
neerajLet say package A depends on B. And B on C. Now including B as a dependency of A will install C also.. right? Or we have to add both B and C as a dependency.00:11
JontheEchidnaOther than libraries which are automatically hanlded, dependencies can change. So while at the moment B would bring in C, it's best to assume that it might not always do so, and depend on both B and C00:16
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JontheEchidnaneeraj: did you catch my message before you lost your connection?00:19
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robert_ancellslangasek, ping03:01
slangasekrobert_ancell: hithere03:01
robert_ancellslangasek, hey, question about this vte include problem - what package is using it in this way.  There seems to be an inconsistency in how "includedir" is defined03:02
slangasekrobert_ancell: both gir-repository and vinagre both FTBFS this way03:02
robert_ancellslangasek, ok, looking into what they're doing - note that vinagre has it's pkg-config file set up the same way03:04
micahgany archive admins want to sync a security update? :)03:08
robert_ancellslangasek, vinagre builds for me, and appears to have built fine in the archives - do you have a build log?03:10
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slangasekrobert_ancell: hmm, didn't keep a log; don't even remember now for sure that I did build it, as opposed to inspecting the source visually.  Will double check and get back to you in a bit03:12
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slangasekrobert_ancell: ah; no, I didn't try to build vinagre, I just looked at the source to confirm that it expected "vte/vte.h" as a header rather than "vte-0.0/vte/vte.h"03:19
slangasekrobert_ancell: so it may just be gir-repository affected by ths03:19
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nigelbkirkland: beautiful blog post :)04:28
pittiGood morning07:32
Gpitti: evening07:38
gesergood morning07:51
dholbachgood morning07:55
mvohey dholbach07:56
dholbachheya mvo07:56
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jibelmvo, good morning, we've found another culprit causing bug 614993.08:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614993 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "10.04 -> 10.10 upgrade fails: pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks: xserver-xorg-video-v4l demoted to universe" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61499308:09
jibelmvo, xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd has been removed from maverick and is blocking the upgrade.08:09
jibelmvo, but that does'nt fix the pb for everybody and there is still another one.08:10
mvothanks jibel, I look at it again08:11
mvojibel: odd that it worked for me, but maybe I had the wrong set of package, I investigate08:12
jibelmvo, I'm able to reproduce the issue on a fresh 10.04.108:14
jibelmvo, but that doesn't fix it for bdmurray and another reporter. There is probably something left from a previous upgrade.08:15
* mvo nods08:16
mdkedidrocks: don't think so08:22
lucidfoxdholbach> Just saw your post on Planet Ubuntu... So are the Launchpad daily builds a feature that allows anyone to request Launchpad to do daily builds from VCS without any manual intervention or setting up your own daemons?08:50
dholbachlucidfox, yes, the code needs to live in Launchpad though (vcs imports)08:50
lucidfoxYes, saw that page :)08:51
dholbachhttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/KnownLimitations is current breakage, but being worked on08:51
* lucidfox goes to set up a daily build for Pinta08:51
dholbachsome of them will be fixed in the next LP release08:51
jibelmvo, that's xserver-xorg-video-dummy which is blocking the upgrade. it provides xserver-xorg-video-7 in maverick09:00
mvojibel: yeah, I just found it out as well, I'm preparing a new xserver-xorg-core09:00
mvojibel: it appears there is also -glamo09:01
mvojibel: and (just to be on the safe side) I merged some from debian (vga, i81, imstt) that we probably don't need, but they will not hurt (and make the merge later easier)09:01
didrocksmdke: thanks for the info :)09:02
mvojibel: next thing is to debug apt so that its either more clever or gives at least better debug output09:04
jibelmvo, yep. apt.log gives no clue about what's wrong.09:06
mvojibel: indeed :/09:06
mvojibel: thanks for keeping a eye on this bug! much appreciated09:06
jibelmvo, have a look at -glide too09:07
mvojibel: aha, thanks. I missed that one (was in a amd64 chroot and that is i386 only afaics)09:09
mvojibel: the updated breaks list http://paste.ubuntu.com/486211/09:19
dholbachif anybody has a tiny bit of time, can you branch  lp:~dholbach/harvest/release-prep  follow the instructions in the INSTALL file and play with it and see if there's anything glaringly broken? :-)09:40
Gdholbach: having a poke09:47
jibelmvo, I think that -newport, -psb, tga, unichrome and -via are missing from that list.09:49
Gdholbach: how long should the manage.py update take?09:51
dholbachg: the first one takes a bit longer09:51
mvojibel: thanks, that makes sense (modulo -via,that is just a transitional package)09:51
Goh, never mind, something happened :)09:51
mvojibel: I add them now09:51
persiajibel, -psb works?  I thought it was unsuitable for use still.09:52
OdyXtkamppeter: ping10:07
jibelpersia, I don't know if it works but I can install it in hardy and then upgrade to a release where it's not available anymore.10:08
persiajibel, Ah, OK.  So a lucid thing, rather than a maverick thing?  I believe it was available for hardy and jaunty (and not intrepid).10:09
jibelpersia, yes. it was only available in hardy from what I've found. I haven't checked intrepid.10:10
persiaI'm fairly certain that if it was in intrepid, it was pointlessly broken, because Intel never released binaries that worked with that kernel and X.10:11
persiaFor jaunty, it was only available in a PPA, but lots of folks with that hardware (which was common at the time) installed from there.10:11
Kmoshi persia10:12
persiaHey Kmos.  Are you going to submit your "I'd like to be involved again" application soonish?  I've been waiting.10:13
persia(otherwise I'm supposed to ask you to leave the channel)10:13
KmosI was thinking I was still banned from talking here. but I'm stopping now10:14
Gdholbach: that looks pretty neat!10:22
Gdholbach: any particular bits you want tested?10:25
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dholbachg: just something glaringly obvious that breaks :)10:39
dholbachg: so we can get it out there and deployed10:39
dholbachif we have to fix small stuff later on, that's fine10:39
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Gdholbach: the only thing I'd say is for the bug numbers, include the bug titles10:58
dholbachg: there's an open bug in harvest-data about that10:58
dholbachthanks a lot for your review!10:58
Gdholbach: ooh, here is one11:00
GPackages all unticked, Opportunities->sponsoring, Pidgin, a code branch has appeared, is that intentional?11:00
Gahhh actually I guess it is11:01
\shhmm...who approves new uploads for bugfixes these days?11:17
persia\sh, If you break freeze, ubuntu-release.  if you don't, you.11:27
persia(check if it's seeded first: generally apt-cache show works, because it ends up in tasks)11:28
\shpersia, aehm...it's zend-framework, new bugfix release but new upstream version too...I uploaded it regarding the ffe guidlines...(all universe)11:28
\shand now it sits in "approval state" :)11:29
seb128dholbach, would be nice to have a way to display the opportunities not listed11:29
seb128dholbach, or to know why those nn are not listed11:29
dholbachseb128, not listed because the opportunity lists are not chosen :)11:30
dholbachor the filtering limited :)11:30
persia\sh, Oh, that's the release team.  They've just got the upload queue on manual.  Check in #ubuntu-release if you need it fast, or wait a bit, and they'll likely push it.11:31
\shpersia, thx :)11:31
seb128dholbach, would be nice to have a "select all opportunities"11:32
seb128dholbach, oh, it seems clicking on "selected" does that11:33
dholbachseb128, yes, how do you think that could be made more obvious?11:33
seb128changing the label11:34
seb128"limit to selected"11:34
seb128or something which indicates it's a filter and not only a title for the sublist11:34
dholbachand I guess the same for packagesets?11:34
seb128I though those were just titles11:35
seb128I didn't get that you could click to toggle11:35
seb128dholbach, otherwise great work ;-)11:35
dholbachseb128, bug 62734011:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 627340 in harvest "Change label of "selected" and "package sets" to "limit to…"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62734011:36
dholbachseb128, it was mostly Dylan McCall's doing11:36
seb128dholbach, danke11:36
seb128dholbach, is he on IRC?11:36
seb128dholbach, if not just tell him great work from me ;-)11:37
dholbachseb128, sometimes - he's in west canada, so at the other end of the world :)11:38
seb128dholbach, btw the fedora things is pretty useless11:38
seb128not your fault but they let all the old patches on their cvs it seems11:39
seb128so we get tons of things listed which are old and outdated and not used11:39
dholbachyeah, I guess so11:39
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dholbachI hope we can fix bug 581719 quickly11:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 581719 in harvest "Speed up "making opportunities go away"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58171911:40
dholbachif it's a one click operation, I hope that'll make it easier for people to make use of that list11:40
seb128that would be nice11:40
Gseb128: are you sure?  if you look at something like Autoconf if it was that case you'd get a heap of them11:40
seb128I would not dislike having the label telling you about opportunities not listed doing the "list those" on click11:41
dholbachseb128, I'm not sure I understand - can you rephrase?11:42
Gdholbach: the thing that bugs me the most is the bit on the left11:42
dholbachg: what's that?11:42
seb128G: http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc//devel/autoconf/11:42
seb128G: ?11:42
Gwhen scrolling it gets confusing w/ where I am on the page11:42
Gdholbach: because it's not smooth/stuck at the top etc11:42
Gthe bouncing around is distracting11:43
seb128dholbach, I think I was asking for what "permalink" does11:43
seb128the wording is just not obvious11:43
dholbachg: what's bouncing around?11:43
Gdholbach: the left bit w/ the filtering options11:43
seb128dholbach, I'm browsing the list and just show that gnome-session has 11 opportunities11:43
seb128dholbach, I was wondering if there was a way to quickly see those without changing the filtering11:44
dholbachseb128, so a 'reset filters' link?11:44
dholbachah ok11:44
Gdholbach: if you say display all packages w/ fedora patches and scroll to the bottom it gets a little sickening11:44
seb128dholbach, no, just a "show me all the opportunities for that source"11:44
dholbachseb128, do you think you can file a bug explaining how you'd like it to work?11:44
seb128dholbach, well "permalink" does it11:44
dholbachah ok11:44
seb128just not inline11:44
seb128but I can work with that11:44
dholbachmaybe you can file a bug for that, so it's inline?11:45
* dholbach hugs seb12811:45
dholbach…and submit a patch :-P11:45
* seb128 hugs dholbach11:45
seb128let's see11:45
seb128but lunch first11:45
Gdholbach: haha11:45
dholbachg: it's not bouncing for me11:45
seb128dholbach, great work to Dylan and you in any case11:45
Gseb128: can't check any other packages, looks like their CVS server has died11:45
Gdholbach: might just be firefox for me11:46
Glet me try my mac11:46
dholbachseb128, maybe we can fix http://bugs.launchpad.net/fedora-patches-overview too11:46
dholbach(it's what produces the fedora.csv list)11:46
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Gdholbach: I don't think it's broken11:46
Git's just that some maintainers don't delete unused patches11:46
dholbachyeah, I guess11:47
Gand it's not much use changing it now11:47
seb128dholbach, ;-)11:47
Gbecause I can tell you, that Fedora are moving to git11:47
dholbachI'm very glad you find it generally useful though11:47
seb128G: they are moving to git for how many years now?11:47
Gseb128: they are serious this itme11:47
seb128I'm waiting to see11:47
seb128I don't doubt they want to11:48
seb128they just seem to be busy with other things11:48
Gseb128: their release engineering team are building the architecture for it now as I understand11:48
seb128they might have the same issue on git though11:49
Gand I know when I was involved in their Infra side (back in March) they were getting alive demo going11:49
seb128if the issue is due to people not doing a vcs delete11:49
Gseb128: nah, as I recall they are going to exploded source11:49
seb128let's wait then and see what they come with ;-)11:49
seb128seems interesting11:49
tkamppeterOdyX, hi11:49
Gseb128: well thats what I last heard anyway11:50
cjwatsonlast time I tried to look in Fedora's CVS, there was a note up saying that they'd already moved to git, and when I looked there it seemed to have unexploded source11:53
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ttxslangasek: re: eucalyptus-udeb/avahi: the udeb uses avahi to detect existing components and provide default sane "next" installation choices.12:12
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tkamppeterOdyX, hi13:24
OdyXtkamppeter: hi13:29
mehranhuIm having a problem in ANDOID lnux kernel driver13:47
mehranhucan someone help me?13:47
mehranhuI want to READ a file in a kernel driver.13:47
mehranhuis there some set of APIs available.13:47
persiaWe don't really do much android stuff here.  Are you sure there isn't a more relevant channel?13:49
mehranhuandroid person dont know much about Linux-C13:49
mehranhuso i think you are most suitable to help me13:49
mehranhucan we read file in linux kernel?13:50
amitkmehranhu: sys_read() is not really supposed to be used from inside the kernel. If you are using it you're doing something wrong13:50
mehranhuwhat should i use?13:51
mehranhui didnt found any API over the internet13:52
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amitkmehranhu: you're not looking hard enough :) http://kernelnewbies.org/FAQ/WhyWritingFilesFromKernelIsBad ,  http://lkml.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0502.0/1763.html, http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/811013:56
jdstrandmicahg: did you ever get an AA to perfrom your security copy?14:42
Gwhats the rules of regressions between releases?14:45
persiaG, regressions are bad.  File a bug.  mark it a regression.  The folks in #ubuntu-bugs and #ubuntu-testing likely have good pointers to wiki pages with procedures to handle that sort of thing (I forget them offhand)14:51
Gpersia: yeah, it's an already filed bug but feeling more and more like a regression14:51
persiaYeah.  Chat with the folks in #ubuntu-bugs, and make sure it has all the rights tags, status, etc.14:52
Gahhh I went into -testing, if I don't get anything there soon I'll pop into -bugs14:53
Gpersia: thanks though14:53
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micahgjdstrand: no, bug 62290015:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622900 in phpmyadmin (Ubuntu) "Please sync phpmyadmin 4: (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62290015:27
micahgjdstrand: thanks15:42
cjwatsoncking: do you have an amd64 system with UEFI to which you could attach a serial console or some other way to debug early code?15:47
ckingcjwatson, afraid not, I sent mine to manjo in TX15:49
ckingcjwatson, we could ask manjo to ship it to you, but it's a big dev box15:49
cjwatsonprobably not a plan15:50
pitticjwatson: how do I find if I have UEFI?15:50
pitticjwatson: I have a fairly recent ThinkPad X201, with current maverick amd64 on it15:50
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pitti"find out"15:50
manjopitti, your bios should say UEFI v2.115:50
ckingpitti, check in /sys/firmware perchance15:51
pitti$ ls /sys/firmware/15:51
pittiacpi  memmap15:51
cjwatsoncking,manjo: so, the current situation is as follows15:51
pitticking:  find /sys/firmware -iname '*efi*'15:51
pitti-> nothing15:51
pittiI guess that's a bad sign?15:51
cjwatsoncurrent amd64 (only) CDs contain a GRUB EFI build15:52
manjoI think sys firmware only has interrupts and such15:52
jdstrandmicahg: sure15:52
cjwatsonyou can boot them using either BIOS or UEFI on a system capable of doing either15:52
cjwatsonGRUB appears to boot the kernel fine; I used a test kernel cking gave me at the sprint which issues beeps right at the start of head_64.S15:52
cjwatsonhowever, there is no output from the kernel15:52
cjwatsonthis is obviously a showstopper but it's not quite clear what's going on15:53
manjocjwatson, is there a 64bit image I can get to on cdimage ?15:53
cjwatsonthe 'newreloc' branch was landed recently in GRUB upstream, and there's a possibility that it was due to the initramfs being loaded incorrectly in which case that might fix it15:54
cjwatsonotherwise, it's hard to say15:54
cjwatsonmanjo: yes, any current amd64 one15:54
manjoah yesw15:54
cjwatsonnewreloc was a pretty significant piece of work though15:54
manjocjwatson, let me try down the latest x64 iso and give that a spin on my box15:54
manjogive me 30mts or so15:55
cjwatsonright, it's always possible it was just this system, though I'm doubtful15:55
manjoI just got a new box from intel with latest build of uefi15:56
manjoI was wanting to install it anyways15:56
manjobut x64 image was not available for the last few builds15:57
cjwatsonright, only landed recently.  would have been longer ago except that there was a PATH issue in the daily builds15:58
manjocjwatson, now downloading image ... will report back soon15:59
cjwatsonI'll see if I can get to network-console16:00
pittimanjo, cjwatson: sorry, no trace of UEFI in BIOS or /sys16:00
Gpitti: as I recally UEFI & 'BIOS' are mutually exclusive16:02
Gi.e. you have one or the other16:02
pittiok, s/BIOS/the ASCII GUI thing for configuring hardware/ :)16:03
cjwatsonG: not true16:03
cjwatsonG: I have a laptop just here --> that lets you select at boot time16:03
Gcjwatson: between BIOS & UEFI?16:04
cjwatsonG: I mean, it's probably a BIOS compatibility shim over the top of UEFI or something, but it lets you select either, yes16:04
Gahhh right yeah16:04
Gyeah, I'd say it's a compatibility hack over the top16:04
cjwatsonbut functionally, that's all that's relevant16:05
Gcjwatson: yeah, but for the most case, I am right is saying you can have one over the other at any particular time?16:06
G*only one16:06
Gpersonally I'm hoping UEFI catches on fast16:07
cjwatsonG: I have mixed feelings16:10
manjopitti, does any of your "boot" options in bios say uefi ?16:10
pittimanjo: no16:11
manjopitti, if you have uefi bios it should give you an option in boot menu to switch between legacy and uefi16:11
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Gcjwatson: definately for servers, the 2TB boot partition thing has been a nightmare for ages, but for desktops, it will (hopefully) push the HDD makers away from the ugly 2TB+ hacks (like the WD Advanced Format drives)16:12
* manjo wonders why we need 2TB on clients ... don't we have cloud for storage ?16:13
persiamanjo, reduced latency16:13
Gmanjo: haha, storage clouds make me laugh, especially when I'm sitting here w/ my 1.5Mbit down, 400kbps up link :)16:14
Gmanjo: but the other reason is that I create a ton of backups/shelve a heap of data to refer to later (not exactly important enough to warrant offsite backup but interesting enough to warrant something near-by)16:17
manjocjwatson, I get a splash screen...16:33
manjocking, what was the problem that cjwatson reported ?16:35
manjocjwatson, I am going to proceed with the install ... looks like the CD booted fine (I need to double check that I booted in UEFI mode), UEFI CD/DVD was my 1st boot device and it looked like it recognized it as such16:36
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cjwatsonmanjo: do you get into the installer?16:37
cjwatsonG: GPT is the best feature of UEFI16:37
manjocjohnston, yes16:38
cjwatsonmanjo: coo16:38
manjoI am on allocate drive space etc...16:38
manjobut I see a problem there :)16:38
cjwatsonlet me know how it goes!  my test machine doesn't get that far16:38
manjoselect drive space : 360GGB ATA16:38
manjobelow that16:38
manjoUbuntu 0.0 B16:38
manjowhat is that ?16:39
Gcjwatson: yeah, hence why I want to see UEFI more common :)16:39
cjwatsonmanjo: I believe I've seen that bug on BIOS too16:41
manjocjwatson, copying file now ... installing ..16:41
cjwatsonmanjo: I was expecting you to try server first :)16:41
cjwatsonI can give desktop a try16:41
manjocjwatson, was the problem on server iso not desktop ?16:41
cjwatsongood to know that desktop seems to work though16:41
cjwatsonthat's useful in itself16:42
manjook will try the sever iso on another machine16:42
cjwatsondo double-check that it booted in UEFI mode though16:42
manjoyep will do once its done installing16:44
manjoI need to reseed my server iso anyway16:44
manjocjwatson, even if it booted cdrom in legacy mode I should be able to boot the HDD in UEFI mode correct ?16:44
cjwatsonprobably not since if it did that it would have put a BIOS version of grub there16:45
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manjocjwatson, bad newsw16:46
manjocjwatson, grub install failede16:46
manjocjwatson, grub-efi package failed to install into /target/16:47
cjwatsonmanjo: logs?16:48
cjwatson(with any luck I can try this too, in 1h45m or so)16:48
manjocjwatson, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~manjo/logs/logs.tgz16:54
manjocjwatson, let me know if you need more info ... I will wait  on reboot16:54
ScottKsuperm1: Is the mythbuntu-common upload one that you need in for beta?16:56
manjocjwatson, were you able to get the logs ?16:56
superm1ScottK, yes ideally16:57
ScottKOK.  Let me check.16:58
* manjo standing by16:58
cjwatsonhm, I just queued up a mythbuntu build16:58
cjwatsonoh well, you can just do another one later16:58
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cjwatsonmanjo: ok, just a seed bug, fixed (though not in time for current beta builds)17:02
manjocan I work around ?17:02
pittiKeybuk: does ureadahead have some minimum blocking time on SSD as well? it seems the boot blocks on that on my system (http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/donald-maverick-20100805-1.png)17:04
ScottKsuperm1: Accepted.17:04
ScottKNo problem.17:05
cjwatsonmanjo: uh, not sure17:06
cjwatsonmanjo: certainly not easily except by remastering the CD (which is in itself rather challenging)17:07
cjwatsonactually, wait, the seed change was in ship-live!17:08
cjwatsonnot live - so that means the build in progress should pick it up17:08
* manjo fingers crossed17:08
Keybukpitti: not usually17:08
manjocjwatson, ok will try the server cd to make sure it can make progress like desktop..17:08
KeybukI think it may read the pack before going into the background17:08
Keybukbut that's no time17:09
manjocjwatson, you need anymore info from this box before I reboot ?17:09
Keybukpitti: get a blktrace of that?17:09
pittiKeybuk: I'll read about it (never used that so far)17:09
cjwatsonmanjo: nope17:10
cjwatsonmanjo: actually17:10
cjwatsonmanjo: cat /proc/fb17:10
pittiKeybuk: but thanks (I mainly was curious about whether this is expected); so I'll put that on my todo list17:10
cjwatsonmanjo: and can you try ctrl-alt-f1 and see if you see anything on the console?17:10
manjoI am on f117:11
manjoproc/fb == 0 inteldrmfb17:11
manjothere was noting on f1 when I switched17:12
cjwatsonbut there is now?  what did you do?17:13
Keybukpitti: no, but it's hard to tell what's going on there17:13
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manjoI switched to f1 to copy logs etc to usb stick and put it up on kernel.ubuntu.com17:13
cjwatsonmanjo: do you mean that there was just a login prompt or something on ctrl-alt-f1 when you switched?17:13
manjojust a log in prompt17:13
cjwatsonby "anything" I meant "not a blank screen" :-)17:13
cjwatsonas in, is the console working17:14
manjo:) yeah console was working17:14
Keybukpitti: for example, it could be that ureadahead is reading the things that modprobe already has loaded17:14
manjoheh I have gotten used to seeing a working console that Q confused me sorry17:14
Keybukso it's null reads, that still cost syscall time17:14
Keybukblktrace would reveal more detail17:14
cjwatsonso it's possible that efifb isn't working, but that things get sorted out when inteldrmfb is loaded17:14
cjwatsonin which case we'll need to bloat up the amd64 d-i initramfs some more17:15
cjwatsonand figure out *why* efifb isn't working17:15
cjwatsonor maybe there's some other difference between your machine and mine17:15
cjwatsonI'm not entirely convinced that my initramfs is coming up17:17
manjocjwatson, booting server now17:17
manjocjwatson, server iso install in progress ...17:18
cjwatsonthat will suffer from the same problem at grub-efi, but cool, it works17:18
cjwatsonthat's an astonishing relief17:19
cjwatsonnow I need to figure out what's different about this box17:19
manjocjwatson, yeah I guess its going to be the same fate... but I will let it make progress17:21
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manjocjwatson, ok hit the same spot ie bug17:34
manjocjwatson, so you think the beta build for live server & desktop will pick up your fix ?17:34
besogonJust for a survey: what do you, developers, use for building a package?17:36
manjocjwatson, I am 99.999% sure that I am booting UEFI mode, the 1st boot option on my boot list is EFI DVD/CDROM and it does not seem to fail that ie it hits option 1 and boots CDROM. \17:39
cjwatsonyes, you are booting in UEFI mode17:40
cjwatsonthe desktop build just completed has picked it up (but is oversized and needs investigation); not sure if server will be respun17:40
manjocjwatson, ok I have DVD I can use to burn image on17:41
manjocjwatson, so if I reseed now I should get the latest correct ?17:41
manjocjwatson, which build should I use ? daily-live/current ? or daily/current ?17:42
cjwatsonthe former17:42
manjodaily-live it is17:42
manjocjwatson, will test that bad boy in couple of mts17:43
SpamapSpitti: howdy, I submitted another optimization to the WI tracker today as a merge proposal. Should speed it up a lot actually.17:50
pittiSpamapS: I saw, thanks!17:50
SpamapSpitti: I'm trying to add some useful little panels to the HTML report, like a list of assigned bug tasks in ubuntu.. but I don't want to add this to collect. I'm wondering, do you know if there is a launchpad/ajax proxy available on people.canonical.com?17:52
pittiSpamapS: I'm afraid I don't even know what an ajax proxy is :/17:52
SpamapSpitti: I'm thinking of opening up an RT ticket to allow for one. That would let us put in some on demand stuff and not have to collect it all.17:52
SpamapSpitti: its just a program that would be running on there to get around javascript's "same-origin" restriction.17:53
SpamapSpitti: basically I can't ask launchpad.net for JSON from a script that originated on people.canonical.com17:53
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SpamapSpitti: but if we could have a script on people.canonical.com that proxied directly to api.launchpad.net, there's no problem. :-P17:54
SpamapSactually I wonder if launchpad supports JSONP ..17:54
superm1cjwatson, with that respun oversized disk, on an e6410 it looks like there is a grub menu, but selecting the first option just yields a black screen18:03
manjosuperm1, I did not want to hear that ! vanhoof ^^18:04
manjosuperm1, on intel efi test bed.. its booting and installing as of now18:05
manjovanhoof, I should try this iso on 4310 I have an make sure we see an install menu etc on maverick18:06
cjwatsonsuperm1: seems that there are different results on different machines.  I get a blank screen too18:06
cjwatsonsuperm1: the next thing I'm going to try is the grub newreloc branch, since I'm becoming convinced that the initramfs isn't being loaded properly18:06
cjwatsonbut this is why I wanted somebody to try with a serial console18:06
superm1cjwatson, i can likely get a port replicator that has a serial port if it would be useful18:06
cjwatsonit's amazingly hard to debug this when the amount of information you get is a blank screen18:07
manjocjwatson, the new iso fails grub install18:07
manjoexecuting grub-install on /dev/sda failed ...18:08
manjoI will put up the logs in a minute18:08
vanhoofmanjo: perhaps he doesnt have the fix that was just released?  also there is 554569 which has helped a few people w/ 6410's, but its not been released yet18:10
cjwatsonthat might be a grub-installer bug; it probably shouldn't be offering device selection on EFI, and should be calling grub-install without a device argument18:10
cjwatsonvanhoof: which fix?18:10
vanhoofcjwatson: 56180218:13
vanhoofwhich was released today in .42, but is only resolving a bug for UMA based 6410's18:13
vanhoofcjwatson: the 6410/6510 are a big pain atm :)18:13
cjwatsonpossible, though both those bugs seem a bit late for the symptoms I'm seeing at least18:14
cjwatsonsuperm1: you might also try 'set gfxpayload=keep'18:14
superm1vanhoof, this is a UMA 6410, if I boot the DVD in legacy mode, i do get gfx.  it's only in EFI mode that the black screen comes up18:14
cjwatson(in grub, before the 'linux' command)18:14
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cjwatsonI'm not sure why I left that out, I think that was an oversight; you need gfxpayload=keep on EFI or you don't get a console18:14
cjwatsonwell, you might get a KMS one18:14
manjocjwatson, logs are in http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~manjo/logs/logs-respiniso.tgz18:15
cjwatsonmanjo: right, as I thought18:16
manjocjwatson, if you put in a fix today... will we have it in tomorrows spin of the iso ?18:17
manjocjwatson, or are you planning on repinning ?18:17
superm1cjwatson, unfortunately no improvements with set gfxpayload=keep on the line before the linux line18:19
aramdeslaur, hello18:22
mdeslaurhi ara18:23
aramdeslaur, I am getting an error when trying to create a vm in virt-manager18:24
mdeslaurara: which error?18:24
aramdeslaur, can you have a look to the traceback, please?18:24
cjwatsonmanjo: I think I'm too late for beta now, but can work on things for post-beta18:26
cjwatsonmanjo: perhaps you could try applying http://paste.ubuntu.com/486399/ to /usr/share/grub-installer/grub-installer before starting ubiquity?18:26
manjocjwatson, ok will do and retry18:27
mdeslaurara: what are you doing to get that issue? also, could you paste the end of ~/.virt-manager/virt-manager.log ?18:29
manjoSarvatt, your ppa ios ready ?18:29
mdeslaurara: do you have anything related in dmesg?18:29
aramdeslaur, I am just creating a VM without harddisk18:29
aramdeslaur, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/486402/18:31
aramdeslaur, it does not seem to be anything relevant in dmesg18:31
ShockI've modified the nethogs package to adapt to terminal size changes. How do I generate a patch suitable and useful for inclusion in Ubuntu?18:33
ShockI didn't find the wiki information clear enough18:33
mdeslaurara: which version of libvirt0? if you restart libvirt with sudo /etc/init.d/libvirt restart, does it help?18:34
araversion:  0.8.3-1ubuntu818:37
* ara tries restarting18:37
Sarvattmanjo: i386 is, amd64 is still waiting publication but you can just grab the deb18:37
manjoSarvatt, ack18:37
aramdeslaur, same thing after restarting18:38
mdeslaurara: can you walk me through reproducing it?18:38
aramdeslaur, sure18:39
aracreate a new VM, any name18:39
araselect and ISO image as installation media18:39
araand leave os type and version as "generic"18:39
araleave ram and number of cpus with the default values18:40
arauncheck "Enable storage for this virtual machine"18:40
araand click on Finish18:40
mdeslaurara: darn, that works for me :(18:41
mdeslaurara: do your other VMs still work?18:41
mdeslaurara: where is your iso file located?18:41
aramdeslaur, yes18:41
aramdeslaur, somewhere in my $HOME18:41
mdeslaurara: did the iso get chowned to libvirt-qemu:kvm ?18:42
aramdeslaur, mmm, it did18:45
aramdeslaur, why did that happened?18:45
mdeslaurara: yeah, stupid new libvirt chowns everything it touches18:45
mdeslaurara: ok, that's normal18:45
manjoSarvatt, with your ppa install I only see 1366x76818:46
aramdeslaur, mmm, some other thing18:46
Sarvattmanjo: you rebooted? thanks for checking!18:46
aramdeslaur, I have running another machine that has that ISO associated as well18:46
manjoSarvatt, ofcourse!18:46
mdeslaurara: as a test, could you try copying it over?18:47
aramdeslaur, copying what¿18:47
Sarvattmanjo: have you tried maverick on that machine to see if its any different by any chance?18:47
mdeslaurara: make a copy of the iso, to see if it's the fact that you're using it twice that libvirt doesn't like18:48
aramdeslaur, OK, will do18:48
manjoSarvatt, did few weeks back and same results .. yes was going to try the new beta spin that just happend18:48
aramdeslaur, or I can try shutting down the other machine, for that matters18:49
mdeslaurara: ok18:49
Sarvattmanjo: of course it wouldn't be that easy, thanks for the info :)18:49
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aramdeslaur, yes, that seems to be the problem18:51
mdeslaurara: argh...what a piece of *&"/%/$&18:51
aramdeslaur, :)18:52
cjwatsonmanjo: so, no joy booting the desktop image here either18:52
mdeslaurara: could you please file a bug?18:52
aramdeslaur, it is a regression, AFAIK, I never had that problem before18:52
mdeslaurara: under "libvirt"18:52
aramdeslaur, sure, will do18:52
manjocjwatson, :(18:53
cjwatsonmanjo: doesn't seem to be doing much in the way of CD access, so I rather suspect that this is not a graphics issue, but a memory map issue18:53
mdeslaurara: thanks :)18:54
cjwatsonmanjo: still, it's good to know that it's not completely toast, just only on certain systems18:54
cjwatsonthat's a state I can work from18:54
manjodo you have an SDV that intel shipped ?18:54
cjwatsonit's a Dell laptop18:54
cjwatsondon't want any more hardware ... ;-)18:55
cjwatson(plus, would in general rather have broken hardware than working hardware if it's something I'm meant to fix)18:56
mdeslaurara: curiously, I can't reproduce...I can access the same iso twice without problems...18:56
aramdeslaur, mmm, it does not seem to be the issue, as I reproduced now again having one the machines started (but without the ISO associated to it)18:57
mdeslaurara: ok, cool. Could you send me the .xml files of those two vms?18:57
arasure, will do18:57
manjocjwatson, can't find /usr/sbin/grub-installer18:58
cjwatsonmanjo: I believe I said /usr/share/grub-installer/grub-installer18:58
cjwatsonsmoser: what kind of state are ec2/uec builds in?18:59
cjwatson(for the purpose of posting to iso.qa)18:59
smosercjji think they're good.19:00
smoseri was going to start a testing run this afternoon.19:00
cjwatsonshould I be posting them?19:00
aramdeslaur, where does virt-manager store those xml by default?19:01
mdeslaurara: /etc/libvirt/qemu19:02
manjocjwatson, installing with modified grub-installer now19:03
aramdeslaur, sent them to your inbox19:04
mdeslaurara: thanks19:05
smosercjwatson, please post the 20100831, yes.19:09
cjwatsonsmoser: sorry, help for the stupid needed - 20100831 is a server build rather than an ec2/uec build, isn't it?19:12
cjwatsonsmoser: post-amis-to-iso-tracker.py seems to need an input file in some format19:12
smoseryeah. here.19:12
cjwatsonoh, right, duh19:13
cjwatsonso 'curl http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/maverick/20100831/published-ec2-daily.txt | ./post-amis-to-iso-tracker.py'?19:13
cjwatsoner, only with correct syntax19:17
manjocjohnston, installer stuck in determining grub boot device ...19:18
cjwatsonsmoser: OK, posted.  What do I do for UEC?  Just post the server image build id?19:18
manjocjwatson, ^^19:18
smoseryeah. just use the serial19:18
cjwatsonmanjo: can you be a bit more exact?19:18
cjwatsonsmoser: done19:19
smosercjwatson, i've never run that script, but if it reads from stdin, that is what i would expect19:19
cjwatsonit needs a file name, so I adjusted19:19
manjocjwatson, it says "Determining GRUB boot device ..." and is just hung there, no details in the message window, just Message: UseQuirks:19:21
hungerCould someboby please sync sash from debian unstable into maverick to fix bug no. 609201? Thanks!19:21
cjwatsonhunger: nothing to sync, it's 3.7-10 in both19:22
hungercjwatson: Can you then please have it rebuild?19:23
cjwatsonhunger: can you first check that a no-change rebuild fixes it?  I don't have a 64-bit machine terribly convenient19:23
hungercjwatson: It coredumps right on start for all amd64 mashines I tried it on. The version I build from the debian/unstable package works fine.19:24
cjwatsonwell, the unstable source package is the same as the maverick one, so I guess that's good enough19:24
* hunger wonders what went wrong with the package then if it is the same sources.19:24
cjwatsonbuilt at different times with different toolchains.  did you build it from unstable using a current maverick system?19:25
hungercjwatson: A fairly current maverick, yes.19:25
hungercjwatson: Less than 1 week old.19:26
cjwatsonI've uploaded a no-change rebuild19:26
cjwatsonwould appreciate a check that that fixes it, once it buils19:26
hungercjwatson: Sure.19:27
ShockI've modified the nethogs package to adapt to terminal size changes. How do I generate a patch suitable and useful for inclusion in Ubuntu?19:30
njinev, cjwatson: hello, i want to help in triaging Ubiquity, is possible ? Actually i'm on bugsquad under mentoring of pedro_19:43
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cjwatsonShock: what wiki page have you already looked at, and what did you find confusing about it?20:19
cjwatsonthat would be easier than telling you it all from scratch20:19
cjwatsonShock: (fundamentally, any patch in 'diff -u' format will be usable, though; depends whether you want to bother with the sponsorship process)20:20
ChipzzShock: yes, but the 3 first all describe different things20:21
Shocktoo much info; I'm not able to discern which applies to my usecase: I've modified a program and I want to make the modifications available to Ubuntu20:21
ChipzzShock: I'll try to summarize (from the urls)20:22
Shockwould it be sufficient it I opened a bug in launchpad and attached my diff?20:22
cjwatsonare you familiar with producing patches in general?20:22
cjwatsonShock: yes, it would20:22
Shocki've already produced the diff20:22
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Shockthanks, I'll do that then20:23
ChipzzShock: 3) is normal patch; 2) is inter-deb-version diffs (to see what changed between 2 uploads; takes the package as a whole into consideration)20:23
Shockany particular format the patch needs to be in?20:23
cjwatsonthen just do that.  there are more minutiae involved if what you're trying to do is to produce a new version of the package that somebody can just upload20:23
cjwatsonwhich is useful if you're in training to become an Ubuntu developer20:23
Chipzzand 1) is a system to *apply* patches (i fyou have multiple in 1 package)20:23
cjwatsonbut if you just want to submit a drive-by patch, then a unified diff ('diff -u') is sufficient20:24
Chipzz(1) is closely related to *building* the packages; 2) is entirely not)20:24
Shockwhich of the urls I listed apply to 1, 2 and which to 3?20:25
Chipzzlemme rephrase that: 1) only gets involved when building packages20:25
Chipzz1) 21:20 < Shock> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems20:25
Chipzz2) 21:20 < Shock> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff20:25
Chipzz3) 21:20 < Shock> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Patches20:25
Shockthose are 2, i guess20:25
Chipzzdebdiff's are used to "audit" uploads20:26
Shockoh, i see20:26
Chipzzlets say cjwatson wants to upload a new version of a package; ppl *may* (but will not always) request a debdiff20:27
Chipzzthe debdiff will contain all changes and hence you can see what changed on the source-level20:27
Chipzzto see if no unnecessary changes were introduced for example20:27
Chipzzpatch-systems are more of this sort20:28
Chipzzlets say you have a package, and you make 2 seperate changes wrt the upstream source, lets call them patch_a.diff and patch_b.diff20:29
Chipzznow you need a way to easily apply those to the source20:29
Shocki know what patch systems are, e.g. quilt20:29
Chipzzah k20:29
Shocki'm not sure how they fit in the overall picture in package development20:29
Chipzztrijntje: Dutch or Flamish? :)20:30
Shockespecially as I've seen several patch systems used20:30
Shockdpatch, cdbs...20:30
trijntjeChipzz: Yeah, Dutch20:30
Chipzzthey're a convenience feature mostly20:30
ChipzzShock: and which one... is a matter of taste20:31
Shockso, if I'm a package maintainer I can use the one that suits my taste?20:31
Chipzztrijntje: nick gives you away ;)20:31
Chipzzif you're just changing someone elses package20:31
Chipzzthat's a different thing20:31
Shockeven though others that might want to contribute to my package will need to learn the one I chose for my package?20:32
Chipzzfor security uploads, the introduction of patch systems is disallowed for example20:32
Shockisn't that a higher barrier to entry for drive-by contributors?20:32
trijntjeChipzz: so it wasnt my IP ;)20:32
Chipzztrijntje allmost instantly reminded me of katrijn(tje) :)20:33
ChipzzShock: not necessarily20:34
ShockChipzz: how so? :)20:34
ChipzzShock: I don't think most maintainers require you to submit patches to them in the form of their preferred patch system20:34
Chipzzit only applies if you're doing an upload20:34
Chipzzlike cjwatson said, regular patch will be just fine20:35
ShockChipzz: if you use cdbs in your package and I only know dpatch, don't I need to learn cdbs?20:35
ChipzzShock: you just submit a regular patch20:35
trijntjeChipzz: I just picked a random dutch sounding name, but now people think i'm female and a famous singer..20:35
Chipzzunless you want to try building it yourself *integrated* into the patch system20:35
Shockthanks Chipzz, cjwatson20:35
ChipzzShock: but nothing prevents you from just hacking on the package and submitting a patch resulting from that20:36
Chipzzalthough the maintainer will have to convert it to his favorite patch system, and hence it may take longer to process20:36
Chipzzbut that's a different matter :)20:36
manjocjwatson, if I set -x in grub_installer script where does the the messages go ?20:40
manjoI don't see it on the console20:40
manjocjwatson, the install is stuck in "determining grub boot device.. "20:41
manjothis is after I applied your patch20:41
manjocjwatson, logs in usual place named logs-withgrubpatch.tgz20:49
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arek_deepinithi all. i got problem with my display. from time to time it goes out of sync for about 1/10sec, dunno what is reason, im on gnome and i got ati x1550graphics, its really annoying21:14
arek_deepinitplease help21:14
Shockarek_deepinit: try in #ubuntu, this is not a support channel21:18
arek_deepinitwrong room21:19
arek_deepinitye, i meant #ubuntu21:19
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cjwatsonmanjo: oh, sorry, my bad22:15
manjocjwatson, :)22:15
cjwatsonmanjo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486487/ should be better22:16
manjoI have another one for you22:16
cjwatson(extra 'else break')22:16
manjoBug# 62767222:16
manjocjwatson, ok will try that22:16
cjwatsonmanjo: I'm not dealing with ubiquity much this cycle; ev will probably need to look at that22:18
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evmanjo: I'm going to take a look at that bug first thing in the morning.  Before I go though, are you able to reproduce it with a CD, or is this only occurring on the USB disk?  What did you create it with, is it a stock Ubuntu image?23:14
evthanks in advance23:14
manjoev, no CDrom on my netbook23:14
manjoev, will update the bug with that info23:15
SpamapSis there any reason we don't like to use 'console output' in upstart jobs? Its very disconcerting that we won't be warned or informed about any problems when starting critical things like sshd.23:23
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slangasekjames_w`, lifeless: if I have a bzr packaging branch that doesn't contain pristine-tar info, but I want to start carrying that going forward, how can I import just the current package?23:59

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