
rsavoyehum, I see, to be having battles between une and gnome, gnome still grabs the desktop00:00
GrueMasterare you running today's (20100901) image?00:05
rsavoyethis is a maverick user space on a karmic kernel. (i/MX51)00:07
rsavoyeI assumed from the other day maverick doesn't have kernel support for the SmartTop00:08
GrueMasterOh.  Hrm.  not sure I can offer much help then.00:09
rsavoyethe kernel shouldn't matter I'd think unless Unity needs something special00:12
GrueMasterWell, Karmic was Armv6+vfp.  If unity is using armv7 code...00:13
GrueMasterHave you tried the Lucid kernel?  Same core but with armv7 goodness.00:14
rsavoyeI'm hesitant to try the lucid kernel on my only working arm development system :-(00:14
rsavoyeunless I can figure out how to try a live SD type of thing00:15
GrueMasterLucid images were live.00:16
GrueMasterBut I'm not sure how your system works.  Lucid was built to boot from SD.00:16
GrueMasterUsing redboot.00:16
rsavoyeGenesi is sending me an addtional SmartTop sp maybe I'll try on that one.00:17
rsavoyeI did try to do the "recovery.sh" trick on a NetWalker, but it refuses to install even it's own default image00:18
GrueMasterThe netwalker used earlier silicon and isn't compatible with the newer kernels.  Someone could in theory look at the kernel tree and figure out how to forward port them, but that is beyond me.00:20
GrueMasterMainly enotime.00:20
GrueMasterDoes the smarttop use our kernel? or it's own?00:22
GrueMasterrsavoye: ^^00:26
rsavoyeit's using it's own, mostly cause of driver issues00:27
rsavoyethey want to move to maverick, but are worried about that00:27
rsavoyethey're sending free uints to developers if you'd fix it :-)00:27
GrueMasterWe recently dropped the imx51 kernel from maverick unfortunately.00:28
rsavoyeyep, they were bummed00:28
rsavoyeso I had to do the user space hack, since I needed maverick00:28
GrueMasterNo one to port it forward, and fsl wasn't interested.  I think Linaro might be doing something with them, but not sure.00:28
GrueMasterDoes it use nand of some sort to boot from?00:29
rsavoyean internal SSD drive, or microSD card00:31
GrueMasterInteresting.  If that could be removed/swapped out, testing would be a breaze.00:32
rsavoyeIt does boot off SD, which is how I initially tried maverick on it00:33
GrueMasterWhat does /proc/cpuinfo tell you as to proc version?00:34
rsavoyeARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l)00:36
GrueMasterSame as my babbage v3.00:36
GrueMasterSo it "should" work the same kernel wise.00:36
rsavoyeoops, I'm a space cadet. I do believe it's running lucid, it's the NetWalker that runs karmic00:38
GrueMasterAccording to the web site I found, it is karmic.  The netwalker should be Jaunty.00:38
rsavoyeI must be doing too much web surfing, you are correct00:39
rsavoyeI think Genesi is planning on doing their own support for maverick00:40
GrueMasterThis is the system, right?  http://www.genesi-usa.com/products/efika00:46
rsavoyeyep, the SmartTop00:46
GrueMasterLooks nice.  Wish I had the spare $$$.00:47
rsavoyethe SmartBook is unreleased as of yet00:47
rsavoyethey're free to developers :-)00:47
rsavoyethey even Fed-ex'd mine last week00:47
rsavoyeThey sent me one for a Gnash port, although I've been using it for OpenJDK hacking mostly00:48
GrueMasterI'm more of a QA type than a developer, although I have done some kernel and alsa development in the past.00:50
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lagogra: Why would my image only be loading the uImage and not the uInitrd?11:11
ograbecause your boot.scr is screwed ?11:12
lagsakoman: Are you around?11:22
lagogra: Try and put my name at the start of a message to me on here, as I don't check it as regularly as you do11:24
lagSome of us have work to do ;)11:24
lagogra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/487164/11:24
ogralag, well, if i ask a question i look at IRC for a moment to see if i get an aswer :)11:24
lagSometimes you take ages to reply11:24
lagSo I ask, and go to do something else11:25
lagIf I see the flash, I'll come look :)11:25
lagAnyway, does that look screwed to you?11:25
ogralag, well, your boot.scr looks ok11:25
hrwogra: I have 16 irc windows open. hilights allows to see which one has something to read11:25
lagHi Marcin11:25
laghrw: Are you going to UHS/UDS?11:26
hrwlag: UHS?11:26
hrwlag: UDS @Orlando,FL? I will be there11:26
lagI have 21 IRC windows open :S11:26
hrwlag: UPS @Dallas,TX? I will be there too11:26
hrwlag: first heard. Ubuntu Hardware Summit? or U Hardcore Summit?11:27
cooloneyhrw: oh it is Ubuntu Howto Summit11:29
hrwI am not related to hardware so it is not my summit11:30
lagHardware is correct, but feel free to rename: Hopeless?11:30
cooloneylag: are you ready to give a speech in Chinese?11:30
lagogra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/487169/11:30
cooloneylag: lol11:30
lagcooloney: I can barely speak English11:30
cooloneylag: try to learn some simple Chinese, you will be popular in TW.11:33
lagSimple != Chinese11:34
cooloneylag: btw, can you guys boot upstream Tony's linux-omap kernel or Linus kernel on beagle board?11:34
cooloneyrsalveti: ^^11:34
lagcooloney: Never tried11:35
lagWhich Beagle?11:35
cooloneyomap3 beagle board, i got C3 board11:35
cooloneylag: i think you got a XM one?11:35
lagI have11:35
hrwtrip to taipei would add one thing for me - buying chinese green tea for my wife11:36
lagI've never tried Tony's or Linus' trees on it11:36
laghrw: Do you want me to get you some?11:36
hrwlag: I think that I will speak with our Chinese people to grab some for UDS11:37
cooloneyhrw: no problem, we can do that for you11:38
ogralag, seems your u-boot doesnt even load boot.scr at all11:38
cooloneygreen tea is everywhere in China11:38
ogralag, fix your u-boot :)11:38
hrwcooloney: thx11:39
cooloneyhrw: have you ever try latest kernel on your omap3 hardware?11:39
cooloneyhrw: np, man11:39
hrwcooloney: I do not remember when last time I updated my C311:39
cooloneyhrw and lag, it might be my problem. my backup kernel doesn't boot, either.11:40
lagHave you tried the one from the daily build?11:40
cooloneylag: oh, not yet11:41
hrwcooloney: I prefer to not touch C3 - it feels too slow when I do that11:41
cooloneyhrw: i have no choice, that my only omap3 hardware,11:41
cooloneyhrw: right, it is quite slow11:42
cooloneylag: i will try it later11:42
lagogra: It's the one that robclark sent me11:42
hrwcooloney: same here. BB b7/c3/c3 only11:42
ograyeah, it doesnt use the right defaults11:42
ogralag, either type in boot.scr manually at the serial prompt or fix the code and recompile11:42
cooloneyhrw: so you are fully working on omap4, right?11:43
ograseems his defaults are completely different11:43
lagogra: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr11:43
hrwcooloney: no, I do not touch arm targets at all11:43
lagDoes anyone have a u-boot that works with ES2.0 and has our defaults?11:43
cooloneyhrw: but kernel generated by your toolchain touchs every ARM targets11:44
* cooloney hides away from ES2.011:44
hrwcooloney: and at same time it is default ubuntu toolchain11:44
hrwcooloney: I work on packaging toolchain - did not touched source of it11:45
cooloneyhrw: yeah, so if i wanna use it on my Lucid amd64 machine,11:45
cooloneywhich packages need i installed?11:45
cooloneyi think you just provide PPA for Maverick, right?11:45
hrwyou need maverick - I do not have lucid ones11:45
cooloneyhrw: got it11:45
cooloneyjust don't have much time to upgrade my building server to maverick11:46
hrwuse chroot?11:46
cooloneyhrw: oh, chroot is ok for me. but i wanna try the cross compiler11:46
lagogra: Okay I've found one11:46
lagogra: It's still U-Boot 1.1.4-gcebe815a-dirty (Aug 20 2010 - 02:44:51) though11:46
cooloneyhrw: you know i found a issue with CS 2010q1 toolchain?11:46
lagogra: I don't think there is an updated one which works with ES2.0 yet11:47
hrwmaverick toolchain require libs from maverick. I prefer to not give them for people in my repo instead of ubuntu-proposed-updates etc which will never happen11:47
hrwcooloney: reported bug?11:47
cooloneyhrw: it missed some library required by building perf linux-tools package11:47
ogralag, as long as the defaults are the same as ours it will work11:47
cooloneyhrw: rsalveti and amitk-afk pointed me out your toolchain11:47
cooloneyhrw: but don't have chance to try it on my Lucid machine11:48
cooloneyhrw: oh, that CS 2010q1's issue, i'm not sure if CS toolchain is packaged in our Lucid repo11:48
hrwno idea. but try with ubuntu 4.4.4-9* from maverick. It has many updates from CS11:49
cooloneyhrw: ok, np, i will try that when I got maverick installed11:50
asaccooloney: did you include powervr modules in omap4 bsp kernel already?11:55
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cooloneyasac: oh, IIRC, no12:00
cooloneyasac: i didn't notice that.12:00
cooloneyasac: do you know where is powervr code located in kernel source tree?12:01
hrwhttp://people.canonical.com/~hrw/ubuntu-maverick-armel-cross-compilers/ - new versions, new packages, simplified installation. "apt-get update;apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi" is now enough to get cross compiler12:05
cooloneyhrw: awesome, thx12:07
cooloneyhrw: will try it soon12:07
* cooloney heads out for dinner.12:08
lagprpplague: Good morning12:13
=== ogra changed the topic of #ubuntu-arm to: Ubuntu ARM Discussion & Development | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | Want to Submit a Bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | Build a rootfs from scratch: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch | package build issues ? see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2 | also visit #linaro | Maverick beta see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAP
lagogra: How's the daily image looking today?13:52
ogragreen ... and slightly brownish on the edges13:53
ograseriously, its the beta image, what are you looking for specifically ?13:53
lagSomeone stolen your glasses?13:53
ograits in beta quality, booting and installing fine but still has bugs13:54
lagI have a fresh dd, then I put my boot.scr, uInitrd, uImage on and I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/487221/13:54
ogracan i has tha top too ?13:55
ograseems to not run jasper completely, i see only the second part13:55
ogra(no resizing etc)13:56
ograare you sure your initrd is proper ?13:57
lagIt has worked in the past13:58
lagNo reason for it to fail now?13:58
lagThat was first boot13:58
ograwell, it doesnt seem to execute loacl-premount scripts at all13:58
ograonly local-bottom13:59
lagAgain, that was first boot?13:59
ograhow does your cmdline look like = did you use a UUID ?13:59
ogradont do that13:59
ograjasper will not resize if the cdmline contains a uuid (since thats generated by jasper)14:00
ograso it assumes it already did the resize14:00
lagI see14:00
ograjust use root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 and let jasper do the UUID magic14:01
lagSo I don't want one on first boot, but I have to have one on second boot?14:01
ograthe reason is that we need to regenerate the UUID anyway, else all installs would have the same UUID14:01
ograjasper will care for it14:01
ograyes, you have to have one but thats enforced anyway14:02
lagThat's very annoying14:03
lagI need serial output14:03
ograthats how it works14:03
lagOn first and second boot14:03
ograwe have a fix for that pending14:03
ograto take over existing cmdline options and only regenerate the ones we actually require14:03
ograi have to review the patch still, persia wrote it14:04
lagSo I can get serial output on first and second reboots?14:05
ograbug 60583114:05
ograhey bot, where are you ?14:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 605831 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Resolution should be taken from /proc/cmdline if provided (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60583114:05
ogralag, feel free to test the patch in your setup :)14:08
lagogra: If the install is fine, but any subsequent boots fail, can I just copy a new kernel and initrd into the boot partition and it will just work?14:22
ograit will get overwritten with whats in 7boot the next time you run flash-kernel ....14:22
ograif you dont do that you're fine14:23
ograwhy do subsequent boots fail though ?14:23
ograstill the same bug ?14:27
ograi though you got a fix yesterday14:27
lagMy scripts were using the wrong kernel yesterday14:28
ogramake sure to bring that up in the call14:28
ograwe need a working ES2.0 kernel asap once beta is out14:29
lagTomorrow's call?14:29
lagRight, so I've just installed14:29
lagAnd shut down14:30
lagNow I need serial14:30
lagShould I dd the one from the boot partition, and edit that?14:30
ogradd ?14:30
ograjust modify boot.scr14:30
lagOr can I just change the one in /boot/14:30
ogradepends if you run flash-kernel every or not14:31
lagI don't14:31
ograthen boot.scr is enough14:31
ogra(in the vfat)14:31
lagI still need to take the head off (hence dd)14:31
ograboot.script will only be used by flash-kernel14:32
ograas input14:32
lagSo I could first-boot, install then run flash kernel14:32
lagRather than dd'ing off the one in VFAT and running mkimage on it14:33
lagThat sounds better14:33
ograjust edit /boot/boot.script and run flash-kernel14:33
lag/boot/boot.script is already edited14:33
ograthats the proposed way for endusers14:33
lagI just did to run flash-kernel14:33
* ogra did an update, waited a few days with the reboot for the new kernel, now i rebooted ... and what do i get ? update-manager offering me *another* new kernel14:47
ograwe really need to cut the headcont of the kernel team ... they work way to fast14:47
lagdd if=/mnt/boot.scr of=boot.script2 bs=1 skip=7214:48
lagperl -pi -e 's/bootargs/bootargs console=ttyO2,115200n/g' boot.script214:48
lagmkimage -A arm -T script -C none -n "Ubuntu boot script" -d boot.script2 boot.scr214:48
lagcp boot.scr2 /mnt14:48
ogramkimage -A arm -T script -C none -n "Ubuntu boot script" -d boot.script2 /mnt/boot.scr14:48
ograsaves one line ;)14:48
lagNo, I want a copy of it14:49
ograah, k14:49
lagcp boot.scr2 /mnt/boot.scr14:52
lagMinor amendment :)14:52
lagprpplague: Hey Dave14:58
lagsakoman: Steve are you up yet? :)14:58
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zulwhat is nova-instance-montior?15:07
zulfuck...sorry wrong channel15:07
sakomanlag: I'm here now15:40
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lagsakoman: Ah ha15:43
lagsakoman: Good morning15:43
sakomanlag: gm!15:43
lagsakoman: http://www.sakoman.com/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=linux-omap-2.6.git;a=commit;h=9f40ee61034576e8abdb8201c9526204680e70d515:43
lagsakoman: What's the plan for this patch?15:43
sakomanit is on my "to do" list to submit all of those kernel patches15:44
sakomannot sure when I will get to it though . . .15:45
sakomanprobably at least a couple of weeks15:45
lagsakoman: bug 62293515:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 622935 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu) "video: add timings for hd720 video mode (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62293515:46
mopdenackerHi Ubuntu Gurus!  I'm trying to run Maverick on an OMAP3 Zoom3 board. Where's Ubuntu's kernel OMAP tree? I don't find it on http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git15:47
lagmopdenacker: It's there15:48
lagIt's a branch of the Maverick tree15:49
lagNo, wrong15:49
lagOMAP3 is in the master branch15:49
lagmopdenacker: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=summary15:50
lagsakoman: I've informed the bug of your plans15:50
lagsakoman: Which upstream do you intend to send it to?15:51
sakomanlag: we wouldn't want the bug to worry needlessly!15:51
sakomanlag: I'll need to research that!15:51
* lag tuts!15:51
sakomanI'll certainly copy linux-omap, but will need to figure out the proper subsystem list15:52
lagI subscribe to linux-omap, so I'll hopefully see it15:53
lagThanks Steve15:53
mopdenackerlag: thanks!15:56
lagmopdenacker: np15:59
mopdenackerlag: and where can I find the Ubuntu config settings? Since the current kernel build doesn't completely boot on my Zoom3, I'd like to try another source tree, but with Ubuntu's kernel config.16:09
mopdenackerlag: perfect, thanks!!!16:16
mopdenackerlag: how are you supposed to use it? Just doing a cat debian.master/config/config.common.ports debian.master/config/armel/config.flavour.omap > .config16:34
mopdenackerlag: Or do you feed these to an automated tool?16:34
* lag shrugs16:34
lagAsk in #ubuntu-kernel16:34
lagI just use fdr16:35
mopdenackerlag: Thanks! I'll ask sebjan tomorrow morning when he comes back. I'm sure he knows.16:37
devilhornsreally wishing that qemu would not segfault when I try to apt-get install something ... been trying for days to get an arm image created that I can run in qemu so that I can get started on the efl packages & code ... but have had no success :(16:48
lagmopdenacker: I see no reason why sebjan would know to be honest16:56
lagmopdenacker: However, after looking at the scripts, it appears this is part of it ;)16:57
lagmopdenacker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/487313/16:57
lagmopdenacker: Found in: debian/scripts/misc/kernelconfig16:58
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mopdenackerlag: sounds like what I need. Thanks!@17:00
lagprpplague: I'm heading off in a bit17:03
lagprpplague: Would you mind taking a look at this for me please?17:03
lagprpplague: http://paste.ubuntu.com/487187/17:04
lagprpplague: and17:04
lagprpplague: http://paste.ubuntu.com/487257/17:04
lagprpplague: Can you spot the subtle amendment in the first one? :)17:04
lagprpplague: Leave me a message when you get this and I'll pick it up in the morning17:04
lag(or later on tonight)17:04
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GrueMasterSo, what's up with apport-retracing?17:43
GrueMasterIs it broken again?17:44
devilhornsguess it's time to try it with a chroot instead...17:56
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dcordesHey guys. I shot a small video of maverick netbook on my htcleo (HTC HD2). It's nothing special really. It's actually aimed towards those who will potentially use it. - But as I keep talking about this hardware on this channel I thought I should share for thsoe who might be interested. http://vimeo.com/1463026319:09
looldcordes: well done19:11
looldcordes: Did you roll your own kernel?  did you copy over the OpenGL libs?19:11
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dcordeslool: Better congratulate those who make this happen. All I do is download the rootfs. Kernel is at git://git.linuxtogo.org/home/groups/mobile-linux/kernel.git htc-msm-2.6.32 . It is netbooklauncher-efl , not the 3d one. Awesome how fluid it runs, isn't it ?20:27
* rsalveti back!22:40
rsalvetigot the us visa!22:40
prpplaguersalveti: what type? tourist?22:41
rsalvetiafter a long long day :-)22:41
rsalvetiprpplague: business/conference22:41
prpplaguersalveti: ahh, dandy22:41
* rsalveti very very tired22:41
prpplaguersalveti: took me 3 years 8 months and 24 days to get a visa for my to come to the US22:41
prpplaguersalveti: i feel for ya22:41
rsalvetiprpplague: ouch!22:42
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