
=== bcurtiswx_ is now known as bcurtiswx
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bcurtiswxkenvandine, did you get my bug memo from earlier?01:10
kenvandinebcurtiswx, not yet01:23
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pittiGood morning07:06
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baptistemmhi pitti07:35
pittihey baptistemm07:50
vishrobert_ancell: hi, did the pidgin merge get approved? you were looking into the papercuts a few days ago for uploading, and seb`28 had mentioned it , but the bug has not auto-closed , so was wondering if the changelog had a bug# tpyo07:51
vishheh, typo for a typo :D07:51
robert_ancellvish, sorry, not I haven't looked at it yet07:54
vishah, k.. :)07:54
didrocksgood morning07:55
vish bonjour!07:56
didrockshey vish ;)07:57
vishyay! beta releasing today!07:59
robert_ancellvish, doing it now...08:00
vishrobert_ancell: thanks :)08:00
didrockssalut huats08:01
* didrocks test the netbook beta iso now08:01
* vish grumbles at ATI! , let me use unity!08:01
didrocksvish: I think that harrassing RAOF can have positive result on that ;) (kidding, just to say, he is working on it ;))08:04
huatshey didrocks08:07
robert_ancellvish, which description did you want?  The one in the debian bug report?08:23
vishrobert_ancell: the merge i had updated , that was the one with mpt's last suggestion08:24
vishthe debian one was old..08:24
robert_ancellvish, oh, too many patches, missed the merge :)08:25
vishrobert_ancell: hehe , yeah, that bug has been around for ages :D08:26
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cassidykenvandine, didrocks: around ?09:01
didrockssalut cassidy09:01
cassidyso, today is Empathy's hug day which is great and all but I just saw that Maverick still has 2.31.90 which is pretty buggy (first release with meta-contacts so lot of regressions)09:01
cassidyany chance to update to .91 asap so people will test a more decent version ?09:02
cassidysame for folks, it would be really nice to have 0.1.16 for tests09:02
didrockscassidy: urgh, not really as we are in beta freeze today and we will have maybe some CD respin again :/ let me see if I can unblock that, gives me 10 minutes09:02
didrockscassidy: in the worst case, we can setup a ppa and put that in the instruction of the hug day09:03
cassidyI can even make a to have all the latest fixes (we fixed a bunch of regressions these last 2 days)09:03
didrocksthat will be cool :)09:03
cassidydidrocks, yeah we could use the TP PPA09:03
cassidydidrocks, folks has been packaged in Debian, I'll upload it the the TP PPA09:04
cassidyand will make a .1 release too09:04
didrockscassidy: let me see, it depends on the regression I currently get on the netbook installer, if we do a respin or not. Will be soon fixed if we respin or not09:04
didrockscassidy: great, prepare the ppa in any case :)09:04
cassidyyeah that doesn't hurt09:04
robert_ancelldidrocks, do you know much about libgtkhtml?  It appears to be used by evo, and the latest version has changed library name from libgtkhtml-editor.so to libgtkhtml-editor-3.14.so09:05
didrocksrobert_ancell: you made the update, right? that's why I didn't change it09:06
didrocksrobert_ancell: we have a patch for that IIRC09:06
robert_ancelldidrocks, I did the stable release update, I haven't made the 3.31 release09:06
didrocksrobert_ancell: no, please, don't make 3.3109:06
robert_ancellI mean update with the stable version of gtkhtml09:06
didrocksrobert_ancell: we stay on 3.30.x for evo 2.30.x09:07
robert_ancelldidrocks, ok, I'll put a note in versions.  cheers09:07
didrocksrobert_ancell: consider libgtkhtml beeing part of the evo stack09:07
seb128being a bit late I've been doing some beta testing09:24
didrockscassidy: I think the ppa will be the way to go for the hug day, do you need help there? (be sure that pedro is aware about that)09:32
cassidydidrocks, the folks package should reach incoming.debian soonish. I'll upload it to the PPA then09:32
cassidydidrocks, I'm doing the empathy release atm. then it would be cool if you could package it09:33
didrockscassidy: sure, just keep me posted :)09:33
seb128check the queue before, updates have been done during the week and uploaded09:34
seb128they are just blocked until beta09:34
seb128when is the bug day?09:35
seb128next week?09:35
seb128the queue will be cleaned before that09:35
didrocksseb128: today09:35
seb128oh ok09:35
seb128timing sucks09:36
didrocksseb128: cassidy is making a new .1 release with latest fixes too09:36
cassidydidrocks, folks uploaded to the PPA09:36
cassidydidrocks, released http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/telepathy/2010-September/004852.html09:39
didrockscassidy: thanks, will do it in some minutes09:46
ftakenvandine, fyi, gwibber-service crashes a lot here with "GError: Unrecognized image file format"09:59
seb128fta: bug number?09:59
ftai'm looking for a dupe atm09:59
seb128let me know10:00
seb128so I can milestone it10:00
ftaoh, there's a .91 available, i'll upgrade 1st10:02
ftaempathy just crashed too10:02
ftaSIGSEGV in tp_proxy_get_object_path()10:03
seb128pitti, hi!10:51
pittiMonsieur Bacher! ca va?10:51
seb128ca va bien ;-)10:51
seb128ca va même très bien :-)10:52
seb128et toi ?10:52
seb128pitti, while playing with maverick I noticed that mono applications crash in the guest session10:52
seb128pitti, would that be a bug in the guest session?10:53
pittiseb128: bien, merci!10:53
pittiseb128: do you have an AppArmor error in dmesg?10:53
pittithe AA profile might need updating10:53
seb128let me see in my logs10:53
seb128I had to restart my system crashes again when coming back from the guest session10:54
seb128some days I hate intel drivers10:54
pittioh, I used the guest session a couple of times in maverick, and it behaved10:54
pittibut I might have a different card10:54
seb128it's not the guest session10:54
seb128it's xorg session switching10:55
pittiI mean that10:55
seb128the box crashes10:55
seb128ie keyboard led stop responding10:55
seb128can't do anything but use the power button10:55
pittidoes ssh work still?10:56
seb128 type=1400 audit(1283420455.774:51): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_mmap" parent=3311 profile="/usr/share/gdm/guest-session/Xsession"10:56
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seb128pitti, ^10:56
seb128pitti, should I open a bug about it?10:58
pittiseb128: sure, please do; I need to disappear for an hour and run now, so I can't fix it right away10:59
seb128pitti, ok, see you!10:59
mvoglatzor: hi, around?11:02
seb128hey Keybuk11:24
seb128Keybuk, how are you?11:26
seb128Keybuk, did you read pitti's comment on bug #61554911:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 615549 in gdm (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Dell Studio XPS 13 no video (affects: 2) (heat: 176)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61554911:26
seb128Keybuk, would be nice if you could reply to it ;-)11:26
KeybukI'm not too bad11:26
Keybukis there any reason I should have read pitti's comment on that bug?11:26
seb128he Cc-ed you and asked you a question11:27
Keybukah, I /dev/null all bug mail that's not assigned to me11:27
seb128even direct cc?11:27
seb128ie if somebody subscribe you to the bug11:27
Keybukif he Cc'd me in mail, I should have got it11:28
Keybukright, I /dev/null that11:28
seb128that's useful to know for next time ;-)11:28
Keybukif you want me to look at a bug, the best thing is to just grab me on IRC like that - or drop me a mail :)11:31
seb128Keybuk, ok, noted for the next time11:31
seb128thanks ;-)11:31
Keybukhave replied, I would talk to cjwatson and apw about that bug11:33
seb128pitti, ^11:35
tjaaltonis there a way to have a different default background for gdm & gnome (lucid)?11:55
tjaaltonso far it seems "no"11:55
seb128there is11:56
seb128just change the background gconf key for the gdm user11:56
seb128sudo -u gdm gnome-appearance-properties11:56
seb128it's the easier way11:56
seb128or sudo -u gdm gconf-editor11:56
tjaaltonhmm ok11:56
tjaaltonright, I found the files in /var/lib/gdm, could just replace the one having that :)11:57
seb128you might need to add a dbus-launch in that11:57
tjaaltonok thanks, sounds like a solutino11:57
pittiKeybuk: thanks for the reply12:07
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chrisccoulsoni quite like Keybuk's approach to handling bug mail ;)12:17
Keybukheh, it was born out of a few factors12:18
Keybukfirstly I'm really bad at bug mail, and I get shouty and ranty on it; when we experimented with Steve doing the triage and assigning them to me in late-Lucid, things got *so much more productive*12:19
Keybuksecondly the volume of bug mail across the bits I'm theoretically responsible for is so large, I would only have time to read and reply to it, I wouldn't have any time left to actually fix bugs or do work12:19
Keybukand thirdly I'm almost entirely focussed on development - reading bugs doesn't really help with that :p12:19
pittiI largely ignore incoming bugs (package bug contact), I just jump on subscribed and assigned bugs12:20
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm pretty bad with bug mail. i tend to just let them build up for ages and then deleting them when i realise it would take me 2 days to read through them all12:20
pittiand then and again look at the package bug list and do some cleanup12:20
chrisccoulsoni generally only read the ones that people assign to me12:20
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pittiI can genearlly live with the bug mail genearted through subscribed/assigned bugs12:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm subscribed to mozilla bugs ;)12:21
* pitti sorts his e and r keys12:21
pittichrisccoulson: you mean as being a package bug contact?12:21
pittiright, those are the ones I ignore12:22
pittiI mean explicitly subscribed12:22
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm starting to question the value of being subscribed to all mozilla bugs12:22
pittiI expect the cost-benefit ratio of that to be very low12:22
pittierm, high I mean :)12:22
chrisccoulsoni occasionally spot issues when i see bugs that are getting a lot of comments12:23
chrisccoulsonand i spotted yesteday too that lots of people were reporting upgrade failures with ubufox12:23
chrisccoulsonbut apart from that, it's not much benefit12:23
seb128we still lack an efficient way to spot bugs we need to work on12:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, i definately have that problem12:24
seb128I don't bother replying to bug emails nowadays but I still do read titles12:25
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's pretty much what i'm doing at the moment12:25
seb128it give me an idea of which ones are common issues or get comments often12:25
seb128I'm still trying to figure a way to build a comprehensive bugslist of things we should work on12:27
seb128which requires first to know what to put on the list12:27
* pitti fixes up the mountall lucid branch12:27
seb128but also to know how to display the list12:28
seb128ideally we would have a list of maverick bug tasks on the desktop set12:28
seb128or the xorg set12:28
seb128or the firefox set12:28
seb128then we just need to open maverick tasks for bugs we care about12:29
seb128mvo, hello12:41
seb128bug #58700412:41
seb128do you want that to have a maverick task?12:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 587004 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Update-notifier triggers an aptdaemon launch on start up (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58700412:42
seb128I'm reviewing the bug nomination list12:42
mvoseb128: checking12:43
mvoseb128: I think that is hard to avoid without a suid binary, but I will double check12:43
seb128mvo, what about comment #8?12:43
mvoseb128: aha, indeed12:44
seb128mvo, if that's easy to do maybe maverick task set to low and assigned to you there?12:45
mvoseb128: I have a look at the code, should be staightfowrad12:46
seb128mvo, ok, do you mind if I assign some bugs to you while I clean nominations? feel free to unassign them12:47
seb128mvo, like bug #62029712:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 620297 in gdebi (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "gdebi-gtk fails with ''dpkg: unable to read filedescriptor flags...." (affects: 24) (dups: 1) (heat: 96)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62029712:47
seb128mvo, it's mainly a way to say "could you read the bug and check if that should be on the maverick list" ;-)12:47
seb128mvo, that will be easier than IRC pings I think12:48
mvoseb128: best is to show them to me here in irc12:48
seb128so consider yourself pinged about the gdebi one as well12:48
seb128mvo, bug #624290 has a patch, would be nice to review12:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 624290 in gdebi (Ubuntu) "gdebi crashes if the control file contains UTF-8 characters (affects: 1) (heat: 499)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62429012:49
chrisccoulsonthe mimetype detection logic in firefox makes me want to cry!12:54
seb128chrisccoulson, is there any reason to not just use gio nowadays?12:55
chrisccoulsonseb128 - probably not, but that wouldn't stop it from being a mess. it seems very over-complicated12:57
seb128mvo, bug #617821, want it on your maverick list?13:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 617821 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Forward/Back doesn't work as intended (affects: 1) (heat: 195)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61782113:00
chrisccoulsonseb128 - in fact, firefox 4.0 is already using gio (with a fallback to gnome-vfs)13:01
chrisccoulsonbut it's just bolted on to the previously over-complicated logic ;)13:02
chrisccoulsoni should probably try porting the gconf bits to gsettings at some point13:02
bilalakhtarmvo: You know better, but I think bug #627985 is good to go ahead. What do you think?13:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 627985 in apt-transport-debtorrent (Ubuntu) "Sync apt-transport-debtorrent 0.2.2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62798513:04
nessitagood morning everyone13:04
bilalakhtarmvo: You have uploaded to it many times, and it appears that the only change is not also in debian13:04
mvobilalakhtar: I look at it13:05
seb128pitti, bug #59534413:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 595344 in jockey (Ubuntu) "jockey failed to install Broadcom B43 wireless driver (affects: 4) (heat: 61)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59534413:15
seb128do you want that one nominated?13:15
seb128bug #613655 seems similar13:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 613655 in jockey (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Broadcom B43 wireless driver fails to activate/install (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61365513:15
seb128seems the b43 packaging is different13:15
seb128you need to install a new binary13:15
bilalakhtarmvo: I hope its good. your view?13:16
bilalakhtarhave to go now, sorryt13:18
pittiseb128: hm, maybe the URL changed; but I guess we could just entirely remove that driver and just offer wl13:19
pittiseb128: please nominate, duplicate, and assign to me; can do after my holidays13:19
seb128pitti, ok13:20
pittiseb128: merci13:20
seb128pitti, the bug suggest the packaging changed to have installers13:20
seb128pitti, ok assigned13:23
slomoseb128: any chance you or someone else could update gst-plugins-bad and -ugly in ubuntu? probably too late now...13:44
seb128could be done after beta but I've no time for it13:44
seb128if somebody in motu lands want to do it why not13:44
seb128^ whoever could be wanting to work on those?13:45
slomook, let's hope someone has the time for it... -ugly should be just a sync but -bad needs changes because of your plugin moves to -good13:45
slomoalso would be nice if someone could update the -bad-multiverse and -ugly-multiverse packages :)13:45
slomoseb128: i wonder if i still have the required permissions to do it... but i'd also need someone to tell me what your policies are nowadays :P i simply don't want to close upstream bugs and tell people that the bugs are fixed since months immediately after the ubuntu release...13:48
seb128slomo, you still have upload rights13:48
seb128slomo, no special requirements, those are in universe13:48
seb128slomo, you can just do the update and upload if you want13:49
seb128source uploads so you don't need an ubuntu box to build13:49
seb128rather easy it is no ;-)13:49
slomosounds good, when is "after beta"? :)13:49
ograslomo, later tonight or tomorrow13:50
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seb128you can upload13:50
ograpublishing is in the works13:50
seb128those will just queue and there is no freeze for universe13:50
seb128so somebody will get those in13:50
slomook, i'll try to find some time to get these updated later today or tomorrow then13:50
seb128thank you13:51
slomoseb128: you'll care for good? only change for the release (later today, really) will be the version number (compared to .5)13:58
seb128we have .513:58
seb128so should be easy ;-)13:58
slomogood :)13:58
slomoexcept the plugin moves :P but you're probably using dh_autoreconf anyway13:58
seb128no we don't actually for this one yet but the autoreconf change applies without issue between minor version13:59
seb128so it didn't annoy me enough to switch to dh-autoreconf13:59
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bcurtiswxdidrocks, thanks for making those uploads to telepathy PPA :)14:35
didrocksbcurtiswx: yw ;) it will be in maverick ASAP we unfreeze14:36
didrocksbut it's better to have the latest crack for the hug day :-)14:36
bcurtiswxdidrocks, yeah, i knew it was gonna unfreeze today, i was the one that pushed them to be put on the PPA seeing the bad timing of everything14:36
didrocksbcurtiswx: oh ok :-)14:37
seb128pitti, mvo: I've no closed source drivers on that box but do you know if bug #570215 is still valid?14:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 570215 in jockey (Ubuntu) "[Lucid] jockey should use the new Lucid restart notification system (affects: 2) (heat: 28)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57021514:46
pittipresumably it is; I never changed anything in that regard14:46
seb128pitti, do you think that's something that should be on the maverick list as a low importance task?14:49
pittiseb128: not sure how important it is, but please feel free to assign to me for now14:50
seb128pitti, ok thanks14:51
seb128pitti, seems it's a simple matter of writting /var/run/reboot-required14:52
rodrigo_seb128, kenvandine: some packages I submitted on Tuesday are still in the queue, so, do I need to do anything to have them reviewed/uploaded?14:55
seb128rodrigo_, no, just wait until after beta14:56
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok14:56
seb128rodrigo_, we are frozen for beta since thursday14:56
rodrigo_until when?14:56
seb128rodrigo_, if you need something to get in it should fix a beta bug and you need to ask the release team to approve it14:56
seb128until beta is released14:56
seb128which should be today in theory14:56
rodrigo_seb128, no, I can wait14:56
seb128not sure if that's on track, it could be tomorrow14:56
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desrttedg: hey15:03
desrttedg: wrote a mail to xdg list today about my actions interface that i just added to glib15:03
tedgdesrt, Yeah, I read through that -- I didin't know dbus had a maybe type.15:04
desrtit's not on master yet, but i guess it will be by next week15:04
desrtit doesn't15:04
desrtbut it will soon15:04
desrtand until then there is a well-accepted way to fake it15:04
tedgOh, now I don't feel as stupid :)15:04
desrtwhen you consider that a maybe type is essentially just an array that is constrained to only having 0 or 1 items in it...15:05
desrtthen you see that ax <-> mx15:05
desrtanyway.  what is your opinion?15:06
tedgMakes sense to me.  I probably need to re-read it knowing that.15:06
desrtsince it seems likely that you have a role in building on this interface, probably you should be OK with it :)15:06
tedgDo you think the spec needs a set of "well known" action names?15:07
tedgIt seems like that'd be required for scripting.15:07
desrtbut i think it needs a set of well-known context items15:07
desrtlike x11-timestamp15:07
tedgYeah, that was my next comment.15:07
tedgWhy not the well known actions?15:07
desrtthe set of actions will be extremely diverse depending on the application anyway15:07
desrtsome like Quit might make sense15:08
tedgYes, but I think there are probably 10 or so that are fairly universal.15:08
bilalakhtarkenvandine: around?15:08
desrtso another thing that may interest you is that i'm working on another interface at the same time15:08
desrti may or may not bother to take this the freedesktop route15:08
tedgdconf? ;)15:08
desrtbut it's basically an application interface15:08
desrtso far there are only two things that applications can do:15:08
desrt1) they can be activated15:08
desrt2) they can be asked to open files15:08
tedgIt seems like there should be a 3) parse a command line?15:09
desrtah right.  they can do that too15:09
desrti forgot :)15:09
tedgIt'd be nice to be able to get a list of windows and/or documents.  Just to avoid the introspection of dbus.15:09
bilalakhtar_kenvandine: sorry, I am here15:10
desrt'startup' is an implicit one that happens at the start15:10
desrt'activate' 'open' 'action' and 'command_line' are the ones to happen via dbus15:10
desrt'action' is clearly handled by this new spec now15:10
tedgdesrt, It'd be nice to do some sort of session management in that class as well... but, that's a whole mess that's poorly defined :(15:11
popeyis there known breakage at the moment in going lucid -> maverick? I'm getting http://popey.com/~alan/maverick.png http://popey.com/~alan/apt.log lots of broken depends around xorg ABI stuff..15:11
desrtya.  i'd like to dodge that for now :)15:11
tedgdesrt, Someday, someone involved in the freedesktop is going to have to fix that.15:11
desrtthis project is already dangerously overdue15:11
desrtconsidering we have to have a glib release by end-of-month15:11
desrtit's getting close to the "okay, we'll drop GApplication entirely" point15:12
tedgWhoa?  I didn't realize that.15:12
tedgI thought glib and gtk released roughly together, no?15:12
desrtGDBus and GSettings have not yet seen a stable release15:12
bilalakhtar_popey: yes there is15:12
desrtimagine trying to have the next stable GNOME or ubuntu release...15:12
desrtnah.  glib and gtk schedules drift quite a bit15:13
tedgdesrt, Yeah, so that's why I thought GLib would release in Dec like GTK15:13
bilalakhtar_popey: let me give you the link15:13
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desrtmaverick depends a lot on the unstable glib right now15:13
desrtso we need to drop a stable release in order for maverick to ship....15:13
tedgdesrt, Yes, but it's probably not super important that GApplication is in there, no?15:14
tedgdesrt, It's more important that it's in for dec.15:14
bilalakhtarpopey: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-August/000744.html15:14
desrtthe problem is that GApplication is *already* in there15:14
desrtin a totally broken form15:14
desrttotal-rewrite territory15:14
popeyoh thanks :)15:14
desrtanyway.. i'd be happier if we had it ready for end-of-month :)15:15
bilalakhtarpopey: np, my pleasure in helping a famous person :D15:15
tedgdesrt, So you're saying no session management? ;)15:15
desrtit doesn't belong in GApplication, to be sure15:16
desrtit's something we could maybe consider for GtkApplication15:16
tedgdesrt, Just to be curious, why not?  It seems like command line apps should shutdown gracefully as well.15:16
desrtisn't session management a necessarily Xish thing?15:17
desrt(i assume you're talking about "Session Management(tm)")15:17
tedgdesrt, It is now, but the proposal from the fedora folks puts more of it in places like ConsoleKit.15:17
tedgdesrt, One of the problems is with multiple users, if I shutdown the system, I want your session to shutdown gracefully as well.15:18
desrtto be honest, it's not on my radar15:19
desrtand i don't really appreciate/understand it15:19
desrtthe way that i would see it working is that there is some central session-manager type service15:20
tedgdesrt, I was trying to get time to work on it a while back before the whole DX thing started at Canonical.  Someday, I'd still like to solve it.15:20
desrtand individual apps register with it15:20
seb128hey desrt15:20
desrtand then when shutdown wants to happen each app is asked15:20
desrtseb128: hello15:20
seb128pitti, btw I removed the retracers lock I just want to have an estimation of the backlog15:20
seb128pitti, they will probably crash but I will now what is waiting at least15:20
tedgdesrt, Yeah, that's it in a nutshell.  The problems start coming with supporting old protocols, etc.15:21
desrtseb128: is the current release of dconf somehow broken by new glib?15:21
seb128desrt, dunno we didn't get the new glib yet15:21
desrtlet me know15:21
seb128desrt, we are frozen for beta since thursday15:21
desrti get this nagging feeling i may need to do a release15:21
seb128desrt, we should unfreeze today or tomorrow so I will let you know15:21
desrtbut at the same time i am annoyed because david changed an API again and probably we have to change it *again*15:21
seb128desrt, speaking of which if you change gapplication now that will break things as well15:22
desrtwe're *definitely* not shipping glib with GApplication in its current state15:22
desrtit's really awful15:22
seb128what is the plan to fix GNOME 2.32?15:23
desrtwe'll either replace it or rip it out entirely15:23
seb128it's hard freezing next week no?15:23
desrtprobably we don't ship GtkApplication either, actually15:23
seb128things in 2.31 are using gapplication15:23
seb128what happens to them15:23
desrtie: no backport15:23
seb128ie nautilus15:23
desrtask vuntz15:23
desrti have no idea15:23
mvopopey: re xorg - there is a xserver-xorg-core in the queue that hopefully fixes those issues15:24
seb128Date:   2010-06-1815:24
seb128    Port to GApplication.15:24
seb128    Drop the libunique dependency.15:24
seb128vuntz, ^15:24
mvopopey: there is also a apt branch that solves the underlying problem, if you are keen to try it15:24
popeymvo: magic, thanks for letting me know15:24
popeyI'll wait :)15:24
desrti told vuntz the day before yesterday that we have no time/effort/inclination to have a backported GtkApplication for gtk 2.2215:24
desrthe said OK15:24
seb128desrt, well they don't use it15:24
seb128they just use gapplication15:24
desrtdifferent story...15:24
mvopopey: fair enough :)15:24
seb128instead of libunique15:24
desrti will have to hurry, i guess15:25
seb128desrt, 2.31 uses gtk2 not gtk315:25
popeymvo: its apple hardware so I have enough issues to content with :)15:25
seb128desrt, so no gtkapplication15:25
desrtah true15:25
seb128desrt, but glib 2.25 has gapplication15:25
desrti thought maybe they were depending on it from master15:25
seb128which nautilus and some other use15:25
desrtand waiting for the backport15:25
desrtokay.  that's some good news.15:25
seb128well still hard freeze is next week15:25
desrtya.  bit of an ugly situation here, i agree15:26
seb128if you are going to break abi before 2.26 GNOME is on a tight schedule15:26
desrtand i'd really rather not say "go back to libunique for now"15:26
desrtseb128: do you have any idea of the full list of GApplication users?15:26
vuntzseb128: what's the issue? :-)15:27
seb128vuntz, GNOME 2.31 uses gapplication15:27
desrtvuntz: we're ripping GApplication out of glib15:27
seb128vuntz, but desrt wants to easier break abi or drop it for 2.2615:27
vuntzdesrt: err, you didn't tell me that part yesterday15:27
desrtand maybe replacing it with a different unrelated thing called GApplication15:27
desrtvuntz: i forgot :)15:27
seb128Binary file eog matches15:27
seb128Binary file gnome-display-properties matches15:27
seb128Binary file nautilus matches15:27
seb128grepping for g_appli15:28
desrtthat's peanuts15:28
vuntzdesrt: mail ddl before doing it15:28
seb128still running wait ;-)15:28
seb128Binary file totem matches15:28
vuntzdesrt: but that's really late to do so, that sounds bad15:28
seb128desrt, seems to be the list on my system but I'm lacking some 2.31 updates15:28
desrtvuntz: we decided at GUADEC that GApplication is really bad15:28
desrteven walters thinks so -- and he wrote it!15:29
desrtso i started fixing it15:29
vuntzdesrt: but the plan was (at least, the part I understood) that the new fixed GApplication would be in15:29
desrtbut i had vacation booked15:29
desrtand when i came back work assigned me to another project15:29
desrtvuntz: right . i think i can manage it.15:29
desrtbut it will be tight.15:29
vuntzdesrt: how come you can go on vacation like that? And in France, but not in Grenoble.15:29
desrtand it will be *totally* incompatible15:29
desrti'm not on vacation in france.  i'm working.15:30
vuntzdesrt: really, mail ddl about it because I'm pretty sure users of GApplication are not aware of that15:30
vuntzdesrt: between incompatible API and going back to libunique for 2.32, they might just go back to libunique15:30
* desrt wrote 1300 lines of code yesterday :p15:30
desrtwould make it possible to drop GApplication15:31
desrti'm fairly sure that waiting could produce a better result anyway15:31
vuntzso... send a mail, put a deadline to get a consensus before Monday, and you're done :-)15:31
desrti'll see what matthias thinks15:31
seb128desrt, vuntz: thanks15:36
desrti have sent the mail15:37
* desrt puts on asbestos pajamas15:37
desrtvuntz: btw: i want release team to issue a public statement on the topic of licences15:38
desrtwhat is appropriate for libraries and what is appropriate for apps15:38
desrtand what is appropriate for quasi-library apps (like gvfs daemon)15:38
tedgdesrt, Did the final get to GPLv2|LGPLv3 ?15:38
vuntzdesrt: http://live.gnome.org/VincentUntz/Philosophy15:38
desrtthe release team was renamed to VincentUntz? :)15:39
bilalakhtarseb128: I know it would sound wierd, but could you please endorse my MOTU application? (After all, you're a core-dev)15:39
vuntzdesrt: that's a draft15:39
kenvandinefta: i uploaded gwibber with a patch to handle that exception last night, but it wasn't causing a crash for me15:39
vuntzdesrt: comments welcome15:39
kenvandinefta: was gwibber-service actually crashing? or just a traceback?15:39
desrtvuntz: i like ted's idea, actually15:39
seb128bilalakhtar, can do ;-)15:40
desrtLGPLv3+ with a 'backwards compatibility, but deprecated' GPLv2 option15:40
seb128bilalakhtar, could you drop me an email so I don't drop the task?15:40
bilalakhtarseb128: do it whenever you have time, well you only sponsored 1 change of mine15:40
bilalakhtarThanks seb128 !15:40
tedgdesrt, To be fair, that's bkuhn's idea.15:40
seb128bilalakhtar, I've seen you active on bugs and changes from you in the sponsoring queue15:40
seb128bilalakhtar, so that's ok ;-)15:40
* bilalakhtar adds 'Send mail to seb128 ' to his todo15:41
desrttedg: meh.  it's an idea that a lot of people have had independently, i think.  i had it myself before i heard it from anyone else :p15:41
kenvandinefta: actually my patch i uploaded doesn't include that fix... but it is fixed in trunk15:41
bilalakhtaractually, kenvandine has sponsored more stuff so I think I should ask him as well :) Please, ken!15:42
kenvandinefta: i would like to know if it is a crash though15:42
kenvandinebilalakhtar, i am not a core-dev yet :)15:42
tedgdesrt, Heh, then it must be divine intervention! ;)15:42
kenvandinebilalakhtar, just ~ubuntu-desktop15:42
desrtlet's do it!!15:42
bilalakhtarkenvandine: ah, the application is for MOTU15:42
vuntzdesrt: I'm unsure if LGPLv3+ + GPLv2 would work. Would need a lawyer for that :-)15:42
desrtisn't bkuhn a lawyer or something?15:43
vuntzdesrt: not a lawyer15:43
kenvandinebilalakhtar, i'll gladly recommend you though15:43
bilalakhtaras you wish, kenvandine15:43
kenvandinewiki page?15:43
bilalakhtarthanks for the recommendation !15:43
bilalakhtarkenvandine: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BilalAkhtar/MOTUApplication15:43
desrtvuntz: is GPLv2(only) apps and libraries your only reason for not supporting lgpl3?15:43
desrtor also the "we piss off the corporate types" angle?15:44
vuntzdesrt: is there any other free license that have an issue with lgplv3? or is it just gplv2?15:44
desrtgpl2 only15:44
vuntzdesrt: I don't have an answer to this question, and that would be my main issue15:44
desrtso i was having a thought experiment yesterday15:45
desrtyou'll remember i said to you in a recent email exchange "anybody who licences gpl2-only has made a mistake"15:45
desrtwhat's the difference between gpl2 and gpl2+, though?15:45
desrtthe only difference is that one of them allows linking with (l)gpl3, as well15:45
desrtbut there are still problems with other copyleft licences15:46
desrtso it got me thinking that really *any* strong copyleft licence is a problem sooner or later15:46
desrtand the only reason we see the issue differently at all is because GPL is really "the" copyleft licence15:46
vuntzdesrt: ah, see. Now you want to use BSD!15:46
vuntzdesrt: I'm fine with that :-)15:47
desrtso nobody tends to care about GPL vs. (other-copyleft)15:47
desrti think i'd rather write apps with LGPL15:47
desrtthe mixing-the-codebases case is rare enough15:47
desrteven more rare when you want to do it with two different incompatible copyleft licences15:47
desrtnot a big issue15:47
desrtbut the "can i use this library?" issue is coming up all the time15:47
desrtwith LGPL the answer is always 'yes'15:48
vuntzexcept that it's "no" for LGPLv3 library and GPLv2 app :-)15:48
desrtthat's not true15:48
desrtthe lgplv3 says "yes.  you can!"15:48
desrtthe gplv2 says "no."15:49
desrtit's like saying the lgplv3 prevents you from linking your software to that copy of oracle that you downloaded from the pirate bay15:49
desrtno.  it doesn't.15:49
desrtbut oracle might have some things to say about it :)15:49
desrt(an interesting question is if anybody using strict GPLv2 would ever go after someone for linking their software against LGPLv3 libraries...)15:50
desrtanyway.. the whole issue can be dodged by saying 'plus GPL2 for compatibility reasons'15:52
ftakenvandine, what do you mean? it triggered apport but it's just an assert from python15:57
kenvandineis gwibber-service dieing?15:57
kenvandinei guess apport doesn't catch it if i run from a checkout15:58
kenvandinewhich is the only place i have seen it... well it should be OK in trunk15:58
kenvandinewe now catch the exception and log it15:59
kenvandinewe should actually remove that bad file from the cache too... i'll do that today15:59
rickspencer3looks like identi.ca got bitten by the twitter ouath bug as well16:09
rickspencer3and by "bug", I mean, like the flu16:09
Laneythey could scarcely have announced that more widely16:09
Laneynot as if it was a surprise!16:09
kenvandinerickspencer3, oh, they are dropping basic auth too?16:09
kenvandinei am sure they will be easier to work with though :)16:10
rickspencer3kenvandine, I dunno, I got an email from identi.ca that said, your twitter bridge is no longer working16:10
mvoseb128:  * debian/patches/91_keep_fds.patch:    - Applied upstream <- that looks very fishy16:10
kenvandinerickspencer3, oh...16:10
kenvandinei thought you meant they were dropping basic auth and we would need to quickly migrate to oauth16:10
kenvandinewe should do that anyway... since i am sure it'll happen eventually16:11
rickspencer3kenvandine, sorry for the false alarm16:19
kenvandineyou did scare me :)16:19
kenvandinethought i was going to lose sleep this weekend again :)16:19
seb128mvo, I think upstream said it was not required with their changes16:19
seb128mvo, but I guess it didn't get really tested our of upstream word for it16:20
* mvo grumbles a bit 16:21
ftakenvandine, http://paste.ubuntu.com/487299/  (that was with .90)16:22
kenvandinefta: ok, i'll get that patch uploaded too16:24
devildanteanyone has a little nasty bug they want to get fixed? I'm a little bored :p16:25
devildantehi mvo :)16:25
mvohey devildante16:25
mvoseb128: I don't think the python bindings export the stuff I need to make it work, so I want 91_keep_fds back16:26
seb128mvo, feel free to bounce him back the bug16:26
mvoseb128: pretty please ;)16:26
seb128mvo, can you state what you need in the bug?16:27
seb128I will get it assigned to robert_ancell16:27
seb128mvo, "Featured" was in lucid s-c right?16:27
seb128mvo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/BetaAnnouncement has16:28
seb128'including the new "Featured" and "What's New" views for showcasing applications'16:28
seb128I was wondering if that's correct16:28
seb128or it was a category but not a view before?16:28
seb128tremolux, ^16:28
tremoluxseb128: the views are new, yes16:28
seb128ok, thanks16:29
tremoluxseb128: now they are more "dynamic", cool widgets to allow the lists to be browsable from the front panel16:29
seb128rickspencer3, "The boot process is cleaner and faster"16:29
seb128tremolux, ok, makes sense to have it listed then ;-)16:29
mvoseb128: yeah, what tremolux said, much more shinny now16:30
seb128rickspencer3, who wrote that? did we change anything to make it "cleaner" this cycle?16:30
seb128mvo, tremolux: great work ;-)16:30
seb128s-c rocks16:30
seb128mvo, tremolux: do you have any bug about "nothing happens while loading views"?16:31
mvoI don't think so16:31
seb128I though for a moment that s-c was buggy, I clicked on the ubuntu provided view in the sidebar16:31
seb128the cursor only spins over the right panel though16:31
mvoseb128: its a team thing, kiwinote, devildante nzmm and more16:32
seb128so I had non spinning cursor and blank view for 15 seconds16:32
mvothey made it rock this cycle16:32
seb128great work everybody ;-)16:32
devildanteThanks, mvo, seb128 :)16:32
tremoluxseb128, mvo, devildante: totally!  the team rocked s-c this cycle16:36
devildantedo we have plans for usc 4.0?16:37
kiwinoteindeed, has been great fun working with everyone :)16:37
seb128mvo, tremolux: is the "nothing happens during view loading" worth a bug?16:37
tremoluxseb128: so, for me, it takes about 1/2 second to open that view, but it's true that the busy cursor is only showing when over the right panel16:38
seb128here on my laptop it takes 6 seconds16:38
seb128and that's for the installed softwars16:38
seb128ie not the whole "what is available"16:38
seb128it's a duo core config quite fast16:39
tremoluxseb128: yes, installed software is slow as it's a much longer list  :(16:39
seb128well I though it was buggy, I selected another view before it loaded16:39
seb128since nothing was happening for 5 seconds16:39
seb128could we get a spinner in the right side16:39
seb128ie some animation starting when you click16:40
seb128I guess it's late for that this cycle though16:40
tremoluxseb128: yeah, something in the panel would be nice16:40
rickspencer3seb128, there was work on the boot process, yes16:41
tremoluxseb128: but a faster load time would be nicer  ;)16:41
seb128rickspencer3, desktop work? or grub?16:41
seb128bug #55637516:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 556375 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Response too slow when clicking "Provided by Ubuntu" subitem of "Installed Software" (affects: 3) (heat: 31)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55637516:42
seb128tremolux, mvo: ^ I guess16:42
mvotremolux: maybe devildante can fix the busy cursor ;)16:43
rickspencer3seb128, it's all foundations, so far as I know16:43
tremoluxseb128: yepper16:43
rickspencer3and pitti helped from the OEM side16:43
seb128can we get a spinner on the left or right pane?16:43
seb128rickspencer3, ok thanks16:43
devildantemvo, I'll look at it ;)16:44
mvosuper! thanks devildante16:45
tremoluxdevildante: thx!16:46
* devildante will be afk for a while16:51
kenvandinefta: ok, trunk now not only catches that exception but it also deletes the bad file from the cache16:51
ftakenvandine, thanks16:51
kenvandinei had 7 files in my cache that weren't images... but xml files containing a 404 error from identi.ca16:52
mvois it just me or is LP really on the slow side today?17:01
c_kornit is not any slower than usual here17:02
rickspencer3seb128, chrisccoulson, didrocks, kenvandine, mterry, pedro_, pitti, RAOF, Riddell, tremolux: I guess I should mention that I'll be on holiday next Mon-Wed, back to work on Thur17:03
chrisccoulsonhi rickspencer317:04
tremoluxrickspencer3: enjoy!17:04
pedro_enjoy rickspencer3!17:04
rickspencer3thanks guys17:04
rickspencer3I was going to knock around Seattle, but have changed my plans, since desrt invited me to dinner in Paris17:05
seb128rickspencer3, have fun17:05
didrocksrickspencer3: ok, enjoy ;)17:06
sabdflrickspencer3: seattle <-> paris ?!?17:06
sabdflyour scramjet working again?17:06
rickspencer3sabdfl, well, if I had a friend who cold lend me a jet, hint hint17:07
sabdfli'm still on the old subsonic stuff17:07
rickspencer3oh well17:07
rickspencer3desrt, I'll be on a subsonic jet, so I might be a few minutes late17:07
araseb128, can you point me again to the bug in language-selector you told me before?17:09
pedro_ara, bug 61282517:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 612825 in language-selector (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "[ubuntu] maverick: can't install new languages (nothing happen) (affects: 5) (heat: 28)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61282517:09
arapedro_, gracias :)17:10
pedro_ara, por nada :-)17:10
seb128ara, pedro_: thanks17:10
seb128rodrigo_, hi17:18
seb128rodrigo_, your tomboy change seems buggy17:18
seb128or rather weird17:20
seb128rodrigo_, do you dlopen the lib or something?17:20
seb128why not adding mono bindings to the lib rather?17:20
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|break
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, I DllImport it, yes17:45
rodrigo_seb128, which is the same as dlopen'ing it17:46
seb128rodrigo_, ok, the change seemed weird because usually shlibs handle the lib depends17:47
seb128rodrigo_, but that's only when you build against a lib, not when you dlopen or dllimport it ;-)17:47
rodrigo_seb128, right, I guess it doesn't know (the mono debhelpers) about dllImported libs?17:48
slomodh_clilibs knows about DllImport17:51
slomolooks at shlibs and in newer versions at symbols files17:51
seb128oh, nice17:52
seb128didrocks, hey18:03
seb128didrocks, you like evo bugs right? ;-)18:04
didrocksseb128: OTP :-)18:04
didrockslalala ;)18:04
seb128didrocks, did you talk to rodrigo_ about the template not showing?18:04
didrocksseb128: it's showing on my latest test today, so I was either dreaming, not really awake, or weird issue18:05
didrocksso, can't reproduce with latest beta image18:05
seb128ok thanks18:06
didrockssorry for the confusion18:07
seb128didrocks, no worry18:13
pittirickspencer3: have fun! (I'll be off next week, too)18:23
seb128didrocks, btw did you manage to install UNE today after the update?18:31
seb128didrocks, no hurry to reply if you are still talking to david ;-)18:31
seb128kenvandine, did you mean to reopen the gwibber twitter bug?18:35
seb128kenvandine, cjwatson was asking about that earlier today18:35
kenvandinei saw that, but it isn't still open is it?18:35
kenvandinewell, the lucid one should be18:35
kenvandinefor lucid it is fix committed18:36
kenvandinenot sure what it should be since it is in -proposed18:37
seb128kenvandine, well you reopened the maverick task yesterday18:37
kenvandinecjwatson set it to fix committed, so i guess that is fine18:37
seb128kenvandine, somebody else closed it since but I was wondering if there was a reason you did reopen it18:37
kenvandineit wasn't on purpose then :)18:37
seb128kenvandine, ok just checking18:38
seb128kenvandine, thanks18:38
kenvandineyeah, that must have been my juggling the status before subscribing ubuntu-sru18:39
seb128didrocks, davidbarth: you guys are triaging every single unity bug?18:50
didrocksseb128: we are looking for important one and triage the backlog, right18:50
seb128great work ;-)18:51
seb128didrocks, you can nominate those we should really see fixed for maverick btw18:51
seb128I will accept the nominations18:51
didrocksseb128: thanks :-) should we wait for nomination next week? We set all which should be fixed upstream for 09/0918:51
seb128well nominations are just a way to track bugs we want to watch for this cycle18:52
seb128so no need to wait no18:52
seb128just nominate things you want to make sure we track18:52
didrocksseb128: ok, will do once we get the list. thanks :)18:54
davidbarthseb128: we're triaging every single unity bug, indeed18:54
seb128keep the great work while I'm eating ;-)18:55
seb128dinner time18:55
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
didrocksseb128: seeing that when some are eating, other are working :-)19:01
chrisccoulsonfinally i think we can fix bug  239952 in ubuntu :)19:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 239952 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "firefox - the associated helper application does not exist (affects: 49) (dups: 2) (heat: 280)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23995219:04
didrocksseb128: re: testing latest install: yes, it's that one when I noticed that evolution is working with the default email19:04
didrockschrisccoulson: great!19:04
didrocksseb128: about the "I like evo bugs"? what's the bad news on the street? ;)19:05
pittiso long, bye everyone!19:09
chrisccoulsonseb128 - would you mind adding a maverick task to bug 239952 for me please? :)19:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 239952 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "firefox - the associated helper application does not exist (affects: 49) (dups: 2) (heat: 280)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23995219:14
chrisccoulsoni think i can already do it, because the bug has a universe package on there19:14
chrisccoulsonheh, i can19:15
chrisccoulsonlovely launchpad. i'm not meant to able to do that19:15
micahgchrisccoulson: bdmurray wants to get task creation for all of bug control19:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm not sure that all of bug control should be able to do that, but uploaders certainly should be able to19:17
chrisccoulsoni think it's a bug that i can't do it for packages that i can upload19:18
micahgchrisccoulson: I agree :019:18
micahgchrisccoulson: packagesets aren't taken into account for that yet19:18
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not sure if there is a bug for that somewhere19:18
micahgchrisccoulson: bug 50777319:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 507773 in malone "Cannot confirm SRU tasks for packages I have upload rights to. (affects: 1) (heat: 1)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50777319:21
micahgchrisccoulson: actually, bug 37600619:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 376006 in malone "People allowed to upload to a package set should be allowed to approve bug nominations (affects: 1)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37600619:22
seb128chrisccoulson, ok19:40
seb128I like when things are sorted when I come back ;-)19:41
seb128didrocks, I was wondering about the bug where --component changes the default19:41
didrocksseb128: is it a bug or a feature ?19:41
seb128well I'm not sure19:41
didrocksok, looks like a feature which can behave like a bug :)19:42
seb128but njpatel and gord got bitten by it19:42
seb128you did19:42
didrocksdo you want that we fix that?19:42
didrockswould make sense19:42
didrocksI can have a look19:42
seb128seems users tend to not understand why it does that19:42
didrocksI agree, it's not natural19:42
seb128we got bugs about it as well19:42
didrocksoh really?19:42
didrocksI'll have a look then19:42
didrocks(got to run to have a dinner, or will be badly hurt by Julie ;))19:43
seb128didrocks, enjoy19:46
seb128didrocks, and tell Julie she must stop hurting you19:46
seb128not nice ;-)19:46
didrocksseb128: that's what I keep telling her :)19:48
=== MacSlow|break is now known as MacSlow
htorqueMacSlow, should bug 617084 be "fix released"?20:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 617084 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Background color/gradient not taken into account when using transparent wallpapers (affects: 1) (heat: 176)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61708420:34
didrockshtorque: I didn't touch it because I didn't have the time to check it's fixed20:35
didrockshtorque: thanks for your work on bugs, btw :)20:35
htorqueyw :)20:35
htorquethanks for fixing all of them :)20:35
didrockswell, dx team is rocking on them :-)20:36
LaserJockanybody know where desktopcouch people hang out?20:54
kenvandineLaserJock, ^^20:56
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kenvandinedidrocks, ping21:38
kenvandineif you get a chance... bug 62073321:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 620733 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy does not remember settings (affects: 7) (dups: 3) (heat: 42)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62073321:38
kenvandineseems to be saving settings now... but some defaults like the theme aren't set21:38
kenvandinewhich comes from gconf setting in ubuntu-artwork21:39
kenvandinedo we need to do something in ubuntu-artwork to migrate those defaults ?21:39
chrisccoulsonisn't empathy using gsettings already?21:39
didrockskenvandine: do you need sponsoring?21:39
kenvandinedidrocks, no... i don't21:39
kenvandinejust noticed empathy isn't getting the default theme21:39
kenvandinechrisccoulson, it is21:40
didrockskenvandine: well, can you talk to robert about it? as he made the removal and familiar with that21:40
kenvandinebut the theme is being set with gconf defaults in the ubuntu-artwork package21:40
kenvandinedidrocks, sure, i will21:40
didrocksthanks kenvandine :)21:40
chrisccoulsonheh, i'm not too sure how that's meant to work21:40
kenvandinein fact, i assign the bug to him :)21:40
didrocksgood evening!22:18
LaserJockhi didrocks22:25
=== Sarvatt is now known as Sarvatt|gone

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