-44 soundcard. In Dapper and Feisty I did not have to do anything and it worked. Now with version 10 nothing works, even after installing the up to date drivers...03:54
sacarlsonG__81: apt-get install startupmanager03:54
G__81sacarlson, just apt-get install startupmanager03:54
sacarlsonG__81: it's a GUI that you access from System>administration>startup-manager03:55
kenthreehow do I reset this xubuntu session? it shows the windows I had open last time (save this session for future logins is unchecked in the shutdown dialog)03:55
SoggystefanWow, you could learn alot just sitting here and listening O.o03:55
Fendarildougb_freebsd: this is practice for a linux book I am reading and as you can probably tell VT fonts is somewhat needed. Can i live without VT fonts in a general linux career of sys admin mastery over the OS?03:55
G__81sacarlson, ok now i have selected one option in that how do i save it ?03:56
rodeo_  Any one for help please03:56
avi_!ask | rodeo_03:56
ubotturodeo_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:56
sacarlsonG__81: just close the window after selection and your done03:57
G__81oh ok thanks sacarlson03:57
rodeo_Ok! On desktop layout for applications, their is no search option in ubuntu?03:57
Soggystefanyes, there most certaintly is03:58
Soggystefanthe name of which escapes me :x03:58
Soggystefanone sec03:58
kenthreehow do I start a terminal with a command automatically on startup?03:58
rodeo_I am installing softwares, but they are not enlisted in the list, how do I find them03:58
avi_rodeo_: Tracker. That's what you'll want.03:58
cafard74I have a M-audio Delta-44 soundcard. In Dapper and Feisty I did not have to do anything and it worked. Now with version 10.04 nothing works, even after installing the up to date drivers... How do I make it work ?03:59
SoggystefanWhat avi said >.>03:59
dougb_freebsdkenthree: why don't you describe what you're trying to accomplish03:59
avi_rodeo_: Alternatively, you can try Beagle. I don't myself use either service (I use Gnome-Do to search files), and I can't remember which was better.03:59
SoggystefanJust go through like, 3 clicks, and you have it. If you just want a terminal03:59
rodeo_avi_ where do I get that 'Tracker"03:59
kenthreedougb_freebsd: I need to start a php script on login04:00
avi_rodeo_: sudo apt-get install tracker beagle -- that would get you both.04:00
rodeo_Thanks let me try!04:00
avi_rodeo_: Or pop up the Ubuntu Software Center and search for "beagle" or "tracker"04:00
peglerhi all.  quick question, but I can't seem to find the right thing to google for.04:00
avi_rodeo_: Actually, i'd use beagle.04:01
rodeo_avi- many many thanks04:01
SoggystefanTell us your question then...04:01
avi_rodeo_: I just checked, it's more integrated in the Gnome UI.04:01
peglerI made a new interface eth0:0, but it doesn't connect automatically at boot.  how do I set this up?04:01
avi_rodeo_: Sure thing.04:01
TiKpegler: there should be a checkox for "auto" or something04:01
TiKpegler: thats gui tho04:01
arnotixe_This might have been asked before: Is there any ogg/vorbis alternative to the bookmarking/tagging of M4B or whatever the apple[?] audiobook format is called? I mean, can an ogg/vorbis file contain such "chapters"?04:02
peglerI've been doing it through /etc/network/interfaces.  about to try using the gui04:02
SoggystefanOh, wow, I just found a disc with macpuppy on it, gathering dust under my bed O.o04:02
cafard74IS there any known problems with the M-Audio delta drivers and Ubuntu 10.04 ?04:02
sacarlsonkenthree: when you login to your ubuntu xserver sesion?  or when you login to a web page?04:03
ikarHey! I'm trying to dual-boot Ubuntu-10.04 and Gentoo, but Grub doesn't include Gentoo. What can be wrong?04:03
scanshello, am looking for html editor and designor that can be easy to use and help me with writting code if possible04:03
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kenthreesacarlson: when the computer starts up. it's just a cli script04:04
sacarlsonikar: is your bios booting the default /dev/sda disk?04:04
avi_scans: I'd try Kompozer.04:04
ikarsacarlson, yes04:04
sacarlsonkenthree: computer startup is normaly not login.  you can set a crontab envent at boot @reboot04:05
ikarsacarlson, Gentoo is on /dev/sdb04:05
Guest40204Anyone have any personal experience with the new 2.6.35 kernel in Meerkat?04:05
Muelliarnotixe_: hm. I'd look at xiph.org04:05
sacarlsonikar: that's find but what partition do you have your bios boot?04:05
TiKGuest40204: I use that kernel in lucid04:05
scansavi_: ist easy to use?04:06
kenthreei think this is easier than I think.. just need to run a command at boot O.o04:06
edguixthis might be off topic, but can anyone point me to an RC channel?04:06
ikarsacarlson, /dev/sda04:06
Soggystefanan RC channel, edguix?04:06
User_007How can i put a new videon on my ipod? Rhythmbox ignores my videos on lib..04:06
Guest40204TiK: Are the improvements worth loading the PPA and upgrading the kernel?04:06
TiKGuest40204: what PPA04:06
SoggystefanWhat exactly are you wanting to get to?04:07
avi_scans: That depends on the person using it I guess. I'm no web designer, but I used it a few years ago before I could write HTML and web code. It's free, so you might as well try it out! :D04:07
mininessiei upgraded from 10.04 to ubuntu 10.10 and haven't rebooted yet should i reboot and have it fail if it does or not and stay on as i know it work04:07
TiKGuest40204: I went to www.kernel.org04:07
sacarlsonikar: are you running grub2?  ok then just login to ubuntu and sudo grub-install /dev/sda04:07
Guest40204TiK: Oh, you compiled it from source? I heard there's a kernel PPA with it in there.04:07
scansavi_: ok thanks alot04:07
User_007i can copy from ipod to Linux, but not from linux to PC04:07
avi_mininessie: Why did you upgrade if you were worried about that ;)?04:07
TiKGuest40204: od rather compile and take te junk out and set it for my processor type :O04:07
avi_scans: No problem.04:07
ikarsacarlson, how do i check if thats the case?04:07
Guest40204TiK: Haha, good point.04:08
Soggystefanwhat the hell... Opera looks like it has built in Folx...04:08
TiKGuest40204: otherwise why even upgrade04:08
Soggystefanthat's new O.o04:08
mininessieavi_, yes04:08
User_007i can copy from ipod to Linux, but not from linux to Ipod *****04:08
sacarlsonikar: grub2?  look in synaptic for grub2 make sure box is checked04:08
Guest40204TiK: I just wasn't sure if it would break all kinds of stuff if I went with it. Sounds like it's stable enough.04:08
TiKUser_007: floola?04:08
ikaraah, yes, it's checked, sacarlson04:08
TiKGuest40204: just use your old config.. set the processer type and compile then04:08
avi_mininessie: That wasn't a yes or no question, but there's a good chance that you'll be able to reboot just fine.04:09
Soggystefanwhat exactly are you wanting to get to, edguix?04:09
User_007TiK, does it work on Ipod Touch?04:09
TiKGuest40204: or use the PPA :P04:09
TiKUser_007: should04:09
ubuntuLilyI am getting an error saying "Error Mounting proc/bus/usb press S to continue" everytime I boot up my pc04:09
mininessieavi_, okay i hope so cause alpha 1 was horrible with it04:09
scansam getting problem to make my webcam work online, how can i fix it?04:10
avi_mininessie: Yeah alpha 1 wasn't too hot for me either. keep in mind that the beta of maverick is support to come out this week, and also, that if you just want to get your hands on the latest and greatst, it's much easier and faster and risk-free to just try them out in virtualbox.04:10
TiKguest_144: I use http://linuxtweaking.blogspot.com/2010/05/how-to-compile-kernel-on-ubuntu-1004.html its helpful.. if you mess up you can always boot into an old kernel and start over04:10
Soggystefandid you pick the right connection for your cam, scans?04:10
Soggystefanwhich video service are you using?04:10
sacarlsonubuntuLily: what's pluged into the usb?  a disk?  is it needed?  unplug it.04:10
ubuntuLilynothing plugged in04:11
ubuntuLilyI am assuming it is trying to mount something that isn't there04:11
scansSoggystefan: yes its work on my pc but not online, i try it in aMSN,emesene04:11
Soggystefanscans: so, it's not working in aMSN, or is it?04:12
sacarlsonubuntuLily: was there ever somthing pluged into usb?  is somthing in /etc/fstab  that wants to mount something that isn't there?04:12
scansnot working04:12
User_007Floola is a freeware application to efficiently manage your iPod or your Motorola mobile phone (any model supporting iTunes except iPhone, iPod touch).04:12
ikarwhen i run update-grub: "Found Gentoo Base System release 1.12.13 on /dev/sdb3"04:12
SoggystefanI'd try and help you there, scans, but I've never had that happen before to me.04:13
TiKUser_007: o04:13
ikarbut it doesn't show when i boot :-/04:13
TiKUser_007: i sec04:13
blockheadAg dul amach a fháil beoir, ba mhaith leat pionta?04:13
ubuntuLilyneat....  Found "none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=1001,devmode=664 0 0 "04:13
scansSoggystefan: thanks04:13
SunderphonHow do I limit the amount of time a notify-send is on the screen for?04:13
ubuntuLilyI am assuming that can go04:13
sacarlsonikar: make sure you scrool down if the screen is full of kernels  it might be bellow what you can see on the page.04:13
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TiKUser_007: You can play music from the iPod and transfer music to it by drag-and-dropping files from the Library onto the iPod icon. Please note: you might need to restart the Rythmbox for it to recognize the album art on the newly uploaded tracks.04:14
ikarsacarlson, ok. Thanks for your help. I'll test it now. Good bye04:14
sacarlsonikar: did you look with startup-manager?04:14
ikarsacarlson, yes04:14
TiKUser_007: just use rythmbox04:14
ubuntuLilyCommenting is #[SPACE] right?04:14
plouffeI'm trying to run ubuntu live cd on an old laptop, but it doesn't recognize the mouse. I've restarted 3 times using different external mice, but every time the mouse cursor just hangs. How could I get that to work?04:14
User_007TiK, but as i said when i put A video on rhythmbox it is not shown on the list04:15
sacarlsonikar: I would think you would see it then,  did you enter as I stated sudo grub-install /dev/sda04:15
cihanon wine04:16
SoggystefanI'm not seeing an ISO file for macpuppy x<04:16
avg_guyhey I was wondering if I wanted to make a multi boot dvd with os such as ( konboot , ophcrack, dls, bt4, gparted, and maybe others depending on what would fit) so I am wondering how I would do this in ubuntu or what app I could use to get this done?04:16
ikarsacarlson, i just wrote sudo grub-install04:16
sacarlsonikar: I'm not sure where that will install it04:17
avi_avg_guy: Not sure about DVDs, but usb-multipass would be great for a USB (which is usually a better solution than a DVD, providing you have one available :D)04:17
ikarsacarlson, ok, i'll try it your way.04:17
dz2is avahi a necessary part of ubuntu?04:18
SoggystefanShould I burn the dmg file to a disk, if I wanted to have macpuppy, or should I click on the ejectable thing that doesn't have a file type shown?04:19
dz2i see a weird network device called eth0:avahi when I do ifconfig: is that normal?04:19
User_007TiK, when there is a video on ipod it can be sent for linux, but it is not shown on lib's list, but i can't send any video from Linux to ipod04:19
ikari'll try reboot now, brb04:20
hikudz2: its not a big deal04:20
zkriessecihan: Hi04:20
sacarlsondz2: not for me it's not but I have a static IP setup so maybe it's different04:21
hikudz2: if you really want to learn more about avhai or "zero config" there are tons of websites regarding it.04:21
dz2hiku: the question is do I need it?04:22
hikudz2: nope.04:22
SoggystefanQuestion---> Should I burn the dmg file to a disk, if I wanted to have macpuppy, or should I click on the ejectable thing that doesn't have a file type shown?04:22
avi_dz2: It's useful if you have Mac OS running devices on your network, but it's by no means an essential part of Ubuntu.04:22
tpw_rulesis there any way to watch streaming netflix on ubuntu?04:22
dz2I'm trying to set up this box as a router and it is causing problems with dhcp04:22
hikudz2: how so?04:23
dz2thanks avi, looks like a big security risk04:23
sacarlsondz2: mine is setup as a router.  I would think you would need to setup a static IP for that.04:23
hikudz2: setting of ubuntu as a router really isn't hard "iptables" all the way04:24
dz2syslog is telling me I need a subnet for tghis address has nothing to do with me. What is it?04:24
avi_dz2: Maybe, I wouldn't tend to think so, but I don't really know how zeroconf/bonjour/avahi work. Surely you won't need them for your intended use, and you should be using ufw/iptables anyway.04:24
Tempus_Fugithey if I installed something with adobeair how do you uninstall or04:25
Tempus_Fugitremove it04:25
kisukeok how would i connect to a RDP session from windows?04:25
sacarlsonhiku: dz2: you would also want dhcp3 server, maybe bind9.04:25
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dz2yesw I have dhcp3 server04:26
ScrumpsIs there anyway I can verify that I have removed all traces of mySQL, Apache, torrentflux, rtorrent, and other programs of that nature that require dependencies?04:27
Tempus_Fugitanyone know how to remove something installed with adobeair??04:27
cafard74Hello! Would someone explain to me why Lucid is so crappy ?04:27
xanguaTempus_Fugit: normally it creates a deb of what you install, just uninstall the deb04:28
* xxpor senses a troll04:28
Coded1cafard74,  its because of the gnomes ...04:28
WXZis it a smart idea to triple boot?04:28
SoggystefanWhen trying to burn the Macpup.dmg , It finished and gave me (The burn failed because of a medium wrtite error.) What did I do wrong??04:29
WXZwindows xp after ubuntu after windows xp?04:29
JanhouseCan't install duplicity from apt-get04:29
dz2hmm avahi seems to indeed be an integral part of ubuntu since apt wan to to remove gnome if I remove it04:29
Janhouseinstall freezes: Unpacking librsync1 (from .../librsync1_0.9.7-7_amd64.deb) ...04:29
kisukeSoggystefan, bad disk04:29
van7huDoes anyone use JVJ modem 3G with lucid04:29
cafard74Coded1 : Serious ? Do Kubuntu works better ?04:29
Coded1lol yup04:29
avi_van7hu: I do it just fine on my 2008 iMac. (Windows 7, latest mac, and Ubuntu)04:29
Tempus_Fugitxangua: I tried to uninstall with sudo apt-get --purge twhirl and it said no such package existed04:29
Soggystefankisuke: damn.04:29
JanhouseI am looking for backup tool for linux that is usable from command line04:29
van7huavi_ : what modem do you use?04:29
Coded1cafard74, what problems are you having?04:30
van7huis that JVJ from singapore04:30
xanguaTempus_Fugit: try apt-search twhirl04:30
avi_van7hu: What has that to do with anything?04:30
cafard74Coded1 : soundcard drivers not working04:30
Tempus_Fugitxangua: ok will try ty04:30
xanguaaptitude search *** Tempus_Fugit04:30
cafard74Coded1 : In older versions I never had that04:30
WXZcan I install windows xp on top of windows xp + ubuntu?04:30
cafard74Coded1 : it just does not work04:30
Coded1cafard74, paste bin your lspci -vv / lsmod04:31
Tempus_Fugitxangua: says apt-search command not found04:31
pie_timecan anyone  tell me how to get video thumbnails in nautilus? (i built my system from the minimal cd)04:31
xanguato get the package name, for example i searched tweetdeck and got tweetdeckfast.fff259dc0ce26578404:31
xangua(22:30:38) xangua: aptitude search *** Tempus_Fugit04:31
mbrigdanCan someone help, Firefox removed all of my addons, which would normally only be a few minutes to fix, except that this is the 3rd time its happen, which is getting rather annoying. Anyone know what I can do?04:31
pie_timembrigdan, irc.mozilla.org #firefox04:32
kisukembrigdan, does dmesg say any thing?04:32
xanguambrigdan: delete your firefox profile, maybe it's currupted04:32
Tempus_Fugitxangua: it is installed in opt04:32
Coded1mbrigdan, did you install firefox from synaptic / repo or off the site?04:32
sacarlsonmbrigdan: I guess you should make a backup of ~./mozilla dir next time.04:33
mbrigdanCoded1, Synaptic, but I've also tried the site (and the ppa) in an attempt to get it to work04:33
mbrigdansacarlson, I do, in fact, have a backup. 3 of them (Incremental rsync). Copying them over did nothing04:34
cafard74Coded1 : hummm, its pretty long!04:34
Coded1mbrigdan, it could be that you installed the file manually as root ;)  try to run it as root from the command line : # sudo firefox &"04:34
sacarlsonmbrigdan: where do they keep those then?04:34
Coded1cafard74, paste it anyway04:34
dubliskHi, I need libstdc++.so.5 (64-bit library) on ubuntu, whats the best way to install that04:35
mbrigdansacarlson, On an external drive04:35
pie_timecan someone  tell me how to get video thumbnails in nautilus? (i built my system from the minimal cd)04:35
dubliskcan I apt-get it ?04:35
sacarlsonmbrigdan: no I mean where is mozilla keeping the extentions?04:35
Blue1how do I naviagate to applications/places/system withOUT a mouse?04:35
cafard7400:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M800 Host Bridge04:35
cafard74Subsystem: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M800 Host Bridge04:35
cafard74Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR+ FastB2B- DisINTx-04:35
cafard74Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR- INTx-04:35
cafard74Latency: 6404:35
FloodBot3cafard74: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:35
mbrigdansacarlson, no clue, reallu04:35
kisukesacarlson, /var/lib/mozilla/ if i remember right04:35
Tempus_Fugitxangua: ok I got it removed ..had to go through SPM took longer but its gone04:36
Coded1lol oops04:36
Coded1should have reminded him to use the site ...04:36
bullgard4pie_time: What is a »video thumbnail«?04:36
Crankygeek01Hello room04:37
WXZis it a smart idea to install windows xp on top of windows xp + ubuntu?04:37
pie_timebullgard4, it is a picture of a frame of the video that is used as an icon for the video instead of some generic icon of a video04:37
cafard74Sorry for that04:38
mbrigdanWXZ, It will overwrite grub, so you won't be able to access your ubuntu without a little fixing.04:38
bullgard4Janhouse: A backup tool for linux that is usable from command line, is rsnapshot. You will love it after having it installed and got running.04:38
pie_timecan someone  tell me how to get video thumbnails in nautilus? (i built my system from the minimal cd)04:38
WXZhow little?04:38
Crankygeek01WXZ: why would you do something like that?04:38
ploufferunning live cd on old laptop, mouse not recognized, can I somehow get to the settings menu without the mouse, cause right now I can't do blip.04:38
Coded1WXZ, if your planning to just wipe out the 2 OS's and replace it with the single OS then sure no problems04:38
WXZbecause I need 1 windows xp for normal use, and 1 for messing around w/04:39
SoggystefanUmm, how do I erase this disk? I have an old copy of the first Stagecast on it, and I want to take it off so I can put macpup on it. How do I erase it?04:39
Blue1how to I navigate to applications/places/system withOUT a mouse?04:39
bullgard4pie_time: Ok. But I do not know the answer to your question.04:39
mbrigdanWXZ, you'll have to run a live cd, and (I forget the command right now), but it should be very simple04:39
Coded1WXY, you can look into VMWare Player if you have >1GB ram04:39
sacarlsonpie_time:  I noticed in nautilus that you can chose to make or not make thumbnails depending on files size.  I'm not sure what needs to be added to make it work.04:39
WXZvirtual machines are too slow for what I want coded04:39
Coded1WXY, np04:40
WXZok, well I'll back everything up just in case04:40
mbrigdanWXZ, Here are the real instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:40
pie_timesacarlson, yeah me either04:40
SoggystefanHow do I erase this disk? I have an old copy of the first Stagecast on it, and I want to take it off so I can put macpup on it. How do I erase it? It's not giving me and option to erase, like, it's in the un-clickable thing, where it's faded.04:41
sacarlsonpie_time: on and also the location was dependent if the file was local or mounted from a network was also a config in nautilus for that.04:41
bullgard4Blue1: Start with Alt+F1.04:41
pie_timesacarlson, neither local nor networked videos have thumbnails04:41
sacarlsonpie_time: maybe it already works and you just need to set the config04:41
pie_timesacarlson, what config?04:41
SoggystefanCan anyone help?04:41
sacarlsonpie_time: well video file size may be big so that would triger no thumbnails if set that way04:42
SoggystefanHow do I erase this disk? I have an old copy of the first Stagecast on it, and I want to take it off so I can put macpup on it. How do I erase it? It's not giving me and option to erase, like, it's in the un-clickable thing, where it's faded. <<---- A question :O04:42
vishwawhich server: dns/lamp/openssh etc is best for hosting business portal04:42
pie_timesacarlson, i have it set at "show thumbnails for all files under 4GB"04:42
osubuck_hi, is there a linux equivalent to daemon tools?04:42
osubuck_trying to mount iso image04:43
jlwhm, my nautilus is set to show previews only for files smaller than 10mb, but it shows them for much larger04:43
mbrigdanosubuck_, CDemu04:43
sacarlsonpie_time: well I'm sure your video isn't that big so must be something to add04:43
osubuck_a GUI application?04:43
pie_timesacarlson, yeah i dont know what  to add04:44
bullgard4Soggystefan: You usually do not erase disks but rather files or filesystems on a partition of a disk.04:44
SoggystefanWell, it's not giving me any options to mess with the disk.04:44
SoggystefanIn fact04:44
SoggystefanIt doesn't look like it says it's even in there.04:44
mbrigdanosubuck_, hmm, Not that I recall. Sorry. Google might be of more help.04:44
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osubuck_yea thanks anyway, i've looked...04:45
mbrigdanSoggystefan, You mean like, a CD/DVD?04:45
mbrigdanSoggystefan, Are you sure its re-writable? Many are "write once"04:45
SoggystefanOh :/04:45
timh____I am running 10.04, using a wireless router to a broadband (comcast) internet connection, but the command ps -A|grep dhcp turns up a blank.  Where is the dhcp client?04:46
SoggystefanLet me see if I can find a blank, and un-scratched disk...04:46
mbrigdanSoggystefan, Take a look at the disk, see if it says CD-R, or CD-RW anywhere04:46
_genuser_hello people04:48
KerrickI have a cheap HP printer attached to a box running Arch Linux via USB, which is hard wired to my router, which runs DD-WRT with no modifications. I set up the printer through CUPS on the Arch box, choosing "Share this printer", and I can thereafter print test pages through the Arch box's CUPS interface. However, my Ubuntu laptop, connected to the router via wireless, cannot "see" the shared printer, even though ufw is disabled. What gives?04:48
dougb_freebsdtimh____: try searching for just dhc04:48
_genuser_trying to install g++ and it's giving errors saying Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates/main binutils 2.20.1-3ubuntu04:48
vishwais dns server good for hosing my site?04:49
Kerrickerr, the first which refers to the Arch box and the second which refers to the router.04:49
mininessieis this good or bad todd@todd:~$ sudo aptitude upgrade04:49
mininessieNo packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.04:49
mininessie0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:49
mininessieNeed to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.04:49
FloodBot3mininessie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:49
mininessieok srry04:49
SoggystefanI'm trying to put in a DVD-R disk (blank), but it just ejects it when I try and put it into my disk-drive. Help?04:49
_genuser_anybody got any idea how to fix install failture?04:50
KerrickHmm, nvm, I was able to get it to work after I specified the IP address of the Arch box. I was just confused because it worked before without having to do so.04:51
sacarlsonmininessie: are you hooked to the internet?  did you try apt-get update?04:51
mininessiesacarlson, i am running 10.1004:51
jlware you trying to reinstall something that is already installed?04:51
sacarlsonmininessie: I don't think they have any upgrades for it then04:51
timh____dougb_freebsd>Okay, there it is.  Now my real question.  To communicate with my host, VMware needs bridged networking, which requires me to install a dhcp server.  Will they conflict?04:51
jlwoh, er, sorry, read that wrong04:52
itsux2buany way to do the functions of a router free.. if you can't afford a router box?  asking for a friend..04:52
sacarlsonmininessie: but maybe they have updates04:52
tpw_rulesis there any way to watch streaming netflix on ubuntu?04:52
SoggystefanI'm trying to put in a DVD-R disk (blank), but it just ejects it when I try and put it into my disk-drive. It gives me no errors when it ejects, it just pops out. Help? O.o04:52
mininessiesacarlson, well how do i know that it is actually searching repos or whatever they search for04:52
dougb_freebsdtimh____: my vague recollection is that the vmware host component already had the right dhcp server bits04:52
mininessiesacarlson, i just update to 10.10 about an hour ago04:52
sacarlsonmininessie: you can check your repo list and you should see activity when it tries to update with sudo apt-get update04:53
mininessiesacarlson, how04:53
timh____dougb_freebsd>don't I wish.  the manual is saying I need to setup server on the host.04:53
sacarlsonmininessie: in synaptic is what I normaly look at repos04:54
dougb_freebsdwell, you can bind it to, or wherever the vmware host stuff needs it to be04:54
dougb_freebsd.... or you could just use virtualbox, which IMO is much easier to use04:54
dim3000my ubuntu sometimes starts up into Low Graphics Mode, or it just freezes on startup (these events happen randomly)04:55
timh____dougb_freebsd>I'll download it, and if it doesn't work,I'll remove it.04:55
mininessiesacarlson, huh04:55
nogois v10.10 a LTS version?04:56
nogowho cares?04:56
SoggystefanI'm trying to put in a DVD-R disk (blank), but it just ejects it when I try and put it into my disk-drive. It gives me no errors when it ejects, it just pops out. Help? O.O <<<--- Question :?04:56
jlwmininessie, are you trying to upgrade anything in particular, or are you just trying to find out of htere are any available updates?04:56
pie_timecan someone  tell me how to get video thumbnails in nautilus? (i built my system from the minimal cd)04:57
mininessiejlw, well i am trying to see if there are updates and that its actually trying to search for updates and that repos or whatever is working04:57
jlwmininessie, as far as I can tell, that just means that your system is completely up-to-date04:58
gerzelQ: Does anyone know about Virtualbox?  I have an Ubuntu Machine on a Windows7 host and need to set up a shared folder to pass files between the two.04:58
michael_ewefer rghth dgfg04:58
michael_ccv ghg fhghj nmk jyh04:59
jlwpie_time, did you try looking at nautilus' preferences? (edit > preferences > preview tab)04:59
michael_i want to hear from you04:59
nogoi hate it more at each marketing04:59
pie_timejlw, sure did05:00
michael_please call me05:00
jlwmaybe look at them via gconf-editor?05:00
nogomichael? you are dead already05:01
SoggystefanWell, later all, I'll work out my disk issue in the morning, I suppose.05:01
michael_what do you mean05:01
michael_may i see you tomorrow05:02
HermanDEany guesses how to create a system sound from the command line?05:02
michael_who are you05:04
ratdogwhats the record up time for Linux05:04
pie_timejlw, what?05:04
michael_i want to know you05:04
Tempus_FugitHey how do I make sure my auto complete is working say in typing file names and such05:06
jlwpie_time, if you open gconf-editor through the terminal, you can look at the nautilus settings through that. I found something in apps, nautilus, preferences. Might help.05:06
shinzehExcuse me. I tried to play a .mp3 file using exaile, turns out I have missing codecs (I think), is there an apt-get for this?05:07
shinzehOh wait, here's the exact message. "You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins". :)05:08
tf2ftwI have a svn folder with perms drwxr-sr-x . My user is in the group that owns the folder yet SVN commit fails with permission error. any clues?05:08
jlwshinzeh, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Lucid <-- that should have everything you need about codecs05:09
shinzehThanks jlw. This is way better than what google said. :P05:09
sacarlsonshinzeh: I think this is what your looking for  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats05:13
shinzehThank you. :)05:14
hediyantI'm currently booted from Ubuntu LiveUSB in nopersistent mode -- how can I get files from the root filesystem onto the USB stick?05:18
jlwhediyant, I don't think you can. At all.05:19
seidoshediyant, hmmm, you mean the file system on the hard disk?05:19
john--__good evening05:20
hediyantjlw: I have the files I want to keep in RAM in /home.05:20
hediyantjlw: I want to put them back onto my USB stick without using any other storage medium.05:21
jlwBut you didn't set the usb stick up to have a separate save space?05:21
john--__anyone using subversion to store config files from servers?05:21
hediyantGood evening, john--05:21
hediyantjlw: Well, I did originally.05:21
hediyantBut I was having problems with a dodgy casper file so I deleted it :P05:22
jlwI don't think it's possible to write do that usb stick while it's moutned as a read-only filesystem05:22
hediyantjlw: but there should be room on the partition :)05:22
hediyantYeah that seems to be the problem, jlw05:23
jlwNot without that file...05:23
jlwMaybe online space?05:23
hediyantAlso, jlw, does UNR actually have any advantage for netbooks over regular ubuntu?05:23
jlwUbuntu one?05:23
hediyantjlw: Clever idea!05:24
jlwUNR Is designed for smaller screens05:24
hediyantYeah, it's just it seems to me like it's got added bloat just for the sakeof making Windows users feel at home or something :P05:24
hediyantMaybe Xubuntu would be moresuitable.05:24
jlwI tried it once and the UI was extremely unresponsive, but that was  a long time ago.05:25
hediyantOh, it's better in 9.10 than 9.0405:25
hediyantStill, clutter is cluttery and I prefer traditional GNOME menus.05:25
rokyis there a way to get Ubuntu one to sign on as soon as there is an available internet connection? I always find myself having to go open it manually.05:25
jlwHrm, I thought that was the whole point of ubuntu one.05:26
hediyantjlw: I'd like to be able to boot in persistent mode next time, but like I said, I got rid of my casper file. How can I get it back?05:27
mininessiehaving a problem Failed to download repository information05:28
mininessieCheck your Internet connection.05:28
jlwhediyant, without formatting the stick again? Beats me.05:28
hediyantjlw: Okay... perhaps I should just go and think properly about serious solutions for using this netbook, rather than LiveUSB sticks.05:28
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
hediyantjlw: Anyway, thanks for helping.05:29
shcherbaklol, who can point me to mouse configuration in tty (links2+vesa)05:29
jlwno problem05:29
tpw_rulesis there any way to watch streaming netflix on ubuntu?05:29
jlwheh, welcome to my world, tpw_rules. My sad, sad world.05:30
WiesshundWant to trade?05:30
jlwI don't think there is a good solution to streaming netflix in linux.05:31
WiesshundHow bad is your world? i may trade you05:31
jlwWell, other than this netflix issue I have, not so bad.05:31
Wiesshundhmm, wanna trade encoding a huge amount of non replaceable disney films to dvd storage?05:32
jlwI surely do not05:32
Wiesshund80gb raw dump per film, and have to fit that into a 4gb or less mpeg2 in the end05:33
tpw_rulesget a fast computer05:33
jlwSounds slow05:33
mbrigdanDoes anyone know if there is a way to make gpg encrypt a file using a key specified in a file, rather than having to import my key, use it, then delete it again?05:33
dumonthow can I clean some space in /dev/root partition, it got full :(05:34
Wiesshundtpw hehe there is no such thing, atleast not in this regard. atleast the raw digitzing part is relatively painless since its done in hardware05:35
tpw_ruleshow long does it take per movie?05:35
jlwdumont, you can try sudo apt-get clean, to remove old temporary packages, I believe05:35
dumonti don't think its packages that take up space05:35
piglitdumont sometimes i remove the kernels i dont use anymore manually05:36
Wiesshundjlw what does netflix stream to? propriety app and container or ?05:36
tpw_rulesit uses silverlight05:36
tpw_rulesbut i don't think moonlight will work05:36
Wiesshundsilverlight the MS thing?05:36
bsmith093is there a way to search about 12000+ txt files for similarity such as a nintey percent exact match05:37
sacarlsonmbrigdan: I just use gedit plugin to gpg encrypt files and seahorse to play with keys.05:37
jlwWiesshund, I'm not sure. It seems like supporting linux would be relatively easy, though. That's what makes it aggravating.05:38
Wiesshundtpw_rules what about installing IE8 under wine and silverlight as well? no go?05:38
mallorycan anyone give advice on how to fix my lucid install?05:38
dumontapt-get clean didn't help05:38
jlwAs far as I can tell, wine is a no go for netflix.05:38
tpw_rulesit's supported on osx05:38
dumonti just deleted some logs and got some free space, but where are the rest of the 18GB on the root partition?05:39
dumonti remember it was only 22% full05:39
dumontnow its 99% full, why?05:39
Wiesshundcat dev/root/.p0rn ?05:39
Cloudhey all, is there any way to enable framebuffer?05:39
dumontits a fking server05:39
dumontnot a desktop05:39
Cloudthe usual vga=789 stuff doesn't work in grub05:40
avi_Wiesshund: rofl!05:40
Wiesshundim teasing dumont05:40
bsmith093delete old downloaded packages05:40
dumontI ALREADY DID!05:40
WiesshundCloud 1 sec05:40
dumontapt-get clean did NOT help05:40
bsmith093then sort folders by size05:40
CloudWiesshund: why is the pr0n in /dev/root?05:40
pepeamidHi !! someone have a macbook 3.1 with the configuration file?05:40
Cloudroot appears to be a home directory to me05:40
bsmith093prune whichevers taking up a massive amount of space05:40
Cloudhome dirs can be in /dev?05:41
pepeamidHi, someone have a macbook 3.1 with the Kernel's configuration file?05:41
avi_Cloud: Yeah always put it in /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome/evolution :D05:41
dumontbsmith093 i don't know what it is and how am I supposed to sort by size? if I don't know where to issue ls -l to?05:41
bsmith093check insode the biggest folder first then go from there05:41
Cloudavi_: care to explain what's so special about that directory? :p05:42
malloryi have some strange behavior with some applications. as if it's unable to modify configuration and settings files05:42
CloudI come from OSX so I'm not all that familiar with linux paths05:42
avi_Cloud: Uhh Uhh nothing :)05:42
mbrigdansacarlson, My problem is that my key is on a usb drive, and I don't want to import, use, then delete it every time05:42
bsmith093so is it posible to search of large blocks of exact matches in aporx 10gb of text files05:42
avi_Cloud: Oh really? I do too! Well I used to at any rate lol. When did you make the switch?05:42
dumontbsmith093 how do I find whats taking up most of the space on the root partition?05:43
bsmith093is there a gui05:43
Cloudavi_: not exactly a switch per se, I installed it in vmware to try it out, because i needed to compile some stuff that wouldn't work in OSX05:43
avi_dumont: Disk usage analyser.05:43
Cloudit failed but after some googling, i found out that i was missing a lib05:43
dumonti'm in console mode05:43
avi_dumont: That is, that's a GTK GUI app that ships with Ubuntu..05:43
avi_dumont: Oh.05:43
sacarlsonmbrigdan: you could write a script that uses what you want I would think.05:43
iammiscThis is just pathetic, grub2 can't boot a computer that grub1 can???05:44
avi_dumont: That's a rather interesting problem then. have you tried going to / and then la?05:44
Cloudls i guess05:45
avi_Cloud: Ah I see. I stopped using OS X months ago.. i haven't even booted back. This is on a modern iMac, mind you. The linux filesystem structure is pretty difficult to muck through.. but I'm getting there lol.05:45
dumontbin   cdrom  etc       home    lib         media  opt   root  srv ...........05:45
avi_Cloud: The path I said before is about the same as Mail.app/Resources/icons05:45
Cloudavi_: so kind of like hiding your pron in a resources directory eh?05:46
malloryi need to reinstall gnome, but there's a dependency swfdec-mozilla that's in the way. help?05:46
shcherbakfor grub2 with properiary drivers google "tux idillc" easy fix and good explanation05:46
StevenXHi. Can anyone point me to the most up-to-date link on installing a Mac OS X theme on Ubuntu?05:46
avi_Cloud: Yeah. The absolute best place however, is in an external hard drive, make a folder called ".Trashes", and replace the icon to look like a blank document as opposed to a folder. It's impossible to find because .trashes are ignored by like every OS.05:47
xanguaStevenX: http://gnome-look.org/05:47
StevenXthanks xangua05:47
malloryshcherbak: i don't think swfdec-mozilla is a driver05:47
shcherbakwhat this have to do with grub?05:48
mallorysorry, i thought your message was to me earlier05:48
malloryi'm not getting much of a response to my questions05:48
shcherbakwhat the Q05:48
WiesshundCloud http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:crsrrDGg3OoJ:news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml+ubuntu+%2Bboot+%2Blogo+%2Bresolution&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us05:49
malloryi have problems with gnome05:49
malloryit seems like settings aren't being written. it causes weird behavior for some applications05:49
Wiesshunder wow sorry i didnt realize that link was so long05:49
shcherbakeveryone have, more?05:49
jlwa flash codec is blocking you from reinstalling gnome?05:49
avi_jlw: I've had that problem.. I have no idea what went wrong, I got stuck in dependency hell..05:50
jlwWeird. That's my professional opinion.05:50
pepeamidHi, someone have a macbook 3.1 with kernel's configuration file? Thks05:51
RealOptyanyone know of free VPS/VDS hosting?05:51
foureight84is empathy available on windows?05:51
avi_jlw: I'll say. But I was but a humble Linux noob at the time and I didn't even bother troubleshooting, I just nuked the thing.05:51
jlwThat's what I would have done, and have before, more than once. I try to use my wee little brain now, though.05:51
Cloud_3 years of on-and-off linux usage and i'm still a noob05:51
shcherbaksomething similar happend to my scid, it keeps old setting despite of chnges. chmod failed to resolve so time to purge ;)05:52
malloryi can't even nuke gnome. it says it isn't installed if i look in synaptic05:52
Cloud_blame it on each distro having different ways to do things05:52
mallorybut all sorts of gnome things are installed05:52
shcherbakmallory have u made online upgrade?05:53
malloryi'm not using kde although there were two applications installed that use kde4 libraries. i got rid of them because i thought the settings write problems were because of a kde/gnome conflict05:53
avi_mallory: I also had that result of my problem.. Like i said, I just wiped the whole OS. Have you tried running the dpkg tool at single uyser mode?05:53
jlwI found a thread titled dependency hell made by someone having the same issue.05:53
macomallory: your gnome settings are in ~/.gconf and ~/.gnome205:53
malloryi would really like to avoid reinstalling the os05:53
macomallory: and other . files with names of the apps05:53
Cloud_avi_: is the grub2 on your mac an EFI app?05:53
macomallory: reinstalling the software wont change your user's settings05:53
malloryright, i moved those settings files, deleted them, etc.05:54
mallorythe problem remains05:54
john____Hi.  I was wondering if this was possible: I have a disk with 200GB ish of data on it and I just got a new blank 1TB disk which I wanted to set up in RAID so that the size of the RAIDED volume was 1.2TB - is this possible without reformatting the 200GBdisk?05:54
avg_guyhow to run a .sh as root wouldn't I just go to rthe dir and sudo the .sh05:54
avi_Cloud_: Not entirely sure how it works, but I use software called rEFIt, which, from what I gather, basically blesses it's own little folder at bootup, which then lets you boot to other OSs.05:54
Cloud_avg_guy: chmod+x it?05:54
Cloud_i mean u+s05:54
iammiscHow do i get rid of the search lines in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg by using the the /etc/grub.d system?05:55
Cloud_avi_: you use refit to boot ubuntu?05:55
malloryjlw: what is the link to that thread?05:55
jlwmallory, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1442090 ...though I didn't read through it to see if they found a solution.05:55
avi_Cloud_: And Windows and, well, I used to boot mac but it killed itself.. not because of rEFIt, but just because I hacked the living hell out of it. It always booted into safemode, and now it just stalls after login. I'm planning on erasing that parition, shrinking it, and reinstalling a vanilla OSX on it.05:56
Cloud_avi_: maybe its just permissions05:56
avi_Cloud_: Explain.05:56
Cloud_you could boot singleuser and cat the system.log05:56
Cloud_avi_: you mentioned that you hack stuff05:57
shcherbakiammisc press e while in grub, or edit gurb.cfg and grub-update05:57
Cloud_if you did stuff like replacing resources and the like05:57
Cloud_sometimes the permissions/owners arent set properly05:57
iammiscHow do I disable automatic updates?05:57
avi_Cloud_: Well, I'd assume that I wouldn't have to do that, since it auto boots in safemode, which SHOULD do that, right?05:57
Cloud_and sometimes the hacked resources give the app indigestion and it bombs out05:57
dougb_freebsdmbrigdan: are you still looking for gpg help?05:57
Cloud_avi_: safemode wont help if a core executable keeps bombing out05:58
Cloud_X's safemode just disables some drivers and clears the kextcache (iirc)05:58
avi_Cloud_: And yeah, now that I think about it, that's probably the issue. I mod'd some art files (like the bootsplash) and changed some other stuff, but I didn't even think about permissions.05:58
Cloud_if Finder's having indigestion05:58
Cloud_then you'll just get blank screen after login05:58
shcherbakiammisc: update manager has option for it05:58
avi_Cloud_: I always thought that OS X safemode rebuilt directories and tried repairing permissions.05:58
Cloud_if you messed up loginwindow, then you'll get the blank screen with just a mouse cursor05:58
avi_Cloud_: No, it can login, but after it starts loading the DE it just stalls and I get SBOD'd.05:59
Cloud_maybe system.log will have some clues05:59
shcherbakiammisc: menu: system>admin..>update manager, synaptic may have option too05:59
avi_Cloud_: I honestly don't even have interest in mucking around with fixing it because I honestly want to nuke it anyway.. It has wayyy too much space that I could be using for Windows or Ubuntu.06:00
avi_Cloud_: Speaking of which, can Ext4 "grow" itself nonvoliality?06:00
Cloud_i see06:00
mrpinkyHi :D I installed gstreamer binaries on my machine with apt-get install blah, and it's all working well. Now I want to modify the sources, recompile and run the modified version. I can download the sources, modify, recompile, install, but it installs to a different location than the apt-get version. Is there a more appropriate way to do this?06:00
Cloud_avi_: beats me, I'm a linux n00b06:00
Cloud_i only turned to linux because OSX didn't want to compile ddwrt modkit06:01
Cloud_and i have no intention of using macports to install the libs that it needs06:01
avi_Cloud_: Right right I forgot. :) Because I know that HFS+ can like, absorb the windows bootcamp partition afterwords.06:01
dumontwhere can I find the Disk usage analyser in the KDE start menu?06:01
john____posted this earlier, but my firefox crashed so I missed if there was a reply: Hi.  I was wondering if this was possible: I have a disk with 200GB ish of data on it and I just got a new blank 1TB disk which I wanted to set up in RAID so that the size of the RAIDED volume was 1.2TB - is this possible without reformatting the 200GBdisk?06:01
avi_Cloud_: Ahh dd-wrt.. what kind of router are you using that on? I've been meaning to get a compatible one.06:01
dumontavi_ ^06:02
Cloud_WRT610N v206:02
dumontwhere can I find the Disk usage analyser in the KDE start menu?06:02
Cloud_480mhz MIPS 74K (whatever that is)06:02
Cloud_i wonder if 74k is faster than the r10000 of some sgi boxes06:02
Wiesshundjohn its possible, but thats a risky unrecoverable way to set up a raid06:02
administrator_    ou mai gad06:02
avi_dumont: Sorry man I haven't a clue, I'm a Gnome guy. But I'm sure it's there, probably under a different but similarly titled name. You could also try booting to the Ubuntu livecd and running it from there.06:03
Cloud_avi_: would you believe it, i had to install linux to compile the modkit so i could get a copy of nano-mipsel onto the router06:03
WiesshundJohn, oh no not with out reformating no06:03
dumontavi_ ITS A SERVER!!!!!06:03
abhinav_singhhey i am not able to open firefox in unbuntu.....when i am running firefox in terminal it is giving me following error Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 611: _dl_open: Assertion `_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed!06:03
avi_Cloud_: Hah. Wait is that 610 or 160? Because I have the same model if the latter is true..06:03
john____thanks, I guess i will just need to reformat the disk06:03
avi_dumont: Ah crud I keep forgetting..06:03
dougb_freebsdcouldn't you create the raid with the 1tb disk, copy the data over, then add the 200 gb disk to the raid array?06:04
WiesshundJohn_ you do realize the risk of the raid your thinking of making right?06:04
avi_dumont: Well, I suppose if you managed to get KDE onto it, you could get Gnome onto it, right O.o?06:04
avi_Cloud_: Oh bummer. Was thinking you figured out a way to get that on a 160. ;)06:04
WiesshundJohn_ if 1 drive fails you lose it all06:04
Cloud_avi_: i have no idea how to use toolchains so i couldnt compile my own nano, lucky a .deb of it meant for openwrt worked06:04
avi_Cloud_: Ah I see.06:05
jlwdumont, can't you just google kde compatible disk usage analyzers and then run it from command line once you've found the name? Assuming you have one installed at all?06:05
Cloud_it segfaults if you use certain functions though, i bet that's 'cause of not-so-compatible libs and stuff06:05
avi_jlw: dumont: That would make sense.06:05
Cloud_but at least I DONT HAVE TO USE VI ANYMORE YAY06:05
Wiesshundi hate vi06:05
shcherbakmouse in console (links2+vesa), help?06:05
Cloud_avi_: the 160 isn't compatible, at all06:05
avi_Cloud_: Really, I would think that once you know vi you don't wana go back..06:05
avi_Cloud_: yeah, so i've heard lol. That's why I asked again lol.06:06
Wiesshundavi_ me personaly? i know vi and i hate it, its clunky and unintuitive, and slow. for me anyways06:06
Cloud_avi_: do you know your hardware revision?06:06
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Cloud_avi_: no way, in an age where even the cheapest netbooks have arrow keys, theres no reason to use vi anymore!06:07
avi_Wiesshund: Interesting. I personally can't use Vi for crud, but I can see why people would prefer it to nano.06:07
Josesordosomeone is a expert in WineHQ?06:07
Cloud_unless you were trying to use it on an iphone, then it'd be an advantage :p06:07
avi_Cloud_: Yup, it's v2.06:07
Cloud_tough luck!06:08
avi_Cloud_: Yup. I was googling it and I'm like you have _got_ to be kidding me.. Just my luck..06:08
Thqrmti'm trying to copy the entire file system using nautilus to an external hdd. I get an error about access to read a folder called "private". am I going about this wrong?06:08
avi_Thqrmt: Did you just go to / and control + a and click+drag?06:09
Cloud_avi_: thats why i went router shopping with my iphone in hand06:09
Thqrmtessentially, yes06:09
JosesordoI installed office 2007 with wine 1.2 and when I try to open Powerpoint or Word the application get freeze :(06:09
Cloud_punching in all the router models into the ddwrt firmware page06:09
avi_Thqrmt: Ah. In gksu?06:09
Cloud_to see which one had the fastest cpu and was compatible06:09
Thqrmtavi_ donno what gksu refers to, i ram sudo nautilus and used that06:09
avi_Cloud_: See I'm only 14, and I was like 12 when I got that router, and I couldn't even tell you what an ubuntu was let alone custom router firmware :D Next time around I'll have to do that though.06:10
avi_Thqrmt: Yeah, it's graphical sudo. meaning nautilus as root.06:10
Cloud_avi_: when i was 13 i got a random wifi router for my new centrino laptop (at that time)06:10
Cloud_and guess what? it turned out to be a wrt54gs v3 or somthing06:11
Cloud_the one with the most RAM/flash of all the WRT54's06:11
Thqrmtavi_ now what I did precisely was open gksu select the files, then I clicked the hdd icon on desktop and dragged to a folder in there06:11
Thqrmtif that makes a difference06:11
Cloud_but it just had to burn out soon after06:11
Cloud_a year later i think06:11
avi_Thqrmt: and was this external HD mounted as root?06:11
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avi_Cloud_: Lucky :D06:12
Thqrmtavi_ I doubt it because that doesnt sound familiar06:12
Cloud_no freaking way, i was so sad when it burnt out and all i could find by then were v7 units06:12
Cloud_the ones running vxworks with a pitiful amount of ram and flash06:12
Cloud_that could only run micro06:13
avi_Thqrmt: What filesystem is the ext HD using?06:13
Thqrmtavi_ NFST by necessity06:13
ThqrmtI may have to return it yes?06:13
avi_Thqrmt: Ahhh. That's your problem then.06:13
Thqrmtwell I'm going to follow a guide to get nfst support06:13
avi_Thqrmt: Well wait a sec, is this like a blank HD for new backup systtems?06:13
Thqrmtwill that work?06:13
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Thqrmtthey tried to put some BS software on there to auto backup and I formatted it away06:13
avi_Thqrmt: I'm no expert on NTFS or linux or whatever, but from personal experience, NTFS support, especially with a complex operation like that is always bound for the failbag.06:14
WiesshundOk guys here is your laugh for tonight, i just turned an 8gb video into 200gb :( /facepalm06:14
Thqrmtavi_ what are your thoughts on formatting in general06:15
jlwthat's counter-productive, yes?06:15
avi_Thqrmt: If you're just going to use this drive for Ubuntu backups, consider A: formatting as native (ext4) and/or B: Using a GUI tool to make your life easier like DejaDup or backInTime06:15
Thqrmtavi_ I mean to ask what exactly is fat vs ntsfs06:15
Cloud_avi_: you are so like me back in 200606:15
Cloud_except that i was using OSX instead of linux06:15
avi_Cloud_: Haha. Well I used to be the BIGGEST Apple fanboy ever. But now I despise them.06:15
Thqrmtavi_ no univeral storage space for xp/7/Ubuntu06:15
Cloud_i am not a fan of linux on desktops, i think linux is only well-behaved when put on embedded devices :p06:16
avi_Thqrmt: Well basically, NTFS is like FAT on steroids. FAT only let's you have single files as large as 4GB, and it's not as "smart" as ntfs.06:16
WiesshundFAT also frags like a raped ape06:16
Thqrmtavi_ should all external devices be able to be formatted to Fat? I get errors every time but is there a linux program that's more forceful than windows?06:16
Cloud_avi_: but they're still the best out there though, albeit turning more and more to nazism06:16
avi_Thqrmt: Right right, if you need Windows compatibility NTFS is where it's at. Out of curiousity, why are you backing up / instead of ~?06:17
dougb_freebsdThqrmt: what are you trying to accomplish?06:17
Cloud_idid you hear?? they are thinking to brick jailbroken iDevices remotely in the future06:17
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WiesshundThqrmt it you need to have a universal FS for xp/7/linux i would use ntfs06:17
Thqrmtavi_ I'm just wiping all my computers clean for the time being and sorting through data at a later date06:17
avi_Cloud_: Well... That's debatable. As much as I hate to say it, I agree though with that mainly because it's.. well it's pretty rock solid. But for people who are fortuneate enough to be in the "know", like us, we have the luxury of using Linux, which, for me at least, is 10000x more functional and beautiful than OSX will/ever/was/will be.06:18
abhinav_singhhow to uninstall mozilla in ubuntu06:19
Cloud_avi_: i don't quite agree with your last point :p06:19
Cloud_or your second last06:19
avi_Thqrmt: I see. Well, there's really not much doing in /. If you're looking to back up like documents and stuff, that's usually in ~.06:19
Cloud_for the second last, i'd describe it as "open-ended and expandable"06:19
Cloud_but not functional06:19
Thqrmtavi_ ?06:19
avi_Cloud_: Well.. I can do everything on Linux I can do on OSX with more freedom to muck around with it. How not functional?06:20
avi_Thqrmt: Well, what were these computers used for?06:20
Cloud_avi_: i think everybody has different definitions of "functional"06:20
Cloud_for me, functional is "getting it right without too much mucking"06:20
avi_Cloud_: No doubt. For me it's geek-factor and sex appeal lol.06:20
avi_Cloud_: Aha.06:20
Thqrmtavi_ me doing stuff, to summarize.06:21
S4ryHello ubuntu06:21
Cloud_ubuntu works, but typically only after "googling the problem text"06:21
Cloud_for example, making shortcuts06:21
avi_Thqrmt: Because I don't really see the point of backing the whole /... User documents and stuff is in ~.06:21
avi_Cloud_: I disagree, but go on, what about shortcuts?06:22
Cloud_in mac i can just drag while holding command-opt06:22
akaruzCloud_,  im agree with avi_ becouse im too using linux ubuntu and when im using it :D im really feel that im working on a real pc: D06:22
abhinav_singhhow to uninstall firefox in ubuntu06:22
Cloud_in ubuntu, for some reason, the make link button is disabled if the source directory isnt writable06:22
Cloud_therefore, i have to open terminal and do a ln-s06:22
Cloud_ln -s*06:22
S4ryWhats wrong with maverick iso , i installed it and there was no GUI for the Live -CD06:22
Thqrmtavi_ i understand, system files vs user files. so what exactly do I select in gksu to do that? (thanks btdubz)06:22
avi_Cloud_: Which is the better solution always... Symbolic links > all lol.06:22
logan_wolfabhinav_singh, what version are you using06:22
Cloud_avi_: now explain that to the 50 year old average uncle next door? :p06:23
avi_Thqrmt: Well, all gksudo does is launch nautilus as the root user, obviously. This can, in my experience, fix lots of write problems with NTFS formatted drives.06:23
shcherbakhow explain blue screen to anyone?06:24
rwwS4ry: Maverick discussion and support are in #ubuntu+1, not here.06:24
Cloud_grub hates my guts06:24
Thqrmtavi_ what did you mean with the tilde? what does that refer to?06:24
Cloud_why is it giving me all widescreen resolutions on a 4:3 screen?!06:24
Thqrmtavi_ i am infering that / refers to the root folder06:24
S4ryrww, :) thanks mate06:24
avi_Thqrmt: So if you haven't already tried that, I'd reccomend doing that before you go on and hit the forums, because that's about all the help I can offer I'm afraid, I'm no expert on filesystems or nautilus's inner workings :)06:25
logan_wolfabhinav_singh, if you are working on lucid you can do it simply through software centre06:25
avi_Cloud_: The ~ is the universal shortcut for /home/$user, like /home/bob06:25
avi_Thqrmt: ah that last comment was ment for yoy.06:25
Thqrmtyeah I got it now06:26
Thqrmtall is clear06:26
avi_Thqrmt: Good good.06:26
Cloud_avi_: huh?06:26
Cloud_i didn't ask anything about home directories06:26
avi_Cloud_: Wrong person sorry ^^06:26
avi_Dang irssi.06:26
Cloud_use xchat!!06:26
avi_Cloud_: I normally do, but I'm feeling rather 1337ish today. :D06:27
abhinav_singhlogan_wolf 10.0406:27
artinfriedenHi, what *iso do I need, if I want to encrypt the whole computer while installing Ubuntu?06:27
Cloud_avi_: if you're feeling 1337ish, try to do as much computing as possible on an embedded device running linux06:27
avi_Cloud_: Bahaha.06:28
Cloud_with your computer acting strictly as a dumb terminal06:28
avi_Cloud_: I'd rather try breaking my teeth on installing Gentoo... WITH NO GUIDE/GOOGLE.06:28
Cloud_oh hell no gentoo06:28
Cloud_i could never get anything more than pure textmode working properly06:28
avi_Cloud_: Lol. Gentoo is seriously overkill for desktops. I mean HONESTLY, who needs to compile desktop apps from source?06:29
rwwbored people06:29
avi_Cloud_: I totally get it on distributed and managed computing, but not for desktop use..06:29
abhinav_singhlogan_wolf are you there?06:29
Cloud_avi_: people trying to boil water with their cpu cores06:29
rwwartinfrieden: alternate CD. The desktop CD will only encrypt your home directory.06:29
artinfriedenI once cooled a CPU with ice cubes inside a plastik foiul06:29
avi_Arch is about the line between usefullness and un needed 1337ness.06:29
Cloud_i like debian better06:30
artinfriedenrww: thank you very much!06:30
avi_sudo apt-get install fireextinguisher.06:30
logan_wolfabhinav_singh, yes tell me06:30
avi_Cloud_: Absolutely.. debian > all.06:30
logan_wolfabhinav_singh, 10.4 is called lucid06:30
grendal_primeman this whole google voice thing is making me crazy...06:31
avi_Cloud_: And I really find myself having no reasons to use Arch/Debian.. Ubuntu is just so.. elegant. Like upstart and Software Center and the out-of-the-box gnome config..06:31
logan_wolfabhinav_singh, and the uninstall of firefox can be done through ubuntu software centre.06:31
Cloud_avi_: i only ended up with ubuntu because of vmware support06:31
Cloud_and i got tired of using a gentoo livecd and saving VM state06:32
Cloud_or downloading everything and compiling every time i wanted to make changes06:32
avi_Cloud_: Well, Ubuntu is the best imo, for basically everything.06:32
Cloud_i still prefer OSX06:32
Cloud_or windows XP (suck that vista and 7)06:33
avi_Cloud_: Canonical has a nice dose of Apple-mentality -- the good ones that is.06:33
dougb_freebsdthat's what's great about having choices :)06:33
avi_Cloud_: Interesting.. why XP > 7?06:33
avi_dougb_freebsd: :D06:33
IdleOne!ot | avi_  Cloud_06:33
ubottuavi_  Cloud_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:33
MarikawnDoes anyone's startup sound skip when they log in? I would like to fix it06:33
FyreFoXhi I'm running lucid and have installed KVM, when I try connect to the console of a vm I get RunConsole:77 : unable to open tty /dev/pts/5: Permission denied06:34
avi_Marikawn: Skip? Like the audio skips or it doesn't play?06:34
Cloud_avi_: because I have been using "traditional windows" for so long, I am accustomed to it already06:34
Cloud_7 has all those new stuff, yeah they're good06:34
MarikawnThe audio skips, like a broken record06:34
avi_Cloud_: Ah. Well I like W7. But IdleOne is right, it is OT.06:34
Cloud_but often they're kludged for backwards compat06:34
MarikawnI'm running 10.406:34
mrpinkyHi, regarding https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdk-pixbuf/+question/91632, how can I find out which package replaces this removed one?06:34
avi_Marikawn: Hmm, nope, have you tried googling it?06:34
abhinav_singhi am using ubuntu 10.04.please help me how to uninstall firefox06:35
Cloud_like stuff always ending up in weird locations due to the UAC virtualizing the filesystem06:35
Cloud_if you know what I mean06:35
Marikawnyes but no luck06:35
avi_abhinav_singh: Sudo apt-get remove firefox06:35
avi_Marikawn: Hmmph. That's strage. And sound works fine once you're loggin in?06:35
Marikawnthat's correct06:35
nisstyre65abhinav_singh: apt-get remove firefox ?06:35
avi_Cloud_: Yeah.06:35
avi_Marikawn: That is pretty odd.. are you looking to fix it? Because it's very easy to disable it, if it's bothersome to you.06:36
Cloud_and all those hard links made by default all over the place, grr06:36
Cloud_example: Documents and Settings link to Users06:36
Cloud_and so on06:36
Cloud_why change it in the first place?!06:36
IdleOneCloud_ I really don't want to be a pain but please move this convo to #ubuntu-offtopic.06:36
MarikawnWell I know that I can disable all of the system sounds but I just wanted to know if anyone else had this problem, I prefer to fix it06:36
Marikawnbut no biggie06:36
avi_Cloud_: yeah, he's right. We're kind of flooding the chat.06:37
Cloud_IdleOne: ... eh?06:37
Cloud_did I cross a line here?!06:37
IdleOneCloud_: this channel is for Ubuntu support.06:37
IdleOne#ubuntu-offtopic is a nice place where you can chat06:37
hendauscan anyone tell me how to load a sound.wav on weechat query?06:37
rwwCloud_: #ubuntu is for support discussion. #ubuntu-offtopic is for everything else that's within our guidelines. You wandered into the "everything else..." territory06:37
rwwIdleOne: s/nice/habitable/06:37
Cloud_oh i see, heh!06:37
abhinav_singhi tried to uninstall firefox using apt-get remove firefox but it is having lot of dependecies.....what to do please help mw06:38
IdleOnerww: thanks for the correction06:38
nisstyre65abhinav_singh: are you saying other programs depend on firefox?06:38
avi_Marikawn: right right. I don't really know how to help you then, I'm afriad :(06:38
Cloud_now for some ontopic chat, how do I get my framebuffer working?06:38
djbasicany1 help me06:38
Cloud_hopefully the kernel has had framebuffer support compiled in06:38
avi_!ask | djbasic06:38
ubottudjbasic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:38
Marikawnno worries, thank you06:38
rodeo_Avi: I am back!06:39
djbasicoh ok06:39
nisstyre65abhinav_singh: then you can't remove firefox without removing the programs that supposedly depend on it06:39
djbasicmy bad06:39
systm_my mouse pad isn't being recognized, is there a way to probe for it without rebooting?06:39
avi_rodeo_: Refresh my memory, who are you :-)06:39
rodeo_Well your solution for desktop search, a few hours before! remember06:39
avi_rodeo_: ah ah ah! I remember. How'd that work out?06:39
rodeo_You told me Tracker06:39
kevin__anyone know anything about RAM and voltage requirements?06:40
avi_rodeo_: Right tracker and beagle.06:40
djbasicwell my hard drive is taking a crap but it shows up in live cd but i also cant mount it or open it06:40
abhinav_singhwait i am giving you package list firefox-branding,firefox-gnome-support:, google-talkplugin:06:40
avi_djbasic: Like hardware failure?06:40
rodeo_Avi; Well thats good for file searching, what about the applications?06:40
avi_djbasic: Well, what do you want us to do about it ;) Back it up asap!06:40
djbasicbut the harddrive works now and then06:40
avi_rodeo_: Ah, like an application launcher?06:40
nisstyre65abhinav_singh: you've got to remove those programs first then06:40
rwwkevin__: try ##hardware (which would require you to register with nickserv) or #ubuntu-offtopic (which wouldn't)06:41
rodeo_Yeah, the way you have it in mint,06:41
djbasiconly like the first part of the hard drive  is thier any way i can pass the bad sectors06:41
abhinav_singhnisstyre65:can you please help me how to remove these programs06:41
dougb_freebsdis there a way to tell nautilus, et al, to display information in power of 2 units, instead of base 10 units?06:41
nisstyre65abhinav_singh: use the same command you used before except with each of those package names06:41
nisstyre65instead of 'firefox'06:41
rodeo_See I went on installing applications, but these have not been updated in the list as it should06:42
rodeo_Avi you got my point06:42
avi_rodeo_: Well I've no real experience in mint, not can I explain the software list not updating. however, I can say that a fantastic app launcher is Gnome-Do.06:42
avi_rodeo_: Simply start typing the name of an app, and it finds it and then hit enter to launch it.06:43
rodeo_how do I go for it06:43
avi_rodeo_: sudo apt-get install gnome-do06:43
avi_rodeo_: Or search in software center06:43
djbasicso avi is thier any way to fix it my self06:43
rodeo_Avi: let me try that! I will be back with results06:43
avi_djbasic: I personally can't think of a way, and even if I could, I probably wouldn't because it's likely to make things worse.06:44
avi_rodeo_: good luck!06:44
avi_djbasic: Consider bringing it into a local computer shop.06:44
djbasicwell i love to try if u can point me in the right directions i can fig. it out since im getting a new one soon06:44
djbasicdont hurt06:44
djbasicno way im cheap06:45
djbasici think i should go back to ITT06:45
avi_djbasic: Ah I see. Well to be honest, I really don't know much about how to repair hard drives. I only know that there's a number of audio indicators that can let you know what's going on, or, it might be a local failure, which should have a somewhat easy fix.06:46
avi_djbasic: ITT?06:46
djbasicyeah ..ITT i got dropped for attendance06:47
djbasicoh well been swell chatting thanks AVI06:47
avi_djbasic: :D sure.06:47
rodeo_avi: it worked, thanks man, I am relieved now06:48
avi_rodeo_: Great! Gnome-Do is a fantasic little app, I use it 100x a day, seriously. :D06:48
scott---you guys know what's really annoying? Default trackpad behavior ;)06:48
rodeo_avi: Well thanks a lot, with you people around, I think I won't remain a new bee for long, will come back to trouble you with more problems if I do face06:49
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avi_rodeo_: Lol you sound like me a year ago! Good luck man.06:49
scott---rodeo_: it's best to just idle in #ubuntu06:49
nisstyre65scott---: I wonder if the drivers used for most trackpads are generic06:50
scott---there's really no limit to what can be learned06:50
rodeo_avi: Thanks once again06:50
Guest96668alguna peruana06:50
lwlhi - i am unable to get my computer to boot from the iso cd I made.  did i do something wrong on the cd?06:50
nisstyre65you might be able to use different ones06:50
FloodBot3Guest96668: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:50
rodeo_Bye for now!06:50
avi_scott---: So true.06:50
avi_rodeo_: Peace.06:50
Guest96668so false06:50
scott---nisstyre65: I think you're right.. I'm going to use the mystical powers of google.06:50
=== geo is now known as geo05
avi_Ah nuts. I've gotta go. bye all!06:55
fruitwerksok for some reason, my monitor no longer passes the resolution data to the video card, so I have a new install and I am stuck ni 1024x768, the monitor is old, but it can do 2048xsomething, where can I specify my modelines06:57
lwlneed help installing lucid 10.0406:59
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fruitwerks... a problem might lead to an solution :)06:59
Gnealwl: so install it, what's the hold up?07:06
mcrawforis there a way i can install the netbook edition on my laptop and choose between it and gnome when I login?07:06
mcrawforlike you can do with kde/gnome or something like that?07:06
lwlit will not boot the computer from the cd07:06
Gneamcrawfor: the netbook edition uses gnome already07:06
Gnealwl: so tell the computer to boot from the cd07:07
S4ryExcuse me07:07
lwldid that in the bios07:07
GneaS4ry: for?07:07
S4ryWhats the maverick channel !07:07
Gnea#maverick ?07:07
mcrawforGnea: well, okay07:07
S4ryYep , thanks Gnea07:07
mcrawforbut do you get what I'm asking? I want to choose between the normal gnome desktop and the netbook ui07:08
brunhow to enable expired root account in ubuntu 8.10 ?07:08
S4ryFor the Alpha !07:08
Gnealwl: so does it even try to boot the cd before heading into the hdd?07:08
lwlGnea: no07:08
rwwS4ry: #ubuntu+107:08
lwlGnea: and if I try to 'run' the iso file the computer wants to know what program to use07:09
S4ryrww, :) thats the one .. i though i saved it to my favorites  !07:09
Gnealwl: does the system give you the option of pressing F12?07:09
lwlGnea: i downloaded the iso file on one machine and burned a cd, that's what i am attempting to boot from07:09
lwlGnea: yes, i''ve tried that as well07:10
bruncan any one tell me, how to re enable the expired username in ubuntu 8.10 ?07:10
lwlGnea: it still will not boot from the cd07:10
lwlGnea: i have a corupted windows xp pro on the computer now07:11
Gnealwl: when the system boots up, and if you try to 'explore' the cd, do you get a lot of files & directories or just one file?07:11
rwwbrun: 1) Ubuntu 8.10 is no longer receiving security updates and is not supported in this channel; please upgrade to a newer version. 2) Enabling the root account is not supported by this channel; please see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for the reasons and more information.07:11
Gnealwl: how 'corrupt'?07:11
rwwubottu: eol | brun07:12
ubottubrun: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:12
lwli uninstalled sp2 and now would not boot to windows07:12
jellowcan someone do me a favour  and see if you get can get a response from ssh -p 2222?07:12
Gnealwl: so how are you on irc?07:13
lwlon my laptop, not my desktop07:13
rwwjellow: nope07:13
ReadPleaseWhat's up, people?  I ordered a CD from shipit.ubuntu.com, and I was wondering if I did it properly?07:13
Gnealwl: I'd recommend #windows to attempt to troubleshoot the non-booting issue for xp pro07:13
lwldoes the iso file need to be 'unziped' first?07:13
ReadPleaselwl, try #computersupport on undernet.07:14
Gneait's not zipped to begin with, but it needs to be burnt correctly07:14
KB1JWQReadPlease: I assure you I wasn't involved with that conversation. :-)07:14
GneaReadPlease: why undernet?07:14
GneaReadPlease: we have #windows here on freenode07:14
ReadPleaseBecause it's got the best computersupport channel.07:14
brunrww : enableing root in ubuntu is not the part of community base support ?07:15
Gnea#windows is better and good enough, this conversation is over.07:15
jellowrww: thanks just checking before i harrased my vps proider07:15
ReadPleaseGnea, it's not better.  I've frequented them both for years.  #computersupport is the best on IRC.07:15
lwlGnea:  thanks much07:15
rwwbrun: No. We support sudo instead. Again, see the link I provided.07:15
ReadPleaseNow the conversation is over07:15
fruitwerkshow do I setup persistent network connections for wired devices? when I logout, my connections drop07:16
Gnealwl: do you have a cdburner in your laptop?07:16
ReadPleaseAw, man.  It takes 4-6 weeks to deliver.  Now I've gotta get my mail forwarded. :P07:16
rwwReadPlease: We don't have anything to do with shipit, it's a Canonical thing. Try info@shipit.ubuntu.com.07:17
ReadPleaseKB1JWQ: it tells you at the ubuntu site (maybe there's a cookie or something), the status of your oders. :D07:17
KB1JWQReadPlease: Why not just download and burn it yourself?07:17
fruitwerksjplp - I have everything set in /etc/conf.d/networking and that is how I want it.. I have a fully static setup07:17
fruitwerks... seriously07:21
fruitwerksI can't have a gui open 24/707:21
nsari am using ubuntu 10 and the mobile broadband connection appear only in the user that had created it even it is available for all users07:22
S4rynsar, Hlaa07:22
nsarhow can i fix this?07:22
* fruitwerks sounds like this answer might help me07:23
S4rynsar, i have no clue07:23
nsari didn't ask only you S4ry07:23
nsarany way thank you07:23
fruitwerkslooks like a bad time for help right now07:24
nsarbug i guess07:24
GneaS4ry: if you don't know, you don't have to answer.07:24
S4rynsar, if it a bug you can search for it in Launchpad07:25
i_is_brokefruitwerks, why cant you have a gui open 24/7 i do07:25
S4ryGnea, i know .. i had to cuz i said hello to him first07:25
Gneansar: have you looked at all of the options in network manager? should be one there to have it run the connection even if you're not logged in07:26
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots07:26
tasslehoffWhat package gives me the network manager/monitor in the system tray?07:27
nsaryes i did only me as nsar appears XX:Xx:Xx PANU no other user and when i try to make a new connection it is asking a keyring password that i don't know which one is07:27
Gnea!info network-manager07:28
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 309 kB, installed size 2236 kB07:28
nsarautomatic no. it a cellphone i make the connection manually on demand07:28
Gneaif it's manually on demand, then that's how it will remain.07:28
fruitwerkshow do I make persistent connections?07:28
Gneaunless you change its behavior from where you set it as such07:29
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Gneafruitwerks: to?07:29
nsaryou mean when i login it will connect alone?07:29
fruitwerksI have two wired connections, when I leave my GUI - they disconnect07:29
Gneathat's usually how it works, is it not working like that now?07:29
Gneafruitwerks: look in the network manager settings07:30
Gneathere's something to be clicked there - don't recall what it is because I use wicd07:30
nsarno i connect when i need it like right now, but no other user can start the connection and i don't know why even though the connection is available to all users07:31
BesogonWho of you uses lxde or kde? I want to know an output of a command "echo $GDMSESSION && echo $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS" for these environments07:31
Gneansar: oh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying. Have you looked into the users & groups to make sure that other users are checked out for dialup and networking-related groups?07:32
ghostnik11hi i am trying to make a bootable recovery disk through ubuntu for an thinkpad t20 that has a bios password and a hard drive password on it and i don't know07:34
S4rynsar, looking for something like this .. http://bit.ly/dzWdw07:35
Gneaghostnik11: I don't know either.07:35
ghostnik11i have the files but i don't know if it is as simple as putting the files on floopy disk then putting in t2007:35
ghostnik11gnea: very funny07:35
S4ryGnea, you shouldn't answer if you don't know :)07:35
Gneaghostnik11: sorry :)07:36
fruitwerksI think half the 'people' taling in here are bots right now07:36
Besogonnsar, you shouldn't use NetworkManager if the computer is used my some users. I think07:36
rwwfruitwerks: How does half the people taling in here are bots right now make you feel?07:36
ghostnik11gnea: its cool you can cut jokes if you want, trust me even i have laughed at my self about this situation07:36
Gneaghostnik11: I would first make backup images of the floppy disks (the physical disks are extremely unreliable in the long run)07:36
S4ryrww, :)07:36
Gneaghostnik11: (but I'm sure you knew that)07:37
GneaS4ry: :p07:37
ghostnik11gnea: yeah i have the backups its just that the t20 only has a floopy drive07:37
Gneaghostnik11: awesome.07:37
Gneaghostnik11: so what are you looking to restore?07:38
Gneajust basic bootup functionality with a kernel, maybe some modules and an MBR?07:38
fruitwerksok well I logout of my GUI and I loose NAT because the private ip NIC is set to a down state07:38
fruitwerksso I can restart networking, or log back in.. I can't have that07:39
ghostnik11gnea: i am actually seeing if i can get to the restore screen will i then be able to erase the bios and hard drive passwords on t2007:39
Gneaghostnik11: why not just reset the bios?07:40
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ghostnik11gnea: i tried took out battery plus cmos battery and still won't reset07:40
Gneaghostnik11: there isn't a manual online that explains the correct procedure?07:41
setuidIs it possible to enable Hibernate on a system with 8GB ram, 4GB swap, 8GB swap _file_, on the main (root) partition?07:42
setuid...or must hibernate use a swap _partition_ only?07:42
Gneaghostnik11: or you could try this password: merlin07:43
ghostnik11gnea: nope just an old ibm thinkpad laptop, the thing is there are ways to get the bios password removed but require paying someone else to do it and I mean come on i have been on ubuntu and linux for a year, i refuse to go back to the windows ideology of paying to get something down in the computer world, thats why smart people made linux because it is free and teaches people how to really use computers07:43
ghostnik11gnea: i tried merlin doesn't work as backdoor bios password07:43
babais tab candy available for linux?07:43
fruitwerksghostnik11 - pop it open and pull the cmos battery07:44
Gneaghostnik11: and nilrem doesn't work either?07:44
ghostnik11fruitwerks: did that already in fact it has not had the cmos battery in it for over months07:44
Gneafruitwerks: doesn't work07:45
ghostnik11gnea: what is nilrem07:45
Gneaghostnik11: merlin spelled backwards07:45
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ghostnik11gnea: i am going to try that right will be back07:45
S4rybaba, what you mean !07:46
=== AlienBalls is now known as alieneye00
ghostnik11gnea: thanks but doesn't work07:47
babaI'm looking for a text editor + ftp07:47
babato use for webdev07:47
Gneaghostnik11:  have you read this manual? http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/migr-4uym3f.html07:48
S4rybaba, i believe there is .. IglooFTP07:49
rwwbaba: set up FTP on Places -> Connect To Server, then use any gvfs-enabled editor (such as gedit) for editing.07:49
babarww, i believe the windows and ubuntu direct FTP connections are slow07:50
bababecause they don't use accelerators apparently, like filezilla, etc07:50
Karen_mbox1 [100Mb]    =>   box2 [1Gb]  (11MB/sec)      box2 [1Gb] => box1 [100Mb]   (2MB/sec), what would cause this?  bad traceroute path from box2->box1?  or not configured sysctl values?07:51
ghostnik11gnea: thanks but still no help, says if bios/supervisor password is forgotten there is no way to recover it and i must send it in for a mother board replacement at a service fee07:52
Gneaghostnik11: is it a 2647 or a 2648? (the sub-model #?)07:52
mcrawforin case anyone was curious about the netbook thin07:53
ghostnik11gnea: 264707:53
mcrawfori found a meta-package called ubuntu-netbook-remix in apt, and installing that gave me all the needed packages07:53
mcrawfori ran the ones in that list individually and got things going07:53
Gneaghostnik11: and the 2-digit number and single letter?  like 21Y or something similar?07:53
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ghostnik11gnea: 86u07:54
Karen_mis there a console browser that supports javascript so I can do a speedtest?07:54
Gneaghostnik11: have a look: http://tinyurl.com/329ceb307:55
MohammadRRRHi , How can i remove language icon from tray ?07:56
GneaMohammadRRR: right click on it, then 'remove'07:56
MohammadRRRthere is not any 'remove' choise !07:57
S4ryMohammadRRR, Remove the layout from Keyboard07:57
S4ryWhy whould someone want to remove .. never mind07:59
itsux2bui'm do this.. "LiveUsbPendrivePersistent" its telling me to run "Universal USB-Installer"..  the thing i don't have a feel for is how much to allocate for Persistence..  choices being.. 1GB Casper-RW, 2GB Casper-RW, 3GB Casper-RW, 4GB Casper-RW.. my usb pendrive is 4gb.. so if i choose that amount there won't be any room for the .iso..  i want lots of Persistance space.. 3 or 4?08:00
ghostnik11gnea: found something it says i should just insert recovery diskette into computer then turn on and follow instructions, right now i have windows 2000 recovery files and put them on a floopy disk but i don't know if it is that simple they are in exe file format or should i put them in image file format then put them on floopy08:02
shcherbak 08:04
Gneaghostnik11: I'm thinking make the image file format then put it on the floppy08:04
ghostnik11gnea: okay will do that then, will be back08:04
S4ryghostnik11, hope things work for ya :)08:05
emperium'morning guys08:07
emperiumI have this problem with vlc player08:07
emperiumwhen i put it on fullscreen mode, the picture still remains at the same size as you can see on this printscreen http://twitpic.com/2jhxkb08:08
emperiumanyone has the same problem? any clues how to solve it? thankx08:09
ZykoticK9emperium, i don't use VLC, but try changing your Output type from x11 to xv or GL08:09
CompuTomI have installed AVG antivirus but it is not listed as an installed program anywhere. The deb installer says it has installed successfully but how do I access the program?08:10
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:12
AraneidaeIs there a minimum system requirements documented for Ubuntu anywhere?08:12
Take0nIs there a way to edit the gnome-panel in ubuntu netbook edition? I mausing 10.04 and want it to be transparent.. I've changed some entries in the theme I am using but I don't know how to change the panel to show color instead of image so that I can make it transparent08:12
itsux2buemperium, in the windows version i use.. there's a Aspect Ratio  i use to fill in the "black" area08:12
nikolamCompuTom, there is clamtk. tun with gksu clamtk for updates.08:13
ZykoticK9Araneidae, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements08:13
AraneidaeHow much space does a Netbook install take up?  My target space is rather small...08:13
AraneidaeZykoticK9, thanks.08:13
itsux2buemperium, depending on the source of the video.. tv 4:3.. movie 16:908:13
AraneidaeOught to be linked from the front page somewhere08:13
Take0nAraneidae, define small?08:14
AraneidaeWell, I might have 4GB of flash08:14
nikolamAraneidae, if it is also other, memory considerations, you could also try Xubunut or , better Lxde evnironment.08:15
AraneidaeIs there a list of supported netbooks anywhere?  Mine is an Acer Aspire One08:15
Take0nI don't think there would be a problem Araneidae08:15
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AraneidaeThe original one with flash disk and the crappy Linpus install08:16
ZykoticK9Araneidae, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks08:16
pfifoOK heres a tough one, Im still running 9.10, but I am in need of libc6 2.11 or better for a cross-compiler that I built in 10.04. Is there an easy way to upgrade libc6?08:16
AraneidaeZykoticK9, these links are great -- but why can't I find them? ;/08:16
gartralpfifo: no.. thats a real pain08:17
Take0nguys so is there a way to make the panel in ubuntu netbook transparent+08:17
pfifogartral, if by pain you mean compiling from source, thats easy. whats this involve?08:17
gartralpfifo: unless you forked a seperate configuration for just your compiler.. with is also a pain08:17
gartralpfifo: recompileing half of ubuntu08:17
AraneidaeHmm.  Model no ZGS.  I wonder what that means...08:17
fruitwerksI just did a fairly feature packed install on an atom based mobo.. using 3.3gb on /08:18
Araneidaefruitwerks, that's promising08:18
fruitwerksserver / desktop hybrid with way more than the defaults08:19
pfifogartral, ok heres how it stands, i can rebuild the whole cross-compiler toolchain and about 150 libs. Upgrade libc6. Failing that I can also go back to 10.04 and it should work.08:19
emperiumZykoticK9 the problem is that my laptop's graphic card is a sis 671 shared08:19
AraneidaeActually (putting specs on), it's a ZG5, not one of the listed ones08:19
emperiumand it sucks as you know it08:19
fruitwerksusing ~600mb of ram with all the services running and actually serving08:19
itsux2bufruitwerks, i've done a desktop/server hybrid08:20
ZykoticK9emperium, that could be the issue then.  i don't really know much about sis - but i get the idea support isn't that good...  best of luck.08:20
emperiumoki thank ZykoticK908:21
fruitwerksAraneidae: how much ram does it have?08:21
emperiumi'll check it somewhere else08:21
pfifoI love my cross compiler, but the thing is so hard to build and tweak just perfectly that I really DO NOT want to rebuild it. However Im not a fan of 10.04 yet so Id rather use it in 9.1008:21
Araneidaefruitwerks, it looks fine: it's got 512M RAM, and it appears to have 6.5G of flash ... according to `df -h`, actually don't think I altogether believe that08:22
emperiumitsux2bu: is tvrip hd08:22
fruitwerksyou will indeed need some swap then... might be fine for light use08:23
emperiumitsux2bu: when I use MS windows I don't get this issue, only on ubuntu 10.04 and i used to have also on 9.1008:23
AraneidaeWasn't planning on giving it swap, very unhappy about swapping to flash: what's the wear count on modern flash drives?08:24
itsux2buAraneidae, its a moving target08:24
mmm4m5mHi all. My keyboard have 3 buttons: power off, sleep, wake up. Only power off is working (asking me what to do, like Alt+Ctrl+Del). How to disable it? It is ubuntu hardy, this shortcut (0xde) is not inside "Keyboard Shortcuts"08:28
SLierFoxhey guys is this the room to get help im having trouble installing on a toshiba satellite 1130?08:28
icerootSLierFox: yes08:33
icerootSLierFox: usefull details like error-messages, the ubuntu-version and so on are welcome08:34
JackyAlcineIM a photographer.08:35
JackyAlcineSupplement for Photoshop on Ubuntu?08:35
kdaveygood morning all08:35
GneaJackyAlcine: The Gimp08:35
SLierFoxty iceroot ok i dont exactly have any error codes as it just hangs before boot up from live disc which ive never ran into before so im a bit stuck to know what to do ?08:35
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JackyAlcinekkay thank you gnea08:39
=== MARCIO is now known as Guest98597
kdaveyhey all08:43
Guest98597wie moze ktos jak zainstalowac gg na ubuntu?08:43
rwwubottu: pl | Guest9859708:43
ubottuGuest98597: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.08:43
TofuAttackSo a horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Why the long face?08:46
rwwthe horse replies, "Ask in #ubuntu-offtopic!"08:47
suprengrComppiz question: running10.04 & wondering if I can get any use from compiz when usingan on-board Intel / Radeon Pro grahics set?08:47
Cloud_whats the program that ubuntu 10.04 uses to draw the boot splash?08:47
TofuAttacki would but i hardly know what ubuntu is about so i dont really care08:48
rwwCloud_: plymouth08:48
Cloud_is there any way i can change its operation to show the framebuffer console with a background image instead?08:48
Cloud_i already got uvesafb working08:48
Ben64how come the version of the nvidia driver is so ancient08:50
itsux2bui just booted with a LiveUSB for the first time.. prior to this i Virtualbox which put ubuntu in a very protective shell and it doesn't see you hardware directly.. i have to say i've super impressed with how ubuntu detected my hardware and used it to it full advantage.. the more i see of ubuntu the more it impresses me..08:50
TofuAttackwhat are the advantages of using ubuntu besides the price08:51
itsux2buthe most popular distro downloaded08:51
icerootTofuAttack: freedom08:52
TofuAttackseems like a pretty lame OS....08:52
icerootTofuAttack: you have a support-question?08:52
itsux2budude.. look there are 1300+ users in here and its slow now08:52
itsux2bu1300+ is like 300 or 400 more than any other room..08:52
TofuAttackno i dont, i dont even know why i'm here.08:53
itsux2buon freenode08:53
itsux2buwhat else you looking at?08:53
icerootTofuAttack: so maybe #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place for questions like that08:53
suprengrTofuAttack:  what iceroot said ispertinentbut in answer... security, help, total cost of qwnership, better hardware life are but a few.08:54
lon__I have ubuntu installed on my pc but all app software i download i cant open it.08:54
TofuAttackso i googled it and apparently the top reason is "Ubuntu 7.04 comes with just a few of the effects seen a lot nowadays, these effects include the rotating cube desktop and wobbly windows," LMFAO08:54
itsux2buubuntu Desktop gives you 4 virtual desktops08:55
van7hudoes anyone here use JVJ 3G modem with ubuntu08:56
itsux2buit detechs hardware others don't08:56
SwedeMikelon__: please don't use caps lock.08:57
lon__Ok sorry08:57
itsux2bulon__, what apps and how are you downloading them?08:57
van7huJVJ is not in 3G hardware list of ubuntu wiki08:58
TerrenceKJHi everyone. I currently have Unbuntu 10.4 running on one workstation, and would like to install the exact same OS and extra's on another pc. Can I I write my config and software packages to a DVD08:58
TofuAttackthat's cool i guess, but... it wouldn't be able to run any windows applications... which is like 90% of all software08:58
TofuAttackwhich is also the main reason i hate macs08:58
van7hucould anyone tell me how to do with JVJ moem08:59
lon__im downloading from demonoid and the app is spyware doctor & others like that08:59
van7hucould anyone tell me how to do with JVJ modem08:59
TerrenceKJso that I don't have to download all the extra's again08:59
itsux2buTofuAttack, you use ms-office08:59
suprengr!wine > TofuAttack08:59
ubottuTofuAttack, please see my private message08:59
itsux2bulon__, are these windows apps?09:00
itsux2buor *nix?09:00
TerrenceKJPut differently, can I package my installed ubuntu 10.4 and all installed extra's on an installation dvd/s09:01
lon__well im new to all this i use to download from here all the time with windows but i changed to ubuntu and im lost09:01
ghostnik11gnea: it seems my floopy drive is not writing to the diskette correctly as every time i try to put on windows 2000 img file on diskette it says file to large09:01
SLierFoxis the netbook edition better than the desktop for laptops ?09:01
Ben64TerrenceKJ: i don't think so, but you could probably get a list of packages from somewhere and just install those on the new install09:02
TofuAttackis the real reason that you guys use ubuntu, that you cant afford to buy windows, or even pirate it09:02
ghostnik11gnea: i will have to get a usb floopy drive for my laptop instead of using my desktop with puppy linux09:02
Ben64TofuAttack: nope, it works better than windows09:02
SLierFoxi got all three on my laptop tofuattack what do u use ?09:02
ghostnik11gnea: thanks for all the help and also everyone else who helped, goodnight this has made me tired09:03
TofuAttackwindows 709:03
itsux2bui run windows and ubuntu at the same time.. with Virtualbox..09:03
TerrenceKJBen64: Thanks - can I copy the packages instead of having to download again. If so where are they09:03
icerootTofuAttack: the ubuntu-community that you dont find on windows or other linux-distris09:03
SLierFoxyea its nice few lil windows glitchs tho but not as secure as linux i like mint but Mrs wants to use ubuntu09:04
icerootTofuAttack: and i already told you that this is the support-channel, everything else goes to #ubuntu-offtopic09:04
shafiTofuAttack, No. we get sick of windows viruses, crashes, and the Blue Screen of death + 1000000000000000 more reasons09:04
SLierFoxil second that :)09:05
icerootTofuAttack: download a live-cd and see the advantages of linux and ubuntu09:05
TofuAttacki haven't gotten any of those windows 709:05
itsux2buTofuAttack, so you like being held hostage by m$ for closed software that get upgrade just to make gates and friend billionares?09:05
van7huWho has just sent private message to me09:05
TofuAttackbut then i have to reinstall, too much effort09:05
TofuAttacki pirate my software09:06
Ben64TerrenceKJ: /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?09:06
van7huI open it in new window09:06
SLierFoxreinstall ?09:06
van7huand it crash09:06
itsux2buno need to pirate *nix.. they give it away09:06
TofuAttackyah i'll have to reinstall windows09:06
SLierFoxjust dual boot or use live cd tofuattack09:06
van7huplease resend it09:06
DiverdudeI am in a folder. I wish to search current folder and all subfolders for files or folders containing something with the string "25" in the name of the file or folder. How can i do that?09:06
itsux2buyour not breaking the law with *nix09:06
Ben64Diverdude: find | grep 2509:06
lon__how can i open affter effects useing ubuntu09:06
TofuAttacki'll try it on my desktop later09:06
Cloud_hey i want fbcondecor on my install09:07
TofuAttackwill i still have all my data intact09:07
Cloud_is it possible?09:07
itsux2buthe liveCD boots and doesn't install anything09:07
shafiTofuAttack, You have to try ubuntu once09:07
rwwDiverdude: find . -name *25*09:07
TofuAttackso it's like a software than runs within windows?!09:07
TofuAttacknot a complete operating system?09:07
shafithen u will get the idea09:07
TerrenceKJBen64: Thanks a mil09:07
Ben64it's a complete OS, but it can run off a cd09:07
Ben64although not as fast as installed09:08
itsux2buyou create a LiveCD.. when you boot you tell your bios to boot from the CD09:08
itsux2buno writing to your hard drive09:08
SLierFoxTofuattack i like mint for eyecandy like win 7 but ubuntu is more widely supported i belive n installing software is easier than windows it does it for u on ubuntu or mint but there are loads of other s too google it09:08
itsux2bui just did the same thing with my usb pendrive09:09
TofuAttackthe fact that there are 1300 in the "support" channel does not make me feel confident.09:09
TofuAttackdoesn't this mean there would be a lot of "problems"...09:09
frameRelaymint is based on ubuntu SLierFox09:09
itsux2buand where in the official "Microsoft" support irc channel?09:09
itsux2bu1300+ mean there are lots of people around the globe to HELP YOU09:10
SLierFoxframeRelay  yea but changed as ubuntu is debian after all :)09:10
hozeHoze1hi, i am trying to setup a cronjob to rsync files from remote host to my local box. because of permissions problems i need to sudo rsync, but when i do that, the remote host is prompting me for a password (root id_rsa.pub is not set) and the cronjob wont execute. any ideas?09:10
TofuAttackwhat's mint09:10
AraneidaeWhy am I able to type `mount /dev/dvd0` as an ordinary user?  It's not in /etc/fstab09:11
SLierFoxTofuattack possibly but with all this help ul get sorted mint is just a eye candy version of ubuntu09:11
TofuAttackwhy are there so many... ubuntu, debian, gentoo, etc09:11
pfifogartral, I booted the 10.04.1 livecd and with a simple symlink was able to get my cross compiler working perfectly. Its kind of a pain but since I only need to use the cross compiler to make the final exe it seems like it will work09:11
mneptokMint is offtopic for this channel09:11
SLierFoxwith added parts and it own community an support09:11
itsux2buwhen i ran my LiveUSB of ubuntu.. it recognized all my hardware.. right from the first boot..09:11
SLierFoxonly prob i seem to have at mo with Ubuntu and its green equivelant it ATI gpu cards09:12
itsux2buubuntu is an offshoot of debian09:12
TofuAttackso i can still run all my windows software on ubuntu...?09:13
TofuAttackall my games etc09:13
shafiTofuAttack, Because its open source and every one is able to customize it according to his/her interest.09:13
itsux2buTofuAttack, why are there so many different kinds of Coffee?09:13
SLierFoxTofuattack if ur interested look up unix wars and get the history an ul see why there are so many different distros of linux09:13
frameRelayé *09:13
itsux2buTofuAttack, if you wanted to make your own distro.. TofuLinux  you could09:14
pfifoWhat dose the word Ubuntu mean?09:14
itsux2butry that with any windows software?09:14
noplamodoitsux2bu : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28philosophy%2909:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:14
shafiTofuAttack, there are many packages that could resolve all your problems, but beside this you still could install your windows app via the "wine"09:15
gartralframeRelay: 99% of people wouldnt know how to get an accented e out of they're keybord if the instruction bit em09:15
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mneptokgartral: but they may be able to differentiate between "they are" and "their"09:15
itsux2buWine is a windows emulator for linux09:15
hozeHoze1Wine = Wine Is Not Emulator09:16
noplamodoMore a compatibility layer09:16
itsux2buwell whatever it is09:16
pfifoTofuAttack, you dont want to run windows software in linux unless you really have to. thats why its possible to have both windows and linux installed on your computer at the same time09:16
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:16
gartralmneptok: auto-correction chose wrong word. I'm not inheriently that bad with grammar.09:17
hozeHoze1Tofu, just install ubuntu, and setup winblows on a virtual machine09:17
TofuAttackwhy is it free, how do the developers get paid? just from generous supporters?09:17
TofuAttacki would have to memorise the altcodes09:17
SLierFoxWine works ok in my experiance but u need to check up if the exe in windows will work ok in Wine09:17
mneptokgartral: "inherently"09:17
itsux2buyou can dual boot.. you can use a virtual machine, you can liveCD/LiveUSB..09:17
gartralhe isnt satisfied either way, huh?09:17
frameRelayTofuAttack devs don't get paid09:17
rwwgartral: I believe mneptok is making a point :)09:17
pfifoWAIT!! Were getting paid for this? when can I get my check? Whats my payrate anyway?09:18
gartralwhatever, it's 4:18 AM, iI have room for a smegging typo or two, ok?09:18
frameRelayWait, what? Was I wrong all these years?09:18
pfifoI deman my salary to be doubled this instant09:18
gsedej_workhi! I have 10.04 and flash content is always gray (firefox, chrome) but it plays - I can hear sound (youtube). I already tried to reinstall flash plugin09:18
itsux2buthe developers believe so strongly in open source and ubuntu, they volunteer they time09:19
rwwgartral: perhaps you shouldn't frivolously correct others, then :)09:19
TofuAttackif only ubuntu could run on an ipad or something...09:20
SLierFoxopen source as it will be supported or open sorce code ?09:20
drygrainSLierFox: huh?09:21
gartralrww: how does this degrade my initial point?09:21
pfifoTofuAttack, actually its not that simple, I need linux, and use a free version. Since Im somewhat knowledgeable about how linux works internally, I can fix problems when they arise, and instead of keeping the fix to myself, I give it to other users who need it. And im just 1 out of 1371 users09:21
industrialI have default-jdk and default-jre installed but cannot view java in firefox. What package am I missing?09:21
itsux2buwell there's another closed machine.. apple keeps even tighter control of its IP then m$09:21
pfifoTofuAttack, ubuntu will run on an iPad09:21
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itsux2buand charges an arm and leg.. apple is expensive09:22
SLierFoxApple is bsd aint it ?09:22
itsux2bui'm sure the *nix community would love to run on apple hardware.. but apple would never ever allow it.. don't blame *nix for apples policies09:23
gartralApple was allway the big 'Why Bother?' of the computer industry for me.09:23
mneptokSLierFox: please stop the offtopic-ness. this is a support channel.09:23
rooksSLierFox, it is bsd-ish with some strangness on top09:23
TofuAttackprogramming software seems so hard... can't believe anyone would develop it for free.09:23
TofuAttackare you serious?!?!?09:23
TofuAttackwhy do you ugys say m$ and not ms09:23
rooksSLierFox, more or less its to bsd what chromium is to linux09:23
rwwTofuAttack: because they're silly and immature09:24
* topyli throws in a quick advertisement for #ubuntu-offtopic09:24
rwwAlso, way over half of Linux kernel development is done under the auspices of a company, as is a lot of work on the other parts of Linux.09:24
pfifoTofuAttack, programming is easy. Ya im srs. m$ seems to be more derogatory, linux users generally dont like anything related to microsoft09:24
rwwtopyli: you're not the first person to do so :\09:24
industrialTofuAttack: programming software isnt hard. it's a job thousand of people do09:25
industrialTofuAttack: it's also way more fun if you can decode on your own what to make instead of what your boss requires09:25
industrialso you make it good and are proud of it09:25
industrialwelcome to open source.09:25
Ben64soooo... how come my nvidia driver is 195 instead of 256?09:26
SLierFoxSo would the netbook version of ubuntu be better suited to a laptop than the desktop version of the new ubuntu ?09:26
Ben64seems like a really really old version for ubuntu to be giving me09:26
industrialI have default-jdk and default-jre installed but cannot view java in firefox. What package am I missing?09:26
topyliSLierFox: no09:26
rwwSLierFox: they're just different interfaces. Try them both, see which you like.09:26
Ben64SLierFox: i have normal version on my laptop, works fine09:26
pfifoSLierFox, laptop should get the desktop and netbooks should get netbook09:26
SLierFoxok will try desktop for mrs laptop09:27
industrialrww: can I test both interfaces on 10.04 ?09:27
itsux2buyou can be a slave to microsoft's overprice bloated code that you have no control over or enjoy the freedom of *nix09:27
rwwand netbooks work fine with the desktop version too :\09:27
rwwindustrial: yes09:27
pfifoi hate the netbook interface cause im the cli type09:27
industrialrww: what's the package :P?09:27
Ben64if you want to run all the newest and greatest games, use windows09:27
itsux2bu*nix has very low memory overhead..09:27
rwwindustrial: ubuntu-netbook and ubuntu-desktop09:27
industrialrww: maybe you know this aswell; I have default-jdk and default-jre installed but cannot view java in firefox. What package am I missing?09:28
itsux2bueveryday i hear stories of kids taking out old laptops to slow for windows and loading *nix on it and runs like new09:28
rwwindustrial: My solution to java problems involves bleach and nuclear missiles. I suspect you want a different person.09:28
Ben64so nobody knows why the nvidia driver is so out of date?09:28
industrialrww: darn :( i know :( stupid button on a webpage for work :(09:28
pfifoindustrial, there is a firefox plugin for java, you need to make sure its in firefox's plugin directory09:29
Ben64industrial: java works for me as of 10.0409:29
topyliindustrial: the plugin package09:29
itsux2buTofuAttack, what do you do with your windows computers?09:29
SLierFoxitsux2bu good you can help me with mine then when ive got ubuntu downloaded :)09:30
topyliindustrial: ah. icedtea6-plugin, i assume09:31
TofuAttackBen 64: "if you want to run all the newest and greatest games, use windows"09:31
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TofuAttack...yeah guess i'm not going to be using ubuntu.09:31
mnordHi, I accidentally added stuff to the Evolution calendar instead of the Google calendar. Now I've added the Google calendar to Evolution and want to copy the contents of Evolutions calendar. I right click the old one and press "copy" which lets me choose which calendar to copy to, and I choose Google, but when it says "Kan inte öppna mål" (can not open target, or something similar). I can see the Google calendar and all the content s09:31
mnordo there should be no problem. Any ideas?09:31
TofuAttacki might install it on my old desktop actuallly, i only use that for browsing and msn...09:32
itsux2bu TofuAttack dude.. DUAL-BOOT.. its not a either or world09:32
drygrainthey arent mutually excluzive TofuAttack09:32
industrialtopyli: hmm, that was already installed09:32
topyliitsux2bu, TofuAttack: you are seriously offtopic. stop it09:33
itsux2bui'm done..09:33
pfifoTofuAttack, use ubintu for the linux tools that run faster and more stable than anything in windows, and boot up to windows to kick back and throw some frags09:33
Ben64i hate booting into windows09:34
DASPRiDTofuAttack, if you define SC2 as the currently newest and greatest game, ubuntu will do fine ;)09:34
Ben64DASPRiD: does it work fine really?09:35
itsux2buyea.. its seems so slow now that i've gotten used to ubuntu09:35
DASPRiDBen64, yup, flawless09:35
TofuAttackall that's going through my mind is... hannah montana.. best of both worlds...09:35
Ben64saw it on winehq, gonna try it later tonight09:35
mnordProblem solved by restarting Evolution. There seems to have been some connection problem only.09:35
TofuAttackk i'll install it on my desktop in  a few hours when i have time09:36
pfifoi always get reduced framrated running stuff through wine :(09:37
AraneidaeHow do I persuade Ubuntu to show the original console when booting rather than the stupid "user friendly" splash screen?09:38
rwwAraneidae: edit /etc/default/grub, remove "splash" from the relevant line, save, run "sudo update-grub"09:39
itsux2bu Araneidae you want to boot to command line?09:39
Araneidaeitsux2bu, no, I was after rww 's answer, thanks09:39
itsux2bujust wanted to get rid of slpash screen.. but still load desktop?09:40
TofuAttackwill i still be able to network transfer data from my win7 laptop to ubuntu desktop???09:40
AraneidaeJust so: would rather see what's happening during the boot process, particularly if something goes wrong09:40
AraneidaeI'm afraid Ubuntu is getting more and more reticent about error messages :(09:40
itsux2buAraneidae, got ya09:41
rwwAraneidae: you can also remove "quiet" from the same place for more verbosity :)09:41
AraneidaeJust clicked on "Try Ubuntu-Netbook 10.04" on a netbook boot and it's just sitting there, spinning that icon09:41
gartralAraneidae: how long?09:43
AraneidaeGood grief!  It's still unzipping crap off the USB disk (I can see `lzma` hammering the CPU in top on the alternate console)09:43
gartralAraneidae: ive seen systems take a hour too boot from live cd09:43
dyretguys, what is the shorctur keys to open up the search app that lets you type in the name of the program you'd like to start?09:44
AraneidaeThat's so encouraging.  Think somebody's not thought things through here...09:44
AraneidaeSounds like a "papercut" candidate, actually09:44
rwwdyret: Alt-F2?09:44
dvaskedyret, gnome-do?09:44
gartralAraneidae: sounds like your low on ram09:44
Araneidaegartral, 512M ought to be enough?09:44
AraneidaeI thought the whole point of Netbook was low resource usage09:44
gartralAraneidae: erm.. no.. the cd image itself is 650~ mb09:45
Araneidaeyeah, good point09:45
dyretdvaske: I think that might be it yeah09:45
AraneidaeWell, it's still lzma'ing away like mad09:45
gartralAraneidae: i *bet* you tryed toram huh?09:45
Araneidaegoes google09:46
Ben64loading livecd from a flash drive?09:46
topyliAraneidae: the point of the netbook edition is not low resource usage. it's regular ubuntu with a different desktop09:46
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gartralwhich is more meant for high accessability09:46
Araneidaetopyli, ah.  Misunderstood09:46
Araneidaehmm.  I wonder what I should put on this little box then09:47
undifinedand running resources != install resources09:47
Fudgehow do u generate id_rsa and pub key with cli ssh?09:47
AraneidaeFudge, ssh-keygen09:47
topyliAraneidae: 512M is usable for ubuntu. it won't be fast, but it'll work just fine09:47
Drooling_Sheepfudge: ssh-keygen -t rsa09:47
drygrainregular old buntu runs great on my ne5tbook09:48
Fudgetks :D09:48
AraneidaeWoo: I've got a live screen.  Shiney :)09:48
AraneidaeI wonder if the wireless works...09:49
Ben64anyone keep the window closing stuff on the left side?09:49
pfifoi bet it dose09:49
Ben64i bet it doesn't :(09:49
Ben64wireless drivers hardly work09:49
pfifoBen64, im lost with the window controls on the right09:50
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side09:50
Ben64its how almost everything does it09:50
Ben64ha you guys made a thing for that09:50
AraneidaeWell, it seems to think the wireless network is there09:51
rwwBen64: it's awfully popular :(09:51
pfifoBen64, oops got my lefts and rights mixed up09:51
pfifoBen64, im lost with the window controls on the LEFT09:51
AraneidaeHave to type in my ridiculously complicted password now.09:51
Ben64rww: its the first thing i did when i upgraded to lucid09:51
Araneidae(doesn't help that the keyboard map is wrong)09:52
AraneidaeWoo!  Wireless works on this machine, out of the box!09:54
pfifowhers my $5?09:54
itsux2burww, comment out 'GRUB_CMDLINE_DEFAULT="quiet splash"' in /etc/default/grub ?09:54
rwwitsux2bu: no, remove quiet and splash from it09:55
ComradeHaz`o, guys I need a little help configuring 'dhcp3' for a single net-bootable machine. I cannot see how I can make one machine net-bootable while leaving all other dhcp requests as normal dhcp leases.09:55
AraneidaeShould that be GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT?  That's all that's in my /etc/defaults/grub09:55
pfifoComradeHaz`, in your dhcpd.conf you need to configure the client via mac address.09:56
itsux2burww, so 'GRUB_CMDLINE_DEFAULT=""'  ?09:56
rwwAraneidae: yes, actually. I was just going off what itsux2bu said :)09:56
ComradeHaz`of cours, pfio, but I cannot find the syntax to tell it a specific mac is to bre responded to with a boot reply rather than a normal reply09:56
ComradeHaz`Ah. Unless....09:57
rwwitsux2bu: 1) find the line that has quiet and splash in it, 2) remove quiet and splash. 3) sudo update-grub. You appear to be overthinking this :\09:57
ComradeHaz`Have I missed the point?! Does the request look different?09:57
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Ben64i like how ubuntu lets you enter in passphrase for wireless, but windows doesn't09:58
pfifoComradeHaz`, yes it looks a little different09:58
itsux2burww, no just double checking..  my thot was that if no values in the quotes  why have the line.. .. but i got it now..09:58
ComradeHaz`OK, so one of the things I am unhappy about is that in the sample config file it says specifying a range for netboots is not recommended09:58
ComradeHaz`but it doesn't show a recommended way of doing it09:58
ComradeHaz`and the guids I find on the web all specify ranges.09:59
rwwsomeone really needs to make a GUI for /etc/default/grub.09:59
Araneidaerww, itsux2bu: here's a command to do the job: sudo sed -i 's/quiet splash//' /etc/default/grub; sudo update-grub09:59
ComradeHaz`As it happens I don't want a range, I want one machine, to get one IP and boot from a pxe server.09:59
pfifoComradeHaz`, you still setup a range, of just 1 ip address10:00
zambai want to set up an interface in /e/n/interfaces that should get its ip address from a dhcp server, but it should ignore the gateway.. how can i do that?10:00
itsux2buAraneidae, cool10:00
ComradeHaz`OK, so that goes at the top... What about the specification for the actual machine?10:01
ComradeHaz`Does that dissappear?10:01
Araneidaeitsux2bu, the sed command is a bit of a blunderbus, a safer version would be sed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/quiet splash//' /etc/default/grub10:02
pfifoComradeHaz`, you have to specifically setup DHCP todo pxeboot, you really need to go review the documentation for it closer. But perhaps this will give you an idea http://linux-sxs.org/internet_serving/pxeboot.html10:02
ComradeHaz`I have done the rest10:03
ComradeHaz`but all the guides seem to be under teh strange dilluded impression you're only wanting to boot a bunch of diskless machines10:03
ComradeHaz`and totally fail to mention you may also have conventional machines using the same dhcp server10:04
itsux2buAraneidae, but what if in a future version theres 2 spaces between quiet and splash.. or they reverse the order to splash space quiet?10:04
pfifoComradeHaz`, that link has exactly what you want to copy and paste10:04
itsux2buAraneidae, since you brought up safety10:04
Araneidaeitsux2bu, you're quite right10:05
AraneidaeEven better would be:10:05
ComradeHaz`Ah, indeed, it probably does.10:05
ComradeHaz`Thanks pfifo10:05
Araneidaesed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/{s/quiet//; s/splash//;}' /etc/default/grub10:05
AraneidaeThat'll leave a space behind, but we don't care, I'm sure10:05
rwwthat space could kill us all!10:05
rww(also, I now know more sed-fu than before this conversation started)10:06
ComradeHaz`hmm, one other thing I do need though pfifo is to specify the pxe server is not local10:06
ComradeHaz`I need to pass the IP of that machine.10:06
ComradeHaz`Can I do that in the host specification too?10:06
* Araneidae knows too much sed10:06
AraneidaeI can't play tetris in it though -- I've seen it done10:06
pfifoComradeHaz`, pxeserver? you mean your tftp server?10:07
ComradeHaz`Sorry, yes.10:07
itsux2bualso i like hand editting.. i can put in a comment about returning it to factory defaults..10:07
itsux2bucopy the line.. comand out the original line.. than removing quiet and splash10:08
itsux2buand add a comment about running sudo update-grub10:09
AraneidaeThink I rather like the Netbook GUI.  It's simple and to the point10:10
pfifoComradeHaz`, next-server;10:10
pfifoComradeHaz`, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/47810:10
ComradeHaz`Yeah, I know. Question is can I put it in the host specifcation10:10
ComradeHaz`Unlike what they do there.....10:11
itsux2busince we are on the topic of desktop booting.. how can i boot the desktop version to a cmdline and just load gdm when i want?10:11
AraneidaeThat'll be a runlevel10:11
AraneidaeOh damn.  No inittab anymore10:12
pfifoyou should be able to use next-server in a host section10:12
itsux2buin grub i see #GRUB_TERMINAL=console     if i remove the comment and sudo update-grub ?10:13
AraneidaeAnybody know how to set the runlevel in Ubuntu now that inittab is gone?10:13
Araneidaeitsux2bu, I think that's too early.  You need to change what's started once init gets going10:14
itsux2bui was told to do this.. sudo nano /etc/init/gdm.conf then look for Start and add  'never and ' inside the parens.    but i wanted to ask if that grub console entry was better?10:14
AnxiousNuthow can i continue a stopped process from the command line? after using kill -STOP <pid>, is there something like -CONTINUE or -UNSTOP?10:15
AraneidaeDefinitely *not* the grub entry ... I think10:15
AraneidaeAnxiousNut, SIGCONT10:15
itsux2buAraneidae, ok.. i'll stay with what i got10:15
AraneidaeSee signal(7)10:15
AnxiousNutAraneidae, thanks just saw it! I really have to check twice before coming here!10:16
here2dayhi, new to linux, just wondering if start-up disk creator, only for ubuntu iso's?.... it wont allow me to use other distro iso's to make startup ubb10:17
Araneidaeitsux2bu, there is a notion of runlevel in the /etc/init/gdm.conf, so upstart clearly still understand runlevels10:17
AraneidaeI reckon you want to set the right runlevel ...10:17
itsux2buthe only thing left that still bothers me is when i exit gdm and at the command line the screen blanker still runs. i can turn it off in desktop.. but not command line..10:17
pfifohere2day, startup disk creator convers a ubuntu iso into a USB bootable install disk10:18
soeecan you recommend some app for VoIP ?10:18
here2dayis there a package for using other iso's?10:18
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pfifohere2day, no, other distros iso's can vary greatly in design. You would have to refer to that particular distros docs, or do it by hand by learning how isoboot works10:20
here2dayok thx10:20
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AraneidaeHuh.  My poor netbook will never work again: running the install!10:23
pfifohow long did i leave this soda in the freezer? Is it safe to open it?10:23
AraneidaeI hope it boots a bit faster than before10:24
alex2hello, I can't remembered what file it was, but I added some lines that started off with 'export <etc>' .. that set my default IRC nicks and names.. what file was it?!10:25
Araneidaealex2, depends on your IRC client10:25
AraneidaeAlso, thoroughly OT!10:25
alex2I just installed weechat a few minutes ago10:25
topyliAraneidae: it is not, if the client is in ubuntu10:25
pfifoalex2, look in /home/alex2/.weechat or something similar10:26
alex2I've been using irssi for several months10:26
Araneidaetopyli, oh, didn't realise.  Actually, that's quite useful!10:26
topyliAraneidae: we support everything in main and universe .)10:26
AraneidaeHuh.  Then I can ask about setting up an IMAP server?10:27
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topyliAraneidae: sure, although you might have more luck in #ubuntu-server10:27
alex2thanks!! I found a config file that has my name in it.  I feel stupid.  but thatnkyou10:27
rwwtopyli: not restricted and multiverse?10:27
AraneidaeActually, I'll be setting it up on debian, but I'm sure I can pretend ;)10:28
pfiforww, ill give unofficial supprt for anything in this chatroom10:28
topylirww: restricted sure, as far as it is supportable. multiverse i don't know. i guess we do10:28
rwwAraneidae: #debian would work out better for that ;P10:28
topylisome do, some don't!10:28
AraneidaeI'm not so sure about that10:28
* Araneidae has mixed results on #debian10:28
pfifono, it was not safe to open this soda, what a mess10:29
ZelenyKralikhas anyone tryed full disk encryption? does it slow computer much?10:29
itsux2bucan you combine lines with ; ?10:30
Araneidaeitsux2bu, lines in what?10:30
pfifoZelenyKralik, i used to have my root partition encrpyted back in my gentoo days. I didnt find it to be a slowdown, but it was a big pain to boot up10:31
livingdaylightHello OobOonteros10:31
itsux2buyour original was..   the ; after grub.. will  sudo grub-update run?      sudo sed -i 's/quiet splash//' /etc/default/grub; sudo update-grub10:32
ZelenyKralikI was thinking about full disk encryption with boot partition on my flash drive10:32
itsux2bulines at the command line10:32
Araneidaeitsux2bu, yes10:32
itsux2buok.. be back in a minute with one more sed question10:33
pfifoZelenyKralik, theres only one way to find out, try it10:33
dyrethow do I find out what my ip address is?10:34
pfifodyret, goto the comman line and type in 'ip addr'10:34
barritoor you could go to whatsmyipaddress.com10:35
pfifobarrito, no thats not the same10:35
barritooh which ip then?10:35
itsux2buAraneidae, sudo sed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/{s/quiet//; s/splash//;}' /etc/default/grub; sudo sed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/{s/" "//;}' /etc/default/grub; sudo grub-update    would that get rid of the space between the quotes?10:35
dyretpfifo: if some server host need to give my ipaddress exclusive access.. what ip address do I give them?10:36
AraneidaeWell almost10:36
ZelenyKralikthis one10:36
AraneidaeFirstly you don't need a separate command, you can just do the substitution after the s/splash// one10:37
itsux2buAraneidae, sudo sed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/{s/quiet//; s/splash//;}' /etc/default/grub; sudo sed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/{s/" "/""/;}' /etc/default/grub; sudo grub-update    would that get rid of the space between the quotes?10:37
Araneidaeand secondly you mean s/" "/""/10:37
itsux2buyup.. i just saw that10:37
Araneidaeyeah, but better: sudo sed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/{s/quiet//; s/splash//; s/" *"/""/;}' /etc/default/grub10:37
pfifodyret, if your connecting through a router, than you will nedd to loginto your routers config, find the IP address that your ISP is giving you, and possibly setup port forwarding10:37
itsux2buwhats * do?10:38
itsux2bui think i understand the rest10:38
slacker_nlthere is no iso for 8.04.0 and 10.04.0 releases, just the point releases?10:38
pfifomatches space  zero or more times ' *'10:38
itsux2buplace holder for 1 or many?10:38
dyretpfifo: so whatismyip.com is not the thing I want to give them?10:39
AraneidaeMy install was sitting on "fetching file 14 of 14" and had a "Skip" button.  What would that have been about?10:39
AraneidaeWhy would I want to skip some random fragment of my install?!10:39
pfifodyret, im not sure, it depends on what your doing. can you give me more details?10:39
ZelenyKralikdyret well just look what your ip adress is there:)10:39
dyretthe server host needs to give me exclusive access to their sft account10:40
dyretsftp account10:40
Araneidaeand another opportunity to skip something random!10:40
dyretthey need my ip10:40
pfifoAraneidae, i beleive that has todo with install fonts and language packs10:40
Araneidae(Hammering my poor internet connection)10:40
pfifodyret, for that youll want whatsmyip10:40
Araneidaepfifo, looks like it this time: says "Downloading language packs..."10:40
dyretpfifo: thanks:)10:41
n1cetryHi, assholes.10:41
n1cetryHow the fuck do you install Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro?10:41
psycho_oreos!language | n1cetry10:41
ubottun1cetry: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:41
topylin1cetry: try again with nicer language10:42
pfifoAraneidae, you dont need japanese language support to run ubuntu, so you can skip that stuff10:42
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pingufanHi, I just installed Ubuntu 8 on my "Micro PC", but it is not really satifying. The system has a VIA C3 CPU and CLE266 chipset (graphics).  Neither shutoff nor a resolution higher than 800x600 works, but this works (both!) with openSuSE.   Can somebody, please, help? I am actually forced to use Ubuntu in this case, it is used by emc2 and has a realtime kernel patch, so I cannot change the kernel.10:42
n1cetryFuck all.10:42
Araneidaepfifo, ah well, too late now.  Maybe I'll uninstall it later if I need the room10:43
om26ern1cetry, wrong channel?10:43
pingufann1cety: Please, go away.10:43
bilalakhtarHe's gone10:43
randy_Can anyone tell me how to use apt-get install a package but don't install relationship package10:43
bilalakhtarrandy_: You mean depends packages?10:43
Araneidaerandy_, I'm pretty sure you *can't* install a package without installing its dependencies10:44
AraneidaeIsn't that the point?10:44
bilalakhtarrandy_: That's not possible, packages cannot work without their dependencies10:44
randy_bilalakhtar, deb package.for example I dont't want to install openjdk i use sunjdk10:44
bilalakhtarrandy_: okay that way?10:44
itsux2buAraneidae, sry to be a pest.. but i want to make sure no typo creeped in the last regexp you gave me..   s/" *"/""/   <<==  s slash quote space? star quote slash..  just checking about the space before the star..10:44
bilalakhtarrandy_: Are you using UBuntu Desktop or Server?10:45
pfifopingufan, upgrade to a newer version of ubuntu10:45
randy_bilalakhtar, desktop10:45
pingufanI cannot. See above.10:45
Araneidaeitsux2bu, yeah, that's quite correct.  The * allows any number of matches of the thing immediately before it10:45
bilalakhtarrandy_: open up synaptic package manager10:45
randy_bilalakhtar, ok10:45
pingufanBut this will surely change nothing, hardware is older than v8 at all.10:45
itsux2buOH.. I see10:45
itsux2buthx.. i'll shut up now10:45
Tanvirhi everyone, how can I download all possible codec for totem and rythmbox?10:46
topyliTanvir: ubuntu-restricted-extras should pretty much cover it10:46
randy_bilalakhtar, waht next and could tell me how to do this if I use terminal10:46
pingufanI have absolutely no experience with Ubuntu.   How do I enforce a specific resolution on the screen?10:46
Tanvirtopyli, the command please?10:46
bilalakhtarrandy_: Mark that package for installation, then mark that sunjava-* one also for installation then remove the mark on the openjdk one10:47
topyliTanvir: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras10:47
deep_hello everyone10:47
pfifopingufan, there was a program for 8.04 but i forget the exact name, i think it was gtk-screen-resolution or something like that, goto a terminal and type 'gtk-' then press tab twice to see the auto completion list, find that program and run it, you will be able to change to higher than 800x600 with it10:47
randy_bilalakhtar, I use bin to install jdk and have done10:47
bilalakhtarrandy_: cool10:47
erdnaseI think I'll be needing help again. I tried to install java. I downloaded the rpm.bin file from their website, then started to install it. Then this happens. http://paste.ubuntu.com/485779/10:48
pfifopingufan, maybe gtk-display-resolution10:48
randy_bilalakhtar, this is only an example ,sometimes I complted sotf and dont't checkinstall10:48
pingufanJust a moment, I start up this little mini-itx machine right now.10:49
Tanvirtopyli, thanks, its working.. 84 MB10:49
Araneidaeerdnase, you need to install using Ubuntu's package manager10:49
topylierdnase: that's a red hat package, it won't work in ubuntu10:49
hacked_kernelI need a program to do software engineering process modeling like to define milestones & so on,  any ideas please?10:49
AraneidaeYou were lucky that Ubuntu doesn't understand rpm!10:49
pfifoerdnase, rpm is for redhat/fedora, ubuntu uses deb files10:49
topyliTanvir: great10:49
erdnaseOh. Thanks araneidae and toypli.10:49
pingufanJust a moment, I start up this little mini-itx machine right now.10:49
erdnaseAh, I just knew that. Thanks a bunch.10:49
timewriterafter i activated the nvidia recommended drivers , boot splash image has low resolution10:49
erdnasePackage manager it is then. :)10:49
timewriterhow do i change it back to normal ?10:50
topylierdnase: look for openjdk packages. if you absolutely need sun's java, look for sun-java610:50
pingufanThere's no such one.10:50
pfifopingufan, the command is 'displayconfig-gtk'10:50
SargunWhen is 10.10 supposed to land?10:50
AraneidaeSargun, late Oct10:50
AraneidaePossibly as late as possible!10:51
randy_bilalakhtar, I think just want apt forget relationship10:51
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CQhello, I just moved my root from one partition to another, how do I point grub at the new partition? update-grub diesn't do it ...10:51
topyliAraneidae: actually they're releasing it on 10.10.10 just for the cool factor10:51
pingufancan I run it throug ha vnc session? I currently have no screen connected, but I can see the machine's entire desktop.10:51
jussiSargun: 10.10 question in #ubuntu+1 please10:52
Araneidaetopyli, if they can I guess that'll be cool.10:52
AraneidaeWhat state is 10.10 in now?10:52
erUSULhacked_kernel: openproj10:52
pfifopingufan, yeah, that should work10:52
topyliAraneidae: varying degrees of brokenness10:52
Araneidaesounds normal10:52
pingufanThen it does not. :(   "RuntimeError: could not open display"10:52
Araneidaealso sounds implausible for 10/10, but I guess we'll see10:52
jussiAraneidae: #ubuntu+ 1 also :)10:52
jussierr #ubuntu+110:53
Araneidaejussi, I'd forgotten about that channel.  But then I'm not really an early adopter10:53
erUSULhacked_kernel: a bit of googlein shows a similar ganntproject10:53
itsux2buAraneidae,  and this would be the opposite of what we been working on.. putting back quiet and splash back in the quotes and running grub-update  ?10:54
itsux2busudo sed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/{s/""/"quiet splash"/;}' /etc/default/grub; sudo grub-update10:54
Araneidaeitsux2bu, perfect.  Of course if there's anything else in the quotes then nothing will happen...10:55
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DoubleStringhey all10:55
itsux2bus/"*"/"quiet splash"/  ?10:56
randy_hello,who know how to do that I use apt-get install packagename ,but some packagename is wrong,I want apt to skip it10:56
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Araneidaeitsux2bu, really no.  You could do: s/"/"quiet splash / if you wanted to10:57
pingufanLet's start with the easier thing:   Why does my little machine not shut off its power when I do a shutdown? The power button also immediately kills the machine instead of a controlled shutdown...10:57
pingufanI gues, ACPI or APM issue?10:57
Araneidaeitsux2bu, if you really wanted to replace everything in the quotes you'd write s/".*"/"quiet splash"/ -- the . matches any character10:58
Araneidaebut you don't10:58
deep_got disconnected10:58
deep_hi again10:58
deep_i have problem with using 10.04 without installing it... as live cd. I boot from my cd drive, then it loads and login page appears. It not supposed to ask for login. ... any help with this??10:58
pfifopingufan, I remember having that problem with 8.04, never found a solution to it cause I never power off.10:58
ZelenyKralikdeep_ maybe its corrupterd CD10:59
NET||abusehmm, i'm looking for a good mmorpg to play on Ubuntu, free to play preferably..11:00
deep_ZelenyKralik........ i have wrote it twice.......but still same problem11:00
pfifoNET||abuse, runescape11:00
pingufanAs this is a debian branch, I guess that it is not using same options as SuSE ? :P11:00
NET||abusewant something to just enjoy in breaks during the day :)11:00
rocket16I accidentally removed a contact from Pidgin. How to restore it?11:00
NET||abusepfifo, runescape you say?11:00
itsux2buAraneidae,  yea.. s/".*"/"quiet splash"/    quiet splash  REPLACES.. what we need is a   ADD TO11:00
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deep_once wrote using Nero....then infra recorder11:01
NET||abusepfifo, you online there too?11:01
Araneidaeitsux2bu, the trick to add to is to replace one of the " characters11:01
NET||abusepfifo, oh, it's a java applet?11:01
ZelenyKralikdeep_ well I have no idea than11:01
pfifoNET||abuse, i tried it, didnt play it tho.11:01
NET||abusei see.11:01
AraneidaeBy default sed with match the first one it finds, hence my trick above: s/"/"new text /11:02
itsux2buAraneidae,  yea.. s/"/"quiet splash/11:02
deep_ZelenyKralik anyway thanks..11:02
Araneidaedon't forget the trailing space in case there's stuff there already11:02
NET||abusepfifo, not sure what kind of game i'm looking for, i've tried out those strategy/resource games like ogame.org, but not sure it's what i want.11:02
itsux2buoh.. a space after h..11:02
ZelenyKralikwhere did you downloaded it? maybe the iso is corrupted11:02
NET||abusealso, tried a bit of regnum,11:02
itsux2buAraneidae,  yea.. s/"/"quiet splash /11:02
deep_ZelenyKralik i downloaded it from official site of ubuntu11:03
ZelenyKralikI just dont think that problem is in your computer11:03
deep_ZelenyKralik ok.....maybe i will redownload it11:03
Araneidaeyou should be able to run md5sum on the .iso and compare with the signature on the website11:04
Araneidae ... if they publish a signature11:04
ZelenyKralikbtw download virtual box or something like that11:04
ZelenyKralikand try your cd there11:04
pfifodeep_, hack the password, its probbally empty, fo just hit enter11:04
deep_pfifo....i did that ... but doesnt work11:05
NET||abusepfifo, ahh, the premium account vs free is a bit of a kick in the teeth :)11:05
pfifodeep_, ctrl+alt+f2 and goto the command line, set the password for ubuntu user11:05
deep_pfifo.....ok.. i will try11:06
jca1981Hi will somone help me with apt-get problem please? :)11:07
madfoxjca1981 whats the issue?11:07
jribjca1981: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)11:08
AraneidaeCan I throttle my package download?  It's saturating my connection :(11:08
jribAraneidae: "trickle" maybe, never used it11:09
pfifoAraneidae, /etc/wget.conf11:09
jca1981my upgrade to lucid failed, getting this error when i do a dpkg --configure -a http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/485784/11:09
itsux2buyour downloading something TOO FAST?11:09
madfoxitsux2bu sometimes people have small network pipes11:10
Araneidaeitsux2bu, alas, yes.  My line won't do more than 2.5Mbit, and the Ubuntu servers easily fill that11:10
itsux2buthat like being TOO Rich or Too Thin or being Too good looking.. or having sex with too many woman..11:10
AraneidaeI'm more that 5 miles from the exchange :(11:10
jribjca1981: why did your upgrade fail?11:10
Araneidaepfifo, does update-manager use wget under the hood?  If so, that's useful to know11:11
jca1981jrib, yes it did11:11
jribjca1981: "why?"11:11
pfifoAraneidae, im pretty sure all package managers use wget, and wget has settings for throttling11:11
jca1981jrib, upgraded over ssh and connection died11:12
itsux2buif i could have a internet connection thats as fast as my hard drive.. i'd be happy.. until then.. faster the better11:12
Araneidaepfifo, I guess you mean /etc/wgetrc11:12
jribjca1981: I see... how did you upgrade?11:12
SLierFoxAny ideas on why a boot disc would fail to load on a toshiba satellite 1130 ?11:12
jca1981jrib, i did a sudo do-release-upgrade11:13
pfifoAraneidae, im not sure if it will work the way its expected, you have little control over how much data others send to you. your recvQ will still fill up11:13
AraneidaeI did hear that the core of the problem is stupid queue management on the ISP side11:13
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madfoxSlierFox because satellites risk messing up data streams like downloading an ISO cause of how the tech works.11:13
itsux2buaww.. we should all have such problems.. Araneidae11:13
jribjca1981: dbus running?11:14
AraneidaeCertainly when I'm downloading, everything else freezes: including DNS resolution (grrr)11:14
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jca1981jrib, im not sure11:14
pingufanWhich program are you using for downloading?11:14
Araneidaeitsux2bu, if my ADSL line was faster I wouldn't have a problem11:14
SLierFoxmadfox the iso on the disc works on this laptop fine ? samsung r40 plus ?11:14
itsux2buAraneidae, guess you need a dedicated download PC11:14
pfifoAraneidae, if you have a routerbox i remember reading an article that used tc and iptables to setup some advanced stuff for managing bandwidth11:15
jribjca1981: check?11:15
madfoxSlierFox so it works fine on one laptop but not the other?11:15
Araneidaepfifo, yeah, I've heard about that.  I could set up such a box ... but I'm too lazy :(11:15
jca1981jrib, my machine is at home, can't access it now.11:15
jribjca1981: not much to do then11:15
pingufanHe can do a ps auxw to see if wget is running under the hood?11:16
SLierFoxmadfox the boot disc or burnt iso that i thought u werte refering too ?11:16
someone1how to run aptitude or apt-get to find in which package there is error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlpp.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ?11:16
jca1981jrib, what can i try when i get home11:16
someone1I need to find file libmysqlpp.so.3 . How to check in which package is it ?11:16
madfoxSlierFox ok, WHAT is not working for you? The boot disc? or just one laptop?11:16
bramgnapt-file search libmysqlpp.so.3 maybe11:16
skumarajca1981, why dont u use update manager?11:16
jribjca1981: basically just goodle "start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused", figure out what causes that, fix it (maybe by selectively upgrading/configuring specific packages instead of everything)11:17
jca1981skumara, i dont have any x desktop installed11:17
jribsomeone1: packages.ubuntu.com or apt-file search11:17
SLierFoxmadfox the toshiba laptop freezes after the ubuntu dots goes blank screen all boots fine on other11:17
sacarlsonsomeone1: sound like the mysql package is that marked broken in synaptic11:18
commander-apewhats the easiest way to get all running applications and their memory usage within a shell?11:18
jribcommander-ape: top, ps, htop?11:18
Araneidaecommander-ape, top is easy11:18
sacarlsoncommander-ape: try top11:18
skumarajca1981, did u do this sudo apt-get install update-manager-core before?11:18
jribcommander-ape: if you like top, you'll love htop!11:18
Araneidaejrib, hadn't heard of htop.  Looks interesting11:19
sacarlsonjrib: what's htop have?  advanced version?11:19
commander-apetop! htop! awesome!11:19
commander-apethanks guys11:19
erUSULcommander-ape: ps11:19
jca1981jrib,reading on google, can it be because im running from the installation cs with my system chrooted?11:20
AraneidaeHmm.  On this netbook the desktop keeps freezing briefly while the machine is working hard.  Fishy...11:20
skumarawhat is ur current version of ubuntu, jca1981 ?11:20
AraneidaeFor instance, when unmounting a USB drive while flushing the drive the mouse froze!  What's with that?!11:20
jribjca1981: yes, it seems that's one of the frequent comments about it11:21
billySensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 43.0C mobo: N/A11:21
billy           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: 2295 fan-2: 112111:21
Araneidaechroot ... do you have procfs mounted in the chroot?11:21
jca1981jrib, problem is that my system wont boot and wont install kernel because of missing procps! :(11:22
AraneidaeI found that java won't run if it can't find /proc/self/exe !11:22
ylmfosHao are you11:23
jribjca1981: you can edit the .preinst or whatever script it's failing on to forget about upstart I guess, but do some research and makes sure you know what you are doing11:23
jca1981Araneidae,not sure the insatll cd auto chroots via its recovery gui. have to check11:23
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bramgnwonder if the universe would collapse if doing rm -f /proc/self/exe11:23
Araneidaebramgn, that'd be hard to do!11:24
jca1981jrib, yea maby i can try that11:25
erUSULbramgn: ls -l /proc/self/exe11:27
bramgnchmod -x /proc/self/exe11:27
Araneidaeof course you *can* `rm $(readlink /proc/self/exe)`11:27
Araneidaebramgn, try it.  Not going to do a thing11:28
bramgnas a non-root user you get permission denied, as expected11:28
AraneidaeEven as root you can't do anything to /proc11:29
manatee_quck question: im thinking about adding an extra RAM unit to a spare slot on an old PC i just aquired. lshw reads: -memory11:29
manatee_      *system/motherboard:     size: 512MiB,      capacity: 512MiB. does this mean the motherboad can only handle 512mb, or am i misunderstanding something? thanks11:29
AraneidaeThe entire file system is inside the kernel11:29
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erUSULmanatee_: i think that list what is currently instaled11:30
manatee_ok, thanks. - just wanted to chek before i start flogging a dead horse!11:31
mistersynchi you havetimme11:33
FableflameOh yeah, I totally just won Mahjongg11:33
mistersyncsorry ei have  eh question11:34
Fableflamemistersync, Yeah, but it was on easy. Was my first time playing it.11:34
Cameronwhere can I find the maverick daily x64 alternative iso ?11:34
jrib!maverick | Cameron11:34
mistersyncon ubuntu site11:34
ubottuCameron: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:34
erUSULCameron: #ubuntu+111:34
trijntjemistersync, what problem are you having?11:35
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:35
ownerWhere would I need to be to get help with sound issues for Xubuntu?11:36
^Willie^Hi there.11:36
AraneidaeOuch.  My poor machine is swapping to flash :(  Needs more memory!11:36
ilovefairuz!details | owner11:36
ubottuowner: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:36
rwwowner: here or #xubuntu11:36
trijntje!hi | ^Willie^11:36
ubottu^Willie^: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:36
ownerI have a problem with my sound after installing xubuntu.11:36
ownerlol, I might just try in the morning. I'm half asleep.11:37
^Willie^i`m looking for an current ubuntu package list. i did look around on google but where can i find it ?11:37
=== deavidsedice is now known as deavid
ilovefairuz^Willie^: packages.ubuntu.com11:37
^Willie^ahh thnx11:37
pie_timecould anyone tell me what the "System Load Average" is?11:37
^Willie^pie_time: uptime or look in top11:38
pie_time"look in top"?11:38
pie_timei dont know what the definition is11:38
^Willie^jup top shows active running tasks and cpu/ram load11:38
ilovefairuzpie_time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_(computing)11:39
zeroone1Hallo! I have a Cinergy Cinergy S USB TV-card, successful installation /var/log/messages : "dvb-usb: DVBWorld DVB-S 2102 USB2.0 successfully initialized and connected.". But with Kaffeine i do not find any programm - what could be wrong?11:39
pie_timeilovefairuz, so system load is a combination of cpu and memory?11:40
laperrname of compiling  suit for ubuntu 10.411:41
erUSULlaperr: install build-essential package11:41
ilovefairuzpie_time: cpu only, read the article11:41
erUSULlaperr: that willl install the gnu compiler collection11:41
laperrerUSUL thank you11:42
ilovefairuz!compile | laperr11:42
ubottulaperr: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:42
pie_timeilovefairuz, i dont understand what the difference is between processor and load11:44
pie_timethere doesn't seem to be any11:44
pie_timein the system monitors11:44
ilovefairuzpie_time: "load" is a metric of CPU utilization over a period of time11:45
pie_timeso is processor (in the system monitors)11:46
pie_timei differentiate between system monitor and system monitors11:47
ilovefairuzpie_time: the "CPU" value in system monitors only indicates the CURRENT utilization of the CPU11:47
ilovefairuzpie_time: be specific about what system monitor you're talking about11:48
pie_timeim going to go on to another questoin11:48
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pie_timei want to use boinc11:48
pie_timebut i use openvpn on the system i want to use it on11:48
pie_timecan i some how not use openvpn only on boinc11:49
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sacarlsonpie_time: I guess you can change routing so only to the mask of that server boinc runs will take that path11:50
pie_timesacarlson, i dont understand. could you pm me please11:51
sacarlsonpie_time: sure11:51
flodinhdparm -y /dev/x is working for me but hdparm -S 24 /dev/x does not... any suggestions how to troubleshoot this?11:52
copynpasteHi guys. Someone yesterday helped me clone a drive and I can now say that it worked sucessfully, without a hitch so I am well pleased.11:52
copynpasteBut I have a query (why else would I be here? :P) I have a lightscribe dvd burner, but I can't find lightscribe software.11:53
ilovefairuz!lightscribe | copynpaste11:53
ubottucopynpaste: For information on how to use LightScribe on Ubuntu please see the Wiki at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe11:53
copynpastethankyou very much. I'll go read it now11:54
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someone1jrib: thnx11:59
ilovefairuzflodin: what error do you get?12:01
flodinilovefairuz: i don't get an error, hdparm completes successfully saying "setting standby to 24 (2 minutes)"12:02
flodinbut it doesn't spin down after 2 minutes12:02
flodini also tried with -S 1 which should be 5 seconds12:02
flodinthis is a disk which is not mounted, btw12:02
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flodinif there was a way to determine when the last i/o was made to the disk then i could make my own script to spin it down12:04
erdnaseI think I have problems opening web pages ending in .jsp. It takes forever for me to open them, if not, I'll only see a white page.12:05
ilovefairuzflodin: iotop12:06
mbroekererdnase, on external sites or on your own servlet container?12:07
ilovefairuzerdnase: being a .jsp is unrelated (this is a server-side language),  it could be just that site being overloaded12:07
erdnaseilavefairuz, ooh, maybe, I'll try and open it using windows to double check.12:07
erdnasembroeker, uh, external sites (if, my definition of it is correct).12:07
ilovefairuz!tab | erdnase12:08
ubottuerdnase: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:08
erdnaseubottu, Oh, there we go, Thanks.12:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:08
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flodinilovefairuz: or iostat, it shows statistics per disk :)12:11
flodinoooh hold on a second, the disk just shut down12:12
kradhi.  what's a good identd server besides oidentd?12:12
flodinit took more like 20 minutes than 2 minutes12:12
flodinperhaps the disk is interpreting the value as raw minutes12:13
thedudesterneed some help with ubuntu12:16
thedudestercan anyone help me?12:16
zzzed!ask | thedudester12:17
ubottuthedudester: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:17
thedudesterok, for some reason everytime i reboot the resolution goes back to 600X40012:17
thedudesterwhy is that?12:17
thedudestereversince i installed the nvidia driver12:18
katspaughthedudester: Try deleting your "/etc/X11/xorg.cong".12:18
thedudesterlets see12:18
zzzedthedudester, make a backup first12:18
thedudesterok, ill try that12:19
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kradhi.  what's a good identd server besides oidentd?12:20
thedudesterwhats the delete command on the terminal?12:21
flodinthedudester: rm, as in remove12:21
thedudestersudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.cong ?12:22
katspaughthedudester: Yes.12:22
katspaughthedudester: "conf", not "cong", of course.12:22
katspaughthedudester: Then logout and log in back.12:23
thedudesterlet me check12:23
amikropHello. When I boot, my external USB hard disk won't mount, and here's what I get from dmesg: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/sncSLh3y12:23
amikropAnd it will show that. even when I manually unplug and replug it.12:23
Ben64is it some weird drive12:23
amikropBut that happens only on some boots.12:24
amikropBen64: It is a HITACHI.12:24
Ben64you using a hub?12:24
amikropBen64: what do you mean?12:25
Ben64is it plugged directly into the computer?12:25
amikropBen64: should I report a bug on launchpad?12:25
ilovefairuzamikrop: pastebin: lsusb12:26
Ben64try "sudo rmmod ehci_hcd"12:26
ilovefairuzamikrop: and yes you should12:26
jadcan one control computer beeps ?? cuz i remember a dos brick-breaking game called paranoid where the sounds were not from the speaker but from the motherboard or something like that12:26
Cloud_jad: use beep12:27
Cloud_and that noise would be from your pc speaker12:27
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jadCloud_, thx12:28
=== cookie is now known as itsmeafk
amikropilovefairuz: here's dmesg http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/sncSLh3y12:29
amikropilovefairuz Ben64 and here's lsusb http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/99Dz8CJj12:29
newbieKidHey there yall!12:31
ilovefairuzamikrop: what's the model of the drive?12:33
sacarlsonamikrop: Ben64: seems like he has a lot of hubs is that more than normal?  I only have 212:33
amikropsacarlson: the thruth is I have plenty of USB devices connected yo my computer12:34
amikropilovefairuz: hmm, I am not sure... :-/12:34
amikropilovefairuz: HITACHI XL 100012:34
KE1HAusually a hub for USB 1.0 and 2.0, then if you have any device plugged in that acts as a hug will list as well.12:35
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newbieKidhi, i'm running 10.04 but cannot connect using a usb telecom modem. its reading it as a cd12:36
sacarlsonnewbieKid: what do you see from lsusb?12:36
newbieKidsacarlson: what do you mean?12:37
amikropilovefairuz Ben64 sacarlson So, any ideas about my problem?12:37
sacarlsonnewbieKid: from a terminal us the command lsusb  to get a list of devices on you usb bus12:38
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sacarlsonamikrop: I think start unpluging stuff until the problem goes away to isolate what causes it12:38
ilovefairuz!paste | newbieKid12:38
ubottunewbieKid: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:38
newbieKidsacarlson: got it. i'm on windows right now, let me boot up my laptop to which has 10.0412:40
psyt7does anyone know how I can turn off my integrated webcam in ubuntu? ie. find the module and remove it using 'modprobe -r <module>'12:40
AraneidaeMy God, this is desperate.  After two hours my update-manager is less than half way through12:41
zkriesse!anyone > psyt712:41
ubottupsyt7, please see my private message12:41
amikropsacarlson: you mean unplug a usb device, and replug my disk and see if it that device's fault?12:41
amikrop* it is12:41
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sacarlsonamikrop: is that when the problem happens?  I thought it was a boot thing12:42
sacarlsonamikrop: but sure that should work12:42
ilovefairuzpsyt7: lshw12:43
sacarlsonamikrop: I only see two real devices on your usb busses,  can you just unplug all the external hubs if you have any?12:43
amikropsacarlson: it is both a boot and a real-time problem12:43
amikropsacarlson: what do you mean "hub"?12:44
amikropsacarlson: all my usb devices are connected directly12:44
sfasdfsdfahttp://www.youtube.com/user/ChangeDaChannel#g/c/02EE1A8559FC3A06 31NABCLP712:44
sfasdfsdfahttp://www.youtube.com/user/ChangeDaChannel#g/c/02EE1A8559FC3A06 64MAAEJAA12:44
sfasdfsdfahttp://www.youtube.com/user/ChangeDaChannel#g/c/02EE1A8559FC3A06 92AAAXGX512:44
sfasdfsdfahttp://www.youtube.com/user/ChangeDaChannel#g/c/02EE1A8559FC3A06 _bugz_12:44
sfasdfsdfahttp://www.youtube.com/user/ChangeDaChannel#g/c/02EE1A8559FC3A06 _CTAPOMAK_12:44
FloodBot2sfasdfsdfa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:44
Ben64the main ports often show up as hubs12:44
Ben64what is mode +z?12:44
industrialI have compiled and installed Application X (vim 7.3 in my case) to ~/Applications/ApplicationX-0.1/. It is in my path because it is sourced in ~/.bashrc. How do I make my gnome-session and my gnome-do recognize it as something installed so I can start it and assign it to file types in nautilus etc.12:45
sacarlsonamikrop: well I see that hub 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub  maybe that's build into your computer?12:45
amikropsacarlson: keyboard, mouse, camera, and the HITACHI hard drive that isn't working. Those 4 devices.12:45
Ben64root hub = the motherboard12:45
amikropsacarlson: I don't know, maybe.12:45
KE1HApsyt7:  easiest way to turn it off, is to remove the SW that uses it, like cheese or something. The to remove the kernel module: modprobe -r <kernel_mole_fer_webcam>12:46
Ben64amikrop: you try the command i said earlier?12:46
Ben64sudo rmmod ehci_hcd12:46
ilovefairuzamikrop: try: echo "-1" | sudo tee /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend12:46
Ben64then plug the hard drive in again12:46
ilovefairuz!cn | gnulinux12:46
amikropBen64: excuse me, no, what does it do?12:46
ubottugnulinux: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:46
Dr_Willisindustrial:  use the 'properties' for a file with the extension you want to assign to it.   and tell it to open with your new vim12:46
Ben64amikrop: unloads the high speed usb driver12:47
industrialDr_Willis: the problem is 'my new vim' isn't in the list12:47
psyt7KE1HA: ok. will try to locate it with lshw12:47
industrialDr_Willis: and it's not in the list because I compiled and installed it to my homedir myself, without apt12:47
ilovefairuzgnulinux: write: /join #ubuntu-cn12:47
industrialDr_Willis: it is however bgin sourced in my bashrc and I can start it from the terminal12:47
amikropBen64: ERROR: Module ehci_hcd does not exist in /proc/modules12:48
industrialDr_Willis: however my graphical interface doesn't seem to be catching on (or sourcing my .bashrc)12:48
ilovefairuzamikrop: try the command i gave you and replug the device12:48
Dr_Willisindustrial:  i tell it to open with whatever app.. giving it the proper FULL path to the app..12:48
thedudesterbig problem12:48
industrialDr_Willis: then I still can't start gvim from my gnome-do.12:48
thedudesterneed help, i had a problem with my logon resolution12:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:48
ilovefairuz!details | thedudester12:49
ubottuthedudester: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:49
thedudesterso i entered some dudes in a ubuntu chatroom what to do12:49
amikropilovefairuz: nothing12:49
Dr_Willisindustrial:  because gnomedo is special.. and dosent do it that way.. its also proberly looking for the first item that matches in the path.12:49
ilovefairuzamikrop: check dmesg12:49
thedudesterand they told me to remove the xong.conf file12:49
Dr_Willisindustrial:  make a script that lauinches your special version and give it a differnt name and put it in your ~/bin perhaps  for gnome do.12:49
gnomefreakthe wee need to know the problem and give us detailos so we can help you12:49
thedudesterand now i cant see anything when i log12:49
thedudesterdamn! please help me12:50
amikropilovefairuz: the same12:50
gnomefreakthedudester: my comment was for you12:50
amikropBen64: maybe uhci_hcd ?12:50
industrialDr_Willis: How are other programs recognized as programs that are startable in the list of applications you can choose from when assigning one to a given file type?12:50
Dr_Willisthedudester:  X should reconfigure/auto configure by default if theres no xorg.conf12:50
Dr_Willisindustrial:  from the definitions in the various whatever.desktop files i belive.12:51
thedudesterDr_Willis: so how come i cant see nothing when ubuntu loads?12:51
ilovefairuzamikrop: cat /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend .. says what?12:51
industrialDr_Willis: ok.12:51
amikropilovefairuz: -112:51
ilovefairuzamikrop: pastebin: find /sys/ -name "autosuspend"12:52
thedudesterDr_Willis: when ubuntu loads i see nothing12:52
sacarlsonamikrop: Ben64  in my lsmod I only see these two that must be use modules now,  usbhid                 36110  0  hid                    67032  1 usbhid12:52
ilovefairuzamikrop: and: cat `find /sys/ -name "autosuspend"`12:52
thedudesterDr_Willis: like if the screen was unpluged or something12:52
Dr_Willisthedudester:  clarify what you mean by nothing.. no GDM? No desktop? can you get to the consoles?12:52
Dr_Willisthedudester:  try alt-ctrl-f1 see if you can get to consoles12:53
sacarlsonamikrop: Ben64 oh maybe they compile into kernel now so now module?12:53
thedudesterDr_Willis: no, im talking about black screen, and some OSD message that says some driver is missing12:53
thedudesterDr_Willis: i cant reinstall my OS, to much stuff on there12:54
Dr_Willisthedudester:  and your video card/chipset is?12:54
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thedudesterDr_Willis: video card - nvidia 7X00 and chipset is intels...12:54
ilovefairuzthedudester: pastebin: sudo lshw -C display12:55
thedudester<ilovefairuz: what?12:55
thedudesterilovefairuz: i cant see nothing...12:55
karlocan I install flash player for lynx.. (yes it is dumb question but maybe there is some way) ?12:56
gnomefreakthedudester: what version of Ubuntu ar eyou using?12:56
Dr_Willisthedudester:  so you have no xorg.conf right now?  Do you have any backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf  files?12:56
ilovefairuzthedudester: switch to a virtual terminal (alt + f2) then: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo lshw -C display  | pastebinit -12:56
thedudesteri hope it will work12:56
gnomefreakkarlo: no12:57
thedudesterill try that now12:57
gnomefreakDr_Willis: is he on Lucid or Maverick?12:57
amikropilovefairuz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/AEZNBX9G12:57
gnomefreakand if you dont see anything how are you here12:58
ilovefairuzamikrop:  cat `find /sys/ -name "autosuspend"`12:58
amikropilovefairuz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/LRYeSkYA12:58
vakhi all12:58
gnomefreakkarlo: lynx is a text based browser12:58
vakare there any recommended (PPA?) debian packages for MongoDB 1.6?12:58
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gnomefreakvak: Debian doesnt have PPA that is only Ubuntu and no i dont think there is12:59
vakgnomefreak: oh, sry, i meant ".deb" :)12:59
* vak is on Ubuntu 10.0413:00
vakare there any recommended (PPA?) packages for MongoDB 1.6?13:00
karlognomefreak, I know .. but maybe is some way to automatically open flash from website in vlc..13:00
amikropilovefairuz: any consclusions?13:02
ilovefairuzamikrop: echo "-1" | sudo tee `find /sys/ -name "autosuspend"`13:02
gnomefreakkarlo: not using lynx you would have to download the flash video. firefox and other browsers have a plugin for it13:03
amikropilovefairuz: done. replug now?13:03
ilovefairuzamikrop: yes13:03
amikropilovefairuz: nothing. and dmesg says the same things13:04
DogWaterWhen I do a mount -o remount, rw / it tells me the drive is not mounted but when I do df it shows that it is mounted, and if i do umount / it still shows it is mounted, anyone know what the deal is?13:04
DogWaterI just need to edit a blown up fstab13:05
ilovefairuzamikrop: don't replug, reexcute the command and then do: sudo rmmod ehci_hcd &&  sudo modprobe ehci_hcd13:05
Dr_WillisDogWater:  perhaps tell it /dev/sdXX instead of /13:05
polochonI have a little problem, when I launch perlbox-voice, it return me any problem, but I also have any kind of window of perlbox...13:06
Dr_Willismount -o noatime,remount,rw /dev/hda313:07
polochonand there is not a process called perlbox13:07
DogWaterIt just says / not mounted already, or bad option13:07
Steelynosehi, having a problem using NFS dir in XDG_DATA_DIRS13:08
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Steelynosei have set the following in ~/.xprofile:13:08
amikropilovefairuz: ERROR: Module ehci_hcd does not exist in /proc/modules13:09
Yoosahwhow hi all13:09
Dr_Willisisent .xprofile just read/used if you use 'startx'  not if you login via gdm/kdm? Or am i getting my .XXXXXX config files messed up again>13:09
ilovefairuzamikrop: just the second part then:  sudo modprobe ehci_hcd13:10
Steelynoseafter setting this gnome-session doesn't start up correctly: i get no menus and can't do anything, but the screensaver is active13:10
Steelynoseafter removing the file i can login correctly again13:10
ilovefairuzamikrop: ah not that one: sudo rmmod uhci_hcd; sudo modprobe uhci_hcd13:11
Leman_RussHas anyone managed to get iTunes working in VirtualBox with Xp as the guest host?13:11
Steelynosedir /usr/local/dist is mounted from a remote nfs server13:11
Leman_RussI can install it, but it crashes the instant I attempt to load it13:11
Yoosahdoes anyone here know something about unclean shutdown problems with lucid ?13:11
Steelynosei can correctly access this dir after console login13:11
ilovefairuzamikrop: check dmesg after that, if it didn't work: pastebin: cat `find /sys/ -name "autosuspend"`13:11
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Leman_RussYoosah; what problems are you experiencing?13:12
eztopubuntu support is lousy13:12
Leman_Russeztop; honestly?13:12
eztopLeman_Russ: HONESTLY13:12
tyrusAfternoon good people13:12
YoosahLeman_Russ: almost every time it powers down before the processes are done, resulting in boot problems later13:12
tyrushow is the going13:12
amikropilovefairuz: all -113:12
tyrusnow am having a usb device issue with ubunt13:13
tyrusam on 10.0413:13
DogWaterah I just had to do mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda1 /13:13
Leman_Russeztop; what problems have you had?13:13
tyrushere is the story13:13
ilovefairuzamikrop: did you do: sudo rmmod uhci_hcd; sudo modprobe uhci_hcd    ?13:13
tyruswhenever i plug in my htc g113:13
erUSUL!wnter | tyrus13:13
erUSUL!enter | tyrus13:13
ubottutyrus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:13
eztopLeman_Russ: I installed lubuntu but it's been nothing but bugs13:13
Leman_Russeztop; for example?13:14
eztopubuntu/canonical ignore bugs... it's well documented by people13:14
itsux2bui was told to use a command..  sudo grub-update     but ubuntu says  command not found.. i tried  sudo apt-get install grub-update   couldn't find package grub-update.. what other command might they have meant?13:14
eztopI advocate everyone switch to debian13:14
Picieztop: Do you have a support question or are you just complaing?13:14
amikropilovefairuz: the same ERROR:13:14
bazhang!ot > eztop13:14
ubottueztop, please see my private message13:14
amikropilovefairuz: no module uhci_hcd13:14
KE1HAeztop:  then your probably in the wrong channel.13:14
eztopwhat's so funny?13:15
ilovefairuzamikrop: only the second part then: sudo modprobe uhci_hcd13:15
ilovefairuzamikrop: and check dmesg13:15
eztopyou laugh at a user?13:15
bazhangeztop, support question?13:15
Picieztop: Nothing is funny.  #ubuntu is for support, not complaints.13:15
Misterioeztop: If you like use it, if not don't use13:15
amikropilovefairuz: command OK, but nothing new on dmesg13:15
ecolitani'm having some trouble setting up rsync ssh key auth for backuppc, i keep getting the error "Unable to read 4 bytes" but as far as I can see everything is setup correctly and i can ssh from the backuppc user on the server to root user on client without pw. does anyone what might be the cause?13:15
eztopyes, my support questions are why is nothing done if the report is present for several months?13:15
amikropilovefairuz: should I replug?13:15
ilovefairuzamikrop: no, just check dmsg13:15
amikropilovefairuz: nothing ne13:16
eztopthe terminal window title bar is not even painted... it's not there13:16
Dr_WillisIs Lubuntu actrually an 'officially' supported release yet? Ive never heard any say one way or the other on it13:16
eztopand the hibernate function on my laptop does not work ... my laptop crashes when i put the lid back up13:16
ilovefairuzamikrop: pastebin: lsmod13:16
=== bsod1 is now known as bsod1_away
itsux2bui was told to use a command..  sudo grub-update     but ubuntu says  command not found.. i tried  sudo apt-get install grub-update   couldn't find package grub-update.. what other command might they have meant?13:17
bazhangitsux2bu, update-grub13:17
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  its sudo update-grub i belive...13:17
amikropilovefairuz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/WgWJtiTa13:17
itsux2buok.. lol13:17
ilovefairuzeztop: fix it yourself or switch a distro of your liking, it's Free software13:17
sacarlsoneztop: my terminal window title bar is painted.  so maybe your problem is in your video driver?   do you use propriatary?13:18
eztopilovefairuz:  yes, I will be switching13:18
ilovefairuzeztop: farewell then13:18
Leman_Russeztop; what do you mean that the title bar is not painted13:18
eztopsacarlson:  it's not the driver... i installed debian lxde and it works13:19
Esati use Ubuntu 10.04, when i leave in front of pc for a few minutes, the screen turns black mode (it is screensaver). this is normall. But when i type my password, it searchs more than 3 minutes, then the same window appear and i type passowrd and sign in. why the first time it takes for a long time?13:19
xrfangmy kde desktop (kubuntu) suddenly lost all sounds, how do I diagnose and fix it? thanks13:19
KE1HAitsux2bu:  for updates: [ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg ] if grub is not installed [ sudo apt-get install grub-pc /dev/sdxx ] where sdxx is the mbr partition.13:19
tyrusok got it13:19
ilovefairuzamikrop: sudo modprobe -v uhci_hcd .. any messages?13:19
sacarlsoneztop: well if it's not the driver what is it? gnome?  if it's paited for me why not you?13:19
Leman_Russxrfang; systematically work through all the places where the sound levels can be altered, and make sure they are all turned up13:19
eztopsacarlson:  because no one wants to fix the problem, that's why13:20
tyrusso like i was saying whenever i plug in my htc g1, after a reboot, its detected and the driver is loaded as usb-storage.13:20
Leman_Russxrfang; once you have done that, and if you still dont have sound, we can look at alternatives13:20
amikropilovefairuz: on dmesg you mean?13:20
jadCloud_, have u tried it, cuz on my pc its not working13:20
sacarlsoneztop: well the first method of fixing something is to find out what is broken13:20
amikropilovefairuz: no, nothing13:20
eztopI reported two bugs in Launchpad already13:20
thedudesterhow can i make cairo dock load on everyboot?13:20
eztopno change13:20
Leman_Russtyrus; what software are you using to access it normally?13:20
tyrusWhen i unplug the device and plug it in again, it doesnt get detected at all.13:21
itsux2buKE1HA, this was the command they gave me..   sudo sed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/{s/quiet//; s/splash//; s/" *"/""/;}' /etc/default/grub; sudo grub-update13:21
ilovefairuzeztop: are you paying them to fix it? are you compensating them for their time and effort?13:21
sacarlsoneztop: can you pastebin your lshw  and lspci ?13:21
Esati use Ubuntu 10.04, when i leave in front of pc for a few minutes, the screen turns black mode (it is screensaver). this is normall. But when i type my password, it searchs more than 3 minutes, then the same window appear and i type passoword  again and sign in. why the first time it takes for a long time?13:21
jadCloud_,  neither is tput bel, echo -e -n \\a and echo -e "\007"13:21
Leman_Russtyrus; has it EVER worked with Ubuntu?13:21
=== bsod1_away is now known as bsod1
ilovefairuzamikrop: strange, anyhow, try https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/88746/comments/20913:22
tyrusLeman_Russ: I usually just auto mount it and it gets detected and yes it is usually detected after a boot or a reboot. After that it isnt detected at all.13:22
sometuxhow to make ubuntu boot faster?13:22
KE1HAitsux2bu:  that's just changing a parameter /default/grub13:22
eztopilovefairuz:  so even though there's no problem with debian or mint... the devs need extra money to track it down?  i would rather switch distros but thanks for the remark13:22
psyt7KE1HA: I can turn it off temporary enabling usb suspend from powertop. this "cools down the cam" and saves me 0.8 W. is there any way to disable it (using usb suspend specifically for it) permanently?13:22
KE1HAand, the last bit was updating, but it was wrong way around :-)13:22
xrfangLeman_Russ: I think it is not volume problem, about a few days ago, kde popup a window saying that my sound card related device does not work and its gonna "permanently disable the device"... I am sorry that I didn't catch the mesage before ignorantly clicked "OK".13:22
eztopsacarlson:  what for?  apparently, the devs need extra money to fix these bugs13:23
Leman_Russtyrus; and once it is mounted, what software are you using with it?  I mean, are you using something like F-Spot to access photos, or what?13:23
ilovefairuzeztop: they are swamped with issues, so eventually this or that issue will get overlooked13:23
amikropilovefairuz: ok, I am shuting down and power on13:23
eztopI've already pastebinned the bugs here and in the lubuntu channel13:23
sacarlsoneztop:  you won't get any support if you don't respond to questions.13:23
tyrusLeman_Russ: yes I am getting an auto run using F-Spot13:23
Esati use Ubuntu 10.04, when i leave in front of pc for a few minutes, the screen turns black mode (it is screensaver). this is normall. But when i type my password, it searchs more than 3 minutes, then the same window appear and i type passowrd and sign in. why the first time it takes for a long time?13:23
xrfangthe problem may be related to an interuupted update, after reboot, I totally cannot control the keyboard and mouse (touchpad, while external mouse keyboard worked).13:23
KE1HApsyt7:  pass, dont know about that one mate.13:23
jadanyone here familiar with `beep` or `tput bel` or other beeping techniques13:23
xrfangand after resumed the upgrade, sounds does not come back13:23
jadcuz i can't seem to get them working13:24
psyt7KE1HA: oki. should be able to do it from bios, but not possible13:24
Leman_Russtyrus; OK, I have had some similar issues with a Canon IXY 3000IS camera.  It doesn't appear to mount when I plug it in (doesn't show up in Computer or anything like that) but when I access it in F-Spot, I can see it fine13:24
sacarlsoneztop: well pastebin the bug report page then if it's already here.13:25
bazhang!it | OltreIrc`1000313:25
ubottuOltreIrc`10003: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:25
Leman_Russtyrus; not sure if it is exactly the same thing, but I suspect it is a similar bug13:25
thedudesterhow can i make cairo dock load on everyboot?13:25
amikropilovefairuz: it didn't work13:25
mickster04thedudester: add a cronjob? sudo crontab -e13:25
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KE1HApsyt7:  it's probably a USB cam, most integrated ones are, so enabling with modprobe and disabling with modprobe -r should work. It does not delete the module, just disables it.13:25
ilovefairuzamikrop: remove the file and try http://www.bhcblog.com/2009/02/11/fix-for-device-descriptor-read64-error-71/13:26
mickster04thedudester: theres an @boot or something like that, read up about it13:26
tyrusLeman_Russ: this is happens ONLY after i reboot. When i unplug it, it doesnt get detected at all. and I have to reboot to have it detected once again13:26
Leman_Russtyrus; I though t it might be something to do with the fact that my Camera is essentially an SD card with a lens attaches, which is putting an extra proprietary layer between the SD card and the computer, causing detection issues13:26
Leman_Russtyrus; plug in the phone, go to the Terminal and type lsusb13:26
mclubuntu lucid gives probs : fatal server error : no screens found13:27
tyrusLeman_Russ: done, its detected via lsusb13:27
psyt7KE1HA: tried it. the module is back after reboot. found a workaround here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OGerlich/Powertop13:27
Leman_RussRight, so it is being detected then!13:28
Leman_RussThat is a start!13:28
psyt7KE1HA: will try to add "echo auto > /sys/bus/usb/devices/5-8/power/level" to /etc/rc.local13:28
katspaughthedudester: Add the cairo dock ".desktop" link to the "~/.config/autostart" folder.13:28
katspaughthedudester: How's your resolution?13:28
Esati use Ubuntu 10.04, when i leave in front of pc for a few minutes, the screen turns black mode (it is screensaver). this is normall. But when i type my password, it searchs more than 3 minutes, then the same window appear and i type passoword  again and sign in. why the first time it takes for a long time?13:29
katspaughmickster04: @boot will be too early. X should load first.13:29
KE1HApsyt7:  was going to suggest a rc.local disable: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto13:29
mclcan only load gnome savemode, and not gnome, needs help13:30
amikropilovefairuz: nothing, neither irqpoll worked13:30
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ounedhi. im using ubuntu 10.04 and i have a problem with my wlan. I can connect correctly but it is soooo sloow... even when im only a few meters away from the router. Also change the usb-stick didnt help13:30
psyt7KE1HA: thanks. will try another reboot13:30
krosonppl is ati power management supported in lucid (using opensource drivers) ?13:30
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KE1HApsyt7:  rr, just link the rc.local to init.13:31
psyt7KE1HA: ok13:31
amikropilovefairuz: wait, I removed my camera. now I reboot again13:32
blue112Hello here. I think I have trouble with my ATI graphic card... Refresh problem, maybe. The problem is some area on the screen are blinking with gray rectangles (#5A5A5A rectangles). It appends on flash, on thunderbird, and sometime on a whole window. What can I do to fix that ?13:32
benoit_y a quelqu'un qui parle le français please?13:33
blue112!fr | benoit13:33
ubottubenoit: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:33
matrixhi everyone13:33
blue112hi matrix13:33
skumara!hi > matrix13:34
ubottumatrix, please see my private message13:34
Leman_RussSo, I managed to get Photoshop CS5 working in Ubuntu, nearly perfectly13:35
mickster04katspaugh: theres also @login i think13:35
Leman_RussAnyone else managed this?13:35
ilovefairuzamikrop: echo "Y" | sudo tee /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first .. and replug13:35
mickster04katspaugh: spend some time investigating it so you understand it properly13:35
amikropilovefairuz: No, it wan't the camera's fault. It is a strange problem, though, as the disk used to work yesterday and before.13:35
sacarlsonLeman_Russ: didn't even know it existed.  how much better could it be than gimp?13:36
alkamidhow to disable bluetooth at startup? I can't see it in "startup applications" but when I type "lsmod", it shows bluetooth13:36
katspaughmickster04: OK, thanks. I don't think cron is a good tool to autostart Gnome applications though.13:36
Misterioalkamid: You would be able to use bluetooth if you install blueman13:37
ilovefairuzamikrop: it did? it could be a hardware problem after all..13:37
Leman_Russsacarlson; much better.  Way easier to do things quickly, and just feels more professional.  I could never get on with GIMP13:37
alkamidMisterio, I know, but I use it so rarely that I don't need it at startup13:37
thedudesterwhat is the best, or your favorite php editor? and does it have debugging options?13:37
amikropilovefairuz: Oh. I plugged off the disk from electricity and plugged it in again. And it worked.13:38
amikropilovefairuz: It seems it *was* a hardware problem.13:38
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amikropilovefairuz: I am really sorry I bothered you.13:38
bazhangbenoit_, /join #ubuntu-fr13:38
ilovefairuzamikrop: Don't be. Glad it worked.13:38
thedudesterwhat is the best, or your favorite php editor? and does it have debugging options?13:38
skumarai to see what is the type and frequency of ram?13:38
amikropilovefairuz: I couldn't imagine it would be that, though. It seems the disk has this problem once in a while. Sorry again, and thank you.13:39
benoit_where is the channel ubuntu.fr?13:39
benoit_i'm begginer13:39
bazhangbenoit_, /join #ubuntu-fr13:39
FusionXhow do i switch between processes in the terminal?13:39
FusionXand make them still running13:39
erUSUL!html | thedudester13:39
ubottuthedudester: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/13:39
FusionXlike i have a bot running13:39
blue112FusionX, ctrl + z => fg13:39
blue112or launch processes using &13:40
benoit_thanks bazhang,i know,but how?13:40
FusionXit stops the process blue11213:40
KE1HAthedudester:  probably best asked in #php13:40
bazhangbenoit_, type that command13:40
blue112FusionX, fg launch it again13:40
FusionX[1]+ Stopped supybot Fb-Bot.conf13:40
ilovefairuzthedudester: eclipse and netbeans both have php debugging support13:40
blue112Hum, maybe it's bg13:40
FusionXblue112 : fg??13:40
blue112not fg13:40
blue112It's a command FusionX13:40
flupke_hello, I followed this guide to compile maverick kernel on lucid: http://blog.avirtualhome.com/2010/05/05/how-to-compile-a-ubuntu-lucid-kernel/ . but doing debian/rules editconfigs doesn't seem to save my changes13:40
blue112Try bg.13:40
FusionXblue112 whats the command for bg?13:41
blue112Just "bg"13:41
benoit_I QUIT13:41
blue112FusionX, you may want to know about screen too.13:41
mclhow can i check which videocard i have in ubuntu, newbie13:41
ilovefairuzbenoit: write: /join #ubuntu-fr13:41
sometuxWhat the script init-bottom for?13:42
FusionXblue112 ik but i just want to make the process run in the background, without screen, i also want to know if there's a way to switch between running processes13:42
ilovefairuzbenoit_ ^13:42
eztophow do you disable kms?13:42
KE1HAFusionX:  I use screen and dtach .. dtach seems a bit more friendly.13:42
blue112FusionX, using fg, bg and jobs, you can do it.13:42
blue112FusionX, you can go on #bash for further information :)13:42
thedudesterthanks guys, you are awesome!13:42
thedudesterlinux forever!!13:42
FusionXblue112 ok thanks13:43
maxime__Hi !13:43
MegaHerzHow can I change login and password for a printer? I see NO ANY option/button on something on prionter configuration dialog, while I see status "ACCESS DENIED" which means password was changed.13:43
MegaHerzThis is smb:// printer from remote windows host13:43
skumara!hi |maxime_13:43
ubottumaxime_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:43
sometuxWhat the script init-bottom is for?13:44
flupke_hello, I followed this guide to compile maverick kernel on lucid: http://blog.avirtualhome.com/2010/05/05/how-to-compile-a-ubuntu-lucid-kernel/ . but doing debian/rules editconfigs doesn't seem to save my changes13:44
Adamushi all, can anyone help me out a bit with file backups13:44
switchgirlhelp, i have malware - firefox got hijacked13:44
Besogonhi! Where could I download ubuntu with all updates (with all service packes in it)?13:44
Leman_RussAdamus; what do you need to know?13:44
maxime__I can't use mysql, I saw this error "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)"13:44
thedudesterBesogon: ubuntu.com13:44
MegaHerzmaxime__: mysql -u root -p13:44
ilovefairuz!maverick | flupke_13:44
ubottuflupke_: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:44
MegaHerzenter password13:44
AdamusLeman_Russ, well basically, EXT4 has the concept of ownership, right? So transferring a file to my girlfriends home folder means she cant open iit13:45
maxime__I tried13:45
ilovefairuz!virus > switchgirl13:45
ubottuswitchgirl, please see my private message13:45
Leman_RussAdamus; are you copying or moving?13:45
AdamusLeman_Russ, if I drag files etc to an external hard disk, then format my machine, say doing an update or distro switch, will those files be locked because its not the same user?13:45
switchgirlilovefairuz: wrong13:46
switchgirlilovefairuz: i have malware13:46
ilovefairuzswitchgirl: do you have the java plugin installed? disable it in firefox addons dialog and clear the cache13:46
bazhangswitchgirl, from where13:46
Leman_RussAdamus; I am not an expert on this subject, sorry, but I would imagine that even if they become locked, you can unlock them if you are admin13:46
KE1HABesogon:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/  is the most up to date, will be a few updates after, but not many.13:46
gnomefreakBesogon: the latest image is on ubuntu.com. but just upgrading the version you have will get you the latest13:46
AdamusLeman_Russ, ah right, I thought of just doing chmod a+rw on every file, but thats one hell of a step! lol13:47
=== jorn is now known as Guest70174
switchgirlilovefairuz: firefox keeps taking me to this malware address WARNING DO NOT CLICK THIS IT CONTAINS MALWARE ***DO NOT CLICK IT - will harm you pc*** http://www1.helpzone49.co.cc/tdp107_2135.php?p=p52dcWpla26HjsbIo216h4Ve0KCfYWCdU9LXoKith6Swz9KwoFqbnZxxmpinc4rapZxql2NrmGCaZGXIXsSK1qWYpqvYnpRfo3FfqKGopJ6eU8rPnZVqWqihyaSfVpnWapyYkWJuZWSWk5FrZWZfpp2adaHVodSgYF%2BPppOr15LOlaLPm9bYkZSmn2XE19eikZaiomeWpKjIXMfYkqlapJqn2JzVX2%2Bpjs%2FUyKOlm5eSosedk6GsWqyndWqT13:47
MegaHerzOk, now after one year of f...g with printing from Ubuntu I see - this is shit.13:47
switchgirlhow do i get rid of it?13:47
ilovefairuzswitchgirl: check what I told you13:47
BesogonKE1HA, thanks13:47
Guest70174does anyone know if/when the Oracle Java JRE in the Partner repository  will be updated to the latest version ( update 21 ) ?13:47
gnomefreakswitchgirl: the link appears to be broken from what browser tells me13:47
=== Guest70174 is now known as jorn80
Leman_RussAdamus; yeah that would be insane.  I wonder if there is a way to batch process with chmod.  Does anybody know?13:48
ilovefairuzgnomefreak: man, it's a malware link13:48
sometuxWhy the startup script "init-bottom" takes so long (about 15 sec) to execute on my machine?13:48
undifinedAdamus, you can always reown the file by sudo chown <user>.<group> (file) or sudo chown -R <user>.<group> (directory)13:48
switchgirlgnomefreak: i said DO NOT click it.... it does contain malware13:48
Steelynosealso if XDG_DATA_DIRS is set via /etc/environment the gnome session doesn't start up correctly13:48
gnomefreakswitchgirl: i get a 404 in firefox and an oops broken link in chromium13:48
maxime__Thanks It works !!!13:48
ilovefairuzswitchgirl: after you disable the java plugin clear the cache for ALL the time13:49
gnomefreakswitchgirl: i can get away with it :)13:49
SteelynoseDr_Willis: any idea?13:49
=== shiny_ is now known as sh1ny
newerror123hey! my mouse pad works in one user but doesnot work in another. Why??13:49
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gnomefreakswitchgirl: if it does something for you i would say go to help -> report a broken site (or something like that13:50
jorn80I have a lot of family members and friends who complain that their online banking is not working :( Does anyone know if or when the Oracle JRE package will be updated to the latest version ?13:50
gnomefreakreport broken website13:50
Leman_Russnewerroe123; have you checked the Mouse Preference for both users?13:51
jussijorn80: I find the sun-java6-plugin is enough to get most internet banking sites working13:51
KE1HAsometux:  That's all part of the initramfs tool set, could be any number of reasons, drivers loading or a driver issue, system resources etc. Here's the manpage for more info, but it's not a stright forward answer. :http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man8/initramfs-tools.8.html13:51
pk__i installed ubuntu...but i dont know what griphics drivers to install13:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:51
jussi!ati | pk__13:51
ubottupk__: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:51
pk__but i dont know which card i have13:52
ilovefairuzpk__: open a terminal and type: sudo lshw -C display13:52
ilovefairuz!terminal | pk__13:52
ubottupk__: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:52
skumarapk_ go system administration hardware drivers and see there any graphic card listed or not.13:52
pk__wait let me see13:53
ServerTechHmm, how can i totally diable iptables. I do not want to use it13:53
ilovefairuzServerTech: sudo ufw disable13:53
Adamusundifined, thanks for that. I take it then that any user can chown the file?13:54
pk__771/671 pcie vga display adapter vendor : silicon integrated systems13:54
Adamusundifined, so long as they have the admin password, regardless of the original owner?13:54
pk__this is shown in output of lshw -C display13:55
undifinedAdamus, don't give out your admin password :)13:55
Adamusundifined, im not going to :P13:55
skumarapk__,  go system >administration >hardware drivers and see there any graphic card listed or not.13:56
pk__there is none13:56
Adamusundifined, here's what miffed me. The ext4 filesystem has a concept of ownership right. So say my login in a Ubuntu box is Adam. But I want those files to go on a separate PC where the user is Kiri or Dave etc etc, does it matter who the original owner was, so long as the current system I'm logged into has admin13:56
switchgirlgnomefreak: it is ironic that it took me to a official looking windows install screen13:56
ilovefairuz!paste | pk__13:57
ubottupk__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:57
switchgirl#ubuntu 1 windows malware 013:57
Adamusundifined, its because I want to move files froma  USB hard disk Linux install to my desktop box, both have different users13:57
truefalseWhat's the easiest way to have ubuntu auto download files to a remote folder?13:57
Adamusundifined, maybe I'm just being overly complex and confusing myself :P13:58
pk__ilovefairuz: what do you want me to paste?13:58
truefalseI tried to use sshfs, but it doesn't auto save them there, it prompts me each time13:58
ilovefairuzpk__: sudo lshw -C display13:58
pk__i cannot paste  the output as i am on a different computer13:58
ilovefairuzswitchgirl: still hijacked after clearing the cache?13:58
pk__but this comamnd is showing vga compatible controller13:58
pk__771/671 pcie vga display adapter13:59
undifinedAdamus, indeed user 1000 on one system has name dave, while on the other it may be that user 1000 is jenny, moving files from daves computer suddenly are owned by jenny13:59
pk__silicon integrated systems13:59
ilovefairuzpk__: does it have an internet connection? sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo lshw -C display | pastebinit13:59
ilovefairuzpk__:  | pastebinit -13:59
ankushhi.. i converted a jpg image into xpm using convert command and gz it and stored it as splash.xpm.gz. , But it didnt work.. does anyone know y?14:00
bazhangxserver-xorg-video-sis pk__ is that installed?14:00
pk__bazhang: how do i check it14:00
bazhangpk__, check in synaptic package manager?14:00
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
Adamusundifined, what if the UID is different?14:00
switchgirlgnomefreak: nope fixed it - made a work around by startying it in a private session14:00
pk__it is installed14:01
pk__but i dont have a good resolution14:01
gnomefreakswitchgirl: didnt see an issue with the site at all but anyway it would be a good idea to not leave a link if you dont want people to click on it14:01
pk__on windows i used to get 1024x76814:01
undifinedAdamus, different is good, means more secure, but more work to change permissions too14:01
gnomefreaksome people dont care about warnings. im always happy to test links since i have 5 or so browsers14:02
undifinedAdamus, better to have all users in a certral location14:02
sipiorankush: how did it not work? also, what command line did you use?14:02
switchgirlgnomefreak: sometimes it's important to send a link to see the issue14:02
gnomefreakand can fix what goes wrong14:02
pk__bazhang: ^14:02
Adamusundifined, well is there a way of automatically dropping file permissions? Like putting the backups in a tarball, or moving them to the public folder?14:02
undifinedAdamus, and share files by group14:02
ankushsipior: i used convert $file.jpg $file.xpm14:02
gnomefreakswitchgirl: never a good idea to do that unless you expect people to click a link without knowning14:02
sipiorankush: right, but what failed, exactly?14:03
Adamusundifined, okay what if i backup data to a DVD from user Adam, on my Ubuntu box, for later use and when I go back to the disc, I'm using SUSE with a different username, will the files be accesible?14:03
ankushsipior: it didnt work , the image did chng at boot but it all become flooded.. colors blowing away...etc14:03
undifinedAdamus, depends on the situation14:03
ilovefairuzswitchgirl: export your favorites, close firefox, delete your firefox profile (~/.mozilla) and reimport them on next run14:04
undifinedAdamus, files would be stored by uid14:04
undifinedAdamus, ubuntu users start with 1000, while suse may start by 100 or 50014:04
sipiorankush: oh, this is for a boot splash screen?14:05
ankushsipior: yes..14:05
Adamusundifined, so the only way to use a backup from a different uid is to go= it?14:05
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-sis-771671-mirage-3-video-drivers-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid.html pk__ this card?14:05
ilovefairuzswitchgirl: i would suggest using chrome for general browsing (but disable the java plugin either way)14:05
sipiorankush: 'fraid i don't play around with that sort of thing very often. my computers don't reboot much.14:05
Adamusundifined, then again, in Linux, so long as I can read the file I'm allowed to copy it right?14:06
adminewbhaving consistent difficulty here with gnome desktop login on lucid; where should I look for bug reports?14:06
undifinedAdamus, yes14:06
ankushhi.. i converted a jpg image into xpm using convert command and gz it and stored it as splash.xpm.gz. , But it didnt work.. does anyone know y?14:06
Adamusundifined, then maybe there wouldn't be a problem after all lol14:06
sacarlsonadminewb: what wrong password?14:07
sipiorankush: you'll want to mention in your question that you're trying to use it as a boot splash screen. that's relevant data.14:07
adminewbno, lockup under certain conditions14:07
Adamusundifined, I just distinctly remember trying to take some wallpapers from my desktop to my girlfriends laptop using linux, and all the files were inaccessible14:07
sipiorankush: also, is this making use of plymouth or not?14:07
sacarlsonadminewb: propriatary video drivers?14:08
adminewbsacarlson no14:08
ankushhi.. i converted a jpg image into xpm using convert command and gz it and stored it as splash.xpm.gz. , But at the boot time image didnt show up right... does anyone know y?14:08
sacarlsonadminewb: certain conditions?  do you know what conditions they are?14:08
ankushsipior: no, not yet14:08
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adminewbsacarlson: whole system freezes when I logout from one account while another has a session suspended14:09
jef91Howdy All, trying to connect to a network share server at work but Samab can't find the box.14:09
adminewbcan't Ctrl-Alt-Del or press any key14:09
adminewbNum(&c)-Lock have no effect on LEDs14:09
undifinedAdamus, well now you know the tools to change permissions14:09
jef91I know the workgroup and sever/share name, but not the IP address of the box. Can I connect to the share with just this information?14:10
Adamusundifined, ah so all i'd of had to do was open a terminal and chmod the files?14:10
adminewbsacarlson: at that point only hard reset works to revive system14:10
wereHamsteris it possible to upgrade a x86 server to x86_64 on the fly (while the server is runnign)? Or offline?14:10
jef91werehamster NO14:11
adminewbsacarlson: where's an appropriate place for such bug reports?14:11
undifinedAdamus, chmod changes rwxrwxrwx values, chown changes ownership14:11
jef91werehamster You need to reinstall the operating system to go from x86 to x86_6414:11
Adamusundifined, aaaaaaah okay, so all id do is chown <username>14:11
Adamusundifined, etc14:11
ankushhas anyone tried replacing boot image present in /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz wid any othr xpm image. it isnt working14:11
undifinedAdamus, yes14:11
Adamusundifined, wow, okay I was overcomplicating things then hehe!14:12
ilovefairuzankush: google "create plymouth theme"14:12
newerror123how to fix mouse problem14:12
undifinedAdamus, and looking to the man page too14:12
wereHamsterjef91: thank god the server is running under vmware, so installing a separate VM shouldn't be an issue :)14:12
undifinedAdamus, man chown14:12
Adamusundifined, yeah I just chown --help :P14:12
ankushilovefairuz: plz see the problem posted..i am not using plymouth14:12
undifinedAdamus, the recurive functions i use alot14:12
jef91haha yes, that helps wereHamster14:12
sacarlsonadminewb: ok so If I switch users from sacarlson to my test account then logout of test it frezzes every time?  I can do that ok.  another has a session suspended?  what does that mean.  do we have 3 sessions running now?14:12
sipiorankush: might be useful: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-89916.html14:13
Adamusundifined, recursive meaning all files in a directory are changed as well?14:13
undifinedAdamus, yes14:13
Adamusundifined, ah thats good to know14:13
adminewbsacarlson: suspended, meaning a user logged in and switched to another gnome user session14:13
Adamusundifined, so just backup stuff to DVD in a folder, if I have any problems chown -R the folder and bingo :D14:14
undifinedAdamus, indeed14:14
sacarlsonadminewb: this is only total 2 user accounts with one user?14:14
adminewbsacarlson: didn't mean to indicate the system menu's "suspend" option, which I would call standby myself14:14
Adamusundifined, fantastic, whod of thought I could originally get compiz running 3 days after it was released, but I dont know how to take ownership of a file! :P14:14
adminewbsacarlson: not sure I follow14:15
adminewbsacarlson: if I login to one acct, switch to a 2nd, logout from that, it freezes14:15
sacarlsonadminewb: how many accounts are we playing with in these sessions.  ok well I do that all the time with no problems.  not sure what I would do thats different.  on 10.0414:16
adminewbsacarlson: yes 10.04 lucid, I'll try to see if there are other more subtle conditions necessary to trigger lockup14:17
sacarlsonadminewb: maybe it has something to do with the application that was running when you did the session swap14:17
adminewbsacarlson: anyway my initial question still stands: where to look for bug reports?14:17
skumaraadminewb, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs14:18
adminewbskumara thanks14:18
sacarlsonadminewb: I would google it also. it may not all be in ubuntu.14:18
newerror123how to change username@thisone    ?14:18
Adamusundifined, thanks for your help bud14:18
undifinedAdamus, np14:19
adminewbsacarlson: afaik, all that is needed to cause the problem are ordinary desktop processes in the "suspended" session, as in Nautilus, gedit windows, etc14:19
adminewbsacarlson, not sure if it will trigger if the suspended session has nothing in it that the user launched14:19
sacarlsonadminewb: I've left and came back with nautilus, firefox pidgin  and some terminals running with no problems14:20
adminewbsacarlson: ok noted14:21
newerror123ubuntu has RLX -vs error14:21
newerror123it says 'File locked: RLX-vs 0091 failed'14:22
sacarlsonadminewb: oh maybe it's a memory problem14:23
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sacarlsonadminewb: did you ever look with top and see how much mem you have left.  with another session open I'm sure it will need more mem.14:24
davidstraussI'm having trouble with my SD card reader on Ubuntu 10.04.1 on a ThinkPad T510. Nothing seems to show up.14:24
sacarlsondavidstrauss: did you try more than one sd card?  I've had some that just don't work anymore14:25
pksadiqi'm back  after breaking fast14:26
davidstrausssacarlson, This one works in another machine with Ubuntu 10.0414:26
newerror123give me your ip address to solve that problem14:26
rkhshmis there anything wrong with packages.ubuntu.com ?14:27
sacarlsondavidstrauss: can you boot an older live boot or run windows and see it work in that system?14:27
rkhshmIm unable to download packages.14:27
newerror123if u ping, your ip address will be revealed14:27
davidstrausssacarlson, I'll try attaching the device to a Windows VM and seeing if it works.14:27
sacarlsondavidstrauss: sounds like a plan14:27
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davidstrausssacarlson, It's not showing up as a USB device for reattachment to the VM.14:29
newerror123you can post Viruses through this chat room!!14:29
sacarlsondavidstrauss: you using virtualbox?  if so you need to give it privlage to use it14:29
davidstrausssacarlson, I know. It's just not showing up at all for me to give such permission.14:30
rkhshmcan anyone let me know where i can find the libdb4.8-dev source tarball pls14:30
rkhshmon the web14:30
vulnHello there. I would like to downgrade PostgreSQL to version 8.2 in Ubuntu. Could I make it with Synaptic?14:30
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto14:30
davidstrausssacarlson, I see a bunch of other USB devices, just not the SD card reader.14:30
sacarlsondavidstrauss: It's usb?  sounds like maybe hardware problem14:30
davidstrausssacarlson, I'm not 100% sure it's USB, but it would seem silly to connect an SD card reader any other way.14:30
KE1HADavidian1024:  if the SD is not showing on the Host OS, probably wont in a VM either.14:30
davidstraussKE1HA, I'm not sure what to look for in kernel messages for proper detecton.14:31
sacarlsondavidstrauss: well on my eeepc it has an sd card reader and it not using usb14:31
davidstrausssacarlson, Is it on SATA or something?14:32
KE1HADavidian1024:  well, it's either FW - 1394 or USB, most that i've used is USB.14:32
sacarlsondavidstrauss: I don't recall it's not here14:32
sacarlsondavidstrauss: maybe you need to try fdisk -l  to see it14:33
davidstrausssacarlson, I would expect it to show up in disk utility if it were connected to a traditional disk controller14:33
sacarlsondavidstrauss: ya it should show up in gparted14:34
newerror123new UBUNTU virus made..14:34
Picinewerror123: Do you have anything relevant for this channel?14:35
davidstrausssacarlson, Lucid doesn't use gparted for the disk manager14:35
Raydiation1how is the old mixer applet called?14:35
zeknoxmy ubuntu 10.04 always shuts down properly, but whenever I turn it on, it says it was not a clean unmount, and does a fsck every bootup, ideas?14:35
KE1HAtry System >> Admin >> Disk Utility14:36
blue112Raydiation1, you can check gnome-alsamixer14:36
sacarlsondavidstrauss: what does it use?  that's what I'm running on 10.0414:36
Raydiation1blue112: is this for the applet in the gnome-panel?14:36
davidstrausssacarlson, "Disk Utility 2.30.1"14:37
blue112Raydiation1, nop.14:37
davidstrausssacarlson, "© 2007-2009 Red Hat, Inc."14:37
KE1HADavidian1024:  oddly enough, thats a RH package :-)14:37
sacarlsondavidstrauss:  I'm using it GParted 0.5.1  on 10.04 ubuntu14:37
davidstrausssacarlson, And it is not a whitelabel of gparted. I have used gparted.14:37
adminewbsacarlson, just eliminated a few variables, it's somewhat easier triggering the lockup than I thought: doesn't matter if the inactive session has any user launched processes or not, and you don't have to logout to cause it -- switching users again triggers it too14:37
davidstrausssacarlson, But I'll happily install gparted.14:38
KE1HAYou can id you want too, but if fdisk -l and Disk Utility aren't picking up the disk, odds are gparted won't either.14:38
sacarlsonadminwb maybe a memory problem?  what does top say you have?14:38
adminewbsacarlson, I also shut down a custom service (foldingathome) which I thought might distinguish between your working rig and mine: still same effect14:39
jimcooncatis it possible to use vinagre's ssh tunnelling with an alternate port? I can't seem to get it to work correctly; ssh with pubkey auth works fine14:39
davidstraussKE1HA, agreed14:39
sacarlsonjimcooncat; yes you can14:40
adminewbsacarlson, doubt it's memory but I'll try a term window capture of top (does Alt-PrtScr work?)14:40
sacarlsonjimcooncat: it must be setup on the server side also14:40
KE1HAadminewb:  Yes14:41
sacarlsonadminewb: I only have 2gig and works fine.  but I'm not sure what processes you run.14:41
sacarlsonadminewb: ya print screen should work.14:42
adminewbcan ubuntu pastebin take image files?14:42
jimcooncatsacarlson: I must not be specifying the ssh host correctly, I'm using myhost,com:4422 (my alternate ssh port)14:42
perlmonkeyis there a chatroom for wine14:42
sacarlsonjimcooncat: is the server listening on that port?14:43
Misterioperlmonkey: /join #winehq14:43
jimcooncatsacarlson: yes, no problem logging in with ssh user@myhost.com -p 442214:44
sacarlsonjimcooncat:  and ssh -P 4422 sacarlson@thisip  is the method I know14:44
perlmonkeyMisterio thanks14:44
Misterioperlmonkey: You're welcome14:45
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sacarlsonjimcooncat: that might work but is the server side listening?   what does the /etc/ssh/sshd_config  have it?14:46
adminewbsacarlson, system has 3Gb system memory and all of it appears to be addressable by lucid; where do I paste my screen image?14:46
sacarlsonjimcooncat: on the server side?14:46
commander-apequick question: is ubuntu landscape still only for paying customers? Is there a freeware alternative?14:47
sajishhi, how to diable sleep mode14:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:47
sajishubuntu 10.0414:47
Picicommander-ape: Yes, its only for Canonical customers who pay.14:47
sacarlsonadminewb: I guess the tynyurl.com one14:47
sajishhow to disable sleep mode in ubuntu 10.04 ?14:48
jimcooncatsacarlson: on the server side the config hosts port 22 and port 4422; where the gateway box NAT's 4422. Works fine when I do command-line port forwarding from home14:48
sacarlsonadminewb: not lickly you filled that much memory.  what did it have left with one user?14:48
commander-apePici: any free alternatives?14:48
zzzed_sajish, System->Preferences->Power Management14:49
adminewbsacarlson, http://imagebin.org/11201814:49
jimcooncatsacarlson: I just can't seem to use vinagre's built-in tunnelling. I'm scripting a local forward now, so no big deal.14:49
adminewbsacarlson, there appears to be plenty of memory for as many users as I care to start up14:49
sajishstill its sleeping after 15min14:50
sacarlsonadminewb: wow you exe files are burning up all your cpu14:50
Dynamic_FailI am having trouble getting my com port to work in ubuntu. I enabled it in the bios and then when I try to connect to my device via putty it only will show one letter each time i hit enter. When I connect the device to another pc it works fine via serial... any ideas what could be the problem?14:50
adminewbsacarlson, yes that's the purpose14:50
Picicommander-ape: I don't know of any :/14:50
adminewbsacarlson, FaH is there to consume otherwise idle CPU clocks14:51
sacarlsonadminewb: well my guess is without those running it won't freez14:51
adminewbsacarlson, actually I just tried that, no go14:51
adminewbsacarlson, with or without FaH, system still locks up14:51
jimmy51_in fstab, what does noatime 0 1 mean?14:52
sacarlsonadminewb: well what if you do it from a live boot cd?14:52
adminewbsacarlson, I'll try live boot image, but I strongly suspect that's the same deal14:53
adminewbsacarlson, my suspicion is it's more connected to your initial question, having to do with the display driver14:53
sacarlsonadminewb: well all I know is it don't do it to me.  so if it does then it is eather your hardware or some combinations of software you setup.  with live boot it should isolate it to hardware.14:54
adminewbok off to some lab work to isolate this...14:54
adminewbsacarlson, yes my dual display might give it conniptions14:55
sacarlsonadminewb: I would say that's posible since it seems my video goes flashing into another mode when move sesions.14:55
adminewbsacarlson, even though the 2nd display isn't in use14:55
kokozedmanhey people14:56
sacarlsonadminewb: yes snd display could do it. try turn it off or disable it.14:56
kokozedmanjust a question: is it possible to combine multiple internet into one?14:56
adminewbsacarlson, it is turned off & disabled14:56
sacarlsonadminewb: in bios?14:56
adminewbsacarlson, fact that it shows up in PCI inventory though might matter...14:57
kokozedmani have 3 distinct internet from 3 different modems ... it would be really great if it is possible to combine the bandwidth of the 3 into 114:57
adminewbsacarlson, I doubt the BIOS knows anything other than the primary display it talks to14:57
bastidrazorjimmy51_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab  ..this will explain all options for fstab14:57
sacarlsonadminewb: I would think it's the most lickly some kind of conflict with irq or something with the displays.  if you try disable one in bios it won't be seen.14:57
adminewbsacarlson, doubtful that dual display has resource conflict; both displays are in use on my Windows installation14:58
jimmy51_bastidrazor: thanks.  i think he's got fstab correct... /dev/sda1 /media/Storage ext3 defaults 0 2.  it's acting read only though.  would the creation of /media/Storage by sudo mean a standard user can't write to a partition mapped under it?14:58
NBrepresentHey, I'm currently dual-booting XP and ubuntu. Can anyone link me to a tutorial on how to switch completely to ubuntu without having to set everything up again (no fresh install)?14:58
sacarlsonadminewb: I asume you have one internal to the motherboard and anotherpluged in.   so you can eather unplug one or disabe the other14:59
adminewbsacarlson, it's just too much headache to get them both configured on Linux14:59
adminewbsacarlson, yes it's one IGP unit (PCI bus) and one expansion slot (PCIe)14:59
thedudesterjust downloaded eclipse, but i need eclipse PHP and not eclipse java... i downloaded the tar.gz plugin but i dont know how to install it..15:00
thedudesterany help?15:00
bastidrazorjimmy51_: what are the permissions of the directory /media/Storage ?  have him change the permissions to rwx for all or give himself ownership of the Storage directory15:00
ta_bu_shi_da_yuhi, I can't seem to connect to au.archive.ubuntu.com when I run a build-dep of openoffice.org15:00
perlmonkeymy wine application will no longer start, any suggestions welcome15:00
ta_bu_shi_da_yuanyone know what's going on with that?15:00
jimmy51_bastidrazor: ok.  i wanted to make sure that sounded reasonable before proposing it.  thanks!15:00
thedudester just downloaded eclipse, but i need eclipse PHP and not eclipse java... i downloaded the tar.gz plugin but i dont know how to install it..15:01
adminewbsacarlson, with regard to assigning IRQs to display channels: hasn't that been fixed already by the time grub puts up a boot menu?15:01
thedudester just downloaded eclipse, but i need eclipse PHP and not eclipse java... i downloaded the tar.gz plugin but i dont know how to install it.. anyone?15:01
adminewbsacarlson, since Windows is fine with dual display, I see no reason to believe there's an IRQ conflict affecting only Linux15:02
thedudesterwhy no one answer my question?15:02
sacarlsonadminewb: I have no idea about that.  and when you say it locks up is the computer maybe still running just not visible on the screen?  can you ssh in?15:02
perlsyntaxHow do i get all the filei need to compile emacs?15:02
zulaxi wrote a rewrite cond on a virutal host file, but doesnt seem to work15:02
blue112I have trouble with my ATI graphic card... Refresh problem, maybe. The problem is some area on the screen are blinking with gray rectangles (#5A5A5A rectangles). It appends on flash, on thunderbird, and sometime on a whole window. What can I do to fix that ? I'm in dual screen mode, too.15:03
zulaxmod_rewrite is also on15:03
xektrumhello, what is the maximum memory support for ubuntu server 32bits ?15:03
sam898889** is there no way to boot from USB using a macbook?? i need to reinstall ubuntu but i dont have any CDs left~~~! heeeelp15:03
xektrumI know might be a silly question but theres 32 bits versions of windows that support beyond 4GB15:03
adminewbsacarlson, during lockup everything is frozen except perhaps disk activity light(?) can't press Ctrl-Alt-Fx to switch to a character mode term display or switch NumLock or anything15:03
sacarlsonadminewb: all I can tell you is no one else here has ever brought up this problem with sesions that I've seen here.15:03
perlsyntaxif i want the file to build eac i have to do this15:03
arpegiusi need to do an fsck on a ubuntu vm. when i press escape at the grub boot menu to go into recovery mode, it prompts me for the root password. i type in what i normally do to sudo su, but that doesn't work. ideas?15:03
Picita_bu_shi_da_yu: Looks like something weird is going on with that mirror.  I suggest trying a different one at this time.  I'll poke the canonical folks to take a look at it.15:03
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perlsyntaxapt-get build-dep emacs23?15:04
odb|fidelsam898889: intel-macs should be able to boot from usb15:04
sipiorxektrum: should be 64GB. maximum.15:04
thedudestercant anyone help me with this problem?15:04
ta_bu_shi_da_yuPici thanks15:04
thedudester just downloaded eclipse, but i need eclipse PHP and not eclipse java... i downloaded the tar.gz plugin but i dont know how to install it..15:04
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georgelm_how do I fix broken packages? what is the right command?15:04
odb|fidelsam898889: press ALT while booting your macbook - should show all bootable devices15:04
sam898889odb|fidel,   ok  great! ill give it a try15:04
xektrumsipior, and what about desktop?15:04
sacarlsonadminewb: other than try the disable one video I have no other ideas.15:04
perlsyntaxgot it to work15:04
thedudesterwhy no one answer me!?!?!??!15:04
xektrumshould I install any kernel mods or something?15:05
bazhang!helpme | thedudester15:05
ubottuthedudester: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:05
bhestHi, im trying to install teamspeak3 server on my Ubuntu machine. But im lacking som basic insight in how to start the server. Im using the following command to start it: user@server:~$ sudo start-stop-daemon --chuid teamspeak --chdir /opt/tss2_rc2 --start --exec /opt/tss2_rc2/server_linux But it says it cannot find the file oddly enough15:05
adminewbsacarlson, I understand that somehow my situation is unusual15:05
sipiorxektrum: by default, the desktop kernel does not include PAE, i believe, and so you'd be left with 4GB.15:05
Crankygeek01Anyone know of a web based irc client ?15:05
thedudesterok so i post my question for the last time, hope it will be answered15:05
thedudester just downloaded eclipse, but i need eclipse PHP and not eclipse java... i downloaded the tar.gz plugin but i dont know how to install it..15:05
sacarlsonadminewb: you can think about it all day or you can just go try it.15:06
Picita_bu_shi_da_yu: Actually, it looks like its working fine, but you need to make sure that the urls in your sources.list look like http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ubuntu/archive/ (note the /pub/ in there)15:06
bhestanyone has a clue?15:06
xektrumsipior, so I suppose that adding pae should do the work for desktop right?, anyway thanks15:06
KE1HACrankygeek01: http://webchat.freenode.net/15:06
ta_bu_shi_da_yulet me check15:06
mbroekerthedudester, start eclipse, click help->Install New Software...15:07
ta_bu_shi_da_yuit's a bit odd... I didn't modify that file directory15:07
ta_bu_shi_da_yuthat's the one supplied by canonical...15:07
sipiorxektrum: sure, you can install the server kernel (or roll your own)15:07
=== FusionX|Offline is now known as FusionX
xektrumok thank  you, gonna try it15:08
bhestHi, im trying to install teamspeak3 server on my Ubuntu machine. But im lacking som basic insight in how to start the server. Im using the following command to start it: user@server:~$ sudo start-stop-daemon --chuid teamspeak --chdir /opt/tss2_rc2 --start --exec /opt/tss2_rc2/server_linux But it says it cannot find the file oddly enough15:08
wobleI would like to make a seperate home partition, how much space should i reserve for the OS?15:08
lubuserhello, a dist-upgrade solved a bug for me15:09
NET||abuseok, so i have horrible wifi card issues.. somethign to do with the policy setting for the hardware switch for the internal wifi card. network-manager applet shows the wifi as being off when on, and on when off..15:09
KE1HAwoble:  Ubuntu base min I'd say 6Gb, 15-20GB will give you plenty of headroom.15:09
lubuserhow do i change my text color in XChat?15:09
wobleKE1HA its a small notebook disc, so will go for ~8 then.15:09
NET||abusethe only way i've found to reset this is to flip the wifi off,  shutdown the laptop, reset the switch to on and reboot,, and even then that seems to only be working after a few tries.15:09
NET||abuseso i want to know is there a fix for this?15:10
KE1HAwoble:  10Gb just to be safe.15:10
NET||abuseis this a known bug?15:10
wobleKE1HA alright, guess that will do as well :)15:10
lubuserdidn't owkr15:10
diogo_79it is possible in ubuntu when run a command in the terminal window like "rdesktop" this program executes and then the window of the terminal closes?15:10
AnxiousNutwhat should i do, running mysql is giving me this error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)15:10
bhesti wanna start my server :~(15:10
lubusercan anyone help me change the text color in xchat?  this is hard to follow15:11
KE1HAwoble:  all depends on how many additional apps you plan on installing, but my workstation here, is sitting at 6GB and Iv'e allot of things installed.15:11
bhestCan anyone please help me? i have stated my question but no answer yet. would be really appreciated guys15:11
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sam_00908- booting from USB aint working on my macbook.  Any ideas???  pressing ALT key dont show up my USB :(15:12
sipiorbhest: custom is to restate your question every 10-15 minutes or so; new people coming into the channel all the time...15:12
bhestHi, im trying to install teamspeak3 server on my Ubuntu machine. But im lacking som basic insight in how to start the server. Im using the following command to start it: user@server:~$ sudo start-stop-daemon --chuid teamspeak --chdir /opt/tss2_rc2 --start --exec /opt/tss2_rc2/server_linux But it says it cannot find the file oddly enough15:12
lubuseris there an XChat channel?15:12
bhestsipior: just did :)15:13
jMylesI'm trying to forward a port to a specific computer on my network.  If I run iptables -t nat -vnL, it shows some packets (16 of them, seemingly about one for every time I try) but it doesn't seem to do anything.15:13
sometuxlubuser, go to menu Settings > Preferences > Colors15:13
sipiorbhest: you have an interesting notion of "10 minutes"15:13
bhestsipior: i just want to know how to start the server in a different way, i have some vauge memory about the sudo command15:13
oliver_Is it necessary to use a firewall in ubuntu? Or have it a firewall out of box?15:13
lubuserI want the color that goes into the channel changed, though?15:13
erUSUL!fw | oliver_15:13
erUSUL!firewallw | oliver_15:13
erUSUL!firewall | oliver_15:14
ubottuoliver_: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.15:14
woblebhest, be sure permissions are set right, and the file does exist (look for it manually). Thats where i would start, but no experience with teamspeak servers15:14
bhestsipior: its a really basic mistake i have done i think15:14
oliver_erUSUL: thx :)15:14
bhestwoble: i just set the permissions, im following a guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236834 and i can see the file just before my eyes15:14
Ichimanyone has an idea why booting from live cd is stopping after ureadahead-other main process (1055) terminated with status 4; ureadahead-other main process (1056) terminated with status 4; *setting sensor limits? It is working fine, when i do a restart with windows xp...  would be nice if someone is having an idea15:15
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Ichimor maybe i should open a thread in a forum? I tried setting BIOS to default and many boot parameter...15:16
bhestwoble: isnt there another way to start a program? is : sudo [path]/filename the only way?15:16
Crankygeek01Anyone familiar with eGroupware setup?15:16
=== Weust`afk is now known as Weust`
melengocan you all help my ebout ubuntu server15:17
mbroekerCrankygeek01, can you login to your egroupware site?15:18
zzzed_!ask | melengo15:18
ubottumelengo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:18
Crankygeek01I am getting an rrror saying that the tables are not built, even though they are15:19
bhestsudo: unable to execute opt/teamspeak3-server_linux-x86/ts3server_linux_x86: No such file or directory15:19
bhestim getting insane15:19
sipiorbhest: did you not mean to prefix that path with a slash?15:20
geirhabhest: sudo filename  works if PATH contains the [path] (in your [path]/filename example)15:20
new2Ubuntuhi all!15:20
bhestsipior:  sudo: unable to execute /opt/teamspeak3-server_linux-x86/ts3server_linux_x86: No such file or directory15:20
bhestnow its correct15:21
bhestgeirha: syntax error in brain. what you mean?15:21
sipiorbhest: so where is the thing actually installed?15:21
bhestsipior: in /opt15:21
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: I have configured all the initial steps. I pass all the checks, but when I load up the site  I get the tables are not built error.15:21
Ichimanyone got an idea why ubuntu live cd is only booting after restarting pc with xp? it hangs on setting sensor limits, which is after ureadahead- other main process (1056) terminated with status 415:22
sipiorbhest: you're not going to make be beg for the full path, are you?15:22
bhestsipior: or ~/opt15:22
zfehello, is there any way to change the behaviour of notification windows in ubuntu 10.04?15:22
geirhabhest: You need to provide the whole pathname, including any extensions it may have15:22
bhestsipior: or ~/opt/teamspeak3-server_linux-x8615:22
new2UbuntuIchim, even after sometime its not able to boot ?15:22
sipiorbhest: bug difference between /opt and ~/opt...15:22
bhestsipior: well i dont know im a newb15:22
bhestgeirha: i think i have15:23
geirhabhest: To get a handle on how the shell works, I recommend reading http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide15:23
new2UbuntuIchim, I've seen something similar many a times, and after some times it boots up15:23
sipiorbhest: so "sudo ~/opt/teamspeak3-server_linux-x86" does nothing?15:23
lubuserhow do you change the colors for the output:15:23
zzzed_bhest, dpkg -L <teamspeak-package-name>15:23
bhestsipior: lemme check15:23
new2Ubuntulubuser, output fo what ?15:23
katspaughzfe: Look for 'notification-osd' settings in gconf-editor.15:23
lubusernew2Ubuntu:  output to the channel15:23
mbroekerCrankygeek01, recreate the tables15:24
Ichimnew2ubuntu: i can try booting up many times, but even if it is working, i would like to fix, because i dont like to boot 10 times a day ;D15:24
lubuserthe color of the output for me is dark grey....hard to follow15:24
bhestsipior: sudo: /home/dayman/opt/teamspeak3-server_linux-x86: command not found15:24
sipiorbhest: you know, there's a "teamspeak-client" and "teamspeak-server" package in the repositories...15:24
LittleLegionDoes anyone know how I can install WINE in an offline laptop?15:24
new2UbuntuIchim, seems some problem with your ureadahead ...try disabling that thaing15:24
mbroekerCrankygeek01, i am using a postgres db. i know how it works with it. but i have no clue about mysql15:24
bhestsipior: yes i downloaded the server15:24
bhestzzzed_:  is that a way to unzip it? because i already have done that15:25
geirhabhest: Another approach.  Type sudo  followed by a space, but do not hit enter.  Find the file you want to execute in the file browser and drag it over to terminal window.15:25
sipiorbhest: but not the ubuntu package, obviously15:25
LittleLegionDoes anyone know how I can install WINE in an offline laptop?15:25
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: I am also using postgres15:25
Ichimnew2ubuntu: is it possible to disable on live cd?15:25
geirhabhest: When you drop it there, it will put in the full path to the file.15:25
zzzed_bhest, no, that'll show you where all the files are located15:25
bhestgeirha: i dont have x15:25
mbroekerCrankygeek01, sudo su - postgres; dropdb postgres; createdb --owner egroupware egroupware15:26
LittleLegionDoes anyone know how I can install WINE in an offline laptop?15:26
bhestzzzed_: ok i already know where they are tough15:26
new2UbuntuIchim, i guess you cant do that with livecd15:26
bhestsipior: is there a ubuntu package for it?15:26
sipiorbhest: i just said that...15:26
new2UbuntuLittleLegion, get the .deb and install it where ever u like15:27
mbroekerCrankygeek01, i hope that you have an update of your database or all egroupware settings and users are gone15:27
bhestsipior: whats the command for installing it again?15:27
bhestsipior: apt-get install teamspeak3server?15:27
sipiorbhest: try "sudo apt-get install teamspeak-client teamspeak-server"15:27
Ichimnew2ubuntu: I found something interesting http://bit.ly/bcvH4515:27
Ichimnew2ubuntu: not the same process, but same error15:28
LittleLegionnew2Ubuntu --- .deb file? is that like .exe in windows but for linux?15:28
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: this is a fresh install15:28
bhestsipior: nice it works, but i didnt bother with the client tough15:28
new2UbuntuIchim, from the heading it sounds interesting.... let me go through that tuto15:28
sipiorbhest: yep, just intall what you need15:28
mbroekerCrankygeek01, very good. recreate the database and go to the setup page again15:29
Ichimnew2ubuntu: yes would be nice :)15:29
wadMy son just bought an eee PC. Windows 7 on it will be dog slow, so I've recommended Linux in dual-boot. Ubuntu is my distro of choice... google has shown me several options. Any of you guys have experience with this?15:29
bhestsipior: do you know how to write to start it as a daemon next?15:29
new2UbuntuLittleLegion, yes quite similar....15:29
sipiorbhest: i imagine it is already so configured after installation.15:29
bhestsipior: supernice, thanks15:29
new2UbuntuLittleLegion, give me a sec...let me google out ... if I find any .deb file...will let u know15:30
katspaughwad: What version of EEE is it?15:30
new2UbuntuLittleLegion, btw, which version of ubuntu u are in15:30
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD15:30
wadkatspaugh, let me find out, 1 sec.15:30
wizzlehow to chance my IP?15:30
Ichimnew2ubuntu: btw i can't use keyboard, when this happened. I can't even switch leds for bumblock or caps on/off15:30
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: will I need to setup any permissions?15:30
jribwizzle: why?15:30
wadkatspaugh, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00322PYVI/ref=oss_product15:31
mbroekerCrankygeek01, recreate the database and go to http://localhost/egroupware/setup/15:32
Crankygeek01Ok, thanks, I will give that a shot15:32
katspaughwad: That one I don't know. Anyway you'd better try a live USB first.15:32
new2UbuntuLittleLegion, this might be useful for u : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91468515:32
darnoldI've set update-alternatives x-terminal-emulator to urxvt and set Preferred Applications terminal setting to rxvt-unicode. I've confirmed the desktop/applications/terminal gconf setting is correct, but everything in gnome still opens gnome-terminal. where else could I see where gnome-terminal is being set?15:32
wadkatspaugh, okay.15:33
jribdarnold: what is "everything in gnome"?15:33
new2UbuntuLittleLegion, this  as well: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb15:33
darnoldssh-menu, terminal from ubuntu menu, from gnome-do15:33
darnoldhaven't checked nautilus yet15:34
KaolcHey, I bought an Ubuntu VPS and I've only got shell access via Putty atm. I'd like to connect to it with some sort of vnc/rdp connection with a GUI just like if I was connecting to a windows VPS. Can anyone help me get it all set up and running?15:34
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/15:34
jribdarnold: well in the gnome menu, I imagine that just calls gnome-terminal directly.  Check15:34
new2UbuntuIchim, oops ... are u on 10.4 Ubuntu ?15:34
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Ichimyes, lucid lynx15:34
darnoldhmm that would be ok. I wonder if ssh-menu is also hard-coded15:34
sidolinhey everyone15:35
sidolinis there a active mactel support channel?15:36
sidolinor dev channel15:36
Ichimnew2ubuntu yes lucid lynx15:36
new2Ubuntusidolin, never heard of that....15:36
wadkatspaugh, ah, there is a netbook edition of Ubuntu 10.04! I'll start with that. :)15:36
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new2UbuntuIchim, okey....you installed from 10.4 liveCD, or upgraded from some earlier versions ?15:37
jribsidolin: why?  mactel is more active in the forums afaik15:37
amithi..can anybody help me with updating rhythmbox....15:38
jrib!details | amit15:38
ubottuamit: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:38
Ichimnew2ubuntu: I didn't have it on my pc now, but i had installed linux mint few weeks ago and it had the same error15:38
sidolini need someone to test an improved backlight module15:38
wastljoin #ubuntu-server15:39
sidolinwith smooth transitions :)15:39
Ichimnew2ubuntu and now i want to fix the problem, to be able to boot with livecd and then i wanna install it15:39
srmhi. My laptop had a hard-reset and now the nm-applet is missing when logging into the gnome-desktop, and I'm not getting a connection to my WLAN. Manually starting nm-applet brings app the icon in the notification area and my wlan connection works. What do I have to tweak/look into to make sure, nm-applet is loaded/running at login-time15:39
thedudesterhow do i configure apache for a different directory?15:39
amithi..can anybody help me with updating rhythmbox....15:39
amitsorry will post again15:40
jribthedudester: #httpd15:40
jribamit: give us details...15:40
new2UbuntuIchim, I had some similar issues and after disabling ureadahead it worked fine...I dont see any issues now15:40
=== yukiseaside is now known as yukis
amitmy repository shows rhytmbox installed as 0.12.5 and the latest as 0.12.5, but i read that there has been updates for rhythmbox......i m running karmic15:41
cmpsalvestrini!whois CARABOBO15:41
Pici!latest | amit15:41
ubottuamit: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.15:41
jrib!info rhythmbox karmic15:41
ubotturhythmbox (source: rhythmbox): music player and organizer for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.5-0ubuntu5.2 (karmic), package size 1574 kB, installed size 15196 kB15:41
jribamit: 0.12.5-0ubuntu5.2 is the latest version in the karmic repositories15:42
Ichimnew2ubuntu: and it is impossible to change something in the .iso to get a live cd with disabled ureadahead?15:42
wizzlehow to chance my own IP ?15:42
cmpsalvestrini#whois CARABOBO15:42
amiti m new to ubuntu...how to seach for a stable backport?15:42
jribwizzle: I asked before... why?15:42
Picicmpsalvestrini: /whois nick15:42
jrib!backport | amit15:42
ubottuamit: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:42
amitok..thanks will check it out......thanx very much15:43
tasslehoffmy ubuntu seems to have lost the applet that lets me view available wireless networks. any ideas how I can get it back?15:43
sipiorwizzle: generally, you can use /sbin/ifconfig or /sbin/ip to change the interface ip address . or play around with the network manager applet.15:43
srmfound an invalid exec entry in nm-applet.desktop. Rewrote it and will test now.15:44
KaolcHey, I bought an Ubuntu VPS and I've only got shell access via Putty atm. I'd like to connect to it with some sort of vnc/rdp connection with a GUI just like if I was connecting to a windows VPS. Can anyone help me get it all set up and running?15:44
aetaricKaolc: it might not have a X server...15:44
jrib!vnc | Kaolc15:44
ubottuKaolc: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX15:44
Kaolcjrib, I already read it..15:44
jribKaolc: and?...15:45
Kaolcaetaric, what's an X server?15:45
Kaolcjrib, apparently the port isn't open or something15:45
new2UbuntuIchim, I think that would be too complex to do ...btw, I forgot to mention that it was my HDD-installed ubuntu which was creating issues... and I guess ureadahead with liveCD doesnot make sense...because it tries preloading stuffs from HDD only....and liveCD storage is not persisten....15:45
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:45
Kaolcso I gotta tunnel it over some other port15:45
jribKaolc: "or something"?15:45
Kaolcyeah or something15:45
jribKaolc: ok...15:45
new2UbuntuIchim, I guess you are not talking about something like persistent USB install, right ?? just to make myself understand it cleraly15:45
tasslehoffI have the notification area, but no network icon15:46
wizzledo anyone know how to change their own IP ?15:46
KaolcSo I should find out how to set up a vnc server and connect to it, yeah?15:46
jribwizzle: you can't be helped if you ignore people's replies15:46
aetaricwizzle: a better question would be, do you want to change your public ip, or your private ip?15:46
sipiorwizzle: was there something about my answer that you'd like to clarify?15:46
yukisI copy a directory to another partition, then destroyed the old one (encrypted, ntfs) . but I found there are no directory but a file, how to extract it, and why?15:46
Ichimnew2ubuntu, no I wan't to use the normal live cd, but I am getting same error when using a real install15:47
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KaolcHow can I run vnc server if only port 22 is open?15:47
wizzlemy private ip. aetaric15:47
adminewbsacarlson, tried removing the PCIe expansion display card, the one that was disabled: having multiple users with desktop sessions logged in still locks up on logout/switch; I'm going to have to leave off this inquiry for several days, just providing one last data point here15:47
aetaricwizzle: it is in networkmanager15:47
=== DoubleString is now known as Guest10246
Ichimnew2ubuntu, you don't have an idea why it is working fine when i did a restart with using xp?15:48
glaucousis it possible to increase the amount of RAM Linux uses for disk cache?15:48
jribKaolc: if you read the link ubottu tells you, you will see how to tunnel vnc over ssh...15:48
new2UbuntuIchim, okey.... what u mean by "restart using XP" ... u are running ubuntu off liveCD, right?15:48
wizzlejust it's simple like that aetaric ?15:49
Ichimnot now, but i wan't to15:49
aetaricwizzle: yes. just assign a static ip.15:49
wizzleok, thanks. aetaric15:49
Ichimnew2ubuntu: I mean the feature in xp which shuts down windows and then reboot the pc15:50
adminewbsacarlson, one other minor item... while system is totally locked up, the disk activity can still be flashing on occasion15:50
ranticHi everyone, I just installed Ubuntu 10.04.1 and I'm having the exact same issue when my computer boots from when I tried 10.04 -- My computer boots and then hangs at a black screen with a blinking cursor for about 15 seconds then flashes an Unknown Controller message and continues to boot up. Any ideas?15:50
PsyNetWould anyone care to help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156375115:50
yukisI copied a directory to another partition, then destroyed the old one (encrypted, ntfs) . but I found there are no directory but a file, how to extract it, and why?15:50
jrib!here | PsyNet15:50
ubottuPsyNet: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com15:50
ranticI attempted to google the issue and what the people in this thread experience sounds just like my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1471138.html15:50
jribPsyNet: it's not even an ubuntu question... use ##php15:51
new2UbuntuIchim, okey.... dont know whats the issue....15:52
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: Can you repost instructions to creat the database in postgres, I must have copied it wrong.15:52
Ichimnew2ubuntu: you know which things are different to normal boot, when i am using this "warmboot"?15:53
new2UbuntuIchim, did you ever try the "disbling the ureadahead thing" trick15:53
mbroekerCrankygeek01, sudo su - postgres # switch to user postgres15:53
ranticAnyone? :(15:53
mbroekerCrankygeek01, drop the egroupware db, not the postgres db15:54
jrib!helpme | rantic15:54
ubotturantic: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:54
=== dart is now known as killer99
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com15:54
mbroekerCrankygeek01, createdb --owner egroupware egroupware15:54
Ichimnew2ubuntu: no, i haven't, but i have to install ubuntu before i can try?15:54
jimcooncatI would like to have any new wireless connections to be "Available to all users". Is there an option or conffile I could set?15:55
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: ok, I did    dropdb postgres;    what should I do to fix that now?15:55
mbroekerCrankygeek01, createdb --owner postgres postgres15:56
Crankygeek01Ok, then try again15:56
lxerhow can i install gdm theme?15:56
drew_volpeSomeone sent me a .sitx file.   Anyone know a good way to open it ?15:56
mbroekerCrankygeek01, yes15:56
new2UbuntuIchim, I guess not installing jsut because you had similar issues with Mint, is not a good choice...  and unless and until u install it on disk u'll never know whats the actual issue... there are always poeple out there to help you out fixing such issues... so my suggestion is you just go ahead and installl...and if you face any issues... lets the community people know about ti15:57
sipiordrew_volpe: that's a Stuffit Expander extension, isn't it?15:57
drew_volpesipior: it is.  Stuffit has a version for linux but it apparently doesn't support .sitx (only .sit).15:58
adminewbsacarlson, going ahead with testing whether the LiveCD will lock system up in the same way15:58
ranticI just installed Ubuntu 10.04.1 and I'm experiencing the same issue when my computer boots from when I tried 10.04 -- My computer boots and then hangs at a black screen with a blinking cursor for about 15 seconds then flashes an Unknown Controller message and continues boot up. Any ideas? This thread sounds exactly like my problem (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1471138)15:58
sipiordrew_volpe: yay closed software :-) might want to borrow a mac for a few minutes, expand it there. or yell at the person who sent you the file.15:59
Pici!zh | gnulinux15:59
ubottugnulinux: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:59
Ichimnew2ubuntu: maybe you are right... i think if i am having time on weekend, i'll try to get help after installing on disk16:00
acegiakso why did ubuntu start shipping with empathy > pidgin?16:00
Ichimnew2ubuntu: you think using an older kernel maybe will work?16:01
drew_volpesipior:  yeh, I yelled.  I'm just amazed there isn't a some utility on linux by now.16:01
xivenA little help please16:01
new2UbuntuIchim, I think that would be better...16:01
mich2000is there a way to upgrade from one ubuntu version to another without reinstalling the system?16:01
drew_volpeor rather that in 2010 a company would still be maintaining a properietary zip format.16:01
new2UbuntuIchim, if its something to do with your h/w then I would recommend using the latest kernel...that way you are sure that it has support for all the latest h/w technologies...16:02
jrib!upgrade | mich200016:02
ubottumich2000: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:02
xivenToshiba Satellite A205-S2908, Ubuntu Karmic installed using built-in Wubi, NDISWrapper used to install driver for LinkSys USB Wireless "Pen Drive".  It technically connects, but nothing but can reached (or it continually asks for network password)16:03
rungeHi, I wonder if you peps have any tips on software like plesk or webmin that I could install on my ubuntu 10.04. it seems that webmin is not supported out of the box due to some package issue.16:03
adminewbrantic, have you tried your question in a grub channel?16:03
jrib!ebox | runge16:03
ubotturunge: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox16:03
rungelovely thanks jrib16:03
ranticadminewb: Unfortunately this is my first experience with Ubuntu, I'm not sure if it's a grub issue or not ... I have managed to find 4-5 other threads with the same issue but noone seems to know the fix or has posted one.16:04
ranticadminewb: I guess it won't hurt to ask though!16:04
adminewbrantic, if I understand correctly your issue arises during grub's control, is that not so?16:04
ranticadminewb: If grub is in control after I've chosen which operating system to boot and before the Login screen appears then yes.16:05
Ichimnew2ubuntu: my hardware isn't that new... maybe 2/3 years. I thought of that because the problem seems to appear in luvid lynx only?16:06
adminewbrantic, grub loads up your selected kernel pretty much instantly when you choose an option, so I'd guess not... any long delays are likely not attributed to grub itself but the kernel it loads16:06
new2UbuntuIchim, in that case, may be old kernels would work...but still for a decent amount of time all are backward compatible...that means they are going to work pretty well even with the old h/ws16:07
xivenHow do I find out the currently installed driver for a wireless network adapter (USB)?16:07
adminewbrantic, you might have better luck trying a channel where kernel experts hang out... those who can tell what all those console log messages mean16:07
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: I created the database again- I am getting the same error, do I need to restart the apache server, or postgres?16:08
ranticadminewb: Most of the people in that forum thread believe it's trying to load the memory card reader and eventually fails. Which actually makes sense because I noticed everyone with the issue was using a laptop including me.16:08
mbroekerCrankygeek01, normally not: can you post a picture of your error message?16:08
Ichimnew2ubuntu: ok thank you very much... I thing i gonna try on weekend16:08
new2UbuntuIchim, you are welcome dude !16:09
new2UbuntuIchim, bye16:09
Crankygeek01Mbrorker: http://www.intellitechgroup.com/egroupware16:09
adminewbrantic, wouldn't know myself how to reach kernel experts reliably: such people are in high demand and have to put barriers around themselves to keep from drowning in fluff16:09
mbroekerCrankygeek01, ok: now follow the link and setup the databases16:10
Crankygeek01I did, all things have a green checkmark now16:10
KaolcHey, I bought an Ubuntu VPS and I've only got shell access via Putty atm. I'd like to connect to it with some sort of vnc/rdp connection with a GUI just like if I was connecting to a windows VPS. Can anyone help me get it all set up and running?16:11
jribKaolc: answer hasn't changed since last time you asked...16:12
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: everything is now green- but still get that same error16:12
Kaolcwell !vnc doesn't help me much16:12
jribKaolc: why not?16:12
mbroekerCrankygeek01, now, install the databases16:12
KaolcI further asked you, what if I've only got port 22 open?16:12
jribKaolc: I answered you16:12
Kaolcyou did?16:12
jrib!who | Kaolc16:12
ubottuKaolc: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:12
yukisI copied a directory to another partition, then destroyed the old one (encrypted, ntfs) . but I found there are no directory but a file, how to extract it, and why?16:12
jribKaolc: yes.  I told you that if you would read the link, it tells you how to vnc over ssh16:12
edbianKaolc, Try X forwarding.  ssh -X user@host.  Then when you start a graphical app it loads on the client side.  It assumes you have a working X server on the client.16:13
gerygood night all16:13
KaolcHmm thanks edbian16:13
KaolcWill try googling for x server I guess16:13
mbroekerCrankygeek01, from step 1 to 6, everything is green?16:13
Kaolcjrib, I TRIED. Didn't work out.16:13
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: what do you mean- instal the databases?16:13
edbianKaolc, Yep.16:13
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX16:13
edbianKaolc, What is the client?  Windows XP ?16:14
jribKaolc: what didn't work exactly?16:14
Crankygeek01mbroeker: everything is green16:14
gerycan help me???/16:14
edbianKaolc, xming  is a good windows based x server16:14
edbiangery, Yeah probably.  What is your problem?16:14
Kaolcjrib, I'm not sure what didn't work out. I followed the tutorial and well, messed up somehow. I'll try xming then16:15
xivenIs xming for running within cygwin or for providing remote gui?16:15
gerywhy my monitor not detected?16:15
Madwilli did man ftp and now i dont know how to get out of there16:15
smallfoot-how can ubuntu have firefox 3.6.9, when latest version on firefox website is 3.6.8 ?16:15
edbianxiven, xming is an X server.  It does not run inside cygwin16:15
Madwillhow do i get out please16:15
edbianMadwill, q16:16
zira_p hi all!16:16
xiventyping 'logout' without the quotes should exit ftp16:16
edbiangery, Was it connected while you booted the computer?16:16
edbianxiven, He is in the man page.16:16
edbianMadwill, no problem16:16
gerymy notebook is axiio neon mnc 915c16:17
Kaolcokay, so I logged into the VPS via PuTTy. Now what exactly?16:17
Kaolcapt-get install xserver? something like that?16:17
edbianKaolc, Is this ubuntu server edition?16:17
Madwillsomeone really out of his mind asked me to set-up a command line ubuntu server via ssh16:17
Kaolcedbian, I don't know. I'm not experienced.16:17
* Madwill is listening to kaolc question16:17
edbianKaolc, Did you install the operating system?16:18
KaolcI purchased access to the server, it's a VPS16:18
edbianKaolc, I have to use the restroom.  I would be happy to help but I will be back in 2 minutes :)16:18
KaolcThanks man (: Not in a hurry16:18
Madwillkaolc what are you trying to do16:18
Madwillsetup a server remotly via ssh16:18
zira_pcan we use with all my ubuntu network with http://www.i2p2.de/ ? What i have to do, if i want to use all my network with i2p protocol ? or i have to integrated all softwares (firefox, chrome, pidgin...) to ip2 protocol by one by ?16:18
KaolcWell I'm trying to get something installed on my ubuntu server so I can connect to it remotely from Windows and have a nice GUI16:19
Kaolclike VNC or something16:19
Madwillin my case its a command line, which will stays in command line16:19
Madwillclients choice16:19
KaolcOh. I don't know about mine16:19
KaolcIs that the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu server edition btw?16:20
Kaolccommandline only?16:20
Madwillwe have no expertise and they think i have i can do it16:20
Madwillpretty much and comes pre packaged with server stuffs16:20
Kaolcand if so, how do I check if mine is server edit?16:20
Madwillwell if you take desktop remove gui and add server stuff you end up with the same thing16:21
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: Any other ideas?16:21
jimcooncatKaolc: in times past, I don't know about now, the server kernel used a different scheduler than the desktop kernel16:21
jribKaolc: ubuntu server doesn't have X by default (and runs a -server kernel)16:21
Madwillso i guess you cannot know16:21
jribKaolc: check what kernel you are running16:21
KaolcSo is there some sort of easy command I can use?16:21
mbroekerCrankygeek01, psql -U egroupware; select * from egw_access_log;16:21
jribKaolc: uname -r16:22
Kaolc2.6.18.. And I really should have remembered that command, lol16:22
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edbianKaolc, Does the name end in "server" ??16:22
mbroekerCrankygeek01, do you see the table?16:22
KaolcI don't think so, no16:22
famicube64Is there any way in Empathy to hide the "* has joined the room" kind of messages?16:23
edbianKaolc, close your putty session16:23
jribKaolc: what ubuntu version is this? That's not a standard kernel16:23
KaolcI have no idea. Edbian, why?16:23
edbianKaolc, You're in luck I used to do this all the time.  I just don't have putty in front of me so I can help walk you through the settings.16:23
jrib!version | Kaolc16:23
ubottuKaolc: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:23
Kaolcah, so what do you want me to do?16:23
edbianKaolc, We need to change the settings you use to connect.  Have you started xming?16:23
jribKaolc: address people you are responding to please16:23
edbianKaolc, xming has a tray icon.16:23
multi_iohow do I switch my eth0 connection from dhcp to a manual setup? In the "Edit Connections" dialog for eth0, the "Apply" button is always grayed out after I specified the manual settings and want to apply them.16:24
Kaolcedbian, I haven't even downloaded it16:24
amitm running karmic,rhythmbox 0.12.5 and emapthy song played not being updated in empathy...selected the im plugin in rhythmbox16:24
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: one sec I have to run over there16:24
zira_pcan we use with all my ubuntu network with http://www.i2p2.de/ ? What i have to do, if i want to use all my network with i2p protocol ? or i have to integrated all softwares (firefox, chrome, pidgin...) to ip2 protocol by one by ?16:24
edbianKaolc, Well in order to forward the graphics you need it so start that download.16:24
multi_iois editing /etc/network/interfaces the recommended way?16:24
Kaolcedbian, do you want me to get teamviewer or something and help me if you have the time?16:24
edbianKaolc, Additionally you should sudo apt-get install nautilus      on your server.16:24
edbianKaolc, I don't even know what teamviewer is.  I do have time though.16:24
mbroekerCrankygeek01, when in doubt, install phppgadmin and check it online :)16:24
meekdoes anybody know what the difference between adobe-flashplugin and flashplugin-nonfree is/was?16:24
preetamcan anybody tell me how to check my internet speed in ubuntu 10.0416:24
Kaolcteamviewer is a remote desktop controller sorta thing16:24
KaolcBut I guess you're not running windows.16:25
edbianKaolc, nautilus is the linux equivalent of windows explorer.  It will depend on X server and install all things necessary for a guy.16:25
edbianKaolc, We don't need teamviewer.16:25
KaolcAhhh.. I thought it was unbuntu-desktop16:25
edbianKaolc, I'd rather you learned anyway :)16:25
qwdpreetam: http://www.speedtest.net/ maybe?16:25
Kaolcsure, okay16:25
famicube64I like Speakeasy for those kinds of things16:25
Picibullgard4: /var/cache/apt/ is the location of of the apt cache.16:25
=== Ziaeon_ is now known as Ziaeon
qwdpreetam: it uses flash though. You could also try just getting a popular torrent.16:26
Kaolcnautilus is already the newest version.16:26
edbianKaolc, Then you have graphics installed.16:26
edbianKaolc, Which is excellent16:26
KaolcSo I need to download xming on my windows computer now?16:26
edbianKaolc, http://www.math.umn.edu/systems_guide/putty_xwin32.html  This lays out how to set putty very clearly.  You need xming running before this will work.16:26
Kaolcxming running on windows, correct? Also, server version for windows or what? I'm sorta confused about that one.16:27
jca1981my upgrade to lucid failed, getting this error when i do a dpkg --configure -a http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/485784/16:27
edbianKaolc, run xming on windows yes.16:27
ChrisBuchholzHey guys. Where can I get both the maverick radiance and ambiance themes? In the packages i have installed, and can find, i only get the ambiance theme. Any ideas?16:27
Kaolcedbian, so I download this correct? http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/16:28
edbianKaolc, It doesn't matter what the hell the client is.  Windows xp client or 7 server16:28
kshatriyarunning karmic,rhythm box 0.12.5,empathy 2.30, curretn song is not being updated in emapthy....im status is checked in plugin16:28
edbianKaolc, yes16:28
edbianKaolc, That's the correct file16:28
PiciChrisBuchholz: Maverick support in #ubuntu+116:29
bbeckI was wondering if the new ubuntu desktop font has finally made it into public beta yet?  I'm very anxious to try it on a KDE desktop.16:29
edbianKaolc, I like this tutorial even better than the other one.  It explains more and is closer to what you're doing.  http://www.cs.caltech.edu/courses/cs11/misc/xwindows.html16:29
Kaolcedbian, xming running, I got a tray icon16:29
edbianKaolc, Good.  Follow that most recent guide.  Just make the settings in putty and connect.16:29
Kaolcebdian, do you want me to read it or follow your advice?16:29
Kaolcedbian, okay16:30
edbianKaolc, My advice and reading the tutorial should be the same.16:30
MadwillWait a minute can i download Xming and have a interface for my remote server which will communicate via SSh with xmins16:30
amithi all16:30
jca1981Need Help :  my upgrade to lucid failed, getting this error when i do a dpkg --configure -a http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/485784/16:30
edbianKaolc, Once you have xming running and putty properly configured and connected to the server.  YOu should be able to run a command like "xclock" or "firefox" and it shows up on the client but is actually on the server.16:31
edbianMadwill, Yes16:31
bbeckBTW, I'm using the droid font, and it is wonderful.  (Just in case there are people that are unhappy with their fonts and are looking for something better.)16:31
MadwillWow just wow, so does the server needs any aditionnal installation16:31
ChrisBuchholzPici: thanks ;)16:31
kshatriyahi all m having problem...current song not getting updated in empathy status16:31
edbianMadwill, The server needs to have graphical apps and therefore an X server of it's own.  It is important to note that the server does not need to run it's X server at all.16:32
edbianMadwill, Most don't.16:32
hyxfI am coming16:32
Kaolcedbian, I gotta go for half an hour. I'll follow the link when I get back. Thank you for your help! (:16:32
Madwillfine edbian you sir are a gentleman and a scholar16:32
=== Weust` is now known as Weust`afk
edbianMadwill, You can't run firefox and forward the gui over an X session if firefox isn't installed.  Installing firefox automatically installs all the things you need for a graphical environment.  But once it's installed you don't have to run any of that stuff on the server.16:33
Kaolcseconded. Cya.16:33
kshatriyahi all.....16:33
kshatriyaare my quetiongs visible?16:33
FlashDeluxe@all: how can i backup my partitiontable which is currently running (i made changes to it, these changes will take effect by the next reboot and it don`t want them to take effect, so i want to correct my changes back)16:33
ilovefairuz!patience | kshatriya16:34
ubottukshatriya: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com16:34
kshatriyaok.. i thought my updates are not visible....i thoght i did some mistaked in configuring IRC..16:34
edbianMadwill, ha ha thanks?16:34
Madwillok, sounds fine, if my points is only to get some phpfiles, a couple of swfs and a big sql command i should not go for a x server integration right16:35
edbianKaolc, Bye16:35
adminewbis there an easy way, like from a terminal, to reset my DVD drive controller? Brasero didn't like me canceling out of a long simulated blank disk rewrite and the controller now refuses to eject; can I do this without rebooting?16:35
ilovefairuzFlashDeluxe: so are you trying to backup your partition or to roll back changes?16:35
edbianMadwill, Are your phpfiles in a sql server?  I'm a bit confused there.16:35
edbianMadwill, x forwarding won't let you transfer files.  You should use scp for that.16:35
ilovefairuzadminewb: it's just stimulated, kill the app16:36
Madwilli've got a vanilla server16:36
FlashDeluxeilovefairuz: roll back changes :)16:36
ilovefairuzFlashDeluxe: what exactly did you change?16:36
Madwillwhich i need to fill with our application, everything is installed and i just need to put everything in place16:36
adminewbilovefairuz, the app is dead already, I need to reset the controller please16:36
FlashDeluxeilovefairuz: the partition ID16:36
ilovefairuzadminewb: try "reject" from the command line16:36
ilovefairuzFlashDeluxe: how did you change it? and do you still have the old ID?16:37
ilovefairuzadminewb: ** "eject"16:37
adminewbilovefairuz, 'reject'ed at the shell, it says nothing but gives a new prompt... did it do anything?16:37
adminewboh heh16:38
ilovefairuzsleepy spelling16:38
adminewbilovefairuz as I mentioned, it won't eject16:38
adminewbilovefairuz how can I reset the controller?16:38
ilovefairuzadminewb: yes, but any error messages?16:38
adminewbilovefairuz no error message16:38
FlashDeluxeilovefairuz: i have lvm running, so the ID has to be 8e, i installed a new hdd and tried to change it via fdisk, but unfourtunately the ID of a few existing disks changed to "e  W95 FAT16 (LBA)"16:38
ilovefairuzadminewb: sudo lsof | grep sr016:39
=== kinks_ is now known as kinks
th0radminewb: try unmounting sr0 as root and then try eject again16:40
ilovefairuzFlashDeluxe: so why don't you run fdisk and change them back ?16:40
adminewbth0r, so sr0 is the first optical disk device16:40
th0radminewb: should be...check what is mounted with 'mount'16:40
FlashDeluxeilovefairuz: because it doenst work^^16:41
adminewbilovefairuz, the grep sr0 part found no reference to that device16:41
kodakhello all16:41
adminewbno sr0 mounted, it appears; could .gvfs relate?16:41
ilovefairuzFlashDeluxe: what "doesn't work" ? changing the ID and saving it gives an error?16:41
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: I am getting an authentication error for the user egroupware16:42
kodaki have a grub2 question. I have dualboot atm, ubuntu as one and windows as the second, i would like to make windows the defualt boot. I have 10_linux pointing to correct linux kernel, and 11_windows for windows16:42
FlashDeluxeilovefairuz: Ooops i`m such a f**** :D i thought that i first have to type in the number of the hex code and then the letter, but the number was the number of the drive -.-* :d damn^^16:42
kodakshould i just change the 10_linux to 11_linux and 11_windows to 10_windows?16:43
kodakor do i need to rewrite some config files?16:43
adminewbth0r, since there's no optical device mount to all appearance, can't I just issue a low level PCI channel reset cmd somehow?16:43
adminewbth0r, the physical eject button on the device isn't working16:44
ilovefairuzadminewb: try: sudo wodim -eject16:44
ilovefairuz!cn | dongfeng16:44
ubottudongfeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:44
adminewbilovefairuz thanks16:44
th0radminewb: try 'ls -l /dev/* | grep cd' and see if you can tell what /dev/cdrom is pointing to16:44
ilovefairuzdongfeng: write: /join  #ubuntu-cn16:45
adminewbth0r, yes /dev/cdrom points to sr016:45
glibdoes anyone know of an nxclient like nomachine for ubuntu (amd64)?16:45
mbroekerCrankygeek01, can i pm you?16:45
adminewbth0r, it's actually a DVD device if that matters16:45
SPM_nomachine client isn't working?16:45
th0radminewb: and 'sudo eject /dev/cdrom' doesn't work?16:45
dongfengi lovefairuz16:45
ilovefairuzdongfeng: type:   /join  #ubuntu-cn16:46
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: please do16:46
adminewbth0r, no it doesn't eject16:46
adminewbth0r, the physical eject button on the drive doesn't work16:46
dongfengi don't know16:46
th0radminewb: you said you were working with brasero?16:47
glibSPM_, is there a 64bit version?16:47
dongfengHow old are you ?16:47
ilovefairuzdongfeng: 写: /join  #ubuntu-cn16:47
SPM_glib: yes16:47
glibwhere would i get it?16:47
adminewbth0r, yes Brasero16:48
th0radminewb: try 'ps ax | grep brasero16:48
adminewbth0r, killed it already16:48
SPM_glib: http://www.nomachine.com/download-client-linux.php16:48
shylenthm, so I've installed 10.04 instead of 9.04 and everything is kind of ok with pretty much *one* exception: my gnome-terminal is very choppy, - it takes quite some time for stuff I type to appear (and disappear)16:48
th0rok...you killed all brasero processes?, not just close the window...actually check the process list and kill any remaining brasero process16:48
shylentis there any setting I can tweak or something?16:48
ilovefairuzadminewb: pastebin: ps aux16:49
adminewbth0r, ok brasero's GUI was shut down but it appears it still has a process running anyway16:49
glibSPM_, oh, now i feel stupid, i went to the website but didn't scroll down!16:49
th0radminewb: right...kill any brasero process....'lill -9 <processnumber>16:49
ilovefairuzadminewb: killall -KILL brasero16:49
SPM_glib: it sometimes happend :))16:50
adminewbth0r brasero process in a sleep state16:50
adminewbth0r roger that kill16:50
smallfoot-how can ubuntu have firefox 3.6.9, when latest version on firefox website is 3.6.8 ?16:50
dongfengwhere are you from ?16:51
adminewbth0r, ok process killed, still can't eject16:51
dongfengI'M china16:51
th0radminewb: I thought sure that would do it16:51
adminewbth0r, afaict I still really need to reset that controller, preferably without rebooting16:52
th0radminewb: I don't know of any way to do that...maybe someone else has an idea16:52
adminewbok this is enough hassle, time to reboot16:53
FloodBot2dongfeng: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:53
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!16:53
guntbertdongfeng: this channel is for ubuntu support only.  Do you have an ubuntu support question?16:53
Picidongfeng: #ubuntu is englush only.  #ubuntu-cn for chinese.16:54
Augustuswow, big user list16:54
jooHi guys. When I play hl2 and Gmod in WINE, all the video playback such as the conversations on monitors and also the reflections on water are tinted really really blue. I had this issue with videos before and i can't remember how i fixed it.16:55
jooPretty sure it's not a WINE issue.16:55
Picismallfoot-: Its a build of the 3.6.9 canindate.16:55
Picismallfoot-: And thats only in maverick as well.16:55
AugustusSo... I'm a Linux Virgin and I had a few questions, I'm thinking about switching from Win7 to a 300GB Portable HDD that runs Ubuntu... but I am not sure how to start16:55
AraneidaeAugustus, what's a "HDD"?  A Hard Disk Drive (my best guess) doesn't run Linux, it merely can carry it...16:56
edbianAugustus, download a live CD :)16:56
smallfoot-Pici, ah ok thakns16:56
ilovefairuz!install | Augustus16:56
ubottuAugustus: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:56
edbianAugustus, You can run linux entirely off a CD and try it out :)16:57
AugustusAraneidae: That's what I meant, my bad... been up since 3am and not feeling too spry at the moment16:57
AraneidaeSo are you thinking of dual booting onto the portable HDD?16:57
erdnaseAugustus, try installing it in windows first, that's what I'm doing atm.16:57
Leman_RussAugustus; come and talk to me in the other tab.  I will help you16:57
=== HarpoTheWhale is now known as Kaie`
edbianerdnase, Wubi?  Blech :(16:57
AugustusOh wow. haha lots of people lol.16:57
AraneidaeAnyhow, lots of helpful suggestions flying by16:57
ilovefairuzDon't use Wubi!16:57
erdnaseWhy? o_o16:58
ilovefairuzerdnase: it doesn't play well with grub216:58
edbianerdnase, It complicates things.  When you have a problem on wubi it is more difficult to solve.16:58
Leman_RussAraneidae; what are you talking about?16:58
edbianerdnase, Many people when confronted with a problem on a wubi system usually see the solution as "oh get rid of wubi then it will work"16:58
AraneidaeLeman_Russ, I was mostly responding to Augustus16:59
erdnaseLol, Ok. I'll get rid of this.16:59
guntbert!who | Araneidae16:59
ubottuAraneidae: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:59
erdnaseedbian, ilovefairuz , anyhow, is it ok if i only give ubuntu 10gb worth of hard disk space? :P16:59
Leman_RussI was referring to the point that Araneidae made about not being able to run Ubuntu from an HDD16:59
Leman_RussWhere the hell else are you going to run it from??17:00
ilovefairuzedbian: you have no idea what you're talking about, wubi is known to NOT work with grub2 upgrades and leaves people locked out of their machine, unable to boot windows or ubuntu17:00
AraneidaeLeman_Russ, my point is that the HDD is beside the point, what matters is the machine that's going to run it17:00
edbianerdnase, Yeah.  That system only takes up 2Gb when it's first installed.  Most people take up about 6 or 7Gb.  Then whatever files you personally put on there varies widely.17:00
erdnaseedbian, will it affect it's performance?17:01
edbianilovefairuz, That sucks.  I didn't claim to know anything about grub2 and wubi.17:01
Leman_RussAraneidae; OK, you were being pedantic.  fair enough17:01
edbianerdnase, There isn't any performance gain unless you fill a drive to >98% capacity.17:01
edbianperformance drain...17:01
AraneidaeI suppose I was, sorry, didn't really mean to be17:01
erdnaseedbian, Thank you.17:01
edbianerdnase, Have fun!17:02
ilovefairuzedbian: then don't claim people just get rid of wubi because of ignorance of the true cause of their problems17:02
erdnasebtw, is there a way for me to install ubuntu, without going through the whole ndiswrapper thing again?17:02
FloodBot2ylmfos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:02
AraneidaeWhat's mode +z, keep seeing that.  Is it part of enabling -q?17:03
ylmfos#ubuntu ylmfos!*@17:03
sipiorylmfos: something we can help you with?17:03
edbianilovefairuz, What I said isn't false.  wubi complicates issues with Ubuntu and people are reluctant to help with it.17:03
Kaolcedbian, I'm back. Will read the link you gave me and will let you know if I get in trouble if that's ok17:04
erdnaseGuys. Is there a way for me to install ubuntu, and still retain the changes I've done in this wubi thing?17:04
edbianilovefairuz, If you don't want me to talk about anything that I don't know in 100% entirety then I'm not sure I'd be able to talk about anything.17:04
ilovefairuzedbian: unless it gets proper quality assurance, the only reasonable advice for everyday users is to simply not use it17:04
yukisI copied a directory to another partition, then destroyed the old one (encrypted, ntfs) . but I found there are no directory but a file, how to extract it, and why?17:05
Abhinav1hey dhruvasagar :)17:05
edbianerdnase, Back up your entire home folder somewhere outside of wubi.  Like onto a USB key or something.  Then when you install ubuntu for you real you can put them back in place.  All user settings are stored in /home/userName  in hidden files/folders that start with a .17:05
edbianilovefairuz, I agree.17:05
ilovefairuzedbian: i wasn't "attacking" you personally, i was only responding to your wubi comment, sorry if it sounded harsh17:06
erdnaseedbian, Thank you so much. (Yay, no more ndiswrapper install thingy >_>)17:06
edbianilovefairuz, O good to know :)  Do you mean that I shouldn't have suggested he get rid of it because that opens new problem?17:06
edbianerdnase, You might still need that ;)  That has no bearing on wubi17:07
jimcooncaterdnase: as edbian said. if you don't have a USB or writeable CD, at least copy those files to your Windows partition -- it will be easier than trying to dig back into where wubi stores its files17:07
erdnaseedbian, jimcooncat, I just copied everything to a portable hard drive. I'm... good to go.17:08
erdnaseSee you guys later, bye. :P17:08
matthatesspamI'm having a problem with my wireless card. Could I get some help? :)17:08
ilovefairuzedbian: If it's already installed, then it's only a problem when it becomes a problem. But for new installs, I highly recommend against it.17:08
edbianerdnase, Bye17:08
edbianilovefairuz, Ok.  We're on the same page :)17:09
guntbertilovefairuz: may I PM you?17:09
ilovefairuzguntbert: yes17:09
matthatesspamI'm having a problem with my wireless card. Could I get some help? :)17:09
edbianguntbert, Not to gossip about me I hope! :P17:09
edbianmatthatesspam, yeah.17:09
erdnasematthatesspam, what is it matt?17:09
matthatesspamedbian: Netbook remix won't recognize my wireless card.17:09
edbianmatthatesspam, Does it show up in the output of sudo lspci  ??17:10
matthatesspamDesktop edition will, but I prefer the netbook remix.17:10
matthatesspamedbian: I'm rather new to linux, so what's that command?17:10
edbianmatthatesspam, also, look at the end of the output of dmesg.  Do you see anything regarding your wireless card?17:10
edbianmatthatesspam, sudo lspci17:10
edbianmatthatesspam, dmesg17:10
matthatesspamI'm actually not in ubuntu now17:10
Kaolcebidian, I can't get xming to work17:11
Guardian_Hola muy buenas tardes17:11
matthatesspamedbian: Should I log out and boot back into ubuntu?17:11
guntbert!es | Guardian_17:11
Kaolcebidian, I followed the link you gave me, but when I use the command xeyes & it gives me "Error: Can't open display"17:11
ubottuGuardian_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:11
edbianmatthatesspam, Yeah.  To run those commands you need to be running Ubuntu :)17:12
edbianKaolc, xming is running?17:12
matthatesspamedbian: All right. I'll be right back.17:12
Bauldrickhow much slower should i expect my netbook to run if I output it to my TV 1028x* - when the normal resolution runs at 800x* with its screen?17:12
yukisI copied a directory to another partition, then destroyed the old one (encrypted, ntfs) . but I found there are no directory but a file, how to extract it, and why?17:12
Kaolcedbian, yes xming is running, I have the tray icon17:13
edbianKaolc, What settings did you do in putty?17:13
edbianKaolc, I lost the link, can you give it to me so that I can see it again?17:13
Kaolcdefault settings, checked the x11 thing17:13
Kaolcedbian http://www.cs.caltech.edu/courses/cs11/misc/xwindows.html17:13
edbianKaolc, If you hover the mouse over the icon it says "0:0  ??17:14
tehgeekmeisterdo i need to restart cron for it to recognize new files in cron.d?17:14
jimcooncattehgeekmeister: you're not supposed to have to17:15
KaolcYes, it does17:15
sacarlsontehgeekmeister: no,  enless you didn't use crontab -e17:15
Kaolchover over says "Xming Server:0.0"17:15
edbianKaolc, They have a typo in the instructions.  in X Display Location you should put localhost:0.0  NOT localhost:0:017:15
KaolcI tried both17:15
tehgeekmeistersacarlson: ah, so i need to run crontab -e?17:15
Kaolcusing a dot instead gives me the following error:17:16
sacarlsontehgeekmeister: only if you don't want to reboot or reset cron17:16
edbianKaolc, Ignore 0:0  that is wrong.17:16
edbianKaolc, lemme see the error :)17:16
tehgeekmeistersacarlson: well i was adding a new file to cron.d anyway, not editing crontab17:16
unam3does any one know any site to read up on, booting a usb flash with ubuntu server on from a cd with grub, anything or similar would be helpful :-D17:16
Kaolc[1] 1767517:16
KaolcError: Can't open display: localhost:10.017:16
KaolcWeird thing is I put 1.0 not 10.0 in putty.17:16
sacarlsontehgeekmeister: well that's not the normal method,  but I guess you must know what your doing.17:17
jimcooncatKaolc: Putty adds 10, otherwise you'd be looking at your own display17:17
KaolcOh wait, I put localhost:0.0 and it gives me 10.0 for some reason.17:17
tehgeekmeistersacarlson: no, i have no clue, actually.17:17
KaolcBut then why isn't it working?17:17
tehgeekmeistersacarlson: should i put the entry into crontab instead?17:18
tehgeekmeistersacarlson: i was reverse engineering the sysstat cron file to figure out how to do mine17:18
sacarlsontehgeekmeister: cron is setup so any user account can setup a timed event.  if that's what you want to do that is the normal method17:18
guntbertKaolc: 10:0 is the default when working with ssh -X17:19
Kaolcguntbert, what doesthat mean exactly?17:19
sacarlsontehgeekmeister:  try man crontab for more info17:19
edbianKaolc, That is the problem.  10.0 != 0.017:19
=== syonzet is now known as syon
matthatesspamedbian: Back17:19
tehgeekmeistersacarlson: okay, thanks17:19
KaolcSo should I set it to -10.0? O_o17:19
edbianKaolc, You're running xming at 0.0  you have to get putty to connect to it or change it.17:19
sacarlsontehgeekmeister: systat?17:19
edbianKaolc, I don't know.17:19
jimcooncatKaolc: how do you start xming? you'll need to tell it to use display 1017:19
edbianguntbert, He should be able to tell putty to connect to whatever sever he wants17:20
tehgeekmeistersacarlson: yeah, it dumps reports for sar17:20
KaolcI just ticked run after installation17:20
bkeatingMorning guys. Wondering if anyone could help me figure out why this is not working: http://dpaste.com/236317/17:20
edbianjimcooncat, He should be able to tell putty to use whatever X server he wants17:20
guntbertKaolc: I didn't follow - was just a hint17:20
sacarlsontehgeekmeister: what account does it run in?17:20
matthatesspamedbian, what do I do from here?17:20
edbianmatthatesspam, Sorry I forget what we are working on?17:20
matthatesspamWireless trouble17:20
KaolcOkay, so basically.. What do I do? I still don't understand the error.17:20
tehgeekmeistersacarlson: sysstat runs as root, think it has to17:20
guntbertedbian: yes, but obviously he didn't until now17:20
edbianguntbert, He is specifying 0.0 and it's attempting to connect to 10.017:21
tehgeekmeistersacarlson: or at least i *believe* it runs as root.  if it doesn't, i don't know what account it uses.17:21
ranticHi everyone, I just freshly installed 10.04.1 and am getting an error every time my computer boots for 15-20 seconds. Could anyone help me find out where it might be logged on my system?17:21
edbianKaolc, Those are locations of server.  It's a virtual location.  Basically you have to get those numbers to be the same number.17:21
matthatesspamedbian, we were discussing wireless trouble in the netbook remix17:21
Kaolcedbian, okay, I see.. Why does it add 10?17:22
edbianKaolc, Either figure out how to get putty to connect to 0.0 or get xming to have a server at 10.017:22
sacarlsontehgeekmeister: not sure what it does or what it is.  what is it you want to do with cron or what is it you want to modify in systat?17:22
edbianKaolc, I don't know how to do either one (well I do know putty but it doesn't seem to be listening)17:22
edbianmatthatesspam, What did dmesg have to say?17:22
Kaolcokay, I set it to localhost:-10.0 and it's still trying 10.017:22
edbianmatthatesspam, What about lspci?  Does the hardware show up there?17:22
KaolcHow do I run my xming server on 10.0 then? Would be easier17:22
tehgeekmeistersacarlson: i want a script to run right after sysstat dumps it's statistics, to send me an email if the idle percentage drops too low17:22
edbianKaolc, putty is ingoring you.  Right click the xming icon.  Are there settings for that?17:22
guntbertKaolc: can you tell me shortly what you want to do?17:22
edbianguntbert, X forward over ssh using putty and xming on a windows client17:23
Kaolcwell that was fast, yeah17:23
blabluhhey everybody17:23
matthatesspamedbian: It's showing an ethernet controller and a network controller17:23
sacarlsontehgeekmeister: if you just modify something like that just restart cron.  it should work fine.17:24
matthatesspamedbian: And I'm not sure what dmesg pulled up.17:24
tehgeekmeistersacarlson: cool, thanks17:24
edbianmatthatesspam, Well then I'm not sure what to do next.17:24
Kaolcedbian, I got xming to say 10.0 now17:24
ranticHi everyone, I just freshly installed 10.04.1 and am getting an error every time my computer boots for 15-20 seconds. Could anyone help me find out where it might be logged on my system?17:24
edbianmatthatesspam, No offense but I didn't ask you to run dmesg and then forget the output.17:24
edbianKaolc, So restart your putty connection with x forwarding and all that.17:25
guntbertKaolc: that is easy, you must have the xming running on your windows machine, the in putty set (in the SSH region) "enable X forwarding", connect to the server and start any graphical app17:25
matthatesspamedbian, I don't know what dmesg was.17:25
matthatesspamI'm new to linxu17:25
guntbert*then in putty....17:25
Kaolcguntbert, that's exactly what I did17:25
Kaolcguntbert, it gives me an error and won't work. We're trying to fix it17:25
guntbertKaolc: what was the error17:26
edbianmatthatesspam, It is a general system log.  It is good for solving problem early on.  Run it again ("dmesg") and see if it has anything helpful.  Look only at the last 25 lines though.  The beginning is not going to be relevant.17:26
Kaolcumm sec17:26
matthatesspamOh, OK17:26
KaolcError: Can't open display: localhost:10.017:26
edbianKaolc, Now that you got them on the same server number does it work?  Or still no?  New error?17:26
guest__Question: I'm trying to prepare for LPI-C 1 (101 and 102)  Has anyone here done this with Ubuntu (or a derivative thereof)?  I'm concerned that going sans root will leave me knowing workarounds instead of the 'Linux' way of doing things... Any thoughts?17:26
KaolcStill not working.17:26
edbianKaolc, It has the same error?  What does hovering over xming show?  10.0 ??17:27
jimcooncatedbian: perhaps Kaolc's sshd on the other end isn't set up for X forwarding17:27
matthatesspamedbian, the last twenty lines or so it repeats this rtl8192_SetWirelessMode(), wireless_mode:10, bEnableHT = 1"17:27
KaolcSame error, hovering gives 10.017:27
guntbertKaolc: I know that error - the remote machine - is it a "normal" ubuntu machine?17:27
Kaolcguntbert, define normal17:27
Kaolcguntbert, it's a rented VPS server17:27
edbianmatthatesspam, Hmmm it appears to be working?  Wireless networks do not show up in the panel applet?17:27
edbianguntbert, It is.17:28
edbianguntbert, It's not "server edition"17:28
Kaolcah right17:28
edbianguntbert, What is with this error?17:28
matthatesspamedbian: The problem is ubuntu isn't recognizing my wireless network, but it has no problems with viewing my neighbor's.17:28
guntbertKaolc: aahh - that changes things - did you install the OS yourself?17:28
Kaolcguntbert, no17:28
edbianmatthatesspam, Then that's a problem with your wifi not your laptop.17:28
Scanshello,am facing a lil problem with reading arabic font from text that was in windows os and i already install arabic package, is there any way to read the text again?17:29
edbianguntbert, What difference does it make with it's server edition?  I feel like you're holding out on us! :)17:29
matthatesspamedbian: I can connect when I'm using Win7 though, and when I'm in the 10.04 desktop live CD17:29
guntbertKaolc: I had that problem on some remote machine too - they seem to prevent that method of X tunneling17:29
Kaolcguntbert, what do I do then?17:29
Kaolcguntbert, I talked to them and they wouldn't help setting up any GUI but said that if I wanted one I'd have to do it myself, which leads me to believe it's possible17:30
guntbertedbian: no, nothing to do with server/desktop  see ^^17:30
aeon-ltdedbian: no X related crap in server edition17:30
guntbertaeon-ltd: please...17:30
edbianaeon-ltd, Hes running normal17:30
guest__Anyone here with LPI Certs?17:31
edbianguntbert, Who is "they" ??  The people who own the server?17:31
guntbertedbian: yes, they installed the OS too and made changes17:31
edbianguntbert, It is odd that it is a normal Ubuntu install and not server edition especially since they won't allow him to x forward.17:31
edbianguntbert, I see.17:31
edbianKaolc, This sucks17:31
Scanshello,am facing a lil problem with reading arabic font from text that was in windows os and i already install arabic package, is there any way to read the text again? any idea guys?17:31
xstexciao a tutti17:33
guntbertKaolc: sorry, I gave up on that machine (text mode is fine :-)) - so I cannot really help you17:33
guest__Thanks guys.  Guess I should have a better nick if I want to be noticed.   I feel like im in a17:33
Kaolcedbian, it sure does.17:33
guntbert!it | xstex17:33
ubottuxstex: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:33
guest__#Debian channel17:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:33
Kaolcguntbert, I need a GUI to run mirc with scripts etc on it17:33
guntbertKaolc: then run irssi17:34
Kaolcguntbert, what's irssi? I need something that supports the MIRC scripting language17:34
sipherKaolc: nothing for linux that supports mIRC scripting.17:34
guntbertirssi | Kaolc17:34
IdleOneKaolc: in that case you need to run mirc17:34
guntbert!irssi | Kaolc17:34
ubottuKaolc: Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen17:34
KaolcIdle0ne, exactly. That's why I need a GUI17:35
IdleOneKaolc: xchat is a GUI client17:35
sipherKaolc: x-chat supports perl scripts and has a gui.17:35
KaolcI don't need perl scripts, I already made a huge mirc script which I need running 24/7.17:35
sipherKaolc: they WILL NOT run on linux.17:36
IdleOneKaolc: you can run mirc in wine if you absolutely need to17:36
sipherKaolc: unless you run mIRC in wine.17:36
KaolcIdle0ne, wine requires a GUI version of Unbuntu though, right? That's where I get stuck again17:36
KaolcI mean, to fully operate mirc17:36
tommjamesi ran mIRC in wine for a while, had some strange window refresh issues though17:36
IdleOneKaolc: you want to run a GUI client with a GUI?17:36
sipherKaolc: lol. of course. You need X for anything graphical. (other than ncurses interfaces)17:36
Kaolcidleone, yes17:37
Kaolcsipher, problem is that x isn't working out17:37
IdleOneKaolc: that is not possible17:37
sipherKaolc: you have a VPS? from that sounds of it...17:37
KaolcIdle0ne, are you saying it's not possible to run xserver - > server -> wine -> mirc?17:37
Kaolcsipher, yes17:37
sipherKaolc: ask your hosting provider to re-install the VPS with ubuntu desktop.17:37
sipherthat or install X17:38
Kaolcsipher, okay. I wonder if they'll do it, but okay. Thanks.17:38
PiciKaolc: or with windows.17:38
KaolcX isn't working, that's my problem17:38
aetaricsipher: that might not be possible.17:38
KaolcPici, yeah, except that's way more expensive, so I wanted to try this first17:38
KaolcPlus, I guess I learned something. Oh well.17:38
KaolcNow, I wonder what to do with the Ubuntu VPS. Any suggestions?17:39
axisyswhat is "best practice" method to move from a 250G (100G free) disk to 750G disk .. i am replacing the hard drive in my laptop.. i am running ubuntu desktop 64bit 10.0417:41
Fendaril_Can somebody explain why I need uterm to bring up any vterm menus?17:41
Fendaril_it seems logical that the thing I am trying to emulate should have its own menu17:41
Fendaril_but no17:41
sipheraxisys: dd has worked well for me in the past.17:41
Fendaril_only uterm does that17:41
Fendaril_I mean whats the difference between a unicode emulating terminal and juist xterm17:41
Fendaril_xterm should bring a menu17:42
fjkldlkjdkljji just learned something serious17:42
axisyssipher: i dont need exact snapshot really..17:42
sipheraxisys: another way would be to install a fresh ubuntu on the new disk, and copy over the data you want.17:42
fjkldlkjdkljjmy brother works for the police and there's this guy named "kenichi" on here17:42
axisyssipher: how about the pkgs ?17:42
fjkldlkjdkljjand he's been soliciting minors17:42
IdleOne!ot | fjkldlkjdkljj17:42
ubottufjkldlkjdkljj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:42
sipheraxisys: they can be installed via the add/remove ?17:42
macoopu: is pulseaudio running?17:43
ZykoticK9opu, right click, add to panel, indicator applet (assuming 10.04 and you haven't removed pulse)17:43
IdleOneopu: release the caps17:43
axisyssipher: i need to collect the list of pkgs installed on old drve.. save the list somehwere.. and then install them on the new drive17:44
oputhere are two indicator applet17:44
goformy caplock key is working fine17:44
ZykoticK9!clone | axisys17:44
ubottuaxisys: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate17:44
axisysZykoticK9: thank you!17:45
sipherthere ya go :>17:45
ZykoticK9opu, NOT the "session" one, just "Indicator Applet"17:45
axisyssipher: yep17:45
ThecakeHey I'm having the same problem as opu after purging pulse then reinstalling it. What should I do?17:45
milen8204How i can make a starter for the program which starts whit Wine ?17:46
ZykoticK9Thecake, if you've removed pulse you won't get the default volume control17:46
ThecakeEven after installing it again?17:46
ZykoticK9Thecake, sorry, i should read more carefully ;)  Not sure, good luck.17:47
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
ThecakeThanks, ill try re-adding the applet.17:48
student7hi there! does anyone know why aplay finds my card and moc kan play music in tty but they cant find any working driver in Xorg?17:52
nsdI just installed samba onto a machine running 10.04 desktop (with sudo apt-get install samba), and I can't find /etc/init.d/samba to restart it. Did that script change names or location, or is there some other method of restarting it?17:53
sometuxwhat is the best dictionary for ubuntu?17:53
erUSULnsd: /etc/init/smbd.conf17:54
erUSULnsd: sudo restart smbd17:54
nsderUSUL: thanks17:54
erUSUL!upstart | nsd17:54
ubottunsd: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:54
=== rene is now known as Guest76283
sometuxWhere is the sound scheme files are stored in Ubuntu?17:58
Phr3ak_any is uding wordpress over here ?17:58
ZykoticK9sometux, check /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo17:58
ChesterXdoes anyone of you use tubemaster++?17:58
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:00
magnetron!anyone | ChesterX18:01
ubottuChesterX: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:01
frobeis 9.10 a good laptop os as oposed to 10.04?18:03
jribfrobe: do you have a good reason to not want to use 10.04?18:03
frobewhats better for the lappy/18:03
sometuxWhere I can download sound themes for Ubuntu (I don't like the default one)?18:03
=== kad_ is now known as help`
frobeits an old laptop likjes 9 but mulling 10 over dont know yet also heard 10 sucks more juice18:04
jribfrobe: how old?  What are the specs?18:05
ubuntui need help18:05
frobedell 516018:05
jribubuntu: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)18:05
ubuntuit happens everytime mann i m fedup with ubuntu18:05
IdleOnefrobe: if you are happy with 9.10 and it is working fine then stick with it18:05
frobepenyium4 hyperthread18:05
frobe2.4 ghz18:05
jrib!enter | frobe18:05
ubottufrobe: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:05
ubuntu1-2 weeks after installing ubuntu this error comes Mount of File system failed18:05
dandi8hey guys18:06
ubuntui have tried many things but none works18:06
ubuntuplease help18:06
dandi8can someone help me?18:06
ubuntuplease help me someoe18:06
jribdandi8: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)18:06
tyrosinei can help me18:06
jribubuntu: what's the exact error and where exactly do you see it?18:06
Phr3ak_why is that file system failing to mount ?18:06
dandi8I'm trying to run Ubuntu on a laptop and it doesn't work too well - the CPU usage is 100% every time I do anything18:06
Phr3ak_any errors ?18:06
kljvkdhello, just testing this IRC18:07
ubuntujrib: after i select ubuntu from grub18:07
frobelovin pandora today\18:07
ubuntujrib: it had happened a lot of times!! man i m fedup!! i hav to format and install ubuntu again my hardisk will crash if this goes on18:07
freezwayI have a theme and the top panel is transparent, but the background around the clock and a few other applets is not. How can I fix this?18:07
RichiieNSPlugin Viewer  *** WARNING: unhandled variable 18 (<unknown variable>) in NPN_GetValue()18:07
jribubuntu: I cannot help you if you do not answer my question18:08
frobegreat website18:08
magnetrondandi8: ok, how did you measure it?18:08
Richiieanyone know's why my Irssi get this error msg? :S18:08
RichiieNSPlugin Viewer  *** WARNING: unhandled variable 18 (<unknown variable>) in NPN_GetValue()18:08
ubuntujrib: Mount of file system failed18:08
dandi8the system monitor told me, it idles at about 20-30%18:08
IdleOne!ot | frobe18:08
ubottufrobe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:08
jribRichiie: did you run firefox in the same terminal?18:08
dandi8and if I move th e window around or anything it jumps to 10018:08
jribubottu: that's *exactly* what it says and nothing else?18:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:08
dandi8my system monitor graph looks like the freaking himalayas18:08
jribubuntu: that's *exactly* what it says and nothing else?18:09
dandi8I'm able to do simple word processing18:09
dandi8like this IRC channel18:09
ubuntujrib:  more thing!! lucid lynx does not work on my pc dont know why i have tried many times but setup gets hang18:09
dandi8and web surfing18:09
freezwayI have a theme and the top panel is transparent, but the background around the clock and a few other applets is not. How can I fix this?18:09
dandi8but anything else is out of the question18:09
ubuntujrib: ya after the shell shutdown18:09
jrib!enter | dandi818:09
ubottudandi8: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:09
kyle_anyone knw of a good video editor for ubuntu 10.418:09
jribubuntu: "after the shell shutdown"?  What do you mean?18:09
dandi8and the laptop isn't that bad, it runs a lot of games in WinXP18:09
jribkyle_: pitivi, kino?18:10
IdleOnekyle_: pitivi18:10
frobei heard ther was going to be an appoclyps in 2012 I hope its a zombie one.!18:10
maco!ot | frobe18:10
ubottufrobe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:10
jribfrobe: this channel is for ubuntu support only, use #ubuntu-offtopic for other things18:10
IdleOnefrobe: Please keep your comments/questions Ubuntu support related18:10
ubuntujrib: hmmm i dont have screenshot but it fails to mount the file system on which ubuntu is installed18:11
dandi8Oh, I'm also running the Maverick version since 10.04 just gave me a black screen after splash18:11
ubuntujrib: maybe there is an error in grub18:11
Richiiejrib: no i dont really know i got google chroome up & running18:11
jribubuntu: ok, let's move on... what was the last thing you did with it?18:11
ubuntujrib: maybe grub doesnt know exactly on which partition is ubuntu installed18:11
ubuntujrib: i removed cmos battry18:11
jribRichiie: ok... did you run any browser from that terminal?18:12
Richiiejrib: is it a normal bug if you open a lot of programs before you start irssi ?18:12
lunganHow do I restore my ipod in Ubuntu+18:12
jribRichiie: it's just output from your browser that goes to the terminal18:12
freezwayI have a theme and the top panel is transparent, but the background around the clock and a few other applets is not. How can I fix this?18:12
sipherare you using wubi?18:12
dandi8...hello...? Sorry, should I be using the PM system or something?18:12
sipherthis might help.18:13
macodandi8: no, dont PM without permission18:13
ubuntujrib: when i removed CMOS Battry exactly after that when i tried to boot ubuntu this error came18:13
dandi8oh, ok. Any ideas then?18:13
luke-jranyone here know how to use ARM binaries on Ubuntu?18:13
ubuntujrib: but my windows xp is working fine18:13
macodandi8: however if you're running maverick you should be in #ubuntu+1 not here18:13
jribubuntu: put a live cd in and come back here18:13
sipherluke-jr: you don't.18:13
dandi8oh ok, what's the command for joining channels?18:13
luke-jrsipher: then why does Ubuntu have a package for it? :/18:13
macodandi8: /join18:14
ubuntujrib: ya m running on live cd right now18:14
dandi8ok, thx18:14
jribubuntu: mount your install18:14
frobewhen are microsoft and linux going to shake hands?18:14
=== Omni|AFK is now known as Omnifarious
ubuntujrib: sorry?18:14
sipherluke-jr: if there is an emulator I wasn't aware. From what I know ubuntu doesn't natively support arm. (Ubuntu does run on ARM)18:14
macosipher: yes it does18:14
luke-jrsipher: qemu-kvm-extras-static18:14
jrib!away > Omnifarious18:14
ubottuOmnifarious, please see my private message18:14
luke-jrsipher: includes ARM user-mode emulator, and binfmt_misc config for it18:14
luke-jrthe problem I'm hitting is with libraries18:15
sipherthen I'm the wrong person to be asking the question to :p18:15
ubuntujrib: how do i mount install?18:15
ubuntujrib: sorry i am a little newb18:15
jribubuntu: sudo mount /dev/WHEREVER_YOUR_UBUNTU_IS /mnt18:15
luke-jrI suppose I could copy the entire system root and try some kind of LD_PRELOAD hack… :/18:15
Crankygeek01Mbroeker: Are you still available?18:15
mbroekerCrankygeek01, yes18:15
sipherluke-jr: whats the error?18:16
macoluke-jr: there's an arm version of ubuntu, i just dont know where the installer is...18:16
Fendaril_jrib: Why did you activate your ops18:16
Crankygeek01Can you send me a pm18:16
ubuntujrib: it is hda0 sda8 mm can i know the command to see all partitions18:16
macoluke-jr: here, theres armel on here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/lucid/release/18:16
jribubuntu: sudo fdisk -l18:16
luke-jrsipher: $ /usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-spirit  \n   /lib/ld-linux.so.3: No such file or directory18:16
sinnedamhey guys im trying to get a sql based program to work under wine, which log file can i look at for troubleshooting issues?18:16
jribsinnedam: try #winehq18:17
jorn80anyone know if it there exist a ppa archive with the latest Oracla Java JRE?18:17
sipherluke-jr: ls -la /usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-spirit does it exist?18:17
luke-jrsipher: yes, I used dpkg --force-architecture to install it18:17
sipherconfirm..is there file there?18:17
ubuntujrib: can't find /dev/sda8/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab18:17
luke-jr(FWIW, this is Skype 4.2 for Telepathy/Empathy…)18:18
jribubuntu: you forgot a space18:18
sipherluke-jr: is it configured in /etc/ld.so.conf.d ?18:18
luke-jrsipher: ld-linux.so.3 doesn't exist18:18
luke-jrsipher: and it's looking for an ARM ld-linux.so.318:18
ubuntujrib: now?18:18
ubuntujrib: no errors i guess it was right18:19
sipherluke-jr: uhm, are you use?18:19
ubuntujrib: now shall i restart and check if ubuntu is working?18:19
jribubuntu: no18:19
ubuntujrib: so now what do i do18:19
jribubuntu: be patient and let me type a sentence...18:19
lunganHow do I reset my Ipod in Ubuntu?18:19
luke-jrsipher: use?18:19
siphercat /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf18:20
sinnedamsorry it says i cant join #wine says i have to have invite18:20
sipherluke-jr: the lib path mentioned above doesn't appear to be configured.18:20
ubuntujrib: extremely sorry if i am a little fast actually i am very qurious and excited18:20
jribubuntu: pastebin the result of « ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ » and the contents of /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg18:21
luke-jrsipher: it's not a lib path18:21
luke-jreven if under lib18:21
avi_jrib: How'd you make that << symbol?18:21
ubuntujrib: 2CC8D694C8D65BA0                      5818B9E518B9C1F4  9CFC3800FC37D2EE18:21
ubuntu57d7a35d-74b4-426b-820b-ffb7a650696f  84C0C1A3C0C19BB4  BE10B70110B6C02718:21
jribavi_: like this «» (I added it to my keyboard layout)18:22
avi_jrib: Ah I see. Thanks.18:22
jrib!pastebin | ubuntu18:22
ubottuubuntu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:22
jribubuntu: also add "-l" to the ls command please18:22
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!18:22
mama21mamanew bug - no keyboard or mouse - ubuntu 10.04.1 - http://w2t.us/l1 | any help?18:22
mama21mamaBug #62692518:23
sinnedamis there an equivalent to windows event viewer application log in ubuntu?18:23
blockheadHello, are there any video editing programs, that keep the sound of the file still on that file of the video, but can edit scenes to where they can be posted on sites like youtube?18:23
avi_blockhead: Not sure about your specific need,  but have you tried Pitivi and Kdenlive?18:23
blockheadI've tried nothing yet avi_18:24
blockheadAm just looking for a video editing site18:24
mama21mamaI'm going to puppy ¬¬18:24
blockheadI have american pie 1, 2, 3 on avi18:24
blockheadand am looking to edit scenes and post them on youtube18:24
blockheadwas wondering for ubuntu if there are any programs to do that18:24
ubuntujrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/485921/18:25
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:25
blockheadavi_, you understand that?18:25
=== andy is now known as Guest38005
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:25
jribubuntu: thanks, and now that grub.cfg18:25
avi_blockhead: I do, but like I said I'm not really able to help you. I only can suggest trying out pitivi and kdenlive.18:26
blockheadI have pitivi installed it says18:26
blockheadbut I can't seem to use it.18:26
ubuntujrb: what do i do18:26
avi_blockhead: Says what?18:26
jribubuntu: pastebin the result of « ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ » and the contents of /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg18:26
blockheadIt says it's installed18:26
blockheadbut I don't know how to install it18:26
avi_blockhead: You mean you don't know how to open it?18:27
lunganHow do I reset my Ipod in Ubuntu?18:27
tyrosinelugan - hold the button for 10 seconds as you turn it on18:28
blockheadyeah avi18:28
sinnedamanybody? is there a ubuntu equivalent to windows application event viewer18:28
avi_lungan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57012418:28
avelldirollblockhead: ?18:28
avi_blockhead: To open it go to Applications > Sound & Video > Pitivi18:28
tyrosinesinnedam: dmesg?18:28
lunganavi_, Didn't help18:28
ulissehi guys18:29
tyrosinesinnedam: tail -f /var/log/system ?18:29
avi_lungan: What model is it? And what are you looking to do specifically?18:29
blockheadlet me try this18:29
blockheadavi_,  thank you18:29
tyrosinesinnedam: tail -f /var/log/syslog *** sorry18:29
blockheadthanks avi_18:29
avi_blockhead: Sure thing.18:29
FloodBot2blockhead: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:29
ulissehow can I find what is eating all the space on root partition in a remote system, accessible via ssh?18:29
sinnedamtyrosine im looking at system/administration/log file viewer18:29
lunganavi_, My DB crashed, but my .mp3s are still on the ipod. Thats the problem it's an 2 gb black nano18:29
ulisseI tried to look in /var/log but it's not the case18:30
avi_ulisse: Disk Usage analyser + X11 forwarding.18:30
tyrosinesinnedam: correct18:30
tyrosinesinnedam: xterm, then "dmesg"18:30
zygmunt306CZY może ktoś wie jakie sterowniki wgrać  do grforca 240 grt ?18:30
ulisseavi_: ssh -X you mean?18:30
avi_lungan: Ah I see. And there's no way to do that with Wine?18:30
* ulisse tries18:30
avi_ulisse: Yup.18:30
avelldirollzygmunt306: this is an english speaking chan18:31
lunganavi_, Maybe I can try installing Itunes with wine18:31
sinnedamum..i dont really see what you are talking about..when i open system log viewer i have tons of different logs to choose18:31
ubuntujrib: what do i do now18:31
sinnedamso which would be similar to application log in windows18:31
avi_lungan: Go for it. There's some support, not sure how well it works. Or perhaps you could install Windows in virtual box.18:31
tyrosinesinnedam: "ls /var/log"18:31
jribubuntu: have you pastebinned the grub.cfg yet?18:31
jribubuntu: you should pick a better name because it's basically impossible for me to /lastlog our conversation18:32
ubuntujrob: its showing comand not founf18:32
jribubuntu: what command did you run?18:32
ubuntujrib: its showing comand not found18:32
synvillaokay, I have a problem18:32
synvillaI cant find the software I've downloaded in ubuntu software center18:32
ulisseavi_:  it's slooooooowww , but doing it :)18:32
ubuntujrib: sudo: /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg: command not found18:32
avi_synvilla: ask! | synvilla18:32
avi_ulisse: Yeah that's expected. But good :D18:33
sanduz2i installed the GNU Emacs 23 package but i wanted to use Emacs in terminal, this one uses GTK. what do i do?18:33
jribubuntu: it's a file, use gedit to read it18:33
synvillaavi_: what?18:33
avi_synvilla: !ask | synvilla18:33
sinnedamim sorry i dont see LS or VAR anywhere :(18:33
avi_synvilla: !ask18:33
blockheadavi_, what was that other program you said besides18:33
synvilla!ask I cant find the software I've downloaded in ubuntu software center18:33
avi_synvilla: Wow our bot must be offline.18:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:33
avi_blockhead: Kdenlive18:33
blockheadit doesn't seem to work avi_ , it won't recoginize it if I try to open it with the program18:34
smwCan someone tell me how to enable bluetooth? I started system -> preferences -> bluetooth and all it had was a button to enable bluetooth. When I click it, nothing happens.18:34
avi_synvilla: Well, it's going to be under applications and then a category usually.18:34
lenswipe|debianhey guys18:34
avi_synvilla: What specifically did you install?18:34
lenswipe|debianhow do i find out what make and model my video card is?18:34
MarkRichHello Everyone,18:34
MarkRichI'm using Ubuntu 10.04 with Evolution 2.28.3.  I just installed client & as I went through the installation the dialog box for selecting the incoming & outgoing mail servers was not selectable.18:34
MarkRichAfter the install I went into Edit, Preferences, & for the Recieving Mail menu showed the server type as none.  When I click on the drop down arrow nothing happens.  The Server Type menu for the outgoing mail server is not even selectable.18:34
lenswipe|debianhow do i find out what make and model my video card is?18:34
MarkRichI removed & reinstalled it several times.  I also installed the evolution-exchange even though I figured this would be installed by default.  What do you think it might be?  Thanks18:34
smwlenswipe|debian, try lspci | grep -i "vga"18:35
lenswipe|debiansmw, ty18:35
seidoshow can i find out what binary file an icon in applications is associated with?18:35
ubuntujrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/485926/18:35
sacarlsonsmw: do you have a bluetooth device on that computer?18:35
Fendaril_I was experimenting with my menubar and unclicked the show menubar option18:35
Fendaril_how Do I bring it back?18:35
synvillaavi_: It's not under appications. I installed 7zip, because archieve manager won't let me open RAR18:35
smwsacarlson, yes. When I don't have one. It does not even give me the option to enable it18:35
th0rseidos: look at the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications (usually), or run the program and look at 'ps ax'18:35
sanduz2can someone tell me how to use Emacs through the terminal and not graphically?18:35
geirhaFendaril_: Right-click in the terminal window and choose show menubar18:35
avi_synvilla: Then it would most likely not have an entry there. It probably just added a contextual menu item to Nautilus18:35
=== CrEddy_ is now known as CrEddy
synvillaavi_: not following18:36
avi_synvilla: So just right-click the compressed file and select 7zip.18:36
adalalhi, i was just wondering, can UID range restrictions be changed? as in, any uid < 1000 is a system user, could that be extended to be up to 2000?18:36
Fendaril_geirha: Thank you sir18:36
synvillaavi_: that doesn't work, it wants to know where on the computer it is, I need to click on browse blabla. because 7zip is not in the list18:37
jribubuntu: pastebin /mnt/etc/fstab18:37
KrisKohi, anybody using screen? Is there a way to move opened tabs to a different possition?18:37
trismsynvilla: the 7zip in the repos is only a command line version, but archive manager and the right-click compress option can both use it when it is installed18:37
avi_synvilla: Try typing "killall nautilus" into a terminal.18:37
ubuntujrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/485927/18:37
Fendaril_avi_: i WILL TRY18:38
Fendaril_killall nautilus18:38
Fendaril_oh right this is irssi not a terminal prompt18:38
jribubuntu: I don't see what's wrong, the UUID is clearly correct and you can mount the partition fine on the live cd.  Was there nothing else on the screen with the error message?18:38
avi_Fendaril_: Aha.18:38
seidosth0r, thanks.  so they are .desktop files?  interesting18:38
synvillaavi_: wrote it18:38
ubuntujrib: yup18:38
Fendaril_avi_: Will it cause me grief to run the command18:38
ranticHi everyone, if anyone has the chance could try looking at the thread I made? I'd appreciate it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=978526218:39
avi_synvilla: All it does is restart nautilus.18:39
jribubuntu: don't know then, try again alter18:39
ubuntujrib: hey can you tell me why lucid lynx does not work in my pc? i have normal configuration18:39
tyrosinerantic: what's it about?18:39
ubuntujrib: its ok thanks for helping me18:39
avi_rantic: Title is:  Issues with unknown memory controller on boot18:39
ubuntujrib: the setup gets hang18:39
ubuntujrib: even if i upgrade still same it gets hanged18:39
synvillaavi_: it still can't find 7ziå18:40
jribubuntu: hangs when?18:40
ulisseavi_: baobab results are quite stange: i have more than 20GB occupied in / but the largest folder is /usr with just 2.3GB...18:40
ubuntujrib: i have 2gb ram 250gb hadd and dual core processor18:40
ubuntujrib: hangs when setup starts18:40
MarkRichHello Everyone, Any idea what that might be?18:40
avi_synvilla: Interesting.. what sort of file are you trying to open?18:40
jribubuntu: and when you upgrade?  When does it hang?18:40
ubuntujrib: when i try to run its live cd it gets hang during login18:40
avi_!patience | MarkRich18:40
ubottuMarkRich: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com18:40
synvillaa RAR18:40
synvillaavi_:  a RAR18:41
smwAnyone got any ideas on why when I click the "enable bluetooth" button in the bluetooth settings menu it grays out the button but does not do anything?18:41
ubuntujrib: while upgrading it hangs during setup and while booting it hangs on login itself it doesnt login18:41
trismsynvilla: there is no 7zip gui like in windows, if you want to unrar, you need to install unrar18:41
trismsynvilla: then archive manager can extract rars18:41
jribis there a better way to create 63 new users than to write a small shell script involving useradd and crypt()?18:41
synvillaI'll try to check18:41
ubuntujrib: hey can you tell me why ubuntu does not support bluetooth? even that i tried a lot here but no one could help me18:42
avi_synvilla: Yup. That was going to be my next statement.18:42
avi_synvilla: sudo apt-get install unrar18:42
jribubuntu: bluetooth has worked for me in the past18:42
ubuntujrib: should i use kubuntu? or lubuntu?18:42
jribubuntu: whatever you like18:42
ubuntujrib: can you recommend ?18:42
Picijrib: man newusers18:42
avi_ulisse: Interesting..18:43
jribPici: thanks18:43
adalalsmw: tried the rfkill list?18:43
smwadalal, what is that?18:43
avi_ubuntu: Which depends on your needs..18:43
erUSUL!info mkpasswd | jrib18:43
ubottujrib: mkpasswd (source: whois): an intelligent crypt(3) interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 16 kB, installed size 300 kB18:43
=== lenswipe|debian is now known as You
ubuntujrib: anyways my querries wont end heheh you carry on and sorry to disturb you thanks for helping18:43
ulisseavi_: df is showing 22GB used, but I can't find any file/folder using that space... could it maybe be something in /proc?18:44
=== You is now known as lenswipe|debian
=== lenswipe|debian is now known as Sora
=== Sora is now known as We
avi_ulisse: Hmm. Maybe. Not sure really what the major space hogs in / are.18:44
adalalsmw: try typing in rfkill list18:44
=== We is now known as lensweipe
=== lensweipe is now known as lenswipe
avi_ulisse: Did you try cleaning out logs?18:44
=== lenswipe is now known as lenswipe|debian
adalalsmw: see if your bluetooth is softblocked or hard blocked18:44
Pici!nickspam > lenswipe|debian18:45
ubottulenswipe|debian, please see my private message18:45
synvillaOkay, how do I get it to find the unrarer?18:45
ulisseavi_: yep, but /var just uses about 350M, so it must be somewhere else18:45
lenswipe|debianPici, sorry, it was for another channel i forgot i was in here18:45
hikuavi_: ulisse, have you checked /var /opt(if you have it), /home? if not on a different partition18:45
ulisseavi_: /home is another partition, I'll check /opt18:45
robyromaniahi, i've got some problem with the fragmentation and chop-chop attacks in aireplay. if i'm on ubuntu karmic, they both work well and i can generate a PRGA file. if i do exactly the same thing on ubuntu lucid, they keep reading packets and don't ask me to choose one. on both OS-es wireless works, and i can connect to networks18:45
smwadalal, that is an awesome command. Good to know :-). Anyways, it says nothing is blocked18:45
avi_hiku: < ulisse> avi_: /home is another partition, I'll check /opt18:46
erUSULulisse: look in /var/log/ maybe sometihng is spamming the logs18:46
adalalsmw: bluetooth reports not softblocks or hardblocks?18:47
erUSULulisse: anyway --> Aplications>Accesories>disk use analizer18:47
synvillaAnyone - how do I unrar now that I have unraring software?18:47
trismsynvilla: at this point you should just be able to select the right file, right click, and "Extract here...", or open with archive manager18:47
ulisseerUSUL: is there any specific command to purge the logs?18:47
erUSULsynvilla: right click on the rar file. choose extract here18:47
smwadalal, correct18:47
erUSULulisse: no;18:47
smwadalal, this is interesting: sudo start bluetooth18:47
smwstart: Unknown job: bluetooth18:47
synvillaavi_: nope, it still says BAD18:47
JamesCHey, I'm new and I have a quick question:18:47
JamesCI'm trying to install a program and I have to manually change the permission so I can run it when it says..18:47
JamesC"<version>" what am I suppose to put?18:47
synvillabad archieve18:47
erUSULJamesC: what program?18:48
synvillait what it says18:48
synvillaerUSUL: nope, doesn't work18:48
JamesCJava SE Development Kit (JDK 6):18:48
adalalsmw: right... maybe you should try installing it :P... try sudo apt-get install bluetooth18:48
erUSULsynvilla: maybe you have to log out and log in again so nautilus and file-roller notice that you have unrar or rar installed18:48
erUSUL!java | JamesC18:48
ubottuJamesC: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.18:48
adalalsmw: um, i dont know how good the native bluetooth gui is.. but you could also try blueman, it's in the launchpad repos18:49
sanjrib: you there?18:49
JamesCI'll go see how that works, thank you.18:49
jribsan: yes?18:49
rantictyrosine: Sorry issues with the connection. I'm a complete newb so I can't really tell you what it's about.  I get a message that literally says unknown memory controller when I'm booting my machine. The best google research I could do was to determine it's probably an issue with the memory card reader.18:49
smwadalal, thanks. I stupidly assumed that the frontend being installed meant the backend was there too :-P18:49
ranticavi_: Same thing .. I honestly don't know : (18:50
sanjrib: thanks mann it worked i am ubuntu18:50
ulisseerUSUL: /var/log is 5.1Mb in size. It looks like the space-eater is undetectable by the system18:50
erUSULJamesC: s you have to enable the partner repositorie and install sun-java6-jdk18:50
sanjrib: dont know what was the error but now ubuntu is working properly18:50
jribsan: but we didn't actually change anything :)18:50
adalalsmw: normally that is the case, but apparently not.. anyways, have a go, and try out blueman as well..18:50
sanjrib: lol i guess we reminded pc where files are hheheh :)18:50
jribsan: weird18:50
sanjrib: lol its exactly like my pc18:50
erUSULulisse: inconsistencies in the filesystem can couse bogus free space reporting. have you passed a fsck to the filesystem ?18:50
sanjrib: hey mmmm i have another problem here18:51
ulisseerUSUL: it's a remote machine, i can't umount the filesystem from here18:51
sanjrib: can you help?18:51
jribsan: just ask the channel, I'll help if I can18:51
ulisseerUSUL: also it seems to eat more and more space day by day...18:51
robyromaniahi, i've got some problem with the fragmentation and chop-chop attacks in aireplay. if i'm on ubuntu karmic, they both work well and i can generate a PRGA file. if i do exactly the same thing on ubuntu lucid, they keep reading packets and don't ask me to choose one. on both OS-es wireless works, and i can connect to networks18:51
robyromaniathe guys from the aircrack channel say, ubuntu lucid is broken18:52
robyromaniaany ideas?18:52
san1 week ago i reinstalled ubuntu after and all was well then i updated it asked to restart and i did then after that my display driver is not responding i mean there is no compiz effects18:52
KB1JWQrobyromania: 'Ask a coherent question?' :-)18:52
sanplease help somone18:53
ikoniasan: what driver are you using ?18:53
robyromaniaKB1JWQ, i've got some problem with the fragmentation and chop-chop attacks in aireplay. if i'm on ubuntu karmic, they both work well and i can generate a PRGA file. if i do exactly the same thing on ubuntu lucid, they keep reading packets and don't ask me to choose one. on both OS-es wireless works, and i can connect to networks. the guys from the aircrack channel say, ubuntu lucid is broken. so what is the problem then?18:53
sanikonia: ati18:53
sanikonia: i hav ati radean x200 built in motherboard18:54
ikoniasan: ok, then I'm afraid I can't help as ATI are known to have terrible support18:54
sanikonia: but just 2 mins ago i ran in live cd and it had effects !! lol18:54
ranticHi everyone, if anyone has the chance could try looking at the thread I made? I'd appreciate it - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=978526218:54
sanikonia: even in xp my driver is working18:54
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:54
erUSULare you sure you can not find where is the space wasted ? you can « du  / | sort -rn | head »18:54
ikoniasan: XP has nothing to do with linux support18:54
erUSULulisse: are you sure you can not find where is the space wasted ? you can « du  / | sort -rn | head » and work from there going deeper on the file hierarchy18:55
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
ikoniarantic: your issue is nothing to do with a memory controller18:55
ikoniarantic: mmc are multi media card readers18:55
sanikonia: but if xp is running well then it means my card is ok18:55
ikoniasan: I didn't say there was a problem with your card18:55
ranticikonia: I realized that after I posted the thread and now I can't edit the title : (18:56
ikoniasan: I said ATI have terrible /unstable driver support18:56
sanikonia: ok no prob18:56
n0wjei have a Deskjet hp 1430 usb printer  ubuntu 10.04  finds it and installs driver but will not print a test page. any ideas anyone.18:56
ulisseerUSUL: I used right that command, but it is not more useful of baobab, the largest files or folders toghether are not 1/10 of the occupied disk size18:57
robyromaniaKB1JWQ, so, any idea?18:57
erUSULulisse: then the fsck looks like the only solution .... maybe you can « sudo touch /forcefsck » and reboot the machine?18:57
avelldirollsan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver18:57
sanavelldiroll: thanks18:58
KB1JWQrobyromania: Not offhand, I don't do much work with aireplay these days.  What do the folks in #backtrack-linux have to say about it?18:58
sanavelldiroll: i have tried this but dint help18:58
KB1JWQOr Aircrack for that matter, robyromania18:58
robyromaniaKB1JWQ, the guys in aircrack say, that ubuntu lucid is broken18:59
ulisseerUSUL: i'll go to the machine in two days, try fsck from there and eventually reinstall the whole system, with dpkg --get-selections should be fast enough...18:59
robyromaniaKB1JWQ, that's not an answer that helps18:59
erUSULulisse: ok; good luck18:59
ulissethanks :)18:59
ikoniarobyromania: then ask them to log a bug against the broken component18:59
robyromaniaikonia, they don't use ubuntu19:00
ikoniarobyromania: then how do they know it's broken ?19:00
ikoniamarat93: please don't do that19:00
robyromaniaikonia, they have pentoo (http://www.pentoo.ch/download/)19:01
ikoniarobyromania: how is what they have anything to do with ubuntu19:01
ikoniarobyromania: if they "know" ubuntu is broke, then they need to log a bug19:01
robyromaniaikonia, that's what they told me. they said i should join the ubuntu channel and ask the devs19:01
ikoniarobyromania: they need to log a bug explaining the problem against the broken package19:01
macorobyromania: this isnt a developer channel anyway19:01
idhenkanyone know how to install nvidia driver?19:02
robyromaniaikonia, they don't do much talking about ubuntu. they just said, i should move to another distro which is not broken, or ask the devs19:02
ikoniaidhenk: open the hardware driver manager, and click enable against the nvidia option19:02
robyromaniaikonia, there is no problem in the package19:02
ikoniarobyromania: they don't have to talk about it, they need to log a bug against it19:02
robyromaniaikonia, it's in the system, i don't know. it just works on karmic, but not on lucid19:02
ikoniarobyromania: then they need to log a bug ?19:03
idhenkits all greyed19:03
ikoniaidhenk: please pastebin the output of "lspci" in a pastebin19:03
rolandpishWhat is the option for dpkg to install dependencies of a deb file downloaded manually?19:03
MarkRichHello Everyone,19:03
MarkRichThe Evolution mail client for Ubuntu is not working.19:03
MarkRichI'm using Ubuntu 10.04 with Evolution 2.28.3.  I just installed client & as I went through the installation the dialog box for selecting the incoming & outgoing mail servers was not selectable.19:03
robyromaniaikonia, i don't know, do they? it's no bug, the application is working. it's only not doing what it's supposed to19:03
MarkRichAfter the install I went into Edit, Preferences, & for the Recieving Mail menu showed the server type as none.  When I click on the drop down arrow nothing happens.  The Server Type menu for the outgoing mail server is not even selectable.19:03
JamesCI'm still kind of confused so I'll repost the question:19:03
robyromaniaikonia, have you ever used aircrack-ng?19:04
ikoniarobyromania: look - if there is a bug, they need to log a bug, if there is not a bug, what are you talking about19:04
MarkRichI removed & reinstalled it several times.  I also installed the evolution-exchange even though I figured this would be installed by default.  I also deleted the .evolution directory.19:04
MarkRichWhat do you think it might be?  Thanks19:04
robyromaniaikonia, maybe it's broken functionality. i'm telling them to log a bug, let's see what they say19:05
Guest10246hey all19:05
ArtopalHi, while uninstalling unneeded things, I accidentally uninstalled the MeMenu and the PowerOffMenu which are usually on the top left. How do I get them back? Which are the name of the packages which provide them?19:05
JamesCI'm still kind of confused so I'll repost the question:19:05
JamesCI'm trying to install Download Java SE Development Kit 6u2119:05
JamesCI'm following the instructions on the website and I get to a point when it says:19:05
JamesCchmod a+x jdk-6u                 <version>-linux-i586.bin    // What do I use for <version> ?19:05
FloodBot2JamesC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
zeknoxmy ubuntu 10.04 always shuts down properly, but whenever I turn it on, it says it was not a clean unmount, and does a fsck every bootup, ideas?19:05
trismArtopal: indicator-applet-session19:05
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macoJamesC: whatever the name of the file is that it downloaded that ends in .bin is the file name you put there19:06
Artopaltrism, Thanks!19:06
xanguaArtopal: iindicator-me indicator-sound indicator-applet¿19:06
JamesCIt's not asking for the version of Linux I have, maco?19:06
macoJamesC: well the .bin *has* to be the name of a file because that's what chmod takes as an argument19:07
erUSULJamesC: you really should be installing the jdk from the repos19:07
robyromaniaikonia, those guys are arrogant.19:07
erUSULJamesC: less pain in the future19:07
ikoniarobyromania: that's not #ubuntu's issue19:07
JamesCNo idea what "repos" is19:07
Sirisian|WorkAnyone know how makes the postgresql packages for ubuntu?19:08
aeon-ltdJamesC: repository, a server that has packages19:08
ikoniaSirisian|Work: "how makes the postgres package" ?19:08
robyromaniaikonia, that's where people should work together, to fix things19:08
ikoniarobyromania: you're telling the wrong person19:08
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
Sirisian|Workikonia, who19:08
ikoniaSirisian|Work: it's a team, the team contact is on launchpad.net19:08
JamesCaeon, so I wouldn't have to use the terminal to install or something?19:08
robyromaniaikonia, did they change some drivers from karmic to lucid?19:08
jribPici: newusers doesn't use /etc/skel :(  but saved me a bunch of time anyway, thanks19:09
ikoniarobyromania: it's a different kernel, so yes19:09
Picijrib: yuck :(19:09
robyromaniaikonia, ok, that means that i have to find some patches to make it work again19:09
ikoniajrib: when did newusers become part of the shadow package ?19:09
ikoniarobyromania: not really, it means you need to log a bug against the problem19:09
PiciJamesC: 'repos' are the Ubuntu package repositories, which are the proper way to install software on Ubuntu.19:10
jribikonia: no idea!  I had actually seen it in my google search but when I searched for it in APT nothig came up19:10
erUSULJamesC: already pointed you to the java wiki page ...19:10
JamesCYeah, I still have the link up.19:10
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »19:11
mohadibis there an easy way to bring down all virtual interfaces?19:11
JusticeZeroI need help troubleshooting wireless on my netbook with 9.04. After a crash, it won't connect.19:11
MarkRichHi Everyone, Any idea why the incoming & outgoing server options in Evolution are not selectable?19:11
erUSULJamesC: run this in terminal « sudo dd-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk »19:12
erUSULJamesC: ouch missing a in add-apt-repositorie ....19:13
erUSULJamesC: ouch missing a in add-apt-repository ....19:13
dmilesHi, everybody. I've implemented my own credentials checkers (classes that zope-implement twisted.cred.checkers.ICredentialsChecker)19:13
dmilesthey seem to have two ways of returning a denial19:13
Picidmiles: This is #ubuntu, perhaps you're looking for a different channel.19:13
dmilesPici, oooh, crud. You're right19:14
dmilesI'm sorry, I thought this was #twisted19:14
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shcherbak  /join #chess19:14
JusticeZeroAny suggestions how to figure out what the issue is with my wireless? It sees the router, it tries to connect, it asks for a password, but doesn't connect. other computers connect fine.19:14
JusticeZerothis after the system locked up while trying to copy a lot of files to my home directory.19:15
idhenkanyone know how to install nvidia 173 driver?19:16
ikoniaidhenk: the drivers available to your ubuntu version are in the hardware drivers tool19:16
JamesCWait, erUSUL, should I still run what you gave me?19:17
Scunizihow do you use a wild card in a cli command?  I'm trying "mogrify -resize 640 Shoe*.jpg and it errors19:17
_mrn_ver_hi all, i have a problem with grub.i am using ubuntu 10.04 .19:17
ikoniaScunizi: not all commands will respond to wildcards, what is the error19:17
ikonia_mrn_ver_: what is the issue ?19:17
erUSULJamesC: if you correct the typo you can run it19:18
Alexander_hi all. Just reinstallled ubuntu. I can find wireless networks but cannot connect. The signal thing goes up and down and eventually ends it saying i"ve been d/c19:18
_mrn_ver_i installed the ubuntu in windows partition  .for some time it was well.19:18
JamesCWhere is it?19:18
Scuniziikonia: "mogrify: unable to open image 'Shoe' : No such file or directory @ blob.c/OpenBlob/248019:18
_mrn_ver_but after upgradation  it is showning grub rescue.19:18
_mrn_ver_what to do?19:18
pixel__greetings to the ubuntu community! I just joined you, and I dont have any problems ^^19:18
ikoniaScunizi: looks like that command doesn't like wild cards19:18
idhenkI have 8.10 running and I cant install nvidia driver19:19
ikonia_mrn_ver_: sorry, I don't support wubi installs so can't help19:19
erUSULJamesC: ouch missing "a" in add-apt-repository i typed dd-apt-repository  ....19:19
ikoniaidhenk: please stop repeating the same question and listen to the advice given19:19
ikoniaidhenk: the available nvidia drivers are in the hardware driver tool.19:19
Scuniziikonia: typically I just put "jpg" and it does the entire directory.. since there are other pic there I don't want to resize I was hopeful :(... thanks.19:19
idhenkthis my first installation19:19
JamesCerUSUL: ohh!19:19
ikoniaidhenk: any reason you are using 8.10 (unsupported) over 10.04 (current supported)19:20
yaozai wanna use multimedia such as mp3,3gp and ...19:20
yaozawhich codec i should install?19:20
=== Guest10246 is now known as DoubleString
ikonia!codec > yotta91119:20
ubottuyotta911, please see my private message19:20
ikonia!mp3 > yotta91119:20
IdleOneyaoza: install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:20
JamesCerUSUL :What's it removing?19:20
_mrn_ver_ikonia: if had installed it in other partitionexcept that of windows and it showed me grub rescue then what to do?19:21
lpjhjdhso I have a multi display and I'm getting notifications displayed offscreen, can I just give an explicit location?19:21
erUSULJamesC: it should not remove anything19:21
ikonia_mrn_ver_: as I said, I don't support wubi instals19:21
yaozaIdleOne,tnx guy19:21
erUSULJamesC: the command only installs the jdk19:21
m4rku5hey is there a guide for installing ubuntu(-server) as a lxc guest? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LXC and the linked guide ( http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/lxc-configure-ubuntu-lucid-containers/ ) dont work for me19:21
Scuniziikonia: Actually it does work.. I just was being stupid by not checking which directory I was in.... Must be Monday19:21
IdleOneyaoza: that should get you pretty much everything you need for media support19:21
JamesCerUSUL: The following packages will be REMOVED:19:21
JamesC  linux-headers-2.6.32-21{u} linux-headers-2.6.32-21-generic{u}19:21
ZykoticK9Scunizi, you could use a "for file in Shoe*; do mogrify -resize 640 $file; done" sorta thing.  Other topic your SSH forwarding still isn't working?19:21
ikoniaScunizi: nice one, well done19:22
_mrn_ver_ikonia: i am saying that if i install ubutnu in a new system and after some upgradation it shows grub rescue then what to do?19:22
ikonia_mrn_ver_: it's a pointless discussion as you ARE using wubi, and wubi/non-wubi installs work different19:22
erUSULJamesC: should be packages marked as autoremove for not being necesary any longer. current kernel is 24 21 is old19:23
MarkRichHello, would anyone like to answer a question about an evolution install?19:23
ScuniziZykoticK9: nope.. tried logging in with ssh via localhost and issuing the $DISPLAY command.. blank line result.. but will have to tackle this later.. working now.19:23
JamesCerUSUL: so just say yes to remove it?19:23
erUSULJamesC: yes19:23
_mrn_ver_ikonia: ok,i appritiate it. but can  u please tell me the meaning of grub rescue?19:23
ZykoticK9Scunizi, ok - best of luck.19:23
IdleOneJamesC: yes, you can remove those19:23
ikonia_mrn_ver_: it's a shell from the application "grub" that appears when the boot configuration is wrong19:24
ScuniziZykoticK9: thanks for the follow up.. I'll chat later if you're around.19:24
JamesCerUSUL: where did you get the command you gave me to start this?19:24
erUSULJamesC: once the instalation is done run « sudo update-alternatives --config java » to make sun's version default19:24
erUSULJamesC: my head ?19:24
rpcesarhello. i have 2 internet-accessable ubuntu systems which are fully up to date. they have no problem working on the internet, but i cannot get them to share files between eachother19:25
erUSULJamesC: and a wiki XD19:25
rpcesaron each computer, in the home directory, i set a folder to be shared19:25
ikoniarpcesar: probably your router (that connections you to the internet blocking you19:25
rpcesarit asked to install a service (im guessing samba)19:25
rpcesari did that on both, and restarted the OS. I also did a "sudo smbpasswd -a myuser" and set a samba password19:26
JamesCerUSUL: why am I just sitting at the terms/conditions? How do I "click" ok haha19:26
rpcesaranyone? need to transfer some disk hddvd images between systems without a drive to boot them otherwise :)19:27
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rpcesarchannel still asleep?19:28
ranticIf I created a thread on the forums that I wish to delete how do I go about doing that? Should I just mark it solved because that's the only option I see19:28
PiciJamesC: press tab to hilight the [ok] button then press enter.19:28
lesh4rk_Guys, i need from help! i'm having some errors on cyrus that's pop3s[5229]: Fatal error: tls_start_servertls() failed AND imaps[7139]: Fatal error: tls_start_servertls() failed19:29
JamesCPici: haha, thank you. I've been sitting here perplexed19:29
MarkRichAnyone know how to completely remove the program evolution?  I used autoremove but that doesn't do it.  I also removed the .evolution directory.19:29
PigeonClusterMarkRich: sudo apt-get remove evolution??19:30
JamesCerUSUL: when I enter that command it says :  nothing to configure, that's good?19:31
_jesse_hi all, let's say a process is receiving a kill -9 signal from somewhere, would there be a way to track down which process is killing it?19:31
ChesterXwhat do i need rpm.bin files for?19:31
MarkRichYes, the removes it, but there are obviously configuration files that remain, because no server options are available in the Server Type when I install it, or after I choose them when the program is launched.19:31
douglis vdpau enabled by default on the latest ubuntu?19:31
PigeonCluster_jesse_: no. it'd just die.19:34
_jesse_PigeonCluster: right, but I wasn't sure if that might be logged somewhere19:34
afewqshey guys. i have a couple of questons. do i need to install an antivirus/firewall? i'm *behind* a fiber optic modm, which, afaik, doesn't have a build in firewall o.o19:34
dugan_Hi all : how to view the list of server selection , on ubuntu server ?19:35
PigeonCluster_jesse_: realize that signal 9 is "DIE RIGHT NOW"19:35
jribdugan_: hmm?19:35
jribafewqs: not really, no19:35
puffI just tried to install curl with "sudo aptitude install curl".  It hung for about 20 minutes. I killed aptitude, rm'd the leftover lockfile from /var/lib/dpkg/lock, and re-ran "sudo aptitude install curl".  It now appears to be hanging again.19:35
dugan_i mean ... during installation, compare a list of ssh, mail server, and other...19:35
PigeonCluster_jesse_: it can't be caught, can't be touched - once sent, as soon as the process recieves it, the kernel kills it.19:35
_jesse_PigeonCluster: right, I know the killed process would die automatically, but I wasn't sure if the OS kept track of such thing, or if there was a way I could tell it to do that19:35
PigeonCluster_jesse_: ahhh now I understand. it's actually a good idea. why don't you suggest it in - for instance - ##kernel ?19:36
_jesse_PigeonCluster: sure, I'll jump in there and see if they have any ideas, thanks :)19:36
_jesse_PigeonCluster: do you literally mean ##kernel? or ##debian e.g.19:36
PigeonCluster##kernel. it's a channel here.19:37
dugan_jrib: i mean ... during installation, compare a list of ssh, mail server, and other...19:37
afewqsjrib: sweet, thanks  a lot:P one more thing. would a creative PD1110 web cam work on linux? i tried googling for linux drivers, but nada19:37
jrib!webcam | afewqs19:37
ubottuafewqs: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras19:37
jribafewqs: no idea19:37
_jesse_PigeonCluster: k, thanks19:38
PigeonClusterafewqs: it's a matter of whether the video4linux system supports it. see the links.19:38
dugan_jrib : i mean ... during installation, compare a list of ssh, mail server, and other...19:38
jribdugan_: you are in the install now?19:38
PigeonCluster_jesse_: btw, you may get pointed somewhere else, I don't really know where the right place is to send you19:38
PigeonCluster!repeat | dugan_19:38
ubottudugan_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com19:38
jribdugan_: do you just want to see the screen you saw during install?19:38
afewqscheers guys19:38
darsulthe onlt way I can see the sphere or cylinder on my netbook is if I hold down ctrl+alt and an arrow key is there any way to get ti to stay up and view the desktops  in the sphere mode?19:39
OwlshipHi, after receiving a disk read error while trying to dual boot ubuntu 9.10 and win 7 on two different hard drives, I used windows' recovery console to /fixmbr and now my linux install just says "missing operating system" is there a way to reset this in grub from, say.. the install disk?19:39
dugan_jrib : yes---19:39
jribdugan_: tasksel19:39
PigeonClusterdarsul: alt+click I think?19:40
dugan_jrib : is not the same but is perfect! 8-D19:40
PigeonClusterdarsul: not 100% sure. it can be set from compizconfig.19:40
dugan_jrib : thank a lot ! 8-D19:40
jribdugan_: no problem, you know about APT though?19:41
darsulbeen working with compiz..... still can't get it19:42
niko-THIS SPAM IS BEING DOWN WITH L3 FULLY OPEN PROXIES! GOOGLE THIS CLIENT'S IP IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE US. TELL FREENODE STAFF TO FIX THEIR PORTSCANNER. niko- padeBoi rgs britta Gray5 kiamo __wolverine T260G fruitwerks_ mtx_init zkriesse catojo oln walmis adam17 flupke Roland T3CHKOMMIE Kody JamesC Wursti fruitwerks Thecake zoiss Peter52 darsul Terminator KE1HA TxMatt C-S-B_ imlad macode PhiSyX lungan n0wje mEck0 multi_io_ afewqs CAP2432 syonzet demigod_ Owlship19:42
niko-THIS SPAM IS BEING DOWN WITH L3 FULLY OPEN PROXIES! GOOGLE THIS CLIENT'S IP IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE US. TELL FREENODE STAFF TO FIX THEIR PORTSCANNER. pipeep jono schmidtm_ Kalitern Cain Vince__ arooni-mobile arooni-mobile___ Swistaczek sayanriju bp0 StrangeCharm pr0b0t_ pw-toxic luist HonkeyMagoo Exavion Viggo-Dratnev pure_hate CodeMaster1 taisa aetaric_ m4rku5 lpjhjdh tjost yaoza Robert_Zenz Alchimista dreamtraveler dri245 tiny_D f13o metrahla fethio Bauldri19:42
niko-THIS SPAM IS BEING DOWN WITH L3 FULLY OPEN PROXIES! GOOGLE THIS CLIENT'S IP IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE US. TELL FREENODE STAFF TO FIX THEIR PORTSCANNER. chosen Prodego wizzle gaz00 mkquist_ ryker Benwa githogori hareldvd Dragon64 ejat yaaar Cpudan80 XuMuK ecarmi lucaboati_ dirk_ alex__c2022 ezraw askhl_ sticky_ Edgan Kraln jerone-mobile ant30 dandi8 duffydack Merritt__ ivze Antonis suprengr vitor-br Q_Continuum ryaxnb adac dugan_ meek_ restrex d3v0 rmk boomshank19:42
FloodBot2niko-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:42
PriceyyTHIS SPAM IS BEING DOWN WITH L3 FULLY OPEN PROXIES! GOOGLE THIS CLIENT'S IP IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE US. TELL FREENODE STAFF TO FIX THEIR PORTSCANNER. Priceyy padeBoi rgs britta Gray5 kiamo __wolverine T260G fruitwerks_ mtx_init zkriesse catojo oln walmis adam17 flupke Roland T3CHKOMMIE Kody JamesC Wursti fruitwerks Thecake zoiss Peter52 darsul Terminator KE1HA TxMatt C-S-B_ imlad macode PhiSyX lungan n0wje mEck0 multi_io_ afewqs CAP2432 syonzet demigod_ Owlship19:42
=== aetaric_ is now known as aetaric
kiamowhat part of the system theme controls the look of the scroll bars?19:43
dugan_jrib : no... what is this ?19:43
jrib!apt | dugan_19:43
ubottudugan_: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)19:43
fruitwerks_I am having a few issues with networking. I have a static LAN IP and DHCP from the ISP. When I logout of my GUI or when the screen lock turns on, my LAN NIC drops the IP, how can I get around this?19:43
dugan_hoo... yes, sorry ... I know...19:43
asd-askdTHIS SPAM IS BEING DOWN WITH L3 FULLY OPEN PROXIES! GOOGLE THIS CLIENT'S IP IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE US. TELL FREENODE STAFF TO FIX THEIR PORTSCANNER. barbarinfourchu Elaine iredux nisstyre65 localhost falcon56215 piglit runge xiven Dannyboy DBO_ ttl- static^ magical_trevsky RoosterJuice jman_ jman kujablak Whitor Oer muellisoft OpenSourcedNick1 ZNC_DoubleString le0 ssureshot SqRt7744 ring1 mrsiebel Linden940 jiga Morten_ cs278 khamael sidolin schmidt0r han19:43
asd-askdTHIS SPAM IS BEING DOWN WITH L3 FULLY OPEN PROXIES! GOOGLE THIS CLIENT'S IP IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE US. TELL FREENODE STAFF TO FIX THEIR PORTSCANNER. filosofixit skyred tameek tehowe AlbertoP seele0x sabalaba |CTAPOMAK| gdb yotta911 mbroeker urist S_p_or_t_o sphenxes arpegius BLZbubba engled ameetp JFo geoffb ionte HPL cdavis_ cuwoom zilla PreZ Loffe pmcgowan Neo-- bfiller troopperi jimius nomike_ commander-ape awolfson happyface astra-x kpettit chordate Q19:43
asd-askdTHIS SPAM IS BEING DOWN WITH L3 FULLY OPEN PROXIES! GOOGLE THIS CLIENT'S IP IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE US. TELL FREENODE STAFF TO FIX THEIR PORTSCANNER. gabrielix Milosz FiReSTaRT FrankLv airtonix Smoker subzero2000 m[] arnorhs SimonP86 matrixa1 rfolco mortal manipulate jsurfer hebz0rl Synthead Andycas DGnome AaronMT Maxwell Biolunar mirage335 Muhammad Error404NotFound Bass10 wet Line_ Nich_ logyati _KAMI_ smky_ loaret skunkworks FusionX Italian_Plumber fuman19:43
asd-askdTHIS SPAM IS BEING DOWN WITH L3 FULLY OPEN PROXIES! GOOGLE THIS CLIENT'S IP IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE US. TELL FREENODE STAFF TO FIX THEIR PORTSCANNER. enmand_ pdelgallego bazhang patholio industrial radioman-lt Dr_Willis acuster talmai_ hagr noolness spreda Soul_Sample corpsicle bentob0x kioko ganja andrewl NMFTM Wojo Rangasamee ferret_ benpro Shaun flodin darrenb |friTTe| _s1gma sacarlson ineol danielmx1 OkropNick ^Willie^ TimeRider iViLe _GoRDoN_ sl[A]cke19:43
FloodBot2asd-askd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
aetaricoh god19:43
AntonisOh I'm a celebrity :p19:43
AaronMTgod damn pings19:44
PigeonClustertell FloodBot2 to stop unquieting19:44
PigeonCluster!language | AaronMT19:44
ubottuAaronMT: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:44
Pici!feeding the troll19:44
macoPigeonCluster: why?19:44
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.19:44
ikonialogyati: calm your language down please.19:44
IdleOnelet's get back to support please.19:44
macoPigeonCluster: they're different users each time and have already been removed from the server19:44
PigeonClustermaco: oh. ok then.19:44
* fruitwerks_ yes.. I have network trouble :(19:44
dugan_thanks to all ... bye !19:44
bikcmpHi, I'm trying to do a action with apt, however it seems to be... like, stuck trying to get dependancies.19:44
bikcmpsudo apt-get -f install doesn't fix it either.19:45
PigeonClusterbikcmp: paste of where it halted?19:45
adam17What's your network troubles?19:45
afewqsjrib & PigeonCluster: thanks a lot guys. it seems that the web cam works out of the box. even though it's pretty old <319:45
bikcmpsure, one minute19:45
ikoniabikcmp: can you expand on the issue and what you're trying to install19:45
jribafewqs: cool19:45
PigeonClusterafewqs: especially because it's pretty old?19:45
bikcmpikonia: anything at all19:45
afewqsexactly :319:45
bikcmplet me pastebin it, one min19:45
=== lap_dragon is now known as cahl-hith
fruitwerks_adam17: just need persistent connections for my wired NICs19:46
mgrafwhere is the xorg.conf file located at in 10.04?19:46
bikcmplibungif4g is always trying to install, but fails19:46
ikoniabikcmp: ok - the error message is quite clear19:46
PigeonClustermgraf: xorg is smart now, xorg.conf is usualyl not there19:46
ikoniabikcmp: it's not just hanging, it's giving you an error explaining the issue19:46
PigeonClustermgraf: if you want to create it, put it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:47
bikcmpikonia: oh, i didn't even look at that; even if that was resolved, it would still try to fix libungif4g19:47
mgrafbah, so how do i change my keyboard layout from us to dvorak in my x sessions?19:47
bikcmpone minute19:47
lesh4rk_logyati: weak!19:47
OpenSourcedNick1I use to think that if something is pointless it wouldn't have been done,19:47
ikoniabikcmp:  no it's not19:47
ikoniabikcmp: resolve the error first19:47
OpenSourcedNick1I got proved wrong twice: War, and now this spam thing :I19:47
PigeonClustermgraf: system->preferences->keyboard in the gnome install19:47
bikcmpk, it's trying to do the libungif4g thing again19:48
ikoniabikcmp: please pastebin the output19:48
bikcmpikonia: doing so right now19:48
fruitwerks_here is my network config http://pastebin.com/TBXybGB419:49
delinquentmeQuestion with Regex and the ubuntu search ( applications > accessories > search for files...) im trying to find a file which contains both the strings "shadow" as well as "height" ... whats the regex string id put into "name matches regular expression" to get this19:49
PigeonClusteris there a way to rebind laptop special mouse buttons? this laptop has an arrow pad in the middle of the two mouse normal buttons, I'd like all four of the arrows on that pad to be MMB19:49
ikoniabikcmp: again - look at the error message19:49
puffIt appears my apt is in a somewhat wedged state. Can anybody help me?  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/vZ7gn1uE19:49
bikcmpikonia: yep.  What should I do to resolve that?19:49
Elshar-Hey, anyone know off the top of their head how to get the taskbar to group multiple instances of the same app?19:50
ikoniabikcmp: look at your repos !19:50
=== mIRC- is now known as Scans
ikoniabikcmp: you have a dapper archive and a lucid archive in there19:50
Elshar-Ie, if I open 5 Firefox windows, I'd only have one firefox thing in the taskbar?19:50
PigeonClusterpuff: bad paste19:50
ikoniabikcmp: you can't mix and match like that19:50
ikoniabikcmp: your system will be totally unusable19:50
lesclassicdo I need to be connected to the internet to set up my wireless?19:50
tasslehoffI have problems with the nm-applet on my Ubuntu-install. Whenever I try to launch it I see a quick flash of something in the notification area, and then it's gone. No error messages in the terminal, but it says "DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect"19:51
PigeonClusterlesclassic: what do you mean set up your wireless? on what device are you setting up wireless?19:51
xanguaElshar-: right clic in the window list applet >preferences19:51
ScansHello, can i make desktop background 3d?19:51
puffPigeonCluster: Repasting.19:51
puffdelinquentme: If it's posix regex, probably something like shadow|height19:51
adam17Scans: what do you mean 3d?19:51
PigeonClusterScans: what do you mean, make it 3D?19:51
PigeonClusteradam17: dang, beat me to it19:51
Elshar-xangua, Awesome, thanks. :)19:52
Lokdoes anybody know how I can enqueue songs into rhythmbox by using the terminal even if the song is not in the library yet?19:52
ranticAnyone want bad company 2 for free? I just want to fix this small issue so bad : (19:52
tasslehoffTried deleting .gconf/nm-applet, but that didn't help19:52
ikoniarantic: please don't offer illegal products19:52
PigeonClusterLok: 'rhythmbox [file]'19:52
puffPigeonCluster: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/xYgWBaHm19:52
ranticikonia: If offering my EA account to them is illegal, sorry : /19:52
PigeonClusterrantic: if anyone knows how to help you and feels like it at the time they will.19:52
ikoniarantic: it is illegal - stop now19:53
heizmannHi everybody, I've a problem concerning to the installation of the mplayer subversion (with x264 support)19:53
ikoniabikcmp: do you see/understand the error19:53
ikoniaheizmann: subversion products are not ubuntu pacakges, talk to the guys in #mplayer19:53
Scansi mean a Movable picture19:53
PigeonClusterScans: so you mean a background that dynamically changes?19:53
heizmannikonia : thanks :) see u19:53
puffPigeonCluster: That's all one shell session, I added extra blank lines to make it easier to follow.19:54
ScansPigeonCluster:no Animated like a 3d movie19:54
adam17Scans: so like Win7 dreamscape?19:54
adam17Scans: try this http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?/topic/15058-dreamscene-for-linux-screensaver-as-desktop-wallpaper/page__pid__148902#entry148902 it adds a screensaver as a background19:55
fruitwerks_can someone take a look at my network config?19:55
Scansi saw in website theme named matrix with matrix backgtound moving19:56
tasslehoffWhat can I delete to start with a clean "gnome-panel-setup"?19:56
LokPigeonCluster: This only works if the song is already added to the library19:56
Scansadam17: thanks alot19:56
PigeonClusterLok: well have you thought about using a less crap media player? no offense.19:56
zpmI have tried unsuccessfully for the last 10 hours to setup OpenVPN19:57
erUSUL!resetpanels | tasslehoff19:57
ubottutasslehoff: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:57
fruitwerks_is this a help channel?19:57
puffPigeonCluster: I reinstalled to lucid recently, finally got around to installing amarok again, and, wow... it is a mess.19:57
PigeonClusterfruitwerks_: it is.19:57
tasslehofferUSUL: thanks19:57
puffPigeonCluster: So I'm stuck using rhythmbox.19:57
LokPigeonCluster: No, not really, since rhythmbox is totally fine for me, except of this problem and the iPod - Playlists .... which one would you suggest19:57
Julian384Booted Ubuntu 9.10: ended up in a terminal with the filsystem mounted read-only. Syslog shows [16.####] EXT4-fs (sda2): internal journal on sda2:8   [16.####] EXT4-fs error (device sda2): ext4_lookup: deleted inode referenced: 8176719:57
kyle_any help with PiTiVi ??19:58
PigeonClusterpuff: I know. I don't recommend rhythmbox or amarok. lately I've been recommending exaile.19:58
zpmI cannot get my OpenVPN server running on to give clients a 10.x.x.x address19:58
PigeonClusterLok: not sure; I don't actually use it much19:58
Julian384I asume reboot wont work.19:58
zpmI am SOL19:58
erUSULJulian384: verify/check the partition from a livecd19:58
PigeonClusterJulian384: oh wow.19:58
puffPigeonCluster: any suggestions on my curl install problem?19:58
kyle_zpm: any NAT ??19:58
zpmyes sir19:58
erUSULJulian384: it loos like filesystem corruption19:58
puffPigeonCluster: I can't try exaile until I fix my apt, sigh.19:58
zpm192.168.1.1 router/internet gateway19:58
zpmport forwarding to port 119419:59
zpmon the server19:59
PigeonClusterpuff: not sure. try force-removing the offending packages with dpkg (instead of apt)19:59
tasslehoffHm. The panels got reset like I wanted, but the nm-applet still won't work19:59
dendrite_06o/ hello everybody. im having trouble installing ms dotnet2.0 using latest version of wine and ubuntu 10.04.  any help would be great. installation just says it fails19:59
PigeonClustera -f on dpkg should actually force it, error or not19:59
PigeonClusterunlike on apt19:59
zpmthe configs I have seen so far are overly complex19:59
zpmand do not work19:59
zpmI have managed at one point to give users a 10.x.x.x address20:00
zpmbut the gateway was completely screwed up20:00
zpmand nothing was connectable20:00
Julian384booting live CD20:00
puffPigeonCluster: Okay, I'll gve that a shot.20:00
zpmdendrite, have you tried latest wine?20:00
zpmdendrite, perhaps Wine SVN might have a fix20:00
dendriteyes i have20:00
ranticHi everyone, I created a thread for my issue (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9785482#post9785482) and all I know for sure is the hang is caused by the memory card reader. Unlike the others with my problem I will never need it, so if anyone knows how I can disable/ignore it during boot that would also help me out greatly.20:01
=== ZNC_DoubleString is now known as DoubleString
dendriteno ihavent. ok i might try that. has anyone else had problems installing dotnet 2.0 on ubuntu x86_64?20:01
erUSULrantic: if you know the driver it uses you can blacklist it20:01
erUSUL!blacklist > rantic20:01
ubotturantic, please see my private message20:02
zpmdendrite, I installed windows 7 x64 in ubuntu with VirtualBox20:02
zpmif wine fails, I simply use the virtualized environment20:02
Picidendrite: I think thats something you can install with winetricks.  I'm not sure how to do it off the top of my head, the folks in #winehq should be able to give you some pointers.20:02
Julian384PigeonCluster: Julian384: oh wow.     This sound bad...20:02
zpmdendrite, the only real downside to this is the amount of RAM needed to work efficiently20:02
zpmotherwise its a win-win scenario20:03
tasslehoffAnyway to scan for wireless networks without nm-applet?20:03
ranticerUSUL: This is actually my first experience with Ubuntu/Linux. I'm not even sure where to find out what driver is being used. I've been googling all afternoon but I'm at a loss. I'm reading bits and pieces of the Ubuntu book where I can but it's not too basic to be relevant to my situation just yet20:04
erUSULtasslehoff: when you click in the applet it should list the networks20:04
tasslehofferUSUL: problem is that the nm-applet is missing. if I try to launch it I see a quick flash in the notification area, and nothing more20:04
lesclassichow can I set up ubuntu after install without the internet?20:04
erUSULrantic: maybe takin a look at your "dmesg helps. paste it ina pastebin20:05
erUSUL!paste | tasslehoff20:05
dendritePici. yea its simply "sh winetricks" and you get a list of options. but i've tried that. i have dotnet 1.1 installed. but for some reason 2.0 always fails no matter if i use winetricks or do a manual download/install20:05
ubottutasslehoff: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:05
Scansguys how i go to this dir ~/.config/autostart/glmatrix.desktop20:05
erUSULtasslehoff: you can scan in command line « sudo iwlist wlan0 scan »20:06
cccasketrantic: did you do this yet? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9240841#post924084120:06
cccasketblacklisting aye20:06
zpmdendrite, my vote goes to virtualization -- good luck20:06
Julian384The glowing Ubuntu logo is greate... Especially when it stops glowing (third broken Live CD)20:06
erUSULtasslehoff: sorry the paste factoid was not for you20:06
erUSUL!paste | rantic20:06
ubotturantic: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:06
tasslehofferUSUL: oh yeah. I'm gonna paste everything I can find now ;-)20:07
caoticI have seen in a couple of webpages that you can aadminstrate service in ubuntu by using System > Administration > Service. How ever the instalation I just made of ubunto 10.4 doesnt have such an option ? was this changed, If so, is there another way to manage services other than stating them manually at /etc/init.d ?20:07
ranticerUSUL: I saw that thread but the idea of having another error message pop up in it's place just seems like a partial fix. I don't like the idea that it goes from broken to half broken : (20:07
_jesse_which package in ubuntu is ptrace in?20:07
cccasketrantic: apparently you need to blacklist mmc_core, sdhci, sdhci-pci. the link above has the how-to20:07
adalalhi, quick question, all the home folders in a computer can be read by other users and not written to. What I want is where the home folders by default cannot be read by other users... how do i get this done? i know i can manually change all permissions, but I want the default permissions to be 700 for all home folders..20:07
cccasketrantic: blacklisting will stop the bad driver from being loaded20:08
tasslehofferUSUL: the command line scan found the networks. any way to connect from the commandline as well?20:08
cccasketrantic: or the good driver on the bad hardware, as the case may be ;)20:08
erUSULrantic: paste your dmesg... « sudo aptitude install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com »20:08
erUSULtasslehoff: if you use wpa2 there is no easy way...20:08
lesh4rk_hey! someone can help me? i'm using centos but the peoples on centos irc can't help me, so i was search from help here.. my problem are on Cyrus errors "Fatal error: tls_start_servertls() failed" on the imap and pop3 and imaps TLS negotiation failed: localhost.localdomain [], please! someone can help me?20:09
erUSULtasslehoff: run nm-applet from command line maybe it says why it exists20:09
ranticerUSUL: Yep I'm just sending everything to my email, i've been talking on the Windows partition this whole time. Brb I'll boot on Ubuntu20:09
macolesh4rk_: we dont support centos here20:09
TerrenceKJHi all20:09
cccasketerUSUL: rantic posted an error that matched exactly what others are seeing on his hardware20:09
cccasketerUSUL, sounds like he just needs to blacklist the modules20:09
cccasketgood luck20:10
=== ubuntu is now known as securityxxxpert
TerrenceKJI'd like to know from someone using Ubuntu studio, whether the multimedia experience is better than on the standard Ubuntu 10.4 version20:10
lesh4rk_maco: i know but maybe someone know that's error and maybe help me..20:10
tasslehofferUSUL: nope. it just flashes something in the notification area and disappears.20:10
macolesh4rk_: try in #ubuntu-offtopic20:10
datacrusherhow do i reinstall gdm ? apt-get reinstall gdm ?20:10
securityxxxpertanybody been running into the error "no init found." "try passing init-=bootarg".20:10
macolesh4rk_: or ##linux20:10
lesh4rk_maco: that's ok! thx!20:11
ranticThat's embarassing that is part of my password ...20:11
erUSULcccasket: so just blacklist sdhci ?20:11
cccasketerUSUL and mmc_core and sdhci-pci, apparently. confirmed fix for several people in the thread he linked20:11
cccasketrantic, yes it's ugly but it's what we have20:12
wasniki am trying to connect to wired connection using ubuntu20:12
wizzlecan someone give me a tutorial how to change my private ip?20:12
=== ``marianne`` is now known as `marianne`
ranticcccasket: Fair enough, beggers can't be choosers.20:12
securityxxxpertwizzle:  read up on static ip's20:13
wasniki have wicd20:13
=== DoubleString is now known as ZNC_DoubleString
ranticerUSUL: Did you still want my dmesg output?20:13
wasnikand cannot connect to wired20:13
cccasketrantic, true that. :)20:13
axisyswhat is recommended paritioning for a large disk.. i have a 750GB hard drive in my laptop..20:13
erUSULrantic: cccasket says that blacklist is the solution.20:13
puffWell, "sudo dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq curl" seemed to do the trick for reinstallnig.20:13
=== ZNC_DoubleString is now known as DoubleString
puffEr, for removing curl.  Now let's try to install it again, and see if the original problem reccurs.20:14
plouffeI tried to run the ubuntu live cd on an old Dell Inspiron laptop, but the mouse is not recognized. It works fine on windows though on that computer. What could be the problem?20:14
puffBleah.... it looks like it's hanging at "unpacknig curl" again.20:14
wasnikhello there20:14
cccasketrantic, the next time you upgrade, say to 10.10, the installer should remove your changes and if the driver works better with your hardware, the ugly kludge will be no longer needed20:14
wasnikcould anyone help me20:14
wasniki amtrying to connect to a wired connection using wicd20:14
=== u_me{away} is now known as u_me
puffAnybody have any clues here?20:14
ranticcccasket: I actually had Ubuntu 9.10 for a few weeks on this same machine and never saw the error. So I'm definitely hopeful.20:15
wasnik i amtrying to connect to a wired connection using wicd20:15
axisysshould I do just / and swap ?20:15
wasniki am trying to connect to wired internet using wicd could anyone help20:15
cccasketrantic, sometimes there are odd regressions like that. yeah. you could also search Launchpad for a status update for 10.1020:16
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/20:16
wasnik i am trying to connect to wired internet using wicd could anyone help20:16
puffOther than --verbose, is there any way to get more info from aptitude on what's going wrong?20:16
=== pj is now known as Guest51596
securityxxxpertrantic:  you know how to fix the "no init found."  " passing init=bootarg".20:17
puffrantic: Yeah, I saw some serious problems with wireless when I upgraded from edge to lucid.20:17
puffEr, edgy to lucid.20:17
wasnik i am trying to connect to wired internet using wicd could anyone help20:17
TerrenceKJHi all I've got Ubuntu 10.4 installed. I use this mostly for multimedia and web browsing - Will I gain anything by using ubuntu studio instead20:17
Scansadam17: u still there?20:17
whitepheasantCan someone show me how to use a sudo command that will bypass the password prompt?         (Of course I'm hoping I can just "PRE ENTER" my password whist, using the command).        So this can be a one time only use of sudo.20:17
securityxxxpertwasnik:  dude stop asking the same question.  Open up a terminal and type in dhclient with your ethernet cord plugged in20:17
ranticsecurityxxxpert: Fix the what? I don't remember seeing that.20:17
erUSULwhitepheasant: what are you trying to do ?20:17
cccasketwhitepheasant: same machine or network machine?20:17
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:18
erUSULrantic: did you geon ahead blacklisting ?20:18
securityxxxpertrantic: basically I can't boot into my operating system Ubuntu 10.04.  I pass the enter your encryption passphrase, and then it drops me to taht20:18
Julian384 old live CD dose not support ext4 :-/20:18
Scanshow i make Screensaver as Desktop Wallpaper?20:18
Guest51596how do i change the keyboard lay out to US standard with out total format,20:18
cccasketscans - can't you pass xscreensaver -root or something like that20:19
ranticerUSUL: I'm trying to track down that post you showed me before to actually do it haha, I guess the dmesg stuff is no longer needed either?20:19
Guest51596stuck with CAN french20:19
wizzlesecurityxxxpert, where is it?20:19
lesh4rk_maco: in the moment nobody help me in #linux.. maybe can you help me?20:19
erUSULrantic: comment 8 here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/323159?comments=all20:19
ranticsecurityxxxpert: I know less about Ubuntu and/or Linux then you do, I'm sorry.20:19
securityxxxpertrantic:  no big man20:19
wizzlesecurityxxxpert, is that at help menu?20:19
macolesh4rk_: idont know the answer20:20
securityxxxpertwizzle:  Is what at the help menu?20:20
Scanscccasket: what do u mean20:20
whitepheasantTrying to make a double click "instant start up" desktop thing. Usually, I make a file, type in "terminal commands inside", then save it and mark the file with permission to execute. (Those type of things will not need to run as root, but now I have this apache server that always bugs me to put in a password after I run a terminal command like this:       sudo  /opt/lampp/lampp startapache20:20
wizzlesecurityxxxpert, static ip, u told me to read it20:21
whitepheasantSO i just want to "double click and forget".          This would be "same machine", I'm not doing anything over the network.20:21
cccasketwhitepheasant: you can set up passwordless sudo for specific commands only20:21
securityxxxpertwizzle yeah man that's what you need to read on20:21
securityxxxpertit woudl be in your router config20:22
lesh4rk_maco: ok! but i can search from help here? or it's wrong? because i need from simple help, nothing much. i can?20:22
tasslehofferUSUL: hmmm. I deleted the two lines about eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces, and the applet is back...20:22
erUSULrantic: you just add three lines to the file20:22
jribwhitepheasant: why don't you just use the apache in the repositories?20:22
tasslehoff(after a reboot)20:22
cccasketwhitepheasant: basically whitelist your startup script20:22
macolesh4rk_: no, only ubuntu stuff is on topic here, sorry20:22
ranticerUSUL: Yep done, I'm going to reboot and hope everything goes Ok. Thanks guys and brb20:22
erUSULtasslehoff: weird; nm should ignore ifaces listed there20:22
lesh4rk_maco: no problem! bye!20:22
cccasketwhitepheasant: or just make your dev server owned by a non admin user20:22
dendritezpm: got it working. installed the wine 1.3 beta and all is fine20:23
whitepheasantI'm using "Xampp" because it's short, simple, easy and too the point. It's even portable and I'm not runnng a serious webserver. I just "unzip my xampp download" and test my PHP webpage scripts.20:23
jribwhitepheasant: it's probably harder to install and you don't get automatic security updates20:23
galvaoboa tarde,20:23
erUSUL!br | galvao20:24
ubottugalvao: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:24
cccasketwhitepheasant: actually, i misspoke - changing owner won't help, because you need to bind to a privileged port unless you change from port 8020:24
ranticerUSUL: Unfortunately it now hangs with the black screen slightly longer then before and I have no message.20:24
cccasketwhitepheasant: you will find support a lot easier with the ubuntu supplied apache/php/mysql as jrib said20:24
erUSULrantic: :/ then maybe we need to take a look at the dmesg...20:25
whitepheasantHmm, using certain ports makes the apps bug me for passies?20:25
pure_hateikonia, ping20:25
ranticerUSUL: It's entirely possibly mine is different from their's, it's just that the forum messages about what happens to them on boot sounded bang on. Also because the message flickers so quickly I could only pick up that one "Uknown controller" piece of it20:25
erUSULwhitepheasant: ports under 1024 are restricted. the ones above are not.20:25
cccasketwhitepheasant: yes. try changing the port to a 5 digit high port, see if it recognizes that it doesn't need root privileges20:26
cccasketwhitepheasant: i know nothing of xampp's control structure20:26
ikoniapure_hate: you called20:26
securityxxxperterUSUL: are you familar with the error I was talking about20:26
whitepheasantAh okay. Changing the port number is what I can do.20:26
pure_hateikonia, Can I pm you with a question?20:26
ikoniapure_hate: sure sure, any time20:26
whitepheasantTahnks, I'll give that a shot.20:26
Humle91hey, anybody here that has experince with transmission remote gui in ubuntu 8.0420:27
douglis vdpau enabled by default on the latest ubuntu?20:27
SLierFoxHi all having trouble booting ubuntu on a toshiba satellite 1130 can anyone help me ?20:27
jribHumle91: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)20:27
douglerr if nvidia drivers are installed?20:28
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: no init found? that means that either 1) grub passed the wrong root option to the kernel ( the wrong partition ) 2) the filesystem in the partition is hosed/messed up and init ( is a program ) is not there anymore / corrupt20:28
ranticerUSUL: Nothing shows up like "Unknown etc etc etc..." do I need to delete those blacklists I made, reboot and dmesg again? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/9iu3ic1v20:28
Picidougl: Not to my knowledge. iirc, there is a vlc ppa that has it enabled.20:28
erUSULrantic: no just post the dmesg of the current boot20:28
MichealH!ask | sl20:28
ubottusl: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:28
ceejhey all, so I have http://pastie.textmate.org/private/htgn0nxw4igawaqkqcok9w how would i change the default size of the xterm?20:28
MichealH!ask | SLierFox20:29
securityxxxperterUSUL:  Yeah that's what I thought about.  ANy suggestions?  I already booted into a different distro's live cd and ran fsck -f /dev/sda120:29
ubottuSLierFox: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:29
Humle91how do i update transmission from 1.22 to newest version in ubuntu 8.04 ?20:29
ranticerUSUL: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/9iu3ic1v20:29
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: check grub config? maybe uuid's changed ?20:29
douglPici, thanks20:29
SLierFoxwhat more can i put than that MichealH?20:29
SLierFoxHi all having trouble booting ubuntu on a toshiba satellite 1130 can anyone help me ?20:29
SLierFoxJust blank screen after ubuntu logo and dots ?20:30
MichealHSLierFox: Thats better :-)20:30
securityxxxperterUSUL: got a link on how to do that? Never messed around with grub to much20:30
securityxxxperterUSUL:  I know for a fact i can mount /dev/sda1 though20:30
seidosSLierFox, you might want to try the LTS version20:30
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: and everything seems to be there ?20:30
SLierFoxseidos what is the lts ver ?20:31
Raydiationwhy does flash work so well in ubuntu?20:31
seidosSLierFox, 8.04 hardy heron i believe20:31
Raydiationi can even watch fullscreen yt vids20:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:31
securityxxxperterUSUL:  from what I can tell everything is there.  My guess is the uid's changed or something or the root partition isn't correct, but I can't get root to edit the grub file20:31
seidosRaydiation, talented hard working developers?20:31
SLierFoxseidos is that still supported ?20:31
seidosSLierFox, good question.20:32
Raydiationseidos: all other distros have problems with flash20:32
seidosRaydiation, they must not support non-free flash plugins20:32
MichealHseidos: The current lts is 10.0420:33
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: you will have to take a look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg and see if it passes the correct uuid to the kernel « sudo blkid  » is the command to find out the uuids of your partitions20:33
MichealHNot 8.1020:33
SLierFoxMichealH so what is the LTs version compared to the desktop ver ?20:33
MichealH!lts | SLierFox20:34
ubottuSLierFox: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:34
securityxxxperterUSUL:  Does having the disc encryption option change anything20:34
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: really dunno; never used it myself20:34
SLierFoxso the desktop version isnt the lts ver ? im confused20:34
discozohanshould i mirror swap for raid1 for system ? Or how should partitions look like ?20:35
seidosSLierFox, sorry, i confused matters.  8.04 used to be the Long term support (LTS) version, but now 10.04 is.  my thinking is the problem is probably with the kernel and your video driver.20:35
securityxxxperterUSUL:  when I mounted the /dev/sda1 it shows me what looks to be kernel files.  As well as a grub one, but when I open the grub one in nano it's blank20:35
MichealHSLierFox: The Desktop Version which id the one you will use by standard is supported for 3 years20:35
seidosSLierFox, which is why i recommended trying 8.04 (different kernel).20:35
MichealHseidos: :-)20:35
ranticerUSUL: No luck20:36
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: what file did you open? /boot/grub/grub.cfg ? /boot/grub/menu.lst is not used anymore20:36
erUSULrantic: :/20:36
adampiekHey guys, I've got a problem...20:37
securityxxxperterUSUL:  I did this  mount /dev/sda1 /media/root20:37
MichealH!ask | adampiek20:37
ubottuadampiek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:37
GobgrotCan anyone help? Brand new user and Im having a problem. One of my hard drives is no longer showing up in the file manager20:37
seidosSLierFox, honestly, i am guessing only a developer could help you with your problem.  i would be surprised if i am wrong.  sounds like a bug between your video adapter and the kernel20:37
securityxxxpertErUSUL:  when I cd'd to /media/root and did ls is all it said was grub.  Want a paste bin?20:37
SLierFoxMichealH/ seidos ok so as the laptop is using a i855 gpu cant i just change the 'quiet splash' command and tell it which to use ?20:37
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: wont hurt20:37
adampiekWell, when I burn a file to a DVD-RW disc, it says the disc burned successfully, but when I check the disc, it's blank...20:38
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MichealHSLierFox: Maybe20:38
MichealHI dunno20:38
MichealHSLierFox: As seidos I think filing a bug at launchpad will be vest20:38
MichealH!bug > SLierFox20:39
ubottuSLierFox, please see my private message20:39
ceejso I have http://pastie.textmate.org/private/htgn0nxw4igawaqkqcok9w how would i change the default size of the xterm?20:39
ranticerUSUL: That's not a smiley : (20:39
MakuseruHi, im having some problems, I've got no sound over hdmi. Video works fine, volume is set where it should be on the tv im outputting to, i have vlc set for hdmi output, but i get no sound. When i run the "test" in multimedia for the hdmi output device i hear nothing. How can i get audio over hdmi working?20:40
securityxxxperterUSUL:  http://pastebin.com/RKgpcpRc20:40
adampiekWell, when I burn a file to a DVD-RW disc, it says the disc burned successfully, but when I check the disc, it's blank...20:40
ranticerUSUL: I just don't understand what could be causing this ><. It didn't occur on Ubuntu 9.10 and it didn't happen on LInux MInt 9 which as far as I can tell was based on 10.0420:40
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: it looks like you mounted /boot/ not root /20:41
SLierFoxMichealH i had this problem installing Mint and guessing they use the same kernal there is a gpu bug with both i used radeion.modeset=1 to work around it20:41
mawstSounds like the drive is toast adampiek20:41
mawstYou could try cleaning the lense etc.20:41
discozohanwhat is the best practice to use mdadm RAID1 for system ? Should i mirror swap ?20:41
mawstAt your own risk.20:41
erUSULrantic: looks like a kernel regression/bug20:41
MichealHSLierFox: All you have to do is edit your grub bootline :)20:41
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: you have boot in a separate partition20:41
adampiekI suppose...but it just suddenly stopped working after I barely used it20:42
SLierFoxkool il keep diggin :)20:42
securityxxxperterUSUL:  I just went with the defaults for a entire hard disc use + encryption20:42
Maaheshow well does the live-cd handle broadcom wireless drivers these days?20:42
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: probably for encryption separate boot is mandatory. the root partition is elsewhere20:42
securityxxxperterUSUL:  what command do I need to list all the partitions.  Perhaps gparted will work20:43
shomonhi, I've been using gwibber for a bit and now I have a huge file under .local/share/desktop-couch/.gwibber_messages_design20:44
shomoncan I delete it?20:44
securityxxxperterUSUL:  I have /dev/sda1 243.00 MB boot.  /dev/sda2 extended 232.65, and /dev/sda5 crypt-luks 232.65gb20:45
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: sudo fdisk -l20:45
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: /dev/sda5 crypt-luks looks like the real deal20:45
ranticerUSUL: Alright I guess I will continue my quest, thanks for all your help I appreciate it.20:45
dominicdinadaNeed some advice I accidentally knocked the computer offline by doing a port scan. if iptables is set to rate limit drop if a threshold is reached usually after XXX amount of time it will resume connectivity  ?20:45
Redeemedi have a hd with 2 partitions, one is blank, and i would like to istall programs on the blank partition, is there any method of accomplishing this?20:46
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erUSULdominicdinada: my router needs a reboot ( it hangs ) if i do a portscan with nmap in my lan20:46
dandi8I've installed Ubuntu on my laptop with an Intel 82852/855 gfx card and CPU usage spikes up to 100% every time I do anything at all, help?20:47
securityxxxperterUSUL:  be with you in a second. need to figure out how to mount encrypted partitions20:48
bsod1do you know any sources for a person who started using linux20:48
jimcooncatbsod1: with a windows background, or new to computers in general20:48
bsod1jimcooncat: with windows bacground20:49
jimcooncatbsod1: a little bit out of date, but I consider it a must-read: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm20:49
Redeemedi have a hd with 2 partitions, one is blank, and i would like to install programs on the blank partition, is there any method of accomplishing this? feel free to pm20:49
dandi8I've installed Ubuntu on my laptop with an Intel 82852/855 gfx card and CPU usage spikes up to 100% every time I do anything at all, help?20:50
dougb_freebsdRedeemed: you just need to put a file system on the "blank" bit20:50
jimcooncatbsod1: after that, there is good stuff on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80140420:51
securityxxxperterUSUL:  Can't find anything on how to mount the encrypted partition20:51
bsod1jimcooncat: thanks, i'm looking20:52
ComradeHaz`Hi all. How would I go about trouble-shooting sound not working?20:52
Redeemed@Dougb_freebsd I have it's ext4, but i don't know how to install packages to it.20:52
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/rescue-an-encrypted-luks-lvm-volume.html20:53
vu1kanComradeHaz`: !sound20:53
dougb_freebsdRedeemed: oh, you want to configure the package manager to install stuff onto the blank partition?  That I don't know the answer to20:53
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:53
Redeemeddougb_freebsd, that is exactly my goal.20:54
rocket16How to change scroll-sensitivity of mouse in Ubuntu?20:54
Redeemedrocket16, system>preferences>mouse20:55
rocket16Redeemed: There isn't any option for Scroll-sensitivity,20:55
jimcooncatRedeemed: I would want to use that separate disk for a /home instead. Keeps it simple if you want to do another clean install.20:56
securityxxxperterUSUL:  lol just found that20:56
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vu1kanis there a program for ubuntu that duplicates the functionality of revisor(for fedora)?20:58
Redeemedjimcooncat, i have no working cd drive, and no thumb drive, otherwise I would have wiped the whole drive and clean installed, as it stands, my root and home is all on an 8gb partition and the majority of my hd, which was hackintosh not too long ago is just sitting there.20:58
erUSULvu1kan: what does revisor do ?20:58
macovu1kan: remaster20:59
macovu1kan: erkk.. i mean.. reconstructor20:59
histovu1kan: what do you want to do custom distro?20:59
macoerUSUL: it remasters20:59
erUSULmaco: tyvm20:59
vu1kanreconstructor has yet to build a bootable iso for me20:59
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:59
spp2oi baba21:00
macovu1kan: http://uck.sourceforge.net/ this then?21:00
spp2quem es?21:00
erUSUL!br | spp221:00
ubottuspp2: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:00
jimcooncatRedeemed: That's a bit tough. Usually you would boot another operating system (like a live cd) so that your partitions don't get mounted -- then you can move them around at will.21:00
vu1kanmaco: ty, that looks perfect!21:01
blockheadUsing LIves21:01
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Redeemedjimcooncat, Yeah, that is why i'm in a bad position, I would have liked to merge, but without any media that is out of the question.21:01
dominicdinadaok the machine is back on the network but I can not gain access to it hmmmm :( this is not good that it is blocking me21:01
spp2 /join #ubuntu-br21:01
blockheadQuestion, I have a movie I want to cut up and use the scenes and post the scenes in youtube? Is there an easy way of doing this? Do I need a super fast computer?21:01
blockheadI already have the movie21:02
aeon-ltdblockhead: depends what quality but even HD video shouldn't take too long, unless you've got a pIII or one of the first intel atoms and no gpu21:02
jimcooncatRedeemed:  you might want to run something like baobab so see you can easily visualize your actual usage. You might be able to clean up some major space with it.21:03
erUSULspp2: no space before /join21:03
dominicdinadablockhead in ubuntu software center there are a number of video tools such as handbrake, avidmux, pitivid, project x21:03
blockheadI'm using21:03
Julian384as previous said: Booted Ubuntu 9.10: ended up in a terminal with the filsystem mounted read-only. Syslog shows [16.####] EXT4-fs (sda2): internal journal on sda2:8   [16.####] EXT4-fs error (device sda2): ext4_lookup: deleted inode referenced: 81767. On a working Live USB now.21:03
securityxxxperturUSUL: can I send you a pm21:03
blockheadaeon-ltd, and dominicdinada ... I have a Dell Inspiron 152521:03
erUSULJulian384: use gparted to check the partition/filesystem21:04
blockhead2.9 GIB memory, Intel(R) Pentium (R) Dual CPU T3200 @ .00 GhZ21:04
erUSULblockhead: i would use avidemux21:04
Redeemedjimcooncat, i could, but that wouldn't solve my problem long term. i'm running a solo ubuntu system right now, and i plan on doing so for a while, seeing as i can't install anything else, so i need to find a way to install and run packages on the larger partition,21:04
spp2como usar esse chat?21:04
dominicdinadaerUSUL: anyhow the machine is back on the network but it is still blocking this machine :O21:05
dominicdinada!ES | spp221:05
ubottuspp2: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:05
andresjhello, I have a partitioning problem. I have run out of primary partitions, but I need to keep every partition's data. I have a big chunk of empty space before one of my primary partitions (sda3). I would like to make an extended partition (new sda3) and put the old sda3 inside it (sda5). I know I must use fdisk for this.21:05
erUSULdominicdinada: !br actually21:05
jca1981Hi everyone, how do i backup s Mysql database from a system that wont boot21:05
blockheadI'll download that now er21:06
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dominicdinadaerUSUL: heh either or. Spanish is closer to Brazilian dialect than it is English21:06
jimcooncatRedeemed: I wonder if there is any way that /usr could be moved -- it seems like the best candidate21:06
securityxxxperterUSUL:  I sent you the link21:06
mIRC-hello guys, from where can i change screen display  size?21:06
Julian384erUSUL: It seams to work. Trying to reboot21:07
blockheadyeah, I was going to, but tit says21:07
vu1kanmIRC-: system>prefs>monitors21:07
blockheadhttp://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/download.html and Ubuntu requires GetDeb21:07
discozohanping! whats is the best practice to install ubuntu with raid 1 ? Should i create swap on both drives ?21:07
edenandresj: try gparted21:07
blockheadand I don't know how to get that21:07
jimcooncatRedeemed: format the new partition, copy the contents of /usr over there, change your fstab and reboot21:07
jimcooncatRedeemed: maybe21:07
dominicdinadablockhead: the deb package installer ?21:07
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: and the « sudo modprobe dm-crypt » and « sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/hda5 crypt1 » steps ?21:08
erUSULJulian384: ok; good luck21:08
seidosi was messing around with my sources.list file, to see if i could get virtual box running.  it was a long shot.  anyway, how can i get x working again?21:08
blockheadah yes21:08
blockheadthat's the one I was using21:08
seidosi don't even care if gnome works.  just x.21:08
blockheadI think h/o let me see21:08
securityxxxperterUSUL  didn't copy those down21:08
blockheadbrb, thanks for your help dominicdinada , everone21:08
securityxxxperterUSUL: let me do it again and i'll repaste21:08
itsux2buin system files a # comments out a line.. does a second one on same line "uncomment" the line.. this example is from  /etc/default/grub:   '# To return splash screen and hide boot messages remove comment(#) from"     having 2 # on the same line is OK?21:08
blockheadCould not download all repository indexes21:09
blockheadThe repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.21:09
blockheadFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/abiword-stable/ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found21:09
blockheadSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.21:09
FloodBot2blockhead: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
spp2 /join #ubuntu-br21:09
dominicdinadaDang it still blocking me and i dont see any rules to drop packets from this machine21:09
blockheadnevermind it's doing it21:09
karlowhat sound editor do you recommended ?21:09
andresjeden: I don't see a feature in gparted to convert a primary partition into a logical partition.21:09
erUSULkarlo: audacity21:10
karlobut something small..21:10
Julian384erUSUL: It worked. Thank you!21:10
sadohello every one21:10
securityxxxperterUSUL:  do I have to do the modprobe before creating that device?21:10
erUSULJulian384: no problem.21:10
sadoi have a question ?21:11
blockheadThanks, I like this program better21:11
jca1981Hi everyone, how do i backup s Mysql database from a system that wont boot, can i copy the files from /var/lib/mysql to another system21:11
Redeemedstill looking for a way to install packages on a secondary partition.21:11
dbrunswhat is the best way to get rid of ubuntu-desktop (10.04 Server)?  I had to install it to run an IBM installer. I'd like to free up the space it takes up now.21:11
erUSULsecurityxxxpert: i do not think the orthere really matters much. you have to do all steps before attemping to mount though21:11
sadowhen i try ..download adobe flash player tell me its virtual ?21:11
dominicdinadadbruns: Depends on how you added the desktop. I was told if you added it Via Aptitude it was easier to remove.21:12
dbrunsdominicdinada: i'm pretty sure I just did apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:12
edenI was running the Ubuntu LiveCD off of a flash drive with a casper file for persistance (I currently don't have a hard drive), and everything ran smoothly. I then decided to install Ubuntu to the flash drive from a CD and run a "real" installation from the flash drive, I removed swap entirely as I have 4GB of RAM. However, it runs really "jerkily". What makes a "real" install of Ubuntu access the disk more than a livecd environment. Can I change something to21:12
edenmake it faster?21:12
dbrunsdoes  apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-desktop take care of it? seems too easy . . .21:12
erUSUL!purekde | dbruns use the remove line here21:13
ubottudbruns use the remove line here: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »21:13
histodbruns: no thats just a meta package21:13
benbloomIs it inappropriate to ask for help printing from my Lucid Kubuntu box to my Windows 7 machine's printer?21:13
dominicdinadadbruns: as was pointed out to me before apt-get and aptitude are 2 different interfaces and work differently. FOR me i did aptitude remove gnome-desktop21:13
jimcooncatdbruns: sudo tasksel21:13
sado when i try ..download adobe flash player tell me its virtual ?21:13
histobenbloom: is the printer shared?21:14
benbloomhisto, yes. shared by the win7 machine21:14
erUSULdbruns: that will remove most stuff. you may want to continue with anothe xserver packages21:14
dbrunserUSUL:  I don't need xwindows at all21:14
dbrunsIBM just requires it to install DB2Connect21:14
histobenbloom: you should be able to add the network printer then.  Make sure samba is installed21:14
whitepheasantcccasket: How can I set up passwordless sudo commands? (If possible, I would like it as a separate file, if not... I'll just try it the standard way, I didn't want to get into doing the sloppy works of editing some system stuff).21:15
benbloombtw histo, I fixed my ttys problem from last week by doing a full upgrade to lucid.21:15
jimcooncatdbruns, I say again: sudo tasksel21:15
benbloomhisto, samba is installed and current, but nothing's showing up when I ask cups to search for shared printers.21:15
blockheadOn Avidemux. How do I do this?21:16
sadohello guyz21:16
blockheadDo I play iy through the entire movie?21:16
sadowhen i try ..download adobe flash player tell me its virtual ?21:16
itsux2butrivial question and i hate to repeat.. but..    in system files a # comments out a line.. does a second one on same line "uncomment" the line.. this example is from  /etc/default/grub:   '# To return splash screen and hide boot messages remove comment(#) from"     having 2 # on the same line is OK?21:16
erUSULdbruns: i do not claim is the whole solution but it is a good start.21:17
edenbenbloom: make sure file and printer sharing are enabled on the windows box. try turning off any firewalls on your windows box for a bit to test21:17
trismitsux2bu: no, it will not uncomment the line, everything after # will be ignored21:17
sadoguyz ?21:17
erUSULsado: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree21:17
dominicdinadawhy doesnt the bot have any info on quotas and ratelimits etc... dumb bot21:17
seidoshow can i select a wireless ap and get a dhcp lease from the terminal?21:17
erUSULdominicdinada: what type of quotas ?21:17
erUSULdisk ?21:18
itsux2butrism, thx  i thought so.. just checking.. grub is an important part of the system21:18
erUSULseidos: if there is no security. sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid MYESSID  && sudo dhclient wlan021:18
dominicdinadaerUSUL: Ratelimits,quotas via bandwidth21:18
jca1981Hi is Maverick the latest stable or is Lucid?21:18
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:18
IdleOnejca1981: lucid21:19
sadothxxx erUSUL21:19
jca1981Doh i just upgraded to Maverick and broke my install, can i downgrade somehow?21:19
benbloomhisto, I get this NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE message21:19
erUSULsado: no problem21:20
IdleOnejca1981: join #ubuntu+1 for maverick21:20
erUSULsado: probably you want to install ubuntu-restricted-extras too21:20
* dominicdinada thinks the bot doesnt like me 21:20
benbloomhisto, I did disconnect firewalls, but that's not helping. I can browse files on the workgroup via smb client but only after entering the password. cups doesn't let me input a password21:21
whitepheasanterUSUL: Changing the port number didn't do what I expected. Regardless oof that 5-digit port I do, I still asks me to run the script as root.  This is because Xampp made the program to behave that way. (There can be some workarounds, but I will not bother with that. Thanks anyway, You too jrib).21:21
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amoshere is a chat room?21:22
jimcooncatamos: no, it's a support room. chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic. Welcome!21:22
amosoh! Tks21:22
sadothxxx  very muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh21:22
Guest3999who can help me plss21:22
amoshaha we are all new ~...~21:23
bittin`whats the problem Guest3999 ?21:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:23
erUSULsado: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:23
puffWell, crap... okay, so after doing dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq to clean up the remannts of my first attept to install curl, I tried again.21:24
cccasketwhitepheasant: you'll want to search for "passwordless sudo" to find the how-tos21:24
puffThis time, I let apt run for a good chunk of an hour, it's still "unpacking curl".21:24
puffWtf is going on?21:24
erUSULa bug21:24
AlmightyThey guys i need help installing vmware on ubuntu 10.4.1 pls cant seem to get the package dowloaded/and or installed right21:24
puffYeah, but c'mon, installing a simple app like curl via apt?21:24
puffIs there a channel for advanced ubuntu help?  Nobody seems to have any advice here.21:25
npopepuff whats the problem?21:25
OwlshipHi, I was trying to fix a disk read error on my win7 drive, and after using the command prompt to fix the mbr my ubuntu install has gone missing. Can anyone help me? I'm running this from the install disk right now.21:25
AlmightyT hey guys i need help installing vmware on ubuntu 10.4.1 pls cant seem to get the package downloaded/and or installed right21:26
npopeOwlship: grub-install21:26
Guest3999iiiiiiiiiiiiiii waaaaaaaaaaaanttttttttt to crack a email can help me ????????????/21:26
npopeOwlship: when you fixed the mbr with windows you wiped grub off your mbr21:26
BluesKaj!grub |Owlship21:26
ubottuOwlship: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:26
puffnpope: sudo aptitude install curl => gets to "Unpacking curl" and just hangs there.21:26
npopepuff: give me two seonds21:27
Guest3999plss help me to crack a email21:27
Guest3999plss help me to crack a email21:27
Guest3999plss help me to crack a email21:27
FloodBot2Guest3999: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:27
npopesomeone kick guest21:27
sometux /msg NickServ REGISTER  jlds798u@##JKYI  w_w_w02@hotmail.com21:27
npopesometux fail21:27
Guest3999why u not help mee21:28
BluesKajsometux, type that in the server testbox , not in the chat21:28
blockheadIn avidemux, I'm playing the movie in hope so the program reads every frame, why is it coming in all crappy.21:28
BluesKajerr textbox21:28
blockheadJust playing, the audio is crappy, I DID press Time Map so it wouldn't do this,21:28
blockheadThe video seems semi ok21:28
puffnpope: Also see notes at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/9UKdien321:29
blockheadnah video is not playing perfect either21:29
blockheadIn avidemux, I'm playing the movie in hope so the program reads every frame, why is it coming in all crappy. The audio is crappy, so is the video, it's not playing perfectly as if it was playing in VLC or media player (I'm using Ubuntu 10.04). I did press Time Map so the sound wouldn't be out of sync, the sound isn't out of sync, but it sounds like it's all robotic, and the video comes in kind of crappy, where it goes to frame to21:31
blockhead frame with some frames still there in certain parts of the frame, if that makes any sense.21:31
Shibawas there an Ubuntu 6.04 release?  All I can find are references to 6.06.21:32
BluesKajblockhead, install ffmpeg21:32
ubuntuerUSUL:  still here?21:33
npopepuff: sudo aptitude clean; sudo aptitude autoclean; sudo aptitude install curl21:33
BluesKaj!ubuntu 6.0621:33
ShibaI have a legacy install base that I need to create a buildbot for.  All I see is 6.06 on the mirrors --- was there ever an actual 6.04 release?21:33
blockheadIt's insalled Blue121:33
BluesKaj!medibuntu | blockhead21:34
ubottublockhead: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:34
ShibaBluesKaj: saying !ubuntu 6.06 isn't helpful.  I just need to know if there was a 6.04 release, and if so, where I can download the ISO.21:34
Shibawhat is '!6.04'?21:34
zamaraxhiku, in windows 7 when you install it creates 2 partitions, system reservered and then the os drive of C:21:34
hikuzamarax: huh?21:35
zamaraxwhen I boot into ubuntu I can only see the system reservered drive on /dev/sda1 and not the C: drive on /dev/sda221:35
zamaraxany idea's?21:35
hikuzamarax: I've been /away for awhile.21:35
TheSovhello, i have a Kw-usb2800d video capture device, i was told to load the em28xx module, this does not work the lsusb shows this device "eb1a:2862 eMPIA Technology, Inc" does anyone have any clue why it doesnt work?21:35
ShibaBluesKaj: what do you mean when you say '!6.04'?21:35
npopepuff: did that resolve your issue?21:35
zamaraxanyone know why ubuntu can't see to see that partition21:36
zamaraxI can see all other partitions21:36
blockheadWhich one should I install? I have Ubuntu 10.04?21:36
wobleanyone has experience with prey against stolen notebooks?21:36
BluesKajShiba, it's supposed to open a bot factoid with info about the text after the !21:36
blockheadGPS woble21:37
benbloomhisto, you still there?21:37
ShibaBluesKaj: ah.  That doesn't appear to be working.  Do you have a link?21:37
wobleblockhead, i mean the tool prey which runs in the background and cn be activated21:37
BluesKajShiba, http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper21:37
mIRC-what is the default pass for root user in ubuntu 1021:38
jrib!root | mIRC-21:38
ubottumIRC-: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:38
BluesKaj!root | mIRC-21:38
kradhey.  a normal user can't bind to port 113 right?21:39
mIRC-then how if i want install any program ask me for root pass21:39
ubuntuanyone mind telling me what they think?  http://pastebin.com/BgRjGG2C21:39
ShibaBluesKaj: thanks.  That wiki page is useful, but it only lists info on 6.06.  I have been asked *specifically* for 6.04 and *not* 6.06.  Do you know if 6.04 was ever released?21:39
Owlshipnpope: so I should do grub install on the hd that my ubuntu install is on and then follow the live cd steps to rewrite the mbr?21:40
jribmIRC-: it doesn't.  It asks for your user's password (who, if he is the first user on the system, should be able to sudo)21:40
famicube64If you really need to log in as root, do "sudo su" then "passwd"21:40
BluesKaj!sudo | mIRC-21:40
ubottumIRC-: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:40
ShibaBluesKaj: honestly I don't know, and this guy could just be full of it.21:40
famicube64Then you can log into root with the chosen password21:40
jrib!noroot | famicube6421:40
ubottufamicube64: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:40
DaekdroomShiba, 6.06 is what 6.04 was supposed to be, but it was delayed and therefore the number changed to fit its release date.21:40
jribfamicube64: he doesn't need any of that21:40
jrib(no one does)21:40
Daekdroom(month 06 from 2006)21:40
muellisoftkrad: well. simple answer is yes.21:40
BluesKajShiba, never used 6.0421:40
ShibaDaekdroom: okay, thanks for the clarification.21:40
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
ShibaBluesKaj: thanks, thats all I needed to know :)21:41
kradMuelli, ok21:41
mIRC-so do i need add user?21:41
* npope fail21:41
Seveas!grub > npope21:41
ubottunpope, please see my private message21:42
npopeSeveas: thanks :)21:42
benbloomI need help with win7 and samba can anyone help?21:42
jribmIRC-: no.  Just enter your user's password.  Read ubottu's link if you want to understand21:42
mIRC-ok thanks alot21:42
Muellibenbloom: #windows probably. Not in here.21:42
MuelliI guess21:43
Shibabenbloom: what isn't working?  Asking if someone can help isn't useful, please state your problem.21:43
npopeOwlship: yea just follow the ubuntu page that covers restoring grub21:43
Owlshipnpope: thanks21:43
benbloomsamba is installed and current, but nothing's showing up when I ask cups to search for shared printers.21:43
ubuntunpope:  What you make of this?  http://pastebin.com/BgRjGG2C  I'm trying to recover from a init not found error on a encrypted disc21:43
puffnpope: No, it's still just sitting there at "Unpacking replacement curl..." forever.21:43
nikos_Hello! is there a way to disable the keyring request that appears when I log in in order to connect with the wireless?21:44
mIRC-when i try to make install i get this error make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1, whats mean that21:44
Shibabenbloom: you need to enable printer sharing in smb.conf, and possibly edit the cups config file to allow raw printing.21:44
jribmIRC-: what are you trying to install?21:44
Shibabenbloom: oh I get it.  you're trying to do it the other way around.21:44
SeveasmIRC-, it means you should try finding a package for whatever you're installing :)21:44
puffnpope: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/tKuY2JYY21:44
Shibabenbloom: sadly, I don't have any experience with Windows 7 or its printer sharing :)21:44
mIRC-jrib: am try to instal screenserv21:44
benbloomsorry Shiba. I am trying to print from my lucid box to win721:45
npopeubuntu: i am still a newb when it comes to encryption, someone else would be better to get help from :)21:45
jribmIRC-: what is that?21:45
ubuntunpope:  no prob21:45
Shibabenbloom: I'd suggest getting two windows boxes talking to each other before attempting a CUPS configuration.21:45
BluesKajpuff, maybe the package is corrupted or missing dependencies or libs ..looks like it's searching for something on your install that doesn't exist , so it's stuck in limbo21:45
mealstromhi, have anyone problem with changed owner of home folders?21:45
mIRC-jrib: am try to install new Matrix Screensaver21:46
Shibabenbloom: if you can print from Windows -> Windows, then its a CUPS issue.  Otherwise we can't really help in this channel.21:46
benbloomShiba, I only have one windows box.21:46
benbloomi understand what you';re say ing though21:46
benbloomI'll ask at #windows21:46
jribmIRC-: link?21:46
Daim540@nikos_ : try to disable "auto connect" (or something like that) in your network config21:46
Shibabenbloom: we have no idea how your systems are configured here.  If you're fairly certain that Windows is configured correctly for sharing then we'll give hte CUPS side a shot.21:47
puffBluesKaj: What make you think that?21:47
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ubuntuanybody here familar with encryption?21:47
mIRC-jrib: u mean the download link?21:47
jribubuntu: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)21:47
jribmIRC-: a link the project's site21:47
npopepuff: you should try downloading the file and using dpkg to install21:47
alejandrodlrochaubuntu people *-*21:47
Daim540@nikos: (in your network wireless properties)21:47
Shibabenbloom: the little bit I hear about Windows 7 is that it correctly applies access controls now instead of just connecting to whomever wants to access it21:47
puffBluesKaj: I think the dpkg warning in that last attempt was because I didn't dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq ater killin the previous attempt.21:48
bolsterQuick question: Anyone know if you can set a webpage as a desktop background?21:48
Shibabenbloom: you may have to log in somehow21:48
puffnpope: Good idea, will try that.21:48
SeveasmIRC-, that one comes with ubuntu21:48
benbloomShiba, that is actulaly my problem. how do you get cups to login to a samba dev?21:48
mIRC-Seveas: no this one version 2.2.221:48
ubuntuok..well my question is this.  I can't boot into my operating system.  There is a init not found error.however to make things more complicated my entire hard drive is encrypted.  So Here is the commands I entered and the feedback I got.  http://pastebin.com/BgRjGG2C21:48
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BluesKajpuff , whynot just install curl from synaptic21:49
npopeBluesKaj: synaptic is a gui frontend to aptitude21:49
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Shibabenbloom: I'm not sure OTOH.  Actually I've never done that before.  Try checking the CUPS docs, thats what I would have to do in this case too.21:49
benbloomk Shiba thanks for the pointer21:50
Krenarihey guys in which channel i have to ask for server security21:50
npopeKrenari: ubuntu-server21:50
DrNick_hi.  have just upgraded a server to 10.4, since then it refuses to recognise the printer attached to the parallel port.  /dev/lp0 isn't created upon boot.  the lp module is loading, with the message "lp: driver loaded but not devices found".  have tried switching parallel port modes in the bios with no luck.  worked ok before the upgrade21:51
X32Im not sure if this is an ubuntu 10.04 issue or MPD but recently my sound stops working after a random amount of time I think..(alsa only no pulse) resetting alsa-utils and restarting mpd does not fix the issue, any ideas?21:51
BluesKajnpope, ??21:51
puffBluesKaj, npope:  Well, downloaded it and ran dpkg -i curletc.deb on it, same results, it appears.21:51
puffBluesKaj: Okay, i'm game, I'll try synaptic.21:51
Krenarinpope, thank you21:51
guntbertnpope: not quite, both apps are frontends to the apt system21:51
mIRC-jrib: u still there?21:51
jribmIRC-: yes, what's different from the ubuntu version?21:52
DrNick_reloading the lp module presents the same message btw.  any ideas anyone?21:52
puffOdd.... I have about eight dpkg processes.21:52
BluesKajpuff , it may bring in the right dependencies , but I would make sure all repos are enabled in partners and other sources21:52
mIRC-http://linux.softpedia.com/progScreenshots/Matrix-GL-Screensaver-Screenshot-1004.html this part21:53
npopeguntbert: i suppose you are right good sir21:53
guntbertnpope: :)21:53
TheSovIs anyone here experienced with V4L i have no idea how to update it on my ubuntu 10.04 64bit21:53
jribmIRC-: well there's usually a README to look at and see ubottu21:53
npopepuff: looks like dpkg is owning you :)21:53
jrib!compile > mIRC-21:53
ubottumIRC-, please see my private message21:53
enkiduhello guys, I need someone from france :)21:53
puffBluesKaj, npope: Just a wild guess here, but I suspect the existing dpkg processes may be part of the problem.21:54
npopepuff: most likley is your problem... sudo killall dpkg21:54
jribmIRC-: actually just read the "Installation" section on the softpedia site, but make sure you trust the author...21:54
puffBluesKaj, npope: Maybe I should kill them?21:54
Seveasnpope, that's a really bad idea21:54
npopeSeveas: why?21:54
mIRC-jrib: yes i do compile but the problem when i come to make install part i cant amke it with out error21:54
Seveasdpkg does not like being killed and may leave your system in an inconsistent or even unbootable state21:55
jribmIRC-: the instructions don't mention "make install", do they?21:55
mIRC-jrib: why ist not safe to install somthing like that?21:55
X32Im not sure if this is an ubuntu 10.04 issue or MPD but recently my sound stops working after a random amount of time I think..(alsa only no pulse) resetting alsa-utils and restarting mpd does not fix the issue, any ideas?21:55
asdf_baronSo after upgrading to Maverick Alpha 3, somehow my two-finger scrolling stopped working.  It's greyed out in the mouse preferences.  Using xinput --set-prop I can apparently enable two-finger scrolling but this isn't working21:55
npopeSeveas: and how do you propose exiting those processess then?21:55
mIRC-jrib: yes they do here #make install21:56
BluesKajpuff, sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a21:56
Seveasnpope, I'd first examine the output of 'ps -aufx | cat' to see whether dpkg is running and what it is doing21:56
jca1981when i run update-grub if finds the kernel on the rescue cd not on my chrooted install?21:56
npopeSeveas: ok now you know what its doing... now how do you exit the process?21:56
jribmIRC-: well did configure and make complete without error?21:56
deathbyliqourhi guys21:57
mIRC-jrib: yes21:57
deathbyliqourare there any msn cam IMs in ubuntu tt work?21:57
mIRC-jrib: ist enough?21:57
Seveasnpope, I don't the pastebin showed only dpkg processes. dpkg launches a lot of things (hence why I wnted the -f and the | cat)21:57
Seveass/ the pastebin/. The pastebin/21:57
deathbyliqourpidigin has no MSN support. amsn says tt msn updated their cam encryption again21:57
jribmIRC-: and then you run "sudo checkinstall"?21:57
deathbyliqouremesene cam doesnt seem to work ether21:58
jrib!checkinstall > mIRC-21:58
mIRC-jrib: no21:58
ubottumIRC-, please see my private message21:58
npopeSeveas: no i am saying.. hypathetically you figured out what it is doing... how would you go about exiting the process now that you know what it is doing21:58
BluesKajpuff, I thought curl was installed by default anyway ..don't understand why you're reinstalling using dpkg ?21:58
mealstromcan anyone send me "/ets/fstab | grep home" with  2+users ?21:58
egertonm20deathbyliqour pidgin works perfectly well with MSN21:59
jribmIRC-: do so21:59
Seveasnpope, that depends on what it is doing. I usually encounter this at work with a crappy proxy setup and kill the wget process that tries to download the flashplayer (yes, this is where I notice it usually). Doesn't leave dpkg in an inconsistent state.21:59
deathbyliqourahh yes it does21:59
jribmealstrom: number of users wouldn't matter21:59
deathbyliqourbut MSN webcam21:59
deathbyliqourits not supported yet i believe21:59
jimenezdoes this look like a ram problem? http://www.imageshare.web.id/images/3nisw686w0efg70y6ws.png21:59
backohow to solve ncx-linux-station - serial number required on thin clients using xtenda x300 pci cards?21:59
Seveasnpope, I've also seen it hang in other postinst scripts. So I kill the postinst but not dpkg itself. No inconsistent state.21:59
mIRC-jrib: sudo: checkinstall: command not found21:59
jribmIRC-: install it, see ubottu's link about it21:59
Seveasnpope, so far I've never seen dpkg itself being the cause :)22:00
mIRC-jrib: ok22:00
npopeSeveas: fair enough22:00
mealstrom jrib: ive got /home as partioion . and after emergency rewboot owner is changed to whole /home directory22:00
BluesKajjimenez, looks like your desktop effects is causing probs rendering fonts..I have the same prob with my old ati graphics22:01
jribmealstrom: changed to what?22:01
Seveasso, puff, care to pastebin the output of: ps auxf | cat22:01
mealstrom jrib: ive got my user - mealstrom , user1 and user2. /home/user1 ...     after reboot ive got /home/* with mealstrom:mealstrom22:02
jimenezBluesKaj thanks22:02
puffSeveas: Sure, if you like.22:02
fulldI installed ubuntu-server and then installed a bunch of other stuff. Aside from formatting, is there a way to get back to my base install of ubuntu-server?22:02
puffSeveas, BluesKaj, npope:  Think I should do the cleanup line BluesKaj suggested, first?22:02
Seveaspuff, preferably not22:02
Seveasit's pretty bad advise22:03
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puffBluesKaj: I'm installing because it wasn't installed.22:03
mIRC-jrib: thanks alot for ur help, its work will now22:03
puff BluesKaj: I would have assuemd it would be installed, too.22:03
BluesKajpuff yes , by all means... Seveas if you have a better suggestion , pls post it22:04
=== DoubleString is now known as ZNC_DoubleString
SeveasBluesKaj, well, I may have the same suggestion :). Really depends on that pastebin22:04
zeroone1Hello! Who has a Terratec Cinergy S USB TV-Box on Ubuntu 10.04 ? How does this work ?22:05
BluesKajSeveas, if apt is blocked , what else can he do ?22:05
puffSeveas, BluesKaj, npope:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/tvsgeeBn22:05
histozeroone1: did you try searching the forums22:06
X32btw since no one answered me, the answer is flash sucks in ubuntu 10.0422:06
X32and breaks the sound22:06
Seveaspuff, that's the same as before. Try this: ps auxf | cat22:06
X32of everyone I know22:06
FloodBot2X32: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
rhythmaticFlash hasn't broken my sound.22:06
X32good for you dude.22:06
SeveasBluesKaj, please read what I just wrote to npope. I don't feel like repeating :)22:06
puffSeveas: What's the same as before?22:06
zeroone1yes i did but i was all for Ubuntu 8.1022:07
Seveaspuff, that pastebin22:07
puffSeveas: I appended the ps auxf output to the previous paste.22:07
Seveaspuff, oh doh. Sorry :)22:07
puffSeveas: :-).22:07
Seveaspuff, you forgot the |cat part though22:07
Seveasps auxf | cat22:07
backohow to solve "ncx-linux-station - serial number required" on thin clients using xtenda x300 pci cards?22:08
itsux2budoes ubuntu desktop have 'keystroke' select and copy and paste? ie.. ctrl-c, ctrl-v  ?22:08
histozeroone1: I would try the install cd which you can boot live and see if it works22:08
CyLwhat package provides pppd?22:08
puffSeveas: What's the22:08
puffSeveas: What's the | cat part buy you?22:08
npopepuff it shows the whole line22:09
npopepuff: not just your terminal width22:09
BluesKajSeveas,  maybe a simple dpkg -r packagename will work22:09
Seveaspuff, text. ps cuts the lines at the terminal border. By using | cat ps doesn't see a terminal and will happily show everything22:09
puffSeveas: I did the ps under an emacs shell buffer, anyway.22:09
=== NameLess is now known as NameLess-busy
Gibby1313I added a PCI 4 Port Sata card and connected 2 drives to it, lspci and the disk utility see the card but no drives...22:09
SeveasBluesKaj, neh, it looks really weird. Those dpkg processes in D state are not supposed to happen22:10
hopecan i get some help setting up a cloud22:10
mealstromwhat /ets/fstab should be for separete /home directory?22:10
zeroone1histo: i have tried it on a 10.04 updated and a 8.04 updated, but it does not work, it has worked on 8.10 with the howtos from the forums (v4l-dvb + firmware + kaffeine) but now i does not work anymore22:10
asdf_baronSo in Maverick, my option for two-finger scrolling is greyed out.  Changing the value manually in gconf-editor will disable edge scrolling but two-finger scrolling still won't work!22:10
Seveaspuff, and you're sure you have enough disk space?22:11
ubuntu_how do you change the side of the bottons to close, extend the windows?22:11
zeroone1so, is there someone out there who runs a Terratec Cinergy S USB TV-box (on Ubuntu 10.04) ?22:11
IdleOne!controls | ubuntu_22:11
ubottuubuntu_: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side22:11
BluesKajSeveas, yeah well something in dpkg isn't working , even tho it isn't supposed to clog up the works22:11
icerootasdf_baron: #ubuntu+122:11
Seveaszeroone1, probablty. If no one here knows, try ubuntuforums.org or ubuntu.stackexchange.com22:12
jk_mealstrom, mine shows "/dev/sda2       /home           ext4    defaults        0       2"22:12
CyLwhat package provides pppd?22:12
Seveas!find pppd22:12
ubottuFound: ipppd, pppdcapiplugin22:12
itsux2budoes ubuntu desktop have 'keystroke' select and copy and paste? ie.. ctrl-c, ctrl-v  ?22:12
puffSeveas: Yes, I have disk.  I'll incldue a df in the paste.22:12
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macoitsux2bu: yep22:12
IdleOneitsux2bu: yes22:12
puffSeveas: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/93XS2Erq22:13
itsux2buin a terminal screen while in desktop?22:13
IdleOneitsux2bu: ctrl-shift-c22:13
itsux2buoh.. its a difference keystroke combo22:14
jk_itsux2bu, or right-click.22:14
Gibby1313I added a PCI 4 Port Sata card and connected 2 drives to it, lspci and the disk utility see the card but no drives...22:14
IdleOneitsux2bu: in terminal yes, ctrl-c is already used22:14
itsux2buthx IdleOne, maco22:14
oledole2Q: I have one or more bad sectors on a disk, and I'd like to repair/mark the bad blocks. All the guides I could find were for fixing this if you care about the FS on top, I just want to repair the whole disk, and then recreate a raid parition and insert it into the array again. Is there a simple dd-command that will do this? Thanks!22:14
=== NameLess-busy is now known as NameLess-away
Seveaspuff, can you strace one of the --unpack processes and see what it's doing?22:14
macoitsux2bu: everywhere else its ctrl+C22:14
puffSeveas: I can try.22:15
lgcHi, can I upload and download from Ubuntu One from different machines with the same hierarchy, so to speak, for all of them?22:15
puffSeveas: Hm, well, strace -p PID works, but no output...22:16
Seveaspuff, not even one line?22:16
itsux2buwhat about selecting or highlighting text i want to copy?22:16
IdleOneitsux2bu: that I have not figured out :/22:16
puffSeveas: Process 30537 attached - interrupt to quit22:16
puffSeveas: And then nothing else.22:16
Seveashmm, odd22:17
puffHm ctrl-c doesn't work to kill it.22:17
Seveasok, kill the --unpack processes one by one starting with the highest PID22:17
puffHighest to lowest?22:17
puffhow do I stop the strace?  Kill the process?22:17
Seveasneh, it won't be killed, it's in D state. kill -9 on it should help. Don't kill -9 strace though, it'll go with the relevant dpkg process22:17
erUSULpuff: crtl + c22:17
pufferUSUL: I just said ctrl-c didn't work :-).22:18
SeveaserUSUL, crtl+c doesn't work on processes in D state or on strace ptracing such processes :()22:18
puffSeveas: Okay, want me to do anything in between the kills?22:18
Seveaspuff, pray :)22:18
erUSULSeveas: didn't know it was an unkillable process. puff reboot22:18
smwcan someone help? When I try to use bluetooth, blueman gives me the error "Failed to set bluetooth power"22:18
SeveaserUSUL, no way, we're nowhere near reboot :)22:19
Blah\whois blah22:19
npopeLOL reboot... this is not windows22:19
puffSeveas: You're my kinda guy.22:19
puffnpope: Exactly!22:19
BluesKajI guess dpkg -r is out of the question now22:19
andym3Blah: it's a normal slash22:19
Blahgot it.22:19
SeveasBluesKaj, as long as another dpkg is running: yes22:19
puffSeveas: Hm, vanilla kill doesn't work on it.22:19
famicube64How can I tell if Ubuntu One is syncing my Firefox bookmarks?22:19
Seveaspuff, kill -922:20
erUSULpuff: well zombies with init as parent and processes in D state are unkillable and will be around untill reboot. there is nothing to do about it22:20
npopeSeveas: my favorite command switch22:20
puffSeveas: cue scary music... -9 ain't donig it either.22:20
=== NameLess-away is now known as NameLess-busy
Seveaspuff, neat! kill the master dpkg process. It's still bad advise but I see no other option :)22:21
puffSeveas: I guess I'm stuck with the Windows Support SOP.22:21
=== jason is now known as Guest21808
Fendaril_jason: isn't that name registered?22:21
Ennaanyone here  im new here22:21
puffSeveas: Wait... doh.  I was trynig to kill -9 on the dpkg -i curletc.deb process22:21
erUSUL!ask | Enna22:21
IdleOne!hi | Enna22:21
ubottuEnna: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:21
ubottuEnna: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:21
smw!hi | Enna22:21
ranticIs there an actual Linux Mint channel ?22:21
erUSULrantic: yes22:21
puffSeveas: (the highest number process in ps -ef | fgrep -i dpkg)22:21
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:21
mkanyicyMy ubuntu 10.04 system cannot detect an original dvd, my other home desktop machine also running 10.04 detects it but it disappears soon as I open totem, anyone knows how to fix this?22:22
Ennai have a problem with dockbarx22:22
Seveaspuff, neh, first some troubleshooting. And I mean shooting trouble :). Did your filesystem get remounted read-only? Does this command work after killing all dpkg processes? dpkg --configure -a22:22
puffSeveas: Should I skip that one and just kill the unpack processes?22:22
Ennaanyone can help me ?22:22
IdleOneEnna: only if you ask a question22:22
Fendaril_!Enna| !question22:22
Seveaspuff, yeah, that's best. Ignore my last line then, was based on you doing the previous things correctly :)22:22
Fendaril_!Enna| question22:22
BluesKajmkanyicy, install libdvdcss222:22
IdleOne!bot > Fendaril_22:22
ubottuFendaril_, please see my private message22:22
smwFendaril_, !cmd | person22:23
erUSULEnna: describe the problem you are experiencing with as many details as possible in one line22:23
puffSeveas: Well, as it turns out, doing this correctly don't work, either. :-(22:23
BluesKaj!medibuntu | mkanyicy22:23
ubottumkanyicy: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:23
Ennafor tiny screenshots on dockbarx i must open the kde compability on compiz22:23
Seveaspuff, ok, kill -9 the whole lot. sudo killall -9 dpkg22:23
=== NameLess-busy is now known as NameLess
Ennawhen i activated kde compability on compiz22:23
Seveasthen try this: dpkg --configure -a22:23
=== ke_ is now known as kek
Seveasand check whether your filesystem is ok22:23
npopeSeveas: now we are talking my style22:24
puffSeveas: no effect.22:24
IdleOnepower off the machine22:24
Seveaspuff, do a dmesg. Does it say anything about your filesystem?22:24
BluesKajpuff, sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock22:24
wasutton3-Laptopis there a way to back up my home partition so that it can be transferred back to a freshly formatted partition without having permissions errors?22:25
SeveasIdleOne, well, if his filesystem is corrupt and thus remonted read-only, I'd rather do a backup before it fails to boot :)22:25
puffSeveas: Oddly, there is call trace output in dmesg.22:25
IdleOneSeveas: good idea22:25
Ennaits too complicated for me22:25
mkanyicyBluesKaj, I have libdvdcss222:25
Seveaswasutton3-Laptop, rsync -av /home backup-box:/home-bak22:25
mkanyicyBluesKaj, and it works properly22:25
Ennais it a help channel or chat channel ?22:25
Seveaspuff, pastebin the last few dozen lines or so. Anything that looks relevant22:25
IdleOneEnna: this is a help channel22:26
SeveasEnna, help channel. Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic :)22:26
BluesKaj!ask |Enna22:26
ubottuEnna: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:26
lgcHi, can I upload and download from Ubuntu One from different machines with the same hierarchy, so to speak, for all of them? In other words, can I have identical copies of my Ubuntu One dir all over the place or only of selected files?22:26
grkbloodwhats a good media server that i can player files remotely from?22:26
smwgrkblood, for what purpose?22:26
grkbloodto view them on one computer from another22:26
weechat_userhi my main boot ext3 partition wont mount. whats a good program to fix it?22:26
Seveasgrkblood, depends on what you want to play and from where. Do you want a filserver, stream server, dlna server?22:26
grkbloodi was thinking vnc but the picture looks bad22:27
smwgrkblood, I have used mediatomb for pc -> ps322:27
grkbloodand no sound22:27
weechat_userI tried fsck.ext322:27
grkbloodi have mediatomb22:27
grkbloodthats only for ps322:27
BluesKajgrkblood, VLC will if you configure it properly , but if you don't it become useless22:27
smwgrkblood, it is not only for the ps322:27
itsux2buubuntu/*nix loses lots of former windows users by not matching windows selecting/copy/paste/cut/select-all/undo keystrokes..22:27
grkbloodi want somethign that i can view the files22:27
grkbloodand select them22:27
Seveasgrkblood, if you just want to open files on another computer, just share a folder.22:27
smwgrkblood, it is for any upnp player22:27
grkbloodi dont want to have to type in the path22:27
puffSeveas: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/MvHKzTZ322:27
Seveaspuff, oh damn. That's messed up22:28
puffThat doesn't sound good.22:28
jason__How can I given different applications different desktop geometries. I have a kiosk application that uses the right 1/4 of the screen for status information. I don't want the user to be able to move applications like vlc and flash windows into the right 1/4 of the screen even if they run in full screen mode.22:28
puffThe IPW2200 thing is a separate issue, btw.22:28
Seveaspuff, in a nutshell: dpkg called sync() to get the filesystem in consistent state and the kernel can't complete that syscall. This could be a bug in the kernel that disappears after a reboot but can also mean a defect in the disk. My bet is on the latter.22:29
crazydiamondhi anyone. is google available? http://google.com/22:29
puffSeveas: Sigh...22:29
puffSeveas: So basically, time to use the warranty?22:29
Seveaspuff, so, backup and reboot. If you're feeling lucky: just reboot.22:30
IdleOnepuff: time to backup22:30
puffDangit, I just reinstalled everthing last month.22:30
wasutton3-LaptopSeveas: would that also work for the root partition?22:30
okapi14hi all, I wondering if there is a way to telnet to a specific virtual terminal?22:30
dougb_freebsdcrazydiamond: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/google.com22:30
erUSULokapi14: telnet? back to 1987 ???22:30
erUSULokapi14: what are you trying to do ?22:31
Seveaswasutton3-Laptop, sort of. You need rsync --av --exclude /sys --exclude /dev --exclude /proc22:31
BluesKajokapi14, try ssh , more secure , as long as you have the destination IP and pw22:31
okapi14erUSUL: I know but i am dealing with old stuff22:31
dominicdinadawhy do things that were remove via APT not remove the assoicated cron jobs ?22:31
wasutton3-LaptopSeveas: perfect just what i was looking for22:31
Seveasdominicdinada, because cronjobs live in /etc and are thus considered configfiles. Those are only removed if the package is purged (dpkg -P packagename / apt-get remove --purge packagename)22:32
erUSULokapi14: yu can not telnet to a VT that makes no sense ... VT are for local access. maybe you want telnet (if you are forced) + screen22:32
erUSUL!screen | okapi1422:32
ubottuokapi14: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen22:32
dominicdinadaSeveas: I did remove but not purge :/22:32
Seveasdominicdinada, you can purge now, even though the package is removed22:32
okapi14Ok, even SSH I want to connect to a specific virtual terminal...Ubuntu allow you to have 7 virtual terminals...22:33
puffSeveas: Since I just reinstalled, I have month old backups, so I guess I'll run rsync to update them.22:33
=== ZNC_DoubleString is now known as DoubleString
erUSULokapi14: you log in in a VT (physicaly) run screen run some program. detach from screen log out. later on from the other side of the building connect via telnet resume screen session and the program is there where you left it still running22:34
puffSeveas: This thing *is* under warranty, so I could just call up IBM and get a replacement.22:34
erUSULokapi14: is that wnhat you want ?22:34
puffSeveas: Though I'd have to figure out how to convince them the drive is failing.22:34
Seveas!purge is <reply> To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -P22:34
puffThe warranty has come in handy several times, I've replaced the drive twice.22:34
erUSULpuff: send the kernel dmesg with all the scary errors ....22:34
Seveaspuff, it may not be failing. See if it happens again after a reboot. Are you on maverick by any chance?22:35
Seveas(I've seen it a month or so ago on my system on Maverick)22:35
puffSeveas: No, lucid.22:35
puffSeveas: lucid on a thinkpad t43p.  The drive is about a year old.22:35
=== NameLess is now known as NameLess-busy
puffSeveas: The thinkpad is about five or six years old, but I replaced the drive somewhere in very late 2008/early 2009.22:36
IdleOneSeveas: that command requires that sudo be used both times, it doesn't carry over.22:36
Seveas!purge is <reply> To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P22:36
Seveasthanks IdleOne :)22:36
Maletor_Why might my internet eth0 stop working. The only thing I did was run the update ALSA script. Internet works with same cord on different computer. Is on in BIOS. No blinking lights form MOBO though...22:36
IdleOneSeveas: sure thing22:36
okapi14erUSUL: still missing something. Not quiet yet. Let see I am running a software on VT 1 (alt+F1) and another at VT2 (alt+f2) and from the other side of building I want to connect to VT 1. How I do that?22:36
andaluzhello guys, I installed 7.10 on laptop Dell c400. But it runs very slow with a lot of HDD activity. While in root mode, everything seems fine? Any suggestion?22:36
puffSeveas:  Gotta love rsync, but USB external drive support is kinda annoying.  When I was backing up last month, rsync would get a big chunk of the files backed up, then somethign would go wrong with the USB.22:37
madjoehey Ubuntu ninjas!22:37
jca1981hey guys could you help me with getting my system run with grub on lvm system22:37
BluesKajandaluz, 7.10, why such an old release ?22:37
Seveasmadjoe, ye scurvy dog, we be pirates!22:38
jca1981sorry grub222:38
puffSeveas: The simplest fix turned out to be disconnecting and reconnecting the cable, and then ubuntu would automount it under a new name, and I'd have to go tweak my backup scripts, then run again.22:38
puffSeveas: Several times, sigh.22:38
andaluzBluesKaj: because c400 Dell is a pentium 3 with 256 MB.22:38
IdleOneandaluz: My suggestion is to install 10.0422:38
Seveaspuff, that's annoying indeed. Try giving the filesystem a label, it should use it for mounting22:38
Maletor_Why might my internet eth0 stop working. The only thing I did was run the update ALSA script. Internet works with same cord on different computer. Is on in BIOS. No blinking lights form MOBO though...22:38
andaluzIdleOne: that's too havey for my old laptop...22:38
BluesKajandaluz, why not instal the latest xubuntu ...it will run with that hw22:39
puffSeveas: How, editing fstab?22:39
erUSULokapi14: use screen. log in in VT1 run screen in screen run the program you want to continue using even if you log out to log in later. dettach from screen ( is Crtl a + D ) log out from vt1. when you telnet in you can run « screen -r » and screen will reattach to the previous screen sesion and you can continue to work where you left22:39
madjoeI've installed PokerTH through my Ubuntu Software Center... it's 0.7.1-1, but I need a new 0.8beta... what's the recommended way to do this? there's a link for download: http://www.pokerth.net/download.html22:39
Seveaspuff, depends on the filesystem. e2label for ext*22:39
eriksson25Anyone that can halp me? have ubuntu 10.04 but my /dev/xxx keeps changing so fucks up the boot. But cant use UUID not working eather.22:39
ratdogwhen i create an application launcher on the desktop, what directories hold the applicatoins?22:39
IdleOne!lnaguge | eriksson2522:39
IdleOne!language | eriksson2522:39
ubottueriksson25: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:39
andaluzBluesKaj: tried Xubuntu 9.10 but that one has another problem, screen flickers because of low refresh.22:40
Baxnieis there a file where i add the applications i want to start with session?22:40
andaluzhow can I check the HDD helath status?22:40
SeveasBaxnie, system -> preferences -> startup applications22:40
benbloomso I can log into and mount samba share from my Win7 machine, but I can't set up the printer from that same machine! anyone got any ideas? I get "Session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE"22:40
BaxnieSeveas: console =x, im using a dedicated server22:40
madjoeandaluz: just my lucky guess... by taking him to a medic?22:40
BluesKajandaluz, have you considered Xubuntu 10.04 , it might be more efficient22:41
eriksson25Sorry, have been strugeling with this 20h+22:41
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntutester
SeveasBaxnie,  ~/.bash_profile then for per-session apps22:41
deathanatosI'm installing Ubuntu 10.04.1, and the installer freezes at the keyboard layout, after gitting "Forward"22:41
andaluzBluesKaj: why trying the latest distro as a solution? Am I asking too difficult questions here??22:42
IdleOnemadjoe: https://launchpad.net/~pkg-games/+archive/experimental see http://www.pokerth.net/download.html22:42
ratdogwhat directories holds the applocatoins22:42
Maletor_Why might my internet eth0 stop working. The only thing I did was run the update ALSA script. Internet works with same cord on different computer. Is on in BIOS. No blinking lights form MOBO though...22:42
madjoeIdleOne: thank you! I'm on it...22:42
Seveasratdog, mostly /usr/bin22:42
ratdogbut theres another22:42
ubuntutesterhey, i am runnig the live cd om my sony vaio i3 x2, when i check the system monitors it shows me 4 CPUS, why is that?22:43
ratdogroot/user/bin too?22:43
BluesKajandaluz, just because a distro is new doesn't make it more difficult to run on an older machine , it might actually run better22:43
Seveas /bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/games22:43
ubuntutesteror is all i3 x4 and then they just lock 2 of em when you buy a x2 computer, becaus when i am in windows it says that i have 2 cpus22:43
erUSULSeveas: ~/.profile is default this days ( i'm sure bash will honour bash_profile if present though )22:43
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerratdog: if you run a program, it search your $PATH22:43
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerratdog: do echo $PATH and you'll see those paths22:43
ratdogfor creating desktop shorcuts22:44
weechat_useras long as you         dont run ppc22:44
puffSeveas: Argh... so I'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive22:44
ted`âû âñå ïðèäóðêè22:44
ted`âû âñå ïðèäóðêè22:44
ted`âû âñå ïðèäóðêè22:44
ted`âû âñå ïðèäóðêè22:44
ted`âû âñå ïðèäóðêè22:44
ted`âû âñå ïðèäóðêè22:44
ted`âû âñå ïðèäóðêè22:44
FloodBot2ted`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:44
puffSeveas: And it says unmount the drive, so I do sudo umount /media/longstringofrandomcharcters22:44
puffSeveas: And now *that* is hanging...22:45
swexlook! google dies)22:45
Seveaspuff, because you're still rsyncing to it?22:45
puffSeveas: Nope.22:45
Seveasor have some files open, like cd into it in the terminal?22:45
Seveaslsof | grep /media/yourstring22:45
ComradeHaz`Hi guys, I have set up a diskless ubuntu system, but I am having some trouble getting the hostname to be what I set it as. etc/hostname in  overly keeps being changed back to the mac address of the clients' NIC as the client boots by something and I cannot figure out what.22:45
okapi14erUSUL: than ks22:45
okapi14erUSUL: thanks22:46
Maletor_erUSUL: can you think of anything i can do to troubleshoot further, i've tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart22:46
puffAh, probably because I'm cd'd into it in another window.22:46
erUSULokapi14: no problem22:46
* ratdog slaps ph33r around a bit with a large trout22:46
weechat_usermirc on #ubbuntu?22:46
Seveaspuff, cd out of it then :)22:47
shtylmananyone know how to reparent a process? ive got a defunct zombie process that won't die22:47
puffSeveas: So, I exited out of that second shell, umount is still hung.  Should I kill it?22:47
KhylCan anyone help me with a small problem?22:47
Seveaspuff, did lsof give you anything?22:47
shtylmanI would like to reparent it to something and kill the parent22:47
erUSULMaletor_: how did you configure it ? using network manager? what it is connected to?22:47
ratdogweechat_user use play on Linux to install mIRC >:)22:47
Maletor_erUSUL: it was all auto, i rebooted from alsa upgrade script and it just stopped working? should i fsck my hdd?22:47
IdleOneratdog: leave the trout in the river please22:47
erUSULshtylman: init should reap the zombie processes after some time afaik22:48
shtylmanerUSUL: that is what I thought.. but it isn't22:48
ratdoggaw darn all slap ph33r if i want to, lol22:48
erUSULMaletor_: do not think so. « sudo dhclient eth0 » works ?22:48
shtylmanso I have to find another way22:48
puffSeveas: Nothing relevant, though I'm quitting some other apps on general principles, some of which were accessing a different USB drive.22:48
Seveaspuff, kill the umount and try with umount -f22:49
Seveaspuff, then again, that may also try sync() and hang.22:49
Seveasso, reboot before relabel :)22:49
erUSULshtylman: zombie processes will disappear in the next reboot22:49
=== DoubleString is now known as ZNC_DoubleString
puffSeveas: kill and kill -9 on umount fail.  Sigh.22:50
madjoeIdleOne: that was so easy.. I'll try to remember that... so PPA is the way22:50
Seveaspuff, check dmesg. Is it doing what dpkg did? :)22:50
puffSeveas: That is, they return silently, ps shows the processes still there.22:50
Maletor_erUSUL: looks like no... it says: dhpcd discover on eth0 on no working leases in database22:50
madjoeIdleOne: thanks again22:50
IdleOnemadjoe: no, PPA is not always the way but in this case was the only way.22:50
puffSeveas: no, I'm pretty sure all the traces are for dpkg.22:50
erUSULMaletor_: the router can be the problem ?22:51
madjoeIdleOne: so what's the most used scenario for upgrading the app?22:51
Maletor_it's a wrt54gl with tomato... i can try rebooting but it is pretty rocksolid22:51
IdleOnemadjoe: recommended to stick with the default repositories. pokerth has not been updated yet.22:51
jca1981trying to get grub2 qorking i have a (linux-root) (hd0,5) and (hd0,1) what do i need to type to get into my system?22:52
madjoeIdleOne: but if you would like to upgrade the app... which way to look first?22:52
MaletorerUSUL: rebooted22:52
ChesterXhello, I am having trouble installing JDK & JRE RPM - I get the message bash: fg: %: no such job - I also don t seem to be able to log on as su22:52
welehello guys, i restart my pc and they screen not work,i get this msg from the screen "input not supported",any idea?22:52
IdleOnemadjoe: update manager will offer upgrades to apps when they are available22:52
madjoeIdleOne: ok22:53
erUSULChesterX: why are you using rpms ?22:53
erUSUL!java | ChesterX22:53
ubottuChesterX: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.22:53
danialHello Ubunut22:53
welethey screen dosent work any more what should i do?22:53
MaletorerUSUL: same results22:53
erUSULwele: boot into recovery mode. fix  xwindows option ?22:54
ComradeHaz`Hi guys, I have set up a diskless ubuntu system, but I am having some trouble getting the hostname to be what I set it as. etc/hostname in  overly keeps being changed back to the mac address of the clients' NIC as the client boots by something and I cannot figure out what.22:54
erUSULMaletor: what is the eth0 driver? tried reloading it?22:54
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
ChesterXerUSUL: well I downloaded both packages rpm.bin and .bin, I did start trying with the rpm because I don t really know the difference xD. Btw, what is it?22:54
danialQuick question. I had a broken package, and while trying to fix it I uninstalled indicator-datetime22:54
weleerUSUL: how i dont know what i do22:54
erUSUL!rpm | ChesterX22:55
danialNow when I try to reinstall it it gives me dependency errors.22:55
ubottuChesterX: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)22:55
erUSULChesterX: follow the instruvtions in the wiki22:55
ChesterXI ll do so, thanks22:55
MeXTuXI'm using Ubuntu Server Lucid and I'm trying to share a directory using Samba. My question is what is the difference between using browseable = yes and browseable = no ?? Tnx in advance :)22:55
danialBecause of these broken packages I'm missing my clock and the power button on my top panel.22:55
danialI have the me menu and the message menu though.22:56
ratdogI lost the add applets drop menu in the panel, is there a way i can fix this?22:56
jca1981trying to get grub2 working i have a (linux-root) (hd0,5) and (hd0,1) what do i need to type to get into my system?22:56
erUSULChesterX: run this in terminal « sudo dd-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc)  partner" && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk »22:56
ComradeHaz`danial sudo aptititude why-not indicator-datetime22:56
erUSULChesterX: that will install the sun jdk22:56
ChesterXok, thank you very much22:56
Maletorthe eth0 driver is just whatever has been working on my asus board all this time.. will lshd | grep eth0 show me the card and then i search /etc/modules for the driver?22:56
erUSULMaletor: probably r8169... « lsmod | grep 8169 »22:57
ComradeHaz`further, danial, just try sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install indicator-datetime22:57
danialComradHaz: It is already installed.22:57
danialSo it says unable to find a reason to remove.22:57
danial libido-0.1-0: Breaks: indicator-sound (< 0.3.7) but 0.2.3-0ubuntu1 is installed.22:58
ComradeHaz`You said you uninstalled it....22:58
danialI uninstalled datetime, not sound.22:58
danialMaybe I just need to purge the une ppa.22:59
ChesterXDoes anyone know a well working, and Unix native, alternative for Tubemaster++?22:59
erUSULChesterX: what does that program do ?22:59
ComradeHaz`what happens if you aptitude update and aptitude full-upgrade22:59
ComradeHaz`does that work?23:00
danialLet me see.23:00
ComradeHaz`aptitude is much better than apt-get in my experience at dealing with dependancies23:00
ChesterXcapture streams, (mainly flash etc...) and gives you the option to convert the video/sound in mp3/avi23:01
danialIt gives me the unresolved dependency errors again.23:01
weechat_user I used dselect forever, only started using aptitude when I switched to jkubuntu23:01
xanguadanial: what ppa¿23:01
danial  libido-0.1-0: Breaks: indicator-sound (< 0.3.7) but 0.2.3-0ubuntu1 is installed.23:01
danialThe Unity PPA23:02
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!23:02
ComradeHaz`just run sudo aptitude and see if there are any obsolete packages you can remove23:02
danialI've got 23 obsolete and locally created packages.23:03
ratdog I lost the add applets drop menu in the panel, is there a way i can fix this?23:04
ComradeHaz`can you recognise any of them as definately obsolete?23:04
ComradeHaz`If so, kick 'em off.23:04
danialI'm going to purge the Ubuntu Unity PPA and see what happens.23:05
ComradeHaz`Hi guys, I have set up a diskless ubuntu system, but I am having some trouble getting the hostname to be what I set it as. etc/hostname in  overly keeps being changed back to the mac address of the clients' NIC as the client boots by something and I cannot figure out what.23:05
=== macode is now known as piratentroll
ChesterXHow can I see the activ processes in ubuntu?23:07
nakhlawiChesterX: top23:07
erUSULChesterX: System>Admin...>system monitor23:07
AntonisChesterX, try top23:07
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:08
erUSUL!it | sergio23:08
ubottusergio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:08
* erUSUL wonders what is up with "list and italians23:08
puffSeveas: Backups chugging along, painfully slowly.23:09
danialIs there a good way to tell ubuntu to reinstall all the packages it shipped with?23:09
[KS]can I "hook into" running process (to see its output) ?23:09
danialOr, rather, install any missing packages.23:09
gentoo!ops | danial23:10
ubottudanial: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!23:10
erUSULdanial: install ubuntu-desktop metapackage23:10
erUSUL[KS]: no23:10
nakhlawi[KS]: you can re-direct output through the command tee23:10
Ben64how was danial's question an emergency needing ops?23:10
[KS]nakhlawi ?23:10
SeveasBen64, it wasn't. gentoo was trolling23:11
erUSULBen64: obviously gentoo thought it was funny23:11
=== dad_ is now known as Guest57621
Guest57621what happened to the amarok list of radio stations     and    can someone recommend a radio program that does have them23:11
nakhlawi[KS]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tee_(command)23:11
* puff just hopes he doesn't end up letting the magic blue smoke escape.23:11
Guest57621oh by the way, it does have some icons but they do not list the STATIONS like older versions of amarok23:12
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:13
Seveaspuff, hard drive makers switched to red smoke 5 years ago23:13
=== jason is now known as Guest10421
danialLet's see if the purging for the UNE PPA worked, time for a quick logout and back in again.23:14
puffSeveas: Ah-hah, that explains my problems.23:14
[KS]nakhlawi, if I specify `date -%d%m%Y` as filename, will it evaluate only once at the beginning (if the process is running for more than one day) ?23:14
dominicdinadais there a way to automatically purge removed packages instad of doing it one by one  ?23:14
SeveasIdleOne, what was that for?23:15
erUSUL!purge | dominicdinada23:15
Blazentohello i am trying to get IE on ubuntu. I am trying to follow these steps, but I don't know if I should follow instructions for Feisty Fawn, Edgy Fit, or Dapper Drake...23:15
erUSULSeveas: :/23:15
weechat_useris there a way to list all the packages installed in chronological order?23:15
IdleOneSeveas: that was the user calling ops and quitting (gentoo)23:15
KB1JWQweechat_user: the dpkg.log23:15
weechat_userahh thanks.23:15
nakhlawi[KS]: actually, I didn't get your last question!23:15
dominicdinada!purge does not exist lol. I think they need to update the bot :O23:15
SeveasIdleOne, oh wow, well spotted :)23:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:16
erUSULdominicdinada: 23:36 < Seveas> !purge is <reply> To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk  '/^rc/{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P23:16
[KS]nakhlawi, if I use process | tee `date -%d%m%Y`.log23:16
[KS]will date get evaluated only once when it's executed, or it will change daily?23:16
Seveasdominicdinada, I tried adding it to the bot, the ops need to approve it23:16
puffSeveas: Ugh, just figured out why that took so long... An error when I changed the script, so it rsync'd it all fresh, instead of over the old copy.  Ah well.23:16
dominicdinadaSeveas: Idleone is right here23:17
Seveasdominicdinada, not all ops have access I believe :)23:17
RealOptyanyone know of free VPS/VDS hosting?23:17
dominicdinadalol Well... could also go spam the ops channel ;)23:17
meek_does anybody know what the difference between adobe-flashplugin and flashplugin-nonfree is/was?23:17
IdleOnedominicdinada: spamming the ops channel is a bad idea23:17
nakhlawi[KS]: I think once per day. But that is only my guess.23:17
Seveasdominicdinada, no thanks. I'd rather not go into that snakepit :)23:17
dominicdinadaSeveas: Btw thanks I hope nothing breaks23:17
dominicdinadaIdleOne: I was being Facetious23:18
IdleOnedominicdinada: I am going to look up the definition of that and if I am insulted I will be back :P23:18
nakhlawi[KS]: because you are telling "date" to display date, but not hours/minutes/seconds.23:18
[KS]I know, I need daily rotation23:19
* dominicdinada hides from Idleone when he is not so idle. Seems he always kicks and bans someone when not resting23:19
[KS]but I suspect it will be evaluated only when process is started23:19
nakhlawi[KS]: what do you want to do?23:19
Guest57621excuse my ignorance but what does it mean when someone puts a ! in front of a word23:20
[KS]I have java app that runs 24/7 and has output all the time23:20
[KS]I want daily logs of it's output23:20
SeveasGuest57621, they're trying to make our pet bot do something23:20
dominicdinadaGuest57621:  it references the bot commands23:20
Seveas!hi | Guest5762123:20
ubottuGuest57621: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:20
dominicdinada!help | Guest5762123:20
ubottuGuest57621: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:20
dominicdinadalike so23:20
nakhlawi[KS]: then the process will continue writing to the same file, unless you kill it.23:20
SeveasGuest57621, basically we're all lazy :)23:20
[KS]yeah, I figured, I'll just output to log.txt and have cronjob move log.txt > log.date.txt23:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:21
ComradeHaz`Hi guys, I have set up a diskless ubuntu system, but I am having some trouble getting the hostname to be what I set it as. etc/hostname in  overly keeps being changed back to the mac address of the clients' NIC as the client boots by something and I cannot figure out what.23:21
nakhlawi[KS]: maybe "logrotate" can help you.23:21
dominicdinadaIdleOne: Find out what it meant yet  ?23:22
IdleOnedominicdinada: you are still here :)23:22
=== zerd is now known as zerd__
Guest57621ok then... can someone direct me where can I learn this command structure23:22
IdleOneGuest57621: type /msg ubottu !bot23:22
=== mIRC- is now known as Scans
puffSeveas: Okay, /home and /mcgee (bulk data partition) backed up, /etc backed up, dumped my package list with dpkg --get-selections and put that on the backup device.23:23
puffSeveas: So, here goes nothing...23:23
Maletorthe eth0 driver is just whatever has been working on my asus board all this time.. will lshd | grep eth0 show me the card and then i search /etc/modules for the driver?23:23
MaletorerUSUL: the eth0 driver is just whatever has been working on my asus board all this time.. will lshd | grep eth0 show me the card and then i search /etc/modules for the driver?23:23
Seveaspuff, good luck23:23
Seveas[KS], you should look at the rotatelogs command (part of apache2-utils). It does what you want23:25
dominicdinadaIdleOne: you learn something new every day eh :) like how i just learned how to purge all the left over stuff today23:25
Guest57621I am new ( obviously ) to linux and I like the useability of it but where can I learn to use its command line editor or shell or bash I think it is called23:26
IdleOne!cli > Guest5762123:26
ubottuGuest57621, please see my private message23:26
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro23:26
dominicdinadadidnt mean to spam but i wanted to read also :O23:27
dougb_freebsdif you guys are going to play with the bot, can you do it with > yournick23:27
IdleOnedominicdinada: Please use /msg ubottu when searching the bot23:27
dougb_freebsdor that :)23:27
Guest57621thank you so much I will start studing'23:28
dominicdinadaIdleOne: the only time the bot whispers me. is when it tells me it is not a very smart bot. But I will whisper it23:28
[KS]1 0 * * * in crontab23:30
[KS]specifies every day at 00:01 ?23:30
[KS]thank you23:30
chazzHi, I noticed that Ubuntu 11.04 is to be named "Natty Narwhal," so I was wondering if the official theme music would be that song that goes 'narwhals narwhals swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion...' :D23:31
ratdoghow can i get my panel applets back?23:31
JusticeZeroHi, my netbook was powered down incorrectly and now it can't connect to wireless. It can see it and try to connect, it just doesn't succeed. What should I do to troubleshoot/fix this?23:32
billy_hi, i have a question about firewalls - is it possible to prevent an email app using http while allowing it to use pop3 and smtp?23:32
bluefoxicywhat in the seven hells did I just do23:32
bluefoxicyI bounced a button sequence and clicked a window23:33
bluefoxicynow there is a permanent tinted box the shape oft hat window on my screen23:33
bluefoxicyit serves no purpose except visual annoyance23:33
bluefoxicythis is the stupidest feature I've ever seen23:33
Seveasbluefoxicy, oh, happens to me too sometimes, it goes away when I do metacity --replace :)23:33
* bluefoxicy minimized and maximized and it went away23:33
bluefoxicyseveas yeh but wtf is it?!23:34
ratdoghi ActionParsnip23:34
Seveasmine don't go away like that23:34
ActionParsniphi ratdog23:34
Seveasbluefoxicy, bug in gtk for you, bug in metacity for me.23:34
bluefoxicyThat is seriously the most useless thing I've yet encountered23:34
ratdogActionParsnip how can i get my panel applets back?23:34
bluefoxicyoh ok23:34
ActionParsnip!resetpanel | ratdog23:34
ubotturatdog: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:34
linuxusesubuntuWhy does Ubuntu Karmic ONLY encrypt the user's /home partition? Shouldn't the fact that it does NOT encrypt root's home partition (i.e. /root) be considered a kind of vulnerability given that "/root" stores similar sensitive data as /home does?23:34
ratdogty ActionParsnip23:35
Seveaslinuxusesubuntu, /root stores nothing for me23:35
dominicdinadaHow to check if there is bandwidth or ratelimiting set ? I never set it but somewhere upon upgrades i used to get 1.5mbps now i am lucky to reach 350kbps23:35
PeterNLWhat's wrong with the following line of my crontab? The script works, and it's meant to be run every 10 minutes23:35
PeterNL*/10 * * * * /home/peter/kleur23:35
linuxusesubuntuSeveas: doesn't it store .bash_history and logs when you run commands and apps through sudo?23:35
ActionParsniplinuxusesubuntu: i dont use encryptfs and dont consider any of my systems to be vulnerable at all. It saves a lot of messing around if the system goes belly up23:36
JusticeZeroCan someone help me fix my wireless, please?23:36
ActionParsnipJusticeZero: whats the issue23:36
Seveaslinuxusesubuntu, if you run them from a rootshell: yes. How's that sensitive?23:36
bluefoxicymysql -u root -p mypassword23:36
valbacalinuxusesubuntu, /root shouldn't contain sensitive information. however, / can. The only problem is booting into an encrypted filesystem is a little more complicated than the "average desktop" user can handle, so isn't in ubuntu23:36
Seveasbluefoxicy, yeah, that's silly23:37
PeterNLHow do I check if my crontab script is run as me, and not as any other user?23:37
valbaca!wireless > JusticeZero23:37
ubottuJusticeZero, please see my private message23:37
Seveasbluefoxicy, for 2 reasons: no need to run that as root and passwords on the commandline are not a good idea23:37
linuxusesubuntuSeveas: what do you mean by "how's that sensitive"? It can be sensitive in the same sense that /home can be, can't it?23:37
bluefoxicyseveas:  I keep a shit-I-shouldn't-have collection at my employer23:37
JusticeZeroSystem was shut down improperly. When it came back up, it can see all the available wireless, but it can't actually CONNECT to the one I have access to.23:37
SeveasPeterNL, where did you stick it?23:37
bluefoxicyseveas:  Occasionally I forward my manager my everyone-else's-passwords list :)23:37
Seveasbluefoxicy, in /root ?23:37
PeterNLSeveas, I used crontab -e23:37
SeveasPeterNL, as yourself?23:37
Seveasthen it's run as you23:38
ActionParsnipJusticeZero: ok what is output when you try?23:38
bluefoxicyseveas:  No, I mean in general.  That's one way I get passwords though, nabbing them from .bash_history on servers23:38
PeterNLBut it still doesn't work23:38
Seveasbluefoxicy, your colleagues are dumb :)23:38
SeveasPeterNL, that's a different issue :)23:38
bluefoxicySeveas:  Oh I know.  :)23:38
PeterNLShall I post the script?23:38
SeveasPeterNL, sure, find a nice pastebin and paste it there23:38
linuxusesubuntuActionParsnip: "vulnerable" within the context that encryption is being used to protect "/home"'s "vulnerability" but not used to protect "/root"'s. The fact that you don't consider using encryption necessary doesn't mean anything as far as such context is concerned.23:38
JusticeZeroIt spins away on it for awhile, then says that authentication is required and asks for a password. I put the password in and repeat.23:39
demonichey guys to any of you know how to put the home brew channel on linux ubuntu netbook remix?23:39
ActionParsniplinuxusesubuntu: what "vulnerability" do non-encrypted /home partitions have?23:39
JusticeZeroMeanwhile, the Windows partition, and both sides of the dual boot on the other laptop connect without issue.23:40
linuxusesubuntuvalbaca: I know that whole disk encryption would be a complete hassle and that's why it's avoided, but encrypting "/root" besides "/home", I don't know to what extent that might be impractical, that's why I ask23:40
SeveasPeterNL, gconftool-2 doesn't work from cron as it doesn't know the ORBIT_SOCKETDIR variable23:40
sinnedamim having a problem with my panel..whenever i minimize a window it doesnt show up on the bottom panel..it just disappears..any ideas?23:40
puffSeveas: Hm, well, it looks like all's fine.23:40
PeterNLSo how di I fix that?23:40
ActionParsnipsinnedam: add the windows list applet to the panel, they will then show up ok23:41
puffSeveas: dmesg doesn't seem to have any scary messags.23:41
SeveasPeterNL, you could try setting it to /tmp/orbit-yourloginnamehere as that is the default. It'll still only work when you're logged in though.23:41
valbacalinuxusesubuntu, on installation you ought to be able to create a seperate partition for /root and then encrypt it23:41
PeterNLokay, good enough23:41
eriksson25Anyone know how I can get /dev/xxx to stay even if I add other disks. And dont say UUID becouse it dosent work. Need a other way.23:41
Seveaspuff, good. Now time to fix dpkg. dpkg --configure -a. And then install curl again23:41
linuxusesubuntuActionParsnip: that's not relevant at all to the question asked, given that it's about systems that encrypt the "/home" partition and whether not encrypting "/root" as well could be considered a contradiction (i.e. given that /home is encrypted, why not /root?).23:42
ActionParsniplinuxusesubuntu: you could always put /root on its own partition and encrypt it23:42
puffSeveas: Yay, it appears to be working, this time.23:42
puffI still wonder wtf went wrong to begin with...23:42
Seveaspuff, kernel bug or disk failure. If your disk seems to work fine now, cross your fingers and hope it was a fluke in the kernel23:42
puffSeveas: Any way I could test it programmatically?23:42
* PeterNL waits 'till 0:50...23:42
puffSeveas: e.g I just did a backup, I'd rather stress-test it now than later.23:43
Seveaspuff, yeah, by overwriting the entire disk repeatedly.23:43
eriksson25Anyone know how I can get /dev/xxx to stay even if I add other disks. And dont say UUID becouse it dosent work. Need a other way.23:43
Seveaspuff, that destroys all data though23:43
puffSeveas: uhhhhhhhhh...23:43
ActionParsniplinuxusesubuntu: you will most likely find /root is largely unused in Ubuntu due to the use of sude23:43
puffSeveas: Okay, I guess I should just keep my backups up to date, and pray.23:43
linuxusesubuntuvalbaca: ActionParsnip , good point, or a loopback device could be created as well, I was just wondering why Ubuntu doesn't do that by default when you say "yes" to "Do you want to encrypt /home"? I mean, if a user is going through the trouble of encrypting /home, not encrypting /tmp and /root could be considered inconsistent, unless I am missing something23:43
Seveaseasiest way is to boot from a live cd, unmount all swap partitions and use wipe on the entire disk.23:43
Seveasor shred23:44
Seveasbackups and praying is a reasonable alternative. It's what I do too :)(23:44
linuxusesubuntuActionParsnip: that's just what I was wondering about, whether or not issuing commands through sudo wrote anything to /root23:44
valbacalinuxusesubuntu, it all goes back to the fact that when using ubuntu you should never be root, only using sudo.23:44
ActionParsniplinuxusesubuntu: /root isnt used due to sudo so there will be no data in there as Ubuntu doesn't support users using root, so its a waste of effort. It can be done if you really want but it wont achieve much23:44
dattadoes anyone know why hplip does not open up even after I have instaled the GUI of it with the whole package from synaptic?23:45
ActionParsnipas far as I am aware23:45
ActionParsnipdatta: could try using the latest from the hplip site23:45
puffSeveas: Sigh... well that's another day shot... many thanks for your help.23:45
linuxusesubuntuvalbaca: sometimes one has got to use "sudo su" in order to become root, since you cannot use "sudo cd" (sudo doesn't work with "cd") when needs to get into read protected directories23:45
Seveaspuff, np23:45
puffnpope: Yours as well.23:45
ActionParsniplinuxusesubuntu: sudo -i   is advised23:45
PeterNLSeveas: still not working: http://pastebin.com/JiZcgQ0X23:45
dattaActionParsnip: I have tried that also but does not help23:45
delxI've got a problem. I shared my "software" folder via Samba. The problem is: The windows user can't write on this folder, because his user is not "deluxe" like mine. How do I change the user of the running samba process?23:46
voidmagethat reminds me, what's the difference between sudo -i and sudo su?23:46
ActionParsnipdatta: log a bug then23:46
SeveasPeterNL, needs an export23:46
puffNow I just need to figure out how to get rails 3.0 working.  Apparently the package versions of ruby, gems, etc, have some serious incompatibilities with rails 3.0.23:46
SeveasPeterNL, and no semicolon23:46
dattaActionParsnip: all right23:46
PeterNLDoes the semicolon matter? I'm used to it23:46
ActionParsnipvoidmage: sudo -i   uses the users profile with elevated access, su effectively makes you rrot23:46
ActionParsnipcan't type today23:46
linuxusesubuntuActionParsnip: so basically, unless one logs in as root in a virtual console or one gets into "God mode" using "sudo su", no data is going to be written into "/root"?23:47
SeveasPeterNL, it shouldn't but it's unnecessary23:47
voidmagethat explains why i lose my vimrc23:47
voidmagecolors and whatnot23:47
ActionParsniplinuxusesubuntu: as far as I am aware, thats right23:47
EclorianOkay, COMPLETE newbie here, I was wondering if 10.04 will run on an old laptop with 512mb of RAM?23:47
valbacalinuxusesubuntu, I know that there are times when it is necessary to become root. But I was simply explaining the "inconsistencies" of the /home&/root encryptions.23:47
ActionParsnipEclorian: sure, use Xubuntu or Lubuntu23:47
Wavesonicsdoes anyone know if you can use Proxy's with Transmission? I'm looking into soemthing like btguard23:47
puffIs there any way to permanently get rid of the pretty graphics during startup/shutdown, and see the gory details like I used to?23:47
PeterNLSeveas: it is necessary, as I will cause syntax errors in PHP if I forget them. I started using them in bash and javascript and whatnot since I started using php :D23:47
SeveasEclorian, and don't expect it to be lightning fast. It won't be slow as molasses either though.23:48
ActionParsnipWavesonics: sure, theres a section in the config to setup the proxy23:48
EclorianNah, mostly I want the experience23:48
linuxusesubuntuActionParsnip: I knew it had to make some sense and now I can see it, thanks to your explanation :)23:48
linuxusesubuntuvalbaca: thanks to you as well23:48
SeveasPeterNL, that's a pretty silly reason to do it. Each language is different and should be treated as such...23:48
=== macode is now known as macode|afk
linuxusesubuntuvalbaca: that makes it have much more sense than I could see before23:48
ActionParsnippuff: remove the boot options in the quotes in /etc/default/grub23:48
valbacalinuxusesubuntu, glad to help :D23:48
ZykoticK9puff, add /etc/default/grub set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" and update grub23:48
PeterNLSeveas: true, but not always as easy as it sounds...23:48
=== patrick is now known as Guest10141
JusticeZeroi've done, with xubuntu, on a smaller system in fact. Gave it to my nephew. Who saved up and bought a new PC. and is, like, 6 years old. o.O23:48
ActionParsnippuff: the: quiet splash   text, then save the file and run: sudo update-grub   to apply the setting23:49
Barridusanyone else getting "assertion failed" messages all the time in firefox?23:49
WavesonicsActionParsnip, right, but i read somewhere that it is only for the initial connection, and that after that it doesn;t use the proxy for actual peer connections23:49
linuxusesubuntuvalbaca: in any case, one area that they left untouched was that of not encrypting the /tmp directory, though that can be easily accomplished just adding one line at /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab.23:49
ActionParsnipEclorian: you just need a light desktop to suit the hardware, linux isnt like windows with it needing higher and higher specs23:49
PeterNLSeveas: still not working...23:50
JusticeZeroIt does creep up a little bit though.23:50
ActionParsnipWavesonics: you can set http_proxy and ftp_proxy   to make it use the proxy23:50
SeveasPeterNL, make your cron entry redirect output to something in /tmp and pastebin the output23:50
linuxusesubuntuvalbaca: As far as consistency goes, I think that, at a minimum, if /home is encrypted, both swap and /tmp should be too (ubuntu already takes care of swap encryption). I don't know if there is anything else out there were the user's data could be spilt, maybe /var/log?23:51
EclorianI remember reading that much, I was going to use it as a gateway to play movies from my main P.C. to my TV, but everytime I install it on this old desktop I have, it goes haywire23:51
WavesonicsActionParsnip, ah it uses ftp for the peer to peer and http for the tracker?23:51
valbacalinuxusesubuntu, or, like I do, you can put /tmp and /var in RAM :D fewer writes to my hd23:51
linuxusesubuntuvalbaca: with 512MB RAM that would be pretty impractical :)23:51
PeterNLSeveas: like this? http://pastebin.com/pwgfFn7x23:52
linuxusesubuntuthough /var could be put there I guess, but do you put the ENTIRE /var directory there?23:52
valbacalinuxusesubuntu, yes that would. Sounds like you really just want full disk encryption23:52
SeveasPeterNL, no23:52
PeterNLOh, what do you mean instead?23:52
valbacano, just /var/tmp23:52
=== macode|afk is now known as macode
valbacaand /tmp23:52
Seveasin the crontab entry, do this: * * * * * /path/to/your/script >> /tmp/somelogfile23:52
macolilium: putting /var in ram would be...silly. no logs. and apt's cache would be wrecked... and if it was a server, bye bye web stuff!23:53
macolilium: not you23:53
Seveasthen /tmp/somelogfile should give some clues :)23:53
Seveaslinuxusesubuntu, /var isn't for temporary things. Losing /var usually means reinstalling.23:53
=== froggyman is now known as Guest50782
PeterNLlike this? script: http://pastebin.com/y3c3HymA cron: http://pastebin.com/Siy3YZ6M23:54
litatacoshey hey there. i have a pretty common problem from the forums but i tried all the reccomended solutions without any luck :( i installed ubuntu studio but i cant connect to the interner. tried installing with hard wire connection and from cd rom. thnx for the awesomeness!!!23:54
litatacos^internet sorry23:55
nukwhat's up with 10.04 ?  on my older laptop, the mouse and keyboard won't work when installing it, but other distros work fine.... now, i just bought a new Acer laptop yesterday, and it worked fine right away???23:55
linuxusesubuntuvalbaca: not really, I was really trying to find security glitches in ubuntu, so that they can fix them. I don't think full disk encryption is practical, since it interferes with the boot process. To give you an example, I was trying to know what are the maximum number of things that can be encrypted without interferring with the boot process, init, system mounting, etc.23:55
SeveasPeterNL, yeah. Now wait for /tmp/thingy to contain logs :)23:55
linuxusesubuntuSeveas: that's what I thought. Once you install the system, does /var tend to change with time as you install new things? Or does it structure remain pretty static?23:55
PeterNLSeveas: "run as peter at Tue Aug 31 00:55:01 CEST 2010" but didn't change the colors23:55
Seveaslinuxusesubuntu, very dynamic.23:55
macolinuxusesubuntu: hence the name :P23:56
Seveaslinuxusesubuntu, you dpkg info about installed packages is there for instance. Or your mysql databases if you install mysql23:56
linuxusesubuntuSeveas: so it wouldn't be practical to "regenerate" /var with a new key everytime you boot, would it?23:56
macoSeveas: and your webpages with either apache2 or tomcat23:56
SeveasPeterNL, and no output from gconftool?23:56
Seveasmaco, those should live in /srv :)23:56
nukI also have the Ubuntu Satanic Edition:  I havn't really seen any difference except the themes ??  anyone haveany input on this?23:56
Seveasbut yeah, most of the time they end up in /var/www23:56
macoSeveas: tomcat stuff goes in /var/lib/tomcat6/23:57
PeterNLnope, only the run as-lines23:57
SeveasPeterNL, then the gconftool-2 command worked :)23:57
Seveasantually, that's a lie23:57
Seveasinstead of >> /tmp/thingy, you need this: >> /tmp/thingy 2>&123:57
PeterNLBut I was looking at gconf-editor and plenty of things-that-should-get-a-new-color and nothing happened23:57
Seveasto redirect stderr as well :)23:57
PeterNLoh, ok23:57
=== lost is now known as Guest29385
famicube64anyone here use a geforce 6200 with lucid? the agp version23:58
PeterNLlike this: http://pastebin.com/H9fjU8fH23:58
nukfam >> my girl uses that23:58
SeveasPeterNL, yes23:58
Guest29385i have a problem with ubuntu/flash and the airmiles.ca site23:58
=== obadiah is now known as Vivek
famicube64nuk: do the binary drivers work with it?23:59
PeterNLSeveas: Now wait for the next hour, which is less than a minute now23:59
SeveasGuest29385, blame canada :)23:59
nukyes, but i think i had to mess with (edit) a few things for it to wok right23:59
sharperguyAnyone know it it's possible for a router to get infected with malware?23:59
famicube64nuk: ok, thanks23:59

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