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lfaraoneI have accepted FFe sync requests that just need Archive Admin approval. Can I change the dependencies of a metapacakge to depend on a version of these not-yet-synced packages even though it'll make the metapackage temporarily uninstallable?02:02
crimsun_you /can/ but whether it's appropriate is influenced by how much pain you wish to inflict.  I'd at least send out a devel-discuss e-mail; perhaps better to wait post-Beta.02:04
lfaraonecrimsun_: fair enough. oh, right, it'd break our daily builds of Ubuntu Sugar Remix :)02:04
lfaraoneIn a related vein, I'm renaming sugar-logviewer-activity to sugar-log-activity to be in line with Debian. So I don't have to have an Ubuntu diff on that package, can I add a transitional dummy package to the ubuntu-sugar-remix-meta source package?02:27
persialfaraone, You want the transitional dummy package to live in sugar-log-activity source02:27
lfaraonepersia: but that means I have to have a diff! unless I (as a DD) decide to upload a useless dummy package to Debian...02:28
persiaBut you have to ask yourself, is it so important to do that now that it's worth all the exceptions, rather than realigning for natty?02:28
lfaraonepersia: oh, it's already been renamed.02:28
persialfaraone, Yes indeed, it does.  No helping that.02:28
persiaWell then, you need that transitional dummy package in a hurry :)02:29
persiaOr all your upgrading users will have issues.02:29
persia(but I still see sugar-logviewer-activity in maverick, so ...)02:29
lfaraoneoh, wait, I must be thinking of another package.02:31
ajmitchthe poll package?02:32
persiaSince you have to carry a diff or have a useless package *anyway*, and the transition package has to be carried to LTS+1 (at least), I'd not consider it release critical were I you.02:32
lfaraonepersia: I'm not.02:32
lfaraonenevermind, right now we don't have any renames we've handled.02:33
lfaraone(or need to this cycle, for that matter)02:34
persiaHeh, OK.  Don't forget your Breaks and Replaces for your renamed package, etc.02:34
micahgneversfelde: there's an interest in getting minitube upgraded, are you interested in the merge?05:56
dholbachgood morning07:55
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hyperairdidrocks: one question -- where the hash 5be4e13ff from? i can't find it in any gkeyfile-sharp repository.08:27
hyperairs/the/did the/08:27
Laneyhyperair: that was me, just use the HEAD id if it's wrong08:32
Laneylooks like it should be db21571d408:33
hyperairoh okay08:33
Laneymaybe i rebased or something08:34
Laneythe get-orig-source will sort you out08:35
hyperairoh right, get-orig-source08:35
hyperairso how much did you add in? should i add you to debian/copyright and Uploaders?08:35
Laneyno don't bother08:36
Laneyi tweaked copyright, added get-orig-source and altered rules a bit08:37
Laneyi enjoy that get-orig-source of asac's though, will keep it around08:37
hyperairLaney: actually get-orig-source seems to be missing.08:45
hyperairall i see is the .PHONY: get-orig-source08:45
Laneylook up08:46
Laneyoh what08:46
Laneyffs I'm about to have a shower, give me a second08:47
jpdsLaney: You say that as if you have no control over the fact.08:48
LaneyI had already turned it on!08:50
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* hyperair kicks oftc09:06
hyperairconnect, damn you!09:06
jpdsthat should read: internation transit links from .sg.09:06
hyperairhow did you guess09:07
hyperairi mean hey it connected when i was in malaysia.09:07
bilalakhtarhello there hyperair !09:12
bilalakhtarseeing you after a long time!09:12
hyperairhello there bilalakhtar.09:12
hyperairit's only been a week =\09:13
jpdshyperair: Time is relative.09:13
bilalakhtarjpds: hi there! I have a question. The ubuntu-sa.org domain needs its NS to be set. how to get it done?09:15
bilalakhtarrt@ubuntu.com again09:15
jpdsIt can't be odne.09:15
bilalakhtarjpds: okay, thanks09:15
bilalakhtarjpds: so I will need to get the host to listen to the requests, right?09:16
jpdsbilalakhtar: Yep.09:16
Laneyhyperair: http://pastebin.com/A1mfe6MN that's the one09:23
Laneyyou might want to make it use git archive instead09:23
Laneybut... effort09:23
hyperairhmm git archive09:24
hyperairgit archive has a weakness where it does not work well with submodules09:24
hyperairbut i dont' think gkeyfile will be using submodules in the future anyway09:25
Laneythat one works as is anyway09:25
Laneyremove the :: stuff09:26
dholbachif anybody has a tiny bit of time, can you branch  lp:~dholbach/harvest/release-prep  follow the instructions in the INSTALL file and play with it and see if there's anything glaringly broken? O:-)09:31
hyperairLaney: what's the update-local-branch bit?09:33
Laneyhyperair: you can see the original code here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~asac/connman/connman.debian.unstable/annotate/head%3A/debian/rules09:36
persiaLaney, `sed '/Version:/s/Version: //'` achieves the same as `grep Version: | sed -e 's/Version: //'`, except it's faster, uses less ram, and easier to read.09:38
* persia would do `sed '/^Version:/s/Version: //'`just to skip any non-line-starting "Version: "09:39
Laneypersia: ack, but those were cribbed09:39
Laneynot that that's a good excuse09:39
persiaNo reason not to improve them :)09:39
LaneyI just didn't feel like rewriting it09:39
persiacargo cult hacking is strongly discouraged09:39
LaneyI use it when it saves me time and effort. :(09:39
LaneyI'm sure asac would appreciate the input too09:40
persiaAnd one can probably make it faster by using make's internal text manipulation routines rather than the shell echo foo lines below09:40
persiaThat get-orig-source isn't policy-complaint anyway, as it can't be run from arbitrary directories (fails to use $dir( $(_)), etc.)09:41
persiaPlus that *shouldn't* work, because it's $(call GET_SOURCE) and there's no call to $(shell ...)09:42
dholbachwgrant, is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/510180 hard to fix?09:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510180 in Soyuz "launchpad.packagesets empty with anonymous login" [Low,Triaged]09:49
wgrantdholbach: About four lines, plus a few more of tests.09:50
wgrantWell, two lines of code, and two more of whitespace.09:50
dholbachit's currently the only reason why harvest needs login credentials09:50
siretarthi folks09:57
siretart\sh: is uploading fai 3.4 to maverick still on your agenda? ;-)09:58
\shsiretart, did you find out if we still have our standing freeze exception for FAI?09:59
siretartno, I did not09:59
\shsiretart, should we discuss that topic on #ubuntu-server and talk to the server guys?10:00
Laneyhyperair: I improved it a touch: pull from my git repo10:06
* Laney shoots off to work, back soon10:06
wgrantdholbach: I'm preparing a branch now.10:06
dholbachwgrant, you are awesome!10:07
wgrantdholbach: Branch approved, so it should land in ~4 hours and be on edge tomorrow. Assuming edge doesn't break again.10:34
* dholbach hugs hugs hugs wgrant10:48
ajmitchdholbach: so what's this harvest branch for?10:49
dholbachajmitch, it's basically release candidate10:49
dholbachajmitch, so we can get it deployed soon10:50
nigelbfrom what I saw of harvest during UDS, it rocked.  Waiting to see how the new one looks :)10:51
nigelbI think there was extensive changes from when I saw it last :D10:51
* ajmitch should have a look at where it's grabbing data from10:51
dholbachfrom lp:harvest-data10:51
ajmitchI'm sure that this update step will finish one day before release..10:53
hyperairhmm there's no dh_makeclilibs10:54
ajmitchhyperair: ?10:55
hyperairajmitch: in Laney's git repo for gkeyfile#10:55
ajmitchhyperair: unless it's been removed, it exists on my lucid system10:55
hyperairi really meant override_dh_makeclilibs10:55
ajmitchcontext is everything ;)10:55
hyperairyep ;-)10:55
* ajmitch would be worried if cli-common-dev had dropped it :)10:56
dholbachajmitch, it will - I think it's just the first run that takes a bit longer :)10:57
dholbachand thanks to wgrant we can soon omit the "authorise with LP" step :)10:57
lifelessdholbach: 2 weeks10:58
dholbachlifeless, edge should be good enough for me :)10:58
lifelessdholbach: it will only be on edge today/tomorrow.10:58
lifelessdholbach: we're getting rid of edge - using it as a dev, deliberately is fine, but you really don't want anything packaged using it.10:59
dholbachlifeless, it's not going to get packaged10:59
dholbachit'l be a webpage :)11:00
ajmitchdholbach: it's looking nice now11:01
dholbachDylan's work11:01
wgrantlifeless: Using edge has historically been a good idea.11:01
wgrantlifeless: Since when the API breaks, you can just flip to production until you update your client.11:02
lifelesswgrant: yes, and the upshot of this is that production is consistently worse than edge11:02
wgrantlifeless: Hm?11:03
lifelesswgrant: nvm I've been muttering about latency and cycle time to myself all day11:03
Laneyhyperair: still a WIP, I don't claim that it was finished11:04
LaneyI gave it to you since you owned the ITP11:04
Laneyalso why aren't we in -cli?11:04
hyperairbecause OFTC hates me11:04
wgrantlifeless: Heh.11:04
ajmitchLaney: because there are scary debian people there11:04
hyperairLaney: i've been attempting to connect to OFTC for the past few hours.11:04
Laneytor bridge time!11:05
Laneyajmitch: you're a scary Debian person and are in here...11:05
Laneythere's no escape!11:05
ajmitchLaney: get your key signed & become scary as well!11:06
LaneyI will always be fluffy11:06
ajmitchbeagle is gone in maverick, right?11:08
Laneyhope so11:08
ajmitchrmadison tells me it is11:08
Laneylibbeagle might need an ubuntu removal11:08
ajmitchdholbach: should harvest be showing data for removed packages like that?11:08
dholbachajmitch, that's a harvest-data bug11:09
* Laney Files It Really Quickly11:10
Laneythere should be a report for that11:10
ajmitchLaney: yeah, there's not one now11:10
ajmitchI'll let you do it :)11:10
Laneyno I don't mean a harvest bug report, that's yours11:11
ajmitchI was meaning the removal request actually11:11
LaneyI mean a report "stuff wot woz removed in debian but not done got removed in ubuntu"11:11
dholbachmaybe you can specify which list it was on11:11
ajmitchdholbach: cli-mono packageset, I'll put it in the bug report11:11
Laneywell the package exists in stable releases11:12
dholbachajmitch, which opportunity list11:12
dholbachajmitch, thanks a lot!11:12
ajmitchyep, so there could technically still be SRU stuff to do to it, though it'd be unlikely11:12
ajmitchLaney: filed your kill kill kill request?11:17
* ajmitch spots it 11:18
ajmitchubuntu-archive not subscribed?11:18
Laneythey should be11:18
ajmitchmight have been LP being slow11:18
ajmitchit shows up now when I refreshed11:19
ajmitchdholbach: so adding new stuff for harvest is just by adding a url to the opportunities file in harvest-data?11:22
dholbachajmitch, exactement11:22
* ajmitch wonders if it'd be worth adding that rc bugs stuff or not11:23
ajmitchgiven its inaccuracy :)11:23
dholbachI'm sure that people will find bugs if it's broken :)11:24
dholbachbut I think it's totally worth adding11:24
RhondaAbout #619652 and #619650 - can I do more than sit'n'wait?11:25
ajmitchbribes can help11:25
Rhondaflattr clicks? ;)11:26
ajmitchlooks to be just waiting on ubuntu-archive?11:27
nigelbbug 619652 and bug 61965011:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619652 in wesnoth-1.8 (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync wesnoth-1.8 1:1.8.3-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61965211:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619650 in wesnoth (Ubuntu) "Please remove wesnoth from maverick" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61965011:27
ajmitchI suspect they're a little busy, not sure what can be done there to help it along11:27
nigelbAh, I think you could bribe the archive admin for today ;)11:27
nigelbRhonda: Try bribing Riddell :D11:28
* ajmitch wonders if anyone actually uses ikvm11:30
persiadirecthex is the only user I know11:31
directhexwhat's wrong with ikvm?11:32
directhexi don't know how many people actually use it, but it's interesting technology and was a fun packaging challenge11:32
ajmitchnothing the matter with it, it just doesn't seem overly active in terms of releases11:32
directhexoh, there are newer releases, but i'm not even looking at them due to freezes11:33
directhexthey're up to rc5 i think of 0.4411:33
* ajmitch stabs keyboard11:34
ajmitchwireless keyboards are so annoying when the batteries are running flat11:34
nigelbRhonda: you'll be around and available this week right?11:35
Rhondanigelb: Yes, am.11:37
Rhondanigelb: Actually was looking for you already before to mention that. :P11:38
nigelbRhonda: \o/ I'll try me best to get things arranged this week :)11:38
nigelbRhonda: heh :)11:38
Rhondanigelb: My current desktop wallpaper at work (dual-head setup): http://www.channel4.com/microsites/I/it-crowd/wallpapers/4840x1080.jpg11:39
* nigelb jaw drops.11:40
RhondaNotice the sticker in the upper right corner of the monitor on the desk in the middle. :)11:40
nigelbWhat I first noticed was V for Vendetta :D11:40
directhexnigelb, moss' ubuntu logo is the wrong way up!11:41
Rhondanigelb: Where's that? Another two sweet things are Neo and Bill, btw. :)11:42
nigelbdirecthex: a bit tilted, yes11:42
nigelbreminds me of mercedes logo11:42
nigelbRhonda: next to the cupboard, the mask :)11:43
nigelbwhat the.....11:43
RhondaI love Bill :)11:44
RhondaYou mean the mask above the ubuntu sticker? Don't know vendetta, to be honest11:45
ajmitchnigelb: what about the altair?11:46
nigelbajmitch: I'm too young to recognize :p11:46
ajmitcheven I recognised it11:47
ajmitchyou saying I'm old? :)11:47
nigelbajmitch: I've never even seen pictures of it :(11:47
nigelbuntil now11:47
ajmitchyou need to learn some history then11:48
nigelbajmitch: yes, I do :)11:48
nigelbRhonda: whats a dual head set up?11:48
ajmitchRhonda: altair 8800 on the shelves to the left of the door11:49
Rhondanigelb: Two monitors.11:49
RhondaOtherwise it wouldn't fit on my desktop anyway.11:49
\shmicahg, zend-framework 1.10.8 will reach maverick in a few...so you could start to backport / ppa ;)12:05
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ari-tczewkklimonda, I couldn't test your second patch due to gdm bug on my maverick.12:32
Rhonda\o/ - wesnoth-1.8 1:1.8.3-5 in squeeze already, but not in maverick. ;)12:48
RhondaRiddell: *prodprod* :)12:48
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iulianRhonda: Does it need an FFe?12:58
Rhondaiulian: It's -1 to -512:58
Rhondaiulian: That might be argued actually.12:59
persiaRhonda, No upstream changes, just bugfixes?12:59
RhondaFirst yes, but second … no. Packaging work, to ease upgrades.13:00
RhondaIt adds two unversioned packages.13:00
persiaOh, that does need FFe, just because it will get stuck in binary-NEW, and it makes the archive-admins lives easier if they can reference a bug explaining why the extra packages exist.13:01
RhondaIsn't bug #619652 such a bug?13:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619652 in wesnoth-1.8 (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync wesnoth-1.8 1:1.8.3-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61965213:04
Rhondasistpoty ACKed it already, actually. Not sure about his authority for that, though.13:04
Rhonda#610056 is also a rather annoying bug that would get fixed with the update.13:05
Rhondabug #61005613:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 610056 in wesnoth-1.8 (Ubuntu) "wesnoth icons doesn't show in kmenu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61005613:06
persiaRhonda, It is such a bug, and sistpoty has full authority (you can check that he's a member of ~ubuntu-release)13:16
ari-tczewpersia, meeting today right?13:33
persiaara, Yep.13:34
ari-tczewpersia, 2 hours and 24 minutes left right?13:35
persiaSomething like that, yes.13:36
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ari-tczewpersia, is coolbhavi case done?14:49
persiaari-tczew, Wasn't last I checked (a couple hours ago)14:50
shadeslayerari-tczew: persia his MOTU application is still in the fire?15:02
shadeslayerit was discussed eons ago.. i thought it would have been over15:02
ari-tczewshadeslayer: from Agenda: persia to call for remaining votes for coolbhavi's application15:05
persiaI did.  I haven't gotten all the returns yet.15:07
neversfeldemicahg: yes, I talked to upstream and they want us to use gstreamer like debian does. So we should sync15:12
neversfeldeI don't have a broadband internet connection atm, so I cannot do it now. I will get to it later, if no one else does15:12
micahgneversfelde: is there anything missing in the Debian package that we have?15:24
neversfeldemicahg: not that I know, but I didn't look at it for weeks15:25
micahgneversfelde: do you want me to take care of the sync/merge if necessary?15:26
neversfeldemicahg: yes, please, would be great15:26
micahgneversfelde: k, np15:27
micahg\sh: thanks for ZF, I meant to ask you before, was the twitter auth issue worth an SRU?15:33
lfaraoneUgh. I just sponsored a fix for bug 373100, which had a debdiff attached since Jaunty, and forgot to change the changelog message. (which reads "Fix bug that prevents clients from being shown in Ubuntu 9.04.")15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373100 in thin-client-manager (Ubuntu) "Thin Client Manager shows nothing" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37310015:36
Laneyluckily you can get it rejected15:36
* lfaraone looks for Riddell or ScottK.15:37
lfaraoneRiddell: can you reject the upload of  thin-client-manager 0.5.1-0ubuntu8 ?15:38
Riddelluploaded to where?15:38
lfaraoneRiddell: maverick.15:38
Riddelllfaraone: rejected15:39
lfaraoneLaney: the question is, how many edits does it take before I should change the changed-by line?15:39
lfaraoneRiddell: thanks.15:39
Laneyup to you15:39
LaneyI probably wouldn't unless it was me incorporating the patch in something i was doing anyway15:39
lfaraoneLaney: okay. well, I'd also like to bump the compat version from 4 to something recent, as well as the ancient standards version :)15:40
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lfaraoneAm I allowed to correct typos in previous changelog entries? "teh"->"the", for ex.15:53
persialfaraone, Generally frowned upon, but sometimes done.15:56
micahgcan a sync request close multiple bugs or just the original sync request?16:09
persiaDepends on the changelog in Debian16:10
micahgpersia: w/out a changelog entry16:10
persiaThen it won't close any bugs at all (although the archive-admin usually closes the sync bug manually)16:11
micahgpersia: oh, I thought they had a script...16:11
persiaYes, but it's still semi-manual.16:12
micahgpersia: k, I can close the other bug manually :)16:12
stalcupmicahg: what's up?16:21
micahgstalcup: hi, I wanted to ask you about lemonpos, specifically using hte binary lemon16:22
* micahg has to run ATM though16:22
stalcupmicahg: ok16:22
micahgstalcup: will you be around later?16:22
stalcupIt is in need up updating, i can file a ffe16:22
micahgstalcup: ah, ok, bug 59606516:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 596065 in sqlite3 (Ubuntu) "package lemon (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/lemon', which is also in package lemonpos 0:0.9.1-0ubuntu1" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59606516:23
kklimondahmm.. I need a tool to add license header to multiple files, anyone knows something like that?16:38
persiaYou're upstream?16:38
persiaed can be very useful for that sort of thing.16:39
kklimondaI just don't have a better channel to ask :)16:39
persiascriptable editor16:39
kklimondahmm, yeah.. I could do that if there is no tool available - I could swear there was something. :)16:40
persiaed ought be easy: load the file,  count through the comment at the top, insert the contents of another file on the filesystem (containing your license header), save, close.16:43
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anotengHello, I'm packaging a program that expects some files to be present in a subfolder of the main executable. Is it OK to create a symlink from /usr/bin/appname to the real binary? Also, is it ok to put the binary and necessary files in /usr/share/appname, or should I place them somewhere else?18:17
azeemanoteng: what programming language is it in?18:19
anotengazeem: ^18:19
azeemis that being compiled?18:19
azeemif so, it should probably go under /usr/lib, not /usr/share18:20
anotengazeem: There's only one compiled binary, the rest of the files are plain text.. place it all in /usr/lib/appname/ ???18:21
kklimondaanoteng: place them in /usr/share/appname/ and fix the application so it looks for files in the new place. well, that's what I would do.18:31
anotengkklimonda: Yea, that would be the best thing to do, but lazarus projects is a mess, especially if you don't know pascal.18:59
anotengI'll try one more time...18:59
MuscovyHi, I'm trying to make a meta-package that installs all the packages Totem needs for DVD support (gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, etc), then runs /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh. Problem is, the aforementioned script uses apt, so it fails because apt is already running. Could someone help me find a solution?19:30
geseryou can't install another packages in maintainer scripts19:43
MuscovyShould I just go through the file and dependency stuff then?19:47
stalcupcool, thanks michag20:09
stalcupI'll work on that when I get homw20:09
micahgstalcup: thank you :)20:10
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