
kosaidpothe scd00:02
kosaidpoany idea00:05
kosaidpoall files there are mine00:05
* duanedesign looking00:05
kosaidpon got the right read/write00:05
duanedesignkosaidpo: try closing Chromium and opening a Terminal. Then run this command:  mv ~/.config/chromium/Default ~/.config/chromium/Backup00:07
duanedesignthen open Chromium and see if you still get the message00:07
kosaidpoduanedesign: ok00:09
duanedesignkosaidpo: did Cromium open ok? without the warning?00:10
kosaidpobut i lost my preference00:10
duanedesignkosaidpo: yah we will fix that00:10
kosaidposo i need to change permission of that file00:11
duanedesignkosaidpo: close Chromium00:11
duanedesignkosaidpo: and go back to the Terminal00:11
kosaidposet that default as mine00:11
duanedesignrun the command:   rm -rf ~/.config/chromium/Default00:11
kosaidpowith rw permission ?00:11
duanedesignthen the command:  cp -R ~/.config/chromium/Backup ~/.config/chromium/Default00:11
duanedesignthat will move the file back to where it was.00:12
kosaidpoyeh i kno00:12
kosaidpothe warnin is bk again00:12
duanedesignThis is often fixed by simply moving the file00:12
kosaidpowht files ?00:13
kosaidpowell when00:13
kosaidpo did that mv00:13
kosaidpoi got the warnin00:13
ubot2Factoid 'spam' not found00:13
ubot2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:13
kosaidpoduanedesign: so how ill get my prefer bk ?00:14
duanedesignkosaidpo: did you run the commands?00:15
duanedesignkosaidpo: the three commands in order were:00:15
duanedesignmv ~/.config/chromium/Default ~/.config/chromium/Backup00:15
duanedesignrm -rf ~/.config/chromium/Default00:15
duanedesigncp -R ~/.config/chromium/Backup  ~/.config/chromium/Default00:16
duanedesignthe first one should of copied your preferences to ~/.config/chromium/Backup00:16
kosaidpoduanedesign: i did00:17
kosaidpoill launch chromuim now00:17
kosaidpon see00:17
kosaidposame problem again00:17
duanedesignkosaidpo: here is the bug report on the problem.  bug 60169000:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 601690 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "chromium could not open profile correctly (affects: 3) (heat: 70)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60169000:20
duanedesignkosaidpo: this is the workaround suggested in the bug report. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134172100:21
kosaidpook ill give it a read00:21
kosaidpouhm thers nething00:23
duanedesignhere is the bug report from chromium  http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=2775600:27
kosaidpoyeh i saw it00:28
kosaidpo but theres no tip to handel it right00:28
duanedesignpretty much what we tried. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1341721.html00:28
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=== kevin__ is now known as seidos
pseudosmartI only have 2 resolutions available to me in 10.04, 800 x 600 and 640x480. Does anyone know how to add screen resolutions? I've tried xrandr, but it doesn't seem to be working03:34
cookr35.window 205:41
salvorHardinI want to master ubuntu09:45
salvorHardinteach me young masters09:45
duanedesignmorning all11:57
Puck`good morning duanedesign11:59
duanedesignhey there Puck`12:39
ZeRoDeAtH50435Does anyone know of three backup sites used for redundancy?14:15
zeroseven0183Hi ZeRoDeAtH50435, what do you mean?14:18
zeroseven0183Do you mean online backup services?14:18
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah I think but I do not know its a question for my class14:21
hobgoblinubuntu1 could be one I assume and dropbox14:22
ZeRoDeAtH50435its just says:   Describe the three backup sites used for redundancy. List specifics that differentiate the three sites.  and thats it and thats why im at a lose14:22
hobgoblinbut perhaps you should do your own homework :D14:22
ZeRoDeAtH50435True but I have no clue what the question talking about much less where to find what I need to answer these questions14:23
zeroseven0183What's the main subject of your class?14:24
hobgoblingood job you are where you can learn then :)14:24
ZeRoDeAtH50435network security+14:25
zeroseven0183Interesting subject14:26
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah it is but I have no clue what the question is asking and from what i have found from google there are no backup site used for redundancy14:27
zeroseven0183I'm thinking of "Disaster Recovery Plan"14:28
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah its something like that but we did that in the last unit14:29
zeroseven0183Well, I did a research... and here's what I found14:31
zeroseven0183the three types of backup sites are cold sites, warm sites and hot sites14:32
zeroseven0183Forget about the word "redundancy" because it's really *redundant* when you talk about backups14:34
ZeRoDeAtH50435ok thats great I found one that in not from wikipedia so thanks ok I had read that but didnt know thats you have been a big help14:34
zeroseven0183Alright. Study hard and make your momma proud.14:35
zeroseven0183Don't forget to thank Google14:35
ZeRoDeAtH50435:-D ok thanks14:36
_dev_nullhello :)15:24
kosaidpohello is any way to let xpad to start at the boot15:47
bobo123kosaidpo:  I suppose you can add it in System-Settings-Upstartsprograms15:56
bobo123I don't know exactly what is called in english. the icon is purple with a green arrow.15:57
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sebsebsebgeirha: Hey19:15
geirhaGot you quite confused in #ubuntu the other day, didn't I? ;)19:16
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bnt007How do i add a trash icon in the "main menu" ?, i have to click on 'new item', and then... ?19:47
seidoswhy doesn't sudo iwconfig wlan0 ap 00:00:00:00:00:00 work in assigning the access point address?19:57
sebsebsebgeirha: What?19:58
geirhasebsebseb: run wubi in wine ... :)20:06
sebsebsebgeirha: oh that, ah yes20:06
sebsebsebgeirha: when I high lighted you by mistake20:06
uchobbycan I setup a printer to just make PDFs? I've just installed Ubuntu recently and cant find a driver for my printer. I figure I can print to PDF and email or file xfer it to the print server.21:35
geirhauchobby: That should already be set up21:37
uchobbyOh, guess I should try printing.. no printer shows up in the printer admin thing21:38
geirhaFile -> Print ... ->  Print to file21:38
geirhaSome programs can generate pdfs directly, like openoffice write21:38
uchobbyI tried to print from GEdit, selected "Print to file" and seen that it would do PDF21:39
uchobbyIs there a way to get landscape printing? Just tried some source code and the line wrap at 80 or so, I typicaly use 12821:43
uchobbyfor code21:43
geirhauchobby: Look at the other tabs in the print window21:45
uchobbythere is a grayed out option to control orientation21:47
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=== harrisonk is now known as harrisonk_away
geirhaWeird, it's not greyed out here22:02
uchobbymaybe it messed up due to all the attempts at making the Lexmark work22:05
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geirhaIf so, I'd call it a bug :/22:21
geirhaOh wait, did you select the "Print to file" before switching to the other tabs?22:21
geirhaI think it changes based on which printer is selected22:22
kosaidpohow can i make xpad launch at start up23:46

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