
jribcan I opt out of ubottu's ban reminders? :)00:16
mneptokplease review the love we shared on that quiet moonlit night on the beaches of Bora-Bora. when i do, i weep gently.00:18
jribok mneptok... back to your corner now...00:24
IdleOneWhat is the policy on clones in #u?02:59
elkyclones as in "person" and "person_laptop" for example, or "bot1" "bot2" "bot3"?03:09
IdleOneelky: I mean clones as in 6 of them03:10
IdleOnenick nick_ and so on03:10
knomesame host?03:11
elkysee if you can get the attention of one of them and figure which is the one actually being used. often it's a wayward reconnect script03:11
IdleOneI can understand why a person would have two clients. like in the example you gave, but 6?03:11
FlannelIdleOne: That's generally due to PEBKAC, but it's nice to let them know03:11
IdleOnescroll back to xx:55:58 you will see oblu and friends all quit at the same time03:12
IdleOnein #u03:12
IdleOneonly one rejoined mind you03:13
IdleOneAnyway, I take it is ok ask a user to not have so many clients in the channel?03:15
FlannelIdleOne: yes.03:36
FlannelIdleOne: Usually you're informing them of something they don't realise (and may have been causing them confusion)03:36
IdleOneHow does one get 6 clients connected without knowing?03:37
persiaCtrl-Z ?03:38
persiaor just confusion between minimize and close.03:38
Flannelyeah, it's really easy if you're new to screen03:38
persiaOr several folk with the same username (ubuntu, ubuntu_, etc.)03:38
persiaheh, didn't think about lost screen instances :)03:39
IdleOnethe ubuntu nick I am aware of.03:39
IdleOneI have never used screen03:40
persiaCould also just be folks with lots of computers not paying attention.  Desktop, laptop, handheld, etc.03:41
persia(folks like that ought to be pointed to any of the many good proxy solutions)03:41
ubottudominicdinada called the ops in #ubuntu (puffybsd)05:24
IdleOnewhat does squelched mean?06:28
mneptoki have no idea06:28
IdleOnethink we are getting old?06:29
mneptokunless time has stopped, everyone is ;)06:29
mneptoki wonder if it means "i put you on /ignore"06:30
IdleOnecould be but he has about 3 seconds to change his attitude06:31
mneptokputting ops on /ignore is a bad tactic06:31
ubottulelle called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()06:40
Flannelfalse alarm.06:40
lhavelundCould someone s/MenZa/lhavelund/ in !ops-#ubuntu-offtopic07:12
elkyIf I could ever remember the syntax, sure.07:49
elkyBut sadly :(07:49
Flannellhavelund: no problem07:51
jpdsIs #ubuntu-virt support be be invite only?08:59
ikoniait's been moved to #ubuntu-server09:00
jpdsThen it should probably forward instead.09:05
ikoniaI think it was set to invite to stop people joining it during the consolidation09:06
persiaAmusing really, as #ubuntu-virt was first created because of complaints in #ubuntu-server :)09:11
ikoniaoh really09:12
persiaLong time ago though, so not like a short-term flip-flop in channel attitudes.09:14
ikoniaI didn't think it was09:14
ikoniaI can see some upsides and some downsides, lets see how it pans out09:14
persiaI think combined with be better with current folks.  The breakaway virt folks have mostly either stopped working on Ubuntu directly, or become more involved with the server team as the focus has moved from standalone to cloud.09:17
ikoniathat's one of the positives09:18
jussijpds: [12:34:41] * #ubuntu-virt: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited10:35
jussi[12:34:50] * 470 #ubuntu-virt #ubuntu-server Forwarding to another channel10:35
jpdsOh, I block forwards; so I didn't see that.10:35
jussiwhats the difference?  first I was in server, second I wasnt...10:35
topylichonema just joined #ubuntu after troling -ot for a while13:05
gnomefreakanyone know how to change the topic of a channel without typing/Copy-paste. i need to add a line in +1 before the X line13:08
elkyuse a real irc client? :P13:08
gnomefreakirssi -the most real one :)13:08
knomegnomefreak, type /topic press space twice and then tab13:08
* gnomefreak missing X right now13:08
knome(actually pressing space once is okay)13:09
gnomefreakknome: thanks worked like a charm. i have to remember that13:11
knomenp :)13:11
bazhangFirefox will not make 10.10!13:11
gnomefreaknope not until next dev cycle13:11
elkyfirefox which?13:11
bazhangany, from the topic13:11
gnomefreakthan lucid and maverick will get 4.013:11
elkyoh, 4's incoming already?13:12
* elky hasn't been watching13:12
* elky huggles chrome13:12
gnomefreakyep we have had it in our daily PPA since pre a113:12
Picichromey ♥13:12
gnomefreakwhat happened to junji or however you spell it14:05
bazhangahh jungli14:06
gnomefreakbazhang: yes14:06
bazhanggnomefreak, still trolling?14:06
gnomefreakbazhang: i havent seen him. but i asked in #freenode if staff has to approve and account. this is in thinking that his account was killed, what is stopping him from making a new one14:07
bazhanggnomefreak, he can log on without creating a registered account14:07
bazhangjust won't be able to get into channels with +r14:08
gnomefreakoh so there is nothing stopping him from coming back14:08
gnomefreakoh well i havent seen him in a few days so maybe he got the hint14:08
bazhangdoubtful, but yeah14:09
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:18
gnomefreakok why do i need to be approved? i did this in #ubuntu-mozillateam to cut down on traffic14:20
gnomefreakPici: i tried to change !rtfm but it needs approval by the looks of it14:21
bazhangadd it for that channel14:21
gnomefreakis it because ubottu  isnt in the channel?14:22
bazhangits ubot214:22
Picignomefreak: because you're trying to change ubot2, not ubottu.14:22
gnomefreakbazhang: no just to add rtm to it and not sure if we should add something like and so on14:22
PiciI don't see the need to add 'rtm'14:22
gnomefreakPici: tell that to the user that tried to get around rtfm by trying rtm14:23
IdleOnewas that actionparsnip?14:23
gnomefreakIdleOne: no it was darth....14:23
gnomefreakhold on14:24
IdleOneok nm14:24
bazhangdahkneth or something14:24
IdleOneGood morning to you all14:24
gnomefreakIdleOne: good morning14:24
Picignomefreak: If anything we should specify that #ubuntu is a support channel, and that we support users there, not point them to manuals when we can.14:24
gnomefreaki agree14:25
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org14:25
gnomefreakthat pretty much covers that14:26
persiaCould someone with better bantracker-fu check on the status of Kmos @ #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-motu ?  He seemed unaffected earlier (but hopped off when reminded)14:26
gnomefreakok what the hell is going on here14:27
gnomefreakthe bot hates me14:27
IdleOnedo it in PM14:27
IdleOneor maybe the bot hates you :P14:28
gnomefreakno matches14:28
gnomefreakyep no matches for that name14:28
Picipersia: looks like he lost his cloak for whatever reason.14:28
persiaPici, Oh, that's fine.  I don't mind a bit of ban evasion if he's polite about it (he's taking steps to remove his ban anyway).14:29
Picipersia: Do you want me to update the mute?14:29
persiaI just worried the ban had expired or something.  Thanks for checking.14:29
persiaNo need.  He'll recloak soon enough.14:30
persiaAnd he's scheduled for review of his ban before the board in a few hours.14:30
Picipersia: Okay.14:30
gnomefreakwhy couldnt i find it using the name provided14:30
Picignomefreak: its not on the bt for whatever reason.  I searched the ban and quiet lists manually.14:31
persiaProbably because my bt-fu is exceedingly weak (and was back when I set those)14:31
gnomefreaktold you bots hate me and now bt hates me14:31
* gnomefreak goes for smoke to figure out how to fix me + bots14:32
bazhangfendaril is ban evading?14:36
IdleOnenot anymore14:36
IdleOneaka gentoo, blobber14:36
bazhangah okay. he was the guy joining then calling ops and quitting?14:36
IdleOneI wonder why he admitted it to me though14:44
IdleOnecan someone forward CTAPOMAK| ~kvirc@host-92-124-139-33.pppoe.omsknet.ru to ##fix_your_connection. I don't seem able to do it right now.15:09
bazhangheh cant beat idoru for speed15:14
IdleOnebazhang: I set a straight ban on the above user could you change it to a forward for me please15:15
bazhangfsdgsfg was klined15:15
bazhangIdleOne, ctaromuk? he's a regular in -ru I'll check with him there15:16
IdleOnehe's having excess flood issues15:16
bazhangyep server wide. expect imminent kline15:16
IdleOneok will leave as is for now15:17
jussiIdleOne: whats the issue with detting the forward?15:21
IdleOnejussi: not sure my client was just not setting it15:22
jussiIdleOne: do you not know how to manually set it?15:22
IdleOneI can look it up :)15:22
jussiwould be a good idea ;)15:22
IdleOne/mode #ubuntu +b *!*kvirc@host-92-124-139-33.pppoe.omsknet.ru$##fix_your_connection15:24
IdleOnethat should work right?15:24
jussilooks correct to me...15:25
IdleOneit does not get set15:25
IdleOneok had to remove the ban first then set the forward15:26
IdleOnebtw listened to your interview in UWN, good job :)15:28
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, tritium, Madpilot, gnomefreak, elky, mneptok, Pici, Gary, Myrtti, PriceChild, topyli, jussi, genii, ikonia, Flannel, lhavelund, gord, h00k, funkyHat or nhandler!16:06
Picilhavelund: yes?16:07
lhavelundWell that sucked. First I accidentally call that factoid, then my internets die.16:12
lhavelundMy apologies.16:12
lhavelund(to all highlighted)16:13
lhavelundAnd I'm off again. Tethering gets too expensive.16:13
lhavelund100mb/month cap ftl :(16:13
MichealH m looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements18:10
MichealHI was wondering If I can join the ubuntu meeting ops team? Are there any vacancies?18:11
MichealHIs this something for -irc?18:11
Tm_TMichealH: AFAIK there hasn't been any need for additional ops there18:12
i0nicwhy is #ubuntu bringing me here18:13
i0nicI dont care to be a op.18:13
Tm_Ti0nic: I was talking to MichealH18:13
MichealHAre there any channels with vacancies?18:13
Tm_TMichealH: not that I know18:13
Tm_Ti0nic: one moment please18:13
i0nicAhh I see why I'm in here18:13
i0nicmneptok was mad cause i put him on ignore for trolling me18:13
MichealHSo I should just request to join a team and go through the process?18:14
MichealHTm_T, ^^18:14
Tm_TMichealH: sure18:15
ikoniaMichealH: from a personal note (just my opinion) I'd look at improving your reputation18:15
ikoniai0nic: please be quiet, we'll get to you in a moment18:15
i0nicyou can take my voice if it bothers you18:16
ikoniai0nic: no, please just show some self control and be quiet for a moment18:16
i0nicself control? because im running about screaming with my pants off right?18:16
ikoniai0nic: please just hang on, we'll be with you ASAP18:16
i0nicmaybe you should work on your people skills, cause they are kinda awful. ikonia18:16
MichealHikonia, Okay. Its just because I use IRC alot and use alot of ubuntu namespace channels so I was just trying to help :)18:16
i0nicsure thing,.18:16
IdleOnei0nic: this attitude is the exact reason why you are being forwarded to -ops. I see no reasson to remove the ban in #ubuntu at this time. Please /part this channel and return in 48hrs if you want to discuss removal of the ban.18:17
IdleOnehave a good day.18:18
i0nicEat a dick.18:18
Tm_T...make it a week or two18:18
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops i0nic offensive and rude towards people18:18
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:18
ikoniaMichealH: apologies for the interuption,18:19
MichealHikonia, No problem18:19
IdleOneMichealH: ikonia I apologize for interrupting your conversation.18:20
ikoniaMichealH: anything else you need from the operators in this channel ?18:20
ikonianot at all18:20
MichealHikonia, Nope I was just waiting for a reply (if any)18:20
ikoniaMichealH: sorry, what are you waiting for a reply to18:21
ikoniaapologies if I interupted a question18:21
MichealHikonia, I was waiting for any comments on my lets say "question"18:21
ikoniaMichealH: sorry, what question ?18:22
MichealHThe one about ops18:22
MichealH(Sorry if im not making sense)18:22
ikoniaplease re-ask, I think I may have disrupted the channel flow18:22
MichealHikonia: see below18:23
MichealH<MichealH> Hello18:23
MichealH<MichealH>  m looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements18:23
MichealH<MichealH> I was wondering If I can join the ubuntu meeting ops team? Are there any vacancies?18:23
MichealH<MichealH> Is this something for -irc?18:23
MichealHThat question18:23
ikoniaMichealH: if you look in that URL it tells you how to apply18:23
mneptokdoes anyone have any questions about why i banned i0nic? ;)20:29
* mneptok gesturesw upwards20:31
Picimneptok: oh, I missed the conversation.20:31
charlie-tcayou mean, after the above display, there could be questions?20:33
IdleOnemneptok: none here20:34
Tm_Tmneptok: I think he made it clear himself20:35
Tm_Tunless you had something different in mind20:36
IdleOneHeads up there are trolls in #freenode posting message in other languages that translate to " I am looking for women to rape"21:08
cyphermoxhi, could someone please change the topic on #ubuntu-testing, it seems to be wrong. it should mention "Beta ISOs", rather than "RC ISOs", and we don't have someone with access to change it atm.21:19
charlie-tcamaverick instead of lucid, too21:20
cyphermoxcharlie-tca, hehe, yeah21:21
IdleOnejussi Pici nhandler ^^21:27
i0nicHey why am I blocked?23:42
IdleOnei0nic: I already told you because of your bad attitude in #ubuntu yesterday and your even worse attitude in here. Like I told you earlier come back in 48 hrs23:49
IdleOneNow please part the channel23:50
i0nicwhat did I end up telling you?23:50
IdleOnei0nic: I don't use that sort of language23:50
IdleOnePlease part now.23:50
i0nicU shuld use my IP it would be fun, see how im not cloaked?23:50
IdleOnebeats me23:51
IdleOneTELL0: unless you have business here please part the channel23:51
IdleOnenhandler: could you please remove TELL023:58
nhandlerIdleOne: Done23:59

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