[00:07] Sarvatt: So, the question with nouveau_vieux is twofold: (1) Do we actually have the CD space to ship it by default, and (2) is it stable enough? [00:07] With bonus (3): do we really want to add this feature by default after beta :) === ara_ is now known as ara [08:40] Hi! Are there any experimental packages for Mesa 7.9 somewhere? [08:42] alf__: there is a mesa7.9 ppa from Sarvatt , might be what you are looking for [08:43] vish: Great, thanks! [09:58] alf__: There's also xorg-edgers if you don't care to follow what will (hopefully!) be in Maverick, or ppa:raof/mesa-egl. [12:26] Sarvatt, around? [15:13] tseliot: 256.52 got rereleased as 256.53 and marked stable it looks like - http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-256.53-driver.html . also got a little patch to make nvidia work on 2.6.36 i'm going to throw in the x-updates package - http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/nvidia-2.6.36-ioctl.patch [15:14] no announcement on nvnews.net forums about it and no nvidia-settings tag in git yet though [15:14] Sarvatt: yes, I had noticed the new release on phoronix but I wasn't aware of the existence of that patch. I'd still prefer to wait until I talk to Nvidia about the driver [15:15] no worries, I'm going to hold off updating x-updates anyway since its the same driver and I dont want conflicting orig.tar.gz's in there :) [15:17] good [15:20] 1.3kb in kernel/nv-kernel.o and the version change in the makefile is the only difference [15:23] it's likely that they simply marked the driver as stable by adding some signature === JanC_ is now known as JanC [16:04] Sarvatt, after upgrade to nvidia 256.52 from x-updates, my gdm won't login [16:04] what do the logs say? [16:05] i'm guessing could not find nvidia kernel module? [16:05] do you have headers installed for the kernel you booted? did dkms install it right? [16:05] everything's fine here, so it's specific to his system [16:05] Sarvatt, it's not nvidia issue [16:06] what kernel are you using? [16:07] Sarvatt, -19.28 [16:07] Sarvatt, http://paste.ubuntu.com/486339/ [16:07] Can't open /home/ari/.profile [16:07] yah that just says it failed, check /etc/gdm/:0.log or /var/log/Xorg.0.log? [16:08] but .profile file exist! [16:09] is it executable? [16:10] bjsnider, I don't know. here is it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486341/ [16:11] well i don't know if that's the cause of the problem or not [16:12] mine has 755 permissions [16:12] the content of the file is fine [16:12] bjsnider, I can't check this one now, because I'm on windows xp now. [16:14] line 34 of /etc/gdm/Xsession says test -f "$HOME/.profile" && . "$HOME/.profile" [16:15] so it seems like it's stopping at that point because that command didn't return the right results [16:15] so you need to go back into ubuntu and fix that file [16:15] i suppose [16:34] Sarvatt: does the radeon DDX driver in xorg-edgers cause problems with Unity? [20:43] am I on he right track here for backporting mesa to lucid which doesn't have regex support in dpkg-gensymbols? http://pastebin.com/THW7gA74 I haven't been able to find any info on what to do in this situation in any of the library packaging guides and just went off of what was done in libdrm-radeon1 [20:45] just don't mention the private symbols in the symbols file [20:45] and man, sandybridge is in *rough* shape. managed to get a KMS+intel ddx desktop up eventually but GL is rendering all black [20:46] oh, even easier then! thanks [20:46] especially for a ppa where nothing should be built against it anyway === yofel_ is now known as yofel