
thorwilflan, nisshh, vish: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/cb9b56043d6a15f0c3e3cef29f89b63b11:15
vishthorwil: interesting.. but i seem to have forgotten what we wanted for quickshot..11:26
vishan icon?11:26
* vish should stop being everywhere , and start to FOCUS! :(11:28
thorwilvish: well, this is an icon ;)11:49
thorwilvish: why? it feels familiar everywhere because you are already there!!11:49
nisshhthorwil: whats that picture about?13:03
thorwilnisshh: i could bet you saw a draft, that you would have to ask puzzles me13:04
nisshhthorwil: im talking about the link you pinged me about 2 hours ago13:05
nisshhi was afk13:05
thorwilnisshh: quickshot icon13:08
nisshhthorwil: ah, ok13:09
flanWorks for me, thorwil.15:12
flanOnce you've finalized it, can I get a favicon version, too? (It can probably be the samea s the icon for window managers)15:13
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flanI can just generate one myself from the full-size reference, if needed, though.15:14
flanOh. And the server needs a logo. It could, if this is aesthetically acceptable to you, be that, with "Quickshot" written in a neutral font to the right. Maybe. (I dunno. I'm not a designer)15:15
flanhttp://flan.uguu.ca:5000/ump/10-04 Just something to sit in the top left corner so it doesn't seem so bland.15:15
flanI'll be tweaking the CSS based on feedback from users during the Maverick run, so the colours and sizing aren't finalized or anything.15:16
dakergodbyk, ping16:36
jenkinshey flan19:06
jenkinsam i ok to push stuff to the branch19:06
flanYep. I won't be making any changes until I get home anyway.19:07
flanAnd, even if I were, I could just pull before committing.19:07
flanYou shouldn't ever need to ask.19:07
flanOh. I've got someone who's willing to help rewrite and test the library functions.19:07
jenkinscool who?19:08
flanSo I'll probably invite him to join until we're at 1.0.19:08
flanJust a friend I know from other venues. He's new to Python, but he's pretty meticulous about quality.19:08
jenkinsok cool sounds good19:09
flanHe's just gonna write the user-status-screening and WM-integration stuff while I work on the UI-to-library bindings and event logic.19:09
flanWhile you work on the layout and appearance stuff.19:09
thorwiljenkins: hi! http://www.foopics.com/showfull/cb9b56043d6a15f0c3e3cef29f89b63b19:10
jenkinsthorwil: looks great! can we play with the back ground colours? 3 different ones may be19:10
jenkinsbe back in 10 mins being called to dry up19:11
thorwiljenkins: ty. better not. i think of the 3 shots as being in one series, so theme doesn't change, just windows19:12
flanIa gree.19:13
flanIagr ee.19:13
jenkinsk makes sense19:14
jenkinsbut can you make the arrows and the camera more distinct?19:15
jenkinsI am really pleased with thoses thorwil19:15
thorwiljenkins: i could. maybe i will. though i made them subtle to not distract and also because the smaller sizes don't have those details at all19:16
jenkinsI see your point it, I think it depends on the angle of my laptop screen, I will print it out tomorrow and have a look.19:18
jenkinscan you e-mail/put in the branch a 48px one please ?19:19
flanAre we replacing the existing logo with this one? Or using them side-by-side?19:19
flan(The existing one is heavily pro-Ubuntu, but it *is* pretty)19:20
flan(This one is nice and neutral and clean)19:20
jenkinsI think this is the icon not a logo . iirc19:22
flanSorry. That's what I meant to imply by "side-by-side".19:22
jenkinswell we need to come up with a logo basically19:22
thorwiljenkins: https://code.launchpad.net/~t-w-/+junk/quickshot_art19:24
jenkinsthanks thorwil19:26
jenkinspidgin crashed19:26
jenkinsflan: how do i get a url to appear like the one here imagebin.org/11241719:39
flanGlade should have it in its toolbox.19:40
flanNote that the project's URL will not always be displayable.19:41
flanAnd there may be up to three URLs.19:41
flanHow you present them is up to you.19:41
flan(If you even want to present all of them)19:41
flanQuickshot project URL (not exposed if the project isn't public), version homepage (may not be defined), project homepage (may not be defined)19:42
jenkinsI thought I would just but quickshot.org there?19:42
flanOh. Yes, you can do that, too.19:42
jenkinsthanks flan i had found that button but not the setting to make it look like a noraml window but have now19:43
flanWhere are you packing it? (On the welcome screen, I presume, but where?)19:44
jenkinsi am doing the about window :P the most un important one19:45
flanAs fro project/progress URLs, just give me a vbox on the screenshot-list window with two panels in it. I'll rip them out and put URLs in their place, if they're defined.19:45
flanThat works.19:45
flanRip them out in code*19:46
flanPart of the reason why GTK's box model is so useful.19:46
flanAnd why I'll nag you about the importance of using it to group related content.19:46
jenkinsI know its not an important window but I had the urge to do it. I saw your changes and I can see why it makes sense19:46
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flanThe about window is important.19:47
flanIt's just not crucial.19:47
jenkinsI will do the resolution ones as well just can't decide on how to improve over last time19:48
flanEmbed the progress bar in the page itself.19:48
flanInstead of making a pop-up.19:48
flanJust put a GTK progress bar in it (one of the "I dunno how long this'll take" ones.19:48
flanWe can show it dynamically once the process begins.19:49
flanAssuming the process takes long enough to warrant the use of the bar.19:49
flanI can't remember if it was fast or slow before.19:49
flanIn any case, it's basically just going to say "This project, <name>, requires that screenshots are captured at a resolution of XxY. Something, something. We change things now!"19:51
flanOh. I remember what the delay was.19:51
flanInstalling disper.19:51
flanAre we making that a dependency of the .deb to avoid it?19:51
jenkinsit was slow last time but it will be fast as I have changed the way the graphics driver is detected. i would like to make it a dependency19:51
flanUntil we can look at its code and find the right stuff to run ourselves.19:51
flanIf it's fast, no progress bar.19:52
flanSee if you can prototype that window and the user details window by the end of today. I'll try to get the UI flow advancing to the screenshot list.19:53
jenkinsthat window is there already19:53
flanI mean so that it has only the buttons and stuff that we need.19:53
flanIt's kinda hard to go back once that point's been passed.19:54
jenkinsand the screenshot list one is done and the screenshot detail one19:54
flanIt really just has "Okay" and "Bail".19:54
jenkinsI wil adjust them19:54
flanScreenshot details may get some tweaking once I get there, since there are more/different/stuff options than before. I won't get to it until this weekend, though, so we can probably discuss changes and work on its pieces concurrently.19:55
jenkinshttp://imagebin.org/112420 is what I was going to use for the user to comfirm that the change has been made correctly so it is standard gnome stuff.19:55
jenkinscool sounds good19:55
flanSame with the username-change. Once the user's been created, Quickshot will have to close before the user can continue. It's a window that kinda creates a dead end if it ever appears.19:56
flanLooks good.19:56
flanProbably just tweak the wrap-points.19:56
flanBut I like it.19:56
flanIs Maverick going with orange to indicate active buttons?19:56
flanKinda ugly, but whatever.19:57
* flan isn't an art guy.19:57
flanWait... Wait...19:57
flanIs that dock standard?19:57
jenkinsno thats awn19:58
flanThe dock is one of the things I like least about using my Mac.19:58
flan(Not because it's impractical, but because it's an inefficient use of space)19:59
jenkinsi auto hide it19:59
MuscovyI like to switch between dock and window buttons every few months.19:59
flanBut then I lose the ability to see what I have open at a glance.19:59
MuscovyDocks are better for when I'm working with a lot of applications, I find.19:59
flanIt's a very intuitive design, but it's not well-suited to my mindset.20:00
MuscovyYou seen Gnome 3 yet? :P20:00
flanI've been avoiding it.20:00
MuscovyI've been using it, after I got over my initial shock.20:00
flanI mean I've been avoiding all news of it.20:01
flanI want to be surprised.20:01
MuscovyAh. XD20:01
thorwilflan, jenkins: playing around with logo ideas: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/456df83df6c2d6df882e2af8261ba97020:01
MuscovyI won't spoil it then.20:01
MuscovyThose are neat logos.20:01
MuscovyI like the first and third.20:01
jenkinsI like the third one :)20:01
flanThe second one's brilliant, but I'd go with the third.20:02
jenkinsI can't decide on gnome 3 I am waiting untill it is nearer reles20:02
jenkinsthird one has got me excited20:03
thorwilok, so i will tweak the 3rd on another day20:03
flanThe second'd be my pick if it weren't just a tad too subtle.20:03
flanBut I can't see a way to un-subtle it.20:04
flanShort of moving the hybrid to the right.20:04
thorwilusing 2 colors and no split on the S should help the 2nd20:05
flanYeah... that might work.20:06
flanExcept it'd be three colours, wouldn't it?20:06
flanUnless the Q becomes an outline.20:07
dakerflan, ping21:14
flandaker, pong.21:45
MuscovyWhat's with the pingpongs?21:46
dakerit's fine, just want to ask question how we can login to qs board21:46
dakerso i used my lp openid21:47
flanI'd just need to add you as a project owner.21:47
flanI'll add everyone who's interested after I reset the database.21:47
flan(In preparation for 10.10)21:47
dakerwe should ask humphreybc to design something for the qs board21:48
flanWait... Which board?21:48
flanI thought you meant my staging site.21:48
flanWhich will probably be used for the next manual release.21:48
flan(I doubt I'll be ready to hand it to godbyk until after 1.0.0)21:49
daker& for other projects :)21:49
flanThere's not really much to design... It's a backend to the client.21:49
flanAgain, it's not intended for public perusal.21:49
flanIt's just meant for administrators to approve and download screenshots.21:49
dakerah oki21:50
flanIt's a very utilitarian concept.21:50
flanThe quickshot.org page will be a lot more general-user-oriented.21:50
dakerbut it's should provide other things21:50
flanMy server's basically justa  glorified database with a special protocol.21:50
dakerproject activity, how many screenshot has been taken by hour, by day for each user21:51
flan...But why? It's not a social networking system.21:52
flanIt's just a filesystem + database, intended to facilitate the execution of a task.21:52
flanCan you identify a benefit of indicating project activity levels?21:53
dakeri don't know it's just an idea :)21:54
dakerif i understand what you said, the stagging site will be just a backend for the projects owners ?21:57
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flanIt'll have some degree of public visibility, but only as much as is needed for people to decide which languages need their attention.21:58
flanAnd then only if the project is public.21:58
flanFor all we know, someone might set up a project to so they have a checklist of things they need to capture for a school project.21:59
flanjust so*21:59
dakeri understand21:59
flanWhatever you see at http://flan.uguu.ca:5000/ump/10-04 is about as much as I can imagine a contributor ever needing to see.22:00
flanThe system is flexible, so we can add more later.22:00
flanBut, from my ancient mindset of minimalism-is-good-so-build-stuff-as-a-component-that-can-be-harnessed-by-other-stuff, this seems like the right way to do things.22:01
flanAn aggregator, like the quickshot.org site, can get enough information from the backend servers to calculate activity levels, general rates of completion, and user helpfulness to display it in a more engaging manner.22:02
flanThe quickshot.org site won't need to host any of the data itself, aside from deltas, because it's essentially all offered as a service by any known suppliers.22:02
flanThe backends retain their one simple purpose, the aggregators layer on top of them, and then a super-aggregator could be built on top of the aggregators.22:03
* flan likes layers.22:03
flanNote: Suppliers of information could be resolved by indexing/scanning the .qsproj files that are submitted to the site's bulletin board. The model's design allows for easy information-scraping.22:06
flan(I don't like proprietary or undiscoverable anything)22:06
jenkinsflan: please let me know what else you would like me to do tomorrow night22:08
flanCan do. Mostly, it's just a matter of getting the usability logic of the GUIs out of the way.22:08
jenkinsplease make a list and I will do anything needed22:09
flanThen (re)building the basic libraries behind them (which is what Wetbox^3 will help me with), and then binding everything together (which is what I'll do).22:09
flanI'll just keep memo-spamming you.22:09
jenkinsyep sounds good spam!22:09
flanYay for spam!22:09
jenkinsthnaks flan night22:10
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dakerdutchie, ping22:58
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