
=== bcurtiswx_ is now known as bcurtiswx
hggdhbdmurray: available?00:03
bdmurrayhggdh: for you? always ;-)00:05
kklimondahmm.. bug 628464 looks like a duplicate of bug 412944 but the latter should be fixed..00:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 628464 in couchdb-glib (Ubuntu) "package libdesktopcouch-glib-1.0-2 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62846400:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 412944 in adobe-flashplugin (Ubuntu) "[Karmic] Removing Flash Plugin causes annoying package managing problems (affects: 209) (dups: 40) (heat: 319)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41294400:14
kklimondaany ideas whether it's a duplicate or only a similar issue?00:15
micahgkklimonda: you have the right bug #?00:23
kklimondamicahg: what do you mean?00:24
kklimondamicahg: oh, yes00:24
kklimondamicahg: if you check the logs from 628464 you can see errors with update-alternatives and iceape-flash..00:25
micahgkklimonda: we don't have iceape-flash in teh archive00:36
kklimondamicahg: I can only guess it came from medibuntu then00:41
kklimondamicahg: or from partner repository: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adobe-flashplugin00:42
micahgkklimonda: that's not iceape-flash00:42
kklimondamicahg: but it may provide iceape-flash through alternatives00:42
hggdhsbeattie: OK, nagios3 is running (but I had about 4 failures)00:42
micahgkklimonda: it could be flashplugin-installer ass well00:45
micahg /etc/alternatives/iceape-flashplugin -> /var/lib/flashplugin-installer/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so00:45
micahg*as well00:45
kklimondasame with adobe-flashplugin.. neither is installed on OP's system (nor can I find anything relevant in attached /var/lib/dpkg/status) so we may not know00:47
kklimondaor not - it may still sit in /var/lib/dpkg/status - either adobe-flashplugin.prerm or flashplugin-installer.prerm00:48
micahgkklimonda: in hardy it would've been flashplugin-nonfree00:48
kklimondayeah, I was going to say exactly that :)00:48
kklimondacan I reassign bug to no package?00:51
kklimondawell, I think I can but how :)00:51
micahgkklimonda: remove the package00:52
kklimondamicahg: ah, that makes some twisted sense :)00:54
snadgei thought there was a bot that gave a summary of the bug when you put the bug number in01:03
snadge!bug 57803501:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 578035 in openssh (Ubuntu) "ssh-askpass-gnome doesn't prompt for password in any release post ubuntu 8.10 32/64bit (affects: 1) (heat: 39)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57803501:04
snadgethe workaround is to manually add the key with ssh-add .. i dont like it01:04
kklimondasnadge: do you have seahorse-agent running?01:07
snadgekklimonda: apparently not01:08
kklimondahmm, I'm not actually sure if it's responsible for ssh keys - it is for gpg ones..01:09
kklimondalets see01:09
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snadgei _think_ ssh-askpass-gnome is responsible for ssh keys01:09
kklimondano, the owner of SSH_AUTH_SOCK is gnome-keyring-daemon itself01:10
snadgeahh okay.. when i opened up one of my messaging clients, possibly empathy.. it asked me to unlock my keyring01:10
snadgewhich is a different password to what my ssh key uses01:11
hggdhand a different password than your login?01:11
hggdhsnadge: ^01:13
snadgeactually my login and ssh key use the same passphrase.. but my keyring uses a different one01:14
kklimondasnadge: and keyring stores ssh key password in its database01:14
hggdhsnadge: there you go. Make the keyring password the same as the login, and it will be automagicallt opened on login01:14
snadgehow do i change my keyring password?01:14
snadgeluls ;)01:14
hggdhrun seahorse, or "Password and encryption keys".01:15
kklimondaI wonder why is seahorse caching gpg password but g-k-d is the one responsible for ssh one..01:15
hggdhkklimonda: it is all, er, "the same" (sort of). seahorse and g-d-k are developed by the same people, AFAICR01:16
hggdhg-k-d. Oh dyslexia01:16
snadgeok so i've run seahorse.. now im looking for the change keyring password option01:17
kklimondahggdh: but it's yet another thing users, administrators and us have to remember about :)01:17
hggdhkklimonda: indeed :-)01:17
hggdhsnadge: alt-click on your login keyring, select change password01:18
snadgegot it :)01:18
snadgei guess i have to relogin?01:18
hggdhit would be a good test, yes01:18
kklimondawhat's funny is that even if I lock my keyring ssh password is still stored..01:21
kklimondain memory*01:22
snadgeits still doing it :|01:22
snadgeprompting me for my passphrase in the terminal when i use ssh.. without popping up the GUI like it used to, i can't imagine whats changed01:22
snadgemaybe i need to restart ssh or reboot.. i dont know01:23
snadgei just logged out and back in again01:23
kklimondasnadge: what is SSH_AUTH_SOCK set to?01:23
snadge /tmp/keyring-QEMju3/ssh01:23
kklimondaand does lsof /tmp/keyring-QEMju3/ssh give the same pid that GNOME_KEYRING_PID?01:24
snadgethe file is a socket.. and when i cat it, i get01:27
snadgecat: /tmp/keyring-QEMju3/ssh: No such device or address01:28
snadgeoh woops lsof :p01:28
snadgeyes it gives the pid of the gnome-keyring-daemon which is running01:28
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kklimondasnadge: is your keyring unlocked? can you open Passwords and Encryption Keys and browse stored passwords?01:29
snadgewhere is passwords and encryption keys in the menu?01:29
kklimondarun seahorse01:29
kklimondaand it's in Applications->Accesories in 10.04 afair01:30
kklimondagot moved to System->Preferences in maverick01:30
snadgegot it yep01:30
snadgeyes i think thats an appropriate move.. thats where i was looking ;)01:30
snadgeok i have two keys.. one called "login" one called "default"01:31
kklimondanow if it's not the case you can only check with the brand new user. this bug actually screams "local changes broke it" as this feature is probably the most used by developers :)01:31
snadgelogin is unlocked.. but default is locked01:31
snadgei should try unlocking default?01:31
snadgeok its unlocked.. but this hasn't seemed to help ssh01:32
kklimondabut I'm not sure whether it being locked could break.. yeah..01:32
snadgeinside it contains a wireless network password, and an msn password01:32
kklimondasnadge: have you had this problem since installation or has it shown after the upgrade? have you tried this with the new user?01:33
snadgessh-add seems to work as you would expect, but obviously its uncool to have to do this every time you login.. particularly since its supposed to be all automagic01:33
snadgeproblem was since a complete re-install from scratch01:34
snadgei'll try creating a new user01:34
snadgethe reinstall picked up my old install on another hard drive, and prompted me to import settings and i said yes01:34
kklimondawell, that may be a problem if there is something wrong with your configuration01:35
snadgewhat can i try blowing away or moving out of the way?01:35
kklimondaI'm not sure what could be responsible for that - I can't recreate it myself on pristine 10.04 installation01:37
snadge.gnome2/keyrings/ ?01:37
snadgei just moved that out of the way.. will see what that does01:38
kklimondaI don't think that could help01:38
kklimondaeven with keyring locked you should still get a dialog01:38
kklimondaand gnome-keyring-daemon is responsible for the dialog (so bug should probably be reassigned)01:40
snadgeyes that didn't help :/01:40
snadgecreating a new user called test01:41
snadgeok same thing.. how frustrating01:43
snadgewhat should be the permissions of your .ssh dir and the id_dsa file?01:44
kklimonda0700 and 060001:45
snadgethats what i've got01:45
kklimondamaybe try running ssh with -vvv and see if anything related to agent shows up01:48
snadgeit doesnt mention anything about the agent no01:51
kklimondamaybe try running ssh with -vvv and see if anything related to agent shows up/01:51
snadgei'll pastebin it01:51
kklimondawhat does gconftool-2 --get /apps/gnome-keyring/daemon-components/ssh return?01:51
kklimondayeah, pastebin it01:52
kklimondabut I'm completely out of ideas01:52
snadgei have a netbook that i have recently installed 10.04 64bit on01:53
snadgei might try copying my key file over to that, and see what it does01:53
snadgeits annoying not being able to reproduce bugs ;)01:54
snadgeim new to attempting to do this so forgive me for stating the obvious hehe01:55
drew212snadge: that is the key problem of debugging =P01:55
snadgei was thinking earlier.. this bug is f$#@ing irritating.. why hasn't something this fundamental been fixed01:56
snadgenow i know why ;)01:56
snadgeok the fscking netbook does it too01:59
snadgemaybe theres something mong about my key?01:59
snadgemaybe i should try it in a 32bit virtual machine02:00
kklimondasnadge: what cay does it actually use?02:00
snadgebonus.. its karmic02:00
kklimondaI see: debug2: key: /home/davidb/.ssh/id_rsa ((nil))02:01
kklimondadebug2: key: /home/davidb/.ssh/id_dsa ((nil))02:01
kklimondadebug2: key: /home/davidb/.ssh/identity ((nil))02:01
snadgethis is bad i take it?02:01
kklimondaand below "no such identity" for all keys02:01
kklimondaI'm not exactly sure but that's the only weird thing I see in the log02:02
kklimondait does try all three of them and return "no such identity" for either.02:03
snadgewell im just re-installing the guest additions to my 32bit karmic vm02:04
snadgeso i can copy my key into it and try it on that02:04
kklimondais it actually /home/davidb/.ssh/id_rsa ?02:04
snadgethere is no rsa file, only dsa02:05
kklimondabut if you add it manually server accepts it?02:06
snadgeok 32bit karmic does exactly the same thing02:06
kklimondasnadge: can you generate RSA 2048, upload it to your server and test again?02:07
snadgesure.. i'll give it a shot02:07
snadgei think you might be onto something.. it would seem most people use an rsa key02:08
snadgebut for whatever reason, i have a dsa key (i have no idea why, it was too long ago to remember)02:08
kklimondaand both you and OP use dsa keys..02:09
kklimondait's pretty far-stretched but I'm out of ideas02:09
kklimondahmm.. from http://live.gnome.org/GnomeKeyring/Ssh: "Version 1 of the SSH agent protocol is supported in compatibility mode. No integration with Gnome Keyring exists for keys loaded this way. SSH version 1 keys can loaded with ssh-add will work as expected. "02:11
snadgei see.. my key is too old school02:12
snadgethis is even more bizarre.. i just generated a brand new rsa key02:12
snadgeattempted a login to a server at work02:12
snadgeand it just allowed me to login straight away, without adding that key to "authorized_keys" file02:12
kklimondayou have your dsa in cache?02:13
kklimondasee ssh-add -l02:13
snadgeahh because of ssh-add yes.. lol02:13
snadgeok so we've now finally determined the problem, at some point.. gnome keyring stopped supporting older dsa keys02:14
snadgebut from the man page.. dsa was only supported in protocol version 202:15
snadgeversion 1, only supported rsa.. bizarre02:15
kklimondano, it still supports them - but you have to use ssh-add to add them02:16
bcurtiswxwhat would i report a v4l issue under package-wise?02:16
bcurtiswxgstreamer ?02:16
snadgekklimonda: but why?02:16
snadgemaybe i should just be thankful that the problem has been determined.. and just generate a new key02:17
snadgehowever, i would like to save people the frustration of going through what i just have.. perhaps i will leave a comment in the bug on launchpad02:17
kklimondasnadge: I have no idea - it fully supports only the second version of ssh protocol.. but I don't see how that relates to dsa and rsa..02:17
kklimondasnadge: I'll add a coment shortly02:17
snadgehaving to replace my key on every single server i have access to.. just to work around this problem, is slightly annoying however.. so i will just use ssh-add for now :)02:18
snadgeok verified the dialog pops up correct for an rsa generated key02:21
kklimondaI think it may be related to how old the key is02:21
kklimondaI've created new dsa key and it worked02:21
snadgeok one other thing i've noticed is the rsa key is much shorter than my dsa key02:21
snadgeperhaps i used an old guide some time ago.. that recommended using a larger keysize or something02:21
snadgemy brain is hazy.. but should i pastebin my .authorized_keys file?02:23
snadgethats a public key isnt it..02:23
kklimondabut it won't tell me anything :)02:26
snadgeok now im about to get grilled for all the things i should've been doing instead of chasing htis bug ;) (in a meeting)02:26
snadgebut im just going to blame stress and all sorts of other emotional problems02:26
snadgeand then break down in tears and tell him to fire me02:26
snadgedo you think the problem is perhaps fixable now that we know a bit more about it?02:31
kklimondasnadge: no - it's not a bug but Gnome Keyring developers' decision not to fully support old version of ssh protocol (and apparently old keys)02:31
kklimondasnadge: I wonder, can you do02:33
kklimondassh-add -D02:33
kklimondamove ~/.ssh/id_rsa key somewhere else so only your old id_dsa key stays02:33
kklimondaand then force ssh to use v2 protocol (by calling ssh -2 host)02:34
kklimondadoes it detect your dsa key?02:34
kklimondaby it I mean server02:34
bcurtiswxwhats the default spell checker for ubuntu02:56
bcurtiswxaspell still?02:56
snadgekklimonda: sorry i was just in a meeting.. which i successfully negotiated not being blamed for derelict of duties :p03:32
gorillasnadge: eww. nasty.03:34
snadgemy job i used to be cruising on easy street, but the company is transitioning from yahoo wild west style, to proper formal company style, and as such my workload has significantly increased03:37
snadgeso developer type stuff is creeping into my sysadmin role, and im completely unfamiliar with how the system works from that perspective.. now i have to implement change requests and things like that, revoke developers access etc03:38
bcurtiswxall bugday new bugs taken care of :D04:11
nigelbthat was fast04:16
nigelbit isn't yet thursday in some tz you know :p04:16
MuscovyIt's not even Sept 2nd for me either.04:19
bcurtiswxnot here either04:28
bcurtiswxim the empathy guy, figured it was only right04:28
* nigelb hugs bcurtiswx :)04:28
snadgekklimonda: ssh -2 seems to have the same result04:53
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dwasselI seem to have found an issue with eglibc on lucid and I am not sure where and how to report it08:51
dwasselalright, I'll just dive into the details: I can observe differences in the results (minor) and runtime (drastic!) of the exp function between 32 and 64 bit versions on an Intel core2.09:00
dwasselthe underlying reason seems to be that 32-bit libm calculates exp (and log, and possibly others) by __ieee754_exp, which uses some table-lookup and checks its own numeric error09:02
dwassel(actually both "bitness" versions due this, of course). Thing is, when calling exp with arguments close to eps, the check seems to succeed for 32-bit libm, but fails for 64-bit libm, so a soft-float variant of exp is called, which is accurate, but horribly slow09:04
dwasselthis might be more suitable for libc, but eglibc is pretty inactive, and I am *very* hesitant to take this before the Drepper guy09:06
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vishhmm , i thought we had 3-4 empathy adopters , why are so many bugs marked incomplete even after the questions have been answered :s12:03
htorquehello, i'm subscribed to four unity bugs that have their distro tasks marked "fix released" but their upstream tasks still say "fix committed" - should i update that to "fix released"?13:08
seb128htorque, depends if upstream rolled a tarball13:10
seb128htorque, we sometime backport changes before they do13:10
seb128could somebody test bug #612825?13:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 612825 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "[ubuntu] maverick: can't install new languages (nothing happen) (affects: 5) (heat: 137)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61282513:10
seb128on a beta iso13:10
seb128pedro_, ara: ^13:10
seb128bug #625643 is similar13:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 625643 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "Not installing language packs after password (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 24)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62564313:10
seb128if that's still happening the bug should be nominated13:11
pedro_seb128, looking13:11
seb128pedro_, ola13:11
seb128thanks ;-)13:11
seb128or is that hola?13:11
pedro_seb128, it is hola but ola also works ;-)13:12
htorqueseb128, yes, there's a tarball available to contains all those fixes13:12
bcurtiswxHey all, in case you didn't know.  Our buds over at #empathy have given us special updated packages to test bugs against today13:12
seb128works fine for french, we don't spell the h anyway there13:12
seb128htorque, close the tasks then13:12
htorqueseb128, thanks :)13:12
vishbcurtiswx: that should be updated in the wiki as well :)13:13
* bcurtiswx is editing13:13
bcurtiswxadded :)13:16
bcurtiswxvish: i like your pyramid approach going here (bottom up)13:17
vishbcurtiswx: heh, felt pretty depressing looking at those bugs! pretty bad state of the bugs though.. :s13:18
bcurtiswxvish: yeah, think of how I feel.  I still have to wait to start attacking these bugs13:19
bcurtiswxaaanyways, i have to get things going to work, bbs13:19
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DinkIs there a site where I can go to where it lists what package was released on a specific day and view what it fixed ?14:16
nigelbDink: you want to see changelogs?14:18
nigelbpackages.ubuntu.com would be a userfriendly place14:18
nigelbor changelogs.ubuntu.com if you're ok with searching14:18
Dinkhmm looking for something I found the other day but forgot to bookmark. It wasn't those. It gave details on dates and what packages where released.14:19
Dinkahh found it. www.ubuntuupdates.org14:20
Dinknigelb, thanks for the help. I just needed that extra push to find it.14:21
nigelbDink: that isn't an official site though.14:26
Dinknigelb, yeah figured based on the the url. It is a good site though. If there is an office site similar please let me know.14:35
nigelbDink: I like what it does, just unsure of how fast info gets updated there14:36
nigelbThere isn't /one/ place where you can do all that officially though14:36
DinkAhh. Yeah not sure on how fast it gets updated. But most things are there when I try to look for them.14:37
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ashams#ubuntu-bugs: can someone help me! :)15:13
nisshhashams: whats up?15:13
ashamsnisshh: hi15:13
ashamsnisshh: I want to attach multiple files all at once to some bug report, is this available in LP?15:15
nisshhashams: im not sure15:15
nisshhashams: let me have a look see15:15
ashamsnisshh: ok15:16
ashamsnisshh: I'll try to look at the LP help.15:16
nisshhashams: ok, i dont think it will be in there15:17
ashamsnisshh: so, where to look?15:17
bilalakhtarashams: no you cannot15:18
bilalakhtarashams: you have to attach it one-by-ope15:18
nisshhbilalakhtar: didnt think so15:18
bilalakhtarnisshh: It is possible through the API, though15:19
nisshhbilalakhtar: would be a good feature though15:19
nisshhah ok15:19
bilalakhtarnisshh: but the Web UI restricts it15:19
bilalakhtarfor example, in apport bugs, many attachments are attached at once15:19
ashamsnisshh: so, how can I reach that API for future use?15:20
bilalakhtar'coz apport uses the LP API15:20
bilalakhtarashams: write an app for it :)15:20
nisshhashams: its the API that runs launchpad15:20
nisshhashams: or use launchpadlib :)15:20
ashamsbilalakhtar: that's exactly what made me tought that it might be possible15:20
bilalakhtarnisshh: launchpadlib is somewhat bulky15:21
nisshhbilalakhtar: how so?15:21
bilalakhtarnisshh: Its API calls consume high bandwidth15:21
nisshhoh, do they?15:21
nisshhbilalakhtar: i thought lplib was the only way for a python app to interface with lp?15:22
nisshhor am i wrong?15:22
bilalakhtaryes they do, I went on to write an app, gave up because of the speed15:22
bilalakhtarnisshh: correct and wrong15:22
bilalakhtarnisshh: Its the only Python lib that facilitates that15:22
nisshhhow is that possible?15:22
bilalakhtarnisshh: at the same time, as the wiki states15:23
bilalakhtar'If you are using some other language than Python, you will have to wrap around the API yourelf'15:23
charlie-tcaYou can use the email interface to attach more than one file at a time15:23
ashamscharlie-tca: How to?15:23
nisshhbilalakhtar: so i cold write my own wrapper for the API?15:24
bilalakhtarso, if you want to write in C, you will have to use curl, for example, to interface with LP in a more dirtier way15:24
bilalakhtarnisshh: of course! one exists for PHP, AFAIK15:24
nisshhno thanks15:24
nisshhbilalakhtar: but what if i wanted my python app to interface with LP?15:24
bilalakhtarnisshh: use launchpadlib :(15:24
Picinisshh: see https://help.launchpad.net/API15:25
nisshhbilalakhtar: heh, so why does lplib use so much bandwidth when interfacing with lp?15:25
* devildante has 5000+ karma! yay!15:25
nisshhPici: thanks15:25
bilalakhtarnisshh: well, it makes too many calls for a single purpose, but I agree its easy-to-use15:25
bilalakhtarnisshh: AND its well-written and less buggy15:26
nisshhbilalakhtar: are there plans to improve lplibs performance?15:26
* bilalakhtar is not an lplib developer15:26
hggdhvish: there?15:26
nisshhi know15:26
nisshhbilalakhtar: ill have a look at it, i might fiddle with it15:27
bilalakhtarCongratulations devildante !15:27
devildantethanks, bilalakhtar :)15:27
* hggdh has less karma than devildante15:27
hggdhnigelb: ping... ping... PING...15:28
nigelbhggdh: pong15:28
* bilalakhtar has less karma than nigelb 15:28
* nigelb never looked at karma after it crossed 10015:28
* devildante has also less karma than nigelb15:28
nigelbafter sometime you never look at karma15:29
* bilalakhtar also never looks at hi karma15:29
* charlie-tca thinks it never occurred to him to look at karma15:29
bilalakhtarwell, karma means 'work done' in hindi15:29
nigelbNow, to look at how much I do actually have15:29
* devildante sees bilalakhtar has more karma than nigelb15:30
bilalakhtardevildante: maybe, I didn't see nigelb's , I just guessed!15:30
* devildante is not that far from nigelb15:30
nigelbdevildante: It decays :)15:31
nigelbI haven't been very active with karma-ish stuff15:31
devildantenigelb: no excuses :p15:31
charlie-tcadrops with each release. But a lot of things are not counted15:31
nigelborganizing irc sessions, helping with news team and stuff are not karma-ish stuff :)15:31
charlie-tcaWiki updating, irc help, too15:31
* bilalakhtar 's karma shot up when he got involved with ubuntu development15:31
* devildante seconds bilal15:32
nigelbcharlie-tca: that's why in membership meetings the board tends to look at testimonials rather than karma15:32
* bilalakhtar is lucky to have not applied for membership through an RMB15:33
charlie-tcaand why it is important to be active within the community, rather than active in an activity15:33
nigelbwell, developers are not intended to apply through rmb, which is why dmb exists15:33
bilalakhtarnigelb: IMHO applying for membership throught the DMB and developing for Ubuntu is easier than doing community work and applying through an RMB15:34
bilalakhtarin MY opinion15:34
nigelbbilalakhtar: It depends on what you're working on15:34
nigelbI went through rmb and didn't have much pains15:34
nigelbBut then, I had a good deal of community work and still do.15:35
bilalakhtarnigelb: actually, I have seen people applying more than once to RMBs to become members15:35
charlie-tcaMIne went right through, but I don't think I could get approval from dmb15:35
bilalakhtarthat gave be the thinking15:35
nigelbWell, you have took at cause of rejection15:35
nigelbthe most awesome application at an rmb was sense15:35
nigelbbefore he could type his intro, he got +1s :D15:36
devildantewhat is dmb and rmb?15:36
bilalakhtarDMB -> Developer Membership Board15:36
nigelbEveryone knew him in the community + he did awesome work, further emphasizing charlie-tca's point15:36
nisshhnigelb: why is that?15:36
bilalakhtarRMB -> Regional Memberhsip boards15:36
nisshhbilalakhtar: apparently mavericks version of lplib has some big performance improvements15:38
bilalakhtarnisshh: really? I never tested it on my maverick sys15:38
nisshhbilalakhtar: yea, apparently the newest versions of lplib (according to the NEWS file in the source) make far fewer HTTP requests and various other things, also there are some improvements in lazr.restful as well15:40
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nigelbnisshh: Also, with LP, you need to write good code to make sure you aren't making too many requests15:41
nisshhalthough im not running maverick grrrr15:41
nisshhnigelb: yea, i can see that would be an issue15:41
nigelbI mean looping through all the bugs and filtering for LP isn't a great idea and a lot of stuff like that15:42
nigelbI've been through it when I've written scripts15:42
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nigelbAnd when you want only number of results there are far more efficient methods than looping through every bug and doing i++15:42
nisshhnigelb: in my app, i want to user to be able to enter a bug number and it will search for it and return the description15:43
nisshhwhich shouldnt be too many requests15:43
nigelbnisshh: desktop app?15:43
nisshhnigelb: yep15:43
nisshhwritten in Python15:43
nigelb!info bughugger15:44
nisshhah yes15:44
ubot2nigelb: bughugger (source: bughugger): Client for Managing Ubuntu Bug Tasks. In component universe, is extra. Version 10.04 (lucid), package size 125 kB, installed size 524 kB15:44
nigelbnisshh: ^^ take a look at it.  I'm not sure how well it works15:45
nisshhnigelb: iv used it15:45
nigelbI'd encourage you to fix it if its broken rather than writing a whole new one15:45
nisshhnigelb: my app isnt anything like bughugger15:45
nigelbAh, ok15:45
nisshhnigelb: my app -> https://launchpad.net/pytask15:46
nigelbnisshh: sweet!15:46
nigelbnisshh: oh yeah! congrats on membership :)15:47
vishhggdh: Oui, monsieur15:47
nisshhnigelb: thanks :)15:47
nigelbvish: oh? getting a bit foreign now? :p15:48
hggdhvish: got what I needed, merci15:48
vish ;p15:49
* nigelb just made the mistake of /lastlog hggdh 15:49
nigelbhggdh => you talk way too much :p15:49
hggdhand I have been pretty much silent lately...15:49
devildantethanks bilalakhtar15:52
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bcurtiswxon LP, how do I add a empathy lucid task in specific.17:40
bcurtiswxor can i not?17:43
yofelbcurtiswx: afaik only devs can do it, you can nominate it for lucid though17:43
bcurtiswxyofel, OK, i wasn't sure. thx17:44
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hggdhyofel: you can nominate, but only the maintainers can accept/reject17:50
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bcurtiswxvish: bugs in which you ask if people have forwarded upstream yet, you mark as new. why not incomplete?17:51
vishbcurtiswx: we decided that long time ago to *not* mark bugs incomplete for those , the bug is not incomplete , we are doing an incomplete job there ;)17:52
bcurtiswxwow, where was i for this discussion.  I think its quite contrary17:53
bcurtiswxa completel bug will be a triaged one, a new bug is one that hasn't been touched by a triager yet... thats my opinion17:54
bcurtiswxso if its not complete and not new, it should be incomplete17:54
vishbcurtiswx: no , these would be in confirm.. but some of the bugs , there hasnt been a second person to "confirm"17:55
vishits one of those needs-forwarding bugs , but empathy triage seems to follow its own rules17:55
bcurtiswxvish ?17:55
bcurtiswxown rules?17:55
charlie-tcaI thought we were marking those confirmed17:56
vishcharlie-tca: yes, if we can confirm them.. but these were marked incomplete17:56
charlie-tcaIf they can't be confirmed, why would we want to have them sent upstream?17:57
bcurtiswxif they needs-forwarding, doesn't that make it incomplete?17:57
vishcharlie-tca: they reporter keeps saying that he has the bug and has answered all the questions17:57
charlie-tcaI see17:57
charlie-tcaI have some like that, myself17:58
bcurtiswxi don't want to be inconsistent with general triage, but if a bug needs to be forwarded upstream, how is it closer to "new" than it is "incomplete" ?17:58
bcurtiswxif not confirmed17:59
charlie-tcaA bug that is not confirmed is normally kept at new until it can be?17:59
vishbcurtiswx: incomplete is for a bug, when the user has to reply to a question17:59
charlie-tcaThe The fact that it can be sent upstream by the original reporter does not change the fact that it is not confirmed by more than one person18:00
bcurtiswxvish, OK, in the default reply to ask someone with the bug to forward uptream waiting for the user to "reply" to that question18:00
charlie-tcaso, yes, new is correct18:00
bcurtiswxhmm, maybe my main argument is that if we request it to be sent upstream, we have in essence asked the reporter to perform an action and are waiting for that reply that its done..18:01
bcurtiswxnot saying a triager can't do it...18:01
vishbcurtiswx: lets take a personal example.. i'v had bugs i could reproduce but , no one else was able to reproduce [yet] , but i collected the info the bug needed and forwarded it upstream, and later sometimes bugs get confirmed or not ..18:02
vishbut the bug was valid and had to be looked into by upstream18:02
charlie-tcayes, if upstream can confirm it, we can move the status to confirmed also18:02
bcurtiswxso maybe i18:03
bcurtiswxhmm, premature enter hitting18:03
bcurtiswxif its reported upstream, then it's typically marked as triaged18:03
bcurtiswxso upon waiting for someone to send it upstream, how is this differ from my previous statements that it needs to me incomplete while we wait for the bug to be reported upstream18:04
charlie-tcabut if the reporter has gathered all the data, he can push the bug upstream, and then he will also followup with upstream questions. If we push it based on a single reporter, they won't always follow the upstream report18:05
vishbcurtiswx: as a triager for a package all i need to know i what info upstream would ask for..18:05
charlie-tcaWe can not confirm it, why is it incomplete?18:05
vishbcurtiswx: if there is anything less, then we can always ask again :)18:05
charlie-tcaincomplete could expire waiting for someone to confirm the bug. New bugs normally won't expire waiting for confirmation18:06
bcurtiswxhmm, maybe i'm asking the wrong question here.  let me rephrase18:06
vishbcurtiswx: the bugs i went through and was pretty disappointed at the way they were triaged.. several of the bugs marked incomplete were answered a long time ago...18:07
charlie-tcaIf someone else eventually confirms the issue, we as triagers can send it upstream18:07
bcurtiswxvish, who's issue is that?18:07
vishbcurtiswx: not you :)18:07
bcurtiswxwe have all upstream info, even if its not confirmed, so we need to get it sent upstream (assuming we have no time right now to do it ourselves) we ask in the bug for someone having the issue to forward it.18:09
vishbcurtiswx: also, none of my remarks of empathy triage were directed at you :)18:09
bcurtiswxat that point , im saying i see it being marked as new,... which i believe should be incomplete because we are waiting for a response to our question18:09
charlie-tcapersonally, if the bug can not be confirmed, I would prefer the reporter upstream it so the reporter follows up if needed18:10
vishcharlie-tca: +118:10
charlie-tcabut I also do want the bug to expire in incomplete status18:10
bcurtiswxim just asking about why it's been set at new, and not incomplete as we wait for it to be sent upstream18:11
charlie-tcaWhich it will expire in 60 days if left in incomplete18:11
vishbcurtiswx: what was decide was to just leave those bugs as new.. since incomplete means that the reporter has to reply to some question we have asked..18:11
vishand the expiry issue18:11
bcurtiswxwe are asking them to report it upstream18:11
vishbcurtiswx: forwarding the bug is not the reporters work, we need to do that :)18:12
vishthat is actually what i meant by, 'incomplete for us'...18:12
visherr, incomplete job by us18:12
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bcurtiswx'eh, i guess I can't explain myself in the right way.  I have other things to do ATM.  I'll give it a go later probably.  sorry for the confusion18:13
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* charlie-tca finds it extremely confusing trying to keep up with things18:16
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ashamssimar: hi18:30
simarashams: hey18:32
simarashams: whats up18:32
ashamssimar: fine, my good Mentor :)18:32
simarashams: :))18:33
ashamssimar: when would be your weekend?18:33
ashamssimar: friday?18:33
simarashams: right from sat to sun .. ;-))18:33
ashamssimar: very nice,18:33
simarashams: but i will be avaliable on friday18:34
simarashams: how is you triaging going on?18:34
simarashams: let me check18:34
ashamssimar: would you like to spend more time mentoring me in these days?18:34
simarashams: ofcourse ..18:34
simarashams: ah!! good increase in karma value .18:35
ashamssimar: thank you18:35
simarashams: you are welcome to ask anything..18:36
ashamssimar: well, I've to tell you that I'm a muslim, and this month is the one of Fasting and praying, that's only why I'm always busy...18:36
simarashams: good you should pray to god before everything and above everything .. there is no problem, whenever you are free try to triage..18:37
simarashams: let me tell you that you can also consider triaging some other package if you like doing so..18:42
simarashams: or if you are not very comfortable with your present package18:42
ashamssimar: no, it's fine18:49
ashamssimar: I'm asking for some time before 16 UTC18:49
simarashams: just tell me when to be online tomorrow?18:50
ashams14 UTC ok?18:50
ashamssimar: 14 UTC ok?18:51
simarashams: fare enough ..18:51
simarashams: be online and wait only for 14:30 and i will come hopefully18:52
ashamssimar: Thank you very much, got to go!, sorry....18:52
ashamssimar: OK18:52
simarashams: c ya tomorrow18:52
ashamssimar: :)18:52
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vishbcurtiswx: werent the protocol icons removed from contact list? i vaguely remember you blogging a mockup..19:18
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bcurtiswxvish, no they weren't.  You have to enable showing protocol icons19:41
bcurtiswxvish, if they are talking about contact merges, protocol icons aren't shown19:41
vishbcurtiswx: oh ok.. was about Bug #546881 btw, someone marked it fix-committed ;p19:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 546881 in empathy (Ubuntu) "protocol icons (particularly Facebook) obscure status icon too much (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54688119:42
bcurtiswxvish, <3 people trying to use launchpad without understanding it.. they should send it upstream and let cassidy decide if he wants to do that.  Right now it would represent a UI change, and wont make it into 2.32, though.19:44
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El_Presidentecrimsun_, can you please take a look here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/572146 again i think i found the bug http://yfrog.com/n2bildschirmfotovp19:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 572146 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "crackling sound from microphone with 2.6.32-21 kernel (affects: 4) (heat: 44)" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:48
micahgcharlie-tca: how's the stability of xfce beta?19:54
charlie-tcaLooks good to me19:54
charlie-tcaA few bugs, of course19:54
micahgcharlie-tca: any of the menuproxy/appmenu issues that GNOME has?19:55
charlie-tcaDon't think so19:55
micahgcharlie-tca: cool, I guess I'm clear to upgrade this weekend then :)19:56
charlie-tcashould be. I am still trying to test upgrades, my connection is a lot slow19:56
micahgcharlie-tca: I can handle a few bugs, just not total breakage19:57
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charlie-tcaI been using it since right before alpha3, I think19:58
micahgI usually wait for beta so all the system wide changes land19:59
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simar__mohaarsimar: hello20:17
simarsimar h21:06
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dyfetI believe bug #623330 can be marked as triaged.  At least what needs to be done has been identified.22:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 623330 in unison (Ubuntu) "Unison gui-language is english (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62333022:24
devildantedyfet: you should report the bug upstream22:31
dyfetI would be happy to22:32
dyfetI wanted to make sure we identified what needs to be done first :)22:32
devildantedyfet, I meant you must report the bug upstream if you want it to be triaged22:43
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crimsun_El_Presidente: well, reverting that commit breaks the original reporter's23:53
crimsun_El_Presidente: so, there is no good way to go about this.23:53
crimsun_El_Presidente: just use position_fix=023:53
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crimsun_El_Presidente: I've retitled the bug report and noted the workaround23:56

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