
Seveassharperguy, it's rare but can happen00:00
nukno prob.00:00
macosharperguy: there are router exploits, yes. you should always keep your router updated with the latest firmware00:00
sharperguyhmm ok00:00
[KS]if router is running windows, possibility even higher :)00:00
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Guest29385good. i wish it was that but no. it seems lag problem00:00
sharperguyEither the router is infected or al the computers in the house have the same malware00:00
sharperguyincluding this ubuntu one00:00
sharperguyall the rest are xp00:00
PeterNLSeveas: "run as peter at di aug 31 00:52:24 CEST 2010 - run as peter at Tue Aug 31 00:55:01 CEST 2010 - run as peter at Tue Aug 31 01:00:01 CEST 2010" and that's it :(00:00
nukubuntu; infected ....hmmmmm00:01
Guest29385anyone from canada here00:01
SeveasPeterNL, then I have no idea :)00:01
macosharperguy: cross-platform malware isnt unheard-of, but... last one i heard of was an OpenOffice.org macro virus00:01
nukmaco... sorry to interrupt, i only joined a few min. ago.... what is th problem here?00:02
sharperguymaco, It's affecting DNS resolution as well as occasionally hijacking search engines. I'm going to set my dns to opendns to see if that helps. Is it possible to set DNS servers while still using DHCP?00:02
PeterNLSeveas: I should test the logging by creating a error somehow. to trigger stderr and see if it works...00:02
macosharperguy: yes of course00:02
sharperguyhmm I just can't see how to do it00:02
SeveasPeterNL, echo >&2 "This is an error"00:02
PeterNLBut i suppose it just works, but gconftool-2 just sin't verbose enough00:02
macosharperguy: you can change your router to not push DNS settings while still using DHCP, i believe00:02
amoskhello all00:03
macosharperguy: you can also just set a DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf after connecting to force your DNS on the host00:03
sharperguymaco, Yeah I don't have control over the router so i was going to do it locally00:03
macosharperguy: i dont know enough about xp to tell you where to set DNS settings on there00:03
PeterNLnow wait another 1:20...00:03
macosharperguy: for that youd try ##windows00:03
sharperguymaco, yeah it's just ubuntu at the moment so i'll try the resold.conf00:03
amoskI try to install system by pxe+kickstart00:03
axi've seen in some ubuntu guides that evolution has a 'google' calendar type, but my install of it doesn't, and i cannot seem to find the plugin for it.. anyone know what i need to do?  I'm on ubuntu 10.400:04
macosharperguy: resolv, not resold00:04
famicube64for xp dns, you go into network connections, right-click the connections you use and click properties00:04
amoskand I want put kickstart to cdrom1, iso to cdrom200:04
famicube64all the stuff will be there00:04
sharperguymaco, yeah sorry typo00:04
airtonixax, it's not a plugin00:04
PeterNLSeveas: I set it to run every minute, and it gives us the fake error, but nothing else00:04
amoskI try to install system by pxe+kickstart,and I want put kickstart to cdrom1, iso to cdrom2.  How to write the kernel commandline, ks=cdrom?... ?00:04
axairtonix: so, how do i get google calendar types when i add a calendar?00:04
sharperguymaco, can i add additional name servers by just appending it with a space?00:04
macosharperguy: one per line00:05
macosharperguy: nameserver a.b.c.d00:05
amoskmaco: I try to install system by pxe+kickstart,and I want put kickstart to cdrom1, iso to cdrom2.  How to write the kernel commandline, ks=cdrom?...00:05
airtonixax, when you do not mention the version of ubuntu you are using it is assumed you are using the latest which is 10.04... the default version of evolution with 10.04 has the ability to add google calendars00:05
Seveassharperguy, also, no more than 3. glibc won't look any further00:05
macoamosk: i dont know00:05
amoskmaco: oh, thanks00:05
axairtonix: i did mention that i am using 10.4, but yeah, i'm using 10.4 and i don't have the 'google' entry in the calendar type selections00:06
sharperguymaco, Seveas ok thanks. opendns gives you two i think00:06
mbroekersharperguy, download firmware, reset router, install firmware, disable upnp, setup connection settings inside router. done. More problems? windows will be responsible :)00:06
sharperguymbroeker, heh thanks. Well I dont own the router but I'll get onto the owner about it.00:07
axairtonix: new calendar -> type = [CalDav, On this computer, on the web, weather] only00:07
X65why does XF86AudioRaise/LowerVolume only change alsamixer in multiples of 11 .......? I have used xbindkeys to specify a different command but the volume still goes from 100-89% (-7db) steps.........00:08
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gartralX65: do you have multiple sound cards?00:09
sharperguywhat service do i restart once i've edited resolv.conf?00:10
madjoewhat does this error message indicate? /usr/include/boost/shared_ptr.hpp:419: T* boost::shared_ptr< <template-parameter-1-1> >::operator->() const [with T = SessionData]: Assertion `px != 0' failed. Aborted00:11
cromagsharperguy: not sure if anything needs a restart00:11
litatacoshey hey there. i have a pretty common problem from the forums but i tried all the reccomended solutions without any luck :( i installed ubuntu studio but i cant connect to the internet. tried installing with hard wire connection and from cd rom. thnx for the help!00:12
sharperguycromag, oh I need to figure out how to check if i'm using their dns server now then00:12
cromagshould be able to provide those info i believe.00:12
sharperguycromag, oh yeah thanks00:12
sharperguycromag, it did use opendns00:13
cromagi would think a hostlookup from applications would use the new ones then :)00:13
eriksson25Anyone know how I can get /dev/xxx to stay even if I add other disks. And dont say UUID becouse it dosent work. Need a other way.00:14
jriberiksson25: uuid, of course it works00:14
pie_timewhat do you do with a .img file?00:14
jribpie_time: burn it, mount it?00:14
X65why does XF86AudioRaise/LowerVolume only change alsamixer in multiples of 11 .......? I have used xbindkeys to specify a different00:14
eriksson25Nope it dosent, it mess up my grub booting.00:15
jrib!details | eriksson2500:15
ubottueriksson25: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:15
X65gartral, any other ideas?00:15
hiexposup crew00:15
RunarDamnit, I need to make my cat's name un------------hilighted00:15
RunarAaaand my -----------------key is stuck00:16
seidosX65: have you tried gconf-editor to specify a different amount?00:16
X65seidos, I looked in gconf all i see is the xf8600:16
X65seidos, where is the section to change it?00:16
LinuxGuy2009I hope this isnt offtopic but what branch of Debian is lucids packages based on since its an LTS release?00:17
seidosX65: i can't recall.  i haven't messed with that in awhile.  in fact, i might be wrong.  ignore me or search google.  it's your call.00:18
jribLinuxGuy2009: unstable as always00:18
gartralX65: no :\00:18
eriksson25Oki, I have strugeling with my server for two days. got several stupid errors. But it alls comes down to that if grub points on uuid it dosent work. gives error waiting for root disk. When I set fstab and grub to boot /dev/sda1 it works. I can mount. But the problem is that this only works when I dont have my storage disks in becouse when I plug them in my system disk change /dev/xxx every reboot.00:19
LinuxGuy2009jrib: Ok I figured that, just wondered if they switched to testing for the LTS releases. Thanks.00:19
eriksson25And seting it to corect uuid it says uuid=xxx dosent exist after a long error.00:19
jriberiksson25: make uuid work, that's the solution00:19
mlourencohelp...wireless stopped working00:19
Wavesonicsif i force encryption on my BT client, will it not connect to as many peers? (if others dont want to encrypt)00:20
mcphaileriksson25: try adding a "sleep 10" to the init scripts00:20
douglas_carmichaHow does one change the screen resolution for GDM in 10.04? I looked for an xorg.conf, but I didn't see one in /etc/X11.00:20
X65Wavesonics, correct.00:21
rebirthwhy can't i rearange my quick launch icons easily?  do i seriously have to drag each one out of the way to make room. i want to drag to insert one in between two others00:21
WavesonicsX65, in your experience does it significantly impact the over all transfer?00:21
eriksson25mcphail where00:21
X65Wavesonics, nah00:22
WavesonicsX65, cool thx00:22
X65Wavesonics, unless there are only a few seeds who dont want encryption.00:22
rebirththis is seriously stupid, i'm going to swtich back to windows because of this00:22
WavesonicsX65, true00:23
jrib!helpme | rebirth00:23
ubotturebirth: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:23
extraclassicrebirth: use avant window navigator00:23
WavesonicsX65, have u ever used an encrypted proxy service like BTGaurd?00:23
WavesonicsX65, doesnt look like it works w\ Tranmission :/00:23
mlourencocan anyone help fixing my wireless?00:24
jrib!wireless > mlourenco00:24
ubottumlourenco, please see my private message00:24
rebirthextraclassic: i don't want a mac os like interface, i just want to put my quicklaunch icons in order00:25
famicube64does anyone here know if you can hide the "* has joined the room" kinds of messages in empathy?00:25
jribrebirth: are you middle-click dragging?00:25
revlaterrebirth: you can move a quicklaunch icon in between two other icons as long as the others are not locked00:26
rebirthjrib: dragging00:26
X65why does XF86AudioRaise/LowerVolume only change alsamixer in multiples of 11 .......? I have used xbindkeys to specify a different00:26
rebirthi see now that i can right click and select move and that alows me to what i want00:26
jribrebirth: it was more of a suggestion than a question00:27
jribX65: why do you keep repeating an incomplete question?00:27
rebirthi don't have a middle mouse button though00:27
famicube64rebirth: you can move the icons smoothly by right-clicking and choosing "move"00:27
famicube64as long as they're not locked00:27
X65jrib, it got cut off and thats the second time in 10+ minutes dude.00:27
X65dont act like I care what you think00:27
jribrebirth: hmm.  Maybe both left and right at same time if you have that enabled00:27
Datzhi, is there any documentation on the different kernel flavors such as -server -pae -generic and so on?00:27
rebirthright click did it for me though00:28
jribX65: yet, you are asking for help...00:28
X65jrib, not from you00:28
jribX65: k00:28
extraclassici've been using awn + GnoMenu and just completely removing gnome panel00:28
gartralextraclassic: how?00:30
gartrali could never get both menus to go away00:30
gartraler, panels00:30
extraclassicgartral: in gconf-editor you can replace gnome-panel with avant-window-navigator00:31
* Scans back00:31
famicube64gartral: i can just delete them on mine00:31
famicube64both of them00:31
olskolirci have an external hard drive with 53 gigs of space and it won't let me move 5 gigs to it.  Earror reads the disk won't write the disk is full - how do I fix my disk space?00:33
extraclassicgartral: in gconf-editor, go to desktop -> gnome -> session -> required components and change panel00:33
jribolskolirc: pastebin: df -h00:34
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dougb_freebsdolskolirc: is it 1 5G file, or multiple files?00:34
olskolircone dougb_freebsd00:34
dougb_freebsdwhat fs are you trying to move the file to?00:35
olskolircsdb1 my external drive "My Book" dougb_freebsd00:35
dougb_freebsddo you know what file system that drive is formatted with? fat32 by chance?00:36
dan86Hello, I'm installing linux for the first time00:36
dan86wondering if someone can help me with a quick partition question'00:36
jribdan86: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)00:36
olskolircyes its a fat 32 dougb_freebsd00:37
X65why does XF86AudioRaise/LowerVolume only change alsamixer in multiples of 11 .......? I have used xbindkeys to specify a different command looked in gconf-editor, been googling with no success I know the command works ive used it manually something is obviously hard-wired to 7db00:37
Datzhi, is there any documentation on the different kernel flavors such as -server -pae -generic and so on?00:37
olskolircawww dan86 i could just SQUEEZEEEE you - WELCOME :-)00:37
dan86ok, i'm installing it alongside win server 2008 r2.  I resized the partition to allow for 22gb for linux.  i allotted 18 for linux, 4 for swap00:37
dan86two partitions00:38
dan86what do i set the mount point on for the main partition? And have i set this up correctly?00:38
dougb_freebsdolskolirc: well I'm sorry to say you're out of luck, you can't have a file larger than 4G on a fat32 drive00:38
dan86olskolirc thanks!00:38
dougb_freebsd(although the error message you're receiving is less than helpful)00:38
jribdan86: /00:38
* Datz is finding things slowly.00:38
dan86ok thanks00:38
dan86is my setup correct / optimal?00:39
Datz(incase any are interested)00:39
olskolircso i should move the files dougb_freebsd and partition it to ext3?00:39
olskolircor ntfs dougb_freebsd ?00:39
dan86"/" is ext3 and primary right?00:39
dougb_freebsdif you're going to be accessing the files from both windows and linux, ext2 is your safest bet00:39
olskolircyes dan00:39
olskolircif you are dual booting dan8600:39
mlourencocan anyone help fixing my wireless?00:39
dan86i am dual booting00:40
olskolircbot partitions should be primary dan8600:40
dan86olskolirc, just to confirm ext3 or ext2?00:40
dougb_freebsdolskolirc: http://www.fs-driver.org/index.html00:40
olskolirci use ext3 out of habit00:40
olskolircthanks dougb_freebsd00:40
extraclassicdan86: partitions can all be primary unless you need more than 400:40
dan86any advantage/disadvantage of ext3/ext2?00:40
jribdan86: ext3 is journaled00:41
mlourencocan anyone help fixing my wireless? I tried all the guide already.00:41
jribmlourenco: you need to ask an actual question with details00:41
dan86last questoin, i promise: i've heard some people mention a partition for /home or something like that? what does that mean, and do i need it?00:42
KabelGuyIf you plan on trying new distros it would be a good idea.00:42
dan86so it's basically your files00:42
dan86as opposed to system files?00:42
jribdan86: it's useful to have /home on it's own partition because all user data is kept in /home.  So if something goes bonkers or you want to try a new distro, you can install again and have all your data and user settings in place00:42
dan86i get it, like /system and /data in android00:43
dougb_freebsddan86: yes, think of /home as sort of like "My Documents" in windows (plus other things)00:43
extraclassicjrib: if you create a /home partition, then reinstall afterwards does it recognize your /home partition or will you end up with 2 home folders00:43
KabelGuySo yea.. I have been running Ubuntu for a while, and thought I would give the Netbook remix a try...00:43
jribextraclassic: you can choose at install time00:44
KabelGuy10 minutes later, and I somehow deleted my entire /home...00:44
jribKabelGuy: but you have backups, right? right...?00:44
extraclassicok....i just named one /data and keep everything there00:44
KabelGuyThing is, I don't see how it even happened..00:45
KabelGuyI followed procedure and shit.00:45
olskolircdrum roll im moving 40gigs to a dir in home from "My\ Book/" and im reforatting that drive00:45
olskolircwhat the reformat command when im done :-)00:45
jrib!gparted | olskolirc00:45
ubottuolskolirc: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php00:45
Omen_20Dear Canonical, invent a Ctrl+Alt+Delete!00:45
[KS]htop reports Swp 0%00:45
olskolircthanks jrib00:45
[KS]that is good, right?00:45
jribOmen_20: why?00:45
X65how do i restart gnome-settings-daemon00:46
Omen_20jrib apps sometimes have glitches and if you get stuck in full screen all youve got is a hard reset. Nothing to get you out of that single program.00:46
jribOmen_20: ctrl-alt-f1 then use kill or pkill, but usually if you can run a command, xkill is a lot nicer.00:47
jrib!sysrq | Omen_2000:47
ubottuOmen_20: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key00:47
jribOmen_20: and that's better than a hard reset if you can't get to tty1 using ctrl-alt-f100:47
GHHI was downloading a ISO file using Wget. But a error of wget :2010-08-30 22:59:59 (6.60 KB/s) - Read error at byte 648178279/2015311872 (Connection timed out). Retrying. Is this error any problem or any doubt to crrupting please?00:49
jribGHH: I would continue the download with wget -c, just make sure you checksum when it's done00:50
metrahlais there any sound equalizer for ubuntu ?00:50
metrahlaanyone helping ?00:50
GHHjrib, Yes i am using -c but I am too worry for my net speed00:50
jribGHH: hmm?00:51
GHHjrib, speed only 10-12 kb00:51
Omen_20your solution only proved my point, how do you get out of that terminal? Exit gets you no where.00:51
jribOmen_20: what terminal?  tty1?  Just hit ctrl-alt-f700:51
GHHjrib, Just need to sure will it crupt or not00:52
cromagmetrahla: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1308838&highlight=graphic+equalizer00:52
jribGHH: like I said, checksum at the end.00:52
metrahlacromag, ty, do u know a key word to rapidly install it with synaptics00:53
smallfoot-u = you*00:53
cromagmetrahla: try check the first post00:53
metrahlak ty00:53
smallfoot-k = ok00:53
cromagty = thank you00:53
metrahlasorry for doing the abreviations00:53
smallfoot-someone should mod the IRCd to compensate for ebonics and dyslexia00:54
Omen_20Why dont they just make System Monitor jump in front of programs so you can simply kill something? That method makes Ubuntu look like a joke for a modern OS.00:54
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Armymeni have a question, i play with some setting i think in ubuntu, and When i move the mouse away from a windows, the windows i have disapear ( like aero ) but i see like 5% of the windows, how can i change that ?00:55
cromagtransperency ?00:56
smallfoot-compiz settings manager, i suppose00:56
h0ho"sudo apt-get install tspc" <-- im trying to do this command but it cant be found, do i have to add another repository or something?00:56
cromagmy guess too00:56
VCoolioOmen_20: just make a keyboard shortcut for it and done; why does it need to be ctrl-alt-del? if all is frozen, it doesn't work, but then also windows gets you nowhere00:56
jribh0ho: what are you trying to install?00:57
Armymeni just dont find the option for that, you know when i mean i can have 5 windows open and i change my mouse from this windows to the next one, and the windows i have open disapear :S00:57
h0hojrib: Im trying to use freenet6 as an ipv6 tunnel but the client software "tspc" cant be found :|00:57
jribh0ho: why do you think it's in the repositories?00:57
undifinedh0ho, you have the gogoc client installed ?00:58
benbloomso I can log into and mount samba share from my Win7 machine, but I can't set up the printer from that same machine! anyone got any ideas? I get "Session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE"00:58
litatacoshey hey there. i have a pretty common problem from the forums but i tried all the reccomended solutions without any luck :( i installed ubuntu studio but i cant connect to the internet. tried installing with hard wire connection and from cd rom. thnx for the help! sorry to repost been trying to get help/fix it for the past 2 hrs. merci beucoup!00:58
h0houndifined: nope, im trying but it cant find it00:59
h0hojrib: just a shot in the dark :D00:59
jribh0ho: you missed I guess :)00:59
Omen_20I've tried making it a shortcut in the past but anytime a program has had full screen it never popped up so it was useless for when I needed it. I dont care what combo it is and Ubuntu itself is solid. I just dont get how they spend so much time integrating Facebook and not on making a simple process dialog.00:59
undifinedh0ho, http://gogonet.gogo6.com/page/download-100:59
h0houndifined, i downloaded the source but this thread https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6#Get%20connected%20with%20freenet6%20/%20TSP tells me i need tspc as the client software. it was called gw6c when i used gentoo so ill try that out01:00
* litatacos cries01:03
Omen_20once in tty1 how do you recommend seeing running programs? I'm using 'top' and 'kill' with the PID.01:04
KabelGuyOP here.01:05
gasullHi.  Scripts in /etc/init.d are run at bootup, right?  It seems some of them aren't starting for me: dnsmasq, tor, polipo, etc.  How can I troubleshoot this?  thanks01:06
VCoolioOmen_20: ps -ef | grep <part of processname>     pkill processname / kill pid01:06
benbloomso I can log into and mount samba share from my Win7 machine, but I can't set up the printer from that same machine! anyone got any ideas? I get "Session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE"01:06
Muelligasull: check "service'01:06
jribKabelGuy: take this as the moment you start making backups.  If you think it's a bug, try to replicate it, and if you can, file a bug01:06
Muelligasull: it's upstart which is resposible for running those scripts.01:06
VCoolioOmen_20: also htop, easier to use, you can select processes and execute kill commands01:06
Muelli!upstart | gasull01:07
ubottugasull: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/01:07
KabelGuyjrib: Thing is, how?01:07
jribKabelGuy: how what?01:07
jrib!backup | KabelGuy01:07
ubottuKabelGuy: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:07
KabelGuyI don't have money for an external harddrive.01:07
jribKabelGuy: there's also ubuntu One, but how much data do you have?01:08
jribKabelGuy: start saving for an external then01:09
litatacoshey hey there. i have a pretty common problem from the forums but i tried all the reccomended solutions without any luck :( i installed ubuntu studio but i cant connect to the internet. tried installing with hard wire connection and from cd rom. thnx for the help! sorry to repost been trying to get help/fix it for the past 2 hrs. merci beucoup!01:09
DeaConor a good used system to network and backup to01:09
jribKabelGuy: for less than 100 bucks you can probably get a tb or two01:09
gasullMuelli: thanks, but I'm not sure what I need to do.  Does this mean that /etc/init.d/ aren't started, or that old Sys V and Upstart coexist?01:09
KabelGuyPrices have dropped that low?01:09
Muelligasull: it means that you need to configure upstart to actually start your services01:10
macogasull: /etc/init.d are a unch of symlinks to upstart01:10
jribKabelGuy: yes01:10
macogasull: see?  /etc/init.d/plymouth -> /lib/init/upstart-job01:10
KabelGuyIt really fucking sucks to lose all yer stuff.01:11
powduhwasup people01:11
maco!language | KabelGuy01:11
ubottuKabelGuy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:11
jribKabelGuy: it does, that's why it happens once and then you make backups01:11
macoKabelGuy:  500GB external is only about $70 now01:11
powduhanyone have any idea were to find an intel 845g driver for ubuntu desktop 10.4?01:11
macoKabelGuy: at overpriced Best Buy prices, even!01:12
Sovereigni want to tru virtualbox in synaptic virtualbox-ose is what i need?01:12
KabelGuymaco: Well, I might just get a terabytes worth of space.. Should last me a long tme.01:12
macopowduh: its supported by the default intel drivers, but there are a few bugs. devs are requesting input from 8xx owners on various fixes to decide what goes in01:12
gasullMuelli, maco: I see.  Actually a lot of them aren't symlinks, and they seem to be the ones that aren't working: dnsmasq, tor, polipo, vboxdrv, hddtemp...  How do I configure upstart with them?01:13
macopowduh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes01:13
powduhthe problem i am having is that it will not switch between display modes01:13
h0hohehe got it working ;D01:14
gasullMuelli, maco: should I just symlink from /lib/init ?01:14
powduhyes and the video will stop from time to time and start flashing all sorts of weird colors01:14
Muelligasull: probably not. look at /etc/rc*.d/01:14
winvirtI have Windows 7 on sda1 and Ubuntu on sda5, how would I virtualize sda1? Which software would I use?01:14
Omen_20Thanks jrib, and VCoolio, that is definitely a step closer.01:14
help`for what /bin/false use?01:14
dmex!virtualbox | winvirt01:14
ubottuwinvirt: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:15
Muelligasull: there is also a program called rc-update or the like. You mihgt be interested in looking at that.01:15
winvirtBut VirtualBox requires me to install Win7 onto a disk image, I want to virtualize the partition directlyu01:15
Muelliwinvirt: you might want to try qemu, but windows being stupid and doesn't like so many hardware changes.01:15
Sovereigndoes free mean open source and non free closed source?01:16
ZykoticK9winvirt, it is possible to use physical disks with VirtualBox (i haven't done it, and see the WARNING) http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#rawdisk01:16
jrib!free | Sovereign01:16
ubottuSovereign: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing01:16
[KS]no, non free means you pay for it :)01:17
[KS]as in, cash01:17
[KS]or blood :)01:17
gasullMuelli: All the services that aren't starting are already linked in /etc/rc2.d/ : tor, polipo, dnsmasq, hddtemp and vboxdrv01:17
mininessiehas kernel 2.6.35 worked for anyone else on 10.1001:17
Muelligasull: nice. now go and figure out what runlevels are and how sysvinit starts services based on the runlevel.01:17
ZykoticK9[KS], free as in freedom vs. free as in beer01:17
famicube64mininessie: works fine for me on arch01:18
famicube64haven't tried 10.10 yet01:18
mininessiefamicube64, grr01:18
powduhwill try to install updated intel drivers first01:18
powduhthanks for the site01:18
dmexwinvirt: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ee656415.aspx01:18
mininessieubuntu makes my laptop so hot why01:18
[KS]cause it wears mini skirt01:18
litatacosok now i'm fairly certin ive been able to muddle through getting network manager.... any idea how i can discover and connect to nearby routers?01:19
winvirtAnd VirtualBox can use an image in VHD format?01:19
litatacosthe wireless thing doesnt appear on the indicator applet01:19
cysticmake sure you have drivers for your wireless card installed01:19
ZykoticK9winvirt, #vbox might be of assistance01:20
cysticget online  with that computers and download the drivers to make the internet work01:20
winvirtThank you01:20
axisyslooks like ubottu needs be taught about ppa packages in its answer to clone01:20
MrWisehmm, what's mount point? I have options for what to set my second harddrive in this computer to what mount point, like /home or /usr, what exactly would that mean if I pick /usr, would all /usr/ stuff be put in that second harddrive? even if / is my primary harddrive?01:21
lellemy mouse randomly freezes in ubuntu...01:21
=== DaZ^ is now known as DaZ
coz_lelle,  is there any time it does this regularly?  ie  when using firefox  or gimp  or some other application?01:22
ridinMrWise: usually you're setting a partition as /home or /usr i guess01:23
coz_lelle,  mm  and this is a fresh install of ubuntu lucid or an upgrade?01:23
ridinMrWise: when you want all of them mount them as /01:23
FendarilCan someone explain to me what use linking files together are?01:23
FendarilI mean what if the purpose of having two or more files point to one file in memory01:23
Fendarilhard or soft-wise01:23
lelle10.04.1 install cd but i think it did when i first installed it too01:23
SovereignI'm looking to install qimo os not sure if i should install in a vm or just install in Ubuntu01:23
richthegeekhey, does anyone know what's going on with the 64-bit version of Flash?01:24
coz_lelle,   i assume this is a desktop system01:24
MrWiseridin; what exactly would that mean if I pick /usr, would all /usr/ stuff be put in that second harddrive? even if / is my primary harddrive?01:24
lellelelle: laptop, and my other mouse did it too...01:24
klappiFendaril: changing the file tree into a graph making it harder to scan01:25
ZykoticK9richthegeek, there is a security issue with the old 64bit flash so it was removed, Adobe MAY bring it back, but no one knows (or is talking)01:25
ridinMrWise: sure01:25
Fendarilklappi: in other words dont use file linking?01:25
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coz_lelle,  then I am not sure... if you have already changed mice  .... you can use the touchpad with no issues?01:25
richthegeekZykoticK9: was the security issue big? 32-bit runs insanely poorly on my system (that can otherwise run Crysis at full)01:25
klappiFendaril: i was kidding! Links are totaly awsome01:25
litatacoshi cystic im using ubuntu studio and have not had to do that before. i tried looking up my model toshiba satellite a200 but no luck :(01:25
SovereignZykoticK9: is that in windows also01:25
ZykoticK9Sovereign, no idea01:25
Fendarilklappi: awsome for what. Obfuscating things to be l33t?01:26
ZykoticK9richthegeek, i'm not sure about the bug really - just know that it's a "security" issue of some sort...01:26
lellecoz_: yep i think so last i tried01:26
gasullMuelli: I see.  Just read the Wikipedia art. re: runlevels and a linux.com art. re: Upstart and runleveles.  Ubuntu emulates runlevels using Upstart.  But still, I don't know how to make the services start on boot.01:26
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richthegeekZykoticK9: ok thanks, I'll google around and see if it's duped anywhere01:26
coz_lelle,  mm  then it could be either you mice are a bit glitchy or the mouse driver is out of wach somehow.... in this case I am not sure what to tell you .... perhpas   #ubuntu-hardware  but I hve not been there to see exactly what in in the topic01:27
klappiFendaril: look at /etc/alternatives its a good example for the use of sym links01:27
lellecoz_ or some sort therapy because i abuse it almost every time ubuntu hangs up :/01:28
Guest33750theoretical question: is there an "access time" difference between accessing data in a memory cache verus accessing data in a file stored on a tmpfs?  how could i test this?01:29
Guest33750access time meaning time taken to access (not "last accessed" ;)01:29
mininessiekernel 2.6.35 doesn't for me on 10.1001:29
=== Fendaril is now known as ZTG
fruitwerkshow can I resize my root LVM partition?01:30
undifinedmininessie, me neither, what's your hardware01:30
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Tiders-Is there a computer science channel on this server01:30
mininessieundifined, macbook pro01:30
coz_lelle,  ooo  understandable  for sure01:30
=== Guest59135 is now known as Fendaril
undifinedmininessie, hmmm, totaly diffrent01:31
undifinedmininessie, i have xeon01:31
axisyshow do I change the default lucid theme? i like the menu button on the top right instead01:31
axisysthere is a keyword that ubottu knows.. but i am not sure which one.. i tried wintheme, lucid, theme, win.. none covers it01:32
=== Tiders- is now known as Tiders
coz_axisys,  you want to change the positions of the buttons ,,,the menu button I am not sure  but the other buttons are easily changed in gconf-editor01:32
undifinedmininessie, did it work partially ?01:32
klappiGuest33750: make an educated guess01:32
tonmoraes88to no biglinux01:32
axisyscoz_: where in gconf-editor.. i have that open01:32
iambenshould i expect 10.04.1 netbook remix to work on 512M ram and no swap?01:32
tonmoraes88preciso  saber como fazer uma rede no big01:33
klappiTiders: in what field of cs is your question?01:33
mininessieundifined, no i got parmin flush or something like that when it boote01:33
coz_axisys,   go to  apps/metacity/general01:33
mininessiebooted not boote01:33
sailerboyiamben, why no swap?01:33
coz_axisys,  look on the right column for  "button_layout"01:33
Tidersklappi, Just in general I guess01:33
undifinedmininessie, diffrent issue  i think01:33
iambensailerboy: i only have a 4G disk and that seems to be pushing it... /home will be on 8G SD card though01:33
axisyscoz_: found it! thanks a lot01:33
iambensailerboy: think i can afford 512M swap or so, of that 4G?01:34
sailerboyiamben, you may want to try lubuntu netbook remix01:34
coz_axisys,  if you want the buttons on the right  notice the  :  at the end  put that at the beginning  then it should look like this after editing  the words  :minimize,maximize,close01:34
undifinedmininessie, mine randomly halts01:34
* fruitwerks waves at iamben - a familiar face *hi*01:34
sailerboyit's a bit lighter01:34
gasullCan anybody help me find why some scripts in /etc/rc2.d/ aren't starting on bootup?01:34
iambensailerboy: similar UI?01:34
axisyscoz_: thanks01:34
sailerboyit uses LXDE01:34
sailerboywhich is basically barebones01:34
sailerboydesigned to be lightweight01:35
coz_axisys,  no problem...the menu button on the other hand I do not believe has a gconf key for it01:35
sailerboyi used it on my netbook before i switched to arch01:35
iambenwell im gentoo guy but this is for a teenage girl..01:35
iambenubuntu netbook was "working"01:35
sailerboywell, lubuntu is reasonably user friendly01:36
sailerboyjust no fluff and fancy gui shit01:36
mininessielubuntu is buggy01:36
axisyscoz_: i think the button_layout is what I was looking for.. probly explaining it wrong :-)01:36
klappiiamben: gentoo guy and gnu/linux girl sounds like super heroes01:36
fruitwerksiamben: I'm done with Gentoo for my uses... 10 years.. had a good run lol01:36
coz_axisys,  oh cool :)01:36
sailerboymininessie, i never had any problem01:36
axisyscoz_: thanks a lot!01:36
iambenprevious install (9.10_ had something like 256M swap, and seemed to get by with still ~600M free01:36
coz_axisys,  no problem01:36
* fruitwerks I have a yahoo account gentoo_dude haha01:36
coz_mininessie,  what is buggy for you??01:37
iamben600M disk that is01:37
sailerboyiamben, you should have *SOME* swap01:37
famicube64man, i love vmware player01:37
sailerboyideally about the size of your memory01:37
sailerboybut you can get by with less or more01:37
sailerboyas long as you dont plan on using more then you have room for01:37
axisyswhat is the gnome/gconf cleanup bin ? wasn't it gnome-cleanup or something ?01:37
sailerboyif you have 8 gb of mem, chances are you wont need swap01:37
dan86fuck yea! i got ubuntu installed and working!01:37
dan86his i01:37
FloodBot2dan86: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:37
coz_axisys,  I dont recall01:37
IdleOne!language | dan8601:38
ubottudan86: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:38
dan86this is awesome! how do i install a program? i tried installing ps3 media server it's a zip file01:38
iambenwell on the last install, with 256M used for swap, there wasn't enough disk space to do the 9.10=>10.04 upgrade in place01:38
gasullMuelli, maco: can you please help me any further?01:38
iambeni guess this is just the situation i'm stuck in01:38
sailerboyyou shouldnt do the upgrade anyway01:38
ZykoticK9!upnp | dan8601:38
ubottudan86: To stream media to other UPNP aware devices (such as the Xbox, PS3, or iRadio) you need a UPNP server. See !info mediatomb for information regarding the MediaTomb package01:38
coz_dan86,   what do you want to install?01:38
fruitwerksI need some advice on moving or resizing my root partition01:38
sailerboyiamben, i would recomend putting the swap on the sd card01:39
Muelligasull: try symlinking /etc/init.d/tor to /etc/rc1.d/S10tor  or the like.01:39
sailerboyas long as you have no need for preformance01:39
Muelligasull: no, in rcS.d/ I guess.01:39
iambensailerboy: swap on SD will probably be tolerable, i can spare a full gig there i suppose01:39
JusticeZeroOK, got the network thing dealt with it seems.. which is more stable and safe: Upgrading from 9.04 twice to get to 10.04, or making a boot stick and reinstalling?01:39
Muelligasull: but you better check sysvinit/upstart documentatino on that.01:39
sailerboyexpect slower preformance01:39
sinnedami installed opera and i dont like it, how can i uninstall it? it doesnt show up under installed software01:39
sailerboyim assuming the sd card is SDHC01:39
iambenyeah it's SDHC01:39
sailerboyso it should be at least 4 mbps01:39
dan86i want to install ps3 media server01:40
iambenthe 4G ssd main disk isn't exactly a screamer either..01:40
sailerboyassuming you dont have the C3201:40
iambenthis is a first-gen dell mini 901:40
dan86it's a TGZ file01:40
sailerboyi think, honestly01:40
gasullMuelli: rcS.d is for single-user mode01:40
sailerboythat you should put arch on it01:40
sailerboyand then put lxde or xfce01:40
litatacosim using ubuntu studio and have not installed a network driver before. i tried looking up my model toshiba satellite a200 but no luck :( ll instructions indicate i need to be connected. pls help *cries in the corner*01:40
sailerboyafter that, it's pretty userfriendly01:40
iambeni sure like that netbook UI though01:40
sailerboyim sure you can get that on arch01:40
famicube64if it exists, arch will run on it01:40
Muelligasull: uh, hm. sorry, but apparently you know what you are talking about :-) Maybe it's rc5.d..01:41
* sailerboy searches AUR01:41
iambeni'm gonna see how things go when i add a swap partition on the SD card, i'll go from there01:41
sinnedamanybody? how can i uninstall opera web browser? its not listed under installed programs01:41
iambeni appreciate the input, everyone01:41
famicube64remove it with synaptic01:41
sailerboyiamben, aur/netbook-launcher-complete 2.1.18-1 (18)01:41
sailerboy    "(for Gnome 2.30) Netbook-launcher from Ubuntu UNR. Replace the normal01:41
sailerboy    menu launcher. To use with go-home-applet,01:41
dan86how to install TGZ file?01:41
FloodBot2sailerboy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:41
famicube64or sudo apt-get remove opera01:41
sailerboyi thought that was one line01:41
ZykoticK9sinnedam, how did you install it?  From a DEB file or PPA?01:41
iambensailerboy: that's from the arch repo, i'm guessing?01:42
sailerboybut ya iamben, that's from AUR01:42
iambengood to know01:42
sailerboyiamben, if you have an afternoon01:42
sailerboyarch will be much lighter then ubuntu01:42
sailerboyand probably faster01:42
gasullMuelli: thanks, but rc5.d seems to be for X11 apps: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Runlevel#Typical_Linux_runlevels01:42
gasullMuelli: rc4.d?01:43
fruitwerksok if I ditch my swap partition (temporary) and 'copy' my root partition over to that, andthing special I need to do other than some fstab entries?01:43
Muelligasull: I'm sorry. I don't know. But you can check your current runlevel with telinit or so I think. That might help you01:43
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.01:44
gasullMuelli: No worries.   Thank you01:44
dan86what does linux RPM mean?01:44
dan86do i install a file for linux or linux RPM? ubuntu 10.0401:44
gasullZykoticK9: thanks01:44
ZykoticK9dan86, RPM = Redhat Package Management - like DEB files for Ubuntu01:45
klappidan86: rpm means redhat package manager01:45
dan86ok Thanks!01:45
dan86is java pre-installed with ubuntu 10.04?01:45
ZykoticK9dan86, not re-installed no - you need to add the Partner repo to install Sun Java01:45
VinnyParkerhi how do I fix my tool bar? network manager and shutdown button desapears01:45
taraduffyHI Folks, I am getting a problem 'Couldn't read xref table' when trying to print from Scribus .8, or Adobe or Okular, whereas from Doucment Viewer works OK, any ideas please?01:45
litatacosim using ubuntu studio and have not installed a network driver before. i tried looking up my model toshiba satellite a200 but no luck :( ll instructions indicate i need to be connected. pls help *cries in the corner*01:46
ZykoticK9!panels | VinnyParker01:46
ubottuVinnyParker: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »01:46
melkorHello, I have a laptop and an external monitor, when the laptop is left idle the screen goes dark, but the backlit for both the external monitor and the laptop stay on.01:46
ZykoticK9VinnyParker, that would reset your panels to default01:46
VinnyParkerdan86: nops java is not pre-installed01:46
dan86zykotick9 can you explain in a littel more detail? i'm technically inclined but today's my first day on linux01:46
dan86vinnyparker how do i install? it's a bin file01:47
ZykoticK9dan86, RPMs aren't for Ubuntu they are for RedHat or Fedora01:47
VinnyParkerZykotick9, I'll try it, and I'm having a trouble with java01:47
lucassmagalalguem fala portugues aqui?01:47
dan86i got the linux version01:47
VinnyParkeryes lucasmagal01:47
melkordan86 what do you want to do with java?01:47
VinnyParkerI do but here you cant speak portuguese, try join ubuntu-br01:47
dan86melkor ps3 media server01:47
lintianlucassmagal, #ubuntu-br01:47
litatacosdan86 go to synaptic, then serch for jdk ensure jdk6 is checked hit apply01:48
VinnyParkerso, where do I set variables?01:48
dan86what's synaptic?01:48
VinnyParkerI use /etc/profile01:48
VinnyParkerbut is not working01:48
lucassmagaljoin ubuntu-br01:48
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto01:48
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litatacosoh sorry01:48
melkordan86: is it a debian/ubuntu package (not java the media server)01:48
VinnyParkerwhen I java -version, find anything01:48
lucassmagaljoin #ubuntu-br01:48
lintianlucassmagal, the correctc is01:48
aswe_Hi at all ,is there an italian help channel ?01:48
Fendarilwhy isn't my sound working?01:48
lintian/join #ubuntu-br01:49
help`how to specify a FQDN for my server? from the /etc/hostname i just complete it there?01:49
melkorFendaril: you have the volume turned off01:49
ZykoticK9!it | aswe_01:49
ubottuaswe_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)01:49
aswe_ty :)01:49
Fendarilmelkor: unfortunately no01:49
Fendarilmelkor: it's turned up to the max01:50
VinnyParkerdan86: download bin from java website01:50
VinnyParkerand set variables01:50
litatacosdan86 click on system, admin synaptic01:50
VinnyParkerbut here I'm having problems with it01:50
melkorFendaril: what sound card are you using?01:50
ZykoticK9VinnyParker, dan86 downloading bin from website NOT recommended installation method, add partner repostiory and install using regular Ubuntu methods01:50
Fendarilmelkor: what command can I use to check that?01:51
dan86i'm confused =/01:51
melkordan86: if you just want the ps3 media server you should look for that in synaptic first.01:51
melkorFendaril: lspci should show the soundcard01:51
ZykoticK9dan86, to install Sun's Java see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/java01:51
VinnyParkerso who is the partner to install java? how the correct way to install01:52
melkorVinnyParker: what do you want to do with java.01:52
VinnyParkerI need jdk01:52
Fendarilmelkor:  High Definition Audio Controller01:52
VinnyParkerand glassfish01:52
flan"Template ubuntu-application does not exist." Anyone know what package I need to install to deal with this? (Related to 'quickly')01:52
rypervencheHi all.01:53
melkorVinnyParker: the best is to d/load it from sun and install the latest version.  If you are new to ubuntu, then the sun java jdk is the quickest, easiest and works quite well.01:53
Fendarilmelkor: on a side note why is my firefox going so slugglish?01:54
trismflan: quickly-ubuntu-template perhaps01:54
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flantrism, thanks for answering, but, unfortunately, I've already got that one. :(01:54
litatacosdan86 on your taskbar click system then administration then synaptic package manager. type jdk in the search bar and check off openjdk-6, then hit apply on the top of the window.01:54
VinnyParkermelkor: ok but how do I install it? if I cant use jdk bin01:54
melkorVinnyParker: don't use the gnu java though.01:54
axisyshow do I get the gnome-cleanup ?01:54
axisysi see it in my gnome in opensolaris01:54
chalcednyjust curious.. after i do sudo update && upgrade.. the Update Manager pops right back up, still wanting updates.. why?01:55
Guest98549ok. I need help ASAP, I just installed RGBA support and had compiz running, then I tried to start tremulous. The GUI locks up. I logon to my terminal and kill the process, but the system is still locked up. What do i do now. I am on irssi01:55
axisysthere might be a gnome-cleanup equivalent in ubuntu ?!01:55
dan86litatacos thanks01:55
dan86installing now =)01:55
ZykoticK9chalcedny, Update Manager uses the equivilant of "sudo dist-upgrade" (or similar) vs just "sudo apt-get upgrade" that doesn't install new packages...01:56
melkordan86: don't install openjdk01:56
Guest98549ok. I need help ASAP, I just installed RGBA support and had compiz running, then I tried to start tremulous. The GUI locks up. I logon to my terminal and kill the process, but the system is still locked up. What do i do now. I am on irssi01:56
dan86melkor why not?01:56
dan86(i just did)01:56
=== Guest83067 is now known as zacbarton
litatacosmelkor why is that?01:56
melkordan86: well it might work for you since your not developing.01:56
melkorlitatacos: it sucks01:56
lee_Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-libxml2 (>= 2.7.6), how can I install this dependency01:56
litatacosmelkor its the easiest way01:57
melkorlitatacos: there is a proper sun java in the repos01:57
litatacosah ok i stand corrected01:57
VinnyParkermelkor: So what do I use to install java01:57
flantrism, thanks for trying. Do you want to know if I find the answer?01:57
soreauGuest98549: If you are using a driver that supports xrandr 1.2 (anything except nvidia) you can use xrandr to change the mode to something different then back to see if it resets it01:57
melkorVinnyParker: you can use synaptic01:57
kavurti can't use gmail's "call phone" function in firefox, but it works in chrome. what can i do for firefox?01:57
melkorVinnyParker: one sec.01:57
litatacosit works just fine on my lamp server01:57
chalcednythank you01:57
Guest98549soreau: the GUI doesn't respond01:58
=== Guest98549 is now known as GUInotWorking
litatacosyes as dumb as i am on ubuntu studio i can set up lamp solution stacks and maintain them just fine :P01:58
alesanhi! how can I make the result of 'ls' colored by default?01:58
alesanand possibly also a colored prompt01:59
melkorVinnyParker: sun-java6-jdk01:59
GUInotWorkingok. I need help ASAP, I just installed RGBA support and had compiz running, then I tried to start tremulous. The GUI locks up. I logon to my terminal and kill the process, but the system is still locked up. What do i do now. I am on irssi01:59
VinnyParkerit will create java variables?01:59
litatacosenvironmental vriables?01:59
dan86after i started playing music the system has become unresponsive....01:59
melkorVinnyParker: I dont know what variables you want set.02:00
VinnyParkeryes I was usng /etc/profile to set jdk variables02:00
melkorVinnyParker: that should install sun's version of java.02:00
GUInotWorkingim trying killing x server02:00
VinnyParkerdo I need to use it here also?02:00
ZykoticK9GUInotWorking, just an FYI for future, it's probably best to disable Compiz before starting 3d games (especially wine stuff) - fusion-icon provided a system tray icon to switch between compiz and metacity easily02:00
VinnyParkerok I'll try thax02:00
melkorVinnyParker: what variables, probably.02:00
ZykoticK9GUInotWorking, "sudo service gdm restart" to restart gui02:00
litatacosbleh nobody helps me so I shouldnt bother. evidently i also suck at it.02:01
GUInotWorkinggot it02:01
GUInotWorkingty for help02:01
VinnyParkerI mean JAVA_HOME02:01
melkorlitatacos: you sent them in the right direction.02:01
dan86is there an IRC client installed with Ubuntu?02:01
litatacosdan86 no02:01
macodan86: empathy can do it, but its not very good02:01
ZykoticK9dan86, not really, empathy can do IRC (but shouldn't)02:01
dan86what would you guys recommend for IRC on ubuntu?02:02
litatacosdan86 try synaptic again then search for xchat02:02
dan86ok thanks02:02
litatacosxchat is good02:02
melkorVinnyParker: why do you need JAVA_HOME.02:02
melkorVinnyParker: also if you are setting environment variables you shouldn't set them in /etc/profile.02:02
litatacosk did the good deed can someone help me now? cuz i aint so bright02:03
melkorlitatacos: what are you having trouble with02:04
litatacosim using ubuntu studio and have not installed a network driver before. i tried looking up my model toshiba satellite a200 but no luck :( ll instructions indicate i need to be connected. pls help *cries in the corner*02:04
sinnedamstill having problems guys..any idea why i cant uninstall opera web browser?02:04
ZykoticK9sinnedam, how did you install it?02:04
dan912litatacos thanks for the help02:05
sinnedamfrom a download on their website02:05
dan912i would not have been able to figure this stuff out!02:05
* sailerboy facepalms02:05
ZykoticK9sinnedam, in that case i have no idea - good luck.02:05
sinnedamthere is no uninstall under "installed programs"02:05
sailerboySinister, h/o02:05
ZykoticK9sinnedam, yes - but not when you install things using unofficial methods02:05
litatacosi was there 3 weeks ago except i was stuck setting up a lamp server and reltional database in phpmyadmin02:05
sailerboysinnedam, type into the termina02:05
pufflitatacos: So what exactly are you seeing?02:05
sailerboy"sudo apt-get purge opera"02:06
litatacosbe glad you arent me lol but i made it work and well02:06
ZykoticK9sailerboy, that won't work.  sinnedam02:06
melkorsinnedam: how did you install it?02:06
sailerboyZykoticK9, it's a deb file02:06
sailerboyit'll work02:06
litatacoshey i see nothing in terms of network02:06
ZykoticK9sailerboy, oh sorry then that will work.  sinnedam02:06
pufflitatacos: I have to leave shortly, but I've had to sort through a few netowrk problems, I might spot something.02:06
alesanZykoticK9, why do you postpone the nick of sinnedam ?02:07
litatacosi think its because ubuntu studio ny network stuff02:07
Calkiothi guys02:07
litatacosdoesnt include ^02:07
dan912Litatacos can i ask you a quick question02:07
pufflitatacos: I don't know "ubuntu studio", but... step one, do "ifconfig -a" and see what network interfaces you have.02:07
litatacosyes sir02:07
ZykoticK9alesan, because i'm addressing one person, but it's referring to anothers' issue - so want them to be highlighted as well02:07
dan912ok, i downloaded a program called ps3 media server, its a TGZ file02:07
Calkiotjust got ubuntu02:07
litatacostnx puff one sec02:07
dan912i unzipped it02:07
sinnedamwhen i try command line it says unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?)02:07
melkorlitatacos: what sort of network driver?  Your wireless, or any network?02:07
dan912and ran the .sh file and it opens and works02:08
litatacosany network02:08
sailerboysinnedam, youn need to use sudo02:08
dan912where should i put the folder for the program? how do i add a shortcut for it?02:08
litatacoshardwire doesnt work02:08
sinnedami did :(02:08
ritleeanyone able to help me with a script, containing the copy command, it can be read at http://pastebin.com/iZTcCz80  contains the output i get when ran02:08
pufflitatacos: You should see eth0 and eth1, as well as a few others, and the second or third line of each shoudl say something like UP MULTICAST etc02:08
sailerboyis synaptic open?02:08
ZykoticK9sinnedam, close any Synaptic / Ubuntu Software Center / or Update Managers in your GUI then try again02:08
alesanZykoticK9, ok but it's the first time I see somebody putting the nick at the end of the sentence02:08
sinnedamyes lol02:08
sailerboyclose it Sinister02:08
sailerboyclose it sinnedam02:08
sinnedamwhoops :) that worked...thanks from a linux newb02:09
ZykoticK9alesan, i was just trying to be inclusive ;)02:09
sailerboyclose it sinnedam02:09
sailerboysinnedam, np02:09
pufflitatacos: Let's try wireless first... try "sudo iwlist eth1 scan" and see if it spots your router.02:09
sailerboyxchat fail02:09
FloodBot2sailerboy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:09
pufflitatacos: Hello?  As I said, I have to go AFK soon, so...02:09
litatacoshey puff i see the up stuff you were talking about02:10
pufflitatacos: Okay, so "sudo iwlist eth1 scan"02:10
pufflitatacos: Do you have eth1?02:10
pufflitatacos: And is eth1 up?02:10
litatacosdoesn't support scanning02:10
pufflitatacos: Okay, so... do you know what your router ESSID is?02:11
pufflitatacos: And channel?02:11
ZykoticK9litatacos, i haven't been following but usually wireless is wlan002:11
litatacosdan912 sorry man gimmie some time trying to fix my media box need it for post production02:11
Brandon_I need help02:11
puffZykoticK9: I think it depends on the hardware.  On mine, it's always eth1.02:11
ZykoticK9!ask | Brandon_02:11
ubottuBrandon_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:11
ZykoticK9puff, you have unusual hardware then02:11
puffZykoticK9: Maybe, ibm thinkpad t43p.02:12
pufflitatacos: Okay, do you know your WAP's ESSID and channel?02:12
olskolircthink we can take this www.express.paltalk.com and make our own java program?  its java and flash02:12
olskolirc!ask | ubottu02:12
ubottuolskolirc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:12
ownerCan anyone assist me on fixing my sound on xubuntu?  YouTube isn't as funny without it.02:13
Brandon_Ok, So everytime i try to install any kind of linux, ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, and some tiny version, it will boot up from the disk then when i click either install or run demo it starts to load then my screen flashes and freezes up02:13
ritleeanyone able to help me with a script, containing the copy command, it can be read at http://pastebin.com/iZTcCz80  contains the output i get when ran02:13
LintWadQuestion: Each time I boot up it seems wireless is disabled. I can easily enable it each time, but it's getting a tad annoying.02:13
litatacospuff wlan0 came back with... lots of stuff lol02:13
dan912litatacos no prob02:13
dan912i will PM you02:13
pufflitatacos: Okay, do you know your WAP's ESSID and channel?02:13
litatacosnah hang on tho ill get it02:14
Brandon_It kinda looks like this when it freezes up http://blog.hexagonstar.com/wp-content/uploads/gba_glitch.gif02:14
pufflitatacos: If so, try: a) sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid myessid b) sudo iwconfig wlan0 channel mychannel, c) sudo dhclient wlan002:15
Brandon_I tried both the 32 and 64 bit versions. win xp oloaded and installed fine02:16
pufflitatacos: Then see what dhclient comes back with.02:16
litatacostnx puff02:16
reflexwolfI was wondering if someone could help with a problem I'm having installing 10.04, it gets past the first screen then hangs on me... it wont even let me boot off the CD02:16
litatacosgah!!! lame i forgot where my home is :P02:16
pufflitatacos: it's not clear, to me, what the actual problem is in your case.   If this is a brand new install on this laptop, and you have some odd chipset, you may indeed need proprietary drivers, in which case you'll have to find a machine with a functioning internet connection, download them, and sneakernet them onto your machine.02:17
Brandon_Reflexwolf I think you have the same prob i have =(02:17
=== Viper is now known as Out`Of`Control
CkhiKuzadlitatacos. its /home/yourname or if you are in a terminal, you can easily get there by typing 'cd ~'02:17
litatacostnx puff ill try the otherthing i forgot how to log into my router gotta find home to get essid nd chan02:17
taraduffyI seem to have a CUPS issue after an update a few days ago - things would print - all kinds of error messages lke 'cant read xref table' etc- can anyone help please?02:17
reflexwolfdid you get them to send you a CD Brandon_ ?02:19
pufflitatacos: My brother's dell, for example, had that problem.  In his case, it was only a problem with the wireless, so I plugged into a wired connection, and used System/Hardware Drivers to fetch and install the necessary proprietary driver for his laptop.02:19
Brandon_No i burnt them myself, a few. and tried usb02:19
w0_howdy, trying to use weechat in a terminal window in ubuntu 1.04.  looks/werks great .. tho I need to use F10 & F11 to scroll the user list, the problem is that ubuntu's terminal window already use F10 and F11 .. what/how should I do?02:19
litatacospuff i cant wired wont work :(02:20
pufflitatacos: I have to go now, but if somebody else can help you, I suggest you first start off by explaining what hardware you have (brand, model, possibly chipset) and what version of ubuntu you have installed, and whether this is a fresh install, or an upgrade, or what.02:20
litatacosthats how i usully do it. this stupid ubuntu studio has me beat lol02:20
ownerCan anyone tell me the terminal command to find out what sound card i use?02:20
ritleeanyone able to help me with a script, containing the copy command, it can be read at http://pastebin.com/iZTcCz80  contains the output i get when ran02:20
pufflitatacos: Yeah, that part sounds a litle weird to me, maybe the NIC is bad or something.02:20
CkhiKuzadis the wiki unusually laggy?02:20
reflexwolfI don't have the bandwith to download it :( so I had them mail me a copy02:20
ZykoticK9ritlee, try "lspci | grep -i audio" might work02:21
litatacosthnx puff i have a feeling ill be on the right track with the stuff you gve me02:21
Brandon_i download about 6 gigs a day lol02:21
pufflitatacos: Plug in the wired connection and try "sudo dhclient eth0" (or whatever your wired NIC's name is).02:21
ZykoticK9owner, try "lspci | grep -i audio" might work (sorry nic fail)02:21
litatacosim just lame and forgot how to log into my stupid router02:21
pufflitatacos: that should give you at least some idea of what's happening.02:21
litatacosoff to find the manual lol02:21
ownerThanks zykotick902:21
litatacostnx puff mucho gracias02:21
pufflitatacos: Also, consider divide and conquer... try it on another network, make sure it isn't the router that's causing the problem.02:21
Brandon_Im downloading damn small linux to test, what prgram can put a .iso on a usb?02:22
litatacosi have the comp im on now using wireless so it works02:22
CkhiKuzadBrandon_ you can use Unetbootin02:22
reflexwolfbrandon thats more then my whole months bandwith :(02:22
CkhiKuzadbut if you have ubuntu, you can use the USB creator.02:22
litatacosthe card works when i hd windows on it02:22
litatacosive narrowed it down to me breaking it with ubuntu studio lol02:23
Brandon_ubuntu wont work and nobody wants to help, and reflex how do you live?!!?02:23
CkhiKuzadBrandon_, its under System>Administration>USB Startup Disk Creator02:23
pufflitatacos: There are two sets of shell commands for activating/deactivating your network interfaces.  "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" and "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down" are one set.02:23
pufflitatacos: "sudo ifup wlan0" and "sudo ifdown wlan0" are another set.02:23
litatacosahah!!! tnx ill try tht too02:23
itsux2buvbox has the lamest support for usb devices i've ever seen..02:23
LintWadQuestion: Each time I boot up it seems wireless is disabled. I can easily enable it each time, but it's getting a tad annoying. Any idea how to fix this?02:23
pufflitatacos: The gotcha is, the two sets use DIFFERENT lock files.02:23
Brandon_on windows?02:23
ZykoticK9itsux2bu, you are using the version from Oracle and not from the default ubuntu repo right?02:24
litatacoslol argh!!02:24
LintWadIf directed towards me, on Ubuntu.02:24
reflexwolfbrandon as best I can, till I move and can get more than ATT to get brodband to my home02:24
CkhiKuzadBrandon_, if you are on windows, use Unetbootin, the startup disk creator doesnt exist on windows.02:24
pufflitatacos: So you can get confused if you use, for example, "sudo ifdown wlan0" and then later try "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up", and ifconfig tells you wlan0 is *already* up.02:24
itsux2buthe way vbox handles usb devices alone is reason enough never use vbox02:24
litatacosi gotcha puff ill keep  log its just easier02:24
ZykoticK9!ot | itsux2bu02:25
ubottuitsux2bu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:25
itsux2buoops.. wrong channel.. thot i was in vbox02:25
pufflitatacos: Either one, however, will automatically invoke dhclient when it brings a network interface up.02:25
pufflitatacos: So basically, first you turn the hardware on, then you use dhclient to broadcast a DHCP request, and then you wait for the router to send a DHCP response assigning you an address.02:26
taraduffyI seem to have a CUPS issue after an update a few days ago - things would print - all kinds of error messages lke 'cant read xref table' etc- can anyone help please?02:26
pufflitatacos:  Good luck, gotta run.02:26
litatacosgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh wlan0 unknown interface02:27
ownerCan someone help me solve my sound card issue please?02:27
litatacosno getting round it... drivers02:27
litatacosny ide where i cn find em?02:27
litatacosthen i can help out poor dan912 lol :)02:27
Maletor_erUSUL: I ended up having to zap the CMOS! :)02:30
p1und3rI have this binary called `Bradford_Dissolvable_Agent.sh` and when running it says LSB 3.0 or higher not found, install appropriate packages, does anyone know what packages satisfy this?02:31
litatacosmerci puff tnx all you other peeps. the more i learn the more i can help out too :) more than happy to... eventully if im good enough would like to work for ubuntu..... eventually lol02:31
CkhiKuzad!ja | skyup02:31
ubottuskyup: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい02:31
CkhiKuzad!ch | skyup02:31
ubottuskyup: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.02:31
siOuX_hi, i am trying to mount my external HD, and this is my output of error (http://paste.ubuntu.com/486100/)02:31
CkhiKuzadjust gotta hope he was speaking japanese.02:31
p1und3rI have this binary called `Bradford_Dissolvable_Agent.sh` and when running it says LSB 3.0 or higher not found, install appropriate packages, does anyone know what packages satisfy this? This is to get on my campus network02:32
skyupI can‘t speak Janess02:33
zzzed_!zh | skyup02:33
ubottuskyup: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:33
pmjphello people02:33
=== kody is now known as Kody
TuplarioHi, I was wondering how I can edit the "applications" menu because it seems to point to stuff which I have uninstalled already and I also want to add a couple of things. I have tried the program "menu editor" but it doesn't seem to be able to do anything other than hiding links.02:34
p1und3rTuplario: right click "Applications" and select Edit menu02:34
Tuplariop1und3r: thanks :) that was easy enough02:35
pmjpwhats up02:35
p1und3rTuplario: np :D02:35
ZykoticK9p1und3r, hey thanks - didn't know that shortcut02:35
p1und3rnp guys02:35
tmanhi im trying to make install ndiswrapper but i get this error in the output make -C driver install02:37
tmanmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/tman/documents/ndiswrapper-1.56/driver'02:37
tmanmake -C /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic M=/home/tman/documents/ndiswrapper-1.56/driver02:37
tman/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 25: gcc: command not found02:37
tman/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 26: gcc: command not found02:37
FloodBot2tman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:37
tmanmake[2]: gcc: Command not found02:37
ZykoticK9!paste | tman02:38
luwboot for u tman!  and not the grub kind02:38
ubottutman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:38
litatacoswoohoo tnx peeps sorry for being cranky!02:38
LintWadQuestion: Each time I boot up it seems wireless is disabled. I can easily enable it each time, but it's getting a tad annoying. Any idea how to fix this?02:39
itsux2buso does each program provide its own copy/paste/cut/undo/select-all/etc... routines?02:40
itsux2buas opposed to windows that provides them globally02:40
ZykoticK9itsux2bu, not quite "each" program - but there are a number of copy/paste mechanism running on a linux system...02:40
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
famicube64copy something in firefox, close it02:41
p1und3rcan anyone help me out with a lsb issue02:42
=== sean is now known as Guest82993
CkhiKuzadp1und3r, ask it.02:43
siOuX_hi, i am trying to mount my external HD, and this is my output of error (http://paste.ubuntu.com/486100/)02:44
itsux2buZykoticK9, i also learned.. when in desktop use desktop apps.. not terminal/tty editors..02:44
p1und3rI have a binary from my college to get on their network called `Bradford_Dissolvable_Agent.bin`, when trying to run it says I need LSB 3.0 packages, I sudo apt-get install lsb-* yet it doesn't satisfy the binary02:44
siOuX_and this is my lsusb output (http://paste.ubuntu.com/486103/)02:44
Guest82993Can someone help me with connecting issue... I have a basic home samba set up and im trying to connect to it from ubunut 10.04.  I can connect just fine from win 7 but can't figure out ubuntu02:44
erdnaseMan I hate this. I forgot to copy "everything" in my home directory when i reinstalled ubuntu. >_>02:44
stegelanyone using lucid with a dwa-140 (rt2870) usb wireless card02:44
TiKp1und3r: apt-cache search lsb02:45
itsux2bunano has no copy/paste stuff.. or at least very little02:45
matrix<stegel> i do02:45
p1und3rTiK: it lists all the packages, saying I have LSB 4.002:45
matrix<stegel> i have belkin with rt287002:45
ZykoticK9itsux2bu, that was what i was referring to actually.  Highlight what you want in the terminal app - then use middle mouse button to paste :)02:45
=== Austin is now known as Indigo_Insanity
TiKp1und3r: oh you might have to remove/downgrade :(02:45
p1und3rTiK: :(!02:46
TiKp1und3r: never get something * ;)02:46
p1und3rTiK: desperation ;(02:46
dsirijusok, unetbootin issue02:47
p1und3rTiK: i know ur right, u know i can just add a repo and lsb3?02:47
dsirijusfirst, it installed grub on usb02:47
taraduffycan anyone help me with a CUPS problem02:47
TiKp1und3r: maybe02:47
stegelmatrix...did you have trouble connecting to a wpa secured AP02:47
CrankygeekAnyone familiar with setting up eGroupware with Dovecot?02:48
stegeldid you ever figure it out?02:48
TiKp1und3r: also email your school02:48
Guest82993Can someone help me with connecting issue... I have a basic home samba set up and im trying to connect to it from ubunut 10.04.  I can connect just fine from win 7 but can't figure out frm ubuntu02:48
matrixchange your card thats the best way <stegel> to make rt2870 work u need to use rt2870sta driver and u have to configurre it and even after that many times i lost network02:48
matrix<stegel> i stil have this card but dont use much02:49
matrixthe best chip i ever had is zd121102:49
stegelwhat cards come with zd1211?02:49
p1und3rTiK: yeah ill try that02:49
matrix<stegel> zyxel or hawking02:50
matrix<stegel> always before u buy u have to check what revision etc cuz it may happen u buy card and it will have different chip than u wanted02:51
matrixif u want hawking with zd1211 u have to find rev B02:51
CrankygeekAnyone familiar with eGroupware?02:51
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
stegelmatrix...thx for the heads up02:52
stegeli have a windows 7 machine using dwa140 that i am putting lucid on....got to get new i guess02:52
ronwtrying to get headphones /mic to work..10.4 ubuntu02:53
LintWadQuestion: Each time I boot up it seems wireless is disabled. I can easily enable it each time, but it's getting a tad annoying. Any idea how to fix this?02:55
Nerdy3_14159265I'm having some trouble getting flash to work I'm on 64 bit02:55
lgcHow can I remotely start the VNC server? Thanks.02:55
MarkSSWhat package do I need to use a USB-wireless key?02:56
Dr_Willislgc:  You can ssh in to a remote box, install a  vncserver (like tightvncserver) configure it and run it via 'vncserver'02:56
cvmontuyI am trying to install the oracle JDK02:56
lellemarkss you need drivers02:56
cvmontuyI get:02:56
GneaMarkSS: depends which one it is02:56
Dr_WillisMarkSS:  itr will depend on the exact usb-gizmo's chipset02:56
lellemarkss and linux hates wireless...02:56
Gnea!wifi | MarkSS02:56
ubottuMarkSS: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:56
LintWadNerdy3_14159265: http://conradmiguel.com/install-flash-player-10-on-ubuntu-10-04-64-bit-lucid-lynx worked for me. WARNING: iot'02:56
LintWadits someone elses script02:57
cvmontuyE: Package sun-java6-jdk has no installation candidate02:57
LintWadSo just beware if you decide to use it.02:57
Gnealelle: I get over 30Mb/s here with wireless02:57
Nerdy3_14159265LintWad: Could it be malicious?02:57
LintWadI haven't had any issues, but that's me.02:57
Nerdy3_14159265LintWad: I guess I'll do that then because I haven't figured it out02:58
LintWadPersonally, I'm no expert. So I do not know.  I just know it worked for me.02:58
KaphonaitsHey guys02:58
KaphonaitsCan i ask you all a question02:58
melkorcvmontuy: you have to add a repo02:58
Kaphonaitsim frustrated as hell here with Ubuntu 9.0402:58
KaphonaitsThe reason being is I cannot connect to the internet02:58
cvmontuyWhat is a repo?02:58
KaphonaitsWired or Wireless02:58
Gneacvmontuy: repository, where ubuntu's software is stored and retrieved from02:59
Kaphonaitsi havent found anything in Ubuntu FAQs  help centres02:59
KaphonaitsDoes anyone know wha could be going on?02:59
GneaKaphonaits: that's why I use 10.0402:59
Gnea9.04 is, well, a year old heh03:00
melkorcvmontuy: try enabling them in system->administration->software souces.03:00
Kaphonaitswell yeah03:00
KaphonaitsBut thats no reason for the internet to not work03:00
matrix<Kaphonaits> i had problem with network mgr in 9.10 so i installed wicd and no more probs03:00
GneaKaphonaits: it could work, but it'll take more work if it's wireless03:00
Kaphonaitsoh and when i tried using a cable03:00
melkorcvmontuy: other software enable the archive.canonical.com  partner.03:00
Gnea!info wicd03:00
matrixyup try it03:00
CrankygeekAnyone with eGroupware knowledge?03:00
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-2 (lucid), package size 39 kB, installed size 88 kB03:00
Kaphonaitswhat happened was that uh03:00
th0rKaphonaits: I would vote for wicd also for 9.0403:00
KaphonaitsUbuntu attempted to connect03:00
Kaphonaitsthen failed03:00
Kaphonaitsand tried over and over again03:00
FloodBot2Kaphonaits: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:00
MarkSSSome people have told me that USB wireless keys will sometimes be autodetected by Ubuntu...03:01
KaphonaitsSorry. Mr.Floodbot03:01
matrix<Kaphonaits> what do you have ?03:01
matrixwhat card03:01
Kaphonaitsubuntu 9.0403:01
Kaphonaitsno idea03:01
Kaphonaitsknow how to check? :|03:01
Gneayou say it's usb, right?03:01
Gneaso look at it03:02
Kaphonaitsno its not.03:02
matrixdo you use usb wireless card it is laptop or desktop ?03:02
KaphonaitsIts built in apparently.03:02
Gneayou *SAID* USB-wireless03:02
Kaphonaitsdammit sorry03:02
Kaphonaitswasnt paying attention.03:02
MarkSSSwakrop.  USB-wireless key03:02
melkorKaphonaits: is the laptop wireless switch on?03:02
Gneawell, sorry03:02
GneaKaphonaits: open a terminal, type lsusb03:02
erdnaseKaphonaits, I think lspci will do the trick.03:02
CkhiKuzadyou're on windows Kaphonaits, according to the version.03:02
Kaphonaitsoh its okay Gnea.03:02
Gneaif it's not there, try lspci03:02
lee_I want to download a program and I need higher libraries 2.6?03:02
KaphonaitsIm on Windows at the moment but I'd rather be in Ubuntu (hehe :3)03:02
lee_python 2.6 how do I go about downloading it03:03
Gneano really? :p03:03
Kaphonaitslsusb or lspci03:03
Gneatry both03:03
erdnaseKaphonaits, run lspci if it isn't usb.03:03
Gneasee what happens03:03
Kaphonaitsall right.03:03
melkorlee_: which ubuntu it should come with python 2.603:03
KaphonaitsI'll be back.03:03
lgcDr_Willis: The thing is the screen of my laptop went black for good and I can only access it via ssh. After your answer I've been searching for a server and I don't think I have one. I have Vinagre and Xvncviewer, it seems....................................................................................................................................................................03:03
matrix<Kaphonaits> yup as <Gnea> said if your card is inside laptop u have button to switch it on and off03:03
IdleOne!enter | Kaphonaits03:03
ubottuKaphonaits: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:03
Gneaerdnase: better that he learns them both03:03
cvmontuymelkor: Thanks a lot it is installing now03:03
Gneamatrix: please stop putting <>'s around nicknames, that's annoying and hard to read03:04
lee_melkor: its a program called Torrent Search03:04
lee_melkor: i'm using ubuntu 9.1003:04
Gneaor Gnea:03:04
erdnaseGnea, well, oh right.03:04
=== max is now known as Guest92591
lee_melkor: it's requiring some libraries I don't have in my synaptic packet manager03:04
Gneamatrix: it also makes it easier for people to read you when you address them directly. most clients see the <> and don't do the colorization, so more times than not your message gets ignored03:05
lee_melkor: so I wanted to know how do I download some of these dependecies03:05
matrixGnea,  i know03:05
Gneamatrix: then don't do it on purpose. :)03:05
matrixi dont just it is more easy for me cuz everything i have to do it to press tab03:05
CrankygeekAmyone familiar with the setup of eGroupware?03:06
Gnea!ask | Crankygeek03:06
ubottuCrankygeek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:06
CrankygeekI installed Dovecot and have eGroupware installed, but when I try to connect the egroupware to the Dovecot server I am getting an authentication issue.....any ideas?03:08
GneaCrankygeek: are you sure dovecot is setup correctly?03:08
CrankygeekNo, I am not sure, I have it setup correctly03:09
CrankygeekNot really sure where to go with it03:09
=== jman_ is now known as jjman
Gneawell, dovecot is usually used for email connections, so you're probably better off making sure to read a dovecot tutorial and get it working properly so your email is setup right, then dive into the egroupware03:10
=== matrix is now known as tracy
Kaphonaitsokay gentlemen03:10
Kaphonaitsim back03:10
KaphonaitsWith a very long report. :o03:10
Gneapastebin is your friend :)03:11
Kaphonaitsokay thanks :P03:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:11
=== tracy is now known as tracy177
Gnea06:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8172 (rev 10)03:12
KaphonaitsI'm gonna guess here03:12
KaphonaitsI probably need to DL drivers in windows and throw them on my Ubuntu HD03:12
Kaphonaitsor install Ubuntu 1003:12
Gneathat's probably going to be the case03:13
MrPocketsTrying to write a script.  Starting line is   :start    then  run somecommand    then goto  :start  , is how it'd look in batch03:13
KaphonaitsSo Gnea03:13
Gneaso, you should look for that card/chipset on the wifi page03:13
Kaphonaitswhats your offical 'idea' of the situation03:13
KaphonaitsI have no idea what the hell the card is called from this report03:13
Gneawell see03:13
Kaphonaitsi assume its Intel Corporation Device somethingSomething03:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »03:14
Kaphonaitsbut you know :|03:14
AdemanMrPockets: you want #bash, but probably while true; do somecommand; done03:14
Gneathere are 2 'Network controller' listed. one says it's a Gigabit Ethernet, which means it's wired, not wifi, thereby leaving the only other one as wifi.03:14
Gneasince gigabit wireless does not exist :)03:14
KaphonaitsRealtek Semiconductor?03:14
lgcI can't connect to my remote machine via Vinagre How can I check if the remote server is working?03:14
kad_how to specify where is my mailbox using : mutt ?03:14
GneaDevice 8172 - remember that03:14
Kaphonaitsokay thanks03:15
MrPocketsAdeman, basically, i wanbt the script to run a command, and then it's finished, run the same command again03:15
Kaphonaitscan you link me to the ubuntu wifi driver page?03:15
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:15
Sovereignhow do i find /home/sidney/.VirtualBox/Machines/03:16
netriderhi all!03:16
GneaSovereign: it seems you already have.03:17
splnetHow do you blacklist a driver?03:17
dsirijusubuntu install fails on selecting 'Large selection of font packages'03:17
lgcNeed a VNC-knowledgeable fellow.03:17
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »03:17
AdemanMrPockets: yes, the command I showed you should do that, forever03:17
MrPocketscool, i'll play with it03:17
Sovereignno that is the path but i cant find the folder03:17
dsirijuswhat would that 'Large selection of font packages' be, so i can install when i boot to gnome?03:17
Kaphonaitsso according to this page: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_chipset.php?chipset=Realtek03:18
KaphonaitsThere is no Semiconductor or 817203:18
andresjhey, if I set permissions on a file in an NTFS system, reboot to Windows, then reboot to Linux, will my permissions be the same?03:18
IdleOneSovereign: if you mean in nautilus, hit ctrl+h to show the hidden folders /.VirtualBox is hidden03:18
KaphonaitsSo Gnea03:18
KaphonaitsShould I upgrade to Ubuntu 10 or something?03:18
smallfoot-you should run 10.0403:18
netriderdoes anyone know how to configure webex connect on ubuntu?03:19
smallfoot-in october, 10.10 gets released03:19
GneaKaphonaits: let's see then, it's a laptop, right? what's the make/model?03:19
smallfoot-then you may upgrade if you wish03:19
SovereignIdleOne: thanks found it03:19
IdleOneSovereign: sure thing.03:19
Kaphonaitsits manufactured by iBUYPOWER, and it is a W76CU03:19
Sovereignseems everything was hidden03:20
tracy69Kaphonaits,  ibuypower ???03:20
IdleOneSovereign: :) many folders are03:20
Kaphonaitsnever heard of them?03:20
KaphonaitsGreat gaming PCs at super low prices n such etc.03:20
Kaphonaitsbetter than Alienware03:20
IdleOne!enter | Kaphonaits03:21
ubottuKaphonaits: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:21
tracy69Kaphonaits,  i have msi gt72503:21
tracy69it is the best03:21
smallfoot-i build my own computer, cuz im a pro and dont need some jerk to build a computer for me03:21
smallfoot-i build my computer with my own manly hands03:21
KaphonaitsI'd build my own computer if I had the time and experience03:21
smallfoot-then i can pick my own components03:21
Kaphonaitsbleh were getting offtopic03:21
smallfoot-and i know what stuff to pic03:21
dsirijusofftopic is good03:21
KaphonaitsWhat i need to know is if there are drivers for the Realtek 817203:22
Kaphonaitswireless card03:22
KaphonaitsLook at that03:22
splnetKaphonaits: check here: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Devices03:23
sleepy_sooo im gunna dual boot ubuntu is it easy to delete the partiton i make if i decide too?03:23
Flannelsleepy_: To "un" dualboot?  Yeah, easy to do.03:23
KaphonaitsTheres nothing there splnet03:23
tracy69Kaphonaits,  so you found u have rtl8172 ? :)03:23
Kaphonaitswait what03:23
tracy69i found tutorial for you03:23
dsirijussleepy_: resizing is harder03:23
sleepy_ahh ok03:23
Kaphonaitsa driver*03:24
Kaphonaitsrealtek has adrier :o03:24
Flannelsleepy_: The only caveat is your bootloader.  Do you have a windows recovery CD to replace your MBR?03:24
sleepy_i have a burned win 7 cd03:24
KaphonaitsAh, see03:24
Kaphonaitsheres the thing03:24
KaphonaitsWired doesnt work either in Ubuntu03:24
Flannelsleepy_: That'll do it, yeah.03:24
test34sleepy_, is it calling home03:24
sleepy_ok what about the acyivation key?03:24
sleepy_same one?03:24
IdleOneKaphonaits: ease up on the ENTER key, you are going to wear it out.03:24
CkhiKuzadsleepy_ you dont need it.03:24
Kaphonaitstracy69: Will Ubuntu automatically connect to the closest/best wireless network?03:25
KaphonaitsThanks Gnea!03:25
CkhiKuzadit's going to reinstall the master boot record, not reinstall the whole thing03:25
Flannelsleepy_: You won't need to reinstall, just restore the bootloader portions (I believe in windows 7 it'll be called 'repair')03:25
lgcNeed a VNC-knowledgeable fellow to lend me their expertise. Anyone?03:25
dsirijussleepy_: fixmbr03:25
KaphonaitsThere we go03:25
KaphonaitsLooks like the solution is to load up Ubuntu 10 Lucid03:25
Ademan!ask | lgc03:25
ubottulgc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:25
=== Lokiheero is now known as __Lokiheero
sleepy_im reading up on it now03:26
KaphonaitsThanks everyone. I'll be back in an hour or two if things dont go over well.03:26
sleepy_google FTW03:26
=== Giertrud is now known as AegNuddel
dsirijuswow, ppl here are obsessed with formatting of messages03:26
IdleOnedsirijus: that's right I am.03:26
dsirijuswho really cares :P03:26
IdleOneI do.03:26
lgcI wish there weren't so many acolytes of the etiquette. They only make the place more unbearable.03:26
jimkhello,im using ubuntu lucid on my dell inspiron laptop..if i dont use the laptop for some time or im watching a youtube video,the screen gets locked automatically..is there a way to prevent that ?03:26
Gneadsirijus: most of us.03:26
dsirijusthen these single line smilies annoy you?03:27
tracy69kaphonaits i use wicd so when i mark connect auto it connect to the same network every time i boot up ubuntu03:27
AegNuddelI installed a program called GNOME Split.  Now, after I installed it, Nautilus won't start up.03:27
Gnealgc: better to be understood than not. we try not to be nasty about it, although I understand there are those that are. They need to change.03:27
AegNuddelGoing to see if uninstalling works03:28
=== __Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero
lgcGnea, I totally agree.03:28
AegNuddelOk no such luck03:28
jimkany way to stop the screen from getting locked automatically ?03:28
undifineddon't annoy people at 4.30 am03:28
Gneajimk: turn it off03:28
AegNuddelNautilus keeps freezing up03:29
splnetjimk: disable your screensaver03:29
jimksplnet: ok03:29
tracy69undifined where are you from? dont you never sleep ?03:29
tracy69ok:) hi03:29
undifinedyes occasionally03:30
jimksplnet: thanks :)03:30
^james_foo^well, at this point: how to debug why the screen power doesn't get switched off? it only goes to shiny black...03:30
lgcSo here I go again: I am having trouble connecting to my remote machine with VNC. What can i do? It seems my VNC server is active, but there seems to be trouble with X11 authentication (on the client side, I suppose).03:30
splnetlgc: what is the error?03:30
lgcsplnet: X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.03:31
=== mauricio is now known as maumercado
kad_Does DNS Server here save a DNS Local Cache and if yes where?03:31
melkorsorry, it was on another monitor03:31
splnetlgc: how do you start vnc on the server?03:31
lgcsplnet: /usr/bin/tightvncserver.03:32
splnetlgc: ok so on the client how do you start  vncviewer?03:33
AegNuddelsometimes the home folder shows up at first but after that it grays out03:33
lgcsplnet: I invoke Vinagre from the menu, if that's what you're asking.03:34
AegNuddelwould it hurt my files if I put apt-get uninstall nautilus?03:34
splnetlgc try from the command line: vncview server:103:34
AegNuddelI mean remove03:34
splnetvncviewer I mean03:34
lgcsplnet: there's no such command, seemingly. It suggests me some installs instead.03:35
splnetlgc install it03:35
lgcsplnet: you mean instead of or in addition of Vinagre?03:36
splnetlgc in addition to03:36
lgcsplnet: I already did. The instruction you suggested, vncviewer server:1 came up with "main:        unable to connect to host: Connection timed out (110)"03:40
splnetlgc ok server:1 correlates to your server tcp port 5901.03:41
splnetlgc: try telnet server 590103:41
pseudosmartI only have 2 resolutions available to me in 10.04, 800 x 600 and 640x480. Does anyone know how to add screen resolutions? I've tried xrandr, but it doesn't seem to be working03:41
freezwayhey, I hooked up lmms to jack, but volume doesn't work. How do I adjust?03:41
lgcsplnet: "Trying"" and then timeout.03:43
splnetlgc: ok so vncserver isn't running properly or something03:44
splneton your server 'netstat -na | grep 59'03:44
CrankygeekI need to edit a file but I don't want to change permissions on the file, is there a way to edit it in X without having to chane the owner?03:44
lgcsplnet: That's what i began with.03:45
[sleepy]ok worst thing that could happen in a dual boot? lol03:45
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lgcsplnet: was that for me?03:46
CrankygeekI need to edit a file but I don't want to change permissions on the file, is there a way to edit it in X without having to change the owner? I know other distros let you log in as root, but how do I elevate my privs while using gnome?03:47
undifinedCrankygeek, sudo03:48
lgcsplnet: tcp        0      0  *    LISTEN03:48
Crankygeekyes, but I can't use that while in gnome, that would be from a terminal correct?03:48
undifinedCrankygeek, gksu03:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:49
CrankygeekIs there anyway to do it while using the X11 gui?03:49
splnetlgc: firewall? maybe setup an ssh tunnel is what I would recommend03:49
undifinedCrankygeek, gksu03:49
Crankygeekok, I will try it, thanks03:49
splnetCrankygeek: xterm03:49
lgcsplnet: I tried to tunnel it via the same machine, to no avail.03:50
gentleman_please can someone me out03:50
sleepy_Dualbooting now03:50
splnetlgc: you lost me03:50
sleepy_Worst that can happen in a dual boot?03:51
sh228got to go03:51
splnetlgc from client ssh user@server -L 5901:localhost:5901 ; vncclient localhost:103:51
gentleman_kann someone tell me how to open afc ptotokoll with kde delphin03:51
lgcsplnet: I tried to tunnel the desktop of the remote machine via the ssh server of the same remote machine. But it failed to create the tunnel.03:51
sleepy_Holy shit live cds take ages to boot03:52
tracy69<sleepy_> yup i tried to boot ubuntu 9.10 on commodore and it took me 24h03:53
sleepy_Installing now03:54
lgcsplnet: The first part of the instructions string did work, and I ended up with an ssh session to the remote.03:54
tracy69<sleepy_> than i bought msigt725 and to boot ubuntu from live usb took me 1 min installation 3min03:54
splnetlgc: man ssh03:54
sleepy_wtf I have a windows vista loader AND win 7 loader?03:55
gentleman_hallo please can you help me out03:55
pseudosmartDoes anyone know how to add higher screen resolutions to System>Preferences>Monitors?03:55
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com03:55
gentleman_how kann i open afc:// with kde delphin03:56
lgcsplnet: I do know ssh. But the second part of the instruction is not locally executable. But remotely.03:56
sleepy_Let's seee...03:57
sleepy_Ill go 90gb03:57
tieinvsmart: system > preferences > monitors > resolution03:57
splnetlgc no. all of that should be run on your client03:57
splnetlgc either add -f flag our have two xterm windows03:58
=== EagleScout is now known as vorstyles
lgcIt seems quite impossible (correct me if I'm wrong).03:58
lgcsplnet: Where does the -f flag go?03:59
splnetlgc again man ssh03:59
gentleman_please can some tell me how to open afc protokol with kde delphin03:59
sleepy_How long does partitoning take?03:59
CkhiKuzadfrom 5 seconds to hours03:59
sleepy_Damn it04:00
Muscovysleepy_: Depends on exactly what's happening. Seconds to hours.04:00
MuscovyHuh, beaten.04:00
sleepy_Well I have time04:00
CkhiKuzadits how i roll, dawg04:00
Datzhi, it seems as though cron isn't working on my system. Can someone help me out with a diagnosis?04:00
CkhiKuzadi recommend that if you are partitioning something that isnt the drive you are on, read the zombie survival guide.04:00
CkhiKuzadnever too early to be prepared for the zombie apocalypse.04:00
gentleman_how kann i open afc:// with kde delphin04:01
MuscovyCould someone tell me how to tell if dpkg/apt is running? I'm making a script that needs to know if it is.04:01
ralliasdoes anyone know for sure if Asterisk is compatible with the phone port on a computer?04:01
lgcsplnet: ssh ratona.homelinux.org -f -L 5901:localhost:5901 ; vncviewer localhost:104:01
Gnea!patience > gentleman_04:01
ubottugentleman_, please see my private message04:01
lgcsplnet: Cannot fork into background without a command to execute.04:01
=== vorstyles is now known as voronika
splnetlgc:  ssh ratona.homelinux.org -f -L 5901:localhost:5901 "sleep 3600" ;  vncviewer localhost:104:03
lgcsplnet: Get serious, man.04:04
splnetlgc: did it work?04:05
gentleman_can someone here help me out please04:05
ralliasgentelman_ what is your question?04:05
embededI'll come back...04:05
lgcsplnet: You really think me that stupid?04:05
gentleman_How can i open04:05
MS-DOS_300PLdog farts!04:05
gentleman_afc protokol04:05
gentleman_on kde dolphin04:06
ralliasAFC, thats the thing that macs use, right?04:06
xanguagentleman_: delphin¿ tried to ask in #kubuntu ¿04:06
dan86quick question: is there a way to have ubuntu automatically mount my windows drive when i boot?04:06
ralliasok... let me dig up an old guide that I used to use...04:06
splnetlgc: do you know ath that command does? believe it or not I use that all the time04:06
dan86..and how do i do it?04:06
Gneagentleman_: I told you before: please check ubuntuforums.org, don't ask so often, you're nearly spamming the channel. no one is going to respect that.04:06
olskolircin system settings dan86 click which drives you want to start on each boot04:06
Muscovydan86: Might not be a right way, but you could put a mount command in /etc/rc.local.04:06
gentleman_gnome Nautilus is able to do that04:07
olskolirches too new for the Muscovy04:07
lgcsplnet: I know what you imply by "sleep 3600".04:07
MuscovyWhoops. :P04:07
dan86olskolirc first day with linux...04:07
dan86system menu, preferences?04:07
olskolircim on Kubuntu dan86 so I don't know where your system preferences are but thats where you would go04:07
olskolircsnoop around in there04:08
splnetlgc: heh and what is that? Why don't you explain? Obviously you have no clue and are wasting my time04:08
dan86anyone know?04:08
olskolircsystem preferenced dan8604:08
muellidan86: to have partitions automatically mounted, edit /etc/fstab.04:08
ralliasgentelman_ i'm sorry I can't get an http connection out of my internet.04:08
gentleman_umm so you can't help me out04:09
zkriesse_splnet: Be polite04:09
zkriesse_splnet: Do NOT treat those seeking/giving help with a rude demeanor04:09
ralliasgentleman_ i'm trying04:09
Datzhi, it seems as though cron isn't working on my system. Can someone help me to get it working?04:09
dan86muelli can you be a little more specific. my apologies first day with linux.  the drive i want auto mounted is /media/Toshiba U-30504:09
zkriesse_!patience | gentleman_04:09
ubottugentleman_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com04:09
ralliasgentleman_ i know what exactly you're trying you just need to install an extra command04:09
lgcsplnet: You've been wasting my time, in that case: The only point you've proved is that you prefer the command line. Otherwise, you treat me like an ass by sending me a string to wait 3600 seconds. Way to go!04:10
muellidan86: You are very welcome to ask :-) Let me try. But it's kinda dangerous. So do you mind me asking *why* you want your windows partition to be mounted in first place?04:10
splnetzkriesse_: point taken. I'm actually trying to help this dude. Apparently doesn't want my help.04:10
rallias!language lgc04:10
dan86muelli i use a program called ps3 media server04:10
dan86to share media04:10
dan86i guess i will just move it all04:10
dan86to my external if it's dangerous04:11
muellidan86: (use Rygel ;-)  but that's offtopic)04:11
ralliasgentleman_ let me set up tor so i can reach the outer world04:11
gentleman_ok let me see if i can get this packge on synaptic04:11
lgcrallias: what's your problem with my language? Do you find it offensive? Don't you know what an ass mean in correct English? Go bug someone else and offer some help for a change.04:12
datexHow do I update netbeans from 6.8 to 6.9? apt-get install netbeans says I have newest version when I don't...04:12
splnetlgc: ok  last time. The "sleep 3600" sets up the ssh tunnel to run in the background for one hour. Thats all it does. So.. there you have it04:12
zkriesse_lgc: What is your issue04:12
ralliaslgc that is what I am trying.04:12
IdleOnedatex: you have the newest version available in the repositories04:13
lgcsplnet: Cannot fork into background without a command to execute. Either 0 or 3600 seconds the result won't differ. But you have a point there.04:13
ralliasgentleman_: AFC you said?04:13
lgczkriesse: Don't ask me. Just read.04:14
muellihm dan86. I wonder why it's not mounted automatically *thinking*04:14
muellidan86: how do you know it's not mounted?04:14
Gnea!attitude > lgc04:14
ubottulgc, please see my private message04:14
ralliasgentleman_ is it a filesystem or is it a network connection?04:14
splnetzkriesse_: he's trying to setup an ssh tunnel. I explained he can setup a tunnel as follows: ssh ratona.homelinux.org -f -L 5901:localhost:5901 "sleep 3600" . Apparently he doesn't like this method or something.. no idea04:14
gentleman_is a file system04:14
ralliasan Ipod?04:14
ralliasOk now you're making sense04:15
muellidan86: whenever you attach that device, it should be mounted automatically to that location you pointed out.04:15
zkriesse_lgc: Cool it dude...you're pushin the envelope...04:15
Gneazkriesse_: ...04:15
zkriesse_lgc: This is a volunteer effort...we're not supermen04:15
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:15
lgcGnea: That's exactly what I meant by "acolytes of the etiquette" an hour ago. Too many patrons here to censor what others write quite unduly.04:15
ralliasgentleman_ what version of ubuntu do you have?04:15
IdleOnesplnet: lgc zkriesse Please let's all relax and get back to the issue.04:16
ralliasupgrade to 10.04. It has compatibility out of the box04:16
gentleman_i have problem with my graffik card04:16
plouffeall I'm trying to figure out is how to pronounce zkriesse04:16
zkriesse_IdleOne: ....04:16
gentleman_do not soupport04:16
ralliasgentleman_ what company made the graphics card?04:17
gentleman_my card correctly04:17
lgczkriesse_: The "issue", if there was ever one, was calmly resolved with the two parts involved. No need of officious contenders.04:17
gentleman_Nvidia 9200M04:17
Gnealgc: your tone indicates that you're more ready to smash your monitor than you are to calmly listen and troubleshoot the problem effectively. perhaps some time AFK and a drink of koolaid would help put things into perspective?04:17
zkriesse_lgc: Ok then...just be nice(er) please :)04:17
undifined!ask | gentleman_04:18
ubottugentleman_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:18
lgcGnea: The issue is an old one: Officious contenders! Let's make the place friendlier! Jeez, that's why #ubuntu is reputedly an intimidating place to be!04:19
IdleOnelgc: drop it now. please04:19
Gnealgc: what's more important to you right now: solving the computer problem, or continuing an offtopic discussion?04:19
CkhiKuzadwith IdleOne04:19
dt_hi, i'm having trouble removing mysqld from autostarting on ubuntu. any idea ?04:20
lgcGnea: You got a point. But I keep being attacked and bullied for04:20
dt_i've tried rc-update remove, tried sysv-rc-conf04:20
pseudosmartdoes nobody know how to add higher screen resolutions to 10.04?04:20
dt_nothing works04:20
dt_it still starts /usr/bin/mysqld04:20
IdleOnelgc: The point right now is that you are continuing with this offtopic discussion that can only serve to cause more tension. Please stop now.04:21
lgcGnea: ...something quite menial and unjust, by the way.04:21
Gnealgc: no one's attacking or bullying you, you're just reading it as such. you're all stressed out and you probably could use a break for awhile. no one's mad at you, we just want to help.04:21
datexYou linux guys are so nice <304:21
=== jethro__ is now known as jethro_
ralliasgentleman_ in System -> Administration -> Software sources, goto other sources, and add the line "ppa ppa:pmcenery/ppa" (no quotes). Close this program, making sure to save. Then go into System -> Administration ->04:21
ralliasSynaptic, click refresh, and install libimobiledevice0 . Then do a complete restart of your computer. This should work for you.04:22
Fudgeis there any kind of wine emulation in a cojmmand line?04:22
sleepy_My partiton failed wtf?04:22
Gnealgc: but sometimes the best way to help yourself is to step away for awhile and come back. I do it often.04:22
xanguaFudge: you mean dos¿04:22
muelliFudge: hm? you can run wine from the tmerinal...04:22
CkhiKuzadi've had problems, and got to the point of being as angry as you, lgc. i said some stuff i shouldn't have, but later when i cooled off i apologized.04:22
FudgeI want to run mirc from a terminal outside of gnome04:23
sleepy_Anyone know why my patition failed?04:23
muellisleepy_: what failed?!04:23
=== ganderson is now known as ganderson-afk
ralliassleepy_ try a reboot04:23
muelli!details | sleepy_04:23
ubottusleepy_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:23
plouffeyou're currently in #theubuntucouch04:23
benbloomfor some reason one of my partitions is owned by root when it automounts but the other ones (same options in fstab) are owned by my user, I'm sure there's a simple solution. anyone know it ? thanks in advance04:23
dt_aha, postfix was starting mysqld04:23
muelliFudge: just do it then :-) wine "C:\\Program Files\\mIRC\\ ..."04:24
sleepy_I was partitoning in the ubuntu installer and it failed out04:24
sleepy_I'm rebooting widows now04:24
lgcIdleOne, Gnea, I've received about 20 reprimands in various tones from different persons who shouldn't be fueling a petty quarrel. Alas, this mood is quite common in the channel. And I've been around for years! Please. people, let it go! The channel doesn't need officious contenders! END OF THE DISCUSSION.04:24
tracy69sleepy_,  yup let him rest04:24
CJoerun:( i cry every time i see a user run back to windows04:24
ralliassleepy_ danger your partition broke allready, so Windows won't boot04:24
CkhiKuzadwhat all do i have to do to be able to get a new ShipIt CD after i have gotten one?04:25
Fudgemuelli  ill try it04:25
mikeruI've been told it's not worth it to install ubuntu amd64 if I won't use more than 3-4GB of RAM04:25
mikerusince it will use more memory and be slower04:25
sleepy_it didnt partiton anything never left 0 %04:25
mikeruOH wait nevermind04:25
bsmith093is there a way to search for large groups of *nearly* exact matches among a huge amount (19GB) of text files04:25
IdleOneCkhiKuzad: they send one per release. you can buy a cd from shop.canonical.com04:26
tracy69<mikeru> for 32 is no much support so less for 6404:26
muellibsmith093: read "man find"04:26
CkhiKuzadalright. then i just have to wait until october.04:26
CkhiKuzadthanks IdleOne.04:26
gentleman_thanks i'wll try that now04:26
gentleman_ppa ppa:pmcenery/ppa ist not a standard pakge source04:26
gentleman_i need the source link04:26
gentleman_i also have libimobiledevice0 installed04:26
FloodBot2gentleman_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:26
bsmith093CkhiKuzad: or you could just download and burn the iso of the distro u want04:27
sleepy_rallias win7 is booting now :)04:27
JosesordoHello all04:27
rallias... i don't no how04:27
benbloomfor some reason one of my partitions is owned by root when it automounts but the other ones (same options in fstab) are owned by my user, I'm sure there's a simple solution. anyone know it ? thanks in advance04:27
moon`when you do a /whois on a given person and their domain comes up how do you change that so it doesn't give the long version.  i.e. mine is : moon@host-69-145-123-56.but-mt.client.bresnan.net |  How would I change that to like moon@moon.net04:27
JosesordoI have a big problem with my compiz :(04:27
xanguagentleman_: if you are trying to add a ppa use: sudo add-apt-repository "ppa's name"04:28
lgcbsmith093: Ever used "grep"?04:28
soreauJosesordo: What's wrong?04:28
IdleOnemoon`: do you own moon.net domain?04:28
Gnealgc: I've been around for years too, but you don't see me going around calling people names, do you?04:28
moon`IdleOne: no04:28
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts04:28
moon`IdleOne: let's say I did though04:29
JosesordoI did something yesterday.. that now, my desktop cube or another effects run with 5fps :( but another run well04:29
Gneadidn't think so, so yeah, back to what I was doing...04:29
sleepy_Anyone know why my partiton failed?04:29
CkhiKuzadwhat would be a good programming language to learn to make useful programs for ubuntu?04:29
cccasketmoon: you can edit that info with the domain registrar usually04:29
moon`IdleOne: let's say I wanted to have it as moon.moon?04:29
gentleman_i allrady have libimobiledevice0 installed i can my ipod throug04:29
bastidrazorbenbloom: possibly look at the permissions/ownership of the directory it is mounted to?04:29
=== sleepy_ is now known as [sleepy]
gentleman_but not with delphin04:30
IdleOnemoon`: that would be a custom cloak/vhost ask in #freenode but I dount they will do it for you04:30
gentleman_thats my problem04:30
moon`IdleOne: where would I find literature on something like that to do it myself?04:30
Fudgemuelli  it wants X, are you aware of any mods that can allow a console to run it?04:30
moon`or where should I look rather?04:30
jjgalvez__does anyone know how to edit the default note in Gnote, I want a blank default, and every time I remove the default text it seems to come back04:30
Josesordoin compiz fusion icon is using loose binding..and I cant desactivated04:31
muelliFudge: sorry, no. that doesn't work at all. There area loads of console IRC clients though. irssi, bitchx, weechat, bitlbee, ...04:31
JosesordoI think my Xorg is broken :(04:31
lgcbsmith093: You there?04:31
zeknoxJosesordo: move your xorg.conf file04:31
fililocohi i have a problem with my network card, it disconect and reconect at random times, but when it happens i lost connection im runnig ubuntu 10.4 some advices?04:32
Fudgeyeah muelli  i am using irssi, just hoped that wine would work in a console as orca is not comaptible with it in gnome04:32
tracy69<fililoco> what card ?04:32
Josesordobut Im using ubuntu 10.04 LTS and this distro dont have that file..I guess04:32
zeknoxfililoco: have you checked out system -> admin -> hardware drivers ?04:32
muelliFudge: erm. Nothing will be compatible with anything emulated in WINE I'm afraid.04:33
benbloombastidrazor, I tried that. do you (or anyone else) know where permissions of mounts are inherrited from?04:33
zeknoxJosesordo: tell me if you have a file located at /etc/X11/xorg.conf?04:33
fililocozeknox yes i chek it but only the ati drivers are for install04:33
gentleman_someone there?04:34
Josesordozeknox: I dont have it04:34
zeknoxfililoco: is it eth0 or wlan0?04:34
bastidrazorbenbloom: fstab04:34
zeknoxJosesordo: you running gnome then?04:34
zeknoxfililoco: run lspci and pastebin the results04:34
zeknoxfililoco: actually lspic -v might be nice also04:35
Josesordoyes, but I dont think is running perfectly04:35
zeknoxJosesordo: what type of issues?  what did you modify recently?04:35
Josesordothe only think I did yesterday.. was set a GRUB background image, and set a boot screen with plymouth..04:36
Josesordobut I installed something..I guess that is the issue04:36
fililocozeknox here it is  03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 01)04:36
fililocoSubsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. Device 369c04:36
fililocoFlags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 2904:36
fililocoI/O ports at d800 [size=256]04:36
fililocoMemory at feaff000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]04:36
FloodBot2fililoco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:36
fililocoExpansion ROM at feac0000 [disabled] [size=128K]04:36
benbloomfrom options bastidrazor ? I used default as the options and some end up owned by user others are root04:36
zeknoxfililoco: you need to use pastebin.com for long messages like that an link us the webpage04:36
tracy69<fililoco> check up this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4210510&postcount=604:36
Josesordozeknox: the oly think I installed new was this: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-1.7.6-gc04:37
Fudgemuelli  thanx dude anywayz04:37
zeknoxJosesordo: run 'histroy | grep install   and post pastebin04:37
zeknoxJosesordo: then run sudo aptitude reinstall xserver-xorg04:37
zeknoxJosesordo: or you might be able to try....04:37
Josesordo4  chmod +x ./native-64bit-flash-installer.sh04:38
Josesordo    5  ./native-64bit-flash-installer.sh04:38
Josesordo   16  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:38
Josesordo   20  sudo apt-get install ailurus04:38
Josesordo   21  sudo apt-get install plymouth04:38
FloodBot2Josesordo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:38
Josesordo   23  sudo apt-get install plymouth-theme04:38
fililoco_sry about flood04:38
zeknoxJosesordo: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:38
zeknoxfililoco: no worries, it happens to the best of us, where is your pastebin04:39
zeknoxJosesordo: why did you run this sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-1.7.6-gc04:39
zeknoxJosesordo: did you read that from a tutorial or something?04:40
fililoco_here is the resul of lspci http://pastebin.com/NWzhfJBh04:40
Josesordoyeah, I followed a random blog.. but I was trying to fix the boot screen resolution04:40
Josesordozeknox: yeah, I followed a random blog.. but I was trying to fix the boot screen resolution04:40
zeknoxfililoco: are there any other computers on the network?04:40
zeknoxJosesordo: ok you show remove that last package04:41
zeknoxJosesordo: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-1.7.6-gc04:41
zeknoxJosesordo: when your done with that run sudo tasksel04:41
zeknoxfililoco: is it possible you have a bad router or switch?04:42
Josesordozeknox: I uninstalled that packaged already.. I restarted system..but nothing yet04:42
weechat_userb                                         A04:42
zeknoxrun sudo tasksel04:42
itsux2butasksel is cool04:42
fililoco_zeknox: no, i dont have the problem with win 704:43
zeknoxfililoco_: hmmm04:43
demonichey guys whats up04:43
Josesordozeknox, What software selection now?04:43
zeknoxJosesordo: then choose Ubuntu desktop04:43
fililoco_im gona check tracy link04:43
zeknoxJosesordo: or if you want a different GUI, you can choose any other one you choose04:43
demonichey guys hows it going04:43
zeknoxdemonic: what up04:44
tracy69<fililoco_> if u check google u will find a lot of info about your card and ubuntu there were some problems with your card04:44
demonicwhat linux are you running04:44
zeknoxdemonic: ubuntu, freebsd, win 7, win xp, mac os x04:44
fililoco_yup i try some things04:45
demonicim running ubuntu linux netbook remix04:45
fililoco_but no one works04:45
Josesordozeknox: ok, I pressed enter..and seems like nothing happened or I need to restart?04:45
zeknoxfililoco_: when did the problem start occuring?04:45
demonicits acually very nice fast and organised04:45
fililoco_when i installed ubuntu xD04:45
zeknoxJosesordo: you need to press space when it is highlighted, that will check the box, then enter04:45
zeknoxJosesordo: sudo tasksel again04:45
zeknoxfililoco_: have you updated the system?  sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade ?04:46
dan86What media server app do you guys use in ubuntu, the only thing i need is it to be running in the background all the time and to simply share two folders from external hard drive04:46
Josesordozeknox: ok was so fast..but now seems like something was installed xD04:46
zeknoxJosesordo: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:47
zeknoxJosesordo: press Alt + F1 and run that04:47
JosesordoAlt + F1 show the menu :P04:47
Josesordozeknox: Alt + F1 show the menu :P04:47
zeknoxJosesordo: well just run it from terminal it don't metter04:47
dan86What media server app do you guys use in ubuntu, the only thing i need is it to be running in the background all the time and to simply share two folders from external hard drive04:48
FlynsarmyAre AMD or NVidia graphics better on ubuntu atm?04:48
zeknoxdan86: hey settle down!, and be more specific on what you want to share to?  xbox, ps3, linux, mac, win, what?04:48
dan86to ps3 =)04:48
zeknoxdan86: what type of media did you have in mind, music or vids?04:49
ralliasis anyone else having difficulty reaching google?04:49
dan86mainly movies04:49
jjgalvez__is there any trick to editing the default note template? I would like a blank one rather then the current default04:49
zeknoxdan86: might be interesting https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ps3MediaServer04:49
Josesordozeknox: still the desktop cube move slow, and another slow effects :(04:49
dan86i tried ps3 media server04:50
dan86and added it to startup list04:50
zeknoxand...? you didn't tell us that04:50
zeknoxdan86: so whats the problem?04:50
FlynsarmyAre AMD or NVidia drivers better on ubuntu atm?04:50
dan86but when i booted it only showed "/"04:50
dan86as folder04:50
dan86i love that program, use it on MAC and PC04:50
zeknoxFlynsarmy: its a matter of prefrence04:50
zeknoxJosesordo: did you look under system -> admin -> hardware drivers?04:51
Josesordozeknox: what means this in dmesg? --> [drm] Resetting GPU, [drm] writeback test succeeded in 1 usecs04:51
zeknoxJosesordo: sounds like driver issue, or video card issue, it shouldn't be reseting I don't think, could be wrong04:51
Flynsarmyzeknox: are there any real differences? Do they both perform well? Will i get 3D on both for compiz? are the best AMD ones open source or proprietry?04:51
fililoco_im gonna reset and chek if tracy web works04:51
dan86zeknox basically i can't get ps3 media server to function correctly as a startup app so that it's always on.  if i had my choice i would use it04:51
zeknoxFlynsarmy: as long as you get a decent video card with sufficient memroy and cpu, you can have the cube and many annimations04:52
zeknoxdan86: so what is the question?  I thought you wanted to know a linux media server?04:52
Flynsarmyzeknox: there were massive amd issues like 1 or 2 distros back on AMD cards. are htey solved now?04:52
tracy69Flynsarmy,  i have ati hd4850 and it work perfect04:52
Josesordozekox: this work fine without the ATI drives from Hardware drives menu..but lets try04:52
soreauFlynsarmy: open radeon drivers IMHO04:53
zeknoxJosesordo: if there are other drivers, it probably would be best to try them04:53
dan86zeknox, i would prefer to get ps3 media server functioning correctly04:53
zeknoxJosesordo: the best video drivers are not installed by default IMO04:53
Josesordozeknox: yesterday, worked fine.. grr.. but well,04:53
zeknoxdan86: what is the problem with Ps3MediaServer, i don't understand the actual problem at hand04:53
latagoreCan I ask a question or would it be better for the conversation to finish first =o04:54
zeknoxlatagore: ask away!04:54
Flynsarmysoreau: the open radeon drivers support 3D for desktop zoom and window nimations on open/close and twinview? that's all i'm really after04:54
cedriczglatagore, just ask04:54
latagoreI can't seem to get to the login screen on Ubuntu04:54
latagoreIt just freezes04:54
bahaaI want to join #math in xchat, how?04:54
JosesordoSomeone know how I add the Connection Tray Icon again? I deleted by accident now T_T04:54
zeknoxlatagore: delete you /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restart gdm04:55
zeknoxJosesordo: there is a way in gnome to reset all your visuals to default...04:55
cedriczgbahaa, ho to server, join channel04:55
zeknoxJosesordo: hang on, file in your home directory04:55
pfglatagore: remove quiet from your bootup line and see what message it ends on04:55
soreauFlynsarmy: Twinview is an nvidia-specific technology. The open radeon drivers support xrandr 1.2 which is how you manipulate your monitors and modes04:55
zeknoxJosesordo: this is what you want I think http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/04:55
cedriczglatagore, which ubuntu version are you using?04:55
soreauFlynsarmy: and yes, it can do all the compiz features you listed and more04:56
kiamoHi, ubuntu update has been regularly failing for the last week or so.  It seems to freeze and do nothing no matter how long I leave it for, and I have to do a forced restart and then partial upgrade.  Has anyone else been having this problem recently?04:56
Josesordozeknox: hang on?.. I cancell the Driver download or not?04:56
zeknoxJosesordo: let the install finish04:56
Flynsarmysoreau: perfect. xrandr supports swithcing in and out of dual monitors without an x restart correct?04:56
zeknoxJosesordo: only 1 task at a time04:56
latagoreI'm not sure what GDM is but apparently the file doesn't exist04:56
zeknoxkiamo: no04:56
bahaaJosesordo: left click on the upper panel and chose add to panel then add a notification area04:56
soreauFlynsarmy: yes04:56
zeknoxlatagore: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:56
bahaacedriczg: can you tell me how step by step?04:57
latagoreAnd how do you handle answering everyone's questions lol04:57
treeshoeI am new to Ubuntu as a graphical OS. When I minimize windows they seem to disappear04:57
pfglatagore: Gnome Desktop Manager04:57
soreauFlynsarmy: The proprietary nvidia driver is the only driver I know of that can run compiz but doesn't support xrandr 1.204:57
treeshoeHow do I get them to show like at the bottom of the screen04:57
zeknoxtreeshoe: this is what you want to do here:  http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/04:57
bahaacedriczg, like I type "/server" what if I don't know the server name?04:57
zeknoxtreeshoe: then restart gmd using sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:57
bahaacedriczg, it's in freenode04:57
cedriczgbahaa, I am using xchat in spanish. I suppose in english you have on the menu "server" and then a submenu called "join channel"04:58
Flynsarmysoreau: excellent. thanks for the info04:58
latagoreNo such file or directory; I'm running the recovery boot.04:58
CkhiKuzadD: i must go.04:58
CkhiKuzadgoodbye #ubuntu04:58
latagoreGood bye =o04:58
bahaacedriczg, you are right :)!04:58
bahaacedriczg, I'll try it04:58
pfgtreeshoe: right click your bottom toolbar - add to toolbar - window list04:58
cedriczgbahaa, then with command I think it is /join #channelname04:58
Josesordozeknox: ok, driver installed, now I need to restart the PC04:58
zeknoxJosesordo: restarting the pc will work, or possibly just restarting gdm04:58
treeshoegreat .. it worked. Thank you pfg04:59
FlynsarmyIs there any solution for hte insane memory leak in gnome-power-manager? leaks 4kb/second. eats up the ram fast04:59
zeknoxFlynsarmy: uninstall it04:59
pfgtreeshoe: NP, been there before ; )04:59
cedriczgbahaa, you can also have a list of the available channels with "list of channels"04:59
kiamozeknox, any idea how I can troubleshoot this?04:59
bahaacedriczg, I want to join this : http://freenode-math.yourwiki.net/wiki/Main_Page04:59
latagorezeknox: I'm in recovery boot mode thingie, if that explains why the file you listed doesn't exist04:59
Flynsarmyzek0r: ahh...it sounds kind of important lol04:59
zeknoxkiamo: specify the issue exactly05:00
Flynsarmyzek0r: and interestly, every time you install updates the update manager starts it up again05:00
zeknoxlatagore: just reboot into normal mode now then05:00
Flynsarmyzek0r: sorry those were meant for zeknox05:01
bahaacedriczg, I found it but couldn't join it05:01
zeknoxFlynsarmy: I think there is a popular alternative if I remember correctly05:02
bahaajust pressing the join button and it does nothing!!05:02
mroiler_I need help setting up my dlink DBT-120 bluetooth dongle05:02
latagorezeknox: I can see the users listed now but it's frozen again05:02
cedriczgbahaa, you can go to the freenode tab and type "/join #math"05:02
zeknoxlatagore: did you install any additional themes for the bootup screen?05:02
cedriczgbahaa, or use the "server" button on the menu, then "join channel" button and then type "#math" as channel05:03
latagoreI don't believe so05:03
zeknoxlatagore: or logon screen rather05:03
bahaaI found this on the node page :  #math :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services05:03
kiamozeknox, Often when I install new apps from the software centre the installation fails to complete.  When this happens via the command line, it seems to halt during the unpacking phase of the installation.05:03
latagoreThis is my first time booting up05:03
bahaacedriczg, it seems they don't allow anybody to join right?05:03
zeknoxkiamo: using apt-get ?05:03
cedriczgbahaa, I joined and then went out from that channel05:03
cedriczgbahaa, I am there now to check05:04
zeknoxlatagore: try running something like sudo dpkg-reconrigure xserver-xorg05:04
=== nerix is now known as nerix_
bahaacedriczg, that's odd05:04
demonichey guys05:04
demonici have a question05:04
bahaademonic, hey :)05:04
=== nerix_ is now known as Nerix
zeknoxlatagore: or another option would be to run sudo tasksel, and remove any gui software, and then install free05:04
bahaademonic, just ask05:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:04
zeknoxlatagore: fresh*05:04
demonichow do i make a server on here?05:04
demonicon this chat05:05
latagorezeknox: I don't know how except in recovery mode and I tried that command. It doesn't seem to work05:05
TiKdemonic: ask in #freenode05:05
zeknoxlatagore: it may not from recovery mode05:05
zeknoxlatagore: dpkg-reconfigure <package-name> should work05:05
cedriczgbahaa, what do you get as message when you try to connect to #math that channel?05:05
latagorezeknox: I don't know how to access the command prompt from any other way05:05
zeknoxlatagore: on loging screen I think you can press Alt + F105:05
latagorezeknox: Log on screen is frozen05:06
bahaacedriczg, this: * #math :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services05:06
TiKzeknox: in gnome you can press alt control f1 - f905:06
zeknoxlatagore: usually doesn't matter, its like a hidden console05:06
bahaacedriczg, in the freenode page05:06
_genuser_hello people05:06
dendritehello.  where is the grub file that i can edit to set a widescreen framebuffer resolution in grub205:06
zeknoxTiK: your right thx05:06
latagorezeknox: I just tried and not working =(05:06
zeknoxlatagore: press Alt + Ctr + F105:06
TiKdendrite: /etc/defualt/grub05:06
mroiler_i need help with bluetooth setup05:07
dendritethx TiK05:07
TiKer default05:07
cedriczgbahaa, aren't you using the xchat program? It seems you need to identify yourself. Do you have a nickname with a password associated?05:07
kiamozeknox, yes apt-get install05:07
latagorezeknox: still nothing; I assume  the entire system is frozen because the time doesn't change05:07
zeknoxkiamo: try aptitude05:07
cedriczgbahaa, try to identify yourself under the freenode tab using the command "/msg NickServ identify <password>'05:07
zeknoxlatagore: are you sure it is gnome freezing it and not bad memory or something?05:08
latagorezeknox: I would have no idea. I don't have a problem booting off other OSs, if that matters05:08
bahaacedriczg, I could join ##physics (just tried to) but not math05:08
latagorezeknox: as in Windows 7 :(05:08
bahaacedriczg, I'll try05:08
zeknoxlatagore: yeah boot into recovery and run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:09
=== mroiler_ is now known as mroiler
cedriczgbahaa, as the channel says, it seems they want you to identify yourself. That means to ensure that username is only yours05:09
bahaacedriczg, what should I change in the sentence you wrote, just <password>?05:09
latagoreHm, there was a hyphen? dammit05:09
JosesordoHi again05:09
bahaacedriczg, ok then I just have to change the nick?05:09
cedriczgbahaa, yes05:09
Vukodecan somebody help me with an ubuntu hardware problem?05:10
mroileri need help with bluetooth on ubuntu, it wont recognize my adapter05:10
=== bahaa is now known as cool
Josesordozeknox: ok, now I was like my old installation.. everything good but the Water effect dont, the screen go black instead :(05:10
cedriczgbahaa, if you have another nick with a password set up. Then I suppose that yes05:10
=== cool is now known as mathBahaa
kiamozeknox, cant now because the resource is locked due to the last attempt to apt-get failing.  Is there a way to unlock the resource?05:11
Vukodehello, i just installed ubuntu desktop edition on my new sony vaio notebook computer and the touchpad wont work for some reason, can somebody help me fix thi?05:11
redblackbelthey guys05:11
mathBahaacedriczg, I made it "mathBahaa" and then used the /msg and it said that "mathBahaa" is not a registered nickname05:12
mathBahaacedriczg, !!!05:12
redblackbelthow do you create a server on this chat thing?05:12
dendriteok 2nd grub question.  to manually set up a dual boot with grub 2, where would I edit this file. used to be menu.lst05:12
mathBahaacedriczg, -NickServ- mathBahaa is not a registered nickname.05:12
latagorezeknox: I ran the command, no output. I restarted and tried booting up Ubuntu, having it freeze again05:12
cedriczgmathBahaa, let me recall on how to create a registered nickname05:12
dendriteah nvm found a good tutorial :)05:13
redblackbelthow do you create a server on this chat thing?05:13
=== mathBahaa is now known as bahaa
zeknoxkiamo: run as root?05:13
kiamozeknox, I'm not sure if the problems are related, but if it helps, my usb hdd stops be recognised from time to time.  This only started happening about a week ago also.05:13
redblackbelti have a question05:13
bahaacedriczg, when I changed to bahaa it said"-NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.05:13
bahaa<bahaa> cedriczg, "05:13
zeknoxlatagore: something is whack cause it should give output, it should reinstall a bunch of stuff05:13
bahaacedriczg, what does this mean?05:13
mroileri need help with bluetooth on ubuntu, it wont recognize my adapter05:14
dominicdinadahow to export iptables into a xml format ?05:14
zeknoxim going to bed05:14
latagorezeknox: thanks for the help05:14
redblackbeltzeknox, how do create a server on this thing?05:14
tracy69<zeknox> what time is over there ?05:14
cedriczgbahaa, that means that you should type your nickname password the way I told you. If that nickname is yours and you know the password for it05:14
zeknoxredblackbelt: sudo tasksel is a great start05:14
zeknoxtracy69: only 11:1405:14
zeknoxtracy69: I really should stay longer05:14
Josesordonow my compiz fusion icon dont appear..even the gnome do, and the connection icon tho.. what I need to do to see then?05:14
tracy69so u still have time05:14
tracy69over here 5am05:15
zeknoxtracy69: hehe05:15
dominicdinadaJosesordo: compiz is :////////05:15
mroileri need help with bluetooth on ubuntu, it wont recognize my adapter05:15
zeknoxthe cube is always nice to impress friends, but at the end of the day, all you need to look at is a terminal ;)05:15
soreauJosesordo: It sounds like you are having trouble with your graphics driver. Are you able to pastebin your X log from /var/log/Xorg.0.log to pastebin.com?05:15
bahaacedriczg, how do I know if it's mine and how do I know the password?05:16
cedriczgbahaa, maybe try these steps http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode05:16
latagorezeknox: Any advice on how I should get more help?05:16
bahaacedriczg, ok05:16
xanguaJosesordo: right clic in te panel > add > notification area05:16
zeknoxlatagore: sudo apt-get remove nautilus05:17
zeknoxlatagore: sudo apt-get install nautilus05:17
Fudgeanyone here using mirc that could tell me the msods mode mirc /help parameter?05:17
Fudgetrying to see if wineconsole mirc.exe will run when parsing the right parem05:17
dominicdinadamirc is not a linux irc client :O05:18
zeknoxFudge: irssi is the best clien ever IMO!!!05:18
Fudgeyeah i know but i maintain a mirc script for blind ppl so still need to use it05:18
latagorezeknox: Removed, but unable to reinstall05:18
zeknoxlatagore: why not?05:18
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dominicdinadaFudge: that is an off topic question here...05:19
zeknoxreboot now that it is remote latagore05:19
* Fudge sighs05:19
Josesordosoreau: wait.. by the way, Im using ATI radeon HD 260005:19
latagorezeknox: "Package nautilus has no installation candidate"05:19
Josesordobut, before install that Driver.. yesterday..all effects ran well.. :(05:19
bahaacedriczg, can you paste the steps for me in private (for the bot not ban you) because the page only giving me one step "joining the freenode server"05:19
soreauJosesordo: That's fine. Just pastebin your log and post the link here so we can see it05:19
dominicdinadaFudge: there is a #windows channel with a few hundred people active all the time.05:20
zeknoxlatagore: just remove all the files inside /home/user/.nautilus05:20
Josesordosoreau: how I see that log? .. sudo gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log?05:20
soreauJosesordo: I don't think you need sudo, but yes05:20
zeknoxJosesordo: cat/var/log/filename05:20
soreauJosesordo: sudo apt-get install curl && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us05:21
zeknoxJosesordo: sorry suppose to be a space between sudo cat /var/log/filename05:21
Josesordook, there is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486150/05:22
latagorezeknox: Nothing to remove and I rebooted it. Still frozen05:23
Josesordoxangua: thx.. lol was simple, haha.. ty :D05:24
PuffyBSDhttp://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/08/19/linux_vulnerability_fix/ << -- GNU/Linux is for mentally retarded bitches who ate too many lead paint chips as babies05:24
zeknoxlatagore: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu desktop05:24
PuffyBSDBSD uber alles05:24
PuffyBSDw00t !05:24
FloodBot2PuffyBSD: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:24
PuffyBSDOpenBSD blackhole.hvc.rr.com 4.7 puffy-kernel#0 i38605:24
PuffyBSDLinux is TEH sux05:24
Josesordosoreau, zeknox: ok, there is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486150/05:24
soreauJosesordo: So you have fglrx installed. How exactly did you install this driver?05:24
dominicdinada!op | puffybsd05:24
ubottupuffybsd: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!05:24
=== FreshPrince_ is now known as FreshPrince
Josesordosoreau: well, few mins ago I went to Hardware Driver menu..and then press: Activate..and the ubuntu installed it.. and now I have this Catalyst software05:25
=== bahaa is now known as bahax
latagorezeknox: "E: couldn't find package ubuntu"05:26
soreauJosesordo: I recommend you remove this driver then reboot and pastebin your X log again. (It should use the radeon driver by default)05:26
Josesordosoreau: ok, command to remove that driver?05:28
latagoreIsn't Catalyst the driver for Radeon video cards, if I might interject05:28
latagoreNever mind if I have no idea what I'm talking about :]05:28
soreauJosesordo: gksu jockey-gtk05:29
html5are there any fully compatible html5 browsers for ubuntu available yet?05:29
soreauhtml5: chromium or firefox?05:29
html5soreau: i believe they are only partially html5 functional05:30
tonsofpcsUbuntu Netbook install instructions say to use "Startup Disk Creator" -- what is the binary and/or package name for this app?05:30
html5tonsofpcs: usb-creator-gtk05:32
tonsofpcsthanks html505:32
latagoreI'm trying to boot up Ubuntu but it freezes at the logon screen05:32
soreauhtml5: maybe this can help http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_layout_engines_%28HTML5%2905:32
html5latagore: you can change ttyl by pressing alt+ctrl+F2 and change back with either alt+ctrl+F1 or alt+ctrl+F705:33
Josesordosoreau: after uninstalled, restart PC and send you the X log again?05:33
DrkShadowI just installed libapache2-mod-perl2, and put the line "AddHandler mod_perl .pl" in my apache 2 config, but it's still dumping the perl source when I go to the script. What's up with that?05:33
html5soreau: i saw that but did not see any browsers listed, just parts of html5 in that article05:33
soreauJosesordo: If it's not working after reboot, then pastebin it again yes05:33
dominicdinadahtml5: according to a book i read chrome, firefox do support all the html features... IE 8 supports almost none05:33
Josesordosoreau: ok.. be right back..05:33
dominicdinadahtml5: Via Apress PRO HTML505:34
soreauhtml5: Well you should know which browser relies on what for it's engine05:34
latagorehtml5: The console froze up05:34
soreauhtml5: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_browser_engines05:34
latagorehtml5: The same way it froze up at the GUI login screen05:35
=== artinfrieden is now known as artin
html5soreau: that wikipedia page doesn't list html5 in columns for comparison either05:36
dominicdinadasoreau: that is really outdated05:36
cristianalguien que hable español05:37
html5!es | christian05:37
ubottuchristian: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:37
soreauhtml5: dominicdinada says make a note to update that page when you figure this out05:37
joljamHi I am trying to logon to my university server from my ubuntu lucid lynx using througn vmare but each time I get the message ...." Cannot access the virtual machine console the request timed out"05:37
joljamI need help on this05:37
dominicdinadasoreau: heh05:37
html5soreau: i never got wikipedia edits, its like learning lac05:37
soreaujoljam: Sounds like you need to contact the uni server admin05:38
cristianok  gracias05:38
latagoreIs there anywhere I can ask for help, I have to go soon05:38
joljamI contacted the university server admin and they got my username and passwd and they could do it from there without a hitch05:38
joljamis this a ubuntu problem05:38
html5latagore: maybe try booting into ubuntu recovery (root) access05:38
soreaulatagore: the forums05:39
soreau! forums05:39
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.05:39
dominicdinadasoreau: verbatim from the book Monkeys, Squirrelfish, and Other Speedy Oddities05:39
latagorehtml5: I'm not sure what that would do05:39
dominicdinadasoreau: Mozilla Firefox 4 JägerMonkey05:39
html5latagore: you could maybe install a newer kernel version and then reboot05:39
latagorehtml5: I'm running 10.04.105:40
soreaudominicdinada: Sounds like you need a browser astronomer05:40
dominicdinadasoreau: Google   V805:40
dominicdinadaChrome 505:40
dominicdinada,   Apple Safari 5 Nitro (otherwise know as05:40
dominicdinada               SquirrelFish Extreme)05:40
html5latagore: you can run 10.04 with the 10.10 2.6.34 kernel05:40
FloodBot2dominicdinada: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:40
latagorehtml5: I have no clue how to do that05:40
sacarlsonhtml5:  I found this seems firefox is the winner in this group of demo html5 sites http://html5demos.com/05:40
dominicdinadasoreau: those are the core java engine names.05:40
joljamsoreau:.. contacted the university server admin and they got my username and passwd and they could do it from there without a hitch05:41
soreaulatagore: Why are you upgrading your kernel?05:41
latagoresoreau: I don't know; I honestly have no clue what05:41
html5latagore: http://www.ubuntu-news.net/2010/05/20/linux-kernel-2-6-34-installation-guide-for-ubuntu-linux-10-04/ and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1557510&goto=newpost05:41
soreaujoljam: Great05:41
latagoresoreau: is going on*05:41
dominicdinadasoreau:  Browser astronomer ? Cause the wiki is way outdated of the engine names ?05:41
joljamsoreau:- but I still cannot do it from my machine05:42
html5sacarlson: ok, didn't know none for any OS did not have full support yet05:42
latagorehtml5: if I may ask, why do I need to install a new kernel version?05:43
html5latagore: you don't, but it might fix your issue (most likely will)05:43
undifinedhmm, ff4 crashes on startup, just installed it for fun05:44
soreaulatagore: Can you boot a live ubuntu cd?05:44
sacarlsonundifined: did you try it in safemode?05:44
soreaulatagore: Are you able to boot a live cd*05:44
xanguaundifined: FinalFantasy IV¿05:44
undifinedsacarlson, how again ? :)05:44
JosesordoHi again05:45
undifinedxangua, have the dvd05:45
Josesordosoreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486154/05:45
Vukodedo you have to have the netbook version of ubuntu intsalled on laptop computers in order for the touchpad to work?05:45
latagoresoreau: could you explain what a live cd is? I installed Ubuntu with a USB installer using an ISO from the homepage05:45
sacarlsonundifined: I don't know how I've only seen that there is a method to add to the command line that makes all extensions turn off to test it.05:45
html5!livecd | latagore05:45
ubottulatagore: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.05:45
undifinedfirefox %u --safe-mode << like that05:46
undifinedyep, like that :)05:46
soreauJosesordo: Looks good, what does 'glxinfo|grep renderer' say from your terminal?05:46
Vukodeis there a way to enable touchpads?05:46
sacarlsonundifined: yes http://kb.mozillazine.org/Safe_mode#Starting_Safe_Mode05:46
Josesordobut, now my desktop cube is slow.. and another cube effects also.. :(05:47
soreaulatagore: Yes or a live image on usb05:47
undifinedhmmm, ff4 crashes even in safemode05:47
sacarlsonundifined: what did you do compile it?05:47
html5Vukode: in terminal (alt+f2), try to "lshw" and find your touchpad and search online to see if it is compatible (most i believe are)05:47
soreauJosesordo: Now you likely want to update your kernel to get the latest driver bits, also installing xorg-edgers will give you latest radeon 3D drivers and other userspace05:48
latagoresoreau: I am going to try now05:48
Josesordosoreau: IRQ's not enabled, falling back to busy waits: 2 0, OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R600 (RV630 9581) 20090101  TCL05:48
Vukodety, ill try that05:48
Excell-Homehi all05:48
Excell-Homecan anyone help with web cam problem please05:48
dominicdinada!ask | excell-home05:48
ubottuexcell-home: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:48
whosjosepost your question05:49
Tempus_Fugitwhat are other clients that will handle irc as an IM empathy is messing up on me05:49
undifinedsacarlson, might be the new xul-runner ?05:49
whosjoseTempus_Fugit: XChat works good05:49
html5Tempus_Fugit: pidgin05:49
pierreghzTempus_Fugit: Irssi is fine too05:49
sacarlsonundifined: I run an older custom version of ff Namoroka/3.6.9pre to make watir work.  but I did also try and compile the one from firefox don't recall the version05:49
Tempus_Fugitwhosjose: do those handle all chats like empathy as well05:49
sacarlsonundifined: could be05:50
undifinedsacarlson, I run maverick and packages beyond05:50
whosjoseTempus_Fugit: Yes, in fact I'm using it now and it's pretty user-friendly05:50
Excell-Homethanks I have a trust WB-3600R web cam and it shows up as sn9c20x in dmesg and appear to change screen size etc but there is no picture in cheese05:50
pierreghzBitlbee could help you Tempus_Fugit05:50
html5Tempus_Fugit: xchat and pidgin look and feel the closest05:50
dominicdinadaTempus_Fugit: pigdeon also05:50
latagoresoreau: It does not seem to be able to work; but I will give it a minute to maybe load up05:50
sacarlsonundifined: oh I run in 10.04 and beyound I just ppa or compile05:50
Tempus_Fugitfor some reason my empathy will not do a carriage return when i reach the end of the field it simply keeps expanding the window05:50
undifinedsacarlson, i do not compile, my machine is old >7 years but i do a lot of bug hunting05:51
Tempus_Fugitif i keep typing my empathy window will be twice the width of my screen05:51
whosjoseTempus_fugit: I'm not sure why05:51
html5!hi | dejnoi05:51
ubottudejnoi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:51
whosjosedejno1: hi05:51
sacarlsonundifined: my 8 year old computer compiles just find.  it just takes longer.05:51
dejnoiHi there05:52
Josesordosoreau: IRQ's not enabled, falling back to busy waits: 2 0, OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R600 (RV630 9581) 20090101  TCL05:52
Tempus_Fugitok i will try pidgeon05:52
html5!ask | dejnoi05:52
ubottudejnoi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:52
* undifined wishes it was 31 days later .. so i can buy my new machine05:52
* nuk just got 2 new machines LoL05:52
nuki got a little greedy05:52
soreauJosesordo: Now you likely want to update your kernel to get the latest driver bits, also installing xorg-edgers will give you latest radeon 3D drivers and other userspace05:52
Tempus_Fugitmy next laptop will be an alien05:53
latagoresoreau: It will not boot off the USB (live cd) either05:53
nukI just gave my Alienware back05:53
nukthey got horible since the day05:53
undifinednuk, I have a family to support05:53
Tempus_Fugitnuk: seriously .....what happened??05:53
soreauJosesordo: Your drivers are already installed but there are constant updates, your mesa snapshot is probably nearly 6 months old05:53
nukundefined: me too :)05:53
soreaulatagore: Do you know which gpu it is?05:53
whosjosenot so picky on pc's more into the parts05:54
Tempus_Fugitas far as desktop i will build my own ...built my last monster and my ex wife has it ...grrrrr05:54
latagoresoreau: Just a moment05:54
undifinedexactly whosjose : i5-650 cheap but good05:54
nukTempus:  i spent $6,000 on a beastly laptop and it was horrible.  i had to send it back 4 times, it came broken, and they tried to rip me off with parts i paid for that were never in there05:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:54
Tempus_Fugitthats messed up05:55
whosjoseundifined: of course,05:55
dominicdinadaTempus_Fugit: darn Ex Wifes they take everything05:55
undifinedhtml5, how do you find hardware offtopic ?05:55
nukever since they merged with Dell, they've been crappy - to say the least05:55
latagoresoreau: ATI Radeon HD 422505:55
Josesordosoreau: how to insall xorg-edgers?05:55
html5undifined: yes, esp. if its not ubuntu related05:55
undifinedhtml5, this is ubuntu related hardware ..05:56
soreauJosesordo: You should be able to find everything just by googling05:56
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
html5undifined: okay, carry on if its okay under the guidelines05:56
undifinedhtml5, :)05:56
soreaulatagore: Does it have enough ram?05:56
* nuk [Status: Away (homework) | Time: 0:57:00 | Log: on]05:57
whosjosei'm so bored, i have no clue what to do!05:57
latagoresoreau: It had enough RAM to install? So I think so D: 1GB of it05:57
soreaulatagore: Are you trying to boot the same version of ubuntu live you used to install it?05:58
ubuntu_ansichello, every one05:58
undifinedmy next system will be an acer x5900, which has intel I5-650 (which has the most cpu option), and by default 4 GB ram, which I will upgrade to 8 immediatly and a nvidia GF31505:58
latagoresoreau: yep. I don't think it's a problem with the CD because I'm talking to you on a computer installed from the same USB :p05:59
Tempus_FugitI will describe the last one I built ....Thermaltake Armour Tower-Asus M3A3 wi-fi MB-4GB Ram-AMD Phenom 9600 2.2Ghz CPU 2 MB L2 Cache- 4 250 GB SATA Drives Raid-0- ATI Sapphire Graphics Card SLi Running XP 64 Bit cuz i couldnt find a way to partition to also run UIbuntu05:59
whosjose!hi ubuntu_ansic05:59
soreaulatagore: Ah so it's a different computer you never had ubuntu on?05:59
Junior49MIYeah and Whoopee  someone wrote a Kodak printer driver that works with my printer on Ubuntu... Yeah05:59
ovrflw0xi installed hd 3470 driver from ati website and driver is not working well, in menus sometimes i have to move my mouse over to see what's in the menu, and i see black window instead of the actual window i have to hover my mouse over to see it, what settings should i change?05:59
joljamits a pity no one in this channel is helping me06:00
whosjosewhat's your problem?06:00
latagoresoreau: I haven't had ubuntu on either till today =o06:00
soreaulatagore: Ok so one succeeded, the other failed, right?06:00
latagoresoreau: Pretty much06:00
soreaulatagore: Is there any way you can show more specs for the failed machine, graphics card, cpu, ram, etc?06:01
tanphucwhat version about linux06:01
whosjosetanphuc: what?06:01
html5tanphuc: try /exit06:01
soreautoo late06:01
Junior49MIinteresting - evening everyone. I am so happy... I found a printer driver that works with my Kodak ESO3500 all in one printer -06:02
latagoresoreau: Uh, I can only give you what I know, which might not be a lot; AMD Neo Athlon K125 (1.7 GHz, 512 mb L2 Cache (I think), 1 GB RAM, Radeon HD 4225, 250 gb HDD, 10.1" screen06:02
Junior49MIJust thought I wold share the news..06:02
latagoresoreau: if you need any more information, you can ask; just listed off the top of my head06:02
undifinedcongrats Junior49MI06:03
soreaulatagore: Hmm.. should be ok I think. Have you tried any different version of ubuntu to boot from?06:03
latagoresoreau: I have not06:03
ubuntu_ansicHow to develop a software like EVA ?06:03
latagoresoreau: Being a noob sucks :D06:04
ovrflw0xi installed hd 3470 driver from ati website and driver is not working well, in menus sometimes i have to move my mouse over to see what's in the menu, and i see black window instead of the actual window i have to hover my mouse over to see it, what settings should i change?06:04
Junior49MIA stable version of the driver was published actually yesterday, and is availble at Sourceforge, now they list it as a Kodak 5500 printer driver, but it works on the 3500 - print only no scan, but hey this is open-source and if WikiLeaks can get government secrets, I figure someone will eventually get source code from Kodak. LOL06:04
sacarlsonovrflw0x: I guess you can disable the propriatary drivers to at least get it working as good as before.06:05
Excell-Homeanybody able to help with a webcam that is installed but shows no image06:05
soreaulatagore: Well I'd be interested to know why it freezes on the boot. How long did you wait?06:05
latagoreThe second and fourth time I waited for over an hour06:05
ovrflw0xsacarlson, neither ubuntu driver from jockey nor the one downloaded and installed from ati website give super performance06:06
html5Excell-Home: what is the model of the webcam?06:06
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
whosjoseExcell-Home: model of web cam?06:06
latagoresoreau: Didn't atttach your name up and it freezes on the logon screen, just when the users pop up06:06
sacarlsonovrflw0x: well guess your stuck with opensource then.06:06
Excell-Homei have 2 one is a trust wb-3600r and the other is a microdia PC camera (sn9c110)06:06
Junior49MIWell guys take care - and adios...06:06
ovrflw0xsacarlson, where can i get opensource driver?06:07
latagoreGood day Junior06:07
dejnoihe he eh06:07
soreaulatagore: Right, it should not do that06:07
sacarlsonovrflw0x: just delete the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and reboot should do it.  maybe just rename it so you can go back.06:07
whosjoseExcell-Home: try installing Cheese Webcam06:07
sailerboyfacebook.com is down fyi06:08
whosjosen o way06:08
soreaulatagore: Perhaps you can try booting with nomodeset as a kernel parameter in the live menu by pressing Esc as soon as it boots06:08
html5whosjose: the first camera looks like it doesn't work with the kernel, but you could try Cheese Webcam as whosjose suggests06:08
Excell-Homei have that it shows the device video0 and video1 but its just a blank screen06:08
ovrflw0xsacarlson, opensource driver doesn't allow me to control "brightness" by "Fn" keys06:08
html5Excell-Home: does the picture mode work on it?06:09
latagoresoreau: I don't know how to do that =(06:09
soreaulatagore: You know when the thing starts booting from usb, then press esc button on your keyboard06:09
latagoresoreau: K06:09
soreaulatagore: It should enter into a list with some options06:09
sacarlsonovrflw0x: well your choice.  if you can put up with the problems you have now and still have brightness control.  can't that be changed in the monitor?06:09
Excell-Homeno picture just a grey screen06:09
ovrflw0xsacarlson, what do you mean? i have laptop not monitor06:10
sacarlsonovrflw0x: ok then no brightness control.06:10
latagoresoreau: Could not find kernel image06:10
html5Excell-Home: you are using the software package Cheese Webcam?06:10
soreaulatagore: You did something wrong...06:11
sacarlsonovrflw0x:  did you try looking for your hardware info in google for people with the same problem?06:11
Excell-Homecheese webcam booth06:11
soreaulatagore: Just press esc one time, then hit esc then select english and then hit e for edit06:11
Excell-Homealso there is no light on the web cam06:11
ovrflw0xsacarlson, i searched but couldn't find06:12
Excell-Homesorry i lie the green light is on06:12
soreaulatagore: Somewhere in there you can find the boot options and enable nomodeset06:12
latagoresoreau: It's at the menu with "Run from this CD, Install to hard disk...", is it not?06:12
sacarlsonovrflw0x: do you know how to get your hardware info of your graphic card?  lshw  or lspci.  if no other people have your problem maybe try create a new account and login to that see if your problem persists06:12
whosjoseExcell-home: So there's a green light but no picture?06:13
soreaulatagore: No it should say 'Try Ubuntu without making any changes to your computer' and 'Install Ubuntu'06:13
html5Excell-Home: if you have video0, the kernel is detecting it, if you have a green light on the camera, the camera is working, that would leave the software not working; maybe find different software to try the webcam with06:14
i0nicAnyone familiar with setting up gnome terminal to name the tab after the server I am currently on?06:14
latagoresoreau: I was approximating what it was saying; It says exactly: "Run Ubuntu from this USB, Install Ubuntu on a Hard Disk....."06:14
html5i0nic: maybe try ssh'ing to the machine (even locally)?06:15
dr0idhi guys, my PC is going too slow for the past few days, what should I do ?06:15
underdevhi.  i've looked at a bunch of tutorials, but i can't find the answer to the simple question "how do i switch from bash to zsh?"06:15
Excell-Homeany suggestions on software06:15
latagoresoreau: Are we talking about the same menu?06:15
sacarlsoni0nic: you mean at the cuser?  isn't that the default?06:15
underdevi can 'ps -p $$' to confirm i am in fact running bash and not zsh06:16
pfgdr0id: run top , run ps -fe figure out if it is a memory issue or something else06:16
dr0idpfg: ps -fe ?06:16
html5Excell-Home: cheese, camorama, kamoso06:17
pfgdr0id: ah, command line, very useful, lots of info mate06:17
Tempus_Fugit1ok so pidgin is working for now06:17
dr0idyeah wait06:17
dr0idgot a huge list06:17
pfgdr0id: Im going off a min but lots of help here06:17
dr0idmy pc is still working extremely slow06:17
froggymanhow can I get my installed programs to show up for every user on my installation?06:17
dr0idthings just get hanged06:17
dr0idpfg: no, wait :P06:17
i0nicsacarlson, trying to get it to display the current server I am on in the window title06:17
pfgdr0id: top, whats using the memory ?06:17
dr0idgive me a min06:18
pfgdr0id: can't im sorry but run top and at the top it shows memory usage06:18
Tempus_Fugit1dr0id: hey have you checked out the new app inventor from google?06:18
dr0idI just can't use anything, it's pretty slow06:18
latagoresoreau: I booted it by typing live nomodeset06:18
Tempus_Fugit1gotta check it out06:18
lelleis there a minimal ubuntu live cd?06:18
Excell-Homeok i will try06:18
dr0idI did ps -fe06:18
lelleor can the minimal ubuntu installation disc work as one?06:18
whosjoselelle: google works06:18
soreaulatagore: Yes from that menu, you have to press e IIRC06:18
sacarlsoni0nic: but what if you login to another system from there?  how could you change with window title if it's already open?06:18
html5Excell-Home: i'm out, whosjose might be able to continue to help you, best luck06:18
lellewhosjose so does #ubuntu, but better06:18
iammhi everyone, i'm trying to open a port for deluge, i've already set it up on the router to portforward but i still get the port closed when i check06:18
dr0idpfg: you there?06:18
Excell-Homeok thanks good luck06:18
whosjosenight html506:19
html5!google | whosjose06:19
ubottuwhosjose: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.06:19
i0nicsacarlson, i run tabs.06:19
latagoresoreau: I have got the system booted, but obviously only off the USB06:19
dr0idhey, anyone there who can tell me why my pc is sooooo slowwwwww ?06:19
whosjosehaha! got ya06:19
sacarlsoni0nic: wow it does change for me I didn't even know that06:19
whosjosedr0id: explain on what you mean is slow?06:19
i0nicsacarlson, lucky06:19
iammcould anyone help..06:19
whosjose!ask | iamm06:19
ubottuiamm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:20
lelleiamm ask your questio06:20
dr0idwhosjose: everything is working slow06:20
dr0idthings hanging06:20
dr0idright now, everything except pidgin has hanged06:20
iammi've already asked the question whosjose06:20
dr0idthe screen becomes messy when I drag some windows06:20
dr0idoff god06:20
sacarlsoni0nic: it must be the default in 10.0406:20
i0nicsacarlson, do me a favor, system->preferences->preferred applications->system what is your command?06:20
soreaulatagore: How did you get it to boot?06:20
iammscroll up please06:20
sacarlsoni0nic: ok moment06:20
i0nicsacarlson, using 10.04 :/06:20
latagoresoreau: I typed at the boot prompt "live nomodeset"06:20
dr0idANYONE please ?06:21
whosjoseiamm: there's to much going on.06:21
lelleiamm press the arrow up button and your last comment shows, and post it again, faster and easier than ask if someone can help i think06:21
ghettobillgatesanyon here develop for the androids?06:21
whosjosedr0id: PM me so I can help you directly, to much going on at once.06:21
sacarlsoni0nic: well this is what I ran gnome-terminal06:21
iammhi everyone, i'm trying to open a port for deluge, i've already set it up on the router to portforward but i still get the port closed when i check06:21
dr0idwhosjose: yeah, thanks06:21
soreaulatagore: Ok now you have to perform a similar task in the real install. Boot with "nomodeset radeon.modeset=0"06:21
dr0idwhosjose: I pmed you06:21
i0nicsacarlson, so with gnome terminal open.. you can ctrl-shift-t (to create a new tab) ssh to a server and it says what server you are on in the title? it doesnt say ubuntuuser@ubuntusystem06:22
sacarlsoni0nic: with execute flag -x06:22
i0nicsacarlson, ?06:22
latagoresoreau: So should I run live-install?06:22
soreaulatagore: No, take the usb out and boot normally06:23
sacarlsoni0nic: wow yes it does06:23
dr0idanyone there who can help me understand why my pc is working so slow ?06:23
i0nicdr0id, sudo apt-get install htop06:23
whosjoseiamm: are you running any software firewalls? have you tried to manually open ports?06:23
ghettobillgatesdr0id: do you do androdi06:24
i0nicsacarlson, for some reason I don't believe you =) that's crazy it works like that for you.06:24
latagoresoreau: I don't know how to have boot parameters at the GRUB screen06:24
m00tdr0id: dstat -ta 1006:24
sacarlsoni0nic: well I didn't login to another system but the tab did open06:24
dr0idi0nic: installed now ?06:24
i0nicdr0id, run it?06:24
soreaulatagore: Highlight the kernel entry you want, then press 'e'06:24
sacarlsoni0nic: I don't have another system to login at this time I would need to power up something else06:25
iammwhosjose, i've got no software firewalls installed or running,  though i don't know how to manually open the port on a linux desktop06:25
i0nicanyone here running 10.04 ?06:25
dr0idm00t: got some weird output06:25
latagoresoreau: where should I insert the parameters? Sorry for the trouble :\06:25
ghettobillgatesdr0id: what the fluxbox man06:25
ghettobillgateshate you06:25
dr0idwhy ?06:25
sacarlsoni0nic: I would try create a new account and see if it looks like mine.  I didn't change it.  so it must be from the default templates06:26
mneptok!anyone | i0nic06:26
ubottui0nic: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:26
soreaulatagore: At the end of the kernel line, like ro quiet splash radeon.modeset=006:26
i0nicmneptok, stop trolling me kty.06:26
sacarlsoni0nic: I'm running desktop 10.0406:26
whosjoseiamm: please pm me so i can help you directly06:26
mneptoki0nic: excuse me?06:26
whosjoseExcell-Home: did you fix the web cam?06:26
i0nicsacarlson, yeah but you dont have any systems to ssh into06:26
latagoresoreau: I am sorry; I don't know what you mean by kernel line :(06:26
sacarlsoni0nic: give me one to try and I will06:27
i0nicsacarlson, give you what? a shell account on a server?06:27
sacarlsoni0nic: yes06:27
mneptoki0nic: asking "is anyone" is a common issue in this channel. that's why that factoid exists.06:27
dr0idi0nic: m00t: I ran top and under %CPU it shows 100 for COMMAND firefox, does that means firefox is eating up all the memory?06:27
i0nicmneptok, squelched.06:27
i0nicdr0id, pkill -9 firefox06:27
dr0idi0nic: may I know what will that do? will that close all firefox?06:28
i0nicdr0id, ps -afx |grep firefox06:28
mneptoki0nic: please adjust your attitude.06:28
Excell-Homeno camorama says unable to capture image06:28
sacarlsoni0nic: wow I just tried to bring up my virtualbox to test my gnome-terminal but seems that's broken all my machines are missing06:28
dr0idi0nic: Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html06:29
dr0id 2538 ?        Rl    57:14  \_ /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.9/firefox --sm-config-prefix /firefox-SZDbpc/ --sm-client-id 1015e1bd19a1b2000128300477000000074080022 --screen 006:29
dr0id 3721 pts/1    S+     0:00      \_ grep --color=auto firefox06:29
Excell-Homeand kamso just a blank sceen also06:29
FloodBot2dr0id: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:29
whosjoseExcell-Home: what are the cam's again? Can you pm me it so it's easier.06:29
m00tdr0id: it means that firefox is taking the CPU. Could be a javascript or a plugin like flash.06:29
i0nicdr0id, next time instead of pasting in chat.. go search for wgetpaste06:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:29
dr0idI know about pastebins06:29
Gneai0nic: we support pastebinit here06:29
dr0idit's just that nothin is working06:29
i0nicdr0id, so do this pkill -9 372106:29
dr0idexcept this chat windows06:30
IdleOnei0nic: change your attitude to a less abrasive one please06:30
dr0idand konsole06:30
Gneai0nic: tell him what it means or don't bother06:30
dr0idi0nic: will that close all firefox? because I have important tabs opened06:30
i0nicdr0id, pkill --help06:30
latagoreHow can I add boot parameters at the GRUB interface06:30
mneptoki0nic: did you put me on /ignore? is that what you mean by "squelched?"06:30
Gnealatagore: with the 'e' command06:31
latagoreWhere do I put the parameters; the beginning or the end06:31
i0niclatagore, what do u mean by parameters.06:31
i0niclatagore, what file r u editing06:31
dr0idI never knew that firefox was such a memory sucker06:31
i0nicdr0id firefox sucks use links06:32
latagoresoreau told me to put nomodeset radeon.modeset=0 as boot parameters06:32
=== diva is now known as zerobinary
lellethats why google made their own browser instead of "using" firefox06:32
dr0idi0nic: links? never heard of it :P06:32
Flanneli0nic: Enough of that.  When helping, be helpful.06:32
Gneadr0id: it can be, but 3.6.8 isn't so bad06:32
i0nicdr0id, sudo apt-get install links06:32
dr0idI think I will have to use google chrome from now onwards06:32
i0nicdr0id, links --help06:32
dr0idI just used firefox, because when I reboot, the tabs are saved06:32
Gneai0nic: it would be to your advantage to not /ignore certain people06:32
lelledr0id: spyware :(06:33
dr0idthat does not happens with chrome06:33
lellewhat it doesnt that blows06:33
latagoreGnea: another user told me to add boot parameters to boot ubuntu06:33
Gnealatagore: are you able to get to the menu selection when grub boots?06:33
latagoreGnea: Yes06:34
Gnealatagore: okay, then you should be able to get to edit the selection with the 'e' keypress06:34
latagoreGnea: I'm just lost how to do what the other user told me06:35
m00ti0nic: you have forgot to mention lynx w3c curl wget....06:35
Gnealatagore: I didn't see what it was...06:35
Gneam00t: he's gone.06:35
latagoreGnea: He told me to use parameters "nomodeset radeon.modeset=0"06:35
soreaulatagore: end of the kernel line06:35
latagoresoreau: thanks06:35
latagoreSoreau: wait06:35
soreaulatagore: At the end of the kernel line, like 'kernel blah blah ... ro quiet splash radeon.modeset=0'06:36
m00tGnea: oh my..... :)06:36
Gnealatagore: okay, so when you go to 'e'dit the selection, just go to the line that starts with 'kernel' and go to the very end of it, and add those parameters06:36
latagoresoreau: If you mean literally "kernel" then there is no line with kernel06:36
Gnealatagore: there is always a line that starts with the word 'kernel'06:37
IdleOnelatagore: add it right after the line that has splash in it06:37
sacarlsonseems my virtualbox won't let me create a new system as well with      Result Code:   NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)   Component:   VirtualBox   Interface:   IVirtualBox {3f36e024-7fed-4f20-a02c-9158a82b44e6}06:37
m00tlatgore: vmlinuz...06:37
soreaulatagore: You can't boot without a kernel image of some kind. It doesn't have to be called kernel, the distro can call it anything. Something vmlinuz06:37
latagoreAlright, I just had no idea what it's called; I'm kind of noob at this ;-;06:38
latagoreas in really flipping noob06:38
mneptoklatagore: everyone is at some point.06:38
Gnealatagore: unless you're using grub2...06:38
Jordan_UGnea: With grub2 "linux" is used rather than "kernel".06:38
Gnealatagore: then it might start with 'linux'06:38
GneaJordan_U: :)06:38
soreauJordan_U: thanks06:39
Jordan_Usoreau: You're welcome.06:39
soreaulatagore: See Jordan_U's comment above06:39
latagoreJordan_U: Apparently it's v1.98, but it's still linux; but at least I've gotten past the error06:40
Gneaawesome, group effort06:40
Microman171Just wondering, can I use a DVD as the installer for Ubuntu 10.04 64bit?06:41
soreaulatagore: Now, when you do this, it will only last until next time you reboot. There are ways to make it 'stick' but this is not a real solution so you should install a newer kernel and userspace to avoid the problem06:41
GneaMicroman171: I do believe so06:41
Microman171Gnea: Thanks mate06:41
latagoreGnea, soreau, Jordan_U: Thank you for your help. It's been pretty difficult figuring out how to do this, being lost and all. Not sure this is the end of my problems in which case I'll visit the channel again. I have to go from lack of sleep. Bye, and thanks again!06:41
GneaMicroman171: they make a DVD image06:41
Jordan_UMicroman171: Yes, there are DVD images which include extra packages and alternate install options, and you can also use the standard CD image on a DVD.06:41
dr0idthanks guys, problem was FIREFOX :P06:42
* nuk [Status: Away (homework)06:42
latagoresoreau: I'll write down your advice06:42
Gnealatagore: cheers06:42
jca1981Hi everyone when using grub2 how do i specify my root like "linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/mapper/linux-root ro"06:42
Microman171Jordan_U: So it's a special image?  Not just the basic one from the site?06:42
soreaulatagore: If all else fails, get the maverick release in October!06:42
Microman171I'll hunt around for a DVD version06:42
dr0idI have another question, I installed kubuntu back in may, it worked good for about 3 months since then it's not working good, for example when I delete some file it takes more than a min to delete it, why so ?06:42
Jordan_UMicroman171: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#dvd06:43
Microman171Jordan_U: Just found that.  Thanks mate06:43
Jordan_UMicroman171: You're welcome.06:44
whosjosedr0id: some files are larger then others, thus making it longer to delete/move/copy/etc06:44
dr0idwhosjose: no, even 1kb files take the same time to delete06:44
dr0idit used to get deleted as soon as I pressed delete button from keyword few weeks ago06:44
dr0idbut now it doesn't06:44
dr0idthough shift+del works superfats06:45
dr0idsuperfast* but that aint a solution06:45
m00tdr0id: move the data to ext406:45
dr0idm00t: what does that mean? :P06:45
Jordan_Udr0id: Can you open a terminal and run "time sync" and tell me what the value for "real" time is?06:46
dr0idreal    0m0.481s06:46
dr0iduser    0m0.000s06:46
dr0idsys     0m0.020s06:46
latagoresoreau: I can now log in but someone asked me to remove Nautilus; I'm getting a black screen and then back to the user interface06:46
dr0idJordan_U: ^^06:46
whosjosedr0id: the time's good i believe06:47
soreaulatagore: user interface? You mean login screen?06:47
latagoresoreau: Sorry about that; yes06:47
m00tdr0id: it means that you should backup your partition, then format with ext4 then restore the ackup06:47
latagoresoreau: I'm not sure if removing nautilus could have been a problem*06:47
Jordan_Udr0id: Ok, it doesn't sound like you actually have a lot of IO currently that would make things run slowly. Is it only "deleting" files that takes a long time or is it other things as well. (I put deleting in quotes because it sounds like it's moving files to the trash that's taking a long time, for whatever reason).06:48
soreaulatagore: Can you switch to tty with Ctrl+Alt+F2 then login and run 'sudo chmod -x /usr/bin/compiz' then go back with Ctrl+Alt+F7 and try again?06:48
dr0idJordan_U: the slow issue is fixed( about which I was talking few minsa ago) firefox was taking up memory, I fixed it06:48
dr0idthe issue now is related to deletion of files to trash06:48
dr0idwhich has been happening since last few weeks06:48
dr0idwhen I delete a file, it takes lot of time, more than 1-2 mins06:49
latagoresoreau: I believe my computer is screwed over again :] I have a black screen from hitting ctrl alt f206:49
m00tdr0id: is it size dependent?06:49
dr0idnot at all06:49
soreaulatagore: ugh, you didn't get a hold of those proprietary fglrx graphics drivers did you?06:50
dr0ideven 1kb file takes lot of time to delete06:50
S4ryHello Ubuntu06:50
dr0idbut shift+del works superfast06:50
latagoresoreau: I haven't even heard of it :\06:50
latagoresoreau: I may give up and wait for the next Ubuntu release06:50
soreaulatagore: I guess next logical step would be to boot into recovery mode and investigate06:50
S4ryCan someone take a look here , if you have a clue please share http://bit.ly/cIG5uG06:51
soreaulatagore: Yea might be easier for you since it sounds like you hosed this one06:51
m00tdr0id: may be you need dir_index on fs.How many files are in that folder??06:51
latagoresoreau: Thanks for the help. Trying to set up something you don't understand is too frustrating! =( Later06:52
dr0idm00t: any file deletion takes a lot of time06:52
hypatiahey folks, has anyone run into an issue with software raid where speeds are variable (as in, go up and down)?06:52
hypatiathis is on a new machine with 4 drives in raid506:52
hypatiaand ubuntu 10.04, i should note06:53
whosjosehypatia: no06:54
m00thypatia: sounds like a cache is involved. How do you test?06:54
IdleOnewhosjose: if you don't know then don't answer06:55
jrtaylorivMy sound mixer icon disappeared from my panel. My transmission bittorrent icon and battery meter also don't appear. It seems like some sort of panel that displays these sorts of icons is missing. xchat shows up, and my wireless signal meter shows up, though ...06:55
jrtaylorivWhat could cause this?06:55
Jordan_Ujrtayloriv: Add the "Indicator Applet"06:55
hypatiam00t: what do you mean "like a cache is involved"06:55
jrtaylorivJordan_U, Thanks :)06:56
Jordan_Ujrtayloriv: You're welcome.06:56
jrtaylorivHave a good night.06:56
hypatiam00t: tested with sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sda06:56
hypatiam00t: multiple tests, getting widely different results06:56
hypatiaand rebuilds have gone up from 9 minutes to 5006:56
m00tDisc cache, controller cache.... you have to try to disable or flush them prior to test06:58
hypatiam00t: with software raid?06:58
m00tI do not know your hardware....06:58
hypatiam00t: in this case it's software raid, as i said :)06:59
m00tTry to test with iometer or at least with dd06:59
hypatiam00t: will do06:59
asdf_baronI'm connecting to the internet through a router.  My girlfriend's windows computer has a flawless connection, whereas mine fails to load only certain sites, such as gmail, and can't log into msn.  Is it possible ubuntu's to blame?06:59
=== whosjose is now known as whosjose[busy]
m00tIt could be defective sectors that are remapped. Check also smart tools07:00
m00tCheck dmesg and test with a differnt kernel too07:01
sacarlsonasdf_baron:  I would probly bet it's a DNS thing.07:01
asdf_baronso what do should I do?07:02
sacarlsonasdf_baron:  is msn the only site that fails?07:02
m00tasdf_baron: check if theISP is not blocking all ICMP like the one used for path MTU discovery07:03
iammanyone could help, i'm still trying to open a port for deluge, i've already set it up on the router to portforward but i still get the port closed when i check07:03
sacarlsonasdf_baron: oh gmail also.  do you have java installed?07:03
hypatiam00t: already checked smart, no errors.  brand new drives.07:03
hypatiawe'll try a different kernel07:03
asdf_baronI think so.. It's a pretty vanilla ubuntu set up07:03
hypatiathanks for your help, m00t07:03
asdf_baronI feel like I'm having problems mostly with secure sites07:03
hypatiathey are on to you, asdf_baron07:03
m00tElcome hypatia07:04
froggymanhow can I get my installed programs to show up for every user on my installation?07:04
hypatiam00t: another canuck, i see :)07:04
sacarlsonasdf_baron: well google.com isn't secured.  so you can do google search?07:04
iammi've got this error on canyouseeme.org - "Reason: No route to host"07:05
asdf_baronI can access lifehacker in firefox, which doesn't log into my account automatically, but not in chromium, which does.  Same goes for youtube.07:05
asdf_baronIf I do try to login, it just hangs infinitely07:05
sacarlsonasdf_baron: I don't think java is installed on ubuntu by default07:05
asdf_baronbut facebook does work, oddly enough07:05
asdf_baronthe thing is, these websites work on other networks, which seem to indicate that my network is causing the problem.  But how come all the other computers don't have the same problem?07:06
el_seanodoes fsck work on ext4 filesystems?07:06
sacarlsonasdf_baron:  try this site http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml  if that don't work you need java07:07
asdf_baronWhat seems to not work is any type of authentication, so like logging in to various websites.07:07
oscillocamfrogman: install under /usr/local/ so all can access07:07
asdf_baron"Your Java is working"07:07
sacarlsonasdf_baron: ok that's not it07:08
asdf_baronis there anything I can test to see if authentication is broken07:08
asdf_baronor maybe https?07:08
sacarlsonasdf_baron: well my site has https but my cert is expired07:09
glamvianhai all07:09
asdf_baronhttps://google.com just redirects to normal http google07:10
asdf_baronsomehow facebook is the only website I can log into07:10
S4ryAnyone running Ubuntu on Toshiba with Intel 82852/855 graphics card07:10
* el_seano :|/part07:10
sacarlsonasdf_baron: so what is the full path of a broken site for you.07:11
oscillocamel_seano: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118166107:12
asdf_baronmy isp's support guys like telling me I clearly have a virus.  I doubt they understand when I tell them I'm running Ubuntu07:12
sacarlsonasdf_baron: that page never comes up or just won't take your login.  it comes up ok for me.07:13
asdf_baronit just loads indefinitely07:13
asdf_baronbut never gets anywhere07:13
sacarlsonasdf_baron: what is that a bookmark?07:13
asdf_baronIt gets stuck at Redirecting07:13
asdf_baronno, the link is just what I get when trying to log in07:14
asdf_baronbut actually07:14
asdf_baronnow the URL is07:14
asdf_baronIt's just Waiting for www.google.ca, forever07:14
lelleive installe xmltv-gui so how to start it? xmltv-gui says no command found07:14
sacarlsonasdf_baron: how long has this been doing this?07:15
asdf_baronfew weeks now07:15
asdf_baronBut like I said, this happens exclusively on my home network07:16
vaibhavon my mac book I get unable to find meduim that contain live filesystem. I burned 10.04,i386 on dvd07:16
asdf_baronwhether through the router or modem, wired or wireless07:16
asdf_baronBut not with other computers07:16
sacarlsonasdf_baron: can you ping google.ca ?07:16
asdf_baronI can.07:17
JosesordoHi all07:17
jinvinHi room07:17
sacarlsonasdf_baron:  did you try chrome ?07:18
asdf_baronI've tried chromium, midori, firefox, namoroka07:18
asdf_baronI doubt it's a browser issue07:18
asdf_baronthe odd thing is, apart from those few websites, my connection seems flawless07:19
asdf_baronwebsites load fast, downloads are good07:19
lellei downloaded xmltv-gui and cant start it using xmltv-gui, says command not found.. how to run find out how to run it?07:19
sacarlsonasdf_baron:  I don't understand it but you might try install bind907:20
asdf_baronwhat's that?07:20
sacarlsonasdf_baron: it's a dns server07:20
DaveSiberiaHi, have a problem with lucid, it stops the boot with message - ubuntu using low res mode, it wants me to manually configure graphics, but then will not let me.07:20
sacarlsonasdf_baron: seems you protocal work you an login to facebook so the only think I can think of is that it fails to dns lookup some sites07:20
asdf_baronso how do I setup bind907:21
asdf_baronjust install it?07:21
sacarlsonasdf_baron: oh another way to test without bind9 is try change /etc/resolv.conf to a opendns address07:21
sacarlsonasdf_baron: lets try opendns first07:21
jinvinyou may try with
jinvingoogle's open dns07:21
jinvinor works better than the opendns07:22
asdf_baronbut right now my nameserver is aka my router07:22
asdf_baronis that right?07:22
asdf_baronso. should work regardless?07:23
sacarlsonasdf_baron: yes that would be correct but we will change it to
asdf_baronnow that I've edited resolv.conf do i need to restart any services07:23
sacarlsonasdf_baron: I got that from http://www.opendns.com/07:23
asdf_baronsacarlson: solid.  Now that it's edited, what's the next step?07:24
sacarlsonasdf_baron: well you can test it with dig yahoo.com07:24
m00tasdf_baron: It is not a dns issue. Change the mtu on the eth interface to a lower value.07:24
sacarlsonasdf_baron: to verify it now uses the new dns server by default07:25
asdf_baronm00t: How do I change the mtu value?07:25
asdf_baronand sacarlson, yaho.com works with the new dns, but gmail still doesn't07:25
m00twith ifconfig07:25
asdf_barondoes it matter that it's wlan and not eth?07:26
sacarlsonasdf_baron: dig gmail.com  fails?07:26
asdf_baronbut then again, gmail.com always loaded07:27
asdf_baronI just can't sign in07:27
asdf_baronm00t: what do you suggest I change MTU to? It's currently set at 150007:27
sacarlsonasdf_baron: close your browser reopen and try again.  also try clear your cache07:27
sacarlsonasdf_baron: MTU?  what is that?07:27
asdf_baronsacarlson: no clue. m00t suggested I lower its value07:28
deathanatosasdf_baron: Did "dig gmail.com" fail? (you gave two conflicting answers...)07:29
asdf_baronsorry.  dig gmail.com does not fail07:30
lellehow to list all commands so i can grep them?07:30
sacarlsonasdf_baron: well I found out what it is and how to change it but I never needed to before.07:30
asdf_baronafter lowering my mtu (can't say that this is what solved it, gmail seems to be working.07:31
sacarlsonasdf_baron: cool07:31
intraNutlelle: press the tab twice07:31
asdf_baroncould also just be a fluke07:31
sacarlsonasdf_baron: what do you use wifi?07:31
lelleintraNut: thanks but how to grep them ?07:31
asdf_baronbut I've had the same problem on ethernet07:31
sacarlsonasdf_baron: oh but you never tested the dns first07:31
sacarlsonasdf_baron:  so change that back to verify07:32
m00tasdf_baron the problem is your isp or your router which filters icmp packets07:32
asdf_baronprobly my isp07:32
asdf_baronwhat are icmp packets?07:32
m00tControl messages07:32
sacarlsonm00t: isn't icmp only for ping echo?07:33
asdf_baronalso, I changed my mtu to 1000.  What value would you suggest07:33
deathanatossacarlson: No, it has other functionality.07:33
m00tSome icmps can be harmful some are used in pfull07:33
m00tICMP ECHO and ICMP ECHO REPLY are only two types07:34
George_eI'm having trouble getting a DisplayLink monitor to work with Ubuntu - when I load the displaylink module, X11 crashes.07:34
George_e^--- segmentation fault07:35
sacarlsonm00t: deathanatos: cool case closed. so what is the default value then mine seems set at 1500.07:35
m00tasdf_baron http://www.dslreports.com/faq/579307:35
nisstyre65George_e: make sure you have the latest version of the module?07:36
nisstyre65report it as a bug if it's the latest07:36
sacarlsonm00t: is that mtu  I think it's set by the dhcp sever?07:36
George_enisstyre65: I compiled it from scratch.07:36
George_enisstyre65: Still nothing.07:36
nisstyre65George_e: was there a special make command the README file said to use or something?07:36
m00tNope it is the default for ethernet07:36
nisstyre65segfault means it tried to access some part of memory it wasn't allowed07:37
m00t1500 is the maximum frame size07:37
George_enisstyre65: I know. I'm a programmer :) There was no README in the archive I downloaded.07:37
nisstyre65ok, I'd report it then07:37
George_enisstyre65: Where... Launchpad?07:38
George_enisstyre65: or somewhere else?07:38
nisstyre65where did you get it from?07:38
m00tJumbo frames can be higher. Those are for 1g and 10g ethernet07:38
asdf_baronThanks alot for your help guys07:38
George_enisstyre65: http://libdlo.freedesktop.org/wiki/displaylink-mod07:39
deathanatosStill seems like a mighty kludge of a solution.07:39
nisstyre65George_e: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/07:41
itsux2bui'm curious.. i've seen some *nix versions of popular windows 3rd-party apps.. like Audicity (whatever its called) and VLC..  does anyone know the developers keep separate sets of code for windows vs *nix.. or there 'compilers' where you write it once and it produces executables for both?  does this question make sense?07:42
itsux2bu*know if the developers07:42
George_eitsux2bu: Ya, developers use cross-platform frameworks like wxWidgetd ant Qt to write the code.07:42
nisstyre65itsux2bu: first of all, I think those were originall Unix utilities, secondly, the parts of the code that use the C/C++ "Standard Library" are portable07:42
George_eitsux2bu: *wxWidgets07:43
nisstyre65parts that rely on other programs that are Unix or windows only aren't07:43
nisstyre65also what George_e said07:44
George_eitsux2bu: Audacity was written in wxWidgets - all that is necessary is to compile it on the platofrm of choice and the conditional #define's take care of the rest.07:44
itsux2bunisstyre65, sry.. my bad.. coming from windows world i assumed they were windows first.. sry07:44
George_eThat's okay.07:44
deathanatositsux2bu: Somebody wrote a chunk of code known as a "library" that basically smooths out the differences between the two operating systems, and allows a developer to write one set of code that compiles on two operating systems.07:44
deathanatosSometimes you have to smooth out a few more wrinkles yourself, but libraries such as wxWidgets and Qt are two that allow a coder to do cross-platform GUI stuff.07:45
m00tAdd tk too07:46
deathanatostk, Gtk+, the list goes on...07:46
nogienugzhi, has anybody tried using winetricks in installing IE? i'm having problems with it..07:46
itsux2buthx all.. deathanatos, i have heard of 'cross compliers'.. didn't know if that term was for consumers apps or just for big companies like intel/microsoft/apple.. and was more CPU 'cross compilers'07:47
scottf2nogienugz: try this buddy - http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-run-microsoft-internet-explorer-7-6-55-51-in-linux/07:47
deathanatosA cross compiler is a compiler that lives on one type of machine, but compiles for another. I might run, in Linux, a compiler that compiles for a calculator.07:47
nisstyre65Can you even compile a binary that will run on two different CPUs?07:47
thisGuyDudehow do you install a .sh file07:48
nisstyre65thisGuyDude: you don't, run it by doing ./somefile.sh07:48
deathanatosnisstyre65: Yes- Apple did this with "Universal binaries" - they ran on both a PPC and Intel's x8607:48
scottf2thisGuyDude: chmod a+x filename.sh07:48
nisstyre65deathanatos: amazing07:48
scottf2then, as nisstrye65 said, ./filename.sh07:48
deathanatosTypically, you need some sort of support or help from the OS to get this to work, but it is certainly possible.07:49
itsux2bunisstyre65, exactly.. so cross compilers applies to both hardware.. (CPU's) and software apps too..07:49
scottf2sorry, chmod a-x*07:49
nisstyre65itsux2bu: I don't know if the same term applies to both07:49
itsux2buok.. so concepts are similar.. whatever the terms used..07:50
deathanatosA cross compiler typically compiles for either a different architecture (a different chip) than the one it is running on, and/or a different operating system. A compiler running on Linux on an Intel compiling for Windows on an Intel (same chip, different OS) can be considered a cross compiler07:50
el_seanois there a way to get Ubuntu to automatically unmount removable media when I eject it from the hardware?07:51
deathanatosIt's mostly a loose idea that "this compiler doesn't compile for the thing that is running it"07:51
nogienugzscottf2, i've tried that already, and then, tried winetricks too, but i cant' get it to work. I've installed version 1.3 of wine already.. but, no success.07:52
scottf2nogienugz: can you describe the errors you're having?07:52
Simone_good morning07:53
nogienugzwait, i've posted in a thread in ubuntu forums. lemme get the link.07:53
Simone_I'm new with Ubuntu and I'm experimenting problem installing it on a raid1 system.07:53
=== PsyTrance_ is now known as PsyTrance
Simone_Grub does not  wont  to install and I am not able to boot the system07:54
Simone_Anybody can guide me ?07:55
nogienugzscottf2, there's the link for the post: ==> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155778307:55
oscillocamSimone: i recently had to use Lilo for booting on raid07:55
nogienugzscottf2, i also included some snapshots of that error..07:56
Simone_Oscillocam: can u please tell me how, or link me a guide ?07:56
oscillocamyou could install grub to both devices but not md007:56
Simone_Look, i don't know what md0 is07:57
oscillocamthat's ur raid1 device07:57
Simone_I'm installing the last vesion of ubunt in a nvidia raid07:57
Simone_The installation goes crrectly, but the boot wont works07:58
oscillocamaahh yeah, nvida raids dont work well07:58
oscillocamu should turn off hdwr raid and use linux software raid07:58
Simone_there is a strange behaviour of ubuntu: even if I disable the raid in bios, I'm not able to install ubunut on a single disk08:00
oscillocamsounds like a bigger problem of hdwr support08:00
itsux2buwhats an incremental search  or  incremental backup?08:01
oscillocamany way to try a different comp08:01
oscillocammaybe check ur bois for the boot order08:02
oscillocamsounds like ur bois is set to look for the wrong boot08:02
=== ara_ is now known as ara
Jordan_USimone_: Ubuntu detects Fake RAID and refuses to install to it (as writing to an array that it doesn't understand could lead to severe data loss). If you use the "nodmraid" option this check will be disabled.08:03
nogienugzscottf2, were you able to open the link? i'm alrealdy wondering that the error is really with wine...08:04
oscillocamitsux2bu: usually means to include files changed since last incremental bkup.08:05
Jordan_USimone_: Or, if it does understand the RAID metadata it will assemble it and try to install to it as an array. "nodmraid" will also stop this.08:05
whosjose[busy]Goodnight all08:05
scottf2nogiengz: yes, however I am not sure what the issue might be - installing a VM is probably the best option I would say....08:06
marcellowhat comand for enter in irc ubuntu italia?08:06
Flannelmarcello: /join #ubuntu-it08:06
whosjose[busy]'/join #ubuntu-it08:06
oscillocam'nite all...08:06
nogienugzscottf2,, i see.. what app for VM would you recommend?08:07
Simone_Jordan_U: the point is: now I have ubuntu installed in mirror, but if I want to work with it, I've to disablethe array and go with only one disk. I hink that if I would be able to set up gru on the otherdisk everithingwill be ok08:08
nogienugzscottf2, I mean, there are several VM available out there, base on the what you've tried which one would you recommend?, this will be my first time to try it....08:09
scottf2I would recommend VirtualBox - free, and supports almost everything!08:09
nogienugzok, i'll give that one a try. tnx!08:09
scottf2no problem! :)08:10
Jordan_USimone_: Why do you have to disable the array to work with your Ubuntu install?08:10
=== side is now known as Uncle_Djo
hoarehi guys.08:11
smartnaijahello house I NEED HELP PLEASEE08:12
hoarehow can I 'dim' display after some seconds without mouse movement.08:12
hoaresmartnaija: just write your question.08:12
Simone_Jordan_U: It sems that  Ubuntu orrectly is installed on both dsks (mirror) butgrub is configred badly. So if I beak the array and go with the onlydisk configured .. g08:12
itsux2buseems like backup management is an art into itself..08:12
el_seanohoare: I believe that's under System->Preferences->Power Management08:12
smartnaijaMessed up with my GRUB2  and all files are missing cannot boot08:12
Simone_Jordan_U:  Is it more clear now ?08:12
Jordan_USimone_: Could you describe the symptoms you are seeing?08:13
hoareel_seano: I do not want screen to be black, I want it to decrase brightness.08:13
Jordan_Usmartnaija: What did you do exactly?08:13
hoareel_seano: oh here it is thanks08:13
Simone_Jordan_U:  Simply after install, I  reboot but the system wont boot. It does only if I disable the raid from Bios.08:14
el_seanohoare: :D08:14
hoareel_seano: it is written very small :P08:15
hoareabhinav_singh: oh I follow your blog. it is nice to see you here, nice coincidence.08:15
smartnaijaJordan_U: can't remember exactly08:15
hoareabhinav_singh: I'm a fan of your blog.08:15
Jordan_USimone_: Is there a reason that you want to use Fake RAID rather than regular software RAID?08:15
smartnaijabut all i could say is that i was on ubuntu environment trying to update08:15
Simone_So tell me what I have to do08:16
Simone_I've burnd the alernate version of the last ubuntu08:16
DocPlatypusokay, really vexing problem here. /home keeps getting renamed to /home.1 and I'd like to know why and most importantly how to stop it?08:16
el_seanoDocPlatypus: Renamed on reboot?08:17
DocPlatypusel_seano: no, in mid-login08:17
Simone_And I'm going to reinstall08:17
smartnaijaJordan_U: and then a menu pop up asking to update replace grub and mistakely i clicked "yes"08:17
DocPlatypusall of a sudden Firefox quits accepting search queries, and all sorts of bizarre things08:17
el_seanoDocPlatypus: huh.  Is your home folder on a partition defined in /etc/fstab?08:17
DocPlatypusel_seano: /home is under /. I have just / and swap08:17
smartnaijaJordan_U: and after work, I shut down and WOAH...(grub rescue>) shows up08:17
DocPlatypusI'm not sure if it's the kernel doing it or some other program somewhere. but it's getting old08:18
smartnaijaJordan_U: so i was able to get it back to (grub>) but all files in /boot/grub are missing and some files in /boot are missing too08:18
nukmehi, i have a problem with x11 forwarding under lucid server. $DISPLAY and $HOST variable are empty and i get error :  cant open display -because its not set, sshd_config :x11 forwarding enabled08:18
smartnaijaCAN ANYONE HELP08:18
Jordan_U!helpme | smartnaija08:18
ubottusmartnaija: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude08:18
spyketomatoHELP!!!! My laptop has, for no reason that I can see, booted into  initramfs and I don't know what to do???08:19
dr0idhey guys, I have just 2 instance of firefox running now but still it's taking 100% cpu memory, why so ? :(08:19
spyketomatousing lucid vanilla (aka not netbook)08:19
smartnaijaubottu: thanks appreciate08:19
Jordan_USimone_: Then I would recommend disabling Fake RAID in the BIOS and use mdraid instead. If the installer still see the Fake RAID then press F6 at the boot menu and select "nodmraid".08:20
dr0idhey guys, I have just 2 instance of firefox running now but still it's taking 100% cpu memory, why so ? :(08:20
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude08:20
nukmehi, i have a problem with x11 forwarding under lucid server. $DISPLAY and $HOST variable are empty and i get error :  cant open display -because its not set, sshd_config :x11 forwarding enabled08:20
scottf2droid: killall -9 firefox08:20
dr0idscottf2: will that close all my firefox ?08:20
scottf2will kill all instances, yes08:20
nukmehi, i have a problem with x11 forwarding under lucid server. $DISPLAY and $HOST variable are empty and i get error :  cant open display -because its not set, sshd_config :x11 forwarding enabled08:20
dr0idscottf2: but I have important tabs opened08:20
Jordan_Usmartnaija: Do you have a separate /boot partition?08:21
smartnaijaso what can i do to resolve issue..any article to help?08:21
scottf2*HOPEFULLY* Firefox will recover them for you08:21
dr0idscottf2: ok, lets try then :)08:21
scottf2hehe good luck08:21
spyketomatoHELP!!!! My laptop has, for no reason that I can see, booted into  initramfs and I don't know what to do???  I have so much important data on this laptop and i'm afraid that it's all possibly gone??08:21
DeathShotyay people08:22
DeathShotany one here?08:22
smartnaijaJordan_U: explain08:22
Simone_Jordan_U : so all I've to do is disabiling the raid in the bios and go with the normal installation, right ?08:22
smartnaijai installed windows vista on C: and Ubuntu on E: using wubi method08:22
DeathShotthere are people here :D08:22
Jordan_Uspyketomato: Please stop using caps, extra punctuation, or anything else other than simply stating your question.08:23
spyketomatoSorry Jordan_U - just kinda freaking out ;)08:23
DeathShotI always feel Like I'm getting ignored when I come online to this channel08:23
dr0idscottf2: lovely :)08:23
Jordan_USimone_: You might also have to use the nodmraid option from the boot menu.08:24
dr0idscottf2: so I think you can also tell me that when I delete a file, why does it takes 1-2 mins to get deleted?08:24
dr0idyes recovered08:24
DeathShotyo here is a legit question, is ubuntu for powerPC macs stable?08:24
scottf2dr0id: I am not sure about this - how large is the file? Is your system low on resources?08:24
dr0idlol, it's using 7% no :P08:24
spyketomatoMy lucid laptop (not netbook edition) has, for no reason that I can see, booted into  initramfs and I don't know what to do?  I have so much important data on this laptop and i'm afraid that it's all possibly gone? I received no error messages at my last session, that I know of.08:24
* dreamtraveler mera08:24
dr0idscottf2: any file, be it 1kb or 1mb or watever08:24
dr0idit takes a lot of time to get deleted, it used to be fast few weeks ago, but not anymore08:25
dr0iddreamtraveler: mera ?08:25
Simone_Jordan_U : could you exaplin me what nodmraid does ?08:25
spyketomatoIt's as if the hard drive is not mounting?08:25
scottf2Maybe try a restart :) I ahve to go now, but will be back later08:25
scottf2best of luck08:25
dr0idscottf2: no08:26
dreamtravelerum sorry i did a /ame08:26
dr0idrestart also doesn't works08:26
dreamtravelermera = good morning in short08:26
spyketomatoit boots into BusyBox built-in shell08:26
DeathShotok so no one here wants to talk :(08:26
smartnaijai have located a /boot on my  e: drive08:27
Jordan_USimone_: dmraid is the software that works with Fake RAID (because it's not truly hardware RAID at all, you still need to do all the work in software). Disabling dmraid with the nodmraid option will make sure that the installer doesn't try to install as if Fake RAID were enabled in the BIOS.08:27
smartnaijawhat sould i do next to restore my grub208:28
Simone_Jordan_U : very thanks!08:28
Jordan_USimone_: You're welcome.08:28
DrManhattanwhy do you say its fake raid? the drives show up as raid devices in the OS08:28
Jordan_UDrManhattan: No, they don't. The OS sees individual drives, and assembles the array itself.08:29
DrManhattannot here on an ich10r it doesn't08:29
Jordan_UDrManhattan: Then you don't have Fake RAID :)08:29
nukmeNEED HELP i have a problem with x11 forwarding under lucid server. $DISPLAY and $HOST variable are empty and i get error :  cant open display -because its not set, sshd_config :x11 forwarding enabled08:32
foureight84this is really weird. when i change the volume with my hotkeys and i start typing shortly after, my volume randomly goes up or down08:32
foureight84anyone experiencing the same thing?08:33
ikonianukme: did you use ssh -X to ssh into the machine ?08:33
smartnaijawill come back later..cheers to everyone08:33
foureight84i'm on a laptop; vaio sz33008:33
smartnaijanice one08:33
nukmeof course08:33
nukmeno problem08:33
ikonianukme: what do you mean "no problem"08:33
nogienugzbye guys!08:33
S_AHi! All08:34
S_Aearlier i heared about AEE (Android Execution Environment) on ubuntu.08:34
nukmessh -X -v says everything is working fine, but DISPLAY AND HOST variable are empty or not set08:34
S_Aany update08:34
meLon_laptopI'm getting this error when installing php5-intl: php5-intl: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.2-1ubuntu4) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 is to be installed08:34
ikoniaS_A: no08:34
S_Asince long time there is not update seen. Any work still going on ??08:34
malditohelp with compiz08:34
ikoniaS_A: it's not developed by ubuntu08:35
sudobatwassup maldito?08:35
malditoi have a lil problem with compiz08:35
malditocant get it to work08:35
ikonianukme: so when you do echo $DISPLAY it returns null08:35
nukmeikonia: debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey08:35
nukmedebug1: Next authentication method: publickey08:35
nukmedebug1: Offering public key: /home/sascha/.ssh/id_rsa08:35
nukmedebug1: Server accepts key: pkalg ssh-rsa blen 27708:35
nukmedebug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).08:35
FloodBot2nukme: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:35
nukmedebug1: channel 0: new [client-session]08:35
S_Aikonia: was not it an effort by canonical ??08:35
sudobatyou installed compizconfig-settings?08:35
malditoyeah i did08:35
sudobatand you can change your desktop effects from none to normal?08:36
S_Aikonia: I came across this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/AndroidExecutionEnvironment08:36
nukmeits just empty08:36
malditoyeah cant get them to change08:36
nukme$host and $display08:37
sudobatso you don't have graphic card drivers08:37
sudobatI think08:37
S_Aikonia: but it was also last update don 26th May08:37
sudobatmaldito, which graphic card do you have?08:37
malditoi do it was detected by ubuntu and install it automatic08:37
ikoniaS_A: so contact canonical08:37
nukmeif i set it manually by export  its not empty but still same error, cant open display08:37
sudobatso you should be able to change desktop effects08:38
malditoi put the recomendet one08:38
ikonianukme: have you restarted sshd after configuring X forwardig onthe server, have you also made sure X11 forwarding is enabled in ssh_config08:38
sudobatI had some trouble with nvidia drivers08:38
sudobatmaybe if you try to play a little with drivers you get it08:39
malditookay ill be back need to restart and do everythang agian08:39
sudobatyou installed linux-backports-...-generic?08:39
sacarlsonmaldito: can you run System>administration>nvidia X server settings ?08:39
nukmei did a server restart, a sshd restart and x11 forwarding is enables in ssh_config and sshd_config. and its not a problem with client, its working on other machines08:39
nukmexauth is installed08:39
Usagiok I have a quick question, when I open a MP3 file it opens with movie player by default instead of rhythmbox even if I tell it to do it every time, how do I fix this?08:40
ikonianukme: that's interesting, I'd certainly not expect DISPLAY to be empty on that08:40
sacarlsonsudobat: I had problems too.  I installed them but they didn't activate themselves.  had to create the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.08:40
pLrUsagi, system -> preferences -> preferred applications08:41
nukmeyep, and there is nothing in any forum ..believe i searched in german and english nearly the whole net before coming here..08:41
ikonianukme: what happens if you manually set DISPLAY08:41
UsagipLr, it is set to rhythmbox yet it still does it08:41
nukmeits lucid server, there was no x installed, but i also tried to install that08:41
Usagithis is one of the most annoying things in the world lol08:42
pLrUsagi, there will be a case for each file type .mp3 .wma etc.. check all types08:42
=== ZNC_DoubleString is now known as DoubleString
ikonianukme: well, having an X environment is pretty important to X11 forwarding, so thats a good thing to do08:42
nukmei was not sure but i tried export display localhost:0.0 and 10.0 and export display clientip:10.0 still same error08:42
pLrnukme, what is your error msg?08:43
=== DoubleString is now known as ZNC_DoubleString
ikonianukme: you'll need to run xhost + on the machine before that can work08:43
nukmei tried that aswell xhost:  unable to open display ""08:44
=== ZNC_DoubleString is now known as DoubleString
ikonianukme: on the client ?08:44
DoubleStringhey all08:44
ajdrapperHi, I am on Ubuntu 10.04. My daughter wants to listen to wretchedradio.com. The listen up tab opens the a new window with the address http://www.wretchedradio.com/mediaplayer.cfm# my computer opens the window and then does nothing, my daughters computer opens a new window and then a message about needing a new plugin, but it can not find it. does anyone have any advice.08:44
* DoubleString hey all08:44
ikoniaDoubleString: you said that08:44
nukmethe client is working, as i can connect to other machines and start  for xample xclock there08:45
DoubleStringI did08:45
nukmexhost on remote machine says that error08:45
ikonianukme: but if you do xhost on the client that you're connected to the "broken" server on, does it work ?08:45
sacarlsonajdrapper: my guess you need flash or java or codec try install extras https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats08:46
sudobatajdrapper, she need windows media player 1108:46
nukmeon the client host08:46
nukmeaccess control enabled, only authorized clients can connect08:46
sudobatI think08:46
S4ryajdrapper, is java and flash installed there ..08:46
spyketomatoMy lucid laptop (not netbook edition) has, for no reason that I can see, booted into  initramfs and I don't know what to do?  I have so much important data on this laptop and i'm afraid that it's all possibly gone? I received no error messages at my last session, that I know of.08:46
ikonianukme: it looks like X is broke some how on that server that question is how to take it fofrward08:46
ajdrapperS4ry: We both have flash and I think java08:46
nukmewhat do i need to install a full x server?08:47
ikonianukme: is there any chance you can actually start an X environmnet on that server ?08:47
sudobatajdrapper, I'm trying on windows and it keeps saying me "Install WMP11 plugin08:47
Simone_Jordan_U : the system now works perfect!!!!!!08:47
ikonianukme: the X server is broken down into multiple components, there isn't such a thing as a "full" xserver these days08:47
nukmethe startx orxtart says that theres no display available...cause its not recognizing the graphics adapter08:47
nukme(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.08:48
nukmeFatal server error:08:48
nukmeno screens found08:48
ikonianukme: that's not a concern (unless you want to configure it to test it)08:48
S4rySo , as sudobat said .. i guess it's missing a plugin for the browser ajdrapper08:48
ajdrappersudobat: humm do not understand that, but I believe it is a wms file format.08:48
nukmebut for x11 forwarding theres no need to start the xserver on the server/remote host08:48
sudobatyes, that website seems to need some integration with WMP1108:49
bcbc2spyketomato: what kernel?08:49
sudobatyour sister knows about spotify08:49
sacarlsonajdrapper: that site works for me with just extras installed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats08:49
ikonianukme: correct, I was just suggesting testing it to make sure you had the X11 components you need08:49
bcbc2spyketomato: -24?08:49
pLrajdrapper, in the source of the page you gave, u can find 'mms://www.wretchedmedia.com:81/live stream' try to use this link in vlc or your media player of choice08:49
spyketomatobcbc2 - dunno, the latest i suppse08:49
nukmethe point is that the variables are not set automatically, but whats in charge for doing that08:49
ajdrapperpLr: thanks08:49
spyketomatobcbc2: just updated the other day08:50
pLrajdrapper, this page tries to embed windows media player & activex controls which fails08:50
bcbc2spyketomato: try the -23, I've seen some posts on problems with -24 and initramfs08:50
sacarlsonpLr: it is working for me ajdrappers site.08:50
pLrsacarlson, which plugin are you using08:51
spyketomatobcbc2: seen any solutions? ;)08:51
itsux2bugedit  Almost  has the windows keystroke interface.. in windows Alt F brings up the File Menu.. gedit does that too.. but in windows i can press ALT, let go of ALT, press F and get the File Menu.. in gedit it makes you Hold Alt & F to get the file menu..08:51
sacarlsonpLr: I'm not sure what plugins but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats is all that is installed08:51
bcbc2spyketomato: no - other than to use a previous kernel. I suppose you could try reinstalling the -24 but I haven't seen anyone do that.08:52
pLrsacarlson, thx ill tell ppl simply that next time :p08:52
kreepernobody in the phpbb irc is answering my questions, so i have resorted to asking here, first of all does anyone know anything about phpbb?08:52
ikoniakreeper: please don't ask here, this channel is for ubuntu support only08:52
nukmei have some other servers/desktops where this is working08:52
spyketomatobcbc2: grub menu doesnø't show up at boot, i only get a cursor and then gdm - how to i get the grub menu to show, so that i can choose another kernel?08:52
ikonianukme: it sounds like just this one server has a non-complete X11 install08:53
bcbc2spyketomato: hold down SHIFT (assuming grub2) otherwise ESC08:53
jacob2010have xvid  backup rips of movies want an app that will search and download the DVD covers for use on a WDTV as it displays the covers as long as they are the same as the movie name and in the same directory.08:53
spyketomatook i'll try that08:53
nukmewhats the minimum for x11 install?08:53
nukmeyeah think so08:53
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itsux2buhow does one know which grub they have.. ?   i'd hate to pick the wrong grub.. (joking)..08:54
spyketomatobcbc2: ok ttrying that08:54
spyketomatobcbc2: booting into 23 - the problem IS 24 thanks :)08:55
bcbc2spyketomato: great - you're welcome08:55
itsux2buisn't there something called a grub worm?08:55
sacarlsonitsux2bu: this will tell you what version is running grub-install -v08:55
CorpusCallosumhi i have a problem about network-manager i guess, if a command ifconfig -a i can see the wlan0 interface, but it seems disabled. i cannot enabble. ifconfig wlan0 up command gives an "no such file directory" output. i tried to add related lines to network/interface file annd still no succes. any idea ?08:56
spyketomatobcbc2: you KNOW you're now my best friend, right? :)08:56
bcbc2spyketomato: haha sure until something else goes wrong ;)08:56
itsux2budoes grub (boot manager, right?) always install?08:56
spyketomatobcbc2: of course =)08:56
pfgCorpusCallosum: right click the network manager symbol on your toolbar and see if it is enabled there08:56
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.08:57
CorpusCallosumpfg, yes yes enable i checked that first :)08:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:57
bcbc2spyketomato: ps uninstall the -24 kernel or else you'll have to override grub each time08:57
bcbc2spyketomato: or set the default to -23 using startup-manager or something similar08:58
sacarlsonCorpusCallosum: you want a static wlan0?  wicd is the manager that seems to work better for me with wifi08:58
itsux2buok.. since i am using 10.04 i have grub208:58
spyketomatobcbc2: done08:58
pfgCorpusCallosum: what does your interfaces file say ? sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces08:58
pLrsacarlson, network-manager is great08:58
CorpusCallosumsacarlson, no i want dhcp, like normal.08:58
itsux2bupfg.. gksudo08:58
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)08:59
sacarlsonCorpusCallosum: if you want to play on the command line with wlan0 you might want to disable network-manager first.  it seems to try to keep things it's way08:59
CorpusCallosumpfg /etc/network/interface said only auto lo, but after that i added smilar lines for the eth0 and wlan008:59
pfgitsux2bu: Im asuing he has a GUI , gksudo is not needed or he can use nano :D08:59
ajdrappersacarlson: I have run the two terminal commands and the site is still not working. Do I need other codecs? any idea what?09:00
pLrCorpusCallosum, you should choose to have a gui setup (network-manager) or txt setup (/etc/network)09:00
itsux2buisn't gedit a graphical editor?09:00
S4ryitsux2bu, it is09:00
sacarlsonajdrapper: what two terminal commands?09:00
pfgitsux2bu: yes, but if he can see a network manager symbol on his tool bar he has a GUI09:00
itsux2bu[03:58] <pfg> CorpusCallosum: what does your interfaces file say ? sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces  <<-- should be   gksudo gedit...09:01
CorpusCallosumpLr, my choice is gui, but it seems not working, then i try to find out something different like /network/interface09:01
ajdrappersacarlson: from the page about Restricted formats09:01
pfgitsux2bu: why ?09:01
sacarlsonajdrapper: there is just one you would have needed depending on what you are running.  for ubuntu desktop 10.04 sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:01
pLrCorpusCallosum, then you should remove what you added to /etc/network/interfaces and work with the networking icon to add a profile09:02
CorpusCallosumitsux2bu, pfg auto lo,iface lo inet loopback,auto eth0,iface eth0 inet dhcp,auto wlan0, iface wlan0 inet dhcp09:02
pLrajdrapper, it is likely a firefox plugin by vlc or mplayer doing this09:02
itsux2buusing just  sudo  in a the graphical desktop is dangerous09:02
CorpusCallosumpLr, i also tried to remove that file and restart the service again but not working09:02
pLrajdrapper, look for that if you want the integration09:02
ajdrappersacarlson terminal reports that restricted-extras is already the newest version. but reched radio is still not playing.09:03
pLrpLr,  do not remove the file, you should put it back with its default contents and restart the service again09:03
nmvictorhow do i start compiz fusion?09:03
ajdrapperSacarlson: do not worry if you are bussy.09:03
sacarlsonajdrapper: did you close and reopen all browsers first?09:03
pfgCorpusCallosum: if using gui/network manager auto lo # iface lo inet loopback  # auto eth0 #=space09:03
sacarlsonajdrapper: if that fails try reboot09:03
ajdrapper sacarlson: ok thanks09:04
pLrCorpusCallosum, looks good, now edit connections on your networking icon09:04
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pLrCorpusCallosum, choose the wireless tab, then add and configure your wlan009:05
itsux2bui see we have a STNG fan in here09:05
LlamaHello. Please, advice RSS reader which can replace desktop wallpapers. Gnome/10.0409:06
CorpusCallosumpLr, no way :) still not connecting09:07
ikoniaLlama: there isn't one09:07
pfgLlama: you want a live RSS reader feading across your desktop INSTEAD of wallpapers ? just use screenlets instead09:08
pfgCorpusCallosum: you restarted networking ?09:08
CorpusCallosumpfg, yes sure09:08
pLrCorpusCallosum, typically ppl forget to enter a default route, but did you left click the icon and choose the connection you added? what happens09:09
pfgCorpusCallosum: try re-booting, but make sure your interfaces file has everything commented out except what I wrote09:09
sacarlsonCorpusCallosum: maybe time to go with command line one at a time till you get something to work.  like ping your router?09:09
S4ryhello nsar09:10
nsarhello S4ry09:10
S4ryhow y do :)09:10
CorpusCallosumpfg, there is only "auto lo" in the interfaces file right? all others will be commented out ?09:11
sacarlsonCorpusCallosum: I beleave that is correct just auto lo09:12
CorpusCallosumok i am trying :)09:12
nsarnot so well i solve the problem with the totem for encrypted (css) dvd's but i still can't understand why when i logon as another user i can't see my gsm modem in the network manager, should i ask help in the forum of ubuntu?09:12
nsari put ubuntu to avoid putting centos again09:12
nsarso many problems09:13
pfgCorpusCallosum: iface lo inet loopback  as well I belive should be there09:13
nsari am experienced with redhat based linux distros but i am new in debian like09:14
sacarlsonpfg: opps I think he went and rebooted already sorry09:14
pfgnsar: try loggin on as an admin and under mobile broadband select avalible to all users at the bottom09:15
earthmeLonNeed help with PHP/INTL installation problems php5-intl: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.2-1ubuntu4) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 is to be installed09:15
pfgsacarlson: he's all yours : )09:15
sacarlsonpfg: you were doing fine09:16
nsarpfg, i did only to me appear the connection no one else09:16
Hans_Henrikon default 10.04 installation, if i run a program on the user created at setup, will it be able host a server? //listen to a tcp port09:16
nsari mean me is nsar the first user i had created, also the privileges is all open for my user account09:16
Name141anyone know where to get the 10.04.01 or whatever Dell ISO?09:16
pfgnsar: err, misunderstood then, you do NOT want it avalible to other users who are not using your log on and are not admin or you DO ?09:16
Name141didn't work09:16
StaRetjiHello there, folks. Can someone spare a minute to help me out changing bootsplash picture in Ubuntu maverick. I have a picture prepared. I've done this before on a live ubuntu jaunty, but I'm having dificlties now.09:16
pfg!dell Sucks09:17
nsarpfg, i guess is maybe a miss configuration or bug of nm-applet09:17
pfgdidn't work either :D09:17
Name141!sure does wont buy from them again , got majorly raped09:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:17
Name141oh ok09:17
pfghah !09:17
Name141I could have got a 3x better machine than what I paid for this09:17
Name141and I wouldn't be making these upgrades now09:18
SPM_i have no problem with dell :)09:18
Name141but that's another channel09:18
mickster04Hans_Henrik: that doesnt really make sense, your computer hosts a server, you download server software to run on your server?09:18
nsarpfg, i want all user to open the connection when they login for example my daughter, she don't see on nm applet XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX PANU and connect under even though is available for all users09:19
pfgnsar: weird, try loggin inas admin and changing her user rights to admin as well, then login as her and see if it avalible, it should remain avalible after you remove her rights09:20
joljammy firefox installation is messed up09:20
earthmeLonNeed help with PHP/INTL installation problems php5-intl: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.2-1ubuntu4) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 is to be installed09:20
joljami need help reinstalling it09:20
mickster04joljam: ok09:20
mickster04joljam: sudo apt-get remove firefox?09:20
joljamwhen i reinstal it using synaptic then it bombs09:20
pfgearthmeLon: why php ? what system are you installing out of intrest09:21
sacarlsonjoljam: mestup in fail-safe also?09:21
nsarjust a moment09:21
mickster04joljam: what does bombs mean]09:21
earthmeLonI'm sorry, pfg?09:21
sudobatearthmeLon, why don't you install php5-common?09:21
earthmeLonphp5-common is installed sudobat09:21
pLrearthmeLon, run: sudo apt-get install09:21
pfgearthmeLon: Your installing php on your system, I was wondering why09:21
Hans_Henrikmickster04: yes i suppose so. i don't got sudo access, can i still run some server software?09:22
earthmeLonpLr tried that.  Nothing09:22
earthmeLonpfg It's a web-server09:22
joljammickster04.. I have remove firefox as per ur instructions09:22
StaRetjiCan someone help me out changing boot logo on live usb stick (Ubuntu Maverick Merkat done with Live usb creator and permanent storage). I've done it before following this thread http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=43247&highlight=change+boot+logo but now it is different and I'm stuck :/09:22
joljamwhen i click the icon firefox just sttarts up and the exits09:22
pLrearthmeLon, this is when you install php-intl?09:23
mickster04Hans_Henrik: well i dont know, you can try and start say apache but i doubt it will work. wat kind of server is it.? I don't think so actually becuase you normally do sudo service apache start (or whatever server you're running) so it's not a program as such09:23
pfgearthmeLon: ah, what does sudo apt-cache search php-common show ?09:23
sudobatearthmeLon, which version of php-common is installed09:23
nsarpfg, it is ubuntu 10.04 lts the version of the os09:23
mickster04joljam: and?09:23
earthmeLonsudobat Im not sure how to give you that info09:24
joljammickster04 what shd i do know09:24
mickster04joljam: when you then do sudo apt-get install firefoc09:24
pfgHans_Henrik: you can run the Wonderful Plone4 locally, best web CMS/server in the world09:24
joljamafter removing09:24
lundhhow annoying is it not that of three oses that I have to install two of them takes a day to get working, the last one takes an hour09:24
earthmeLonpfg.  It shows libapache2-mod-suphp and suphp-common09:24
sacarlsonjoljam: did you try this from a terminal /path/to/firefox/firefox -safe-mode09:24
sudobatI don't know but maybe php-common -V ?09:24
pfgearthmeLon: what webserver are you installing09:24
pLrearthmeLon, what pkg? php-intl?09:25
earthmeLonphp5-intl: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.2-1ubuntu4) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 is to be installed09:25
joljam.mozilla/firefox/firefox-safe-mode: No such file or directory09:25
pfgearthmeLon: try using aptitude09:25
earthmeLonSo, I think that I have  5.3.2-1ubuntu4 but it's looking for  5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 or the other way around09:25
mickster04joljam: so did using the termina to install it help?09:26
nsarpfg i give administrative rights nm-applet doesn't appear on the top panel at all09:26
earthmeLonlmao pfg.  You might have gotten it09:26
sacarlsonjoljam: sound like the wrong path maybe justtry  firefox -safe-mode09:26
mickster04!pm | joljam09:26
ubottujoljam: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:26
nsari suspect there is a bug i have to ask the help of the community now09:27
earthmeLon<3 Thanks #ubuntu09:27
pfgearthmeLon: cool09:27
Nim_i see it now :D09:27
pLrearthmeLon, synaptic can also help you resolve those issues09:28
mickster04joljam: did it say anything odd whn you ran sudo apt-get install firefox?09:28
pfgnsar: now thats weird, its on the list of start-up programs via system - prefrences - startup applications ?09:28
joljamfirefox -safe-mode09:28
joljamAttempting to load the system libmoon09:28
joljamSegmentation fault09:28
joljammickster04.. i could install firefox09:29
joljamafter which i ran firefox safe mode09:29
sacarlsonjoljam: seems to be a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/moon/+bug/53879609:29
mickster04joljam: yeah the problem is with something else, look at the bug page09:29
Nim_/var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state workaround for it being set to false for networking anyone?09:29
Nim_when sleeping :|09:29
nsarlet me see09:30
joljamhow can i delete only the moonlight plugin09:30
pLrnim, set it yourself or click the icon09:31
mickster04joljam: sudo apt-get remove libmoon09:31
Nim_true true, i var/lib, etc, set it to true, network restart - etc (pain) .. and I can't right click the network icon.09:31
StaRetjiNeed help changing plymouth-theme on live usb system. HELP please.09:31
mickster04joljam: might work09:31
KiraCan the Ubuntu DVD be used to check whether a computer supports UEFI without actually attempting to install Ubuntu?09:31
mickster04joljam: use the tab key to correctly autofill09:31
yoshieHi, unable to mount cdrom  after unmounting it09:32
mickster04yoshie: take it out and put it back in again09:32
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mickster04yoshie: do you let it do it automatically?09:32
pLrnim if you cant right click it there is a problem. try reloading it or your session09:32
joljamcool..that worked mickster0409:32
mickster04joljam: im glad09:33
nsarthere is two user running at the same time on the same computer nm-applet is running only on me09:33
yoshieHi, i am unmounting it so i can mount it back for world of warcraft to show hidden files with the command         sudo mount -t udf -o ro,unhide /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom009:33
mickster04joljam: and can u use firefox now?09:33
nsari will logout and login again with the other account09:33
Nim_using ubuntu netbook - on a s103t (touchscreen) .. I can bring up the options if i click the network manager but its unable to be right clicked (no options)... perhaps thats normal for netbook edition.09:33
mickster04yoshie: to view hidden files can't you just press ctrl+h in nautilus?09:34
yoshiemount: mount point /media/cdrom does not exist09:34
Nim_and i cant right click because it has my touchpad working the same as my touchscreen, so i use shift+f909:34
mickster04yoshie: cdrom0 then09:34
yoshie@micster04 the dvd has hidden files that you have to unmount it and mount back09:34
mickster04yoshie:mkdir /media/cdrom09:34
mickster04yoshie:mkdir /media/cdrom09:35
PanicHi. After googling and asking friends, I've had to give up and come here to seek help: How is sshd started during reboot on 10.04 LTS? I can't find any symlinks in the rc directories, and all I've found online about the "new init" just tells you how to start and stop manually, not how it's determined if ssh will be brought up automagically on reboot... Any pointers would be most welcome :-)09:35
padi999when I lose the wireless connection and evolution is still  open, performing fetching email tasks, evolution freezes. And  can't be closed.09:35
pLrNim_, you could plug a mouse to test maybe?09:35
padi999and then I get this bad feeling, because I issue "killall evolution"09:35
mickster04Panic: normally yes? sshd should be started everytime the computer starts up09:36
yoshieworked , AWESOME thank you guys09:36
Nim_true, but i was hoping to avoid the system setting it to false in the first place on sleep - but no one seems to have a work around :D hehe09:36
Nim_(thank you tho)09:36
PanicYes. I'd like that :-) But how can I check that it actually will be? This is a server half way around the globe, so I want to make sure ssh actually IS brought up when I reboot it :-)09:36
pLrPanic, it will start automatically when you install openssh-server09:36
Nim_hmm. should I install ubuntu as the main OS on my hd2?09:37
pLrPanic, it is listed in /etc/init.d/ and can be looked up with the service command09:37
mickster04Panic: well short of rebooting it and finding out :P f you installed it and haven't changed much since it will automatically start up09:37
itsux2bui do have to admit having 'desk 1 - 4' built into gnome.. is cool.. with windows you have to find a 3rd-party utilitiy..09:37
Panicssh-server is installed. I'm on my server. I just want to make **sure** that it's configured to start when I reboot. And I cant find out where to check that since there are no symlinks in the rc dirs...09:37
pLrNim_, there is always a workaround with open source09:38
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mickster04Panic: well now you know to look in etc/init.d/09:38
Panic(This is a server at serverpronto, so instead of just assuming it will start, I want to make sure... )09:38
Nim_true. ill keep my eyes open (but for now its bed time) .. thx plr.09:38
pLrNim_ ill help u fix it if im around09:39
PanicEarlier you'd find symlings in /etc/rc* to /etc/init.d/ssh, but not anymore it seems. So what determines how stuff starts up now with the "startup" thingy taking over for "old init"?09:39
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)09:39
junkbot[desktop]hai all09:39
junkbot[desktop]i have this comp that uses a TI ACX111 wireless card09:40
junkbot[desktop]i think i am missing drivers09:40
junkbot[desktop]getting them off here: http://acx100.sourceforge.net/wiki/ACX09:40
junkbot[desktop]but they don't seem to compile09:40
junkbot[desktop]anybody have any help/advice?09:40
DaveSiberiaHi, I can't get Lucid to boot any more, gives a warning, 'Ubuntu using low resolution mode', could not determine your screen settings, use manual set up.09:40
mickster04!one line | junkbot[desktop]:09:41
mickster04!details | junkbot[desktop]09:41
ubottujunkbot[desktop]: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:41
mickster04junkbot[desktop]: and keep it all one one line!09:41
junkbot[desktop]k sorry; do you want me to do it again?09:42
mickster04DaveSiberia: so you can, but it uses low resolutions09:42
nsarpfg nm-applet run only in both user but only when one of them is connected, and there is no mobile broadband connections available to any one except me the first created user09:42
mickster04junkbot[desktop]: just tell us whats being output in errors that makes you think its not working09:42
junkbot[desktop]i can't connect and when i try to compile it it gives me standard C errors09:42
nsarrun's in only on of the two users*09:42
nsarrun's in only one of the two users*09:43
nsarsorry for the mistakes09:43
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:43
mickster04junkbot[desktop]: copy pastebin?09:44
pfgnsar: it is/should be running connected or not,  if the mobile broadband available to all users box is ticked it should work for all users, create a new user and try with them, see if it is the user or the system that is screwed up09:44
junkbot[desktop]mickster04: sure09:44
nsarthen it will start asking about a keyring password that i don't know which one is09:44
DaveSiberiamickster04:It won't let me, gives me a dialog box with several choices none of which work, except command line09:45
acidflashwhen a bash script crashes09:45
PanicCan anyone suggest another place where I might find an answer to my question? (Still the "how does ubuntu server 10.04 lts determine whether ssh shall start during boot") I really need to make sure it does before I reboot my *remote* server.09:45
acidflashis there  a place that ubuntu logs the reasons ?09:45
pfgnsar: ah, you need to reset that09:45
pLrPanic, /etc/rc* still exists09:45
junkbot[desktop]mickster04: http://pastebin.com/ZunpxANK09:45
acidflashPanic: rcconf man, it normally determines it in update-rc.d, but use rcconf its easier.. and make sure its configged properly09:45
nsaror to stop asking keyring password at all09:46
acidflashPanic: if its not configured properly, it wont start during boot... if its a clean insteall of Ubuntu 10.04 and you selected OpenSSH-Server from list, it will boot normally.09:46
PanicSure it does. But I'm affraid of adding ssh to defaults there, in case that f**ks up another way of starting ssh. (Which seems to be the case, since there are no links in rc*)09:46
pLrPanic, i would suggest editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config before your reboot09:46
PanicAll that is done :-)09:46
pLrPanic, and testing it09:47
PanicThe ssh server is restarted also. No sweat. Now all I have to do is *MAKE SURE* it will be brought up when I reboot.09:47
cteja_cteja hai09:47
acidflashPanic: use rcconf, its a good program09:47
PanicI just trusting that "it will be" is not an option :-)09:47
Panick, will look into that.09:48
pfgnsar: if only, mv ~/.gnome2/keyrings default.keyring file somewhere else, then create a new key09:48
acidflashPanic: i have installed ubuntu 10.04 with openssh-server around 30 times this week, they all reboot fine when installed from cd09:48
mickster04junkbot[desktop]: sounds like the libraries are duff09:48
pLrrcconf is deprecated09:49
pLrits results are not accurate09:49
Panicacidflash: Good for you :-) This install has been done by a hosting company in Panama, and I'm in Norway. That is half way around the globe, and they make you pay 'till your eyes bleed if they have to help you. So excuse me for wanting to (as I've said a couple of times now) *MAKE SURE* before I rebut the server :-)09:50
Junkbotmickster04: anything i could do to fix it?09:50
mickster04Junkbot: i dunno, it's beyond me, short of rewriting it....09:50
pLrPanic, the install of openssh-server would be unsuccessful for u to have a prob09:51
pLrPanic, /etc/init/ssh.conf has information you might be seeking09:52
pLrPanic, i would suggest you dont panic Panic :p09:52
PanicOk, let me rephrase my question then: If a service isn't "listed" (linked to) in any of the rc directories, and it still starts. What then, makes them start? :-)09:52
pLrPanic, /etc/init/ssh.conf09:53
Dimazaurcan anyone help me here?09:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:53
PanicYeah, I've looked at /etc/init/ssh.conf, but hasn't figured out what's using it, if it's being used.09:53
Junkbotmickster04: would http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1311037 be applicable on lucid?09:53
homecablewhat windows manger do u all use09:53
Dimazauri want to patch the drivers for aircrack, i have the patch file, what do i need to do next?09:54
pLrPanic, the explanation is extremely long Panic, I would explain but its too much for this channel.09:54
PanicRight now I don't know what brings up ssh when I boot the box, and not knowing what does what on my box groups me together with a bunch of ppl I'd rather not be affiliated with: Windows users :-p09:54
pLrPanic, but to sum it up, your system runs that conf file09:54
PanicpLr: Ok, thanks. Do you know some keywords I can search for to find this explanation online? :-)09:55
pLrPanic, run: man init09:55
Dimazauri want to patch the drivers for aircrack, i have the patch file, what do i need to do next?09:56
PanicShould I be worried that I have no /etc/init.conf?09:56
=== john24 is now known as john25
pLrPanic, not at all09:57
DaveSiberiahow do i kill off x-server?09:57
cteja_How 2 hack IP addres09:57
pLrPanic, sry init was replaced by upstart09:57
cteja_can tell me09:57
=== iphone is now known as Guest62609
PanicSo init in 10.04 is the "new init" ("upstart"), and it uses /etc/init/*, and since the file ssh is there, all is well as long as that config file says "start on filesystem" (or whatever)?09:58
Dimazauri want to patch the drivers for aircrack, i have the patch file, what do i need to do next?09:58
PanicYeah, I know, but the process is still called init if I'm not mistaken. (And "man init" gives "init - Upstart process management daemon", so I guess that is upstart.)09:58
PanicHe is also shouting...09:59
Guest62609i need a help09:59
Guest62609Anybody is there?09:59
pLrPanic, you seem to have answered yourself :p09:59
Nim_all your base are belong to us09:59
PanicSo thanks a lot :-) Now I can happily restart my server :-D10:00
Panic(I never thought of running "man init" myself.)10:00
Dimazaurno one on this channel is helping...10:01
PanicDimazaur: Your question isn't really a ubuntu question. If you google for "aircrack apply patch" you get http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=patching which may help you.10:02
safili need help10:03
NaznazHi, I got the following problem10:03
NaznazThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:03
Naznaz  indicator-session: Depends: libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (>= 2.21.6) but it is not installable10:03
NaznazAny idea?10:03
FloodBot2Naznaz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:03
quibbler!ask |safil10:03
ubottusafil: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:03
safilI want Access Wcf Service in Objective c10:04
pLrNaznaz, try synaptic10:04
safilI want Access Wcf Service in Objective c10:05
NaznazpLr, Synaptic tells me the same10:05
PartyBoihi, i'm new to linux, and it would seem i symlinked my harddrive to it's self and it looks to be causing problems10:06
kekNaznaz, did you do an update?10:06
Naznazkek Update of what? :p10:06
ghostnik11hi, i keep getting this problem as i try to mount my cd rom drive, unable to mount sr0 but the thing is i know the cd rom drive works b/c that is how i installed ubuntu 9.10 on the desktop10:07
kekNaznaz, the package database - "sudo apt-get update"10:07
Naznazkek yes10:07
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
safilI want Access Wcf Service in Objective c10:07
kekNaznaz, ok. only thing i could think of :)10:07
Naznazkek :) thanks10:08
lanegood day, every110:09
ghostnik11i also get no medium found on /dev/sr010:09
pLrNaznaz, what pkg are u installing?10:09
NaznazpLr, I think it happened when I tried to install pastie from the PPA, but it occured while apt-get upgrade'ing10:10
lelleis there a small ubuntu live cd with gui? not huge 700 mb plz, and i want live with gui aka not minimal cd10:10
pLrghostnik11, places -> computer: do u see the cdrom there?10:10
tobiassjostenThere's a php5-memcache package and a php5-memcached one. Which one should I use to use memcached from PHP?10:10
ghostnik11plr: nope, i see my floopy drive10:10
laneнарод, русские есть?10:11
agusanyone can help me to solve problem with totem : (totem:8508): Gtk-WARNING **: /build/buildd/gtk+2...10:11
pLrghostnik11, run: "cat /etc/fstab | grep cdrom" and paste output10:11
pLr!ask agus10:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:12
NaznazOh I see, it isn't from the pastie PPA. Is there any way to see from where the indicator-session package is?10:12
agustotem player terminated when I played video10:13
pLrNaznaz, apt-cache show pkgname10:13
agusis there any crashes with my totem10:13
pLragus, try vlc and see if your problem is totem specific10:14
Naznazokay, thanks, Unbuntu Core Developers so it's in the repos10:14
agusmy problem is only with totem player10:15
laneagus, use VLC10:15
pLragus, what type of file?10:16
pLrlane, doesnt want to support totem :p10:17
agusalmost all type of files. but sometimes totem can work with small size of file10:17
quibbleragus-> look here to install vlc: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/08/install-vlc-114-in-ubuntu-via-new-ppa.html10:17
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:17
Nim_anyone ever go to the gugenheim?10:18
pLr!restricted | agus10:18
ubottuagus: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:18
lanepLr, i used VLC for a lot - he's a good 1. reading a lot of file formats10:18
lanegh365edu, hi10:18
lanewhere are you from?10:19
ghostnik11pLr: sorry i took so long had to plug in ethernet cord for the desktop which i am on now with the problem10:19
agusactually I got problem with hd video, I see my video is not as good as when I play with media player classic on windows10:19
agusis there anything left with codecs?10:20
ghostnik11pLr: this is what i got: /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 010:20
shomonhi, I've been using gwibber for a bit and now I have a huge file under .local/share/desktop-couch/.gwibber_messages_design10:20
shomoncan I delete it?10:20
pLragus, that is typically caused by drivers10:20
laneagus, you're using win? o_O how dare you? =)10:21
padi999when I lose the wireless connection and evolution is still   open, performing fetching email tasks, evolution freezes. And   can't be closed.10:21
timh____I'm trying to locate the boot splash screen so I can replace it.10:21
pLrghostnik11,  looks fine.. 1 sec10:21
padi999and then I get this bad feeling, because I issue "killall  evolution"10:21
agusso, it's becase driver10:21
agusso, it's because driver10:21
PartyBoiHi, i (like an idiot) symlinked my hard-drive to it's self, and now i'm getting a lot of "Too many levels of symbolic links"10:22
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.510:22
lanechrome rules10:22
qiyongreload squid10:22
qiyongreload: Unknown instance:10:22
pLrPartyBoi, nice april fools trick lol10:23
PartyBoiHa you're funny. But really i did10:23
christozgreetings, can you suggest me a capture-destop application, with select speceific area features?10:24
padi999Hi all. When I lose the wireless connection and evolution is still open, performing fetching email tasks, evolution freezes. And can't be closed. Besides afterwards getting a REALLY bad feeling because I have to "killall evolution" this is also headache because it happens more often, than one things and it is a severe drawback od evolution. v. 2.28.310:24
christoznot neceserally from deposes10:24
pLrghostnik11, sudo mount -l | grep -i cd10:24
pierrefermatHey all. need some help with setting up evolution email for gmail (I am moving from apple mail). When I configured my evolution mail, i see 'in this computer' section, which has inbox/sent folder etc. and another section with 'gmail' (the name i gave to the account) with inbox etc. In apple mail, i had mapped all my folders (sent draft etc) which remoevd duplicate folders. There is only in one inbox in my apple mail. How can i d10:24
ghostnik11pLr: this is what i got: timestamp too far in the future: Sep  1 01:09:58 201010:26
pLrghostnik11, pastebin.ca: sudo mount -l10:27
bar__Hi, how can I force overwrite of --output file in gpg ?10:27
bar__didn't find a force option in the man page10:27
safilI want Access Wcf Service in Objective c'10:28
ghostnik11pLr: okay got the output but how do i post that output since it is larger than 10 lines10:29
itsux2buare there known problems between adobe flash and firefox for ubuntu?  i go to my credit card site and after a minute web[age locks up.. i can't enter anything..10:29
pLr!paste | ghostnik1110:29
ubottughostnik11: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:29
pLrghostnik11, i like pastebin.ca :p10:29
bar__got it , --yes :)10:29
karlohow to use Ctrl - c and Ctrl - v for copy and paste in terminal ?10:29
PartyBoiright click the window10:30
padi999karl: SHIFT+INSERT10:30
pLrkarlo, shift+ins = paste10:30
karlowith keyboard..10:30
pLrkarlo, or mouse310:30
=== rew is now known as drurew
itsux2bukarlo, not all terminal programs support all copy/cut/paste/select-all/undo etc..10:31
lanehow r u?10:32
nocool !10:32
ghostnik11!paste | ghostnik1110:32
ubottughostnik11, please see my private message10:32
xuminglongubuntu  软件中心 点安装没反应什么办法可以解决?10:32
ohir!cn | xuminglong10:33
ubottuxuminglong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:33
lanego private10:33
PartyBoinow when i try to access my main hard-drive it says it does not exist10:33
=== rew is now known as drurew
bernazhi, i'm learning shell scripting, but i do't understende why when i'm increment a variable like $((count++) the shell try to execute the number as command10:34
Anomie2I'm trying to search within files in /var/www/ablemagazine.co.uk/wp-content/themes/mystique for the phrase '[ad] Empty ad slot (#2)!' how would I go about doing this?10:35
pLrbernaz, try #bash10:35
ghostnik11 http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit10:35
skumarai'm getting this when i start ubuntu. 'Could not update ICEauthority file /home/rick/.ICEauthority '. help?10:35
Anomie2grep '[ad] Empty ad slot (#2)!' /var/www/ablemagazine.co.uk/wp-content/themes/mystique doesnt work10:35
pLrAnomie2,  those characters cause problems.. try excluding them, search for empty ad slot i would say10:36
Delayaanyone know how to scp or sftp a whole directory tree?10:36
pLrAnomie2, to search those chars you need to learn escape characters10:36
pLrDelaya, the -r option10:36
Anomie2grep 'Empty ad slot'' /var/www/ablemagazine.co.uk/wp-content/themes/mystique10:37
Anomie2doesnt work either10:37
pLrDelaya, or -R.. man scp10:37
Anomie2gives me the return '>' and lets me type10:37
alecjwhiya, does anyone know how ubuntu encrypts users' home directories? i want to nick the idea for my gentoo system :P10:37
pLrtry grep 'Empty ad slot' /var/www/ablemagazine.co.uk/wp-content/themes/mystique10:38
Anomie2root@CravenPublishing:~# grep 'Empty ad slot' /var/www/ablemagazine.co.uk/wp-content/themes/mystique10:39
pLrAnomie2, run man scp to learn about it10:39
ghostnik11http://imagebin.org/112126 | !pastebinit10:39
ghostnik11plr: sorry i took so long but i got it10:39
pLrDelaya, run man scp to learn about it (not Anomie2) sry)10:40
ghostnik11pLr: http://imagebin.org/112126 | !pastebinit10:40
pLrghostnik11, its ok 1st times are slow10:40
dewalhi fellow ubuntu-ers10:40
Anomie2Hmm, why isn't this working :/ Ive used this command before fine...and it's returning the result instantly no matter what directory I set it to so it isnt searching the files and finding 0 results10:41
pLrAnomie2, it was successful, no txt matching that pattern10:41
DelayapLr: ok thnx, ill try10:41
pLrAnomie2, add -i (case insensitive)10:41
dewalanyone here familiar with installing ubuntu on an existing dual boot windows xp / vista system?10:41
pLrso try grep -i 'Empty ad slot' /var/www/ablemagazine.co.uk/wp-content/themes/mystique10:41
pLr!ask | dewal10:42
ubottudewal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:42
mickster04dewal: whats the problem?10:42
Anomie2pLr: nop, same result, I set it to my home directory and it still returned the result instantly so it isnt performing the search10:42
dewalnot really a problem...i try to prevent a problem :P10:42
dewalthe dual boots already exists10:42
freen0de_r0ckzare there any utilities to make sure your cpu doesnt overheat?10:42
DelayapLr: ofc10:42
dewali just want to know whether ubuntu can install on such a system10:42
pLrAnomie2, grep is incredibly fast, it did perform the search.. if you would like to try it differently: cat filename | grep -i 'text here'10:43
mickster04dewal: of course, I have had many systems on a pc before10:43
Naznazdewal, afaik it surely can10:43
Anomie2its not that fast...I'm running through SSH and usually a grep search will take 5-10 min10:43
dewalAnomie2: fgrep -lir "your text" * works all the time10:43
mickster04dewal: technically quad boot :P10:43
pLrAnomie2, through ssh you need a different syntax.. that is y maybe10:43
=== DoubleString is now known as ZNC_DoubleString
dewalthanks Naznaz and mickster0410:44
=== lane is now known as lane|work
pLrso try grep -i \'Empty ad slot\' /var/www/ablemagazine.co.uk/wp-content/themes/mystique10:44
alecjwanyone? im looking for info about ubuntu's encrypted home10:44
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory10:44
Anomie2root@CravenPublishing:~# grep -i \'Empty ad slot\' /var/www/ablemagazine.co.uk/wp-content/themes/mystique10:45
Anomie2grep: ad: No such file or directory10:45
Anomie2grep: slot': No such file or directory10:45
mickster04alecjw: ^^^10:45
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:45
freen0de_r0ckzare there any utilities to make sure your cpu doesnt overheat?10:45
freen0de_r0ckzcpu temp10:45
mickster04freen0de_r0ckz: it's called a bios setting :P10:45
dewalthat too10:45
mickster04freen0de_r0ckz: there should be temperature settings in your bios10:45
freen0de_r0ckzmickster04: mine doesnt have one10:46
dewalall modern motherboards have this10:46
alecjwmickster04, thanks, ill have a look :) im trying to steal ubuntu's ideas for my gentoo system :)10:46
pLrAnomie2, brb break.. forget the backslashes but test around the 2 examples10:46
dewalpLr and Anomie2 what is the question...perhaps i can help?10:47
=== ZNC_DoubleString is now known as DoubleString
Anomie2dewal: trying to do a grep through ssh10:47
mickster04freen0de_r0ckz: what are you running? and btw all motherboards turn off before they bcome too hot10:47
dewaloho wow10:47
dewaljust a sec10:47
dewali have several scripts doing commands through ssh10:47
mickster04Anomie2: why dont you just run the grep from the remote oc?10:47
freen0de_r0ckzmickster04: BOINC10:47
mickster04freen0de_r0ckz: no hardware10:48
Anomie2mickster04: It's a webserver10:48
mickster04Anomie2: yeah it will have grep installed?10:49
Anomie2yeh it has grep10:49
freen0de_r0ckzmickster04: an athlon dual core 64 bit10:49
Anomie2but it doesnt have kde/gnome10:49
mickster04Anomie2: well run it remotely rather than locally thru ssh10:49
Anomie2I dont follow10:49
mickster04Anomie2: grep is command line?10:49
Delayais there a way back from <rm *> in root?10:49
Anomie2I only have access through ssh10:49
Slyerfoxhey peeps been trying to get ubuntu boot disc to boot up on a toshiba satellite 1130 but even using i915.modeset=1 but still leaves me with a blank screen after the ubuntu logo and red dots can anyone please help ive been using google an ubuntu forum but has left me a lil confused as they talk about patches etc and im not sure about how to apply them to a boot disc10:49
Naznazgrep works fine for me through ssh with 'bla'10:49
mickster04Anomie2: so are you running grep locally or on the remote compputer?10:50
skumarahow to remove KDE. I want to use gnome. i did sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop but there are still kde program in my laptop?10:50
dewali tested this:10:50
dewalssh root@itens.net "/bin/fgrep 'test test'  /root/*"10:50
mickster04dewal: nope i dont think so10:50
dewaland it returns me this: /root/test:test test10:50
=== rbr is now known as szeta
iceroot!puregnome | skumara10:50
Gabriel_hi there! please, could somebody help me? I wanted to able to set rotation of my screen, so I edited xorg.conf...I've added a line there, rebooted and now I can't start my system...I just can see the screen "ubuntu" and nothing else...it does nothing more....what should I do?10:50
ubottuskumara: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome10:50
dewalso it logs in and check for the keywords test test in /root10:50
mickster04skumara: do sudo apt-get autoclean10:51
mickster04skumara: or that10:51
ghostnik11pLr: when i run grep cdrom nothing happens, i don't know why its like the terminal just stops10:51
dewalDelaya: is what you think of root / or /root ?10:52
Anomie2ghostnik11; thats it searching10:52
mickster04freen0de_r0ckz: what mobo is it a pc etc?10:52
NaznazGabriel_, Try CTRL ALT F2, log in there and edit your xorg.conf in the console10:53
ghostnik11anomie2: okay cool, thanks, yeah but it has been searching over 6 minutes now10:53
mickster04Anomie2: what does the remote pc not having gnome or kde have to do with anything?10:53
Anomie2idk what youre talking about tbh mickster0410:53
Gabriel_Naznaz_, ok, i'm going to try it10:54
Anomie2Going to my server or accessing it through VNC and running the commands from terminal?10:54
=== lane|work is now known as med
pLrghostnik11, to use grep do: grep pattern filename10:55
Delayadewal: its as of /home/<username>10:56
Gabriel_Naznaz when I hit Ctrl alt F2 it does nothing10:56
Vukodecan somebody help me do this please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/46716410:56
Delayadewal: the home directory10:56
Delayadewal: i had to run it in a subdirectory, but forgot i was still in home dir10:56
Delayadewal: so it removed a lot more than needed10:57
Victor_188sometimes im banned here with some nicknames did someone know what is the problem ?10:57
dewalDelaya: did you do a rm -rf or what10:57
ghostnik11plr; i will be back i am going to restart and go into my puppylinux part of my hard drive and try it there10:57
mickster04Anomie2: but if you are running gnome you dont need a Gui10:57
dewalrm * only deletes files10:57
Delayadewal: no just rm *10:57
Victor_188rm -r10:57
mickster04Delaya: where abouts in your files system where you when you did that?10:58
NaznazGabriel_, try hitting Escape or try it with F1 instead of F210:58
Vukodecan somebody help me run through a bug fix? im very new to ubuntu and am having a hard time10:58
Delayadewal: yeh i know, but some important files in home dir are now deleted10:58
pLr!ask | Vukode10:58
Delayamickster04: in /home/<username>10:58
ubottuVukode: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:58
mickster04Delaya: then have you looked in your trash folder?10:58
=== med is now known as lane
rocket161Empathy does not connect to MSN, any help?10:59
rocket161Pidgin connects to it flawlessly, but Empathy fails,11:00
Delayamickster04: yeh, but trash folder is only for GUI removal no?11:00
mickster04Delaya: well until you try it you don't know11:00
pLrrocket161, running latest version?11:00
dewalDelaya: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-recover-deleted-filesdata-in-ubuntu-linux/11:00
dewalthat looks good11:00
Delayamickster04: well i did its not there11:00
Vukodei just installed ubuntu 10.04 32bit on my new sony vaio laptop and the touchpad is being completely unresponsive for some reason. i beleive that i have found the solution, but i am having a hard time understanding what it is. can sombody please help me?11:00
rocket161pLr: 2.30.211:00
dewali think it is safe to mount an usb disk tot your system11:00
dewaland try to recover the deleted files on that disk11:01
dewalin order to prevent overwriting off lost files11:01
mickster04kk04: ?11:01
pLrrocket161, i use windows live messenger in oracle virtualbox for that.. there are often problems11:02
Vukodecan sombody help me fix my touchpad the same way that the people in this website: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/467164 fixed theirs please?11:02
=== ben___ is now known as Guest86827
mickster04viliny_: hi11:03
pLrrocket161, i suggest you try amsn or report the empathy bug11:03
rocket161pLr: Thanks,11:03
mickster04Vukode: ok so what are you trying to do?11:04
mickster04Vukode: i can see the webpage now11:04
pLrVukode, 1 sec11:04
kk04moi kk0611:04
mickster04!fr | kk0611:05
ubottukk06: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:05
mickster04!fr | kk0411:05
ubottukk04: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:05
Vukodei am trying to make my touchpad work in the same way displayed in this website: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/46716411:05
mickster04Vukode: there are several ways discribed there11:05
pLrVukode, are you in the terminal?11:05
pLrVukode, or desktop11:05
VukodeI think the file '/etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf' should be deleted on upgrading to karmic. ==i want to do this11:06
kk04fuck you11:06
pLrVukode, i have applied this fix also, u should edit the file11:06
dewalkk04: please refrain from foul language11:06
dewaland talk english11:06
VukodepLr, i do not know how do access this file, i need somebody to help me11:06
dewalotherwise goto ubuntu.fr11:06
pLrVukode, alt+F2 -> gnome-terminal -> rm /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf11:07
mickster04Vukode: sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf11:07
lelleis there anything like the sandbox app for linux?11:07
mickster04pLr: will he not need sudo for the rm11:07
mickster04pLr: will they not need sudo for the rm11:07
dewali would not rm it...just sudo mv /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf /root11:08
mickster04Vukode: what ubuntu are you using then?11:08
dewalthat way you can always return to the older state11:08
dewalyou cant access /root ofcours11:08
mickster04dewal: or even better mv /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf.bak11:08
dewalmickster04: thats good too :P11:09
VukodepLr, rm: cannot remove `/etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf': No such file or directory11:09
mickster04Vukode: it doesn't excist11:10
mickster04Vukode: try cd /etc/modprobe.d/11:10
mickster04Vukode: then do ls and see if you can see psmouse.conf11:10
dewalsudo locate psmouse.conf :P11:10
mickster04dewal: damn, new trick to me11:10
pLrVukode, so you do not have the same issue since you already have no psmouse.conf11:10
mickster04Vukode: what ubuntu are you running? 10.04?11:10
Vukodemichster04, yes11:11
Vukodemickster04* sorrrry'11:11
CorniMacHi, I want to reinstall grub. I only have one HD, but saying grub> root (hd0,0) gives me "selected disk does not exist". Any ideas?11:12
mickster04Vukode: tis ok, well then you wint have an issue that was apparent in karmic probably... so if you could tell me again what your laptop is I'll do some googling11:12
CorniMacI can mount the disk and its partitions without problems.11:12
mickster04CorniMac: what guide are you using?11:12
pLrVukode, sudo modprobe synaptics_i2c; dmesg | grep -i synap11:13
NaznazCorniMac, isn't it hd(0,1) ?11:13
Naznazor the other way round11:13
Vukodeit is a sony vaio vpcee23fx11:13
Delayadewal: ok, running scalpel now, thanks11:13
CorniMacnaznaz: makes no difference.11:13
CorniMacnaznaz: I tried around, it always gives me selected disk does not exist11:14
dewalDelaya: i hope you find what you're looking for11:14
dewali havent used scalpel before11:14
dewalbut it seems to do the trick11:14
pLrCorniMac, ubuntu now uses UUID for disk selection11:14
brandon420anyone know of a good torrent webui with the upload feature? that is half easy to install?11:15
ZikeyHi, do you know how to stop the boot of a ubuntu server to drop to command line (without starting everything) ?11:15
pLrZikey, recovery mode11:15
CorniMacplr: so? what should I do?11:15
pLrZikey, then choose root console11:15
icerootZikey: /sbin/start-stop-daemon  override the start-option, so no deamons are starting11:15
pLrCorniMac, why are you configuring this? what is your problem?11:16
ZikeypLr, you mean boot from recovery cd ?11:16
icerootZikey: but make a backup first and remeber also ssh is not starting with that11:16
CorniMacplr: long story, but I need to reinstall grub because of windows. I did this before, but this time, it doesn't work.11:16
pLrZikey, no. there are entries on the grub menu11:16
brandon420anyone know of a good torrent webui with the upload feature? that is half easy to install?11:16
pLrCorniMac, what os did u last install?11:16
Zikeyplr, I'm using LILO11:16
CorniMacplr: windows11:17
ZaxEZDeluge: Web UI 1.2.211:17
pLrCorniMac, 7?11:17
CorniMacplr: XP11:17
CorniMacplr: I used fixmbr, though.11:17
xevioxcan someone tell me about the "real" sense of the usenet?11:17
dewalxeviox: how do you mean11:17
Zikeyis there a way to ask lilo to boot in recovery mode ?11:17
pLrZikey, check if u have that entry, its default for grub11:17
mickster04Vukode: do you keep your set up up to date?11:17
pLrCorniMac, ok 1 sec11:17
Vukodemickster04, yes. i installed ubuntu today and updated it11:18
xevioxdewal: ok, I know that it is used by people to communicate threw messages, but it is also used in a wide range by "usenext" (or similar) users to download illegal content from the net11:18
dewalxeviox: yes11:18
dewalxeviox: and what is your question11:19
mickster04Vukode: well if you've only just installed it have you rebooted it? and you may have to do that a couple of times before it is completely up to date11:19
xevioxdewal: what I don't understand is: there are people out there that upload illegal content to newsserver (for free) and then there are providers like usenext that enables other people (who pay a lot of money) to download that content11:19
ZikeyIf I replace the first hard drive of a raid1 ubuntu (MD+LVM) will it automatically boot from the 2nd and reconstruct the first one ?11:19
Normalizergah.. using ubuntu 10.04.. trying to connect to IRC which works, but joining room rarely does..11:19
NormalizerI can join #ubuntu but not #python11:20
Normalizernothing happens11:20
mickster04xeviox: well yes up usenet is safer than torrents11:20
Vukodemickster04, yes i have rebooted it once. i will check to make sure im up to date now11:20
mickster04!register | Normalizer:11:20
ubottuNormalizer:: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode11:20
soreauNormalizer: Perhaps it requires your nick to be registered11:20
MnemonicHi, I need a little help scripting something. I have some text files I want to search for 2 lines, and replace them with one. It is only if the 2 lines are right after each other that I want them to be replaced.11:20
Normalizerah.. right, ok.. thanks11:20
MnemonicI know how to use sed for replacing text in a file, but I dont know how to look for things in more than one Line.11:20
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xevioxmickster04: ok, but why the hell are there people that upload content to the usenet for free, where they have to pay to be able to download it ?!?11:20
=== Normalizer is now known as Untouchable_test
itsux2buwhen the desktop ask me to browse to a program.. where do i look..? i'm looking for gedit.. but it could be some other program in the future11:21
mickster04xeviox: because people have to pay for servers somehow? it's a minimal fee for making sure you wont get tracked?11:21
Vukodemickster04, my system is up to date11:21
pLrCorniMac, its probably 0,2 or 1,211:21
mickster04itsux2bu: /bin/ /usr/bin/11:21
xevioxmickster04: so I put my time in a work for which I have to pay and others make big money with it???11:22
mickster04Vukode: oh :( have you got a usb mouse? dowes that work?11:22
CorniMacplr: ok, wait11:22
itsux2bualso.. can the menu items in gnome be edited easily?11:22
pLrCorniMac, you can check what it is really but i forget how11:22
pLrCorniMac, type help in the grub prompt u can find it11:23
Vukodemickster04, that is what im using11:23
CorniMacplr: thing is, it worked before with hd0... now it doesn't. =(11:23
itsux2buare menu items in gnome hardcoded or can end users edit menu items?11:24
Vukodemickster04, ive just enabled third party updates, so im installing 57 new ones right now. ill reboot when its done and tell you what happens afterwards11:24
pLrCorniMac, yes ill explain11:24
ladytechnicalhi.. new to linux.... i have several distros installed, Ive decided to keep Ubuntu, how do I delete the additional partitions, to use as hdd space, for media files?11:24
pLrCorniMac, hd0 is ur device11:24
lelleitsux2bu: right click the menu icon11:25
CorniMacplr: was that a question?11:25
pLrCorniMac, the ,0 means 1st partition11:25
pLrCorniMac, ,1 would be the 2nd partition11:25
CorniMacplr: I know.11:25
CorniMacplr: Grub just doesn't "know" the disks anymore11:25
pLrCorniMac, so it has to be hd0,1 or hd0,211:25
CorniMacplr: it isn't :(11:25
CorniMacplr: Could it be that it's because I had to "install" grub while in the live-cd?11:26
Naznazladytechnical, use the disk utility11:26
AltreusIn evolution, how can I set up the ports to use for IMAP and SMTP for a particular account?11:26
CorniMacplr: I'm using a Mint live-cd and strangely, "grub" didn't work there, so I used apt-get to get it11:26
Naznazladytechnical, if you want to, I recommend using the one shipped in the Ubuntu Administration menu :)11:27
mickster04Xjs|moonshine: Vukode yeah ok let me know how it goes11:27
ladytechnicaloh I see it, thanks :)11:27
elloboI have a specific USB device (Roland Fantom-G) that is not supported in the kernel, nor identified in the usb stack. I've managed to create a patch to usbquirks.h that makes it work. Problem is, each time I update kernel I have to repatch. Question: Is there any way to make the patch reach the mainstream ?11:27
Naznaznp :)11:27
pLrCorniMac, maybe 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6.. you should check using "sudo fdisk -l"11:27
mickster04Xjs|moonshine: oops sorry, wrong person11:27
=== Guest26120 is now known as LjL
TecR000hello for some reason i am having issues with connecting to a wireless called NETGEAR. it will connect and then after 2-5minutes it will disconnect again. We use to have another wireless access point we use to have so im not sure if that would be making this happen ?11:28
CorniMacplr: it's sda1,2,5,6, 711:28
itsux2bu"add this launcher to panel"  i understand launcher (called shortcuts in windows) but what is panel?11:29
pLrCorniMac, which is Extended or Linux?11:29
mickster04ellobo: i think you could maybe submit it to canonical somehow?11:29
Naznazellobo, submit the bug and the fix to launchpad11:29
mickster04itsux2bu: like the start bar only more flexible11:29
CorniMacplr: sda7 is ntfs, rest is linux or sawp11:29
pLrCorniMac, which is Extended or Linux?11:29
pLrtry those11:30
CorniMacplr: I did. Disk not found.11:30
ghostnik11pLr: sorry i took so long i was trying to update bios but i can't get that either but i am in puppylinux now and posted the grep cdrom11:30
pLryour sda 6 would be hd0,4 because its the 4th one11:30
ellobomickster04, thanks... that's a start point11:30
CorniMacplr: I know.11:30
ghostnik11plr; i think its still searching11:30
mickster04ellobo: i have never done owt ike that so sorry i couldnt be more helpful :p11:30
pLrghostnik11, sry i gotta go but someone will help i think11:30
pLrCorniMac, good luck gotta go11:31
=== root is now known as Guest70161
ghostnik11plr; alright thanks for all the help11:31
CorniMacplr: should I just burn an ubuntu live-cd and try the grub there?11:31
itsux2bumickster04, like Quick Launch toolbar in windows?11:31
pLrCorniMac, yes use ubuntu tools for ubuntu problems11:31
CorniMacplr: it's not an ubuntu problem :( and since everyone keeps saying mint = ubuntu...11:31
bazhangCorniMac, you're using mint?11:32
mickster04itsux2bu: well the panel is the bar at the top or bottom or wherever you want it, and a launcher is a shortcut to a program that can be placed on that bar...so kinda like the quicklaunch bar but in ubuntu (gnome-desktop) panels etc are much better11:32
ghostnik11okay my problem is i can't get my cdrom to be mounted and the mnt command for sr0 is unable to be found11:32
Guest70161како то11:32
CorniMacbazhang: no, I'm using Ubuntu, but someone took away the Live-CD, so I'm using a mint Live-CD that was lying around11:32
mickster04!mint | CorniMac:11:33
ubottuCorniMac:: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)11:33
bazhang!ru | Guest7016111:33
ubottuGuest70161: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:33
CorniMacmickster04: I have a grub problem, not a ubuntu- or mint-problem.11:33
Guest70161kako da posetim ubuntu kad net nemogu da namestim_11:33
bazhangCorniMac, trying to re-install grub2?11:33
mickster04CorniMac: oh ok, just making sure...i haven't been following too tightly11:33
CorniMacmickster04: np11:34
CorniMacbazhang: yes11:34
bazhangGuest70161, this is english only; /join #ubuntu-ru11:34
CorniMacbazhang: just found something on a forum, I'll try that first11:34
zephidHi, does anyone know where the samba configuration file for the shares made from the gui is located?11:34
mickster04zephid: are they not under /etc/samba/smb.conf ?11:35
qdbhow to search for files by their content with windows-1251 encoding?11:35
bazhangCorniMac, the grub2 wiki should cover that; have you checked it yet?11:35
zephidmickster04: Nope :)11:35
Guest70161nista vas nerayumem11:35
mickster04zephid: it should be in there11:35
Naznaz!ru Guest7016111:35
mickster04Guest70161: english11:35
Naznaz!ru | Guest7016111:35
ubottuGuest70161: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:35
qdbi ll search in web11:35
Naznazhehe the link ubottu is just great ;D11:36
zephidmickster04: That would not make sense, since sharing a folder does not require root access, so no, it's not located in /etc/samba11:36
CorniMacis there a command for telling me my disks (hd1, hd0 etc.) not the partitions?11:36
Vukodemickster04, no success with the updates11:37
Th3ohello everyone11:37
Th3oI am trying to install ubuntu netbook edition with wubi11:37
=== Guest86827 is now known as bf
TecR000hello for some reason i am having issues with connecting to a wireless called NETGEAR. it will connect and then after 2-5minutes it will disconnect again. We use to have another wireless access point we use to have so im not sure if that would be making this happen ?11:37
jca1981Help: getting "kernel-provided name 'dm-0' and NAME='/mapper/linux-root' disagree, please use SYMLINK+= or change the kernel to provide the proper name" when booting nad the boot stalls11:37
mickster04zephid: well it is where the samba config files are kept usually?11:37
mickster04!samba | zephid11:37
ubottuzephid: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:37
=== bf is now known as Guest17007
Th3oI put both files (iso and wubi) in the same folder but wubi is still looking for the iso and tries to download it everytime11:38
Th3ohow can I fix this?11:38
=== Guest17007 is now known as bfox
mickster04Vukode: well sorry, i'm out :(11:38
mickster04Th3o: heh what? you are trying to install ubuntu with ubuntu?11:38
NaznazTh3o, just mount the iso/burn it and launch wubi from there?11:38
blue112Hello here. I have trouble with my ATI graphic card... Refresh problem, maybe. The problem is some area on the screen are blinking with gray rectangles (#5A5A5A rectangles). It appends on flash, on thunderbird, and sometime on a whole window. What can I do to fix that ?11:39
pLrCorniMac, this page has what u need to know http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527511:39
mickster04lukq: can we help you?11:39
zephidmickster04: I know about samba, been using it for almost 8 years now, what I dont know, is how Gnome manages it, that is why I am asking :)11:39
pLrCorniMac, i tried to leave but i have to stay 10 mins -_-11:39
lukqi want learning11:40
CorniMacplr: not really, but thanks. I followed those instructions already, but "hd0" somehow disappeared, and THAT is my problem now11:40
ghostnik11has anyone ever updated bios for dell optiplex 240, i am on phoenix a01 and want to go to a0511:40
CorniMacplr: the partitions are all there, but hd0 became invalid, no idea why or how11:40
pLrCorniMac, http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin711:41
bazhang!pl | lukq11:41
ubottulukq: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:41
mickster04zephid: well then the config should be the same regardless of what does it11:41
pLrCorniMac, follow the instructions carefully11:41
CorniMacplr: I did. Thing is that the device is invalid.11:42
CorniMacplr: sorry, my windows is busted so I cant use the grub4dos11:42
andym3hey guys11:42
pLrCorniMac, you are not doing that section..11:42
andym3I hace a small problem with openbox11:42
pLrCorniMac, check the from live cd part11:42
andym3anyway, I used firefox to set a wallpaper and now that wallpaper overrides the one set by nitrogen11:43
CorniMacplr: the problem is11:43
CorniMacplr grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda11:43
pLrCorniMac, then grub>find /boot/grub/core.img will show hdx,y11:43
CorniMacplr invalid device /dev/sda11:43
Th3omickster04: Thank you, I didn t know that the newer ubuntu isos had wubi built in11:43
CorniMacplr: ok, I'll try that11:44
=== diego is now known as Guest98582
CorniMacplr: file not found11:45
zephidmickster04: Would it not be easier just to say that you have no idea, instead for talking for talking?11:45
pLrCorniMac, you must follow all the steps or it will fail11:46
pLrCorniMac, you didnt mount your device 1st11:46
Vukodehow do you search for something through the terminal? is there a search command?11:46
CorniMacplr: I did. I mounted all the partitions11:46
andym3Vukode: locate11:46
CorniMacplr but as I said, when I want to mount it for grub, it gives me invalid device11:46
pLrCorniMac, ls /boot/grub/*.img11:46
andym3(but don't forget sudo updatedb)11:46
CorniMacplr: file not found11:47
pLrCorniMac, so grub is not installed in /boot11:47
pLrdid u mount /boot11:47
CorniMacplr: yes11:48
itsux2buso  Window List  is like  Taskbar in windows11:48
andym3itsux2bu: yes11:49
pLrCorniMac, ur on the live cd now?11:49
CorniMacplr: I did sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/boot11:49
CorniMacplr: the mint one, still11:49
CorniMacplr: both win and grub are busted11:49
CorniMacplr: ubuntu live-cd is just finished, should I change=?11:49
pLrCorniMac, omg ur blowing up ur computer11:49
CorniMacplr: not mine, but thanks.11:49
pLrCorniMac, lol11:49
pLrCorniMac, /dev/sdaNUMBERHERE11:50
CorniMacplr: woops, mistyped. I used sda111:50
pLrCorniMac, follow the page i linked u, its 100% accurate but you must adjust it for your setup11:50
GuiTorisis it recommended to change my ubuntu linux kernel (2.6.32-21-generic) to by my hand from kernel.org?11:50
pLrCorniMac, take ur time to understand what each command does11:50
erUSULGuiToris: no11:50
CorniMacplr I would, but it always gives me "invalid device" for my HD.11:50
pLrCorniMac, when u mount it?11:51
CorniMacplr exactly as it said in your ubuntuguide.net link11:51
itsux2bucan gnome have more than 4 "Desks" ?11:51
pLrCorniMac, sry gotta go again but that page has the info i promise, go over and ask someone to help here with the 1st error u encounter11:51
pLritsux2bu, yes :p11:52
itsux2bulimit is?11:52
itsux2buplr, and just to experiment.. how do i add more?11:53
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.11:53
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors11:54
[KS]any obvious reason why cron for root would not work on 10.04?11:54
[KS]it's x64, fresh install11:54
jrib[KS]: how are you coming to that conclusion?11:55
Vukodemickster04, you still there?11:55
[KS]* * * * * echo `date +%d%m%Y` > /root/cron.log11:55
[KS]does nothing11:56
SPM_[KS]: try absolute path for echo and date commands11:56
jrib[KS]: you're typing that in a terminal or what...11:56
[KS]no it's cron job11:56
Vukodecan somebody help me do this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152674011:56
[KS]ok I changed to * * * * * /bin/echo "1234" > /root/cron.log11:57
Vukodecan somebody help me Edit /etc/default/grub to include GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="i8042.nopnp11:57
[KS] -.-11:57
SPM_[KS]: still not working?11:57
[KS]nvm :D11:57
[KS]kidding, it's ok now11:58
NaznazVukode, sudo nano /etc/default/grub11:58
[KS]how comes it needs full path for echo, never saw that one before11:58
SPM_[KS]: ok, sometimes PATH variable is not set in cron...11:58
ubottu!Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu11:59
[KS]can I just set it in cron directly?11:59
[KS]PATH = ...11:59
FloodBot2[KS]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:59
VukodeNaznaz, no what?11:59
jrib[KS]: yes...11:59
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox11:59
jrib[KS]: and "in cron job" is vague...11:59
`marianne`aw, no fluxbuntu mentions? hehe11:59
[KS]jrib, not sure I follow?11:59
NaznazVukode, there you should see GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""12:00
jrib[KS]: when you say "in cron job", it doesn't tell me what you are doing.  But it doesn't matter, you figured it out12:00
NaznazVukode, you change that to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="i8042.nopnp"12:00
NaznazVukode, and then run sudo update-grub12:00
NaznazVukode, (after saving /etc/default/grub)12:00
itsux2buVukode, what does that do to grub?12:01
UsagiHey I tried Linux with WUBI, now I am in love with it, how do I remove windows from this machine, I haven't used Windows in 6 months and I would like to utilize my 500G hdd and not just like 17g12:01
krosonUsagi: just burn your ubuntu iso to a CD and then boot from it and erase the entire disk to install ubuntu :)12:01
Usagiwhere is the ISO?12:02
krosonin the place you downloaded it12:02
krosonmaybe in your browser transfers folder12:02
Usagikroson, I used WUBI12:02
krosonah, i dont remember if you need the iso for wubi, but i thought yes12:03
krosonany way, you need the LiveCD ISO to install ubuntu like you said, erasing windows from your system12:03
Usagiright I have all my pictures and junk backed up12:04
krosonso go to www.ubuntu.com and download the 64-bit version if your processor can handle it12:04
=== garuda is now known as nikhil_
krosonif your pc is a dual-core or superior, it will support 64-bit12:05
UsagiI use flash, is flash available for 64 bit?12:05
krosonthere are a few single cores that support it as well, not many12:05
Usagiwell I will try it12:06
krosonyou will use the 32 bit version emulated12:06
[KS]jrib, now that I've set path echo `date` > /root/cron.log work12:06
Usagi64-bit - Not recommended for daily desktop usage12:06
krosonthere used to be a native 64-bit flash but adobe dropped it, it is no longer safe to uset imho12:06
jrib[KS]: k12:06
[KS]but echo `date +%d%m%Y` > /root/cron.log does not12:06
krosonUsagi: dont care about that, it is perfectly usable and stable like the 32-bit12:07
lvh`is there a way to find ppa's that carry a particular package12:07
[KS]what am I missing?12:07
krosonactually, there is a "bug" reported for that12:07
lvh`the bzr-fastimport package in lucid is broken, trunk fixed it12:07
jpdsUsagi: You can use 32-bit flash in 64-bit Ubuntu; it works just fine.12:07
cafaroNormally it's possible to hold the backspace key (or other any other applicable key) down, in order to remove multiple characters in quick manner. But here I have to press the backspace key over and over again, for it to do it's job. Is this a hardware problem or not? And is there a way to fix it?12:07
Usagiso all the older "32 bit" apps work fine?12:07
lvh`preferably I'd have a package instead of updating manually12:07
krosondont worry, most people that have a 64-bit cpu here use the 64-bit version12:07
skumarahi when i install k3b i get an error saying 'require installation of untrusted packages'.12:07
jpdsUsagi: Yes.12:07
erUSULlvh`: launchpad12:07
Usagilike wine and stuff?12:07
erUSUL!ppa > lvh`12:07
ubottulvh`, please see my private message12:07
krosonUsagi: yes12:07
itsux2buhow do you add "desks" to gnome?12:08
lvh`erUSUL: that doesn't really answer my question12:08
sam_samwhen i try to save a website with 'wget' i get error filename too long to save .. i have used this numerous times.. any help to trim the filename to some length ?12:08
lvh`erUSUL: I know how ppa's work; I don't know how to find a ppa that carries a particular package12:08
erUSULlvh`: you go to the page linked there and do a web search on the aviable ppa's12:08
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.12:08
krosonUsagi: good luck12:09
GalaxorHi.  I've got an ethernet cable plugged directly from one computer into another.  I tried just giving them ip addresses manually, and setting the route.  Apparently, though, you can't do that without a "crossover cable".  So now I'm looking at dnsmasq.  Can I use dnsmasq without a crossover cable?12:09
lvh`Aha! Thanks12:09
erUSULlvh`: or do i have to do the search for you ?12:09
jrib[KS]: '%' is special, see man 5 crontab12:09
[KS]oh, newline eh12:09
sam_samwhen i try to save a website with 'wget' i get error filename too long to save .. i have used this numerous times.. any help to trim the filename to some length ?12:10
sam_sami tried wget options, docs but no solution :S12:10
lvh`erUSUL: No; I already found that as well; I just find it very hard to believe there's only one ppa that carries that package, since it's basically been broken since forever12:10
lvh`erUSUL: And by forever I mean "since 2009", and by broken I mean "can't export and then import the same branch"12:11
erUSULlvh`: well mabe there is no much intrerest in that package? or maybe is not that broken ?12:11
[KS]voila, jrib, thanks a bunch12:11
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erUSULlvh`: i use git so do not ask me ;)12:11
LibertyZerocafaro: Look at Repeat Keys under System->Preferences->Keyboard12:11
cafaroLibertyZero: thanks, will try12:12
sam_sami m using PPPOE, due to some problem i cant connect using the networking icon, i can connect using only 'pon' when i click on networking icon i see 'device not managed'12:12
sam_samany help ?12:13
erUSULsam_sam: well if you choose to use pppoeconfig and pon/poff network manager just stays out of the way afaik. the same happens if you use /etc/network/interfaces12:13
KingsyI wonder if someone has a few mins to answer some basic linux/ubuntu questions for me (I am coming from windows you see, trying to get into linux cos windows is really pissing me off)12:14
sam_sambut how do i fix the problem of connecting thorough GUI ? i m the only person who can use terminal, other need a GUI interface..:(12:14
g117Kingsy what exactly do you wan't to ask?12:15
Kingsyg117 - well for starters I know that linux doesnt have such a thing as an exe file.. so how do you run applications? say I wanted to run something that was just installed by finding it in the file system and double clicking it.. what do you look for?12:16
Kingsysorry if thats obvious btw.. just getting a handle on things12:16
skumarai just uninstall kubuntu. now i only want k3b and i get this message when i install k3b in software centre when i install k3b i get an error saying 'require installation of untrusted packages'.. please guide me.12:17
itsux2bui been thinking about migrating to ubuntu from windows.. but i have a major problem that will stop me.. one of my credit card companies requires flash.. but this website locked up after about a minute.. browser is firefox.. all software latest version..  ubuntu 10.04/ff 3.6.8/flash 10.1 r8212:18
enzotibskumara, you just need to update package list12:18
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IzinucsKingsy: this might help http://www.ubuntugeek.com/linux-or-ubuntu-directory-structure.html12:18
Naznazitsux2bu, maybe a bug of the website?12:18
Guest29041My samba shares arent working in lucid12:18
Guest29041they work fine in karmic though12:19
skumaraenzotib, u mean i do sudo apt-get update?12:19
itsux2buNaznaz, citibank.. major company..12:19
Guest29041and everythingf is the same the fstab seetings are cut and paste off my karmic install12:19
Adamusafternoon all12:19
enzotibskumara, yes12:19
Naznazitsux2bu, I'll try if the website works for me12:19
zzzed!ask | Kingsby12:19
ubottuKingsby: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:19
KingsyIzinucs - thanks.. another thing.. is there a general way of installing applications on ubuntu? OTHER THAN using repos? for example I downloaded tightvnc and I have NO IDEA what to do with it12:20
Guest29041I have created  .cifscredeintials file12:20
IzinucsGuest29041: try restarting the deamon... sudo service smbd restart12:20
jca1981Help: getting "kernel-provided name 'dm-0' and NAME='/mapper/linux-root' disagree, please use SYMLINK+= or change the kernel to provide the proper name" when booting nad the boot stalls12:20
itsux2buNaznaz, https://www.citicards.com/cards/wv/home.do12:20
zetherooan ongoing problem with 2 desktop I have here is that GRUB takes forever to load and sometimes does not load at all ... several hard resets later GRUB will actually come around ... this is on two desktops with fresh installes of 10.04 fully updated12:20
skumaraenzotib, i did already. i still get the error.12:20
Guest29041I have tried rebooting12:20
Naznazitsux2bu, hm okay, it works for me in Opera and FF12:21
Naznazitsux2bu, dpkg -l | grep flash ?12:22
Guest29041/         /home/dad/ipod                         cifs auto,iocharset=utf8,uid=dad,gid=users,credentials=/root/.cifscredentials,file_mode=0775,dir_mode=0775 0 012:22
enzotibskumara, post the output of that command12:22
enzotib!pastebin | skumara12:22
ubottuskumara: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:22
IzinucsKingsy: first rule of thumb.. if it's in the repos always get it from there.. just because there is a newer version out there doesn't mean it's better.. that being said.. newer versions of lots of stuff is available in the PPA's when can be added to the package manager and then installed with Synaptic or apt-get/aptitude.  Installing something that you downloaded .. well that depends on what form it's in.. a binary tar, source code, .deb etc12:22
Guest29041is the guide I followed and it worked a treat on my karmic install fore ever and now Ive made a lucid partition it just wont play12:23
KingsyIzinucs - ok.. so.. say I wanted to install tightvnc as an example.. how would I first check if thats in the repos? or if I could add it?12:23
skumaraenzotib, pastebin http://pastebin.com/65xqTekF12:24
Guest29041I have created the /root/.cifscredentials fiel12:24
IzinucsKingsy: you are on Ubuntu / gnome right? or kde?12:24
GuiTorisis there any command which can lock the X screen (via ssh)?12:24
KingsyIzinucs - see thats another thing.. I am on ubuntu but what is the difference between gnome and kde?12:25
Kingsyin short I don't know :S12:25
itsux2buNaznaz, ii  adobe-flashplugin                                        Adobe Flash Player plugin version 10   AND rc  flashplugin-installer                             Adobe Flash Player plugin installer12:25
enzotibskumara, you have un untrusted ppa repo, i suggest to remove it12:25
enzotibskumara, unless you really need it12:25
Guest29041KDE is glossier than gnome12:26
Guest29041much more polish12:26
itsux2buNaznaz, my bank website works.. bank of america12:26
Naznazitsux2bu, hm that's the same as I do (though I have 64 bit), when did it stop working? Already tried a reboot?12:26
itsux2buNaznaz, works in wondows firefox12:27
itsux2buNaznaz, never worked at citicard website12:28
skumaraenzotib, now i'm getting this error Package dependencies cannot be resolved. i think it is not possible to install KDE software in gnome!!12:28
enzotibskumara, it is possible12:28
skumaraenzotib, how? This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Futhermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.12:29
IzinucsKingsy: You're on the high curve of learning this stuff.. here's a great beginning reference for you to download.  It'll get you up and running in lots of areas. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ I may get flamed for this but.. gnome/kde/xfce4/lxde and many others are desktop managers.. basically what you actually are looking at on the screen even though that is really made up of a couple of different systems.. Windows gave you one look/desktop.. Li12:29
Naznazitsux2bu, hm sorry than I've no idea left :(12:29
itsux2buNaznaz, can i unistall them?12:30
Naznazitsux2bu, flash plugin? Sure12:30
Naznazitsux2bu, you might also try chrome or opera12:31
itsux2busudo apt-get remove adobe-flashplugin  ?12:31
Izinucsskumara: what are you trying to install exactly?12:31
skumaraIzinucs, k3b.12:31
itsux2busudo apt-get remove flashplugin-installer  ?12:32
Izinucsskumara: I've *never* had an issue installing that on gnome or anywhere else..  sudo apt-get install k3b..12:32
Naznazand sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin12:32
Naznazor via the ubuntu software manager12:32
Naznaz(don't know the exact name :p)12:32
itsux2bu--purge  ?12:32
Naznazdeletes the downloaded install files from the system afaik12:33
KingsyIzinucs - thanks I will give that a read12:33
Naznazif you just remove and then reinstall it uses the same install file again12:33
Naznazafaik :p12:33
skumaraIzinucs, enzotib i have pastebin the exact error in terminal. have a look http://pastebin.com/1cfSHnZb12:33
zzzeditsux2bu, purge option completely removes a files for a package including config.files. without purge config files are left12:33
`marianne`personally i just delete /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb every so often... hehe12:34
jrib`marianne`: you should use apt-get clean or autoclean instead12:34
skumaraIzinucs, enzotib at the end of the line there is broken packages. is it causing the problem?! how to check and remove broken packages?12:35
`marianne`jrib, oh? do they do anything different/better?12:35
jrib`marianne`: read the man page12:35
Izinucsskumara: try a full package update first.  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade .. then sudo apt-get -f install .. that might fix some package manager issues12:35
`marianne`looks like apt-get clean does pretty much the same as i was doing, but at least it's a shorter command hehe12:37
IzinucsKingsy: You'll find that once you start getting use to linux you can do so much more... easier..12:37
jrib`marianne`: no...12:37
jrib`marianne`: "It removes everything but the lock file from /var/cache/apt/archives/ and /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/"12:38
`marianne`jrib, well, yeah, i guess my method doesn't clean out partial, but otherwise...12:38
jrib`marianne`: "It removes everything but the lock file ..."12:38
skumaraIzinucs, i still get the same error!12:38
jrib`marianne`: "... but the lock file ..."12:38
KingsyIzinucs - well I have been using it for a while now and I find I can do everyday things quite easily but there is still questions that I have no idea about.. LIKE.. what is gnome how to install apps.. where those apps are kept and in what format.. etc etc..12:38
Kingsyreally basic things.. which is annoying.. hehe12:39
jrib`marianne`: anyway, just use that :)12:39
`marianne`jrib, and rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb doesn't remove the lock file either hehe12:39
Dr_Willis!manual | Kingsy12:39
ubottuKingsy: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:39
jrib`marianne`: fair enough, it's still a good idea to use the command written to do it12:40
KingsyDr_Willis - yea I am looking at it now12:40
Dr_WillisKingsy:  i just saw a review of a new Ubuntu book also.. let me find it.12:40
IzinucsKingsy: in the Windows world we're use to going out on the net for programs to do things.. I do that in linux only for reference to what I want then look in the package manager.. System>Admin>Synaptic Package Manager and see if it's there.. tightvnc is there..12:40
HeTaLDoes the ubuntu install from within windows make a partition for you, or does it install it on th C drive as another program?12:40
`marianne`jrib, probably, if only for reasons of brevity :)12:40
Dr_WillisReview: The Official Ubuntu Book -----> http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/153159?rdf12:41
Dr_WillisHeTaL:  it installs to a file on th windows drive. Thats how 'wubi' works.12:41
Dr_WillisHeTaL:  it shows up in the add/remove stuff as another program12:41
jrib`marianne`: and race conditions I guess?12:41
HeTaLWell, I was installing ubuntu, and it didn't give me the option to partition my drive.12:41
HeTaLnot through windows.12:41
Dr_WillisHeTaL:  be a bit more verbose and concuise...   'fail' tells me bvery little12:41
IzinucsKingsy: of course Applications>Internet> Remote Desktop Viewer might allow you to connect to a vnc enabled machine...12:41
Dr_WillisHeTaL:  you booted the CD? or ran some program from teh cd within windows?12:42
KealIf this pastebin doesn't kill opensource, I don't know what will.12:42
HeTaLbooted from the CD12:42
bazhang!ot > Keal12:42
ubottuKeal, please see my private message12:42
KingsyDr_Willis - its there? ok hold on let me see if I can find it in there (for future reference so I know how to find other apps)12:42
Dr_WillisHeTaL:  then the installer should of walked you through repartioning.resizeing the hard drive.12:42
KingsyIzinucs - ^^^ sorry that message was meant for you12:42
=== Dynamic_Fail is now known as Jinxed-
IzinucsDr_Willis: sounds like HeTaL did a wubi install12:43
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Dr_WillisIzinucs:  yes.. but he also said he booted the cd.. so somthing is confused here12:43
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IzinucsDr_Willis: yep12:43
=== fdm391 is now known as auspex
Dr_WillisI really hate wubi...12:43
omniusG'day Everyone12:44
IzinucsKingsy: there are several vnc-ish programs to choose from.. doesn't always have to be tightvnc12:44
IzinucsDr_Willis: I'll second that12:44
HeTaLIzinucs: Dr_Willis It showed me the option to partition manually, but whn I've installed ubuntu before, it used to allow me to use a user-friendly slider to partition.12:44
HeTaLSorry to leave that out.12:44
KingsyIzinucs - ok I see it.. so do I have to install that via synaptic cos thats where I found it? or can I use apt-get?12:44
HeTaLMeh, I never used wubi. Great gateway into linux for new people though.12:45
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IzinucsKingsy: either.. they both make calls to dpkg ..12:45
Dr_WillisHeTaL:  i tend to partition befor i even start the installer. and use a seperate hard drive.. sounds like you just got confused in the install/partion manager  - It should be installed to a parittion somewhere if you booted the cd.12:45
morningsunshinehave a question on vpn setup on ubuntu 1012:45
zzzedHeTaL, did you use the live cd or the alternate install cd?12:46
HeTaLDr_Willis: It can do partitions for you. There used to be a way that you just allocated enough memory, and it would do it for you. Right now you have to setup your own swap, home, boot spaces.12:46
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HeTaLzzzed: got it from a friend. Was low on bandwidth :p Does it matter?12:46
=== arya is now known as azu
morningsunshineI imported the pcf file and the new vpn conn appears. but when selecting it for starting conn, nothing shows up12:47
sam_sam m using PPPOE, due to some problem i cant connect using the networking icon, i can connect using only 'pon' when i click on networking icon i see 'device not managed'12:47
jxajro_Saudações a todos! Por favor, alguém conhece uma tela inicial do ubunto 9..4 que oferece opções de carregamento como Generic,  Recover, Generi (2) e outras assim?????12:47
Dr_WillisHeTaL:  you can select automatic, and it will resize and make a / and swap - i recall.   Or you can do it manual how you like.12:47
Izinucs!es | jxajro_12:48
ubottujxajro_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:48
zzzedHeTaL, well the alternate cd is not as "friendly" and doesn't do as much for you automagically12:48
Dr_WillisHeTaL:  i have also used windows to resize the windows HD leavbing part of the HD Unallocated.. anbd teh installer sees/uses that12:48
HeTaLDr_Willis: I don't see an automatic option :P12:48
jxajro_Sorry sorry! I have not realysed...12:48
HeTaLDr_Willis: Yeah, I was going to do that.12:48
gui-sem_mouse@jxjairo creio que prefira #ubuntu-br12:48
KealLast similar pastebin caused China to damn near firebomb Google out of their country.12:48
Dr_WillisHeTaL:  you using the alternative cd? Ive not used that in ages12:48
bazhangKeal, stop that12:48
HeTaLIt was a small problem that's irking me. Chances are I'm going to remove windows, and just drop gentoo on it and use it as a headless server.12:49
KingsyIzinucs - ok, so I have installed tightvncserver now.. it seemed to install just fine but now what? I cant see it in the menu, which means I am stuck.. see on windows (sorry to mention heh) I would go into program files to check what has been installed (make a shortcut to the exe file etc) and then run the application from there.. what would I do here?12:49
morningsunshinecan anyone help12:49
IzinucsKingsy: what's your goal with vnc? do you want to use another machine and log into your ubuntu box?12:50
sam_sam1 m using PPPOE, due to some problem i cant connect using the networking icon, i can connect using only 'pon' when i click on networking icon i see 'device not managed'12:50
IzinucsKingsy: or are you trying to connect from ubuntu to another machine ?12:51
KingsyIzinucs - yup ... I have it running on windows (the server) as a test (so I can log onto that machine) and you run it and set the ip address of the machine and the username and password etc12:51
=== kad_ is now known as help`
morningsunshinecan anyone help12:52
zzzed!ask | morningsunshine12:52
ubottumorningsunshine: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:52
KingsyIzinucs - then you set it to run on startup and it sits in the tray12:53
morningsunshineok zzzed12:53
IzinucsKingsy: ok.. well you installed tightvncserver which is used for others to log into the ubuntu box and use it... personally I'd give the built in program a try first.. Applications>Internet>Remote Desktop viewer or Terminal Server Client.. Terminal Server Client I believe does the vnc protocol..12:53
morningsunshinebeen trying it out for last few days but no soln12:53
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KingsyIzinucs - ok I will do BUT, I kinda still wanna know whats going on here, I have installed this server.. where has it gone? how I run it?12:55
IzinucsKingsy: if you want to remote into the ubuntu box then look at System>Preferences>Remote Desktop ... there are lots of ways to remote into a machine..12:55
skumaracan i delete my source list and create new source list?12:55
Dr_Willisskumara:  i would move it/rename it.12:55
IzinucsKingsy: not all programs/packages are gui based.. the vncserver package you installed probably isn't12:55
KingsyIzinucs - yea I will check it out..12:55
Dr_Willisskumara:  most new sources should be put in files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/12:56
KingsyIzinucs - ah right.. so how would I check if its running?12:56
Kingsyusing a cmd or something?12:56
the_dark_warrioIs it possible to disable the F1 shortcut from launching the help?12:56
IzinucsKingsy: from a terminal ... pidof tightvncserver12:56
Kingsyah ok.. yea it isnt running12:57
IzinucsKingsy: or if you have the "system monitor" running in a task bar you could look there.12:57
skumaraDr_Willis, after mv source list, how to create new source list?12:58
KingsyIzinucs - hmm I don't get this app.. nevermind12:58
Kingsyits going weird things.. hehe12:59
philinuxmorningsunshine: trying what out?12:59
IzinucsKingsy: which one?12:59
Dr_Willisskumara:  its a text file... use a text editor12:59
KingsyIzinucs - tightvnc (I know you said to use the ubuntu one) and I will I am just messing around12:59
IzinucsKingsy: k13:00
Kingsyeverytime I run it, it says.. New X desktop is "blah:blah"13:00
KingsyIzinucs - and I get the ubuntu startup noise13:00
Kingsybut then when I do pidof tightvncserver it returns nothing13:01
IzinucsKingsy: :) ... X is the underlying system that all your graphic stuff sits on top of.. without it you wouldn't be able to see anything on the screen13:01
Dr_WillisKingsy:  you checked the logs in .vnc ?13:01
morningsunshinephilinux trying to connect vpn13:01
KingsyDr_Willis - no, it said it printed something out in there tho13:01
philinuxmorningsunshine: cant help with that sorry.13:02
morningsunshineI've imported .pcf file. The new vpn conn appears in the VPN Connections option. Now when I select it, it doesn't connect. Nothing happens.13:02
linuxmachineWhat parameters/options should I give to apt-get in order to get it to download ALL the dependencies of a given packet (not just the dependencies missing in my system but ALL of them, regardless of whether or not they are already installed in my system)? Moreover, if it could be configured so that it gets not only the 1st level deps but also all the deps up to the 3rd level or so all the better it would be13:02
IzinucsKingsy: the blah:blah part is what might be interesting.. what did it say?13:02
morningsunshinephilinux np Thnx13:02
erUSULlinuxmachine: what are you trying to do ?13:02
erUSULlinuxmachine: build the package ? apt-get build-dep13:03
KingsyIzinucs - it was the name of my pc.. ermm Mexico:Linux (which is what I called it)13:03
Kingsyhehe and no my computer isnt in mexico :P13:03
linuxmachineerUSUL: I don't want the dependencies needed for compilation, but just the dependencies needed for installation13:03
Kingsyscrew it I have removed it anyways13:03
IzinucsKingsy: the reason I ask is you can have multiple X session on the same computer at the same time.. you can log in remotely with ssh and run X and a full desktop off your machine from across the world without using vnc at all. :)13:04
SkyNetMasterhi, how can I get from command line which version of ubuntu it is? for ex. lucid or karmic13:05
linuxmachineerUSUL: if you go to packages.ubuntu.com, and select a packet, there all the dependencies for that packet are stated, I want apt-get to download all of those dependencies for me, without getting involved in whether or not they are installed in my system. So one thing that I would probably have to do is that of finding a way to make apt-get not care about what's installed in my system13:05
KingsyIzinucs - that sounds really cool man!13:06
KingsyDr_Willis - did you find that ubuntu book?13:06
Dr_WillisKingsy:  i pasted a url to the review13:06
erUSULlinuxmachine: dunno sorry13:06
Dr_WillisReview: The Official Ubuntu Book -----> http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/153159?rdf13:06
KingsyI wonder if there is a book I could buy for CHEAP, I find e-books very difficult to read13:06
Dr_WillisKingsy:  take them to work and print out ethe ebook :)13:07
jrib!version | SkyNetMaster13:07
ubottuSkyNetMaster: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »13:07
Kingsyhehe yea could do13:07
IzinucsKingsy: barns and noble, amazon, your local Fry's if there is one.. will all have ubuntu books13:09
SkyNetMasterjrib, I need only code name, in order to automatically add correct repo in source.list13:09
jribSkyNetMaster: so check possible switches to lsb_release (hint: -c)13:09
Dr_WillisSkyNetMaster:  its shown in lsb_release -a13:09
SkyNetMasterjrib, I need only code name, in order to automatically add correct repo in source.list, I saw c but the return variable need parsing13:09
jribSkyNetMaster: that was only a hint.  Keep reading the help.  (hint: -s)13:10
badgerfan1972hi everyone13:10
SkyNetMasterjrib, thanxs13:11
KingsyIzinucs - see ideally I would like to find a sorta reference book (like o reilly for programming) that would take me from easy stuff to advanced stuff13:11
Kingsyso I would only need to ever buy one book :)13:11
Dr_WillisKingsy:  you never need  only 1 book.. :)13:11
Kingsyhehe you know what I mean.. 1 book to give me a goood footing13:12
Excell-Homehi all is there anyway in to just swap one screen when you have dual monitor ?13:12
Dr_WillisKingsy:  watch teh bargin bins... i tend to get the 'old release' of some of these books. they are still good referance books13:12
alienseer23I did a kernal upgrade and my dvd-rom no longer mounts. how do I find out what went wrong and how to fix?13:12
KingsyDr_Willis - yea will do :)13:12
Dr_WillisExcell-Home:  like turn off the laptop lcd.. and turn on the external lcd?13:12
IzinucsKingsy: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ubuntu&x=0&y=013:13
bazhangdv__, without the caps lock13:13
Izinucsdv__: you ask a question about ubuntu and you might get an answer13:13
KingsyIzinucs - yea I was just lookin at them.. not sure which one fits my needs tho13:13
Excell-Homeno I have dual monitor pc I want to use the swap display feature in the bottom bar but just to swap one screen of the two13:13
Kingsyheh there are loads :P13:13
Dr_WillisKingsy:  i buy whatever i find on sale that i may be interewsted in.. and keep them in the  'reading room'  :)13:15
IzinucsKingsy: I have the "Beginning Ubuntu Linux" that I bought a few years ago.. I found it worth the investment.. since then your interests vary so I bought a book on Admining Linux, Samba, Apache, pocket reference guides etc..13:15
Dr_WillisExcell-Home:   you mean the 'workspace' thing.. it dosent work that way13:15
Kingsycool cool, thanks for the advice ppl :)#13:16
Dr_WillisExcell-Home:  idf you wanted to keep an app always on one desktop seen (like a video player) theres settings to Pin/sticky/ontop a specific program13:16
Excell-Homeah ok sound good13:17
dv__iam new here how this thing work13:17
Excell-Homehow do I do that13:17
marakancungwho can install flash player in Flock ubuntu?13:17
marakancungvery susah13:17
Dr_Willis!irc | dv__13:17
ubottudv__: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines13:17
marakancungpusing gue dari tadi malem gak berhasil13:17
Pici!id | marakancung13:18
ubottumarakancung: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia13:18
dv__thanks all of you13:18
Excell-HomeI am using xine13:18
Lucianwhats the romanian ubuntu channel?13:18
marakancung@Ubottu : makasih yaaa informasinya...segera bergabung ke sana deh..13:18
psycho_oreos!ro | Lucian13:18
ubottuLucian: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro13:18
dv__how to open vpn line in ubuntu 10.413:18
Dr_WillisExcell-Home:  right click on title bar, select the right options13:18
IzinucsPici: I didn't recognize that at all.. I never would have guessed indonesia..13:19
PiciIzinucs: Me either.  I have some irssi magic that does a geo lookup based on their host.13:19
IzinucsPici: lol... magic is right...13:19
dv__someone can help me in this question13:20
Excell-Homekewl thats perfect Thank you very much Dr_Wills13:20
Dr_WillisExcell-Home:  such things have been a 'standard' feature in Linux for years and years.. :) well its actually a X/window manager feature... I guess..13:21
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Excell-Homeyea you cant do that in dare I say Windoze!13:21
Excell-HomeI just love this os13:21
Luciancan someone recommand me a good c++ for linux book or a site with tutorials if its free its better13:22
Dr_WillisExcell-Home:  you sort of can.. but you need hacky 3rd party apps to just do the  things.. (which is sad really)13:22
Excell-Homeyes I agree13:22
dv__I am questioning if I can open a vpntunnel in Ubuntu 10.413:22
Izinucs!vpn | dv__13:23
ubottudv__: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN13:23
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dv__how to install vpn in ubuntu someone help me13:23
Dr_WillisLucian:  you may want to check delicious.com and see what people got tagged as 'C++, tutorial'   often that site has the 'best' tagged by the most people. :)13:23
Dr_Willisdv__:  Install? or set up to use a vpn?13:23
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN13:24
shledahello friends, can I print UBUNTU logo on my t-shirt for free?13:24
Dr_Willisshleda:  are you going tobe selling these?13:24
shledaDr_Willis: nopes, just want to show off people I love and use Ubutnu13:25
SkyNetMasterI want to add repo in source.list. I am doing by sudo echo "deb http:/// ... " >> /etc/apt/source.list but getting permission denied. what can be the reason13:25
Izinucsshleda: someone will charge you to do the printing unless you do it yourself.. then it will cost you the ink.13:25
Dr_Willisshleda:  watch out for the real cheap Tee-shirt iron-ons also.. some dont work very well.13:26
PiciSkyNetMaster: sudo does not cross IO redirection operators. use the form of:  echo "foo" | sudo tee -a /path/to/bar13:26
Izinucs!pm | dv__13:26
Dr_WillisSkyNetMaster:  thats a 'sudo faq/issue' when using  >>> redurectionb with sudo you HAVE To use the tee command also13:26
ubottudv__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:26
shledahmm, Izinucs and Dr_Willis thanks for pointing, but still the question will Canonical sue me if I print Ubuntu logo on my shirt13:26
PiciSkyNetMaster: Alternatively, you could use add-apt-repository13:26
Dr_Willisshleda:  you are being a bit paranoid...13:27
shledamay be I can print more than one shirt, just to gift it to others13:27
Dr_WillisSkyNetMaster:  one normally does NOT add new entries to the sources.list - if its a 3rd party repository, you should make a file for it in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/13:27
SkyNetMasterDr_Willis, ok, looking into tee13:28
Picishleda: If you're worried then you should contact Ubuntu's legal team. http://www.ubuntu.com/legal13:28
IzinucsDr_Willis: shleda it's actually a good question.. can you use the ubuntu logo on shirts, hats etc and sell them?  I think the licensing says yes.. but I really don't know.13:28
SkyNetMasterPici, add-apt-repository supports only ppa?13:28
Picishleda: If you're not selling the shirts, then you should be ok.13:28
PiciSkyNetMaster: It should support any repository.13:29
shledaI am not going to sell T-Shirts hats or stickers, I will just distribute them, thats it13:29
Picishleda: See the 'permitted use' part of the trademark policy: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy  its rather intuative for legalese.13:30
shledathanks guys :) Ubuntu rox till the time its free :P13:31
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SkyNetMasterPici, ok, I just having problems with bash strings :S13:32
Guest44180I am trying to install a game on playonlinux but I am having troble what does it mean when it says where is the CD-ROM mounted13:33
Dr_WillisGuest44180:  You poped in the windoew cd that contains the game?13:33
Guest44180it says is it mounted at * or other13:33
IzinucsPici: interesting section on trade mark policy.. Restricted use lists T-Shirts... must be a commercial application.. many loco's print their own T's13:34
Guest44180should I click on * or other?13:35
Dr_WillisGuest44180:  should be /media/cdrom or some other  /media/NAME depending on the name of the optical disk13:35
om26ermy mbr is broken in a certain way that I have to update grub myself each time there is a need. is there a way I could force install13:35
dv__how apt.conf13:36
Naznazhi, I got   indicator-session: Depends: libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (>= 2.21.6) but it is not installable13:36
Naznaz. Anybody got a solution?13:36
dv__someone helpme13:36
Dr_WillisNaznaz:  try a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' then try installing it again?13:37
bazhangdv__, ask a question then13:37
Guest44180I went on other and it came up with a box that says /media/cdrom13:37
NaznazDr_Willis, already tried13:37
dv__how to configure apt.conf13:37
Dr_Willisdv__:  You should be asking a bit clearer questions.. 'how apt.conf' means nothing :)13:37
NaznazDr_Willis, apt-get upgrade tells me that it has been kept back13:37
Dr_Willisdv__:  its a text file.. you can BACK IT UP.. then edit it with a text editor13:37
bazhangdv__, are you running ubuntu?13:37
Dr_WillisNaznaz:  perhaps 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'13:38
NaznazDr_Willis, tried that, too13:38
bazhangdv__, then explain exactly what you are trying to do.13:38
dv__want configure apt13:39
rileyp[ 2845.983034]  CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -2213:39
bazhangdv__, configure it to do what13:39
Dr_Willisdv__:  configure it to do what exactly?  You can use mor ethen 3 words on a line...13:39
Dr_Willis!apt | dv__13:41
ubottudv__: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)13:41
NaznazMy GS also stopped working ... the last things I did seem to have brought havoc upon my system :>13:41
Dr_WillisNaznaz:  and a 'GS' is  what?13:41
NaznazGnome Shell13:41
Izinucsnanghaka: try sudo apt-get -f install13:41
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dv__how I can install kde4 in ubuntu13:43
bazhangdv__, install kubuntu-desktop13:43
Dr_Willisdv__:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop (from the kubuntu FAQ)  :)13:43
Dr_Willisdv__:  the Kubuntu channel/homepage has directoins for installing the latest 4.5 kde from PPA repos also.13:44
Dr_WillisKubuntu-desktop will be a few 100mb of downloading.. i think like 200-300mb.13:44
timdoes anyone know a program thats good for serial communication(something with GUI)?13:44
dv__ boys and girls13:44
Dr_Willistim:  to communicate with what? theres 'serial terminal' programs in the repos.13:45
Lucianhey what does the LTS from ubuntu 10.04 LTS means?13:45
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)13:45
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100413:46
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ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:48
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Naznazsince when does ppa-purge affect linux-headers? :D13:51
Dr_Willisdv__:  we have no idea what you are talking abouit when you do things like 'no, yes, ' and so forth... use complete sentances if you want to say somthing13:51
chris_osxhe might be a boolean13:52
NaznazLOL! :D13:52
zzzed_!tab | dv__13:52
ubottudv__: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:52
samoangunnerI have an error that comes up every time I login13:54
samoangunnerCould not update ICEauthority file /home/samoangunner/.ICEauthority13:54
samoangunnercan anyone help13:54
Naznazsamoangunner, try backuping and then deleting your .ICEauthority and then reboot13:55
Dr_Willisjust log out/back in may work. after moveing it :)13:55
samoangunnerwhat and where is the .ICEauthority?13:56
Dr_Willissamoangunner:  it gives the full path to it in your message13:56
Dr_WillisIts some X security file/key/lock - Its possible it got owned by root, or somthing goofy13:56
Dr_Willis ls -l /home/willis/.ICEauthority13:57
Dr_Willis-rw------- 1 willis willis 19624 2010-08-30 21:42 /home/willis/.ICEauthority13:57
CorniMacpLr: thanks, one of your links worked13:57
Dr_Willisbye all bbl13:57
samoangunnersorry the file was hiddin13:57
samoangunnerI see it now13:57
olskolirci uninstalled mythbuntu and now i don't have sound on youtube or vlc tv tuner13:58
CorniMaccan I mount somehow under grub? when I use find without grub, it finds it without problems, but when I'm in grub>, it doesn't find the /boot/grub/stage1 (I'm trying to install gfxBoot)13:58
Luciandoes anyone else has an ati radeon x1300/x1550   and can help me find a good driver for it13:58
iceroot!ati | Lucian13:58
ubottuLucian: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:58
Luciani want to make it run at full options13:58
PiciLucian: You need to use the open source driver for those cards, it should work out of the box.13:59
datuneIs there a way to influence the colors of bash? For example when listing a directory, it shows folders in a weird blue color, can I affect this somehow?14:00
Naznazdatune, edit your ~/.bashrc14:00
erUSULdatune: man dircolors14:00
datuneNaznaz: But I want to edit it systemwide, not just for my user, which bashrc should I edit?14:01
datuneerUSUL: Thanks! @Naznaz thanks also!14:01
icerootdatune: /etc/bash.bashrc i guess14:01
Naznazah okay, then take erUSUL's advice :p14:01
datuneiceroot: Thanks ;-)14:01
RainRaincreate document and create folder are greyed out on my samba drive - is this easy to sort out - i suppose it's just a permissions issue14:02
kokozedmanhey guys... anyone with some advanced TCP knowledge? i have some question about the behavior of a data transfer14:02
kokozedmani'm having a 3 Mbps modem... but getting about 330 KB/s max... my transfers are behaving a little odd14:03
sexybotownerHey guys, anyone knows what it means when I get the very specific message "Error establishing a database connection" whenever i try to open a page that uses MySql database ?14:03
pickettsounds like the speed youd expect14:03
Naznazsexybotowner, that is probably a problem on server-site?14:03
kokozedmanit goes 330 for about 30 seconds... then it goes down to 0... then there is peak of 630 KB/s at my level... then back to 0... after a few seconds it crawls back up14:03
mae_taepeople, i encounter sudo: unable to resolve host DNS, how do i fix this?14:03
csabahow to install a .pfa font? I have the file, what to do with it?14:03
erUSULmae_tae: did you change hostname?14:04
kokozedmanpickett: yes... but this going down frequently is what i want to circumvent14:04
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer14:04
Dr_Williscsaba:  one way.. copy it to your users ~/.fonts directory14:04
sexybotownerNaznaz, yes php14:04
csabathanks I'll try14:04
kokozedmani have ubuntu over the server running Squid proxy... and ubuntu also at my side14:04
mae_taeerUSUL, nope, i dont know what to write there?14:05
mae_taeerUSUL, can you guide me14:05
sexybotownerNaznaz, I had a powerdown for the last 4 hours14:05
Naznazsexybotowner, do the pages belong to you or do you host them?14:05
erUSULmae_tae: i asked if you already did change the hostname. becouse if you did it wrong you can couse the error you are seeing14:05
kokozedmani have been modifying the Tcp settings at the /proc/sys/net/... on both ends... but i just can't get rid of that going down to 0 sometimes14:06
csabaDr_Willis: I've copied it to ~/.fonts and it still won't appear in OpenOffice... maybe it's ~/.fontconfig ?14:06
sexybotownerNaznaz, yes its my private server standing next room, I had powerdown for like 4 hours, after i got power back up all i get is "Error establishing a database connection"14:06
mae_taeerUSUL, this is how i write, ::1             localhost.localdomain   localhost       localhost.localdomain   localhost14:06
Naznazcan you ssh to the server?14:06
=== lvh` is now known as lvh
Naznazor directly access it14:06
Naznazps aux | grep mysql14:06
erUSUL!hostname | mae_tae14:06
ubottumae_tae: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.14:06
sexybotownerNaznaz sure i can ssh, and i can apache too14:06
sexybotownerNaznaz, it all works, only mySql seems broken14:06
Naznazsexybotowner, is mysql running? Do you use xampp?14:07
sexybotownerNaznaz, It is runing i use...webmin14:07
Naznazsexybotowner, try mysql localhost via ssh14:07
CorniMacI always get "the file /mnt//boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly", how come? it's exactly there, I see it in the file manager14:07
erUSULmae_tae: so make sure you have the same hostname in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts14:07
mae_taeerUSUL, ok, ill try it14:07
erUSULmae_tae: you may have to boot into recovery mode to fix this14:07
rodeoHi all14:07
erUSULmae_tae: or from a livecd14:07
mae_taei see14:08
_newbie_ how can i remove Lubuntu from my startup list and i want remove LXDE and just gnome in the list . can i add any other ?14:08
erUSULCorniMac: maybe it is corrupt?14:08
_newbie_<shadowy> go to freenode #ubuntu14:08
sexybotownerNaznaz hmm14:08
_newbie_sorry 4 spam14:08
CorniMacerusul: but I just installed it! :(14:08
mae_taeerUSUL, there's no other data inside hostname only DNS14:08
erUSULmae_tae: post the contents of both files in a pastebin; please14:09
rodeoIn Ubuntu 10.4 is their a way to connect to Internet through Mobile over bluetooth, pl. let me know how?14:09
erUSUL!paste | mae_tae14:09
ubottumae_tae: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:09
erUSULCorniMac: then i dunno.14:09
_newbie_can i remove Lubuntu from my start menu list ?14:10
rodeoHelp with Bluetooth connection! Pl>14:10
olskolirchow do I modprobe my alsa14:11
mae_taeerUSUL, what is the 3rd part of this syntax localhost loopback?14:11
CorniMaccan I reinstall Grub when running an OS from HD?14:12
Flynsarmywhat's the best tool for ubuntu i can use to check the health of my disk - ie how many bad sectors etc are on there14:13
_newbie_axel is acelator for all downloads or only torrents?14:13
tbsdy_livesFlynsarmy, badblocks14:14
_newbie_can i use axel for firefox downloads?14:14
rodeoso many people are joining, somebody help me with bluetooth connection for internet on mobile pl.14:14
bazhang!helpme | rodeo14:14
ubotturodeo: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude14:14
_newbie_rodeo just check your buthood card is on and the same in mobiles..14:14
_newbie_*bluethooth card*14:15
rodeoyes thats okay I checked!14:15
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Flynsarmytbsdy_lives: i'd prefer a GUI tool like gparted14:15
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:15
_newbie_i need help about remove|purge Lubuntu and LXDE from my menu list14:16
jellow!hi | ml__14:16
ubottuml__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:16
mae_taeerUSUL,     localhost     loop? what does this mean? first part is IP    second is what? and also the third?14:16
gnomefreak!rtfm | Dahkneth14:16
ubottuDahkneth: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.14:16
Dahknethok rtm then14:16
bazhangDahkneth, no14:17
gnomefreakDahkneth: same answer14:17
erUSULmae_tae: hostnames14:17
mae_tae! hosts14:17
erUSULmae_tae: you can use localhost as hostname14:18
Crankygeek01mbroeker: Good Morning14:18
_newbie_no help for remove Lubuntu ?14:18
mae_taeeruSUL, if example site,   www.skul.com and its ip is, how do i write the hosts for that14:19
Flynsarmyhow can i switch gnome-power-manager to something that doesn't leak like a sieve?14:19
erUSULmae_tae: "  www.skul.com"14:19
mae_taeeruSUL, can i write like this    www.skul.com     skul, am i do this right?14:19
tgywaHello !!114:20
jellow!hello | ml__14:20
ubottuml__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:20
mae_taeerUSUL, i see,  so its ok if i had only that two parts?14:20
erUSULmae_tae: the last will define two names for the same ip14:20
tgywaHow can I check if a device has a driver installed on ubuntu ... eg /dev/sda6????14:20
tracy69hi anyone know how to start conky at system boot up? i tried to put conky in startup aplications and add #!/bin/bash14:21
tracy69sleep 10 && conky; it doesnt seems to work14:21
mae_taeerUSUL, thanks, ill try it14:21
erUSULtgywa: in the case of /dev/sda has a driver or it will not show up at all14:21
mae_taeerUSUL, meaning that if i had this   www.skul.com   skul, meaning that this www.skul.com & skul meaning they are aliases of that ip, is that the one?14:22
olskolirci have system sound but no sound in multimedia or youtube after uninstalling mythbuntu14:22
olskolirchelp please14:23
tgywaerUSUL, thanks ... it /dev/sda6 shows with df command ...but I am getting a boot time error message "no driver is installed for a device"14:23
CorniMacI followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208855 but the steps after "then do" in the grub console don't work. It fails to read stage1 correctly.14:23
tgywaI am upgrading Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.0414:23
tgywaand I am getting mounting problem at boot time14:23
tgywaany body to help me?14:23
CorniMacit also doesn't find stage114:24
galusrHi, A quick query - I have been using X over SSH for a while but I was recommended a faster alternative. I can't remember the name though - for some reason I have fnview in my head....!14:26
Dahkneth!hi | galusr14:26
ubottugalusr: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:26
mae_taeerUSUL, can i refer two different hostnames with same ip address e.g  www.example.com    www.example1.net, can i do this?14:26
=== devunt_ is now known as devunt
Wi1dgalusr: freenx maybe?14:28
olskolirci fixed it i restarted kmix14:28
mae_taepeople, last question, what is that hostname being entered in hosts, is that hostname of webserver? or the name server?14:31
=== sam_ is now known as sinusoid
PixelBlurHi, Anyone know how to reconstruct a ext3 file system.  I want it to recheck and recreate the whole FS, is that possible?14:31
bazhang!cn | ylmf14:32
ubottuylmf: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:32
Dahkneth!hi | ylmf14:32
ubottuylmf: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:33
ubottuSearch factoids for term: !search <term>14:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:33
linucksHi, has anyone had issues with Gwibber greying out the box that you would usually type text in?14:34
BluesKaj'morning folks14:34
coz_linucks,  are you running compiz at the same time?14:34
linuckscoz_, I am indeed, just the default effects.14:34
coz_linucks,  does gwibber grey out when a dilog opens or is the place you type text in a dialog of gwibber?14:35
coz_linucks,  or secondary window of gwibber14:35
j2daoshhow can i convert output from date to a TZ of my chosing? I use GMT right now on my system, but some log files print out in Central time. I have to check my logs but the sys time doesn't match the logtime (different timezones). is there a flag i can use to force date output into central? (without changing the actual datetime clock)14:36
linuckscoz_: it greys out the primary gwibber window's input text box.14:36
linuckscoz_: the problem persists even if I quit (Exit) and re-open gwibber.14:36
coz_linucks,  ooo ok let me open that here and test14:36
linuckscoz_: thanks, this is a more or less fresh ubuntu 10.04 install ><14:36
linuckscoz_: I have both a twitter and an identi.ca account added.14:37
coz_linucks,  apparenlty I need a flickr or other account ... open ccsm   and look for a plugin named "dialog"  or ad dialog"14:37
linuckscoz_, ccsm?14:38
coz_linucks,    yeah   compizconfig-settings-manager14:38
coz_linucks,   look under systen/preferences14:38
linuckscoz_: Oh right.14:38
frxstremwhat is the easiest way to back up files automatically from a computer to a server on a home network (both running Ubuntu)?14:38
coz_linucks,  if it is not there  let me know14:38
pmc-curious (google didn't turn up anything), anyone ever get an ATI + NVidia card working at the same time? (for 3-4 monitors)14:38
jk_j2daosh, I don't know of a systemwide flag but I have the same situation with my FTP logs. There's supposed to be a TZ environment variable that proftpd checks but I've not tried it to see if it works.14:39
coz_Linden940,  the plugins  name is  "Addialog"14:39
linuckscoz_, yeah that's not installed by default - I should be able to just apt-get it though.14:39
coz_linucks,  just    sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager14:39
bruceberis it possible to have a hosts file in ~  ??14:39
hacked_kernelis there a mobile broadband connection manager?? because when i connect my USB modem , the connection doesn't appear in the network manager so i can't connect i have to reboot and then it  connects automatically14:39
linuckscoz_, yep done, just looking for the plugin now thanks.14:39
coz_linucks,  it may not be there  ...we might have to install the extras  as well as the experimental plugins14:39
linuckscoz_: any idea where in there it would be? I tried filtering 'dia' .. and got nothing14:40
thanisHello guys i would like to ask is there any Bulgarian users here14:40
galusrWi1d: Thanks14:40
coz_linucks,   yeah it should be under "Extras" category but as I said it might not be there14:40
coz_linucks,   we can install it however14:40
bazhang!bg | thanis14:41
ubottuthanis: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently14:41
linuckscoz_: Not there as you suspected, how do we install it?14:41
coz_linucks,  ok first thing   open synaptic package manager  ...hit the Search button and type in compiz14:41
linuckscoz_: yep, then what? :D14:42
coz_linucks,  when that comes up look for  "compiz-fusion-plugins-extra14:42
coz_linucks,  install that14:42
Paragon ifdown: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces" how do i fix? :(14:42
linuckscoz_: cool, found that and it's installing.14:42
calmsivausing 10.04 for 3 months - these days finding to opening a .pdf file very slow using adobe reader14:42
coz_linucks,  then re open ccsm and  look for the addialog plugin in the Extras  category14:42
calmsivaupdated till today.14:43
hacked_kerneli need a mobile broadband connection manger to start connections, gppp and network manager not working, any help?14:43
calmsivaalso find OOo very slow while saving a writer14:43
calmsivaany others facing the same14:43
linuckscoz_: Hmm, in extras I see: Annotate, Benchmark, Screenshot, Splash and Window Previews only.14:44
calmsivafinding OOo & adobe reader - very slow these days in 10.0414:44
Naznazcalmsiva, use okular if you don't need the functionalities of adobe reader :p14:44
linucks(after re-opening) coz_14:44
coz_linucks,  ok we will have to install the experimental plugins ...what addialog does is prevent a window from greying out14:44
coz_linucks,  hold on14:44
linuckscoz_: sure, no problem, thanks for the help thus far.14:44
calmsiva-naznaz - I know - but still wanted to know - is others feeling the same in 10.0414:45
halvorsIt is only my desktop or us the trash icon at the bottom corner moved?14:45
Naznazcalmsiva, I feel the same, yes :)14:45
calmsivanaznaz - then what to do with it - to whom should we ask for directions14:45
coz_linucks,  ok download this    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/scripts.tar.gz14:45
coz_linucks,   right click that package and  "Extract  here"14:46
linuckscoz_: alright.14:46
Naznazcalmsiva, dunno, I just switched to okular ^^14:46
coz_linucks,  open  a terminal...cd  to that folder14:46
linuckscoz_: done, what next?14:46
xsachahey guys. can anyone help me install geant4 on ubuntu lucid? ive been compiling from source but i keep getting this library issue. is there a .deb or something?14:46
calmsivaafter opening a pdf file in adobe - i cananot go down while browsing - need to wait for few seconds - nothing moves till this time14:46
jk_!hi | shenhui14:46
ubottushenhui: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:46
coz_linucks,  ok when you are in that folder  ...in terminal  type  ./compiz-addons14:47
aronaliagaholaaa dond eesta el chat en español?14:47
Naznaz!es aronaliaga14:47
calmsivanaznaz : can we do cut & paste - in Okular - for a pdf14:47
aronaliagano encuentro el chat en español14:47
linuckscoz_: ah cool, it's installing them. I'll let you know if I can find it after that :D14:47
coz_linucks,   let it install the dependencies  and it will stop after that giving you the options  of "colored"  letters   choose lower case   "a"  and let it install all of the plugins14:47
linuckscoz_: Sure.14:47
jk_!es | aronaliaga14:47
ubottuaronaliaga: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:48
Naznaz!es | aronaliaga14:48
coz_linucks,  after that  finishes   log out and log back in  and come back here14:48
Silveira_NetoHi guys. I'm having trouble with proxies in a PHP program inside a VirtualBox running Ubuntu. How do I set a enviroment variable to the user www-data?14:48
bazhang!cn | shenhui14:48
ubottushenhui: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:48
linuckscoz_: sure.14:48
NaznazI always forget the |, damn ^^14:48
calmsivaok - as usual thanks14:49
coz_Naznaz,   oo that  "pipe"  is reall imprortant :)14:49
xsachais there a repository with science/physics apps for ubuntu?14:49
Naznazcoz_, yes I got to know that :D14:49
coz_xsacha,  are you on gnome or kde?14:49
hmcahi! , what is the biguest lib dependency in gnome (and kde if known) ? , i whant to remove graphical apps from this server ....14:50
coz_xsacha,  mm  let me check14:50
xsachacause i need a program called 'geant4'14:50
coz_xsacha,  most of the apps for that should be listed under synaptic package manager14:50
bazhang!puregnome | hmca14:50
ubottuhmca: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome14:50
coz_xsacha,  ok14:50
xsachathe only geant in default ubuntu repository is geant3.21 which is just *ancient*14:51
bazhanghmca, there is also purekde14:51
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »14:51
mbn_18Hi, any idea how to move MD0 partion ( Raid1) to new hardisks?14:51
coz_xsacha,   that particular application is  kde  application...installing it would bring in many kde libraries14:52
coz_xsacha,  not that this would be a bad thing14:52
xsachai have it installed on another machine without any kde libaries.. qt is an optional visualisation frontend14:52
coz_xsacha, oh?14:52
hmcabazhang: this is a server runing a big desktop, i just whant to remove kubuntu-desktop and gnome-desktop , so that everithing dependencies are remove , and them i'll install the gnome-desktop again to have a basic desktop14:52
xsachain fact it doesnt even need any graphics whatsoever14:52
bazhanghmca, then follow those links14:53
vincent_when running camorama the program says it can't connect to /dev/video014:53
bazhanghmca, its ubuntu-desktop , not gnome-desktop14:53
hmcabazhang: thnkx14:53
coz_xsacha,  mmm ok   I found this   http://www.scribd.com/doc/17465713/Set-Up-Root-and-Geant4-On-Ubuntu   although it is older  it may help14:53
hmcayes yesy14:53
coz_xsacha,  let me keep looking14:53
PixelBlurHi, Anyone know how to reconstruct a ext3 file system, is that possible?14:54
coz_xsacha,  sorry my internet connection is slow today for some reason14:54
xsachayeah coz_ many of those are for compiling. i have tried compiling and for some reason the G4Processes library doesnt get built (but no error) so none of my applications run and there is no mention of this. that's why i have been looking for a deb.14:54
bazhangPixelBlur, undelete stuff?14:54
samehsabryhey, I have tried to run "apt-get update" and this was the result: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."14:55
vincent_! camorama14:56
jribsamehsabry: try what it says14:56
samehsabryafter trying " dpkg --configure -a" I got this:14:56
linuckscoz_, ok back, I can see the plugin ADDialog.14:56
icerootsamehsabry: with sudo14:56
samehsabryiceroot: Setting up flashplugin-installer ( ... Downloading... --2010-08-31 16:41:55--  http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_10.1.53.64.orig.tar.gz Resolving archive.canonical.com... Connecting to archive.canonical.com||:80... connected.14:56
=== booboo is now known as coz_
samehsabry"Setting up flashplugin-installer ( ... Downloading... --2010-08-31 16:41:55--  http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_10.1.53.64.orig.tar.gz Resolving archive.canonical.com... Connecting to archive.canonical.com||:80... connected."14:56
linuckscoz_, I enabled it, restarted gwibber but no luck. (ADDialog)14:57
coz_xsacha,  sorry about that  my internet is a bit wonko today14:57
samehsabryand then nothing happens at all14:57
xsachathat's ok14:57
SkyNetMasterany ideas why sed 's/||/or/g' only removes the || but not replaces with or?14:57
PixelBlurbazhang: i had HD corruption and did a fsck -y .. now i need to undo it.14:57
coz_linucks,  ok now open both gwibber and ccsm14:57
linuckscoz_, Hm ok, what next?14:57
jribSkyNetMaster: wfm.  What exactly are you running?14:57
coz_linucks,   ok in ccsm  click on the ADDialog plugn to get into it's settings14:58
linuckscoz_: yup14:58
Wi1dPixelBlur: reconstruct the journal? tune2fs might be what you are looking for.14:58
[mu]keiserrbtw, what is port 17613, there seems to be something listening on that address on my ubuntu, its a default clean install14:58
coz_linucks,  you will see the first field  "Dialog Match"  with a lage  +  icon  ...click that14:58
linuckscoz_: Yep, I see that.14:58
metaphlexmy kernel is broken, i've never messed with dependencies before14:58
[mu]keiserrcan't get much info about it on good neither14:58
H4kB0xcan anyone here help me set up adb in ubuntu?14:58
SkyNetMasterI what to replace || to or in a file, so I run sed 's/||/or/g' file, but the replacement is not done only || are removed14:58
Wi1d-O and -j14:59
kuttan_How do I find the name of deb package to which a installed binary belongs. in a RPM based system I would do rpm -qf /usr/bin/$filename and I would get the response as PACKAGE_NAME.RPM14:59
coz_linucks,  another dialog opens   first tick the "Invert" box  then click the "Grab" button and click on the gwibber window14:59
jribSkyNetMaster: pastebin the command and output14:59
coz_linucks,  then click the "Add" button  close ccsm  and close gwibber and then reopen gwibber14:59
kuttan_so what is the equivalent of rpm -qf command for dpkg or apt14:59
linuckscoz_, done14:59
jribkuttan_: what does rpm -qf do?14:59
coz_linucks,   ok close both applications and then re open gwibber15:00
PixelBlurwild: ok, looking into it.  ty15:00
samehsabrycan anyone help?15:00
kuttan_jrib if I do rpm -qf /usr/bin/opera , it would show the name of the rpm package to which /usr/bin/opera belongs.15:00
jribkuttan_: dpkg -S15:00
jribkuttan_: (or you can install dlocate and do dlocate -S which is faster)15:01
coz_linucks,  working ??15:01
metaphlexi can't update my kernel image, it's broken15:01
linuckscoz_: I think I have done everything correctly, but still the input box is grey, would you like me to take a screenshot?15:01
coz_linucks,  yes  upload to  picpaste.com15:01
coz_linucks,  take a screnshot of the addialog options also15:02
zatanhi, is anybody know how can i convert subtitles from *.sub to *.srt ?15:02
kuttan_jrib: You are GOD! Thank you :) , will install dlocate too . Thanks much15:02
linuckscoz_, ok15:02
Oersamehsabry, check if there is an Flash dialogbox, hidden under your windows15:02
SkyNetMasterjrib, http://pastebin.com/pCPMRC0215:03
coz_zatan,  try sudo apt-get install libubtitles-perl15:03
=== mei is now known as chong
coz_zatan,  I believe you can convert in totem with that or  install vlc and you should be able to load the subtitles15:03
SkyNetMasterjrib, I just want to use sed to replace wrong '||' to 'or', since || is not valid in bash and I get error15:04
zatancoz_,  i tryed but im getting this error : Invalid codec name new.sub'; valid are: srt mdvd sub2 smi idx15:04
coz_zatan, mmm15:04
linuckscoz_: http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-XTetK3Vg.png15:04
zatancoz_,  its looks that it doesnt convert from *.sub to *.srt15:04
linuckscoz_: That's what happens if I click the reply button - although it's the same if I want to just compose a message normally.15:04
coz_linucks,  that is odd... i was thinking the whole window was greyed out ...mmm15:05
coz_linucks,  hold on15:05
linuckscoz_, oh, hmm. Ok no problem.15:05
coz_linucks,   ok I am puzzled with this one ... idont use gwibber at all so I have not had any experience with troubleshooting this application..... ah ... this probably is the best place  for troubleshooting but it is going to depend on if anyone here has used that application15:06
jribSkyNetMaster: are you using ubuntu?15:06
SkyNetMasterjrib, yes 10.0415:07
coz_linucks,   I would stick around and ask again   include that screenshot or make one with just gwibber15:07
linuckscoz_: No worries, it's reasonable that you haven't used it. Thanks for the help - I will see if anyone else has had the problem.15:07
coz_linucks,   in a long shot  ...you could also visit  ##linux channel15:07
linucksHm yeah.15:07
linucksHas anyone had a problem with Gwibber greying out the text input box?15:07
Oer|CTAPOMAK| check your connection15:08
krylI have problem to configure pptp vpn client :-( with network-manager15:08
Oer|CTAPOMAK| check your connection15:08
chongkryl: what's wrong?15:08
=== concerta is now known as mira_maniz
coz_zatan,   did you install   subtitleeditor15:08
zatancoz_,  no thanks for a tip im going to try15:09
jribSkyNetMaster: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486315/15:09
linuckscoz_: Maybe if I do a purge re-install of gwibber? (I forget how to do the purge though)15:09
coz_zatan,   that i one word I believe15:09
zetherooan ongoing problem with 2 desktop I have here is that GRUB takes forever to load and sometimes does not load at all ... several hard resets later GRUB will actually come around ... this is on two desktops with fresh installes of 10.04 fully updated15:09
coz_linucks,  cant hurt15:09
krylchong, http://pastebin.com/dTsMMBvZ15:09
linuckscoz_, do you remember the syntax?15:09
jribSkyNetMaster: in fact, notice your newfile says "hello"15:09
bruceberwhere's libx264-dev for lucid?15:10
erdnaseExcuse me, where do I find those restricted-drivers/modules whatnot again?15:10
linucksah, apt-get purge15:10
erdnaseI need some codecs for mp3s. :)15:10
coz_linucks,   sudo apt-get autoremove --purge  gwibber  however  I dont know how tied into the system that is  it may want to uninstall other things  but check it out15:10
jribSkyNetMaster: so I'm guessing you ran something in between :/15:10
mira_manizsepi bah15:10
linuckscoz_: thanks15:10
coz_linucks,   let me check here hold on15:10
Naznazah I found it the indicator-session thing came from elementarydesktop :)15:10
coz_linucks,  that should be ok15:10
Routershow to install ssh in my comp ?15:11
SilasleWhat has happened to the windicators, shouldn't it come early to get well-tested?15:11
jrib!ssh > Routers15:11
ubottuRouters, please see my private message15:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:11
linuckscoz_: Hm, it kept the settings, I guess there must be something in gconf for it. It didn't fix the problem though - ah well.15:11
SkyNetMasterjrib, whats wierd. Can it has to do with characters | ?15:11
lastmanconvert pic1 -transparent white pic2 ... enables transparency for white (just 100% white) ... i want that all parts with white parts get transparent ... like gimp does if u add a alpha channel15:11
jribSkyNetMaster: no, you probably ran some sed command with "hello" in it15:11
lastmanhas anyone an idea?15:11
coz_linucks,  it may be in gwibber settings... see if there is  a gwibber  or .gwibber folder in your home directory with the .conf file for gwibber15:12
lastmansry for interrupt your conversation :D15:12
coz_linucks,  to see hidden files in the home directory hit  ctrl+h15:12
chongkryl: did you use the default  vpn configuration?15:12
om26erSilasle, windicators for Natty15:12
zatancoz_,  aaaa Could not open the file "naujas.sub" using the character coding Western (ISO-8859-15). ... any idea?15:12
fdsfsdhttp://pro.revenge.lv  PRO.REVENGE.LV:27015 cs 1.6 JOIN JOIN!!!15:13
SkyNetMasterjrib, thank :)15:13
linuckscoz_, hmm, no folders resembling anything like that. I might have to contact the gwibber team directly somehow or submit a bug.15:13
coz_zatan,  mmm that one I dont know   but stick around   someone has to come on with some experience with this15:13
coz_linucks,  hold on let me check here15:13
krylchong, I don't see this default15:13
linuckscoz_: Ok thanks.15:13
om26erlinucks, which type of internet connection are you using?15:13
erdnaseLet me rephrase my question. How do I get restricted modules again? I think it's along the lines of sudo apt-get restricted something.15:13
* fdsfsd http://pro.revenge.lv PRO.REVENGE.LV:27015 cs 1.6 JOIN JOIN!!!15:13
Silasleom26er: Ok, I thought it would come in maverik15:13
heyyoim having problems with my ubuntu server, i ejecute /etc/init.d/apache2 start and when i close ssh conection, about 2 hours after i cant get my page15:14
krylchong, so I add a new one15:14
zatancoz_,  thanks for trying a help ;)15:14
linucksom26er, ADSL2.15:14
AndChat-Hello room15:14
linucksom26er, why's that?15:15
chongwhat's your vpn server type?15:15
ubuntunewbiehello guys15:15
heyyochong: me?15:15
chongkryl: what's your vpn server types? pptpd or openvpn?15:15
om26erlinucks, gwibber's text field is disabled if you dont use network manager15:15
ubuntunewbieif anyone has a minute to try help someone getting a built-in webcam to work :)15:15
linucksom26er, :O that's the answer - I am using wicd.15:15
krylchong, pptpd : http://www.hideipvpn.com/15:16
chongxd: hi guys :-D15:16
tjubalubacan you upgrade 10.04 Lucid Lynx to kernel 2.6.34-lucid wo compiling?15:16
=== xd is now known as Guest27265
linucksThat seems a bit weird, om26er.15:16
Guest27265   hi..15:16
Guest27265  china?15:16
linucksHmm I guess I'll disable wicd and go back to network manager.15:16
stanman246hi here. I'm on 10.04.1 LTS and trying to enable gmail's calendar in evolution. Can't seem to find a type: Google. What could i do?15:17
om26erlinucks, its a bug15:17
krylchong, it's the same like this guy : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1528840 I have this problem ...15:17
IdleOne!it | pippo15:17
bazhangpippo, /join #ubuntu-it15:17
ubottupippo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:17
bazhangpippo, this is not a warez network15:17
om26erlinucks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gwibber/+bug/56703715:17
ubuntunewbieany1 that can help?15:18
chongkryl: ok, let me check out15:18
pippo /join #ubuntu-it15:19
erdnaseWhere can I find some decoders for mp3 files?15:19
erdnase!ask | ubuntunewbie15:19
ubottuubuntunewbie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:19
om26er!help | ubuntunewbie15:20
chongkryl: it seems mppe kernel module is needed15:20
krylAug 31 16:20:34 gomera NetworkManager: <WARN>  nm_vpn_connection_connect_cb(): VPN connection 'Connexion VPN 1' failed to connect: 'No VPN secrets!'. perhaps around this line ?15:20
chongkryl: your os version?15:21
kryllast one ...15:21
SappysHello. I installed ubuntu 10.4 but when i start its only terminal. when its boot up - ask for useraname / password (in terminal)15:22
chongkryl: just tell me your setup steps, i used lucid connect to pptpd vpn server without any problem15:23
dfcnvtSappys, $> sudo passwd15:23
krylchong, there black serpent talk about a pb in the keyring : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99114415:23
CorniMacI reinstalled grub, it worked, now it doesn't and I only have the >grub menu on startup which doesn't know kernel, setup, find or anything. What should I do to configure grub?15:23
krylbut I never had message who ask me to store a password in the keyring15:23
ubuntunewbieI cannot get my WEBCAM working on UBUNTU15:24
linuckssorry coz_, om26er if you tried to send me a message I was offline. I removed wicd and everything is okay with NetworkManager now - the text box is enabled again :)15:24
coz_Sappys,  and if you put username and password in it just comes to a prompt?15:24
* AndreuLs-class /server -m chat-live.myftp.org <= we offer instant reg, come see us on #class !! /server -m chat-live.myftp.org <= we offer instant reg, come see us on #class !! /server -m chat-live.myftp.org <= we offer instant reg, come see us on #class !!15:24
* AndreuLs-class /server -m chat-live.myftp.org <= we offer instant reg, come see us on #class !! /server -m chat-live.myftp.org <= we offer instant reg, come see us on #class !! /server -m chat-live.myftp.org <= we offer instant reg, come see us on #class !!15:24
FloodBot2AndreuLs-class: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:24
coz_linucks,  oh ok15:24
krylchong, I use this steps : https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/4850315:24
jussidfcnvt: please dont give out that command.15:24
Oer!register | Oer15:24
ubottuOer, please see my private message15:24
Sappyscoz_, yes15:24
om26erlinucks, ;)15:24
coz_linucks,  oh thats interesting :)15:24
coz_Sappys,   ok  at the prompt  type   sudo restart gdm and see if there are errors15:25
om26erlinucks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gwibber/+bug/56703715:25
Sappyscoz_, unknown job15:25
DigitalDeviantIm new to ubuntu and I have multiple domain names that I need to setup with bind9 dns server and I have no idea how to do it. Does anyone know of a how to that I can refer to ?15:26
coz_Sappys,  ok lets try   sudo apt-get update &&  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:26
jk_coz_, Sappys, I had a similar experience this morning after the kernel upgrade and its mandatory reboot. I rebooted again and all was well. Might try that.15:26
dfcnvtNonsense!  At the terminal, create your password at your current user's shell... Once you're done. Get back on GUI & fill out your username & password.15:26
coz_jk_,   oh  thats odd  ok thanks :)15:26
linucksom26er, ahhh right hehe15:26
Cmdr_W_T_RikerDigitalDeviant: i know of this one website which gives relevant results when you search for ubuntu, nameserver, how-to :-)15:27
nsdanyone here know of a good java irc channel?15:27
krylthis two lines make me crazy in syslogs :15:27
krylAug 31 16:26:27 gomera NetworkManager: <WARN>  nm_vpn_connection_connect_cb(): VPN connection 'Connexion VPN 1' failed to connect: 'No VPN secrets!'.15:27
krylAug 31 16:26:27 gomera NetworkManager: <info>  Policy set 'Auto eth0' (eth0) as default for routing and DNS.15:27
coz_kryl,   I do hold on15:27
ubuntunewbiemy webcam is just black15:27
coz_kryl,     http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/java%20irc%20client/jerkb45.tgz15:28
Sappysjk_, bin there - done that :) not helping for me. coz_ - 0 new install, 0 to remove, 0 upgrade15:28
krylcoz_, ?15:28
jk_coz_, also, on the text-only reboot, I used startx to get to the GUI, and the Applications menu (in Xubuntu) was non-standard. After the second reboot, it was back to normal. Might be a race condition during the boot process.15:28
coz_Sappys,   ok not sure then  I am updating as we speak so hold on15:29
coz_kryl,   that is a link to a java irc client I have used15:29
coz_jk_,  ok maybe you can help him15:29
jk_coz_, I doubt it; it's a puzzlement to me as well!15:30
coz_kryl, well once you download that  and extract the package  open the folder right click the jerk.jar and open with sunjava6 runtime15:30
coz_jk_,   oh ok :)15:30
coz_Sappys,   ok I just updated and will reboot...let me see if I get same issue15:31
yash_hello, i have messed up my etc/pulse/default.pa file for pulseaudio, can anybody please help me?15:32
chongkryl: have you checked "Use Point-toPoint MMPE" in pptp advanced options?15:32
Sappyscoz_ something new? :)15:33
gartralwhere do i go to discuss launchpad bugs?15:33
cmpsalvestriniHello, I have a problem with my screen savers. I can't set their preferences, and when I unlock the screen I don't get a password dialog, just a frozen screensaver.15:34
coz_Sappys,  ok no issue here with the updates  sorry15:34
coz_be back a bit later15:34
yash_coz_: can u please help me with my sound drivers?15:34
chongkryl: maybe i know the issus15:35
patero-ngI want to get a network driver off another linux into my linux15:35
Sappyscoz_ tnq anyway :)15:35
patero-nggood morning america15:36
patero-ngI want to get a network driver off another linux into my linux15:36
gartralok, it worked, that was the rebuilt policy table15:37
gartralwhere do i go to discuss launchpad bugs?15:37
=== Weust`afk is now known as Weust`
yash_can anybody please help me with restoring my sound drivers?15:37
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:37
zzzed_patero-ng, did you install the driver from a .deb or other way?15:37
patero-ngdude the drive came with the os15:38
cmpsalvestriniHello, I have a problem with my screen savers. I can't set their preferences, and when I unlock the screen I don't get a password dialog, just a frozen screensaver.15:38
zzzed_patero-ng, ubuntu?15:38
krylchong, ok... the problem is resolved by doing this :15:38
kryl    * In the VPN settings, uncheck the option "Available to all users"15:38
kryl    * Enable MPPE15:38
FloodBot2kryl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:39
chippyhi, anyone know why the behaviour of: `bash -c "mkdir -p tmp/demo/{first/{app,views},second}"`   works whilst sh -c "mkdir -p tmp/demo/{first/{app,views},second}"  does not work properly ?15:39
chongkryl: yeah, you are right15:39
gartralchippy: cause you dont have sudo15:39
chippy(minus the ` bits of course)15:39
krylchong, thank you for helping !!15:39
chongkryl: not at all :-D15:40
chippygartral, directories are being created, just wrong names, no tree15:40
yash_chong: can u please help me?15:40
LichteI just installed mysql-server and client on 10.04 Server and set the root password during setup, but I get this when I try 'mysql -u root -p' :  ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ;   How do I get logged into mysql ???15:40
gartralchippy: you need too literalise them.. try "/" or \/15:40
zzzed_patero-ng, how about 'no, it is ....'15:40
=== geenna is now known as genna
chongyash_:  what's wrong?15:40
chippygartral, the thing is it works with the bash command, not with the sh command15:41
chippyand it works on debian15:41
=== genna is now known as geenna
chippyand mac15:41
jribLichte: you need to enter the correct password, but that should work15:41
yash_chong: i'm trying to enable 5.1 setup for pulse audio, and seem to have messed up the ~/.pulse/default.pa file, now i don't get surround neither audio15:41
Lichtejrib: it doesn't15:41
jribLichte: reset your root password15:41
Lichtejrib: I have15:41
Lichtejrib: I've been at this for 2 days now15:41
zzzed_patero-ng, and what is on the target machine?15:42
frxstremwhat is the best solution for regularly backing up files from computer A to computer B, both running Ubuntu?15:42
yash_chong: can i overwrite the file with someone else's who has 5.1 setup enables under pulseaudio?15:42
christian_lappy_frxstrem: rsync ?15:43
rodrigusHello. Need assistance setting up SAMBA. Somebody can help me?15:43
patero-ngfrxstrem netbui file sharing15:43
christian_lappy_frxstrem: ubuntu one for small files ?15:43
muelliyash_: why don't you just move that file out?15:43
jribLichte: don't know what to tell you, that works on every install I've ever had15:43
patero-ngdon't use tcp as it can get hacked and ur files being spied by mayor spammers and advertisers15:43
BluesKajfrxstrem,ssh by network in dolphin works for me15:43
jribLichte: maybe reset the password to something stupid15:44
patero-ngnetbeui stays local and is faster less cpu usage15:44
Lichtejrib: tried that too15:44
frxstremchristian_lappy_, patero-ng, BluesKaj: to be more specific, I mean backing up whole directories15:44
yash_muelli: but will i be able to use 5.1 setup after removing the file?15:44
BluesKajfrxstrem, or nautilus15:44
frxstremhuuuge directories...15:44
zzzed_patero-ng, what os is on the source machine and what os is on the target machine?15:44
chongyash_: was your card driver worked correctly15:44
patero-nguse a program for backup things15:45
BluesKaj!g4l |frxstrem,15:45
patero-ngnetwork or tape15:45
jribwhy do people leave after asking questions, that's so annoying15:45
yash_chogn: my card driver worked perfectly with 2 channel setup15:45
rodrigusPlease, can someone help me setting up Samba? Im new in Ubuntu..15:45
yash_chong: my card diver worked perfectly with 2 channel setup15:45
zzzed_patero-ng, if you don't answer questions, nobody can help you15:46
jribrodrigus: you can just right click on a directory in nautilus and share it, but here's some docs:15:46
jrib!samba > rodrigus15:46
ubotturodrigus, please see my private message15:46
patero-ngi didn't ask15:46
BluesKaj!info g4l15:46
ubottuPackage g4l does not exist in lucid15:46
chongyash_: your sound card type?15:46
coldnessi have a problem with resolution15:46
rodrigusThank you15:46
zzzed_patero-ng, do you speak english?15:46
patero-ngyes i do very much15:47
zzzed_patero-ng, what os is on the source machine and what os is on the target machine?15:47
yash_chong: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC883 Analog [ALC883 Analog]15:47
chippyis there much of an impact switching back from dash to dash for /bin/sh ?15:48
chippyto bash15:48
xevioxwhat file system should I use as boot partition?15:48
jribchippy: it's supposed to be slower/more bloated, why do you want to?15:48
nsd_xeviox: I seem to recall using ext3 in the past, though now I don't use a separate boot partition15:49
Delayais there any log file which records what files were removed with the <rm> command from terminal?15:49
chippyjrib so that  sh -c "mkdir -p tmp/demo/{first/{app,views},second}" would work properly15:49
zzzed_xeviox, any as long as your rescue cd can read/write it15:49
xevioxzzzed_: any problem using ext4 ?15:50
chippyunless it's a bug with dash?15:50
jribchippy: why would you not just call mkdir?  Or if you have a good reason, why not use bash if you want bash instead of sh?15:50
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
xevioxI plan to reinstall my desktop, now I'm searching for the best way to setup the partitions15:50
erUSULxeviox: root + separate home15:52
waldwutzhallo, ist hier was los?15:52
RanjanHello Every Body I am having an issue wile installing or unistalling any application on ubuntu 10.04 after installing an application that is being needed to login into the internet . any help on this would be of great help so that I can avert this message to show up15:53
vlee7Not much going on waldwutz15:53
zzzed!de | waldwutz15:53
ubottuwaldwutz: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:53
jellowRanjan: which application? Not sure i get you15:54
xevioxI plan to setup my system like this: http://pastebin.com/0hj0kLJJ15:55
xevioxany hints how to make it better?15:55
TwoDHow will Ubuntu react (if it can at all) to the MB, CPU and RAM being replaced?15:56
Ranjanjellow: I have installed an application to login into the internet wile using that .in other words it's an graphical front end to an gate way to internet .15:56
sajishi need to update my video driver ? i have geforce 8500gt with SLI ( on ubuntu 10.04 )15:56
erUSULTwoD: probably wont notice if the vga card and hard disk are the same15:56
Ranjanjellow: Using that I use to login to internet15:57
jellowxeviox: you will never fill /usr , imho 250 gb to big15:57
jellowhome should have more15:57
TwoDerUSUL: ok, so it won't notice the new motherboard has other devices, and the new CPU has four instead of one core?15:58
zzzed_TwoD, should be ok if you are using a generic kernel, like the one that comes with ubuntu, if you have compiled an optimized kernel for your system, no go15:58
kb3ienwhat is the prefered means to port forward on an ubuntu box that is alreading runnig UFW (which seems not to have port forwarding capabilities)15:58
MaletorerUSUL: you probably don't care, but the way I ended up fixing the ethernet probably was zapping the CMOS. Weird.15:58
erUSULTwoD: it will find the new hardware. but you do not need to do anything (unlike windows that will complain laudly )15:58
TwoDzzzed_: ah ok thanks, I do use the generic kernel.15:58
jellowRanjan: what is this program called or is it web based login?15:59
erUSULMaletor: glad you fixed it;15:59
TwoDerUSUL: hehe, Windows would probably not even boot15:59
TwoDgreat, time to do some hardware switching then, wish me luck guys! XD16:00
kshatriyahi..m using karmic using 2.6.31-22-generic.....can i update to some stable kernel.....and how??16:00
Ranjanjellow: it's CrossPlatformUI-V1.0.27-SSTL-i386-ubuntu.deb from my isp16:00
Ranjanjellow: it's CrossPlatformUI-V1.0.27-SSTL-i386-ubuntu.deb from my isp  and it is giving some error code 2 wile installing or uninstalling any program from our repos16:02
lwjhello, i need help opening a port on ubuntu16:02
lwjwhen i do telnet 25 i can connect to my mailserver16:03
lwjbut when i telnet <fqdn> i get connection refused16:03
kshatriyahi..m using karmic 2.6.31-22-generic.....can i update to some stable kernel.....and how??16:03
jellowRanjan: CrossPlatformUI-V1.0.27-SSTL-i386-ubuntu.deb from  my isp16:03
jellowRanjan: argg copy paste fail , can you paste full error?16:04
x-Nalwj, your telnet is listening only on your localhost address, not the fqdn16:04
lwjhmm so how do i solve it?16:04
jellowRanjan: sudo dpkg -i the_file.deb16:04
x-Nawell, the mail server obviously16:04
x-Nalwj, which mail server?16:04
lwjx-Na: i cant receive mails on the server, would it be because port 25 is closed?16:05
Ranjanjellow: ok let me get it16:05
xevioxHere is an improved version of the partition layout: http://pastebin.com/deTurws0 is this ok?16:05
jellowRanjan: also there seems to be quite a few post on installing it in forums have you looked at those?16:05
lwjx-Na:  ESMTP Exim 4.7116:05
x-Nait is possible, that 25 has been closed, yes16:05
Ranjanjellow: no till now not yet16:05
kshatriyahi..m using karmic 2.6.31-22-generic.....can i update to some stable kernel.....and how??16:06
lwjx-Na: how do i reopen that port?16:06
GHHHow can i edit/view "EXE" source code ?16:06
chonganybody who know how to ban message like this "QUIT" "join" ?16:06
zzzed_!partition | xeviox16:06
ubottuxeviox: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap16:06
GHHHow can i edit/view "EXE" source code ?16:06
=== Craig_Dem_ is now known as Craig_Dem
icerootchong: /ignore JOINS PARTS QUITS16:07
icerootchong: see also /help ignore on your client16:07
chongiceroot: thank you16:07
ylmfoshow can  i find a few softwares which used in Linux OS?16:07
kb3ieni tried the iptables commands that work on a vanilla debian system and nothing...16:07
icerootylmfos: please what?16:08
Ranjanjellow: this is what I got after using that command "dpkg: error processing CrossPlatformUI-V1.0.27-SSTL-i386-ubuntu.deb (--install):16:08
Ranjan cannot access archive: No such file or directory16:08
RanjanErrors were encountered while processing:16:08
Ranjan CrossPlatformUI-V1.0.27-SSTL-i386-ubuntu.deb16:08
FloodBot2Ranjan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:08
aeon-ltdylmfos: synaptics maybe?16:08
ylmfosi want a help16:08
aeon-ltdylmfos: whats you native language?16:09
ylmfossimple chinese16:09
aeon-ltd!cn | ylmfos16:09
ubottuylmfos: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:09
aeon-ltdylmfos: it may help you better16:09
ylmfosthanks you16:09
lwjx-Na: any help?16:09
ylmfosi learn to use linux OS16:10
mikebotWas there a chrome update released today? It seems that every other page i open today crashes (incl. gmail).16:10
jellowRanjan: You sure you're point to the right file?16:10
chongylmfos: join ubuntu-cn16:11
ylmfoscan you tell me where I can find the software which can be used in this OS16:11
jrib!software | ylmfos16:11
ubottuylmfos: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:11
mikebotOr, does anyone know why chrome tabs would crash on certain pages? Or know a way I can diagnose this?16:12
Ranjanjellow: yes this was the last application that I installed on my system16:12
xevioxzzzed_: thanks but I just wanted some tips for a setup which offers high performance16:12
GHHEXE file editor in Ubuntu?16:12
jribGHH: what do you want to accomplish?16:12
sajishhow to check how much RAM is being used by my ubuntu 10.0416:12
lwjhello i need some help opening port 25 on my ubuntu server16:13
jribsajish: System Monitor16:13
sacarlsonlwj: what is port 25 email?16:13
lwjsacarlson: yup email16:13
chongsajish: free or gnome-system-monitor16:13
jellowRanjan: can you run this to be sure find /home/$USER/ -name "CrossPlatformUI-V1.0.27-SSTL-i386-ubuntu.deb"16:13
lwjsacarlson: i can telnet it from within the server but its refused from remote16:14
sacarlsonlwj: so did you install an email server?16:14
kb3ieni think the problem i'm having is that i dont know what table to edit to forward packets from eth1 to tap0 rewriting the DST address only.16:14
sajishi need to know how much RAM is being detected by my ubuntu16:14
lwjsacarlson: yup its EXIM16:14
GHHjrib,  I want to edit windows binary(exe). But when i use kate then it say cruptted16:14
jellowRanjan: the error just said it could not find the file.16:14
lwjsacarlson: im running ubuntu server16:14
kb3iendmesg should show the ram found.16:14
sacarlsonlwj: remote being outside internet?  can you connect from local network?16:14
zzzed_GHH, sudo apt-get install hexedit16:14
jribGHH: you generally don't edit .exe directly, you edit source code.  I guess you can use a hex editor16:14
jellowRanjan: And also use pastebin16:14
sajishi need to switch to 64bit if it didn't detect whole 4gig16:14
Ranjanjellow: ok16:15
lwjsacarlson: yup, i can "telnet 25" and it works16:15
sacarlsonlwj: what do you have that listens no port 25?16:15
kb3ientop should also show the 'physical memory'16:15
cmpsalvestriniHello, I have a problem with my screen savers. I can't set their preferences, and when I unlock the screen I don't get a password dialog, just a frozen screensaver.16:15
GHHjrib, zzzed_ then Will i able to view the source code?16:15
sacarlsonlwj: so what can't you do?  from where?16:15
chongsajish: try to install kernel with pae suport16:15
sajishchong : how ?16:15
jribGHH: no16:15
zzzed_GHH, no, there is no source code in an "EXE" file16:15
=== Weust` is now known as Weust`afk
chongsajish: i forget the package exactly names, try apt-cache search kernel | egrep -i "pae"16:16
MagnetroIs repo  PCSXbroken?16:17
erdnaseExcuse me, how do I install the restricted modules again? I need the decoders for mp3 files.16:17
chongsajish: this kernel can support more than 4G mem with 32 bit os16:18
zzzed_erdnase, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras16:18
zzzed_patero-ng, hello16:18
sacarlsonzzzed_:  try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats16:18
philinuxerdnase: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats16:18
patero-ngnever mind16:18
erdnasezzzed_, philinux thanks. :)16:19
GHHjrib, zzzed_ But i wanna read the source code16:19
=== fredrik__ is now known as |friTTe|
jribGHH: find an open source project16:20
filoxbhello boys16:20
GHHjrib, I need this advice that which i should use for this16:20
jribGHH: what?16:20
Ranjanjellow: after running that command I am not getting any error msg . at my place i am just getting the location of the file in my terminal16:20
jribGHH: do you just want to explore some source code?16:21
filoxbi need a little help: it is possible with iptables or other software to "redirect an ip" -> if i contact an ip, the connection is passed to another?16:21
GHHjrib, yeah and modify also16:21
sacarlsonGHH: maybe look at http://sourceforge.net/16:21
jrib!source | GHH16:21
ubottuGHH: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html16:21
jribGHH: pick a program in ubuntu you like and get its source.16:22
trelaynehi all, I think I made a booboo. I wanted to stay with LTS but I now appear to be on 10.04.1 LTS (probably accidental upgrade?) Anyone know how to downgrade to just plaine LTS? My twin view is acting wonky and I get strange freezes16:22
sacarlsontrelayne: well that is LTS16:23
jribtrelayne: 10.04.1 is just 10.04 with upgrades16:23
jribtrelayne: it's the same release16:23
trelayneoh phew!16:23
trelaynethanks all16:24
trelaynemaybe I'll give it some more time and see whether these strange behaviours stop... thanks again!16:24
GHHjrib, I have a open source Exe file. The author of that file told me to edit something but i do not know how to open the exe file for human readable.16:24
jribGHH: you don't edit the exe.  Get the source code16:24
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deepuwat is mean by "dependencies"16:24
jribdeepu: packages that are needed for another package to work16:25
GHHjrib, OK16:25
theadminHello everyone. Been a while since I last was here16:25
sipiorwat: with that nick, i think you have to expect a few false positive notifications :-)16:25
watwat's that suposed to mean? ;(16:26
jellowRanjan: if you run sudo dpkg -i /file/location    Same error?16:26
sipiorwat: exactly16:26
* wat is up with false highlights all the time?16:26
sexybotownerAny help on this error while trying to backup my sql database, please : mysqldump: Got error: 1044: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' when using LOCK TABLES16:26
chongjellow: what's that mean?16:26
Ranjanjellow: no there is not such error16:26
jellowRanjan: so it is installing ?16:27
Ranjanit is showing up the location of the .deb file that is being provided by my ISP16:27
theadminjellow: Don't do "dpkg -i", it doesn't resolve dependencies right16:28
theadminRanjan: Try "sudo gdebi /path/to/file.deb"16:28
Ranjanjellow: it is installing but with some error msg16:28
deepuwats is .gz file type?16:28
jellowtheadmin: ok thanks.16:28
chris_osxgnu zip16:28
theadmindeepu: A compressed file. But you probably mean .tar.gz?16:29
zzzed_deepu, a gzipped file16:29
deepu thx chris16:29
chris_osxdeepu: np16:29
jellowRanjan: same error as before?16:29
e01can somebody help me to configure my drivers for the 8600gt videocard16:30
MohammadAGis it me, or do HP laptops lack temperature sensors16:30
sacarlsone01: did you try System>administration>hardware drivers ?16:31
Ranjanjellow: this is the compleat log of that command16:32
Ranjan@ http://pastebin.com/jMxhcPNx16:32
e01sacarlson, yes, there is only current nvidia driver, and i am activated it, but the screen resolution is not widescreen and all windows are moving and resizing slowly and with slices16:32
Ranjanjellow: please have an look @ http://pastebin.com/jMxhcPNx16:32
rocket16Hello friends, my friend needs to use Multiple monitors, and he used that correctly,16:33
rocket16But today, he tried to start extra visual effects, and it asked or some drivers, and he cancelled it later,16:33
sacarlsone01: what version is active in System>administration>hardware?16:33
theadminrocket16: heeey long time no see :D So what's the problem?16:34
rocket16Now when he tries to use multiple monitors from monitors screen,16:34
jellowRanjan: try sudo apt-get install -f16:34
sacarlsone01: did you try System>administration>nvidia X server settings ?16:34
theadminjellow: Wrong command again16:35
rocket16It fails, saying "It appears that your graphics driver does not support hte cecessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?". How to fix this issue?16:35
theadminRanjan: sudo apt-get -f install16:35
rocket16Hello theadmin, :D16:35
e01sacarlson, nvidia_current16:35
zzzed_e01, have you got nvidia-settings installed?16:35
sacarlsone01: did you try System>administration>nvidia X server settings ?16:35
e01You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.16:35
theadmine01: Run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and reboot16:36
philinuxe01: system>prefs>visual effects >none try that and see if situation improves16:36
deepuhow to download nvidia drivers?16:36
sacarlsone01: do just what it said  sudo nvidia-xconfig16:36
iceroot!nvidia | deepu16:36
ubottudeepu: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:36
e01it will generate default xorg.conf16:37
e01i don`t want it16:37
zzzed_deepu, try System->Administration->Hardware Drivers16:37
deepusorry......i'm new to ubuntu16:37
sacarlsone01: ok then live with opensource if that's what you want.  otherwise that is the only option16:37
e01i had integrated gf6100 and this is another my 8600gt and both of them produce same performance16:38
philinuxe01: I have 8600gt with nvidia current running no problems. Have you disabled on board graphics in bios?16:38
e01i am wondering how to enhance it, when i looking videoclips on youtube there windows are moving and resizing smoothly16:38
e01philinux, ofcourse i am16:39
Ranjanjellow: package is not avilable in our repos any way .. it is installing to the system16:39
sacarlsone01: I'm using nvidia-current and it is too cool with compiz-fusion16:39
SixThreeOhhow do i get the hell out of x and back to a text terminal?16:40
MohammadAGinit 316:40
GHHjrib, MS compiler tools please?16:40
Ranjanand it is working .. but it use to gave some error when ever I use to perform any short of update or add or remove any application from the repos .. so I need to stop that error msg to show up16:40
GHHfor c16:40
zzzed_SixThreeOh, ctrl+alt+F116:40
MohammadAGzzzed_, that keeps X running and switches to a tty16:41
SixThreeOhah ha, what ever happened to ctrl+alt+backspace?16:41
MohammadAGnot useful if one needs to stop X16:41
zzzed_SixThreeOh, to get back to gui: ctrl-alt-F716:41
MohammadAGerr, install nvidia crap16:41
zzzed_SixThreeOh, it is now alt+sysrq+k16:41
jellowRanjan: i was trying to remove it so as to get the install to work.16:42
theadminSixThreeOh: naaah you can still enable it in System - Preferences - Keyboard - Options - Key sequence to stop X16:42
jellowRanjan: But i'm tired not my shaprest ask theadmin16:43
VCoolioSixThreeOh: it's a xorg thing, ctrl-alt-backspace was removed; it's alt+sysrq+k now16:43
Ranjanjellow: ok not an issue thanks for all your help16:43
theadminme? why me o_O Not like I know much about his problem16:43
theadminI'm on openSUSE as well so can't recreate it16:44
zzzed_SixThreeOh, and to start gui back 'sudo service gdm start'16:44
Mjiighey i know this probably isn't the best place to ask but where would be a good place to ask about some problems I'm having with chainloading with GRUB?16:44
Ranjanjellow: I think now I should try to get in touch with my ISP so that they can gave some light on this issue from their end16:45
SixThreeOhdid they ever consider to make the kill switch for gdm only?16:45
SixThreeOhbecause i find the window managers always restart x when they lose it apparently16:45
itsux2buso these panel bars in gnome.. they can be attached any side and be whatever thickness you like.. and each panel can have its own thickness.. but they can't float..16:45
Ranjanhave an great time ahead .. c u soon jellow :)16:45
VCoolioSixThreeOh: you can restart e17 without killing X, but that's an exception I guess16:45
PyjamaSpankAre there any BIOS options I can disable to improve the boot-up? I've been moving an EXT4 drive between PC's and it lags on ACPI irq 9. I read that this was for Windows and unnecessary for Ubuntu. Any thought?16:46
sacarlsonMjiig: like you can't boot windows?  maybe try grub216:46
SixThreeOhubuntus virtualbox guest drivers should probably be updated16:46
SixThreeOhit now have a really weird screen/graphics error16:46
Mjiigsorry i meant GRUB2, my bad. No i'm trying to boot an .iso file. It loopbacks properly but i can't get the bootloader to chainload16:46
theadminSixThreeOh: Get the one from virtualbox.org16:46
SixThreeOhthe screen its now tiny, and repeated horizontally, with a random aray or red below, then the rest black16:47
SmallR2004how tolerant is ubuntu of file systems? if i debootstrap a flash drive can it still be fat or will i run into all sorts of fun?16:47
itsux2buhow do you add "desks" to gnome?16:47
theadminSmallR200: File permissions... :/ No, you can't make it fat16:47
Mjiigit's puppy i'm trying to load16:47
sortanoobcan anyone tell me where to change the login in 10.04 from that user-chooser type to the enter username/pass type? the comp has too many users, lol16:47
theadminsortanoob: You can use gdm2setup for that16:47
Mjiigcommands i used were something like "loopback loop (hd0,5)/path/to/iso"16:48
sortanoobtheadmin: I'll look there thanks!16:48
Mjiig"chainload loop/isoloader.bin"16:48
SmallR2004theadmin, i was guessing that, had this naive idea that i might be able to if i asked nicely ;)16:48
Mjiigi can't remember the exact name of the bootloader file16:48
SixThreeOhwhat package do I need to install to get a usable version of gnome?16:48
zzzed_SixThreeOh, ubuntu-desktop16:49
SixThreeOhwith programs in the applications menu other than sound recorder16:49
theadminSixThreeOh: Huh? Ubuntu comes with it. But if you want to do so from another desktop, you can install the ubuntu-desktop package16:49
deepuwat is the use of "swap" memory?16:49
edjuctrl-alt-fx does not get me a prompt.  in the old days, i'd edit /etc/inittab, but i see in lucid that doesn't exist. /etc/init/ttyx.conf look ok, i think.  any advice?16:49
deepuwat is the use of swap memory?16:50
zzzed_!swap | deepu16:50
ubottudeepu: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info16:50
SixThreeOhits for when you run out of good memory16:50
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pranavany one help me16:51
SmallR2004it is linux's version of virtual memory16:51
zzzed_!ask | pranav16:51
ubottupranav: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:51
SmallR2004done ten times better16:51
deepuwat is the use of swap memory?16:51
deepuwat is the use of swap memory?16:52
zzzed_!swap | deepu16:52
ubottudeepu: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info16:52
trevor_I'm trying to setup a quick ftp server so I can transfer files to a remote server. By default the files are in /var/www/ and are accessed by apache2 through the account www-data. I installed vsftpd and created a user and gave it permissions to access those files. However, when I create a new folder through ftp on that account it doesn't give any group or user permissions. Is there a way to change that so I don't have to change it each time?16:54
ChesterXI am looking for the package gcc-4.4.316:55
deepuevery time i restart my pc the compiz settings are gone...reseted!!16:55
itsux2buah.. 36 maximum "desks" in gnome16:58
pranavhow to change ping command neme in linux16:58
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pranavany 1 help me?how to change ping command name in linux16:59
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zzzed_pranav, man alias16:59
pranavsorry zzzed16:59
craigbass1976What's this chat thing up near my username in a default ubuntu lucid install?  I think I set it up to use my yahoo account, but I can't see a buddy list anywhere.16:59
zzzed_pranav, np16:59
pranavi didnt get.will u ellaburate17:00
pranavany 1 help me?how to change ping command name in linux17:00
itsux2bupranav, why do you want to change the name of ping?17:00
th0rpranav: set up an alias for ping .... find out about it by reading the man page for alias17:01
chongtrevor_: where did you mean "new folder" ? do your vfstp user have permission on the new folder?17:01
Staciehey could someone help me?17:01
sinurgepranav, zzzed_ just answered ur question didnt he17:01
craigbass1976Stacie, help you what?17:01
pranavactually my sir gave assignment17:01
Stacieim trying to install adobe flash 10 i have no idea how to17:01
pranavto change pn by any name17:01
saji89pranav, You need to use alias.17:02
pranavping by any name17:02
zzzed_pranav, alias <newname>='ping'17:02
craigbass1976I've always been able to do flash install on adobe's site.17:02
craigbass1976Stacie ^^17:02
ChesterXI can't find the repository gcc-4.4.3 , does anyone know an alternative ppa?17:02
Stacieim on ubuntu 8.0417:02
saji89pranav, You can do that by editing the .bashrc file17:02
th0rpranav: would you prefer we just do your homework for you?17:02
itsux2buStacie, you using ubuntu's desktop or command line?17:02
Stacieyou mean the terminal?17:02
pranavsorry my frnd17:02
itsux2buStacie, yes17:03
trevor_chong: Well I log in through gFTP using a new user account I created, then I create a folder. However, the permissions on that new folder are now only 700. In order for the www-data user to read it though I need user read permissions17:03
coldnessis anyone who want to help me17:03
Staciei have a desktop screen and i also have the terminal...17:03
coldnessi have a serious problem17:03
saji89pranav, See my pm.17:03
th0rcoldness: how do you expect help without telling anyone the problem?17:03
itsux2buso in desktop.. use your browser to go to adobe.com.. go to download area17:04
coldnessi have a resolution problem17:04
sinurgeth0r, lol17:04
Stacieok 1 sec17:04
coldnessscreen is very big 800*60017:04
itsux2bufind flash button..17:04
itsux2buit will detech you have *linux17:04
edjuHow might I get ctrl-alt-f1 to work when there's no inittab in Lucid?17:05
itsux2bui just did this last night17:05
zzzed_coldness, System->Preferences->Monitor17:05
saji89pranav, Did you understand how to do it?17:06
craigbass1976zzzed_, I actually ran into this over the weekend; the guy sees bad so it doesn't matter, but we had "unknown monitor" and were stuck at 800x600.  I had other problems more important, so I left it.17:07
zzzed_craigbass1976, ok17:07
ChesterXhello everybody17:08
Stacieit sux2beu17:08
ChesterXdoes anyone know where I can get the gcc-4.4.3 package?17:08
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trevor_chong: somehow I solved it...17:08
craigbass1976zzzed_, what to do in that case?17:08
saji89ChesterX, coldness | !hi17:08
Staciei installed and restarted firefox but i still get this error In order to Video Chat and view videos, you must download the Adobe Flash 10 Plug-in.17:08
zzzed_craigbass1976, are you using a proprietary driver? if so, which one?17:09
KalElho i am planning to get a new motherboard, new processor and a display card, moving from NVidia to ATI Radeon. will i have to reinstall ubuntu 10.04? (i have a lot of customizations done so i am trying to avoid reinstallation if possible)17:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:09
ubimanwhich ubuntu has best performance i386 or 64-bit?17:09
chongtrevor_: good news17:09
pranavhey zzzed_17:09
Die7elhello everyone17:09
pranavman alias not showin anythin17:09
Staciesux2beu u still here?17:10
philinuxubiman: http://www.tuxradar.com/content/ubuntu-904-32-bit-vs-64-bit-benchmarks17:10
pranavcommand not found17:10
saji89pranav, Are you getting my message or not?17:10
zzzed_pranav, yeah, i know, my mistake, use alias <newname>='ping'17:10
ubimanhow can i solve17:10
Die7eli would like to learn about programing in ubuntu php where can i get this kind of help17:10
dv__hey people17:10
itsux2buStacie, did it ask for your password to install?17:10
coldnessit doesn't work becauz 800*600 only i have17:10
jpdsDie7el: ##php ?17:10
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dv__do you can help me17:11
Staciebut i still cant watch videos17:11
pranavno such file or directory17:11
coldnesshelp => 800*600 resolution17:11
itsux2buStacie, rebooted computer?17:11
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Staciedidnt reboot but i restarted firefox isnt that enough?17:12
philinuxStacie: get flashaid https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/161939/17:12
Die7eljds: sorry rephrase i have ubuntu and would like to write software in php hat program can i use and is php the best language to use to write a web based program17:12
LintWadI seem to be having a problem with wireless. It's always disabled on boot. I can easily enable it by right click -> enable through network manager. Anyone running into this problem?17:12
pranavtanx dude17:12
pranavits workin17:12
itsux2buStacie, don't know17:12
Stacieoh its okay17:13
edjuAm I on here?  If anyone can see this, say "hootchiemama".17:13
Staciephil that link doesnt work17:13
zzzed_edju, ctrl+alt+f1 should work out of the box17:13
pranavcan u pls tell me sum info?how it changes d name?17:14
itsux2buStacie, like i said i did this last night.. and it worked.. expect 1 https website locks up..17:14
philinuxStacie: right click it then open in browser17:14
ikoniaKalEl:  forceflow  please stop that17:14
Die7elneed programing advice can anybody help17:14
ikoniaDie7el: in what respect?17:14
ikoniaDie7el: ask in ##php17:14
Dr_Williszzzed_:  ive had those nvidia oss drivers. (navodu?) break the 'consoles' framebuffer on some of my machines. Consoles wouldent work untill i installed the  Nvidia drivers17:15
Stacieok thanks guys17:15
Dr_WillisDie7el:  there is no best.. and PHP is documented all over the web and in #PHP17:15
zzzed_Dr_Willis, ok, yeah I have nvidia driver17:15
coldnesswho use xubuntu17:15
pranavzzzed_ hey its workin?thanx dude.can u pls tell me sum info?how it changes d name?17:15
ikoniacoldness: just ask your real question17:15
coldnessproblem with resolution17:16
jmreicha1Does anybody know a reputable POS system for Ubuntu?17:16
ikoniajmreicha1: POS ?17:16
jmreicha1Point of Sales17:16
zzzed_pranav alias just provides an alias name for the old command17:16
rbellamyWhen I try "ifdown eth1" I get the response "Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1." but ifconfig shows that eth1 is the interface that's currently up and configured...17:16
ikoniajmreicha1: nothing specific for ubuntu, check out surgar maybe ?17:16
rbellamyand yes, that's with sudo17:16
rbellamyI've seen some comments in forums, but nothing talking about the why of it...17:17
jmreicha1ikonia, can you link their website?17:18
KalElif i upgrade the processor, motherboard and gpu, do i need to reinstall the ubuntu?17:18
ikoniajmreicha1: no17:18
coldnessanyone knows how to solve a problem resolution17:18
ikoniaKalEl: no17:18
gasullcoldness, System -> Preferences -> Monitors17:19
coldnessI have only 800*60017:19
KalElis there anyway i should prepare for the hardware upgrade as far as ubuntu is concerned?17:19
sacarlsonrbellamy: maybe it's a network manager thing?  try shutdown network manager to see if it does the same.  I"ve never seen anything like it.17:19
ikoniaKalEl: no17:19
KalElwell thank you17:19
viddyI upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 -- And my keyboard and mouse is not working.17:20
jimenezI installed samba and its not starting on boot, how may I fix this?17:20
sacarlsonrbellamy: you can try stop network manager with sudo service network-manager stop17:20
KalElis it a usb keyboard?17:20
ikoniaviddy: why is that funny ? are you joking ?17:20
viddyits funny, because its really stupid17:20
Dr_WillisKalEl:  ive moved linux 'installs' from one machine to others in the past with very few issues.. watch out for differnt video card/chipsets however17:20
ikoniaviddy: please don't joke17:20
ikoniaviddy: if you have a problem, ask for help17:20
viddyI am not joking17:20
viddymy keyboard and mouse stopped working after the upgrade17:21
Dr_Willisjimenez:  you have defined some shares? it should be starting at  boot time if you installed the services17:21
KalElthanks Dr_Willis17:21
viddyit works in BIOS etc, but when Ubuntu (most likely gdm) starts it stops working.17:21
sortanoobtheadmin: gdm2setup was just the ticket, thnaks again17:21
viddythe Xorg-logs look good, i can see the mouse and keyboard mentioned. But they still don't work :>17:22
KalEli also missed the joke that viddy made. anyway i think the atmosphere is more tense here now than it used to be. let me get back to my studies - thanks for your time and help!17:22
jimenezDr_Willis yes my shares are defined17:22
sacarlsonviddy: is it usb keyboard?  try unplug and replug.17:22
viddysacarlson: i tried, no go.17:22
yashis there a way to completely remove pulseaudio and replace it with alsa?17:22
jmreicha1ikonia, theres like no info about that software...17:22
viddysacarlson: i can see it being replugged in messages/dmesg.17:22
viddy(via ssh)17:22
sacarlsonviddy: how about unplug all other usb devices and don't us a hub17:22
viddyno hubs, nothing17:22
viddythe keyboard is plugged directly in17:22
viddyand there are no other usb-devices17:22
itsux2buwow.. you can name all 36 "desks" in gnome.. who could remember 36 desks?17:23
ikoniajmreicha1: first link in google turned up the webpage17:23
Dr_Willisjimenez:  try the findsmb and smbtree commands to see if they are seen, then try 'sudo service smbd restart' and then see if they are seen.17:23
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ubimantell fast17:23
sacarlsonviddy: then look at /var/log/xorg.0.log  see what it did17:23
coldnesswhat you are doing here you know nothing17:23
Dr_Willisjimenez:  the logs may tell if its starting then crashing/failing also..17:23
ikoniacoldness: please dont tell people that17:23
viddysacarlson: the xorg logs looks as if its working. except its not working17:23
jmreicha1I don't speak arabic..17:23
ikoniacoldness: there is no minimum requirement to be here17:23
SkyNetMasterhi, how can I batch change user passwords? I have tryed echo $i | passwd --stdin "$1" but get error that --stdin is not recognized17:23
sacarlsonviddy: try another keyboard17:24
viddysacarlson: ok, the xorg logs stopped saying its working now17:24
viddysacarlson: no keyboards work, i tried 317:24
itsux2buSkyNetMaster, tried asking in #bash?17:24
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:24
viddyit suddenly started saying: (II) No input driver/identifier specified (ignoring)17:24
sacarlsonviddy: use a none usb keyboard17:24
coldnesswho are u to ask me that question17:24
viddythats not an option17:24
Dr_WillisSkyNetMaster:  where is this  --stdin option comming from? its not in the passwd man pages taht i see17:25
ubimancan i request ubuntu studio cd/dvd ?17:25
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sacarlsonviddy: try boot a live cd verify it fails there17:25
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philinuxubiman: http://www.tuxradar.com/content/ubuntu-904-32-bit-vs-64-bit-benchmarks17:25
Dr_Willisubiman:  shipit dosent send those - at least they dident in the past..17:25
Dr_Willis!shipit | ubiman17:25
ubottuubiman: Shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Lucid (10.04) CDs17:25
pranavzzzed_ hey 1 prb?if i want to implement ping command by another name.wanna edit ping source code.is it possible to change ping name in d source code?17:25
j2daoshis there a way to change timezones just long enough to get a new `date`?17:26
Dr_Willispranav:  that wouldent make much sence..   the program;s name is normally not defined in the source code.17:26
itsux2buis there a ping.bin ?17:27
JohnSQHow do I see a list of my internet info using CL?17:27
j2daoshpranav: just rename the application (or make a copy of it and call it something else)17:27
itsux2bucan mv rename .bin files?17:27
Dr_Willisping by defailt is  /bin/ping17:27
metepranav: copy the ping command under an other name, done17:27
ikoniaitsux2bu: no17:27
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  mv can rename most anything17:27
itsux2buyea.. cp17:27
metecp /bin/ping /bin/pong17:27
meteso you can exec pong as ping17:27
meteor set a link17:27
aetaricln -s17:27
itsux2buok?  pranav17:27
Dr_Willisi missed why we are bothering with this ping nonsence.,17:28
pranavcan i c d source code of ping17:28
pranavso i can edit it17:28
JohnSQHow can I see my IP address and router IP from the CLI?17:28
pranavor any other way17:28
j2daoshhow can i get date to give me the time in a different timezone? my system is set to UTC, but I need to get EDT for checking a log.17:28
ikoniapranav: can you read C ?17:28
Dr_Willispranav:  you can download the source debs i imagine.. yes.. or other ways17:28
j2daoshJohnSQ: ifconfig17:28
sh228msg prenav apt-get source ping17:29
Dr_Willis!info ping17:29
ubottuPackage ping does not exist in lucid17:29
itsux2bupranav, you can make copy of pinf and give copy new name..  no need for source17:29
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Dr_WillisPing is part of some larger package i imagine17:29
oraclehey how do i access my phone over wifi17:29
SkyNetMasterhum, how then I should create bunch of user with some default passwd in ubuntu?17:29
itsux2buoracle, Voice Over IP?17:29
=== Guest83136 is now known as po1ter
sacarlsonJohnSQ: ifconfig; route17:29
ubimanhow many total packages does the ubuntu have provided now17:30
oracleitsux2bu, no the picture folder17:30
pranavitsuxtobu hey17:30
pranavhow can i copy of pinf17:30
Dr_WillisSkyNetMaster:  some bash scripting could do it..17:30
ubimanin synaptic package manager where can i see it?17:30
Dr_Willispranav:  you were told earlier,.. sudo cp /bin/ping /bin/SUPERPING17:30
itsux2bupranav, i jmistyped.. i should say ping17:30
sacarlsonpranav:  cp pinf pinf.org17:31
Proxhotdoghi all17:31
SkyNetMasterbut if passwd does not accept stdin, when I am a bit stuck17:31
itsux2bunot PINF.. ping17:31
gasulloracle, I think you mean bluetooth17:31
nisstyre65SkyNetMaster: you can write a script with a for loop17:31
nisstyre65you don't need /dev/stdin17:31
oraclegasull, wifi would be preferred, really.17:31
chris_osxitsux2bu: he wrote pinf17:31
JohnSQWhat do asteriks under the gateway mean?  Not being used?17:31
oraclelike, is there a way to get sshd working on the phone?17:32
Proxhotdogdoes anyone know why when i try to boot my macbook pro with the latest ubuntu live cd, it shows i8042.c: No controller found?????17:32
SkyNetMasternisstyre65, how do you meen with for loop?17:32
zzzed_ubiman, when you start synaptic, look on the bottom left corner17:32
itsux2buchris_osx, he copied my typo17:32
dcantosamigos alguien q me ayude17:32
itsux2buchris_osx, he wants a new name for ping17:32
dcantosal abrir mi amsn al iniciar sesion se me cierra17:32
Dr_Willis!abs | SkyNetMaster17:32
ubottuSkyNetMaster: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/17:32
kroson!es | dcantos17:32
dcantosq puede ser?17:32
ubottudcantos: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:32
pranavcp: missing destination file operand after `/bin/ping/bin/SUPERPING'17:32
pranavTry `cp --help' for more information.17:32
nisstyre65SkyNetMaster: I mean, you can set the variables you want for the users, and then write a bash script that will iterate over the line creating your users a specified amount of times17:32
chris_osxitsux2bu: why would anyone want such a thing?17:32
sacarlsonJohnSQ: that mean all *  like ls *17:33
nisstyre65which is what a for loop does17:33
Proxhotdogerr.... spanish17:33
Dr_Willispranav:  you may want to spend some time learning shell basics. You missed a space... spaces are NOT optional17:33
itsux2buask, pranav17:33
nisstyre65SkyNetMaster: /join #bash for more info17:33
j2daoshanyone know how to do that?17:33
ubimanin wikipedia they are shown 35000 packages are there.but in package manager there is only30000 why?17:33
SkyNetMasternisstyre65, I have such script, the problem I having is with passwords.17:33
sacarlsonJohnSQ: in that case it would be all trafic on that address on that mask goes to that device like eth017:34
Dr_Willisubiman:  I see many more..17:34
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install17:34
Dr_WillisDisplay all 40220 possibilities? (y or n)17:34
nisstyre65SkyNetMaster: can you paste the script to http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:34
nisstyre65and then link it here17:34
j2daoshpranav: type this `cp /bin/ping /bin/SUPERPING`17:34
j2daoshwith a space17:34
Dr_Willisyes kids,, apt-get does TAB completion :)17:35
j2daoshjust copy and paste that17:35
itsux2buj2daosh, not ping.bin  ?17:35
ubiman<Dr_Willis> why is it so17:35
Dr_Willisubiman:  does it matter? I got lots of differnt ppa's enabled17:35
j2daoshitsux2bu:, if all he is doing is making a copy of the ping application, no.17:35
aetaricitsux2bu: why does it have to be ping.bin?17:35
pranavcp: cannot create regular file `/bin/SUPERPING': Permission denied17:35
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  wheres this .bin comming from?17:35
ikoniaitsux2bu: call it what you want - this is nothing to do with ubuntu17:36
j2daoshsudo cp /bin/ping /bin/SUPERPING17:36
ubiman<Dr_Willis>  i want 35000 packages what i want to do?17:36
nisstyre65isn't the ping program suid?17:36
nisstyre65you don't need root to run it17:36
pranav cp: cannot create regular file `/bin/SUPERPING': Permission denied17:36
Dr_Willisubiman:  no idea. Enable extra repos.. or somthing17:36
j2daoshpranav, then you dont have permission17:37
Dr_Willisubiman:  i fail to see why its an issue17:37
ikoniapranav: you need to use sudo to copy anything in /bin - however what you are doing is pointless17:37
itsux2busry.. folks.. i'm new to *linux.. i thot ping was an executable and executables ended in .bin.. my bad for asssuming that17:37
SkyNetMasternisstyre65, http://paste.ubuntu.com/486377/17:37
nisstyre65itsux2bu: they don't have any file extension17:37
pranavhow can i go into root17:37
tyroPodEasy mistake to make17:37
Dr_Willis!sudo | pranav17:37
ikoniapranav: you use sudo17:37
ubottupranav: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:37
pranavm in root nw17:37
itsux2bupranav, sudo cp /bin/ping /bin/SUPERPING17:38
aetaric!root | pranav17:38
ubottupranav: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:38
viddyhttp://pastebin.com/cWsJUEK1 - Regarding the keyboard/mouse problem. Anyone know of any solution?17:38
Dr_Willispranav:  you would be very well rewarded by spending an hr or 2 reading some shell/bash/command line tutorials17:38
mibhi guys, can someone help me debug my ubuntu install? I have had 10.04 for some time, and it works okay, but just today when I start it up, it loads okay but when i click any program the desktop just refreshes and nothing happens! can someone help?17:38
pushpopHi all, I want to mount a windows share on my ubuntu machine, I can get it to mount with only root permissions to be able to write to it.  How do I enable the mount so that I can write and delete from a particular user without root access.17:38
nisstyre65SkyNetMaster: that script doesn't make sense, there's no '--stdin- option for passwd17:38
Dr_Willisnisstyre65:  yea.. i mentiioned that to him earlier..  no idea where he got that from17:39
j2daoshits not an option17:39
pranavcp /bin/ping /bin/SUPERPING17:39
j2daoshbut it is used17:39
pranavden wht should i do17:39
SkyNetMasternisstyre65, http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/078 "A fourth option that works at least on linux (if not other systems) is  echo "password" | passwd --stdin username"17:39
ikoniapranav: for what ?17:39
wasobI seem to be needing some help with NDISWrapper17:39
itsux2bupranav, try and find a tutorial for Bash in your language17:40
nisstyre65ubotto doesn't know about posix? : (17:40
korisnikuseri need to install WINE  offline on clean XUBUNTU installation. i can connect my USB STICK on old laptop. any help is appreciated.17:40
pranavwanna change ping command by other name17:40
ikoniapranav: you've been told what to do17:40
ikoniapranav: you'll need to use sudo to copy anything in /bin17:40
Dr_Willispranav:  dare we ask why?17:40
pranavdat will work as ping command17:40
wasobI installed the driver for my LinkSys "Pen Drive" WUSB100, but, either it isn't installed correctly or there is something else which ubuntu still thinks its suposed to use.17:40
ikoniapranav: this is the last time17:40
Sashi1Hi, I'm using iBus-anthy for japanese input on u 9.10 and it was working great, only since I installed some updates japanese input in adobe flash stopped working, how can i fix this?17:41
xangua!offline > korisnikuser17:41
ubottukorisnikuser, please see my private message17:41
pushpopHi all, I want to mount a windows share on my ubuntu machine, I can get it to mount with only root permissions to be able to write to it.  How do I enable the mount so that I can write and delete from a particular user without root access.17:41
Dr_Willispranav:  alias pong=ping17:41
mibHow can i start in debug mode to see what is wrong with my ubuntu? I can't run any programs from gnome17:41
Dr_Willispranav:  now ya got 'pong'17:41
william_I run 10.04 netbook on an ASUS 1005PEB and cannot get the two finger scroll to work. have tried three different fixes with no results. HELP?17:41
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD17:41
wasobIs it enough doing 'ndiswrapper -i <name-of-driver>.inf, returning 'successfully installed' (or similar message)?17:41
pranavi dont want to rename ping17:41
ikoniapranav: what do you wwant ?17:42
j2daoshpranav, what is your native language?17:42
pranavi need source codce of ping17:42
ikoniapranav: you said you want to rename ping17:42
ikoniapranav: can you read c +17:42
Dr_Willispranav:  then go get the source code to ping..17:42
JohnSQ/sbin/ifdown and /sbin/ifup are both listed as risks on rkhunter.  Are these false positives?  All I did since installation was updates...17:42
j2daoshpranav: apt-get source ping17:42
ikoniaj2daosh: the package isn't called "ping"17:42
ranjanhi all what is the difference  between audacious and audacious2??17:42
itsux2bupranav,  WHY do you want to change ping????17:42
j2daoshahh, ok, hold on17:42
ikoniapranav: I belive ping is part of core utils17:42
ikoniaitsux2bu: it's up to him, it's not our problem17:42
pranavyes ikonia17:43
william_I run 10.04 netbook on an ASUS 1005PEB and cannot get the two finger scroll to work. have tried three different fixes with no results. HELP?17:43
pranavits part of utility17:43
chris_osxpranav: do you want to add revolutionary new funtionality to the ping command?17:43
j2daoshapt-get source iputils-ping17:43
deathanatospushpop: you can add a -o uid=...,gid=... to the mount command, that will at least give you access as non-root17:43
Dr_Willis!info sing17:43
ubottuPackage sing does not exist in lucid17:43
pranavyes exatly17:43
Dr_Willisan amazeing new ping feature.. such as?17:44
pranavto add revolutionary new funtionality to the ping command?17:44
itsux2bupranav, can i ask what country you are from?17:44
mibcan someone help me get started finding the problem with my ubuntu 10.04 problem? Everything loads fine, but when i click any program to run from gnome desktop, it just refreshes desktop and nothing else17:44
itsux2bupranav, so you want to add new FEATURES to ping?17:45
Dr_Willisthe 'Ping Page' ==> http://www.ping127001.com/pingpage.htm17:45
thetimeshello hello.17:45
JohnSQ/sbin/ifdown and /sbin/ifup are both listed as risks on rkhunter.  Are these false positives?  All I did since installation was updates...17:45
pranavi think so17:45
jeltschHi, is there a way to “ignore threads” in Evolution?17:45
kuttan_helo again17:45
sacarlsonmib: I'm mistified as to what a desktop does when  it just refreshes?17:45
Traveleranyone here is good with backtrack?17:45
Dr_Willismib:  boot to console,  stop gdm service (if it startes) and try startx from console look for error messages...17:45
william_mib: might be the mouse setting mine were backwards when I first put on 10.0417:45
itsux2bupranav, so renaming is not what you wanted?17:46
ikoniaTraveler: the guys in #backtrack-linux are where you need to be, we don't support it here17:46
chris_osxpranav: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iputils/3:20071127-2ubuntu117:46
Travelerokay, thanks :)17:46
pranavno i dont want to rename17:46
pranavdats z is work17:46
chris_osxthe package's name is iputils-ping17:46
pranavactually i got d assignment17:46
deathanatosa "refresh" sounds like nautilus might be crashing and restarting - that usually causes the icons on the desktop to flash momentarily.17:46
mibsacarlson: run any program by clicking it, icons dissapear from desktop, menu bar dissapears, then comes back, and whala, nothing happened17:46
pranavmakin a command dat will work as ping17:46
chris_osxpranav: so you can change and compile your own version of ping17:47
Dr_Willistheres alternatives to ping also..17:47
mibDr_Willis: okay cool whats the easiest way to boot into console17:47
mouseoverI have an SD card which automatically gets mounted when I insert it. However, I would like to explicitly mount it with "exec" permissions. I tried mount -t ext2 -o rw,dev,exec /dev/sdc /media/sd/ but that gives me an "no medium found on /dev/sdc" error. /dev/sdc clearly exists... and as you'd expect, when I unplug the SD card, /dev/sdc dissapears.17:47
chris_osxpranav: download the source from the url i just pasted17:47
ikoniapranav: the command already exists - it's called ping, however it's up to you what you do as this is now beyond ubuntu support17:47
chris_osxpranav: edit the code, compile, enjoy17:47
jeltschI mean I group e-mails in Evolution in threads, and I want to automatically mark all present and future mails of some thread as “read”.17:47
william_is there a room specifically for netbook remix?17:47
itsux2bupranav, how old are you? is this a school assigment?17:48
Dr_Willispranav:  archives of the source code at the 'Ping Page' ==> http://www.ping127001.com/pingpage.htm17:48
ikoniaitsux2bu: it doesn't matter - this is nothing to do with ubuntu support any more17:48
pranav<chris_osx> can u send it again17:48
itsux2buor company/boss assignment?17:48
chris_osxpranav: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iputils/3:20071127-2ubuntu117:48
ikoniapranav: chris_osx no17:48
ikoniathis ends now17:48
pranavm 8 std17:48
sukuriHow do I keep the menu hidden in gnome-terminal? Every time I run terminal, I have to hide it again, and it's annoying.17:49
=== ad4m is now known as McLinux
chris_osxpranav: so you just edit the code the way you like it and compile it17:49
jribsukuri: profile preferences17:49
pranavtans chris17:49
chris_osxpranav: glad to help17:49
mibDr_Willis: hey, i'm not sure how i can boot into the console since i can't run a terminal or anything -- how would i go about booting into console?17:50
deathanatossukuri: Edit -> Profile preferences -> uncheck "Show menubar by default in new terminals"17:50
dv__how to work with apache17:50
Dr_Willismib:  alt-ctrl-f1 through f6 dont work either?17:50
sukurideathanatos: thanks17:50
Dr_Willismib:  at the grub menu, edit the  boot line and use the 'text' option, or the rescue/revcovery mode17:50
chris_osxpranav: may i ask what you want to change in the command?17:51
dv__how to work with apache17:51
Dr_Willisdv__:  install apache.. edit the web site pages.. there ya go..17:51
chris_osxdv__: www.apache.org17:52
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Dr_Willisdv__:  how what? You havent asked a clear question yet..17:52
j2daoshhow can i get date to output a datetime for a different timezone?17:52
chris_osxpranav: what do you want to change in the ping code17:52
itsux2busounds to me as if prakriti was given an assigment in school/college/university to "create" a ping command.. he wants to cheat by looking at the original source code.. but i could be wrong17:52
pranavi just want to make such a command tat will work as ping17:52
ikoniapranav: the command already exists - it's called ping, please stop asking about this17:52
chris_osxpranav: why17:52
Dr_Willispranav:  so you are going to compile ping.. and call it SpiffyPing ?17:52
itsux2bu*prv guy.. whatever his nick was17:53
mibDr_Willis: so ubuntu is run in vmware - when it starts up it goes directly into the desktop - how do i change stuff from the grub menu if i can't run anything in the desktop?17:53
pranavso if i m givin command like pranav den it will work like pin17:53
prakritinot me17:53
deathanatosj2daosh: TZ="[timezone here]" date17:53
itsux2busry.. prakriti, typo17:53
SPM_pranav: alias pranav=ping17:53
prakritino worries :)17:53
mibDr_Willis: when i press cntrl + alt + f1 (through f6) nothing seems to happen,  maybe because cntrl + alt is vmware keystroke to stop mouse capture?17:53
j2daoshthat doesn't work17:54
chris_osxhaha kids these days "i want a command that is named after me and does what ping does" haha17:54
flanAnyone have experience troubleshooting obscure Glade issues? (The likely channels have failed to produce any helpful responses)17:54
ikoniachris_osx: "cp" would resolve that issue17:54
jribflan: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)17:54
Dr_Willismib:  you can hit some key to show the grub menu. then you can change it for a one time 'boot'   - theres alwo says to get to the consoles in vmware  (i dont use it) or ssh in and edit the /etc/default/grub settingsm, or disable the gdm service17:54
SPM_chris_osx: maybe it will be easier change name to ping :)))17:54
kuttan_<chris_osx> :D17:54
j2daoshdeathanatos: i did `date;TZ="MST";date;unset TZ;date and got the same time for all the dates17:55
Dr_Willismib:  check the vmware docs thers some way to send an alt-ctrl-f1 to vmware17:55
itsux2busounds to me as if pranav was given an assigment in school/college/university to "create" a ping command.. he wants to cheat by looking at the original source code.. but i could be wrong17:55
deathanatosj2daosh: TZ="MST" date17:55
deathanatosNo semi17:55
ikoniaitsux2bu: lets move on from it please.17:55
pushpopHow to you change the permissions on a windows file share mounted in ubuntu.  I can not write to the mounted share in ubuntu from a regular user17:55
deathanatosThat tells bash to set the environment variable "TZ" to "MST" and run date17:55
flanjrib, formatting it into a single line will be... difficult. It involves catalogues and path-resolution, and the problem's only apparent after a fair amount of exposition.17:55
mibDr_Willis: hmmm i'm not sure i have ssh running, does it run by default?17:55
kuttan_<chris_osx> might as well save time & cp ping to $myname17:55
Dr_Willismib:  no17:55
sacarlsonSPM_: I think prnav: is going to school his teacher gave them an assignment to make something like ping in c+ code.  I feel sorry for his teacher.17:55
ilovefairuzchris_osx: ikonia: actually 'alias' was specifically made to do that and more17:55
deathanatosThe change only lasts for date though17:55
jribflan: it's probably not appropriate for this channel then.  If you've tried the gtk and glade channels, maybe try forums and mailing lists17:56
mibDr_Willis: what would the ip address i would ssh be?17:56
j2daoshit doesn't work with ?DT though17:56
Dr_Willismib:  its your system.. i dont know.17:56
deathanatosSo, `TZ="Japan" date` outputs "Wed Sep  1 01:53:58 JST 2010" for me.17:56
mibDr_Willis: ha k17:56
=== dad_ is now known as Guest10800
itsux2busacarlson, i'm think same thot17:56
flanjrib, fair enough. Just thought I'd ask for a casual expert before switching venues.17:56
j2daoshdeathanatos: try it with MDT or CDT17:57
Guest10800i have tried all kinds of stuff to get burn to work but nothing gets it done.. I have looked to google.and tried some fixes but still not working17:57
nisstyre65sacarlson: LOL, in that case he should just copy the source and move the functions around or something17:57
Taterhey all just wondering is it possible to create a bootable virtual machiene from a windows install that is already installed and if so can i still boot into said windows install if I don't want to run it in a vm in ubuntu?17:57
mibDr_Willis: can i press some key combo on startup to load grub menu?17:57
shangmneptok: ping17:57
viddyAny evdev-expert who can help me out with this: http://pastebin.com/SXuYra6A17:57
philinuxmib: shift key17:58
* wasob wonders if co-founders of websites actually pay to becomes VIP's (sorry, off-topic)17:58
Dr_Willismib:  i dont use vmware.. on a normal install its 'shift'17:58
Dr_Willismib:  i always edit grub on a normal install so it always shows the menu17:58
Professor_Ghi is this the vartoons support channel17:58
ilovefairuzTater: VirtualBox can boot real partitions but I suspect you'll have driver issues if you boot it back on real hardware17:59
j2daoshProfessor_G: no, thats #warnerbrothers17:59
Dr_WillisGuest10800:  Try a diffent disk burner program like k3b perhaps?17:59
deathanatosj2daosh: MDT and CDT don't appear to be valid timezones on my machine... you'll want something from /usr/share/zoneinfo17:59
mibDr_Willis: ah nice its control + alt + space, release space, press f117:59
Taterilove so its one or the other eh17:59
mibDr_Willis: so now i am in control + alt + f1, then what?17:59
Dr_Willismib:  i dont use vmware.. and never plan on using it.. :)17:59
Professor_Gj2daosh, not a channel17:59
Dr_Willismib:  you at the grub menu now? or the console?17:59
mibDr_Willis: i think the console?18:00
mibjust console18:00
itsux2buTater, real hardware and virtualbox are 2 difference hardware environments18:00
mibso kill gdm?18:00
Dr_Willismib:  stop gdm with 'sudo service gdm stop'    then try 'startx' it should load the deskjtkop, try running yur apps..  if they fail. go back to the console. look for any error messages18:00
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:00
ilovefairuz!tab | Tater18:01
Tateritsux2bu, I realize that, I was curious if it was possible though18:01
ubottuTater: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:01
Dr_Willismib:  another test would be to make a new user, and see if the issue affects them also18:01
Coronadewow guys, i'm debugging my IRC client and18:01
ilovefairuzTater: I *think* so, yes. Never tried to do it.18:01
Taterilovefairuz, I know thanks though, keyboard has had something spilled on it so keys stick sometimes18:01
wasobIf Tater wants to be able to boot it outside of Windows and then later boot it ON windows, I believe he could simply create a Ghost image of it to be installed within the VM and backup his documents/files/personal program files to be restored in the VM instance.18:01
itsux2buTater, sorry i missed original question.. my bad.. bad habit of mine..18:01
Taterits ok18:01
Taterwasob so that would double the size of space needed as I would require a ghost image and my dual boot install18:02
deathanatosj2daosh: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones18:02
TaterI doubt solidworks would have ran fast enough under a vm anyways18:02
Taterlooks like I'm still chained to windows18:02
ilovefairuzTater: did you check WINE?18:03
mibDr_Willis: okay, i found an error: http://pastebin.com/Zm0Q2drQ18:03
jk_Tater, I came in late so missed your question but if you are trying to run a physical copy of Windows in a vbox VM, yes, it can be done -- but there is serious risk of making the physical side unbootable!18:03
Taterjk_ thats not acceptable so I guess no is the answer :D18:04
Guest10800CLARIFY i have tried all kinds of stuff to get burn effect with ubuntu 10,04 to work but nothing gets it done.. I have looked to google.and tried some fixes but still not working18:04
Taterilovefairuz, thats the first thing I checked, SW is rated as running like "garbage" so I assume it woon't work lol18:04
ilovefairuzTater: http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?t=699318:04
jk_Tater, check the Oracle vbox forums; they have how-tos that spell out the risks.18:04
yubamy partations in xubuntu are not opening18:05
j2daoshdeathanatos: thank you very much. using CDT/MDT doesn't work, but if i specify the contry/state it recognizes the daylight savings time. THANK YOU18:05
ilovefairuzTater: version 2009 is marked as silver18:05
zerglinghe can any help me out here?18:05
Taterilovefairuz, thanks, I'm running 10 though18:05
ilovefairuz!details | zergling18:05
Taterjk_, thanks for the help18:05
ubottuzergling: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:05
stevecamwhen switching users or logging out of a user, ubuntu will often crash, could someone help me out with this?18:06
JohnFluxHey all18:06
ilovefairuzTater: you should give it a try, WINE has came a long way18:06
JohnFluxhow do I downgrade a package?18:06
mibDr_Willis: i found this, you think i need to reinstall driver? https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=8813918:06
Professor_Gi need a channel for my site18:06
deathanatosj2daosh: saying "Central" is a big vague -- some places have weird rules (such as not observing DST, or starting at a different date)18:06
zerglingok i have no clue how to get the sound drivers to work on ubuntu.  does anyone know how to fix it?18:06
mfraz74Still can't get WINE to work with OvationPro properly18:06
ilovefairuzJohnFlux: did you install it from a ppa?18:06
ilovefairuz!sound | zergling18:06
ubottuzergling: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:06
Taterilovefairuz, I just might, i don't really got much to lose i suppose other than a few hours and some of my hair18:07
zerglingwhats ppa? (im kinda new to this)18:07
JohnFluxilovefairuz: I have all the old deb packages, but I can't get:  apt-get install package=oldversion     to downgrade dependencies as well18:07
ilovefairuzTater: /j #winhq18:07
deathanatosj2daosh: Keep in mind it won't recognize DST when winter rolls around, and those timezones switch back to standard time18:07
abyshi , when i have a ssh client running , is it possible to connect for somebody to connect to my pc then ?18:07
th0rabys: not by running the client, you would have to run an ssh server18:08
deathanatosabys: Not by just running the client, no.18:08
wildc4rdevenin' all18:08
ilovefairuzTater: type: it's #winehq .. they may help if you run into wine issues while installing18:08
Dr_WillisNight all. bed time for the Dr.18:08
Guest10800night dr/18:08
itsux2buabys, one computer needs to run ssh server and one computer ssh client18:08
Taterilovefairuz, thanks, I joined but no time now, I need to go finish building my deck, thank  you for your time though18:09
sacarlsonabys: connect to yourself from ssh yes18:09
abysok thx18:09
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:09
leginodoes anybody know where build essential is at i really need it18:09
ilovefairuzabys: no, that would require an SSH server18:09
ilovefairuz!fishing > itsux2bu18:09
ubottuitsux2bu, please see my private message18:09
abysthanks all!18:09
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)18:09
th0rlegino: build-essential is a meta package, if you want to fetch it other than in synaptic you would have to download all the individual packages18:09
ilovefairuzJohnFlux: you didn't answer me, did you install them off a PPA?18:10
mibcan someone help me debug this error? it happens when i do startx : http://pastebin.com/Zm0Q2drQ18:10
realubotIs it possible to adjust overscan using xrandr to get a HTPC connected to a plasma screen not cut of the edges of the Desktop?18:11
volumeQuestion... Is NTFS or EXT4 better for running windows 7 in Virtual Box? Or does it make a difference? Actually I'm thinking about created 2 partitions one in ext4 and the other in ntfs for windows 7 install. What do yall think? (PS I used to run Ubuntu, but I've been running win7, but it's crap so I'm going back to Ubunut. I'm no pro)18:11
leginocan you please tell me where to install these individual packages18:11
leginoand what do i search18:11
ChogyDanlegino: just sudo apt-get install build-essential18:11
JohnFluxilovefairuz: what's PPA?18:11
JohnFluxilovefairuz: they are from a 3rd party server18:12
JohnFluxilovefairuz: unrelated to ubuntu18:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:12
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.18:12
itsux2buvolume, windows in vbox?18:12
leginoi tried that its says cant find package18:12
sacarlsonvolume: I'm not sure windows 7 will run from ext4 will it?18:12
volume(I'm in gParted right now, trying to make a decision regarding how I should partition and format my main drive)18:12
deathanatosvolume: Windows can't run on ext4... can it?18:12
deniseCan somebody tell me how to connect to irc://irc.gimp.org/gnucash please?18:12
ilovefairuzJohnFlux: you can use gdebi to install all the older package verisons by listing the path to the .debs18:13
ChogyDanlegino: can you pastebin the results of `apt-cache policy build-essential`18:13
itsux2buvolume, windows doesn't know ext4 or any *nix filesystems18:13
mfraz74deathanatos: I don't think it'll run on anything apart from FAT and NTFS partitions18:13
mibhere is a patch -- i've never patched something before -- do i just change the files mysql, and then do i have to recompile them or something? can someone help a newb? http://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-devel/2010-July/011317.html18:13
sacarlsonvolume: just leave the partition alone unused. let windows 7 take care of it when it installs.18:13
volumeitsux2bu - sacarloson - NO, I'm trying to figure out which paritions/file sys to use. And I was wondering if VIrtual box would run better if I used NTFS. I'd rather format to Ext4.18:13
legino  Installed: (none)18:14
legino  Candidate: 11.4build118:14
legino  Version table:18:14
legino     11.4build1 018:14
FloodBot2legino: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:14
legino        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages18:14
ilovefairuzdenise: that means connect to server irc.gimp.org then join the channel #gnucash18:14
itsux2buvolume, whats your host os?18:14
ilovefairuz!paste > legino18:14
ubottulegino, please see my private message18:14
rockhopperhi. Is there any downloader, which does multiple connections per file, like Internet download manager for windows does?18:14
deniseI tried #gnucash and it said go to irc://irc.gimp.org/gnucash18:15
ChogyDanmib: no, you would have to download the source of the program, apply the patch, and then compile it18:15
itsux2buvolume, what OS do you boot with?18:15
adminewbhere operating ubuntu lucid desktop as internet gateway, using Firestarter firewall with ICS enabled; ICS works ok, except that DNS requests are not forwarded to the internet modem as expected; inbound policy is set up to forward DNS(53) but that has no apparent effect; thoughts?18:15
po1terrockhopper, I use the DownThemAll extension for firefox18:15
po1terworks like a charm18:15
ilovefairuzrockhopper: aria2c18:15
mfraz74rockhopper: something like aria218:15
sacarlsonvolume: virtualbox has options at start the defaults to the needed settings for the planed operating system install.  ntfs would be what it would probly pick for you.18:15
volumesacarlson - I'm sorry. My bad. Never mind Virtual Box. I'm in gParted right now trying to figure out how I should format my drive to install ubuntu. I know that I will want to create another partition to run windows in Virtual Box. You can do that right? Create a real, physical, partition and use it in virtual box?18:15
jk_volume, if your host is ubuntu, use ext4. vbox's VM will create its own virtual drive and when you install Win7 on it, Win7 will format that one to ntfs.18:15
rockhopperpo1ter, does downthemall have multiple connections per file?18:15
po1terrockhopper, yep18:15
abysOke further on SSH , so when i connect on my box with only client , i need the public key of the other box in id_rsa.pub right ?18:16
rockhopperok thanks18:16
ilovefairuzdenise: because you're now on freenode, disconnect from this server and type /server irc.gimp.org .. then /join #gnucash18:16
ChogyDanlegino: can you !pastebin the output of `sudo apt-get install build-essential`?18:16
volumeitsux2bu - I'm going to reformat my drive and (i think) use the ext4 partition to install Ubuntu and boot into Ubuntu.18:16
pushpopWhy would a mounted windows share say permissoned denied with I try to Chmod 777 it as root?18:16
jk_volume, no, vbox's "partitions" are actually VDI files in your home directory's .VirtualBox/HardDisks directory.18:16
denisethanks, I'll give it a go18:16
ChogyDanpushpop: you may have to remount it with a umask instead18:16
sacarlsonvolume: yes I guess.  I never tried setup virtualbox dual bot but I supose you could.  ntfs or unused would be what you want.18:17
rockhoppermfraz74, thanks for your suggestion.. I'll give it a try as well..18:17
itsux2buvolume, ok.. so you Want to boot with ubuntu or some *nix.. so yea use filesysten you OS best understands.. in this case Ext418:17
pushpopChogyDan can you be more specific im kind of new to linux18:17
ilovefairuzadminewb: the machines should have the router IP as their DNS server NOT the gateway IP (check in /etc/resolv.conf)18:17
deathanatosabys: If you don't have the public key of the machine that you're connecting to, it will send it. Most SSH clients will tell you when this happens, as when it does, you should verify the key manually.18:17
volumejk_ Ok. I new it used virtual partitions but I wasn't sure if it could use physical partitions. That helps!18:17
pushpopChogyDan may I msg you real fast?18:17
ilovefairuzabys: normally you need a password but you can set it up to use key authentication instead18:18
pranavhey i wanna design a code to implement features of ping command18:18
sacarlsonvolume: I never used physical partitions18:18
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:18
adminewbilovefairuz thanks for response; directing local DNS activity to forward through the gateway is a convenience, but I'd rather not have to forego it...18:18
jk_volume, i guess you could configure vbox to use some other location, but it works fine with the defaults. i have more than 80 gb of virtual-disk files in my system.18:18
abysyes , i did all the configs for that on ssh server18:18
Ryan_LaneI'm trying to use ldaps or start_tls with ldapsearch/ldapmodify, but neither one seem to work. is there some special package I need to install to get ssl support in openldap as a client?18:18
fruitwerkscan someone help me with lvm? I already have my primary 2tb drive setup, I have another 2tb drive, I want to mirror one volume and stripe another18:19
Ryan_LaneI can connect to the server using openssl s_client -connect...18:19
volumejk_  sacarlson itsux2bu - Ok. I'm going to format my drive in ext4 and then create a separate partition in ntfs for windows7, just in case I need it at some point.18:19
pranavhey i wanna design a code to implement features of ping command18:19
mibanyone know where i can download this patch ? http://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-devel/2010-July/011317.html18:19
zhenbeijuhello every one18:20
jribmib: is that a trick question?18:20
deathanatospranav: Lean a programming language, study the ping protocol, write the code.18:20
adminewbilovefairuz, still wondering why forwarding DNS traffic in Firestarter inbound policy is not working?18:20
mibjrib: no, i'm a noob18:20
RaskahHello all, cfdisk shows my partition as ext3 but the mount command shows it as ext4. Should i be concerned? or is just fdisk screwy18:20
jribmib: why do you want it?18:20
ilovefairuzadminewb:  I'm not sure what you're trying to say but /etc/resolv.conf must point to a machine running an actual DNS server .. a gateway/router doesn't "automatically" understand and forward DNS packets, it treats them like any other packets18:20
mibjrib: because i'm facing that problem18:20
Professor_Gshockwave for linux is this possable in any way?18:21
ChogyDanpushpop: there is _some_ advice here: https://https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitionshelp.ubuntu.com/  I would scroll down to the fstab example18:21
mibjrib: x is giving me an error that is solved by this patch, i don't know how to get it though so i can recompile etc18:21
volumejk_ I've run 2 or 3 Virtual disks max.18:21
jribmib: have you found the bug on launchpad?18:21
adminewbilovefairuz, right nothing "automatic" about it, I have explicit inbound policy setting in Firestarter which has no apparent effect18:21
pushpopChogyDan thx ill take a look18:21
MadCarburetorHi, i'm trying out ubuntu on a live usb18:21
volumejk_ I'm just sick of security issues in windows. It's soooo out of hand.18:21
MadCarburetori can't get it to play my music from my external hard drive18:21
jribProfessor_G: install firefox through wine18:21
RaskahMadCarburetor, did you unmute the sound?18:22
Raskahin gnome18:22
mibjrib: i found it here, i've never patched something before http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24675#post13774018:22
Seveasikonia is on a roll today :)18:22
adminewbilovefairuz, I'm not using /etc/resolv.conf18:22
ikoniaSeveas: sorry to distrub18:22
jk_volume, i have five VMs, most of them with two drives each but some of them share E: drives. it works so long as only one of them is running at a time.18:22
volumeHas anyone been able to use iPod/iPhone in Ubuntu 10.04 ?? That's something I'll need help with during my transition...18:22
MadCarburetorit says the required software to play is fine is not installed18:22
th0rikonia: I, for one, am glad you are in gear <smile>18:22
MadCarburetorit's a .mp318:22
mibjrib: so what would i searcch for on launchpad?18:23
Seveasikonia, no problem. Glad to see someone is doing the thankless job you are doing.18:23
jribmib: your bug18:23
itsux2buwhat rule did professor break?18:23
MadCarburetorwhen i click search it says "No packages with the requested plugins found"18:23
xanguaMadCarburetor: have you installed codecs¿18:23
ZykoticK9!ot | itsux2bu18:23
ubottuitsux2bu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:23
ilovefairuzadminewb: that's still PACKET forwarding rule not a DNS FORWARDING one (that would require a DNS server like dnsmasq but you don't need one if you point the machines' resolv.conf directly to the machine running the server if it's accessible)18:23
MadCarburetorcodecs? how do i do that18:23
sipioritsux2bu: i was wondering that myself.18:24
RaskahMadCarburetor, I believe that you need to use third party (unsupported) software to play proprietry formats such as mp3 on nlinux systems18:24
SeveasMadCarburetor, install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package from the software center18:24
ZykoticK9MadCarburetor, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?18:24
ilovefairuz!codec | MadCarburetor18:24
ubottuMadCarburetor: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:24
mfraz74volume: it should just be a matter of connect it and it will launch rhythmbox18:24
xanguaMadCarburetor: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:24
adminewbilovefairuz, err yes, I'm not seeing the distinction between DNS packet forwarding and DNS service forwarding18:24
volumemfraz74 -- Ok. Good. I ran 9.04 and I couldn't get my iPhone to connect with rhythmbox.18:25
janisozauris it possible to use ATI's UVD (uvd2, as seems to be reported by fglrx in xorg log) to offload cpu from video (h264) decoding?18:25
adminewbilovefairuz is DNS using port numbers other than 53?18:26
Raskah<Raskah> Hello all, cfdisk shows my partition as ext3 but the mount command shows it as ext4. Should i be concerned? or is just fdisk screwy?18:26
Seveasadminewb, no. But it's udp and tcp port 53.18:26
mfraz74volume: i think it works in ubuntu, but in kubuntu it only lets me use it with digikam18:26
dschuettwould someone be kind enough to point me to a good tutorial on how to configure a simple setup of an internal dns server?18:26
adminewbSeveas, ok18:26
sacarlsonvolume: is that a problem or a feature, no iphone?18:26
volumemfraz74 - I think the Ubuntu peeps were saying that 10.10 was going to come with ipod/iphone support out of box or something like that.18:27
Raskahlmao sacarlson18:27
sticky_dschuett, http://www.unbound.net/documentation/index.html18:27
krosonvolume: isnt that supposed to work already with lucid?18:27
volumesacarlson - haha. I really like my iphone, and ipod.18:27
adminewbSeveas, I'm noting in the inbound Firestarter policy settings, there is no place to specify protocol where the forwarded port# is given18:27
aetariccool, it needs itunes support.... for loading a library over the LAN18:27
=== denny is now known as Guest7565
dschuettsticky_: thanks!18:28
Raskahmeh thanks anyway18:28
LintWadFor some reason wireless is "disabled" each time on boot. I can easily enable it by right click network manager -> enable, however I'd like to solve the issue if possible. Anyone fix a similar issue?18:28
sticky_dschuett, that's for recursion only18:28
Seveasadminewb, sorry, I don't know firestarter. I write iptables rules by hand :)18:28
sticky_dschuett, do you want a recursive dns or authoritive?18:28
=== denny_ is now known as denny
dschuettsorry, very new to this. what is the difference?18:28
volumeGreat! GParted is warning me that it is "Unable to read the contents of this file system!" (The drive I just formated.)18:29
Coronade<whew> got that incompatible iterator error fixed..18:29
Coronadeuhh.. what's going on with my input though? is this all fine to you guys?18:29
MadCarburetorHow well will ubuntu run on a 5 year old laptop with about 1.70 ghz prosesser speed but with a new 320GB HD and 2GB Ram?18:29
dschuettvolume: i have never had luck with gparted18:29
dschuettif at all possible use fdisk18:29
sacarlsonvolume: I did have a working 9.X with an Ipod but i also managed to crash it to the point it needed to be reset to factory defaults.18:29
SeveasMadCarburetor, well.18:29
sticky_dschuett, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System18:30
MadCarburetorbetter then windows xp?18:30
ilovefairuzadminewb: a DNS forwarder is an actual server/daemon that's runs and accepts DNS requests (on port 53)  and forwards them to another server (and it fully understands DNS protocols) a PACKET forwarder/route/gatewa/IP masquerader  is a "dumb" machine that forwards packets between two networks, it doesn't "listen" on any ports, it doesn't understand the content of the packets (except enough to send them back and forth) .. What you've added to18:30
volumedschuett - I've used it before without trouble.18:30
SeveasMadCarburetor, yeah18:30
janisozaurvolume: have you actually made file system there or just created a partition?18:30
aetaricMadCarburetor: it will certainly look better18:30
deathanatosMadCarburetor: Of course. :P (what answer are you expecting in #ubuntu?)18:30
CoronadeI'm going to make an IRC client better than the one you're using.18:30
dschuettvolume: just an opinion. it has been hit or miss for me18:30
sticky_dschuett, recursive = resolver, authoritive = it reiplies with -only- results from entries hosted on that machine18:30
Seveassticky_, a dns server can be both18:31
volumeJanisozaur -- I formated to ext4 first, then I partitioned the drive into 2 sepatate partiitions. Now I'm getting that error.18:31
sticky_Seveas, heh. You missed conversation.18:31
MadCarburetorit currently has only 512mb ram and is running crunchbang but i'm thinking of upgrading the ram and installing ubuntu18:31
MadCarburetorcrunchbang is too unnoobfriendly18:31
volumejanisozaur I'm getting that error on the first partition, not the second. (sda1)18:31
sticky_Seveas, and yes... _some_ DNS Servers can do both... but not what I linked him to.18:32
dschuettsticky_: here is my situation: i have a a linux router/gateway/firewall and i have a webserver within my lan. I need to be able to resolve those names on that webserver as well as still being able to get to the internet18:32
volumejanisozaur - sda2 is showing that it has files on it. I set it as my primary partition. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. sda1 is showing empy, with an error saying that it can't be read.18:32
janisozaurvolume: what does fdisk say?18:32
baltazorhello all18:33
sticky_dschuett, Do you want IPv6 (AAAA) support?18:33
dschuettsticky_: i have gotten a lot of help on here on how to get it to resolve with hairpin nat in my iptables rules, but i've always wanted to learn DNS.18:33
dschuettsticky_: no i don't need ipv618:33
adminewbilovefairuz, thanks for the clarification; I was hoping that such a "dumb" packet forwarding solution would be enough, since I'm innocent of the complexities in running a DNS daemon on the gateway18:33
baltazorWho used MegaRAID 9240-4(8)i and ubuntu server 10.0418:33
volumejanisozaur - I'm not running fdisk. Can I do that from within gParted?18:33
janisozaurvolume: no idea. are you using ubuntu live or what?18:34
sticky_dschuett, you could probably get away with dnsmasq then18:34
ilovefairuzadminewb: if your DNS server is accessible from the machines (try pinging its IP), just add it to /etc/resolv.conf18:34
janisozaurvolume: you can try palimpsest18:34
volumejanisozaur I'm running GParted distribution right now, just for formating and partitioning18:34
dschuettsticky_: i have heard a couple say that, but I would really like to learn how to set up a DNS server. - I mean I already having it do what i want using iptable rules, but just looking to learn :P18:35
adminewbilovefairuz, my /etc/resolv.conf is not customized, NetworkManager deals with that18:35
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
janisozaurvolume: sorry, no idea about gparted capabilities. from my experience though, after creating partitions you have to plant file system there, though gparted could automate it, however.18:35
sticky_dschuett, may as well use the defacto (and horrible im) bind918:35
sticky_dschuett, or a combo of unbound & nsd18:35
sacarlsonvolume: if you plan to setup a dualboot windows/ubuntu normaly you install windows first and make sure when installing windows you create a spare partition.  then install ubuntu.18:35
adminewbilovefairuz, the whole point of this exercise is to prevent client nodes from having to hassle with pointing their DNS to the modem, and rather deal only directly with the gateway18:36
janisozaurvolume: btw, wouldn't it be better to run ubuntu live instead of gparted? i mean - i believe ubuntu live has gparted and so much more. is there any reason to use gparted's own? (just asking)18:36
divina alguien que quiera hablar un rato18:36
ilovefairuzadminewb: then edit the connection in NetworkManager GUI and add the IP as a DNS server18:36
sacarlsonvolume: I'm not sure why you would setup dual boot on virtualbox but maybe it's a good learning experience.18:36
ilovefairuzadminewb: or install dnsmasq on the gateway and configure it to forward DNS requests to the router18:37
volumesacarlson - yeah I know. That's what I've always done in the past too.18:37
sacarlsonvolume: so I know you can do it this way but it's just more trouble.18:37
volumesacarlson -   That's not what I'm trying to do. I didn't explain myself well enough.18:37
divinaalguien que hable  español18:38
adminewbilovefairuz, could a dumb DNS packet forwarding config work as long as it handles both UDP and TCP on port 53?18:38
janisozaur!es | divina18:38
ubottudivina: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:38
CorniMachello, I have a dualboot (win/linux) system. When I start the Computer, I only get the GRUB console. I tried to reinstall, but it didn't help..., what should I do?18:39
volumesacarlson - in order to install windows first I would have to have ntfs18:39
wolfbikerhey does anyone know why i can't seem to save an altered gif file?18:39
sticky_CorniMac, get rid of Windows18:39
CorniMacsticky_: that doesn't help, my grub is still busted.18:39
janisozaur!grub | CorniMac18:39
ubottuCorniMac: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:40
sacarlsonvolume: yes but just let windows create it?  when you install ubuntu you can delete it18:40
sipiorwolfbiker: depends on how you altered it, i imagine.18:40
CorniMacjanisozaur: nope, sorry. :(18:40
wolfbikersipior, tried cutting off a bit of the image18:40
ilovefairuzadminewb: it just can't work because nothing is listening on the port, you could  try to do  SSH port forwarding stuff but this is just unclean, run dnsmasq or point them to the router18:40
sipiorwolfbiker: i guess i meant: by what means did you alter the image?18:41
volumesacarlson - SO how is file sharing working in virtual box now a days? I could never get it to work in 9.0418:41
CorniMacjanisozaur: I just need a tip what to change to get grub working, since it is installed and everything...18:41
sacarlsonvolume: with samba?18:41
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janisozaurCorniMac: there is a command grub-install or grub-setup, can't remember exactly which one. it detects your OS' and adds them to the config18:42
CorniMacjanisozaur: the menu.lst is right, I checked it18:42
adminewbilovefairuz ok thanks18:42
CorniMacjanisozaur: all my OSes are in there18:42
volumesacarlson -- well, any kind of fiile sharing at all. I could never figure out how to share files between my win7 and ubuntu in Virtual Box. Made it somewhat worthless for me.18:42
CorniMacjanisozaur: and grub starts up when I start the computer, so I can't see where the problem is...18:42
janisozaurCorniMac: are you using grub or grub2?18:42
CorniMacjanisozaur: Grub2, as it seems (installed with recent ubuntu)18:43
janisozaurCorniMac: then menu.lst is no longer needed18:43
sacarlsonvolume: samba works very well for me.  I just turn off all the security18:43
janisozaur!grub2 | CorniMac18:43
ubottuCorniMac: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:43
CorniMacjanisozaur: so I can use update_grub in the grub console?18:44
janisozaurCorniMac: yeah, sometinhg like that18:44
CorniMacjanisozaur: I see, I will try that. Thank you.18:44
sacarlsonvolume: I"ve had problems having windows share with ubuntu since I had accounts with no passwords.  I had to create password accounts in windows to make it share that way.18:44
janisozaurCorniMac: wait18:44
janisozaurCorniMac: not in the grub console, but in a regular system18:45
leginomy chat client froze did anybody say anything18:45
CorniMacjanisozaur: and then I check the grub.cfg?18:45
janisozaurCorniMac: it keeps settings somewhere else. rtfm.18:45
strikedoes anyone know how to install djb's daemontools?18:45
CorniMacjanisozaur: the wiki says grub.cfg.18:45
janisozaurCorniMac: the wiki for grub or grub2?18:46
CorniMacjanisozaur: grub218:46
strikei am using 10.0418:46
janisozaurCorniMac: then perhaps it is so. though the update script should present you with a list of detected OS'18:46
itsux2buCorniMac, there is a /etc/default/grub  file.. no .cgf18:46
CorniMacitsux2bu: ok thank you. I will check that18:47
janisozaurCorniMac: this file is not meant to be fiddled with18:47
CorniMacIf I install grub2 on MBR, what do I have to flag as "boot"? the linux-partition or the first (windows)-partition?18:47
CorniMacjanisozaur: I won't change anything.18:47
wolfbikersipior, I altered it using f-spot18:47
itsux2buCorniMac, after you change that run..  sudo update-grub as note on top of grub file says18:48
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
sacarlsonCorniMac: you need to install mbr on the disk that bios is going to boot first18:48
leginodoes synaptic have build essential18:48
CorniMacI only have one disk, but what partition has to be flagged as "boot"18:48
janisozaurlegino: build-essential18:48
janisozaur!info build-essential18:48
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4build1 (lucid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB18:48
volumeWHat's that program that let's you create bootable USB linux installs18:49
volumeUnetbootin --- right?18:49
janisozaurvolume: usb-creator-gtk18:49
volumejanisozaur - does that come with Ubuntu?18:49
sacarlsonCorniMac: I don't think it maters the boot flag is ignored.18:49
janisozaurvolume: yes, by default18:49
janisozaur!info usb-creator-gtk | volume18:50
ubottuvolume: usb-creator-gtk (source: usb-creator): Ubuntu startup disk creator for GTK+. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.22 (lucid), package size 18 kB, installed size 196 kB18:50
janisozaurEnigmaticCoder: sorry, we can't see what you type18:50
CorniMacitsux2bu: I didn't find that file :/18:50
EnigmaticCoderI was just testing my proxy server18:50
ralliasdoes anyone have a script that allows my computer to connect to my server via ssh and emulate a pop3 server?18:51
leginowhere do i get build essential18:51
CorniMacitsux2bu: nvm, sorry.18:51
EnigmaticCoderFor some reason I stayed connected to the channel even though I closed the tunnel to my proxy server. Why?18:51
janisozaurlegino: sudo apt-get install build-essential18:51
leginois says package not found18:51
itsux2buCorniMac, there is no /etc/default/grub18:51
EnigmaticCoderCorniMac, grub has been changed18:52
ChogyDanlegino: can you !pastebin `sudo apt-get install build-essential`?18:52
volumejanisozaur I'm going to need to create in install USB, but all I have is a version of ubuntu that is old, or x86 (my pc is x64). SO I'm going to have to create an bootable USB of a version of Ubuntu I don't have. So I'll have to download it. Does usb-creator-gtk let me do that?18:52
nimbushey folks I think the latest kernel update hosed my system18:52
janisozaurvolume: you'll have to download iso yourself, once you have the image just point the program to it18:53
volumejanisozaur -- great. cool.18:53
robbit10Hi people. What is the recommended way to change advanced settings in Compiz? CCSM, or something else?18:53
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CorniMacI can't update grub via update-grub (is /dev mounted? etc). what do I have to mount and where?18:54
robbit10!ccsm > robbit1018:54
ubotturobbit10, please see my private message18:54
leginoim running 10.04 ubuntu18:54
ChogyDanCorniMac: is this a livecd?18:54
CorniMacChogyDan: yes18:54
janisozaurlegino: have you activated (and updated) additional repos?18:55
ChogyDanlegino: can you pastebin apt-cache policy build-essential again?18:55
earthling_whats better aptitude or apt-get ?18:55
ChogyDanCorniMac: did you chroot?  I think you can just do: sudo mount /dev18:55
janisozaurChogyDan: the same, though they differ in policy management18:55
toxicHello everyone, problem : my gigabit ethernet (on motherboard : Gigabyte GA-965GM-S2, device : 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller by MArvell) is connected to a gigabit switch but runs at 100MB/s. how can I force it to use gigabit with jumbo frames ?18:56
janisozaurChogyDan: i believe the former insists more on installing also recommended packages18:56
ChogyDanjanisozaur: I believe earthling_ asked the question18:56
CorniMacChogyDan: ah, ok. Weird, it updates the menu.lst... but I have grub2!18:56
janisozaurearthling_: see my previous messages18:57
ChogyDanlegino: can you pastebin the commands you are runnning also?18:57
janisozaurChogyDan: indeed. sorry ;)18:57
EnigmaticCoderIs this the main ubuntu support channel or are there other ubuntu irc servers/channels18:57
CorniMachow do I update my grub2? It seems that my old grub1-.lst is updated...18:57
volumewindows 7 isn't all that bad, but the security issues are out of hand. Besides, most of the prorams I was running were open source anyway.18:57
CorniMacshould I just remove the old grub-folder?18:57
sacarlsoncornimac: can you install grub2 with synaptic?18:58
leginowhich commands18:58
^mNotIntelligenthi all !18:58
ChogyDanlegino: the install command18:58
janisozaurlegino: the ones you type, not only their output18:58
sacarlsonCorniMac: or maybe sudo apt-get install grub218:59
CorniMacsacarlson: grub-install -v gives me 1.98-etc, doesn't that mean I already have grub2?18:59
sacarlsonCorniMac: yes it does18:59
earthling_janisozaur, hmm recommended but not needed to run a program?18:59
ChogyDanCorniMac: what command are you using to update?18:59
CorniMacChogyDan: sudo chroot /mnt update-grub18:59
janisozaurearthling_: yes. but they might include additional resurces (themes, images, whatsoever), docs etc.19:00
Coronadedo you guys think the world actually needs another IRC chat client?19:00
trevor_Hey all fun problem. So I just updated one of my computers (on 10.04) and now it's giving me an error about bad magic number and telling me to boot the kernel first. Is there a way to recover this?19:00
EnigmaticCoderIs this the main ubuntu support channel or are there other ubuntu irc servers/channels19:00
tuxifierhi, can anyone tell my why Ubuntu's firefox cannot handle citrix access gateway ssl page? I always get a infinite redirect message (cyclic link)19:00
sacarlsonCorniMac: then sudo grub-install /dev/sda should work if you boot from /dev/sda19:00
PiciEnigmaticCoder: This is it.19:00
janisozaurearthling_: read man apt-get and man aptitude for more info. or some comparison chart, if you manage to find any19:00
WierdAARHello.. I have a problem, where the file manager doesn't work.. That is, when I try to open for instance the "picture" a menu entry appers with "opening pictures" and then nothing happens.. The same for all folders/drives ect..19:00
earthling_janisozaur, I suppose I could use apt to pick and choose, if I wanted that extra recommended packages too?19:00
tuxifierit works fine with google chrome but this one cannot handle the .ica file19:01
toxicHello everyone, problem : my gigabit ethernet (on motherboard : Gigabyte GA-965GM-S2, device : 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller by MArvell) is connected to a gigabit switch but runs at 100MB/s. how can I force it to use gigabit with jumbo frames ?19:01
janisozaurearthling_: yes, of course19:01
volumejanisozaur -- thanks for the help. JK_ you too.19:01
janisozaurvolume: yw19:01
volumeOops. wrong keyboard.19:01
CorniMacsacarlson: no it doesn't. It gives me an error, asks if I mounted dev (yes I did)19:02
emanuellehi someone here is gay?19:02
toxicemanuelle, wrong channel19:03
sacarlsonCorniMac: not sure what you did so this is how I do it http://paste.ubuntu.com/484987/19:03
CorniMacsacarlson: cannot find a device for /boot/grub etc19:03
leginoyou happy now19:03
earthling_janisozaur, if I uninstall using aptitude could it remove packages that might mess up other programs?19:03
earthling_on that note, is there a "system restore" type function if I install a program that messes up my ubuntu?19:04
ChogyDanlegino: sorry mate, Im just looking for typos or something.  I don't know.  apt-cache policy says it is available, yet aptget install can't find it?  Doesn't make sense19:04
CorniMacsacarlson: the startupmanager one doesn't work. It can't find a package with that name19:04
janisozaurearthling_: it's just a frontend to a backend "apt" package manager (system). in other words - no, it won't, unless something explicitly uses aptitude (nothing should)19:04
c_kapcan someone suggest me a program (with gui ) for ubuntu to take picture or record a video from camera which is connected on computer (usb webcam and camera (if supports) ) ?19:05
ServerTechHello how can i disable iptables19:05
volumeOh, no. Ubuntu 10.04 is saying it's going to take 9 hrs to download. Haha. I wonder if that's because I'm running 9.04 live.19:05
sacarlsonCorniMac: did you boot a live cd?19:05
leginobut i found it in sypnatic19:05
leginois that the one19:05
CorniMacsacarlson: yes19:05
janisozaurearthling_: should anything depend on the packet you intend to remove/purge, the apt frontend (whatever it is - synaptic, apt-get, aptitude) should tell you it is about to remove also some other packages and give you option to abort19:05
sidekalright, quick question: I'm trying to find a MAC address for my netbook. As far as I know, this is found with ifconfig under the HWaddr19:05
sidekhowever, two entries that have HWaddrs pop up19:06
sideketh0 and eth119:06
sidekwhich one has my MAC address?19:06
janisozaurlegino: run "sudo apt-get update"19:06
sacarlsonso all you should need is the first 5 lines and you should be done19:06
EvilPhoenixsidek:  one's probly your wireless, one's your wired19:06
c_kapcan someone suggest me a program (with gui ) for ubuntu to take picture or record a video from camera which is connected on computer (usb webcam and camera (if supports) ) ?19:06
ServerTechHow can i disable iptables19:06
janisozaursidek: the one that has ip assigned19:06
PhoenixzOn package architectures.. uname -a shows I have x86_64, but on ubuntu I only see i386, ia64 (thats itanium, isnt it?) and amd64.. Which one to pick?19:06
EvilPhoenixServerTech:  define disable19:06
DeFiCan anyone tell me why it would say 'my.ip.address: Unknown host', 'failed to bring up eth0' after setting up a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces on a clean install of Ubuntu (without X)?19:06
ChogyDanc_kap: there is cheese19:06
sidekso eth1, then19:07
ralliasDoes anyone have a script that I can take an ssh connection to my email server as a normal login and emulate a pop3 server on localhost for a local client?19:07
CorniMacsacarlson: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?)19:07
EvilPhoenixPhoenixz:  i386 is the 32bit build, amd64 is the 64bit build.  use that as your determining information for version to use19:07
ServerTechEvilPhoenix : i do not want to use iptables. I think it got turned on cuz of which my ports are being refused..... Becuz the ports used to work sometime ago19:07
sacarlsonCorniMac: at what command line is that?19:07
CorniMacsacarlson: terminal @ live-cd, or what did you want to know?19:07
EvilPhoenixServerTech:  do me a favor, pastebin out put of sudo iptables -L19:08
PhoenixzEvilPhoenix: ok, thanks!....  evil twin...  Isnt it better just to call it x86_64 instead of amd64 then?19:08
ServerTechuh hmm ok19:08
sacarlsonCorniMac: when you boot a live cd to try mode?19:08
c_kapChogyDan: thank you! i will try...19:08
earthling_janisozaur, ok, thx19:08
CorniMacsacarlson: yes19:08
sacarlsonCorniMac: at the term did you type sudo grub-install /dev/sda19:08
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=== god is now known as alfy
CorniMacsacarlson: yes19:09
sacarlsonCorniMac: from a live cd boot in try mode from a terminal  sudo grub-install /dev/sda.  is that what that error you showed me came from?19:09
leginonow i get this and i already tried sudo http://paste.ubuntu.com/486420/19:10
AGGROVATEDhow can you find a program installed when its not in the "start" menu? (program: xrdp server)19:10
ServerTechEvilPhoenix, pastebin.com/PJYfA9c519:10
CorniMacsacarlson: yes19:10
sacarlsonCorniMac: what verison of ubuntu live boot cd are you booting?19:10
janisozaurlegino: do you have also synaptic running?19:10
janisozaurlegino: or any other apt manager?19:10
CorniMacsacarlson: 10.0419:10
zerglingHey ive been trying to fix my sound card/drivers and now im getting this constant bongo drum type of sound19:11
janisozaurlegino: close it19:11
EvilPhoenixServerTech:  iptables isnt the cause of your net issues, its allowing all traffic.19:11
sacarlsonCorniMac: ok at the terminal sudo fdisk -l19:11
EvilPhoenixServerTech:  sounds like your ISP is involved19:11
leginook what now19:11
janisozaurlegino: can i ask why do you want to install build-essential?19:11
alfycan someone read this and help me out http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/34TRx9xb   where is the linux source19:11
leginoto install drivers for my card19:11
CorniMacsacarlson: yes, that lists my partitions19:11
janisozaurlegino: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential" and pastebin it (with commands)19:11
ServerTechEvilPhoenix, Nope, it was open and i also turned off the *external* firewall i have, and i have some ports i had opened earlier still open19:12
ChogyDanalfy: you have to download it separately19:12
^mNotIntelligentzergling, and it works fine with other OS, right ? h/w details plz19:12
janisozaurlegino: ati? nv?19:12
CorniMacsacarlson: should I tell you all of them? or do you want to know something specific?19:12
EvilPhoenixServerTech:  hmm.  what you trying to run on these ports...?19:12
alfychogydan: isnt there a meta package19:12
sebsebsebalfy: What are you trying to do?19:12
leginono for my wireless card19:12
zerglingyeah it works perfectly fine with my vista partition19:12
ServerTechEvilPhoenix, Servers, IRC, ZNC, EggDrop19:12
alfyread the pastebin19:12
sacarlsonCorniMac: well we do have a /dev/sda1 don't we?19:12
alfyit has everything19:12
sebsebsebalfy: I did19:12
sebsebsebalfy: your doing something with the kernel it seems19:12
CorniMacsacarlson: yes, ntfs with windows on it19:12
^mNotIntelligentzergling, which version of ubuntu ?19:13
alfyit isnt in src dir19:13
alfywhich is strange because it wa19:13
sebsebsebzergling: nice 9.04 :)19:13
janisozaur!info linux-headers-generic | alfy19:13
ubottualfy: linux-headers-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel headers. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)19:13
EvilPhoenixServerTech:  and all are not working?19:13
byeplutoEvolution help please: I recently set up an email account and promptly forgot the password. the pass is saved in Evolution, but I don't know how to access it19:13
^mNotIntelligentzergling, okey... please prefix the nick whom you are referring to19:13
sebsebsebzergling: however sound issues are common with Ubuntu,  so may be worth upgrading to 9.10 or 10.0419:14
^mNotIntelligentzergling, that means some issue with your audio driver...did you try updating those19:14
alfyi want the source19:14
alfyto apply some patches19:14
ServerTechEvilPhoenix, The ones i had added before, 6667, 6699 and like that, they are19:14
ChogyDanalfy: what are you trying to do?19:14
janisozauralfy: the alfy aaaah, source19:14
leginohey thanks is worked19:14
sacarlsonCorniMac: is ubuntu loaded on the hard disk someplace?19:14
EvilPhoenixServerTech:  which ones arent working, may I ask?19:14
PhoenixzI need to install libmagick10 in Karmic, but as google shows, that package was renamed. I have a package that depends on the exact name.. What can I do to fix this?19:14
zerglingimnotintellegint, i tried but couldnt figure out how19:14
janisozaur!kernel | alfy19:15
ubottualfy: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages19:15
leginobut have you tried installing ath9k drivers19:15
CorniMacsacarlson: yes, sda519:15
janisozaurlegino: oh, you mean wireless. no, i haven't19:15
ServerTechEvilPhoenix, Hmm, whatever else i try, some one week ago, all were open19:15
^mNotIntelligentzergling, google dint help either ?19:15
zerglingintellegint, im still extremely noobish with this os19:16
alfywhere can i grab the source is all19:16
trismalfy: linux-source package19:16
janisozauralfy: kernel.org19:16
janisozauralfy: apt-get source linux-...19:16
^mNotIntelligentzergling, as sebsebseb rightly suggested, the best bet is to upgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu... if thats not viable then lets upgrade your audio driver ... can you provide your audio h/w detailsl19:16
ChogyDanalfy: I use: apt-get source linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic19:16
alfylinux-source is already the newest version.19:16
sacarlsonCorniMac: this probly won't work eather but sudo update-grub19:16
CorniMacsacarlson: that updated the menu.lst back then19:17
^mNotIntelligentzergling, everyone starts as a noob...not an issue... :-)19:17
CorniMacsacarlson: wait, I'm rebooting and trying again19:17
yaaarHey guys. I've remapped my caps-lock key to another backspace (I'm trying out the Colemak layout) but it doesn't auto-repeat when held down. Is there a way to change that?19:17
janisozauralfy: "apt-get source <package>" will get the source of the package into your cwd. do not run it as root19:17
leginohas anybody here installed ath9k drivers19:17
ChogyDanlegino: I use the ath9k drivers, but I use the packaged ones19:17
alfyi know that command19:18
janisozaur!atheros | legino19:18
ubottulegino: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:18
alfyi need the source of the kernel19:18
alfyit usually goes into /usr/src19:18
ChogyDanalfy: did the command I gave work?19:18
janisozauralfy: then why don't you just execute it?19:18
alfyonly the headers are there19:18
alfyits already installed apperantly19:18
ChogyDanalfy: no, the one that I gave19:18
Picialfy: linux-source is the metapackge you're looking for then.19:18
alfysame thing19:18
Martinp24<|GNAA|> TIRED OF FREENODE SPAM? THANK LOREZ, WE LOVE HIM MORE THAN THE REST OF FREENODE STAFF <|GNAA|> Martinp24 mad_aya akahige LjL luca__ Prodego ghostnik11 JohnFlux cocoa117 deevz internalkernel yaaar Melodist ferret_ versuchsanstalt byepluto Jorkar K3yboardNiNj4 mmmmat poi77 zergling undecim alfy CadeSkywalker jsurfer trond- 84XAAVOTY maglos Varox Phoenixz thune3 sebsebseb ServerTech foolano DeFi spvensko imlad kuttan_ Jibadeeha spivous Dingofest2 Om19:18
Martinp24<|GNAA|> TIRED OF FREENODE SPAM? THANK LOREZ, WE LOVE HIM MORE THAN THE REST OF FREENODE STAFF <|GNAA|> toxic KingAuther solid_liq schmidtm robbit10 sgh mbroeker pure_hate j_ack maxwave3 demitrius elkclone k0rupted rallias embla OiPenguin GH1234 barbarinfourchu gregl IVBela obscurant1st astra-x dreamer000 Vivek yotta911 legino marrusl abhinav_singh Hut Richiie jdobrien RoosterJuice LintWad githogori plainhao ShadowFoxBiH WinstonSmith ezraw CorniMac Frozen19:18
Martinp24<|GNAA|> TIRED OF FREENODE SPAM? THANK LOREZ, WE LOVE HIM MORE THAN THE REST OF FREENODE STAFF <|GNAA|> ant30 dr770 panopticon disturbed Carnage\ earthling_ denny help` dschuett sedun janisozaur khamael HonkeyMagoo l34k Italian_Plumber fujnky_ rbellamy chadwin amgarching sinedrio addisonj Ryan_Lane rottenese Kody n00b_ bindr patholio DaZ jiminey adminewb whosjose[busy] realubot ZonerX ChogyDan Cumulo741 aaroncampbell_ trollboy CodingDistrict Vanadis Kvark19:18
FloodBot2Martinp24: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
* DeFi pets FloodBot219:19
DeFiCan anyone tell me why it would say ' Unknown host' ( being the static ip), 'failed to bring up eth0' after setting up a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces on a clean install of Ubuntu in VirtualBox(without X)?19:19
Italian_Plumber192.168.0.256 is not a valid IP address19:19
adminewbDeFi, that series of numbers is not a valid IP19:19
Italian_Plumber"256" is too high19:19
alfythe command via apt wont install the source19:20
ARGGGdoes any one know the codes for x-sys to change default colors displayed?19:20
Picialfy: Which command?19:20
alfy      linux-headers-`uname -r`19:20
janisozauralfy: alfy you don't install the source19:20
janisozauralfy: and source != headers19:20
ARGGGalso a link would be ok19:20
Picialfy: Right, thats only the headers. linux-source-`uname -r`19:20
CorniMacsacarlson: I was in the rescue console. The root of grub is sda5, the linux partition. Is that right?19:20
Plazzma<|GNAA|> TIRED OF FREENODE SPAM? THANK LOREZ, WE LOVE HIM MORE THAN THE REST OF FREENODE STAFF <|GNAA|> Plazzma akahige Muscovy DavidTruby Sky[x] undecim delac idhenk zoiss anders__ ARGGG jaykub mad_aya LjL luca__ Prodego ghostnik11 JohnFlux cocoa117 deevz yaaar Melodist ferret_ versuchsanstalt byepluto Jorkar K3yboardNiNj4 mmmmat poi77 zergling alfy CadeSkywalker jsurfer trond- 84XAAVOTY maglos Varox Phoenixz thune3 sebsebseb ServerTech foolano DeFi spvensk19:20
alfymisstype i know19:20
janisozauralfy: what do you want to do?19:20
alfywhat do you think?19:21
sacarlsonCorniMac: I guess19:21
alfymake a wild huess19:21
geirhaidoru is efficient :)19:21
ChogyDanalfy: just run the command I gave, I do it all the time19:21
alfydoesnt work19:21
MuscovyCould someone tell me how to determine if dpkg is running? I'm trying to make a script that does. Thanks.19:21
alfyif it did i'd be done19:21
ServerTechHow do i uninstall a software, i had installed it using sudo apt-get install firestarter19:21
sacarlsonCorniMac: can't you just boot all the way onto the live cd?19:21
ChogyDanalfy: pastebin please?19:21
erUSULMuscovy: pgrep dpkg19:21
jribMuscovy: why?19:21
alfyi gave it19:21
ZykoticK9ServerTech, "sudo apt-get remove firestarter"19:21
CorniMacsacarlson: I'm on it, it's just a slow PC19:21
janisozauralfy: why do you need kernel sources? what for?19:22
alfynone of your damned business19:22
sacarlsonCorniMac:  when it does boot try the command df19:22
Italian_PlumberServerTech: "sudo apt-get purge firestarter" also removes all the configuration files19:22
janisozauralfy: don't get me wrong, but fiddling kernel is a bit trickier than getting its sources19:22
CorniMacsacarlson: just df in the terminal at the live-cd?19:22
delacanyone know how to reset 3g modem after you get "Maximum Attempts Exceeded..Aborting!!". Somehow else than just replugging the device, that is.19:22
sacarlsonCorniMac: yes19:23
CorniMacsacarlson: OK.19:23
ARGGGnoone knows how to change default colors on x-sys?19:23
Muscovyjrib: I'm tossing a package together that needs to run apt after install. I was going to make a look that waits for dpkg to close.19:23
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:23
jribMuscovy: why do you need to run apt after install?19:23
erUSULMuscovy: use the apt lock19:23
Muscovyjrib: It's a meta-package that install totem DVD support. It's part of the procedure.19:24
MuscovyerUSUL: What is the apt lock? I thought it was /var/lib/dpkg/lock, but that never goes away.19:25
jribMuscovy: you didn't answer my question, but it seems like a silly thing to do.  You should probably ask in a packaging channel for help19:25
Muscovyjrib: I guess I will. What channel, #MOTU?19:25
jribMuscovy: #ubuntu-motu I suppose19:26
adminewbDeFi did you get your address problem corrected?19:27
ARGGGstill looking for the codes to change default colors in x-sys for my irc client19:27
mad_ayaHi all, I'm having problems with shares on ubuntu 10.04; The shares show up when I navigate to my computer on the network, but then I cannot access them (from Vista, or from my own machine). From my own machine, I get a dialog with "Unable to mount location" "Failed to mount Windows share". Any ideas for troubleshooting?19:27
DeFiadminewb, yeah thanks for pointing that out, its been a long day :)19:27
mad_ayaSorry for the repost, I got disconnected19:28
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, have you set the proper permissions on the ubuntu shared folders ?19:28
=== Darky is now known as zz_Darky
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, seems some config issue19:29
kalle_where does ubuntu store downloaded packages ? and is default to keep them or delete after install ?19:29
janisozaurkalle_: /var/cache/apt19:29
^mNotIntelligentkalle_, they all go into /var/cache/apt ...19:30
erUSULkalle_: yes is normal to keep them19:30
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: proper being? I have "Guest access" in the 'Share' tab19:30
erUSULkalle_: "sudo apt-get clean" removes them19:30
kalle_ok thank ;=)19:30
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: OTOH, permissions are rw-------19:30
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: but I cannot change them in the properties dialog....19:31
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, okey...19:31
ARGGGthis is the default %B%1%B[%2] what one is to change color?19:31
delacis there any channel that is specialized on 3g modems?19:31
kalle_how do i put them on a cd or something and let ubuntu install from there ? normally it wants to download and it takes a long time19:32
erUSUL!aptoncd | kalle_19:32
ubottukalle_: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:32
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, the permission string says it all... other than the creater of that folder, rest of the users can't even read that...19:32
pure_hateikonia, ping19:32
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kalle_ok ill try that thankx19:33
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: OK. not sure why I cannot change it anymore though.... Also, why can't I access them from my own machine?19:33
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: I will unshare, chmod, reshare and try again.19:33
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, sure...try it out... but atleast locally you should be able to access that...sounds weird,though19:34
alexsander!seen rednaxel19:35
ubottuI have no seen command19:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:35
leginowhy doesnt ath9k load19:35
^mNotIntelligentalexsander, plz send private msgs to ubottu bot19:36
erUSULlegino: "sudo modprobe ath9k" reports an error ?19:36
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: if I unshare and reshare (without manual chmod), nautilus asks me if I want it to add permisisons read, execute to 'others', I say yes, it doesn't add them...19:36
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, is it ...19:36
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, so the permission string remains as the last one rw-------, right ?19:37
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: if unshared, I still cannot change from rw-----------. I think I just found the problem, and you too. Yes, it's on an NTFS volume19:38
leginoit didnt report nothing how do i know it activated19:38
erUSULlegino: run « iwconfig » do you see a wlan0 ?19:38
leginoit says no wirless extensions19:39
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, i guess you have ntfs-3g for mounting windows partitions and mounted with the rw permissions ?19:40
=== Out`Of`Control is now known as Viper
erUSULlegino: you are sure you have a atheros 9k chip ?19:40
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: I cannot change 'group' or 'other' permissions on any (some) of the files on the NTFS volumes... folders are rw--, files are rwxrwxrwx19:41
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: I have whatever a stock 10.04 has...19:41
leginofits an atheros ar5b9319:41
Sirisian|WorkDoes crontab its commands under the user that made the crontab? Like if I'm root and do crontab -e and add a command to run does that command run as root?19:41
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: where can I find out?19:41
erUSULSirisian|Work: yes19:42
leginobut in the forums they accepted ath5k and ath9k19:42
Sirisian|Workokay thank you19:42
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, what ?19:42
MartiniGrooveHow do I restart Empathy?  I don't see a way to turn it off.19:42
trijntjeHi all, is there a way to get rid of the ugly grey parts of a non-expanded gnome panel?19:42
flowbeehi folks!  i have both a desktop and a laptop both running 10.04.  i'm headed home for holidays and wanted to share photos/videos stored on my desktop ... via my laptop.  how would you folks recommend to do this?19:42
erUSULmad_aya: ntfs and vfat do not support unix permisions so  faked permissions are created when you mount the filesystem according to mount options19:42
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: where can I find out if I have "ntfs-3g for mounting windows partitions and mounted with the rw permissions ?"19:42
erUSULmad_aya: change those mount options19:43
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, just open your /etc/fstab and see if all your windows partitions are mounted with proper(i.e read/write) permissiions19:43
erUSUL!ntfs | mad_aya19:43
ubottumad_aya: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:43
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, ubuntu uses ntfs-3g by default for mouiting ntfs...the other you can check through /etc/fstab file19:43
j2daoshhey all19:46
bastidrazorMartiniGroove: bring up the buddy list then quit from there.19:46
j2daoshhow do i delete a file called "-l"19:46
MartiniGrooveOh my.  Not so bright of me.19:46
erUSULj2daosh: rm -- -l19:46
sjmj2daosh, try rm "-l"19:47
erUSULj2daosh: rm ./-l19:47
ARGGGstill looking for the codes to change default colors in x-sys for my irc client19:47
erUSULj2daosh: multiple workarounds ...19:47
PiciARGGG: What is x-sys?19:48
letascron daemon (service) is running but the tasks are not being executed. The format is right as i have used it before, ideas!?19:48
Piciletas: Is there a newline at the bottom of your crontab?19:48
j2daoshty ty19:48
xivenIs there a trivial way to access a wubi installed ubuntu using cygwin?19:48
ARGGGa system info script for xchat19:48
sjmletas, do you have full paths?19:48
=== tails__ is now known as tails8
j2daosh./-l worked. thank you erUSUL19:48
* erUSUL looks at the big shiny Pici's @19:48
ARGGGos[Linux 2.6.32-24-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[2 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2.99GHz] mem[Physical: 3.0GB, 86.7% free] disk[Total: 368.9GB, 69.5% free] video[ATI Technologies Inc RV515 [Radeon X1300]] sound[CMI8738-MC8 - C-Media CMI87681: ICH4 - Intel ICH5]19:48
PiciARGGG: Best to ask in #xchat then19:48
tehgeekmeisterlucid had a nice feature that would tell me if a command was in an uninstalled package, and which it was, if i tried a command that wasn't installed, until i switched to zsh19:48
xivenargg> After all this time XChat is still in need of extensions like that??19:48
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: erUSUL: OK so the partitions are not in fstab (they get mounted when I click on them AFAICT); I can add them I guess. what permission should I use in the option string? rwx?19:48
tehgeekmeisterhow do i set this up with zsh?19:48
letassjm: there doesn't seem to be one but just to make sure let me format the file and try19:49
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: erUSUL: `mount` yields "/dev/sda7 on /media/Data type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions)"19:49
erUSULmad_aya: the options in fstab ar fmask,dmask and umask19:49
adminewbtehgeekmeister, if all else fails, run a bash subshell19:50
erUSULmad_aya: for xample a umask=002 will yield rwxrwxr-x permissions for all files and dirs19:50
tehgeekmeisteradminewb: well, yes, that's an option, if i have to.  =P19:50
^mNotIntelligentmad_aya, yes you an add them... and the one you mentioned should work...it has rw permission19:50
mrsunshineIdleOne, doesnt work :/19:50
IdleOnemrsunshine: ask again in here and explain with a little more detail.19:51
mrsunshinewhen i start codeblocks it shows a "dialog" window of some kind19:51
mrsunshinethat the titlebar is behind the gnome top bar19:51
mrsunshineahh removed it with "View->Script window" :P19:52
vimalsistaCan anyone tell me the shrtcut key to decrease the brightness in ubuntu 10.4 ?19:52
mad_ayaerUSUL: so the mask is the opposite of the permissions I want; Makes sense. Any way of specifying this without using fstab? (ie. telling whatever mounts the volumes when I click on them to use the masks I say)19:53
vimalsistaCan anyone tell me the shortcut key to increase/decrease the brightness in ubuntu 10.419:53
wbjy_I've got a a machine that I just built that I can't get the HDMI to work on; I can't verify that the video card works, however, because I don't have another machine handy to try it in. It does not beep on power on, and sounds right (i.e., the fans aren't running too fast and the HD isn't spinning unecessarily). The video card has DisplayLink, HDMI, and DVI outputs, but the motherboard has none. I've heard about problems with HDMI; could thi19:53
letassjm: I did them both without the new line at the end and with a new line and neither work - I will try another computer maybe my ubuntu box is messed up19:53
mad_ayaerUSUL: I ask because one of the partitions concerned is on an external drive...19:54
sjmletas, pastebin the crontab file (crontab -l)19:54
mad_ayaerUSUL: Unless fstab will still work, in which case it will do fine19:54
sjmmad_aya, use uuid as fstab device.19:55
^mNotIntelligentbye all19:55
flowbeeis there a way to turn off visual effects from command line?19:56
nerixhello! does anybody know of a PPA with the latest version of vim (7.3)?19:56
letassjm: thanks for the help - i think i figure it out now - it was an ID10T error19:56
seidoswhy doesn't sudo iwconfig wlan0 ap 00:00:00:00:00:00 work in assigning the access point address?19:57
sjmletas, glad you found it19:57
letassjm, thanks :)19:57
Dantonicwhat file system type should I specify in fstab for a harddrive that is NTFS formatted?19:57
Dantonicis it just "ntfs"?19:58
sjmDantonic, yes19:58
mad_ayasjm: just thought so; but: blkid -o value -s UUID does nothing.19:58
Lenin_CatCan I use my mifi under ubuntu19:59
Lenin_Catwithout it being directly connected?19:59
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mad_ayasjm: scratch that, used sudo, now it works (need to specify the device though... It could say so in fstab comments!20:00
=== ginbuntu__ is now known as ginbuntu
wbjy_I asked this a bit back, but to reiterate: why is it that HDMI does not work sometimes? e.g., I had a mac mini that would not work with a display with a DVI-to-HDMI adapter; only with DVI. The ATI HD5750 I have just simply doesn't work, but it could be something else20:01
sjmmad_aya, glad you found it.20:01
karmic-koalahi all any ideas what ports should i leave open on me local firewall so i can connect to my computer from outside using built in desktop viewer app, not ssh but using vnc20:02
sjmkarmic-koala, better (more secure) to tunnel it through ssh (search: ssvnc)20:03
sjmkarmic-koala, or, if you are connecting from another linux box, just use x-forwarding across ssh.20:04
karmic-koalasjm,  thanks but i am already using a secure vpn, this vpn is necessary to get an ip on the same subdomain and only my clients on same subdomain are allowed to connect to my pc20:04
=== fourdfourm is now known as |4d4m
sjmkarmic-koala, if you're already connected with a vpn, you should just be able to connect across that.20:05
sjmkarmic-koala, oh, just reread your post.  You have a local firewall on the Ubuntu workstation?20:06
macoolI would like to install Linux on my phone.. :S..20:07
karmic-koalasjm, yes, both remote client and desktop to which access is required are ubuntu20:07
sjmkarmic-koala, It should just be 5900 by default, I think.  check what port it's listening on with "netstat -neap"20:07
|4d4mQuestion: Does anyone have a good document on migrating all the settings from my old Bind server to the new one I built? Is it as moving all the zone files and the config file?20:07
karmic-koala5900, okay dok, lemme see20:07
cdubyawhat's the proper way to remove the gnome network manager? when I installed wicd before it would always remove the network manager, but doesn't do it anymore. I just don't want the two bumping heads for any reason.20:08
sjmkarmic-koala, but ubuntu by default, doesn't install an local firewall (iptables)20:08
karmic-koalasjm, got ufw installed on both :)20:08
Picisej_: sure it does. There just aren't any rules by default.20:08
Picisjm: Sorry, that was for you ^^20:08
macoolcdubya, Already tried removing it from the login applications autostart?20:08
abys_hello , i still have a problem with ssh ... now it tells me : "port 22: Connection refused" when i do ssh -v localhost20:09
abys_how can i fix that ?20:09
cdubyamacool, you mean System > Preferences > Startup Applications ?20:09
sjmPici, oops, you're right.  Just "unconfigured" or "completely open"20:09
macoolcdubya, yes, i think!20:09
cdubyamacool, nope, but just did. brb20:09
Picisjm: There aren't any rules and there isn't anything listening on your public address either.20:10
noisewaterphd1abys_: why do you want to ssh to the local machine? you're already at a shell20:10
karmic-koalasjm, thanks muchly :)20:10
sjmPici, yes, that's true.  I started on RH boxes that installed rules by default.20:10
abys_well , just because i wanna know its working ?20:10
sjmabys_, is it running?  (ps aux | grep ssh)20:11
noisewaterphd1abys_: oh. well make sure you don't have some firewall rules blocking it20:11
noisewaterphd1make sure ssh installed and running20:11
abys_yes but im not a hero in iptables :)20:11
noisewaterphd1i would suggest a gui of somekind then20:12
macoolsjm What does grep do?20:12
noisewaterphd1webmin has a decent simple front end to iptables20:12
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.20:12
noisewaterphd1ok ebox20:12
Piciabys_: ufw or gufw are pretty simple to use.20:13
zerglingIm in the middle of upgrading ubuntu from version 9.04 to 9.10 and its on the installation process but its stuck on *stopping bluetooth.20:13
macoolI use Firestarter, It is very cool.. its GUI for IPtables!20:13
noisewaterphd1or a multitude of other gui tools20:13
abys_ok thanks20:13
sjmmacool, selects things  (man grep)20:13
Tom__Hi, newbie to the irc chat here20:14
noisewaterphd1macool: it's kind of a filter of sorts, almost a search kind of20:14
abys_i see on a forum that somebody just installed ssh-server and it was fixd20:15
abys_but i dont like that sollution lol20:15
sjmnoisewaterphd1, macool:  It IS a search.  From the man page:  grep  searches the named input....20:15
Tom__is there anyone here who could tell me about the binary blobs in ubuntu?20:15
noisewaterphd1macool: for instance, if you do a 'ps aux' it's going to print you all of the running processes, but say you are looking for a java process in particular, then you do 'ps aux | grep java' and it prints only processes containing java20:16
macoolnoisewaterphd1, thank u, got it..20:16
zerglingIm in the middle of upgrading ubuntu from version 9.04 to 9.10 and its on the installation process but its stuck on *stopping bluetooth.   can anyone help me out its been stuck for at least 30 minutes20:16
macoolzergling, reboot babe20:16
Tom__I'm trying to get my girlfriend to using ubuntu, and she really likes the idea of free software20:17
macoolzergling, lol..20:17
macoolTom__, Is she hot?20:17
Picimacool: Thats not appropriate for this channel.20:17
aeon-ltdmacool: yes, i stalk hre regularly on facebook20:17
noisewaterphd1maybe, but now everyone is wondering20:17
Tom__now some debian-fan told here ubuntu is not entirely free software20:18
macoolTom__, I read that Richard Stallman told that Ubuntu is not Free Software!20:18
macoolTom__, I dont understand either..20:18
mad_ayasjm: Getting there: wrote the fstab lines: UUID=940042F80042E13A /media/Data ntfs-3g rw,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0, then setuid on ntfs-3g, but apparently It doesn't like it...20:18
aeon-ltdTom__: its not, some is licensed but its still free just not gnu free20:19
=== ginbuntu_ is now known as ginbuntu
noisewaterphd1ubuntu makes it easy to install proprietary software20:19
noisewaterphd1video drivers, etc.20:19
azjoHi, i have a 512mb ram system and that is clearly not enough for ubuntu 10.04. what can you guys recommend? 8.04? netbook remix? anything else?20:19
Tom__I know itś not all gpl20:19
macoolUbuntu is better than any other OS20:19
Tom__but what parts are not GPL20:19
xanguaazjo: is compiz enabled¿20:20
azjonot sure, im in live now20:20
mad_ayasjm: works as root but not as user; and with setuid, ntfs-3g says:20:20
mad_aya"Mount is denied because setuid and setgid root ntfs-3g is insecure with the external FUSE library. Either remove the setuid/setgid bit from the binary or rebuild NTFS-3G with integrated FUSE support and make it setuid root. Please see more information at http://ntfs-3g.org/support.html#unprivileged"20:20
xangua!offtopic | Tom__20:20
ubottuTom__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:20
tyrosineUbuntu is not an OS20:20
wikorAnybody home?20:20
mad_ayasjm: can I get a FUSE-enabled ntfs-3g easily?20:20
macoolUbuntu is everything20:20
sjmTom__, you could look into gNewSense  (based on ubuntu?)20:20
Picimacool: Do you have a support question?20:20
aeon-ltdazjo: dude 512mb is plenty for ubuntu, what cpu and gpu?20:21
sjmmad_aya, sorry, can't help much more there.  maybe someone else.20:21
macoolPici, No, i dont.. Why?20:21
aeon-ltdTom__: why do you want to be 'pure' free?20:21
wikorI am running Ubuntu 9.04 on an old machine and the thing is my bios doesn't detect grub at times, do you think it has to do something with the ubuntu system or my bios?20:21
zvacetazjo: you can try xubuntu or lubuntu with that ram20:21
azjoonboard gfx, using 32mb of the ram. celeron 1.20ghz. i can see that it is constantly using 99% of my 49x ram, so...20:21
Picimacool: Because your comments here are a offtopic, please use #ubuntu-offtopic for discussion.20:21
Sorayaim havinf problem creating a image from a linux live disk,CDRAO or something like it..it wont let me create the image20:22
azjoand im not doing anything at all, however it is run LIVE20:22
mad_ayasjm: Ok, thanks anyways, I'm a lot closer now :) Plus I gotta go eat before the parents feed mine to the dog :D20:22
zvacetazjo: lubuntu is even lighter then xubuntu20:22
mad_aya^mNotIntelligent: Thanks (if you're back)20:22
Sorayai look in repository for the file i need and is not there20:22
sjmwikor, are you sure the drive is good?20:22
mad_ayaerUSUL: Thanks!20:22
aeon-ltdazjo: consider something like crunchbang or ubuntu minimal + WM of choice20:23
wikorsjm? what drive?20:23
sjmwikor, the hard drive grub is installed on.20:23
zvacetSoraya: did you tried with brasero?20:23
aeon-ltdazjo: window manager, its like gnome/kde/xfce but without panels and their specialist apps20:24
sjmazjo, Window Manager.20:24
RummageSo, I'm trying to turn an mp3 into a 3g2 (long story), which i'm told to do by turning .mp3 into .avi, and then use a video converter to go the rest of the way. Since I also want a single image for the video frame (like. . . when you're on youtube watching a 'video' that's just a song and the album cover), I was told to use Avidemux.20:24
wikorsjm: yes, I think so. It used to work very well for the past 5 years (with grub), but lately it has been annoying20:24
wikorsjm: bios loads, but grub doesn't20:24
RummageAvidemux ssays it can't open any of the .avi 's I'm using, and I haven't been able to find the issue.20:24
wikorso I get stuck20:24
azjohow much ram does lubuntu use?20:25
PhoenixzQuestion.. When sudo apt-get install php5-dev, I see this: php5-dev: Conflicts: libtool (>= 2.2) but 2.2.6a-4 is to be installed.. This is probably because my php is from an external repository (dotdeb.org). If I understand the error correctly, it needs libtool to be 2.2 or higher, but 2.2.6 is going to be installed.. so, what is the problem? 2,2.6 is newer than 2.2, not?20:25
sjmwikor, does the drive have SMART capability?  check it with smartmontools.20:25
zvacetazjo: I use to run it on 192,20:25
sjmwikor, 5 years is a lifetime for  a disk drive.20:25
slamsornaskungQ: can I get gnome keyring to follow the new passwd i set with sudo passwd?20:25
azjoaha, ill check it out :)20:25
Sorayazvacet, i rigth click on the desktop on the cdrom shortcut for my Live Disk incerted,,look for the option copy disk and is as default .toc20:26
azjoim abit in shock that ubuntu is actually using 900mb now in live, with nothing but empathy and 1 firefox instance.20:26
Sorayai think i need some scrypt or something to make .iso images20:26
Badbucksfan614Any1 care to assist newbie with an issue..20:26
sjmazjo, I just set up a system installing with the mini.iso (just a minimal command line system) and added "lxde".  Then you get to choose your own applications rather than what lubuntu chooses for you.20:27
|4d4mAnyone good with BIND? I want to migrate all my settings form my old server to my new server. Can I just move the zone and config files?20:27
wikorsjm: hmm, I have another PC which was brought in 2002 which still works fine lol20:27
azjosjm: hmm i am a newbie so thats perhaps abit too complicated to begin with ;)20:27
sjmazjo, don't be surprised.  Linux uses whatever RAM there is.  check it with "free" and look at the second line (the +/- cache buffers line)20:28
Rummagesimplified: I'm using avidemuxer and it tells me it cannot open the .avi files I want to modify. Any idea why?20:28
Badbucksfan614thanx azjo...20:28
Leman_RussGuten tag!20:28
azjoout of 2gb it is using 1.2gb now. (on another laptop)20:28
aeon-ltdazjo: btw, just think about this, ram not used is ram wasted20:28
sjm!de | Leman_Russ20:29
ubottuLeman_Russ: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:29
azjoBadbucksfan614: , what for? ;p20:29
LibertyZeroazjo: Ubuntu always tries to use as much Ram as possible because it would be a waste not to use it if it's available...20:29
flowbeehow do i set up a VPN on ubuntu 10.04?20:29
flowbeeis there a way to turn off visual effects from command line?20:29
Badbucksfan614my issue is w-wireless..  been fightin it for a cpl days ans thought i'd it the irc for an assist20:29
azjoaeon-ltd: i agree, but i cant run decently with just 512mb of ram20:29
zvacetSoraya: look in synaptic do you have cdrdao installed but brasero should burn iso images20:29
trism!jp | Leman_Russ20:29
ubottuLeman_Russ: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい20:29
azjojust changing windows can cause 5-10 sec lag20:30
wikorsjm: BTw, I am installing smartmontools20:30
Leman_RussOK, thanks20:30
aeon-ltdazjo: i'm on 512mb now, rockin firefox, a irc client, i was using pidgin and could play music without goin further than 200mb (unless i used flash)20:30
wikorsjm, though I doubt this might have to do something with bios20:30
rykerHi all.  I tried using awesome for my window manager, but I have a problem with the sound.  when I plug in my usb headphones I don't see any way to change the usb headphones to be my default sound device.  Running gnome-volume-control, the new usb headset isn't even listed like it is when I am using gnome.  Is this a problem because of pulseaudio?20:30
xanguaflowbee metacity --replace20:30
azjoaeon-ltd: hmm thats strange...20:30
Sorayazvacet, i just was cheking,i have cdrdao installed20:30
sjmwikor.  Could be, but it's a step in the troubleshooting20:30
flowbeexangua, Window manager error: Unable to open X display20:31
azjobut i am using live, that may be the reason?20:31
aeon-ltdazjo: well to be fair my irc client and music player are command line apps20:31
azjowell when i did have that lag issue, all i was running was the guide and a terminal..'20:31
aeon-ltdazjo: installing does help a little, but seriously if you think ubuntu is too bloated just use a lighter flavor20:31
wikorsjm: ok20:31
azjowas on a boat with no internet ;p20:31
zvacetazjo: i believe it will be faster and less ram consuming if you install on hd20:31
aeon-ltdazjo: in live you can't install proper display drivers20:32
Badbucksfan614sudo lshw -C network shows wlan0 disabled20:32
azjowell i prefer to use ubuntu for now so i can lower the use of ram then...20:32
aeon-ltdazjo: you are essentially using plug and play(udev)20:32
flowbeehow do i set up a vpn on ubutnu?20:32
azjoyes i know, but i have no harddrive on this20:32
wasutton3i am trying to reformat my home partiton to ext4 without extents and need to move the data off to format. I know i should use rsync, but i dont know which folders to exclude or what operands i should use20:32
azjoi tried to install ubuntu on another usb, but it just gives me a black screen when i try to start up on that20:33
Piciflowbee: Have you see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN yet?  (also, nice nick)20:33
threevolveI'm using 10.04 x64 as an apache webserver, on large files it will transfer at max speed for a few seconds but then suddenly drop to 3-5 Kbytes/sec... all firewalls disabled, vanilla apache config... tried lots, any ideas?20:33
sjm!vpn | flowbee20:33
ubottuflowbee: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN20:33
sjmwasutton3, if it's your home partition, do the whole things.20:34
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PhoenixzQuestion.. When sudo apt-get install php5-dev, I see this: php5-dev: Conflicts: libtool (>= 2.2) but 2.2.6a-4 is to be installed.. This is probably because my php is from an external repository (dotdeb.org). If I understand the error correctly, it needs libtool to be 2.2 or higher, but 2.2.6 is going to be installed.. so, what is the problem? 2,2.6 is newer than 2.2, not?20:35
azjoso how do i see what is using so much ram?20:35
sjmwasutton3, if it's the first time you're copying the data, cp is just a bit faster than rsync.20:35
azjotop in terminal tells me nothing20:35
aeon-ltdazjo: top20:35
aeon-ltdazjo: htop :)20:35
flowbeePici, i have; but not sure on how to set up the vpn server... on 10.04; it seems client is setup but not the server20:35
zvacetazjo:  try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USB%20Installation%20Media20:35
Badbucksfan614Any thoughts on wireless issue ..  sudo lshw -C network shows wlan0 disabled20:36
azjoinstalling htop and checking that link ;)20:36
sjmazjo, use top and then "M" to sort by memory usage.20:36
metalfan_how can i switch nautilus to text input in the "address bar" so that i may enter smb://someip/somedir ?20:36
aeon-ltdBadbucksfan614: hardware switch?20:36
metalfan_ubuntu 10.0420:36
kenjitsuhi all20:37
threevolvemetalfan_: ctrl + L20:37
Badbucksfan614aeon:  there is one  but it is on...20:37
sjmmetalfan_, or Go -> Location20:37
Badbucksfan614whole HD is ubuntu 10.0420:37
azjou mean top -m i assume? unknown argument20:38
threevolveno press M after top is running20:38
Piciflowbee: What kind of VPN?20:38
iTrollbroken FAT partition copied from drive with bad sectors to a file on another device, what recovery tools are useful for trying to recover the partition or files on it?20:38
flowbeePici, pptpd20:38
sjmazjo, no.  "top" and then when it is displaying, use capital M to sort it20:38
SorayaIm using brasero and i cant make a ISO image20:38
flowbeePici, currently using:  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-pptp-vpn-server-with-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html  but confused on the right xyntax on chap-secrets file20:39
sjmazjo, while in the "top" display, you can type "?" to get more commands/shortcuts.20:39
kenjitsuwhat are you thinks is my config average to run ubuntu 10.04 on p1700 \ 512 ram \ 64 nvidia mx20:40
azjogeez, empathy is actually using 250mb20:40
metalfan_kenjitsu, more ram would be needed for working20:40
azjoyep, im using msn where i have alot of users on so it may be that.20:40
Badbucksfan614thats a ton!20:40
metalfan_kenjitsu, or you have to wait for ubuntu to catch up all the time20:41
Cmdr_W_T_RikeriTroll: search for PhotoRec20:41
Piciflowbee: What aprt of the file layout is confusing?20:41
zvacetBadbucksfan614:  see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo20:41
azjoperhaps its just easier to get ubuntu 8.04? it cant be using that much ram..20:41
flowbeePici, got that working actually ; going through the rest from step 10 on... do those instructions look right?  and if i do them i'll be able to VPN into my box?20:42
Badbucksfan614zvacet, thank you..  i did pound through that last nite..  disabled error is an odd one20:42
azjoi did use unetbootin to make a live disk.20:42
sjmazjo, What line are you looking at?  VIRT, SWAP, or RES?20:42
azjobut it works completely as a live cd20:42
Piciflowbee: Yes, but instead of the brute force protection that it suggests, I'd install fail2ban instead.20:43
PhoenixzHow can I force the installation of a package?20:43
Phoenixzusing apt-get20:43
azjosjm: VIRT actually20:43
flowbeePici, i already did those two lines and installed fail2ban as well.  should i go undo those iptables thing?  if so how?20:43
sjmazjo, look at the RES.20:43
kenjitsuthat sucks =((( but if install xubuntu based on 10.04 (now run 8.04 but it is old and in newer versions is  more rulez =)) sory for my bad english )20:43
azjoi realized that now hehe20:43
Piciflowbee: remove them from /etc/rc.local20:44
Arrickanyone here using the newest ubuntu server on Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, and if so, did you have to modify the resolution like you had to with the 9th version?20:44
sjmkenjitsu, LXDE is lighter than xfce.20:44
azjoempathy and firefox are using 73 and 55mb20:44
flowbeePici, i.e. remove "  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE"20:44
flowbeePici, because i already ran the command "iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name SSH"20:44
azjoi cant say how all those can explain a 1.2gb ram use20:44
iTrollCmdr_W_T_Riker; thanks20:45
Piciflowbee: Did you put 'iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name SSH' and the 2 following lines in /etc/rc.local as well?20:45
zvacetazjo:  look https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:45
flowbeePici, no i jsut ran those commands on the command line20:45
kenjitsulxde better than xfce?20:45
DGMurdockIIIlxde is way better20:46
i_is_brokekenjitsu, i think so, but depends on what you want to do with it also.20:46
sjmazjo, to see "real" RAM usage use the command "free" and look at the "used" column on the "-/+ buffers/cache" line20:46
zvacetkenjitsu: lighter I don´t know about better it depends on you20:46
Piciflowbee: I don't recall how to delete those rules off the top of my head, but a reboot (which you need to do anyway) will clear them.20:46
sjmzvacet, kenjitsu, twm is lighter yet, but not many would call it better.20:47
flowbeePici, so to be clear; i should leave the line: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE to my /etc/rc.local ?20:47
Piciflowbee: yes. Leave that in there.20:47
kenjitsu i_is_broke: i want use skype \ mplayer \ gens & NES emulators \ firefox20:47
tuxifierdoes anyone know why firefox on ubuntu cannot handle citrix access gateway? I get a infinite redirect error20:48
kenjitsufor old games & multimedia20:48
i_is_brokekenjitsu, you can use those with it..20:48
zvacetsjm : I tried lxde and it is O.K. maybe enlightenment as one more option  :)20:48
flowbeePici, ok i'm gonna reboot now;  in the meantime; do i need to set up port forwarding for my router so i can connect to this newly setup vnc server?20:48
azjoat mem it says 2gb total and 1.3gb used though? why?20:48
sjmflowbee, use the "-R" switch to remove a rule.20:48
i_is_brokekenjitsu, i think that lxde has more eye candy then xfce and easier to use...20:48
Piciflowbee: Yes, you'll need to setup port forwarding on the router that your server is behind.20:49
help`how to change word begin to while using sed? i try: sed -n /begin/while/ <filename> didn't work20:49
flowbeePici, i assume that port 5900 is the default vnc port?20:50
i_is_brokekenjitsu, but running a quad core and a 4 gig of ram, i dont have to much trouble running anything.20:50
sjmazjo, because as someone explained above, unused RAM is wasted RAM (why do you have it?)  If it's not needed by programs it's used as cache and buffer space.20:50
delacit seems Network Manager (or modemmanager) will set my Huawei E1552 into permanent state of NO CARRIER after two manual disconnects. At least I cant seem to find any way to bring it back to life (except replugging the stick) .20:50
azjobut it says 348mb is used?20:50
Adaszi can't connect to my wlan station, the pw is correct but if i want to connect i must wait 30sec and then i must type the pw again20:50
sjmazjo, on that line, it is the amount used by the programs without the buffers/cache.20:50
Piciflowbee: yes.20:51
i_is_brokekenjitsu,  plus the memory usage is low with lxde as it is with xfce.20:51
azjoor do i not understand the difference from mem: and -/+ buffers cache?20:51
flowbeePici, ok i set up port forwarding from port 5900 to go to that box.... now i wanna connect to the vnc server i setup... so i do that network connections thing... 1) what is my gateway?  2) what is my nt domain?20:51
kenjitsui like downgrade configs for exampe i use  old p3 800mhz20:51
flowbeePici, 3) do i want to connect automatically?20:51
kenjitsu128 ram on win98se IF20:51
=== DoubleString is now known as ZNC_DoubleString
ehambergubuntu/bazaar people, how can i actually download this code? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~wizardpen-devs/wizardpen/trunk/files? i'm not familiar with launchpad nor bazaar and apologise for what is probably a stupid question. :)20:51
sjmazjo, the mem line includes the buffers cache, the second line doesn't.20:51
i_is_brokekenjitsu, just make sure you use a swap partition and you should be alright.20:52
kenjitsubut new canon pixma & mobile phone dont run on 98 =( and because i hate XP20:52
flowbeePici, 4) how do i test the vnc server?20:52
ChogyDananyone use git?  What graphic merge resolution tool do you use/suggest?20:52
kenjitsugo to linux and want speed =)20:52
i_is_brokekenjitsu, i think canon is one of them that everyone is complaining about...it doesnt work to well with linux.20:53
ehambergChogyDan: gvimdiff? :)20:53
Badbucksfan614I think i may need to install ndiswrap20:53
sjmazjo, on the mem line, subtract the "buffers" and "cached" columns from the "used" column and you should have the actual program memory usage (which is on the second line)20:53
ChogyDanehamberg: thanks!20:53
Sorayais any reason shy brasero choose my image extension.i want iso and is .toc,,is been like that for some of my disks20:53
flowbeePici,  u there?20:53
Piciflowbee: vnc and vpn are two different things.  I'm a little confused now.20:53
kenjitsuprinter canon pixma mp190 work good on drivers pixma mp150)20:53
flowbeePici, i'm sorry i meant to say VPN20:54
Piciflowbee: Then you should port forward port 1723 as that howto suggested.20:54
tuxifierehamberg: install bazaar and do bzr checkout http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~wizardpen-devs/wizardpen/trunk/files20:54
Sorayaalso is giving me an error about cdrdao20:54
Sorayai have it installed20:54
LibertyZeroazjo: http://www.linuxatemyram.com20:54
elliot_10.10 alpha 3 iso to a disc and it says "burn as file" or "burn as contents" which should I do?20:55
flowbeePici, foward port 1723 to the box that i set up vnc server on?20:55
elliot_*I am]20:55
kenjitsuif is 512 ram and 40gb ide hdd what better swap and fs ? ( now 512 mb swap & reiserfs) it is right?20:55
zeleftikamneed some help. i have a computer running 10.04 without a monitor connected, and i want to use this computer via VNC but i can't log into it because X won't start without a monitor connected. i get the message "Fatal server error: no screens found" when I try to startx at the command line. how do i force X/GNOME to start without a display connected?20:55
sjmflowbee, vnc?20:55
ehambergtuxifier: thanks!20:55
ChogyDanelliot_: I suspect you want to burn as contents20:55
azjoMem:          1941       1294        647          0        139        81020:55
flowbeesjm, Pici i'm sorry i say vnc and i keep meaning to say VPN20:55
flowbeei only want to do VPN stuff now20:55
tuxifierehamberg: "bzr help commands" will help you out for the rest20:56
Piciflowbee: yes, port 1723 on the firewall that your pptp vpn server is behind.20:56
sjmflowbee, I haven't been following closely, but I assume you aren't doing an ipsec vpn?20:56
Lenin_CatCan you install the netbook interference on the desktop edition?20:56
tuxifierehamberg: there are some additional options for launchpad stuff20:56
flowbeePici, ok i accomplished that... now how do i test it20:56
elliot_I am writing now...does any have 10.10?20:57
flowbeesjefen6, just trying to set up a ppnp vpn20:57
datacrusherwhats the command line for a distro upgrade?20:57
Pici!10.10 | elliot_20:57
flowbeesjm, rather20:57
ubottuelliot_: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:57
datacrusherapt-get dist-upgrade ?20:58
elliot_ok :D20:58
Piciflowbee: See method 2 here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-configure-pptp-vpn-in-ubuntu-intrepid-and-jaunty.html20:58
sjefen6flowbee: what?20:58
Picidatacrusher: Are you looking to upgrade to a new release? or just install updates on your current install?20:58
ehambergtuxifier: got it. :-)20:59
datacrusherpici i wanna command line update my distro20:59
datacrusherto a new release20:59
Picidatacrusher: sudo do-release-upgrade20:59
MisterioHi. I installed TuxGuitar in Ubuntu, but I am getting this message "MIDI System is unavailable"; any idea?20:59
Misterioshould I install alsa packages or something like that?20:59
flowbeeso i'm a little confused at whiat address / netwmask / gateway i should use21:00
tracy69hi i need some help :) how to stretch conky?:) width is ok but i cant stretch it it stays top_left i can move it change width but dont know how to fit it from the top to the bottom of the screen any advice?21:00
sdlfkjsdlfkwhen i boot my system i het this error... the disk drive for uuid=... is not ready yet or not present ,contiunue to wai; or press s to skip mounting or m for manual recovery21:00
Ric4rdoAnyone can help me pls? I want to connect to server Rizon.net but I don't have it in the servers list. I'm using Xchat21:00
MisterioRic4rdo: Add it yourself21:01
jgcampbell300does anyone here know if Trinity Rescue Kit is accualy something bad like a virus or botnet installer ?21:01
aeon-ltdtracy69: you change its margins that limit its size21:01
MisterioWell, anyone knows how to fix my problem?21:01
erUSULRic4rdo: you can add anew server to the server list.21:01
erUSUL!midi | Misterio21:01
ubottuMisterio: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo21:01
Ric4rdoMisterio sorry but I don't know how can I do that :(21:02
bcurtiswxanyone know a good php viewer (i don't want to install a web server just to view the output of a php file)21:02
sdlfkjsdlfkhi all21:03
sdlfkjsdlfki got this nasty problem with my ubuntu machine21:03
jgcampbell300does anyone here have experiance with Trinity Rescue Kit21:04
tracy69aeon-ltd,  i need to stretch it do you know how ? at the moment width and it stays top_left thats good too:) i need to stretch it cuz i cant see all things i did put in conky what command should i change?21:04
datacrusherPici, actually im asking for a friend here in ubuntu-br, hes on 10.04.1, and wishes to update to 10.1021:04
SorayaGuys i was cheking dependencies on my brasero and dependecies installed are mos up to date dows that have to do anything with my problem,i cant create images21:04
aeon-ltdtracy69: change its minimum and max size21:04
tracy69<aeon-ltd> what command ?21:05
flowbee Pici  so i'm a little confused at whiat address / netwmask / gateway i should use21:05
ChogyDanbcurtiswx: I would think that any viewer would just be a glorified webserver anyway21:05
aeon-ltdtracy69: no command change its config file21:05
bcurtiswxChogyDan, thats depressing21:05
tracy69yes in config i got commands i can change them which one i should change to stretch conky ?21:06
ChogyDanbcurtiswx: why?  it is a webpage...21:06
K3yboardNiNj4Any python gurus around here?21:06
Sorayais there any software to create images other than brasero ?21:06
aeon-ltdtracy69: change maximum_width to how much you need to21:07
ChogyDanbcurtiswx: I think you can just run the scripts with php-cli or something, and get the resulting text file21:07
jgcampbell300does anyone have advice about Trinity Rescue Kit21:07
sdlfkjsdlfkhelp any one!21:07
Jordan_USoraya: There are many alternatives. What do you find lacking in brasero?21:07
erUSULSoraya: you can use genisoimage from command line. maybe acetone-iso too ?21:07
erUSUL!info acetone-iso21:08
ubottuPackage acetone-iso does not exist in lucid21:08
tracy69<aeon-ltd> width mean width right ? width is ok i need to stretch it21:08
erUSUL!info acetoneiso21:08
ubottuacetoneiso (source: acetoneiso): feature-rich application to mount and manage CD/DVD images. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-1 (lucid), package size 1061 kB, installed size 1612 kB21:08
SuperVerhsevening ubuntu-ers!21:08
srdjanSuperVerhs, boo21:08
LukaszTarkowskiHi people just wnated to say Ubuntu great and fun :)21:08
aeon-ltdtracy69: how is the width ok if you can't see everything?21:08
Stella_is there an easy way to copy my 320gb drive onto a 1TB drive?21:08
SorayaJordan_U,  i cant create images as iso,i have the .toc options but is also telling me i have some kind of problem with cdrdao wich is installed21:08
srdjanSuperVerhs, erm...    => DralaFi21:09
=== srdjan is now known as DralaFi
Sorayadependencies of that i check and some are more up to date21:09
rawrlockIs there an easy way to organize data on ubuntu? I have a lot of document and media and would like an intuitive way to manage them.21:09
Sorayathat the ones required by software21:09
bcurtiswxChogyDan, OK thx21:09
Sorayadoes that have to do anything21:09
qwdHi, my friend has a problem with Empathy. The area in the client where the contacts show up is all pink/beige and she can't see her contacts. Any idea what might be wrong or how to fix it? The account is active and online21:09
SuperVerhssrdjan, hai :P21:09
Jordan_USoraya: I believe that .toc is for audio CDs. Are you trying to create an audio CD image or a data CD image?21:09
tracy69<aeon-ltd> i can change width with border_width also border_outer_margin everything is ok one thing i want is to make conky fit screen from the top to bottom cuz at the moment it cover just half of my screen21:10
SorayaJordan_U, im trying to create a iso from a live linux dvd i burn21:10
almoxariferawrlock: I use google desktop, works for me21:11
area51pilotdell 1537 broadcom wireless install?21:11
Sorayaim looking for alternatives to create images as iso21:11
aeon-ltdtracy69: maximum_size then21:11
DralaFimkisofs :)21:11
area51pilotanyone have any ideas on wireless for a Dell Studio 153721:12
LukaszTarkowskiWhat are the commands in this chanell?21:12
Jordan_USoraya: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/Desktop/live.iso21:12
ilovefairuzarea51pilot: pastebin: sudo lshw -C network21:12
ilovefairuz!paste > area51pilot21:12
ubottuarea51pilot, please see my private message21:12
=== zenix is now known as Guest78760
LukaszTarkowskiJust the usual command on irc this chanell*21:13
flowbeei think i setup my vpn, but so i'm a little confused at whiat address / netwmask / gateway i should use in the GUI view... for routes.  ideas?21:13
=== zz_Darky is now known as Darky
ilovefairuz!brain > LukaszTarkowski21:13
ubottuLukaszTarkowski, please see my private message21:13
DralaFiarea51pilot, i have loads of ideas :) i want to make a flying machine :)21:13
duffydackSoraya, odd, I can create iso fine with right click and brasero21:14
LukaszTarkowskiThanks :)21:14
area51pilotilove.... from TERM?21:14
qwdfound the solution http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-telepathy/2010-06/msg00426.html21:14
SorayaJordan_U, thanks i run command and is done21:14
ilovefairuzSoraya:  are you trying to create an ISO image from an already burned DVD?21:14
Sorayaduffydack, i did that but it give mw an error about cdrdao21:15
ilovefairuzlooks like it then.21:15
Sorayailovefairuz, i want to make images as iso from my cdrom21:15
duffydackSoraya, installed?21:15
Sorayabut i got it done in terminal21:15
Jordan_USoraya: You're welcome.21:15
Sorayait is installed that cdrdao also all dependencies21:15
Sorayabut dont get me wrong for some disk it make a .iso image21:16
Sorayais just for some disks21:16
area51pilotanyone knowledgable on wireless21:18
erUSUL!ask | area51pilot21:18
ubottuarea51pilot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:18
duffydackSoraya, do you tell it to make iso or let it auto21:18
Stella_is there any problem doing dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 while running from /dev/sda1?21:18
=== ilovefairuz1 is now known as ilovefairuz
valbacaStella just don't confuse them21:19
area51pilotbroadcom wireless Dell Studio 1537 shows network but wont ever connect???21:19
erUSULStella_: probably there be problems21:19
Sorayai roght click on it from desktop and just copy the disk,then i select image but automatic put the .toc21:19
duffydackarea51pilot, let me guess.  network manager and it always asks for password21:19
ilovefairuzarea51pilot: did you pastebin?21:20
Stella_so what would the best move be?21:20
iX315hi to all21:20
SuperVerhsDralaFi, ah there we go :P21:20
area51pilotyes duffy21:20
Sorayaand even if i use .toc i cant,,it tell me something about cdrdao and i have it installed21:20
erUSULStella_: from a livecd21:20
DralaFiSuperVerhs, yeah too many people with the same start to my nick :)21:20
duffydackarea51pilot, b43 driver or STA driver21:20
Sorayai have a terminal command to create images now21:20
=== SuperVerhs is now known as thisdarktao
Stella_livecd :< takes so long to download ;)21:20
Sorayacan u tell me about any app to create images21:20
Stella_ok thx21:20
area51pilotb43 driver loads STA wont21:20
dandi8Help! I installed Ubuntu 10.041 and it's running painfully slow (I suspect problems with hardware accelerations)!21:20
flowbeePici,  u there?21:20
duffydackarea51pilot, opposite way around for me :)21:21
duffydackarea51pilot, try wicd or learn how to make an interfaces file.21:21
area51pilotwicd would not show any wireless connections available21:21
duffydackarea51pilot, wicd from the ppa or from main ubuntu repo21:22
area51pilotnot sure21:22
area51pilotbeen messing with Ubuntu for only a few days21:22
area51pilotis there a prefered file21:22
dandi8hey guys should I spam my message until someone sees it or just wait until someone scrolls up?21:22
erUSUL!repeat | dandi821:23
ubottudandi8: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com21:23
area51pilot:) No Dandi21:23
ilovefairuzSoraya: Brasero has a "Disc Copy" feature21:23
dandi8oh ok21:23
Sorayai use that21:23
area51pilotdandi ... is it installed on a HDD21:23
dandi8dang, it's the third day I'm trying to get some help with that...21:23
Sorayabut that option is brasero it selt21:23
erUSULdandi8: what graphic card? tried system>admini...>hardware drivers yet?21:24
dandi8only OS on the laptop21:24
dandi8Intel 82852/85521:24
dandi8nothing in Hardware Drivers21:24
dandi8says no proprietary drivers are installed21:24
duffydackarea51pilot,  what broadcom model is it21:24
dandi8or something like that21:24
ilovefairuzSoraya: what do you mean? it can create images too21:24
ilovefairuzdandi8: pastebin: sudo lshw -C display21:25
Lenin_CatCan you install the netbook interference on the desktop edition?21:25
erUSUL!intel | dandi821:25
ubottudandi8: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.21:25
area51pilotduffy ... I believe it is a BCM431221:26
ilovefairuzarea51pilot: pastebin: sudo lshw -C network21:26
duffydackarea51pilot, strange then.. mine is.21:26
duffydackarea51pilot, sudo lspci -vv | grep -i broadcom21:26
area51pilotdufy ... yep 431221:27
duffydackarea51pilot,  what security is your wifi using21:27
dandi8so has the Jaunty reggresion not been fixed in Lucid?21:27
area51pilotI have it working on a Studio 1555 but the 1537 wont connect21:27
duffydackarea51pilot,  STA works perfect for me.  B43 is just a waste of space, for me21:28
duffydackarea51pilot, well, I could give you a hand setting up an /etc/network/interfaces config21:29
area51pilotwhen I try to install STA I get a package install failure and it does not activate21:29
eriksson25Anyone that could help me. Have reinstalled ubuntu and want to recover my mdadm Raid 5 unit. Dont know how.21:29
duffydackarea51pilot, are you connected to the net at the time ?21:29
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duffydackarea51pilot, could try installing it manually.21:29
ilovefairuz!info ubuntu-netbook | Lenin_Cat21:29
ubottuLenin_Cat: ubuntu-netbook (source: netbook-meta): The Ubuntu Netbook system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.025.1 (lucid), package size 33 kB, installed size 60 kB21:29
area51pilotthx duff21:30
duffydackarea51pilot,  its worth a try before you use an interfaces files.21:30
duffydackarea51pilot, remove the b43 driver and sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source21:30
area51pilotlike i said, I'm new t Linux (network admin for 10 years though)21:30
dandi8so has the Jaunty reggresion not been fixed in Lucid?21:30
Azjohi, i am running on an older laptop now, and 10.04 live refuses to see eth0 or get online with wlan1.. how do i force eth0 to get "on"?21:32
area51pilotduff...only the deactivated STA driver is visible21:32
duffydackarea51pilot, yeah, it can do that.. ive noticed it before when switching21:33
area51pilotis there manual way to remove thedrivers21:33
duffydackarea51pilot, hmm, you sure you have not got STA installed?21:34
area51pilotI used Knoppix 6.2 with no wireless issues on the same system21:34
ilovefairuzAzjo: should be: sudo ifconfig eth0 up21:34
flowbeei think i setup my vpn, but so i'm a little confused at whiat address / netwmask / gateway i should use in the GUI view... for routes.  ideas?21:34
dandi8so, ummm... any further help besides telling me there was a regression in 9.04?21:34
area51pilotIt shows up as a driver not yet activated21:34
area51pilotas i mentioned though, it wont activate21:34
sharperguyAnybody know what could be causing DNS to cut out every so often? It works again when I reconnect to the wifi. It's not affecting any other computers on the network21:35
area51pilotthe pakg install fails21:35
duffydackarea51pilot, ok.   sudo apt-get remove b43-fwcutter21:35
ilovefairuzarea51pilot: turn computer off and on after installing bcmwl-kernel-source (don't reboot)21:35
Azjono such device21:35
duffydackarea51pilot, what ubuntu version?21:35
Azjoand it also completely refuses to get on wlan1..21:35
ilovefairuzAzjo: pastebin: sudo lshw -C network21:35
Azjohowever it did work on 9.0421:35
ilovefairuz!paste | Azjo21:35
ubottuAzjo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:35
Azjowell i cant get online with it.. :P21:36
duffydackarea51pilot, k.21:36
area51pilotwhen i turn it on... u want it right off again21:37
ilovefairuzAzjo: copy to a usb or type by hand21:37
Sorayailovefairuz, it can but for some disk is not doing it21:37
Azjoit only mentions the wireless interface21:37
duffydackarea51pilot, ?21:37
ilovefairuzSoraya: then use the dd command21:37
Azjough, im going into minixp to see if it still works there :)21:37
uRockWhat files in the /home should I delete before installing 32bit over the 64bit / partition, so that there are no problems?21:38
ilovefairuzAzjo: what brand/model and what is the driver?21:38
seth_Hey there. I am using Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 on a Samsung netbook. My screen brightness buttons do not work. How do I set it up so that when I press "Fn" and 'brightness up' or 'brightness down' my screen responds?21:38
SorayaThanks someone here show me that comand and i did and it work21:38
AzjoToshiba sattelite: PSL2XE21:39
ilovefairuzuRock: the files in home are mostly text configuration files, shouldn't be relevant to the arch21:39
churlanyone else have any issues with CUPS after an update?21:39
Azjodriver is atheros but wlan is not the same as eth021:39
Azjonot same brand for net21:39
ilovefairuzAzjo: just WHAT is the brand?21:39
uRockilovefairuz, would the .mozilla have/cause any problems?21:39
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Azjoof the eth0?21:40
ilovefairuzuRock: very unlikely21:40
uRockAwesome & thanks, ilovefairuz21:40
seth_Can someone point me to a link that describes how to set up 'brightness up' and 'brightness down' keys in ubuntu 10.04?21:40
ilovefairuzAzjo: you said eth is not shown21:40
Azjoyes and ur asking brand for eth0?21:41
churlUnder "system"->printer, then "Server"->"new" neither option is lit up to use21:41
ilovefairuzAzjo: for the wireless.. but anyhow.. do you find the ethernet card in: lspci ?21:41
Azjoits atheros21:41
ilovefairuzAzjo: what's the model?21:41
SorayaDoes anyone know any app to make iso images21:41
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Sorayanot brasero please21:41
Azjocannot see the model now since i am restarting, sorry21:41
duffydackSoraya, man mkisofs21:42
uRockSoraya, k3b21:42
area51pilotsorry duff21:42
Sorayais that in software center21:42
ilovefairuzduffydack: she means a GUI app21:42
area51pilotalways needing help ..    :P21:42
Sorayayes i want to see21:42
duffydackoh...  acetoniso ?21:42
ilovefairuzSoraya: yes it is21:42
seth_Ubuntu brightness keys on a Samsung netbook. Any ideas as to how to get them to work?21:43
DralaFinot k3b?21:43
revywell just wanted to check my irssi and say nice work on unbuntu :) c ya later in life21:43
ilovefairuz!info k3b21:43
ubottuk3b (source: k3b): A sophisticated CD/DVD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 1.91.0~rc2-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 503 kB, installed size 1840 kB21:43
harjotHey ppl im still on kubuntu 8.04 is it worth me upgrading?21:43
duffydackarea51pilot, how far have you got21:44
ilovefairuzharjot: running kde 3.x or 4.x ?21:44
Agu10I installed synergy2 but don't know how to make it work...21:44
Agu10it's giving some error messages and I don't have any idea how to use this21:44
Agu10could you please help me?21:44
ilovefairuzharjot: install on another partition, you may hate 4.x21:44
DralaFiAgu10, google ERS's paper on smart questions21:45
ilovefairuzAgu10: first, to you make a proper config file?21:45
area51pilotremoval of b4321:45
ilovefairuzAgu10: did you *21:45
area51pilotlet me ask u this first21:45
harjotilovefairuz: Ive used 4x before and its alright21:45
harjotbut im more familiar with 321:45
seth_How do I get the brightness buttons on my laptop to work?21:46
area51piloti get dependancy problems preventing config if the linux image21:46
area51pilotthis happens often21:46
ilovefairuzharjot: I used 3 for 7 years and switched because of 4!21:46
duffydackarea51pilot,  Im not sure tbh about that.21:47
harjotilovefairuz: lol everything is getting old for 3 and kubuntu wasnt an lts21:47
harjotilovefairuz: but i love my theme21:47
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DralaFiilovefairuz, yeah I switched to fluxbox. KDE 4.x is very nice and pretty, and awesome, bust a little too slow. And I love Konqueror for file management, but sometimes it screws up and selects the wrong files :(21:47
duffydackarea51pilot, is another question to ask in here, for someone more into kernel stuff than me21:48
area51pilotI am running the distro from a flash drive at the moment21:48
duffydackarea51pilot, liveusb21:48
duffydackarea51pilot, is this how you are using it with the problems?21:48
area51pilotpersistent @ 4Gb on a 16gb drive21:49
ilovefairuzAgu10: http://synergy-foss.org/pm/projects/synergy/wiki/Setup21:49
area51pilotyes, but i am on a studio 1555 the same way at the moment with no issues21:49
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duffydackarea51pilot,  what driver is it using on the good system21:52
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Coronadewell guys I have to say I'm very impressed with my IRC client at the moment.21:53
CoronadeIt's been working non-stop for hours now, no bugs. after a couple at first.21:53
ilovefairuz!ot | Coronade21:54
ubottuCoronade: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:54
Agu10ilovefairuz: thanks21:54
Coronadeso uh..21:54
Coronadehow commonly do people develop with boost on ubuntu?21:55
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seth_Hey there. I am using Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 on a Samsung netbook. My screen brightness buttons do not work. How do I set it up so that when I press "Fn" and 'brightness up' or 'brightness down' my screen responds?21:55
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
sado........hi guyz21:56
sadomy software center dont install some prog. ..its stop on 0%21:56
duffydackarea51pilot, weird.  well I`d like ot see the STA driver working, if it were my system, I prefer it21:56
DralaFihave the kernel guys broken it?21:57
area51piloterrors encountered: initramfs-tools, linux-image-2.61.32-21-generic-ae, linux backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-21-generic-pae, linux-image 2.6.32-24 generic, bcmwl-kernel source, linu-image-generic and linux-generic21:57
DralaFiarea51pilot, those are just package names.21:57
DralaFiwhat kind of errors?21:57
ilovefairuzseth_: what's your laptop model21:57
area51pilotthey failed to install correct21:57
duffydackarea51pilot, so thats an old 10.04 then....21:58
warlynxHeya, sorry to bug, utter noob, installed 10.04 LTS on a virtual box, it's running like a charm, but can't seem to find my grub.lst file, is it still supposed to be in /boot/grub ?21:58
Sorayacan i make this a shortcut  = dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/Desktop/cdromimage.iso21:58
dan86What media server program do you guys use for linux?21:58
ilovefairuzsado: try installing from command line: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install PROGRAM_NAME21:58
duffydackarea51pilot, make a new persistent usb with 10.04.121:58
Sorayai try but i see terminal pop for a split second and nothing happend21:58
area51pilotbut i ran the update to a seperate flashed drive with the same if not worse performance21:58
WinstonSmithseth_, have a look here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/57425021:58
ubottuTo stream media to other UPNP aware devices (such as the Xbox, PS3, or iRadio) you need a UPNP server. See !info mediatomb for information regarding the MediaTomb package21:58
ScraggyI have an LVM partition containing an ext3 (or 4, I'm not sure) partition and a swap partition.  I believe either the LVM, or the ext3 partition is corrupt, and I need to run fsck on it.  When I try, fsck just returns without doing anything.  Any suggestions?21:58
area51pilotafter the new pers usb .. then??21:58
MartiiniHELP! I need to backup /home  ... how do I backup /home21:58
duffydackarea51pilot, well it *might* fix whatever bug you need fixing :)21:59
dan86i'm trying to stream to a ps321:59
erUSUL!backup | Martiini21:59
ubottuMartiini: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:59
dan86any suggestions?21:59
duffydackarea51pilot,  are you planning on installing ubuntu properly at all ?  dualboot etc22:00
area51pilotduffy, i have reflashed the drives a handful of tiumes the past few days  :-D22:00
area51pilotsame end result22:00
MartiiniScraggy,  fsck -c -y /partition.name ???22:00
duffydackarea51pilot, well, if network manager still fails, and wicd still doesnt wi or cd, then its back to basics with the interfaces file..22:00
area51pilotI am planning on it to the Win7 laptop22:00
Azjoilovefairuz, i have done as you said and moved to this comp with usb: http://pastebin.com/FWmrmxHm22:00
ScraggyMartiini: fsck doesn't seem to recognise the LVM22:01
dan86Anyone have a good resource to learn Ubuntu? It's my second day22:01
area51pilotif its seeing the available networks, but just not joining, do u have a sugestion?22:01
Azjoincase anyone else wants to look, wlan1 refuses to get online, it keeps asking for keyring and then does nothing anyway.22:01
ilovefairuzAzjo: is the cable connected? do: sudo mii-tool22:01
MartiiniScraggy, Im no good on linux personally , sorry22:01
duffydackarea51pilot, I had the same problem in 9.04 with network manager, it got fixed and has been ok since.. but I still use the old method, as its quicker getting me connected22:01
ScraggyMartiini: Thanks anyway22:02
jk_warlynx, no, 10.04 uses Grub2 and it doesn't have a menu.lst file.22:02
Azjoi am running live by the way22:02
duffydackarea51pilot, it seems its STILL a bug in network manager and using (WPA?) keys..22:02
Azjoit says input output error.22:02
area51pilotu prefer?22:02
DralaFinetwork manager is buggy, that people call it NetoworkMangler22:02
duffydackarea51pilot, Ive setup quite a few broadcom based machines and all are ok...22:03
duffydackarea51pilot, what security is it using?22:03
ilovefairuzAzjo: are you sure the cable is fine?22:03
area51pilotyeah...this one is just a little bugger22:03
ilovefairuz!who | Azjo22:03
ubottuAzjo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:03
trippshere's a question - since compositing/compiz makes watching videos of any resolution horrible, and I hate to do the metacity --replace since it consolidates my carefully placed windows on desktop 1, can I launch a second instance of X without compositing for purposes of gaming/watching video? If so, what is the best way to do so?22:03
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Azjoi wrote ilovefairuz, not ilovefairuz: that was the 'error'? :p22:04
MartiinierUSUL, I have read all those links before .. I get error message .. tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors22:04
ilovefairuzAzjo: are the LEDs next to the ethernet  cable turned on?22:04
ilovefairuz!tab | Azjo22:04
ubottuAzjo: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:04
warlynxGuys, if I can't find the menu.lst file under my /boot/grub directory, could it be that I am using LILO? and if so, how do I check which boot loader I am using?22:04
Azjoyes i tab ;)22:05
RummageI can't find a solution to the error here: http://pastebin.com/KuYbBFfW22:05
Azjoim pretty sure the , fucked it up though.22:05
RummageIt concerns ffmpeg.22:05
dajhorntripps: Yes, start a second xserver on the :1 port.22:05
Azjogui is gone.. restarting22:05
MartiiniI am doing a backup using -- tar cvpzf  home.31.08.2010.tar.gz /home  -- and I get -- tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors22:05
area51pilotduffy- WPA & WPA Personal22:05
IdleOne!langauge | Azjo22:06
ubottuAzjo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:06
trippsdajhorn, startx -- :1 in one of the F1-F6 consoles?22:06
ilovefairuzAzjo: check the cable and whether the LEDs are on22:06
AzjoIdleOne, what did i do wrong?22:06
Martiiniwarlynx,  try installing grub ? and do sudo update-grub ??22:06
dajhorntripps: Yes, start there.  Use F8 instead.   F1-F6 usually have a getty running.22:06
IdleOneAzjo: Please mind your language22:06
DralaFiRummage, given: http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/ffmpeg-user/2006-October/004718.html   and the mjpeg bit, maybe you are missing the libraries?22:06
ilovefairuz!grub2 | warlynx22:06
ubottuwarlynx: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:06
duffydackarea51pilot, figured as much... when it asks for pass, click show pass...22:07
Azjooh that word, sorry ;)22:07
RummageDralaFi: What libraries am I looking for, in that case?22:07
Guest47809I'm new to Ubuntu and can't get my Acer laptop to connect to wireless internet; I've followed all the instructions in the help section, and the problem I'm having is with the driver, I can't so the first step, which reads "Obtain the Windows Driver for my system and locate the file that ends with .inf" Can anybody please help?22:07
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warlynxThanks ilovefairuz22:07
DralaFiRummage, dunno .something to do with mjpeg probably22:07
dfnasc1 minuto22:07
Martiininoone wants to tell me about backing up /home then22:08
duffydackarea51pilot, if it shows a really long string of letters/numbers then its the same rubbish I had back in 9.0422:08
ScraggyMartiini: Where would you like to back it up to?22:08
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warlynxbloody hell ... changed esc to shift to get the menu22:08
warlynxthat was all I needed22:08
area51pilotno...it shows the correct key22:08
DralaFiRummage, or the very last post here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/open-movie-editor-a-simple-non-linear-video-editor.html22:08
warlynxThanks again, sure I'll pop in later about that freeradius directory I can't access :D22:09
duffydackarea51pilot, aftet you put in the key and it failed?22:09
MartiiniScraggy,  anywhere .. I need a simple command for backup .. I get tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors22:09
ilovefairuzRummage: try changing the jpg name to something simple, like : a.jpg .. and use -shortest22:09
duffydackarea51pilot, you dont have some mac filtering on your wifi station do you ?22:09
Rummageilovefairuz: Not sure I follow.22:09
=== Guest47809 is now known as Jordo1
Jordo1I'm new to Ubuntu and can't get my Acer laptop to connect to wireless internet; I've followed all the instructions in the help section, and the problem I'm having is with the driver, I can't so the first step, which reads "Obtain the Windows Driver for my system and locate the file that ends with .inf" Can anybody please help?22:10
Azjoilovefairuz: have you checked my pastebin?22:10
ilovefairuzRummage:  are you trying to combine an audio file with an image to make a video?22:10
area51pilotno filters22:10
Rummageilovefairuz: Yeah. It's an .avi with only audio information.22:10
ilovefairuzAzjo: where's the address?22:10
ScraggyHmm - tar not performing - do the logs give any more info?22:10
duffydackarea51pilot,  if its a router, what make/model is it.22:10
Azjoilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/FWmrmxHm22:10
MartiiniJordo1,  .inf file is in Windows system32 folder .. when you use ndiswrapper .. I guess22:11
RummageMind you, I'm trying to turn this .avi into a .3g2 with a single image for the video.22:11
Azjoit asks me to do a new keyring for some strange reason, which is not neccessary.22:11
area51pilotD-Link DIR61522:11
Jordo1Martiini, thanks, I'll look now and let you know if it works...22:11
area51pilotbut i get the same issues at home on a seperate wifi network22:12
duffydackarea51pilot, ok..22:12
ilovefairuzRummage: try: ffmpeg -i ~/avistore/MUSIC/01_overworld.avi -loop_input -shortest -i pictures/a.jpg 01_overworld.3g2   (notice: rename the image file to something simple like a.jpg because ffmpeg assumes numbers form a "slide show" position)22:12
flupkehello, how can I change my encrypted home's mount passphrase ?22:13
ilovefairuzAzjo: i asked you to check the cable and if the LEDs are on22:13
D3Xifierhi everyone!22:13
ilovefairuz!hi | D3Xifier22:13
ubottuD3Xifier: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:13
trippsdajhorn, wow that didn't work very well. switching back crashed X22:13
trippsdajhorn, also nothing on F822:13
Martiinialright, you crazy people .. I go browse google for a backup script ..22:13
Azjoilovefairuz: eth0 can ping google.com22:14
erUSULMartiini: the ubottu links did not help ?22:14
ilovefairuzAzjo: and you can't browse the web?22:14
duffydackarea51pilot, well, if everything else is exhausted, back to basics.22:14
Azjoilovefairuz: eth0 is not the issue anymore, wlan1 is.22:14
Azjoilovefairuz: browsing works fine22:15
D3XifierShort Questions: i'm running Ubuntu on a 4gb usb stick as a permanent installation and have around 200mb left. and i have a second stick, where i want to install my applications and games to. how can i do that?22:15
Rummageilovefairuz: Same error.22:15
KingSetaAnbody has an idea why i cant use my mic with julius??? http://pastebin.com/upccFaSE22:16
ilovefairuzRummage: are you sure the path to the image is correct?22:16
CoaxVexD3Xifier, you can manually mount it after boot, no?22:16
neodemii just accidently deleted a load of files in rhythmbox, is it possible to restore them from the bin back into their original folders without moving the individual files by hand?22:17
ScraggyD3Xifier: Suggest you have USB2 mounted in /mnt/<somewhere>, and create soft links from /usr/local/...22:17
Azjoilovefairuz: have you checked out the hardware settings etc for wlan0? http://pastebin.com/FWmrmxHm22:17
Rummageilovefairuz: Half the time I'm not sure if I'm in the right directory. I seem to have a lot of directory problems period. I added quotation marks around the paths in that same command and my new error is that ~/avistore/music/01_overworld.avi doesn't exist.22:17
D3XifierCoaxVex: Well, i'm kinda new to Ubuntu/Linux in general. I plug it in and it mounts itself22:17
CoaxVexneodemi, no... had that once myself. You can try importing again22:17
ilovefairuzRummage: copy all the files to the same directory and don't use any paths, just filenames22:18
dajhorntripps: Sorry,  I meant put the second X server on F8 when you get the desired configuration.  Ubuntu puts the default X server on F7.22:18
CoaxVexD3Xifier, well you'll have to edit /etc/fstab and mount it later22:18
CoaxVexD3Xifier, how much room you got left on your stick?22:18
ilovefairuzAzjo: yes, looking22:18
CoaxVexD3Xifier, you really need to use another stick?22:18
Azjoilovefairuz: great, take your time :)22:18
KingSetaAnybody please help me? http://pastebin.com/upccFaSE22:19
D3XifierThe one Ubuntu is booting from around 200 mb22:19
neodemiitll have to be by hand then, the files are currently untagged, thanks CoaxVex22:19
D3Xifierthe second one 4gb22:19
duffydackarea51pilot, if you get your wireless driver back up and running, i`ll fix you up with an interface file22:19
dajhorntripps: You're doing something that almost nobody else wants.  The proprietary fglrx and nvidia drivers could be unstable.22:19
=== whosjose is now known as whosjose[hd2]
trippsdajhorn, running on intel hardware22:19
RummageOkay, that failed, but it looks the failure now is because I don't have the right pixel ratio.22:20
dajhorntripps: Well, that hardware has some of the best drivers.22:20
ilovefairuzAzjo: pastebin: sudo apt-get install pastebinit &&  dmesg | pastebinit -22:20
duffydackarea51pilot, I have approx 40mins before I fall into bed btw.22:20
ilovefairuzRummage: pastebin22:20
CoaxVexD3Xifier, why don't you just put it all on the 4GB one?22:20
dajhorntripps:  If possible, find a tolerable compiz configuration.22:20
trippsdajhorn, not really possible I'm afraid22:21
D3XifierCoaxVex: I've got 2 4GB USB-Sticks. ONe of those is bootable, its the one i've been starting ubuntu from.22:21
dajhorntripps: How is the video quality currently unacceptable?22:21
area51pilotduff...no prob22:21
CoaxVexD3Xifier, ah, ok...22:21
ilovefairuzAzjo: better: sudo pastebinit /var/log/messages22:21
RummageI did not actually specify a picture size, is the weird thing.22:21
area51pilotI do appreciate the help22:21
area51pilotso far22:21
trippsdajhorn, running video on composited X is awful22:21
Azjoilovefairuz: last time i opened OO, it died with gui completely, let me get on irc on the comp instead of this ;) brb22:22
trippsdajhorn, video lags, especially 720p, etc.22:22
=== c is now known as Guest92636
trippsdajhorn, lots of dropped frames22:22
trippsdajhorn, commonly known/complained about :)22:22
dajhorntripps: Okay, yeah, you're screwed 720p on Intel HD.22:22
ilovefairuzRummage: add -s one_of_the_sizes .. like -s 352x28822:22
RummageI think the phone this one's destined for was 176x144 so I'll go with that.22:23
CoaxVexD3Xifier, well you need to mount your new stick, move your stuff onto it, and then edit /etc/fstab to have it automatically mount somewhere22:23
D3XifierCoaxVex: However, the Space on the bootdevice is magically disappearing until i only have around 200 mb left. My second Stick isnt flagged as Bootable, so i'm using it as a storage.22:23
Azjo...empathy refuses to show irc??22:23
trippsdajhorn, still think running lightweight X without compositing might do the trick22:23
RummageOkay, pastebinning new error.22:23
needsomehelphey guys, how come i hear myself through my speakers whenever i say something into my mic? i hear all i need to do is just mute the mic, but there's no such option in gnome alsa mixer22:24
CoaxVexD3Xifier, try deleteing your apt caches with sudo apt-get clean22:25
CoaxVexD3Xifier, that might help22:25
mikelissAnybody have any ideas what's going on here: http://pastie.org/112999922:25
mikelissI swear I did nothing to provoke this.22:25
RummageHuh. Now that's interesting, and may simplify things. Some of the mp3s had their album covers in the data, which is read as the video input when they're played.22:25
bluezoneI'm trying to run an msi file with wine, and ubuntu is saying that i must change permissions on the file with chmod, anyone know the command22:25
RummageBut then, that may make it harder, so I'm just going to let that train of thought go.22:26
KingSeta??? http://pastebin.com/upccFaSE22:26
Shinydanright. when I shut my Lynx machine down, it restarts immediately, and on that restart, the login screen only occupies the left 2/3rd of the screen. sudo telinit 0 shuts it down properly but I'd rather not have to do that every time.22:26
mikelissany thoughts on how to deal with gdebi being borked? It seems that a bunch of my programs now no longer work, and I have no idea why this is or what happened.22:26
ilovefairuzRummage: -ab 8000  .. to get rid of the error22:26
Guest92636Hi, fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I downloaded vlc but started "movie player" (totem?) I got asked some questions about codecs and I clicked yes download/install. Then the xvid file startet to play but only with sound. Tried in vlc, and then tried downloading restrictedformats but no change.22:26
needsomehelphow come i hear myself through my speakers whenever i say something into my mic? i hear all i need to do is just mute the mic, but there's no such option in gnome alsa mixer22:27
Rummageilovefairuz: Same rror, actually.22:27
dajhornmikeliss: The "Input/output error" error is important.  Before making any more package changes, look at your /var/log/messages file for disk problems.22:27
D3XifierCoaxVex: Free space increased by 200 mbytes. X2 Needs at least 1,4 gigabytes, thats why i want to use the second stick as installation device for it22:27
ljsoftnetdo i need to upgrade my NVIDIA display drivers to 256.5322:27
ilovefairuzRummage: ah, it's -ar22:28
ljsoftnetdo i need to upgrade my NVIDIA display drivers to 256.53, its currently version 17322:29
flupkeis there a way to change the ecryptfs *mount* passphrase that is setup during lucid install for encrypted homes ?22:29
RummageNew error: Only mono supported22:29
KingSetaPLEASE! http://pastebin.com/upccFaSE <= The mic device says its in use, but nobody use anything... PLEASE HELP!22:29
RummageI assume there's a 'mono' option?22:29
ilovefairuzRummage: try: -ac 122:30
ilovefairuzffmpeg is an effin maz22:30
ilovefairuzmaze *22:30
VCoolioljsoftnet: required driver depends on what card you have; it's not like packages, the higher the number the more recent and better22:30
RummageSelf ping22:30
ljsoftnetVCoolio: ok thanks man22:30
Azjocan anyone tell me why irc refuses to show in empathy on this old machine? lack of ram?22:31
D3XifierCoaxVex: However, the Space on the bootdevice is magically disappearing until i only have around 200 mb left. My second Stick isnt flagged as Bootable, so i'm using it as a storage.22:31
ilovefairuzRummage: ?22:31
dajhornljsoftnet: If you want the 256 drivers, then you can get them from the ubuntu-x-swat PPA at http://www.launchpad.net/22:31
Rummageilovefairuz: A moment probably based on misunderstanding of IRC protocol. Lost connection for a moment, causing an endless climb of lag, so when it reestablishd I said self ping to see if that would fix it.22:32
RummageAnyway, now it is complaining about the bitrate.22:32
KingSetaIs ignoring modern??22:32
Lenin_CatWhat package is ubuntu netbook remix again?22:32
ilovefairuzRummage: saying what?22:32
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu22:32
Lenin_Catno the package22:32
Lenin_Catto install it from a instalation22:33
Lenin_Catlike ubuntu-gnome22:33
Rummagebitrate not supported: use one of (list of a few different rates_22:33
ilovefairuzRummage: -ab22:33
RummageI'm not sure which one to use, as I don't know what my phone is cool with.22:33
ShinydanHaving problems getting my Lucid Lynx machine to shut down properly.22:33
ilovefairuzRummage: it lists the one supported by the AMR codec, they should be fine22:33
RummageWell, it's actually doing something now. . . we'll see.22:34
Lenin_CaterUSUL, like how you can install kde via ubuntu-kde22:34
needsomehelphow come i hear myself through my speakers whenever i say something into my mic? i hear all i need to do is just mute the mic, but there's no such option in gnome alsa mixer22:34
=== Guest92636 is now known as Somethingelse
mikelissdajhorn: Yeah, Input/Output errors don't bode well, but I'm not seeing any errors in /var/log/messages...22:35
mikelissdajhorn: At least not any obvious ones...22:35
DralaFineedsomehelp, yeah. it's gnome :P22:35
erUSUL!info ubuntu-netbook22:35
ubottuubuntu-netbook (source: netbook-meta): The Ubuntu Netbook system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.025.1 (lucid), package size 33 kB, installed size 60 kB22:35
SomethingelseVLC/totem only plays sounds from the video but not the images. Help?22:35
DralaFineedsomehelp, KMix might have it listed22:35
DralaFineedsomehelp, or try alsamixer22:35
RummageHmm. Okay, looks like that last one was a success. Now to see how it pans out for the phone :|22:36
needsomehelpDralaFi: cheers mate :) i'll try them out *brb*22:36
dajhornmikeliss:   `cd /var/cache/apt/archives` and `dpkg --install` the gdebi packages manually.22:36
makavelii need some help with tc in ubuntu22:36
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:36
ilovefairuz!details | makaveli22:36
ubottumakaveli: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:36
WinstonSmith_needsomehelp, try gnome-volume-control22:36
makavelimust limit the traffic for tcp /2222:37
K_REY_CAnyone have any idea about the best software to use for pulling single clips out of a DVD to use in an educational setting?22:37
needsomehelpWinstonSmith_: will do. thanks :)22:37
WinstonSmith_needsomehelp, yw22:37
makaveliincomming and outgoing22:37
MaletorIm'm trying to partition a drive to then throw onto an existing array where none of the drives are partitioned. When I try to do this it complains that the drive is too small to be added to the RAID because it's 2million bytes smaller. How can I partion for exact byte-age?22:37
mikelissdajhorn: Hrm...I already did apt-get clean...I'm guessing there will be no cache...22:37
DralaFigoodnight everyone22:37
ilovefairuzmakaveli: sudo ufw enable; sudo ufw allow ssh22:38
Lenin_Cathow do you install ubuntu netbook remix edition from apt-get?22:38
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ilovefairuzLenin_Cat: there's an ubuntu-netbook virtual package, not sure if it's it22:39
dajhornmikeliss: The front-end tools like apt and aptitude are stuck until you get the bad gdebi package reinstalled.   Do an `apt-get install --reinstall gdebi` to get the package, and do the dpkg afterwards.22:39
ShinydanI'm running Lucid Lynx. When I try to shut the machine down, all it does is restart, and when it comes back after that the login screen only occupies the left-hand two-thirds of the screen. Help?22:39
makaveliTraffic shaping ,limiting outgoing and incoming  bandwidth on tcp/2222:39
RummageWow that is some bad sound quality.22:39
makavelii must use tc22:39
Azjogrr, 10 mins to install xchat on live usb 10.04? this cant be right?22:39
Azjoand it just took a minute to load the free -m command22:40
makavelibut i don't now how to make the rules22:40
ilovefairuzRummage: use a higher bitrate -ab22:40
MaletorI'm trying to partition a drive to then throw onto an existing array where none of the drives are partitioned. When I try to do this it complains that the drive is too small to be added to the RAID because it's 2 million bytes smaller. How do I add more bytes to my partion. I'm assuming the partition block itself is taking up those bytes.22:40
RummageFair. The other problem is that the picture got horribly mangled. Hmm.22:41
ilovefairuzmakaveli: what's "tc" ?22:41
mikelissdajhorn: Hrmm...I tried that, but I'm not seeing anything in /var/cache/apt/archives22:41
ilovefairuzRummage: resize it using the gimp to the exact size22:42
makavelitc - manipulate traffic control settings22:42
dajhornmikeliss:  apt-get should download the deb to /var/cache/apt/archives.  If it isn't there, then you have another problem.22:42
Rummageilovefairuz: Thanks. this is going to be slow, but I don't see as I have any option.22:42
makavelihowever is there another way will be also fine22:42
unimatrixi'm getting heavy hard drive activity to the point where my machine is barely responding! please help!22:42
unimatrixhow do i see what's causing it22:42
mikelissdajhorn: Hm. Perhaps I have another problem. The only things I see there are an empty directory called "partial" and a file called "lock"22:43
dajhornmikeliss:  If the packaging system is broken, then don't use any of the fancy front ends.  Use only dpkg and apt until the packaging system is repaired.22:43
erUSULunimatrix: use iotop22:43
donriWhat is Super+A? Almost identical to the Window picker (Super+W) but adds a [1] after each window. What gives?22:43
ilovefairuzRummage: why use 3g formats? most phones now support mp4 (the kind youtube uses, it uses mp3 for the audio stream not AMR)22:43
mikelissdajhorn: On a related (?) note, it seems all the mono apps on my system won't start...which is interesting.22:43
unimatrixerUSUL it's not showing anything above 300kB/s and my hard drive light is on constantly22:43
Rummageilovefairuz: As far as I've read, the Rant doesn't.22:44
mikelissdajhorn: can you help me with using those?22:44
dajhornmikeliss: Pastebin verbose apt-get output.22:44
mikelissdajhorn: for what command? Just apt-get?22:44
erUSULdonri: super a works in windows in all workspaces22:44
dajhornmikeliss: I'm out of time.  Somebody else might help you.22:44
RummageStill, I'll look into it.22:44
donrierUSUL: Oh, of course! Thanks.22:44
mikelissdajhorn: OK, thanks anyway for the help. I'll continue poking around until I can get this thing working again....ugh.22:44
ubuntu__ilovefairuz: i am now on laptop, what did u want me to write?22:45
craunchHELP! I can't get headphones work if i don't restart pulseaudio22:45
unimatrixso there's no way to see what the hard drive is doing? dammit i can even do this in windows22:45
craunchor ccomputer22:45
ilovefairuzubuntu__: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo pastebinit /var/log/messages22:45
Rummageilovefairuz: I get the error that libfaac doesn't support .mp422:45
erUSULunimatrix: the way is iotop.22:45
unimatrixerUSUL it doesn't show everything22:46
ubuntu__ubuntu software center has crashed and ow  canot change szes of windows etc.22:46
mikelissCan anybody help me to get gdebi reinstalled? Something went wrong with it, and now a number of things seem to be borked.22:46
dajhornmikeliss: Assuming that your hardware is good and your filesystem is intact, the solution for packaging failures like this is usually `dpkg --purge --force MyBadPackage` followed by a manual `dpkg --install MyBadPackage.deb`.22:46
foo_Hi does anyone know if there is a way to convert .scr to .jpg in ubuntu ?22:46
Random832foo_: what is a .scr ?22:47
mikelissdajhorn: Hrmm...unknown force option 'gdebi'22:47
CkhiKuzada screensaver file.22:47
foo_its a windows screensaver22:47
CkhiKuzadRandom832, ^22:47
erUSULfoo_: "convert file.scr file.jpeg" from imagemagik might do it22:47
Random832uh.... that's not an image format22:47
Random832i assumed you were talking about some image format that uses that extension22:48
Random832a .scr is an exe - run it in wine22:48
dajhornmikeliss: `man dpkg` and search for the appropriate --force-* option.  There are several.22:48
ubuntu__how do i force close a crashed ubuntu software ceter?22:48
mikelissdajhorn: Yeah...I'm looking into that now...22:48
Random832i can't even think of any screensavers that are static images, so what exactly would you expect the jpeg to look like?22:48
* Rummage sighs22:49
RummageThanks for everything ilovefairuz, but I have to get going.22:49
ilovefairuzRummage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486496/ ..  put this script in your $home/bin/make-video.sh .. chmod +x ~/bin/make-video.sh .. covert the avi to audio using: ffmpeg -i file.avi -acodec copy file.mp322:49
Windcapehey, if I want to start the systems default mail application, from my own application, is there something like mailto:<email> I can pass to a shell command that then opens the correct default mail application for me?22:49
ubuntu__ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/NUxJn2ui22:49
erUSULWindcape:  xdg-email ?22:50
ilovefairuzRummage: then feed the image and file to script: create-video.sh file.jpg file.mp3 ... tweak the -s parameter.. and rename the file to something.mp422:50
Maahesfollowing the instructions from the website, on a 4gb thumb drive, how large can I make the Casper-rw partition?22:50
foo_ok thanks guys22:51
WindcapeerUSUL perfect, thanks!22:51
mikelissdajhorn: Hmmm...this is VERY suspicious: Another I/O problem: http://pastie.org/113007022:51
Rummageilovefairuz: Thanks. I'll look into it.22:51
erUSULWindcape: yw22:51
ilovefairuzRummage: you're welcome22:51
ilovefairuzubuntu_: programs are getting killed by the kernel for lack of memory, do you have a swap file?22:54
ilovefairuzubuntu_: and it shows no attempts to connect to wireless22:54
ubuntu__i am on live22:55
ilovefairuzubuntu_: then install the system and install all updates22:55
ubuntu__so theres only one solution, install?22:55
saucerfulhi i am using 9.10 and suddenly my wireless does not connect to the network22:56
saucerfulbut i can see the networks in nm-applet22:56
ubuntu__i do not have harddrives for this laptop unfortunaly22:56
Maahesfollowing the instructions from the website, on a 4gb thumb drive, how large can I make the Casper-rw partition?22:56
saucerfuland nm-tool shows that things rae working22:56
mikelissHow do you install a file from the package manager using dkpg?22:56
saucerfulis there a simple way to re-install the driver22:56
ilovefairuzubuntu_: not much we can do if you don't install updates22:56
ilovefairuzmikeliss: gdebi22:57
mikelissilovefairuz: Yeah, gdebi is the program I need to install with dkpg.22:57
ilovefairuzmikeliss: it comes preinstalled22:57
ubuntu__i tried to install from this live usb to another usb, but it refused to work though22:57
pfifowhat package contains the posix programmers manual pages? Ie im getting this error 'No manual entry for malloc'22:58
ubuntu__installing worked, booting did not22:58
unimatrixerUSUL ok i solved it by restarting X... no idea what was causing it, but clearly iotop is a very flawed and unreliable piece of software because it did not show it22:58
mikelissilovefairuz: yeah, in this case though, an update to it got screwed up somehow, and now I can't install anything, and have a handful of semi-installed packages that need to be fixed.22:59
erUSULunimatrix: well maybe it was swap trashing?22:59
unimatrixerUSUL i don't have swap22:59
erUSULunimatrix: "vmstat 1"22:59
ilovefairuzmikeliss: dpkg -i file.deb .. but that doesn't resolve dependencies22:59
ubuntu__ilovefairuz: how do i succesfully install ubuntu 10.04 on an usb?22:59
mikelissilovefairuz: and where should I get the deb from? I lack it right now.23:00
ilovefairuzmikeliss: ahaa: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdebi23:01
ilovefairuzmikeliss: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdebi gdebi-core  .. just to make sure both are fine23:02
mikelissilovefairuz: apt-get and aptitude don't work for some reason. Hence my wanting to use dpkg.23:02
ubuntu__how do i force close ubuntu software center in terminal? it has crashed and will not respond23:02
ilovefairuz!usb | ubuntu_23:02
ubottuubuntu_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:02
ubuntu__thanks i will take a look23:03
ilovefairuzmikeliss: then you have a pretty broken system but anyway find the packages here: http://packages.ubuntu.com23:03
ilovefairuzit has download links at the bottom for each package23:03
DownNotAcrossWhat is the "approved" method for doing automated installs of ubuntu (such as kickstart)?23:03
Jordo1Help please! I'm a new ubuntu user, and can't get the wireless internet to function. I've determined that the drive recognition is "UNCLAIMED" so I need the windows driver, looking for it in the Windows inf folder, system folder and system32 folder...no luck. In the .inf folder, there are a couple hundred to try opening with the ndisgtk package, all I ever get is is the message "invalid driver" or "already installed" what shoul23:03
Jordo1d I do?23:03
mikelissilovefairuz: yeah, it's pretty frustrating....I swear I didn't do anything to it either...23:04
ilovefairuz!kickstart | DownNotAcross23:04
ubottuDownNotAcross: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning23:04
timewriteranyone can help me install grub ?23:04
ilovefairuzmikeliss: you probably need a re-installation23:05
DownNotAcrossthank you, ilovefairuz23:05
area51pilotJordo> What type of hardware are u using?23:05
ilovefairuz!hi | Alcatraz23:05
ubottuAlcatraz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:05
timewriteris there a way to install grub from a live session ?23:05
purveshcan some one tell me how to lock wiki.ubuntu.com/private-pages from editing ?23:05
Jordo1area51pilot....uhhh, don't know, you mean my computer...it's an Acer Aspire 167023:05
ilovefairuz!grub2 | timewriter, check the table of contents, has a section for reinstalling grub23:05
ubottutimewriter, check the table of contents, has a section for reinstalling grub: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:05
mikelissilovefairuz: this is a pretty recent install, sadly.23:05
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:05
Maahesfollowing the instructions from the website, on a 4gb thumb drive, how large can I make the Casper-rw partition?23:06
timewriterthank you ubottu23:06
Alcatrazq? ubuntu vs openSuse what do you really think?23:06
timewriterrpm hell ?23:06
ilovefairuzAlcatraz: in #ubuntu-offtopic23:06
Maahesfollowing the instructions from the website, on a 4gb thumb drive, how large can I make the Casper-rw partition?23:07
fefo_hello !23:07
Alcatrazok thnx23:07
mikelissilovefairuz: Do you have any thoughts about this: http://pastie.org/113010923:07
netriderhi guys23:08
zerglingI was told that being in an audio group is a bad thing and i looked in the terminal and it says that im in the audio group timidity.  how do i get rid of this audio group?23:08
netriderI'm having problems when I tried to use some repositories... does any one experiencing the same problem?23:09
Alcatrazof course I am using lucid right now. good job.23:09
timewriterit seems that i cant install grub on my raid 0 array23:09
timewriteri cant boot the system23:09
ilovefairuzmikeliss: smells of a disk error, check the SMART status of your disk in palimpsest23:09
stunts513is anyone familiar with fixing trident xorg problems? i cant get a resolution over 800x600, and i dual boot windows so i know i can atleast get 1024x76823:10
AlcatrazI got a Q related to Lucid 10.04....23:10
=== Out`Of`Control is now known as Viper
shomonhi, I have a laptop that I've just put ubunto on, lts 10.04 I think it is... And now wireless networks can not be found, but when I connect via ethernet to try and download a driver, it won't connect to that either...23:10
ilovefairuzmikeliss: also, download the vendor's disk check cd and run it  (eg seagate's seatools)23:10
shomonany clues as to what I could do? I know it's an airforce wireless card23:11
MadRobotHow do I assign shortcut keys for certain programs?23:11
shomoneach program is different MadRobot23:11
ilovefairuz!resolution | stunts51323:11
ubottustunts513: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:11
shomonwhich one do you mean23:11
ilovefairuzstunts513: pastebin: sudo lshw -C display23:11
demersusNeed help with apache x-sendfile.  Anyone have any experience?23:11
ViperHi I notice that Xorg takes more then 1 GB ram. Is there a way to fix it? Ubuntu 64 bit23:11
stunts513lemme try that23:12
MadRobotshomon, I see. So there's more than one way to do it? (depending on the program)23:12
ilovefairuzshomon: so can you use ethernet or not? is internet accessible?23:12
timewriterdo i need a special partition table in order to get grub working ?23:12
shomoneach program has it's own ones... although I guess control w closes...23:12
ilovefairuztimewriter: pastebin: sudo fdisk -l23:12
MadRobotshomon, I see. Thanks.23:12
ilovefairuz!paste | timewriter23:12
ubottutimewriter: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:12
shomonno, ilovefairuz I can see lights going from the socket in the wireless router, in a regular pattern23:12
erUSULViper: Xorg may use ram on behalf of some programs23:13
mikelissilovefairuz: Good call. I'm checking my disks now, though I don't know which disk it was that had the problem.23:13
shomonbut no luck typing ifconfig on the laptop23:13
heloata3 - losing interrupt... is ata3 /dev/sdc?23:13
netridercould anyone help me?23:13
ilovefairuzmikeliss: the one with ubuntu installed?23:13
erUSULshomon: sudo dhclient eth023:13
ilovefairuzshomon: first: sudo mii-tool .. link ok?23:13
VipererUSUL i close all programs I notice Xorg take lots of cpu too23:13
erUSULhelo: is the third ata port. see « dmesg | grep ata »23:13
mikelissilovefairuz: I've got some weird partitioning, but I suppose this is the one with /.23:13
shomonjust going over to turn it on! I didn't expect instructions :)23:13
timewriterilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/tmRTpg0H23:13
erUSULshomon: that's for configuring the ethernet23:14
RealKillazhi I need some help with the installation of packages using the instalation CD Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server 64bit23:14
ilovefairuzmikeliss: could be the problem23:14
shomonerUSUL, is that whilst connected ok23:14
RealKillazI tried doing sudo apt-cdrom -d /media/cdrom0 add23:14
RickBuzzlyLike wat, RealKillaz23:14
qdbhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1564911 "how to search in files text that is one-byte encoding? (enc. that's not unicode)"23:14
shomonwill take me a while to connect it up, the wireless box is at the bottom of the stairs :S23:15
danielgdRealKillaz: by default, installation CDrom is already added to valid sources for packages23:15
RealKillazEverything is fine but I get at the end the following error W: Unexistens packages cdrom:[Ubuntu Server......]/dists/ etc23:15
shomonbut once I type that, what should I do erUSUL?23:15
RealKillazdanielgd,  this is not the case23:15
RealKillazdanielgd, Im talking about server installation23:15
RickBuzzlyHave you tried burning a new disc?23:16
RealKillazthe deb cdrom was commented23:16
erUSULshomon: see if eth0 gets an ip from the router23:16
ilovefairuztimewriter: assuming linux is on sda1:  sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt && sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda   ... make sure sda disk is the first bootable disk in BIOS23:16
timewriterilovefairuz: thank you , i am trying right now23:16
stunts513ok, uh heres my pastebin if it helps23:16
RealKillazthe internet connection is thighly closed23:17
timewriterilovefairuz: mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist23:17
stunts513i have tried alot of things involvong restarting  gdm but none helped, and xrandr gives me crtc0 error23:17
zerglingI was told that being in an audio group is a bad thing and i looked in the terminal and it says that im in the audio group timidity.  how do i get rid of this audio group?23:17
erUSULzergling: who told you that?23:17
RealKillazso I need the installation from CD to work. trying to install a mysql server23:17
timewriterilovefairuz: i have a raid 0 array , 2 x 320 GB hdds23:18
erUSULzergling: you need to be in the audio group if you want to be able to use the soundcard23:18
RealKillazI've done the following 1. mount CD using /etc/fstab23:18
ilovefairuzstunts513: it's UNCLAIMED, no driver23:18
zerglingerUSUL: a help page that said nobody should ever be in an audio group23:18
=== sshc_ is now known as sshc
RealKillaz2. ls -al /media/cdrom0 show me the content on the CD23:18
stunts513how is that possible, my xorg config says its using teh trident driver23:18
erUSULzergling: what help page? i want to read the rationale for that...23:19
RealKillaz3. sudo apt-cdrom -d /media/cdrom0/ add23:19
ilovefairuzstunts513: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.log.023:19
shomonaah ok thanks erUSUL - I just left it there going "network is down"23:19
RealKillaz4. I get an error ====> W: unexistents packages23:19
timewriteris it possible to install grub on a USB flash drive ? and boot from it ?23:19
shomonwill see if it gets anywhere...23:20
erUSULRealKillaz: the cdrom has to be umounted before doing the command23:20
dogmatic69hi all23:20
RealKillazbetween 3 and 4 the CD-rom is reading the CD23:20
zerglingerUSUL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/TheAudioGroup23:20
erUSULshomon: "sudo ifconfig eth0 up"23:20
RealKillazerUSUL, ohh... is that right?23:20
dogmatic69anyone know a way to log mysql queries to console with top maybe?23:20
shomonok thanks!23:20
stunts513dumb question but pastebin is supposed to be typed into my terminal right? if so it says commadn unrecognized, il search for it but  i thought its weird it didnt suggest it23:20
RealKillazerUSUL, on OS level?23:20
mikelissilovefairuz: do you know if it's possible to move / and /boot from one disk to another? I've got the space, and I've got the disks already working. Would be nice not to have to reinstall, if all I have to do is move things to a better disk.23:21
RealKillazerUSUL, because it's running in a vmware ESX 3.5 environment the Ubuntu installation23:21
mikelissilovefairuz: (also, SMART tests still running in the background)23:21
erUSULRealKillaz: on OS level yes23:21
xanguastunts513: pastebin is a web page, install 'pastebinit' to use that command to send files to pastebon23:21
ilovefairuzmikeliss: yes it's possible, you'll need to edit fstab and reinstall grub23:22
voidmagemy school uses a private (not on google groups) newsgroup. what newsreaders are available that actually have good text features?23:22
stunts513ah thanks im lagging so hold on23:22
erUSULzergling: well; looks like i've been upgrading my ubuntu for too long and the new wave of ***Kit hit me.23:22
mikelissilovefairuz: Ugh. Any pointers?23:22
erUSULzergling: so the page may be right23:22
mmnicola1does anyone here knows about live-helper ? it's the first time i use it to build ubuntu images and i have a hard time with upstart, it appears that some scripts at boot replace the content of /etc/init/tty*.conf to auto-login the newly created user, i need to find that script to make the root auto-login, does anyone know where is this located ? i can't find anything in init.d23:22
ilovefairuzstunts513: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.log.023:22
zerglingerUSUL: so what should i do about it?23:22
ilovefairuzmikeliss: it's not hard, fstab is pretty simple if you read it for grub:23:23
ilovefairuz!grub2 | mikeliss23:23
ubottumikeliss: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:23
dancan someone help me out really fast?23:23
ilovefairuzmikeliss: there's a reinstallation section23:23
ilovefairuz!details | dan23:24
ubottudan: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:24
erUSULzergling: i'm in the audio group and nothing brakes is just a security thing23:24
ilovefairuzvoidmage: Pan is the most well known23:25
danI have a problem when runnning sudo lines in terminal. I can type in regular lines fine, and sudo commands are accepted, but when prompted for password no letters appear on screen when i type23:25
timewriteri guess that grub cant be installed on raid 023:25
jribdan: that's normal, you don't see the password being typed23:25
ilovefairuzdan: that's normal, it's a security feature so that people standing by cannot see the letter23:25
danbut it doesnt go in as typed. it wont recognize the password23:25
ilovefairuzletters *23:25
jribdan: are you typing your user's password?23:26
bsod1why should I use if x is None instead of if x == None ?23:26
ilovefairuzdan: just type your user password and press enter23:26
stunts513im on lucid23:26
jribbsod1: #python I guess?23:26
stunts513so xorg didnt originally use the xorg.conf23:26
bsod1jrib: lol, sorry23:26
ilovefairuz!enter | stunts51323:26
ubottustunts513: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:26
shomonerUSUL, looks like ifconfig just doesn't do anything23:27
stunts513but i did somethign that allowed it to use an xorg.conf, so now it uses one, but it says that xorg log doesnt exist23:27
voidmageilovefairuz: does pan support ssl?23:27
shomonI type the command and nothing seems to happen. dhclient still the same23:27
erUSULshomon: did you repeat the "dhclient eth0" after the "ifconfig ... up"23:28
erUSULshomon: i see; then i dunno23:28
shomonyes, I did.23:28
shomonoh well23:28
shomonthanks though!23:28
shomonI'll look for the right .deb23:28
ilovefairuzvoidmage: no idea, probably yes, try it23:28
shomonand just download it to a usb stick23:28
roscogrueni saw a link that listed linux compatible hardware.  does anyone have link?23:29
jrib!hardware | roscogruen23:29
ubotturoscogruen: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:29
ilovefairuzshomon: what does this say: sudo mii-tool23:29
shomonjust checking! running down the stairs...23:29
mrandrzejaki am getting a broken package error message on my neighbors system. I havent had time to trouble shoot it much, but I will give "dpkg --configure -a" a try when I get home tonite. If that doesnt do the job is there any way to remove and delete the package thats giving me the prob? Its the flash-nonfree thats giving me the errors. completely removing from within synaptic did nothing. thanks!23:29
roscogruenthx ubottu23:30
K-Richsudo maje insyall23:30
stunts513ok i feel dumb for two reasons now, butanyways i check the logs folder and theres a few xorg logs, wich one should i send, xorg.0.log or xorg.1.log23:30
ilovefairuzmrandrzejak: what are the errors? pastebin23:30
K-Richwrong window and wrong23:30
ilovefairuz!paste | mrandrzejak23:30
ubottumrandrzejak: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:30
MaletorQuestion: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156529023:31
MaletorWhen I use disk utility to expand my RAID array it creates a partition on my 1.5TB drive which it would like to add to the RAID 5.23:31
MaletorHowever, none of the drive existing on the RAID are partitioned so what I think has happened is the partition itself has created a difference of about 2 million bytes smaller than the others and thus unable to add the component.23:31
MaletorHow can I specify the exact bytes for my hard drive partition so that I can add this to the array?23:31
Maletorsorry ubottu23:31
mrandrzejakI dont have the errors in front of me, but they are almost the same as here: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152223523:31
FloodBot2Maletor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:31
TBotNikAll - Looking for URL to FTP source and inparticular "Browse to empty directory" so I can setup code for Web Site backup.23:31
pfifohow dose the clipboard work in ubuntu?23:31
mrandrzejakim getting a broken package error23:31
voidmageilovefairuz: well, i guess i could just use thunderbird then23:31
mrandrzejaksynaptic doesnt do the trick23:32
ilovefairuzmrandrzejak: still vague anyway: sudo apt-get purge flash-nonfree23:32
pfifois the clipboard part of x11 or gnome?23:32
shomonno, ilovefairuz, it says no link :(23:33
ilovefairuzpfifo: part of X, one works like windows and one works by selecting text and pressing the middle mouse button23:33
shomonprobably then the ethernet port doesn't work?23:33
ilovefairuzshomon: cable issues23:33
mrandrzejaki had trouble logging into IRC here from his system (webchat) it threw me into some side room and never put me into this room.23:33
shomonI tried 2 cables, but I'll try them both on one I know works...23:33
mrandrzejakhope to make it here in case i cant solve his prob23:33
TBotNikAll - Looking for URL to FTP source and inparticular "Browse to empty directory" so I can setup code for Web Site backup.  Using PHP23:34
ilovefairuzshomon: try changing the port on router too23:34
mrandrzejakthanks for the help ilovefairuz23:34
ilovefairuzmrandrzejak: you're welcome23:34
jribTBotNik: rephrase your question23:34
stunts513hey could yu help me out a little more with the xorg problem?23:34
pfifoilovefairuz, Thanks23:34
ilovefairuzstunts513: there doesn't seem to be a driver for that card, only the basic vesa23:35
stunts513i have a xorg drive installed ment for trident cards23:35
ilovefairuzstunts513: read the link on resolution23:35
ilovefairuzstunts513: then create an xorg.conf file and specify it23:36
stunts513there is one and its already specified automaticly to use that driver23:36
mikelissilovefairuz: so, I've got some bad sectors, but my disk seems to be OK otherwise.23:36
ilovefairuzstunts513: doesn't seem to be picked up, pastebin: /var/log/Xorg.log.023:36
tucemiuxhow do you remove configuration files for cups?? I already uninstalled cups, i want to remove cups confnig files23:37
latagoreIf I've installed packages from a developer and I don't remember the name of the packages installed, how would I remove them?23:37
ilovefairuzmikeliss: what's the count?23:37
stunts513in my case is that suppoed to be xorg.0.log? cause i dont hav eit as xorg.log.023:37
qdbhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1564911 "how to search in files text that is one-byte encoding? (enc. that's not unicode)"23:37
ilovefairuzstudent7: yeap, sorry, my bad23:37
K-Richlatagore: deb or source ?23:37
aeon-ltdtucemiux: why didn't you fully uninstall in synaptics?23:38
latagoreK-Rich: I don't know how to compile source so I would believe it is deb23:38
mikelissilovefairuz: on one disk (/home), I've got a Reallocated Sector count warning of Normalized: 100, Worst: 100, Threshold: 5, and Value: 2 sectors.23:38
K-Richlatagore: how did you install it... apt-get or download a deb and click it ?23:38
tucemiuxaeon-ltd, im using command line online, no GUI23:38
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latagoreK-Rich: It's not anything in particular, I just want to know when I wish to uninstall a program23:39
mikelissilovefairuz: On the other disk (/boot and /), I have 6 bad sectors, and a Reallocated sector count of Normalized: 253, Worst: 253, Threshold: 63, and value: 3.23:39
ilovefairuzmikeliss: that's sounds unimportant but run the vendor's disk check anyway23:39
latagoreK-Rich: But I believe it's just getting a deb and then click it23:40
roscogrueni don't see it on that list and i can't find it googling it.  the MFG says it is not officially supported so they must have a deal with M$.  how can i find out?23:40
mikelissilovefairuz: Sounds complicated....but I'll look into it. I'm also now thinking that the disk isn't the issue...23:40
latagoreK-Rich: and repositories23:40
ilovefairuzmikeliss: not at all, what brand are your hard disks ?23:40
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mikelissilovefairuz: One's a maxtor, the other, I have no idea.23:41
K-Richlatagore: if you no longer have the deb, you might can `dpkg -l | grep "word related to what it does"23:41
mikelissilovefairuz: the disk utility is reporting it as ATA HDS722516VLAT8023:41
ilovefairuzmikeliss: check their entries in palimpsest, it tells23:41
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shomonwhere would I find laptop wireless card drivers for ubuntu?23:42
stunts513heres the pastebin23:42
mikelissilovefairuz: Apparently not in this case, unless I'm looking in the wrong place...23:42
ilovefairuzmikeliss: click23:42
ilovefairuzmikeliss: click "more information"23:42
latagoreK-Rich: I could probably get the deb, in which case, how would I uninstall it then?23:42
pfifomy desktop selector keeps popping up tooltips that are getting in the way. can I turn these tool tips off?23:42
K-Richlatagore: apt-get remove <deb name w/o deb> usually23:43
linuxmachineDo you know any way to pipe "apt-rdepends" output into "aptitude download" or "apt-get -d install"?23:43
ilovefairuzmikeliss: it's a hitachi23:43
mikelissilovefairuz: I don't see any "more information" buttons...23:43
latagoreK-Rich: Thanks a bunch; I guess I'll hold onto the debs I install to reduce hassle23:44
TBotNikDo you know a good source for PHP or JavaScript the has code for FTP and/or managing, locating and registering directories?  Trying to fill in text input field with local directory, but must be an empty directory as is for WebSite backups and must gen new dir name for each backup date.  Right now can not get a "Browse" button to read an empty directory.23:44
mikelissilovefairuz: Ah. Indeed it is. But luckily that disk is the one with /home, so I think it can be ignored, for now.23:44
ilovefairuzmikeliss: for hitachi: http://www.hitachigst.com/support/downloads/#DFT23:45
stunts513ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/5KdHrfAi23:45
K-Richlatagore: there a a few ways to do it... um... i dunno, i tried to describe the easiest way23:46
TBotNikjrib: Was that clear?23:46
ilovefairuzmikeliss: for maxtor: http://www.seagate.com/ww/v/index.jsp?locale=en-US&name=SeaTools&vgnextoid=720bd20cacdec010VgnVCM100000dd04090aRCRD  ... get the DOS bootable CD23:46
latagoreK-Rich: That's okay; I'm kinda new at this so keeping it simple is good :D23:46
K-Richlatagore: dpkg -l  will list your packages and a description23:46
latagoreK-Rich: What if I used a GUI like Synaptic or aptitude?23:47
K-Richlatagore: both should work23:47
latagoreK-Rich: Alright23:48
ilovefairuzstunts513: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=917345023:48
mikelissilovefairuz: I was just looking at that....I guess I'll be back in a shutdown/test/reboot23:48
stunts513ok il check it , lag for a min slow computer...23:48
adoki would like to know if its possible to make a button in my pannel, to an input box so it reads arguments, and pass it to the program i want to run23:48
adokis this possible, if so, how?23:48
latagoreK-Rich: last question; is there any log that records the installation of stuff or is there a timestamp on when packages are installled?23:48
K-Richlatagore: hmmmmmmm lemme think there23:49
ilovefairuzadok: create a "launcher"23:49
ilovefairuzadok: from right-click on panel > add23:50
adokyes, but i want it to popup an input box, to get arguments.. like for exemple load putty and use the ip from the input box23:50
adokilovefairuz, i know how to make a launcher, but i think this is a little more then that23:50
krabadorhow can i look version of packet i'm going to install , with apt-get on command line?23:50
ilovefairuzadok: use zenity23:50
jribkrabador: apt-cache policy23:51
fcuk112i started an lftp session from inside an ssh session - then my laptop powersave kicked in and i lost the ssh connection.  i ssh'd into the box again and can see the lftp is still running in top - but how do i check the status of it?23:51
K-Richlatagore: /var/cache/apt/archives contains the debs you have installed23:52
adokilovefairuz, checking it, ty23:52
K-Richlatagore: unless you have cleaned them23:52
ilovefairuzlatagore: check apt/dpkg logs in /var/log23:52
krabadorjrib, great, thanx !23:52
adokilovefairuz, perfect, thanks agains23:53
K-Richilovefairuz: thanks for that i didn't know that one23:53
ilovefairuzadok: K-Rich: you're welcome23:53
r_s___hi all23:53
latagoreK-Rich: is it cleaned out at reboot? or is it there until intentional delete?23:54
Sia--if the laptop on AC os ok, but on battery is dark. i try with FN+F7 but doesn't work. any ideA? i have toshiba satelite p200 series23:54
wadWhen I save a file to my desktop, then I look at my desktop, the file appears at the top. This is bad because I only sometimes have my 2nd monitor attached, so I often can't get to the file. Is there a way to configure Ubuntu create new icons and stuff at the bottom of the desktop, instead of at the top?23:54
CkhiKuzadare there any WYSIWYG web page editors like dreamweaver on ubuntu?23:54
ath88Hello, anyone whos nifty with sshtunnels got the time and temper to help me? I need to setup a tunnel from a netbook to my server, so i can access that netbook no matter where it is. Is that possible?23:54
stunts513ilovefairuz: hey i need to know something while im editing the xorg.conf, what are the lines for under subsection display before depth, is says viewport, i never noticed this before lucid23:54
CkhiKuzadthat are not Bluefish.23:54
r_s___I have thinkpad r61, with ubunti 10.04, when I run updates including pulseaudio, the sound stopped working,, any help please ?23:54
r_s___I have thinkpad r61, with ubuntu 10.04, when I run updates including pulseaudio, the sound stopped working,, any help please ?23:55
CkhiKuzadr_s___, open a terminal and type 'alsamixer'23:55
K_REY_CWhat is the best application for creating digital clips from DVD's?23:55
K-Richlatagore: doesn't seem to be, not sure,  but as ilovefairuz stated, might be a good idea to look in /var/log/apt23:55
r_s___tried that23:55
K-Richlatagore: those files show what was installed and when, timestamped23:56
r_s___CkhiKuzad, what next ?23:56
CkhiKuzaddoes anything say MM?23:56
latagoreilovefairuz: I checked that folder but dpkg doesn't exist. I found a history log that works well enough for me though23:56
ilovefairuzstunts513: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/en/man5/xorg.conf.5.html#toptoc1423:56
latagoreK-Rich: As I said up to fairuz. It has timestamps on it too =o23:57
r_s___CkhiKuzad, not follow u ?23:57
Fenririm new and I cant figure out why empathy chat program wont log into myyahoo messenger. all the info is right23:57
CkhiKuzaddoes anything on alsamixer say MM23:57
latagoreFenrir: I had the same problem23:57
Fenrirdid you find out how to fix it?23:57
latagoreFenrir: Yep, just a moment23:57
K-Richlatagore: just type like `less history.log` or `less history.log.2.gz`23:57
Fenrirthank you  very much23:58
r_s___no MM23:58
r_s___but 0023:58
latagoreK-Rich: I opened it with a log viewer :]23:58
CkhiKuzadis it on master?23:58
K-Richlatagore: with less you can search using the / key and typing the search term23:58
K-Richlatagore: ok :)23:58
fcuk112i started an lftp session from inside an ssh session - then my laptop powersave kicked in and i lost the ssh connection.  i ssh'd into the box again and can see the lftp is still running in top - but how do i check the status of it?23:58
latagoreK-Rich: I depend on GUIs lol23:58
K-Richlatagore: got ya :)23:58
r_s___CkhiKuzad, no23:58
latagoreFenrir: Go to your accounts23:59
tracy69hi im trying to sort something out :) this is from conky.conf file sdb:         ${fs_used_perc /}%${alignr}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}23:59
tracy69 ${fs_bar 6 /}  and i need conky to display my hdd sdb no just partition where ubuntu is installed how to do that ?23:59
latagoreFenrir: click advanced and change the server to scs.msg.yahoo.com23:59
r_s___CkhiKuzad, any ideas ? :(23:59
latagoreFenrir: Click apply then restart empathy23:59

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