
JFoscott-work, were you looking for me the other day? 16:33
scott-workJFo:  we were talking about the state of the -rt kernel going forward16:36
scott-worki don't remember if we were looking for you directly, but i know that we mentioned you at least  :)16:36
JFoah :)16:37
scott-workas i recall, basically we were discussing how the kernel will be handled for maverick16:38
scott-workand that the UKT were anticipating abogani to have the -rt kernel for 2.6.35 for maverick16:39
JFothat is our understanding16:41
scott-workJFo: i'll be back in a minute to mention a few other things, but work is calling ;)16:47
scott-workJFo: sorry to keep you idling, work is spastic today and we should probably talk tomorrow when i can devote a little more attention21:14
JFosounds good21:20
rexbronhey anyone awake? ;)23:05
scott-workhi rexbron 23:05
scott-workrexbron: i'm leaving work now but i'll be home in forty minutes if you have a question, i'll be ScottL23:07
TheMusorexbron: Hey there!23:25
rexbronhey TheMuso23:26
rexbronjussi lost his quassel server and I've been super busy23:26
rexbronhow are things on the studio front23:26

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