
evPutting the bootloader drop down on the manual partitioning page was easy, but now that I'm trying to work it into the automatic partitioning page as well, I'm struggling to think of something clever.00:12
evI could just show the disk block devices in that case, or I could go the educated guess approach and show just /dev/sda1 for format and /dev/sdaN+1 for resize.  I'm leaning towards the latter and as yet cannot think of a case where that breaks.  Anyone have thoughts on this, or know a case that this would break?00:12
evcjwatson: ^ ?00:12
ev(partman autopartitioning recipes don't expose what the state of the disk would be once the recipe is applied)00:16
superm1ev, the primary case I think that breaks is multidisk, bootloader on one disk partitions on the other00:21
superm1or if they had an abundance of free space before the current partition in use for some reason00:21
evsorry, I should be more clear.  Any case where the assumption that ubiquity will create a new partition and a block device will be created for it of the form /dev/sdXN+1.  I don't care if installing the bootloader there is silly, just that the block device exists.  I'm trying to create the list of possible targets for GRUB.00:26
evroughly this:00:26
evdev, partnum = re.search(r'(.*\D)(\d+)$', resize_path).groups()00:26
evdev = '%s%d' % (dev, int(partnum) + 1)00:26
superm1so is the list going to be fully inclusive then of all possible targets?00:27
evthat's the intention00:27
evbecause I'd prefer to make it not editable as it was before00:27
evjust a combobox rather than a comboboxentry00:27
evunless people see that as a Really Bad Idea(tm), but I have concerns that having this actually on the automatic partitioning page means people will play with it, and I'm fearful that they'll put something silly in it.00:28
superm1well first thing that comes to mind with your sdXN+1 is you'll need to count out primary partitions on the disk if it's not gpt00:29
evah, but partman does that for us00:29
evit wont offer resizing if there are not enough primary partitions available00:29
superm1ah, that's swell of it00:30
evor it's not resizing an extended partition00:30
superm1personally i feel like bootloader selection really shouldn't be on the automatic page00:30
superm1as you say, it's an extra knob to play with00:31
superm1so even if you give out all the valid targets, they can still end up with a non-bootable install00:31
evso just keep it on the advanced partitioning page, or put it somewhere else entirely?00:33
superm1well i think optimally - if you could leave it on advanced partitioning page, and fill in the advanced partitioning with the recipe that was figured out on auto partitioning00:33
superm1that gets you best of both worlds, and leaves the extra knob on advanced00:34
evindeed, that would be ideal00:34
evbut not something I think we can manage for 10.1000:34
evbut perhaps we could leave it on the advanced page with the stated intention of fixing that UI issue00:34
superm1that sounds good to me00:35
evI should note that michaelforrest initially wanted it on the advanced page, but I raised this concern over the disconnect between the pages00:35
evbut yeah, the more that I think about it, the more I agree00:35
evthat makes my life much easier00:35
superm1which means more time for bug fixing :)00:36
superm1speaking of which, when you get a chance, can you look over the usb-creator patch i proposed for that whole wrong syslinux version for the content on CD?00:37
evsure thing, I've added an item to my calendar to tomorrow for it00:38
superm1thanks, okay i'm off - have a  nice night00:40
evyou too00:43
=== ara_ is now known as ara
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4246 trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Add the grub target device combobox to the KDE advanced partitioning page as well.10:55
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4247 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/plugininstall.py):11:04
CIA-71ubiquity: Bootloader handling is now done in ubi-partman. Do not overwrite it11:04
CIA-71ubiquity: with the default selection in plugininstall.11:04
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4248 trunk/gui/qt/advanceddialog.ui: Remove unused QT advanced dialog.11:08
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4249 trunk/ubiquity/frontend/ (base.py noninteractive.py): Remove references to no longer used summary_device.11:08
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4250 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py):12:00
CIA-71ubiquity: Get rid of the quitting state variable and use the existing12:00
CIA-71ubiquity: current_page construct (LP: #627284).12:00
Riddellev: do you have any idea on bug 625586 ?12:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 625586 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity killed by OOM killer (affects: 2) (heat: 1154)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62558612:33
evyes, I suspect I fixed that with this upload12:33
Riddellooh nice12:34
evbasically, nothing was setting a bootloader target device, so plugininstall was trying to do it, but since parted_server was no longer running, it crashed.  Because there was no crash handling for plugins running on the parallel debconffilter, it respawned -- a lot.12:35
evat least, that's what I think was happening12:35
evif it still persists with this new ubiquity, then it's definitely something else12:35
evthe new ubuntu slideshow (yet-to-be uploaded) looks brilliant.12:37
Riddellscreenshot screenshot!12:37
cjwatsonare we going to get it for beta too?12:37
evcjwatson: I can squeeze it in, though I must warn you that the first page says "TODO" with no other text content and it's still scrolling as I haven't set the dimensions for the webkit window properly yet.12:39
evbut this is what it looks like...12:39
cjwatsonif it's still rough in parts, maybe we shouldn't try?  dunno12:39
evit seemingly looks better, but yeah, not sure12:41
evdylan's thoughts on the matter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486268/12:41
cjwatsonI hate to be a pain but is it OK to reproduce Facebook's front page like that?12:41
evthis is mostly ripped from ubuntu.com12:42
cjwatsonhm, ok12:42
cjwatsonDylan may have a point, land it when they're happy12:42
evlets leave it for now12:42
evRiddell: ^ not sure if you or someone else in Kubuntu wants to do something similar for the Kubuntu slideshow, but that's what we're aiming for on the Ubuntu side.12:43
Riddellev: where can I find the source?12:45
evRiddell: the update currently lives in lp:~dylanmccall/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/maverick-ubuntu-design/ and lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu is trunk.12:46
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4251 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.3.1012:55
evyay bug spam (bug 441904)12:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 441904 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "ubiquity-dm crashed with XStartupError in run() (affects: 269) (heat: 1049)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44190412:57
aracjwatson, is it normal that an alternate i386 installation LVM encrypted in a dell mini 9 is taking over 2 hours? (and it is not near from finishing)15:03
cjwatsonat what stage?15:05
cjwatsondoesn't sound desperately unusual though, I'd assume encryption would be slow and that if it is it isn't the installer's fault ...15:05
cjwatsonsuppose it could be a variant of dpkg syncing all the time15:05
aracjwatson, installing packages (the stage)15:10
cjwatsonara: probably yet another thing due to dpkg syncing then15:16
cjwatsonsuperm1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/441941 indicates that "Dell Recovery Tool" and "Dell DataSafe Local Backup" write to sectors between the MBR and the first partition.  I would like to find a way to identify data they've written so that GRUB can avoid those sectors.  Do you have any way to find out if they have some kind of unique signature, for example if the first eight bytes or something ...15:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 441941 in grub2 (Debian) (and 4 other projects) "grub fails after running Windows (affects: 51) (dups: 2) (heat: 266)" [Unknown,New]15:46
cjwatson... are always the same?15:46
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superm1the thing stored there is license information, but by now there should have been an update pushed out to prevent that, i'll ping my contact about it.15:51
cjwatsonI'm guessing there'll be old versions around for a while though15:55
superm1true.  i'll try to see if the license information always has a consistent signature to it as well then.15:55
cjwatsonthat would be lovely, thanks15:57
=== rbelem_ is now known as rbelem
ScottKev: If you need any more data for the ubiquity KDE problems let me know.  I've got a current Kubuntu live on a USB stick and a netbook I need to reinstall ready.17:57
ScottKActually it doesn't even boot.  I get "Unknown keyword in configuration file".18:04
superm1ScottK, did you burn that to usb from 10.04 or 10.10?18:04
superm1there's an open bug for burning 10.10 images on 10.04 using usb-creator.18:05
superm1bug 60838218:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Maverick images burned to usb key on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version (affects: 50) (dups: 6) (heat: 264)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60838218:05
superm1i've got a proposed patch for usb-creator on 10.04 for it18:05
ScottKThat would explain it.18:06
ScottKAny "Please test 10.10 beta" messaging should warn about that I think.18:06
ScottKsuperm1: Is the fixed package available anywhere?18:07
superm1ScottK, i just proposed the patch yesterday18:07
cjwatsonit's in the maverick technical overview FWIW18:07
cjwatsonI think18:08
ScottKsuperm1: Do you have a version of that patch that applies to 0.2.22?18:31
ScottKActually it looks like I just need to apply it right.18:31
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4252 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/plugins/ubi-usersetup.py):18:57
CIA-71ubiquity: Fix hostname error in KDE frontend (LP: #627489). Guard against18:57
CIA-71ubiquity: invalid hostnames in the GTK frontend.18:57
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4253 trunk/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py): Create a new pipe for update-apt-cache.19:00
evRiddell: did you have the "download updates" box checked when you hit this infinite plugininstall.py issue?19:02
evRiddell: also, did it pop up any kind of "install failed" dialog?19:07
ScottKsuperm1: That worked.  Thanks (I also commented in the bug).19:31
ScottKIt would be nice to at least get it into lucid-proposed before Thursday.19:32
CIA-71usb-creator: evand * r318 usb-creator/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/install.py):19:33
CIA-71usb-creator: Mangle whether the 'ui' keyword is in syslinux.cfg based on the OS version.19:33
CIA-71usb-creator: (LP: #608382)19:33
evsuperm1: ^ looks good19:33
ScottKTrying to do an erase disk install with the current Kubuntu live and get http://paste.ubuntu.com/486433/19:45
evdo you have full logs from that attempt?19:47
ScottKI still have the live session up.19:57
ScottKAlso, when I tried to cancel out of it, I got http://paste.ubuntu.com/486441/19:57
ScottKev: What logs do you need?19:57
ScottKI'll need to go find wired internet to get the log files off.19:57
evScottK: /var/log/syslog, /var/log/partman, and /var/log/installer/debug19:57
cjwatsonsuperm1: as future work, I think treating version strings as floats is very shady20:06
cjwatsonthey should be compared with something like deb822, really20:06
cjwatsonor debian_support.Version or whatever it is, I forget exactly, it's in python-debian20:06
cjwatsonaccepting for now though20:07
ScottKev: Bug #627614 has the logs.  The logs also show the installer crash.20:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 627614 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "File system busy error on full disk install (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62761420:09
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ for when you're back.20:10
* ev would really like to know what's eating up all that memory20:11
superm1sorry i was hungry :)20:12
superm1cjwatson, ah i wasn't aware of any infrastructure for doing that sort of thing20:13
ScottKev: Anything else useful I can do for you with the current attempt?20:14
evScottK: if you run ubiquity again up to that point, how much memory is it using?20:15
evsomething is eating up all your memory and invoking the oom killer20:18
ScottKThe actual ubiquity process doesn't seem to be it.  It's using a ~steady 153/63/27m for virt/res/shr20:22
ScottKev: ^^^20:22
evanything else going crazy?20:23
ScottKLet me run it again while watching top20:23
ScottKI just did top |grep ubiquity this last time20:23
evmight want to see if hald is still running, if not start it and run ubiquity, as the oom killer got it before20:24
ScottKIt's running20:25
cjwatsonhttp://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100831, for those who've worked with upstream d-i folks20:26
evmy condolences20:27
cjwatsonyes, he'll be sorely missed20:27
ScottKev: memory went down to ~0 so I can confirm it's getting eaten.  I don't see by what though.20:28
ScottKev: Suggestions on how to see which process is eating the ram?20:28
evScottK: one of ubiquity's child processes?20:28
evtop; M20:28
ScottKTrying again20:29
ScottKev: I still didn't see it.  I need to go pick up a kid from school.  I'll try some more in ~45 minutes.20:34
evokay, thanks20:34
evokay, I've got to go walk the dog.20:37
ScottKev: In the mean time, is there anything that top; M wouldn't show that could eat memory and how could I check?20:38
evRiddell: if you get back before I do.  If you're still able to reproduce that crash, and you did so using the "download updates" checkbox, can you try to do an install without it checked?  My running theory given your logs is that we're not killing the apt-get update process before we hit apt-setup.20:38
evScottK: not offhand20:39
evthat is, I don't know of anything offhand20:39
evScottK: what are you running this on? VM or real hardware?  How much memory?20:41
evright, back in a bit20:41
ScottKev: Real hardware 1GB RAM21:11
ScottK(Dell mini 10v)21:11
* ev bangs head on desk21:12
evcjwatson: in my haste I screwed up that ubiquity upload21:12
evit's missing an import statement21:13
ScottKev: "<cjwatson> dinnertime; will likely be at least an hour until more spins are usefully possible" ~45 minutes ago.21:13
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4254 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.3.1121:13
* ev sets to work fixing things21:14
ScottKNew installer looks very nice FWIW.21:14
evthough thanks to Riddell (who did lots of the last minute KDE stuff) and michaelforrest (who conceived the UI) as well21:14
ScottKAny thoughts on how to figure out what's eating my RAM?21:15
evScottK: I take it top isn't showing you the offending process21:15
ScottKNot that I noticed.21:16
* ScottK can try again.21:16
evScottK: is it continuing to crash, and are you sure it's due to insufficient memory still?  ksysguard should give you an idea of the timeline of your memory usage via the graph, but it wont give you any more detailed of a process listing than top or htop would.21:18
ScottKI can see the amount of free memory go to 0 briefly.21:19
* ev runs pyflakes and pychecker over ubiquity21:19
evah, that would do it21:20
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4255 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/plugins/ubi-usersetup.py): Argh. Missing import.21:23
ScottKev: I can see in /var/log/syslog that the oom killer is being invoked. "ubiquity invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x280da, order=0, oom_adj=0"21:26
ScottKDon't see a thing with top; M though21:27
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4256 trunk/ubiquity/qtwidgets.py: missing import21:30
CIA-71ubiquity: evand * r4257 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.3.1221:41
evcjwatson: ^21:42
evnote that we don't need to respin for kubuntu21:42
Riddellev: what's the status?21:42
evas the missing re import is only needed by GTK21:42
ScottKRiddell: Something is still eating memory and killing the installer for me.21:42
evScottK: not sure, short of appending the output of ps aux | grep ubiquity in a loop to a file21:42
evthat will eat up the disk space in aufs pretty quick though21:43
cjwatsonev: I thought there was a Kubuntu respin needed anyway?21:43
evoh, perhaps21:43
evI haven't been following closely enough it seems21:44
RiddellScottK: bug 625586 no?21:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 625586 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity killed by OOM killer (affects: 2) (heat: 1154)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62558621:44
cjwatsonwell, I mean I thought the Kubuntu guys had this RC bug with OOM in the installer ...21:44
ScottKRiddell: Yes.21:44
ScottKcjwatson: I think it's not fixed yet though.21:45
evyeah, but we haven't tracked that down yet, as far as I'm aware21:45
* ScottK can reproduce at will, just can't figure out what process is eating the memory.21:45
evI thought it was due to the crash due to parted_server not running and there being no error handling on parallel debconffilters21:45
evbut I fixed that21:45
evand ScottK still has it21:45
ScottKev: Which upload fixed that?21:46
ScottK(let's make sure I have the fixed one)21:46
ScottKThat's what I have21:47
evI've got to go get ready for dinner.  I'll be back at this in another two hours or so.  Riddell, if you can respond to my questions in the scrollback when you get a chance, hopefully that will get me closer to solving this.21:50
evthanks all21:50
RiddellI don't think I had download updates on for the one I gave you logs for but I'll do another install to check21:53
ScottKRiddell and ev: One additional data point: Whatever is grabbing RAM, it's not infinite.  I tried killing everything off I could to maximize free RAM and running ubiquity again and it didn't OOM.22:07
RiddellScottK: you killed everything and ran ubiquity from the start?22:13
ScottKI re-ran it serveral times before with no luck.22:13
Riddellev: same problem with updates box not ticked22:22
Riddellev: the "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor22:24
Riddellthat happens early on22:25
Riddelland my reading of the logs suggests that's the cause of it22:25
ScottKAlso even though I asked for restricted stuff to be installed, the bcmwl wifi stuf wasn't installed.22:29
ScottKDo we need a bug for that too?22:29
Riddellwell, actually, it installs kubuntu-restricted-addons22:30
Riddelland runs jockey22:30
Riddellso maybe it's jockey's fault22:30
ScottKRiddell: I'm trying to do it by hand and we are lacking libc6-dev on the ISO AFAICT.22:33
ScottKActually it's there22:38
ScottKFiddle /etc/apt/sources.list to point at the USB stick and apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source seems to be working.22:40
cjwatsonev: is 627672 a regression / of concern?  looks bad22:41
cjwatsonbug 62767222:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 627672 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Maverick Beta] install from USB stuck retrieving files 2/6 Hp Mini (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62767222:41
ScottKRiddell: I got wireless just from what's on the ISO, so I know we have all the needed bits there.22:46
evcjwatson: most certainly of concern23:02
evthis is the first I've seen it23:02
evand very odd, it's clearly mounted and apt-cdrom detect works23:03
Riddellev: are you able to recreate the out of memory issue?23:39
superm1ScottK, re wireless, try running 'jockey-text -a' from a live session and see if it DTRT, that's what ubiquity is doing23:45
ScottKsuperm1: Thanks.  Will try that.23:45

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