
nisshhhey, can i please have an Ubuntu irc cloak? https://launchpad.net/~nisshh12:24
nisshhubuntu member cloak rather12:24
jussihi nisshh12:30
nisshhjussi: hey12:30
jussicould a staff member please cloack nisshh with an ubuntu/member cloak?12:30
jussinhandler: niko VorTechS12:31
nisshhjussi: everyone asleep are they? :)12:33
jussinisshh: nah, it just takes a few mins12:34
jussiniko: thanks12:34
nikodone, congrats12:34
nisshhniko: thanks for that :)12:35
ubot2In #ubuntu-mozillateam, gnomefreak said: !no rtfm is <reply> Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, rtfm, or rtm are not welcome in this channel Period.14:19
gnomefreakyes i did :)14:20
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
cyphermoxhi, could someone please change the topic on #ubuntu-testing, it seems to be wrong. it should mention "Beta ISOs", rather than "RC ISOs", and we don't have someone with access to change it atm.21:18
erUSULcyphermox: better ask in #ubuntu-ops if it is a core channel21:18
cyphermoxerUSUL, ah, thanks!21:19

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