
pepperjacksoo now that gdmsetup is no more what is the 'standard' way of switching gdm themes?  do people just use cli?00:04
pepperjackim looking around in settings and dont see anything00:05
ownerHello, Anyone here that can help me with my speaker / sound issues?01:03
cmeccahey all -- is there a way to see the xubuntu boot screen when booting from the desktop cd?01:33
cmeccainstead of just the xubuntu logo01:33
cmeccaits sitting there forever.. and i wanna see where/how its failing01:33
owner@cmecca, if you press the ESC key on your keyboard, that showed me some scripts that it was running01:40
cmeccaim running 'test memory' right now... ive been having the worst time getting linux on this box01:42
cmecca(tried xub alt, xub desk, debian netinst)01:42
cmeccaall failures.01:43
cmeccathere is no console i can alt+ to01:45
cmeccato see it boot?01:45
cmeccawow its like... totally messed up01:48
cmeccaim gonna try burning the cd... for the 10th time01:48
cmecca(yes this is a differant download01:48
* Dekkard thankx the xubuntu devs.... 01:48
knomeif you think the cd is false, try burning with the lowest speed01:48
knomeDekkard, you are very welcome01:48
Dekkard:)))) slimmest ram footprint ever!!!136 meg...01:49
cmecca10k squashFS errors flooding my screen01:49
knomethat tells alot, right?01:54
cmeccawow no matter what machine i burn the CD's from.. my macbook pro says medium write error01:55
cmeccamy windows laptop says OK.. the osx burns wont even boot.. the windows burns will boot but never get to the installer01:55
cmeccaanyway thanks guys ill try and figure something out01:56
Dekkardgonna get ready for bed...01:56
rhyfelwrGood afternoon.04:23
rhyfelwrxubuntu is listed on xbox-linux.org as a distro that supports xbox.. Is it still supported?04:26
pleia2rhyfelwr: wrong xubuntu04:37
pleia2you're thinking of xUbuntu, not Xubuntu04:38
pleia2(quite unfortunate that they decided to give the xbox project pretty much the same name)04:38
rhyfelwrBut I got the irc room name from a site linked from the xbox linux wiki04:39
rhyfelwrI guess they have the link wrong.04:39
iammhi everyone, i'm trying to open a port for deluge, i've already set it up on the router to portforward but i still get the port closed when i check06:23
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* dreamtraveler mera08:24
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goundyHi guys22:02
goundyalsamixer uses the correct sound card, but xfce4-mixer uses Dummy22:03
goundyIt was working before, how could I solve that?22:03
goundythanks :)22:03
goundyno hints ?22:10
sam898889hi guys~ thinking of trying out Xubuntu ~ can anyone tell me what are the biggest differences? is it better than gnome env? thanks.22:53
charlie-tcaXubuntu uses Xfce instead of Gnome22:53
charlie-tcaThere are more options for the user to set up than in Ubuntu22:53
charlie-tcafor some it works much better than Gnome22:54
sam898889oh really/22:54
charlie-tcaIs it better; you ask that in #xubuntu? Yes, it is far better!22:54
sam898889im using gnome now can i just install the xde interface without reinstalling the whole OS22:55
charlie-tcasudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop22:55
knomesam898889, xfce, not xde :)22:55
sam898889haha sorry my mums talking to me and im not thinking clearly.22:56
charlie-tcagood catch, knome22:56
sam898889haha  xfce is what i want22:56
sam898889how big is the package BTW?22:56
charlie-tcait will install many packages.22:56
charlie-tcathe amount it will install will depend on what is already installed22:56
sam898889but i can go and uninstall it all again right?22:57
charlie-tcanot as easily22:57
knomesam898889, if you install from terminal, you will be told it uses X megs more, and you are prompted; do you want to install [y/n]22:57
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome22:57
sam898889ok ..22:57
sam898889let me give it a go then !22:58
sam898889it looks nicer than gnome to be honest.22:59
charlie-tcaof course it does. We have knome help us out with art23:01
charlie-tcaThanks, knome23:01
* knome whistles and sips some of his drink23:01
knomecharlie-tca, you're welcome. also thank ochosi, he's been building the new theme with me23:01
charlie-tcaThanks, ochosi23:01
sam898889 u do the art work?23:02
knomesam898889? mum?23:02
knomeyes, i do.23:02
sam898889well then hugs to u myfriend.23:02
charlie-tcasam898889: We have to give knome the credit for "looks nicer than gnome". He does seem to work magic sometimes23:02
sam898889he does23:02
sam898889i think it looks really nice.23:02
sam898889so hugs to him.  (or her)23:02
knomethanks for the compliments23:03
knomehim, at least the last time i checked23:03
sam898889not compliments knome   its better than that23:03
sam898889it does look good ~ XXX23:03
knomewell, thanks23:03
sam898889knome where u at?23:03
knomehelsinki, capital of finland23:03
sam898889i know helsinki.23:04
joshritgerwhat startup items can I safely disable to reduce memory usage?23:04
sam898889< im in cardiff knome.  u been here before?23:04
knomejoshritger, if you don't use printers, at least cups would be a good thing to remove23:04
knomesam898889, no, not really. only in london of uk places.23:04
sam898889knome. hehe your welcome to come here anytime ~~23:05
joshritgerknome: should I uninstall it, or just disable it somehow?23:05
sam898889ok im gonna log into xubuntu now guys !!23:05
knomejoshritger, disabling should work.23:05
joshritgerknome: do I need pulseaudio enabled?23:06
knomejoshritger, well, kind of yes - you need alsa if you don't have pulseaudio. i don't know of any memory benchmarks for those, though.23:07
joshritgerknome: any idea what the "Secret Storage Service" is?23:08
knomejoshritger, um, no. i think it might be something about encrypted drives, but i'm not sure23:09
knomejoshritger, ah, just read the description. it's the gnome keyring used to save passwords23:09
joshritgerknome: then what is "Certificate and Key Storage"23:11
knomeit's also gnome keyring stuff23:11
joshritgerok, I may disable and see what happens, I can always re-activate it23:11
sam898889back !!!23:11
sam898889in xubuntu now ~23:12
charlie-tcaAnd it looks good!23:12
sam898889actually  it looks very similar to ubuntu gnome.  hahaha23:12
sam898889and everything works23:12
knomeexcept in blue tones, i assume23:13
sam898889can u guys do something for me ?  if you would be so kind?23:13
sam898889yeah  its all blue and i love it23:13
knome!ask | sam89888923:13
ubottusam898889: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:13
sam898889can u all send me your screen shots so i can see what i can do with xubuntu....23:13
sam898889never really used it  (or KDE)  and wanna see how far i can go with it23:13
knomesam898889, what would you like to do then?23:14
charlie-tcacan't get it all in23:14
sam898889dunno knome.  wanna see whats possible :D23:14
knomesam898889, you're on lucid (10.04), right?23:15
charlie-tcaxchat with 17 channels open, firefox with 40 something tabs open, claws-mail with 10000+ messages, liferea with 20 something accounts, vbox running maverick beta tests, 2 machines at a time23:15
charlie-tcaand I run the default theme in maverick23:16
knomecharlie-tca, my friend once said he drowns in tabs when he's working. i asked how many did he have. he said about 400-600.23:16
knomedefault theme in maverick == http://shimmerproject.org/files/2010/08/Bluebird-0.2.0.png23:17
sam898889knome yeah  10.0423:17
charlie-tcahmm, I don't why you would want to do that to yourself, but maybe it is needed by him.23:17
knomecharlie-tca, yep, definitely. i can only think of how slow his machine is...23:17
charlie-tcaJust to show off my clock - http://imagebin.org/11221223:19
ridini misread clock23:26
charlie-tcafamily channel?23:28
* charlie-tca thinks "clock" is clean, but the minds here might be questionable23:29
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ridinmy mind is questionable23:44
knomeridin, for recipes and discussion about cooking, please refer to ##kitchen23:50
ridinaw, you don't get it :(23:51
knomeno, you did not get the irony there23:51
knomeridin, anyway, let's try to keep the channel family friendly, right?23:53
knomexubuntu641, hello23:53

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