
Psi-JackHas anyone worked much with AoE targets for HA networked storage mediums? I'm curious how fault tolerant it can be.00:28
fbc_I have a server with a 10gig system partition and would like to move and remap /var to another drive(bigger) as that is where all the data goes.00:33
fbc_could someone point me to a guide or how to?00:33
fbc_don't all jump in all at once now.00:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #627142 in apache2 (main) "Apache2 init.d script runs 'stty sane', which will fail on script runs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62714200:51
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Andre_GondimI have a ubuntu server with cups installed, how do I access the interface in other pc in the same network01:48
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: i think cups has a web interface01:53
Andre_Gondimpmatulis, yeah, it has, but how may I do the accesss by other machine not localhost01:54
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: port 631 i believe01:55
Andre_GondimI did, but don't show me nothing01:55
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: what exactly did you do?01:56
Andre_GondimI installed ubuntu server, and cups, then in other machine try ip_from_server:631 and shows me a error page, like that page doesn't exists01:57
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: i guess the cups daemon isn't running01:59
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: you should get something like what i have on my system:02:00
pmatuliscupsd   1938 root    7u  IPv4  25155      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)02:01
Andre_Gondimroot     19103  0.0  0.1   6872  2620 ?        Ss   21:45   0:00 /usr/sbin/cupsd -C /etc/cups/cupsd.conf02:01
Andre_Gondimpmatulis, like this?02:02
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: for me, it's listening on localhost02:02
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: change that in your config file02:03
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: what output do you get to:02:03
pmatulissudo lsof -i4tcp:631 -nP02:03
Andre_Gondimcupsd   19103 root    6u  IPv4 165972      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)02:04
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: there you go.  change the config file so it listens on your IP address02:04
Andre_Gondimpmatulis, the  config file is cupsd.conf?02:05
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: yeah02:05
Andre_GondimI have inserted Listen my_other_machine_ip:631 and restarted the service cups, bug the result is the same02:06
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: your other machine?02:06
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: no, put the server's address02:07
Andre_Gondimoh, I got it02:07
Andre_Gondimpmatulis, many thanks, now I can setup my printer ;)02:08
pmatulisAndre_Gondim: good work02:08
YDU_Remote...mornin y'all - anyone familiar with grub2 strangeness - i.e., on powerON (not reboot), grub just hangs with "out of disk" error...?02:10
pmatulisYDU_Remote: when you power on your machine does not boot but when you reboot it does?02:12
YDU_Remotepmatulis: Yeppers mate...exactly that. Strange, innit...02:17
pmatulisYDU_Remote: you might have a power issue (power supply or wall outlet)02:18
YDU_Remotepmatulis: All tested/checked/verified. This server installation also does the same thing at the lab, here, or anywhere else. Strange thing this - I've done the exact same installation/setup on several machines and this one is the only one that freaks like this. All the same hardware, same Ubu version, same everything.02:19
pmatulisYDU_Remote: but you're using the same p/s, obviously02:20
pmatulisYDU_Remote: or did you change it?02:20
YDU_RemoteUsed the PSU from a different box (the same, but just from a different box) -> same issue.02:21
pmatulisYDU_Remote: how many and what kind of drives?02:23
YDU_Remotepmatulis: Single drive, internal, 1.5tb => Samsung02:32
pmatulisYDU_Remote: swap in another one02:33
YDU_Remotepmatulis: Hard to do whilst this site is active - have to try that at COB02:33
pmatulisYDU_Remote: COB?02:33
YDU_Remotepmatulis: My bad - it's a WD (COB - Close of business)02:34
pmatulisYDU_Remote: alright02:34
JasonMSPIs it possible to adjust some setting so that I don't see the entire directory structure at the command prompt?  maybe just the current folder name?02:36
YDU_RemoteThese kinda niggly things really give me the shiites sometimes...re-installed grub2 so many times I feel like I'm dating it...02:36
pmatulisJasonMSP: yes, of course02:38
pmatulisJasonMSP: you want to "customize your bash prompt" (assuming you're using bash as shell)02:38
JasonMSPpmatulis: yes02:40
pmatulisJasonMSP: so google will tell you, basically you want to define the PS1 variable02:40
pmatulisJasonMSP: your current prompt is given by 'echo $PS1'02:41
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EvilPhoenixi'm trying to configure lighttpd to work02:41
EvilPhoenixi installed it with apt-get02:41
EvilPhoenixand i'm getting 403 forbiddens everywhere02:41
EvilPhoenixhow can I fix that02:41
pmatulisEvilPhoenix: i guess you need to configure it02:41
EvilPhoenixno crap02:41
EvilPhoenixi came here looking for support with that02:42
pmatulisEvilPhoenix: that should get you started02:44
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|rt|does anyone know of any reasons you can get really bad (4.3 MB/s) write speed and really good (187 MB/s) read with software raid in linux?03:18
chrismsnzraid 5?03:18
|rt|doesn't seem to matter what file system I use or kernel version03:18
|rt|yes 5 disk raid 503:18
chrismsnzit's doing a lot of calculation per write03:18
stlsaintany of you folks ever use psad with server edition?03:19
chrismsnzi haven't seen it that bad, but it's bad03:19
|rt|nah...cpu's can do that really fast03:19
|rt|it's not cpu bound when this is happening03:19
|rt|like 97% idle cpu03:19
|rt|i've used 12 disk raid5 software raid without any issues in the past03:19
chrismsnzis one of the disks dragging it down?03:20
chrismsnztry to run hdparm on each individual device03:20
chrismsnzhdparm -tT03:20
|rt|yeah did that already...they are all about the same03:20
|rt|50-60 MB/s03:20
|rt|but hdparm only test reads....and my slowness is writes03:20
|rt|I'll blow my raid volume away and run some bonnie++ tests on each drive03:21
|rt|but these same drives did a good job with OpenSolaris and ZFS03:22
|rt|if I can't get linux working right I'll try FreeBSD and just go back to ZFS03:22
chrismsnzzfs is nice :)03:23
chrismsnzif you're running a recent kernel the on-disk format for btrfs is now stable so might be worth a whack03:23
|rt|it is....I was hoping to play with BTRFS but the user space tools seem to be a bit lacking03:23
chrismsnzobviously not if it's production, though03:23
|rt|and it's documentation03:23
chrismsnzI prefer RAID 10 to raid 503:24
|rt|chrismsnz: I started off playing with BTRFS on Maverick on this system just to see what it was like03:24
|rt|chrismsnz: yeah I agree only the raid 10 thing but these drives are only 250GB drives so for capacity I chose to stick to RAID5 for now03:25
chrismsnzin fact, you could probably use Linux's "raid 10" on your array - it outperformed raid6 in my tests03:25
|rt|but BTRFS doesn't do RAID5 yet03:25
|rt|yeah...I may do that just to test this....but I need to figure out what about my system Linux isn't likely03:26
chrismsnzwell, if you want the bleeding edge - i heard that native linux ZFS is being released shortly as a compilable kernel module03:26
|rt|yeah I think i'll pass on that for now03:26
|rt|hopefully maverick +1 has BTRFS and the documentation and user space tools are improved03:27
chrismsnznatty narwhal D:03:27
|rt|integration with apt and snapshots would be nice too :)03:28
chrismsnzis your hardware exceedingly old or new?03:30
|rt|it's middle of the road03:30
chrismsnza while ago linux was having trouble with an onboard sata controller I had and it affected speeds quite badly03:31
|rt|it's probably a year old or so but it wasn't cutting edge then03:31
chrismsnzshouldn't be a problem there :\03:31
|rt|yeah I've been looking for information about the SB700 chipset and performance issues but haven't found anything03:31
|rt|the system has an AMD Athlon 4850e cpu03:32
chrismsnzyou're using software raid by mdadm right?03:33
* chrismsnz boggles03:33
|rt|i've tried the SATA controller in SATA mode and AHCI mode with the same results03:33
|rt|yeah i've never seen anything like this03:34
|rt|but i've tried a few older kernels on system rescue live cd's to make sure it wasn't a kernel issue03:34
|rt|what ever is going on doesn't seem to be tied to any kernel version03:35
chrismsnzyou're using one parity disk?03:35
|rt|well raid5 doesn't have a dedicated parity disk...but it is n+1 parity03:35
chrismsnzerr yeah03:35
chrismsnzi mean, i can see why it's slow to write... 5 disks = 4 reads and 2 writes per block03:36
|rt|I have plenty of pci slots open so one option may be to pick up a couple of 4 port sata controllers03:37
chrismsnzbut like i said i haven't seen it that slow03:37
chrismsnzor 3 reads, hypothetically, plus parity calculation03:37
|rt|if the raid didn't rebuild at 50MB/s my first thought was partition mis-aligned but you normally don't see that much speed loss for that03:38
|rt|just did a bigger test to make sure I wasn't seeing some caching affect on the read spead03:39
|rt|wrote 7.4GB in 1767.36 seconds (4.2MB/s) and read 7.4GB in 49.046s (150MB/s) using dd03:40
|rt|time to blow away the raid and run bonnie++ on each drive to see what happens03:41
|rt|b/c if it's one drive the read speed could still be pretty good with raid5 as it could work around the slow drive03:41
|rt|not sure it's that intelligent though03:41
chrismsnzgood luck :\03:41
chrismsnzalso check dmesg and see if it's complaining about any of your hardware03:42
|rt|yeah hopefully something jumps out with the individual disks03:42
|rt|nothing in dmesg03:42
|rt|chrismsnz: I think I found my problem03:49
|rt|mkfs.ext4 on /dev/sda2 is going really slow....fast on all the other drives03:49
chrismsnzgive it a prod with smartctl03:49
chrismsnzsee if it's noticed a problem03:49
|rt|hmm sdd2 is slow as well...may have spoken too soon03:52
|rt|smart data is fine on all of the drives.....i'll have to swap what port the drives are plugged into and see if the problem follows ports, drives, or cables03:53
Datzhi, it seems as though cron isn't working on my system. Can someone help me out with a diagnosis?03:59
chrismsnzDatz: what makes you say that?04:10
Datzchrismsnz: I have cron jobs scheduled and they don't run04:12
chrismsnzok, where did you schedule them?04:12
chrismsnzin crontab? cron.daily? cron.d?04:12
chrismsnzunprivileged user? or root user?04:13
Datzgroups datz04:13
Datzdatz : datz adm dialout cdrom plugdev crontab sambashare lpadmin admin04:13
DatzI added myself to crontab group04:13
Datzin hopes to fix it04:13
chrismsnzdo you have an /etc/cron.deny or /etc/cron.allow file?04:14
chrismsnz(it's ok if you don't but if you do it will use it)04:14
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Datzno, for either04:15
chrismsnzyou're running 10.04?04:15
chrismsnztype "status cron"04:16
Datzstatus: Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory04:16
Datzthis is a VM btw04:16
Datzdon't know if it would matter in this case04:17
chrismsnzno... is it a normal server install?04:17
DatzLinux VMserv 2.6.32-24-server #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 28 06:21:40 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:17
chrismsnzdoes "ps -ef | grep cron" show you anything? is it running?04:18
Datzroot       757     1  0 Aug21 ?        00:00:01 cron04:18
Datzdatz     30006 27262  0 02:34 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto cron04:18
chrismsnzshow me the crontab line you used to schedule the task04:19
DatzI just used this for testing: * * * * * date > /tmp/foo.log04:20
Datznothing in /tmp/ yet04:20
chrismsnzok one sec, just going to check a box04:22
Andre_GondimDatz, try */3 * * * * date > /tmp/foo.log04:22
chrismsnztry restarting the cron daemon in the meantime "restart cron"04:22
Andre_Gondimevery 3 minutos04:22
DatzAndre_Gondim: I'll add that one as well04:22
Andre_Gondimand reload the cron liek chrislabeard said04:22
DatzI'm getting the same error I got with status04:23
chrismsnztry restarting dbus04:24
chrismsnz"restart dbus"04:24
chrismsnzthen "restart cron"04:24
Datzshould I try to restart cron with /etc/init.d/cron restart?04:24
chrismsnzDatz: i don't know any more - half the friggen system is on upstart and half isn't04:24
Datzit holds up on restart04:24
Andre_GondimDatz, yes04:24
chrismsnzi'm testing these commands on a lucid box as i'm advising you, though :)04:25
chrismsnzyeah the init.d file just restarts it via upstart anyway04:25
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Datzwell I never restarted the system after some updates, and it keeps asking for a restart.. might this create a problem?04:26
Datzhumm, well now there is a foo.log :P04:26
Datzso I think restarting cron worked :)04:27
Datzmaybe I should restart ....04:27
Datzheh hehe04:27
chrismsnzi've had dbus die after an update04:27
chrismsnzwhole system seems to run on it now hehe04:27
Datzwell.. bb in a few thanks again04:27
Tim_RI have a question about doing virtual ethernet onto my server how would I do that? I also got virtual hosting on couple pages how would I set all this up04:32
chrismsnzyou mean having aliased IP addresses on the same interface?04:33
chrismsnzHere's a good howto on adding alias's for an interface and how to configure them correctly to be permanent04:35
chrismsnzIf you just want it for virtual web hosting, you'll be better off relying on apache's virtualhost configuration04:36
Tim_Rwell see I have virtual hosting now on my server04:37
Tim_Ralright thanks chris for your help04:40
tf2ftwanyone have any experiance with MAMP and enabling htaccess?04:42
chrismsnzi don't use mamp, but the apache config to enable it should be the same04:44
tf2ftwthe problem im having is rewrite is not working04:47
tf2ftwlet me get the file one sec04:47
tf2ftwits httpd.conf correct?04:50
chrismsnzthe htaccess file is usually ".htaccess"04:50
chrismsnzhttpd.conf configures the server04:50
tf2ftwi mean to enable mod_rewrite04:50
chrismsnzI'm not sure how mamp has it set up04:51
chrismsnzyeah httpd.conf04:51
tf2ftwlooks like MAMP loads a mod_rewrite.so04:52
tf2ftwffffuuuuu they have AllowOverride in more than one place in httpd.conf and you have to enable all of them04:54
chrismsnzoh, weak04:54
chrismsnzyou should just be able to enable it for your "location"04:55
chrismsnzhtdocs or whatever04:55
tf2ftwhmm yeah I enabled it with an apache restart still no joy... still digging04:55
tf2ftwah so you can use a ".htaccess" file in another name using AcessFileName. That would be good for security?04:57
tf2ftwdo i have to have the htaccess file in the root of my web server or can i just use it in the dir im working in (ex /htdocs/site1/) ?04:59
tf2ftwIts always worked for me just having it in teh working dir.05:00
chrismsnzshould be in the dir your working in05:00
tf2ftwchrismsnz, why would httpd.conf be empty in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf ?05:21
twbtf2ftw: because most stuff happens in the .d's05:22
tf2ftwis that in sites-enabled?05:22
chrismsnztf2ftw: twb is right, if your setting it up on ubuntu/debian05:22
tf2ftwyeah its ubuntu05:23
twbchrismsnz: if it was C5 it'd be /etc/httpd :-/05:23
twbStupid apache people think theirs is the only httpd05:23
chrismsnzyeah he was talking about mamp before05:23
tf2ftwwell looks like i might have found my htaccess problem05:23
tf2ftwthe script itself05:23
tf2ftwdoes this look right? http://pastebin.com/F3UJ1a5k05:24
chrismsnznot a regex expert, but the second ^ doesn't make sense to me?05:25
tf2ftwlet me look into that05:26
chrismsnzwell it's supposed to indicate the beginning of a string, so it doesn't make sense to have it in the brackets there when you're matching any character for the file name05:27
chrismsnzagain, not 100%05:27
chrismsnza rewrite of mine looks like this:05:28
chrismsnzRewriteRule ^.*$ /index.php [NC,L]05:28
tf2ftwyou are correct about the second ^05:28
chrismsnzso try changing yours to "RewriteRule ^.+\.html$ /$1.php [QSA,L]"05:29
chrismsnzerr you need the brackets actually to capture05:30
chrismsnzRewriteRule ^(.+)\.html$ /$1.php [QSA,L]05:30
tf2ftwtake that "/" out before $1 and you are a winner05:31
tf2ftwThe strange thing is i copied this htaccess file from another project that was working.. i might have copied the wrong one (obviously)05:32
tf2ftwhere is something weird, this htaccess works on my local MAMP but not my Ubuntu apache2..05:34
tf2ftwgetting an Internal Server Error05:34
chrismsnzcheck the error log it normally sheds a little more light05:34
tf2ftw".htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration"05:36
tf2ftwcheck this out, how the folder is not showing up on the web server05:37
chrismsnz"sudo a2enmod rewrite"05:37
chrismsnzthen restart apache05:38
tf2ftwyou nailed it again. shit im going to have to start paying you05:38
tf2ftwluckily i am at the end of my server journey here (i hope)05:39
chrismsnzhehe, already getting paid but considering going consulting next year05:40
tf2ftwgood for you man. I took the jump recently.05:40
tf2ftwthis server is great for keeping everything on one box. no more passing thumb drives or emails.05:41
chrismsnzyeah, testing the waters here in NZ to see if I can make a living as a python/django dev & sysadmin05:42
tf2ftwgood luck.05:42
tf2ftwok im checking out. Thanks again05:43
ohzieMDADM: Who are the experts? =D06:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #627227 in apache2 (main) "ChrootDir(mpm_common) and DocumentRoot issues" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62722706:01
chrismsnzshout out, if someone's around they'll let ya know :)06:09
chrismsnzwhat's your prob?06:09
ohzieTrying to figure out if I can do raid 6 with more than two parity volumes, also spreading parity blocks redundantly across drives instead of having specific drives handle it. I'm very new to software raid, and not sure how to procede. =D06:11
chrismsnzwell, you'll be happy to know that raid5 and raid6 have distributed parity, not dedicated disks06:11
ohzieI did look over the manual, and I'm under the impressive from a combination of the man file and the linux-raid wiki that I can define parity drives with -spare, but I wanted to talk to someone who has done it before I've done it.06:11
ohziebefore I do it*06:11
ohziechrismsnz, Sweet!06:12
ohzieThen I think I read it wrong and that -spare is probably not what I thought it was.06:12
chrismsnza spare isn't a parity drive, it's a drive that is inactive until there's a problem with the array - at which point it will jump in and start reconstructing06:14
ohziechrismsnz, That's automatic?06:14
ohzieNot even pillar does that crap06:15
ohzieWhy the hell am I using Pillar06:15
chrismsnzwhat the hell is pillar D:06:15
chrismsnzah, san/nas brand06:15
ohzieIt's awesome06:15
ohziebut it doesn't do that06:15
ohzieI mean if we needed the iops I'd understand, but we really don't.06:16
chrismsnzi think it probably does, they might call it something different06:16
chrismsnzhot-spare is the other common name06:16
ohzieWhen a drive failed in one of our bricks, I had to come in on a sunday to plug the new one in. :306:16
chrismsnzyeah, obviously it has to be configured as a spare at first - remember it's completely unused until there's a problem06:17
chrismsnzhow many disks are we talking?06:18
ohzieI'm thinking 20.06:19
chrismsnzlinux supports raid5 and raid6, but depending on the circumstances I normally lean towards Linux raid 10 or raid 1 + 006:19
ohzieIt depends on what they want to pay for.06:19
ohzieBetween 10 and 2006:19
ohziewith the auto-rebuilding, i might be able to sell them on more06:19
ohziewith raid 6 can you have more than one backup of a parity block?06:20
ohzielike, losing three drives instead of two?06:20
ohzieor is more redundancy required for that?06:20
chrismsnzhere's a big entry on raid levels http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID06:20
chrismsnzcovers everything including linux's non-spec raid 1006:21
chrismsnzohzie: not sure about that06:21
chrismsnzyou can specify whatever redundancy you like with linux special mdraid 10 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-standard_RAID_levels#Linux_MD_RAID_1006:22
chrismsnzohzie: are you building an appliance?06:22
ohziechrismsnz, Yes. :D06:22
ohzieBasically they want more storage in one of our locations, but they don't want to spend 80 thousand dollars on starting another pillar06:23
chrismsnzohzie: you should play with FreeBSD and ZFS06:23
chrismsnzLinux has btrfs in the pipeline which is looking good, but not fully baked yet06:23
chrismsnzhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zfs ZFS is awesome at managing massive amounts of storage06:25
chrismsnzunder linux I'd probably set up the underlying RAID comprising all of the disks and plop a flexible LVM scheme on it06:26
cerberosI've got a new ubuntu server 10.04 VPS and I can't get ssh to work with keys (I've been trying on and off for days). my key is /root/.ssh/authorized_keys/id_rsa.pub - here is /etc/ssh/sshd_config http://dpaste.com/236672/06:40
cerberosdoh, authorized_keys is a file06:58
kaushalcan i get help regarding xen on Ubuntu Server ?08:47
kaushalor is there a irc channel for xen on Ubuntu ?08:47
jpdskaushal: #ubuntu-virt ? As far as I know, KVM is the only supported option.08:48
kaushaljpds: I am looking out for vmlinuz-2.6.32-24.xen and initrd.img-2.6.32-24.xen08:49
kaushalCannot join to channel #ubuntu-virt (You must be invited)08:49
kaushaljpds: sorry about asking basic question09:00
kaushalso xen type is KVM ?09:01
kaushalnot sure i understand that09:01
jpdskaushal: KVM is a different virtualisation technology.09:02
twbKVM is hardware virtualization.  Xen is paravirtualization (though it will fall back to full virtualization).09:02
kaushalso whats the difference between them ?09:03
twbThe difference is in how virtualization is done.09:03
kaushaltwb: Thanks09:09
imyousufI am trying to install sun-java6-jdk because Cloudera Distributed Hadoop has it as dependency, but I can't because of dependency failure09:31
twbIn Lucid, Sun Java is in the "partners" repo.  Have you enabled it?09:32
imyousuftwb: let me check09:32
twb(Incidentally, if you're trying to make proprietary "enterprise" crap work on linux, you might as well just shoot yourself now.  It's NOT FUN.)09:33
imyousuftwb: CDH is Open Source :) they contribute back to Apache AFAIK09:34
twbEverybody *says* that; I believe them when Debian ftpmasters allows it through the NEW queue.09:35
twbFWIW, "wnpp-check hadoop" has no hits09:36
siretart\sh: OK10:03
\shsiretart, cool...I just found the discussion about the freeze exception for fai10:04
\shsiretart, http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com/msg04598.html but I don't read anything about a granting ;)10:04
siretart\sh: there wasn't much disagreement either.10:07
siretartah, you mean it would annoy someone if we broke FF for fai?10:07
\shsiretart, yes...but when we use the discussion from that time as a "granted FFE for FAI"...I'm happy to upload10:08
\shsiretart, and only today I got a message on fai-linux that the PPA packages are working10:09
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siretartoh, what a shame10:10
siretart\sh: TBH, I'd say just upload. the risk of breaking other unrelated packages is neglectable AFAIUI.10:11
siretartin terms of: 010:11
\shsiretart, it won't break anything...10:11
\shwell, I'll prepare maverick packages + add the pointer to the ml archive for documentation...:) at the same time I'll do an FFe report for zend-framework ;)10:12
qiyong reload squid10:25
qiyong  reload: Unknown instance:10:25
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drurewanyone a cacti genious here? ; Im having a wierd problem where my graphs restart collecting at @ 2am..10:32
twbMost people here are humans.10:33
twbOr at least anthropoids10:33
=== rew is now known as drurew
drurewhey twb...10:35
drurew"hey" as in "drurew waves to twb"10:38
sorenjdstrand: It seems that the libvirt packaging branch finally has been succesfully imported. Do you want to start using it for our packaging work?10:42
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ZikeyHi, I'm running ubuntu 8.04LTS raid1 (MD+LVM), the first drive died, can I directly replace the first drive by a new one and boot up ?11:28
ZikeyI'm affraid of what will happen when ubuntu will find a new empty drive as the first drive, will it automatically ID it and replace it as /dev/sda, or will it create a /dev/sdc ? (/dev/sdb being the healthy disk)11:30
twbZikey: that depends how grub is configured on the second drive11:30
Zikeyit's lilo11:30
twbZikey: basically, you can't rely on it working11:30
twbWell, lilo I can't comment on11:30
twblilo doesn't work with LVM reliably anyway11:30
twb(Since lilo remembers block offsets into the disk, and LVM can move extents around.)11:31
Zikeywith 8.04 we didn't have a change to install grub that didn't work with lvm11:31
twbZikey: that's because you tried to put /boot on LVM on RAID, which is 1) stupid; and 2) not supported by grub.11:31
twbNote that this can happen accidentally due to a bug in d-i in 8.0411:31
Zikeyunfortunately I didn't have the choice11:32
\shsiretart, bug #62733711:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 627337 in ubuntu "[FFE] FAI 3.4 for Ubuntu Maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62733711:32
twb(Namely: if you allocate /boot to md0 in partman, then configure LVM, it will forget about md0's configuration, go through the WHOLE install, then put /boot in with LVroot and force lilo.)11:32
Zikeycan i boot the 8.04LTS server by pressing some key to drop in command line without starting everything ?11:32
NightDragonhello all11:32
NightDragona quick question if you dont mind11:32
twbZikey: well, you can boot with "single" which will give you a root shell.11:32
NightDragoni'm getting an errror after setting up cups as a server,11:33
Zikeytwb, how do you do that ?11:33
twbZikey: it's usually the second option in the bootloader "rescue"11:33
NightDragonRequest from "129.93.xxx.xxx" using invalid Host: field "xxxx.xxx.edu:631"11:33
Zikeywhat do I need to type when LILO boot ?11:33
NightDragon(xxx's are censored of course)11:33
twbZikey: otherwise, manually add "single" to the boot parameters, however that is done11:33
NightDragonwhen i try to axs the website, i get a '400 bad request', the website being the cups web admin page11:33
twbZikey: I haven't used lilo this millenium, so I don't remember11:33
twbNightDragon: "censoring" a public IP isn't exactly going to protect you11:34
NightDragoni know.11:34
NightDragonmatter of habit.11:34
twbBloody daft habit11:34
NightDragonbetter safe then sorry mate11:34
NightDragonoh look11:35
NightDragoni fixed my own problem :X11:35
NightDragonsorry guys11:35
twbI expect you fat-fingered the URL in your browser11:35
NightDragonno, actually i added the magic line in my conf file11:37
NightDragon(some line that was apparently needed)11:37
NightDragonin any case, while i'm here... does anybody know of anything that can enable one to get some really good control over printing on a print server? something that extends the basic functionality of CUPS perhaps?11:38
twbYeah, thingy11:38
twbSome guy in europe makes it...11:38
twbpykota, that's it11:39
NightDragontwb: narrows it down a bit. :-P11:39
twbIt's *really* annoying to work with, but AFAIK nobody else has much along those lines11:39
twbIt does stuff like rasterizing the page and calculating ink usage11:39
NightDragonactually, i think i've heard of this11:40
twbAnd per-user ink/paper printing allowance, of course.11:40
NightDragonyeah, kinda lame that they want to almost charge you for documentation11:41
twbI think I basically said "I don't want to deal with this, give it to an intern to deploy"11:43
NightDragonactually, i have a question for you11:43
NightDragoni'm really sick and tired of our office (of which i'm the SA) having direct printing capabilities to all of the printers in the office11:44
NightDragonthe results of which are some pretty stupid crap11:44
NightDragon...such as the fact that lordy help us if an IP gets changed inadvertantly, etc11:44
twbSo move the printers to a new subnet and have the router block it11:45
twb*block access to it11:45
NightDragon...or i have to log on as adminstrator (a PITA in XP) to add a printer11:45
NightDragon...or when some fucktard prints off a thousand page job to the printer i use (a color printer, which happens to be located right next to me)11:45
NightDragonso my question...  i want to convince my boss to move to a cups/samba print server. What are the talking points of this (advantages, disadvantages, etc)11:46
NightDragon, and what should i really know that i might not already? :)11:46
NightDragonit has to be failproof11:46
twbVersus the administrative cost of you having to go around fixing people's printer configs11:47
NightDragonif i work with a single print server, can i (1) add printers to the server, and have it reflect regionally across many users?11:47
twbEr, depends what you mean by "regionally"11:47
NightDragon2) can i assign users into groups, and give them access to different printers depending on their groups11:47
NightDragon(i cant say 'globally' if i'm going to segment by groups lol)11:48
twbI *think* so; I haven't done it myself11:48
NightDragonooh :D11:48
twbObviously it'd also depend on whether you were going via IPP or Samba or both11:48
NightDragonthat way, it will use NT domain authentication for the usernames, wont it?11:49
twbSo you have a homogeneous Windows network?11:49
twbI imagine s11:49
NightDragonyeah, we sit within a windows domain11:49
* NightDragon is the stubborn bastard who will shoot himself before he picks a windows server over a good *nix server11:49
NightDragoncome hell or high water lol... i hate working at a windows workstation as much as it is11:50
NightDragonwell this is all moot, if you use samba you can authenticate over various things, including LDAP (which means AD), even if your not using NTLM directly11:50
NightDragonbut question (4): Can you do cool things in cups like say... "users can print to this printer, but their jobs must have at least these many pages"11:51
twbSamba can talk to AD, but it can't *be* AD except in Samba 4.11:51
twbI don't know.11:51
twbTalk to #cups or so11:51
NightDragonand question 5)  Can you add imaging scanners into a print server? we have a really slick high-cap, high-speed scanner... and it would be nice to be able to network that so everyone can use it11:52
NightDragonwell this is good stuff11:52
twbNo worries11:53
NightDragonof course, there is one added benefit to having a cups server... no waiting for 20 minutes while joe tool over there completes his book job11:55
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ttxScottK: re: cobertura-maven-plugin, I'll have a look -- however my maven foo is intentionally limited.12:10
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Zikeydo you know if mdadm support replacing a raid 1 disk with a higher capacity one ?13:21
Zikeybasically can mdadm do raid1 with two differents disks size ?13:21
PiciI believe its limited to the smallest disk size.13:22
ZikeyI'm stuck, I boot up the livecd, got a terminal13:22
Zikeyunfortunately mdadm is not running13:22
Zikeywhen I install/run it it doesn't detect my array13:23
twbZikey: don't use ubuntu desktop CD for recovery, it sucks13:39
twbFind something that at least has mdadm and lvm pre-installed in the live CD13:39
twbAnd yes: RAID1 of inequal nodes will use the smallest node size.13:40
ZikeyWhen i run fsck on the filesystem, it says the fs is clean right away, is there any way to force it to verify it ?13:54
Zikeythx :)13:54
patdk-wkman fsck :)13:54
Zikeythere is no -f in the man :(13:55
Zikey(ubuntu 8.04 LTS server)13:55
patdk-wkfsck --help :)13:56
Zikeydoesn't work either :)13:56
patdk-wkit does on my 8.04 server13:57
twbIn what way does it "not work"?13:57
Zikeynot from the livecd it gives me an error (can not try again since it's checking now)13:58
ZikeyI will tell you the error when done :)13:58
Zikeyno error, it just gives me: fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)14:00
Zikeywhen i enter: fsck --help14:00
patdk-wkmust be a livecd thing, I am doing this on a live system14:01
twbThat's a really old CD14:01
twbfsck here is 2.17.214:01
patdk-wk1.40.8 on my 8.04 system14:01
twbHuh, ok14:02
Zikeyanyone every tried to replace a raid1 disk of an array (mdadm+lvm2) ?14:05
ZikeyI wonder if it's that easy to remove the first disk and put a new one14:05
Zikeydo you know if 8.04 support hot disk swapping ? can I remove the first disk and replace it while the system is running ?14:09
jdstrandsoren: if it actually works and has a sane workflow, sure14:13
sorenjdstrand: Does bound branches+dch+debcommit count as sane for you?14:14
patdk-wkheh, hotswapping is a hardware issue, really14:14
jdstrandsoren: sure, assuming it works :)14:15
twbpatdk-wk: not just hardware14:15
* jdstrand is slightly jaded14:15
sorenjdstrand: We can always try and fail miserably.14:15
zulslightly? :)14:15
sorenjdstrand: :)14:15
patdk-wkya, but linux has supported hotswapping drives for a while now14:15
twbBuses that don't support hot-swapping natively sometimes have non-standard vendor hacks to add it, and that requires a Linux driver for that vendor14:15
twb(Unless it's handled entirely in the hardware RAID card, in which case You Win!)14:16
patdk-wkI do it on non-supported busses too, just force a bus reset after I swap14:17
Jeeves_echo '- - -' > /sys/block/dev/blah/host/blah/scan14:20
Jeeves_orso :)14:20
tynotanyone know the syntax to open port 5900 for VNC server?14:24
patdk-wkrun the vpn server?14:24
patdk-wkif you mean firewall, guess it depends on what you use to manage your firewall14:24
tynotnope. ubuntu's on a local network. just trying to vnc to it from a mac.14:25
patdk-wkheh? no firewall?14:26
binBASHliving on the edge14:26
patdk-wkin my case, hope you trust your coworkers, or family :)14:26
tynotjust for remote admin locally.14:26
sorenjdstrand: Alright, I think we're all set. I've just pushed a couple of changes.14:32
zulkirkland: ping when you are around?14:37
tynotanyone? can't get vine vnc to run on a MacBook Pro in LAN.14:39
jdstrandsoren: ok, so we are talking about lp:ubuntu/libvirt?14:41
sorenjdstrand: We are.14:41
sorenjdstrand: is that ok?14:49
jdstrandsoren: as much as I understand udd, sure -- I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. I'm grabbing the branch now14:50
tynotanyone care to share how to setup and run vncserver locally?14:50
sorenjdstrand: It's pretty simple, really.14:50
tynotvnc4server's already installed and running?14:50
sorenjdstrand: When you check it out, you  "bzr checkout lp:ubuntu/libvirt".14:50
sorenjdstrand: If you've already branched it, you can "bzr bind lp:ubuntu/libvirt"14:51
sorenjdstrand: That does the same thing.14:51
* jdstrand nods14:51
tynotsoren, thx. that's the syntax to run it from a client or server side?14:51
sorenjdstrand: Oh, in the latter case, you also do a "bzr update" after binding, just in case. Otherwise it gets a bit confused.14:51
sorentynot: huh?14:51
sorentynot: Er... Talking to jdstrand about something completely different :)14:51
tynotI've both a MacBook Pro and a Windoze 7 PC trying to run Vine and UltraVNC, respectively.14:52
sorenjdstrand: So, you make a change and use dch to add an entry to the changelog about it.14:52
sorenjdstrand: like so: dch "whatever you want to be in debian/changelog"14:53
tynotsorry for the confusion, folks14:53
sorenjdstrand: When you've done that, you run debcommit.14:53
sorenjdstrand: This commits it to bzr with a commit log entry based on the debian changelog.14:53
sorenjdstrand: Being a bound branch, this change is pushed to launchpad immediately.14:53
sorenjdstrand: Once we want to roll a new upload, one of use will run "dch --release" which updates the timestamp in the changelog, and replaces "UNRELEASED" with "maverick" in the changelog.14:54
sorenjdstrand: after that, you run "debcommit --release".14:54
sorenjdstrand: This pushed the changes to the bzr branch and makes a tag.14:55
sorenjdstrand: Once this succeeded, you build the source package and upload.14:55
sorenjdstrand: It sounds tedious, but it's really a quite delightful workflow if more than one person is working on a package.14:56
jdstrandthanks for the explanation. I've only ever tried the udd thing with merges, and always had trouble with it14:56
tynotvnc, anyone?14:56
jdstrandsoren: it is basically the same workflow I've used on other stuff with a bzr branch, except the debcommit parts14:57
sorentynot: What are you trying to do?14:57
jdstrandsoren: so it should be quite comfortable14:57
jdstrandsoren: how is the tag used in LP?14:57
sorenjdstrand: I'm not sure it is, really.14:58
sorenjdstrand: Well, you can see it in loggerhead.14:58
tynotsoren, uh, not be in front of the linux console? just trying to admin the ubuntu server locally from a floor below me through vnc.14:58
ZikeyIf you change a disk (/dev/sdb) with another one, will it be mounted by default as /dev/sbc (because udev will keep /dev/sdb for the previous one) ?14:59
LichteI just installed mysql-server and client and set the root password during setup, but I get this when I try 'mysql -u root -p' :  ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ;   How do I get logged into mysql ???14:59
sorentynot: Why do you think you need vnc?14:59
jdstrandhallyn, kirkland: hey. fyi ^ please note we are going to try udd (Ubuntu Distributed Development) with libvirt. if you are unfamiliar with it, soren just gave a really good explanation of the workflow14:59
sorentynot: ssh is what you need, mate.15:00
tynotsoren, clients are a Windoze 7 PC and a MacBook Pro. Either of them would be great to setup. I've UltraVNC on the PC and Vine on the MacBook. I don't know that I need VNC. I'm not married to it, although we're stuck in a PC world here without too much time.15:01
sorentynot: so stop wasting time on vnc and install ssh. It's all you need.15:01
tynotsoren, ssh for Windoze?15:02
zoopstertynot: came in late, but just use putty on the win7 pc and native terminal ssh from OSX15:02
zoopstertynot: assuming you want to ssh into ubuntu server from those clients15:02
sorentynot: The idea of <insert whatever here> for Windows is a bit foreign to me, but I know for a fact that there are ssh clients for Windows.15:03
tynotI don't mind so long as we get a gui. Not adept enough to get around in a command line world anymore. I've already forgotten most of that stuff, unfort. VI was hell.15:03
sorentynot: You don't get a gui.15:04
sorentynot: If you want a gui, this is the wrong channel.15:04
sorenjdstrand: In fact, I'll roll a release straight away. The patch I added was just ACK'ed upstream, so I might as well.15:05
jdstrandcool beans15:05
hggdhDaviey: got a question re. euca2ools and Maverick15:05
zulhggdh: no15:06
hggdhDaviey: and good morning/afternoon15:06
hggdhzul: oh yes15:06
zulhggdh: no really...no15:06
hggdhzul: absolutely yes. Just a small, tiny really, question15:06
Davieyhggdh: o/15:07
sorenjdstrand: I suck.15:07
hggdhDaviey: bug 615442 -- would this be fixed on 1.3? Just asking, I intend to check on it15:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 615442 in euca2ools "euca-describe-users fails with ImportError: No module named euca_admin.users" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61544215:07
LichteI just installed mysql-server and client on 10.04 Server and set the root password during setup, but I get this when I try 'mysql -u root -p' :  ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ;   How do I get logged into mysql ???15:08
Davieyhggdh: I don't think that bug is directly related to eucatools... i think it's eucalyptus15:08
toddLichte: did you set a root password when you installed mysql?15:09
Davieyhggdh: But can be fixed with what we have already.15:09
toddTry without the -p and see if it lets you in.15:09
hggdhDaviey: I had a look at the eucalyptus source, and there is ./clc/tools/src/euca_admin that seems to have the imports, but not quite as python would like them15:10
Lichtetodd: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)15:10
sorenjdstrand: The quilt source packages are special. When I add a patch, I need to add it both to debian/patches /and/ apply it to the source tree.15:11
hggdhDaviey: one thing that I would like to have is euca-add-user (intead of going to the web interface)...15:11
Davieyhggdh: This is indeed the case... it's an issue that has been deferred whilst i waiting for upstream to land a patch i sent them15:11
hggdhDaviey: oh, OK. I am happy now15:11
hallynjdstrand: alright, thx for the heads-up15:11
Davieyhggdh: We will have that working..15:12
sorenjdstrand: Uploaded. Let's see what happens.15:16
sorenjdstrand: Oh, bleh, we're frozen, aren't we?15:16
jdstrandsoren: for beta yeah15:16
sorenjdstrand: Oh well.15:16
jdstrandit'll get in after15:17
sorenzul: do you happen to know the state of Xen dom0 in Maverick?15:18
Lichtedamn, am I going to have to go back to 9.10 /15:19
zulsoren: non existant15:19
zulsoren: its something you will have to coble yourself15:19
smoserDaviey, euca-add-user is broken ?15:20
Davieysmoser: Depends..15:20
Davieysmoser: I think it is working on the CLC15:20
sorenzul: Lovely.15:21
sorenzul: Do you happen to know how Debian's Xen dom0 support is?15:22
zulsoren: better than ours i think15:22
daxrocAfternoon all15:23
ttxhallyn: about bug 599342, do you think we can have a fix for the next hours (in time for Beta) or should I unmilestone it ?15:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 599342 in libvirt "Temporary failure in name resolution" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59934215:23
daxrocIs the cloud version of ubuntu commercial or is there a free version?15:23
daxrocor is it that you pay for the Management console ( landscape )?15:24
hallynttx: we have a fix, we're waiting for confirmation that it fixes the bug reporter's original problem15:25
hallyni'll ping him one more time i guess15:25
ttxdaxroc: we don't do commercial. Our cloud "version" is free and open source15:25
hallyni suppose i'd argue that if noone else reports it, and he doesn't care for the fix, then we just leave as is?15:26
ttxhallyn: if it makes it before the euca upload/build/respin, then it'll be in beta, otherwise we'll fix it between beta and finalfreeze.15:26
ttxI guess we won't respin beta candidate just for this one.15:27
hallynttx: well the fix is there - should i jsut be proposing it for merge?15:27
ttxhallyn: it fixes the bug as far as you reproduced it ?15:29
ttxhallyn: looking at it, I think it can wait post-beta.15:30
hallynttx: i didn't reproduce the bug.  it requires mucking with my dns.15:30
ttxok then we'll wait for OP comment, and fix it post-beta. Unmilestoning it.15:30
ttxDaviey: that makes your eucalyptus upload the only expected respin, as things stand.15:32
ttxso, the earlier, the better.15:32
hallynttx: for my education, what does 'a respin' entail, in particular on Daviey's part?15:32
LichteI just installed mysql-server and client on 10.04 Server and set the root password during setup, but I get this when I try 'mysql -u root -p' :  ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ;   How do I get logged into mysql ???15:32
Davieyttx: Hmm.. Well - it could be defered to post-beta.. Whilst I really would like as many of the small fixes in beta, it's not gonna kill the show.15:33
ttxhallyn: to make it on the ISO, packages uploaded during the freeze need acceptation by release team, building, publishing. Then a new ISO must be built (ISO must be respun), then published to the tracker15:33
ttxthe whole process can take a few hours15:34
ttxDaviey: how many of those would qualify as regressions ?15:35
Davieyttx, possibly 015:35
ttxI was mostly concerned by bug 61705315:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 617053 in eucalyptus "on upgrade from 1.6.2, euca_upgrade should preserve DISABLE_ISCSI="Y"" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61705315:35
ttxbeing an upgrade issue15:35
ttxfixreleased ?15:36
Davieygood point.15:36
Davieyttx: Simple fix, but blocked on a more generic upgrade issue.15:36
ttxDaviey: are we expecting upgrades to work with current ? with next upload ? Or after that ?15:37
Davieyttx next upload.15:39
ttxok, then I'd like to get that new euca in.15:39
DavieyWhilst i'm not convinced many will be doing the upgrade initially, i'd really like that to be rock solid pre-beta15:39
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ecelisz/win 316:12
* Daviey wonders if he is still "here"16:28
Zikeywhat is the best way to make a perfect clone (identifier+mbr+partition table+data) of a disk on ubuntu ?16:29
Zikeydd or ddrescue ?16:31
patdk-wkthey do the same thing :)16:32
patdk-wkddrescue is just for broken disks16:32
tynotsoftball ? syntax to promote user to admin, por favor?16:39
ScottKttx: Thanks.16:40
ttxhggdh, smoser, kirkland, daviey: you have a few old TODOs on the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-dailytriage spec that you should mark DONE or POSTPONED16:41
ttxmathiaz: that was my fear with those "tracking-only" specs: that they are not up to date and they corrupt the rest of the charts and completion rates16:41
ttxadding work for the only benefit of getting the regular task in the same common list16:42
zulsmoser: where is the ttylinux images again?16:45
* Daviey screams at slow t'internet today.16:45
Davieythis is so painful.16:45
smoserzul, http://smoser.brickies.net/ubuntu/ttylinux-uec/16:45
tynotanyone? realize it's a rudimentary question, but I've forgotten the syntax to promote a user to admin. help, please?16:46
mathiazttx: hm - I wonder whether it helped people to actually do them16:47
mathiazttx: ie: does the fact that they show up on the task list made them being worked on16:47
sherrtynot: if you mean, add them to the "admin" group - see : man addgroup16:47
tynotnever mind. got it.16:47
mathiazttx: if so I'd argue that the experiment was good16:47
tynotsherr, thx.16:47
mathiazttx: I'd argue that getting things done is more important than reporting being accurate16:48
tynotneeded to give user on linux install admin priviledges is all.16:48
ttxmathiaz: the experiment continues :)16:48
mathiazttx: we shuld work on improving the reporting though16:48
mathiazttx: *should*16:48
mathiazttx: so that it's *also* useful on the reporting front16:48
ttxmathiaz: I'd argue that weekly tasks don't mix that well with tasks that don't have to occur on a specific day16:49
ttx(especially weekly tasks that you can potentially miss)16:49
tynotsherr, btw, what's the syntax here to address someone (in red) like you've just done to me. irc newbie.16:49
mathiazttx: true - tasks that should happen on a specific day should go on the calendra16:50
mathiazttx: IIRC jiboumans created an all event for weekly summaries in our calendar16:50
mathiazttx: that's another way to do it16:50
ttxmathiaz: it kinda conflicts with the event I already have on Monday to take care of it :)16:51
mathiazttx: lol - same here16:51
ttxbut yes, calendar events are the way to track weekly-that-you-can-miss type of activity16:51
qman__anybody know of a good, recent samba performance tuning guide? everything I'm finding is for very old versions and assumes old network technology16:53
qman__my whole network is gigabit and the servers in question have RAID, so I'm dealing with significantly higher speeds than the "Windows 95 and NT" setups mentioned in the guides16:55
_rubenhmm .. wonder if i should look into the same, or just be happy with the like 300Mbps or so throughput i currently have16:57
hallynkirkland: are there kvm backports for hardy?  (i don't see them in the ubuntu-virt ppa)16:58
siretarthm. I'm trying to create a new VM with virt-manager/libvirt both on maverick, but I get an "libvir: Security Labeling error : internal error error calling aa_change_profile()"16:59
siretart(typos copied)16:59
siretartis this a known issue?16:59
siretartbtw, I see no apparmor warnings in /var/log/kern.log16:59
qman__and of course we have gigs of RAM where they had megs at the time, so throwing another 32k at a buffer here or there is wholly insignificant to the rest of the system, but might speed up transfers17:00
sbeattiesiretart: by any chance, do you have auditd running?17:00
smoserttx, do you know of any reason why i should not start testing ec2 20100830 ?17:00
smosererr.. 2010083117:00
sbeattie(it would cause apparmor messages to not appear in dmesg/kern.log out, but rather /var/log/audit/audit.log if you do)17:01
siretartsbeattie: no, there is no process running with that name. how to start it?17:03
siretartah, installing the package auditd seems to help17:04
sbeattiesiretart: no worries, it's not installed by default, wanted to make sure it was the reason you weren't seeing messages.17:04
sbeattieerr, it wasn't the reason.17:04
siretartah, now I'm seeing these two messages in the audit.log:17:05
siretarttype=ANOM_PROMISCUOUS msg=audit(1283270700.144:20): dev=vnet0 prom=256 old_prom=0 auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 ses=429496729517:05
siretarttype=ANOM_PROMISCUOUS msg=audit(1283270700.152:21): dev=vnet0 prom=0 old_prom=256 auid=4294967295 uid=118 gid=127 ses=429496729517:05
siretartcan someone translate this to english? ;-)17:05
qman__vnet0 went in and then out of promiscuous mode17:07
siretartand this is something that is not allowed? I want to create a new virtual machine, and eventually start it17:08
jdstrandsiretart: those messages aren't denials. apparmor denials will still have the familiar 'DENIED' in the output17:10
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jdstrandsiretart: it is just letting you know that the process with uid=118 and gid=127 (presumably libvirt-qemu:kvm) put the vnet0 interface in promiscuous mode17:11
jdstrandsiretart: do you have the domain xml for the machine you are trying to create?17:12
siretartjdstrand: I'm using maverick's virt-manager to create the machine17:13
siretartI guess the xml is generated on the fly17:13
jdstrandsiretart: what is the name of the vm?17:13
jdstrandsiretart: can you paste the output of 'virsh dumpxml debtest'?17:14
jdstrandit should already be defined17:14
jdstrand(since the failure is in trying to start it)17:14
siretartno, it has not been defined yet. this is the step that fails17:14
siretartvirsh list --all doesn't list any machine17:14
jdstrandsiretart: are you sure? 'virsh list --all' should show it17:14
jdstrandmaybe virt-manager tries to be smart and undefines on failure...17:15
jdstrandsiretart: does the libvirt-qemu:kvm user have write permissions to the directory that you are trying to put the disk image?17:15
siretartjdstrand: yes, and the image has been created successfully. I've done 'sudo chmod 1777 /var/lib/libvirt/images'17:16
siretartit's owned by root:root17:17
jdstrandsiretart: I'm confused by this statement: "the image has been created successfully", yet you don't have xml?17:17
siretart304214    4 drwxrwxrwt   2 root     root         4096 Aug 30 21:24 /var/lib/libvirt/images/17:17
siretart304331    0 -rw-------   1 root     root     8589934592 Aug 30 21:24 /var/lib/libvirt/images/debian.img17:17
siretartbut no output of virsh list --all17:18
jdstrandsiretart: you created /var/lib/libvirt/images/debian.img yesterday?17:18
siretartyes, I did. via virt-manager connecting to 'localhost'17:18
jdstrandsiretart: what does /var/log/libvirt/qemu/debtest.log have to say?17:19
siretartthe unusual part of this setup is that this is actually a kvm virtual machine, that I'm using for my maverick tests. I wanted to see what improvements mavericks brings in the libvirt camp, so I've installed libvirt-bin and virt-manager and tried to setup a qemu VM17:19
kirklandzul: yo!17:20
siretartthat logfile contains the commandline to qemu, and "libvir: Security Labeling error : internal error error calling aa_change_profile()"17:20
siretart(the typo in 'libvir' is actually there)17:21
jdstrandsiretart: I'm not 100% sure virt-manager can be used in this way...17:21
jdstrandsiretart: can you paste the full command line?17:21
siretartLC_ALL=C PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=none /usr/bin/qemu -S -M pc-0.12 -no-kvm -m 496 -smp 1,sockets=1,cores=1,threads=1 -name debtest -uuid 1e6f1921-e986-84c3-9d4e-9c52c20fa7be -nodefaults -chardev socket,id=monitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/debtest.monitor,server,nowait -mon chardev=monitor,mode=readline -rtc base=utc -no-reboot -boot d -drive file=/var/lib/libvi17:21
siretartrt/images/debian.img,if=none,id=drive-ide0-0-0,format=raw -device ide-drive,bus=ide.0,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-0-0,id=ide0-0-0 -drive file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso,if=none,media=cdrom,id=drive-ide0-1-0,readonly=on,format=raw -device ide-drive,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-1-0,id=ide0-1-0 -device rtl8139,vlan=0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:ac:04:8e,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3 -net tap,fd=27,vlan=0,nam17:21
siretarte=hostnet0 -chardev pty,id=serial0 -device isa-serial,chardev=serial0 -usb -device usb-tablet,id=input0 -vnc -vga cirrus -device AC97,id=sound0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x4 -device virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x517:21
siretartjdstrand: in what way? connecting to localhost and create a qemu VM?17:21
jdstrandsiretart: importing an existing image17:22
jdstrandit might, I just don't know17:22
siretartwell, the gui offered me that17:22
siretartI can also delete and retry it, but I do remember that the error message was exact the same the first time I've tried that17:22
jdstrandsiretart: can you paste the following: cat /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-1e6f1921-e986-84c3-9d4e-9c52c20fa7be*17:23
siretartsure: cat: /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-1e6f1921-e986-84c3-9d4e-9c52c20fa7be*: No such file or directory17:23
siretartroot@siretart-desktop:/var/log/audit# find /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/ -ls17:24
siretart656106    4 drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         4096 Aug 30 21:20 /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/17:24
siretart656107    4 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root          164 Aug 25 21:44 /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/TEMPLATE17:24
jdstrandsiretart: my feeling is this suggests no xml and virt-manager/libvirt is not erroring out in the right place and we aren't getting a useful error17:27
jdstrandsiretart: can you file a bug with exact steps to reproduce. please file it against virt-manager for now17:27
jdstrandsiretart: if it is somewhere else, we can move it17:27
siretartinstructions are easy: install maverick, install virt-manager and libvirt-bin, try to install debian squeeze via netinst iso17:28
jdstrandsiretart: you already said that you did something 'different' though17:28
jdstrandsiretart: you used an existing image17:28
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
siretartI'm removing it and try with a new one17:29
jdstrandsiretart: we need all those differences. virt-manager is confirmed to work with an iso install17:29
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siretartyepp, I've now tried with creating a new image, exactly the same problem17:30
jdstrandsiretart: please file a bug17:31
kirklandhallyn: there's a kvm-84 for hardy17:38
kirklandhallyn: we can't backport much beyond that as we dropped the dkms kernel module from the kvm package build17:39
kirklandhallyn: i know our kernel team are supposed to be publishing backported kernels soon17:39
siretartjdstrand: Bug #62751417:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 627514 in virt-manager "[maverick] fails to create a new VM: libvir: Security Labeling error : internal error error calling aa_change_profile()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62751417:40
kirklandhallyn: with those, we could backport qemu-kvm, and depend on a particular kernel version, with a new enough kvm module17:40
kirklandhallyn: however, i would strongly advise against anyone wanting to run production KVM against 8.0417:40
siretartjdstrand: I've even included a screenshot of the error message17:40
kirklandhallyn: strongly suggesting that they either upgrade to, or deploy 10.0417:40
kirklandhallyn: since we have a newer LTS, with a production-ready hypervisor17:40
kirklandhallyn: 8.04's KVM was tech-preview, at best17:41
kirklandhallyn: and the backport package is visible at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kvm17:43
kirklandhallyn: that's in the official backports repo17:43
jdstrandsiretart: thanks17:44
siretartjdstrand: anything else I should add to the bug while I have the machine still on?17:44
jdstrandsiretart: not at this time, thanks17:45
hallynkirkland: i've got a testbed set up, meanwhiel i made the suggestion17:59
hallynkirkland: i'll be honest, the kvm bug backlog is my primary source of stress and dismay these days17:59
mathiazttx: heya18:05
mathiazttx: was wondering about your findings about hudson?18:05
* SpamapS <heart> CI systems.18:07
mathiazSpamapS: do you know of other CI systems?18:08
SpamapSmathiaz: CruiseControl is sort of the sad cousin of Hudson. ;)18:12
kirklandhallyn: ack18:12
kirklandhallyn: it's a PITA18:12
hallynkirkland: also a PITA?  is launchpad pinning my cpu since last update18:13
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kirklandhallyn: launchpad?18:14
kirklandhallyn: as in, rendering a web page?18:14
hallynjust started this morning18:15
hallynkirkland: would server team meeting today be a good time to bring up the question of updating lucid kvm to 0.12.5 or something?18:17
hallynkirkland: (that would, for instance, solve bug 574665)18:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 574665 in qemu-kvm "kvm + virtio disk corrupts large volumes (>1TB)." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57466518:17
kim0Hi folks .. I can't make today's meeting, since I have a committment. There's no real updates from my side since I'm mostly just polishing the cloud portal18:17
kuttan_hi is there any channels discussing snmp / oids thanls18:18
kirklandhallyn: you would have to upload 0.12.5 to lucid-backports18:18
kirklandhallyn: you can't do a major version bump in an LTS18:18
kirklandhallyn: but that's fine by me (uploading 0.12.5 to lucid-backports)18:19
hallynshould i ask if there are objections at team mtg, or just do it?18:19
mathiazjjohansen: hi!18:20
jjohansenmathiaz: hi18:20
mathiazjjohansen: is it normal that linux-virtual installs 124M of modules?18:21
jjohansenmathiaz: define normal?18:21
mathiazjjohansen: one of the goal of creating the linux-virtual package was to have stripped down kernel18:21
mathiazjjohansen: in lucid linux-virtual modules would take less than 40 MB18:22
jjohansenmathiaz: its a known issue, basically when -virtual was split off of server it lost its pared down modules config and I need to go in and trim again18:22
mathiazjjohansen: ok great18:22
mathiazjjohansen: is there a bug about that alread?18:22
jjohansenyeah, just a sec18:22
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jjohansenmathiaz: Bug #62117518:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 621175 in linux "-virtual kernel contains too many modules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62117518:23
mathiazjjohansen: great - thanks18:24
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yann2is it possible to use scp in combination with sudo? ie: i want to copy via ssh files from a remote server to my local server, the remote files belong to root:root and are readable only by root, and the root login is disabled via ssh18:52
ttxmathiaz: I just looked quickly into it. It's quite basic but pushes towards best practices. I'd compare it to Nagios18:52
ttxi.e. no black magic, but does what it should do, and well.18:53
mathiazttx: but in a different domain right?18:53
yann2is there anything shorter than copying the files to another location on the remote server, chmod them, copy them, move them again, and rechmod them?18:53
ttxmathiaz: oh yes.18:53
mathiazttx: where you looking at hudson as a product to package or to use in the team?18:54
ttxmathiaz: more as part of my "staying current" objective. I already looked at it from a packaging perspective18:54
hallynyann2: so you want the target files owned by root:root?  Only way I can think of would be to do it as root from target machine, scp'ing with the source being remote :)18:55
mathiazttx: right - I'm more interested as a CI to use in the server team18:55
mathiazttx: I've just refactored my iso testing scripts18:55
ttxmathiaz: it's your classic Java thing: too many deps to package, compared to the ease of use of "just" deploying the prebuilt wart18:55
mathiazttx: and I may look at using hudson to track all the iso testing18:55
mathiazttx: now that I'm able to fully automate tests18:55
yann2hallyn, yeah, but then I couldn't scp them to the folder I want, as the normal user wouldnt have access to there :)18:56
ttxmathiaz: Hudson allows CI, but you can use to track any result18:56
ttxs/use/also use it/18:56
yann2also gets complicated with ssh agents, if I sudo -s to root on the remote host, I lose my agent connection18:56
mathiazttx: right - does it allow to attach random piece of  information to results?18:56
hallynyou do what?18:56
mathiazttx: like installation logs?18:57
ttxmathiaz: there is an interface that allows you to post a result, I think you could attach anything to it18:57
hallynyann2: so i think the answer is "no, bc otherwise you lose any safety of disabling root remote logins in the first place :)18:57
yann2well not if the user has sudo anyway...18:58
kirklandhallyn: fyi, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports19:12
* RoyK just wrote a perl thing to find duplicate files in a directory hierarchy - nice in case you have tons of mp3s or other large files on a chaotic filesystem19:14
Krazydereklooking for a good way to backup 12 google apps accounts, including sent mail20:07
Krazyderekis postfix the best solution? or do i want something a bit more custom to dealing with google accounts?20:08
Krazyderek@RoyK have you used it for a while?20:11
RoyKnot with google20:11
Krazyderekhmmm i guess i'd like something that will download evethying at a set time, say 3am, to keep a backup of google, and in the event someone blows up google or something, that i could just install thunderbird on everyone's desktop and just point it at our linux box downstairs and keep on chuggin' along20:13
RoyKKrazyderek: fetchmail can feed the mail into an MTA like postfix20:16
KrazyderekRoyK: sorry MTA?20:19
kirklandsmoser: ping20:19
kirklandsmoser: have you gotten the ttylinux image running in UEC/Maverick yet?20:19
smoseri think so , yeah20:20
kirklandsmoser: if not, do you have a running UEC where you can try it?20:20
kirklandsmoser: can you check?20:20
kirklandsmoser: i'm trying to run it in a vm20:20
kirklandsmoser: ie, in qemu alone20:20
smoserit should be fine.20:20
kirklandsmoser: hrm, it's not coming up ...20:22
kirklandsmoser: well, i used a really old one20:22
kirklandsmoser: do you have console working with these new images?20:22
RoyKKrazyderek: mail transport agent20:22
smoserwhat is console ?20:22
RoyKKrazyderek: something like postfix or sendmail or whatever20:22
smoserremember that maverick euca-console-output was recently broken.20:22
smoseri'm not sure if its fixed now or not20:22
=== ivoks_bbl is now known as ivoks
kirklandsmoser: euca-get-console20:23
kirklandsmoser: so that i can see where it's stuck, if it's stuck20:23
kirklandsmoser: what's the username/password in that image?20:23
kirklandsmoser: root/linux ?20:23
smoseri dont know.20:23
KrazyderekRoyK: ah so would i setup both now? or just fetchmail? looks like i'd be using ETRN or ODMR modes and both are unfamiliar to me20:24
RoyKfetchmail can download your email easily using imap or pop3 and feed it to postfix, which can store it a dovecot store or something20:25
smoseri just verified: wget http://smoser.brickies.net/ubuntu/ttylinux-uec/ttylinux-uec-i686-11.2_2.6.35-16_3.tar.gz -O out.tar.gz && uec-publish-tarball out.tar.gz foobucket i386 && euca-run-instances --key mykey $AMI20:25
smoserand reached the instance fine.20:25
smoserconsoel output is present.20:25
RoyKKrazyderek: postfix doesn't do stuff like imap or pop, it's a plain MTA, but a jolly good one. Dovecot can do the storage, as a POA (post office agent)20:26
KrazyderekRoyK: i have an ubuntu server book here for the postfix and devecot stuff, and i can probably feel my way through that for one user, it's just keeping everything in order for all 12 people that worries me20:27
kirklandsmoser: you rock, thanks20:28
RoyKKrazyderek: dovecot can easily handle quite a few users20:28
KrazyderekRoyK: but how does fetchmail?20:29
RoyKfetchmail is just run with a cron job20:30
RoyKit fetches mail, basically20:30
RoyKfor 12 users, that won't be much of a problem20:30
KrazyderekRoyK: but i do need it, right? postfix can't do this for me?20:31
KrazyderekRoyK: sorry first mail server20:31
cloakablepostfix won't fetch mail for you, mail needs to be sent to it.20:32
RoyKafaik postfix can't do pop or imap, so it can't aquire email from another host20:32
cloakablepostfix does smtp only, yea20:32
RoyKyes, as cloakable said, use something like fetchmail to download the stuff20:33
pmatulisKrazyderek: consider setting up a typical mail server and then have google accounts send a copy of all mail to it20:33
RoyKfeed it into postfix, and have postfix send it to dovecot (or something)20:33
RoyKpmatulis: give you have a static IP, that's probably the best20:34
cloakableUnless your isp has a smarthost, of course :)20:34
pmatuliscloakable: smarthost is for outgoing mail, not incoming20:35
Krazyderekwe'd have to pay at least $15 a month extra for a static20:35
RoyKKrazyderek: then try fetchmail20:35
pmatulisKrazyderek: i don't understand, you're worrying about google blowing up but you can't afford a static IP?  ;)20:36
Krazyderekhmmm fetchmail has I9 in their FAQ saying it doesn't play to well with gmail as of April 200820:36
cloakableKrazyderek, pmatulis: Which would be a problem if your MX record was an ip address :P20:36
RoyKfetchmail -> postfix -> dovecot20:37
* cloakable receives mail on a dynamic ip20:37
pmatulisKrazyderek: you can easily use the dynamic ip checker method - works very well20:37
JasonMSPalready did a google search.  Im unfamiliar with terminology so my search isn't great.  Im trying to understand SSL in order to configure VSFTPD for secure transfers (so passwords aren't sent in the clear).  I can easily setup the VSFTP.conf options, but I need help with what else to make happen for the connection.  Certificates, etc.. Can someone point me to a clear post that I can read up on?20:38
Krazydereki do have a no-ip account for remote desktop and vpn addressing20:38
kirklandsmoser: hrm, well, okay, i just published your latest tarball to my all-in-one-UEC-running-in-a-beefy-KVM20:39
kirklandsmoser: published fine (thanks)20:39
kirklandsmoser: running the instance, it goes to the "running" state no problem20:40
kirklandsmoser: note that i'm using --addressing private20:40
cloakablekirkland: Use that as your MX record then *shrug*20:40
kirklandsmoser: it stays in the running state (ie, it doesn't commit suicide)20:40
smoserdo you get console output ?20:40
kirklandsmoser: negative20:40
smoserthen you need to fix that first.20:40
kirklandsmoser: been running for ~350 seconds20:40
kirklandsmoser: all i get is the timestamp back20:40
kirklandsmoser: when i euca-get-console-output20:41
smoseryour running into bug 61984320:41
kirklandsmoser: well, instance id, then timestamp20:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 619843 in eucalyptus "euca-get-console-output returns one single line" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61984320:41
Krazyderekpmatulis: i'm not sure if the "forward copy" option in google will work for sentmail, so you'd have to BCC mail to yourself and setup some kind of rule to put it in the sent items....errr..20:41
kirklandsmoser: ah20:41
* kirkland goes tackle that nasty bugger20:41
pmatulisKrazyderek: huh?20:41
smoserkirkland, that is probably supposed to be fixed20:42
smoserDaviey, its not fix released ?20:42
Krazyderekpmatulis: when you were saying setup a regular mail server and have google send a copy20:43
pmatulisKrazyderek: ok, it won't work?20:43
Krazyderekpmatulis: not for sent mail i don' think20:43
pmatulisKrazyderek: not sure why20:44
Krazyderekpmatulis: i thought the forwarding only appied to incoming mail20:44
Krazyderekpmatulis: i'll try it now20:45
kirklandDaviey: what change did you make?  did you just add eucalyptus to the kvm group?20:48
Krazyderekpmatulis: ya incoming only20:49
Krazydereki want to have a record of all sent mail backed up as well, so hopefully fetchmail is working better with google these days :S20:49
=== jsalisbury_ is now known as jsalisbury
KrazyderekRoyK: i don't see a listing for postfix under the fetchmail website, do you have some recommended settings or a reliable tutorial?20:54
kirklandsmoser: sweet!20:55
smoserwhat'd you find ?20:55
kirklandsmoser: i've got console output, and i can see my failure :-)20:55
kirklandsmoser: you da man20:55
smoserwhat is fialure ?20:55
kirklandsmoser: well, i have a mismash of network hackery i need to sort out20:55
kirklandsmoser: basically, i need to fix my networking setup in eucalyptus.local.conf20:55
kirklandsmoser: but the bugger is most definitely running!20:56
JasonMSPokay lets ask that question again in a different way.  Can anyone point me to a primer on creating secure connections with ubuntu.  like the ultimate basics so that i understand how the process works and then can apply it to VSFTP?21:00
JasonMSP(im looking at TLS in wiki now)21:01
qman__secure and FTP are mutually exclusive items21:01
qman__you can sandbox it off in its own restricted corner, but you cannot secure FTP21:02
JasonMSPqman: vsftp from what I understand can be configured with TLS/SSL.  But again I really don't have any idea what im doing.21:02
qman__if it can, it's a new feature that I am unfamiliar with21:03
qman__I use the sftp built into openssh21:03
qman__as far as FTP daemons go, VSFTP is the best I have used, but it's still FTP21:04
JasonMSPIm working on the ability for clients to FTP into their sites.  Each has a user id with which they can FTP, SSH is disabled so they can't get in to the server, and they are chrooted to their web.com folder.21:04
JasonMSPIm still weighing if it is necessary to secure the connection, but i don't like the idea of passwords being sent in the clear.21:05
qman__centos, yuck21:08
qman__good information though21:08
qman__should be the same on ubuntu swapping yum for apt-get21:08
qman__and /etc/rc.d/init.d for the service command21:09
JasonMSPyes..  I tried this last week and didn't get it working.  It may be the clients im working with to get in which is why I need the bare basics to undersatnd the process.  I know how to create the certificates, but then the client connecting doesn't work with what I've tried so far.21:09
JasonMSPive been using sudo service vsftpd restart21:10
qman__well, that's what's known as FTP/S, not SFTP21:10
qman__so make sure your clients are in the right mode21:10
JasonMSPok then where can I get basics on the difference between all those.21:10
qman__with TLS it should still use port 21, too21:10
qman__SFTP is FTP over SSH21:11
qman__FTP/S is FTP with TLS encryption21:11
JasonMSPok.  so then im looking for FTP/S...  Thanks!21:11
qman__a number of other protocols work like that too21:11
qman__TLS uses the standard, clear port and then starts encryption21:12
qman__where SSL uses a separate port, like how HTTPS uses 44321:12
JasonMSPdoes that mean password will still be sent in the clear?21:12
qman__the initial connection handshake is, then the STARTTLS command is sent21:12
qman__and the rest continues like SSL21:12
JasonMSP(i hear the angels signing in the background)21:13
qman__now, I don't know if FTP/S transfers the files over the encrypted channel, or what other ports, if any, it uses, you'll have to look that up21:15
qman__but I do know that the authentication and control are handled over the secured connection21:15
KrazyderekRoyK: i sink i'm going to tackle this one tomorow, thanks for the tip i'll see how it goes on a small account first21:16
JasonMSPDoes SFTP require users to have shell access?21:17
qman__it uses sshd, but the users can be easily denied shell access21:18
qman__however, the users must have a valid shell defined21:18
JasonMSPok so it would be just as easy for them to SFTP.  ive read that an option is /usr/sbin/nologin   ??21:20
JasonMSP(easy because the client software is easily come by)21:21
qman__lots of clients support SFTP, on many platforms21:22
qman__however, I don't think nologin works21:22
qman__I can test and verify21:22
qman__ /bin/false does not work21:22
JasonMSPi've got my ssh config file setup to allow only those in the group sshlogin21:23
JasonMSPso that should secure anyone else from shell access.21:23
qman__nologin does work21:25
qman__a bit surprising, guess I'm making some changes21:26
JasonMSPso as long as their shell folder is set with nologin, they don't have ssh access (because they are not in the group) they should only be able to access their folder.  What about CHROOTing them to their web folder, this should still be accomplished by VSFTPD21:27
JasonMSP(their folders via FTP that is)21:28
qman__VSFTPD has nothing to do with SFTP using sshd21:28
qman__they are completely separate21:28
qman__whichever one you are using, you need to configure chroot with21:29
qman__or both, if using both21:29
JasonMSPVSFTPD is not needed if you are doing SFTP.  ok.  Is this because the client software acts as if it is FTPing, but in reality it is being done through SSH?  As you can see im getting lost on the fundamentals which is what has been making this difficult.21:30
qman__SFTP is an internal function of sshd21:31
qman__it works like FTP but is built in21:31
JasonMSPie its built in.21:31
qman__you can use other SFTP subsystems with sshd, but the internal one is the one I know and use with sftp-only users and chroots21:32
JasonMSPim on my third generation of working this solution. the first was straight VSFTP, then I was recommend SFTP and when I couldn't get either of those working I went back to VSFTPD.  I have a working in the clear setup with VSFTPD now.  I never was able to get a working SFTP solution (except for myself via key)  I've got passwords turned off in SSHD config.21:33
qman__vsftpd cannot be used as an SFTP subsystem, because it's not SFTP, it's FTP/S21:33
JasonMSPi understand.  they are separate (daemons?)21:34
qman__well, if you have password authentication disabled, SFTP users will need keys21:34
qman__a very secure configuration, but you may have trouble instructing users to use it21:34
JasonMSPwhich is why i thought I would be able to use VSFTPD.21:35
qman__you can, but it will be FTP/S, not SFTP, and will require a different client mode21:35
qman__and I'm not sure on the specifics of how that one works21:35
JasonMSPclient mode meaning protocol?21:36
qman__also, FTP/S is not really standardized, some softwares implement it differently21:37
JasonMSPok.  I just used WinSCP to connect in the clear with a password which means it is using the VSFTPD daemon21:39
JasonMSPthat means that it is possible then to secure this connection with TLS if that link I sent earlier configures it correctly.21:41
qman__that page states that winSCP doesn't do FTP/S21:42
qman__I can neither confirm nor deny21:42
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks_away
WinstonSmithtry filezilla21:53
WinstonSmithdoes FTP/S i think21:54
JasonMSPyou can select the protocol (FTP) and then it gives you a dropdopwn for encyption22:01
JasonMSPthen you can choose none, SSL/TLS implicit, SSL explicit, or TLS explicit22:02
JasonMSPI used TLS explicit and it connected with the right certificate but they did not end up in the correct directory.  so im thinking its a config setting22:03
ZikeyI have a file named "core" at the root (/), it's probably a coredump, is there any tool to know more about it ?22:03
Patrickdkonly if you care to debug it22:04
ZikeyI just would like to know which binary crashed22:05
Zikeyit's probably written in the core file22:05
Patrickdkgdb I believe22:05
Patrickdkbeen a few years since I worked on one22:05
Zikeystrings <core worked :)22:06
Zikeydamn asterisk...22:06
Zikeylast question, how do you force a fsck on next reboot ?22:09
sorenZikey: touch /forcefsck22:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #627676 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-client-core-5.1 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/mysql', which is also in package mysql-client 0:5.1.50-2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62767622:26
Zikeythx soren !22:28
Kaeltenanyone have an example multipath.conf file they could point me at?22:33
tucemiuxanyone knows how to configure a printer server manually?23:02
DigitalDeviantWould anyone here be helpful to help me setup a bind9 dns server on my ubuntu server? I have tried to follow multipe howto's and even webmin but i just can seem to get it working correctly. If someone could do a remote session with me and show/explain to me how it works I would be very greatfull23:11
tomsdaleDigitalDeviant: sry - no experience here either but did you try howtoforge?23:13
ScottKDigitalDeviant: Look in the Ubuntu server guide on help.ubuntu.com.23:13
ScottKIt has specifics on how to do it.23:13
DigitalDeviantyah, i have been looking at docs all day. They are confusing as hell to me. I have no problem setting dns up in windows, lol but since i am new to linux I keep hitting walls23:14
ScottKDid you try the Ubuntu server guide?23:14
DigitalDeviantyah, Ive spent a good 6 hours trying to get it to work23:14
tomsdaleDoes 10.04, apart from apparmor have a second firewall - I changed my ssh port to 31337 but the connection times out - on 22 it works. I already uninstalled apparmor23:14
ScottKtomsdale: There is one installed, but not active by default.  I'd recommend putting apparmor back as it won't interfere with that.23:15
tomsdalewhat could it be then that won't allow me to connect via ssh? netstat -tap shows it listening on 3133723:17
DigitalDeviantyou behind a hardware firewall tomsdale ?23:17
tomsdalenop - all in the internal network23:18
DigitalDevianttry using a port scanner to the ip with the SSH server. see if the port is open from site to site first23:19
tomsdalealready set loglevel to debug but I don't see any request being made in the auth.log. And apparmor is uninstalled as I mentioned.23:19
tomsdalegood idea23:19
DigitalDeviantare you using fail2ban as well ?23:19
tomsdaleyes, nmap says filtered, ELITE23:19
DigitalDeviantso you are using fail2ban23:20
tomsdaleyes, but according to the log I'm not jailed23:20
DigitalDevianthave you added your ip to the allow list in fail2ban23:20
tomsdaleeh - banned.23:20
tomsdaleI don't think it's  my IP the problem - on port 22 all works fine. As soon as I change it to 31337 it stops working23:21
DigitalDeviantonce you change the port, you have restarted the service right? i know stupid question, but sometimes people forget23:22
tomsdaleI even did a good old fix all win problems reboot :-)23:22
tomsdaleThere somehow is another firewall actice I have the feeling.23:24
DigitalDeviantdoesnt pure-ftp use port 31337. are you running that?23:24
tomsdaleah - there is bastille-firewall which is active.23:25
DigitalDeviantwhen i run into issues like that, i install webmin so i can look at everything all at once, it helps, then i purge it23:25
tomsdalethat's it. it appears ubuntu server 10.04 uses by default apparmor and bastille-firewall. Two more secure than one ?23:26
DigitalDevianti use ddwrt firewall and fail2ban. so im not to familair with software firewalls in ubuntu23:27
sbeattieum, what? bastille is not included by default.23:27
tomsdalehm - did a clean install from a howtoforge tut - checking whether it slipped in there somewhere.23:28
DigitalDeviantdo i need multipe IP's to setup a dns server / lamp server ?23:29
DigitalDevianti have two public ip's one pointing to dns port and the other to the lamp server. is the correct setup so far?23:30
DigitalDeviantor do i just use the one ip address for the dns and the lamp server23:31
DigitalDeviantim only hosting like 4 domain names23:31
DigitalDeviantneither will have email23:32
fluvvellI've got 10 domain names, dns and lamp all on the same ip. It really doesn't matter if you handle ports and everything correctly23:32
DigitalDeviantgood then, that gives me ann extra ip :)23:33
fluvvellbut I use fail2ban and shorewall (firewall)23:33
DigitalDevianti use fail2ban and a hardware firewall with iptables23:33
kirklandsmoser: still around?23:33
kirklandsmoser: ideas?  http://pastebin.com/Vx24Xn7H23:34
fluvvellDigitalDeviant: are you wanting bind for external dns or internal network ?23:36
kirklandsmoser: metadata failage23:36
DigitalDeviantexternal. My server is behind verizon fios and I need to setup fwd and reverse zones for them to setup the ptr records or something23:36
SpamapSDigitalDeviant: you want to have your IP resolve to your server's hostname?23:37
SpamapSDigitalDeviant: you need at least two servers to host your own DNS. Do you have two?23:38
DigitalDeviantyah, the other one is sitting here right now getting server loaded on it as we speak, but right now on the fios i only have one23:38
DigitalDeviantbrb guys23:39
=== kentb is now known as kentb-afk
kirklandsmoser: nevermind, i think i have it!23:40
DigitalDeviantright now, my domains are using the ns1.verizon.net and ns2.verizon.net per the tech support. So i need to setup the dns server to resolve the domains or someting..ive never done dns on ubuntu so im lost like a 9 year old in a candy store23:45
DigitalDeviantand the howto's are not helping me a bit23:46
DigitalDeviantim more of a watch and learn type person, ya know23:46
DigitalDeviantI installed webmin to help because a frind of mine said it would make it easier....pfft23:47
DigitalDeviantive been at this all day with no progress and im about to throw my server out the window23:49
tomsdaleDigitalDeviant: Don't know if it helps your cause but I'm atm installing ispconfig 3 in a 3 server setup. Haven't gotten as far as DNS yet but it seems you can create zones in a web interface.23:49
DigitalDeviantyah, you can do that with webmin as well23:49
DigitalDeviantits just too confusing for me23:49
tomsdaleyou're using bind?23:50
tomsdaleon howtoforge some people us mydns - have heard it's smaller and easier but the hosters tend to prefer bind.23:51
DigitalDeviantyah, i was told to use bind23:52
tomsdaleI mean a software with Version Nr. 9 - It gotta be good. Even windows only got to 7 so far :-)23:53
tomsdalesry - not really helping your problem :-(23:54
tomsdalehttp://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596100575  ??23:56
DigitalDeviantits all good, been going through this crap all day :(23:57
ath88 Hello, anyone whos nifty with sshtunnels got the time and temper to help me? I need to setup a tunnel from a netbook to my server, so i can access that netbook no matter what network it is logged onto. Is that possible?23:58
DigitalDeviantwell the good news i guess is if im going to setup a second dns server, I might as well host mysql on it as well and get some load of the web server23:59

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