
cjohnstonjcastro: did you get mmy pm the other day?00:44
nigelbpaultag: poke again01:21
paultagnigelb: yo01:52
cjohnstonpaultag: you gonna help me kick nigelb ?02:01
* nhandler kicks nigelb02:02
nigelbwait, what?02:02
nhandlerNo clue. Just going along with everyone else ;)02:02
paultagcjohnston: haha aye02:02
nigelbnhandler: hahah02:03
cjohnstonnigelb: you know why your getting kicked02:03
nigelbcjohnston: Now I remember.02:03
nigelbpaultag: Was it your birthday a day or 2 back?02:05
paultagnigelb: April, hahaha02:05
paultagnigelb: my roommate changed it as a joke02:05
paultagnigelb: but thanks for the happy birthday anyway :)02:05
* nhandler has a birthday coming up this weekend02:05
nigelbnhandler: you have many birtrhdays?02:06
nigelb:D :D02:06
nhandlernigelb: I wish ;)02:06
nigelbnhandler: hahaha02:06
aragood morning all!07:36
nigelbmorning ara :)07:42
aramorning nigelb!07:42
dholbachgood morning07:55
kim0morning everyone07:55
nigelbmornign dholbach, kim0 :)07:56
dholbachkim0, good morning! :)07:56
dholbachhey nigelb07:56
nigelbI'm take leaf out of your books today... working from home07:56
kim0nigelb: hey there07:56
nigelbkim0: hows your morning?07:58
kim0nigelb: so far so good, how about you07:59
nigelbkim0: when you start your morning with litchi ice cream you know its going to be awesome morning ;)08:00
kim0Absolutely :)08:00
kim0enjoy hehe08:00
=== ara_ is now known as ara
dholbachhey huats09:36
huatshello dholbach09:37
dholbachhey czajkowski09:39
czajkowskibit daft to remove the http://www.ubuntu.com/UpgradeIssue  page so soon surely09:48
nigelbdholbach: taking a vacation?10:22
dholbachnigelb, in one week I'll have my last working day10:38
nigelbdholbach: \o/ I an /so/ jealous :p10:39
nigelbdholbach: so that's the important mail :D10:39
dholbachnigelb, yes - the visa :)10:39
nigelbdholbach: where to?10:39
dholbachnigelb, I'll blog about it soon :)10:40
nigelbgah, more suspense!10:40
dholbachyeah :-D10:40
czajkowskidholbach: nice blog post10:47
dholbachthanks :-)10:49
duanedesignmorning all11:57
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
akgranerI love the Ubuntu Community - I just got an email from a "Graner" in Brazil who uses Kubuntu :-)  How cool is that!14:07
akgranerand Sherri Graner - (I guess she is big on the gaming side of IT) emailed me to say 1) there are so little Graner's in IT  and 2) there are so few women  - we need to stay in touch14:09
akgranerthat was kinda cool as well14:10
akgranerI just found out my dad had a CD burner that will 11 CD's at a time and his printer prints images onto the CD - I am going over later to check this out  - I don't know how I missed this??14:11
akgranerI asked him how long he had it - 2 years :-/  Guess I have been pre-occupied14:12
* akgraner goes away now - no sleep is making me way to chatty.....14:15
nigelbgah, jcastro's uds talk is really bad quality :(14:22
nigelbsound keeps breaking14:22
* nigelb gives up.14:23
dholbachjames_w`, I just documented https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Harvest/ReleaseProcess - I'm not sure you'll have to do a release though14:28
dholbachjames_w`, I hope we'll get a team of interested harvest hackers together14:29
dholbachso it's more a "future" thing14:29
popeynigelb: UDS talk?14:50
nigelbpopey: gah, s/uds/debconf14:52
nigelbpopey: Its a source file problem14:52
nigelbI checked the ones on blip.tv and then on the video site as well.14:53
nigelbstarts out manageable and later I can't make out /anything/14:55
akgranerJFo, you around?15:37
JFoakgraner, yeah15:40
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
doctormonigelb: Morning15:57
nigelbgood morning doctormo :)15:58
dholbachhey jono16:00
jonohey dholbach16:03
doctormonigelb: Just made a delicious scouse hotpot. Jono should be nostalgic.16:06
jonodoctormo,  mmm hotpot16:06
dholbachjames_w`, thanks for the review - I think we're about to release :)16:06
doctormojono and nigelb: http://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Scouse-Hot-Pot-17752796716:21
jonodoctormo, cool16:21
doctormojono: Another busy day for you?16:24
nigelbdoctormo: you're evil!16:25
jonodoctormo, indeed16:25
jonoevery day seems to be a busy day :-)16:26
doctormonigelb: If your coming to UDS, then it's not too hard to have me pack some up for you to try.16:26
nigelbdoctormo: A *big* if16:26
doctormonigelb: Only thing you have to be aware of is that English food isn't bland, it's just savory instead.16:26
nigelbdoctormo: heh :)16:27
doctormojono: A good and a bad thing, what are you working on today?16:27
jonodoctormo, just the usual - loads of email, UDS, coordinating work, managing the team, now planning 11.04 strategy16:28
doctormojono: I yorkshire challenge you to cook something traditional. Nothing at all to do with Ubuntu.16:33
jonodoctormo, hah, I am a terrible cook16:33
jonofortunately I have a wife who is a stunning cook16:34
jonoI do the dishes :-)16:34
doctormoSame here, but I still know how to make a split pea soup. Of course if all you can make is a bowl of cornflakes ;-)16:34
doctormohey czajkowski, how ya feeling?16:39
AlanBelldoctormo: I keep telling nigelb he should come over for some proper English curry16:50
doctormoAlanBell: I owe you a pokadot branding?16:50
czajkowskidoctormo: drove to drogheda to get the sister as she's been in bed for 3 days sick to bring her to an interview16:50
czajkowskiand then bring her home16:50
czajkowskii am the best sister ever16:50
nigelbczajkowski: I tend to agree :D16:51
nigelbczajkowski: don't you even call her princess? :p16:51
czajkowskinot today16:51
czajkowskishe's\a bit unwell16:51
doctormoczajkowski: Aye, sounds like it an-all. I got my sister two Ubuntu memory sticks, one installed and one installer. When she visited last week.16:51
czajkowskiyvonnie can use my ubuntu machines but is happy with what ever version of ms on hers16:52
czajkowskishe is however loving my htc android phone, so ther is hope16:52
AlanBelldoctormo: I am a little involved in pollka, but it is really elky is leading it and has the important opinions on the branding16:53
doctormoAlanBell: Do you have a link I could use?16:54
AlanBellI wanted it to run the logo vote for the uk, which closed today, here it is http://pollka.libertus.co.uk16:55
AlanBell#8 was the winner16:56
doctormoAlanBell: http://imagebin.ca/view/JMmmIgZ.html Thoughts on this design? It's lurid and bright delibratly.17:11
AlanBelllooks nice to me17:11
doctormoAlanBell: Can you get that suggestion into the pollka community/elky and ask them to email me if they want the svg.17:12
popeywhat is the purple thing supposed to be? something specific or abstract?17:28
popeya ballot box or a ticket?17:29
nigelba ticket by the look of it :)17:30
doctormopopey: Are you fruity, tick, yep!17:37
czajkowskijono: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/08/31/loco-team-banners-for-approved-teams/17:37
popeyi like it17:38
pleia2yay :)17:38
akgranerjono  - http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/211517:49
akgraneras soon as it hit the forums I'll add the planet tag to it17:50
JFoIt's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake17:55
dholbachok my friends, I call it a day17:55
dholbachhave a great rest of your day17:55
dholbachand see you tomorrow17:55
* dholbach hugs you all17:55
czajkowskiJFo: you are going to rot in hell17:55
akgranerdholbach, you too!17:55
czajkowskidholbach: toodles17:55
dholbachbye akgraner, czajkowski!17:56
czajkowskidholbach: hugs17:56
akgranerJFo, f@#$ you!17:56
JFoI see you riding down the road...17:56
czajkowskiJFo: not feeling the love buddy, no love at all towards your music choice any more17:57
czajkowskiright off again driving the sister back hoe18:01
akgranercheck this out  - http://lanyrd.com/  it's a conference tracking site22:50

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