
=== xfaf is now known as zul
aragood morning all!07:36
alouriegood morning07:43
aramorning alourie07:52
alouriehi ara07:53
alourieara: I had an idea and I need to ask you about that07:53
araalourie, telll me07:53
alourieis there anything you currently do with test case IDs?07:53
araalourie, yes, there is just one thing we do with them07:55
araif you want to include some in a testsuite, we use the wiki "include" statement07:55
arawith the needed testcases07:55
=== ara_ is now known as ara
alourieara: so, when creating a test in tracker, for example, you just add the ID?08:10
araalourie, yes08:10
alouriehow does the wiki knows?08:11
alourieor, rather, the tracker?08:11
alourieara ^^ ?08:13
alouriewin 408:13
araI have to add them to the tracker08:17
alourieara: so there's no actually any means to say: "test #uni-002 is" and have it08:18
alouriemeaning, there's no map/sql/scripts that do that?08:19
araalourie, no08:19
alourieso, in fact, there is currently no use for these IDs outsite the wiki08:19
alourieara: I've been thinking that in order to further improve on usability of the test tracker, replace that link to the instructions with real instructions08:22
alouriefetch them on the fly08:23
araalourie, that would be great, but it would require quite amount of work08:25
araalourie, if you want to give it a try, feel free08:25
alourieara: well, fetching will be easy if previous DB of the cases is created..08:26
alourieand that's the tricky part08:26
araalourie, I don't think the effort is worth it. With the rewording of the link, it is easy to find the instructions08:38
alourieara: I hear you, you probably right08:38
alourieit just was the idea for resolving the previous state, which is no more :-)08:39
araprimes2h, morning!09:48
primes2hmorning ara! :-)09:49
=== xfaf is now known as zul
* fader_ syncs ISOs like an ISO syncing machine.13:50
jpdsOh, a mirror.13:51
* fader_ chuckles.13:54
arafader_, I am just syncing on a bike14:24
fader_ara: Wow, German bikes must be better than US bikes.  I think you can only get them here with up to 2G of storage.14:28
Ghey guys (pointed here from -devel) dealing with what seems to be a regression between lucid and maverick, was wondering if someone could give some pointers for me of the process I should be following14:52
* persia just completely forgot the regression tag rules, and is multitasking: hoping one of the folks anxiously awaiting beta images to be ready happens to have their bookmarks open14:55
araG, do you have a bug number?14:59
Gara: yeah, sorry it's bug 61507715:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 615077 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] SDL local window broken in last update (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61507715:00
Gara: I'm still doing some testing, but it's starting to get a bit weird, but I can for the most part prove that it's a regression between releases15:01
araG, can you add the tag "regression-potential" =15:01
Gara: done15:01
Gara: I've just updated the bug w/ a bit more information/summaries/data15:38
Gara: should I just leave it at that, or is there more I should do?15:39
araG, I think that's a good state to leave the bug, thanks15:39
Gara: what about Importance, I've got a feeling it's more like High now (SDL is a lesser used, but still common option)15:40
bladernr_the server ISOs have appeared on iso.qa.ubuntu.com.  Game on15:41
araG, I think that you can leave it as Medium for now, if the developers want to rise it, they will15:43
Gara: okay, thanks for the help!15:43
bladernr_ara... wubi still broken (using the 31/08 ISO for amd64)15:43
arabladernr_, oops15:44
arabladernr_, have you let ev know?15:44
bladernr_I opened a bug and pinged him yesterday, but got no reply15:44
bladernr_I'm going to update the bug with the new info (and try to poke around the win bootloader to see if that looks ok) and ping him again15:45
bladernr_ara:  think I should just ping him, or assign it to him in LP?15:47
arabladernr_, both things, assign it to him, but try to ping him at #ubuntu-installer15:47
arabladernr_, yesterday it was a holiday in the UK15:47
arabladernr_, maybe that's why he didn't reply15:47
bladernr_Yeah, I think davmor2 told me about that15:48
cjwatsoncould somebody change the first part of the channel topic to "Testing Maverick Beta ISOs"?18:13
fader_Has anyone else noticed the timezone selector being painfully slow?19:53
fader_I can't tell if it's just something going on on my VM or what... it's not easily reproducible :/19:54
ameetpfader_: no, I haven't seen this behavior20:02
fader_ameetp: Okay, cool... I think it was something on my system then, as after a few minutes I was unable to reproduce20:03
fader_My system load was quite low though... it's weird20:03
fader_Maybe some weird I/O thing20:03
ameetpwhat flavor are you testing?  I'm testing Ubuntu server...20:03
fader_ameetp: Ah, I was testing ubuntu alternate in OEM mode, which is about the only way to get the GTK tz selector at the moment I believe :)20:05
fader_At least until the desktop images are posted20:05
fader_ameetp: I'm noticing the same thing with mythbuntu amd64, BTW -- very slow performance on the tz selector at first21:10
fader_I *think* it's due to the fact that it's doing work in the background and I'm running in a VM21:10
fader_I'm not going to file a bug until someone tries it on real hardware21:10
charlie-tcaanyone seeing weird messages after installing full encrypted?21:10
charlie-tcakernel-provided name 'dm-0' and NAME= 'mapper/number16-root' disagree21:11
ameetpfader_:  I think I just bricked my HP... not related to Ubuntu, but the harddrive took early retirement.21:11
fader_ameetp: Gah, that sucks dude21:12
ameetpfader_:  The HP is where I did the native installs21:12
fader_ameetp: http://newegg.com ;)21:12
ameetpfader_: heh.  Man this sucks.  I'll try in a VM in a bit and get back to you21:12
ameetpcharlie-tca: what flavor?21:13
charlie-tcaxubuntu 386 alt21:13
charlie-tcascreenshot http://imagebin.org/11218521:13
fader_ameetp: Yeah, I would be interested to see if you see it in a VM as well21:13
ameetpcharlie-tca: I see. haven't tested that yet21:14
ameetpfader_: will let you know21:14
charlie-tcaI haven't filed a bug. The install and restart work21:14
charlie-tcahmm, doing something wrong. I can't find any new bugs this time21:17
IdleOnecyphermox: leave a message with czajkowski21:34
ameetpfader_:  I didn't see any performance issues mythbuntu amd64 on the tz selection21:56
fader_ameetp: Okay, probably just something on my end21:57
fader_Thanks for testing21:58
ameetpfader_: I recommend you stop running VMs on the netbook ;).  It will start to hover...21:58
fader_ameetp: I'm on my main system now... plenty of surface area to radiate heat away :P21:58
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bladernr_anyone know why the Ubuntu Desktop images aren't showing up on the ISO tracker? (I know they've been respun at least twice, but are they being spun again?22:32
charlie-tcaThey are being respun again22:33
bladernr_charlie-tca:  heh... wow...22:35
cjwatsonwaiting for a new ubiquity22:35
bladernr_cjwatson:  ack... good luck y'all22:36
cjwatsonit's been a rough day for Ubuntu desktop22:36
cjwatsondidn't want to waste testers' time on it22:36
charlie-tcathank you! We do appreciate that22:38
=== nhandler changed the topic of #ubuntu-testing to: Testing Maverick Beta ISOs |https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com
charlie-tcaThank you23:54
* charlie-tca thinks most people just test what ever is on the tracker, though.23:54

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