
foo123is the C/C++ interface for libindicator more stable than the python one?00:43
RAOFfoo123: Probably a bit late for most of the members of this channel.01:08
RAOFAnd what do you mean by “stable” in this instance (it's got multiple distinct meanings, sadly)01:09
foo123submenus have a reversed order01:09
foo123it flickers badly01:10
foo123I can't seem to get any signal that would indicate if the menu is visible01:10
foo123topic_menu_item.set_state(gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE) makes the item insensitive01:11
foo123but I can't set it back01:13
RAOFI'm not sure about that.01:14
RAOFSo, you're using the “does what the API docs describe” meaning of “stability”, then :)01:15
foo123set_state(gtk.STATE_NORMAL) does not make it senstive again01:16
foo123but .set_sensitive(True) works go figure01:17
foo123the big problem is I don't seem to get any events except the 4 useless appindicator events and the menu "activated" one01:18
foo123and that if I make a menu a submenu the items are ordered from bottom to top but if I make it a regular menu it is ordered correctly... WHY?!?!01:20
foo123anyone know anything about indicators?02:34
nigelb!ask | foo12302:44
ubot5foo123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:44
foo123I already asked my question ...03:25
RAOFfoo123: Describing what you're actually trying to do will probably result in a better class of response.03:30
RAOFAlthough, again, that response is likely to require waiting until the ayatana people are actually awake :)03:30
foo123no problem, what time is usually good?03:33
RAOFUK working hours are generally good.03:35
RAOF(So, in around 8 hours) :)03:37
RAOFBut, although I'm not particularly familiar with the details of appindicators, it sounds to me like you're possibly trying to do something they're not designed for.03:38
Cimihi chaotic09:40
chaoticCimi: morning10:15
Cimiskype man? :)10:15
Cimichaotic ^^10:16
chaoticCimi: just got a few things I need to do quickly - I'll get hold of you in about 10 mins if that's ok10:17
CimiI'll wait10:17
Cimias always, ott's minutes last twice :))10:33
klattimerCimi: I'm really enjoying your new theme10:38
klattimerkeep up the good work :)10:38
Cimithanks karl10:39
chaoticCimi: actually they last 4 times longer :)10:53
chaoticCimi: be there soon10:53
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klattimermpt, seb128 I've just sent you an email regarding the gsd indicator12:25
klattimermpt I hope this makes you a little happier with them :)12:26
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JanCBorchardtvish, just saw that you assigned a bug from papercuts to null, should we do that with bugs that are not relevant to papercuts? (this seems to be the only way to unsubscribe papercutters)13:13
vishJanCBorchardt: yeah, if they are not ppc just switch them over to null13:22
vishJanCBorchardt: we get enough mails already ;)13:23
JanCBorchardtvish, cool, I searched for a way to do that just the other day ;)13:23
vishJanCBorchardt: usually if bug was reported only in ppc, i switch it over to the relevant bug task, if the relevant bug task is already there it goes to null13:25
JanCBorchardtvish, yep, thanks. I accidentally didn’t switch over then but made it to affect the other project as well.13:28
JanCBorchardtvish, oh and have you thought about the redirection after unmount thing?13:32
JanCBorchardtvish, and I just saw that you already nulled the copy-paste bug in the past to no avail ;)14:01
klattimermpt: I'd like your comment on this; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-ubuntu/+bug/62033114:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 620331 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "please drop icon from keyboard indicator (affected: 1, heat: 10)" [Low,In progress]14:51
mptklattimer, sent14:51
klattimermpt: replied to you and cc'd mark and tedg as mark's been following this one15:07
klattimerthing is, we can probably produce all the icons we need now, and use them15:07
klattimerwould be good if ivanka or davidbarth could look into getting the art done15:08
bcurtiswxhey all, idk if this is a indicator or gwibber issue, but when I'm actively viewing gwibber, why are entries for @replies still showing up in the indicator-me ?15:21
bcurtiswxi.e i see an @reply visually on gwibber, and it still shows an entry in indicator-me15:23
bcurtiswxthe applet. sorry15:23
foo123Is the C indicator API less broken than the python one? Right now I have a few issues. My app does not receive signals, underlines are not usable as menu labels, submenus have a reversed order, and the menu items flicker when they are updated. Not to mention to disintuitiveness of "remove from panel" when you right click on the icon15:42
klattimerfoo123: I have the signals problem with ibus15:45
klattimerif you hang on a tick I'll find you the bug number so you can add your comment15:46
ubot5Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list.index(x): x not in list (https://launchpad.net/bugs/564034)15:46
klattimerthere you go15:46
foo123The qustion is should I bother rewriting my indicator in C or should I give up on indicators and go back to implementing it as a panel applet15:48
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klattimerfoo123: definitely stick to the indicators16:15
klattimertedg: is probably working on the bugs in the python bindings16:16
foo123I am getting the impression that the bugs are not being fixed for 10.04 LTS16:18
klattimerfoo123: you'd have to ask tedg about that16:21
klattimerI know sense has fixed one of the bugs you talked about16:22
klattimeror maybe the same bug, dunno https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-application/+bug/60821916:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 608219 in Application Indicators "Submenus not added when done so with Glade (affected: 1, heat: 103)" [Undecided,In progress]16:22
tedgfoo123, It's hard to get things backported, but if there is a bug, I have no issue trying to help.16:55
tedgfoo123, Sorry, I was in a meeting.16:55
foo123I'm trying to figure out what I should do from a LTS standpoint17:07
foo123I think it might be better for me to wait for the next LTS release at this point17:08
foo123I need the signals problem fixed so that I can get dynamic menus to work without consuming cpu while unused and to keep it from flickering17:09
foo123I dont know if the submenus being in reverse order is apython thing or not17:10
foo123and the underline bug #611943 is something I need fixed17:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 611943 in Application Indicators "menu items don't respect set_use_underline (affected: 1, heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61194317:11
foo123If these can't get fixed for lucid I'll need to go back to regular applets until the next LTS17:13
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