IdleOne | thank you | 00:00 |
Nece228 | hi funkyHat | 00:00 |
ubottu | Izinucs called the ops in #ubuntu (negers) | 04:10 |
Nece228 | hi funkyHat | 07:54 |
jpds | Hmm; OWDH in -server looks familiar. | 08:25 |
ikonia | can someone with ops in -server please remove OWDH it's balzac ban dodging again | 08:30 |
ikonia | he's using freenode webchat but as #xubuntu and #ubuntu-server don't use the floodbots to validte banned IP's he can ge aroun them | 08:31 |
ikonia | !staff | OWDH user balzac serial ban evader just removed from #ubuntu-server and #xubuntu for ban dodging using freenode webchat again | 08:31 |
ubottu | OWDH user balzac serial ban evader just removed from #ubuntu-server and #xubuntu for ban dodging using freenode webchat again: hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, Pricey, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :) | 08:31 |
jpds | My word, a soren. | 08:38 |
ikonia | a rare one | 08:40 |
ikonia | soren has -ops in server doesn't he ? | 08:40 |
jpds | Yes. | 08:43 |
lhavelund | morning all | 11:46 |
gord | good morning | 12:14 |
gord | oh wait, afternoon now, darn | 12:14 |
bazhang | jungli is on | 12:15 |
marienz | anywhere he shouldn't be? | 12:35 |
bazhang | not so far, from what I've seen; just saw him go onto #freenode | 12:41 |
lhavelund | is not, gord! | 13:17 |
bazhang | ugh he was here? | 13:22 |
Pici | who? | 13:22 |
bazhang | jusoe / crivit/ buzag/ etc etc etc | 13:22 |
Pici | That was from a week ago. | 13:22 |
Pici | ubottu reminded me. | 13:23 |
bazhang | mr. "I'm from a net cafe" | 13:23 |
bazhang | oh okay | 13:23 |
bazhang | he's just trolling (Fendaril) | 13:47 |
lhavelund | maco: Happy birthday. :) | 16:16 |
maco | thanks | 16:17 |
h00k | /3/ | 16:26 |
h00k | er/ | 16:26 |
h00k | Happy Birthday! | 16:26 |
Pici | That was pleasant. | 18:44 |
IdleOne | I am a little sad about it to be honest. | 18:45 |
IdleOne | I was hoping to beat jrib to the ban | 18:45 |
Pici | I don't know who that was either. | 18:45 |
jrib | yeah, no idea | 18:45 |
IdleOne | troll is troll | 18:46 |
IdleOne | does it really matter | 18:46 |
jrib | IdleOne: I even threw in an "ugh" | 18:46 |
Pici | Oh, looks like it was my ban. It wouldn't have matched him anyway, the ip changed. | 18:46 |
IdleOne | jrib: I was air drumming and had to switch channel | 18:46 |
h00k | I like the appealprocess link | 18:50 |
h00k | I should append that to mine in auto_bleh | 18:51 |
gos | Hi, I need a program like gshutdown but lubuntu because gshutdown not work with desktop lxde | 19:00 |
gos | sorryb for lubuntu | 19:01 |
charlie-tca | gos: have you asked in #lubuntu ? | 19:01 |
gos | charlie :lubuntu has much limitations like desktop | 19:02 |
gos | many limitations | 19:02 |
IdleOne | gos: this is not a support channel. /join #lubuntu | 19:03 |
Pici | Hes being banforwarded here from #ubuntu | 19:04 |
Pici | roof! | 20:17 |
ubottu | In ubottu, trijntje said: !foo is bar | 22:40 |
jpds | That happens to be true... | 22:49 |
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