
James147you can always use teh same disk ^^ :)  although it is nice to have a spare livecd about00:00
James147brian__: btw, if you want 64bit install the desktop edition, if you also want the netbook interface (which is more designed for smaller ~10inch screens) you can install kubuntu-netbooks on the desktop edition to get both and switch between them00:01
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illunatic7zip/xarchiver error > please check " Store archiver output" option... where can i find this option?00:15
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compilerwriterI am having two issues with Kontact  1) the thing, even when properly quit, when restarted swears that it is already running for some reason.  2)  the thing is not saving my filters when I make changes and hit apply.01:15
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compilerwriterI am having two issues with Kontact  1) the thing, even when properly quit, when restarted swears that it is already running for some reason.  2)  the thing is not saving my filters when I make changes and hit apply.01:40
Daskreechapachelogger: ping02:05
Daskreechis the ppa:experimental intended to be used at all by mortals or is it just a staging build area?02:06
Daskreechhi rackIT02:15
rackITDaskreech: How's things? A little windy?02:16
DaskreechScottyK: ping02:16
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cnowlitehow do i add this onto quassel :: irc://irc.atomic-irc.net:6667/ebooks02:28
Daskreechcnowlite: Edit your profile02:28
DaskreechI'm assuming you mean auto join02:29
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illunatici have a problem. when i boot there is no taskbar, all widgets say "object could not be found", wallpaper doesn't load...03:00
illunaticwth man?03:00
Daskreechillunatic: 10.04?03:01
illunaticyes sir03:01
DaskreechFound that few times a well but I've been running from a Thumb drive for a while so I thought it was just a sideeffect of running out of space03:02
illunatici tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart03:02
illunaticshouldn't be a space issue. i have over 100GB on that partition unused03:02
illunaticone of the last things i did was install kepas03:03
Daskreechillunatic: more likely plasmarc in ~/.kde/share/config03:03
James147illunatic: try resetting plasma (delete or rename ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc and plasma-desktoprc)03:03
illunaticalright :)03:03
James147^^ sorry, plasma-desktop-appletsrc  :)03:04
jman_My sessions won't fully save.  I went into Session manager and changed it to manual cause Auto wasn't working:   But it still only saves part of the session!   This works automatically w/ same apps on my other machines03:07
jman_running 10.0403:08
nymphaeaceaethat's a lot of users.. wow..03:08
DaskreechPart of a session?03:08
jman_my desktop session03:09
DaskreechSame parts everytime?03:09
jman_when i shutdown/logout.  i want it to save the running apps.     Yes so it seems  (but only when i manually save.  the auto isn't working)03:09
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Daskreechhi JontheEchidna03:10
Daskreechjman: what gets saved03:10
DaskreechJontheEchidna: question on PPA:experimental. is it intended to be used by mortals? or is it a staging build area?03:11
jjmanQuassel, Songbird, Kopete, Skype tahts about it03:11
jjmanno Firefox, no Thunderbird, Netbeans03:11
Tejyasnshould I just dump my question out?03:11
JontheEchidnaDaskreech: use at your own risk03:12
JontheEchidnabut it should be usable03:12
James147!ask | Tejyasn03:12
ubottuTejyasn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:12
Tejyasnoh... thanks.. these help channels always confuse me with their different rules..03:12
DaskreechTejyasn: just about all of them have a don't ask to ask guideline.03:13
DaskreechLong as you aren't being rude you can ask a question03:13
TejyasnI am trying to get JRE to work on my box.  I'm using KDE 10.04 (semi-obviously) and trying to run it in firefox, latest update.  Followed all the steps on the site, and no errors were reported in the terminal, but Java doesn't seem to run at all.03:14
DaskreechJontheEchidna: OK just seen a few blog posts telling people to add it so just wondering if I should drop them a line on the wisdom of that03:14
Daskreechjjman: Don't know about the rest but FF used to work when I used it03:15
JontheEchidnawell... the packages in there are generally either of alpha products or alpha packaging03:15
JontheEchidnaadd with care03:15
illunaticJames147: that seems like a good start. i now have a blank desktop with a dark blue-green background03:15
jmanDaskreech: I know FF should work at least.   Because i have on 3 laptops and they all autosave my session fine.   This is desktop (most recent install),  i did copy over ~/  from other machines to get same setup (which only partly worked)03:16
James147Tejyasn: what site? and which jre? :)03:16
Daskreechjman: tried doing a manually saved session and then tried loading it?03:17
James147illunatic: hmm.. would have thourght that would have fixed it... could you try creating a new user and see if it works for them03:17
Tejyasnusing the latest out from the main Java site...  jre1.6.0_2103:18
illunaticmaybe i should try a reboot instead of just restarting kdm?03:18
Daskreechillunatic: how do you restart kdm?03:19
illunaticsudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart03:19
DarthFrogsudo service kdm restart03:19
illunaticor that^03:19
Tejyasnfollowed the instructions to the letter, other than having the java folder be in my ~/Downloads area, and not /usr/lib  can't seem to install it there..03:19
DaskreechTejyasn: not even with sudo?03:20
TejyasnI sudo -s at the start..03:20
Tejyasnso I'm running as root.. and the install works fine, no error messages..03:20
jjmanDaskreech: Yes i already said that.  Only thing thats partly working IS a manual session save..03:20
Tejyasnthe only thing circumspect is when I try to do ln03:21
Daskreechjjman: Well when you do the manual load check the logs then compare them for the automatic.03:21
Tejyasnln -s ~/Downloads/jre1.6.0_21/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29/libjavaplugin_oji.so returns with "file exists"03:21
DaskreechI'm guessing there is a second part to that command03:22
jmanDaskreech: ah.  what logs should i be checking for that  /var/log/messages03:22
James147Tejyasn: I would enable the partner repos in kpackagekit and install "sun-java6-jre"03:22
Tejyasndo what now?  I'm not THAT linux-savy..03:23
illunaticJames147: you know how to create a new user from command line?03:23
James147illunatic: sudo adduser guest03:23
Daskreechjman: ~/.xsession* I would guess03:23
illunaticah ok03:23
jjmanDaskreech: thanks i check that out03:25
illunaticJames147: good call. it loads great for guest. so how do i get it to work for my primary user?03:25
Tejyasnhrm... just saw something when I googled "kpackagekit partner repos", it seems that java was the main issue..03:26
James147illunatic: removing the right config file :)  my guess is that it is somewhere in .kde  ... i would start with the files starting with plasma in ~/.kde/share/config/   ...   (to test it you should be able to hit alt+F2 to get up krunner then typing in it "killall plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop" to restart plasma-desktop :))03:27
TejyasnI'll wait a bit.. because the more I look into this on my own, the more I get cross-eyed.03:28
Daskreechillunatic: copy the guest plasma*rc to your account03:28
James147illunatic: or the plasma filders in ~/.kde/share/apps03:28
James147Daskreech: deleting/renaming them should have the same effect right? seen as they are being created if they dont exist fine (as per the new user)03:29
DaskreechJames147: yep but i'm lazy today03:29
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:30
James147!partner | Tejyasn03:32
ubottuTejyasn: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »03:32
TejyasnI assume that I need to replace a few words in there, like naming (lsb_release-sc) and partner, or is it a cut-paste?03:33
James147Tejyasn: cut and paste... $(lsb_release -sc) will be replaced by the code name of your version by bash :)03:34
Tejyasnoh... tres nifty.03:35
James147(it will basically execute lsb__release -sc (which returns the code name of your version) and places in it the command (hence the $() )03:35
TejyasnI miss my TI... code was easy on that *laughs*03:36
* James147 finds code on bash easy :D03:37
James147(to a given degree of easy)03:37
Tejyasntrue.. the more I learn on bash, the more it makes sense... it's just deciphering/learning new things that messes with my learning curve.. and apparently, I have already done that, as when I ran kpac, I found it, in bash I ran "java -version" and got a result, _18... so I assume I still have to link to firefox?03:40
James147Tejyasn: do you ahve "sun-java6-plugin" as well?03:43
Tejyasn... will look..03:43
James147(aptitude show sun-java6-plugin | grep State)03:43
James147with out the ( )03:44
Tejyasnunable to locate03:44
James147Tejyasn: have you enabled the partner repos yet?03:45
Tejyasnwait... does directory matter..03:45
Tejyasnand yes, I did.03:45
James147Tejyasn: "sudo aptitude update"  then try again :)03:45
Tejyasneven better, "not installed"03:46
James147(these commands arnt doing anything to the working directory so it dosnt matter where they are run from)03:46
James147Tejyasn: then install it :) "sudo aptitude install ..."03:46
James147... being the package03:46
Tejyasnaptitude, not apt-get?03:47
James147Tejyasn: you can use either03:47
James147i type aptitude out of habbit now :)03:47
Tejyasnwhat's the difference?03:47
James147Tejyasn: not a great deal for installing things anymore03:48
Tejyasnbut there used to be?03:48
James147Tejyasn: aptitude use to handel removing of packkage dependency better03:48
TejyasnI just saw "Removing wine 1.2" should I be worried?03:50
James147Tejyasn: do you use wine?03:50
Tejyasna bit.. mostly for a game or three...03:50
Tejyasnlike DX or Diablo..03:50
James147might not matter... check after to see if you still ahve it :)03:51
Tejyasnand if not, re-install?03:52
Tejyasnok.. not worrying then.03:52
James147wine is an easy one to reinstall :)  if somehting removes kdebase then you should be worried :)03:53
Tejyasnand state = installed!03:53
Tejyasnnow for the firefox trick...03:53
James147Tejyasn: restart your browsers and check03:53
Tejyasnon it!03:53
Tejyasnthis is the one thing I love most of Linux.. working like this is all but impossible under modern windows.. I miss 98..03:54
James147Tejyasn: :D gotta love terminal03:55
Tejyasnit's friendlier than DOS too.. so.. *feels the love*03:55
James147Tejyasn: also... TAB, and if not... TABTAB03:56
James147Tejyasn: hit it and see :)03:56
TejyasnJames147:  right.. I never use it usually.. forgot..03:56
Tejyasn**hugs James147 warmly** my saviour!03:57
TejyasnJames147: thanks for the help... you just let me access my online classes!03:59
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Dan_Ldoes anybody know how to install kexi?03:59
Tejyasnalright.. I'll let you smart people get to more important issues.. thanks again, and take care.  No offense when I say this... hope I never have to see you guys here for a while04:00
James147is that part of koffice?04:00
James147Dan_L: ^^04:00
Dan_LJames147:  Yet it is.  Allegedly it's better than OO Base.04:00
James147Dan_L: Then I would think "sudo aptitude install koffice" would do it :)04:01
Dan_LJames147:  I shall try it.04:01
James147although I can see kword but not kexi is the repos :S ... might be hidden in a different package name thjough04:02
illunaticwhen i cp /home/guest/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc /home/user/.kde/share/config/ it is jsut a blank file04:05
Izinucsdoes kde 4.x allow for multiple X sessions?  I just read that it didn't but am not sure if that applied to 4.3.x..04:05
illunaticpretty sure that file is the issue tho since it is blank for that user04:05
illunatici even deleted it can copied but it's blank still04:06
illunaticso weird04:06
illunaticer deleted and copied it over again i mean04:06
James147illunatic: but dose it work?04:06
benbloomIs there some flaw with kubuntu that prevents samba print from requesting authorization? It works on my ubuntu Lucid laptop04:07
illunaticJames147: no. does not work for the main user04:08
rackITkweather plasmoid is missing some icons. I've tried a few different icon themes but, alas... my otherwise beautiful Lucid desktop is marred by the default missing icon icon. Any ideas?04:08
James147illunatic: have you deleted/renamed all the plasma* files in the config folder?04:08
illunatici need to copy paste it over or something, but kate & guest don't have permissions04:08
Izinucsbenbloom: samba has been a nightmare on my 64 box.. I find I have to restart smbd after booting and even then have issues with windows boxes..04:08
James147illunatic: you shouldnt need to copy anything04:08
DaskreechJames147: with () works as well04:09
James147illunatic: if the config files are missing kde should recreate them with the defaults04:09
illunaticoh just delete them all?04:09
illunaticok i'll try04:09
James147Daskreech: ^^04:10
IzinucsI'm looking for a successful ssh -X session.. anyone have that working?04:10
benbloomIzinucs, I just don't understand why it works fine with ubuntu but not kubuntu04:11
Izinucsbenbloom: I don't either.. I also have issues with cups starting on boot.. :(04:11
illunaticyeah i deleted them all04:13
James147illunatic: then restart plasma-desktop04:13
illunaticwait remove all the /apps/ files as well?04:14
James147illunatic: no..04:14
illunatici only removed all the config files04:14
illunaticand restarted witht he same blank screen and mouse arrow04:14
James147illunatic: ^^ you should only remove the files taht started with plasma :S04:15
James147illunatic: but still didnt work?04:15
illunatici removed all files starting with plasma in the /config/ but no luck04:15
James147illunatic: do you have any important settings in .kde? (keep in mind the nepomuk database is there04:16
illunaticwell i just spent like a week getting everything working on it and don't want to lose it04:17
James147illunatic: try renaming it then (you should beable to rename it back to restore the settings (well, i would copy it back and keep one as a backup for now))04:18
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James147illunatic: really not sure what config  file are affecting it atm as removing the plasma ones should have worked :S04:19
illunaticgonna try copying the app files over... if it will let me04:19
James147illunatic: afraid I cannot help anymore... I really need ot go to bed. Hope you are able to find a fix and good night :)04:20
illunaticthanks tho :)04:20
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:26
Daskreechillunatic: You have to remove them after you close plasma-desktop04:27
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illunaticDaskreech: oh! thanks04:36
vbgunz_this is becoming insanely annoying. I really want to visit this site and read the article ***but*** I get a comment box that takes over the entire screen http://techdrive.disqus.com/meet_apertus_a_project_aimed_at_building_an_open_source_cinema_camera/reply.html?f=techdrive&t=meet_apertus_a_project_aimed_at_building_an_open_source_cinema_camera&ff=Arial&default_text=Type%20your%20comment%20here.&ifrs=&1283225790467#00090000000000000000000104:37
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vbgunz_I tried it in konqueror 4.5 and in the Firefox 3.6.8 and both show a huge comment box, nothing else :(04:38
Daskreechvbgunz_: can't you resize the comment box in FF ? or in webkit?04:39
DaskreechThe lower right corner should have a handle?04:39
vbgunz_Daskreech: I don't see any handle :(04:39
vbgunz_can you visit the page without a problem? this happens quite a lot, I came in here last time about this and came up emtpy.04:41
vbgunz_im gonna try this in IE and see what the hell happens04:42
DaskreechI get a json error04:43
vbgunz_Daskreech: when first visiting the page, I can see then BAM a comment box that just takes over the entire page04:43
vbgunz_I just fired up vbox and am gonna see if this affects ie and firefox there04:44
vbgunz_Daskreech: I feel better in a sense. IE 8 and Firefox in VirtualBox both show the same results. whoo. so this is not exactly a problem tied to kubuntu. I feel better but damn, don't nobody say anything to them? they got to get rid of that04:46
Izinucsvbgunz_: I tried the link with the same "nothing" result.. then I deleted everything after /techdrive/ and got a login prompt.. looks like you have to register to view.04:58
illunaticwell... i dunno where to go. desktop and everything loads fine for guess but not main user hmmmm05:16
Daskreechillunatic: you tried killing the plasma desktop before moving the files?05:20
illunaticDaskreech: i did05:24
illunaticjust added guest to sudoers05:24
illunaticshould be easier to mess around through the gui05:24
illunatici originally deleted the whole /usr/ by mistake a few days ago and copied it from a very similary setup on another partition05:25
illunaticnot sure if some of the problems i've ran into are due to the permissions getting messed up heh05:26
illunaticbecause spending a week figuring it all out was much more efficient than just spending 5 hours doing a fresh install and updates right? >_<05:27
illunaticnah i've learned a lot about how things work tho05:27
illunaticyou know what kio_desktoprc is for?05:30
Daskreechillunatic: efficency means nothing to me if I give up learning oppurtunities05:37
illunaticdefinitely more efficient in the long run to know what you're doing :)05:51
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noaXessgood morning06:05
noaXessare there really no pathces for the blocked packages that prevent upgrading to kde 4.5?06:05
noaXessother thing, i need to start a special script as a specia user on system boot.. any idea where to place the command to that script?06:06
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illunaticaha... just got an error that plama-desktoprc is not writable06:31
illunaticcontact admin :X06:31
illunaticbut... but I'M admin :O06:32
illunatici suppose the question is, how to make plasma-desktoprc writable?06:32
illunaticarg what is goin on... i've copied every config from the working user desktop to the non-working and still, it's just blank screen iwth an arrow06:45
noaXessillunatic: have you upgraded to kde 4.5?06:55
noaXessillunatic: maybe this will help: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/59251606:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 592516 in Kubuntu PPA "I can't save changes in plasma" [Medium,Triaged]06:56
illunaticthanks i'll try :)06:58
illunaticactually i am using kde 3 i think07:01
mapleHI  everyone~!07:13
noaXessillunatic: aha :) ok.. sohm.. plasma-desktoprc.. seams it's one of kde4.x version07:32
noaXesscause ni kde3 there is no plasma07:32
illunatichow do i update to 4.5?07:37
illunatici added the source to the repository but i don't see anything when i search kde or kde4 that is relevant07:37
illunaticthrough adept07:37
mistryniteshillunatic: which version of kubuntu are you using?07:41
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maplemistrynitesh: which version of kubuntu are you using07:41
mistryniteshmaple: 9.04 a.k.a jaunty07:42
maplemistrynitesh: why don't you update your OS!07:43
mistryniteshmaple: don't find any compelling reason to update until its EOL07:44
maplemistrynitesh: I think 10.04LTS is much better than 9.04@07:46
mistryniteshmaple: thanks for the info, but I am too lazy to shift everything07:48
maplemistrynitesh: you are so modest !07:48
maplemistrynitesh:  may i ask a personal question ?07:49
mistryniteshmaple: i like to state facts07:49
maplemistrynitesh: where are you from?07:50
mistryniteshmaple: India07:50
maplemistrynitesh: i don't know why i so curious where someone come from !07:51
mistryniteshmaple: may be you are 'profiling'07:53
maplemistrynitesh: you are so humor!07:54
mistryniteshmaple: thank you... I'm sure the floodbot or someone else is going to direct us to #ubuntu-offtopic for this chat07:55
maplemistrynitesh: sorry! ^_^07:57
* mistrynitesh wonders whether he drove maple away07:59
illunaticmistrynitesh: 10.0408:04
noaXessillunatic: so if you want upgrade to kde 4.5 then be aware and follow this instructions: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 but there are known bugs..08:05
illunaticwell i entered ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports as a source through adept08:07
illunaticand that appears to have worked, but i don't see a package for kde 4.5 when i search with adept08:07
illunaticis there command line i can use?08:08
illunaticbugs would be better than what is happened now, which is no desktop :)08:08
illunatichoping it will fix it08:08
mistryniteshillunatic: i am sure you must have reloaded adept after adding repo08:09
mistryniteshillunatic: did you get any errors while 'reloading/refreshing'?08:10
illunaticsholdn't it prompt for an update?08:11
illunaticwiat i think i found it. going through system settings > add remove software instead of just adept08:12
mistryniteshillunatic: it should, though I haven't used adept since a long time.08:12
mistryniteshillunatic: why don't you try 'sudo apt-get update' on the command line08:13
illunatic103 updates :S08:13
illunaticcover me, i'm going in.08:13
mistryniteshillunatic: make sure to back-up08:14
mistryniteshillunatic: 'Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY' :D08:16
noaXessmistrynitesh: but we are the support here ;).. and i also have upgraded one machine to kde 4.5 with help from https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa08:16
mistryniteshnoaXess: sure we are here to support ;)08:18
* mistrynitesh wonders what and how much should I write on 'about me' page for my website08:19
noaXessmistrynitesh: all about you :)08:22
noaXessillunatic: yeah.. upgrading to kde 4.5 can have some oooops ;)08:22
illunatichope it fixes my problem. i'd like to see how it looks08:22
illunaticoops as in i did not backup :X08:23
illunaticfortunately i have a small 10GB installation i can use to browse the bugfixes if it gets borked08:23
illunatichm what are blocked packages all about?08:24
mistryniteshillunatic: packages which requires other packages to me removed08:25
illunaticone of the bugs is the folder view widget huh?08:27
illunaticdamn. did not fix the other user08:27
illunaticreally don't get why it doesn't load the k button or anything08:28
mistryniteshillunatic: was your update smooth?08:36
illunatichm. things are worse for sure08:39
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noaXessscon gemacht..10:01
noaXessbins dann gespannt auf die teiler.. müssen dann ein game haben, welches wir testen können.. so ein box game oder so ;)..10:01
thrust123hello, how can i reset the kdewallet password with the root password ?11:00
NeuFinwhat is the time?11:04
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bowserhi all, why cannot I use the whole space on my BTRFS drive?12:34
bowserit says there should be 19% free space, yet when when I copy something over it says disk is full12:36
eljneed quasselirc help for adding network (ssl version not proper)12:39
eljcan anybody help me with a unsupported ssl in quasselirc?12:46
ludovic_Bonjour tous13:09
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unstableQuelqu'un parle français ici ?13:11
unstableJe suis nouveau13:11
unstableBonjour caldera__13:12
Pici!fr | unstable13:12
ubottuunstable: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:12
unstableThank you Pici13:14
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davhereis there some kind of trick to get adobe to work?13:42
davhereadobe reader that is13:42
collabradavhere: have you tried okular14:00
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collabradavhere: it's standard on kubuntu14:01
BluesKaj'morning folks14:34
DarthFrogHide the cheese!  BluesKaj is here!  :-)14:34
BluesKajggouda and havarti especially14:35
BluesKajhey DarthFrog :)14:35
BluesKajanother not one here14:36
DarthFrogRain, here.14:36
BluesKajT-clouds are already forming14:36
BluesKaj33 yesterday , abit of relief , only 29 today :)14:38
DarthFrogOnly????  :-)14:38
DarthFrog14 now, 16 forecast.14:38
* BluesKaj senses the OT cops are lurking14:38
* Pici lurks14:39
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BluesKajwow, that's cool for Van in aug14:39
DarthFrogNot outrageously so,  A cool, rainy day - fall is coming.14:40
BluesKajdid a new partition table on the den desktop , was full of small partitions due to the rounding off to mibs, so I reinstalled w7 then manually partitiioned / and /home during the alternate install .. the live cd doesn't detect my hw ...must be getting old :P14:43
BluesKajcan't run desktop effects, the old onboard ati x200m can't handle the load14:45
DarthFrogTime to open the wallet and let the moths out. :-)14:45
DarthFrogRadeon 5770 cards (what I have) are very good in Linux and are very reasonably priced.14:46
BluesKajyeah, I had a nvidia 7600gt in it but I installed it in the media server which is a much faster and newer pc14:48
xsachaanyone know how to install geant4 on kubuntu?15:05
samehsabryguys I need help urgently, I am running Kubuntu, when I run "apt-get update" and this was the result: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."15:06
samehsabryafter trying " dpkg --configure -a" I got this:15:06
samehsabryiceroot: Setting up flashplugin-installer ( ... Downloading... --2010-08-31 16:41:55--  http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_10.1.53.64.orig.tar.gz Resolving archive.canonical.com... Connecting to archive.canonical.com||:80... connected.15:06
collabrahttp://www.thetacticalnuke.com/2008/12/easy-install-of-geant4-on-ubuntu-704-and-804-and-810/ <-------- i don't know if this will help xsacha15:06
xsachacollabra: not exactly.. i have it installed on older ubuntus.. but i need a newer ubuntu for another software piece (some python apps)15:07
xsachabut when i try compiling from source on new ubuntu i run in to some issues with it not building stuff correctly15:07
xsachaquite a dilemma.. i havent found a distro that supports both at the same time15:08
collabratry auto-apt15:08
collabrait will load any module the compile needs to run15:08
collabraon the fly15:09
BluesKajsamehsabry, it's installing the flash plugin which is a std app for browsers. Did somebody advise you to enable the partner and other sources repositories in the package manager?15:09
xsachathe problem is that i need to compile these things because they arent in ubuntu15:09
xsachaand they seem to like different environments (different compiler,etc)15:09
xsachaso one will work in older distros and one only works in newer distros15:09
samehsabryBluesKaj: I don't remember, it is a shared machine. But I need to get rid of it right away to update and get other important packages15:10
samehsabryBluesKaj: or even use apt-get in general cause it always gets stuck15:10
collabrawhat you do,... is of course, read the man,... rund auto-apt in a terminal,... and start your compile,... it will bring in any needed libraries and or packages,... xsacha15:10
BluesKajok so it's stuck ?15:10
collabraxsacha,... it's worth a try.15:11
collabrause the same terminal you run auto-apt in to compile your software,... xsacha15:12
BluesKajok samehsabry , copy and paste this command into the terminal , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a15:12
xsachacollabra: i run it in the background?15:14
DarthFrogHmm, there's a new kernel out for Kubuntu.15:14
collabraxsacha: no,...when you run auto-apt,... it will release the prompt to compile,... auto-apt will run in the background15:15
collabrabe sure to read the man page15:15
xsachanot sure how it could help but i'll try it15:15
BluesKajDarthFrog, did you just update ?15:15
xsachai have all the packages installed.. will it identify correct versions too?15:16
samehsabryBluesKaj: apt-get -P packagename helped :)15:16
collabrait could help by pulling in any packages the compile needs to run,.. xsacha15:16
samehsabryBluesKaj: thanks for trying though15:16
xsachawell the compile builds perfectly..15:16
BluesKajsamehsabry, you needed tpo close the terminal tthat was stuck of course15:16
collabraoh,... arn't you having trouble with dependencies...? xsacha15:17
samehsabryBluesKaj: i needed to remove the isntaller of flash15:17
collabrasht,... sorry. for the lack of help then,... i misunderstood.15:17
xsachaproblem is my environment.. like compiler and so on.. don't work with this program15:17
xsachai think it expects an older version of g++15:17
xsachaso when it compiles, the programs dont work15:18
xsachabut on older ubuntus they do..15:18
collabrais there no earlier compiler available in the repos15:18
BluesKajsamehsabry,  thats strange , haven't seen that hang prob with flash before15:18
xsachawell im not sure if it's the compiler or some other compiler environment tool15:18
xsachasomething is messing up the code15:18
samehsabryBluesKaj: niether did i15:18
BluesKajsamehsabry, you might try flashplugin-nonfree instead15:19
BluesKajthe flashplugin-installer is new in lucid15:20
collabraxsacha: I'm confused,... you said it compiles fine,.. but when you run the program,... what happens?15:20
xsachaill do it all again and get error message15:21
xsacha(i have fresh installed a few times)15:21
collabraxsacha: what's the error?15:22
xsachadon't have -lG4Processes (or similar)15:22
xsachaand i check lib dir.. sure enough there's no G4Processes lib. compile? 0 errors15:23
collabraso, it's looking for a library that doesn't exist,... one presumably that's not provided in source....?15:23
xsachathing is they are exact same source files i use on kubuntu 8.08 (where it works fine)15:24
collabrawhat g++ is used in kubuntu 8.08....15:25
xsachai've tried this numerous times.i fresh install kubuntu 8.08 and geant4 works fine, matplotlib doesn't. i fresh install kubuntu 10.04 and matplotlib works, geant4 doesn't.15:25
jjmanthere is no 8.0815:25
collabrahave you tried that compiler,...15:26
xsachasame happens on other distros ive tried15:26
xsachaone works, one doesnt15:26
collabrait sounds like, maybe,... 8.08 had a library that 10.04 doesn't have as default....15:27
collabrayou get no errors on 10.04 compile?15:27
xsacha0 errors15:27
collabrais deant4 run by gui or terminal?15:29
xsachaterminal but it can output a visualisation using ogl (optional)15:30
collabrayou can try running auto-apt before you run geant4,... it will pull in any required package,.... you never know,... it may find the needed library15:31
xsachadoes it need to be run as sudo?15:31
collabrai'm checking now,... i assume so,... one sec.15:32
collabraminute.... ;)15:32
xsachacause if i do sudo auto-apt it places me in root shell15:34
collabraiit doesn't explicitly state,... i would assume if a package needs installing,... you need to run it under sudo.15:35
collabraso,... run: sudo auto-apt     :then it should give you a promt,... run geant4, and it should prompt you for a yes or no on installation....15:36
collabraof individual packages15:36
collabrayou can use the  -y flag to automatically answer 'yes' to prompts if you wish15:37
jussithat can be dangerous though, so use with care15:37
collabrai aggree,... no need for the -y flag15:38
collabralemmy know how it goes.15:39
xsachawell it's a fresh install so gotta compile geant4 again (takes about an hour)15:44
xsachaand im compiling it with that auto-apt which may slow it down15:46
collabra:) i'll stay in the chat,... come back and drop me a line,.... If you use my alias i'll come back if i'm not actually on my computer15:46
collabraI'm hoping good luck for you xsacha15:46
rportalwhere can I get a good tutorial for kubuntu?16:04
BluesKajrportal, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions16:07
rportalthx blues16:08
BluesKajrportal, also www.kubuntu.org16:09
kb3ienanyone have any good reading matterial on port forwarding while running UFW ?16:17
kb3iencant seems to find the right iptables command to forward a port to a box behind the NAT.16:17
collabrasudo ufw allow in <port#>/<tcp or udp>16:19
collabrasudo ufw allow in <port>/<tcp or udp>16:19
collabrato delete the same forward it's: sudo ufw delete allow in <port>/<tcp or udp> respectively16:20
collabrait enables immediately: but if you want to be sure: sudo ufw enable16:21
collabrato show all forwarded or allowed 'out' ports it's: sudo ufw status verbose16:22
kb3ienroot@cadsch:~# ufw allow in  5060 udp16:22
kb3ienERROR: "Need 'to' or 'from' clause"16:22
collabrawhat version of kubuntu are you running?16:23
collabrahmm,... one sec.16:24
kb3ieni got it to take this command, `iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -i eth1 -d --dport 5060 -j DNAT --to` but i'm not sure if i should do that manually or have ufw invoke it for me.16:25
kb3ieneth1 is the interface upon which traffic arrives that needs translation.16:26
collabrato allow from any single ip: sudo allow from <ip>16:26
collabraone sec,... lol16:26
kb3ienno i want to allow from any IP to be forwarded.16:26
kb3ienbut only port 5060, for now.16:27
collabrathen it's : sudo ufw allow in 5060/tcp16:27
collabrathen it's : sudo ufw allow in 5060/udp16:27
kb3ienits SIP, o/c so the media channels will also need to be forwarded, but that can wait. I can restrict the media ports to a narrow range.16:27
=== v3n``afk is now known as v3nd3tta``
collabrai don't have manual iptables setting experience,...16:29
kb3ienokay the packets are being allowed in by the kernel!16:30
collabrawoohoo!,.... you can set up specific ip handling to ports as well...16:32
kb3ienbut they are not being forwarded... alas16:32
kb3ienno packets are being rewritten and pushed out tap016:32
collabraall you've done is open the port 5060 to the world,... if you are behind a router,... you need to configure your router for the specific lan ip and port16:33
kb3ieni am the router, and i need to configure forwarding.16:33
kb3ieni thouht i had, see earlier post about iptables and -nat.16:34
kb3ien<kb3ien> i got it to take this command, `iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -i eth1 -d --dport 5060 -j DNAT --to` but i'm not sure if i should do that manually or have ufw invoke it for me.16:34
collabraaww,... sht.... sorry,... if you want to undo that last command its: sudo ufw delete allow in 5060/tcp or udp16:34
kb3ien192.168.30.0/24 is assinged to tap016:35
kb3ienso no 'set ip next-hop' should be needed.16:35
aboudreaultHi. Why am I not able to select my Public key inside KMail ? There is a red X on the key. gpg --list-keys shows me that my key is there though16:35
kb3ienthat command you gave works well, it prevented the ufw.log reporting the packets as dropped.16:35
kb3ienits just that i need another command to forward them, i think.16:36
DarthFrogkb3ien:  Have you enabled IP4_forwarding in /proc?16:36
kb3ienyes outbound dynamic nat (overload) works. we are NATing (two subnets) to the public IP.16:36
kb3ienall i need is the inbound nat. to change the ip-destination field of inbound datagrams.16:37
kb3ienhopefully in a way that allows TCP sessions to be established.16:38
kb3ienno different that if i had web or mailserver, its just that there are no examples that work in the presense of ufw, that i could find.16:38
kb3ieni'm sure it has been done before but all i see is examples that DONT work with ufw.16:41
kb3ienhttp://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8050901 seems promising16:42
collabrasudo ufw proto tcp from <ip> to <ip>16:42
collabrasudo ufw proto tcp from <ip> to <ip> port <port>16:42
collabrasudo ufw delete proto tcp from <ip> to <ip> port <port> (will erase the entry)16:45
kb3ieni'll disable ufw until we can work out that part.16:47
collabraufw is a firewall,... not a router.16:49
kb3ieni'm not trying to route, i use quagga to route...16:50
kb3ieni'm trying to do a port forward in the pre/absence of a firewall.16:50
collabraI'm perplexed and probably not the person you need.16:51
collabrai apologize16:51
kb3ien/etc/ufw/before.rules contains lines like this: -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE16:51
kb3ienso i thought i could add port worwarding rules to that file also. guess ufw isn't there yet...16:52
collabrastill evolving16:52
kb3ieni'll need something more powerfull.16:52
kb3ienor just with more mature documentation.16:53
collabraagain,... i apologize.16:53
kb3ienthanks for trying :)16:53
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xsachacollabra: same error :(17:11
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collabrasorry to hear that,.... have you tried running auto-apt and then the program,... xsacha17:12
xsachayeah auto-apt doesn't seem to be doing anything17:12
collabrathat's dissapointing,... i'm two for two today,...17:13
xsachacannot find -lG4Processes17:13
collabrahave you enabled all repos?17:14
collabrafor apt to search within?17:14
xsachais it different to apt-get repos?17:14
collabraI'm thinking the kernel's may configured differently,... maybe it's not a dependency problem,... it might be the kernel17:16
collabrai'm just tossing ideas out there....17:16
xsachamight have to give up on matplotlib :(17:19
xsachaoh well, cya17:19
kb3ienwell ufw has messed me up nice and good...17:21
collabrawhat happened,...17:22
kb3ienits lost all its rules after the last disable...17:22
kb3ieni need to allow anything from tap017:23
collabracant you enable ufw with the config intact?17:23
kb3iensorta have only the port based rules intact.17:24
kb3ieni need the interface rule syntax again.17:24
kb3ienufw allow in from tap0 ...17:25
kb3ienor somethinglike that.17:25
collabrai just went through the man page for ufw,... and i speaks nothing of specific interfaces17:25
collabrathough i dont know why not.17:25
kb3ienufw allow out on tap017:27
kb3ien" " in on tap0 # also works17:27
kb3ienbut no packets flow.17:27
collabrareally....? that's interesting17:27
collabrasomething i didn't know17:27
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collabrai'm mourning my inability to help.... seriously.17:29
collabrai'm a noob....17:29
collabraof course i could spend a year still be one,...17:30
collabrathe learning curve is extrordinary,...17:30
kb3ienim getting nat but im not sure how... except im not getting one address translated...17:34
kb3ienany idea hom to bebug nat?17:34
kb3ieniptables -t nat -L|less17:35
kb3ienworks woo!17:35
collabrahttp://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-server-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg37024.html <------ ufw rules break nat,.... i haven17:39
collabra't read this whole thing,... and i probably wouldn't understand it anyway,... but,... maybe it's relevant17:39
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ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome17:48
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lelamalhello, although I add Mic and Capture to Kmix channels, after reboot they're gone, and I have to add them again. Does anybody know why, please?18:07
fayazi have that famous problem with akonadi...18:14
mfraz74akonadi is the problem18:14
fayazit crashes my kmail on random...18:14
fayazany way to work around this thing??18:14
Nekuroafter an automatic update, my nvidia driver doesn't seem to be working. Is this a known issue?18:15
mfraz74fayaz: I haven't found a solution to it yet. Makes my Kontact dead slow and can take up to a minute to start18:16
fayazmfraz74: mine simply crashes after showing the akonadi log...18:16
fayaznot crash, quit would be more appropriate18:17
mfraz74i'm hoping when KDEPIM 4.5 is released all these problems will go away18:17
fayazmfraz74: so is there no temporary workaround?18:18
mfraz74fayaz: i'm not sure. seems to depend upon how it has been set up18:19
fayazmfraz74: i see...18:19
mfraz74i have it on 3 computers, 1 works fine another isn't too bad, but this one is the worst18:19
siegieI want to set the default audio volume after startup. I've tried it whith "/usr/bin/amixer -c 0 sset Master,0 mute" but something overwrites this setting at kde login.18:26
siegiethat "/usr/bin/amixer -c 0 sset Master,0 mute" i've added to rc.local,18:26
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fungosI'm having trouble getting my rt3090sta to work18:46
fungosnetworkmanager doesnt find it, but ifconfig shows ra0 there, iwlist ra0 scanning show near access points.. I just cant connect18:47
urgenare any nearby your own?18:48
urgen:-) like manually config the device with an IP18:48
urgendoes it work then?18:48
fungoshow to?18:48
fungoscommand line to connect to AP?18:48
fungoslike, iwconfig ra0 essid myapname18:49
fungoswhy knetworkmanager says that the network management is disabled?18:51
urgensearch: Set a static IP address18:52
urgenat: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Lucid18:53
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urgensometimes various different species of network devices don't deliver their MAC for some reason or another18:53
urgenand then you don't get an IP18:53
urgenso if you manually set one then you can narrow your problem to DHCP related issue18:54
urgenif you get an IP then you can ping to see that you have connectivity18:54
urgenif you have connectivity then you ping a domain to see that your DNS is configured18:54
urgenor manually, also, set that up too18:54
fungoshm, i will try. dhcpclient ra0 says No DHCPOFFERS received.18:56
fungosmaybe static ip will do it18:56
urgenI do not know knetanything18:57
urgenonly manual command line style18:57
urgenthe various gui's ahve transitioned so many many times it is too hard to keep up so I just settle for old reliable18:58
urgencommand line architecture does change over time but not as fast18:58
human__yes, you can19:02
human__sudo dolphin19:03
human__you can delete everithing in your system, using it)19:03
amrishanybody help me19:05
FloodBotK2amrish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
amrishanybody tell me how can i make windows xp live usb stick19:06
urgenthere are a lot of non windows emergency usb stick images19:11
urgenthe linux ones often are easier and better19:11
nekuroespecially seeing as the linux ones don't care about the windows permissions, it makes troubleshooting and other things a lot easier19:13
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amrishbecause so many programs/software runs in windows xp like vb.net, flash, c++19:24
v3nd3tta``in the last time i'm getting more and more ark segfaults19:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:25
amrish<urgen>  hello tell me19:25
urgenamrish.... so, let me get this straight, you come to a channel for KDE Ubuntu Linux and ask how to make a bootable Windows USB drive :-)19:26
urgenI'll be nice and give you a link: http://keznews.com/2407_Windows_XP_USB_Stick_Edition19:26
urgenbut you could have googled it yourself19:26
amrishyes i use kde and ubuntu from last year its very hard to use19:27
amrishthanks both of you i will search ok19:29
amrishnekuro specialy19:29
amrishhttp://keznews.com/2407_Windows_XP_USB_Stick_Edition ........this link not working19:31
fungosall my networking problems was solved with the jkclarkson post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147523019:31
fungoswhat a stupid bug :S19:31
urgenthat's what bugs are for :-)19:32
urgenamrish, you already said the magic word19:33
urgenI gave you a clue19:33
urgenyou build on it19:33
FloodBotK2urgen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:33
mandragorShould I be able to use knetworkmanager for VPN connections or is this currently broken?19:35
sergio__salve a tutti19:45
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Buckyhi. what's the name of the plasma theme actually used in kubuntu?20:30
|sysop|have an issue with my emac running 10.4, I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.4 with no problems and it ran fine for a week. then my computer started locking up. the third time it locked up when it rebooted the kernel wouldnt load. so20:32
|sysop|when I setup the box I installed kubuntu twice just incase something like this happened and I can no longer mount the ext3 partition. and I lost the partition on another drive in the same system after the reboot as well. I am thinking that its the drive controller that is flaking out instead of the drives (both are less than a year old) what do you guys think?20:34
|sysop| how can I test my ide controller?20:37
trijntjeHi all, is it possible to use compiz with kubuntu?20:38
talasi think you only need to activate printer sharing on the windows box20:41
talaswow, forgot to scroll down, nvm me20:41
talastrijntje: yes, go into system settings20:43
trijntjetalas: found it, thanks20:44
talas|sysop| if the partition table/boot loader is intact you could boot into safe mode and check your drives with fsck20:48
talasjust DONT check a mounted partition20:48
|sysop|the boot loader is fine.20:48
Gixxie_I have a question.. when I install applications from the kpackage kit why can't i find them on my system?20:48
|sysop|I booted into the other install and got to the command line.20:49
|sysop|thats what I am ircing from.20:49
talas|sysop|, then you could use fsck and check the other partition.20:49
|sysop|tried, it fails20:49
talaswhat does it say?20:50
talasGixxie_ maybe they dont install themselves into your menu.. Anything in particular?20:51
|sysop|buffer io error  on hda520:51
|sysop|what makes little sense hda5 just another partition and I am running off of hda3 I think right now.20:51
|sysop|and it asks if its a zero length partition.20:52
Gixxie_um there was one for reading radio frequencies I can't find it to use the nmake file or anything20:52
|sysop|also it says drive ready seek complete error20:52
talas|sysop| ok :p thats way outta my league. you could try in #ubuntu ....20:54
talastheres usually a lot more poeple in there20:54
Gixxie_I didn't find anything in the help files so I thought I would come in here .. figured someone might atleast know in the help files I might look20:56
talasGixxie_ for installed packages you can click on "File List" in kpackagekit to see what files it installed on your system20:58
Gixxie_ok ty20:58
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trijntjeHow can I set mousebutton 15 to take me to the next desktop? It looks like systemsettings only takes keybord-bindings21:04
|sysop| 21:12
|sysop|oh well been running testdisk on the second drive trying to get back the partition. any other suggestions?21:14
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u1106-laptoptoday a package called bogofilter was updated. the description says it's a spam filter. Does anyboduy know how it is used?21:33
harjotHey guys im still on kubuntu 8.0421:42
harjotIs it worth me upgrading to 10.04?21:42
u1106-laptopharjot: it depends... some things might work better, others might be broken :(21:44
u1106-laptopit depends on your hardware and it depends how you use the machine21:44
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harjotWhat do you mean by depends how i use the machine?21:45
u1106-laptopwhat applications you use e.g.21:45
u1106-laptopdo you use bluetooth?21:45
harjotno bluetoothh21:46
harjotwhich system is faster?21:46
harjotIs the ext4 system considerably faster than ext3?21:46
u1106-laptopyou won't get ext4 if you just upgrade. Only new installs get ext421:47
harjotyeah i was gonna wipe21:47
harjotThen install21:47
u1106-laptop(please correct me if I'm wrong, I bleieve I have read that somewhere)21:47
harjotThat is correct i read that too21:48
harjotIs ext4 faster?21:48
u1106-laptopI don't think ext4 any difference at the beginning, at least not recongizable for a human21:48
u1106-laptopbut it is much better with repect to fragmentation21:48
u1106-laptopif you tend to fill up you disk from time to time. (Too many videos, CDs, whatever...) ext3 will get badly fragmented21:49
u1106-laptopext4 does handle it much better. (Still it will suffer, but it suffers less)21:50
harjoti have a keboard problem so im gonnnna upgrade21:51
BodincusHallo chaps, sorry to barge in... maybe some lurkers can chime in too: anybody else here with a broken Microblogging Plasmoid authentication?  I know Twitter closed down today the basic auth, has the plasmoid fix been pushed upstream?21:52
u1106-laptopthen of course 10.04 will have all kind of resource hungry new features, which will overcompensate any possible improvement ;)I21:52
harjotok thx im gona upgrade21:52
u1106-laptoptake a backup of the old one, just in case you have bad luck...21:53
BodincusFWIW, it's impossible to upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS, you have to wipe and restart.21:54
BodincusSave your /home/21:54
harjot8.04 isnt anlts21:54
u1106-laptopwhen 10.04 was new I had X server crashes (specific to my graphics card). They have been fixed in the meantime, but there might be other problems with other machines...21:54
u1106-laptopbondicus: are you sure???21:55
BodincusBut be careful not to overwrite the new home, 8.xx is KDe 3.5, 10.04 is KDE4.21:55
BodincusYep, you have to upgrade to the obscene 9.xx first. Just DON'T. Save your self lots of grief.21:56
BodincusBTW, 10.04 is better, leaner and faster than 8.xx21:56
harjotyep after 9x upgrading to 10.04 fails easily lol21:56
BodincusMy laptop is a rocket now, and with all the bells & whistles enabled21:57
u1106-laptopyou could always upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.10 to 10.0421:57
navetzhi is there a way to revert from 10.10 to 10.04?21:57
Bodincus..and die of old age in the meantime21:57
u1106-laptopbesides that 8.10 is no longer supported so it might no longer be possible today21:58
BodincusStay on 10.04, it's an LTS21:58
u1106-laptopand I would never recommend so many upgrades, it clutters you system with all kind of crap21:58
u1106-laptopand of course it wouldn't give you ext421:59
navetzif I change my sources.list to say lucid again and do an upgrade21:59
navetzwill it bring me back to 10.04?21:59
BodincusNot much performance difference from ext3 to ext421:59
u1106-laptopI somehow vaguely remeber you should be able to upgrade from LTS to LTS (but I have never done it, so I might be wrong)22:00
harjotimgonna backup my crap ;022:00
BodincusYes, it *should* be that you can upgrade from LTS to LTS, but the jump between KDE 3.5 and KDE4 was too big to handle22:00
u1106-laptopanyway these are just theoretical discussions. My recommendation would be, backup and make a new installation22:01
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BodincusDo as I did, buy a new HD, clean install on it, keep the old one as secondary22:01
u1106-laptopbondicus: maybe that applies only to Ubuntu but not to Kubuntu? (just guessing)22:01
u1106-laptopOr if you have enough space, just partition the disk and install the new one in parallel22:02
BodincusYes, you could upgrade Ubuntu 8 LTS to 10 LTS22:02
u1106-laptop(of course you should never repartion a disk without having a backup...)22:02
BodincusAnyway, veering off track here. Anybody with a Microblogging plasmoid kicking a fuss with Twitter?22:03
harjotkubuntu 8.04 aint an lts22:05
harjotmy ekboard gone jus a sec ;)22:05
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BodincusOK chaps, got to go... C U22:07
u1106-laptopharjot: Ubuntu 8.04 is definitely LTS, are you saying Kubuntu 8,04 is not?22:09
harjotBackup time~!22:39
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macode_after booting an live cd (10.04, amd64) kde comes up with an error message like "logging in ubuntu... a critital error occured", already verified the hashes and on ttys000 there is an repeating message "authenticaion failure"23:16
macode_seems like an wrong username to me23:16
macode_any idea`23:16
harjotmacode_: strange23:34
harjotmacode_: Did you try re-downloading the iso?23:34
macode_harjot: checked the md523:35
macode_harjot: but i solved it diffrently now: took an debian cd and installing from scratch23:35
harjotOk good23:35
harjotWeird problem though23:35
enderw99has 4.5.1 for maverick hit a repository yet>23:45

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