
gnomefreakmicahg: what was the reason for not shipping ff4 in Maverick?00:29
gnomefreakpeople were asking today00:29
micahggnomefreak: not ready yet00:38
gnomefreakok so 11.04 than00:39
micahggnomefreak: yeah, but it'll be in firefox-stable00:39
gnomefreakok so i can send people there?00:39
micahggnomefreak: yeah, well it won't be updated until 4.0 is released since 3.6.x is in all releases at the moment00:40
micahggnomefreak: I'll have a beta up soon, just don't know when yet00:40
micahggnomefreak: I'll update /topic when I know more00:41
micahgI've been trying to keep it up to date with the latest stuff00:41
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks. i may update #ubuntu+1 topic if more people ask00:41
gnomefreaki get updates every day or 200:42
micahggnomefreak: they were spoiled with hardy and joaunty00:42
gnomefreakyeha but they are both close to EOL. should we really bother with them00:43
micahggnomefreak: not what I meant00:43
micahggnomefreak: hardy had 3.0 before release and jaunty had 3.500:44
gnomefreakoh yeah00:44
micahggnomefreak: we won't be doing that anymore :)00:44
gnomefreaksorry forgot about that00:44
micahgwe'll use the PPAs to give people early looks and save the archive maintainence00:45
gnomefreakwe 3.6 is intended to run its course than EOL. only 4.0 will will continue the update cycle00:45
micahggnomefreak: we're hoping to get to april 2011 so we don't need to update hardy and karmic00:46
micahgthen jump lucid to the newest 4.x release00:46
micahgand maverick00:46
gnomefreakdo we really want to reomve 3.600:46
micahggnomefreak: what do you mean?00:47
gnomefreakjump lucid to  4.x  is that with 3.6 still there00:47
micahggnomefreak: no, that's why we move to unversioned source packages00:47
micahgxulrunner-1.9.2 will remain though for the apps w/out insecure coontent00:47
gnomefreakright so we are not going to wait for 3.6.x to reach EOL00:48
micahggnomefreak: no, we will00:48
micahgwe're hoping that won't happen until april 2011 though00:48
gnomefreaki thought 3.6 EOL was closer to this time next year00:48
* gnomefreak checks to see what version i have00:49
micahggnomefreak: probably not, should be 6 months after 4.0 release00:49
gnomefreaki cant believe we are on 3.6.9 already00:49
micahggnomefreak: well, it's been out for 7 months, 3.6.5 was skipped and 3.6.6/3.6.8 were chemspil releases00:50
gnomefreakyeah i remember 3.6.5 was skipped00:50
gnomefreakok i cant view my bookmarks in chromium unless i go to bookmark manager00:53
gnomefreaknot having fun with chromium today00:54
gnomefreakok using the incognito window shows them as it should but normal window does not have a way to view them00:55
gnomefreakeven safe mode doesnt show them. is there a setting im missing?00:56
gnomefreakfound it00:57
gnomefreakok here we go. crosses fingers and upgrades again01:00
Dimmuxxhttp://www.thewildernessdowntown.com/ pretty cool chrome demo site01:00
gnomefreakthat is cool01:02
gnomefreaki stand by my word when i say update-manager sucks its way too slow01:04
[reed]where's asac when I need him03:34
micahg[reed]: idk, can I help with something?03:34
[reed]I need his mobile broadband skills03:35
[reed]can't get my verizon mobile broadband working on my new work laptop03:35
[reed]works in windows, sadly :(03:36
micahg[reed]: is this relavent? http://www.linux.com/archive/articles/5272903:39
cherricerrais it necessary to download latest thunderbird to upgrade from old one?03:42
micahgcherricerra: please be more specific?03:43
cherricerrai downloaded 3.1 and am trying to run it and cant seem to get it03:43
micahgcherricerra: from where?03:43
micahgcherricerra: what is your old version?03:44
micahgwhat version of Ubuntu?03:44
micahgcherricerra: we don't have an upgrade path yet from TB2 to 3.1, that's why it's not in the thunderbird-stable PPA yet, I hope to get to it soon03:45
cherricerraok thanks so im out of luck03:46
cherricerrai guess i could still get the calendar add on though?03:46
micahgcherricerra: you can upgrade to 3.0.6 in the thunderbird-stable PPA, then you'll get the 3.1 upgrade when we push it03:46
micahgcherricerra: you have to download the calendar extension from mozilla at the moment, I can point you to the 64 bit build if you need03:47
cherricerrathat would be great03:47
micahgcherricerra: sure, which build, 3.0 or 3.1?03:47
cherricerradoes it have to match the version of tb i have now?03:48
micahgcherricerra: yes, unfortunately03:48
cherricerrano lie i'm a newb im not even sure which i have03:49
micahgcherricerra: go to about thunderbird03:49
[reed]micahg: well, I was hoping I could get network-manager to just work03:49
micahg[reed]: you might be able to, I'm no n-m expert03:49
micahgcherricerra: you should just install from the repo then03:50
micahgcherricerra: it's called lightning-extension03:50
cherricerraok thanks03:51
cherricerrai run into all kinds of problems not being able to upgrade to 10.04 is what i keep getting told03:52
cherricerraappreciate the help03:52
micahgcherricerra: np, come back anytime03:55
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gnomefreakmicahg: any chance you can post the FF4.0 info <not making it into 10.10 before next cycle> i would like to have a link to refer people to. i added it to topic in #ubuntu+113:17
gnomefreakits not real important. atm i cant do it, not until i read guide on Mutt13:21
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, there isn't really anything written down anywhere for you to quote13:46
chrisccoulsonit won't be in maverick because it isn't released in time ;)13:46
gnomefreaki know that i just cant fit that in /topic for +113:47
chrisccoulsonwhy does it need to go in to the topic there? do people keep asking about it?13:47
chrisccoulsonrealistically, it never was really going to make it in to maverick13:48
gnomefreakyes and they are getting annoying with the questions13:48
chrisccoulsonjust ignore them ;)13:48
chrisccoulsonbut, certainly don't send them in here ;)13:49
gnomefreakhell no13:49
chrisccoulsoni would have thought it would have been obvious to most users why maverick ships with 3.613:49
gnomefreakits stable?13:49
chrisccoulsonit's stable now, but still changing a lot ;)13:50
gnomefreaklibgirepository1.0-0 is still an issue it seems13:51
gnomefreaki thought they pushed most if not all to 4.013:51
chrisccoulsonwell, there's certainly been quite a lot of under-the-hood changes in the last couple of weeks or so (because they completely broke our packaging)13:52
chrisccoulsonIMO, it's too much of a moving target to consider even having it in universe13:52
gnomefreakoh nice of them to do that for us13:52
chrisccoulson(which some people have been asking for)13:52
gnomefreakwe did that a while ago with 3.5 IIRC13:53
gnomefreakits was unstable version in universe and stable in main13:53
chrisccoulsonyeah, that was before PPA's were a viable alternative though13:53
chrisccoulsonPPA's just suit the current workflow much better (we don't have to bother with freezes and other distro milestones)13:54
gnomefreakill brb i need a damn smoke again13:55
ubot2Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.14:18
gnomefreak!no rtfm is <reply> Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, rtfm, or rtm are not welcome in this channel Period.14:19
ubot2Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.14:20
gnomefreakis there a reason why chromium keeps asking me if i want to set it to default when it already is? everytime i open chromium it asks14:30
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
micahgchrisccoulson: I just poked the release approver for mozilla again about the NSPR bug19:38
chrisccoulsonmicahg - thanks. yeah, we need to resolve this soon19:38
chrisccoulsonso, has in-tree nss/nspr been upgraded to 3.12.7/4.8.6 in 1.9.2?19:39
micahgchrisccoulson: yes, but it isn't actually required technically19:39
micahgchrisccoulson: so if I don't get an answer, I'll patch it to work with NSPR 4.819:39
micahgand we can push in the morning to security PPA19:40
chrisccoulsonyeah, sounds ok. although i'm wondering if it would be safer to use the new version (to avoid having version skew between the different copies of nspr on the system)19:41
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure if there are any plugins running in firefox that link against nspr19:41
chrisccoulsonmight be worth checking that and make sure you don't end up with 2 copies in memory19:42
micahgchrisccoulson: enigmail links against nspr (thunderbird 3.1 also affected)19:42
chrisccoulsonit would be worth checking that then19:42
micahgchrisccoulson: actually, that doesn't matter, your case does though since Firefox builds its own nspr19:43
chrisccoulsonactually, thunderbird uses system nspr19:43
micahgchrisccoulson: right :)19:43
micahgtyping faster than brain...19:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm thinking of cases where firefox pulls in it's own nspr, and then a plugin linking with nspr also pulls in the (different) system copy19:43
chrisccoulsonalthough, LD_LIBRARY_PATH should stop that from happening19:44
chrisccoulsonheh, i just pushed the breakpad patch for our daily builds, and it's been pushed to mozilla-central now20:24
* chrisccoulson backs it out again20:24
micahgchrisccoulson: k, BTW, weave/sync is built against system nspr20:24
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, crashreporter failed on 3.6.x20:25
chrisccoulsonoh, i will take a look at that then20:26
micahgchrisccoulson: and I have the gnome-shell wrapper installing now, I just need to test it (not sure how until after I upgrade)20:29
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i suppose we can just add a version check and disable the crashreporter on the old releases20:29
chrisccoulsoni'm not even submitting the symbols for the 3.6 dailies anyway20:29
micahgchrisccoulson: k, but you are for the point releases20:29
chrisccoulsoni'm only submitting 4.0 dailies for maverick, and 3.6 maverick release and lucid security20:29
chrisccoulsoni'll ask ted if he's interested in 3.6 dailies20:30
micahgchrisccoulson: k, can I make a beta 5 PPA then for Firefox 4.0 and you can push the symbols for that?20:30
chrisccoulsonyeah, can do20:30
micahgchrisccoulson: beta 5 is scheduled for next monday, so I figure I'll push them all up that day, do you know if upstream uses official branding on the betas?20:31
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think they do20:32
chrisccoulson(they do on the windows build i tested anyway)20:32
micahgchrisccoulson: oh, if I have time I'll rename to firefox-next, otherwise, I'll branch 4.0 to firefox-next.head so we have a PPA release branch20:32
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure about the rename yet, as we need to work out how to do the profile migration20:33
micahgchrisccoulson: why not the same way as before?20:33
chrisccoulsoni think it gets more complicated when we don't use version numbers, so we need to figure that out20:33
micahgoh, we'd have to do firefox-trunk at the same time20:33
micahgchrisccoulson: ah, the issue I can see if beta participation20:34
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think it gets more complicated to migrate users then20:34
micahgchrisccoulson: I was thinking, maybe the profile and the binary link can be auto generated based on the first point version number (i,e 3.6, 4.0, 4.1) from debian/changelog20:35
chrisccoulsonyeah, possibly. i'll have a think about that20:36
micahgchrisccoulson: k, if you decide by the weekend, I'll prepare beta 5 :)20:36
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