
KE1HA!webmin > KE1HA01:37
ubottuKE1HA, please see my private message01:37
KE1HA!ebox > KE1HA01:38
ubottuKE1HA, please see my private message01:38
kenthreehey guys does 10.04 come with a vnc server?02:33
Sunderphonis there an alternative to notify-osd around?03:38
ginger0breadhello everyone :))07:18
ginger0breadanyone? awake? or not busy?07:24
ownerI have a problem with my computers sound after installing xubuntu.11:38
Sysiwhat kind of?11:42
ownerWhat kind of what?11:42
Sysiwhat doesn't work, anything?11:43
ownerThe sound isn't playing at all. Its probably because my driver isn't recongnized.11:44
Sysiwhat sound card?11:44
ownerNot sure, Whats the command to find that?11:44
Sysilspci prints all hw11:44
ownerAlrighty, Now what after I type that? What am I looking for specifically.11:45
Sysisomething about sound11:45
ownerSays nothing about sound,.11:46
ownerUnless my mind is skipping over it due to being tired, haha.11:46
Sysilspci | grep -i sound11:47
ownerTakes me back to desktop:-$11:47
ablomenlspci | grep "Audio"11:48
Sysinot found :o11:48
owner00:14.5 Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)11:48
ownerWhat now?11:49
ablomenowner, try this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36534211:50
ablomenit's very old, but it might still work11:50
Sysi(you propably already checked everything unmuted etc)11:51
ablomenheh ah yes that too11:51
ownerYeh, lol. I checked and made sure its all unmuted.11:52
ownerOver and Ove.r11:52
owneroh didnt see that link.11:52
ownerWhich post of that thread should I use?11:53
ownerI'm half asleep so its all easier with guidance.11:53
ownerNevermind, Second post.11:53
ownerWhat about auto correction on Firefox? For some reason it doesn't work, but its checked in firefox to auto-spell check.11:54
ownersudo: gedit: command not found11:55
ablomenno gedit installed?..11:57
ablomenreplace gedit with mousepad11:58
ownerHow can I go about installing gedit, The software center?11:59
ablomenyou don't have to11:59
ablomenbut if you want, yes just go to the software center thingy and search there11:59
ownerOk, Mouspad is now open. Its blank.11:59
ablomeni think the file should be blacklist.confg12:00
ablomenso blacklist.conf, in that same dir12:00
ownersudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist   is what i typed12:01
ownershould it have been12:01
ownersudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.confg12:01
ablomensudo mousepad /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf12:01
ownermy bad, I meant mousepad12:01
KE1HAI dont think gedit is installed by default, try nano12:01
ownerGot it, Should I break after the last part of the line?12:02
ownerOr just right under the last text.12:02
ablomenput an enter between it12:03
ablomenso it starts on a new line12:03
ablomenthen save and reboot and hope for the best12:04
ownerok what about the speaker icon?12:04
ownerOn the 2nd post of12:04
ownerIt says:  Double-Click the speaker icon.12:04
ownerThen do that stuff. But Xubuntu isnt the same setup as ubuntu.12:04
ablomenowner, well that's related to ubuntu, not xubuntu, i would try rebooting first12:05
ownerok, ill be back if it doesnt work.12:05
ablomenif you still have problems after that, you can change the settings of the speaker widget12:05
ownerGuess who is back. lol.12:08
ownerDid not work. What a shame. :(12:08
glibhi. can anyone recommend an nxclient, like nomachine, that works with amd64?16:47
Sysinomachine has x64 deb on their website16:49
Sysiif i'm getting you right16:49
Sysii386 binaries should also work, maybe needing library for running them16:50
glibSysi, i don't know much about nxclients are there any alternatives to nomachine that you would recommend?17:15
Sysiglib: i don't know anything about them :D17:15
glibok, thanks.17:15
hudois there a simple way to test sound on xubuntu ?18:55
Xubuntu_NewbHi, I was experimenting with different window manager looks, when after applying one, my screen turns black and I get some message about some problems with my AC'97, and that the alsa mixer 1 was removed? Then my comp restarts, and I get to the login screen like usual, but after trying to log in, after some time, I get the same black screen, and I go back to the login screen? Right now I'm using the recovery mode low grap19:47
Xubuntu_Newbhics option so I can actually log in?19:47
Xubuntu_NewbDoes anyone know?19:51
knomeknow what?19:51
Xubuntu_NewbMY question? What can I do to log back in normally?19:52
knomehave you reverted back to the theme before19:53
Xubuntu_NewbI can try that know, but I know that the AC'97 and alsa1 mixer have something to do with sound? So I don't think it's something with the theme19:53
knomelow graphics mode and black screen are definitely related to graphics/probably themes19:54
Xubuntu_NewbBut the message was about alsa1 mixer removed because of the problems? And I never had a problem with the graphics b4?19:55
knomei don't know. not having alsa-mixer sure doesn't stop you going to normal graphics mode19:55
Nepheriusanyone around ?21:15
Nepheriusi`m trying to change the default resolution but all the forums i find say i should edit xorg.conf ..but i dont have that21:15
Nepheriusany ideas ?:)21:20
MichealHNepherius: Have you tried /etc/X11/21:20
MichealHIts in that folder21:20
MichealHOr It should21:20
NepheriusI tried sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf but i just get a blank file a new file21:21

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