
=== zac is now known as Guest83067
=== Guest83067 is now known as zacbarton
darkmattervish: http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/6519/screenshotpy.png <-- gonna retheme that to be uby-ish, including wiki and launchpad searches :D12:33
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darkmattervish: thorwil: I have begun the epic job of creating userChome.css for moz apps to natively theme all major (common) extensions (teh icons). I should be finished when I reach the ripe old age of 6017:44
vishdarkmatter: that retheme looks sweeeeet!17:45
darkmatterlooks better with a minimal firefox http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/6527/screenshotpr.png <-- userchrome "app" button anyone? ;D17:46
vishgah! whats that in the right corner!17:47
vishthe orange blob ;p17:47
darkmattervish. it's a wip mod of a opensource googly page gonna add an "ubuntu" banner (it has various engines on mouseover) with "wiki" and "launchpad" as search options17:48
darkmattervish: from stock css experiment. its the firefox icon from the theme :P17:48
darkmatter(compact menu)17:48
darkmatterI'll change it to a standard tools thing later. it's just for fun  ;)17:49
vishhehe , was wondering what the eye of Sauron was doing there! :D17:49
darkmattergonna make the google/wikipedia/youtube/twitter/ubuntu/<whatever> multiseach page fit with radiance/ambiance as well. then suggest it replace the standard search ;o17:51
darkmattervish. using stock for everything is sooo easy. I wonder why noone just packs up a custom css as a part of every distros branding?17:52
vishdarkmatter: replace the default Ubuntu one?  i dont think that would happen.. with the new rebranding and dots emphasis17:52
darkmattervish: no. I mean have the multiseach startpage be rebranded to match :P17:52
darkmatterinstead of just a "google" page. the banner changes the ingine. mouseover displays the available searches. tis neat17:53
darkmattermore useful than plane old google17:54
darkmatterbah. sleepy head typo time17:54
darkmatterso you get direct access to whichever search you link to in the code. just gotta add in the options/banners and tweak the scripts17:55
darkmattervish. add the ubuntu links under the search field, redo the box in dark on lightish grey with a slight gradient banners for the search engines, maybe with the ubuntu banner above all, engine logo under it on the right. so the branding is always present. haven't gotten the specifics nailed. but as long as it fits with the feel add in cheesy orange glow around the search entry turn the "i" into a "?" (orange and branded, or maybe just p18:07
darkmatteroh. and dots. cant forget dots. I'll probably just rip a bg image(s) from the official site for everything :P18:08
vishhmm, interesting .. instead of the searchbar we do it inline..18:08
darkmattervish: on mouseover (animates in/out)http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/8884/screenshotyyb.png <-- add ubuntu in there as part of the search banners :D, engine banners below the ubuntu brand or something similar18:11
darkmattertell me the general concept isn't more suited to "social from the start". go on. I dare you18:12
darkmatteruse the new potato stamp for the favicon. etc etc18:13
vishdarkmatter: is that a working css?18:13
darkmattervish: yup18:13
vishdarkmatter: nice work!! :)18:14
darkmattervish: bah. it's just a mod of a mod of an opensource thing18:14
vishdarkmatter: heh, modesty doesnt suit you ;p18:14
darkmattervish: original is http://go.infinise.com/source/InfiniseGo-v2.5.zip18:14
darkmattercan call the uby one UbuntuGO! :P18:15
darkmattermake the help popup match notify-osd xD18:16
vishdarkmatter: did you see the tooltip work Andy was doing?18:16
darkmattervish: nope. not yet18:17
darkmatteroh. you meant the round corners. lol18:17
darkmatternm. yeah18:17
vishheh, yeah, the notify-osd tooltips ;p18:17
* darkmatter compiled notify osd on suse. it's actually kinda ok for a growl clone :P18:18
darkmattervish: I should make the selections/animations fancier so it kinda fits with the bannering on the unity slideshow (in maverick). dark bar at the top. first letter of the engine done "sticker style like the logo18:21
darkmatteron the other side an smalish. like the uby banner18:22
vishdarkmatter: odd, i cant go back to main page when i use that^ infinise-GO18:23
darkmatterI'll have to do some mockups18:23
doctormodarkmatter: Does it remember?18:23
vishoh wait, false alarm!18:24
darkmatterdoctor mo. haven't tried yet. just playing with the css at the moment18:24
darkmatterif not I'll just hack it too remember18:24
darkmattervish: instead of zooming out I should fade in/out have a dark banner at the top that displays the engine list instead on fadeout to select then zooms in/down slightly... hmm18:26
vishwe can probably just leave them in the same position, and fade out those not active..18:28
vishthe animation is cool, but a bit too fast18:28
vishfade out+desaturate18:29
vishdarkmatter: did we both say the same thing? :D18:31
darkmattervish: my reasoning is thus (still animated, but with a slight shift), if we add uby specific search, etc (just uby and one or two more common) the targewts may get a bit smallish without a grid. only open-api sctuff though :P18:31
vishah, no.. nvm you like animation ;)18:32
darkmatteruby options should be wiki, launchpad, forums (packages maybe?)18:32
darkmattervish: nah. doesn't have to be animated18:33
vishdarkmatter: why i thought a static position would be better is..  when i need to change the engine.. i have to first go to the center and then to whichever option i wanna change... but if they were static options, i can just go directly18:34
vishthats what i found frustrating while trying to use it..18:34
darkmatterbut how to avid double uby branding? (since one of the engines (well. kinda combine opensearch shtuff) will be ubuntu specific UBUNTU <new line> ubuntu would look kinda odd. well. I guess we could just saturate/desaturate the big boy as well18:36
darkmatterI'm considering auto detecting IP and having the weather displayed as well (monochrome) :P18:39
vishdarkmatter: now, are we reinventing iGoogle ;p18:40
darkmattervish: you have smartas tags, use em :P18:41
darkmatterwas only kidding. that part of the screen will be used for general links (like support or and whatnot)18:42
vishah.. tuck them away below with just icons.. ?18:43
darkmattermaybe do the links in an orange bar (like the top banner of the official uby site) with inverse colors for the various icons. either just icons or an entire row of goodness that links to the relative opart of the actual uby site, for quick access18:45
darkmatterthen darl banner at the top. some pretty dotting with the ubuntu logo inb it, and then the other engines (google etc) under it in a row (blackish), all on lightish uby grey. make nice use of the palett18:46
vishwell, wouldnt using the orange for those support options.. in something we intend to replace as a home page for *ever* , be too much of a distraction?18:47
darkmatterhmmm... yeah. perhaps18:47
darkmattermaybe like the version tour/download bar?18:48
darkmatterorange text on grey, black go arrows18:49
darkmatterbit differ the shade of the bg image/gradient so the 'services bar" stands out just enough18:50
vishyeah, might work..  or even better would be to just use the way support is presented18:50
vishalready on the main page18:50
darkmatteryeah. that'll work too18:50
darkmattergotta tweak the sizing of the page as well to murder the scrollbar18:58
darkmattershould create a firefox extension as part of the uby-package so it has an ever present home "tab" (just an icon) with some uby styled "search" favicon19:00
darkmatteranyway. bbl. nap time. will discuss more so I can start implementing changes19:02
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domjohnsonAm I too late to submit?23:11
knomesubmit what?23:11
domjohnsonA desktop background?23:11
knomedomjohnson, for maverick, probably.23:11
domjohnsonThanks :)23:11
knomeno problem23:12

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