
ScottLwas someone looking for me about the -rt kernel?02:20
nhandlerScottL: 1283200465 15:34:25 < cjwatson> curious what they're going to do about the linux-headers-rt recommendation from ubuntustudio-desktop, given that linux-rt's been removed02:21
ScottLthanks nhandler02:22
ScottLcjwatson, hopefully tomorrow i'll take care of the linux-headers-rt recommendation in ubuntustudio-desktop02:52
NCommandercjwatson: that's fine, I fpassed out before I saw your message or I would have done it03:04
slangasek^^ per mvo's request this morning; note that this bug only affects upgrades from systems that aren't up-to-date on lucid-updates, so may not be worth accepting before beta03:29
persiaDepends on testing methodologies: lots of folks try to do the install/dist-upgrade trick on a VM, and may not remember to update first.03:30
mvoslangasek: \o/ for fixing the ifupdown #62095607:45
=== ara_ is now known as ara
Riddellev: the standalone installer seems to be working in Kubuntu but when clicking "Try Kubuntu" it goes to the slideshow rather than the live session09:14
aramorning all!09:14
arawhen do we expect the first candidate images?09:15
persiacronjob was still enabled last I heard, so today's dailies should be candidates as they become available.09:15
persiaI believe this will take at least two more hours, perhaps a bit more.09:16
persiaErr, rather, I'm doing math wrong.  Should be any time now.09:16
Riddellev: hum, the installer seems to freeze this VM09:29
Riddellev: bug 625586 I guess09:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 625586 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity killed by OOM killer (affects: 2) (heat: 1154)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62558609:35
Riddellthe install does complete fine for me if you ignore the UI freeze09:35
ograhrm, lamont i cant reach sycamore or acorn through http, are they down ?09:40
ogra(builds failed as well it seems)09:40
Riddellbug 62728409:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 627284 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Try Kubuntu leads to slideshow not live CD (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62728409:53
ogralamont, hmm, in fact i cant reach *any* of the livefs builders09:54
* ogra wonders whats going on here09:54
ograsycamore.buildd starting at Tue Aug 31 10:02:07 BST 201010:02
ograssh: connect to host sycamore.buildd port 22: No route to host10:02
ograsycamore.buildd finished at Tue Aug 31 10:02:10 BST 2010 (failed)10:02
cjwatsonI can't reach acorn or sycamore either, but e.g. kapok is fine10:02
ograare terranova and king still livefs builders ?10:03
ograah, k10:03
cjwatsoncardamom weddell royal concordia all work fine.  clementine is reachable but doesn't have a ~buildd directory.10:03
ograclementine is dead since maverick started10:03
cjwatsonfrom which I infer that I forgot to update livefs-build-logs-mirror10:03
ograacorn took over10:03
ograand sycamore is a new one for omap4 builds only10:04
cjwatsonwell, that would be why you haven't been getting your logs on the web ;-)10:04
cjwatsonI'd recommend asking #is about those hosts being down; lamont probably won't be around for a few hours yet10:05
ogracjwatson, yeah, sorry, my fault i should have pinged you about it ... i personally look directly on the buildd nowadays so i forgot10:05
* cjwatson wonders why the kubuntu daily has uninstallable packages11:24
cjwatsonbuilding updated kubuntu dvds since those wouldn't normally happen today11:25
\shmoins :) can some approve last zend-framework upload 1.10.8 (bug fix only upload -> bug #627319)11:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 627319 in zend-framework (Ubuntu) "zend-framework 1.10.8 (bugfix release) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62731911:32
lamontclementine is a recycled name (sorry) and not a livecd builder.  sycamore was down, is now back up <-- ogra, cjwatson11:44
ogralamont, yeah, i'm alreday building on it again :)11:44
Riddell\sh: accepted11:44
lamontogra: acorn was not on my list of hate as of last night, though.11:45
ograit did build the dove and omap3 images but was dead when i tried to reach it today11:45
lamontmust have gotten annoyed after I went offline11:46
\shRiddell, thx...11:46
ograheh, yeah, it needs its master :)11:46
\shRiddell, when you are at it...could you review bug #627337 and think about it ?? :)11:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 627337 in ubuntu "[FFE] FAI 3.4 for Ubuntu Maverick (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62733711:47
cjwatsonacorn and sycamore build logs will now be mirrored11:51
cjwatsonogra: you want to kick rebuilds?11:51
ogracjwatson, running since ~30min already11:52
Riddellogra: what ARM images are you expecting to build for beta?12:09
* cjwatson starts sorting out the tracker12:11
aracjwatson, thanks!12:13
cjwatsonubuntu alternates both oversized12:13
cjwatsonhmm, why isn't "Maverick Beta" an option on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/admin/addbuild ?12:14
cjwatsonstgraber: ^- do you know?  I added it in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/admin/milestone12:15
evRiddell: I've committed a fix for bug 627284.  You're not in -installer, so I wasn't sure if you would notice.12:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 627284 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Try Kubuntu leads to slideshow not live CD (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62728412:15
cjwatsonev: are there ubiquity fixes pending for beta?12:15
evcjwatson: I was just going to ask.  What are my chances of getting a respin?12:16
cjwatson'cos I was about to start posting desktops, once the tracker will let me12:16
cjwatsonwhat's your timeframe?12:16
evas yes, there are fixes I'd like to see in12:16
cjwatsoncan you upload right away?12:16
cjwatsonplease do then12:16
evshould I do the usual freeze exception dance, or are you happy to push it through?12:17
cjwatsonplease just upload it12:18
cjwatsonI'll check it over in the queue12:18
evwill do, thanks12:18
cjwatsonhave we had a translations update recently?12:18
cjwatson... apparently so12:18
\shScottK, thx12:27
* cjwatson fixes Ubuntu alternate oversizedness12:28
cjwatsonhm, there's been an issue updating the seed mirrors for the last week12:28
cjwatsonactually it was probably ok, just slow12:29
Riddellthanks ev12:31
evsure thing, sorry for the screw up there12:32
evcjwatson: uploaded12:32
cjwatsonev: accepted (please push the debcommit -r bit to bzr?)12:55
evcjwatson: done, thanks12:56
Riddellcjwatson: could you take a look at kdenetwork in unapproved?  it's needed to stop libavcodecs being pulled onto the CD12:57
cjwatsonok, is that what the uninstallables are about?12:58
Riddellcjwatson: yes12:58
cjwatsonseb128: is there any of this gnome update that's beta-critical, as opposed to would-be-nice?13:00
cjwatsonI wasn't available yesterday to review it and it doesn't look like others did, and I'd like to start building beta candidates v. soon13:00
cjwatsonwe have a slot for a small number of them if they're needed13:01
seb128cjwatson, hi13:01
seb128cjwatson, those are not beta stopper no13:01
seb128I pinged slangasek about the important ones yesterday13:02
seb128we might still want to get some unity changes in the next hour13:02
cjwatsonah, ok, so those went in?13:02
seb128do you think there is a margin to wait a bit for UNE?13:02
seb128cjwatson, yes13:02
cjwatsonI can hold off on building netbook, yes13:02
cjwatsonplenty of other stuff to do13:02
seb128would be nice, just for an hour13:02
seb128I want to sort the status with njpatel when he's online13:02
cjwatsonI have to wait 1.5 hours or so for ubiquity and kdenetwork anyway13:02
seb128they are sprinting in canada this week13:03
seb128he should be there rsn13:03
cjwatsonI wonder if I can do anything about the powerpc desktop oversizedness13:04
cjwatsonthat's the only oversized thing left, I think13:04
cjwatsonprobably not a whole lot13:05
persiacjwatson, Given how long it's been since Windows worked on powerpc, the lupin and casper-lupin stuff could be dropped (although that might be deeper than you want to play today)13:20
cjwatsonpersia: thanks, done, though it won't make much difference13:25
ograRiddell, ubuntu-netbook for omap3 and 4, kubuntu and kubuntu-mobile for omap3, no idea what NCommander's plans for dove are13:26
NCommanderogra: I'll attempt to test tomorrow, can't now13:27
ograNCommander, what images do you plan to have rolled ofr beta was the question13:27
* persia doesn't see anything else obvious, seeing use cases for ntfs, and knowing the reasons libdrm-intel is there.13:28
ograRiddell, nobody in the team will have time to test any of the kubuntu ones though, so testing these is up to the community13:28
seb128cjwatson, ok, do we still have a margin to have changes in before the end of the hour out of UNE or is late for that?14:25
cjwatsongo ahead14:25
seb128cjwatson, the shotwell update has small changes and fix import issues and a crasher if you can review that, rather a would be nice to have14:26
seb128cjwatson, evo in the queue just fix some files installed at the wrong location, that should make the default signature work and have a menu entry in internet14:27
seb128cjwatson, I will upload rsn a telepathy-logger update with a recommends on libdconf014:27
seb128seems we got bitten again by the "libglib2.0-0 recommends are not installed" I asked you about at the sprint14:28
seb128ie dconf doesn't get pulled on the iso which leads to have different programs falling back to use the default glib backend which has no storage14:28
seb128and I will have an unity update for UNE before end of the hour14:29
seb128I think that's it by checking with different desktop and dx people14:29
ttxara, cjwatson: anything blocking using the current server ISO daily as the beta candidate ? Or are we waiting for something to show up to respin ?14:32
arattx, I don't know. I am waiting as well for images to appear in the tracker14:32
cjwatsonttx: I need help with the tracker, which is refusing to let me post images for Maverick Beta14:41
cjwatson14:38 <agy> cjwatson: ara is probably the person to talk to about qatracker14:41
cjwatsonara: ^- can you help?14:41
* ttx shakes its fist towards the tracker to see if it helps14:42
aracjwatson, sure, what's  the issue?14:42
cjwatson12:57 <cjwatson> Can somebody look at iso.qa.ubuntu.com for me?  I added a "Maverick Beta" milestone using http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/admin/milestone, but it's not showing up in the drop-down at the14:42
cjwatson                 bottom of http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/admin/addbuild14:42
cjwatson12:57 <cjwatson> I'm wondering if it needs some kind of manual push14:42
cjwatsonsigh, I wish seb128 had told me about those uploads when I asked earlier14:42
aracjwatson, I'll have a look14:43
cjwatsonI bet that'll mean another hour14:43
aracjwatson, I see that milestone in the dropdown14:43
aracjwatson, (the first of the list)14:43
aracjwatson, the ordering of that list could be wiser, that's true14:44
cjwatsonoh, sigh, ok14:44
cjwatsoncan you change the default?14:44
cjwatsonwhich is currently Lucid 10.04.114:44
cjwatsonttx: posted14:45
ttxcjwatson: thanks !14:45
seb128re, sorry system crash on user switching14:47
aracjwatson, done14:47
cjwatsonseb128: would have been nice to know earlier :-/, but shotwell and evolution accepted now14:47
cjwatsonara: thanks14:47
cjwatsonmight be 1530 UTC or so before I can start building candidates14:48
seb128cjwatson, sorry I was set on the "let them roll beta iso we can get those later", but somebody raised the dconf issue14:48
seb128cjwatson, so I figured we will need to get that anyway so...14:48
cjwatsonhow long will telepathy-logger be?14:49
seb128I'm uploading now14:49
seb128I was about when my box crashed14:49
seb128cjwatson, telepathy-logger shows up in the queue15:00
cjwatsonaccepted, thanks15:01
seb128thank you15:02
Riddellcjwatson: kdenetwork and ubiquity seem to be in, can I build kubuntu candidate CDs?15:20
cjwatsoncan I do it please15:20
* cjwatson looks suspiciously at how all his jigdo attempts today yield checksum errors15:22
cjwatsonwonder if there's a problem on my local mirror ...15:23
* ttx expects a eucalyptus upload fixing a few beta-targeted bugs, that will generate a server ISO respin.15:24
stgrabercjwatson: is your issue fixed ?15:37
cjwatsonstgraber: yes, thanks15:38
cjwatsonseb128: is unity-asset-pool for beta, and is there anything else in that list?15:38
seb128cjwatson, yes and unity which is coming in 2 minutes15:39
seb128that's UNE only15:39
seb128and we should be done then15:39
seb128we are done for desktop already15:39
ttxhm, about server ISOs: looking at the potenial euca upload, there is nothing worth a respin there. So we won't respin over that one alone.15:48
cjwatsonseb128: any news on unity?16:49
seb128cjwatson, hum, I uploaded an hour ago, let me see what happened16:49
seb128dpkg-source failed for unity_0.2.32-0ubuntu3.dsc [return: 29]16:50
seb128cjwatson, can we change a source to format 3 in a new revision?16:50
cjwatsontar: data/trash.png: Cannot open: File exists16:51
cjwatsontar: data/files.png: Cannot open: File exists16:51
cjwatsontar: data/applications.png: Cannot open: File exists16:51
cjwatsondoesn't mean you can ship files in the .debian.tar.gz that exist in the .orig.tar.gz though16:51
seb128oh :-(16:51
cjwatsonat least I don't think so16:52
cjwatsonthough actually that seems slightly odd16:52
cjwatsonbut can you stick them under debian/ instead as a workaround?16:52
seb128weird that it works there16:52
seb128I can dpkg-source -x it16:53
cjwatsonthe dpkg-source -x failure is reproducible on cocoplum16:53
cjwatsonmaybe it's a bug that was fixed since?16:54
seb128could be16:54
seb128in any case I'm going to fix that, sorry for the delay :-(16:54
cjwatsonI don't see anything obvious in the dpkg changelog16:55
cjwatsonmaybe report a bug and attach the uploaded files16:55
cjwatsonspinning other images in the meantime16:55
seb128ok, let me get a valid upload in first16:55
ScottKcjwatson: Where are we wrt spinning mythbuntu images?  The mythbuntu-common in the queue is desired, but not required for beta.16:58
ScottKI've reviewed it and it seems OK if it won't hurt ISO generation signfificantly.16:59
cjwatson$ echo ubuntu; for-project ubuntu cron.daily; buildlive ubuntu && for-project ubuntu cron.daily-live; echo xubuntu; for-project xubuntu cron.daily; buildlive xubuntu && for-project xubuntu cron.daily-live; echo ubuntustudio; for-project ubuntustudio cron.daily; echo mythbuntu; buildlive mythbuntu && for-project mythbuntu cron.daily-live17:02
cjwatsoncurrently in Ubuntu daily-live17:02
cjwatsongo ahead and accept it17:02
cjwatsonmay not quite make that build but we can respin quickly17:02
ScottKOK.  Thanks.17:03
aracjwatson, ubiquity is crashing for me on kubuntu17:10
arabug 62748917:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 627489 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity crashes in Kubuntu (Maverick Beta candidate) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62748917:10
cjwatsonev: ^-17:11
evugh, fixing17:17
GrueMasterI also saw this yesterday on the http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/daily-preinstalled/20100830/maverick-preinstalled-desktop-armel+omap.img.gz image.17:23
GrueMasterHadn't had time to look at it though.17:23
seb128cjwatson, unity uploaded again let's see how it goes this time17:31
seb128cjwatson, it's in the queue17:32
cjwatsondamnit, desktops oversized again17:35
cjwatsonquite dramatically - I wonder what happened17:35
cjwatsonunity accepted17:38
GrueMasterev: I'm not sure if I have the same kubuntu installer issue or not.  Could you quickly scan my logs at http://members.dsl-only.net/~tdavis/oem-config-crash.tgz?  This is on omap (armel) platform.17:42
GrueMasterIf it isn't the same, I'll look into it more and file a bug asap.17:42
cjwatsonoh, argh, oversized because we've just picked up the last week's worth of seed changes in one go17:43
* cjwatson cries a little bit inside17:43
cjwatsonand since the necessary change is in the live task, we'll need the usual publisher runs to fix it.  I'll try to speed it up a bit17:48
cjwatson(running 'LPCONFIG=ftpmaster-publish /srv/launchpad.net/codelines/current/cronscripts/publishing/cron.germinate' by hand as lp_publish@cocoplum, since we're at the right time for that to be a useful speedup)17:51
cjwatsonBTW, Ubuntu alternate and Xubuntu alternate posted18:12
charlie-tcaumm, those images don't exist for xubuntu alternate on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily18:22
charlie-tcawell, got them now18:26
cjwatsonwait, it's just slow18:26
* charlie-tca is in a hurry. It could a long time to sync them on his s-l-o-w connection now18:28
cjwatsonxubuntu desktop posted18:28
cjwatsonhey, I've been downloading a single poxy cd for a couple of hours18:28
slangasekmaybe a non-poxy one would download faster18:30
charlie-tcaoh! Maybe mine is just as good, then :-)18:30
cjwatsonslangasek: if poxy == large :-)18:30
slangasekI dunno, maybe the pox causes packet fragmentation?18:31
* cjwatson applies antibiotics to his ethernet port18:31
cjwatsonubuntustudio alternate posted18:32
cjwatsonev: any ETA on a ubiquity fix for Kubuntu?18:33
Riddellev: my first test gave me the OOM issue again on Kubuntu18:35
Riddelltesting again with a console running to get more info18:35
evcjwatson: soonish.  I'm assuming we're only respinning for KDE, right?18:35
evRiddell: ouch.18:35
cjwatsonev: I think so18:36
cjwatson(for the time being)18:36
cjwatsonwell, Ubuntu desktop does need a respin anyway, but I wasn't planning to wait for ubiquity18:36
evcan you?  Looking at the code, it will break in the GTK frontend if you enter a username with ^[0-9A-Za-z] in it.  I'd like to just ressurect the hostname box, reusing the old code making a minor change to make it fit the current flow.18:37
Riddellev: yes lots of plugininstall.py instances running18:37
evRiddell: ughhhhh18:37
evRiddell: logs please18:38
* cjwatson has a horrible thought18:38
cjwatsonforgot to update OFFICIAL to say "Beta"18:38
cjwatsonyou can tell I haven't done this for a while18:38
slangasekat least that doesn't require respinning any livefses18:40
cjwatsondone, but all images built until now will say "Alpha" instead.  I don't plan to respin just for this unless somebody tells me I have to18:40
slangasekI guess the noise it will cause with users is going to be fairly minimal18:40
Riddellev: http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/syslog  http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/debug18:40
cjwatsonI dunno, feel free to suggest I'm wrong, I know we've done differently in the past (but we had fewer images then)18:41
* Riddell out for an hour18:41
cjwatsonUbuntu and Kubuntu desktops need to be respun anyway, and those are the highest-profile ones aside from perhaps Ubuntu server18:42
charlie-tcaWe can release note xubuntu, if no other respin is needed18:43
slangasekcjwatson: I don't feel strongly about it, particularly as none of the noise is going to be directed at me... :)18:49
cjwatsonwanna bet18:49
slangasekhah :)18:49
cjwatsonrespinning Ubuntu desktop18:49
slangasekTBH I've always found it a little bit bothersome that, in preparation of the milestone, we prepare a series of *candidate* images that all get labeled "Beta" or "RC"18:50
cjwatsonalso have commented out the crontab now that the day's normal ports builds have finished18:50
cjwatsonwell, yeah, have always agreed but never saw an alternative18:50
slangaseksmarter on-the-fly ISO editing :-)18:50
cjwatsonshort of sedding the ISO which gives me the shivers18:50
slangasekI said smarter18:50
cjwatsonthat was a metasyntactic sed :)18:50
cjwatsongiven that there's code that parses .disk/info ...18:51
* cjwatson confirms that the mythbuntu desktop images have current mythbuntu-common, and posts19:11
cjwatsonslangasek: do we customarily post the upgrade tests around this time?19:20
slangasekcjwatson: yes19:20
cjwatsonwhat build id do you use?  just the current date?19:20
cjwatsonev: sorry, I didn't notice your comment above.  I can respin Ubuntu desktop again19:21
evcjwatson: okay19:21
evI've committed the hostname fix, just testing now19:22
evthen I'll try to reproduce Riddell's scary bug19:22
everr and upload ubiquity, of course19:22
slangasekcjwatson: current date, yes19:26
GrueMasterIs there a respin planned for Ubuntu-Netbook on Arm?  If not, can we get them enabled in iso.qa.ubuntu.com?19:31
cjwatsonrespin planned19:31
cjwatsonI'm just waiting for unity to publish19:31
cjwatsonI think just about all the candidates are up now except arm and DVDs, and of course the Ubuntu and Kubuntu desktop respins19:32
cjwatson(for ubiquity)19:32
GrueMasterSince there is a respin planned, is there a chance someone can tweak livecd to run /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-set-default-session une-efl prior to building squashfs for armel+dove?  Otherwise there is no way to boot past X.19:33
cjwatsonI had a respin planned but in like ten minutes19:33
cjwatsonI'm not sure how quick I can get a livecd-rootfs change in19:33
cjwatsoncan you propose a branch of livecd-rootfs for merging anyway, though?19:34
cjwatsonis this beta-critical?  should I be building DVDs first, and waiting for this?19:34
GrueMasterI wouldn't know where to start.  NCommander is planning on doing it, but he's in China on assignment.19:34
GrueMasterThis only affects armel+dove.19:35
GrueMasterNo other platforms would be affected.19:35
cjwatsonI mean, I can do it, but I'll probably get it slightly wrong19:35
GrueMaster(or should).19:35
GrueMasterok.  Not sure how best to proceed then.19:36
cjwatsonsomething like http://paste.ubuntu.com/486429/?19:36
* GrueMaster hates being the only teammate on arm in the PST timezone.19:36
cjwatsoner, except with chroot $ROOT19:37
cjwatsondoes gdm-set-default-session need $DISPLAY?19:37
GrueMasterNo display needed.  Here's what we currently have in jasper for omap images.  It is run on first boot.19:38
GrueMasterif [ -e /root/usr/share/xsessions/une-efl.desktop ] && [ -e /root/usr/lib/gdm/gdm-set-default-session ];then19:38
GrueMaster    chroot /root /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-set-default-session une-efl >>$LOGFILE 2>&1 || true19:38
NCommanderGrueMaster: cjwatson: I'd be glad to do it, but I'm not quite awake enough to trust myself with an editor, and my Dove board is locked at Marvell :-/19:39
cjwatsonNCommander: does http://paste.ubuntu.com/486431/ seem plausible?19:40
* GrueMaster likes line 14 of the patch. :D19:42
GrueMasterThe rest looks plausible to me, but I'm not familiar with the base code.19:42
cjwatsonlamont: do the buildds pull from bzr at the moment, or do I need to upload this livecd-rootfs change?19:45
lamontcjwatson: they dist-upgrade ... livecd-rootfs is the then-current-for-the-distroarchseries each build19:46
cjwatsonok, so the only delay is publication19:47
lamontexcept that BuildLiveCD.sh is a manual migration from inside the chroot to outside, and should be done via RT19:47
cjwatsonthat's not needed here19:47
cjwatsonUNE i386 building19:48
cjwatsoncould somebody review livecd-rootfs 1.150 in the queue?  (there's also a 1.149 from earlier)19:56
cjwatsonI guess I'll build some DVDs after UNE i38619:58
cjwatsonoh, hell, will need to wait for ubiquity for that anyway, and respin UNE for it19:58
cjwatsonev: now blocked19:58
evcjwatson: already uploaded19:59
evhaven't got the mail yet though19:59
cjwatsonshould arrive in a minute or so19:59
cjwatsonev: po/Makefile.in seems to keep flipping back and forward between in the package and not in the package20:01
cjwatsonmight benefit from a better clean rule or something20:01
evindeed, will do20:01
cjwatsonaccepted though20:02
cjwatsonreally must make publish-queue faster, by caching or something20:12
NCommandercjwatson: that looks sane, but probably needs a smoke test20:15
* NCommander was going to implement it as a command line switch ...20:16
cjwatsonI figure it should behave as we want it to behave by default20:18
NCommandercjwatson: well, if we ever get 3D, although it won't exist until natty at the earlist20:19
cjwatsonguess we can worry about it then20:20
NCommandercjwatson: indeed. Thanks20:21
cjwatsondinnertime; will likely be at least an hour until more spins are usefully possible20:29
keescjwatson: hi! do you have any plans to respin ISOs in the next day? I'm trying to coordinate a security publication. it's currently embargoed, but if you're going to respin, I'd like to get it out asap, otherwise I can wait until maverick is unfrozen.20:51
cjwatsonkees: planning to respin Ubuntu and Kubuntu desktops shortly, plus all arm and DVDs21:24
keescjwatson: define "shortly" ?21:25
keesI suspect I should just probably wait until beta unfreezes. :)21:25
cjwatsonI thought it would be 10 minutes, but ubiquity needs another hotfix, so a couple of hours21:25
cjwatsonmsg me the details?21:26
slangasekcjwatson: do you want to hand off any of this to me so you can have an evening?21:37
cjwatsonnot sure yet, K is tired and might go to bed early21:44
cjwatsonI think I'll want to hand some of it off, just not sure what yet21:53
* slangasek wonders who's still passing around bad recommendations about installing the 'grub' package21:59
cjwatsonthe grub/Windows issues I blogged about recently are another source of this22:00
cjwatsongrub legacy's stage 1.5 is smaller and so less likely to suffer from it, though it does still happen22:00
cjwatson(in fact I was thinking of backporting the workaround to legacy once I have it safely sorted out in 2)22:01
slangasekwell whoever is telling people to install grub should tell them how to bloody configure it22:03
slangasekinstead of just telling them to install the package, which doesn't help anything22:03
cjwatsonI've added caching to publish-queue, so it's now MUCH quicker to run23:04
cjwatsonas in seconds rather than approaching ten minutes23:05
ScottKcjwatson: Do you still want the livecd-rootfs changes in?23:12
cjwatsonyes please23:15
ScottKcjwatson: Done23:16
cjwatsonserver installations are failing to boot after installation (reported by marjo); investigating23:21
marjothx cjwatson23:40
cjwatsonI wonder if your netbook is PAE-capable23:44
cjwatsonI see it in kvm, but kvm has given me grief with PAE in the past23:44

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