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duanedesignmorning all11:57
ryeduanedesign, morning12:00
ryeduanedesign, when you start your maverick machine, is ubuntuone connected to the server?12:00
duanedesignrye: no it is not12:02
duanedesignrye: i have also been getting a Segmentation Fault when opening U1 Preferences12:03
duanedesign[1]    18839 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ubuntuone-preferences12:03
ryeduanedesign, is it reproducible?12:03
* duanedesign looking12:04
facundobatistaduanedesign, I can open it ok12:12
duanedesignrye: facundobatista yeah, it looks like I can not accuratlely reproduce it12:14
ryefacundobatista, i've seen it crashed too, but only once; and one more - syncdaemon is no longer connecting on start up on maverick, may be due to bug #618225 but otherwise it is pretty bad12:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 618225 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-launch is useless, nearly exclusive HDD usage on login during metadata loading (affects: 1) (heat: 65)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61822512:15
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kklimondarodrigo_: in couchdb-glib, when using couchdb_database_execute_view I can sort of pass key argument inside view_name but who should be responsible for escaping characters so I don't send to couchdb anything that makes it complain about wrong json document?13:08
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duffydackin maverick, I`m trying to setup my u1 account, i`m getting 'Required argument password (pos2) not found'13:39
ryeduffydack, are you logging in with existing account or creating  a new one?13:44
ryeduffydack, what version of ubuntu-sso-client are you running?13:49
duffydackrye, whatever is in daily build of maverick13:49
ryerodrigo_, TypeError: got_credentialserror() takes at most 2 arguments (4 given) in sso client on close and TypeError: got_authdenied() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) on cancel13:53
ryeduffydack, is it printed to the terminal?13:53
rodrigo_kklimonda, sorry, not sure I follow13:55
rodrigo_rye, already fixed, will be in today's release13:55
duffydackrye,  gui13:55
duffydacki`ll grab a snapshot13:55
duffydacknot givin me the window now.  brb13:57
kklimondarodrigo_: hmm, lets say I have a document stored in couchdb that I'm lookig for using a view like function (doc) { emit ([doc.property], doc); } and property can be url with hashes, colos, slashes etc.13:58
kklimondarodrigo_: now to find the document I'm lookig for I'd use http://localhost:5984/database/_design/something/view?key=["url_I'm_looking_for"]13:59
rodrigo_ah, ok, so you mean we need parameters to the views' functions, and then escape them14:00
kklimondarodrigo_: yes, an additional parameter would make even more sense14:00
rodrigo_kklimonda, ok, give me a little bit for a meeting I have right now, and then we can discuss it further, ok?14:01
duffydackfirst one is what comes up when running the client.. I choose already have account, and then I try to sign in..and get that 2nd one14:02
ryeduffydack, is there anything in ~/.cache/sso/oauth-login.log?14:07
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ryeduffydack, while that failure is not reproducible sso login will fail with server-side error, you might want to set up a token using old authorization scheme14:09
duffydacka lot14:09
ryeduffydack, http://ubuntuone.com/p/ENz/14:10
duffydackI just run it?14:11
ryeduffydack, yes, that's the script that will request tokens directly from ubuntuone servers and store them in your keyring, this is a hack that is required for new maverick accounts before server-side is updated14:12
duffydackgetting error14:13
ryeduffydack, Invalid request token ?14:14
duffydackit brings up browser, i sign in and get that14:15
duffydackactually, its after I 'add this computer'14:16
rodrigo_kklimonda, I just realized in the meeting that a API change won't be accepted for maverick14:23
rodrigo_kklimonda, so, can you create a branch, and I'll merge it as soon as I create a sytable branch14:24
apacheloggercan someone give me access/maintainership/something on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client-kde so I can push my gsoc stuff there14:25
duffydackrye, anything else to fix?14:26
ryeduffydack, hm... no such keyring14:27
ryeduffydack, could you please open seahorse and see what keyrings you have there?14:27
duffydackkeys for gm-notify, empathy contacts and my wifi14:28
ryeduffydack, what are the names of the folder?14:28
ryekeyring folders14:28
kklimondarodrigo_: sure14:28
duffydackoh and desktop couch auth, 2 of tjem14:29
duffydackthe folder is just called Passwords: default14:29
rodrigo_kklimonda, do you have other branches waiting for review? (I'm doing a release and package today)14:30
apacheloggerstatik: pingy14:31
duffydackrye, doesnt matter dude, I`m only testing maverick.. I still have my lucid install for 'normal' use14:31
ryeduffydack, uploading updated script14:31
ryeduffydack, http://ubuntuone.com/p/ETN/14:32
duffydackthat worked, thx14:34
kklimondarodrigo_: hmm.. I'll tell you in a moment - I have one more thing related to printing debug but I'm not sure if its fully working.14:34
duffydackwow, this is FAST14:38
kklimondarodrigo_: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kklimonda/couchdb-glib/clean-debug/+merge/34197 - it should refresh in a moment14:39
duffydackused to take a while before it would start to populate my folders, this is much much quicker :)14:39
rodrigo_kklimonda, ok14:40
ryeduffydack, now server rescan takes 1 to 5 seconds14:41
rodrigo_kklimonda, nice one!14:41
rodrigo_kklimonda, remove the _(..) in the g_critical line, I don't think we want debug messages to be translated14:42
rodrigo_kklimonda, also, in line 61/62 of the branch, can you replace that g_print with g_debug14:43
rodrigo_kklimonda, ah, no, forget the last bit14:44
rodrigo_kklimonda, only remove the _(..)14:44
kklimondarodrigo_: wouldn't that make a loop? it's from the debug_message itself :)14:44
rodrigo_kklimonda, yeah14:44
rodrigo_kklimonda, so please remove the _() and I'll merge it14:44
kklimondarodrigo_: done14:44
perrito666good morning, I am trying to add ubuntu one to a jaunty machine following the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Tutorials/Install but the ppa linked there gives 404, could anyone link me to the right link?14:50
nessitaperrito666: the beta PPA is ppa:ubuntuone/beta15:10
nessitaperrito666: but not sure if that is what you're asking :-)15:10
perrito666nessita: and how do I add that to a jaunty :| there is no add-apt-repository command yet :)15:11
rodrigo_kklimonda, ok, doing the release now then15:11
nessitaperrito666: let me find out that for you15:11
perrito666nessita: thank you, this adds to the ton of ice cream I owe you15:12
nessitayeah ;-)15:12
nessitaperrito666: seems like the ppa got deleted, joshuahoover is looking for a workaround15:25
perrito666:| ouch, thank you15:25
joshuahooverperrito666: ok, i put together some steps for you to install the version of ubuntu one that will work on jaunty here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/486321/15:30
perrito666joshuahoover: thank you very much, seems like I owe you ice cream too :)15:32
joshuahooverperrito666: please know that we won't be supporting jaunty anymore once maverick (10.10) is released...in the mean time, i'm going to get that missing file back up on the server15:32
perrito666joshuahoover: thanks that gives me time to upgrade the machines in the office still using jaunty :)15:32
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kklimondarodrigo_: is there a reason for having both Contact and Task classes in couchdb-glib and not in desktopcouch-glib?16:17
rodrigo_kklimonda, yes, it didn0't work when using CouchdbSession16:17
rodrigo_kklimonda, the guy writing the tasks support was testing with his own couchdb server, and the contact/task classes were not available16:18
rodrigo_that's why I moved them16:18
kklimondaah, I see16:19
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apacheloggercan someone give me access/maintainership/something on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client-kde so I can push my gsoc stuff there? (pretty please)17:09
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dobeyapachelogger: it looks like what is there, is just an import from an old gitorious tree, and it's been failing to import for some time now17:54
apacheloggerdobey: well, yes, that is why I want to put more useful stuff there ;)17:55
dobeystatik: ^ can you help apachelogger with this, since you seem to be the owner of the bzr branch it imports to17:55
apacheloggeralso ubuntuone-kde needs a place to report bugs against ^^17:55
statikhi apachelogger, i'm just looking at ubuntuone-client-kde now18:02
statikapachelogger, you are set as the project owner now, you should be able to change trunk and do anything you need18:05
apacheloggerstatik: thank you :)18:13
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zerothisI have old computer software that I own and have personally dumped to files for emulating on Linux. This is all pre-DMCA, pre-encrption, stuff. I will not be enabling sharing, this is for my own personal place-shifting . But what happens if the files are seen by a party that thinks they are illegal, who can see my UO files and what can they do about it? Also, just to keep things strictly legal (as if that matters to parties such as the IDSA), is there 19:31
duanedesignzerothis: this might answer some questions  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Security20:05
hallynis ubuntuone in maverick ppa supposed to be working?  should i be using ppa:ubuntuone/beta instead?20:41
hallynor are there fixes for known bugs in the pipeline?  (i.e. inability for device to connect, segfault in ubuntuone-preferences)20:42
duanedesignhallyn: yeah i got the segfault earlier...20:42
ryehallyn, segfault in ubuntuone-preferences, can you reproduce it?20:42
ryehallyn, and one more - regarding maverick sso login which does not work now - the code that will enable that enters the code trunk as we speak20:43
hallynrye: yes, but not when i strace20:43
hallynrye: ok, i think that covers mine :)20:43
ryehallyn, before that - could you please open seahorse and look at the name of the keyrings you have, do you have 'login' keyring?20:43
hallynrye: the 'passwords:login -> ubuntu one' one?  i delete it on occasion, don't think it affects segfaulting20:44
hallynit does make me re-run the sso-login, which claims it's succeeding20:44
hallynrye: doh!  now i can't get the segfault (was trying with ulimit -c 999999)20:47
ryehallyn, ok, please remove Ubuntu One token from gnome-keyring and run http://ubuntuone.com/p/ENz/ - that will authorize the machine using old authorization schema20:47
hallynrye: will try, thanks20:47
hallynrye: awesome, at least the one.ubuntu.com/account/machines page lists my laptop again!  thanks20:49
zerothisstill would like to be able to automatically lock a file20:51
hallynrye: oh well actually that ended in a traceback...20:51
ryehallyn, KeyringNotFound ?20:52
ryehallyn, or traceback in the terminal?20:52
hallynin terminal20:52
hallynhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/486459/ fwiw20:53
ryehallyn, the token is added, but the server was pinged again for some reason - your connection should now work, could you please check that?20:55
ryezerothis, lock a file?20:55
hallynrye: no files updated yet, u1sdtool -s says 'is_connected: False'20:56
hallyni'llgive it some time i guess20:56
ryehallyn, what's the current state & pending queue ?20:57
ryehallyn, is the state "READY" ?20:57
hallynstate: READY queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH20:59
ryehallyn, try u1sdtool --connect21:01
hallynrye: that should be no different from -c right?  (which i thought i'd done)21:05
hallynbut now it says 'is_connected: True'21:05
ryehallyn, -c == --connect21:05
hallynrye: i must not have done it before, bc now it's updating, thanks!21:06
hallynso, waht does this mean - will the fixes going up the pipe right now fix that?21:06
hallynor will i be needing that script for awhiel?21:06
ryehallyn, it should start working with next server rollout which should happen today21:07
ryehallyn, that script is for authorization only21:08
hallynthanks much21:10
duanedesignrye: have you ever done any translation work on Launchpad?21:11
apacheloggerI do have working ubuntu-sso-client-kdeui! \o/21:13
duanedesignrye: i uploaded a template for a project of mine. If by any chance you have a couple minutes I am trying to get it translated into as many languages as possible.21:13
ryeduanedesign, so far I have translated only a single line, I have been using en_US locale for quite a while21:14
ryeduanedesign, url ? :)21:14
duanedesign It is only a few lines. If you get the time i'd appreciate it. Thank you rye21:15
ryeduanedesign, how about change the wording of the "you need to install python ..." into the package name? So that the user does not need to search for apt-cache search python gtk bindings21:17
ryeduanedesign, if you don't mind, I'd use the package names in the translation21:17
duanedesignrye: that is a good idea21:19
* ajmitch guesses libubuntuone 0.3.5 won't be in before beta?21:23
duanedesignthanks rye, have a good evening. See you tommorow.21:25
ryeduanedesign, russian translation complete21:25
duanedesignoh wow! woot.21:25
ryeduanedesign, what's User Input ?21:33
ryeduanedesign, also, looks like the buttons in the bottom row are non-translatable21:33
apacheloggerirssita: pingy21:50
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duffydackquality piece of animation.. loved it.22:06
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apacheloggeras in not real :O22:27
ryeubuntuone-preferences segfault - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/486504/ libproxy is to blame23:16
ryewhich still does not make much sense23:16
ajmitchespecially as it hasn't changed for a few months23:22
kklimondaheh, the version of libproxy in ubuntu is.. ancient23:34
ajmitchjust a little :)23:36

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