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DanaGSay, if I use an overlay and have an SD card write-protected, how long should it last?04:45
persia"how long" in what sense?04:47
persiaYour overlay changes will last as long as your session lasts.04:47
persiaYour SD media will last until entropy destroys the data (card- and environment- dependent)04:47
DanaGThe latter is what I meant... media longevity.04:48
persiaThen it depends on more factors than I can express.  I can say "longer than if you write to it".04:50
persialonger if you stick your device in a lead-lined box (but not much, most of the radiation will be from components in the device, unless you put it somewhere particularly active)04:50
persiaPutting it in a faraday cage will protect against some other interference.04:51
persiaAnd so on...04:51
persia(using a shielded SD card, with an internal grounded faraday cage surrounding the flash might help, but that requires manufacturer connivance)04:52
DanaGWhat sort of time-span would the wearing-out likely be?  1 year?  2?  10?04:53
persiaI can't answer that.  Ask your SD manufacturer.04:56
persiaI used to work at a data manipulation firm.  We sold the results of queries against our datasets.  We bought the highest-reliability drives we could.  Nonetheless, at my next job interview, when asked "Which commands do you use the most in the shell", I was told I must not use UNIX much because fdisk was in my answers.04:58
persiaThese were drives with multi-year MTBF ratings, but we had 5-10 failures a week.04:58
DanaGIs that due to luck, or just due to large sample size?04:59
persiaAnyway, from a software perspective, if you only write to the flash once, you'll never end up with eraseblock issues, or wearing considerations, etc.04:59
persialarge sample size.04:59
persiaIt was several TB of data stored over 9GB drives (the largest available at the time)04:59
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DanaGSay, I figured out what was up with the hardlink troubles: http://lkml.org/lkml/2010/6/23/2507:58
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hrwpersia: thousands of harddrives?08:22
persiaYep.  All wired up through cabinets to a 6-way Turbolaser @ 600MHz.  Bug iron for the day :)08:23
DanaGSay, that Airlife 100... what're the chances of getting Ubuntu on that?09:23
* persia looks09:24
DanaG"Qualcomm SnapdragonTM QSD8250 (GSM/UMTS) 1GHz"09:26
persiahttp://www.qualcomm.com/products_services/chipsets/snapdragon.html completely fails to indicate ISA support.09:28
persiaAnyway, if it's ISA-compatible, it's a kernel away.09:28
persiaIf not, too bad.09:28
persiaHeavy though, at 1kg for a 10" notebook.09:28
persiaOh, and low-color screen (65,536 colors)09:29
DanaGI'm eyeing the Tegra2 stuff... I just wish they'd use Ubuntu instead of Android.09:29
persiaLots better 10" low-end laptops out there.09:29
hrwsnapdragon is armv709:30
persiahrw, *all* snapdragon?  Fully compliant?  I know it's not coretex.09:30
hrwafaik 8250 is armv709:37
hrwbut I may be wrong09:38
persiaThat likely makes it ISA-compatible then, making installing Ubuntu mostly a matter of finding a kernel, and knowing how to boot your desired kernel.09:44
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rsalvetiogra: what happened with our builders?13:16
rsalvetithe email I got has now messages :-)13:17
ograrsalveti, they were dead13:18
ograall solved now13:18
rsalvetiogra: oh, cool13:18
ogralag, if bug 625108 is solved with ES2 HW you dont need to work on it13:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 625108 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu) "System hangs when you run ifconfig usb0 up and ifconfig usb0 down (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62510813:23
ograwe'll switch everything to ES2 after beta13:24
lagI'm not working on it per-say, rather taking responsibility for it13:25
ograah, k13:25
lagogra: Don't worry, I'm not wasting my time, it's too precious13:26
lagWho's tested the ES2.0?13:47
rsalvetilag: I did13:47
rsalvetiGrueMaster also tested13:47
lag[  521.163452] omapdss DISPC error: GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW, disabling GFX13:48
lag[  521.221771] omapdss DISPC error: SYNC_LOST_DIGIT13:48
lagDid you get that?13:48
lagThat happened during oem-config and the monitor turned itself off13:48
rsalvetilag: nops13:48
lagThat was with my Phillips monitor13:48
lagI'll try it with my LG one13:49
rsalvetibut was it working with correct resolution before turning itself off?13:49
lagrsalveti: Yeah, it looked fine13:49
lagWhen I initially started it up, it configured the rebooted and there was nothing13:50
lagThen I restarted it with my own boot.scr and it worked13:50
lag5 mins into oem-config and [pow]13:50
rsalvetiour 2.6.35 tree should have most of the hdmi fixes from robclark, so it should work better13:50
rsalvetiat least it worked fine with my LG monitor13:50
lagrsalveti: Nope, this is your kernel ;)13:50
rsalvetilag: should be ok also13:51
lagClearly it isn't :)13:51
rsalvetibugs :-)13:51
lagArggggggggggggggggg BUGSSSSSSSSS13:51
lagmythripk: Afternoon13:52
rsalvetilag: test with your lg to see if you get a similar bug13:52
lagrsalveti: I'm doing so now13:52
lagrsalveti: That heartbeat LED is annoying13:54
rsalvetilag: haha :-)13:54
lagboom boom ... boom boom ... boom boom ...13:54
rsalvetiat least you now know that the board is up and running :-)13:54
lagboom boom ... boom boom ... boom boom ...13:54
lagrsalveti: Looks stable enough on the LG13:57
ograas i said from the beginning, TI shoudl just ship proper monitors with the boards13:58
ograwould have saved so much work for so many people :)13:58
rsalvetilag: so probably the issue is now related with phillips monitors13:58
lagrsalveti: Could be13:59
* rsalveti imagining a huge box getting into his house with the monitor and the board13:59
ograwho busy phillips anyway13:59
lagI only have those two lines to tell me anything though13:59
rsalvetilag: put the debug argument and try again13:59
lagCanonical do13:59
ograsilly canonical :P13:59
lagrsalveti: I will (still testing with LG)14:00
rsalvetilag: ok14:00
lagrsalveti: Same thing with LG14:01
lag[  566.867828] omapdss DISPC error: GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW, disabling GFX14:01
lag[  566.925109] omapdss DISPC error: SYNC_LOST_DIGIT14:01
rsalvetilag: that's weird14:03
rsalvetilag: could be you or your board again14:03
lagrsalveti: No way!14:04
lagrsalveti: Two boards is unlucky enough, three would be ridiculous14:04
robclarklag: do you have x-loader w/ DDR timings tweaks and 1gb support?14:16
robclarkwithout that, I don't think DSS gets enough memory bandwidth to feed a 1920x1080 hdmi monitor..14:17
lagrobclark: Probably not?14:17
* robclark finds link14:17
lagI'm suing the ones rsalveti gave me14:17
robclarkoh.. hmm.. es1 or es2?14:18
rsalvetilag: do you know exactly which one you got from me?14:18
rsalvetiI built 2, one with 1gb and another with current gitorious tree14:18
robclarkrsalveti / lag:  looks like last two commits are not on official tree yet: http://gitorious.org/~robclark/pandaboard/robclarks-x-loader/commits/omap4_panda_es2.0-1gb14:19
robclarkbut I was seeing lots of GFX (and VID when doing video playback) underflows without those last two14:20
robclark(and last one lets you build w/ highmem and get a gig)14:20
* robclark gets coffee14:20
rsalvetilag: http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/maverick/boot/es2/x-load.bin-1gb14:22
rsalvetidid you test with this one?14:22
rsalvetithis binary is from robclark's tree14:22
lagrsalveti: It doesn't look familiar14:23
lagrsalveti: I'm using the one you linked me to14:23
lagrsalveti: The one with u-boot-with-ubuntu-patches.bin14:23
rsalvetiargh, disconnected, very unstable gsm connection14:25
* rsalveti at linuxcon brazil14:25
rsalvetilag: test with:14:31
rsalvetiand http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/maverick/boot/es2/u-boot.bin-with-ubuntu-patch14:32
lagrsalveti: Doing that now14:32
lagogra said that the vfat is trashed on first boot, do I need to change it somewhere else other than /boot?14:33
rsalvetilag: the vfat is trashed with this u-boot, and fixed with upstream one14:34
rsalvetilag: so grab the files, copy to a folder, format the partition and copy the new files14:35
lagrsalveti: No, I mean formatted14:35
lagogra: ...14:35
ograrsalveti, vfat is reformatted in jasper to make sure x-loader ends up in the first block after re-partitioning14:38
rsalvetiogra: oh, true, right14:38
rsalvetisaw the code yesterday14:38
lagogra: So I need to update the one in the boot partition and ?14:38
ograwe shouldnt need that for omap4 anymore, but omap3 definitely requires it14:39
ogralag, kernel and initrd come from /boot in the rootfs14:39
ograerr, wait14:39
lagAnd x-loader?14:39
ograyou dont need to do anything14:39
ograit gets copied from vfat to a tmpfs14:39
ograand gets restored from there14:39
lagWell I'm replacing /boot/boot.script with my own one for a start14:40
lagAh, that's good14:40
lagSo it's just boot.script that I need to update14:40
ograinitrd gets re-rolled after oem-config is run14:40
ogra*then* it uses the stuff from /boot14:40
ograjasper just uses the tmpfs14:40
lagI notice that /boot/boot.script is headless14:41
lagIs the header attached during installation?14:41
ograflash-kernel runs mkimage14:41
lagThen I'm all set14:41
ogra/boot/boot.script is headless on purpose14:41
lagogra: I didn't think anything different14:42
ograimagine menu.lst here ... its the file a user should be able to edit for canges14:42
ograand then just run flash-kernel to update the actual boot.scr14:42
GrueMasterlag: I'll retest bug 615400 after I test beta.  It requires a bit of work to test, as It involves a full upgrade from Lucid (which is really the only time you'd run into it).15:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 615400 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "package initramfs-tools 0.97.2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61540015:02
lagGrueMaster: No rush :)15:02
GrueMasterI'm just going through my emails & retest requests.  :P15:03
persiaGrueMaster, Were you ever able to replicate bug #613591 ?15:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 613591 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu) "Jasper sometimes fails to resize root partition on omap4 (affects: 1) (heat: 167)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61359115:09
GrueMasterNot lately.15:09
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* persia grumbles about unreproducible bugs15:27
lagogra: /boot/boot.script - it gets written over15:40
lagWhere does it come from?15:40
GrueMasterlag: it is generated by jasper during first boot.15:44
lagHow do I un-generate it?15:44
lagIt's a pain in the ass15:44
GrueMasterIf you are running our preinstalled images, it is created the first time it boots, and not touched again.15:45
persiaAnyone have a jasper-based boot on a beagle with a resolution *other* than 1280x720 ?  I'd appreciate any testing of the patch on bug #60583115:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 605831 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Resolution should be taken from /proc/cmdline if provided (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60583115:45
GrueMasterpersia: isn't that the default in the boot image?15:45
GrueMasterI'm still pulling dailies.  Will test when I can, if I can.15:47
persiaGrueMaster, The patch is supposed to allow you to set an alternate default on the kernel command line.  What I don't know is whether it works for someone with such hardware.15:54
GrueMasterIdeally, we shouldn't need any cmdline parameter for display resolution.15:55
persiaYeah, well.  That requires better X autodetection than has been historically available15:59
persiaBut I'd rather allow folks to specify something other than default, as long as it needs to be hardcoded.15:59
devilhornsI've been having a lot of problems getting maverick installed/working on this laptop and was wondering if there are updated images (tried alpha-3), or perhaps another method I could use to get it installed ?16:02
GrueMasterdevilhorns: What laptop?  Arm based?16:02
devilhornsGrueMaster, no, this is x86. trying to get maverick installed on it so that I can do some development for arm devices16:03
GrueMasterUnfortunately, this channel is focused on Arm porting issues only.  But I'm sure there is someone in #ubuntu-desktop that could help.16:04
GrueMasterWe can help on the arm side.16:04
devilhornsyea ... alright, guess I am stuck w/ a broken box then, but thanks :/16:05
GrueMasterNot necessarily.  We're just not the right group to field x86 issues to.  I also have a new x86 netbook that has issues with Maverick, but the people in #ubuntu-desktop are better equipped to help.16:06
devilhornsfair enough :)16:07
persiaOr the folks in #ubuntu-testing might be inclined to help (although they'll want you to test pre-betas)16:09
devilhornspersia, hmmm, those may actually work, thanks :)16:09
devilhornspersia, seems I have better luck w/ alpha or pre-beta than I do w/ any releases :)16:09
persiadevilhorns: The trick is to get really fussy about the regressions between beta and release :)16:10
devilhornspersia, lol, well not in my nature to get fussy :)16:10
lagogra, GrueMaster: Why is x-loader.bin deleted?16:42
lagrobclark: Have you tried to use our images?16:43
GrueMasterWhere is it deleted?16:44
lagOn first boot I guess16:44
lagboot.scr  MLO  u-boot.bin  uImage  uInitrd16:45
lagThat's all that's left on the card16:45
GrueMasterMLO is x-loader16:45
GrueMasterUnless I am missing something.16:45
lagYou are16:45
lagApparently we need robclark's new fan-dangled x-loader.bin16:46
lagWhich I loaded16:46
lagThen, something (usually bloomin' Jasper) deletes it16:46
GrueMasterNo, jasper just doesn't know about it.16:47
GrueMaster for file in MLO boot.scr u-boot.bin uImage uInitrd; do16:47
GrueMasterThat's from the section that reformats the vfat partition with proper CHS info.16:48
GrueMaster(why he doesn't just do "cp  MLO boot.scr u-boot.bin uImage uInitrd * <target>" I don't know16:49
persiaTry naming the new fan-dangled x-loader.bin "MLO"16:49
GrueMasterThat was my next suggestion.16:49
robclarklag: kernel images.. or filesystem?16:49
robclarkI pretty much only build my own kernels.. and filesystem I use I get from ndec and crew16:49
persiaGrueMaster, Because of the sync() between each file write: it's a filesystem coherency concern (FAT isn't known to be as safe as some filesystems)16:50
lagI can try to name x-loader.bin -> MLO and see if that works16:51
robclarkfwiw persia, the MLO is signed.. so I'm not sure if you can just cp x-loader.bin MLO16:51
lagThen we need a better solution16:52
lagI don't know how this worked for rsalveti ?16:52
persiaJasper needs to be generalised, but that's probably not safe within maverick timeframe.16:52
robclarklag: in x-loader tree there is a signGP script which can be used to make a MLO from an x-loader.bin..16:52
robclarkI've not looked much at how it works.. but might be interesting to you16:52
robclarkbut.. why do you have an x-loader.bin instead of x-loader.bin.ift (which is same as MLO)?16:53
lagI've never seen a x-loader.bin.ift16:54
robclarkusually it is renamed immediately to MLO ;-)16:55
robclarkI guess you only see the ift if you build x-loader yourself16:55
lagWhich I haven't done16:55
lagCan you make me a fan-dangled MLO?16:55
GrueMasterlag: where did you get the x-loader.bin from?16:56
robclarkdid I send you an x-loader.bin?16:56
robclarkI probably meant to send an MLO.. opps16:56
lagActually, I think you gave it to rsalveti, and he gave it to me16:57
robclarklag:  I just mailed to you a MLO16:57
lagIn fact16:57
lagLook: http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/maverick/boot/es2/16:57
lagThat's why it worked for rsalveti16:58
lagHe's been trying to stitch me up! ;)16:58
lagThanks robbiew16:58
lagThanks robclark16:58
lagLuckily robbiew isn't anyone important ;)16:58
GrueMasterNow would any of us try to confuse our kernel dev's?16:59
lagI'm guessing rsalveti didn't know any better17:00
robbiewheh...I'm not important at all ;)17:01
lagI'll give him the benefit of the doubt17:01
lagrobbiew: Sorry for the disturbance :D17:01
lagrobbiew: Bloomin' tab complete17:01
robbiewno worries17:01
GrueMasterTab complete works for people that know how to use it properly.  ;p17:04
* GrueMaster hides.17:05
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* rsalveti reading the backlog19:06
rsalvetilag: you should use MLO-1gb19:11
rsalvetias I pointed later for you19:11
GrueMasterrsalveti: I think he figured that out.19:11
rsalvetithat was compiled using robclark's tree and etc19:11
rsalvetithe harder way19:12
rsalvetitoo bad I wasn't on-line19:12
rsalvetilag: did it work better with your monitor now?19:12
rsalvetiGrueMaster: are you still facing the hang over the second boot at your images?19:13
GrueMasterNot sure.  Haven't gotten that far yet.19:15
GrueMasterWas having desktop issues.  Had to upgrade/reboot.19:15
GrueMasterOne issue that seems to have resolved itsself is that the XM failed to load oem-config.  Working now after zeroing out the microSD and reflashing.19:16
rsalvetihm, ok19:17
GrueMasterpanda just finished oem-config.  After it logs in, I'll reboot and see.19:17
* GrueMaster wishes for more SD card readers to help parallelize reflashing.19:18
rsalvetiI discovered yesterday that using my built-in sd slot from my eeepc lets me write the sd image much faster than the usb one I have19:19
GrueMasterHrm.  the home button ENOWORKS.19:19
GrueMasterYea, I would use the one on my netbook, but it is not supported by the kernel yet.19:19
GrueMasterAnd I'm out of both power plugs & desk space to attempt to resuscitate my old laptop.19:20
dcordesHey guys. Just checked if I still get the wrong default gdm session. Used yesterday's image and it the error seems to persist19:31
GrueMasterIs that after running "/usr/lib/gdm/gdm-set-default-session une-efl"?19:39
dcordesGrueMaster: no. after that it always works19:39
GrueMasterThen it isn't an image issue.  That cmd is run during our first-boot process.19:40
dcordesAh ok then I can close the bug19:40
dcordesGrueMaster: It's not ran by oem-config right ?19:43
GrueMasterNo, it is a part of jasper scripts that run in our initrd.19:44
dcordesGrueMaster: Ok. Have you considered including /etc/gdm/custom.conf with the according session line directly in the rootfs ?19:44
GrueMasterIt would break other images that actually support 3D.19:45
dcordesWhich use the exact same omap4 image ?19:48
dcordesLet me restate... Why do you want to keep machine specific configuration outside of the actual rootfs ?19:49
GrueMasterThe basic image build process is the same across all arches that generate Ubuntu Netbook images.19:49
GrueMasterThe preinstalled images for omap are identical to the live images for other armel platforms, and near identical to x86 images (we don't include openoffice as it is currently not building).19:50
dcordesAh I have been wondering about the oo.org lack :)19:51
dcordesYou said defaulting to une-efl in the rootfs (stock configuration) will break other images (machines?) that support 3d19:52
dcordesThat raises two questions for me. Is it no the other way around i.e. efl session works on all machines ? Are the 3d machines not using an initramfs as well that could write the 3d session ?19:54
GrueMasterThe problem is that the default launcher is Unity, which requires clutter (3D).  Over 95% of the users of the base image will have support.  And currently, the desktop team that is developing the core UNE don't have enough manpower to develop a clean way to determine which launcher to use by default.  It will probably happen next cycle though.19:57
dcordesOk so people are thinking about that already.19:59
dcordesThat's good. I guess in the future you will stumble across more such machine specific questions20:00
dcordesWhat's the name of the 3d gdm session ?20:01
GrueMasterIt worked last cycle, but the UNE developers are creating a new 3D launcher from scratch, plus there were gnome changes.  At this point, we're too close to release to have a permanent solution added, so a little hacking is required.20:02
dcordesFor me that's absolutely no problem. I have quite a list of items I need to apply for my machine to be usable anyway20:03
dcordesGrueMaster: What do you think? Keep the bug 'incomplete' until a global solution to write the correct gdm config for the target is present or close it because it is fixed for the 'supported' machines ?20:08
dcordesbug 62559120:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 625591 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu) "[ARM] ubuntu-netbook defaults to 3D session even after "fix" by jasper-initramfs (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62559120:08
GrueMasterSince you have your own kernel and boot method, you might take a look at our dove images instead.  The next build should have a temporary fix.  But it is a live image (similar to our cd images on x86).20:11
dcordesGrueMaster: Cool. Right now I am solving some kernel issues: WiFi driver is not detected by NetworkManager, Suspend is broken, framebuffer driver version is incompatbile with xf86-video-msm. Soon as I have these things solved and tested in the omap4 image I can try dove20:28
dcordesI am also going to look into utouch. I installed it already but it does not work out of the box. The test programs claim my touchscreen input device is not suported. I have yet to figure what utoutch expectes on the kernel driver level.20:29
dcordesI am wondering about a known working utouch touchscreen device driver so I can compare20:30
GrueMasterno idea.  Not something I can readily test.20:39
dcordesGrueMaster: posted a bug on it :)20:48
rsavoyehum, arm-linux-gnueabi-objcopy doesn't appear to work on lucid-amd64...21:20
dcordesrsavoye: is that CS toolchain ?21:21
rsavoyeit's from a ppa,. let me check21:22
rsavoyedeb http://people.canonical.com/~hrw/ubuntu-maverick-armel-cross-compilers/ ./21:22
rsavoyethe object file was produced on an imx51 maverick based board21:22
rsavoyeit works natively, it's just slow21:23
dcordesheh I remeber a blog entry from hrw|gone about starting to compile cross toolchains for canonical21:24
rsavoyeso I tried to dissasemble it on the machine that was NFS exporting the build directory to the board21:24
rsavoyethis is from his repo21:24
rsavoyeit doesn't like the magic number I think21:24
rsavoyeit says it's an unsupported type21:24
dcordeshm so far I only compiled natively21:25
dcordeson my machine in maverick21:25
rsavoyeme too, but the object files were on an NFS partition so I tried there for grins21:25
rsavoyell try on a 32bit machine for another test21:26
dcordeshrw|gone: sure has tested the cross toolchains on amd64 host machine. People would have come across the problem already21:26
rsavoyeat least the object file is produced from a GPL'd program :-)21:26
rsavoyeit might work if you built it al cross. here it was built on maverick-arm, and objdump'd on lucid-amd6421:27
rsavoyewhich should work fine21:27
rsavoyeobjdump: Can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!21:32
rsavoyeyep, it dissasemnles fine on a 32bit host, but fails on amd6421:32
rsavoyeguess I get to file a bug report21:32
dcordeshrw|gone: might help you21:35
mpoirierdavidm ?21:54
lagrsalveti: Yes, it now works22:02
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, jasper isnt using cp because for omap3 we need to make sure MLO ends up in the very first block of the vfat (i used to just have a separate function for MLO but that didnt make sense so i wrote that loop)23:36
GrueMasterok.  Doesn't matter at this point.  Issue was resolved.23:37
ogra_cmpcyep just wanted to explain why it is as it is23:38
ogra_cmpcpanda shouldnt need that anymore but jasper is used on both, omap3 and 423:38
dcordesIs there a list of supported hardware ?23:42
dcordesARM hardware23:42
dcordesI keep getting confused about all the boards you guys are talking about23:42
GrueMasterI'm not sure that we have one readily available.  We have two main focuses:  build & support Ubuntu on armv7 based hardware, and build & support images on specific systems.23:51
GrueMasterFirst part is carried across releases.  Second one can change every cycle due to contracts.23:52
GrueMasterAnd sometimes it changes mid-cycle.23:53
GrueMasterBut for the most part,  we are driving towards armv7 support in the entire Ubuntu pool of applications.23:54
GrueMasterDoes that make sense?23:56

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