
lifelessbman2: do a search for bugs you are subscribed to00:10
lifelessbman2: and then, as appropriate, unsubscribe from the bug; unsubscribe the team(s) you're in from it, or leave the team(s) subscribed to it.00:10
lifelesse.g. if you're in a product qa team you might reasonably expect that team to be subscribed to its products bugs :)00:11
bman2its lists for laundpad itself00:11
bman2i use myown sso00:11
bman2how do i search?00:11
lifelessbman2: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?advanced=100:16
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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pooliedid bug expiry ever end up being reenabled?02:03
lifelessthere is a spec02:04
lifeless / wiki page thingy02:04
lifelessI saw an edit go by the other day02:04
poolieis that a "no"?02:04
poolienot complaining, just confused02:05
pooliehttps://help.launchpad.net/BugExpiry and the ui imply it's active02:05
wgrantCurrent schedule is for right after Maverick.02:05
lifelessso 'no'02:05
wgrantIt was going to be around now.02:05
lifelesscoming, but it needed more work02:05
wgrantBut Ubuntu wanted it delayed.02:05
lifelesssomething like:02:05
lifeless - ubuntu needed some tweaks02:05
lifeless - ubuntu gets turned on02:06
lifeless - other people can opt in after that02:06
pooliethat's fine, i just want the docs to reflect reality02:06
* poolie contemplates writing an api client to copy tracebacks from the attachment into the description and bug title02:27
wgrantpoolie: Sounds like you need apport.02:27
pooliei have one; can it be told to do that?02:28
wgrantI thought it did by default.02:28
pooliethen i will try to work that out before duplicating it, thanks02:29
wgrantFor Ubuntu it certainly does.02:30
poolieso i think we have a few problems02:30
poolieone is that i don't think it ever copies the stack trace into the bug description?02:30
poolie(or does it?)02:30
poolieand i really find that helpful for bzr02:31
pooliethe other is that users tend to upload crash files manually rather than using apport-bug02:31
pooliemaybe we can steer them towards it02:31
poolieoh another is they may be on windows and just paste a log file, not using apport at all02:31
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micahglifeless: convert to question is still broke on edge03:51
lifelessmicahg: yes, for that bug03:52
lifelessmicahg: I have a branch that takes us a good way towards knowing why03:52
micahglifeless: ok :), I got worried when I saw your post about lowering the timeout03:52
lifelessmicahg: hopefully that will land today; and in a follow up I'll instrument mail, memcache etc03:52
lifelessmicahg: well, convert to question isn't *systematically* broken03:53
lifelessmicahg: its db times were very reasonable IIRC03:53
micahglifeless: yeah, it just timeouts03:53
lifelessmicahg: so its got a bad scaling factor in it which means it breaks sometimes03:53
lifelesswe will definitely fix it03:53
* micahg must just have bad luck with it :)03:53
micahglifeless: so, with the lower timeout, I should file bugs again for oopses?03:53
lifelessmicahg: you always should if they are not in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.tag=timeout03:54
lifelessmicahg: or if its not a timeout oops03:54
lifelessmicahg: we've fixed lots this last month03:55
* micahg adds that to LP links03:55
lifelessmicahg: note that aiming for -0- timeouts is not a sane goal, we'll aim to minimise, but things will always happen03:56
micahglifeless: of course, the convert to question one is just one I hit every time on edge :)03:56
lifelessmicahg: sorry! you hit it on prod too though right ?03:56
micahglifeless: yes, about half the time03:57
lifelessit may get a little worse03:57
lifelessthis will get it fixed sooner03:57
micahglifeless: now I know where to check for timeout bugs though, so I'll file new ones if I hit something03:57
lifelessplease do.03:57
micahgif I don't have time to code for LP at least I can report bugs :)03:58
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Ryuzaki`Hi, anyone about?10:36
wgrantRyuzaki`: Sure.10:37
Ryuzaki`Ideally a Canonical LOSA? Problem is, I can't recall which e-mail address I've currently got my Launchpad account on, as I've swapped about domains when they've been used for different things10:38
wgrantRyuzaki`: Do you know your Launchpad username?10:39
Ryuzaki`So I can't log in, as I can't recall exactly which address is current for my LP account10:39
Ryuzaki`I do know it, yeah10:39
wgrantWhat is it?10:39
* Ryuzaki` points wgrant to PM10:40
wgrantAh, so your email address is private.10:40
wgrantSo you do indeed need a LOSA.10:40
wgrantLOSA ping: ^^10:41
mthaddonso what's the account?10:41
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
maxbIncidentally, *why* do we log into LP using an email address, not an account id?11:06
wgrantA good reason now is that accounts don't have non-numeric identifiers besides an email address.11:07
wgrantAs for the original reason? No idea.11:07
geserit is possible to log-in with ones @ubuntu.com email address? never tried this11:30
wgrantgeser: If you've added it to your Ubuntu Single Sign On account.11:34
geserUbuntu SSO account? is that different from my LP account?11:38
lifelesswgrant: we didn't want to expose numeric ids. we started with basic auth, with the username.11:40
wgrantgeser: Um, sort of.11:40
wgrantgeser: Your Launchpad account is knows the identity of your SSO account. login.launchpad.net and login.ubuntu.com use the SSO account.11:41
geseris there a seperate page for my SSO account? e.g. to configure the attached e-mail addresses or change the password or comes this from the LP account?11:44
wgrantgeser: Email addresses are configured separately (on login.ubuntu.com or login.launchpad.net).11:44
wgrantAnd passwords aren't on LP any more11:44
* geser didn't notice this change11:47
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=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: Ursinha | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
hrwis it normal that PPA's APT archive has packages which are not visible on LP PPA page?16:15
bigjoolsyes, click on the "View Packages" link16:16
hrwhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~hrw/+archive/arm-cross-compiler/+packages does not list libc6-armel-cross16:16
hrwresult of armel-cross-toolchain-base build16:17
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* bigjools pokes around16:18
hrwand (as expected) my next package failed to build cause did not found those in PPA's APT16:20
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bigjoolsthat won't be the reason it failed16:21
hrwThe following packages have unmet dependencies: libc6-dev-armel-cross : Depends: libc6-armel-cross (= 2.12.1-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed16:22
bigjoolshrw: it looks like you're creating arch-all packages of the same version16:22
bigjoolssee http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54778928/upload_1945934_log.txt16:23
bigjools"The following files are already published in ..."16:23
bigjoolsand the old binaries got superseded too early16:23
hrwbigjools: it is first time when this package built on both archs16:23
bigjoolsI suspect you're generating the same package on both arches16:24
hrwyes, will have to change that16:24
bigjoolsand one is trying to supersede the other16:24
bigjoolssame arch-all package I mean16:24
hrwbut why amd64 build (first finished) published only amd64 packages but arch:all ones got to APT?16:24
bigjoolswe only build arch-all on i38616:25
bigjoolsI'm not sure of that16:25
hrwok, I am now preparing new version of package. will delete current one16:25
bigjoolshrw: don't delete16:25
bigjoolsjust increment the version16:25
bigjoolsthe old version will be automatically superseded16:25
hrwI know, but I prefer to not ship broken versions in meantime16:26
bigjoolsI'm guessing that your package is generating files that are not in the control file?16:26
bigjoolsI'm not a packaging expert, so that's a guess16:26
hrwman, it is far more complicated16:27
bigjoolsyes, it usually is :)16:27
hrwmy package runs dpkg-buildpackage internally, then select set of packages, run some of them though dpkg-cross, then mangle them. then generate debian/control and debian/files16:27
bigjoolsyeah it will struggle to show much in the UI since the source package doesn't tell the whole story16:29
hrwso on i386 "binary-arch" + "binary-indep" are run and on amd64 only "binary-arch" - right?16:29
bigjoolswell if we see an arch-indep package we build it on i38616:31
bigjoolsbut since you're taking that decision away from the build system then you need to manage it yourself16:31
bigjoolseither arch will be fine16:31
hrwI am asking cause I need to split few build steps16:32
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tgm4883How can I turn off Answers in a project? I don't want users to be able to ask questions here on LP?16:39
thekorntgm4883: I think it's in the very left column on your project's page in the "Configure progress" section16:43
thekornclick on configure support tracker16:43
thekornand choose unknown16:44
thekornright, or listen to deryck ;)16:44
deryckno, thekorn knows all as well :-)16:44
tgm4883see, I would love to have that work then16:45
tgm4883but i've had it configured that way for weeks now16:45
tgm4883and someone asked a question 17 hours ago16:45
tgm4883I have no idea how they did that16:45
derycktgm4883, what project?16:45
tgm4883thats the question, IDK how they asked it, I can't find anywhere to ask it on our project16:46
deryckyeah, it looks like it's turned off.16:46
derycktgm4883, maybe someone asked it against something else and someone re-targeted it to mythbuntu?  Just a guess.16:47
tgm4883could be, i'm going to ping aaron about it16:47
tgm4883if thats the case, would seem like a bug16:47
derycktgm4883, I would open a bug against launchpad-answers.  I think there is a bug somewhere.  Unless it was asked before you turned off the app.16:48
tgm4883definitly not. We've actually had answers turned off for about a year, then when the new (configure..) thing came out we turned it off there as well16:48
tgm4883so it's definitly been off for a month or so16:49
deryckyeah, I would file a bug then16:49
tgm4883will do16:49
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smoserok, stupid user question: i have a tarball. i want to put that tarball up for others as a released version tarfile.  how would i do that: https://launchpad.net/cloud-init18:02
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SpamapSsmoser: add it as a release18:40
SpamapSsmoser: click on 'trunk' series, then in there click "Create release"18:41
SpamapSsmoser: already looks like there is a tarball up w/ a mielstone and everything.18:42
smoseryeah. i ended up figuring that out, although i'm not sure its right.18:42
smoseri didn't really want a milestone.18:42
smoseri wanted a release18:42
smoser(that wasn't nice, sorry)18:43
smoseri'm probably just not a good user, but i was just confused, and wanting an easy way to just add a download.18:43
SpamapSthey're the same thing18:44
SpamapSreleases are the culmination of a particular milestone18:44
SpamapSI was a little confused by the milestone thing at first too.18:45
SpamapSbut yes, you're a bad user, horrendous really18:45
=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: Code hosting offline 8.00-9.30 UTC on Friday 3rd September for unexpected hardware maintenance. http://is.gd/eRMxF | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: Ursinha | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
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=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: Code hosting offline 8.00-9.30 UTC on Friday 3rd September for unexpected hardware maintenance. http://is.gd/eRMxF | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
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BUGabundoevening guys21:51
BUGabundowhat's up with LP anwers?21:51
BUGabundoI've got two emails from LP project sent to one of my projects contact21:51
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thumperBUGabundo: is it possible that one of them was for a team?22:51
thumperBUGabundo: if you look at the source of the email there should be some headers that explain a bit about who and why it was sent22:51
BUGabundosome how one of my teams was set as a contact for LP anweser22:51
thumperBUGabundo: starting with X-Launchpad22:51
BUGabundono idea how it ended up there22:52
BUGabundoall of the sudden today I started getting mail22:52
BUGabundothumper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/487489/22:53
thumperBUGabundo: X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale is the interesting oen22:56
BUGabundothumper: I've "fixed" it22:57
BUGabundobut I just want to know HOW to got there in the 1st place22:57
BUGabundoif it was a fluke, maybe some one else is also affected22:57
BUGabundoif it was someone on my time, I need to talk to them22:58
wgrantIt was someone on your team :(22:58
BUGabundoif it was someone unauthorized, then LP needs to be fixed22:58
BUGabundowgrant: based on your logs?22:58
wgrantBut I know that code, and it's very careful about who it allows to make subscriptions.22:59
BUGabundoyour experience?22:59
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BUGabundothere are 3 ppl in that team22:59
BUGabundoill talk to them22:59
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