
manusheelalsroot: For some issues, there are already members assigned, while there status is "New" instead of "Assigned".00:07
manusheelalsroot: I feel that the status of such bugs should be changed to "assigned". Can I do that?00:08
alsrootmanusheel: New is the first status, assigned could set explicitly or implicitly(after reassigning)00:09
manusheelalsroot: Ok. Great. I'll then re-assign the issues to the members, who are working on it. This way, we would not be working on the same issues on which other members are already working.00:12
=== neeraj_ is now known as neeraj
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
* lfaraone waves.01:11
=== neeraj_ is now known as neeraj
* lfaraone is looking at neeraj's overview of all packages.01:58
lfaraonedfarning: bug 624592  should be "high", IMHO, because it doesn't make USR unusable.02:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 624592 in ubuntu-sugar-remix-meta (Ubuntu) "request all packaged activities be installed by default on USR (affects: 1) (heat: 863)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62459202:00
manusheelalsroot: Hi Aleksey.12:45
manusheelanurag: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/Debdiff12:58
alsrootmanusheel: pong13:33
* lfaraone waves,15:02
manusheellfaraone: Hi Luke.15:03
lfaraonewell, yes.15:08
lfaraonemanusheel: anything that needs doing? :)15:12
manusheellfaraone: Luke, wish to ask you what do about the packaging of turtle art and blocks?15:17
lfaraonemanusheel: nothing, it's done, and in NEW.15:17
manusheellfaraone: We have packaged both of them.15:17
lfaraonemanusheel: okay. I thought I explained in the Todo pageā€¦ The "turtleart" source package provides a turtleart binary package which works in GNOME, and provides a sugar-turtleart-activity binary package which works in Sugar.15:18
manusheellfaraone: Sure. Thanks for the pointer.15:19
lfaraonemanusheel: although it's called "turtleart", it really provides the code known as "turtleblocks". I called it TA per Walter's request. We had a few lengthy discussions about this in #sugar.15:19
manusheellfaraone: Glad that it has been resolved.15:20
lfaraonemanusheel: moreover, walter feels that turtleartmini (what you mean when you say turtleart) is not really useful to people if TB/TA is available.15:20
manusheellfaraone: Ok.15:20
manusheelkandarpk: Hi Kandarp.16:26
kandarpkmanusheel sir: hello16:26
manusheelkandarpk: Let us discuss on certain bugs in a meeting at 5 mins.16:27
manusheelkandarpk: Great. We'll complete the activity.16:41
manusheelkandarpk: Any questions on bugs 2154 and 2164?17:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 2154 in launchpad-foundations "/people/+requestmerge-multiple raises System Error" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215417:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 2164 in launchpad-foundations "Login form should ask for e-mail address only once (heat: 1)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/216417:03
kandarpkmanusheel sir: will work on them in 10 min.17:04
manusheelkandarpk: Sure, Kandarp. They are at bugs.sugarlabs.org.17:05
manusheelNot, launchpad.17:05
=== kandarpk_ is now known as kandarpk
kandarpkalsroot: can you help me on http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/215417:53
alsrootkandarpk: well, we need at least get it reproducible, /me has no luck17:57
alsrootw/o reproducible results it is hard to say something about bug17:57
kandarpkalsroot: whats causing it ?17:59
alsrootkandarpk: that's the exact question :)17:59
kandarpkalsroot: hmmm.18:00
kandarpkalsroot: any pointers on http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/216418:06
alsrootkandarpk: thats could be questionable, i.e., it's not mostly not a bug but a feature that should be discussable on mls, anyway it is all time possible to uninstall activity and install previous version18:08
alsrootanyway, installation happens in sugar/src/jarabe/model/bundleregistry.py18:11
kandarpkmanusheel sir: how should I proceed ?18:11
kandarpkalsroot: ok.18:13
manusheelkandarpk: Any issues?18:20
kandarpkmanusheel sir: the cause of first bug is unknown18:20
manusheelkandarpk: Ok.18:21
* dipankar says hello18:29
dipankaralsroot, good morning. how are you?18:30
alsrootdipankar: fine, hi18:30
lfaraonealsroot: did you see tomeu's comment on your fix to the issue with left-click in Metacity?18:32
alsrootlfaraone: it was already committed18:33
lfaraonealsroot: oh?18:34
lfaraoneah, I didn't see the comments on the bug bevasue I was not CC'd :X18:34
lfaraonemanusheel: is neeraj nearby?18:35
dipankaralsroot, I am still working on the register bug18:50
alsrootdipankar: any progress18:51
dipankaralsroot, I still couldn't get to the code where network portion is there18:51
dipankaralsroot, I have left the async method for sometime, once i am thorough with the gtk main loop, gio18:53
dipankar* so that the rectangle doesn't occur18:53
dipankaralsroot, anybody on #sugar I can ping for the network related code in register18:54
alsrootdipankar: rectangle occurs because gtk main thread is in schoolsever related code18:54
alsrootdipankar: not sure who is schoolsever maint, try to search on wiki.laptop.org18:54
alsrootat least schoolsever is not a part of core sugar, it is OLPC service18:55
* alsroot had it in mind when suggested to just hide Register menu item18:56
dipankaralsroot, then if I put the Register method call in async, then the rectangle won't come up, right?18:56
alsrootdipankar: yup, but "put the Register method call in async" means make schoolsever aync18:57
alsrootdipankar: you'd better to contact w/ schoolsever maints then18:57
manusheeldipankar: The maintainer is Martin Langhoff.19:01
manusheelI'll send you his e-mail address.19:02
dipankarmanusheel, ok19:02
manusheellfaraone: Neeraj was working on the deployment side of things for USR and didn't sleep last night. I have asked him to take rest a bit today. He'll be back soon.19:06
lfaraonemanusheel: okay.19:07
satellit_dfarning Just booted up USR-i386-20100830.iso as CD still only has read......21:13
=== neeraj_ is now known as neeraj
neerajlfaraone: around?21:30
manusheelmukul: Hi Mukul.21:52
manusheelmukul: Let us start working on the bugs assigned to you today.21:54
dfarningsatellit_ I believe that neeraj and lfaraone either fixed or are very close to fixing the issue.  From there it take a few days to work through the ubuntu package approval and build system.21:56
neerajdfarning: +121:57
mukulmanusheel sir: Ok22:17
satellit_dfarning: ctrl alt f5 sudo su  apt-get install sugar* adds most of them22:25
USRsatellit-7eb3USR 830 on 8GB USB with activiites from apt-get install sugar* IRC -5 from drag-drop22:49
lfaraonedfarning: we're going to fix that once all the activities we're targeting have been synced over, unless you want us to do two uplads, one for the activities that are avail now and one for the activities that are available later...23:10

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