
yofelRiddell: hey :) - for me bug 625586 at the end (the installed system seems to work though) and 'try kubuntu' makes the installer show me a slideshow instead of giving me a live session00:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 625586 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity killed by OOM killer" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62558600:09
yofelother than that the new installer is great :P00:09
=== claydoh|werk is now known as claydoh
=== claydoh is now known as claydoh|werk
rbelemapachelogger, ^04:18
rbelemRiddell, apachelogger, ScottK, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-mobile/+bug/62720505:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 627205 in plasma-mobile (Ubuntu) "plasma-mobile needs to be updated" [Undecided,New]05:03
ScottKrbelem: Did you attach a patch?05:04
rbelemyou were quick :-D05:04
* ScottK thinks we should update it, but need the patch.05:04
rbelemScottK, yep05:04
* ScottK is just heading to bed.05:04
ScottKMaybe JontheEchidna could upload it and I could accept it in the morning?05:05
ScottKGood night05:05
rbelemScottK, yep05:06
rbelemScottK, but i made a comment about qtwebkit05:06
rbelemScottK, i think that we need to update it too05:06
* rbelem needs go to bed too05:07
rbelemScottK, but if we cannot update the qtwebkit to 2.1 then i already have the patch to make the updated plasma-mobile work05:10
rbelemnow i'm leaving05:11
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
ybitjust follow that guide to start working on say, jingle support in kopete?06:17
ybitthere was something mentioned about a project neon for nightly builds somewhere06:18
ybitinstalling kde-nightly now06:26
ybitany ideas?06:32
valorieyofel: how did you get that screenshot?06:38
valorieI had the identical experience testing out the 64-bit kubuntu liveCD over the weekend06:38
valorieybit: they have been working on getting Neon going again06:39
ybitvalorie: it's not working?06:39
valorieI don't know the current state of it06:39
valorieit was not for a long time06:39
valoriehmmm, that's old06:41
ybithrm.. maybe i should just use the kde-svn stuff :|06:46
valoriethere is nothing in my scrollback, and I don't see anything recent about neon in google06:47
valorieI think they are still in the talking stages with the KDE people06:47
ybitproject neon sounded like a really awesome way of working on kde stuff06:47
valorietakes a lot of work to get something like that set up06:47
ybithow much time, project neon has been around for about 2 years now06:48
ybitover 2 years06:48
valoriewell, as I understand it, the maintainers ran out of time to keep it up-to-date06:49
valorieand no one stepped up to take it over06:49
ybitso, the supported method is now kde-svn/kde-build i'm assuming06:49
valorieheh: how to use: Add deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ubuntu jaunty main to your /etc/apt/sources.list file06:50
* ybit starts to setup the kde dev environment via the kde-svn|build method06:50
valoriethat's a bit out of date!06:50
valorieybit: project neon originally was about getting nightly amarok builds06:58
valorieare you interested in Amarok, or in kubuntu nightly builds?06:59
valoriebecause if you want to build Amarok from git daily, it is a trivial job07:06
valorieI do it almost daily in 5 mins or so07:06
freeflyingRiddell: ping07:50
agateauRiddell: ping08:15
Riddellagateau: pong08:30
Riddellfreeflying: pong08:30
agateauRiddell: hi, I have an update pending for Amarok MPRIS 2.0 support08:31
agateauRiddell: JontheEchidna started working on it, but I think it's stuck somewhere :)08:31
agateau(at least it does not show up on packages.ubuntu.com)08:31
Riddelllet me check unapproved08:32
agateauRiddell: the new patch is attached to the BR: bug ##61736708:32
agateaummm #61736708:32
agateaummm, this bot does not understand me: bug #61736708:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 617367 in VLC media player "mpris2 feature exception" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61736708:32
agateauthanks ubottu :)08:33
Riddellthere's no upload in unapproved queue, let me get some breakfast and I'll upload it08:34
agateauRiddell: I also decided to call me an artist and drew new icons for the message indicator applet, not sure it's too late for those to go in08:34
agateauRiddell: they match much better with the new Plasma theme icons08:34
agateauRiddell: here is the thing: http://imagebin.ca/view/VrIi_wn.html08:36
Riddellagateau: ooh shiny08:40
agateauRiddell: heh, now that you pinged me, here is how it looks when it needs attention: http://imagebin.ca/view/6lSmxH.html08:41
ybitis anyone else having this problem? http://image.bayimg.com/kaooaaack.jpg09:08
ybitnot the virtualbox error, the plasma desktop...notice how it's black and gray09:09
ybitor whatever you call that panel at the bottom09:09
RiddellI've seen that plasma issue before, it happened randomly, I thought it had gone away09:10
apacheloggersomehow nepomuk and/or virtuoso managed to lock up my system repeatedly 09:54
Riddellyofel: I reported bug 62728409:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 627284 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Try Kubuntu leads to slideshow not live CD" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62728409:54
sheytanybit just resize your panel. This happens sometimes when you play 3D games with wine and i think it's because stuff you run has different resolution then your system one10:00
apacheloggeroh oh oh10:04
apacheloggerit turns out not nepocrap was freezing it was pulsesupercrap10:04
* apachelogger likes how kubuntu seems to consit of mediocre unreliable crap10:05
valorieapachelogger: didn't you get your new puter?10:06
apacheloggeryes I did, that does not change the fact that pulseaudio is made out of fail10:06
valorieI would like to argue the point, but there is a lot of evidence on your side10:08
apacheloggerbulldog98: kdeadmin already looks much better10:08
apacheloggervalorie: a generally good concept does not help with broken implementation10:09
apacheloggeralso see nepomuk10:09
apacheloggeralso see akonadi (at least previous releases)10:09
apacheloggeralso see plasma (previous releases)10:09
* valorie hands apachelogger the rose-colored glasses10:09
apacheloggerbulldog98: you will need to merge the changelog entries under ubuntu1 though, no ppa suffix, that is only for upload10:10
apacheloggerthe bzr branch ought to contain the real version number the upload to the Ubuntu archives will carry + UNRELEASED as target series10:10
apacheloggerbulldog98: you should not change 02_kuser_fist... btw, since it is only changing the patch head there is no gain but it will show up in bzr10:12
apacheloggerbulldog98: -X-KDE-System-Settings-Parent-Category=system-administration10:16
apacheloggerthat change in the desktop file as introduced in kubuntu_01_system-config-printer-kde_fixes.diff should not have gone missing10:17
apacheloggerit is not applied upstream10:17
apacheloggerbulldog98: also, your changelog entries exceed 80 characters/line length which lintian will most likely go bonkers about10:18
apacheloggerRiddell: ^ did you not backport the category change to 4.5 (in KDE)?10:19
CIA-71[plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831092033-q1xmntzwpq4nka25 * debian/changelog New upstream release10:20
RiddellI don't remember10:20
apacheloggerRiddell: nope, you didn't10:22
apacheloggerI'll backport the remaining diff to 4.510:22
CIA-71[system-config-printer-kde] sitter * 1170237 * branches/KDE/4.5/kdeadmin/system-config-printer-kde/system-config-printer-kde.desktop backport r1167379 put in the more appropriate hardware category10:27
apacheloggerRiddell: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdeadmin/system-config-printer-kde/options.py?revision=1167347&view=markup10:32
apacheloggernote how line 136 and 145 are essentially equal10:32
apacheloggerin KDE trunk and 4.5 you only changed the latter to unicode(each)10:33
apacheloggerin our package however you changed only the former10:33
apacheloggerRiddell: am I right in assuming that both should be unicode()?10:33
apachelogger(both lines)10:33
Riddellapachelogger: yes you're right10:36
apacheloggerbulldog98: ^ please enhance our patch to change both lines ... currently we are only changing line 136 :)10:37
CIA-71[system-config-printer-kde] sitter * 1170241 * trunk/KDE/kdeadmin/system-config-printer-kde/options.py Addition to the PyQt 4.7 fixes of r116734710:38
CIA-71[system-config-printer-kde] sitter * 1170243 * branches/KDE/4.5/kdeadmin/system-config-printer-kde/options.py Backport of r1170241 Addition to the PyQt 4.7 fixes of r116734710:39
apacheloggerall aligned with upstream \o/10:39
apacheloggerbulldog98: if you want you can also add a remark that the patch can be dropped with 4.5.210:40
apacheloggerdid lex contact rdale about krossruby not building?10:43
apacheloggerCMake Warning at ruby/CMakeLists.txt:77 (if):10:43
apachelogger  given arguments:10:43
apachelogger    "ENABLE_KROSSRUBY" "AND" "RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR" "=" "1" "AND" "RUBY_VERSION_MINOR" "<" "9"10:43
apachelogger  Unknown arguments specified10:43
apachelogger!find rbconfig10:47
ubottuFile rbconfig found in ironruby, jruby, jruby1.1, libfacets-ruby-doc, libfacets-ruby1.8 (and 6 others)10:47
apachelogger!find rbconfig maverick10:47
ubottuFile rbconfig found in ironruby, jruby, jruby1.1, libfacets-ruby-doc, libfacets-ruby1.8 (and 5 others)10:47
apacheloggerjussi: could it not just list those 5 others?10:48
jussiapachelogger: its annoying yes, and it probably could, but i need to look into the code ans see why (configuration variable or hard coded)10:49
apacheloggerIMHO it would be good to build an overall output string and then chop as many packages off until a IRC-suited length is reached10:50
debfxRiddell: do you know why kde packages aren't compressed with lzma on arm while qt4 is?10:52
* apachelogger is wondering what argument from above is not known10:52
Riddelldebfx: I don't know, maybe it's in the pkg-kde-tools changelog?10:54
apachelogger!find rbuic4 maverick10:54
ubottuFile rbuic4 found in kdebindings-dbg, libqt4-ruby1.810:54
apacheloggerdebfx: that was requested by ScottK10:54
CIA-71[ruby] sitter * 1170252 * trunk/KDE/kdebindings/ruby/CMakeLists.txt apply r1161147 properly11:16
CIA-71[ruby] sitter * 1170253 * trunk/KDE/kdebindings/ruby/CMakeLists.txt Use proper cmake syntax (EQUAL, LESS...) when checking whether to build krossruby11:17
CIA-71[ruby] sitter * 1170254 * branches/KDE/4.5/kdebindings/ruby/CMakeLists.txt Backport r1170253 Use proper cmake syntax (EQUAL, LESS...) when checking whether to build krossruby11:18
shadeslayerwho deleted qtcreator from beta backports?11:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: ok that in fixed in git i think lemme check 11:47
shadeslayerseems not11:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: disable the bookmarks toolbar for now to fix that ... 11:50
debfxshadeslayer: I guess qtcreator should go into the non-beta backports ppa11:52
shadeslayerdebfx: not there either :P11:52
shadeslayerdebfx: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator <<11:52
shadeslayerunder other versions11:52
shadeslayerno qtcreator 2.0.1 for lucid :/11:54
shadeslayerand it was there a few weeks ago ...11:54
debfxshadeslayer: I just uploaded it to the backports ppa11:56
shadeslayerawesome :)12:01
shadeslayerwth is the problem with my connection today :/12:04
shadeslayerRiddell: btw when do we get to know if we are getting sponsorship to UDS? after the deadline for applying?12:04
RiddellI've no idea12:05
shadeslayeroh.. no problem :)12:05
* shadeslayer goes back to watching HOUSE12:05
Riddellit'll be after the deadline yes12:06
nigelbshadeslayer: season 6?12:06
shadeslayernigelb: finished season 2 :P12:06
shadeslayeri just started watching it 12:06
nigelbWarning:  Its addictive.12:06
shadeslayeri know12:06
shadeslayernigelb: i have 2 exams tommorow, i havent studied a thing, and im watching house12:07
nigelbshadeslayer: Like I said 'Addictive'12:07
shadeslayernigelb: season 2 end was awesome :)12:08
nigelbshadeslayer: all Finale's are awesome :)12:09
shadeslayernigelb: btw do you know about #ubuntu-youth ? :D12:09
nigelbnope not much12:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: unlock toobar > move the bookmarks toolbar down12:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: is that going to be part of the release notes?12:39
apachelogger"dear user, we decided to deploy broken software, please apply the following workarounds <insert list here>"12:39
shadeslayerbookmarks toolbar isnt enabled by default12:39
apacheloggerI know12:40
apacheloggerso why is it there?12:40
apacheloggerI certainly did not turn it on12:40
shadeslayeryou didnt turn it on? 12:40
apacheloggerat any rate12:40
shadeslayerweird then12:40
apacheloggerwhy would the bookmarks bar be there12:40
apachelogger*next to* the toolbar12:41
shadeslayerits a toolbar in itself12:41
apacheloggerinstead of *below* it12:41
shadeslayerits not a action anymore, its a toolbar in itself now12:41
shadeslayerand it gets added there by default..12:41
apacheloggerwhy is the toolbar in it self place next to another toolbar rather then below the other toolbar?12:41
shadeslayeri have no idea12:41
shadeslayeryoann21: ^ care to answer :)12:42
debfxapachelogger: have you removed all your rekonq config files?12:42
apacheloggeralso I should note that this did not happen ocne12:42
apacheloggerbut twice12:42
apacheloggerhowever I was not able to trigger this intentionally at all12:42
apacheloggerdebfx: I am on a totally new setup12:42
apacheloggeralso between first occurance and second I wiped all rekonq data12:42
apacheloggerwhich fixed the issue12:42
apacheloggerbut then it came back12:42
apacheloggerwhich makes me think that there is a bug12:43
shadeslayeryou must have enabled the bookmarks toolbar12:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: you said bookmarks bar is supposed to be off by default...12:44
shadeslayerit is here12:44
shadeslayer( as in its off by default here )12:44
apacheloggerriddle me this then12:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: sudo for removing files in .kde? :O12:45
apacheloggerI always do that to ensure that everything is dead for sure12:45
apacheloggerlet me guess12:45
apacheloggerwe have a patch that turns off the toolbar?12:46
Varneyhi apachelogger12:46
shadeslayerdont think so12:46
apacheloggerlo Varney o/12:47
Varneyam from Liberia12:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: one sec12:48
apacheloggerRiddell: your translations import to rekonq was a bit flawed btw ... +X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=desktop_extragear-network_rekonq12:48
Riddellhi Varney 12:48
Riddellnixternal: new ubiquity slideshow in ubuntu desktop http://people.canonical.com/~evand/tmp/new-slideshow-10.10.png12:49
Riddellbased on http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/features12:49
Riddellcode at lp:~dylanmccall/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/maverick-ubuntu-design/12:49
Riddelldunno if we want to update the kubuntu one to something similar12:49
Riddellapachelogger: where's that?12:50
apacheloggerRiddell: debian-changes-0.5.80-0ubuntu1's rekonq.desktop12:50
apacheloggersupposedly not causing problems, but I wonder how i ended up there considering that the clean target should nuke those lines12:51
apacheloggers/i ended/it ended12:51
Riddellapachelogger: I think I had kubuntu-debhelper-langpack-generate.sh set up to add those bits but hadn't done the same to ubuntu-debhelper-langpack-clean.sh12:52
Varneyhey apache12:52
shadeslayersomething is wrong in my system12:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: even after removing all my rekonq* files i cant get a clean rekonq config, it always picks up the old one12:53
apacheloggerRiddell: IIRC you did12:54
Sputit's importing stuff from konqueror12:54
Riddelldebfx: thanks for taking the lead on 4.5.1, I see upstream is about to release, I presume we're not ready to release anything yet12:54
apachelogger        sed -i '/X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=/d' ${file};12:54
apacheloggerRiddell: it should be stripped12:54
apacheloggervery odd12:54
Varneyhi riddell12:55
Varneyam new here12:55
Varneyand love to learn12:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: maybe you are still running an instance of it?12:55
Varneyi use the computer a lot. am a writer/poet12:55
shadeslayerhold on12:56
RiddellVarney: want to become an elite kubuntu developer?12:57
Varneyyes. always willing to learn12:57
apacheloggerrekonq uses konqueror's bookmark file?12:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: nope i cant seem to reset it at all12:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: to import the bookmarks i think12:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: maybe it just hates you as much as it hates me :P12:58
shadeslayerwho knows :P12:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, I only get bookmark access to the konqueror file12:58
apachelogger(which makes more sense than maintaining an own file anyway)12:59
apacheloggeranyhow, this makes me wonder how much sense our kubuntu_04_no_default_bookmarks.diff patch has12:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: how do you know it does not want to restore?12:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you have a wrong kdeinit file again?12:59
shadeslayerdont think so12:59
debfxRiddell: not yet, krossruby is not being built and I think kdeadmin isn't ready yet13:00
shadeslayeri un installed those13:00
apacheloggerthe right one? :P13:00
shadeslayerbulldog98 is doing kdeadmin i think13:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: find /usr/lib -name *rekonq*13:00
Riddelldebfx: also maverick is frozen and lucid packages aren't ready :)13:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah just one file13:00
apacheloggerthat is the wrong one13:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: or are you using a package now?13:01
RiddellVarney: what sort of stuff are you interested in helping with?  we need coders, packagers, testers, documentation writers, translators, user helpers..13:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: yep13:01
apacheloggerah, ok13:01
apacheloggerodd enough13:01
* shadeslayer is quite puzzled13:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: so, how do you know it does not go back to defaults?13:01
apacheloggeralso ... which rekonq13:01
shadeslayerbecause its the same config i was using on my git build13:02
shadeslayerwhich i modified13:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: /usr/bin/rekonq13:02
apacheloggerRiddell: do not foget the artists 13:02
Riddelloh aye, them too13:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: the same config? how can you tell?13:02
apacheloggerhow did ksystemlog get into kdeadmin13:03
apacheloggerthat code is seriously scary13:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: 1) i set it to display no text, 2) i moved the bookmark below the urlbar13:03
shadeslayeri added the configure wrench13:03
apachelogger1) is defualt 2) ought to be default 3) is default?13:05
shadeslayerisnt default afaik13:05
shadeslayeratleast not on git it is13:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: move the bookmarks bar to the very bottom13:06
apacheloggerif you cannot get rid of that by nuking the config then something is very wrong13:06
apacheloggerwhy do we not showing the bookmarks bar by default anyway?13:06
shadeslayerhmm seems to work 13:07
shadeslayerso i guess thats our patch13:07
rbelemhey Riddell 13:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: where is the bar supposed to be?13:08
apacheloggerksystemlog is cool13:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: there -> http://imgur.com/FbG6413:08
apacheloggernot only does it apparently not know about the init list but also not what blocking a process means13:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: I do not understand, is the bookmarks bar not supposed to be there?13:09
shadeslayerkde 4.5.1 in www/sites/www/info13:09
shadeslayerit is supposed to be there13:09
shadeslayeri think someone put patches there13:10
apacheloggerso what is the problem?! :P13:10
shadeslayeryou had a problem! :D13:10
apacheloggerthat rekonq is crap13:11
Riddellhi rbelem 13:15
shadeslayerill cya later13:16
rbelemRiddell, i think that we can backport the declarative support to qtwebkit2.013:17
eMyllerWTF moment of today: open my GMail inbox and hear a funny song while it stays frozen. Did it happen to anyone else?13:17
rbelemRiddell, afaik it is available only in 2.113:18
* apachelogger loves how that requires you to specify a meaningful name when cloning13:20
Riddellrbelem: mm, you might be right13:21
Riddellfabo: do you know if qt webkit 2.0 has qtdeclarative support?13:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: if rekonq had more pointless newlines in the code I would call the code ugly :P13:22
apacheloggerthere you have it13:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: ugly code it is13:24
apachelogger<3 macros that make no sense13:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: seems rekonq defaults to bookmarks bar on... we just patched away the default content13:25
apacheloggerso the bar was still there13:25
apacheloggerit was just empty13:26
apachelogger<3 patches13:26
apacheloggerRiddell: could we not just have rekonq ship with default bookmarks?13:26
apacheloggerwikipedia would be a good one13:26
Riddellapachelogger: what would be the advantage of that?13:27
apacheloggerRiddell: not having an empty yet visible bookmarks bar13:28
Riddellcan't we just set it hidden by default instead?13:28
apacheloggerwe can, but what advantage would that have for the user?13:28
Riddellno pointless bookmarks toolbar :)13:29
apacheloggersee, my fix would be better then, because mine would not require user to know where to turn on the bar13:29
apachelogger+ know that there is one ;)13:29
Riddellyour fix would end up using up valiable screen space13:30
apacheloggerand yet it is what all other browsers do I think13:31
apacheloggerso there is merit to have the bar by default13:31
Riddellfirst thing I turn off13:31
apacheloggerwell, I am sure there are users who use bookmarks :P13:32
apacheloggerwe could have the panel turned on by default13:32
apachelogger(since most screens these days are widescreen, we would not waste space but possibly even help with making lines more readable by preventing scalable sites from using 2048 pixels for a line of text)13:33
* persia prefers to think of them as "insufficiently tall"13:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: btw, when is 0.6 target release date?13:36
* Sput uses bookmarks13:38
apacheloggerRiddell: ^ see13:38
* apachelogger loves -j913:38
rbelemapachelogger, :'(13:47
apacheloggerrbelem: did you send the letter yet?13:48
rbelemapachelogger, not yet, but i will :-)13:48
apacheloggerksysguard looks funky ^^13:53
apacheloggerRiddell: about ubuntuone ... I have a KDE UI for ubuntu-sso-client ready13:54
apacheloggerby weak design the backend of ubuntu-sso-client starts the UI as python module13:54
apacheloggerwhich is not that much of a problem, since I also have SIP-featured bindings ready13:55
apacheloggerby even weaker design the backend expects the UI to make (gobject) callbacks to backend (rather than going via dbus)13:55
apacheloggerwhich is a bit of a problem, even with SIP because there cannot be no type conversion between a python callable function and a C function (i.e. one could also not just call them)13:56
apacheloggerwhich adds a whole pile of madness to the SIP magic13:57
apacheloggeranyhow, that is probably fixable by exposing the callback functions via dbus and have the kde ui call back via dbus13:57
apacheloggerRiddell: I still need someone to create kwallet integration though13:57
apacheloggeralso, where should I put the source? create an ubuntuone-kde project? ...  since it cannot be merged into ubuntuone-client14:01
Riddellapachelogger: presumably it is a separate bit of code?  in which case yes make a new project14:05
apacheloggerRiddell: well, it just implements a GUI ontop of the gui-less bits of ubuntuone-client, which makes it a bit like knetworkmanager to networkmanager ;)14:06
apacheloggerRiddell: ubuntuone-kde or ubuntuone-client-kde?14:08
* apachelogger finds the latter a bit too long14:08
apacheloggerstatik created https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client-kde14:10
Riddellhe did?14:10
apacheloggersays so at least14:11
apacheloggerRiddell: should I take that one over?14:13
apacheloggerI mean, technically it is very different anyway ;)14:13
Riddellis there anything in it?14:14
apacheloggerRiddell: an import of the old git branch I had for the tech preview I did 14:15
Riddellyeah take it over then14:18
apacheloggertxwikinger: do you think it would make sense (i.e. be worth the effort) to have a testdrive UI for KDE SC users?14:26
apacheloggerRiddell: waiting for statik to call back14:45
Riddellrbelem: should we be packaging this? http://www.opensource-usability-labs.com/opensource-usability-labs/2010/08/29/kontact-mobile-new-beta-out-for-public-testing/14:47
rbelemRiddell, yup14:48
rbelemRiddell, do we have time for FFe it?14:49
Riddellyes, as long as it's plastered with "beta release" in the description14:49
Riddelland as long as upstream even want us to package it14:49
rbelemRiddell, yeah, we need to check this. do you know the kolab guys?14:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: bookmark this : http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/rekonq/Schedule :P14:54
Riddellrbelem: we're in touch with kolabsys14:54
shadeslayerRiddell: pim beta 3 uploaded14:55
shadeslayer( to ktown that is )14:55
rbelemRiddell, so, i think we can push the packages to the repos14:55
shadeslayerill have a look tomorrow, but if someone can work on them today its fine with me14:55
Riddellrbelem: hmm, do we want plasma-mobile in main?  bug 62658314:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 626583 in plasma-mobile (Ubuntu) "MIR plasma-mobile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62658314:56
RiddellI thought we were going to keep it in universe14:57
rbelemRiddell, me too14:57
rbelemRiddell, but persia thinks this is a better solution for other bug14:57
Riddellyes I see14:58
txwikingerapachelogger: sounds cool15:03
txwikingerwhat kind of UI? Qt, or commandline?15:03
apacheloggerthere is already a commandline if I think15:07
* apachelogger never used testdrive, so...15:07
apacheloggerAnother application seems to be using the package system at this time. You must close all other package managers before you will be able to install or remove any packages.15:08
apacheloggeryet I see none15:08
apachelogger rekonq-dbg : Depends: rekonq (= 0.5.80-0ubuntu1) but 0.5.80+83-0ubuntu1 is to be installed15:08
apacheloggerno jonny around :S15:08
Riddellyay, lucid to maverick upgrade works15:09
shadeslayerRiddell: wonder how long thats going to happen :P15:10
* rbelem is going to work15:13
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: KDE 4.5.1 packaging https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging | Beta candidates need testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Maverick Beta Freeze is on - Universe still open for business | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu3
Riddellbeta candidates need testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all16:14
stalcupdid someone say ninja?16:22
Riddellstalcup: quite likely, 4.5.1 is needing packaged https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging16:24
Koliadoes someone know if the fix of this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24668916:25
ubottuKDE bug 246689 in general "nepomuk search in krunner, results in (Resource)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]16:26
Koliawent in Kubuntu?16:26
nixternalRiddell: I like the new slideshow...I take it you want something similar?16:27
RiddellKolia: it'll be in 4.5.116:28
Riddellnixternal: always nice to keep up with the neighbours I suppose16:28
KoliaRiddell: thanks :)16:29
dantti_workRiddell: is there a problem to ship a 2.5mb db with kpk?16:34
dantti_workin the future app-install-data should have it, this file is the app-install db that we talked about at UDS16:35
Riddelldantti_work: where does the data come from?16:37
dantti_workapp-install creates this db with the app-install-data package16:38
Riddelldantti_work: can it not do that at package install time?16:39
dantti_workRiddell: 35minutes to create that :P16:39
bulldog98apachelogger: I’m back again16:39
dantti_worktough it could be much faster richard seems not to worry since he thinks it's best to ship a package with this data, like software center does by depending on app-install-data16:40
Riddelldantti_work: well aye should be ok, we have space on the CD this cycle16:40
Riddellbut I don't know how it could take 35 minutes to read some .desktop files and turn them into another format 16:41
dantti_worksimple, execute for each .desktop file an app that open the sqlite  parses ALL the file and then closes, and then repeat that for each .desktop16:42
dantti_workif it could let the db opened and just keep inserting it would be much faster, he didn't like my first proposal16:43
ScottKDid plasma-mobile get updated?16:43
Riddelldantti_work: oh well, we can live with it then :)16:45
RiddellScottK: no it needs qtwebkit with qt declarative bindings first I believe16:45
ScottKRiddell: rbelem said something in #kubuntu-mobile last night about having an alternate patch if qtwebkit couldn't be updated.16:46
dantti_workRiddell: hopefully sw center will use this data too so probably app-install-data will drop it's .desktop files and add this db16:46
ScottKUnfortunately it was after I went to bed.16:46
ScottKDo we have a candidate live ISO yet?16:47
persiaScottK, Images just available on cdimage from ~55 minutes back16:48
ScottKpersia: Thanks.16:48
* ScottK broke his netbook last week and has been waiting for beta to fix it.16:48
RiddellScottK: I think he has a patch to qtwebkit 2.0 to add qtdeclarative support16:51
ScottKI see.16:51
RiddellScottK: yes ISOs are up for testing16:52
ScottKI guess we'll have to wait for him to reappear.16:52
ScottKOK.  Downloading now.16:52
ScottKTm_T or Tm_Tr: Whichever you are, are you available for powerpc beta testing?16:53
dantti_workRiddell: btw ScanDesktopFiles is false in PackageKit16:54
Riddelldantti_work: what does that mean?16:55
dantti_workRiddell: that means that PK won't scan for .desktop files and won't show icons for installed apps16:56
Riddelldantti_work: ok I can enable that after beta on Thursday16:57
dantti_workRiddell: thanks16:57
glatzorRiddell, dantti_work, hello, it is disabled because of speed issues.16:57
dantti_workglatzor: it's very fast here16:58
glatzorRiddell, dantti_work, perhaps it is faster with the aptcc backend. 16:58
glatzorRiddell, dantti_work It makes a lot of packagekit sub queries to get the packages which contain the executable of the desktop file16:58
dantti_workI think it probably is because one the linstaler dev uses SearchFile a lot and he said it's much faster with aptcc, and ScanForDesktopFiles uses that a lot16:59
dantti_workglatzor: when the db is empty it takes a bit more but once it's created, just a few seconds17:00
glatzordantti_work, I haven't checked. since it was really slow on the first run.17:01
glatzordantti_work, do you want to enhance the simple database schema?17:02
dantti_workglatzor, Riddell well maybe we should let it be false after I add the app-install support, this way I'll only query one db which surely has the package info17:02
glatzordantti_work, software-center uses some additional fields in the desktop files17:02
glatzorwhich are not covered by the app-install-data draft17:03
dantti_workglatzor: sure, that draft imo should contain a table that could handle any kind of data17:03
dantti_worklike package_id, data_type and data17:04
nixternalRiddell: what is our default browser for mav?17:11
ScottKnixternal: rekonq.17:12
nixternalScottK: thanks!17:12
=== rbelem_ is now known as rbelem
dantti_workglatzor: we should talk with Richard tomorow so that the app-install can have it's v2 and we don't have to keep duplicated data. BTW I already wrote an script to call apt-install to create the db if you want to try it17:15
Tm_TScottK: I suppose (:17:16
ScottKTm_T: I suspect we're at least one more respin away from having something ~final.  I'll ping you when it's ready.17:20
Tm_TScottK: nice, I'll try to be around17:20
glatzordantti_work, you should talk with mvo about this17:52
macoapachelogger: the computer that never had gnome-keyring still wont sync. always says "trying to establish a connection" :-/ so umm you said there are 2 things to make sure are going before statusnotifier starts right? what are they?18:04
apacheloggerthey recently broke kwallet support18:05
apacheloggerand unless someone who accepts the contributor agreement adds new stuff upstream I doubt it will ever work again18:05
* Riddell nudges maco into doing so18:06
RiddellScottK: I'm not having high hopes for this ubiquity build18:06
* maco looks at Riddell and whimpers18:07
mfraz74wish I had the patience to get into programming and help out a bit18:08
macoapachelogger:  is it your code that needs to be mashed to fit what "they" broke or is it their code that you say is icky that needs to be mashed?18:08
mfraz74Any idea why Quassel in Maverick doesn't seem to format line breaks properly?18:10
ScottKclaydoh: Please make sure that bug 608382 is mentioned in our release notes for beta.18:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Lucid) "Maverick images burned to usb key on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60838218:10
ScottKmfraz74: Qt bug, IIRC.18:10
mfraz74ScottK: Oh18:10
bulldog98apachelogger: what was wrong on the bzr patch?18:10
mfraz74At least I can do stuff in Konsole now without xorg crashing on me18:11
apacheloggermaco: it needs to be redone since they essentially reinvented their sign in thing18:13
apacheloggerbulldog98: see backlog18:13
macooh hell18:13
* nixternal whistles and praises *dropbox* :p18:14
nixternalthough it would be nice to have the u1 stuff working and have a music store plugin18:15
mfraz74u1 is sort of working now, not sure about a music store plugin for amarok though18:16
macomfraz74: not written yet18:17
macoand i'm inclined to believe apachelogger about brokenness with u1 on kde seeing as he wrote it18:17
mfraz74maco: i've managed to log into u1 and sync files, but with a recent update i get a crash notification everytime i boot18:18
macoi sync'd some files a few weeks ago up from one computer, but cant sync down to this one18:24
bulldog98apachelogger: to the kuser… patch: debuild won’t work if you don’t change head18:24
macoapachelogger: where's your bzr branch?18:25
macoapachelogger: and where's their api docs?18:25
apacheloggerapi docs18:25
macoah hell18:25
bulldog98apachelogger: also the resetting of the category has be done in the package18:26
* maco throws erasers at some canonifolk18:26
macoRiddell: erasers are soft and rubbery, therefore it's not violence :)18:26
apacheloggermaco: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu-sso-client/trunk18:26
apacheloggerthat is thei client implementation18:26
apacheloggerfrom what I have seen http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu-sso-client/trunk/annotate/head:/ubuntu_sso/keyring.py is the file we need a kwallet version of 18:27
apacheloggerand that is the new KDE ui I am working on18:27
bulldog98apachelogger: I’ll look for that18:27
apacheloggerbulldog98: what is with the category?18:28
macoapachelogger: "new"? newer than what you had 2 weeks ago? O_o18:28
apacheloggerbulldog98: how can thate be done *in the package*?18:28
bulldog98apachelogger: mistake from my side18:28
apacheloggermaco: I coded non-stop last week and shook a completely new GUI out my sleeve18:28
apacheloggermaco: since the other thing really did not have a, but was using the website to get authentication18:29
macoi see18:29
macoany of you seen Dexter? i'm in a forensic science class... i keep thinking of Dexter18:29
nixternalhow do i use update-notifier-kde right now to update to maverick? i don't want to do the s/lucid/maverick/ way18:30
Riddellnixternal: do-release-upgrade -m desktop18:34
maco-m? O_o18:36
macohuh. funky.18:36
macodont you need a -d in there to go to devel version?18:36
nixternalmaco: yeah18:37
bulldog98apachelogger: the second line is changed in the 4.5.118:48
txwikingerapachelogger: Yes there is a commandline UI, but last time I checked, it did not have any Kubuntu entries in it18:56
ScottKclaydoh_: You are doing release notes, right?19:00
bulldog98apachelogger: I’ll send you the new bzr diff and you can tell me if I should upload it19:12
bulldog98apachelogger: you got mail19:16
neversfeldeshadeslayer: ping19:26
apacheloggertxwikinger: ah, well, I suppose that should not be too difficult to take care of19:37
apacheloggerbulldog98: what second line?19:37
txwikingerapachelogger: yeah.. just never got to it :D19:37
apacheloggertxwikinger: I am sure if you ask kirkland nicely he will add kubuntu ;)19:40
apacheloggerbulldog98: you still exceed 80 characters/line in the changelog btw19:44
apacheloggerSime_: pingy19:45
Sime_apachelogger: hi19:45
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
apacheloggerSime_: hey, I was wondering if I can create like module constants using sip19:46
apacheloggerSime_: like line 55-60 here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu-sso-client/trunk/annotate/head:/ubuntu_sso/gui.py19:47
Sime_apachelogger: let me have a look...19:48
Sime_apachelogger: I'm not sure if it is possible to have simple module level constant. functions yes, but Qt and KDE don't have any. The best option for you is to put those  into an enum.19:58
apacheloggerSime_: problem is that for licensing reasons I cannot change the code that will be using them :S ... I suppose I could just wrap the sip generated module in a handcrafted python file which defines the signal names20:00
apacheloggerSime_: well, thanks for looking into it :)20:00
Sime_apachelogger: KDE has a version constant and it is done as a tiny function.20:00
claydohScottK: sure thing, anything else besiades the new installer to highlight? additions/removals/changes that I seem to not notice?20:02
apachelogger*nod* those constants are going away anyway since they are result of a beautiful design flaw :S20:02
claydohScottK: running kde 4.5 in lucid ain't too different from running maverick atm :), at least from my useage20:03
ScottKclaydoh: Not sure.  Rekonq as default browser.20:03
ScottKRiddell will know.20:03
claydohis it still default? 20:03
ScottKNeed to talk about combined Desktop/Netbook ISO and automatic detection of which plasma to run on first run20:03
claydohwill 4.5.1 make into beta?20:04
* Quintasan is back20:05
Quintasanlol school tomorrow20:06
claydohRiddell: ScottK : the qa instructions for testing kubuntu mentions using Konversation to test irc - is that a new change (from quassel) 20:07
ScottKclaydoh: No.  It should say quassel20:07
stalcupRiddell: I'll be on it tonight!20:08
apacheloggerRiddell: I think kdeui for ubuntu-sso-client is no completely done and (almost) interface compatible with the gtkui20:11
ScottKclaydoh: Looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/+bug/608382 you'll want to mention that if you want to make a usb stick install on 10.04, you'll need the usb-creator/kde from lucid-proposed.20:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Lucid) "Maverick images burned to usb key on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Fix committed]20:13
claydohScottK: yup got it, will need that myself20:16
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831192251-tfoqpipkmxxfeue6 * src/python/sip/ubuntussoguimod.sip make module kdeui rather than gui, gui will become wrapper it seems20:23
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831192848-7ksq5hyhj3xsalhl * src/CMakeLists.txt formatting++20:28
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831192915-i39tk4qo85pxvz4y * src/python/gui.py add gui to wrap around kdeui to add semi-constant signal name foo blah20:29
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831193023-55rc4v88pu9j0un8 * src/ (5 files in 3 dirs) overlord commit - say hello to UbuntuSSOClientGUI which wraps around Dialog, I am not yet sure why, but I am sure I had a reason...20:30
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831193102-2plkoi4ip8d5v2yk * src/ (Dialog.cpp Dialog.h) Good afternoon commit - signals to hook up with UbuntuSSOClientGUI20:31
hungerWhen will kde 4.5.1 become available in maverick?20:32
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831193439-xw0z0t94nexqb6wl * src/python/sip/Dialog.sip farewell dialog sip20:34
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831193450-rt26lwn45e68tzq3 * src/ (24 files in 3 dirs) licensing++20:34
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831193727-i38pyoxl2ehqavjq * src/ (LoginWidget.ui Messages.sh RegisterWidget.ui) fix translatability of some place holder strings20:37
apacheloggerhunger: once maverick beta is released20:37
apacheloggeruntil then we cannot upload, packaging is ready AFAIK20:38
hungerapachelogger: Great, thanks!20:38
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831194331-mly3ar26ajczp1cn * src/BusyOverlay.cpp formatting++20:43
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831194408-chc3lhkk93faxrfq * src/ (EmailHelper.h Error.h) more licensing20:44
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831194417-vpmrtyyghd81zn0j * src/ (RegisterWidget.cpp RegisterWidget.h) on right click on the captcha widget generate a new one20:44
nixternalalrighty, searching for this, but if someone wants to answer this first:  "how come compositing disables on start every time?"20:52
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831195527-gnigk1l51czgcioh * src/ (ClickLabel.cpp ClickLabel.h CMakeLists.txt) introdicing ClickLabel - a label emitting clicked on left mouse button click20:55
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831195826-4u5r0yvw46sa4t3g * src/python/gui.py set encoding20:58
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831200007-r4r0xuinarsjhzqg * src/RegisterWidget.ui promote captchalabel to a clicklabel21:00
apacheloggernixternal: crap driver21:01
apacheloggercrap X21:01
apacheloggerintel drivers on maverick are the shit21:01
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831200017-zapp738te6vskjdz * src/RegisterWidget.cpp get new captcha on left mouse click (more intuitive IMHO), show busycontainer while generating21:01
apacheloggerati is not much better, what is worse, ati worked in alpha3 :P21:01
nixternalI am using Intel, do you mean they are shit, or they are the shit as in the bomb diggity?21:01
nixternalno matter what I use, my machines with Intel == doesn't work, and my machine with NVIDIA == doesn't work no matter the driver21:02
apacheloggernixternal: I had loads of graphics garbage stuff with deffects on21:02
apacheloggerif they were activatable at all21:02
apacheloggerwhich was apparently dependent on weather and mood of the prime minister of australia21:02
apacheloggernixternal: I suppose they all share common X crappyness ;)21:03
apacheloggernot that I would dare saying anything about X21:03
apacheloggerbut since no one manages to pull of one superb driver version I smell trouble at another level21:03
nixternali don't think it is an x problem, because after i log in, i can re-enable compositing without any issues21:04
apacheloggerI did not say problem, I said crapyness21:04
apacheloggeryou can work while being crap ... see rekonq, nepomuk, akonadi21:05
apacheloggerin fact one would not know that it is crap if it were not working :P21:05
apachelogger** Message: secret service operation failed: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files \o/21:07
apacheloggerI do think the ubuntu-sso dev I complained about missing gnome-keyring does not take me serious21:07
* apachelogger is getting a depression from that crap21:07
apacheloggerNightrose: !21:08
apacheloggerNightrose: <321:08
Nightroseapachelogger: *hug*21:08
neversfeldeupstream choqok told me that we have qoauth 1.0 in the archive, but latest choqok needs 1.0.121:08
apacheloggerit also still uses .cache/sso/ for logs21:09
neversfeldeRiddell: It would be great, if you could give me access to your server again, I won't have broadband internet for the next weeks21:09
apacheloggernixternal: pingy 21:14
jjesseanything else?21:15
jjessewrong channel21:16
nixternalapachelogger: yo21:16
dantti_workNow with app-install support, http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktoptb265921:26
apacheloggernixternal: do you happen to have signed the canonical contributor agreement?21:29
apacheloggerdantti_work: it is a bit crowded, is it not?21:29
dantti_workapachelogger: what crowded means?21:30
apacheloggerwell, cluttered21:30
dantti_workapachelogger: you mean because of the list in the middle?21:30
apacheloggeryou have a side bar, then you have a tab bar, inside one tab you have another side bar, at the bottom is also some sort of bar21:31
dantti_workthe categories side bar will not always be visible21:32
apacheloggerthere is also quite the icon overload IMHO21:32
dantti_workbut maybe I remove the Installed applications Tab21:32
apacheloggerdantti_work: wells, yes, but it can21:32
nixternalapachelogger: I don't know if I have or not21:32
apacheloggernixternal: would you be willing to?21:32
nixternalI doubt it, as canonical hasn't been nixternal friendly21:32
apacheloggerI need someone to write a kwallet backend for ubuntu-sso-client because I am refusing to sign that thing21:33
nixternalyeah, i don't sign agreements unless money is involved21:33
apacheloggerOTOH, supposedly I could also just stick it into the non-specific stuff21:33
apacheloggerand not have it merged upstream21:34
apacheloggerwhich of course suxx0rs big time21:34
apacheloggerbut oh well21:34
apacheloggerdantti_work: I would also loose the ktitlewidget21:34
apacheloggerit seems utter useless to me21:34
dantti_workapachelogger: that title widget is not easy to loose, it cames from KCMultiDialog...21:34
dantti_workI can in a subclass get rid of it tough21:35
apacheloggernot difficult either then :P21:35
dantti_workbut in System Settings you will see it21:35
dantti_workand there I can do nothing21:36
apacheloggerah, kcmulti implements a kpagedialog21:36
* apachelogger was whining about kpagedialog earlier last week already ^^21:36
dantti_workhehe, and I fixed a bug in it last week :P21:36
ScottKapachelogger: What weren't you whining about earlier last week already?21:37
apacheloggergood point21:37
apacheloggerdantti_work: so I have been told when I was whining ;)21:37
apacheloggerholy eject key21:40
apacheloggerubuntu-sso-client has a perfectly fine keyring class21:41
apacheloggerand yet they use gnome-keyring directly21:41
apacheloggerso they do not only have a tendency to commit design fail, no they do not even use their design fail21:41
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831204706-tu3iv8t5m1237kmc * src/UbuntuSSOClientGUI.cpp only create a new kapp if there is no qapp yet21:47
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831204748-856xkipxkdmzazpe * src/ (EmailHelper.h PasswordHelper.h) de-apacheloggerfy strings21:47
apacheloggerRiddell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client-kde21:51
Riddell"PyQt v4.7.5 and SIP v4.11 have been released and can be downloaded from21:53
Riddellthe usual places."21:53
Riddell"The version number of the SIP API has been bumped so all modules (e.g.21:54
RiddellPyKDE) will need to be re-compiled."21:54
Riddellhmm, let's not get that version then21:54
RiddellSime_: any objection?21:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
JontheEchidnaall SIP updates break ABI22:09
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831211045-aao6u8ryawrfs8i2 * src/UbuntuSSOClientGUI.cpp do not delete the kapp but call quit on t22:10
ScottKRiddell: I'm getting an error from kded both in the live session and after install: "Unable to save bookmarks in /home/{USERNAME}/.local/share//userplaces.xbel.  Reported errror was: Insufficient permissions in target directory..  This error message will only be shown once.  The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible which is most likely a full hard drive.22:17
apacheloggereven recordmydesktop is broken now :O22:18
apacheloggermaverick is going down the drain I tell you22:18
apacheloggerScottK: what does ls -lah ~/.local/share say?22:18
ScottKIt's got dirs for akonadi, local-mail, Trash, and local-mail.directory22:19
* apachelogger repeatedly presses the button that is supposed to remove device authorization from ubuntuone22:19
apacheloggercanonical - we make you time out22:20
apacheloggerScottK: I mean regarding permissions :)22:20
ScottKeverything owned by the user22:20
Riddellneversfelde: that machine is currently out of order due to ubiquity breakage22:21
ScottK755 except trash is 70022:21
apacheloggerScottK: the directory itself too?22:21
* apachelogger is wondering why the file would be unsavable then22:21
ScottKDirectory is 700 and owned by the user22:21
ScottKapachelogger: Would the "//" matter?22:22
ScottKI can touch a file in that dir no problem.22:24
ScottKSo I don't think it's actually a permissions issue.22:24
ScottKUnless whatever is trying to create the file is running as a different, unpriviledged, user.22:24
apacheloggerScottK: how do you get that from kded?22:25
apacheloggererror msgbox?22:25
* apachelogger is actually wondering what in kded would want to write to that file anyway22:25
apacheloggerRiddell: ping22:27
Riddellapachelogger: yo22:27
apacheloggerRiddell: what do we do about kwallet support in ubuntu-sso?22:28
Riddellfind someone to code it, maybe I'll find time after beta is out22:29
Riddellof you could just sign the copyright assignment :)22:29
apachelogger*nod* my search has not been very successful thus far22:29
ScottKIt seems pretty common that people have a rate they charge when copyright assignment is required.22:32
CIA-71[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831213737-kci8ortvfnvwekex * src/libs/ (SyncDaemon.cpp SyncDaemon.h) syncdaemon does not try to get hold of auth itself - leave auth interface around, just in case22:38
apacheloggerbreakage all around22:41
apacheloggersso ftw!22:41
CIA-71[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100831214310-9azwj4o3f3n0knqv * src/api/ (introspection introspection/com.ubuntu.sso.xml) add manual introspection now that ubuntu-sso-client transition is going on22:43
apacheloggerState: AUTH_FAILED22:48
* apachelogger blinks22:51
* apachelogger blinks more22:51
apachelogger2010-08-31 23:53:34,737:737.334012985 ubuntu_sso.main login: authentication successful! consumer_key: u'wELBWQh', token_name: 'Ubuntu%20One - avatar'22:56
apachelogger2010-08-31 23:48:50,762 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - push_event: SYS_AUTH_ERROR, args:(), kw:{'error': 'AUTHENTICATION_FAILED'}22:56
apacheloggerRiddell: you know what, I give up22:56
* apachelogger feels brain fucked and will probably need therapy again22:56

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