
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
flaccidsmoser: isn't the storage inclusive of the ephemeral ?00:46
flaccidyou could create an LVM if needed00:46
smoserflaccid, see the comment i added at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-ec2/ubuntu-on-ec2/ec2-publishing-scripts/revision/23901:57
smoserso, *our* ebs root images that we create only have ephemeral0 by default.01:58
smoserits kind of strange to me that you don't get the instance-store like behavior if you simply don't pass --block-device-mapping to the register command.01:58
smoserinstead, you get no ephemeral at all in that case.01:59
flaccidhmm interesting02:00
flaccidon a practical level do you need all the extra storage?02:00
Nolarm1.small ebs here with /dev/sda2             147G  188M  140G   1% /mnt02:01
Nolarplain ol' 10.04.1 ami02:01
flaccidthat looks right, 147GB formatted = 150GB block02:02
Nolarbut i didnt do anything special to get it02:03
Nolarhavent tried a m1.large02:03
Nolarm1.large:  /dev/sdb              414G  199M  393G   1% /mnt02:07
flaccidonly 1 mounted02:07
flaccid850 GB instance storage (2×420 GB plus 10 GB root partition)02:07
Nolari dont use local disks, so no biggie, but good to know02:09
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
smoserNolar, flaccid what Nolar saw is correct. we register our ebs amis with 1 ephemeral drive (sda2 for i386 and sdb for amd64).17:47
smoserso that is what you get by default.17:47
smoserbut if you ask when you launch (ie, with --block-device-mapping sdc=ephemeral2) then you can get more depending on the instance size.17:47
smoserI didn't particularly have a good use for it, but just was concerned that it wasn't htere, and though it might be a kernel driver issue or something worse. now i at least know what is causing it.17:48
fgm_Hello everyone. I am intending to install UEC from ubuntu 9.10 server CD with different problems. May you please point me to official guide on how to do this? I know I have seen it, but now I can only find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall, which gets me to the 10.04 guide19:05
SandCubeanyone can recommend a cheap cloud server provider as http://www.rackspacecloud.com/ but with unmetered option?19:07
fgm_Hello everyone. I am intending to install UEC from ubuntu 9.10 server CD with different problems. May you please point me to official guide on how to do this? I know I have seen it, but now I can only find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall, which gets me to the 10.04 guide19:27
fgm_Hello everyone. I am intending to install UEC from ubuntu 9.10 server CD with different problems. May you please point me to official guide on how to do this? I know I have seen it, but now I can only find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall, which gets me to the 10.04 guide20:22
smoserfgm_, the first quesiton is why are you not using 10.04 ?21:26
fgm_smoser: the first answer is because it worked worse, and I spent lot of hours intending to make it work. However with a recipe from a colleague and sufficient attempts I've been able to make it work several times. However, last time it broke I couldnt save it, nor install it again21:47
fgm_smoser: *to make 9.1 work*21:47
=== obadiah is now known as Vivek

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