
dantti_workRiddell: do you still use kpackagekit cmd line options or you are using the DBus interface or maybe no one of the two :P ?00:02
dantti_workRiddell: cause I'm going to change the KPackageKit name now that 0.6.1 is out because of the app-install support which is nearly done. Just need to add the software Center categories and change how I do display package descriptions.. 00:05
dantti_workbut I'm unsure to change the cmd name now..00:06
* dantti_work is going home...00:12
apacheloggerdantti_work: I think we replaced all and any use of the cmdline options with qapt-batch00:38
apacheloggeror rather JontheEchidna did ^^00:38
Riddelldantti_work: I don't think we use the kpackagekit command line or dbus interface01:53
claydohRiddell: sorry taking so long for the release notes03:51
claydohI did not find proper images for qapt-batch, or global menu, and don't see the global menu when switching to plamsa-netbook and restarting the session03:53
=== DarkwingDuck is now known as Darkwing|BRB
ScottKclaydoh: On plasma-netbook if you're in search and launch or newspaper it should just say menu in the left of the panel.03:56
ScottKFire up an application like konsole, quassel, etc and it'll give you the actual application menu there03:57
claydohI did see that but never saw a full menu will try again03:57
claydohjust saw 'close'\03:57
claydohthis 'ole laptop does not like plasma-netbook :( 04:05
Riddellhmm, no CD images yet04:16
Riddellooh, they're building04:18
=== Darkwing|BRB is now known as DarkwingDuck
Riddelloh yeah http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20100902/05:01
* ScottK will test in ~7 hours. Crashing.05:04
freeflying.win 1705:26
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
markeywe should do something about this libdbus issue07:03
markeyit affects lots of KDE apps in bad ways...07:03
markeysee comment from Peter Penz here:07:03
markeymaybe the 4.5.1 package could be patched? the fix is in trunk07:04
markey(or maybe Penz means libdbus trunk)07:05
=== agateau_ is now known as agateau
Riddellmarkey: trouble is when I've asked Thiago about it he's suggested I don't want to patch libdbus because it's a behaviour change08:26
Riddelland I tend to trust Thiago08:26
RiddellI wonder what other distros are doing08:26
markeyyeah, I did read Thiago's comments on the bug report for libdbus08:27
markeydid he really say that? his comments suggest that the patch is not problematic08:30
ubottuFreedesktop bug 17754 in core "Race condition in protected_change_timeout" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]08:30
Riddellit's what he said on IRC to me08:31
RiddellI don't know if the patch to 1.3 applies cleanly to 1.208:31
markeyah yes, 1.208:32
markeythat is a problem08:32
markey"The patch that is in this bug report is for the 1.3 branch. Forget 1.2 for it."08:32
markeywould be good to know what Penz recommends08:33
markeyis he ever on IRC?08:33
Riddellit would, no he's not on IRC08:33
jussiOh wow, I just noticed desktop effects work now :D09:40
Riddellthey didn't before?09:42
apacheloggergood morning Kubuntu09:46
jussiRiddell: I always had issues with them on this card, not sure when the change came in, as I hadnt checked since before 4.509:48
jussihell apachelogger09:48
jussihello even09:48
RiddellI think apachelogger is heavenly09:49
* apachelogger blushes09:50
jussicurious - Im getting a strange error trying to install the ati fglrx driver though...09:52
jussiSystemError: installArchives() failed09:52
apacheloggerjussi: it is broken09:53
apacheloggermaverick got xorg 1.9 or some such09:54
jussiapachelogger: its lucid.09:54
apacheloggerand that thing is ABI incompatible with previous version09:54
apacheloggerjussi: that is interesting though ^^09:54
apacheloggerjussi: is installArchives() from apt-get?09:54
jussiapachelogger: jockey gave that error09:55
apacheloggersounds like pyth0rn problem09:55
jussihow do I fixor that?09:55
apacheloggerjust as it says I would suppose09:56
jussiits evilness!09:57
* jussi cries a little09:58
apacheloggerwell... silly amd producing producing closed source foo... silly jockey falling over his own feet...09:59
apacheloggerI must blame them all for being silly09:59
CIA-71[kdewebdev] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902090055-qh1z9irpqen8pwer * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu110:00
apachelogger kamoso : Depends: libvlc2 (>= 1.0.0~rc) but it is not going to be installed10:06
apacheloggerwhat the fudge?10:06
apacheloggerdoes any do any rdepends anymore before uploading a new lib version?10:06
apachelogger11am and I already need to be grumpy ...10:07
jussilol, that was easy... didnt actually have to fiddle too much, only: sudo apt-get remove fglrx-amdcccle 10:10
jussimind, jockey fails everytime10:12
CIA-71[kdenetwork] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902091225-47q7xq0qd334sqv2 * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Fix name of kubuntu_03_no_mediastramer_in_wlm.diff to kubuntu_03_no_mediastreamer_in_wlm.diff (s/stramer/streamer)10:12
apacheloggerRiddell: ^ can we please upstream that patch (by introducing a cmake switch)10:12
Riddellapachelogger: yes, it was a quick fix to get it in for beta, don't le tme forget10:13
jussiapachelogger: ahh, seems like there is a kernal update. I suppose tha would do it, no? (not having it installed)10:13
apacheloggerRiddell: I expect that we will forget if not done right away ^^10:14
* apachelogger puts it on today's todo10:14
apacheloggerjussi: what would it do?10:14
apacheloggernew kmix is in trunk10:15
Riddellwhat's new?10:16
apacheloggerRiddell: completely restructured10:18
apacheloggerRiddell: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-multimedia&m=128251687318632&w=210:19
apacheloggerfrom what I understand this would also permit the soundmenu foo that was supposed to be talked about10:19
apacheloggersince UI is seperated from backend now and dbus magic is available10:20
Riddellagateau: ^^10:24
* agateau reads10:25
* Riddell reminds the world about beta testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all10:25
Riddellalthough desktop CDs may get redone yet10:25
agateauthose sliders are screaming for more height10:27
agateauinteresting, but not sure this will help with soundmenu10:29
agateauRiddell: ^^10:29
apacheloggeragateau: what would help with soundmenu is actually discussing it :P10:33
apacheloggerRiddell: any thoughts on replacing now-broken kamoso with an unstable snapshot that is supposed to work with vlc 1.1?10:34
agateauapachelogger: or even better, getting someone with enough time to work on it!10:34
apacheloggeragateau: ^^10:35
apacheloggerif there were an implementation concept we could probably try selling the idea to some idle haxx0r10:35
CIA-71[kdebase-runtime] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902093553-a067259d73jgyqe3 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu110:36
agateauapachelogger: does a gnome implementation count?10:36
apacheloggeragateau: from the mails aseigo and notmart wrote in may I got the idea they want the underlying bits different to begin with10:36
apacheloggerand IIRC I found the suggestions sensible at the time10:37
agateauapachelogger: honestly I am a bit fed up with Plasma these days10:37
* apachelogger hugs agateau10:38
* agateau feels all warmed up10:38
* agateau hugs back10:38
apacheloggeroh noes!10:40
apacheloggerlex forgot to commit files10:40
* apachelogger puts kdebindings on hold10:40
CIA-71[kdebase] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902094410-tyw26os5xbs7fgey * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu110:44
CIA-71[kdetoys] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902094715-slqcnilr49q3pj5g * debian/ (changelog control) releasing version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu110:47
CIA-71[kdeutils] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902095340-w92x2a17t66kxzyq * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu110:53
CIA-71[kdeplasma-addons] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902095726-4f70dmsc6zq4yyck * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu110:57
CIA-71[plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902095950-un9kk2acsrm8u1l2 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu110:59
CIA-71[kde-l10n-common] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902100358-re2s1xr7i1p4kbqw * debian/ (changelog rules) New upstream release11:03
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK: oxygen-icons, workspace, edu and artwork need to be uploaded by someone else11:05
apacheloggerbindings is missing a qyoto fix from lex for which I would recommend to wait11:06
apacheloggeralso there are apparently pending sync requests 11:06
* apachelogger is doing l10n now11:06
CIA-71[kamoso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902101927-tldq2m8otfciqwim * debian/ (8 files in 3 dirs) sync with archive11:19
jussiHrm, Ive a strange issue with 4,5 on lucid. If I open klipper, and click on a line, the dialog stays there and there is no indication it has been selected. (my view is th box should disappear on clicking the selected line)11:32
jussiDoes anyone else get this?11:32
alvinjussi: bug 61637011:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616370 in Kubuntu PPA "Klipper shortcut and usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61637011:33
jussialvin: thank you11:36
Riddellladies and gents, je tu present, kubuntu-mobile! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-mobile/daily-live/20100902/11:52
RiddellI wonder if it does anything11:53
jussiRiddell: kubuntu mobile? what is that aimed at?11:59
RiddellIBM mainframes12:00
jussiseriously? mobile phones or netbooks / tablets or?12:01
RiddellN900 type devices12:03
jussibut it only comes in i386?12:04
Riddellfor testing, more importantly ARM too with luck12:04
* jussi will be trying it out!12:04
jussidownloading now12:04
RiddellI've no idea if it does anything as I say, in theory it should boot up into a live image with the plasma mobile workspace12:05
ScottKRiddell: Are you going to be able to take care of any of the packages on apachelogger's work list?  I'd planned on doing workspace since I've got a patch from him to add.12:24
RiddellScottK: not today, tomorrow sure but today I need to do beta stuff only12:26
ScottKRiddell: You got the release goddess's note on Kubuntu input to the release announcement?12:26
ScottKI can review that if you haven't?12:27
RiddellI've got the request, haven't responded yet12:28
Riddellalso claydoh's beta page needs reviewed12:28
ScottKWhere do I find claydoh's page?12:40
sheytanHey guys. Something new for you http://i.imgur.com/eRnCQ.jpg :D12:42
Riddellreview needed for https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu12:42
Riddellsheytan: that's looking good12:43
sheytanRiddell thank you  :)12:43
sheytanfinally found a way to get rid of that bad looking images on top12:43
Riddelljussi: any luck with kubuntu-mobile?12:46
jussislow download...12:46
jussiwaiting still12:46
Riddellkillall ktorrent  should help :)12:46
jussiI dont run ktorrent at work12:47
ScottKThat you're willing to admit to on a logged channel.12:47
marseillaiRiddell, works fine in virtualbox not up2date13:05
ubuntu_hello all!13:09
ubuntu_its jussi. 13:09
Riddellmarseillai: what does?13:09
ubuntu_Im on the kubuntu mobile live cd13:09
Riddellooh good13:09
ubuntu_it boots...13:09
ScottKRiddell: I went through the Todo page and updated claydoh's document.  I think it's at least complete.13:09
Riddellubuntu_: can you get a screenshot13:09
marseillaiRiddell, the upgrade from 10.04 to 10.1013:10
RiddellScottK: great13:10
Riddellmarseillai: lovely13:10
Riddellmarseillai: please fill in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/448113:10
Riddellfor i38613:10
Riddellhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/4480 for amd6413:10
ubuntu_Riddell: http://imagebin.ca/view/TjnWXegV.html13:10
Riddellhmm, that looks a lot like plasma-desktop13:11
ubuntu_it doesnt seem incredibly different from the normal desktop13:11
Riddellguess it's not picking up the mobile login thing13:11
marseillaiRiddell, the only things is that kpackagekit tolds me i have update to do during upgrade and ask me if I want to do them. It could confuse many people and even if it's not really dangerous could be improve.13:12
ubuntu_Riddell: also, the initial cd splash is ubuntu, not kubuntu13:12
Riddellubuntu_: you can killall plasma-desktop;  plasma-mobile13:12
RiddellI forget what the plasma-mobile switch it to make it full screen13:13
ubuntu_Rekonq http://imagebin.ca/view/63S6mc.html13:13
Riddellubuntu_: check in /usr/share/xsessions/ for the plasma-mobile switch13:13
Riddellnew desktop images up http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20100902.1/13:14
Riddellubuntu_: dude, you broke it!13:15
Riddellrbelem is going to get mad13:15
Riddelland you don't want to see him when he's mad13:15
ScottKYeah, it's the quiet ones you have to worry about when they trip off.13:15
ubuntu_Riddell: hehe13:16
ScottKRiddell: I've done the Ubuntu tech overview too.  Please review them both when you can.13:19
RiddellScottK: on the same page?13:20
ScottKRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview13:20
Riddelloh that's where it is13:20
ScottKDocumentation's done.  Now for a bit of testing.13:24
sheytanPulseaudio defaul? :D13:32
sheytanwhat was before? :D13:33
ScottKNow we have phonon/pulseaudio/alsa13:33
sheytanScottK doesn't phonon work with PA?13:33
sheytanOh yeah13:33
sheytanWill we get the speaker testing GUI ? :D13:34
sheytanin ubuntu there's one13:34
sheytanand i saw one for KDE13:34
ScottKIf it's in KDE 4.5, we have it.13:34
sheytani don't think so. It's propably for 4.613:34
ScottKI do know getting the microphone to work on my netbook with Skype was hugely easier this time.13:35
sheytanI  didn't manage to work on lucid ;(13:35
sheytanBtw, who's that dude who is porting software center to KDE/qt?13:36
CIA-71[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100902123600-xf56ntdq7cstqzaa * debian/patches/kubuntu_70_optimize_kratingspainter.diff More efficiency by using a more appropriate KIconEffect::apply() overload13:36
ScottKsheytan: dantti_work is enhancing kpackagekit to provide much of the same functionality.13:38
sheytanScottK Yep, i know, but am looking for software center port ;D13:38
sheytandantti even promissed a new app software center like :D13:38
ScottKI don't thnk one of those is happening.13:39
sheytanit is ;)13:41
sheytani saw some screenshots here :D13:41
Riddellyou answered your own question, dantti is doing an application focused kpackagekit module13:42
sheytanRiddell No, that was someone else :P13:42
sheytanreally :D13:42
sheytanand this looked like U  SC :D13:42
RiddellJontheEchidna is doing an application focused muon app13:43
sheytanNope, still not this one :D13:44
ScottKRiddell: Did you fix anything that would make it more likely the install icon would be there during the live session on plasma netbook?13:49
RiddellScottK: yes that's all sorted13:49
ScottKOK.  Cool.  I got it this time.13:49
* ScottK preblames crimsun_ for insisting Kubuntu switch to pulseaudio by default.13:52
ScottKRiddell: I got wifi after jockey-text -a in the live session.13:52
ScottK(with broadcom)13:53
Riddellthat sounds like a good thing13:53
ScottKYes.  Never managed that before.13:53
dantti_worksheytan: hmm what's the difference of what I'm doing?14:01
sheytandantti_work as you said: kpk is a package manager :)14:02
dantti_workshadeslayer: not any more14:02
sheytanBut, when you start doing something like Software Center - then there's no difference (maybe the GUI) :D14:02
dantti_workI would be but I gave up on doing another app, I can image I saying to my wife, go and install firefox in software center , then go to Kpackagekit and install firefox-i18n package :P14:03
dantti_workso I added the "application center" functionality and I'm going to rename KPackageKit to sound less "packaging"14:04
dantti_workshadeslayer: and it's actually pretty much finished already14:05
RiddellKApplicationKit !14:06
sheytanDantti_work may i see some shots? :D14:06
* Riddell spots new DVDs being built14:06
ScottKRiddell: I'm working on the i386 live tests.  I won't be able to do wubi though14:07
Riddellme neither14:09
RiddellI also need to leave in 3 hours so I may well miss the release14:09
dantti_workRiddell: KApplicationKit was actually a not so bad name14:13
Riddelleek! it's a terrible name!14:13
dantti_worksheytan: applications come FIRST! :P  http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopgy265914:13
dantti_workRiddell: the new name is AppGet :D14:13
Riddellit has an ugly K prefix and a pointless Kit suffix14:13
RiddellAppGet is funky14:13
* dantti_work see some people thinking of apt-get :P14:14
dantti_worksheytan: I have a coworker here that is helping me with CSS to show the details nicely :)14:17
sheytandantti_work what about making it like in USC? I mean add a little button on the bottom with 'show technical items' :D14:19
sheytanThis will cleanup the list14:19
dantti_worksheytan: I can add that but let it disable by default14:20
sheytandantti_work  i think you can make it optional, but enabled by default :)14:21
sheytansimple users really don't care about dependiences14:21
apacheloggerl10n is the uploaded14:22
sheytanand if someone is looking for stuff like libkdewhatever, then he knows the package name ;P14:22
apacheloggerI as developer do not even give a foo about dependencies :P14:23
dantti_workwell he knows the package name but it will be hidden and will not be aware of that14:23
apacheloggerthey are useful to go rant at people for producing broken packaging at best ;)14:23
apacheloggerRiddell:  I wonder what that mediastreamer foo in wlm is anyway14:27
Riddellapachelogger: something to do with voice recordings14:28
apacheloggervoice clips sending14:30
apacheloggerwhatever the point of that might be14:30
apacheloggerpatch ready14:31
apacheloggerwhy the 14:33
apacheloggerwhy do kdenetwork's build-deps drag in policykit-1-gnome?!14:34
sheytandantti_work well, the please make it, enabled or disabled by default, but make it :)14:39
sheytanoh yeah, and please add like a checkbox, don't make it that way, to every time enable it when you use kpk ;D14:39
apacheloggerme@avatar:~/src/svn/kde/kde/kdenetwork/kopete/build$ apt-cache show libappindicator0 | grep Recommends14:41
apacheloggerRecommends: indicator-application (= 0.2.3-0ubuntu2)14:41
apacheloggeryou know14:41
apacheloggeragateau: ^ can you please tell your colleagues that does not make sense14:42
Riddellmight be kenvandine's doing, in which case my colleague is at fault14:42
dantti_worksheytan: k, I'll add to optons to filters menu, Show Applications first, and  Only show applications. ok for you?14:42
apacheloggersomeone please poke some colleague14:43
* apachelogger is too lazy to report that as bug14:43
agateauapachelogger: why do you bother with this?14:43
apacheloggerrationale: drags in legacy technology when apachelogger wants to build kdenetwork14:43
apacheloggeragateau: becuase pointless dependencies bump up build time quite considerably14:44
agateauapachelogger: how can libappindicator0 be involved in building kdenetwork?14:44
apacheloggeragateau: that is the next question14:44
agateauapachelogger: do you have the next answer?14:44
apacheloggerbut having a lib recommend an app that uses the lib is just wrong14:44
apacheloggeragateau: no, working on that14:44
ScottKRiddell: Is the lack of warning to remove the live media at reboot intentional?14:45
sheytandantti_work yees :D14:45
sheytanThank you :)14:45
agateauapachelogger: I agree, but I think we should let them keep track of their own weirdness, as long as it does not affect us14:45
RiddellScottK: I've had a note to remove a CD after installing from CD14:45
agateauapachelogger: that's why I am more interested in why libappindicator0 was required14:45
dantti_worksheytan: AppGet will also have one more cool feature, I'll show you when it's ready14:46
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Not getting that from USB.  I'll file a bug.14:46
sheytandantt_work OK :D14:46
apacheloggeragateau: as a packager I am concerned by every wrong package ;)14:46
agateauapachelogger: you must pick your battles :)14:46
apacheloggerfixing the dep is not much of a battle ;)14:46
ScottKRiddell: Apparently I can't test "Guided" either since I don't have a legacy OS to install next to.14:47
apacheloggeragateau, Riddell: libappindicator1 has the same problem14:48
RiddellScottK: you should be able to do a second install to get a guided option14:49
ScottKRiddell: It just installed over the first one.14:50
ScottKI guess that's a bug then.14:50
Riddellcould be bug 62881514:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 628815 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Cannot resize from kubuntu partitioner" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62881514:51
* ScottK looks14:51
sheytandantti_work what about the 'AppCenter' name?14:52
sheytanor  'AppWorld'14:52
ScottKRiddell: No. I never get any options at all.  It just installs.  AFAICT Guided and erase and use entire disk end up the same place.14:52
dantti_worksheytan: www.appcenter.com14:55
dantti_workappworld sounds like helloworld :P14:55
ScottKMarketplace at least comes with a K in it.14:56
sheytanbut it's android one14:56
sheytani think14:56
Riddellincluding a k isn't a bonus14:56
ScottK"Thing that's no longer called KDE Marketplace"14:57
ScottKsheytan: it is.14:57
apacheloggeragateau: libtelepathy-qt4-dev somehow drags in that gnome foo14:57
sheytanso we can't use it14:57
apacheloggermost likely via gstreamer14:57
* apachelogger waves fist at gstreamer14:57
* agateau suggests ApplicationDevil to dantti_work :)15:00
Riddellooh good one15:00
agateauRiddell: I remembered you suggested MenuDevil for dbusmenu-qt :)15:00
apacheloggerhere i a thought15:00
apacheloggerhow about a cool name :P15:00
apacheloggerlike lazarus :P15:00
agateauapachelogger: no, that's overrated :)15:01
dantti_workagateau: I don't like devil sulfixes :P15:01
agateaudantti_work: don't worry, was just a joke :)15:01
dantti_workI think AppGet is a nice and yet simple name15:01
RiddellI agree15:01
dantti_workno K's no Packages and no Kit's :P15:01
agateauI am wondering whether people won't be confused between apt-get and AppGet though15:02
agateauEspecially while talking15:02
sheytanWhy not Software Center? :D15:02
sheytanKSC :D15:03
Riddellnew DVDs are up for testing15:05
ryanakcaRiddell: Did you have a dist-upgrade tool that needs testing? 15:06
Riddellryanakca: yes https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu15:07
ScottKSource format V3 may be the death of me yet.15:24
ryanakcaScottK: How so?15:26
ScottKTrying to patch a patch and have it stick is hard.15:27
ScottKYou can't just patch the package with the debdiff and be done.15:27
ScottKYes.  Your fault.15:27
apacheloggeragateau: so...15:28
apacheloggerkdenetwork builddpends on libtelepathy-qt4-dev15:28
apacheloggerthat depends on libtelepathy-qt4-farsight015:29
apacheloggerthat depends on libtelepathy-farsight015:29
apacheloggerthat depends on libgstfarsight0.10-015:29
apacheloggerthat depends on gstreamer0.10-plugins-base15:29
apacheloggerthat depends on gvfs (!)15:30
apacheloggerthat depends on policykit-1-gnome (!)15:30
apacheloggerthat depends on libappindicator115:30
apacheloggerthat recommends indicator-application (!)15:30
apacheloggerthings marked with (!) are apparently fooey apackage relations15:31
agateauapachelogger: the fact that gstreamer depends on gvfs does not shock me, gstreamer plugins needs a way to access various urls15:31
agateaus/urls/io protocols/15:31
apacheloggersurely it should not go for policykit gnome though15:32
apacheloggerconsidering a KDE implementation is available15:32
agateauisn't there a virtual package for that?15:32
apacheloggernot sure15:32
apacheloggergotta check15:32
agateauapachelogger: what is policykit-1-gnome, an application?15:33
* agateau knows nothing about policykit15:33
apacheloggeragateau: a gui for polkit I suppose15:33
apacheloggersee, backend and GUI are completely seperate and the backend will try to get authorization from the gui via dbus15:34
agateauI see15:34
agateauI don't think it makes sense for gvfs to depend on it, does it?15:34
apacheloggernot really15:35
apacheloggergvfs needs to depend on the backend, it is of no concern to it what GUI is there15:35
apacheloggeror if any15:35
agateauI agree15:35
ryanakcaRiddell: Is it appropriate for do-release-upgrade to quit if it receives a 404 when trying to fetch sources lists (third party) or does that deserve a bug report?15:35
agateauapachelogger: fixing this would probably reduce the amount of gnome stuff dragged in when installing gstreamer15:35
agateauapachelogger: do we package phonon gstreamer backend?15:36
ryanakcas/sources lists/package index files/15:36
agateauapachelogger: we do15:36
Riddellryanakca: you can report a bug I suppose, I doubt it'll get fixed I'm afraid15:36
agateauapachelogger: so I guess anyone installing phonon-backend-gstreamer will end up with policykit-1-gnome and libappindicator1!15:37
dantti_workpolicykit1-gnome is a GUI for gnome15:37
dantti_workthe auth dialog15:37
dantti_worklike polkit-kde15:37
apacheloggeragateau: yes, actually that seems to be the only bogus package relation15:38
apacheloggervarious things drag in a bit of gnome lib15:38
apacheloggernamely libgnome-keyring0 is pulled in by 3 packages of which at least 1 is caused by gvfs recommending gvfs-backends15:39
agateauapachelogger: I just checked libgnome-keyring0, it only depends on glib stuff15:39
agateauapachelogger: no gtk15:39
agateauapachelogger: it suggests gnome-keyring of course15:40
agateauapachelogger: so gvfs would be gtk free if it weren't for policykit-1-gnome15:40
apacheloggerlibgtk is pulled in by gconf anyway15:40
apacheloggerwhich is necessary for gst15:40
apacheloggerand some other thing, but I do not really see that anymore ^^15:41
agateauapachelogger: it doesn't seem to be the case here15:41
apacheloggeragateau: gstreamer0.10-plugins-good actually15:42
apacheloggeralso it i listed in the same colum as where the gvfs-backend tree spans so I suppose things in there could also depend on gconf15:43
agateauapachelogger: omg15:43
dantti_workagateau: the relation is probably due to someone trying to use gvfs withtou the auth dialog with makes the app useless but in fact it will still be useless if the user is using another desktop that doesn't lauch the gnome-polkit15:44
apacheloggeragateau: huh? 15:44
agateaudantti_work: if it's dbus based I assume polkit-1-kde would provide the same service, right?15:44
dantti_workeven on gnome the the user still must logout so that polkit-gnome auto starts15:44
agateauapachelogger: just opened your .ps file :)15:45
apacheloggeroh ^^15:45
dantti_workagateau: yes, polkit-kde provides that, the only thing is that it has to logout and login15:45
apacheloggeragateau: that is the streamlined graph with the end nodes: libqtcore4 pkg-config libqt4-dev libxml2 libglib2.0-0 libdbus-1-3 libglib2.0-0 libgtk2.0-0                    15:45
apachelogger ;)15:45
dantti_workafter installed15:45
apacheloggeralso oonly going 7 levels deep15:45
agateaudantti_work: so if there was a virtual package for policykit gui, the dependency could be avoided, right?15:46
agateaudantti_work: and it would be up to the {k,}ubuntu-desktop package to install the appropriate gui package15:46
agateauapachelogger: thanks for sparing me :)15:46
dantti_workagateau: a virtual package like policykit-gui that provides gnome or kde?15:46
apacheloggerthe graph rendered like super slow with the Qt tree too ;)15:47
dantti_workif so then yes15:47
agateaudantti_work: yes15:47
dantti_workpolkit1-gui would probably be a better name15:47
agateaudantti_work: I guess it's too late for Maverick unfortunately15:47
* apachelogger thinks agateau will now go talk to seb128 about this ^^15:47
agateauapachelogger: actually I was wondering what Riddell was thinking about all this :)15:48
apacheloggerRiddell: ^15:48
* apachelogger actually just wanted to make one of our patches obsolete :P15:48
Riddellhmm? what's the question?15:48
* apachelogger continues on that task15:48
agateauapachelogger: if it's not too late I'd gladly talk to seb128 indeed15:48
agateauRiddell: libtelepathy-qt4 depends on gvfs which depends on policykit-1-gnome15:49
agateauRiddell: we were saying that if there was a virtual policykit-1-gui package, then gvfs could be made gtk free15:49
agateauRiddell: which would reduce the amount of gtk/gnome deps dragged in when you install gstreamer stuff15:50
Riddellyes that would be good15:50
Riddellor just policykit-1-gnome | policykit-1-kde15:50
Riddellalthough I'm not convinced libtelepathy-qt4 should be depending on gvfs at all15:50
agateaurahh... got cut15:52
agateauresending my last sentence just in case15:52
agateauRiddell: but there is no virtual package for policykit gui, and I guess it's too late to create one15:52
Riddell15:50 < Riddell> yes that would be good15:53
Riddell15:50 < Riddell> or just policykit-1-gnome | policykit-1-kde15:53
apacheloggerRiddell: it is indirect because telepathy supports media streaming stuffs and for that it requires libforsight which depends on gstreamer which of course drags in a billion plugins and those depend on gvfs agateau says15:53
apachelogger!find libv4l2.h maverick15:53
ubottuFile libv4l2.h found in libv4l-dev15:53
agateauRiddell: how does apt-get select which one to install if you set "policykit-1-gnome | policykit-1-kde" as a dependency?15:57
Riddellagateau: it installs the first one it finds if none are already installed15:57
agateauRiddell: could be a problem I guess15:58
apacheloggervirtual package would certainly be better16:00
apachelogger-- Building Windows Live Messenger voice clip support :D16:00
Riddellagateau: why?16:00
CIA-71[kopete] sitter * 1171055 * trunk/KDE/kdenetwork/kopete/protocols/ (CMakeLists.txt wlm/CMakeLists.txt) Add WITH_WLM_MEDIASTREAMER option to allow our friends from Kubuntu to build WLM without linking to mediastreamer.16:02
CIA-71[kopete] sitter * 1171056 * branches/KDE/4.5/kdenetwork/kopete/protocols/ (CMakeLists.txt wlm/CMakeLists.txt) Backport r1171055. Add WITH_WLM_MEDIASTREAMER option to allow our friends from Kubuntu to build WLM without linking to mediastreamer.16:03
apacheloggerRiddell: ^16:03
Riddelllovaly, thanks apachelogger 16:05
bulldog98new kdevelop release16:06
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: KDE 4.5.1 packaging http://ツ.tv/4a | Beta candidates need testing http://ツ.tv/4b | Maverick Beta Freeze is on - Universe still open for business | Todo: http://ツ.tv/4c | Milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu3
apacheloggerbulldog98: are you fixing kdelibs?16:08
bulldog98apachelogger: no haven’t fixed it. What’s wrong with it?16:08
apacheloggerdunno, I got a FTBFS mail16:11
apacheloggerRiddell: mobile is a bit ... fat?16:11
apachelogger800 MiB for a phone workspace...16:12
sheytanif i want to compile trunk16:23
sheytando i have to remove kde packages?16:23
=== nixternal is now known as Guest42197
ScottKapachelogger: revised workspace package is going up now.16:37
ScottKapachelogger: mobile is known to need a serious diet.16:38
ScottKSo far we just added mobile stuff.  We didn't remove non-mobile stuff.16:39
ScottKrbelem has this diet as a homework assignment.16:39
ofirkjjesse: hey16:51
ofirkRiddell: hi :)16:54
ScottKWhoever was testing kubuntu-mobile, it's on the iso tracker now16:57
Riddellhi ofirk 16:58
Riddelljussi: ^^16:58
ScottKRiddell: Updated the known issues section on claydoh's page with my installation fun.17:13
RiddellScottK: can you update the kubuntu section of known issues in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview too17:21
Riddelland get the two pages to match for known issues17:21
Riddellthanks ScottK 17:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKRiddell: Done17:24
sheytanhttp://i.imgur.com/LqDnc.jpg JOIN US! JOIN US! :D17:29
nigelbsheytan: that is tempting17:33
yofelsheytan: can't, I'm already in :P (looks great! - but the bugsquad description doesn't make sense, missing something?)17:33
sheytanthank you guys :D17:33
nigelbif it weren't for the lucid 8xx freezes I would be on Kubuntu instead of erm.. err.. Debian 17:33
sheytanyofel might be. Text needs review ;)17:33
sheytanthis one is now under development :D17:34
ScottKnigelb: 8xx which?  I have an 865 system that works very nicely.17:34
sheytanso it will be alive soon ;)17:35
nigelbScottK: yeah, you told me.  All my attempts have failed17:35
nigelbI tried alternate cd too, no go :(17:35
nigelbIt fails at lang packs, unsure if its cd problem or bug though17:36
ScottKnigelb: OK.  I think 845/855 breakage is a fairer way to put it.17:36
nigelbScottK: yep, mine's a 855GM 17:36
nigelbbut I've got other systems with freeze which works okay with vesa17:36
nigelbthe one system where I wanted to put kubuntu refuses to work with lucid17:37
ScottKThe 865 situation is not ideal, but not horrible.17:37
apacheloggerdpkg is seriously scary stuff17:40
sheytanwhat about making the defaul activiti a folder view one instead of putthing this ugly plasmoid on the desktop?17:41
sheytanwill look better and do the same17:41
sheytanapachelogger i think it's more kubuntu related :P17:47
apacheloggersheytan: how si that?17:48
sheytanapachelogger because kubuntu can have different settings then KDE17:48
apacheloggerKDE would not benefit of getting rid of something "ugly"?17:48
sheytanbut doing it, it will look better ;D17:49
sheytanimho :D17:49
apacheloggerso it should be changed in KDE clearly17:49
apacheloggersince the current KDE setting is not ultimately awesome17:49
sheytanmaybe yes, but they might don't agree with me :D17:55
apacheloggersheytan: I do very much think it is a matter of reasoning rather than initial agreement17:55
apacheloggerif you have sound reasons why one is better than the other then you just need to sell them properly17:56
ScottKTm_T: Will have a powerpc image for you to test momentarily17:56
* apachelogger is wondering whether implement a QDebFile class would make sense ^^17:58
apacheloggerOTOH for useful information such as file listing one would need to have decompression units around :/17:59
* apachelogger abandons that idea18:00
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
hungerWhen will the beta get released? How long will it take for kde 4.5.1 debs to become available in maverick afterwards?18:11
ArGGu^^Hello, can I ask question that is not related to kubuntu, but is related to qt4?18:12
hungerArGGu^^: You can, but chances are higher to get that answered in #qt.18:13
ArGGu^^I already asked from there, but they suggest that I ask from someone more expert with openssl license18:15
ScottKhunger: We have most of 4.5.1 uploaded and just waiting for the archive to unfreeze.  Unfortunately we aren't the only ones, so it may be a bit to get it fully built.18:15
ScottKArGGu^^: Go ahead and ask.18:15
ArGGu^^so my question is that. Can I use gpl v2 with my application that uses QSslsocket with dynamic linking?18:16
ScottKQSslsocket is provided by Qt, not openssl, right?18:18
ArGGu^^Qsslsocket uses openssl18:18
ArGGu^^And openssl has incompatibility with gpl18:19
ScottKI'm familiar with that.18:19
ScottKI believe that is OK.  You only need to consider the license compatibility of stuff you link with directly.18:19
ArGGu^^ScottK ok. Thanks for the help :)18:20
apacheloggeras long as your code does not link against it you are fine18:20
hungerScottK: Thanks for the info.18:28
ScottKapachelogger: What else needed to be uploaded for 4.5.1 and is it all in bzr?18:29
* ScottK did workspace18:29
Tm_TScottK: can I test it tomorrow morning18:32
ScottKTm_T: OK.18:32
Tm_T? I'm not feeling well;18:32
ScottKTomorrow is fine.18:34
apacheloggerScottK: see wiki18:44
apacheloggerartwork, icons and edu are still missing18:44
apacheloggerof which all should be in bzr18:44
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  What's the username we use on ktown again?18:45
apacheloggeroh and bindings, but that is blocked by lex having done an incomplete commit18:45
apacheloggerScottK: ftpubuntu18:45
ScottKHe lives near you.  Go get him to finish it.18:48
apacheloggerI would not exactly call it near :P18:50
ScottKAren't Germany and Austria right next to each other?18:51
ScottKYou can't get closer than that.18:51
ScottKapachelogger: Would you mail him (if you haven't)18:52
* neversfelde can get to Autria in 20 min 18:52
apacheloggerI haven't18:52
apacheloggerI do not even have his addy18:52
apacheloggerneversfelde: and yet do not come visit :P18:53
neversfeldeapachelogger: I moved here last week 18:53
apacheloggerwhy is everyone moving these days?18:53
apacheloggerand why do I never know about it?18:53
* apachelogger feels like a hermit18:53
apacheloggerI am a code hermit18:53
ScottKapachelogger: I'm reasonably certain google knows his email even if LP appears not to.18:54
* apachelogger is the master rochi of kubuntu18:54
apacheloggerScottK: changelog knows it too :P18:54
* apachelogger writes a dear maintainer email for the fun of it18:55
ScottKCertainly.  Thanks.18:55
apacheloggerScottK: if you want to you could just upload the previous revision of bindings18:57
apachelogger(i.e. revert)18:57
apacheloggerit is only a qyoto fix that is missing... so... :P18:57
ScottKI'm old and slow enough there's time for him to fix it.19:01
* apachelogger hugs ScottK19:02
apacheloggernow for more important matters19:02
apacheloggerI want to write a debthumbnail plugin19:02
apacheloggernot that anyone would need it, but I need something to advertise kubuntu19:02
apacheloggerand since the mobile is yet to go on a diet and since rekonq has only begun to start working and since dantti_work is breaking SuperAppDevilKitCenterInstaller...19:03
apacheloggerthe thing is, I do not have no real motivation to do anything right now and I do not really know how to implement debthumbnailing in a non-performance dragging manner19:04
ScottKapachelogger: Kubuntu is already famous for performance dragging.  You could build on that.19:04
dantti_workapachelogger: what's a debthimbnail plugin?19:04
apacheloggerdantti_work: one that make dolphin thumbnail your deb files19:05
apacheloggerwhich has but 3 usecases19:05
apacheloggerand something else I forgot the name of19:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: rekonq now works for you? must be a bug :P19:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: that is not what I said....19:05
ScottKThe fast Qt browser.19:05
apacheloggertoday that horrible urlbar has become "usable"19:06
apacheloggerbut now I get weird rendering flickers with that beast19:06
apacheloggerfor now I blame it on Qt19:06
shadeslayerdo you have that image issue?19:06
apacheloggerbut once the rc lands in maverick I will probably have to go report bugs again19:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: what image issue?19:06
* apachelogger has a window issue - too many of them are open19:06
shadeslayerthe one where not all images were displayed19:06
sheytandantti_work what about showing download progress instead of the 'install' button?19:06
dantti_workbtw does someone knows how good KTextBrowser (QTextDocument) is handling CSS, here it missing lot's of options19:06
sheytanto not open anohter window19:07
shadeslayerreplaced by some other icon19:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: not right now19:07
apacheloggerthough I installed konqueror19:07
apacheloggermade me about 39% less grumpy19:07
sheytandantti_work btw it would look better and clean when you display the install button only on selected items19:07
dantti_worksheytan: well there are various things being downloaded and installed.. but I'll think on that..19:08
dantti_worksheytan: if I do only on selected item what hapens if the user never clicks the item?19:08
sheytandantti_work he doesn't want to install anything19:09
sheytanyou may show the button on hover too19:09
dantti_workI may try that but I think it will be strange buttons comming and going..19:10
ScottKtar -xf oxygen-icons-4.5.1.tar.bz2 is making my laptop heat.19:10
sheytandantti_work then when selected :)19:10
sheytani don't think it might be confusing. You always first choose what you want to install19:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw any ideas on how to get sbuild to spit out missing files if any?19:13
ScottKapachelogger: Did you mail lex?19:14
ScottKI'm at a point that I can click on his name in a changelog and get a mail to fill in, so my interest in having him mailed for the moment exceeds my laziness about doing it if you haven't.19:15
apacheloggerScottK: yes19:17
ScottKOK.  Thanks.19:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: no19:17
* ScottK returns to feeling his laptop burn while it does suff to oxygen icons.19:17
shadeslayerScottK: build kdepim and feel the pain19:18
ScottKTm_T: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/daily-live/20100902/ is your target.19:19
sheytandantti_work will kpk still show blocked stuff and will it work better when managing big updates?19:22
dantti_workdantti_work: Kpk will hide blocked updates, and it does apt-get dist-upgrade when using aptcc backend19:24
dantti_worksheytan: ^^19:24
* dantti_work is again talking to himself :P19:24
sheytandantti_work but blocked updates are some problems with deps, right?19:24
sheytanif yes, then even when they're hidden, some stuff might break19:25
dantti_workblocked updates are updates that can't be updated due to a missing dep for example19:25
dantti_worklike konqueror 5 is out but kde 5 is not19:26
dantti_workapt-get dist-upgrade says that some updates will be holded back19:26
sheytandantti_work then as i said. Some upgrades might break my system?19:26
dantti_workit will do as apt-get dist-upgrade does19:26
sheytanok ;)19:27
dantti_work(ie try to update everything it can)19:27
dantti_worknormally blocked updates got released after some time, (like when kde5 is out)19:27
ScottKryanakca: Are you doing the website announcement of the beta?19:28
sheytandantti_work i don't like that 'select all' checkbox in updates. Esspecialy when it appear and there are no updates19:29
sheytandantti_work what about a button next to 'check for upates' like 'select all'19:30
sheytanor 'update all'19:30
dantti_worksheytan: that button was horrible19:30
dantti_workand the checkbox is disabled when there are no updates19:30
dantti_workbecause it doesn't tell if some updates are checked19:31
dantti_workit's just much intuitive and easy with that checkbox19:31
* ScottK consults apachelogger's TODO while oxygen-icons crawls through the pipes.19:31
sheytandantt_work it's disabled but it's visable :P And when you use the button, all the checkboxes next to packages will appear. That way you know that everything is selected :P19:32
ScottKapachelogger: kdebindgins isn't very big.  Could you take care of it one way or the other please?19:32
dantti_workI can't disable or enable all updates with a single button19:32
dantti_worksheytan: well I can hid that easly19:32
sheytandantt_work and with this checkbox you can? :D19:33
sheytanhide please ;)19:33
sheytanbtw the 'edit repos' button is waaaaaay to long19:33
dantti_workyes, you click on the checkbox, all selected, you click again all deselected19:33
sheytani don't know what you KDE devs have with that long buttons :D19:33
dantti_worksheytan: that's Riddellfault :P 19:33
sheytanlong buttons everywhere :D19:33
sheytanmaybe this time, but what about other things? :D19:34
sheytanlike in system settings19:34
dantti_workRiddell added that button I did't saw it yet19:34
sheytanWell, its to long :D19:34
dantti_workwell I don't recall my buttons being wide19:34
dantti_worksheytan: can you screen shot that, so that I can see what to change in his patch?19:35
sheytandantti_work http://i.imgur.com/EzyWH.png19:36
sheytandantti_work btw please ask Nuno to create a monochrome icon for the systray19:36
sheytanfor updates19:36
dantti_worksheytan: I've asked, but he probably forgot :P19:37
sheytandantti_work please try again later :D19:37
dantti_worksheytan: wow.. it's quite big :P I'll get the patch and put it on the right of the last check box19:39
apacheloggerit looks a bit silly does it not19:47
apacheloggerScottK: suppose so19:47
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.19:47
ryanakcaScottK: I can, do we have an annourcement?19:48
ScottKryanakca: After you write it we will.  Riddell didn't leave instructions about it.  Maybe he has one ready to go.19:48
sheytanDid you guys ever thought about changing the default video player for kubuntu?20:04
ScottKsheytan: Several times a release cycle.20:05
sheytanI think that dragon player isn't something cool :D20:05
ScottKSucks less than the alternatives at the moment.  We looked into it.20:06
ScottKdantti_work: It could be AppDragon.20:06
dantti_workwill it burns my apps?20:07
ScottKNo, but you could use konqi for a mascot.20:08
ScottKapachelogger: Mine are all uploaded and I started accepting stuff (kde4libs is building now).20:16
sheytangetting bored sometimes really look nice :D20:27
sheytanwill show you guys in a minute ;D20:27
sheytanWhat do you think about this one: http://i.imgur.com/sonYv.jpg ? :D20:30
ScottKjussi: How did kubuntu-mobile work out for you?20:33
lex79apachelogger: hi, I wrote "fix qt-dotnet.dll.config" in bindings just to close the bug in launchpad, I didn't forgot any patches20:44
lex79ok? :)20:45
apacheloggerI see, doesnt make sense though20:45
apacheloggerwhen was the fix applied?20:45
lex79sorry for the confusion20:45
lex79in 4.5.120:45
lex79in the source20:45
apacheloggerlex79: upstream?20:45
apacheloggeruploading then20:45
* ScottK swoons at the mirculous appearance of lex79. Thanks.20:46
lex79Hi ScottK :)20:46
ScottKSounds like the problem was excessive pessimism from apachelogger that upstream might fix something.20:46
ScottKHello lex7920:46
apacheloggerlast I checked dropping qyoto was discussed upstream :P20:47
lex79lucid still need working20:47
CIA-116[kdebindings] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902194753-51sj8ir8s90kkkok * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu120:47
lex79how so?20:48
apacheloggerlex79: lack of users20:48
lex79we are in 22 ninjas20:48
lex79mumble mumble20:48
apacheloggerI am wondering too20:48
apacheloggerQuintasan is not around much20:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna neither20:48
apacheloggershadeslayer does other things20:48
apacheloggerneversfelde only recently moved20:48
apacheloggerRiddell and ScottK were doing beta stuff20:49
neversfeldeand has no internet connection that allows uploading big packages20:49
apacheloggerneversfelde: me neither ^^20:49
apacheloggerlex79: also there are ninjas I have not heared of ever in my life *shrug*20:50
* lex79 goes to lucid then and save the ship20:50
* apachelogger sets sail for dragon ball due to lack of motivation20:50
lex79apachelogger: do you have intention to do kdegraphics in lucid?20:52
apacheloggerI could20:52
* apachelogger forgot about it since he had to create a pbuilder first ^^20:52
lex79apachelogger: you wrote in the ninja wiki that you are doing kdegraphics20:53
apacheloggerso I shall do it20:53
* apachelogger looks for his spell book20:53
lex79apachelogger: if you still have to set pbuilder, I can do it directly, no problem20:55
* apachelogger needs a hook for getting the ninja ppa into a pbuilder20:55
apacheloggerlex79: nah, go do other things 20:55
apacheloggerotherwise my cpu is idle while I watch dragon ball, we cant have that ^^20:55
apacheloggernini neversfelde20:55
lex79night neversfelde20:56
apacheloggerlex79, ScottK: bindings is now living on a mountain20:56
CIA-116[pbuilder-hooks] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100902200333-f4rw2m98u9sj3fmk * (D99nocompression README) add hook to export no-compression foo21:04
ryanakcaWill DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS ever be anything other than 'linux' in Ubuntu?21:05
ScottKryanakca: No.21:07
apacheloggerryanakca: since they are cloning macosx I am afraid it will change to bsd soon :P21:07
ScottKIt will in Debian.21:07
ScottKapachelogger: No.  The upstartification stuff is very Linux specific.21:07
apacheloggerScottK: as if upstart was any reason not to push the desktop to its limits21:08
apacheloggerand clearly since osx is the limit to get there we need to go bsd21:08
ScottKNo, but Keybuk personally hunting down and killing whoever would decide he needs to redo the startup stuff is.21:09
shadeslayerlex79: hey :D21:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: im doing kdepim right now :P21:11
lex79shadeslayer: ciao ;)21:11
shadeslayeryour going? 21:12
lex79nope :)21:12
shadeslayeroh ciao also means hello :P21:12
shadeslayeri thought it was only for goodbyes 21:12
lex79nope, in Italy "ciao ciao" is for goodbyes21:13
lex79"ciao" is for Hello :)21:13
shadeslayernow i wait for 90 mins and then kdepim will fail21:13
ScottKOh that's right. I had the wrong country next to Austria.21:13
* lex79 just discovered that double click in dolphin is better than one click mode21:25
ryanakcaScottK, apachelogger: Thanks21:26
apacheloggerdragon ball is so silly ^^21:33
lex79poor dragon ball ^.^21:34
ryanakcaAlso, what's the dh7 equivalent to CDBS's binary-predeb target?21:42
apacheloggerI wonder what predeb is ^^21:45
apacheloggerryanakca: from the sound of it I would say you need an override for dh_builddeb21:46
* sheytan will try the beta tomorrow. Hope that restricted stuff download works in installer now :D21:52
ryanakcaapachelogger: Thanks22:03
ulyssesshouldn't we link the CD ISO-s instead of the DVDs?23:22
Riddellryanakca: ping23:53
Riddellah, story is up already, groovy23:55

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